1991 - City of Stilwell
1991 - City of Stilwell
T 44th /,\f"ifl\i{"_lAr STRAWffiEWRY FESTNVA|,- Aueen SKY HUME M A Y 11 , 1 9 9 1 StilwellO , klahoma KIWANIS CLUBOFFICERS DAVIDWEST President REGGIE COX ROBERT CROZIER VicePresident Past Pres. G R E GJ O N E S Sec./Treas. KIWANIS C L U BM E M B E R S LarryAdair BillyBrunk DrewCarson JamesCarson JoeLynnCarson LynnCarson KyleCatron WayneCollins ReggyCox JoeCrittenden CharlesCrozier RobertCrozier HershalDotson MikeDoublehead WillieDunaway BerryFerguson MikeGreen J.L.Hallford RayHitson JohnEwart SteveGarrett JohnFreeman AndyInman DeanJackson GregoryJones DewayneLittlejohn Sam Love HiramMcFarland LouisMcGee NesbertMiller A.J.Morton GaryJones GeorgeRoberts LarryRoberts JackSmay,Jr. L.T.Spray GuyStrickland DavidWest MikeWhorlow P h i lW i l t f o n g CaryWyatt Betty Matevia BrendaBlackwood PRESIDENT'S WELCOME Welcometo the 44th annualStrawbeiry Festival! The StrawberryFesrivatis one of td i;;;;Jt events in the state of Oklahomawith thousanJ" oiiIop"f" "tt"n_ ding this fun occasion.We use ttrisevent-to f,elptund our youthsponsoredprojectsduringthe year. Ol behalfof my feltowKiwania-ns, f ,iani'to extend . to eachof you an invitationto join the tun, e"citement, and entertainment that this day nas ln store-'iirthose whoso choose.Thefestivitiesinclude: " i"rity iL rrn, " p,1t.9",the crowningof the StrawberryfestivaiOueen, a VIP luncheon,variouskinds of musicaf-en'tJJinment, the strawberryauction,a carnival,an f nl ioOlo, -iliit anctthe 'reunion. AlumniAssociations, all school rors"t about the free strawberriesand shortcake serveOin tfre afternoon. I would like to thank my fellow Kiwanians, tocal strawb.errygrowers, local busines""", siii*"ll Citv Gouncit, Stilwelt Chamber of Co-m-meice,"itifweff Schoots,Ad-CoKiwanisCtub,""d rh; ;;;;te of our community who have given their time, iilelt, anO resourcesto makethis eventa success. As.ourguest,pleasejoin in the activities. . Havef un and makethe 1991StilwellStrawberry fesiiual'agre"t one! Sincerely, ft ( z"/z \-z DavidWest president StilwellKiwanisClub ABOUTTHECOVER Official photographof Miss Sky Hume who at_ t€ndsStilwellHighSchool.will be crownedqueenof the 44th AnnualStrawberryFestivalon Saturday,May 11, 1991 Special thanks to Frances Hewin of Hewin Photographyfor furnishingthe eueen and Att€nd€nts' photographs. PARADE FORMSON 2NDSTREET The StrawberryFestivalParade,startingat 10 a . m .S a t u r d a yM, a y ' 1 1w, i l l f o r mo n N . S e c o n dS t . l t w i l l reachthe downtownareaaround15 minuteslater. lt usuallytakesaboutg0 minutesto passa fixedpoint. -2- This page made possible through the contributions of the tollowi;g. EBI Fec.f I H i g h w a y5 9 S o u t h S t i l w e f l ,O k l a h o m a -3- T 1991 FESTIVAL STRAWBERRY ASSIGNMENTS COMMITiEE """'WayneGollins lN TOWNADS"""""""" . . ' . . " " " " " """"WaynC e ollins BOOKLET....... "SteveGarrett PUBL|CITY..... ..""""""""'Hiram McFarland PROGRAM..... strickland nuios FORTHEDAY""""""""""""""""'Guy Crozier """""""""""Char|es PARADE......'.. " D r e w .Garson V I PL U N C H E O N ' . . . . . . . . . . . " " " " ' 'DeanJackson AUCT|ON....... DeanJackson CARN|VAL..... ""Gary Jones coNcESSION Whorlow Mike TROPH|ES..... catron BAN0s"""""""""""""'Kvle To iinnweennlES Garson " ' L y n n RUN................ "John Sawney ROP|NG....'...' Littleiohn inlif rCCONTRO1.............................Dawavne Eagleton .......""""""""Larry BANNERS...... smav " J.ack " """ " pu ic)"" (ro bl N G siinw -aaiRnY sERVI imMcGee nhis cnnrrs BoorHS....."""""""""""""'J crozier """""Robert OONTEST""" Oueeru Brunk F L O A TJ U D G E S ' . . . . . . . . """""""""'Bill DEDICATION We are pleasedto dedicate this year's Strawberry l9n-1961 'iiir"n"ry/Tr"urur"r' Festival Booitet to Norman T' Bond' Norman stafted a club Record the best durKeepingSystemthat was considered to be from Seuetary/Treasurer club as tetm ii'nii ni Yeat at the time i6sZ tnru 16il ' Norman alsoheld the Recotd the officeof SecretarylTreasurerlonger than iio,Hrg any other Kiwanianprior to his election' the This page made possible through f o l l o w i n g ' t h e contributions of IGA BOWAN'S Dale& Mary Rowan 6 1 0N . 2 n d 696'3350 CO. TRADING STARR GO, MOTOR STARR 500S. 2nd'696-3200 Stilwell,OK 74960 -4- PROGRAM FOR44THANNUALSTRAWBERRY FESNVAL 1991 STRAWBERRy FESTTVAL RUN............................8:00 a.m. Lynn Carson ENTERTA|NMENT................ ..........9:00 a.m. Reflections PLAINSMAN GUNFtcHTERS...............................9:45 a.m. ClintJones NATIONAL ANTHEM....... .............t0:00 a.m. AngieRoss lNVocATtoN ........10:05 a.m. GaryJones FLAGSALUTE..................... .........10:08 a.m. Scout Troop761 44thANNUAL STRAWBERRy pARADE...................10:10 FESTTVAL a.m. CharlesCrozier- paradeMarshall SandyGarrett_ HonoraryparadeMarshall Mike Doublehead _ Masterof Geremony P L A I N S M AG NU N F t c H T E R S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . r i : S Oa . m . C l i n tJ o n e s AWARDS P R E S E N T A T | O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:.4. .5.a. .. .m. ... . . . . i . t POSTER CONTEST AWARDS.....................----....i1:50 a.m. ANNOUNCEMEN OT F S P E C | AG L U E S T . . . . . . . . . . . 1a1. m : 5.5 DavidWest CROWNING OF FESTTVAL eUEEN....................1 1:55a.m. FESTIVAL LUNCHEON.. ............12:OO noon DossStilwellCafeteria ENTERTA|NMENT................ ......12:00 noon KuntryKuzzinsSquareDanceGlub RiverCity Cloggers P L A I N S M AG NU N F t c H T E R S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : 0 0p . m . ClintJones ENTERTA|NMENT................ . . . . . . . . . . 1p: 1. m 5. poindexterFamily Bluegrass AWARDTO CHAMptON GRO\iERS...L.--_..........e,rs p.rn. BERRY AUCT|ON....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. .2m : 2. 5 FREESTRAWBERR|ES........ .........2:45 p.m. ARTS& CRAFTS......... - 1:OO ......Friday p.m. RoDEo....... ........... .. .Frid"r.... ........:::::::J,.f,,;fl seuARE DAN.E :S:ii;#:llI T:11133i:il Skating Rink This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. B U N K E R I N D U S T R I E S I. N C . lrving,Texas75O6,| -5- STILWELL OKLAHOMA N A 1' I Sky Hume QUEENIS CHOSEN Miss Sky Hume, 17_year_old daughterof Butch andlva Hume,was chosenqueen of tne tgSt Strawberry Festival.Skyis a seniorat Stilwell High tivitiesinctude: Math and Science School.Heraciiri, pJ[ii"",i""", FutureFarmersof AmericaChapter, n"tr"iiiJi"'6norr", presidentof 4-H,chorus.queen, SpanishClub Senorita 1990-91, varsity Arts lnd ctsfls b@lh3 rlll be lealed !l th. w.3l and ol Division St., iu3l ndlh ol lh. Adair Counly Courthous.. cheerteader,' ti;;;;' iliJ ironn Hishstudents. srreaitenisSiitw;ti;ssembty lI"T'j."" Miss Hume.along with her wiil be featuredin the StrawberryFestivalattendents, parade. After the becrowned as thergsi'sirawoerry F::ifl";,BIr""::,, This page made possible through the contributions of the following' Af\ fuu uil -/ C0'0P FARMERS Junction51 & 59 Feedand Fertilizer Thls pagemadeposslblethrough contribuilonsot the followiij the { NORTHSIDE BODYSHOP iIORTHSIDE AUTOSATES Hwy 51 West _ 696-2492 Jlm and RussellAdair - EA_STERiI 696-2937 OKTAHOMA CUI{tc, J0PLr{PRt}tTtilG ft{c. _EYE c0. afidfrmll:f BANK, ssB,r'?:g,X?"t;,i ".li,;?i? l l ,K 1 0 N . S e c o n d ' S t i l w eO STILWELL DEMOCRAT- JOURNAL 1 1 8 N . S e c o n d - S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a -6- "^ & BRowif _ BALWr{ cgrllf ied pubticAccountants 219W. Division 696-2197 Stitweil,OK 74960 -7- Joplin,Missouri STIII4RI,S usED cARs tzvo N. znd _ 696_5600 . James Stewart & Joe Stewart OUEENATTENDANTS LUNCHEON SPEAKER SandyGarett The l99l StrawberryFestivalAueen'sattendantsarc: Miss WalisiRobinsontighil first runner-upand Miss TracyLaRose(left)secondrunner-up' is the eighfirst runner-up, MissWalisiRobinson, teenyearold daughterof Rickand FanRobinson.Sheis a seniorat StilwellHighSchoolandis a memberof State and NationalHonorSociety. Shewas chosenas Who's andIndian WhoAmongAmericanHighSchoolStudents, StudentHonorSociety.She is in the top 10 percentof her seniorclass. She is a memberof Fellowshipof ChristianStudents,the Math,Science,and Computer Glub,DrugFreeYouth,Vice Presidentof SpeechClub, Club,StudentGouncil,andservedon the IndianHeritage boardof directors,and vice presidentof KeyClub. Secondrunner-upis TracyLaRose.She is seventeenyearsold and is a seniorat StilwellHigh School. Sheis memberol DrugFreeYouth,SchoolbandpresiShe is the dent,SpeechClub,andVarsityCheerleader. daughterof TerryLaRose. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. After the crowningceremonies the queen attending the Strawberry Festival frn"t'"on will be StitweilHigh Schootcafeieria.fn" iu""f,"li-is at the opento the p-ublicat a cost of $5.00p", p"r"oneiil"Io, go ,o the Kids' Summerprogramsponsored by the Kiwanis. This year's gueqt sp;aker is Sandy Garrett, State Superintendent of publicInstruction. Sandy attended NortheasternState University and.theUniversityof Oktahoma ,n"r" "t" i"ijveo her Bachelorsand Mastersdegrees;p""t Ji"j""t" *"*. She atsoatrendedJohn F.kenne;tl";;;tou"rnment, HarvardUniversity,sprogram to. Lxecuiiues in state government. Sandy Garrett was appointed as _ Oklahoma,s Secreteryof Educationon July 1g, lggg and confirmed by the OklahomaStateSenatein ttre +enOSesion ot tfre StateLegislature.As CabinetS"cretary, sh"-uiolkswitn 53;4% ot the state budget anO tourieen "Jr""tionrelatedagencies.Ms.Garrettalso servesas cnairof tne newly estabtishedLiteracy Initiatives Cornrnjilion ror. the Stateof Oktahoma.frls.Carreti was "f ""i"i"" St"t" Superintendent public for InstructionlliorL-ri#" ov " 72ohmajorityvote on November6, 1990. Sandyis a nativeof Stilweliand Adair County. Thispagemadepossiblethroughthe contributions of the following. HOSPITAL MEMORIAL 1400W. Locust Oklahoma Stilwell, -8- RAYCHEM CORPORATION Electr onicsDivision 1 5 0 1 L . B . J .F r e e w a yS , u i t e4 S O Dallas,Texas75234 -9- ENTERTAINMENT YOUNGROYALTY Bettyand KeithStretchof Wagoner,Oktahoma RobinOwenand hince TravisJon Thomas Princess The 1991StrawberryFestivalPrinceand Princess are Travis Jon Thomas, son of Randy and Frankie Thomas,and RobinOwen,daughterof Dennisand Katie Hardesty. The first runners'up are Randi Rae Keen, daughterof Mike and KarenKeen,and Cody Ray Kirk' son of Danand Tena Kirk. StephanieSeay, daughter of Steve and Dana Seay,and P'atrickWayneKirk,son of JennieAdair,were secondrunners-uP. This page made possible through the contributions o{ the following' Cloggingis a LivingFolkdancewith it,s .. orginin the AppalachianMountainsin the tgo0is *iere immigrantsfrom England,Scoiland,"nO frelnO"tad setil19 lt was madepopularby Ben Sr"tf,"o on tne Grand ole opry in the4o'sand50,;. tt i" no* in " rJuivaiattover the U.S.as well as othercountries. Betty first becameinterestedin clogging about ]:_I:"r: l9f^ynen she sawan exhibitiondancein Loui. ll- 1986she beganctoggingundertne instruction :',"f. of AtanKeeneor Tulsa..vtr.reerL i" ""t"Jl"i oringing this styte of danceto Oklahoma.e"tty ;"! O-""i.l "roggon ins a weeklybasiseversinceand teacGlliong witn her.husband,Keith,four times a *""f in'tir"qu"t, Salina,Wagonerand Muskogee. Also, -rioiinl""t"rn Betty teaches beginning and intermediate ltogginl- "t StateUniversityin Tahlequah. "Cloggers" which is an exhibitiongroup who nave performedat the Blue Grass Festivai and Chili Cookoff, Tulsa; T-Town Barbeque,frir"; too*ron Cookson;WesrernHiils Lodge,Wago;ei; niver {y.bile_9, City..Ptayhouse,Tahtequahruorfireisi iqi"r"'o"n"" Festival,Tulsaand manyother festivais "ni-prlgr"rn". This pagemadepossiblethrouohthe contributionsol the foilowiig. REASOR'S JIMDANDY DRIUE.IN 320West Locust Stitweil,OK 0K 74965 wEsrvtLLE, MotorGrinders ElectricMotors-Electric PolishingLathes Jack and Betty Guffey uFwPosT 10829 PostMeetino FirstThur.7:00F.M. AmericanLegionBuilding MR.B'SPIZZA SEARS CATALOGUE SALES Hwy 100 696_3560 -10- FEEDER'S SUPPTY 329S. Second- Stitwetl Fred& RhondaHoltz John & Suzanne Essary _ Owners -11- fF,E, RODEOOPENMAY 10 FestivalRodeowill beginat 8:00 TheStrawberry p.m.on Friday,May 10.Therewill be two performances May11,oneat 2:00p.m'andthe lastat 8:00 on Saturday, o.m.The rodeois sopnsoredby the StilwellRoundup Glub and will haverodeo professionalcompetitionin barebackbroncriding,bull riding,steerwrestling,calf roping,and otherevents. +l Kimberlv Diana Drain - 1990 Rodeo Sweetheart I'm 13yearsold andan 8thgraderat CaveSprings for the 7th & 8th gradeHornet School.I playbasketball captainfor the 7th & 8th team.I am also cheerleading gradesquad. My favoritepast time is riding my horseMissy and going to Rodeo's. I hope my future has many rodeo'sin it. I'd like to thankthe peoplewho boughtchances from me, and helpedme win the Sweetheart.lts been great fun winningand going to Rodeo'srepresenting anyoneto run and StilwellRoundupClub. I encourage win. lt's greatwhen they call your nameand put that new saddleon your horse.Thankyou everyone. possiblethroughthe This page.made contributions of the' folltiwing. EASTSIDEABSTRACT W.H.Langley,Jr. LOANCOMPANY CARSON Tom J. Carson -'t2- TeilaKindte_ 1990RodeoAueen H i ! I ' m T e i l aK i n d l ea n d I a m y o u r 1 9 9 0 Stilwell RoundupClubeueen. I am 1gyearsold and my hobbies are horse-back riding,swimming,and goingto rooeos. I would like to inviteeveryoneto the Roundup ClubRodeowhichwill takeplaceMay 1Othand 11th. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. Oz,uxs Er,ncrnrc Cooprnlrrvn Conp. STILWELL, WESTVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, AR _13_ ALL.SCHOOL REUNION The eleventhannual All School Reunionwill at the door beginat 5:30p.m.,May11,with registration at theStilwellHighSchool. of the DossStilwellCafeteria Alumniduesof $5.00may be paid at the registration table. of the The programwill includethe presentation alumnusof StilwellHigh School,scholaroutstanding ship recipientfrom the 1991 graduatingclass, and awardsto the oldestalumnuspresentand the alumnus who traveledthe greatestdistancefor the reunion. This year two individualswere selected as outstandingalumnusthey are,NikkiTowryDeShazoand E.H."Bo" McGee. Section.JudgeDeShazo is alsoactivein the DallasBar Associationand hasservedas the chairman oitil vo"f TrialCommittee, as well as chairingtfre ruafionat Uocf TrialCompetitionheldin Dallasin tgge. president-Elect Nikkiis the of Executive of Daflasand wiil be insrailed"" pr"rij"ni-ii Women iuavU, 1991.She is a memberof the 1990_91 r_eaOeiJip'Oarfas Class,andis a frequentspeakerat professional andcivic groups. Marriedto EdwardV. Smith,lll, since 19g7, they share.many interests,includinga'rouetoitraiJi, or.v schedules, civicandprofessionilinvotvemeniinlpresident'sCouncilof the University of Northfe*"s, anOtneil. membershipin Westministerpresbyterian-dnurcn of Dallas. E.H. ,,8o,' Mccee, graduateof 1945has been electedOutstanding Alumnifor 1g91.He wasthe son of WilliamBoyd McGeeand NannieMay WatersMccee. He had ninesiblingsraisedin and aroundStilwell. He andfivebrothersservedin the U.S.ArmyduringW.W. ll. He and his wife, Sarah,live in Ft. Woith, Texlas where theyown ForwardManufaturing Company. E.H. "Bo" McGee Outstanding Alumnus Nikki Towry DeShazo Outstanding Alumnus A 1962graduateof StilwellHigh School,Nikki TowryDeShazowas the f irst of threedaughtersborn to Helenand LeRoyTowry. Shewas raisedin Stilwelland and Jr. HighSchool. Dur' attendedStilwellElementary ing high school,Nikki servedon the studentcouncil, was presidentof the studentnurses,and editorof the of her graduating yearbook.She was the valedictorian class. A memberof the State Bar of Texas,she serves on the Boardof the RealEstate,Probateand Trust Section,and is a PastPresidentof the Womenand the Law This page madepossiblethroughthe contributionsol the lollowing. COUNTY ADAIR AUCTION LIVESTOCK STILWELL ARKHOLA MIX READY RandyRoller Hwy.59 North MART CENTER BARON 21 CENTURY Ronand RobinGraY Bobbie,Jennifer,Seth FARM& HOMEREAI ESTATE 1 1 0 9N . 2 n d - 6 9 6 ' 6 2 9 5 STILWELL,OK 74960 TREE CEDAR SWEEPS CHIMNEY RAY& EdithDobbins 696-7819 -14- WALMART Stilwell, Oklahoma His recommendations for Ourstanding Alumnus werefor his successas a businessman, his cimpassion and care for his fellow man and his loyaltyto Stilwell High School. He is a friendly,outgoingperson with manyfriendsin and aroundStilwell. AlthoughForwardManufacturing Companypro_ d.ucesmany different products, it curienily iioor""" "lifts" used in auto repair shops. He has forty emptoyees and they all know him on first namebasis. his management philosophyis that ,,tewpeopL abuse privileges whentreatednicely." Bo hasalwaysbeena strongsupporterof Stilwell Schools.Heand his wifecontributescholarships yearty to two or more Stilwell High School stuOents. His philosophyof tife has beento ,,givea litile baci to the way of life he enjoyedas a youngster.,, This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsof the following. ACEHARDWARE 209North2nd Street WALMARTPHARMACY Hwy 100West - 696-3186 PEGGY'S FLOWERS Flowers For All Occasions 24 N. FirstSt. - Stilwetl t&L PRINTING 1 0 3W . D i v i s i o n- S t i l w e l l PHIL.MAHANEY CUSTOM AAA pAll{TlNG. ABsrRAcr .. 4UI0 coMpANy, mc. Hwy.51 RabbitTrap, Stitweil -15- N;;;y'e;;r"ti Farrier,Mgr. I ,W AUEEN Miss Angela Ross, left, her attendants, Misses Slnnnon Marie Grovq and AnesaAdair, and the 1989gueen, Miss Angela Brewsw. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ATTRACTS THOUSANDS Visitors to the 43rd annual StrawberryFestival weretreatedto a wide varietyof entertainment,starting with the Runfor the Berriesanda 60 minuteparade.The 1990 Strawberry Festival eueen, Angela Ross, was crownedon the bandstandfollowingthe parade. Theday'sactivitiesalso includedthe festivalluncheon,varietyof music,strawberry auction,and serving of free strawberryshortcake. The day closed with the festivalrodeo. Easy to Reach Stilwell is within easy driving distance of many points of interest in eastern Oklahoma, so make Stilwell your headquarters when you come to visit. This pagemadepossiblethroughlhe contributionsof the following. ROLLIiIG WHEELS SKATE CENTER 696-7055 S t i l w e l lO ,K PEPE'S FOOD FINEMEXICAN 696-27'14 Jose & Gori Martinez PEOPLES BANK Westville,OK West Siloam Springs, OK BIGT'SINDIAN ARTS ANdCRAFTS Hwy59 North2 miles ThomasMuskrat.NancyRoberts -16- PRODUCE FARMERS Hwy.59 North Gene& BonnieGray This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsof the following. ]' )" (oberts Funeral flome ?{omc of Ozarh Surial Association P. O. BOX 472 P. O. BOX t76 ST|LWELL,OKLA, 74960 wEsTvtLLE, OKLA.-74965 pHotJE9tE_696_2136 pxoNegtg_zzg_sl3a BRU}IER'S CARS USED Hwy59 North Dewayne - 696-3280 - David -17- Other contestantswere: 2nd Adair CountyOrchard(Cardindl), purchased by StilwellFoodsfor $1,600; 3rd,JamesWoodward, Tahlequah, (EarlyGlo);with a bid of $900from Reasor's; 4th, HaroldBrannon(EarlyGlo) with a bid of $600from FreedomFinance:and Sth Marshall Farrier(Cardinal) with a bid of $g00from people's Bankof Westville. BESTBERRIES LINING up to buy strawberries from the back of a pickup truck are several visitors to Stilwell,s lgg0 Strawberrv Festival. $2,100for theprize-winners. Daryl Lockard'sCardinalberriesfrom Lockard Farmwon first place,and receiveda high bid of $2,100 from the Bankof Commerce.The Bankof Commerce also boughtthe 6th Placeberriesfrom Baird'sStoney PointFarm(EarlyGlo)for $800. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. This page made possible through the contributions of the following. I' TnfltE, t StilwellNursing Home S t i l w e l lO , klahoma CARSON & CROZIER TEXAS75062 T IRVING, 2408 TEXASDHIVE [214J255-1877 -18- 102W.Division- 696-7191 Jim Carson,Agt.-RobertCrozier,Agt. -19_ I l J "Here's STTLWELLHIGH School's band' the Berry Best Hope" was the theme of the CalvarySouthern Baptist Church's float which placed l st in the religious category. Theftoatof theStilwettKiwanisClubwelcomedthe | 990 StrawberryFestivalVisitors. BAPTISTchurch'sfloatplaced2nd in BIDEINGCREEK thereligiouscategory. This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsol the following. LUMBER STILWELL COMPANY, INC. SHARPE'S DEPARTMENT STORE T STILWELL E. COLE, JR. SPEEDY MART LTOYD Stilwell, Oklahoma Stilwell. Oklahoma FARM STATE TSM'S ECgt{gMy T;RE 6e6-3014 I]{SURANCE C0. LarryStrauss- 696-4'114 Stilwell,Oklahoma REALTY STILU'ELL & H(|ME RENTAL S(IONER SUPPLY COMPANY 724S. 2ndSt. - (918)696-5622 Stilwell,OK 74960 -20- This pagemadeposslblethroughthe contributlonsol the lollowlng. Mr. B's ShoppingCenter 696-6011 , Attorney-At-Law "Welcometo the Festival" Ron and RobinGray Bobbie.Jennifer.Seth HOLIDAY MOTEL Hwy.59South- 696-7777 S t i l w e l lO , klahoma M & C BURGERS 696-5395 HWY100West,Stilwell,OK -21- MICHAEL GREEN, CPA 3 2 1S . 2 n d Stilwell, Oklahoma TAXES.R.US 918.696-2141 720S. 3rd Stilwell.OK 74960 ijji:ll.:::i **H$'tr'iu5,*, ffi.,,.. w $im STILWELL FOODS'float placed first in the commercial category of the parcde. '90 was the theme of the CherokeeNaHOMECOMING tion's float. lt ptaced 3rd in the civic category last YeaL SECONDPLACEin the commercialcategorywas won by CherokeeNationlndustries. Family members of Stitwell National Guard on a float "At the end of every rainbow is a Stilwell with the theme National Guard family and a pot of Stilwell Strawberries." This pagemadeposslblethroughthe contributionsof the'following. BIGAPPLE RESTAURAI{T Stilwell BIGBFOOD&DELI BEAC0I{ DRTVE-II{ Stilwell and Tahlequah MEXICAN BA}IDID'S RESTAURAI{T MAGIC LUBE & OIL Tahlequah -22- This page made possible through the contrubutions ot the following. FARMANd BAIRD'S MACHINE POINT STONEY H w Y . 5 1W e s t - S t i l w e l l "Welcome to the Festival" JOMICO.METAL FABRICATORS S t . L o u i s ,M i s s o u r i _23_ I RE-ENACTMENTof flag-raising on lwo Jima during World War ll was snged by the Stilwelt Nationat Guaid in the 1990Strawberry Festival hrade. ftom tef, they are Sgt. Shawn Green, pfc. Date Kester, and Spec. Mickey Salsman.At bottom is Johnny Buckner, a future private in the local unit The float won first in the civic category of the parade. T H EC H E R O K E N E A T I O NO F O K L A H O M A THE 44THANNUAL SALUTES FESTIVAL STILWELLSTRAWBERRY A N DT H E STILWELLKIWANISCLUB Everyone enjoys strawberries and shortcake, This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsof the lollowing. BILLYJ. BRU}IK, O.D. Ootometrist 918-696-6717 DAYLIGHT DONUT SHOP Mr. B's ShoppingCenter CHRISTIAN FAMILYBOOKSTORE 1 1 9W . P l u mS t Sue Coleman- 696-3841 C(ILLINS FIRESTOilE Stilwell, Oklahoma -24- Wilma Mankiller PrincipalChief HERMAN JOI{ES FarmBureauIns. 696-7228 John A. Ketcher DeputyChief TIORTHSIDE CAFE Hwy.59 North - 696-2670 B e t t yH i l l -25- I ARKANSANFINISHESFIRST Small town makes good. The4th Annual,,Runfor the Berries"startedon U.S.Hwy.59at the FirstChristianGhurch.Tim Owensof Fayetteville, Ark.,finishedfirst out of 200runners.Tim's timefor the 5K coursewas 16 minutes29 seconds. Thefive kilometercourseis TCAsanctionedand certified f or accuracy. Downtown population 2'369 Stilwell, Oklahoma, ctrca 1991' a small n the early fortiesStilwell,Oklahomawas gooo working' hard by town. A town populated people.The perfectplace for a young company insistenton down-homegoodness' frGircn"noma isstillsmall'Stillgood'And'after Foods' The, forty-nine years, still home of Stilwell NEARLY2N men, women and children took part in the 1990"Run for the Benies." Butwe haven'tlost companyhasgrownandprospered' goodness' of standards old-fashioned our and W" .titt in.i.t on gardenfreshnessin ourvegetables products' bakery our for ingredients of quality t.".t tn" frozen andfruit'Mouth-watering i".ty fto..in uegetaUtet forthemin Look pie crusts' tlaky and Tender O".t"ttt. qrocer'sfreezer' vour 'Stwit on thesmalltown f*Ot. Stillinsisting thatmakesgood. Makes good frozen and breaded vegetables. Makes good ffozen fruit' This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsol the following. EASTPARK DINER H w y . 5 1E a s t Bill and CathySwift CIRCLE INNMOTEL 1 1 5S . 2 n dS t . (918)696-7022 CIRCLE S F(IOD STORE Makes good frozen fruit cobblers' Makes good frozen pie crusts. GUYSTRICKLAND CHEVROLET & OLDS and[AUNDRY 2nd & Maple- 696-41 15 (918)696-7075 JOHN C.GARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAW 205W. DivisionSt. DOLLY'S STRAWBERRY PATGH 1 1 1W . D i v i s i o n DollyKester -26- @ in America' The best specialry frozen food company -27- lllnuseuf 4epru.oentutiues . STATE OF OKLAHOMA S H A W N E E ' S B E S TS H O R T C A K E S 2 cups Shawnee BakingMix 2 Tablespoons Shortening 2 Tablespoons, Sugar Scant 2/3 cups Water Mix all the above ingredientstogether. Rolfout about3/4 inch thick. Cut with biscuitcutter or cut In squaresto preferredsize.Bri.rshtops with melted butter.Bake in 45O degreeoven 1O-12 minutes. Servingsuggestion:Servewith STTLWELL strawberries a n d w h i p p e dc r e a m . State Representatives Larry E. Adair, D_ Stilwell and Robert H. Henry, D- Shawnee, submitted this recipe which is officiallyrecordedin the OklahomaHouseof Representativesofficial proceedingsof the Fortieth Legislature,May 15, ,|98b. all the Enjoyyour stay in Stilwell,participate.in Forth' during.the your enioyment for activities'pLnned please feel and Festival iorrtn nnnu"l Strawberry agaln' County Adair and Stilwell visit to welcome LARRYE. ADAIR STATEREPRESENTATIVE NO.86 DISTRICT COUNTIES ADAIR. DELAWARE'ltilAYES o*#fro'ilX'5,ff11%,ou ,o,-'[f3[1'-1.6i].11..'uo' 1207KERRYDRIVE OKLAHOMA74SO STILWELL, (918)696-7718 Thls pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributlonsof the followlng. STILWELL PHARMACY, INC. MEA}IS FURNITURE FREEDOM FINANGE FreeBloodPressureTest 696-2500 Thls pagc made posslble lhrough lhe contilbutlons ol lhe followlng' Stilwell, Oklahoma HOP.IN FO(IDSTORES Stilwell& Tahlequah STILWELL PUBLIG LIBRARY Vicki,Linda, and lva -28- SYNERGY GAS Hwy.59 North- Stitwell OLIVE'S FULLSERVICE STATION Hwy.59North GO. F. AYMOND EDWARD for RePresentative SCIENCE AMP/MATRIX -29- I PASTPRESIDENTS Past presidentsof the Stilwell Kiwanis Club date back to 1946.Many still live here,while some are deceasedand others have moved away. 1946- Dick Brody 1947- Otro Alderson 1948 - Jack Chaffin 1949 - Joe H. Carson 1950- Jean R. Reed 1951- BarnesPemberton 1952- NorvellHenley 1953 - Gene L. Gray 1954- KennethRains 1955- John McGinnis 1956- Jack K. Holt 1957 - Beny A. Ferguson 1958- D.G (Tobe)O'Neal 1959- Jim DeJarnatt 1960 - Jack Barham 1961- KennethCarleton 1962- ColbertStan 1963- Ben Briley 19Bl - Julius H. Thomas 1965- Wade Zumwalt 1966- W. Neil Morton 1967- L.T. Spray 1968- J.L. Hallford 1969- H.D.Gound 1970- H.D.Gound 1971- Phil Keeter 1972- CharlesMcFarland 1973- Jack Peny 1974- Lany Roberts 1975- Jack Smay 1976- E.R.Kirkbride '1977Larry Eubanks 1978- Lany N. Strauss 1979 - James Young 1980- John Freeman 1981- Tom C. Todd 1982- CharlesW. Crozier 198i1- Jack E. Kay 1984- DeanJackson 1985- Bobby Ray 1986 - James F. Carson 1987- Andy Inman 1988- HiramMcFarland 1989- Mike Doublehead 1990- RobertCrozier CLUBSPONSORSFESTIVAL the The Stilwell Kiwanis Club, which has sponsored has an unbroken inception' its since ever Festival Straw;erry 45 years tradition of community servicesince it was chartered ago. "We Serve", the Stilwell KiwanisClub Underthe motto of diversified activities as the Boy Scouts' the .p.;;;-"u;h baseballprogram annual Strawbeny Festival,and the summet gkls. and boYs for - area such as ClrU membersparticipatein fund raisingactivities "Pancake Day" which traditionallyis held the morning of the daYof deer season' opening when the Th; Sirawbeny Festival dates back to 1948 about something do to decided Stilwell Kiwanis Ctub major economic County's Adair of one in interest stimulating resoulces. year was valued at about The Strawberry crop that"the biggest berry harvestthe as $750,000and was described exPerienced.'' ever has area Jones SecretaryKiwanis Ctub Officers, from left: Greg Reggie Cox' Vice ir"i"iir"rt David West, President; and ftesident. This pagemadepossiblethroughthe conlrubutionsol the following. BLACKARD REAIESTATE PARROTT'S JEWELRY STORE Stilwell. Oklahoma Stilwell, Oklahoma REEDS HARDWARE STITWELL CAFE Quenton& Gene N&DC01{0C0 204N.second 113West DivisionSt. BYRoilPoWERS AGEI{CY Welcometo the Festival CFp.lnsurance-LUTCF 116S. 2nd SuiteB-3 - Stitweil.OK Ph.696-3082 -30- This page made possiblethrough contributions of the following' the C0' ASSURAIICI lr|Eltl'S BIJSII'IISS Walters David C h a r l e sB o w m a n 683-4405 683-4545 M u s k o g e e ,O k l a h o m a -31- I AD.COKIWANISOFFICERS Officers for 1991arc: (centet) Mike Wininger, hesidenl lBack from left to right) Louise Johnson, Secretary: Fred Hol4 Vice-hesident; Frank Muskrat, Treasurer. The AD-CO Kiwanis Club is in Charge of the Arts and Crafts Display and other activities Festival Dav. AD CO KIWANISM E M B E R S H I P CharlesBenham Bob Catron FrankFarrell FrederickHoltz LindaHagar BobJohnson LouiseJohnson RogerKester JimMcGee NealMorton 1991 PatsyMorton StevenMorton FrankMuskrat ThomasMuskrat ElaineRich NancyRoberts RebeccaMorton CarolynWalkingstick M i k eW i n i g e r Velcome to the Festiaal This page made possible through the contributions of the following. H A R T F U N E R A LH O M E AND MONUMENTCOMPANY Serving Adair & Cherokee Counties THE HART FAMILY SERVING YOURS a Pre-arranged planning O Hart Family Cerlificates a Custom Designed Monuments THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU TAHLEOUAH STILWELL WESTVILLE 456-8823 696-6996 1506N. GRAND /HWY 82 NORTH) 723_5422 H W Y l O OW MAIN & MARKET -32- A PartnerIn Stilwell's ProgressSincei,969 -33- Many Churches A variety of religious clenominationsare rep_ resented in Stilwell. From English to Cherokeer over 6O churcheshold services regularly. The chrctre lrclude: ASSEMBLYOF GOD BELL BAPTISTCHURCH BUNCH.BAPTISTCHURCH CALVARY CHURCH OF EAST PEAVINE CENTRAL BAPTISTCHURCH CHERRY TREE BAPTIST CHEROKEECHILDRENSMISSION C H E R O K E EH I L L S U N I T E D P R E S B Y T E R I A N CHUCULATECHURCH CHURCH OF CHRTST CHURCH OF GOD OF THE APOSTOLICFAITH FAITH TABERNACLE FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH F I R S T C H R I S T I A NC H U R C H FIRST UNITED METHODISTCHURCH FREE HOLINESSCHURCH GRACE CHAPEL G U I D I N GL T G H TC H U R C H HONEYHILL CHURCH LIGHTHOUSECHURCH OF GOD MULBERRYBAPTIST PENTECOSTALHOLINESSCHURCH ROCK SPRINGSBAPTTST SALEM BAPTISTCHURCH SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTCHURCH U N I T E D M E T H O D T SITN D I A N C H U R C H Z I O N U N I T E D M E T H O D I S TC H U R C H * * * * LUCILLE & RAYHITSON ROCK'S IRON ANd METAL CO. "Slim", James& Jane FIETCHER'S HARDWARE SHELTER IIISURANCE & T00LRENTAL Larry o'Neal Service& Dependabilitv Since1906 MABKET BASKET Glen& BarbaraBentz Lor-LeeSanders -34- This year'sStrawberryFestivalQueenSkyHume' overthe anis the 44thAdairCountyyoungladyto reign nualeventin Stilwell. FESTIVALQUEENSARE: FORMERSTRAWBERRY 1969- BeverlYGreen 1970- MargaretCouch 1971- DonnaPadgett 1972- KathYRosebearY 1973- LYdiaLewis 1974- Nina Reagon 1975- KarenBaublit 1976- Dalana Hudgins 1977- Tammy Smothers 1978- BetsYCox 1979- DonnaTenell 1980- Vicki Guthrie 1981- StePhanieGoodall 1982- MonicaMartinez 198ii|- BrendaLawrence 19&4- ShellieFaYCureton 1985- CherYlLYnnTackett 1986- CharleneGreen 1987- StephanieCain 1988- Jamie Johnson 1989- Angela Brewster 1990- Angela Ross 19zE- Pat Reed 1949- PatsYProck 1950- CarlineEmerson 1951- PatsYLee 1952- Norma Lee Latta 1953- DeloresSteddum 1954- BarbaraCaviness 1955- BessiePhelPs 1956- AnnettaJohnson 1957- MarYJane Cabe 1958- DeloisNofire 1959- MonarayStanfill 1960- ShirleYTate 1961- DeverYlButler 1962- MarilynTodd 1963- SandYJ. Goodall 1get- DeannaBriggs 1965- CaleneGreen 1966- Rita KaYCarson 1967- KarenNichols 1968- CarolYnCarson * This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsof the following. BIACKDIAMOI{O ANGUS RA}ICH 696_7595 FIRSTQUEENIN 1948 696-3700 BLACKBURN'S FEED STORE Marion, Lorine. Eddie pagemadepossiblethroughthe This ' "' -c6nr-riOutions ol the lollowing' SF0E^S_.-" sflLwELL FELTS MERCANTILE -'- Mr. B's ShopplngC-enter Stilwell,Oklahoma S.f*"f f, Oklahoma CHICKEN GHARLIE'S BAR.B.QUE & S t i l w e l lO ' K CLINIC MEDICAL MARTIN -'-sii - STOP SUPER w' Cedar 696'7278 Hwy. 100West -35- I FAVORITERECIPES S T R A W B E R R YP t E (Mrs. Floyd Cox,Zion) I quart frozen strawberriesthawed and drained Reserveberriesto add later. In sauce pan add: 2 cups drained strawberryjuice 1 cup sugar 5 tablespoonscornstarch(rounded) Cook 3 minutes. Add red food coloring. Cool. Add strawberriesand 3 sliced bananas.pour into bakedpie shells.Top with whippedcream.Makes two 8-inchpies. S T R A W B E R R YP R E S E R V E S P r e p a r ew , ash and drainstrawberries. F i l lq u a r ts t r a w b e r r yb o xw i t h b e r r i e sa n de m p r y into 5Vzquart pan. Add 1/zbox sure-jell and stir u n t i ld i s s o l v e dA. d d 3 c u p ss u g a ra n d m i xw e l l .t _ e t come to rolling boil. Time and let boil 6 or 7 m i n u t e sS . k i mo f f f o a m .E m p t yi n t op y r e xd i s ha n c l l e t s t a n da d a y o r s o b e f o r ep u t t i n gi n t oj a r s .S t o r e in freezeror refrigerator.Will keep indefinitely. S T R A W B E R R YI C E C R E A M (Mrs Bob Baitey) 6 eggs 2 cans Milnot % tsp. salt 2 % c u p ss u g a r 3 cups strawberries(crushedl 1 T. Vanilta B e a t e g g s u n r i l l i g h t c o l o r .A d d s u g a r g r a d u a l l y . . Add salt, vanilla, and crushed strawberries. in blender. Add Milnot and beat ar low speed until mixed good, then add strawberries. Makes 1 gallon. This page madepossiblethroughthe contributionsof the followiig. CHUCKWAGON CAFE Jay & LucilleWilson 696-381 1 RAYMAiIUFACTURING COMPAl{Y Hwy. 100West - 696-2294 sTttwEtlAUTo, tltc. 319S. 2nd Stitwetl (918)696.2135 M0uNTAtt{ vtEw WHOLESATE MEATS Home of the Famous Hot Links - 696_7393 800-284-4553 MERRIOTT'S FARMERS Ii{SURA}ICE HEAT,AIR& ETECTRIC Stilwell, Oklahoma 918-696-6565 -36- M ERINGUFS STRAW BERRY (BYBettYInman) 3/4cup sugar 2 tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. white vinegar 3 egg whites dash salt dash cream of tartar bf tartar untllwhites Beat egg whites, salt and cream beat until mixture sugar' add r"i" t"t,-p""ls. Gradually and vinegar: cornstarch Beat'in glossy' ir .i'ri ""0 brown plain ungreased on 8 6ur inch circles ;r;;"i; higheron outsid€ inixture spread sheet, baking paperon F' for t hour or until mer:;;;;. ;;." "i275 d"st""s firm and lightlv browned' Cool'on,brown ;,il.;;" container' At servingtime spoon o""o"t. Si";" in airtight cover with sliced sweetened meringues' in ice cream whipped cream' with strawberries and top SAKOWITZAMBROSIA halved 1 pt. strswberries, hulled and halved . . .. i irp seeotessgreen grapes' cups in bite-sizepreces i "ii"rr rt"tn pineapple'about 2 cubed t mango, Peeled,seeded and 2 red aPPles,cored and diced % cuP Powderedsugar 1 cuP flaked coconut 2 tbsp. sherry 2 rbsP. aPricot brandY bite'size pieces'^Layer Peel and cut pineapple in and with s.ugar rrriiii i"ig" servingbowl;sprinkle and. apricot shgrry ;i;k;; co-conrt' combine to mtx'fi"nov, pour overfruit' Tosslightly before hours2 about Chill in relrigerator of mixture in dipped ,".-"i^g.(Note:Applesmaybe darkening') prevent to lemonjuice andwater Serves1O the Thls '-'- Dasemade posslble through "6nr?uutlonEol the lollowlng' FARMS HUDSOI{ HATCHERY - AND LEGION AMERICA}I AUX. lminrcnnLEGIoN 102 HwY.59North Post CLEANERS PRO ANdLAUNDRY KEATHLEY.PATTERSON GO. ELECTRIG Ft. Smith,Ark' 11 N. First - 696-6610 PARTS AUTO BILL'S 713 North 2nd Street 696'4125 696-4530 HISTORY COUNTY ADAIR COMMITTEE -37- STRAWBERRYDUMP CAKE (Joan White, Cortez.Colo.) 1 box white cake mix 1 small box strawberryJello 1 small box frozen strawberries {save4 TBSPjuice from this) % cup Criscooil 4 eggs 2 TBSP tlour-% cup water Mix all ingredientswell and bakein gxl3 inch cake pan Bake at 350 degreesfor 35 minutes or until done. While still warm punch holes in top of cake with handle of wooden spoon and f.ost with 1 box powdered sugar, % stick oleo and 4 TBSP strawberries,mixed well. STRAWBERRY BREAD Slft logether In mixlng bowl 3 cups flour 3 lsp. clnnamon 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. salt Beat 3 eggs untll thlck, add 2 cups sugar, 2 cups crushed strawberrles (lrozen ones can be used); i rl cups cooklngoll. Add to dry mlxture, mlx well. pour Into well greased and floured1.1b.colfee cansfllllng only hall full. Bakeat 350 degreesfor t hour. Thls reclpefllls 3 coffee cans. COMEBACKHOME TO STILWELL TheStilwellStrawberryFestivalis a time to come with us. lt is backhomeandenioya superhomecoming as we renewold goingto be a timeof ioy andcelebration perhapsmakenewones. friendships...and Thank you lor coming to the 44th STILWELL FESTIVAL.While in the areaenioysome STRAWBERRY of the other attractions: * Floatthe lllinoisRiver * Boat,fish, and swim in LakeTenkiller * Fishfor trout in the lower lllinoisRiver * See the Old BaPtistMission * Visit the MurrellHome Knoqr to SaJ 35Nort to Df$gs Short Season The strawberry season is relatively short, starting early in May and ending about June I - but it,s long enough for everyoneto get his or her share. Crates of strawberries sell especiallyfast on Strawberry FestivalDay. so those wishing to buy are reminded to get their share as early in the day as possible. Growers will be in Stilwell on Festival Day to sell berries near the band stand where much of the action takes place. -Hundreds of people, including migrant workers, sfu(ents and housewives,jump in each year to harvest the strawberry crop. A good picker.canpick about IOO quart boxes in a six hour day. A few years ago, 73 pickerspicked2SOcrares Irom 2Yzacres for one of the best days on record anywhere in the county. This page made possible through the contlibutions of the following. Northeastern State Tahlequah, OK CLINIC FAMILYGARE MD F. GREEil, BURDGE MD UilDERHILL, F. KEITH 696-7727- 696-3101 -38- -39- T Bj'br Tl---., [Er c/- Com-merce Our Celebrafirrg 60thAnniciJ:iT,, STILWELL SERVING AND A D A I RC O U N T Y DRIVE-INBANK -r I Bank- tLSe com9Lerce P.O.Box 512- Stilwell,OK 74960 (918)696-7745 M e m b eF r DIC
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