1988 - City of Stilwell
1988 - City of Stilwell
Queen Jamie Johnson 'i@ 41st STRAWBERRY FESTNVAL MAY 14, 1988 $l* Stilwell,Oklahoma '\ K I W A N I SC L U B O F F I C E R S President'sWelcome HIRAM MoFARLAND Pres i dent MICHAEL DOUBLEHEAD Vice Pres. ANDY INMAN Past Pres. BILLY J. BRUNK Sec./Treas. Past Lieutenant-Governors:Joe H. Carson, Neil Morton, Jack Perry and James Young. K I W A N I SC L U BM E M B E R S Larry E. Adair Billy J. Brunk Jamos F. Carson Joe Lynn Carson Lynn Carson Russell M. Cheatham Harold Wayne Collins Stanley Joe Crittenden Charles W. Crozier Robert L. erozier Hershal C. Dotson Michael Doublehead Berry A. Ferguson Mike Green J. L. HallforO Harold Ray Hart R. S. (Ray) Hitson Andy Inman Dean Jackson Dewayne Littlejohn Sam Love Nesbert (Neb) Miller Robert (Bob) Murray Hiram McFarland Louis McGee Leonard Navarre Kent Pedrick Bob D. RaY George Roberts Larry Roberts John (Jack) Smay L. T. SPraY GuY Strickland Raymond ThomPson Keith Underhill David West Phillip D. Wiltfong Cary C. Wyatt A B O U TT H E C O V E R photograph Offtcial itliss of Janie Johnson who attends rlestviTTe High SchooTo wi77 be crovned queen of the 41st Annual Strawberry Pestiva.l on Saturday, May 14, 1988. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. NORMAL CLUB CLEANERS 309 S. College Tahlequah, Oklahoma J I M C A R S O NI N S U R A N C E 1 0 2 W . D i v i s i o n- 6 9 6 - 7 1 9 1 Jim Carson,Agt. - RobertCrozier,Agt. -2- On behalf of the Stilwell Kiwanis Clubi I welcome you to the 41st annual Strawberry Festival. We have a full day of events planned for your enjoyment and entertainment. So join in and letrs all have a good time. The Strawberry Festival is one of the largest events in the State of Oklahoma. We use this as one of the ways to raise funds to sponsor our youth projects. Our youth programts major emphasis is Our Quest: Their Best. This challenges every Kiwanian to work with the young people in the community to help them: Make their best ef forts, achieve their best, and give their best back to the community. We develop projects to meet the social -or emotional needs of our children and youth. By helping young people understand themselvesr their abilities and their obligations' we as Kiwanians wilt help them achieve their full potential. I would like to thank my fellow Kiwanians' local strawberry growers, local businesses, Stilwell City Council' Chamber of Commerce', school system and all the other people who help 'to make the Strawberry Festival a success for all of us. Come and join in the activities and letrs all at the 1988 Strawberry have a good time Festival. Sincerely' Hiram McFarland President Stilwell Kiwanis Club Thls page made posslblo thlough the contllbullons ol the followlng. EDWARDF. AYMONDCOMPANY 4300N. GentralExPresswaY Dallas,Texas75206 -3- I \ ' ' R U N F O RT H E B E R R I E S " Last years inaugural 5 Kilometer Run saw 69 runners cross the finish line. Tim Owens, Fayetteville, Ark., was the overall winner in l7:09. The run will be on Saturday, May 14, Strawberry Festival Day and begin at 8:00 a.m. This years course will begin at the First Christian Church, Hwy. 59 at Pine and finish at the bandstand in downtown- Stilwell. The course will be scenic and flat through the downtown Stilwell area. Plaques and a crate of Stilwell strawberries will. be awarded to the overall male/female winners. Age divisions will be 12 and below, 13-15, 16-19, 20-24, ?.5-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59. 60-65 and 65-over (male and female categories). Each division winner will receive a plaque. The awards and strawberries will be presented to the winners at the bandstand. downt o w n S t i ' l w e l l a t 11 : 3 0 a . m . f o l l o w i n g t h e S t r a w berry Festival Parade. A souvenir T-Shirt, soft drinks and fruit will be provid.ed to all participants. The entry fee is $6.0O (l9Tyears and below--$5.Oo)before May lst and $8.00 after May lst through race day. For more information and entry forms, please contact Leonard Navarre. P.O. Box 152. Stilwell. OK 74960, (918) 696-7241. 'Run For the Berries' ri. l ----4. f t ! re. rjl,irr '\- $?\i,ts*t. I c[tmltt | *--'X J 6a|3m -m&tir cnv s/a 's / tt / r ::;t:i::.+/ E N T R YF O R M Name Address Telephone ale/Female Eirthdate T-ShirtSize (Adult sizesonly-pleasemark one) S M L X L I herebycertifythat I am in goodphysicalconditionand relievethe StrawberryFestivaland the StilwellKiwanis "Run for Club of any liabilityconcerningthe Strawberry B e r r i e s "r u n . Signature Easy to Reach Stilwell is within easy driving distance of many points ol interest in eastern Oklahoma, so make Stilwell your headquarters when you come to vasit. ( l f u n d e r 1 8 , p a r e n to r g u a r d i a n ) This page made possiblethrough the contlibutaons of the following. G uy S tri ckl a n d Chevrolet & Olds 1O4 South 2nd Street P.O. Box 3O8 "ln Pho. 918-696-7075 S T I L W E L L ,O K 7 4 9 6 0 Search of Excellence" -4- This page made possible through the contributions of the following' SYSTEMSSERVICE lNC. DISTRIBUTING, oK 113N. Main,Muskogee, REMTEKCORP. Parkwav Landins 46107 Fremont'cA NAPALAND AUTOSUPPLY T.J.SMITHBOX co. lNc. 600S' 2nd P.O.Box 1643,Ft. Smith,AR oLrvEs CAFE CHUCI(WAGON SERVICESTATION B i l l & L o u i s eB i b b Highway59 North -7- l '_l STILWELL QUEEN,S ATTENDANTS OKLAHOMA A I I *n, T!'i^i',* '1.*"{ffi1;; |EEEED . t^ud The 1988 Strawberry FestivaT Queen's Attendants are; lliss Kin Groons (righc) first (lett) and ,itfiss Nancy Guf fey runnerupt second runnerup. m Ari3 .nd c6fl3 booth. wlll b€ localed !l the w.rl end ol Divlsion St., jusl norlh ot lh. Addr Counly Courihout.. J' This page made possiblo through the contributions of the following. STTLWELL MR O'S SHOP.N.GO L U M B E RC O M P A N Y , l N C . S t i l w e l l .O k l a h o m a 2 n d & O t i v e- This page made possible through the contributions of the following' 516S. 2nd ARKHOLASTTLWELLBERT'SPHILLIPS66 STATION READYMtX HwY'59 North Stilwell'Oklahoma STILWELL PHARMACY.tNC. AMERICANLEGION POST102 Stilwell,Oklahoma Miss Kim Grooms is the sixteen year old daughter of Tim and Jan Groom.s of Stilwell. She is a sophomore at Stilwell Hi'gh School' where she is a member of Reflections, FBLA, and FCS. She is atso president of the First Christian Church Youth Group. Miss Nancy Guffey .is the seventeen year old daughter of Jan Guf fey of Stilwell. She is a senior at Stilwell High School where she is president of the senior class, president of the Spanish Club, member of the student council' and the Science Club. She attends the Lighthouse Church of God. B U N K E RI N D U S T R I E SI,N C . lrving,Texas75061 Stilwell. Oklahoma -8- -t 1- . T ENTERTAINMENT ALL-SCHOOLREUNION The eighth annual All School Reunion will begin at 5:30 p.m.' May 14, with registration at the door of the Doss Stilwell Cafeteria at th,? Stilwell High School. Alumni dues of $3.00 may be paid at the registration table. The program will include the presentation of the outstanding alumnus of Stilwell High School' two scholarship recipients from the 1988 graduating class, and awards to the oldest alumnus present and the alumnus who traveled the greatest for the reunion. distance .Classrooms will be available for individual class meetings, and refreshments will be served in the cafeteria. Barbara FairchiTd During the 1970rs Barbara Fairchild's songs consistently rode high on the country chartsr and she became an established voice In country muslc who could deliver in the studio as well as on the stage. Barbara Fairchildrs first oerformance came at the age of five in the local schoolrs talent show in her hometown of Knobel, Arkansas. At 13, Barbara and her family moved to St. Louis, Missouri. Two years later, she signed her first recording contract. with Norman Records, which released, "A Brand New Bed of Rosesrt. Her first album with Columbia was Someone Special, which was followed by Lovers Old Song. "Color My World", a single from the latter album was Barbarars first national breakthrough. Barbara's third album, A Sweeter Love, established her as one of the top women vocalists ano songwriters in country music. From this album, Barbara garnered her first number one single. t'The Teddy Bear Song", for which she receiveo a Gramrny nomination. Barbara Fairchild will be performing at the Bandstand in the Court House Lawn at i:0O p.m. We hope to see you there! This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. PHIL MAHANEYCUSTOM AUTOPAINTING 'Detailing 'Wheels & Tires 'UpholsteryShop 'CustomBuiltCars Frank A. l{cPherson Frank A. McPherson,chairman of the board ancl chief executive officer of Kerr McGee Corporationr was the recipient of the first outstanding alumnusaward in 1987.McPhersonis a 1952Stilwell High School graduate. This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributions of the folldwing. EASTSIDE ABSTRACT W . H . L a n g l e y ,J r . CARSON LOAN COMPANY Tom J. Carson STILWELL D E M O C R A T .J O U R N A L Hwy.51 RabbitTrap,Stilwell 118 N. Second - Stilwell.Oklahoma -12 -13- -l RODEOOPENSMAY 12 The Strawberry Festival Rodeo is scheduled for May 12, 13 and 14 with top names in professional rodeo among the contestants. The rodeo, sponsored by the Stilwell Rounoup Club, will start at 8 o'clock each night at the clubrs rodeo area north of Stilwell on US 59. The rodeo is sanctioned by the lnternational professional Rodeo Association. Rodeo events are: bareback bronc riding, team roping, steer wrestling, calf roping, bull riding, cowgarls barrel racing and saddle bronc riding. Gate receipts for Saturday night last year reached approximately $6,.|00. The orevious record, set several years ago, was i.n the vicinity of $4,500, a club spokesmansaid. Total payoff to contestants was $10,462.20, a decrease from the previous yearts record of $11.679.s0. The 1987 Rodeo Queen was Miss Mendi Hart, l5 year old daughter of Pam Goodnight of Stitj well and Russell Hart of Tulsa. The t9g7 Sweerheart was Miss Sabrina Hurst, 7 year old daughter of Lynn and Leon Hurst of Vian. Mendi Hart - 1987 Rodeo Queen Itlendi Hartt 75, is the daughter ot pan Goodnight and RusseTl Hart, She is a freshnan at Sti7we77 High SchooT. As queen of the Round-Up C-lubr she has represented then by partLcipating in the opning cereaonies at the foTToving rodeos: Vianl TahTequaht SaTTisawt llattst TahTequah All Indian and Sti7ve1.1 Fall Rodeo. Her iobbies are horseback riding and vater skiing. Mendi attends Faith TabernacLe Church. Sabrina Hurst - 1987 Rodeo Sweetheart Thit page made possible through the contributions of the tollowing. BURGERLAND SYNERGY GAS HWY 59 North - Stilwell Highway100West 696-5499 CAPTAINJACK'S CATFISHWHARF 706South2nd 696€458 MEANS FURNITURE Stilwell, OK STILWELL N U R S I N GH O M E Stilwell, Oklahoma L&L PRINTING 103W. Division -14- This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. MURPHYMOTORS,INC. P.O.Box11@ . smsouthsocond STILWELL. OKLAHOMA,7,a900 Phone (918)6S-7027 ET mRrsu:nl -@ l$n: INC. ZEROMOUNTAIN, P.O.Box 549 AR Fayetteville, -15- ' ' l YOUNGROYALTY Prince Patrick and Princess ,Susan Susan Hill, daughter of Leon and Donna Hill is the 1988 Strawberry Princess. The 1988 Strawberry Prince is Patrick OrNeal, son of Larry and Joey OrNeal. They were chosen at a pageant on March 24r '1988. Thirty-five children, ages 41 5 and 6 competed for-the titles. First runners-up were Melissa Henson, daughter of Kenny and Lisa Henson; and James Carson W i l l i a m s o n ,s o n o f C a r o l y n W i l l i a m s o n . Sarah Lundburg, Second runners-up were daughter of Sharon and Jack Lundburg; and Preston Pruett, son of Danny and Becky Pruett. The annual event is sponsored by Soroptimist International of Adair County, a service organization of professional and business women. This page made possiblethlough the contributions of the following. dotrerts funeral flome J{ome of Ozark Burial Association P. O. BOX 472 sTrLwELL, OKLA. 74960 PHOTJE 918-696-2136 P. O. BOX 176 WESTVILLE, OXLA. 74965 PHONE 918-723-5438 v -li-.. . Stephanie ffjss 1987 Queen of the FestivaT' red dress and vore a briSht Sti7ve77t Cain, after a bouguet of fTowers. Latetr carried she was crowned on the bandstand the paradet as thousands Tooked on. STRAWBERRYFESTIVAL ATTRACTSTHOUSANDS Visitors from this area crowded into Stilwell for the 40th Annual Strawberry Festival. The ItRun for the Berriesrr and the one-hour parade launched the day's activities. Strawberry Festival Queen, Stephanie Cain of Stilwell, was crowned to open the afternoon program. The dayts activities included a wide Variety of music. Kiwanis luncheon, strawberry auctionr and serving of free strawberry shortcake. The festival Rodeo brought the big day to a climax. This page made possible through the contributions of the following' CENTURY21 FARTII& HOTIIEREALESTATE 696-6295 Dial696-HAIR BILLYJ. BRUNK,O.D. HOP.INFOODSTORES Stilwell& Tahlequah Optometrist 918-696-6717 SEARS CATALOGUE i.l ?, GLENDA'S DINER Stilwell. OK -16- HEADOUARTERS HAIRSALON SALES J o h n & S u z a n n eE s s a r y- O w n e r s -17- l -_l ' l I A FayettevilleMan PfacesFirst in t..Hun rh--.a-rrA for the Berries" With sunny blue skies, 69 runners experienced the joy of competition and the distinction of be_ ing charter members of the rrRun for the Berriesrl during last yearrs Festival. Tim Owens, 24, Fayetteville, Arkansas. was the first runner to cross the finish line in 17:09 at the first S-kilometer "Run for the Berriesr'. Finishing f irst among the women 'was Donna Walker, 28, Garnett, Kansas.in 25:53. R i c h a r dC o r l e y , 6 7 , A r l i n g t o n ,T e x a s ,w a s the olclest participant and Hardy Carrow lll, g. was the youngest. and blue fToat redt thlte Kirvanis Club's Charlene Green Rovan, the 1986 featured Festlval Queen, and Pappy RavStravberry Sai AntonLo, Tex.t $ov€rttot of the Iins. of Kl'vanis InternaTexas-Oklahom Diatrict Sa77yt Ray Fuertsch' tionaT, and hls vife, of Kivanis' lieutenant-governor WiTberton, and his wifet Jeant and Andy Innant president of the sti7ve77 Kivanis cTubt and his wife Dalana. Winners of the float competition were: 1st Cherokee Nation Industriesr Commercial: lnc. 2nd Bank of Commerce 3rd Stilwell Foods Civic: Religious: - lst Oklahoma Panhandlers 2nd Boy Scouts 3rd Westville Lionesses lst First Christian Church 2nd Assembly of God 3rd Guiding Light Church Band competition winners were: lst JaY High School Class AAA: This page made possible through the contributions of the following. PIZZAHUT Tahlequah,Oklahoma Class AA: 1st Dale High School 2nd Salina High School 3rd Westville High School Junior High: lst Fort Gibson 2nd BoYd of Sand SPring 3rd Westville This pago made possible through the contributions of the following' MEMORIALHOSPITAL tttklFim IW riiE i,!,,i,! ti!"i,,li ti--",. " 14 N. Second - Stilwell, OK GOLDENDIPTCOMPANY 12813FlushingMeadowDr. St. Louis,MO 63191 -18- 14OOW. Locust Stilwell,Oklahoma CAMPBELLOIL G&DSTATION& SPEEDYMART Lester,Joyce,Heather& HeathGampbell -19- - First place in the coanerciaj float category of the 40th annual Stravberry pa_ Festival rade was Cherokee Nation fndustries, color_ tuJ entry that featured an Indian teepee. Chincoteaguet Royce Cherrit' a covboy fron Va., FestivaT vas here for the Stravberry severaT Parade vhlTe traveling through aiTes to drun up states and over 11'000 Center for donations for the J. D. l{cCarty Handicapped ChiTdren in Noroan. First Christian Church of StiTveTl won first. prize in .the reiigion category of the festiva1 parade with this fjoat conbining a redo whiteo yeJ.Tov and bTue rainbov and a box of gi gantic stravberries. Thir page made possible through the contributionr of tho following. STATE FARM I N S U R A N C EC O . Larry Strauss- 696-4114 NEWCAN T h e N e w C a n C o m p a n yI,n c . Holbrook,Massachusens HUNTERS 5 & 1 OS T O R E JIM DANDY 23 West Division DRIVE-IN Jack and Betty Guffey WALMART S t i l w e l l ,O k t a h o m a BARONCENTERMART R o n a n d R o b i nG r a y Bobbie, Jennifer, Seth -20- first to aPpear in a BuffaToo probably FestivaT Paradet ls ridden by Stravberry Don Crittenden. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. JEAN'S FASHIONS Merle Norman Cosmetics AAA ABSTRACT COMPANY, lNC. Nancy Garrett Farrier,Manager SHARPE'S D E P A R T M E N TS T O R E stiMerr, okrahoma C E D A RT R E E c H t M N E ys w E E p s t=t"?fl;:".t"'"::t" L L O Y D E , C O L E ,J R . ATTORNEYAT LAW Ray & Edith Dobbins - 21- l I I \ Bank of Connerce Placed fToat . cateSory aericaT ye71ow and red beautY. Shortcake foTTowing Hundreds ate Stravberry There was afEernoon. Saturday the auction the even a few for plenty for everyone' horses. second in the con.vith this lt€€nt AssenbTy of God Church of Sti7ve77 won second prize vith this fToat in the reTigion category of the Festival Parade. This page made possibl€ through the 'contributions of the followang' This page made possiblo through the contributions of the following. l $:)'Auantelc - : Highway r59 South Stilwell, Oklahoma -22- t OZARKS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE "Consumer- Owned UtilitY" .23- -l q 1 Forner Oueens of the Stravberry FestivaT graced the fToat entered by StilureTl Foods, Inc. The red and vhite fioat placea tijra in the conaerciaT category. Festival Carnival attracted lts fun-Tovers here durlng the v*kend. share of The FamilyOT-- F|RSTUNTTED METH' ODtsT cHURCH (Corner of ThirdandDivi;io;-_ btii*Liri WelcomeeYou To StrawberryFesfival ig6g UsFor"Homecoming SfiGffiZffi 9:45 a.m. 10:55a.m. 12:00p.m. 6:30 p.m. ,,Thechurch wi{hrhe cross -e,v- n'gn This page made possible through the contributions of the following. MIDWEST R E F R E S H M E NSTE R V I C E 39O4 Ayers Road Fort Smith, Arkansas 72g}g (501) 646_7936 OVERHEAD DOORCOMPANY p.O. Box 3605 Ft. Smith,AR 24- SundaySchool MorningWorship Holnecoming Dinner(Allguestswelcome) "Prayerand praise" . Hff S*,,_4$4&;. Grill-Elt"t[n,.il Pasror ,4 ,*o .ff stacyEwins Cnroren & yourn This page made possible through the contributions of the following. CHUCKPEARSON TRICEMARKETI NGCORPORATION 2505Texas Drive lrving,Texas 75062 Glenairlnc. Representative SILVEYCOMPANIES p.O. Box 3269 Tulsa,OKT410Z -27- I t B E S TB E R R I E S At mid-afternoon' the strawberry auctton was o n the bandstand. The auction brought $7'425 for 1 2 cra[0s. AUCTIONRESULTS Auction results are listed with the placing' exhibitor, address, strawberry variety, buyer' and or ice: 1st2nd3rd4thsth6th7th- 8ththe chanexhibited rightt Hbner Hignite, annual 40th the at pionship strdvberries -stravberry His CardinaT Tast yeat. FestivaT fot Reasor's to auction at sold berries are the Hignite vith In the picture $2,000. in Stiltvo Reasor's stores nanagers of'the Left, and John Fanning' ve77, llike E7list gthlOthllthl2th- Stilwell, Cardinal' Homer Hignite' Rt.2 Reasor's, $2,000. Lockard Farms, Stilwell, Cardinal' Bank of Commerce' $1,000. A n d r e w C a i n a n d D a u g h t e r ,R t . 1 S t i l w e l l ' Cardinal, Cherokee Nation Industries' $900. Carla Bennett, Vian, Cardinal, Means Furniture, $40O. Harold Brannon and Son, Rt. l Stilwell' Cardinal, Stilwell Foods, Inc.' $400. James Woodward, Rt. 3 Tahlequah, Cardinal, Stilwell Democrat-Journal, $300. Adair County Orchard, Rt.. 2 Stilwell' Cardinal, Guy Strickland Chevrolet & Olds' $650. Curtis Auffet, Rt. t Stilwell' Early-Glow. Bank of Commerce. $450. Gene Brannon and Son, Rt. 1 Stilwelt' Early-Glow' Stilwell Foods' tnc. $275. G l a d y s W o o d w a r d ,R t . 4 S t i l w e l l ' C a r d i n a l ' Bank of Commerce, $250. Annie Hume, Rt. 5 Stilwell' Cardinal' Jim Carson Insurance. $200, Baird Farms, Rt. 4 Stilwell, Cardinal' Bank of Commerce, $600. This page made possible through the conttit utions of the lollowing' This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. MR. B'S PIZZA H E R M A NJ O N E S F a r m B u r e a uI n s . 696-7228 Hwy. 1O0 696-3560 INTERSTATE COMPANY ELECTRIC MATRIXSCIENCE South5th & EastStreet Ft. Smith,Arkansas OZARKVENDING Route1, Box 108 Farmington,Arkansas Stilwell, Oklahoma Dolly Kester CAVINESSSERVICE DOYLESFLOWERSHOP WestWillow STATION Bobby& Jane Doyle 203 North 2nd WARRANTEE CARPETS,INC. Mr. B's ShoppingCenter 696-@11 10863 Rockwall Road Dalfas, Texas 75438 Bill & Vinia PresleY -28- S T I L W E L LC A F E 7506Industrial Charlotte,N.C. A.B. DICKPRODUCTS COMPANY STILWELLFLOWERSHOP Box 1621 Ft. Smith,Arkansas C O L L I N SF I R E S T O N E -29- PASTPRESIDENTS Short Season The strawberry season is relatively short, starting early in May and ending about June 1 - but it's long enough for everyoneto get his or her share. Crates of strawberries sell especiallyfast on StrawberryFestivalDay,so thosewishingto buy are reminded to get their share as early in the day as possible. Growers will be in Stilwell on FestivalDay to sell berries near the band stand where much of the action takes place. Hundreds of people, including migrant workers, sfudents and housewives,jump in each year to harvest lhe strawberry crop. A goodpicker.canpick about 1OOquart boxesin a six hour day.A few yearsago,73 pickerspicked25Ocrates lrom 2/z acres for one of the best days on record anywhere in the county. Local strawberry growers like the Cardinal variety best.Other popularvarietiesincludeSunriseand Early Go. The experienced pickers use a variety of positions. Some stoop,others squat, kneel or sit. Thosewho sit say they remainseatedand scootfrom one plantto the next. The crop is sold at Stilwell area marketsand to retail outlets in Tulsa, Muskogee,Fort Smith, Ark.' and other cities. Many peoplefrom miles arounddriveto Stilwelleach May to buy berries ro take home for themseJves,neighbors and relatives. P a s t o r e s i d e n t so f t h e S t i l w e l l K i w a n i s C l u b d a t e b a c k to 1946. Many still lrvehere, while some are deceased and others have moved awav. 1946- Dick Brody (dec.i 1967- L.T. Spray 1947- Otto Alderson 1968- J.L. Hallford 1 9 4 8 - J a c k C h a f f i n( d e c . ) 1 9 6 9 - H . D . G o u n d 1 9 4 9 - J o e H . C a r s o n( d e c . )1 9 7 O - H . D . G o u n d 1971-PhilKeeter 195O-Jean R. Reed 1 9 5 1 - B a r n e s P e m b e r t o n 1 9 7 2 - C h a r l e sM c F a r l a n d 1952- Norvel Henley 1973- Jack Perry 1953- Gene L. Gray 1974- Larrv Roberts 1975- Jack Smav 1954- Kenneth Rains 1955- John McGinnis 1 9 7 6 - E . R .K i r k b r i d e 1956- Jack K. Holt (dec.) 1977- Larry Eubanks 1957- Berry A. Ferguson 1978- Larry N. Strauss 1 9 5 8 - D . C . ( T o b e )O ' N e a l i 9 7 9 - J a m e s Y o u n d 1959- Jim DeJarnatt 198O-John H. Freeman 19 8 1 - T o m C . T o d d I 96O- Jack Barham 1961- Kenneth Carleton 1982- CharlesW. Crozier 'I 1983- Jack E. Kav 962- Colbert Starr 19 6 3 - B e n B r i l e y ( d e c . ) 19 8 4 - D e a n J a c k s o n 19 6 4 - J u l i u s H . T h o m a s 19 8 5 - B o b b v R a v 1 9 6 5 - W a d e Z u m w a l t ( d e c . ) 1 9 8 6 -J a m e s F . C a r s o n 1966- W. Neil Morton 1987- Andv lnman RESTROOM AVA!LABLE Portablerestroomsfor men and women will be set up in the area of the bandstandon Strawberry FestivalDay in Stilwell. This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. F A R M E R SC O O P E R A T I V E Feed and Fertilizer BELLINTERNATIONAL, INC. Highway471 South Springdale,AR SHAWNEEMILLINGCOMPANY Good MillersSince 1906 Shawnee.Oklahoma -30- t RAYCHEM CORPORATION Electr onicsDivision 1 5 0 1 L . B . J .F r e e w a yS, u i t e4 5 O Dallas,Texas75234 -31- -| C L U B S P O N S O R SF E S T I V A L THE CHEROKEE NATION OF OKLAHOMA T h e S t i l w e l l K i w a n i s C l u b , w h i c h h a s s p o n s o r e dr h e Strawberry Festival ever since its inception, has had an unbroken tradition of community service since it was chartered 41 years ago. Under the motto of "We Serve'r, the Stilwell Kiwanis Club Sponsors such diversified activitres as the Boy Scouts, the annual Strawber!'y Festival, and the summer baseball program for area boys and girls, Club members participate in fund raising activities such as "Pancake Day" which traditionallyis held the morning of the opening day of deer season. The Strawberry Festival dates back to I g48 when rne Stilwell Kiwanis Club decided to do something about stimulating interest in one of Adair County's major economic resources. The Strawberry crop that year was valued at about $75O,OOOand was described as "the biggest berry harvest the area has ever experienced." SALUTES THE 41St ANNUAL STILWELL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND THE STILWELL KIWANIS CLUB Kiwanis Ciub Officerst froa Teft: Hiran McFarland' Presidentt Mike Doubl.ehead. Vice President' and Bi17y J. Brunk, SecretaryTreasurer. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. HART FUNERALHOME Wilma Mankiller PrincipalChief A N D M O N U M E N TC O M P A N Y Serving Adair & Cherokee Counties THE HART FAMILY SERVING YOURS a Pre-arranged planning a Hart Family Certificates a Custom Designed Monuments John A. Ketcher Deputy Chief THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU TAHLEOUAH STILWELL WESTVILLE 456-8823 1506N. GRAND { H W Y8 2 N O R T H ) -32- 696-6996 723-5,422 H W Y l O OW MAIN& MARKET -33- -_J Many Churches A variety of religiousdenominationsare represented in Stilwell. From English to Cherokee. over 60 churcheshold servicesregularly. The churches include: Enjoy your stay in Stilwell, participate in all the activities planned for your enjoyment during Annual Strawberry Festival and the Forty-first please feel welcome to visit Stilwell and Adair County again. With best wishes. LARRYE. ADAIR ASSEMBLYOF GOD BELL BAPTISTCHURCH B U N C H B A P T I S TC H U R C H C A L V A R Y C H U R C HO F E A S T P E A V I N E CENTRAL BAPTISTCHURCH CHERRY TREE BAPTIST C H E R O K E EC H I L D R E N SM I S S I O N C H E R O K E EH I L L S U N I T E DP R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U C U L A T EC H U R C H C H U R C HO F C H R I S T C H U R C H O F G O D O F T H E A P O S T O L I CF A I T H FAITH TABERNACLE FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH F I R S T C H R I S T I A NC H U R C H F I R S TU N I T E DM E T H O D I S T CHURCH F R E E H O L I N E S SC H U R C H GRACE CHAPEL G U I D I N GL I G H T C H U R C H HONEYHILL CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE C H U R C HO F G O D M U L B E R R YB A P T I S T PENTECOSTALHOLINESSCHURCH ROCK SPRINGSBAPTIST SALEM BAPTISTCHURCH SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTCHURCH U N I T E D M E T H O D I S TI N D I A N C H U R C H Z I O N U N I T E D M E T H O D I S TC H U R C H STATE REPRESENTATIVE DtsTRtcTNO.e6 ADAIR.DEUWARE.MAYES COUNTIES S}ASTATECAPIT€|- lAT' KERRYORII'E oK.At€lt^ clTY,o|(lrHor|A 2t105 (406f5?r{rrr STttrEu- oG^|€rA 74m orqszlr This page made possible through the contributions of the following. BIG APPLE RESTAURANT 920 South 2nd -- Stitwetl Your Family Restaurant B I G B F O O-- D & D E L I Stilwell 910 South 2nd Fried Chicken - lce Cream - Sandwiches BEACONDRIVE-IN -Stilwell 900 South 2nd Hamburgers - Fries - Shakes -34- + + + + + This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following KEATHLEY/PATTERSON E L E C T R IC O . North Little Rock,AR 721 15 BLACKBURN'S FEEDSTORE Marion,Lorine. Tom WALDRON TRUCKLINES 443 North 47th Street Ft. Smith,Arkansas C&D USEDCARS 1@1 North 2nd BALLENNNEPRODUCE Chris & DelbertMeyer COMPANY,INC. CHARLESR WINNCPA P.O.Box 454 Alma,Arkansas 209 Division -35- 'J H I S T O R I C A LB R I E F S Stilwell was named for Arthur Edward Stilwell wno b u i l t t h e K a n s a s C i t y S o u t h e r n R a i l w a y ,f o u n d e d s e v e r a l dozen hamlets and villages, and created a city, port Arthur. Tex., named for himself. Between 1886 and 1912, he m6de sizable contributions to the economrc growth of the south-central states of Oklahoma. A r k a n s a s , L o u i s i a n a ,a n d T e x a s . Stilwell was a red haw thicket, interspersed with persammon trees, in 1895 when the Kansas City S o u t h e r n R a i l w a y b o u g h t a r i g h t - o f- w a y f r o m M r s . M a r t h a J o h n s o n a n d M r s . E l i z a b e t hF r e e m a n .V e r y soon, lots were offered for sale and a town plat laid out. The United States Congresspasseda bill in 183Ofor the removal of the Five Civilized Tribes from the southe a s t e r n p a r t o f t h e u . S . i n t o I n d i a n T e r r i t o r v .n o w k n o w n as Oklahoma.All of Adair County became a part of the Cherokee Nation. Many Cherokees were already here when, in about 1838, the Eastern Cherokees were forced to leave their homes in Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina and were driven over the infamous "Trail of Tears," ending in the northern part of Adair County at Mission Mountain. About 9l per cent of thepersons livinginthesouthern part of Adair County are of Cherokee descent. Also, the county has the greatest concentration of Cherokee Indians in the United States. STILWELLHIGHSCHOOL BASEBALLTEAM WINS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP r987 State BasebaTTChanoions While everyone was enjoying the Strawberry Festival the Stilwell High School baseball team was busy playing in the state play of f games. Stilwell reached the championship game with an opening round 2-0 win over Adar and an incredible 15-'l4 victory over Blanchard which saw the Indians rally from a 14-1 deficit. The Indians then defeated Sperry 8-O to win the Class 3,A State Championship. Many of the team members began playing baseball in the summer baseball program sponsored by the Stilwell Kiwanis Club. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. d+ Flrrt llational Barilc 1OO S O U T HM U S K O G EA EV E N U EB O X5 9 TAHLEOUAH, OKLAHOMA74465-0059 -36- ADAIRCOUNTY S H E L T E RI N S U R A N C E Larrv O'Neal AUCTION LIVESTOCK RandyRoller& DannySmith 696-3700 TOM'SECONOMY TIRECO. NORTHSIDE PAINT & BODYSHOP Stilwell. Oklahoma UngerBrothers STILWELLREALTV& HOMERENTAL GREEN'SOKLAHOMA LIQUIFIED GAS 724South2nd 696-5622 1100North2nd PaulLaney -37- _l Small town makes good. lllnuss of ileprwentutiues STATEOF OKLAHOMA SHAWNEE'S BEST SHORTCAKES 2 cups Shawnee Eaking Mix 2 Tablespoons Shortening 2 |ablespoons, Sugar. Scant 2/3 cups Water population2,369. I Domtown Stilwell,Oklahoms,circa 1984, n the ea.ly forties Stilwell, Oklahoma was a small town. A town populated by hard working, good people. The perfect place for a young company insistent on down-home goodness. Stilwell, Oklahoma is still small. Still good. And, after torty-two years, still home of Stilwell Foods. Company's grown. Prospered. Bul never lost our old-fashioned stand€rds of goodness. We still insisl on garden freshness in our vegetables and the finest quatity ot ingredients for our bakery products. Taety frozen vegetables. Mouth-wstering fiozen desserts, Tender and flaky pie crusts. Look for them in your grocer's lreezet. Stilrell Foods. Still insisting on the small town that makes good. Makes good frozen and breadedvegetables. Makes good frozen fruit cobblers. Makes good frozen pie crusts. Mix all the above ingredients together. R o ff o u t a b o u t 3 / 4 i n c h t h i c k . C u t w i t h b i s c u i t c u t t e r o r cut in squares to preferred size. Biush tops with melted butter. Bake in 45O degree oven 10-12 minutes. Serving suggestion: Serve with STILWELL strawberries and whipped cream. State Representatives Larry E. Adair, D- Stilwell and Robert H. Henry, D- Shawnee, submitted this recipe which is officially recorded in the Oklahoma House of Representatives official proceedings of the Fortieth L e g i s l a t u r e ,M a y 1 5 , 1 9 8 5 . This page made possible through the contributions of the following. EIA'IwEsTvtLLE,OK 74965 - ELECTRICI'IOTORGRINDERS ELECTRICHOTORS POLISHINGLATHES .-sr$3(2rra!n:-' -7-ZtDS'rSrr to,1 SailwellFod6, lnc. StilBell, Oklahoma Perry's Office Supply Computers' CoPiers' Office Supplies& Furniture (918)775-ss07 SALLISAW. oK 74955 -38- -39- -I F A V O R I T ER E C I P E S S T R A W B E R R YM E R I N G U E S ( B y B e t t yl n m a n ) STRAWBERRY PIE (Mrs. Floyd Cox, Zion) '| quart frozen strawberries thawed and drained Reserve berries to add later. ln sauce pan add: 2 cups drained strawberry juice 1 cup sugar 5 t a b l e s p o o n sc o r n s t a r c h ( r o u n d e d ) Cook 3 minures. Add red food coloring. Cool. Add strawberriesand 3 sliced bananas. pour into bakedpie shells.Top with whipped cream. Makes two 8-inch pies. Beategg whites,salt and cream o{ tartar untilwhites form soft peaks.Graduallyadd sugar,beat until mtxture is stiff and glossy. Beat in cornstarchand vinegar. Arrange in 8 four inch circleson plainungreasedbrown paperon bakingsheet,spreadmixturehigheron outside edges.Bake at 275 degreesF. for I hour or until meringues are firm and lightly browned. Cool on brown paper.Store in airtightcontainer.At serving.time spoon ice cream in merirgues, cover with sliced sweetened strawberriesand top with whippedcream. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES P r e p a r e .w a s h a n d d r a i n s t r a w b e r r i e s . F i l l q u a r t s t r a w b e r r y b o x w i t h b e r r i e sa n d e m p r y i n t o 5 1 / zq u a r t p a n . A d d % b o x s u r e - j e l l a n d s t i r u n t i l d i s s o l v e d .A d d 3 c u p s s u g a r a n d m i x w e l l . L e t come to rolling boil. Time and let boil 6 or 7 m i n u t e s . S k i r n o f f f o a m . E m p t y i n t o P y r e xd i s h a n d let stand a day or so beforeputting into jars. Store i n l r e e z e r o r r e f r i g e r a t o r .W i l l k e e p i n d e fi n i t e l y . SAKOWITZ AMBROSIA 1 pt. strawberries,hulled and halved 1 cup seedlessgreen grapes,halved 1 small fresh pineapple,about2 cups in bite-sizepreces 1 mango,peeled,seededand cubed 2 red apples,cored and diced 7: cup powderedsugar 1 cup flakedcoconut 2 tbsp. sherry 2 tbsp. apricorbrandy S T R A W B E R R YI C E C R E A M (Mrs Bob Bailey) 6 eggs 2 cans Milnot 7atsp. salt Peel and cut pineapple in bite-size pieces. Layer f r u i t i n l a r g e s e r v i n g b o w l ; s p r i n k l ew i t h s u g a r a n d f laked coconut. Combine sherry and apricot brandy; pour over fruit. Toss lightly to mix. Chill in refrigerator about 2 hours before serving. (Note: Apples may be dipped in mixture of lemon juice and water to prevent darkening.) Serves 1O 2 % c u p ss u g a r 3 cups strawberries(crushedl 1 T. Vanilla Beat eggs until light color.Add sugar gradually. Add salt, vanilla, and crushed strawberries. in blender. Add Milnot and beat at low speed until mixed good, then add strawberries. Makes 1 gallon. This page made possibleth.ough th6 contributions of the following. coMMERCtAL BANK& TRUST CO. 3rd & Broadway Muskogee,Oklahoma R O C K ' SI R O N A N D M E T A LC O . "Slim", PARROTT'S BLACKARD REAL ESTATE Stilwell,Oktahoma Stilwell, Oklahoma James & Jane THE MUFFLER SHOP C I R C L ES F O O DS T O R E Stilwell, Oklahoma & L a u n d r y- 2 n d & M a p l e- 6 9 6 - 4 1 1 5 -40- This pbge made possible througtfi the contributions of the fotlowing. J E W E T R YS T O R E S t i l w e l l .O k l a h o m a STILWELLMERCANTILE 3/ cup sugar 2 tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. white vtnegar 3 egg whites dash salt dash cream of tartar ' FAMILYsHoE sToRE ' PEOPLESBANK Wesrviile, Oktahoma West SiloamSprings,Oklahbma Stitwett, oktahoma pOWELL REFR|GERAT|ON Heating & Coollng Slnce "62" VONNIESPAWN BttLS AUTOpAR-^ z1sNorrh2ndstreet Vonnie, r?'ll3l""o r"u, -41- -J [i Flo'-.15 .Roi-l' .''1, lJ.'.*orsi67 Welcome to the 47st St rawberry Fe s t i v a l 419 North Second Street Stilwell, Ok.7'1960 91&69e3644 Visit our main campus in Stilwell NATIONALADVISORY COUNCIL BOARD DR. MIKE ALEXANDROFF, Pres. Columbia Coll6ge (Chicago) MAX SQUYRES Vice Chairman DR. ROBERT GALE. Exec. Dir. Association ol Governing Boards L O U I SG R I F F I N Secretary DR. MOnRIS KEETON, Exec. Dir. Council tor the Advancement ot Erperiential L€arning OR. GARY OUEHL, Exec. Council of Indopondent Colleges {CASC) LARRY FERGUSON ex-offico GEORGE POOLAW Kiowa ex-offico Oir. LEO FISHINGHAWK Cherokee CARMEN BFISCOE Vbta Collegr B{Ha PETER GOSSENS Di.sctor ot Government Relations Natign.l Agsocialion ot Indepand6nl Collegsr and Univ6r3ities RICHARD NICHOLS Pueblo DR. JOHN EDWARD ' S Absentee-Shawnee DR. SAM MAGILL. Pras. Monmouth Collego H O N O R A R YT R U S T E E S I R O NE Y E SC O O Y (actor) DOUGHENNING (m.gician) JAMES MORRISON Cherokee JIMMIELOU WHITEKILLER Cherokee MARION HAGGERSTAND Cherokee WAYNE NEWTON EULA DOONKEEN Seminole lonlertainot) R O B E F TN O R T H S H I E L D {Exoc. Producorl CBS SuDd6y Mo.ning SOL BIRD MOCKICIN Cherokee S C O T TB R E A O A t.radition of education: fron elenentary to high school to co77ege. . . , Accredited by the Oklahona Stare Regents for Higher Education and by tie tvorth CentraT l{ssociation. Flaming Rainbow University is a Liberal Arts Foundation granting four year Baccalaureate oegrees. The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation awarded FRU $300,000 in 1981 to purchase the original Stilwell High SchoolBuilding. In January 1987 FRU completed a $900,000 capital campaign with $395,000 from the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation and with funds of 210.000 for the Pew Memorial Library. Renovation of Mabee Campus (the old High School Building) is now in progress. During the 41st Strawberry Festival, Actorr lron Eyes Cody will be visiting FRU to help kick off "The Rainbow Connection Campaignrr. project a to restore the Old Gym for Stilwell and FRU. Since 1902 this site has been in continuous use as a school. The main part of the curront structure was built to house the Stilwell High School in 1908, with additions in 1914, 1921, t940 (a WpA project) and 1947. For a time during the 40ts, the building also housed the elementary school. lChorok€o) -42- 104 N. College Tahlequah,Ok. 71464 91&45G5662 OF TRUSTEES DR. WILLIAM NEPTUNE Chairman OR. ROBERT CRAMER. Pres. Carroll College (Wisconsin) F R U ' SM A B E EC A M P U S -43- - Velcome to the Festiaal A P a r t n e r In S ti l w e l l 's P rogress Since 1969 I