1994 - City of Stilwell
1994 - City of Stilwell
47ThANNUAL Queen LaNETTAGREEN May 14,1994 Stifwell,Oklahoma I KIWANISCLUBOFFICERS DREWCARSON President JIM PANTER Vice President LYNNCARSON Past President CHARLESCROZIER Trgasurer LARRYSTRAUSS Secretary KIWANISCLUBMEMBERS Larry E. Adair GregJones Drew T. Carson J. Dewayne Littlejohn James F. Carson Sam O. Love Joe L. Carson Hiram McFarland Lynn Carson Neb Miller Kyle K. Catron Brent Montgomery Reggy Cox Betty O'Neal Joe Criftenden Tobe O'Neal CharlesW. Crozier Jim Panter Robort Crozior Goorge Roberts Bill Dunaway Larry Roberts Clyde Enlow BrendaA. Rowan J. L. Hallford Larry N. Strauss DeanC. Jackson David West GaryJones SPECIALTHANKS Speciat thanks to the Stilwell Democrat-Journal for furnishing many of the photographs used in this year's booklet. This page made possible lhrough the conlributions of the following. SONIC DRIUE{N WELCOME PRESIDENT'S On behalf of the Stilwell Kiwanis Club and the community of Stilwell, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to th€ 47th annual Stilwell Strawberry Festival, ono of the premier ovonts in the state of Oklahoma. Year after year on the second Saturday in May, visitors numbering in the tens of thousands convorgo upon Stilwoll for a day full of family fun and entortainment. Activities of the day include a TCA sanctioned five kilometer run, a parado, the crowning of the Strawberry Fostival Queen. the Annual Strawberry Festival Luncheon, musical entertainmont at the bandstanddowntown, an auction competition and the auctioning of tho prize-winning strawberries. a carnival, an IRA rodeo. free servings of strawberriesand shortcake to the public. and the Alumni Association's all school rounion. There is somethingfor overyone. Kiwanis International is comprised of nearly 9,OOO membsrs in 76 different local clubs with over SOO.OOO countrios. Kiwanis is dedicatedto the bettermont of our communities through service. The Kiwanis Club of Stilwell uses all funds raisod from the Strawberry Festival for its community programs, specifically youth projects such as Little Leaguo Baseball. We very much approciato youa attendancetoday. A lot of effort goes into tho Fostival behind tho scon6s. Were it not for the hard work of dozens, perhaps hundreds. of Stilwoll citizens. the Strawberry Festival would not be possible. lt is'not feasibleto name all of thoso individuals here, but the following groups and organizations are especially desorving of thanks: the Mayor and City Council; the workers in tho Utility, Police, and Fire Departments; the Ad-Co Kiwanis Club; tho Stilwell Chamberof Commerce;local businesses;and. of course. the strawberry farmers whose fields provide the crop we're celebratingtoday, So have fun, ond enjoy the day. We're glad you're here, and hope that you will consider coming next year as well. .-) / , / 1 / ' , Y1/a/ I U,1/,."'' ' | - Drew T. Carson President,Stilwell KiwanisClub T h i s p a g e m a d e p o s s i b l et h r o u g h t h e c o n t r i b u t i o n so { t h e f o l l o w ! n g . COMPANY STARRMOTOR " N o P l a c eH o p sL i k e Sonic" 600 S. 2nd - 696-3200 Stilwell,OK 74960 696-3424- 696-3425 Home StilwellNursing S T I L W E L |O . .K , LAHOMA -2- S t i l w e l l .O k l a h o m a --3-- T 1994 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ASSIGNMENTS COMMITTEE BOOKLET PUBLICITY PROGRAM AUTOS FORTHE DAY ............. PARADE BANDS FORPARADE LUNCHEON Jim Pantor .........Jim Panter ..... LarryStrauss GeorgeRoberts ReggyCox ....... CharlesCrozier ..... Drew Carson SHUTTLEBUSES......... BrentMontgomery ...... RobertCrozier AUCTION CARNIVAL .... DeanJackson .... GaryJones CONCESSION ..... City of Stilwell CONCESSION PERMITS Brent Montgomery TROPHIES ... Kyle Catron STRAWBERRIES TO BANDS R U N. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . L y n nC q r s o n ..... DewayneLittlejohn TRAFFICCONTROL ........ StilwollVolunteerFireDept. ROPING S P O N S O R S H I P. .S. . . . . . . . . . . . . J o e L y n nC a r s o n ... GeorgeRoberts BANNERS STRAWBERRY SERVINGTO PUBLIC........ RobertCrozier ARTS & CRAFTSBOOTHS AD-CO Kiwanis OUEENCONTEST Botty O'Neal & Tobe O'Neal ClydeEnlow FLOATJUDGES F L Y - I N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N e b M i l l e r .,...... Everyone FLOAT......... PROGRAM FOR 47TH ANNUAL STNAWBERRY FESTNAL 1904 . . . . 8 : O Oa . m . S T R A W B E R RR YU N . . . . . . . . . . . . . LYnnCarson . . . . . . .9 : O Oa . m . E N T E R T A T N M E .N. .T. . . . . . . . . . 1O:OOa'm' NATIONALANTHEM . . . . 1 O : O 5a . m ' INVOCATION FLAGSALUTE '.' 1O:O8A.M. BoY Scouts - Fred Holtz 1 0 : 1 0a . m . ReggYCox -- ParadoMarshall Casoy Mannery -- HonoraryParadoMarshall PARADE A W A R D SP R E S E N T A T I O. .N. . " . . . . ' . . . ' . . . . . ' . " "I 1: 4 5 a ' m ' OF SPECIALGUESTS ANNOUNCEMENT OUEEN OFFESTIVAL CROWNING 1 1 : 5 Oa ' m ' FESTIVALLUNCHEON Doss Stilwell Cafetoria 12:OOnoon . . . . . 1 2 : O On o o n E N T E R T A I N M E N' .T. . . " ' . . . . . Air Force Band LacklandAir Forco Base - San Antonio' T€xas 2:15 p'm' AWARDSTO CHAMPIONGROWERS . . . . . .2 : 2 5 p . m . B E R R YA U C T I O N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:45 P'M. FREESTRAWBERRIES '.'. Friday- 1:OOp'm' Saturday- All DaY ARTS and CRAFTS 8:OOP.m. Thursday. FridaY& Saturday RODEO SOUAREDANCE This page made possible through the contributions of the following. SaturdaY SkatingRink 8:OOP'm' This page made possible through contributions of the following H A R T F U N E R A LH O M E A N D M O N U M E N TC O M P A N Y S e r v i n g A d a i r & C h e r o k e eC o u n t i e s THE HART FAMILY SERVING YOURS I P r e - a r r a n g e dP l a n n r n g a Hart Family Certaficates a Custom Designed Monuments T H R E E L O C A T I O N ST O S E R V E Y O U TAHLEOUAH STILWELL WESTVILLE 456-8823 696-6996 723-5422 1506 N GRAND IHWY 82 NORTH) HWY lOO W MAIN & MARKET --4- :B F€t H i g h w a y5 9 S o u t h S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a --5-- I 1993 OUEENand ATTENDANTS l ,t Itl :iiiil CASEY MANNERY HonoraryParadeMarshall PARADE HONORARY MARSHALL At age 6, Casey was diagnosed with Duchsnne Muscular Dystrophy. He wears log braces to help him walk. Casey is currontly enrolled in an experimental storoid therapy program in hopes to slow down the progressionof his disorder. Casey lives in Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma with his mother Jessica Ingram. His father Michael Mannery lives in Donnison,Texas. Casey in enrollod in Kindergartenat Ft. Gibson Public School, He is currently taking swimming lessons for physical thorapy. Casey loves playing with trucks and cars. He likes to color and enjoys playing soccer. This will be Casey's first year to attend Muscular Dystrophy's summer camp. Casey feels honored to bo the Honorary Parade Marshall for Stilwell's Strawberry Festivalon May 14th. Miss LaNetta S. Green, center was chosen queen of the 1993 Strawberry Festival. She is the daughter of Mike and Gelia Green of Stilwell. Her two attendants were Miss Celesta Elaine McGee, right, first runnerup; and Miss Melissa Sellers, left, sacond runner-up. Miss McGee'6 parents are Louis and Melinda Mcgee, and Miss Sellers ie the daughter of Bill and Karen Sellers. This page made possible through lhe contributions ot the lollowing. - FREEDOM FINANCE MEANS FRUNITURE Thic page made possible through the contributions of the following. S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a STILWELL D E M O C R A T- J O U R N A L Ozmxs Bmcrmc 1 1 8 N . S e c o n d - S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a An\ \ -\rz^ FARMERS C(I.OP , Junction5l&59 Feedand Fertilizer --6- Cooppurrvn Conr. , K S T I L W E L LW , E S T V I L L EO F A Y E T T E V I L L EA.R --7- I Srilwell,Oklohomo 2 3 4 5 6 7 - LUNCHEON SPEAKER Free servings of berries Arts and Crafts Beginning of parade parade Ending of xehorial liospital Festivat Luncheon RouLe mparade l"_n iii;;iooou"f;-:A;; o.ro]-:;:-- prn$ --.-iir_ _.;.H"IDD '""i"1 oo*-"r,.---ir_ii IF l! t{ ? 4 I I/ Thls pagemadepossiblethroughfhe conlribulionsot the lollowiig. SUPER MFOOD STORE 32O West Locust Stilweil, OK JIMDANDY DRIVE.IN W.A. Drew Edmondson (William Andrew) was born in Washington, D.C. on October 12, 1946. He was oducated in the public schools of Washington, D.C.., and Muskogee, OK, graduating from Muskogee Central High School in 1964. He attended Northeastorn State Univorsity in Tahlequah,OK on a debate scholarship and graduated with a B.A. in Speech Educationin 1968. While in college, Drow married Linda Larason of Fargo, OK. Following gradW.A. Drew Edmondson uation, Drew enlistedin tho U.S. Navy and volunteered f o r a t o u r o f d u t y i n V i o t n a mf r o m 1 9 7 1 t o 1 9 7 2 . I n 1974, Drew ran successfully for the State Legislature and served two years, making an unsuccessful bid for Congrossin 1976. In that year. Edmondsonenteredinto the Univorsity of Tulsa law School where he graduatedin December,1978. Edmondsonworked as an internin the District Attorney's office in Mublogeein 1978 and as an assistant D.A. in 1979 before entering privato practice with Ed Edmondson. He romainodin private practice until rejoiningthe D.A.'s offico as Chief Prosecutorin 1982. ln 1983, 1986 and 199O, Edmondson was elected, unopposed, to three consecutive terms as Muskogee County District Attorney. Edmondson is a member of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the National District Attorneys Association, the Association of Govornment Attorneys Engaged in Capital Litigation, and in August, 1983 was electsd presidontof the OklahomaDistrict Artorneys Association. He was selected as OutstandingDistrict Attorney for tho State of Oklahomain 1985 and was appointedto tho This page.made possible through the contributions of the' folltiwing. Jack and Betty Guffey SHARPE'S DEPARTMENT STORE S t i l w e l t ,O k l a h o m a MR.B'SPtzzl FEEDER'S SUPPLY 1 9 N . 1 s tS t . _ S t i t w e l , Fred& RondaHoltz TOM'SECO}IOMY TIRE Hwy 100 696-3560 696-3014 S t i l w e l lO , klahoma -B-- & CROZIER CARS(IN -696-7191 1 0 2W . D i v i s i o n Jim Carson,Agt.-RobertCrozier,Agt. EASTSIDEABSTRACT W.H.Langley,Jr. --9* I D.A.'s Council by the Board of Governors of the OklahomaBar Association. Drew and his wife Linda have livod in Muskogee for over 20 Voars. Linda is Director of Social Services for tho Muskogee Regional Medical Center. They have two children: Mary Elizabeth a graduate of tho Oklahoma UniversitySchool of Law and is working as an attotney in Washington. D,C.: Robert Androw a graduate of OklahomaCity Universitywith a B.A. in Asian Studies. RODEOBEGINSMAY12 The Strawberry Festival Rodeo will bogin Thursday, May 12, with performanceson Friday, May 1 Saturday,May 14, at 8:OOp.m. each evening. is sponsorodby tho Stilwell RoundupClub and rodeo professionalcompetitionin bareback , st6or wrestling, calf roping. and other events. 1993YOUNGROYALW Partof tha largeStrawberryFestivalcrowd. This pagemadeposslblethroughthe contributionsof the following. O.D. BILLYJ. BRUNK, Optometrist 7 918-696-671 FLOWERS PEGGY'S F l o w e r sF o r A l r O c c a s i o n s 24 N. FirstSt - Stilwell CHRISTIAN FAMILYBOOKSTORE HERMAN JOT{ES F a r mB u r e a ul n s . 696-7228 1 ' 1 9W . P l u mS t SueColeman- 696-3841 FIRESTONE COLLINS S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a AAA INC. C(IMPAI{Y, ABSTRACT Nancy Garrett Farrier,Mgr. -- 10-- Holly Nichole Crittonden, age 5. daughter of Mitchell and Donna Crittenden of Stilwell, was chosen princess at the Thirteonth Annual Strawberry Festival Prince and Princess Pageant in 1993. Chosen to reign with her is Nichofas Wayne Ffeiler, age 4, son of Mark and Margie Pfoiler of Westville. They wero choson from among twenty-three boys and girls ages four, five, and six. First runners up were: Lance Vann 4 and Tiffany Thomes 6 both of Stilwell. Second runners up were: John Lance Kelley 5 and Amber Wilson 4 of Stilwell. This page mado possible through lhe contributions of the following. HARDWARE Sl,lAY ACE Jack, Joy, John, Jim, Jerry & Chris ( 9 1 8 )6 9 6 - 2 1 2 4 [IERCANTITE STILWELT Stalwell,Oklahoma PEOPTES BANK westville,oK West SiloamSprings,OK - 1 1- - T ALL.SCHOOLREUNION The fourteenth annual AlFSchool Reunion of Stilwell High School will begin at 6 p.m., Ssturday, May 14, with rogist.ation at tho door of the Doss Stilwoll Cafetoria. Alumni duos of 95.OO inay be paid when rogistering. The program will begin at 6:45 p.m. und will include musical entortainment and presentation of the scholarship lecipiont and awards to the oldost graduate present and tho alumnus who traveled the greatost distance. Special prossntation will be awards to the 1994 OutstandingAlumna, Dr. Deanna Kay Land, and the 1994 OutstandingAlumnus, Dr. W. Neil Morton. Dr, Deanna Kay Land was born in Arkansas and is the Daughter of Frank Briggs of Stilwell and Betty Mae Crum of Tulsa. She aftended local schools and graduatod from Stilwell High School in 1963 as salutatorian of hor class. Deanna was selected Strawberry Festival Oueen in 1964. Dr. Land's highor education consists of a Bechelor's and Master's degree in Businoss Dr. Deanna Kay Land from Northeast€rn State University. Hor Doctorate in Higher Education Administration was earned from Oklahoma Stato University. Deanna's professional caroor start€d as a high school teacher at Stroud, OK. She returned to Northoastorn State as a staff momber in 197O and accepted a position as Assooiate Dean of Students at tho Univorsity of C€ntral Oklahoma in 1978. She was promoted to Doan of Students in 1990, the position she now holds. The University of Central Oklahoma has an onrollment of approximately 16.000 students. Dr. Land has been active in professional organizations throughout hor career, such as: Past President Oklahoma Gollege Studont Association; Past Member-Boord of Directors-Oklahoma Association of Counseling and Development; Past President-Oklahoma Gounty Thls page made posslble through the contrlbutaons ol the followlng. cARS0il r0A1{CoiltPAltY TomJ. Garson FAMILYCARECTINIC ]IID F. KEITH U]IDERHIII, BURDGE F. GREE}I, ilID 696-7727- 696-3101 --12- Domocratic Women's Club, and a mombar of American Business Women's Association. Her honors have also beon impressive. Sho has boon recognizod in Outstanding Young Womon of America. Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in America and was first runner-upof the 198O Mrs. OklahomaPageant. . Dr. Deanna Kay.Land has distinguishedherself in her profossionand has broughthonorto Stilwell high School. Deanna resides in Edmond and has two childron: Tracy, an aftorney, and Rob, a collego senior at NMSU. Dr. W. Neil Morton was born in tho Dahlonegah community of Adair County. tfe son of Guy and Jencie Morton. His early oducation began in Evansville, Ark. and continued at Dahlonegahand Stilwell. He graduatod Stilwell High School in 1953. He attonded Northoastern Stato University where he received his B.S. and Master's degree in Englishand Elemontary Education. A doctorate degroo in educationalAdDr. W. Neil Morton ministrationwas roceivedfrom the universityof Arkansasin 1976. Dr. Morton's caroer started in 1957 by teaching elomontary students in Tahlequah. He roturned to his home town in 1961 to teach Englishand Social Studies and was seloctedprincipalof Stilwell Junior High in 1963 and Stilwell High in 1968. Neil accepteda position at Northeastern State in l97O as Project Director for the CherokeeBilingualEducationProgram. He was promoted to Dean of the Graduate College in 1985 and Director of the Central Tribal Studios in 199O. He continues to hold both positions. Although Dr. Morton has hold many domanding positions during his caroor, he always finds timo to provide leadershipand serMco to NSU, CherokeeNation. State of Oklahoma, this community and to his church. The list is long, but a few should be notod: Past Chairman. Cherokee Nation Education Department; Founding Chairman, Eastern Oklahoma School Advisory This page made possible lhrough the contrabutionsof the following. JUDOE LARRY LANOTEY FAIRNESSTO ALL, RESPECTFORTHE LAW IGA ROWAN'S Dale& MaryRowan 6 1 0N . 2 n d 696-3350 - 13-- I Council; Member of the Executive Cabinet of Cherokee Nation; President and Past Lt. Governor Division 31. Texas-Oklahoma District Kiwanis International; and Member of Accreditation Committee of the American Associationof Law Schools. ln additionto these accomplishments, Neil agreedto run for the office of Mayor of our fine city in 1993 and was efected by 84o/oof tho vote. An old saying "that if you want a job done timely and correct, give it to a busy man." This appliesto Dr. Morton. Neil married Patsy Lynn Eads in 1956 and they have three children:Camille,Shawnaand Nason. CHAMPIONSHIP BERRIES There was a very good strawberrycrop in 1993, it was late, and no strawberrieswere availablefor tho Harold Brannon,a long-timegrower, was able to one crate of berries for the judging. Mr. Brannon was arded first placo. parade' 1993 Strawberry FestivalOueen ridee in the ir:' 'i .rrltin,. ' Short Season The strawberry season is relativoly short, starting early in May and ending about June 1 - but it's long enough for everyoneto get his or her share, Crates of strawberries sell especially fast on Strawberry Festival Day, so those wishing to buy aro reminded to got their share as early in the day as possible. Growers will be in Stilwell on FestivalDay to sell berries noar the band stand where much of the action takes place. Hundreds of people, including migrant workers. students and housowives, jump in each year to harvest the strawborry crop. A good picker can pick about 1OOquart boxes in a six hour day. A few years ago,73 pickers picked 2bO crates Irom 2 112 acres for one of the best days on record anywhere in the county. 1993 Stilwell Kiwanis Club president, Lynn Carson and 1992 Strawberry Festival Oueen, RachelleRitchie on the Kiwanis Club float. This page made possible through the cdntrlbutions of the lollowing' This page made possible through the c o n t r i b u l i o n so f l h e l o l l o w i n g . \ RESTAURANT BrcSTIOE Stilwell , AREA STILWELL CHAMBER OFC()MMERCE StilwellO , klahoma BrcBFOOD&DEII DRIVE-I}I BEACON Stilwolland Tahlequah RESTAURANT !,lE)(lCAN BANDID0'S Tahlequah & olt ilAelctuBE 2 Locations- Tahlequah --14- -- 15 -- ,1,1,,,1iiiiii;i;;liliiiilliiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiriiiiiixiilitii+iiili}:itritiiiiii:ijiiiilxiiiiiiii$iiiiiiiiiir: ,r Boy Scout Pack No. 761 won first place in the civic category of the Strawberry Festivalparade. Stilwell Foods float placed first in the commercial catsgory of the Strawberry Festival parade. First place winner in the religious category of the Strawberry Festival parade was Elm Grove Baptist Church. One of parade. This page made possible through the contribulions of the following. u0uNTAtN vtEl|/ HuDSoil "Helpins FeodAmerica" Stilwell, Westville, WHQ[ESAIE MEATS Homo ot thc FomougHot Links OK 800-284-4553 -- 696-7393 JIMMIEW. TAYLOR,MD THETUFFLERSHOP 13S. 2nd - Stilwell 696-3155 -- 16 -- 713% North 2nd Street 696-5312 several riding clubs to participate in the This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contribulionsol the following. \ I ) MARKET BASKET DINER EASTPARK Glsn & BarbaraBentz Lor-LeeSolengerg 696-5055 Hwy.51 East Bill and Cathy Swift CIRCLE S FOOD STORE TAXES.R.US ANdLAUNDRY 2nd&Maple-696-41'15 DebbieNewman 9 ' 1 8 - 6 9 6 - 2 1 4 1- 7 2 O S . 3 r d -- 17 -- Stilwell,OK 74960 I Many floats take part in the parade. A horse and buggy in the parade. GOSPELSINGING The Baron Fork Camp is happy to announcethe First Annual Strawborry FostivalGospel Singing. This exciting event is scheduledfor Saturday, May 14, 1994 at tho Glory Bowl Outdoor Amphithoater located oight miles north of Stilwoll on U.S. Highway 59 at Baron Fork Creek Camp. The music will begin at approximately 7:3O p.m. and continuotill???? Top aroa and nationally known groups have been invited to participate.Three outstanding guest gtoups are schedulod for this years initial singing. Ths Sounds of Froodomfrom Muskogee, OK; The Harmonettesfrom Ada OK and The Molody Aires from Tahlequah,OK. Thors is no admission chargo for the singing. Abundant parking is availablo. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, enjoy the boautiful scenery, fellowship and the best in southern gospel music. No Alcohol is permitted. Will move indoors to the Stilwell School Elementary Auditorium in case of rain. Stilwell girl scouts in the parade. 't "'.. .. $ Anotherof the StrawberryFestivalparadefloats This page made possible through the conlributions ol the following. Thls pagemadeposslblethroughlhe contribullonsof the followlng. DARRELLR. DOWTY ASSISTANT DISTRICTATTORNEY Stilwell, Oklahoma This BookletPrintedBy: L&LPRINTING 103West Division- (918)696.6366 S t i l w e l lO, K _ _1 8 _ \ SAIES NORTHSIDE AUTO Jim Adair 696-2937 WHEELS ROLLING CENTER SKATE 696-7055 S t i l w e l l ,O K ) TROTLINE BESTAURA}IT 696-3474 DINE-IN/ CARRY.OUT JIMMIEW. TAYLOR,MD 13S. 2nd - Stilwell 696-3155 FARM STATE CO. INSURANCE LarryStrauss- 696-4114 & ADAIR LITTLEJOHN Attorneys At Law S t i l w e l lO , K -- 19- I rii l ta, i ii:. I i.. l t f,lf lql *- t# p 'CherokeePrideresults in MonufocturingExcellence' .,RUNFORTHEBERRIES" IS BIG ATTRACTION The 6th Annual "Run for tho Berries"which started on U.S. 59 at the First ChristianChurch and finishedat the Bandstandin Downtown Stilwell, was rvon by Kevin Mitcholl of Fayettoville, Ark. in 15 minutes and 49 seconds. The five kilometer course is TCA sanctioned and certified for accuracy. The "Run for the Berries" is the oponing event of FestivalDay. This page made possible through lhe contributions of the following. THEHEAD(IUARTERS HAIRSALON 3 1 5N 2 n d ' 6 9 6 - H A I R Stilwell,OK STILWELL INC. PHARMACY, u indow T r yO u r D r i v e - t h rW 696'2500 MOTEL STILWELL MART HOLIDAY SPEEDY Hwy. 59 South - 696-7777 S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a LUCILLE'S CHUCKWAG(}N CAFE Velcome to the Festiaal Cherckee Nation Industries Incorporated Ron and Robin Gray J e n n i f e r .S e t h , B o n n i e AUTO,INC. STILWELL L u c i l l eW i l s o n 696 3811 -- 20 -- (e18)6e6-3151 323S. 2nd - Stilwetl (918)696-2135 -21 -- I BankoI Corn-frrerce T1 ltl-!=^= Hometown Banlting Since 7937 Kiwanis Club Officers: (leftl Jim Panter, vice preaident;{backl Charles Crozier, treasur€r; trightl Larry Strauss, secretary; lfrontl Drew Carson, , president. CLUBSPONSORS FESTIVAL r!*!_:i:1tr,;;t! jt j M A I NB A N K The Stilwell Kiwanis Club, which has sponsoredthe StrawberryFestivalever since its inception,has an unbroken traditionof communityservice since jt was ohartered4g years ago. Underthe motto of ,,We Serve,,,the StilwellKiwanisClub sponsorssuch diversifiedactivitiesas the Boy Scouts, the annualStrawberryFestival,and the summerbasebairprogram for areaboysand girls. The Strawberry Festival dates back to 1949 when the Stilwell Kiwanis Club decided to do something about stimulatinginterestin one of Adair County,smajor economic resources. The Strawberrycrop that year was valued at about $750,000and was describedas ,,the biggestberryharvesttne areahas ever experienced.,, D R I V E . I NB A N K STILWELL SERVING AND A D A I RC O U N T Y This page made possible through the conlrlbutlons of the lollowlng. "O'' TROPHIES AMERICAil LEGIOII AND DOUBLE AMERICA]ILEGIQNAUX. post 102 (eroi 6e6-87s7 or6e6-737o 7th & Btackjack FLOWER SHOP FARMERS STILWELL INSURANCE 696-2250 V i n i a& B i l l P r e s l e y S t i l w e l lO , klahoma (918)696-3371 PARTS AUTO FULL OLIVE'S SERVICEBILL'S 713North2nd Street STATION 25 696-41 Bank- \ | ilr-n ll*r L_:.:-1 r-z A P . O .B o x 5 1 2 - S t i l w e l l ,O K 7 4 9 6 0 (918)696-7745 M e m b e rF D I C H w y . 5 9N o r t h -22-- Of UOmmefGe __23 __ "t/' T M A N YC H U R C H E S A v a r i e t yo f r e l i g i o u sd e n o m i n a t i o n s are representedin Stilwell. From English to Cherokee, over 60 churches hold services regulai'ly. The churches include: A S S E M B L YO F G O D BELL BAPTISTCHURCH B U N C H B A P T I S TC H U R C H CALVARYCHURCH OF EAST PEAVINE C E N T R A LB A P T I S TC H U R C H C H E R R YT R E E B A P T I S T C H E R O K E EC H I L D R E N ' SM I S S I O N C H E R O K E EH I L L S U N I T E DP R E S B Y T E R I A N CHUCULATECHURCH C H U R C HO F C H R I S T C H U R C HO F G O D O F T H E A P O S T O L I CF A I T H FAITH TABERNACLE FELLOWSHIPBAPTISTCHURCH FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH F I R S TC H R I S T I A NC H U R C H F I R S TU N I T E DM E T H O D I S TC H U R C H F R E EH O L I N E S SC H U R C H G R A C EC H A P E L G U I D I N GL I G H TC H U R C H H O N E YH I L L C H U R C H C H U R C HO F G O D LIGHTHOUSE MULBERRYBAPTIST PENTECOSTALHOLIN ESS CHURCH ROCK SPRINGSBAPTIST SALEM BAPTISTCHURCH SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTCHURCH U N I T E DM E T H O D I S TI N D I A N C H U R C H W H I T M I R EC O M M U N I T YC H U R C H Z I O N U N I T E DM E T H O D I S TC H U R C H CALVARYSOUTHERNBAPTISTCHURCH This page madepossiblethroughthe contrubutionsol lhe following. TRACYE LYNN'S SHOP SMOKE STILWELL GIFI,CtOTHlt{G & TAilNll{GC0. 1201W. Locust- 696-3607 Tobacco ProduCts 'l'171/zW. Cedar - 696-5096 PARROTT'S STORE JEWELRY BLACKARD REALESTATE REEDS HARDWARE Quenton& Gene N&DCONOCO 204 N. Second Welcometo the Festival -24- LARRY E. ADAIR STATEREPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 86 ADAIR.CHEROKEE. DELAWARE. MAYESCOUNTTES 442 STATECAPITOLBUILDING OKLAHOMACITY,OK 73105 (405) 52't-2711 TOLL FREE 1-800-522-8502 FAX (405) 557-7351 EASTPARK DINER H w y . 5 1E a s t B i l la n dC a t h yS w i f t JR. E.GOLE, TLOYD J(IHNC. GARRETT Attorney-At-Law "tlyelcometo the Festival" STILWELL REALTY & HOME RENTAL 724S. 2nd St. - (918) 696-5622 STILWELL LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 113West DivisionSt. 1207KEBRY DRIVE STILWELL,OKLAHOMA 74960 (918)696-7718 This pagemadepossiblethroughthe contributionsof the following. CAFE STILWELL Stilwell, Oklahoma Stilwell. Oklahoma Enjoy your stay in Stilwell, participate in all the activities planned for your onjoyment during the Forthsovonth Annual Strawborry Fostivel ond pleeso foel wolcome to Msit Stilwsll and Adair County ag€in, GUYSTRICKLAND CHEVROLET & OLDS S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a ATTORNEY AT LAW 205W. DivisionSt. (918)696.7075 STRAWBERRY PATCH & HEREAL KITGHEI{ 1 1 1W . D i v i s i o n --25- I RECIPES FAVORITE S T R A W B E R RDYU M PC A K E ( J o a n W h i t e , C o r t e z ,C o l o . ) 1 box white cake mix 1 small box strawbetry Jello 'l small box frozen strawberries ( s a v e4 T B S P j u i c e l r o m t h i s ) % cuo Ctiscooil 4 eggs 2 TBSP flout- /r cuP water M i x a l l i n g r e d i e n t sw e l l a n d b a k e i n 9 x 1 3 i n c h c a k e p a n Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until done While still warm punch holes in top of cake with handle of wooden spoon and frost with 1 box powdered suqar, % stick , ixed well. o l e o a n d 4 T B S P s t r a w b e r r i e sm S A K O W I T ZA M B R O S I A 1 pt. strawberries,hulled and halved 1 cup seedlessgreen grapes.halved 1 small fresh pineapple,about2 cups in bite-sizepieces 1 mango,peeled,seededand cubed 2 red apples,cored and diced % cup powderedsugar 1 cup flaked coconut 2 tbsp.sherry 2 tbsp.apricotbrandy Peel and cut pineapple in bite-size pieces. Layer f r u i t i n l a r g e s e r v i n g b o w l ; s p r i n k l ew i t h s u g a r a n d flaked coconut. Combine sherry and apricot brandy; pour over fruit. Toss lightly to mix. Chill in refrigerator about 2 hours before serving. (Note: Apples may be dipped in mixture of lemon juice and water to prevent darkening.) Serves 1O This page made possiblethrough the contributions of the following. f,otterts ?uneral fiome ?{ome of Ozarh Burial Association P. O. AOX 472 STILWELL, OKLA. 749@ PdoriE 9r8-696-2136 P. O. BOX 176 WESTVILLE, OKLA. 74965 PHONE 918-723-5438 BREAD STRAWBERRY Sift together in mixing bowl 3 tsp. cinnamon 3 cups tlour 'l tsp. soda 1 tsp"salt Beat 3 eggs until thick, add 2 cups sugar, 2 cups crushed strawberries (frozen ones can be used); 1 7z cups cooking oil. Add to dry mixture, mix well. Pour into well greased and lloured 1'lb. coftee cans lilling only half lull' Bake at 350 degrees for t hour. This recipe lills 3 coffee cans. STRAWBERRY PIE ( M r s . F l o Y dC o x , Z i o n ) 1 quart frozen strawberries thawed and drained Reserveberries to add later. In saucepan add: 2 c u p s d r a i n e d s t r a w b e r r Yj u i c e 1 cup sugar 5 tablespoonscornstarch (rounded) Cook 3 minutes. Add red food coloring. Cool. Add strawberries and 3 sliced bananas.Pour into b a k e d o i e s h e l l s .T o p w i t h w h i p p e d c r e a m . M a k e s two 8-inch oies. STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM 6 eggs 2 cans Mtlnot rrr tSP (Mrs BobBaileY) 2 L ' zc u P ss u g a r 3 cups strawbernes (crushed) 1 T.Vantlla Sd lt B e a t e g g s u n t i l l i g h t c o l o r .A d d s u g a r g r a d u a l l y A d d s a l t , v a n i l l a , a n d c r u s h e d s t r a w b e r r r e s ,I n b l e n d e r .A d d t \ 4 i l n o ta n d b e a t a t l o w s p e e d u r t t i l m i x e d g o o d ,t h e n a d d s t r a w b e r r l e s Makes l qallon. This page made possible through the contributions of lhe following. BRUNER'S CARS USED FELTS SHOES M r . B ' s S h o p p i n gC e n t e r S t i l w e l l ,O k l a h o m a Hwv 59 North David Dewayne- OgO-gZgO' HARDWARE FLETCHER'S RENTAL INSURANCE & TOOL SHELTER S e r v i c e& D e P e n d a b i l i t Y Since.1906 L a r r YO ' N e a l 696-3700 PRODUCE MARTIN CENTER MEDICAL FARMERS Hwy. 59 North G e n e & B o n n i eG r a Y --26- 912 W. Cedar - -- 27 -- 696-7278 FIRSTQUEENIN 1948 The 1993 Strawberry Festival Oueen LaNetta Green. is the 46th Adair County young lady to roign ovor the annual evont in Stilwell. FORMERSTRAWBERRYFESTIVALQUEENSARE: 19tE1949195019511952195319541955195619571958195919601961196219631964196519661967196819691970- Pat Reed PatsyProck CarlineEmerson PatsyLee NormaLee Latta DeloresSteddum BarbaraCaviness BessiePhelps AnnettaJohnson Mary Jane Cabe DeloisNofire MonarayStanfill ShirleyTate DeverylButler MarilynTodd SandyJ. Goodall DeannaBriggs CaleneGreen RitaKay Carson KarenNichols CarolynCarson BeverlyGreen MargaretCouch 19711972197319741975197619771978197919801981198219831984198519861987198819891990 19911992 1993 - DonnaPadgett KathyRosebeary LydiaLewis Nina Reagon KarenBaublit DalanaHudgins Tammy Smothers BetsyCox DonnaTerrell Vicki Guthrie StephanieGoodall MonicaMartinez BrendaLawrence ShellieFay Cureton CherylLynn Tackett CharleneGreen StephanieCain Jamie Johnson AngelaBrewster Angela Ross Sky Hume RachelleRitchie LaNettaGreen This page made possible through the contributions of the following. SbVecalled Stilwell home l- IOr OVer fifty years. fact, we're only a few yearsolder than this festival. We even named our company after its birthplace. We're proud to have come such a long way in half a century. But just like Stilwell the town, Stilwell the company will never outgrow the values we hold dear. Values like honesty. Integrity. O1d-fashionedstandards of quality in our product and quality in the jobs we do every day. We're proud to be nationaily known as a leading producer of quality frozen vegetables, fruits, dessertsand pie shells.And we're alsonroudto call Stilwell, Okiahoma, home. HOSPITAL MEMORIAL 1401W. Locust Stilwell,Oklahoma StilwellFoods,Inc. --28- __29 -- FAVORITERECIPES S T R A W B E R R YM E R I N G U E S (By BettYInmari) 3 egg whites dash salt dash cream of tartar 3/acup sugar 2 tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. white vinegar Beategg whites, salt and creambf tartar untll whites Iorm sofipeaks.Graduallyadd sugar,beat until mixture is stiff and glossy. Beat in c'ornstarchand vinegar: Arrangein 8 four inch circleson plain ungreasedbrown p"p"rin bakingsheet,spreadinixturehigheronoutside meredges. Bake at 275 degrees F' lor t holr o1 until brown on Cool browned lightly and ing:uesare firm paper.Store in airtightcontainer'At servingtime spoon ice cream in meringues,cover with sliced sweetened strawberriesand top with whipped cream' MAMA'S HOUSESTRAWBERRYBUTTERFROSTING (John David Thomas) 6 tbl. butter (creamed) ADD 2112 cugs sif ted Powdereclsugar ADD 1/4 cup strawberry,iuice 1 1 / 2t s p . v a n i l l a 1/2 tbl. shredded strawberies Graduallyadd 2 additional cups powderedsugar JAMS Strawberry Jam 2 cups cleaned berries 2 cups sugar Place whole berries in good sized pan and pour sugar over and start to mash. Cook over medlum h e a tf o r 2 5 m i n u t e s . P o u r i n t o b o w l a n d l e t s e t u n t i l c o o l ' Pour in jars and seal with wax or lids. This paqe made possible through lhe conl-ributionsof the following' MR0's SHOP.N-GO 2nd St. and Olive S t i l w e l l .O k l a h o m a PORTABLERESTROOMS. -- 30 -- PASTPRESIDENTS Past presidents of the Stilwell Kiwanis Club date back to 19216.Many still live here, while some are deceased and others have moved away. 1970- H.D.Gound 1971- Phil Keeter 1972- CharlesMcFarland 1973 - Jack Peny 1974- Lany Roberts 1975- Jack Smay 1976- E.R.Kirkbride 1977- Larrv Eubanks 1978- Lany N. Strauss 1979- JamesYoung 1980- John Freeman 1981- Tom C. Todd 1982- CharlesW. Crozier 1983- Jack E. Kay 1984- DeanJackson 1985- Bobby Ray 1986- JamesF. Carson 1987- Andy Inman 1988- HiramMcFarland 1989- Mike Doublehead 1990 - Robert Crozier 1991 - DavidWest 1992 - ReggyCox 1993 - Lynn Carson 1946- Dick Brody 1947- Otto Alderson 1948- Jack Chaffin 1949- Joe H. Carson 1950- Jean R. Reed 1951- BarnesPemberton 1952- NorvellHenley 1953- GeneL. Gray 1954- KennethRains 1955- John McGinnis 1956- Jack K. Holt 1957- Beny A. Ferguson 1958- D.C.(Tobe)O'Neal 1959- Jim DeJarnatt 1960- Jack Barham 1961- KennethCarleton 1962- ColbertStarr 1963- Ben Briley 19&[ - Julius H. Thomas 1965- Wade Zumwalt 1966- W. Neil Morton 1967- L.T. Spray 1968- J.L. Hallford 1969- H.D.Gound This page made possible through the contributions of the tollowing. "['ilfil ti'] A\ .s\ "[' li'] lt.i Nt N[ ( D liri S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y TAHLEOUAH,OKLAHOMA "An EqualOpportunityUniversity" Wl Farm& HomeRealty o 1109NorthSecondSt. Stilwell,Oklahoma74960 Business(918)696-6295 -31 -- - v Vnn SurE Bnr.rx WELCOMETO STILWELL'S 47THANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL P R O U DT O P R O V I D E COMPLETE B A N K I N GS E R V I C E TO STILWELLAND ADAIRCOUNTY 1 0N O R T HS E C O N D STILWELL ME MB E RF D I C 696-5711 l
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