1989 - City of Stilwell
1989 - City of Stilwell
T 42nd ANNUAL STRAWffiEWRY FESTflVAL Queen ANGELA BREWSTER S t i l w e l lO , klahoma I K I W A N I SC L U B O F F I C E R S President'sWelcome MICHAEL DOUBLEHEAD President HIRAM MoFARLAND Past Pres. ROBERTCROZIER Vice Pres. LYNN CARSON Sec./Treas. K I W A N I SC L U BM E M B E R S Dean Jackson Dewayne Littlejohn Sam Love Nesbert (Neb) Miller A. J. Morton Robert (Bob) Murray Hiram McFarland Louis McGee Leonard Navarre George Roberts Larry Roberts John (Jack) Smay L. T. Spray Guy Strickland David West Phillip D. Wiltfong Charles Winn Cary C. Wyatt Larry E. Adair Billy J. Brunk James F. Carson Joe Lynn Carson Lynn Carson Russell M. Cheatham Harold WayneCollins Reggy Cox Stanley Joe Crittenden Charles W. Crozier Robert L. Crozier Hershall C. Dotson Michael Doublehead Berry A. Ferguson J. L. Hallford Harold Ray Hart R. B. (Ray) Hitson Andy Inman A B O U TT H E C O V E R photograph of Miss AngeTa Brewster Official WestviJfe High SchooT, wi77 be who attends crowned queen of the 42nd AnnuaT Strawberry FestivaT on Saturdayi May 13, 1989. Special thanks to Frances Hewin of Hewin and the furnishing Queen Photography for Attendantst photographs. It is with much pride and enthusiasmthat I join my fellow Kiwaniansin welcoming you to our 42nd annualStilwell StrawberryFestival. Each year we anticipate having you as our guests for the day. We look forward to seeing our many friends and making new friends as well, The Kiwanis Club of Stilwell in cooperation with the Ad-Co Kiwanis Club, the outstanding businesses, local strawberry growers, Mayor, the Stilwell City Council, Chamber of Commerce, Stilwell School Systems and the fine citizens of our community have worked long and hard hours in hopes of providing you and your family fun and enjoyment for the day. Each year we strive to improve the quality of our festival and we hope this will be evident to you our guests, as this is one of the largest events in the State of Oklahoma.Some activities include a 5 kilometer family run, parade,festival luncheon, crowning of the queen, country & western entertainment and of course the serving of free strawberries in the afternoon, Once again I extend a big THANK YOU to the many people involved in making the Strawberry Festival a success, and a Special THANK YOU t o Y O U o u r g u e s t s f o r m a k i n g i t a t l p o s s r O l e... r o r n in and letrs all have a great time at the 1989 Stilwetl StrawberryFestival. Best Personal Regards! Mike Doublehead President S t i l w e l t K i w a n i sC l u b This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. BANK OF COMMERCE STILWELL, OKLAHOMA "Seruing Adair County Since 1931" -2- This page made possible through the contributions of the following. 88 Frc.t H i g h w a y5 9 S o u t h S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a -3- T 1989 STRAWBERRYFESTIVAL COMMITTEEASSIGNMENTS ln town ads . . Booklet Publicity . . . . Program . . . . Autos for the day . . Parade VIP Luncheon . Auction.... C a r n i v a. .l . . Corrcession . . . Trophies..,. Strawberrie6 toBands.... Run.. Roping..... Traffic Control. Banners Strawberry Serving (to Public) Queen Contest . Charles Crozier/Neb Miller Phil Wiltfong Andy lnman/Larry Adair/Sam Love Hiram McFarland Guy Strickland David West/Joe Crittenden Jim Carson Dean Jackson/Berry Ferguson Dean Jackson A.'J. Morton/Reggie Cox Bob Murray Lynn Carson Leonard Navarre Louis McGee B i l l B r u n k / A u x i l i a r yP o l i c e Larry Eagleton/Charles Crozier Lynn Carson Wayne Cotlins/Robert Crozier DEDICATION We are pTeased to year's dedicate this Strawberry FestivaT BooHet to L. T. Spray. L. T. is a Tongtrine nenber of the Stilwell Kiwanis CTub and has been a nenber of our He and his wife con nunity for 30 years. Evana have 3 sons, Jin, John, and Jay, and 6 grandchildren. L. T. served as the President of Kiwanis cTub in 1967 and has served in nany capacities of the c7ub. This is our way of saying thank vou to L. T. Spray for all of his support and hard work for the people of >rf r wetr- SATURDAY PROGRAM STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL RUN 8:00 a.m. ENTERTAINMENT ..8:45a.m. Ref lections NATIONAL ANTHEM 10:00 a.m. Patsy Morton INVOCATION 1 0 : 0 5a . m . Michael Fink FLAG SALUTE . t0:08 a.m. Cadette Trooo 219 42ND ANNUAL STRAWBERRYFESTIVAL PARADE . . 10:10 a.m. David West - Parade Marshall Senator David Boren - Honorary Parade Marshall Leonard Navarre - Master of Ceremony AWARD PRESENTATION . . 11:30a.m. POSTER CONTEST AWARDS . . 11:30 a.m. Frank Farrell A N N O U N C E M E N TO F SPECIAL GUESTS 1t:4O a.m. Mike Doublehead- President CROWNING OF FESTIVAL QUEEN il:50 a.m. FESTIVAL LUNCHEON t2:00 Noon Doss Stilwell Cafeteria ENTERTAINMENT . t2:15 o.m. Blue Ribbon Band ENTERTAINMENT t2:4S p.m. CandisClark ENTERTAINMENT ..1:15o.m. Billy Parker AWARDS TO CHAMPION GROWERS 2:00 p.m. BERRYAUCTION ...2:t5o.m. ENTERTAINMENT 2:45 p.m. Cheetah FREE STRAWBERRIES . 3:00 o.m. RODEO . Friday - 8:00 p.m. Saturday - 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. IGA ROWAN'S Dale & MarY Rowan 610 N' 2nd 696-3350 Perry's Office Supply Computers, CoPiers' Off ice SuoPlies & Furniture FAX MACHINES (918) 775-5s07 SALLTSAW. OK 74955 4- B U N K E RI N D U S T R I E SI,N C . lrving,Texas75O61 -5- I STILWELL OKLAHOMA LUNCHEONSPEAKER I N A -r A z \ ; I 1.1 Senator -s--nJ?tur ffi. tAu6Ml Arls rnd crtfl3 booths rlll b. locrlad rl lh. wctt and ol Divislon Sl., iull norlh ol lh. Adair Counly Courlhou3.. ' h This page made possible through the contributions of the following. F A R M E R SC O O P E R A T I V E Feed and Fertiiizer tt'frdFim NI ^*^, "" ii'ii L*i ei!,i' ri#i,i" 1 0 N . S e c o n d- S t i l w e l l ' O K STILWELL DEMOCRAT- JOURNAL Dauid After the crowning ceremonies the queen will be attending the Strawberry Festival luncheon. The luncheon is open to the public at a cost of $5.00 per person. Proceeds go to the Kids' Summer Program sponsored by the Kiwanis. This years guest speaker is U.S. Senator David Boren. Senator David Lyle Boren is the Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence. He also serves on the Committees on Agriculture, Finance, and Small Business, serving as the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy and Agriculture Taxation in the Finance Committee, and as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion in the Agriculture Committee. Senator Boren is the son of former Oklahoma Congressman and Mrs. Lyle H. Boren (1936-1946). An.honors graduate of Yale University, he was graduated in the top one percent of his class and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Upon graduation, Senator Boren was selected as a Rhodes Scholar and attended OxforU University in England, representing Oklahoma. Senator Boren served as Governor of Oklahoma from 1975:1979, aqp was the first Chief Executive of the state ever to go directly by election to the U.S. Senate from the Governor's chair. In 1985, Senator Boren established the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence which awards prizes to outstanding public school teachers, recognizes high school seniors as Academic All-Staters, and helps provide technical help to form private foundations to aid local schools. The Senator has two children, Carrie and Dan. He is married to former Judge Molly W. Shi of Ada, Oklahoma. His home is in Seminole, Okla. 118 N. Second- Stilwell,Oklahoma -6- L. Boren -7- T O U E E NI S C H O S E N Miss Angela Brewster, 17 year old blonde daughter of Gene and Ann Brewster, of Westville was chosen 1989.Strawberr-yFestival Queen.. Angela is a junior at Westville High School. She is vice-president of the Math Club. color guard captain, and is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America. She also attends the First Baptist Church of Westville and is a member of the Baptist clrama team. Angela was chosen f rom a f ield of seven contestants. The contestants compete in five categories for the title of Strawberry Festival Queen. These categories are: essay, street-wear, talent, formal-wear, and question/answer. QUEEN'S ATTENDANTS The 1989 Strawbercy Festrval Oueenrs attend.ants are: ltfiss l(ia Groons (right) first runnen)pt (left) and ltiss Katina Dawn Pruitt second runnerup. AngeTa Brewster Miss Kim Grotms, first runner-up, is the seventeen year old daughter of Tim and Jan Grooms of Stilwell. She is.a junior at Stilwell High School and is a member of Reflections, FBLA and FCS. She has served as a page to the House of Representativesr and is a member of the First Christian Church in Stilwell. Second runner-up is Katina Dawn pruitt. She is sixteen years old and a junior at Stilwell High School. Miss Pruitt has .been a member of 4-H for four years, is a member of the Reflections select choral group, and attends the Calvary presbyterian Church at Peavine. Her parents are Mr. anb Mrs. Tommy Pruitt of Stitwetl. This page made possible through the contrabutionsof the following. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. miluilttr WESTV|LLE, OK 74905 ELECTRIC I'OIORS - ELECTRIC I'IOTORGRINDERS POLISEING LATHES ltuRPHYmoToRS,tNC. MEMORIALHOSPITAL 14OOW. Locust Stilwell,Oklahoma P-O.Boxtroo . s{XtSouthS€cond .7/t960 STlLllrELL. OKLAHOMA Phma (918)606-7027 €- -9- T ENTERTAINMENT YOUNGROYALTY BilTy Parker Bil{y Parker performed on this first T.V. Show ItThe Big Red Jamboree'r at the age of f ifteen. At eighteenr Billy played "The Ozark Jubileeil out of Springfield, Missouri with the late great Red Foley. In 1959, rrThanks Alot", his f irst record was released on Leon McAulif fe's Cimmaron Record label. lh 1967 he recorded his lirst Decca record. Billy now works nine to twelve at KVOO in Tulsa, OK. The Billy Parker stage show with Candis Clark and the Blue Ribbon Band will be performing at the bandstand from 12:15 to 2:00 p.m. Donrt miss the wide variety of country music that this show offers. This page made Po$able through the contributions ol the following. CORPORATION TRICEMARKETING 2408TexasDrive Irving, Texas75063 (214) 25s-t877 -10- Matthew TerrelT and MeTissa Dawn Henson The 1989 Stra$/berry Festival Prince and princess are Matthew Terrell, son of Larry and Nina Terrell, and Melissa Dawn Henson, daughter of Henry and Lisa Henson. They were chosen at a pageant on March 31, 1989. Twenty-two children competed for the tittes. Preston Pruett, son of Danny and Becky pruett, and Heather Neff, daughter of Charles and Robin Neff, are the first runners-up. Second runnerslup are Christopher Duncan, son of Dale and Bobbie Duncan, and Jessica Wagner, whose parents are Gary and Machelle Wagner. The annual event is sponsored by Soroptimist International of Adair County, a service organization of professional and business women. Thir page made posriblo through tho contrabutionr of the following. Euponrurvr Hwy 100 West -- Stilwell, O K (918) 6e6-5719 -1t- I ALL-SCHOOLREUN]ON The ninth annual All School Reunionwill begin at 5:30 p.m., May 13, with registration at the door of the Doss Stilwell Cafeteria at the Stilwell High School. Alumni dues of $3.00 may be paid at the registration table. The program. will include the presentation of the outstandingalumnus of Stilwell High School, scholarship recipient from the 19Bg graduating class, and awards to the oldest alumnus present and the alumnus who traveled the greatest distance for the reunion. C l a s s r o o m sw i l l b e a v a i l a b l e f o r i n d i v i d u a l c l a s s meetings, and refreshments will be served in the cafeter i a. Willian H'' LangleY' Jr' William H. Langley, Jr., owner and operator of East Side Abstract Co. and Langley Ins. Agency, was the recipient of the outstanding alumnus award in l988. Langley is a 1965 Stilwell High School graduate. This page made possible through the contrabutions of the lollowing. OZARKSELECTRIC COOPERATIVE YourPartner for GoodLiving - 12 - Easy to Reach Stilwell is within easydrivingdistanceof manypoints of interestin easternOklahoma,so make Stilwellyour headquarterswhen you come to visit. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. COCA.COLA BOTTLINGCO. BERT'SPHILLIPS66 STATION 3600Phoenix,Ft. bmith, AR Stitwelt,Oklahoma PEOPLESBANK Westville, Oklahoma west SiloamSprings,Oktahoma 1TIALDRON TRUCKLINES 443 North 47th Str€et Ft. Smith,Arkansas yEND;NG OZARK Route.1,Box 108 Farmington, Arkansas f0ilt80-1r$fl. il8Rt8UoRS Sl. Louis, Missouri - t3- I RODEOOPENSMAY 12 The Stravyberry Festival iodeo is. scheduled for May 12 and 13 with top names . in ' professional sponsored rodCo among the contestants. Thq rodeo' 'will start at by the Stilwell Roundup Club, 8 o'clock on Friday night. There will be two performances on Saturday, one at 2:00 p.m.' and the last at 8:00 p.m. Rodeo events are: bareback bronc riding, team '. roping, steer wrestling' calf roping' bull riding' 'cowgirls barrel racing, and saddle bronc riding. Last year's Saturday night gate receipt reached $7,000, which surpassed the previous year's record of $6,100. The Old Fort Days Dandies, a horse and rider drill team, will be performing at the Saturday afternoon and night performance of the'Strawberry Festival Rodeo. Deann Gregory - 1988 Rodeo Queen The 1988 Rodeo Queen, Deann Gregory, 17, is the daughter of Travis and Mary Gregory of Stilwell. She is a senior at Stilwell High School. She is a member of FFA, FHA and HOSA. Her hobby is horseback riding. As Queen of the Roundup Club she has represented them well by participation in opening ceremonies at the following rodeos: Catoosa, Old Fort Days (Fort Smith), Vian, Muldrow, Watts, Westville, Sallisaw, All Indian Rodeo (Tahtequah), Stilwell Fall Rodeo. Jesie Hurst - 1988 Rodeo, Sweetheart The 1988 Sweetheait,'Jessie Hurst, 6' is the daughter of Jay Hurst of Sallisaw and Jo E l l a Hurst of Tulsa. She is in the first grade at Cidny La Rear School in Tulsa. She enjoys horseback riding and is a member of the Arkie-Okie Trail Ride. As Sweetheart of the Roundup Club she has represented them well by participating in opening ceremonies at the following rodeos: Eufaula' Old Fort Days (Fort Smith) Vian, Sallisaw, Muldrow' Watts, Wiestville, All Indian Rodeo (Tahlequah)'Stilwell Fall Rodeo. Thir page made possible through tho contributions of the followang. Guy Strickland Chevrolet & Olds Pho.918-696'7075 1O4 South 2nd Street sTr{-wELL,OK 74960 P.O.Box 308 "ln Search of Excellence" This page made possible through the contributions of the following. BLACKBURN'S CHRISTIAN FAMILY BOOKSTORE 119W. PlumStreerStitwell, OK F E E DS T O R E Marion,Lorine,Tom BILLYJ. BRUNK,O.D. optometrist DAYLIGHT DOUNUT SHOP Mr. Brs Shopping Center 918-696-6717 C O L L I N SF I R E S T O N E -14- JAYIS DINER Jay & Lucille Wilson Stilwell, Oklahoma -15- I _r '! I First prize winner in the category was Sti7wel7 Foods. con nerciaT float The courthouse square entertainnent for free and for free strawberries in the afternoon. placed Frrst Christian Church R.ligiot6 category. first in was the pTace to be FairchiTd; by Barbara and shortcake Tater the This page made possible through the contributions of the following. SHARPE'S D E P A R T M E N TS T O R E S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a STATE FARM I N S U R A N C EC O . Larry Strauss- 696-4114 ) \ 4 STILWELL TOM'SECONOMY TIRECO. T U M B E RC O M P A N Y , I N C . Stilweli,Oklahoma S O O N E RS U P P L Y COMPANY Mr. B's ShoppingCenter 1 696-601 Stilwell,Oklahoma STILWELLREALTY& HOMERENTAL -18- 724South2nd 696-5622 This page made possible through the contributions of the following. ADAIRCOUNTY voNNtEs PAWN SHOP AUCTION LIVESTOCK Vonnie,Shirley and Paul Randy Roller & Danny Smith WALMART CHARLES R.WINNCPA Stilwell, Oktahoma 209 Division BTLLSAUTOpARTS 713 North 2nd Street CENTURY21 FARU& HOilE REALESfATE 696€295 -19- I Tulsa Man Wins "RunFor The Berries" Over 100 runners participated in therrRun for the Berries" five-kilometer race. The race started on U.S.59 at the First ChristianChurch. Darrin Rohr, 23, Tulsa was the overall winner. He f inished the course in 15 minutes and 12 seconds. Finishing first among the women was Randi Thompson, 13, Poteau, in 17 minutes and 50 seconds, The "Run for the Berries" 5-kilometer course is TAC sanctioned and measured for accuracy by certification expert Glen Lefarlette. FTaaing Rainbow University's firssstin the civic category. fToat pTaced Stigler High SchooT's band pTaced first in the High School diuision of band conpetition. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. H A R TF U N E R A LH O M E ANO MONUMENTCOMPANY S e r v i n gA d a i r & C h e r o k e eC o u n t i e s THE HART FAMILY SERVINGYOURS a Pre-arranged Planning a H a r t F a m i l yC e r t i f i c a t e s a C u s t o mD e s i g n e dM o n u m e n t s T H R E EL O C A T I O N S T O S E R V EY O U TAHLEOUAH STILWELL WESTVILLE 456-8823 1 5 0 6N . G B A N O ( H W Y8 2 N O R T H ) 696-6996 H W Y l O OW -20- 723-5422 MAIN & MARKET This page made possible through the contributions of the following. GREEN'SOKLAHOMA LIQUIFIED GAS - 2nd& Maple & Laundry -696-4115 1100 NOrth 2nd PaulLaney EASTPARK DTNER Hryy.5l Easr Billand CathySwift HERMAN JONES F a r mB u r e a uI n s . 696-7228 ctRcLEs FooDsroRE JOE'STV & VTDEO 18 South1st Street HOP-IN FOOD STORES Stilwell& Tahlequah - 21- I F I R S TO U E E N I N 1 9 4 8 This year's Strawberry Festival Queen, Miss Angela Brewster, is the 42nd Adair County young lady to reign over the annualevent in Stilwell, F O R M E RS T R A W B E R R YF E S T I V A LO U E E N SA R E : 1948- Pat Reed 1949- PatsyProck 1 9 5 0 -C a r l i n eE m e r s o n 1 9 5 1 - P a t s yL e e 1952- Norma Lee Latta 1953- Delores Steddum 1954- EarbaraCaviness 1 9 5 5 - B e s s i eP h e l p s t956- Annetta Johnson 1 9 5 7 -M a r yJ a n e C a b e 1958- DeloisNolire 1 9 5 9 - M o n a r a yS t a n f i l l 196O-ShirleyTate 1 9 6 1 -D e v e r y B l utter 1962- Marilyn Todd 1963- SandyJ. Goodall 1964- DeannaBriggs 1 9 6 5 -C a l e n eG r e e n 1966-RiraKay Carson 1 9 6 7 - K a r e nN i c h o l s 1968- CarolynCarson 1 9 6 9 - B e v e r l yG r e e n 1 9 7 0 - M a r g a r e tC o u c h 1 9 7 1 - D o n n aP a d g e t t 1 9 7 2 - K a t h yR o s e b e a r y 1973- Lydia Lewis 1974- NinaReagon 1 9 7 5 - K a r e nB a u b l i t 1976- DaLanaHudgins 1 9 7 7 - T a m m yS m o t h e r s 1978- BetsyCox 1 9 7 9 - D o n n aT e r r e l l 1 9 8 O -V i c k i G u t h r i e 1981- StephanieGoodall 1 9 8 2 - M o n i c aM a r t i n e z 1983- BrendaLawrence 1984- Shellie Fay Cureron 1985- Cheryl Lynn Tackett 1 9 8 6 - C h a r l e n eG r e e n 1987- Stephanie Cain 1988- Jamie Johnson THE CHEROKEE NATION OF OKLAHOMA SALUTES THE 42ND ANNUAL STILWELL STRAWBERRYFESTIVAL AND THE. S T I L W E L L K I W A N I SC L U B This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. ROLLINGWHEELS REEDSHARDWARE SKATECENTER ouenton& Gene 6g6-7oss SLOAN'S DAIRY BAR STTLWELLCAFE Highway62 West Westville,Oklahoma DoilyKester STILWELL MERCANTILE Stilwell, Oklahoma -22- Wilma Mankiller P r i n c i p a lC h i e f John A. Ketcher Deputy Chief NORTHSIDE AUT9 -23- I At mict-afternoon, the strawberry auction was -on the banclstand. Tire auction brqught gg,SSO for t0 crates. B E S TB E R R I E S AUCTION RESULTS Auction results are listed with the placing, ex_ address, strawberry u"ii"iv, i,iv""r, and f;',:::r, lst- O.D. Hooper, ^_S^tilwell, Cardinal, Stilwell Foods, Inc., gt.25o. ^ zno- Adair countv olgllto, Stitwett, carcrinar, , g75O. Means Furniture, Jro- Darryl Lockard, Stilwell, Cardinal, Rowan,s tGA, $1,250. 4th- Bairdrs Stonev Stilwelt, All Star, --poil!,^^ Bank of Comnierce. g90O. iln- tsob Cain. Stilwell,..Cardinal, Reasor,s $7S0. 6th- Homer Hignite, stilw-efl, Cardinat, MidFirst Savings and Loan, $r.O5O. 7th- Harold Brannon and Son, Stitwell, -!!"'v"' Ailas, Bank of Commerce, . $l,OOO. 8thO.^ pierson, pr"iiie-6tue, Ark., Cardi_ I_., O", gth- ffifb. Stricktandcnevrorbtanl otds, James Wooctward,, .Tahleqgah, Cardinal, cuy Stricktanct Chevrotet "nobro3, d;$:,-'. toth- Gtadyswoodward, stiiwerrl'6"jrjiil]i su r,"ul Foods,Inc., 9650. Hooper,s chanpion strawberries soiLd 9. ?: for $1,250 to Strifwejl Foods at ,n" ,ri*n"ri, a^ucdon. Wayne Eubanks, jeft, representiig Stilwell Foods, was the successful bidder. RESTROq{ AVAILTBLE L_rorEaDIe restroons for nen and nooen nill ":E up in rhe area of *," u"ijJiinj :: "o strauberry Festival Day in Stifwefi. This page made possible through the contributions of the foltowing. Thaspage made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. . MIDWEST REFRESHMENS T ERVICE RAYCHEM CORPORATION 3904 Ayers Road Fort Smith, Arkansas TZgOg ( 5 0 1 )6 4 6 _ 7 9 3 6 ElectronicsDivision 15O1L.B.J.Freeway,Suite 45O Dallas,Texas 75294 J I M C A R S O NI N S U R A N C E -24- 1 O 2 W . D i v i s i o n- 6 9 6 - 7 1 9 1 Jim Carson,Agt. - Robert Crozier,Agt. -25- I PASTPRESIDENTS Past presidentsof the Stilwell Kiwanis Club date back to 1946. Many still live here,while some are deceased and others have moved away. 1946- Dick Brody(dec.) 1967- L.T.Spray 1947- Otto Alderson 1968- J.L. Hailford 1 9 4 8 -J a c k C h a f f i n( d e c . ) 1 9 6 9 - H . D .G o u n d ) 9 7 O -H . D .G o u n d 1 9 4 9 -J o e H . C a r s o n( d e c . 1 '1 95O-Jean R. Reed 1971- Phil Keeter 1 9 5 1 - B a r n e sP e m b e r t o n 1 9 7 2 - C h a r l e sM c F a r l a n o 1952- NorvelHenley 1973- Jack Perrv 1 9 5 3 - G e n eL . G r a y 1974- Larrv Roberts 1 9 5 4 -K e n n e t hR a i n s 1 9 7 5 -J a c k S m a y 1 9 5 5 -J o h n M c G i n n i s 1 9 7 6 - E . R .K i r k b r i d e 1956- Jact K. Hott (dec.) 1977- Larrv Eubanks 1957- BerryA. Ferguson 1978- Larry N. Strauss ) ' N e a l 1 9 7 9 - J a m e sY o u n d 1 9 5 8 -D . C .( T o b e O 1 9 5 9 -J i m D e J a r n a t t 1 9 8 O -J o h n H . F r e e m a n 1 9 6 O -J a c k B a r h a m 1981- Tom C. Todd 1961- KennethCarleton 1982- CharlesW. Crozier 1962- ColbertStarr 1983- Jack E. Kay 1963- Ben Briley(dec.) 1984- Dean Jackson 1 9 6 4 -J u l i u s H . T h o m a s 1 9 8 5 - B o b b yR a y 1965- WadeZumwalt(dec.)1 986- James F. Carson 1 9 6 6 -W . N e i l M o r t o n 1 9 8 7 -A n d y I n m a n 1988- Hiram McFarland C L U B S P O N S O R SF E S T I V A L T h e S t i l w e l l K i w a n i s C l u b , w h i c h h a s s p o n s o r e dt h e Strawberry Festival ever since its inception, has had an unbroken tradition ol communtty servlce since it was chartered 42 Years ago. t'We Serve", the Stilwell Under the motto of Kiwanis Club Sponsors such diversified activittes as the Boy Scouts, the annual Strawberry Festival. and the summer baseball program for area boys and girls. Club members participate in f und raising activities "Pancake Day" which traditionally is held the such as morning of the opening day of deer season. The Strawberry Festival dates back to 1948 when the Stilwell Kiwanis Club decided to do something about stimulating interest in one of Adair County's malor economic resources. The Strawberry crop lhat year was valued al about "the biggest berry $75O.OOO and was described as harvest the area has ever experienced." Kiwanis Crozier, This page made possible through the contributions of the following. oLrvEs L L O Y D E . C O L E ,J R . SERVICESTATION ATTORNEYAT LAW Highway59 North MARKETBAsKET NOTRHSIDE CAFE clenn & Barbara Mike & Lor-Lee Sanders Hwy 59 North MHANSFURNITURE Sralwoll.OK L&L PRINTING 1(X!W Divlslon -re- Teftt Robert CTub Officers'.fron Vice Presidenti Mike DoubTehead' and Lynn Carson, SecretatfTteas- f,resident; This page made possible through the contributions of the following' CAMPBELLOIL G&DSTATION& SPEEDYMART Lester,Joyce, Heather& Heath Gampbell c0. illHl'sAsst|RAllct B||$lll$S CharlesBowman 683-4545 DavidWalters 683-4405 Muskogee, Oklahoma -27- I H I S T O R I C A LB R I E F S Stilwell was hamed for Arthur Edward Stilwell who built the KansasCity Southern Railway,founded several dozen hamlets and villages, and created a city, port Arthur. Tex.. named for himself. Between lgg6 and 1912. he made sizablecontributionsto the economic growth of the south-central states of Oklahoma, Arkansas,Louisiana, and Texas. Stilwell was a red haw thicket, interspersed with persimmon trees, in 1895 when the Kansas City Southern Railway bought a right.of-way from Mrs. Martha Johnson and Mrs. ElizabethFreeman.Very soon. lots were offered for sale and a town plat laid out. The United Stares Congresspasseda bill in 1g3Ofor the removal of the Five CivilizedTribes from the southeasternpan.of the U.S. into IndianTerritory.nowknown as Oklahoma.Alt of Adair County became a pan of the Cherokee Nation. Many. Cherokeesvvere already here when, in abour 1838, the Eastern Cherokees were forced to leave their homes in Georgia,Tennessee,and North Carotina and were driven over the infamous lTrail of Tears,' ending in the northern part of Adair 'Cbunty at Mission Mounrain. About 91 p€r cent of the personsliving in the southern part ot Adair Cgunty are of Cherokeedescent.Also, the county has the gr..ebtestconcentration of,Gherokee Indiansin the United States.' . Enjoy your stay in Stilwell' participate in all the activities planned for your enjoyment during the Forty-second Annual Strawberry Festival and please feel welcome to visit Stilwell and Adair County again. With best wishesr LARRY E. ADAIR STATEREPRESENTATIVE olsTRlcTNo.s6 . MAYEg@UNTIES ADAIR. DEI.AWARE 1207KERRYDRIVE 7.1960 STILWELLOKLAHOMA (918)6*2118 $+E STATECAP]TOL 73105 oK|-AHOMACnY,OK (46) 5e1-2711 Thir page made possible through the contiibutions of the following. SHELTERTNSURANCE Larryo'Neat 696-3700 BLACKARD REALESTATE Stilwell, Oklahoma FI"ETCHER€ HARDWARE & TOOI RENTAL Service& Dependabllity Stnce1906 Stilwell NursingHome Stilwell. Oklahoma PARROTT'S JEWELRY STORE Stilwell. Oklahoma LUCILLE& RAY HITSON ROCK'S IRON BLACKDIAMOND AND METAL CO. " S l i m " J, a m e s A N G U SR A N C H & Jane 696-7595 -28- This page made possibla thlough the cont.ibutions of the following. 10863 Rockwall Road Dallas, Texas 75438 -29- I Small town makes good. lllsusB of ilepresentutiues STATE OF OKLAHOMA SHAWNEE'S BEST SHORTCAKES Dommm Stilrcll, Ollehom, ciu f989, poputatton 2,369. n the earlybdies Slilwell,Oklahomawas a small by harduorking,good bwn A townpopulafisd people.The perbct dace br a youngcompany insislenton down-homegoodnesa Stilyeell, Oklahomais slill small.Stillgood.And,afier fody-sevenyears,still homeof StilwellFoods.The companyhasgrownand prospered.Butwe havenl bst our old-fashioned Sndads of gtoodness. We silillinsiston gardenfreshnessin our vegetablesand thefinesilqualig of ingrcdierrts br <ltr bakerypoducb. Tastyfrozen\€getablesandfruit Mou0Fwderingfrczen dessefts.T.enderandflakypie crusts.Lookbr themin yourgmce/s freezer. Stilu,BllFoods.Sltillinsistingon the smalltown lhat makesgood. 2 cups Shawnee Baking Mix 2 Tablespoons Shortening 2 fablespoons, Sugar Scant 2,/3 cups Water Mix all the above ingredients together. R o ff o u t a b o u t 3 / 4 i n c h t h i c k . C u t w i t h b i s c u i t c u t t e r o r cut in squares to preferred size. Brush tops with melted butter. Bake in 45O degree oven 10- 12 minutes. Serving suggestion: Serve with STILWELL slrawbernes and whipped cream. State Representatives Larry E. Adair, D- Stilwell and Robert H. Henry, D- Shawnee, submitted this recipe which is officiallyrecorded in the Oklahoma House of Representatives offrcial proceedings of the Fortieth L e g i s l a t u r e ,M a y 1 5 , 1 9 8 5 . trvlalcesgood frozen and breaded vegetables. Makes good frozen fruia Iylakes good frozen fruit cobblers. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. ARKHOLASTILWELL READYMIX Makes good frozen pie cnasts. S Y N E R G YG A S HWY 59 North - Srilwell Hwy.59North STILWELL STILWELLTIRECENTER P H A R M A C Y ,I N C . 124 W. Division Stilwell, Oklahoma Ron Hill - Owner @ THEMUFFLER sHoP The best specialty frozen food company in America. -30- Stilwell, Oklahoma rerufnir,lrnr" Tulsa. Oklahoma -31- S T R A W B E R R YM E R I N G U E S ( B y B e t t yI n m a n ) 3 / ac u p s u g a r 2 tsD. cornstarch 1 tsp. white vinegar 3 egg whites dash salt dash cream of tartar Beat egg whites, salt and cream of tartar unt|twnites form soft peaks. Gradually add sugar, beat until mixture is stiff and glossy. Beat in cornstarch and vineg.ar: Arrange in 8 four inch circles on plain ungreased brown paper on baking sheet, spread mixture higheron outside edges. Bake at 275 degrees F. for t hour or until meringues are firm and lightly browned. Cool on brown paper. Store in airtight container. At serving time spoon ice cream in meringues, cover with sliced sweetened strawberries and top with whipped cream. S A K O W I T ZA M B R O S I A I pt. strawberries,hulled and halved 1 cup seedlessgreen grapes,halved 1 small fresh pineapple,about2 cups in bite-sizepieces 1 mango,peeled,seededand cubed 2 red apples,cored and diced 7zcup powderedsugar 1 cup flaked coconut 2 tbsp. sherry 2 tbsp.apricotbrandy P e e l a n d c u t p i n e a p p l e i n b i t e - s i z ep i e c e s .L a y e r f r u i t i n l a r g e s e r v i n g b o w l ; s p r i n k l ew i t h s u g a r a n d f laked coconut. Combine sherry and apricot brandy; pour over fruit. Toss lightly to mix. Chill in ref rigerator about 2 hours before serving. (Note: Apples may be dipped in mixture of lemon juice and water to prevent darkening.) Serves 1O This pbge made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. C E D A RT R E E F A V O R I T ER E C I P E S STRAWBERRY PIE (Mrs. FloYd Cox, Zion) 1 quart frozen strawberries thawed and drained Reserve berries to add later. In sauce pan add: 2 cups drained strawberry juice 1 cup sugar 5 tablespoons cornstarch (rounded) Cook 3 minutes. Add red food coloring. Cool. Add strawberries and 3 sliced bananas.Pour into b a k e d p i e s h e l l s .T o p w i t h w h i p p e d c r e a m . M a k e s two 8-inch pies. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES P r e p a r e ,w a s h a n d d r a i n s t r a w b e r r i e s F i l l q u a r t s t r a w b e r r y b o x w i t h b e r r i e sa n d e m p t y into 51/zquart pan. Add y2 box sure-jell and stir u n t i l d i s s o l v e d .A d d 3 c u p s s u g a r a n d m i x w e l l ' L e t come to rolling boil. Time and let boil 6 or 7 m i n u t e s . S k i m o f f f o a m . E m p t y i n t o P y r e xd i s h a n d let stand a day or so beforeputting into jars. Store i n f r e e z e r o r r e f r i g e r a t o r .W i l l k e e p i n d e f i n i t e l y . S T R A W B E R R YI C E C R E A M ( M r s B o bB a i l e Y ) 2 % c u p ss u g a r 3 cups strawberries(crushed) I T.Vanilla 6 eggs 2 cans Milnot % tsp. salt B e a t e g g s u n t i l l i g h t c o l o r .A d d s u g a r g r a d u a l l y . Add salt, vanilla, and crushed strawberries, in blender. Add Milnot and beat at low speed until mixed good, then add strawberries. Makes 1 gallon. This page made possible through the contributions of the following' B A R O N C E N T E RM A R T CHIMNEY SWEEPS Ray & Edith Dobbins R o n a n d R o b i nG r a y Bobbie, Jennifer, Seth P E G G Y ' SF L O W E R S F A M I L Y S H O E S T O R E F t o w e r sF o r A l l O c c a s i o n s -32- HAIR SALON Dial696-HAIR MR O'S SHOP.N.GO C&D USEDCARS Stilwell. Oklahoma PHILMAHANEYCUSTOM ACE HARDWARE AUTOPAINTING Hwy. 51 FabbitTrap,Stilw€ll HEADQUARTERS AAA ABSTRACTCOMPANY.lNC. NancyGarrettFarrier,Manager 2nd & Olive- 516S. 2nd 209 North 2nd Street -33- 1001North2nd Cirris& DelbertMeyer I Many Churches A variety of religious denominationsare represented in Stilwell. From English to Cherokeei over 60 churcheshold services regularly. The ctxrrch€ lrrclude: ASSEMBLYOF GOD BELL BAPTISTCHURCH BUNCH BAPTISTCHURCH CALVARY CHURCH OF EAST PEAVINE CENTRAL BAPTISTCHURCH C H E R R YT R E E B A P T I S T C H E R O K E EC H I L D R E N SM I S S I O N C H E R O K E EH I L L S U N I T E D P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U C U L A T EC H U R C H CHURCH OF CHRIST C H U R C HO F G O D O F T H E A P O S T O L I CF A I T H FAITH TABERNACLE FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH F I R S TC H R I S T I A NC H U R C H F I R S TU N I T E D M E T H O D I S TC H U R C H F R E E H O L I N E S SC H U R C H G R A C EC H A P E L G U I D I N GL I G H T C H U R C H H O N E YH I L L C H U R C H LIGHTHOUSE CHURCHOF GOD M U L B E R R YB A P T I S T PENTECOSTALHOLINESSCHURCH ROCK SPRINGSBAPTIST S A L E M B A P T I S TC H U R C H SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTCHURCH U N I T E DM E T H O D I S TI N D I A N C H U R C H Z I O N U N I T E D M E T H O D I S TC H U R C H , , R U NF O R T H E B E R R I E S " Over 115 runners crossed the finish line last year with Darrin Rohr (23) from Tulsa the over-all winner in our 5-K Run. Randie Thompson (.|3) from Poteau was the first woman to finish. This year's run will be Saturday, May I 3, Strawberry Festival Day and will begin at 8:00 a.m. As last year, the run will begin at the First Christian. Church, Hwy 59 at Pine and finish at the bandstand in downtown Stilwell area. The tooo course is flat, fast and scenic through the downtown Stilwell area. An added feature this year is $500 in prrze money. The overall male/female winnbrs will be awarded a crate of Stilwell Strawberries olus $iOO in first place prize money. Second place receives $75 with $90 to third place in the male/female open division. Two $25 gift certificates will be awarded by random drawing from the field of runners. Standard age division runners will recerve plaques with medallions going to the 2nd and 3rd place standard age division finishers. The awards and strawberries will be presented at the bandstand, downtown Stilwell at 9:30 a.m. prior to the Strawberry Festival parade. A souvenir T-shirt, soft drinks, water and fruit will be provided all participants. The entry fee is $8.00 prior to race day with $1O.OOon rice oay. All participants 19 years and below - $5.00. The course is certified and the run is TAC sanctioned. For more information and entry forms please contact Leonard Navarre, P.O. Box ,|52, Stilwell, OK 74960 -- (918) 696-7241 / 8100 a.m. to 2:00 o.m. 'Run For the Berries' E N T R YF O R M Address * * * * * Telephone Birthdate This page made possible through the contributions of the follciwing. EASTSIDE ABSTRACT W . H . L a n g l e y ,J r . CARSONLOAN COMPANY Tom J. Carson Male/Female T - S h i r t S i z e ( A d u l t s i z e s o n l y - p l e a s em a r k o n e ) S M L X L I h e r e b y c e r t i f y t h a t I a m i n g o o d p h y s i c a lc o n d i t i o n a n d r e l i e v e t h e S t r a w b e r r y F e s t i v a la n d t h e S t i l w e l l K i w a n i s C l u b o f a n y l i a b i l i t yc o n c e r n i n g t h e S t r a w b e r r y " R u n f o r Berries" run. S i gn a t ur e (lf under 18, parent or guardian) BIGBY COMPANY Big Apple Restaurant BigBFood&Deli Beacon Drive-ln -34- -35- 42nd ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAVf\4AY '!3" .tggg Velcome to the Festiaal A PartnerIn Stilwell's ProgressSince1969 Stifwelf,Okfahoma