1992 - City of Stilwell
1992 - City of Stilwell
I 4 5 t hA N N U A L STRAVBERRY FESTIVAL May 9, 1992 S t i l w e l lO , klahoma KIWANIS CLUBOFFICERS REGGYCOX President LYNNCARSON DAVIDWEST Vice President Past President G H A R L EC SR O Z I E R Treasurer G R E GJ O N E S Secretary K I W A N I SC L U BM E M B E R S LarryAdair B i l l yB r u n k DrewCarson Jimes carson Joe LynnCarson LynnCarson KyleCatron WayneCollins ReggyCox Joe Crittenden CharlesCrozier RobertCrozier MikeDoublehead WillieDunaway BerryFerguson J. L. Halford RayHitson JohnEwart SteveGarrett JohnFreeman RandyProctor LarryStrauss DeanJackson GregoryJones DewayneLittlejohn Sam Love HiramMcFarland NesbertMiller GaryJones GeorgeRoberts LarryRoberts Guy Strickland DavidWest MikeWhorlow P h i lW i l t f o n g Betty Matevia BrendaBlackwood W. F. Dubbs Jim Panter PRESIDENT'S WELCOME A heartywelcometo our grand little communityin the foothillsof the Ozarks! Welcometo our celebration of one of our chief industriesherein Adair Countyagriculture,the harvestingof the berrycrop. Someof the finesttastingberriesin the worldareraised and harvestedhere in our community. This year,we salutethe "Yearof the Indianr'. 1992was proclaimed such by our state'sleader,Gov.DavidWalters.We have a great heritage here and are proud to celebrateit. Oklahomahas the highestconcentration of Indianpeopleanywherein the UnitedStates.I hopeyou will enjoy the festivitiesinvolvedin our 45th AnnualStrawberry Festival. Many, many hours of work are donated to pleasanttimefor the wholefamimakethisan enjoyable, ly. The KiwanisCluborganizes the festivaland has the cooperation of the entirecommunityin makingall thear. rangements necessary for the day. Specialthanksare due to the Chamberof Commerce, the Mayorand City Council,the StilwellUtilityworkers,the PoliceDepartment,The Fire Department, the StilwellSchools,and most of all to the local strawberrygrowers. All have workedtogetherto make sure there is somethingfor eachfamilymemberto enjoy. Lookthroughthe booklet to find what interestsyou. The concernof our KiwanisClub is to make this a betterplacefor our community's children.Thatis what the Festivalis all about. The funds we raise throughthese festivitiesmakepossiblethe many programswe sponsorfor our youth. I sincerelyhopethat this will be a greatday for you and your family. Havea wonderfuldayl SPECIALT H A N K S ReggyCox KiwanisClub President Special thanks to Frances Hewin of Hewin Photographyfor furnishing the oueen and Attendents' photographs. This pagemadeposslblethroughthe contrubulionsof the followlng. BAIRD'S FARMand STONEY POINT MACHINE Hwy.51 West - Stilwell "Welcometo the FesttYat" This page made possible through the contributions ol the following. H A R T F U N E R A LH O M E A N D M O N U M E N TC O M P A N Y Serving Adair & Cherokee Counties THE HART FAMILY SERVING YOURS a Pre-arranged Planning a Hart Family Cerlificates a Custom Designed Monuments THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU TAHLEOUAH WESTVILLE STILWELL T IHVING, TEXAS75A62 2408 TEXASDRIVE [214) 255,-1877 456-8823 1506N. GRAND 'HWY82 NORTH) 696-6996 'IOO HWY -3- W 723-5422 MAIN & MARKET 1992 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS BOOKLET...... WayneCoilins PUBLICITY.... StevenGarrett PROGRAM..... StevenGarrett A U T O SF O RT H ED A Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S. .t .r .i .c.k. G t aunyd PARADE......... .....David West BANDSFORPARADE ........Chartes Crozier LUNCHEON... ..DrewCarson SHUTTLE 8USES........... .......John Freeman AUCT|ON....... .DeanJackson CARNIVAL.... .DeanJackson CONCESSION ....GaryJones C O N C E S S I OPNE R M | T S . . . . . . . .......CityCterk panter TROPH|ES..... ......Jim STRAWBERRIES TO BANDS...........................Kyte Catron RUN................ . . . L y n nC a r s o n TRAFFICCONTROL............................Dewayne Litilejohn ROP|NG......... .......John Sawney-KeyClub S P O N S O R S H 1 P S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. .y.n. .n.C . .a. .r.s. .o. n Joe BANNERS...... .....................George Roberts STRAWBERRY SERVING TO PUBLlC.......Chartes Crozier ARTS& CRAFTSBOOTHS..........................ADCO Kiwanis (May7th).........................Betty QUEENCONTEST Matevia BrendaBlackwood PARADE CHAIR8ENTA1......... .GaryJones RandyProctor F L O A TJ U D G E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B . .rBuini lk FLY-1N............ . . . . . . . N eMb i l t e r DEDICATION The Stilwell Kiwanis Club is proud to dedicate this yea/s Strawberry Festival Booklet to the late Otto Alderson. Otto was chahman of the ctub,s Charter Comittee and Vice hesident back in 194.6when this ctub was organiz_ ed. The following year, 194.7,Otto served as hesident of the club. The Stilwell Chamberof Commerce,in lggl. recognized Otto Aldeaon for his many years of service and as a pioneer in the Stilwell Chamberof Commerce. Truly, both organizationsare grateful for hisinsight and work This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. :}B Facet H i g h w a y5 9 S o u t h StilweflO , klahoma PROGRAM FOR45Ih ANNUALSTRAWBERRY FESTIVAL 1992 STRAWBERRY RUN............ 8:00a.m. LynnCarson ENTERTA|NMENT................ 9 : 0 0a . m . Reflections N A T I O N AALN T H E M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. . .m. ... . ' 1 0 : 0 0 INVOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a1.0m: .0 5 RandyProctor F L A GS A L U T E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a1.0m: .0 8 Webelosof Cub Scout76'l-Fred Holtz PARADE......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. 1. m 0 :.1 0 DavidWest- ParadeMarshalI GlenJohnson-HonoraryParadeMarshall J.C.Watts-Masterof Ceremony AWARDSPRESENTATIO N....................... 1'l:45a.m. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPECIALGUESTS CROWNING OF FESTIVAL QUEEN.........1 1:50a.m. FESTIVAL LUNCHEON... 12:00noon DossStilwellCafeteria E N T E R TN AM f E N T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n. .o. o . .n. . 1 2 : 0 0 KountryKuzzinsSquareDanceGroup RiverCity Cloggers ENTERTA|NMENT................ 1 : 0 0p . m . lllinoisRiverFolksBluegrass AWARDS TOCHAMPION GROWERS..... 2:15p.m. BERRY AUCTION....... . . . . . .2. . 2 5p . m . FREESTRAWBERR|ES........ 2.45p.m. ARTSANDCRAFTS............... Friday- 1:00p.m. Saturday- All Day RODEO.......... 8:00o.m. Thursday,Friday,& Staurday p.m. SQUARE DANCE.............Saturday.............8:00 SkatingRink This page made possible through the contributions of the following. IGA ROWAN'S Dale & Mary Rowan 6 1 0N . 2 n d 696-3350 CO. TRADING STARR CO. MOTOR STARR 500 S. 2nd - 696'3200 Stilwell,OK 74960 -5- T Sfilwell, Oklohomo - Bandstand servlngs of berries l.g" _ A rta and Crafts - Beginning parade of - Ehding p a r a d e of - lte.orial Hospital - Festival Luncheon I : J 4 5 b / t , Route @parade t' ,, t. 3 -3€t {sqgGD .-ttto_ o.,* GEn N A + S K YH U M E ReignlngStrawberryFesilvaleueen I o This page made possible through the contributions of the following. Farm& HomeReattv L 6EXU-__ -.171 r _to Siilwert, OKtanoma 74960 fiusineistsrSi6s?-oi9-d C0.0P /n?f,n FARMERS Junction \-^--rl 51 & Sg Feedand Fertilizer STILWELL _JOURNAL ?FMgcRAr 118 N. Second - Stilwell, Oktahoma- -6- Miss Sky Hume, 1g year old daughter of Butch and tva Hume,is the_199i reigning Silwberry Festivaleueen. Sky is a Freshman at Northeasrern State University. Sh" ,". a member of the 1991 graduatingclass at Stilwell High Scnoot. Sf<V,s nign schoot aaivities inctuded: uittr *Jl"iJ.,J" crro, Publications, Future Farmersof America,Reflections Chorus,presidenrof 4_H,Choru" O;";., s;;;i"n crro Senorita,VarsityCheerleaderCaptain, anJi,Vno,s -'Si" Who Am.ericanHigh Schoot Stuolnts. ," " 1T:lS memberof the StilwellAssemblyof God Churcn Sky wouldlike to extenda specialthanksto both of her grandmothersDora Girdnerand the late AnnieHumefor encouraging her to run foi StrawOerry FestivalQueen. Thispagemadepossiblethroughthe contributions of the following. RAYCHEM CORPORATION Electr onicsDivision 1 5 0 l L . B . J .F r e e w a yS , u i t e4 5 O Dallas,Texas 75234 -7- I G L E ND . J O H N S O N LUNCHEON SPEAKER 1991FestlyalQueenSky Hume,conter followlng her coronatlon.In lhe plcturewlth her are the at. tendanls,from lefl: TracyLaRose,socondlunner. up and Wallsl Roblnson,llrst runner.up;Eddle Slough,govornorol lhe Texas.Oklahoma Dlstrlct of Klwanls,who crownedthe queen. This pagemadeposslblethroughlhe contrlbutlonsol the lollowing. NORTHSIDE BODYSHOP ilORTHSIDE AUTO SALES Hwy 51 West - 696-2432 Afterthe crowningceremonies the queenwill be attendingthe Strawberry Festivalluncheonat the Doss StilwellCafeteriaat the high school.The luncheonis open to the public at a cost of $S.00per person.proceeclsgo to the Kids' Summerprogramsponsoredby the Kiwanis.This year's guest speakeris Glen D. Johnson,Speakerof the OklahomaHouseof Represen. tatives. Glen,an attorneyfromOkemah,receivedhis B.A. Degreein Government from the University of Oklahoma in 1976.His honorsinclude:Top Ten Freshmen,1973; LetzeiserAward,1976;and phi Beta Kappa,1976. He receiveda J.D.Degree,Universityof Oklahomain 1979. Glen was electedto the House of Represen_ tatives in 1982.He has servedas Chairmanof the CriminalJusticeCommittee;JudiciaryCommitteeand Appropriation and BudgetCommittee. Also he hasserved as Chairman of the HouseMajorityCaucusandMajor_ ty FloorLeader.Glenwas electedSpeakerof the House in Januaryof '1991.He is the youngestSpeakerof the Housein the UnitedStates. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. JimAdair 696-2937 THETIUFFLER SHOP JOPLI}I PRINTING CO. 713% North2nd Street 696-5312 J o p l i n ,M i s s o u r i I{EVAG.BROWN STEWART'S USED CARS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1400W. Locust Stilwell,Oklahoma CERIIHED N'Bttr ACCOUIITAl{T 1206N. 2nd - 696-5600 203West Division JamesStewart& Joe Stewart (918)696-281 1 -8- -9- T ENTERTAINMENT Bettyand KeithStretchof Wagoner,Oklahoma PrlncessJenniferKookenand PrlnceJoshuaKuykendall YOUNGROYALTY J e n n i ef r D ' L e a d a w nK o o k e n , a g e f i v e , daughterof Kenny and Carol Eubanks,was chosen Princessat the Twelfth Annual StrawberryFestival Princeand PrincessPagent.Ghosento reignwith heris age five, son of Dwayneand JoshuaGlen Kuykendall, DebbieKuykendall. They were chosen from among twenty-five boysand girls,age four,five,and six. First runners up are Holly Nichole Crittenden,age four, daughterof Mitchelland DonnaCrittenden,and John LanceKelley,son of Daleand Diane Kelley. Second runners up are Kasey Meyer, daughter of Ghris and Patty Meyer,and Jimmy Lee Matlock,son of Jerryand JaniceMatlock. The annualevent is sponsoredby Soroptimist Internationalof Stilwell, and organizationof women. businessand professional This page made possible through the contributions of the following' EIA,I-DOR WESTUILLE, OK 74965 ElectricMotors-Electric MotorGrinders PolishingLathes 10- Cloggingis a LivingFolkdancewith it's orginin the AppalachianMountainsin the 1800'swhere immigrantsfrom England,Scotland,and lrelandhad settled. lt was madepopularby BenSmatherson the Grand OleOpryin the40'sand50's.lt is nowin a revivalall over the U.S.as well as othercountries. Betty first becameinterestedin cloggingabout 15yearsagg whenshe sawan exhibitiondancein Louisiana.In 1986she begancloggingunderthe instruction of Alan Keeneof Tulsa. Mr. Keeneis notedfor bringing this styleof danceto Oklahoma.Bettyhas beenclogging on a weeklybasiseversinceandteaches,alongwith her husband,Keith,four times a week in Tahlequah, Salina,Wagonerand Muskogee.Also, Betty teaches beginningand intermediatecloggingat Northeastern StateUniversityin Tahlequah. "Cloggers"which is an exhibitiongroup who performed have at the Blue Grass Festivaland Chili Cookoff, Tulsa; T-Town Barbeque, Tulsa; Cookson Jubilee,Cookson;WesternHills Lodge,Wagoner;River City Playhouse,Tahlequah;NortheastSquareDance Festival,Tulsaand manyotherfestivalsand programs. This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contrlbutionsof lhe lollowing. WILLIAMS FOOD STORE 320West Locust S t i l w e l lO ,K JIMDATIDY DRTVE-tll Jack and Betty Guffey uFwPosT 10829 Post Meeting FirstThur.7:00P.M. AmericanLegionBuilding MR.B'SPTZZA Hwy 100 696-3560 FEEDER'S SUPPLY 1 9 N . 1 s tS t . - S t i l w e l l Fred& RondaHoltz SEARS CATALOGUE SALES John& SuzanneEssary- Owners -11- T RODEOBEGINSMAY7 Festiaal Doy The StrawberryFestival Rodeo will begin on Thursday,May 7, with performanceson Friday May g and SaturdayMayI at 8:00p.m.eachevening.The rodeo is sopnsored by the StilwellRoundupClubandwill have rodeo professional competition in bareback bronc riding,steerwrestling,calf roping,and otherevents. By PatrlciaIngles lf you'reeverin Stilwell,Oklahoma in the monthof May, We havesomethingfor you, Thatwill reallymakeyourday Crateaftercrateof Strawberries homegrown and w h a ta d e l i g h t . Crafts and music, good food and floats and hometownpeople, Who will treatyou right. So whenyou enterStilwell,go to the courthouse souare. TheStrawberry FestivalstartsMaythe gth. " S o ,n e i g h b o rw, e ' l ls e ey o u there!" Short Season YALONDAPATTERSON 199i Rodeoeueen YalondaPatterson,17 year-olddaughterof Robertanc, DiannePatterson, is a Juniorat StilwellHighSchool. Yalondahas riddenwith the Old Fort DaysCocaColaDandiesfor two years.She is an activememberof FFA,StudentCouncil,BetaCluband is Secretary of her JuniorClass. She raises and shows Beefmastercalves.She rides two Appaloosageldings named ,,pepper"and "Chiet Qrazy Horse". Yalondaattendsthe StilwellChurchof Christ. This page.made possible through the contributions of the' folldwing. EASTSIDEABSTRACT W.H. Langley,Jr. CABSOiI tOAtICOMPAilY TomJ. Carson -12- The strawberry season is relatively short, starting early in May and ending about June 1 - but it's long enough for everyoneto get his or her share. Cratesof strawberriessell especiallyfast on StrawberryFestivalDay,so thosewishingto buy are reminded to get their share as early in the day as possible. Growers will be in Stilwell on FestivalDay to sell berries near the band sland where mtrch of the action takes place. Hundreds of people, including migrant workers, sfudentsand housewives,jump in each year to harvest the strawberry crop. A good picker.canpick about 1OOquart boxesin a six hour day.A few yearsago,73 pickerspicked25O crates lrom 2/z acresfor one of the besl days on record anywhere in the county. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. Ozmrs ErBcrnrc Coopnurrvn STILWELL,WESTVILLE,OK FAYETTEVILLE. AR -13- Conr. I i ALL.SCHOOL REUNION The twelfthannualAll SchoolReunionwill begin at 5:30p.m.,May 9, with registrationat the door of the Doss Stilwell Cafeteriaat the Stilwell High School. Alumni dues of $b.00may be paid at the registration table. The programwill includethe presentation of the outstandingalumnusof StilwellHigh School,scholar_ ship recipienttrom the 1992 graduatingclass, and awardsto the oldestalumnuspresentand the alumnus who traveledthe greatestdistancefor the reunion. This year two individualswere selectedas outstandingalumnusthey are, Betty Barkerand Carl Stevens Betty retired in 19g9 from the Stilwell School Systemafter over 38 years in the fieldof education. Shewas bornin Stilwell,thedaughterof Floyd and Ada Starr, and graduatedfrom Stilwell High Schoolin 1945.She receiveda bachelorof sciencedegree in educationin 1950anda master of educationdegree in 1962 from Northeastern State Betty Barker University. Betty was twice namedTeacherof the year for the StilwellSchoolSystemand was selectedAdair CountyTeacherof the year in.lg7l. Always a teacher, after retirement from Stilwell,Betty took trainingin the Laubachmethodof teachingreadingand has worked with the Spanish LiteracyMission at CalvaryBaptist Church since it beganin 1989. For many years she has taught a first gradeSundaySchoolClassat the First BaptiJtChurch. whereshe is a member. Currenily she is chairpersonof the Adair County history book committeeand co_editorof the Historyof AdairCountybookwhichwas just released. Thls pagemadeposslblethroughthe conlributionsof the lollowlng. STILWELL LIUESTOGK AUCTIOil, INC. RandyRoller ARKHOLA STILWELL READY MIX Bettyand her husband,Bill,liveon a farmin the Chalk Bluff community. They haveone daughter, Dianne Barker,Tahlequahattorney,and two grandchildren,Angel Risenhoover, Tahlequah,and Melinda McLemore. St. Louis.Missouri. Mr. Stevens was a s e n i o ri n S t i l w e l lH i g hS c h o o l in 1943when he volunteered for the UnitedStatesNavyduring WorldWar ll. He servedon the U.S.S.Warhawk,an attack transport ship, attaining the rankof Seaman1st Class. He spenttwo yearsand five months in the Navy. A ft e r r e t u r n i n g f r o m GarlSlevens WWll, he returnedto Stilwell and graduatedin 1946. After graduation,he attended ConnorsStateCollegeon a lootballand boxingscholarshipfrom 1946to 1948.He thenattendedNorthwestern Universityfrom 1948to 1950on a footballscholarship and therereceiveda bachelor'sdegree. In 1950,as a memberof the Stilwellunit of the OklahomaNationalGuard,Carlwas recalledto active duty to fight in the KoreanWar,with a rankof 2nd Lieutenant.Afterarrivingin Korea,he transferred to the 45thDivisionAirborneRangers.He organized andcommanded and elite f ighting f orce called "Stevens Raiders". In 1989the 45th Divisionof the Oklahoma NationalGuarddecidedto re-name the NowataUnitafter Steven'sRangerunit in the KoreanWar. Garl was honoredwith a banquetand commissionedHonorary Colonelby the BrigadeCommander, GeneralSmith.The NowataUnit now proudlybears the name ,,Steven's Raiders". CarlmarriedKatherine SueBucknerin 19S3. Theyhavetwo marriedsonsandf ivegrandchildren. Garl is the son of Al and MinnieStevens. This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsof the lollowing. ACEHARDWART 209 North 2nd Street Hwy.59North . BAROT{ CENTER MART Ronand RobinGray Jennifer,Seth,Bonnie CEDAR TREE CHIMNEY SWEEPS RAY& EdithDobbins 696-7819 WALMART Stilwell. Oklahoma WALMARTPHARMACY Hwy 100 West - 696-3186 Flowers For All Occasions 24 N. FirstSl. - Stilwell WORKMAN'S DEPT. INC. STORE, 235 N. Muskogee - (918)456-6931 PHILMAHANEY CUSTOM AUT()PAINTING Hwy. 51 Rabbit Trap, Stilwell 696-4536 -14- PEGGY'S FLOWERS -15- Tahlequah, OK74464 AAA ABSTRACT COMPANY, II{C. NancyGarrettFarrier, Mgr. C H A M P I O N S H IBPE R R I E S n.# Stilwell Area Chamberol CommerceBoard of Dlrectors:seated (L-R)Ms. Dolly Kester, vlcepresident;DlaneKelley,presldent;standlng(L.R) Reggy Cox; Brenda Blackwood; Nancy Garrelt Farrler ; CharlesW. Crozler;Joe Lynn Carson; Roberta Jackson, and Dean Watl, recordlng secrelary.Nol plclured:BarbaraJones,pasl presl. dent; Wayne Lacle, Mlke Doublehead,and Joan Hatfleld,Sec./Treas. C H A M B E RO F C O M M E R C E MEMBERS M e a n sF u r n i t u r e AAA Abstract BettyMatevia AdairEnterprises, Inc. Mr. B's Pizza LarryAdair NorthsideTrading Liz Bailey LarryO'Neal,Inc. Bankof Commerce EdithNelson CarsonLoan & lnv. RowenaOgden CherokeeNation CherokeeNationlndustries OklahomaEmployment SecurityComm. City of Stilwell OzarksElectric LloydCole Community Rehab Medical Quantek E q u i p m e nItn, c . D a y l i g hD t onuts Democrat-Journal Double"O" Trophies EastsideAbstract F a m i l yC a r eC l i n i c Farm& HomeRealEstate FarmersProduce FeltsFamilyShoeStore FirstGhristianChurch Fragrance and Flowers SteveGarrett GuyStricklandGhev. Dr. B. F. Green H & R Block Hart FuneralHome L u l aM a eH u r l b u t J & J's Special-Tees and More Stg. DerrellJames GaryJones,DDS L & LP r i n t i n g LibertyPropane VianStateBank Reed'sHardware Ron Rhoads J o eR i t t e r RobertsFuneralHome RowanIGA StarrMotorCompany StateFarmInsurance StrawberryPatch MaryStilwell StilwellFoods S t i l w e lLl u m b e r StilwellPharmacy S t i l w e lP l u b l i cS c h o o l s SoonerSupply Taxes-R-Us TommyThompsonCPA FloydA. Thompson Tyson Foods Wal-Mart R u t hW i n t e r WilliamsFoodCenter MemorialHospital (Domoctat.Journal Pholos, by Kalhy Gachos) ChamplonshlpStrawberrles,shown by Mr. and Mrs. DarylLockard,were sold for $2,800. D a r y l L o c k a r d ' s c h a m p i o n s h i pC a r d i n a l strawberries of Stilwellwas boughtby the Bankof Commercefor $2,800at the Strawberry Festivalauction. The second place berries,All Star variety,exhibitedby O.D.Hooper,Rt. 1 Bunch,was purchasedby Rowan'sIGA for $1,900. Otherauctionresults: Third,AdairCountyOrchard,Stilwell,LateGlow variety,purchased by StilwellFoodsfor $1,500. Fourth,JamesWoodward,Tahlequah,Cardinal variety,purchased by FreedomFinancefor ggOO. Fifth,GladysWoodward,Rt. 4 Stilwell,Cardinal variety,purchased by StilwellFoodsfor $850. The1991contestberriessoldfor a totalof $7.950. This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributions of the following. ROLLING WHEELS SKATE CEiITEB 696-7055 Stilwell,oK GREEN COUNTRY FLOOR COVERIiIG 4602S' MuskogeeAve' Tahlequah, OK - (918)456-4411 PEOPLES BANK W e s t v i l l eO , K W e s t S i l o a mS p r i n g s ,O K BIGT'S INDIAI{ARTS ANdCRAFTS Hwy 59 North2 miles T h o m a sM u s k r a t- N a n c y F i o b e r t s -16- -17- FARMERS PRODUCE Hwy.59 North Gene& BonnieGray BRUNER'S USED CARS Hwy 59 North - David Dewayne- 696-3280 ) I t: ThousandsFill Streetson FestivalDay Floals that calry a message.'.. . (Democrat.Journal photos, by Ksthy caches) (Democral.Journ.l Pholos, by Kathy Gachesl ChurchFloats... Canall be seenin the parade. Vehlcles ol all klnds are In parade. . . . This pagemadepossiblethroughthe conlributionsol the followlng. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. 4,oberrs Funeral flome t / ?{omc of Ozark Burial Association I P. O. BOX 472 P. O. BOX 176 sTrLwELL, OKLA. 74960 WESTV|LLE.OXLA. 74965 PHOiJE9tS-696-2136 pHoNEglS_723_5438 -18- STILWELL LUMBER COMPANY, INC. Stilwell, Oklahoma STATE FARM INSURANCE C0. SHARPE'S DEPARTMENT STOBE Stilwell, Oklahoma TSM'S ECgilgMy T;RE 6e6-3014 LarryStrauss- 696-41 14 Stilwell,Oklahoma STILWELL REALTY & HOME RENTAL SOONER SUPPLY COMPAilY 724s. 2ndst. - (e18) 6e6-s622 Mr.B's center :3SgBT,r -19- I M A N YC H U R C H E S A varietyof religiousdenominations in Stilwell. FromEnglishto Cherokee' are represented over60 churchesholdservicesregularly. Thousandsllne up lor Strawberrlesand Shortcake All ages enloy borrlesand cake The churchesInclude: OF GOD ASSEMBLY CHURCH BELLBAPTIST CHURCH BUNCHBAPTIST CHURCHOF EASTPEAVINE CALVARY CHURCH CENTRALBAPTIST CHERRYTREEBAPTIST SI S S I O N C H E R O K ECEH I L D R E N 'M PRESBYTERIAN C H E R O K EHEI L L SU N I T E D CHURCH CHUCULATE O FC H R I S T CHURCH FAITH CHURCHOF GODOF THEAPOSTOLIC FAITHTABERNACLE CHURCH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP CHURCH FIRSTBAPTIST F I R S TC H R I S T I AC NH U R C H M E T H O D I SCTH U R C H F I R S TU N I T E D SH U R C H F R E EH O L I N E SC G R A C EC H A P E L L I G H TC H U R C H GUIDING H O N E YH I L LC H U R C H OFGOD L I G H T H O U SCEH U R C H BAPTIST MULBERRY HOLINESSCHURCH PENTECOSTAL BAPTIST ROCKSPRINGS CHURCH SALEMBAPTIST CHURCH DAYADVENTIST SEVENTH N D I A NC H U R C H M E T H O D I SI T UNITED W H I T M I RC E O M M U N I TCYH U R C H Z I O NU N I T E DM E T H O D I SCTH U R C H (Domocral-Journal Pholo by Kathy Gaches) This page made possible through the contributions of the tollowing. This pagemadepossiblethrough the contributionsof the lollowlng. JR. E.COLE, MART LLOYD SPEEDY STILWELL StilwellNursing Home S t i l w e l l .O k l a h o m a cARS0l{& CR0Z|ER 102W. Division 696-7191 Jim Carson,Agt.-RobertCrozier,Agt. -20- Attorney-At-Law "Welcometo the Festival" Ronand RobinGray Jennifer,Seth,Bonnie HOLIDAY MOTEL "O'' TROPHIES DOUBLE Hwy.59 South - 696-7777 S t i l w e l lO , klahoma THEHEAD OUARTERS HAIR SALON 315N2nd-696-HAIR S t i l w e l l ,O K -21- (918)696.5797 S t i l w e l lO , K TAXES.R.US 918-696-2141 720S. 3rd Stilwell,OK 74960 T . . R U NF O RT H EB E R R I E S ' ' IS BIGATTRACTION THE CHEROKEE NATION SALUTES THE45THANNUAL STILWELLSTRAWBERRY FESTIVAL A N DT H E STILWELLKIWANISCLUB Men, women and chlldren of all ages begln the 1991"Run for the Berries". The 5th Annual "Run for the Berries"which startedon U.S.59 at the First ChristianChurchand finishedat the Bandstandin DowntownStilwell.was won by Tim Ownesof Fayetteville, Ark. in 16 minutes and 8 seconds. , The five kilometercourseis TCAsanctionedand certifiedfor accuracy. RESTROOMS AVAILABLE Portablerestroomsfor men and womenwill be set up in the area of the bandstandon Strawberry FestivalDayin Stilwell. Thls pagemadepossiblethroughthe contrlbutionsof the'followlng. BIGSLICE RESTAURANT Wilma Mankiller PrincipalChief Stilwell BIGBFOOD&DELI BEACON DRIUE.I}I Stllwelland Tahlequah John A. Ketchel Depury Chief -22- BAIIDIDO'S MEXIGAN RESTAURAilT Tahlequah MAGIC LUBE & OIL 2 Locations - Tahleouah -23- T Tl tt5E.' BankCom%erce Hometorcn Banking Since 7937 KiwanisClub Otficers:(lefi) CharlesCrozier,treasurer; (back)Lynn Carson,vice president;(right)Greg Jones, Secretary;(front)ReggyCox,president. CLUBSPONSORS FESTIVAL The Stilwell Kiwanis Club, which has sponsoredthe StrawberryFestivalever since its inception,has an unbroken tradition of community service since it was chartered46 years ago Underthe motto of "We Serve",the StilwellKiwanisClub sponsors such diversified activities as the Boy Scouts, the annualStrawberryFestival,and the summerbaseballprogram for areaboys and girls. Club membersparticipatein fund raisingactivitiessuchas "PancakeDay" which traditionallyis held the morningof the openingday of deerseason. The Strawberry Festival dates back to 1948 when the Stilwell Kiwanis Club decided to do something about stimulatinginterestin one of Adair County'smajor economic resources. The Strawberry crop that year was valued at about $750,000and was describedas "the biggest berry harvestthe areahas ever experienced." M A I NB A N K D R I V E . IB NA N K SERVING STILWELL AND A D A I RC O U N T Y This page made possible through the contributions of lhe lollowlng. BILLY J. BRUNK, O.D. Ootometrist 918-696-671 7 DAYLIGHT DONUT SHOP Mr. B's ShoppingCenter CHRISTIAN FAMILYBOOKSTORE 1 1 9W . P l u mS t Sue Coleman- 696-3841 COLLINS FIRESTONE S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a -24- HERMAN JONES FarmBureaulns. 696-7228 soNtc DRtvE-tN "No Place Hops Like Sonic" 696-3424 - 696-3425 Bank- r I tLSe comofrerce P.O.Box 512- Stilwell,OK 74960 (918)696-7745 M e m b eF r DIC -25- T FAVORITERECIPES STRAWBERRY PIE (DiannaMays) 1 can condensedmilk 1 quart strawberries 2 tbl. Lemonjuice Smallcontainercool-whip Grahamcrackerpie crust M i x : L e m o n J u i c e , S t r a w b e r r i e sa n d m i l k together,fold in cool whip, pour mixture in graham crackercrustand chill. BUTTERFROSTING MAMA'SHOUSESTRAWBERRY (JohnDavidThomas) 6 tbl. butter(creamed) ADD 2 1/2cups sifted powderedsugar ADD 114cup strawberryjuice 1 1/2tsp. vanilla 1/2tbl. shreddedstrawberies add 2 additionalcups powderedsugar Gradually JAMS StrawberryJam 2 cups cleanedberries 2 cupssugar Placewhole berriesin good sizedpan and poursugaroverand startto mash. Cookovermedium heatfor 25 minutes.Pourintobowlandlet set untilcool. Pourin jars and seal with wax or lids. v VrnnSrarpBnnx WELCOMETO srrtWELL's 45THANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL PROUDTO PROVIDE COMPLETE BANKINGSERVICE This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsol the lollowlng. EASTPARK DINER CIRCLE INNMOTEL Hwy.5'l East Bill andCathySwift 1 1 5S . 2 n dS t . (918)696-7022 CIRCLE S FO(ID STORE GUYSTRICKLAND CHEVROLET & OLDS andLAUilDRY 2nd & Mapte- 696-41 15 (918)696-7075 JOH}IC.GARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAW 205W. DivisionSt. TO STILWELLAND ADAIRCOUNTY sTnf,i[EEnRY PATCH & HERBAL KITCHEN -26- 1 1 1W . D i v i s i o n DollyKester 1 ON O R T HS E C O N D STILWELL M E M B E RF D I C -27- 696-5711 I lllnuseof 4epresrntutiues STATEOF OKLAHOMA SHAWNEE'S BEST SHORTCAKES 2 cups Shawnee Baking Mix 2 Tablespoons Shortening 2 Tablespoons, Sugaf Scant 2,/3 cups Water Mix all the above ingredients together. Roll out about 3/ 4 inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter or cut in squares to preferred size. Brush tops with melted butter. Bake in 45O degree oven 10-12 minutes. Serving suggestion: Serve with STILWELL strawbernes andwhippedcream ***** State Representatives Larry E. Adair, D- Stilwell and Robert H. Henry, D- Shawnee, submitted this recipe which is officially recorded in the Oklahoma House of Representatives official proceedings of the Fortieth L e g i s l a t u r e ,M a y 1 5 , 1 9 8 5 . Enjoyyour stay in Stilwell,participatein all the activitiesplannedfor your enjoymentduringthe Forthf ifth Annual Strawberry Festival and please feel welcometo visit Stilwelland AdairCountyagain. LARRYE. ADAIR STATEREPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT NO.86 ADAIR.DELAWARE. MAYESCOUNTIES 12O7KERRYDRIVE STILWELL.OKLAHOMA ZI$O (918)69G7r18 442 STATE CAPITOL OKLAHOMA CITY. OK 73105 l40/sl521.2711 TOLL FREE r€00-522€n02 This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributlonsol lhe following. STILWETL PHARMACY, Il{C. Try Our Drive-thru Window 696-2500 HOP.IN FOOD STORES MEAilSFURNITURE FREEDOM FII{ANCE Stilwell, Oklahoma SYI{ERGY GAS H w y . 5 9N o r t h- S t i l w e l l Stilwell & Tahlequah FUILSERVICE TROTLI}IE RESTAURANTOLIUE'S 696-3474 DINE-IN/ CARRY-OUT -28- sTATtol{ This pagemadepossiblelhrough the contrubutlonsol lhe followlng. PANROTT'S STORE JEWETRY BTACKARD ESTATE REAL Stilwell,Oklahoma Stilwell, Oklahoma HARDWARE REEDS Quenton& Gene CAFE STILWELL 1'13West DivisionSt. FLOWER SHOP N&DCONOCO STILWELL 204 N. Second Welcometo the Festival H w y . 5 9N o r t h -29- 696-2250 Vinia& Bill presley T AD.COKIWANISOFFICERS Officersfor 1992are: FrederickHoltz,President;Louise Johnson,Vice President; LindaHagar,Secretary; Frank Muskrat,Treasurer. A D C O K I W A N I SM E M B E R S H I P PatsyMorton StevenMorton FrankMuskrat ThomasMuskrat ElaineRich NancyRoberts RebeccaMorton CarolynWalkingstick M i k eW i n i g e r HershalDotson CharlesBenham Bob Catron FrankFarrell FrederickHoltz LindaHagar BobJohnson LouiseJohnson RogerKester JimMcGee NealMorton FAVORITERECIPES MAMA'SHOUSESTRAWBERRY LAYERCAKE (John DavidThomas) 2 1/2cupsf lour 1 1/3cup buttermilk 2 cupssugar 112cup shortening 1 tsp. bakingpowder1 tsp. vanilla 1/2tsp. bakingsoda 4 egg whites 1/8tso. salt Gombinefirst 5, then add next 3 and mix on low speed30 seconds,thenhighspeed2 minutes.Add egg whitesand beat2 minutes.Pourinto 2 greased-floured 9" pans. Bakeat 350 degreesfor 30-95minutes. Cool completelybeforefrosting. Optional.Strawberry sauce to be poured over cakewhen served. Strawberry sauce-juice f rom one quart strawberriesmixedwith one cup sugar. Cookand add a mixtureol 4 tbl. of waterand 3 tbl. of cornstarch.Cool untilthickenedand add the quartof berries. Velcome to the Festiaal This pagemadepossiblethroughthe conlributionsof the tollowing. LUCILLE & RAYHITSON BTACK DIAIiIOI{D ATIGUS RAilCH 696-7595 RocK's tRoil ANdMETALCO. "Slim", James& Jane This BookletPrlntedBy: L&LPRINTING 103West Division- (918)696.6366 S t i l w e l lO , K -30- A PartnerIn Stilwell's ProgressSince1969 -31- T PASTPRESIDENTS FIRSTQUEENIN 1948 Past presidentsof the Stilwell Kiwanis Club date back to 1946.Many still live here. while some are deceasedand others have moved away. This year'sStrawberryFestivaleueen Sky Hume, is the 44thAdairCountyyoungladyto reign ou"i tn" "n_ nualeventin Stilwell. 1946- Dick Brody 1947- Otto Alderson 1948- Jack Chaffin 1949- Joe H. Carson 1950- Jean R. Reed 1951- BarnesPemberton 1952- NorvellHenley 1953- GeneL. Gray 1954- KennethRains 1955- John McGinnis 1956- Jack K. Holt 1957 - BerryA. Ferguson 1958- D.C.(Tobe)O'Neal 1959 - Jim DeJarnatt 1960- Jack Barham 1961- KennethCarleton 1962- ColbertStan 1963- Ben Briley 1981- JuliusH. Thomas 1965- Wade Zumwalt 1966- W. Neil Morton 1967- L.T.Spray FORMERSTRAWBERRY FESTIVAL QUEENSARE: 1968- J.L. Hallford 1969- H.D.Gound 1970- H.D.Gound 1971- PhilKeeter 1972- CharlesMcFarland 1973- Jack Peny 1974- Lany Roberts 1975- Jack Smay 1976- E.R.Kirkbride 1977- Larry Eubanks 1978- Lany N. Strauss 1979- JamesYoung 1980- John Freeman 1981- Tom C. Todd 1982- CharlesW. Crozier 1983 - Jack E. Kay 1984- DeanJackson 1985- Bobby Ray 1986- JamesF. Carson 1987- Andy Inman 1988- HiramMcFarland 1989- Mike Doublehead 1990- RobertCrozier 1991- DavidWest Thls pagemadeposslblethroughthe contributionsol the lollowing. FELTS SHOES Mr.B'ssh;ptins a;nter STILWELL MERCANTILE 19z[8- Pat Reed 1949- PatsyProck 1950- CarlineEmerson 1951- PatsyLee 1952- NormaLee Latta 1953- DeloresSreddum 1954- BarbaraCaviness 1955- BessiePhelos 1956- AnneftaJohnson 1957- Mary Jane Cabe 1958- DeloisNofire 1959- MonarayStanfill 1960- ShirteyTate 1961- DeverylButler 1962- MarilynTodd 1963- SandyJ. Goodall 19&l- DeannaBriggs 1965- CaleneGreen 1966- RitaKay Carson 1967- KarenNichols 1968- CarolynCarson BeverlyGreen MargaretCouch DonnaPadgett KathyRosebeary LydiaLewis Nina Reagon KarenBaublit 1976- Dalana Hudgins 1977- Tammy Smothers 1978- BetsyCox 1979- DonnaTenell 1980- Vicki Guthrie 1981- StephanieGoodall 1982- Monica Martinez 1983- BrendaLawrence 1984- ShellieFay Cureton 1985- CherylLynn Tackett 1986* CharleneGreen 1987- StephanieCain 1988- Jamie Johnson 198Sf- Angela Brewster 1990- AngelaRoss 1991- Sky Hume This page made possible lhrough lhe contribulions of the following. CHUCKWAGON CAFE Jay& LuciileWitson 696-381 1 AUTO, INC. FLETCHER'S HARDWARE SHELTER INSURANCE STILWELL 323S. 2nd _Stitwetl Larry o'Neal & T00LRENTAL (918) Service& Dependabilitv S i n c e1 9 0 6 696'3700 SUPER STOP MARTII{ MEDICAL CEI{TER 912W. Cedar- 696-7278 Hwy. 100West -32- RAYMANUFACTUBING C0MpAlly Hwy.100West_ 696.2294 Stilwell, Oklahoma Stilwell, Oklahoma 196919701971197219731974'1975- 696_2135 CHARIIE'S CHICKEI{ & BAR.B.OUE S t i l w e l tO ,K -33- MOUNTAIN VIEW WHOLESALE MEATS H o m e o f t h e F a m o u sH o t L i n k s _ 696_7393 800-284_4553 MARKET BASKET Glen& BarbaraBentz Lor-LeeSanders I FAVORITERECIPES INDIVIDUALSTRAWBERRY SHORTCAKES (BillyeBaird) Batterfor shortcake: 2 cupsflour 3 tsp. bakingpowder 1/2tso. salt 1/2tsp. creamof tarter 1/3cup sugar 112cup shortening 1 c u pm i l k Mix all dry ingredientstogether,stir well. Add shortening,cut into flour mixture,add milk just to moisten.Placeon flouredboard,pat to 1 inchthick,cut with biscuitcutter. Placeon greasedcookiesheetand bakeat 350degreesor 15minutesor untilgoldenbrown. (Recipemakesaboutone dozen.) Slicebiscuitin half. Placebottomin servingdish, coverwith strawberries, thentop halfof biscuit.Garnish with icecream,whippedtopping,whippingcreamor half and half. Eachpersoncancreatehis own masterpiece. Biscuitscan be storedfor late use. FRESHSTRAWBERRY PIE (CarolynDenny) 1 1/2cupssugar 1 1/2cupswater 114cup cornstarch Dashot satt Redfood coloring jello 1 pkg.strawberry 1 pint fresh strawberries 1 bakedoie shell Whippedcream Combinesugar,cornstarch, waterand salt. Cook until clearand thick. Removefrom heat,add color,add jello and stir well. Let cool, put strawberries in shell, poursauceover,chill. Top with whippedcreambefore serving. Thls pagemadeposslblethroughthe contrlbutlonsof the lollowlng. AMERICAN TEGION AIID AMERICAN TEGIOII AUX. Post 102 PRO CLEANERS ANdLAUNDRY 11 N. First- 6966610 HUDSO}I FARMS HATCHERY 713 North2nd Street 696-4125 KEATHLEY.PATTERSOl{ ELECTRIC CO. FARMERS INSURA}IGE Stilwell, Oklahoma (918)696-3371 -34- Festivalis a timeto come TheStilwellStrawberry with us. lt is backhomeandenjoya superhornecoming as we renewold goingto be a timeof joy andcelebration perhapsmakenewones. f riendships...and Thank you for coming to the 45th STILWELL FESTIVAL. Whilein the areaenjoysome STRAWBERRY of the otherattractions: * F l o a t t h e l l l i n o i sR i v e r * Boat, fish, and swim in Lake Tenkiller * Fish for trout in the lower lllinois River * See the Old Baptist Mission * Visit the Murrell Home Gelebratlng ."TNABOFTHE TNDIAN'' This page made possible through the contributions of the following. Northeastern State UniversitY Tahlequah, OK Hwy. 59 North - 696-4530 Ft. Smith.Ark. BILL'S AUTO PARTS C O M EB A C KH O M E TO STILWELL FAMILYCARECLINIC MD UNDERHILL, F""KEITH ilID F. GREE}I, BURDGE 696-7727. 696-3101 -35- Srill proudto call Stilwell homeafter 50years. ,",.ililT.@Jffi*q,. only a few yearsolder than this festival. We even named our company after its birthplace. We're proud to have come such a long way in half a centUry.But just like Stilweil the town, Stilwell the company will never outgrow the valueswe hold dear. Values like honesty. Integrity. Old-fashioned standardsof quality in our product and quality in the jobs we do everyday. We're proud to be nationally known as a leadingproducerof quality frozen vegetabies,fruits, dessertsand pie shells. And we're also proud to call Stilwell. Oklahoma. home. a StilwellFoods,Inc.
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