1981 - City of Stilwell
1981 - City of Stilwell
Page2 Welc ffi ** lromleft,ale:John 0thers, Glub. Kiwanis oftheStilwell is thisyear'spresident cenler, TomTodd, Todd; division; Kiwanis this of lieutenant'governor Ctet Mangler, pastpresidenti immediate Freeman, secletary'treasurer. Jackson, andDean viceplesident; Glozier, charles Festivol ClubSponsors The StilwellKiwanisClubhashadan unbroken tradition of community service sinceit was charteredin 1946. The Club,which meets for lunch each Tuesday,is one of 7,273 clubswhich make The orup Kiwanis Clubs International. ganizationhas a membershipoI 291,221 and includesclubs in 61 nationsand geographicalareas. "We Serve," the Under the motto of StilwellKiwanisClub sponsorssuchdiversified activities as the local Boy Scout Troopand the annualStrawberryFestival. The club donates about $5,000 each year to variouscommunityprograms,as well as hundredsof man hours. in fund raising Clubmembersparticipate "PancakeDay" which is activitiessuchas traditionallyheld the morningof the first day of deer season. The Club also sponsors a concession standduringthe summer,at the city's ball park. After 35 yearsthe Stilwell KiwanisClub "We continues to live uP to its motto, Serve". Aboutthe cover Official photograph of Miss StephanieGoodall who will be crownedqueenof the 34th annual StrawberryFestivalon MaY 9. The cover was made possible through the contribution of StilwellFoods,Inc. Welcometo t proudto oncea Thisis theonec nival atmosPh I'm sureYou havemanYimP annualparadef horses.In addi Day are the cro music of BillY dignitaries. ln additionw strawberries Yo at strawberries ln add streets. creamservingI On behalfof our activitiesin joy our hosPit Cha Vic Joh Pas Bob Alderso DonaldBooth DavidBrane Ron Broad WilliamBusb Joe H. Carso JamesF. Car Joe LynnCa CharlesCroz HershalDots BerryFergu the through Thispagemadepossible of thefollowing: contribulions SPecialists Packaging National Shreveport, Louisiono Inc. ZeloMountain, Foyetteville, Arkonsos Inc. EllexTransportation, T u l s o ,O k l o h o m o Hi Page3 Welcometo the Festivol Welcometo the StrawberryFestival!The StilwellKiwanisClub is very proudto onceagainsponsorthe 34thAnnualstilwellstrawberryFestival. Thisis the one day our littletown of 3,000peopleballoonsintoa largecargatheringof 20,000people. nivalatmosphere l'm sureyou will find somethingfor everymemberof your family'We havemanyimportanteventsthat highlightour day.Among thesearethe annualparadefeaturingnumerousfloats,queens,clowns,and uncounted eventsduringthe Strawberry horses.In addition,someof the outstanding Day are the crowningof our StrawberryOueen,the outstandingcountry music of Billy Parker,and our Kiwanis luncheonfeaturingnumerous dignitaries. In additionwe havea fine strawberryauctionwhereyou can buy all the strawberriesyou want (if you can afford them),and if you don't buy any at the auction,thereare alwaysplentyavailableon the side strawberries and ice streets.In addition,we will have our annualfree strawberries creamservingbeginningat 2:30 p.m. On behalfof the StilwellKiwanisClub,I sincerelyhopeyou enjoyall of our activitiesin our Cityof Stilwell.I urgeyou to comebackoftenand enjoy our hospitality. Tom Todd President StilwellKiwanisClub Kiwanis Club0fficers Charles Crozier Vice President John Freeman Past President Tom Todd President Dean Jackson Secretary-Treasurer Joe H. Carson Past Lieutenant-Govetnor Kiwanis ClubMembers Bob Alderson Donald Booth David Brane Ron Broad William Busby Joe H. Carson James F. Carson Joe Lynn Carson Charles Crozier Hershal Dotson Berry Ferguson Clint Fixin James Frazier John Freeman Murle Gilbreath H.D. Gound J.L. Hallford W.O. Hatley Raymond B. Hitson Mark Hodson Dean Jackson Jim Jones Jack Kay Phil Kaniatobe Larry Lane James Lee Sam Love Jerry Means Neb Miller Tobe O'Neal Barnes Pemberton Bob Ray Dale Rowan Greg Seamans Jack Smay Daniel D. Smith L.T. Sorav ClaudeTodd Tom Todd Buck Wright Cary Wyatt James Young Hugh Zimmerman Wade Zumwalt Thispagemadepossible throughthe of the lollowing: contributions REASOR'S DISCOUNT FOODS "We Sellfor Less" CHEROKEE NATION INDUSTRIES, INC. H i g h w o y 5 l W e s t , S t i l w e l l ,O k l o h o m o Page 4 Queenof the 198I Festivol Miss Stephanie Goodall, 16-year-old brown-eyed brunette daughter of Mr and Mrs Steve Goodall,was chosen as queen of the 34th annual Strawberry Festivalhere in March. Miss Goodall defeated 15 other Adair County loveliesfor the title. The queen will receive merchandise gifts from Stilwell area merchants and School. Miss Goodallsang a medleyof Broad"Country way hits; Miss Keeter sang a Medley"; Miss Hill presenteda twirling routine;and Miss Robinsonsang a solo, "One Day at a Time." The other contestants were Misses TeresaLynn Hanvey,17, daughterof Mr and Mrs Joe Watt, Route 2 Westville; ofKTUL-TU, fromlett,were:ChilsLincoln Festival0ueen, the1981Strawbery whochose Judges of Kl06 FMtadio,Siloam Spilngs, DanHenshel alsoof KTUL-TV; Tulsa;MrsLincoln; BeckyDixon, Ark. Insttuments C0.,FoilSmith, L&SBand Muskogee Phoenix; andDanLittle, Ark.;Badara Bashore, other awards. Namedfirst runnerupto the queen is Miss RonettaKeeter,17, daughterof Mr and Mrs Gus Keeter,Route4 Stilwell;and secondrunnerupis Miss ShawnaHill, 16, daughterof Mr and Mrs MackHill,Stilwell. Firstalternateis Miss Susie Robinson, 16, daughterof Mr and Mrs GlennRobinson,Stilwell. Allfour girlsarestudentsat StilwellHigh CatherineMarie Hanvey,16, daughterof Mr and Mrs Watt; Shelly Johnson,17, daughterof Mr and Mrs TommyJohnson, Westville; Penny Louise Jones, 18, daughterof Mr and Mrs Floyd Jones, Route 4 Stilwell; Molly McCuistion,16, daughterof Mr and Mrs Woodrow McCuistion, Stilwell; Naomi Mink, 16, daughterof Mrs Emma Mink, Route 1 Bunch; Kimberly Kaye Morris, 16, through the Thispagemadepossible contdbutions of thelollowing: Means Furnitule lnc., Jerry & Ann Meons Farmers Cooperative Feed ond Fertilizer Asgrow SeedCo. Atlonfo, Go. - SonAntonio, Tex. l MissStephanie Good Keeter,lett,andMissS IGAII'ARE Dole& | JOLLYCHEFRE Nexf to Jo sTllwEt LuloMo Page5 MissStephanie Goodall, 1981 Oueen ol the Strawberry Feslival, with herattendants, MissRonetta Keeter,lefl,andMissShawnaHill. Thispagemadepossible thruugh the contdbutions ol thefollowing: IGAWABEHOUSE MABKET Dole & Mory Rowon JIMDAI{DYDRIVE-I]I Betty Corler & Alro Clinton JOttY GHEFRESTAUBANT & BAKERY Nexl lo Jock'sFoodCity A.M.O.ETEGTRIC SUPPTY GO. Rogers,Arkonsos72756 STIIWELIAUIOSUPPTY LuloMoe Hurlbut S.F.E.PACKAGII{G Tompo.Florido J.R.PENIGK, JR. Grower. Pocker & Shipper of Sweet Polotoes Page 6 mie Jean Ritter, 18, daughter of Mr and Mrs Roland Ritter, Route 1 Bunch; and Valerie Sanders, 16, daughter of Mr and Mrs Grover Sanders,Route 1 Stilwell. Neil Morton served as master of ceremonies for the contest which attracted an overflow crowd estimated at close to 400 Dersons. J.L. Hallford was queen contest chairman. Music-Oklahoma Parade NationalAnthem lnvocation FlagSalute Crowning of Straw Introductionof SP Entertainment. KiwanisLuncheo Entertainment.. . Awards to Champ sanga medleyof songs Goodall Stephanie at this year's the talent competition during queencontest. daughter of Mr and Mrs Spencer Morris, Route 2 Stilwell; Lurde Ortiz, 16, daughter of Mrs FelicitaOrtiz,Stilwell; Katy Owl, 16, daughter of Mr and Mrs Daylight Owl, Route 1 Bunch; Vicki Perry, 19, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Perry, Stilwell; Tam- Strawberry Auctio Music-Oklahom Free Servingsof S Festival 0ueenwas The1981Strawberry presented with a bouquet0f r0sesby the ol Westville. MissVickiGuthrie 1980queen, the through Thispagemadepossible of thelollowing: contributions SUNGASCO. Highwoy59 North, Stilwell MOTEL HOLIDAY 774-7777 Stilwell REALESTATE ELACKABO Ph.774-2990j stilwell CAVII{ESS STATIOil "Your Business Apprecioted" FFACHAPTER STILWELL WelcomesYou to the Festivol FLOWER SHOP STILWELL Flowersf or oll Occosions-774-2250 BENFBANKLIN s t i l w e l l ,o k l o h o m o GrFTS}l0P wtr{GFtErD's DRIVE.IN STARR'S Fronkond Jon Muskrol - STEPHEN GUFFEY THEGUNSHOP M o n . - F r iH . w y .5 9 N , S t i l w e l -l 7 7 4 - 2 7 6 5 Stilwell. Oklohomo Rodeo, Thursday, N(|RTH Unge EASTI J.T.on Bill on SGH STITWELL School,Office, Arl ! JIMH(|P Stilwe Page7 Program May9, 1981 EdBrocksmith, Masterof Ceremonies . . . . . .9:00a.m. GuardBand ArmyNational Music-Oklahoma 10:00a.m. Parade Bob Ray,ParadeMarshal NationalAnthem ....11:00a.m. lnvocation ....11:05a.m. ' 11:10a'm' FlasSalute iru s".*, .in."ri"" D;; b Crowningof StrawberryFestivalOueenfor 1981 Miss StephanieGoodall . . .11:15a.m. 1'l:25a.m. of SpecialGuests fntroduction ..11:30a.m. Entertainment..... Mary Kay Harshaw,Miss Cherokee . . . 12:00to 1:30p.m. KiwanisLuncheon Building StilwellCommunityFacilities Entertainment"" ' "12:00 erily p"rk"; Awardsto ChampionStrawberryGrowers . . .2:00p.m. Auction Strawberry . . .2:15p.m. Music-OklahomaArmy NationalGuardWesternBand . . . . .2:45p.m. FreeServingsof Strawberries and lceCream .2:45p.m. Rodeo,Thursday,Fridayand Saturday,May7,8,9 . Sponsoredby StilwellRound-upClub .8:00p.m. Thispagemadepossible throughlhe contilbutions of the following: NORTHSIDE BODYSHOP Unger Brofhers EASTPARKDII{ER J.T.ond Jeon Lowe WATDRON TRUCK LINES, INC. DoilyServiceto Stilwell I}ITERNATIONAL PAPER CO. ContoinerDivision,Russellvile, Ark. Eill ond Cothy Swft STItWEttSCHOOT & OFFICE SUPPLY School,Oflice, Art Supplies, Office Furniture JIM HOPKINS FORD,INC. Srilwell.Oklohomo cARt{ATt0l{ c0., cAN Dtvtst0N, Foyeiteville, Arkonsqs COASTAL PLAINS, INC. FortSmith.Arkqnsos a Page 8 ffijii. rritii w:lliii riiti,p. Stilwell (two). The processio horses,20 poniesar Floatw4nnerswe Givic-1st,Chero plex,$75;2nd,Soro 3rd. CherokeeNat $25. Gommetcial-1s waswonbytheGherokee NaFestivalParade of the1980Strawbery Firstplacein thecivicdivision withthisyellowandredbeauty. tion0f 0klahoma Porodeottroctsthousonds A parade that took 80 minutes to pass a given point launchedStilwell's33rd annual Strawberry Festival last year. T h e l i n e o f m a r c h i n c l u d e d1 1 m a r c h i n g bands,20 other marchinggroups of young twirlers from the Tulsa area, 13 queens, more than 20 dignitaries. Bands in the processionwere from Fort Gibson, Grove, Watts, Ouinton, Bristow, Arkoma, Morris, Westville (two), and No.1 floatin thec was blueandwhite Thispagemadepossible through the contributions ol thefollowing: FABMERS PRODUCE ANDMILI Feed-Seed-Fertilizer DOY'SSTATION S t i l w e l lO , klohomo J.M.SWANK CO.,INC. lowo Cily, lowo UNITED STATESCOLDSTORAGE Fort Worth. Texos tsAAcs'c0il0c0 srATt0N Normonond Dovidlsoocs FIRESTONE COLLINS Tires- Botleries- Applionces R(lBERTS FUI{EBAL H(IME ServingAdoir CountySincel913 FACET ENTERPRISES Highwoy59 S. Po Page9 Stilwell{two). The procession also included 235 horses,20 poniesand 11 mules. Floatwfnnerswere: Givic-1st,CherokeeNationTribalComplex,$75;2nd,SoroptomistClub,$50;and 3rd, CherokeeNation Stilwell Academy, $25. Commelcial-1st.Cherokee Nation In- dustries,Inc.,trophy;2nd, Bank of Commerce,trophy;and 3rd, Peggy'sFlowers, trophy. Bandwinnerswere: Cfass AA-1st, FortGibson;2nd,Bristow. GlassA-1st, Arkoma; 2nd, Westville; 3rd, Morris. Junior High School-1st, Grove; 2nd, Weswille;3rd, Watts. Nation Industries' entrywhich wastheGherokee No.1 lloatinthecommercial division ol theparade wasblueandwhitewilhstrawberry accents. possible through the Thispagemade contilbutions ol thelollowing: TomJ. Carson lnsuronceAgency ' AlcoMetals, Inc. 3 l l 5 S . Z e r o S t . , F t . S m i t h ,A r k . TheZeropaok Gompany PockersFrozen Fruits - Winchester,Vo. Page10 ffi l'ffij s.:1 lil1t,, placed in theciviccategory ol the1980parade. TheSoroptomists'float second Twenty childrcn in costumes representing various counldes ol thewoildrodeonthefloat.A papermache dressed replica of theworldwasthecenterpiece. De Mohon,FFAsweetheail, left,and DebyStephenson, filst attendant, lode0n the StilwellHigh SchoolFutureFarmers of AmelicaGhapter's Float. Thispagemadepossible throughthe contributions ol the following: BTUFF CHALK GROCERY Michoelond JudyGroni FLETCHER'S HARDWARE Phone774-75OO SEARS Alex qnd J.C.Jomes CHBISTIAN FAMILYBOOKST(|RE l l 9 W . P l u mS f r e e t GREPAC0, tilC. FoodEquip.& Refrig.- Tulso,Oklo. STATEFARMINSURANCE C(l. Mork Hodson,Agent VISITORS WELC(IME Lorry O'Neol, MFA Insuronce-l I l5 N. 2nd-696-32OO RICELAND FOODS Stuttgort,Arkonsos America's fourfree Slilwe America's foulfreedoms wererepresented ontheAdairCounty Extension Homemakers' float. StilwellFoods'pinkandwhiteFestival floatfeatured a hugecrown. Thispagemade possible through the contributions ol thefoltowing: Ballentine Produce, Inc. Almo, Arkonsos Amtane- 774-ZZZ0 P . O . B o x 7 2 , S fi l w e l l , O k l o h o m o American GanCo. Dollos ond Housfon,Texos Page12 d# G division. blueandwhitefloatplacedsecondin the commercial Bank0f Cgmmerce's ffi ffffiffisH W *flm The Flowers. waswonbyPeggy's ol thelloatcompetition category Thirdplacein thecommercial the floal. rode on as strawberdes dtessed Ghildren flowers. liesh with floatwasdecorated the through Thispagemadepossible ol thefollowing: contributions of America Gorp. Containet CorrugotedContoiners- Muskogee C.J.Garson InsuronceAgency Inc. B.& E.Specialties, S p r i n g d o l e ,A r k o n s o s righ MissVickiGttthile, bY attershewascrowned tule,fromleft:MissOon to Mis Brunk,attendants 1 9 8 0F Miss Vicki Guthrie,d Mrs Doyle Guthrie,Rou crowned queen of the Festival by Kiwanis Go highlightof the bandsta ing the parade. scB Rodioond PEGGY "Flowersfor II STITWELL Truck repoi Doss s Grocery AUT(IBRUNER'S Also U Page13 ,. W MissVickiGulhrie, right,weatshercrownasqueen ofthe33rdannual Strawberry Festival shoilly governor attershewascrowned byEdGunter, Kiwanis lortheTexas-Oklahoma District.Alsoin thepicture,fromlefl:MissDonna queen Terrell, olthe1979Festival;and MissDoreen Curry andMissGathy Brunk, attendants to MissGuthrie. 1980FestivolQueen Miss Vicki Guthrie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Doyle Guthrie,Route 1 Westuille,was crowned queen of the 1980 Strawberry Festivalby Kiwanis Gov. Ed Gunter as a highlightof the bandstandprogram following the parade. Her attendantswere Miss CathyBrunk, daughterof Mr and Mrs BillBrunk,Route3 Stilwell;and Miss Doreen Marie Curry, daughterof Mrs MarieG. Curry,Route2 Stilwell. Thispagemadepossible throughthe contilbutions ol the following: SCRUGGS Rodioond Television HOPKIT{S SELF-SERVICE GAS US59 S ond SH IOOW PEGGY'S FTOWERS "Flowers for oll Occosions" FEEDER'S SUPPLY Morion ond Loreen Blockburn STILWETL TRUCK SEBVIGE Truckrepoiringond ports JAY'SLUI{GH BOX Joy ond LucilleWilson DosssTttwElr s.&v. FAER|GS Open Thursdoyond Fridoy Grocery & Morket BBUT{ER'S AUTO- TRAGTOR SUPPTY Also UsedCors BYNUM'S USEO CARS 902 S. SecondSt. P a g e1 4 r:i,;:ii tt:: ::::;'i.i!:: "wiW ffi i!,,4 4l::t n d Ghampionshipberrieswetedisp|ayedbythe_purchasel,RickKampo|theRazorG|amRestautantin "'' it:fi;;kiuvrestvar,ou!::"t:*:nr1t1ll"1lll;t;H'"0"il;lo dst't,-;i; rrom second Tutsa, auction' the record-al ror$3,100-a sord crare rhewinning #iil;]",iilin,.'*"riJ'oluies. TJ tii TopstrowberriesPrecious paid The manager of a Tulsa restaurant crate 16-quart $3,100for the championship at of Cardinal strawberries to set a record The Festival' i"rt year's Strawberry previous record was $2,250 in 1979' The buYer was Rick KamP of the Razor Clam Restaurant. Owners of the championshipcrate were O . D . H o o p e ra n d s o n , W i l l i a m , o f B u n c h ' who also had the top berriesin 1978' Besidesthe auction money, the Hoopers the also received a cash award from Stilwell Kiwanis Club. buyer Other winners are listed with the and the amount Paid: 2nd, Robert Bennett, Vian' Cardinal for variety, purchased by Stilwell Foods $1.200. 3rd. BrannonBrothers,Stilwell, EarlGlo' purchasedby Bank of Commercefor $900' 4th. Homer Hignite,Stilwell,Cardinal' purchasedby Stilwell Foods for $350' pur5th. John Auffet, Stilwell, Cardinal' chased by Cherokee Nation Industries' l n c . .f o r $ 2 5 0 . the through Thispagemadepossible following: the of contributions CORP' C(INTAINER INLAND TRACTOR W(IRSHAM Arkonsqs Smith, Fort {or the form EverYthing C().OFARKANSAS SCOTTSUPPLY CO. SUPPLY BEARINGS ALLIED 501/751'4600 Ark. Springdole, Muskogee CITY F()OD JACK'S - SIL()AMSPRINGS BELL& COMPANY O k l o homo Stilwell, O f f i c eS u P P l i e&s P r i n t i n g PVOINTERNATIOT.IAL CORPORAiION PENNWALT - OklohomoCitY Youker Roy Che'licols Food Plont Cleoning f lel BillyParker, televisionPetso a musicalPlogram q Page15 wasan TeritoryMarshal's Indian iailhouse at the 1980 Strawbeny addedattraction Festival. il Tulsa left,andChilsLincoln, BillyParker, personality, ham it up during television program musical at 1980Festival. throughthe Thispagemadepossible ol the following: contdbutions Stilwell -Journol Democrof LeonC. 0sbornGo.,Inc. S p r i n g d o l eA, r k o n s o s StilwellLumberCo. - BuildingSupplies P h .774-7058 Page16 frp ,Sli .I ,s *, ::' f" & * R) 1 r$il $ : ,$, $ $. ol allag Visitors an freestrawberrie ( t andicecream. lineduplormorethana blockto gettheircupsoffreestrawberries visitors Festival e throughthe Thispagemadepossible of thefollowing: contdbutions - 774.7700 REALESTATE THOMPSON lO0OSouthSecondSt., Stilwell HOMESALES- 696.3200 MOBILE GOUNTRY GREEN CO. TELEPHONE ALLIED OKLAHOMA S e r v i n gS t i l w e l lo n d A d o i r C o u n t Y C(|AS FortSn STILW BurnelI PARR(lT Stilw . F ST.REGIS Bob Simps Page17 g r.:i$\*'.6...( *J,+*' Wr--N l$l $,i .W a, -). of all agesgoltheirshareol lhe Visitors andicecleam. lreestrawberuies i ( the lhrough Thispagemadepossible of thefollowing: contdbulions INC. COASTAL PLA!]{S, Fort Smith,Arkonsos . TUISA EOUIPMENT ALBERT CoterpiIlorlTowmoior Forklifts MERCANTITE STILWETL Burnelllsoocs,Monoger WEDSFOODS NEWLY C h i c o g ol,l l i n o i s STORE PARROTT'S JEWETRY StilwellO . klohomo THEATRE EAGLE BorgoinEnlertoinment DIV. PACKAGING ST. REGIS- FLEXIBLE PROCESSING SERVICE CONSOLIDATED Bob Simpson- Dollos, Texos Wofsonville, Colifornio P a g e1 8 BillyParker BillyPorker ls Heodliner For the second year in a row, BillY Parker,country music singer and disc lockey, will headline the Strawberry Festivalprogram. Parker,namedone of the top ten new male singersin America,will presenthis one-hourand 45-minuteshow startingat 12 o'clockon May 9 from the bandstand on the court houselawn. On weekends,he travels all over the countryplayingdancesand concerts,but duringthe week he is disc jockey for the All American Country Road Show on KVOOradioin Tulsa. Born in Okemahin 1937, he has lived mostof his life in Tulsa.His musicalcareer startedat the age of 11 when he started pickingthe guitarand singing. Ed Brocksmith of NortheasternState will serveas master Tahlequah, University. of ceremoniesof the StrawberryFestival programwhichbeginsat 9 a.m.on May 9 with music by the OklahomaArmy NationalGuardWesternBand. The parade,with Bob Ray as parade marshal, will beginat 10 a.m.,followedby program the at the bandstand at 11 a.m. The bandstandprogram also includes the coronationof the 1981 Strawberry FestivalOueen,Miss StephanieGoodall; entertainment by Miss Mary Kay Harshaw, Miss Cherokee;awardsto the champion strawberry growers, the strawberry auction; and entertainment by the Oklahoma Army NationalGuard Western Band to wind up the day's program,followed by the serving of free strawberriesand ice cream. - Stilwell OTASCO FriendlyFolksto ServeYou STILWETL CAFE Dolly Kesfer 3 Luncheon ot Community Building The StilwellKiwanisClubwill sponsora Festivalluncheonat the StilwellCommunity FacilitiesBuildingat 12 o'clock noon Saturday,May 9. Dr W. RogerWebb, presidentof NortheasternStateUniversity, Tahlequah, will be guestspeaker. Ticketsfor the luncheonare beingsold for $5 for individualsand $10 for families. Shuttle buses will transport the luncheon guestsfrom the downtown areato the communitybuilding. through the Thispagemadepossible ol thefollowing: contributions WOBSHAM'S FOODSTOBE CARDINAL Stilwell,Oklohomo Focts obou Stilw - Tulsa CBEPAC0,INC. FoodEquipment& Refrigerotion COCA.COLA BOTTLING CO. O{ Fort Smith,Arkonsos THEPILLSEURY COMPANY P r o i r i eV i l l o g e ,K o n s q s 3 POPUL (1980 census)-City,I ty, 18,575. F{ TABOB Male,2,211;femaleI TRA}ISP( FederalHighways59 Highways51 and 100.I miles south. The Kan sixtrucklinesa Railroad, the area.Stilwellalsoha runwaysof 1,600and i airportis in the plannin G(|VER A Mayor-CityCouncil. departmentwith 20 m police officersand eig Three OklahomaHigh stationedhere.Stilwel unit of the OklahomaN OBGANI Chamberof Comme club, the Ad-co Kiwan ty Cherokee Historic Club, RoundupClub,S tomist Club, Strawbe DanceClub,AmericanI Foreign Wars, Mason EasternStar, Oddfello Lodge,Adair CountyO ciation,Adair CountyC ation, and sevenAdai STILW RCA,Ke cAtil'sc0 Hofel & Restou LLllY Hi Page19 Focts obout Stilwelf tJ" ? rll T POPULATION (1980 census)-City,2,369;Adair County, 18,575. TABOR FOBCE Male,2,211;female,825. TRANSPORTATION FederalHighways59 and 62; and State Highways51 and 100. Interstate40 is 30 miles south. The KansasCity Southern Railroad, six trucklinesanda bus lineserve the area.Stilwellalsohasa city airportwith runwaysof 1,600and 2,000 feet. A new airportis in the planningstage. GOVERNMENT Mayor-City Council.Activevolunteerfire departmentwith 20 members.Eight city police officers and eight county officers. Three OklahomaHighway Patrolmenare stationedhere. Stilwell is also home for a unit of the OklahomaNationalGuard. ORGANIZATIONS Chamberof Commerce,StilwellKiwanis Club,the Ad-CoKiwanisClub,AdairCounty Cherokee Historical Society, Garden Club, RoundupClub, Study Club, Soroptomist Club, StrawberryCapital Square DanceClub,AmericanLegion,Veteransof ForeignWars, Masonic Lodge, Order of EasternStar, OddfellowsLodge, Rebekah Lodge,Adair County QuarterHorseAssociation,Adair County Cattlemen'sAssociation, and seven Adair County Extension Homemakersgroups. INDUSTRIAL FOUNDATION Stilwell lndustrial Foundation, a nonprofit organization,stands ready to assist prospectivenew industries. RECREATION Water sports, fishing and picnickingat nearby Lake Tenkiller;small game and deer hunting;Adair RecreationArea, north edge of Stilwell,includestrailerhookups, small lakefor fishingand swimming,plus AdairGountyGouilHouse. picnicand campingfacilities,baseballand softball diamonds, and children's playground;city swimmingpool;tenniscourts; two gymnasiums; and movietheatre.Two skatingrinks are to open in Stilwell this year.Fourgolf coursesare locatedwithin a 30-mileradius. Thispagemadepossibte through the contdbutions of thefollowing: STIIWELIAPPTIAI{CE RCA,KelvinotorDeoler CAIN'S COFFEE COMPAI{Y Hofel & ResfourontBlendedCoffee LTOYD & PATCOTE H i ,Y o u - A l l KE-WAY AUTO PAETS WoyneGreen - 319 S. 2nd St WOODS MEATPROCESSING 723-5820- Wesfville MRB'SPIZZA Chorlesond DebbieBennett Page20 located onSH100West. newhighschool Stilwell's The StilwellKiwanisCluband the Cityof Stilwell sponsorbaseballand swimming programsfor youngstersin this area. Stilwell is the home of the Oklahoma championshipgirls basketballteam (2-Ai for two straightyears-1978 and 1979. c0MMul{rcATr0Ns Independentlyowned telephonecompany offers direct distancedialing,touch tone and mobile dial telephones.Allied TelephoneCo. has constructeda new buildingin Stilwellto handleits continuing growth. RECEPTION TELEVISION stationsand one educaFivecommercial tionalstationin Tulsa,Okla.,and two commercialstationsin Fort Smith,Ark. EVENTS SPECIAL Strawberry Festival,Dogwood and fall foliage tours, rodeos and Adair County Fair. HEATTH The new MemorialHospitalofStilwellis equippedwith 50 beds.The Adair Couttty HealthDepartmentBuildingis locatedin Stilwell.The city hasfive M.D.'s,two dent- ists, an osteopath,one optometristand a chiropractor.Two ambulance services operatein Stilwell. The StilwellNursingHome is a modern facility with 96 beds. An addition was recentlyconstructed. CLIMATE Average winter temperatureis 37.4 degrees.Averagesummertemperatureis 82.1. Rainfallaverages42.46 inches per year.Stilwell'selevationabovesealevelis 1,112 feet. EDUCATION One elementaryschool,one junior high and one highschool.AdairCountyBranch, Indian Capital Area Vocational-Technical School,is locatedat northedgeof Stilwell. FlamingRainbowUniversityrecentlypurchasedthe buildingformerlyoccupiedby StilwellHighSchooland is offeringseveral classes here. John Brown University, SiloamSpringsArk.,is 30 milesaway;University of Arkansas,Fayetteville,50 miles; State University,Tahleand Northeastern quah,25 miles. AVAILABLE INDUSTRlAL SITES Acreage is available for industries Gomm through the Thispagemadepossible contributions of thelollowing: Rexall Pharmacy Ghatfin D r u g s , C o s m e t i c s& S n o c kB o r Hospital Memorial Visiting Hours: I p.m. to 4 p.m. ond 6 io 8 p.m. 1 4 0 0W . L o c u s t- S t i l w e l l , O k l o . INC. TURMAN-PIERCE BUICK_PONTIAC-GMC, P o t e o u ,O k l o h o m o H 'Page21 Community Genlerat the newHogner HeighlsAddition t0 Stilwell. :."tj.' p Stilwell HighSchool's award.winning band. Thispagemadepossible through the contdbutions of thefollowing: Diamond International Corp. H e e k i n C o n D i v . , S p r i n g d o l e ,A r k . Glaftliftof Tulsa - 8t l8 E.44rhSr. 918-622-7200 w N ortheastern State University Page 22 through the Stilwell IndustrialFoundation. Many choice locations for industries are availablein the area. The Cherokee Nation is developing an industrialpark just south of Stilwell on US 59 with the aid of a governmentgrant. One large building, occupied by Facet Industries, a filter manufacturer, has been erected at the industrialPark. WAGESCALE PBEVAILING U.S. minimum wage and hour law prevails. water-4,000,000 gallons per day-from 140-acrecity lake.The lake is largeenough to serve Stilwell for three years without a drop of rain falling. Presentsewer system is large enough to accommodate a city of 10,000. A $500,000 industrial sewer system, which can handle 2,000,000 gallonsof industrialwastes daily,was completed recently. Enlargementof the city's water and sewer systems is under way for additionalindustries. 1980, had total capit $2,652,578.77 with $2 posits and total assets INDUSTR INDIAN ASSIST The Bureauof Indian tion with Oklahomaen agencies,will assistind of qualified applicants Ganoeing on the lllinoisRiveris a favoritepast-time. MAJOBINDUSTRIES Stilwell Foods, lnc., CherokeeNation Industries, Inc.. Facet Industries, Hudson Foods,Inc.,Adair County OrchardCo., and ldeal Fruit Farm. ANDRESTAURANTS MOTELS Two motels with 56 units. Numerous good eating places. WATERANDSEWERSYSTEM Stilwell has an abundanceof clean,pure ELECTRICAL POWER The City owns its own electricaldistribution system, and gets its own power from the Grand River Dam Authority. Specialindustrialrates are offered. Presentcapacity of 5,000 KW could easily be enlarged. Ozarks Electric Cooperative serves the rural areas. BANKING The Bank of Commerce, as of Dec. 31, rl;$ri$t 0klaho through the Thispagemadepossible contdbutions of the following: MUSK(IGEE COMPAI{Y SEED "ServingEoslernOklohomoSince1909" TRUCK LEASE CO.,hIC. ARKANSAS Arkonsos Springdole, AAAABSTRACT CO.,INC. NoncyGorrett,mctnqger, Sfilwell FASHIONS JEAN'S Merle NormonCosmelics DEPARTMEI{T ST(lBE SHARPE'S S t i l w e l lO , klohomo MAIDFOOD PRODUGTS, INC. M(IDERN 6 0 O 0E . E v o n s , B l d g . 3 , S u i t e 3 3 3 , D e n v e r , C o l o . PETOS QuolitySeed. G.&P. 'l00 Highwoy Wes HAGY'} 90r-632-095 Page23 ititl#];i;;#:i;##f.;#iiil*ii# in Stilwell, Memorial Hospital 1980, had total capital and reservesof in dewith $23,603,558.10 $2,652,578.77 positsand total assetsol $27,071,993.60. DEVELOPMENT INDIAN INDUSTBIAL ASSISTANCE The Bureauof IndianAffairs,in cooperation with Oklahomaemploymentservices will assistindustryin recruitment agencies, of qualifiedapplicantsto meet personnel staffing requirements. With the ArkansasRiveronly about 30 milesaway,AdairCountycan expectcontinuedgrowth now that the Arkansasand VerdigrisRiversare openedto navigation. INDUSTRIESINTERESTED IN THIS AREAAREINVITEDTO WRITEBOBRAY, PRESIDENT OF THE STILWELLAREA CHAMBEROF COMMERCE. ii'$I + t + I,iiilisi'i.'....4 newofficebuilding in Stilwell. 0klahoma AlliedTelephone Company's Thispagemadepossible through the conlributions of thefollowing: PETOSEED CO.,INC. Seed Soticoy,Colif. Quolity G.& P. FOOD STORES Highwoy100West- Highwoy59 North HAGY'S HUSHPUPPIES 9 0 1 - 6 3 2 - 0 9-5 3S h i l o h T . enn. BILL'SAUTOPARTS M r . B ' sS h o p p i n g Center CIRCLE INNMOTEL & RESTAURANT B i l lo n d J u l e n eB u s b y CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIAL EOUIP. CO.,INC. W o t s N o . 8 0 0 - 6 4 1 - 4 1 l 4- Joplin. Mo. 64801 Page24 place. poolis a'popular Stilwell'scity swimming l|ld The AdairCountY oldd Raihoad's Southern of the intedorol thebu fi$,$1st**$'ittt Schoolis locatedat the noilhedgeol Stilwell. AdairCountyVocational-Technical throughthe Thispagemadepossible ol thelollowing: contributions INC. AUCTI(|N, TIVESTOCK ADAIRCOUNTY H o r o l dW i l l i o m so n d R o n d yR o l l e r DRIVE-IN BEACON Fost Food Service- Coll in Eorly 696-3538 REX'SHOUSE of BARGAINS NORTHSIDE SHIRLEY'S DRIVE.IN Highw ACEHARDWABE Ace, Duceond Troy STATION BERT'S66 SERVICE Stilwell.Oklohomo Page25 | | Gity glderAmedcans' mostof thespacein theKansas occupies organization TheAdairGounty remodeling extensiYe completed recently TheGityof Stilwell oHdepotin Stilwell. Railroad'j Southem building. the of of theinteilot f hatchery at northedge0l Stilwell. Foods'new Hudson t the through Thispagemadepossible of thefollowing: contributions CitY,Stilwell Discount Wal-Mart Highwoy 100 West, Stilwell, Oklo. 696-3141 We Core Page26 Picturesout of the post BOARDOF TRUSTEES GeorgePoolaw (Kiowa) Chairman Leo Fishinghawk (Cherokee) Vice Chairman Peggy Watson (Cherokee) Sec./Treasurer Jean Fishinghawk (Cherokee) ex-officio Dan Goehring ex-officio in about1912. Stilwell HighSchool RichardNichols (Pueblol CarolButler (Kiowa/Caddo) _Dr.John Edwards (AbsenteeShawnee) LouisGriffin (Cherokee) GeorgeCochran (Cherokee) James Morrison (Cherokeel Festival Parade in Stilwell Strawbery backin the1950s. Thispagemadepossible through the contdbutions of thefollowing: Flaming Rainbow, the only four-year I ndian-emphasis college in the United States, is fully accrcdited by the State Regents Oklahoma "candidate for acand a creditation" bv the North Central Association. 0zaftsElectric Gooperative "Consumer-Owned Utility" \_ Page 27 ' Flor', ^S r(oi-L.,* BOARD OF TRUSTEES George Poolaw (Kiowa) L,f"tit ersit/ Velcome to the CAMPUS LOCATIONS: Rt. 5, Box 240 (Hwy.62) Tahlequah, Ok.74464 91 8-456-5662 Chairman Leo Fishinghawk (Cherokee) Vice Chairman Peggy Watson (Cherokee) Sec./Treasurer Jean Fishinghawk (Cherokee) ex-officio Dan Goehring ex-officio 34th Struwberry Festiaal Visit our new compusin Stilwell FRU'S BUILDING M A B E EE D U C A T I O N A L Carol Butler (Kiowa/Caddo) A tradition of education: from elementary to high school to college. . . WPA project) and 1947. For a time during the 40's, the building also housed the elementary school. Dr. John Edwards (Absentee Shawnee) Louis Griffin (Cherokee) James Morrison (Cherokee) Oaks lndian Center Oaks,Ok. 91 8-868-2979 Since 1902 this site has been in continuous use as a school. The main part of the current structure was built to house the Stilwell High School in 1908, with addit i o n s i n 1 9 1 4 , 1 9 2 1 , 1 9 4 0( a R i c h a r dN i c h o l s (Pueblo) George Cochran (Cherokee) 419 North Second Street Stilwell,Ok.74960 918-774-3644 for your enioyment Indian American The new Stilwell High School opened in 1980 and FRU began the negotiations and fund+aising necessary t o p u r c h a s et h e o l d b u i l d i n g . In January 1981, the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation awarded FRU $300,000 to p u r c h a s ea n d b e g i n r e n o v a t i o n . B y F e b r u a r y ,F R U w a s at home in the new Mabee Educational Building and the tradition of education on this historic site continues. POW-WOW S o t u r : d o yN i g h t , Moy 9 qt the Flaming Rainbow, the only four-year lndian-emPhasis college in the United States, is fullv accredited by the Oklahoma State Regents "candidate fot ac' and a creditation" by the North Central Association. W h e n r e n o v a t i o n sa r e d o n e , the Mabee Campus will include classrooms, labs, offices, a student center, a conference center, an athcenter, vo-ag facilities FLAMING RAINBOW U N I V E R S I T Yaletic nd a museum for the Adair Student Activity C o u n c i l County Archives. F R UC o m p u sGy- brought to you by the FRU is on equol opportunily/ollirmotive oction institution. Page28 Stilwell Churches Most religiousfuiths are representedin the Stilwellarea. have churchesin Otherdenominations Stilwell. surrounding communities The churchesinclude: ASSEMBLYOF GOD BELLBAPTISTCHURCH BUNCHBAPTISTCHURCH CALVARYCHURCHOFEASTPEAVINE CENTRALBAPTISTCHURCH TREEBAPTIST CHERRY MISSION CHILDRENS CHEROKEE HILLSUNITED CHEROKEE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHUCULATE CHURCHOF CHRIST OFGODOFTHEAPOSTOLIC CHURCH FAITH EWINGCHAPELHOLINESS FAITHTABERNACLE FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCH CHURCH FIRSTCHRISTIAN CHURCH FIRSTUNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH FREEHOLINESS GRACECHAPEL L I G H TC H U R C H GUIDING HONEYHILLCHURCH BAPTIST MULBERRY CHURCH HOLINESS PENTECOSTAL BAPTIST ROCKSPRINGS INDIANCHURCH UNITEDMETHODIST Tho throughthe Thispagemadepossible of the following: contdbutions Dx 0LlvE's FUEtSERVICE _ Ph.696.HAIR THEHEADOUARTERS 315 N. 2nd - Stilwell clRcLEs F00DST0RE - 2nd & Mople,696-4115 & Laundry PAWilSHOP VOilNIE'S Vonnie,Shirleyond Poul I0l W. Wolnui -SELF-SERVIGE LAUT{DRY MAYTAG Open24 Hours- Gorry & ShoronRobbins SCHooI- 696'5511 sTltwELLWELDING "All Typesol Welding"- 805S. 2nd LEE'SAPCO Welcomefo our City ISAACSFEEDSTORE Hermon lscocs HUI{TERS 5 & 10 S t i l w e l lO , klo. RICHARD J(IHI Phone774-3 ROCK'S IR(IN "Slim," Jom G.& R. SUP 918-682-743 in AdairCounty eachyeat. Thousands of tu*eysarcraised palchnearStilwell. Strawbery Thispagemadepossible through the contfibutions of thefollowing: \ RICHARD PTUMBING JOHNSON - Srilwell Phone774-3302 THOMAS CLEANERS OUALITY P h . 7 7 4 - 7 l l l - l l 2 S . 2 n d- S f i l w e l l ROCK'S IRON& METALGO. "Slim," Jomesond Jone THEJACKRIDERS Welcome,Visitors G.& R. SUPPLY COMPANY 918-682-7 430- Muskogee EASTSIDEABSTRACT Acrossfrom Adoir CountyCourt House Page30 Music will be provi Stilwell High School Morton.. Rodeo events are riding, team roping, s r o p i n g , b u l l r i d i n g .g i r saddle bronc riding. Added money totals Miss Mary Ann Watl Ritter were chosen que respectively,at the 19 Each receiveda saddl Miss Watkins is the Mrs Waco Watkins, Sl ter's parentsare Mr an of Stilwell. Their successorswi the final performancet ShellyRitter RodeoSweetheail MaryAnnWalkins Rodeo 0ueen RodeoopensMoyT Three performances of the Stilwell Roundup Club's 34th annual Championship FestivalRodeo are scheduledthis year at the club's arena north of Stilwell on US 59. The rodeo, sanctioned by the International Rodeo Association, will open the night of Thursday, May 7 and end the night of Saturday,May 9. Startingtime is 8 o'clock each night. Admission prices are $3 for adults and $1.50 for children at the Fridayand Saturday shows. Admission at the Thursday show is $1 per person. An estimated 300 cowboys and cowgirls will compete. David Bailey Rodeo Co. will furnish the stock. lUildandwoollyho throughthe Thispagemadepossible of thefollowing: contribution ColdStotage Thermal T ul s o , O k l o h o m o Inc. Gompany, VIPSales 6 3 4 9S . M e m o r i o l , T u l s o ,O k l o . Inc. TtuckLines, Jones S p r i n g d o l e ,A r k o n s o s "A Page31 Music will be provided by a band from Stilwell High School directed by Patsy Morton.Rodeo events are: bareback bronc riding, team roping, steer wrestling, calf r o p i n g ,b u l l r i d i n g , g i r l s b a r r e lr a c i n g ,a n d saddlebronc riding. Added money totals $1,225. Miss Mary Ann Watkins and Miss Shelly Ritterwere chosen queen and sweetheart, respectively, at the 1980 Fest'lval Rodeo. Eachreceiveda saddle and other awards. Miss Watkins is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Waco Watkins, Stilwell, and Miss Ritter's parentsare Mr and Mrs Joe Ritteralso of Stilwell. Their successorswill be announced at the final performanceof this year's Rodeo. Barrelracingis a regulareventat the Festival Rodeo. ir,:i.dilN$i\|iiiil;,: Wildandwoollyhorsesandbullsate a trademark of the FestivalRodeoin Stilwelleachyear. Thispagemadepossible through the contributions of thefollowing: "The Friendly" Bankof Gommerce ' of Gommerce StilwellGhamber "Alwoys Plonningfor Stilwell's Future" I I I Page32 Strow r.c. r.r- , \,oil.. STRAWBE SA cuP maYonna Y2 tablespoonschc 2 lime tablespoon 1 teaspooneach1 1 and curry powder cups dicedcoo 2 cup slicedcele 1 r cup choPPed % 1Yz pintsfreshstra Lettuceleaves Mint sprigs In largebowl,mixt chutney,limejuicean powder. Add chick toss, coverand chill slice 1 pint of berr chickenmixture.Lin servingplateswith le t..L., ffit"\. i,,i,", tri ' t"Jt' l'^?."Jli.xuruert 0t(HUtGtt Bald Hill e "1i,_:.li-T".,',lii# ;l'*,nioiiffi "tT 'a . Moke Stilwell your Hqs. Stilwellis within easy dfivingdistanceol s0 0klahoma' manypointsol interestin eastern when you make Stilwellyour headquarlels cometo visit. Adair CorJ strawberriesar shipped to n same day or tt ing. o Strawberrie being picked should be sel only fully red+ plump and w natural shine green caps. o To hold b remove them throughthe Thispagemadepossible of lhe following: contilbutions E.G.andEllaMaeCartoll Gound H.D.andBonnie WadeandMabelZrmwall GlenandBoxieRobbins Hershal andPennyDotson TomandVahlaTodd LarryandGloilaEubanks JohnandJuanilaSlacy EllisandBettyDeweese andGindyCrozier Charles Aldetson otlo andFlances DavidandBeltyBrane BobandMaeBaker L.T.andEvanaSpray JamesandBettyYoung RoyandLucilleHilson Jackson DeanandRoberta Jim andPamCarson BobandLindaRay C.D.andAlyeneMangus JackandMurclKay Kenneth andJohnnieRains WayneandKarenHopkins TommyDaleandDolothyWolsham Jim andBetlyMccee andJamesFerguson Rebecca PhilandThelmaKaniatobe Jr. D andMrs BillJ. Goodwin Jim andJeanJones BonaldandMatyBmad 8r Page33 Strowberryrecipes 1 1 CHICKEN STRAWBERBY SALAD cuP maYonnaise Y, tablespoons choppedchutney 2 tablespoonlimejuice 1 teaspooneachgrated lime peel,salt 1 andcurry powder cupsdicedcookedchicken 2 1 cup slicedcelery cup choppedred onion % 1y2 pints fresh strawberries,stemmed lettuce leaves Mint sprigs ln largebowl, mix togethermayonnaise, chutney, limejuiceand peel,saltand curry powder.Add chicken,celery and onion; toss,coverand chill.Just beforeserving, slice1 pint of berries;gently toss with chickenmixture.Line platteror individual servingplateswith lettuce.Moundchicken in center.Garnishwith whole strawberries and mint. STBAWBERRY PRESERVES Prepare, wash and drain enough strawberriesto fill quartcontainer.Placein 5Tz quartsaucepan.Add y2 box Sure-Jell and stir until dissolved.Add 3 cups sugar and mixwell.Letcometo rollingboil.Time and let boil 6 or 7 minutes.Skim off foam. Empty into pyrex dish and let stand a day or so before putting into jars. Store in freezer' E0UIVALENTS STBAWBERRY contains Onepint basketof strawberries about: ...3'll+cupswhole berries . . .2/+ cupsslicedberries . . .1 213cups pureedberries H(lWTOPICK'EM Adair County's vine-ripened strawberriesare handpicked,then shipped to markets either the same day or the very next morning. O Strawberries do not ripen after being picked, so consu m e r s should be selective and choose only fully red-ripeberriesthat are plump and well-rounded with a natural shine and fresh-looking green caps. o To hold berries at their best, remove them from their con- tainers and arrange them in a single layer on a cookie sheet or other shallow container and refrigerate. o Strawberries kept refrigerated will stay fresh and bright for severaldays. o Don't wash strawberries or remove caps until just before using. Washing removes the natural protectiveouter layerand the caps protect the strawberries' texture, flavor and nutrients. Thispagemadepossibte through the contilbutions ol thefollowing: International Multi-Foods 8 t h o n d M o r q u e t t e , M i n n e o p o l i s ,M i n n . Garrett Chevrolet andOlds. Go.,Inc. Pemberton RealEstate Forms-Ronches-Homes Page34 More berry recipes PIE FBESHSTRAWBERRY qt.strawberries 1 cup sugar 1 heaping T. cornstarch 3 10 oz. bottle of 7-Up 1 2 drops of red food coloring Mix sugar and cornstarch until well blended,add 7-Up and food coloring,stirring to dissolve sugar mixture, cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick. Let cool. Fold in 1 qt. of halved strawberries,pour into baked pie shell and chill for 2 hours. Garnishwith Cool Whip. PIE BAVARIAN STRAWBERRY pts. fresh strawberries T+ c. sugar envelopeunflavoredgelatin 1 tsp. lemonjuice 2 c. heavycream 1 9-inchbakedcoconutcrust Thinly slice 1y2 pints strawberries; reserveremainderfor garnish. In large bowl combine sliced strawberriesand sugar;mix well and set asideuntil sugar dissolves. Meanwhile,softengelatinin water,then placein saucepanover low heat and stir until gelatin dissolves.Add gelatin and Whip lemonjuiceto sugaredstrawberries. mixinto strawberry fold stiff; cream until ture, Chill until mixturemoundswhen drop- 2 ped from a spoon.Pourinto pie crust.Chill until set, about 4 hours.Garnishwith remainingstrawberries. Combine % c. GRUST: EASYC0CONUT and2% c. flakmargarine meltedbutteror pie plate. into 9-inch ed coconut.Press for 30 to 35 oven Bake in 300 degree golden Cool. brown. minutesor until Coun Stilwdll was name Stilwell who built Southern Railway,fot hamletsand villages Port Arthur, Tex., nan ween 1886and1912I tributions to the econ south-centralstateso and Te sas, Louisiana, festivalrecipeis easy This prize-winning preserves are delicious, to make and the the colorbrightand clear. SATAD STBAWBERRY SENSATIONAL salad, combine For a light-on-calories sliced strawberrieswith fresh papaya, pineappleand bananaslices.Serve the fruit mixturein a scoopedout pineapple shell, and top with a dollop of lowfat yogurt or favoritesherbet, ABC'S BERBY Give strawberriesthe gentlestof handling to keepthem at their flavorfulbest. -Top wash,placeberriesin a colander or large strainerand .rinsewith a gentle sprayof cool water. -After washing,removecaps if recipe directs,trying not to remove any of the berryitself.Twist the cap gentlyor usethe pointof paringknife. - Pat strawberries dry with Paper towels beforeservingwhole or sliced. AdairCountypossep madeat the FlintGou TheFirstUnitedil Stilwellhadits ince meetingof Metho overthe "Trailol T The United States bill in 1830for the rem ized Tribes from the r the U.S. into IndianT as Oklahoma.All of A a part of the Cher Cherokeeswere alre throughthe Thispagemadepossible of the following: contilbutions CO.,INC. PRODUCE SGHMIEDING Arkqnsos Springdole, STORE FELTSFAMILYSHOE FootWeor for the Fomily - A MEADGOMPANY TULSA PAPER SW'sLorgest Printing Poper & Indusiriol Pkg. Disrrib. HARDWARE & FURNITURE REED'S Soroh-Queniin-Gene STORE GATRON'S Welcometo the Festivol CO. WHOLESALE ANDERSON Non-FoodDist.- Muskogee,Oklo. .l I Page35 Countyhistorybriefs i Stilwrill was named for Arthur Edward Stilwell who built the Kansas CitY SouthernRailway,foundedseveraldozen hamletsand villages,and createda city, PortArthur,Tex., namedfor himself'Between1886and 1912,he madesizablecontributionsto the economic growth of the south-centralstates of Oklahoma,Arkansas,Louisiana,and Texas. wasnamedin honorof AdairGounty a prominentCherokeeiurist and educatol. About 91 per cent of the personsliving in the southernpart of Adair Countyare of Cherokeedescent. Also, the county has the greatestconcentrationof CherokeeIndiansin the UnitedStates. I poses inthisage-wom oldphotogtaph saidto havebeen posse withbody,foreground, AdahGounty belote statehood. near Stilwell House the Flint Couil made at Chutchol TheFirstUnitedMethodist in 1839 at a Stilwellhadits inception who hadcome meeting of Methodists "Trail Teals." of overthe The United States Congresspassed a billin 1830for the removalof the FiveCivilizedTribes from the southeasternpart of the U.S. into lndianTerritory,now known All of Adair Countybecame as Oklahoma. a part of the Cherokee Nation' ManY Cherokeeswere already here when, in about 1838, the EasternCherokeeswere forced to leave their homes in Georgia, Tennessee,and North Carolinaand were "Trail of Tears," driven over the infamous endingin the northernpartof AdairCounty at MissionMountain. The Strawberry Festivaldates back to 1948 when the Stilwell Kiwanis Club decidedto do somethingaboutstimulating interestin one of Adair County'seconomic resources. the through Thispagemadepossible of thelollowing: contilbutions Refrigeration Go. Preston Fort Smith, Arkonsos Inc. Foods/Farms, Hudson .A Totolly Integroted Poultry Compony GanGo.,U.S.A. Gontinental Houston, Texos T gne0f Oklahoma's is just a few minutesawayfiom Stilwell. mostbeautiful, LakeTenkiller, It was a summer morning on Lake Tenkiller,and while a few campers stirred in tents pitched under trees along the shore,a Great Blue Heronwaded along the rocky beach,dipping his neck occasionally to grab a fish. And then the roar of a motorboat and the laughterof a water skierjolted the morning quiet and cracked the mirror calm of the lake. The heron squawked in protest, effortlessly rose from the lake and glided underneathStanding Rock bridge and up Caney Creek cove in search of a less populated haven. The smell of hickory smoke and sizzling bacon drifted through the trees. lt has been this way, winter and summer, for 15 years on Tenkiller Ferry Reservoir. When the season is at its peak, it is estimated as many as 10,000 persons gather around the shore of the lake. They occupy tent sites in three state parks,one city park and 14 parks operated by the Army Engineers;cluster into 17 picnic grounds and set up for the weekend in 14 cabin areas. They launch boats at 17 public ramps so they can prowl 12,500acresof water; they stalk along 130 miles of shore; they fish everywhere, even indoors in seven heated fishing docks. Tenkiller is more than any other lake, a family lake, a vacationer'splace. Many Sooners consider it the state's prettiest lake. The clear blue of the lllinois cannot be matched by the waters of the Grand, the Verdigris, the Canadian, the Red, certainlynot the Arkansasand Cimarron which are impounded by the other major dams.-Tulsa Tribune Herman Jones- RexToney O k l o . F o r m B u r e o uM u t u o l I n s . C o . Bruce-Rogers Co. Fort Smith- R o g e r s ,A r k . Inc. House, S-HPails& Equip. Wots No. 800-632-0050 S p r i n g d o l eA , rk.