October 25, 2015 - St. Peter the Apostle
October 25, 2015 - St. Peter the Apostle
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2015 IN NOVEMBER WE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED LOVED ONES Daylight savings time ends next weekend. The afternoons are dark much earlier. November begins on Sunday, All Saints’ Day, and the Church Liturgical year enters its final month. November begins with two great liturgical feasts, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. These two feast days set the mood for all of November. We especially remember all our deceased and we pray to one day join them in heaven. Here at church in November, we pray at every Mass for all your deceased whom you have asked us to pray for on your All Souls’ Day envelopes (Please put your All Souls’ Day envelope with your listed intentions in the collection basket or bring it to the Rectory Office. These envelopes will be on the altar for November). We especially remember and pray for everyone who has died during this past year. We continue praying for all who lost their lives in the September 11 th tragedy and those who have been killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. In November we pray for our soldiers bravely serving in war-torn countries and for all our military Veterans, especially on Wednesday, November 11, Veterans’ Day. In November, the Church reminds us that our lives here on earth do end in death and that we should always be prepared spiritually to meet Jesus at the defining moment of our own death. We have a natural fear of death because it usually involves pain and suffering. None of us want to experience our bodies and minds slowing down. But more often than not this does happen before we die. But even when that may be taking place, we can and should be growing closer and closer to our Lord all the time. Our longer experience of this life hopefully gives us the grace of greater wisdom as we grow closer in our life journey towards meeting Jesus face to face. In a more profound sense, beyond our natural fear of pain and death, we ask God to help us realize in faith that as long as we are trying our best to love God Himself and to love our neighbor as ourselves then we really need not fear death at all. (Matthew 22:34-40.) Death becomes the supreme moment when we finally meet Jesus Christ and when He brings us to the fullness of our salvation in the Kingdom, after a time of purification in purgatory, if we need that. We know that our Lord has blessings beyond our imagination in store for those who love Him. Please keep November with your family and fellow parishioners as the Church’s special time to pray for our dead, to prepare ourselves spiritually to accept our own death in God’s good time, and to accept the Church’s teaching on respect for every human life from conception to natural death. May all of our deceased family members, parishioners and friends be with the Lord in glory forever, in His Kingdom. God Bless, Fr. Herb TITHING September October 11-17, 2015 $14,027.00 Same Week Last Year: $17,278.00 From the Pastor: Next week on Tuesday, November 3rd, we may be inconvenienced a little bit by interrupting our normal routine to vote on Election Day. Please do this for God and for our country, do it for all the people in countries where people can’t vote. Do this for your family and your neighbors. Not voting is selfish. Voting is participating; it is generous; it meets our responsibilities as the Lord would have us do. Words of Tithing from the Pews: Tithing has made such a difference for me. Returning to God the first part of my income made me realize, too that I need to contribute more of my Time to the people around me. Doing this has been very rewarding here and hopefully for the hereafter. Thank you for your sacrifice of Tithing MASS ATTENDANCE Mass attendance for October 17/18: 1523 ALL SOULS DAY MEMORIAL MASS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd – 7:00 PM We invite everyone to remember your loved ones in a special way at our Memorial Mass on Monday, November 2nd at 7:00 PM in the Church. If you wish, please bring a framed 3 x 5 picture of your loved one with your name and phone number on the back. All pictures will be placed on our “Remembrance Table” and returned to you after Mass. Please join us in the Church Hall for “coffee and…” after Mass. Please continue to pray for our deceased. May they rest in peace. HAVE YOU BEEN GETTING YOUR MAIL FROM SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE Occasionally we receive returned mail because someone has moved and not informed the Rectory, or we do not have an apartment number to go along with the street address or sometimes mail says no such person and unable to forward. If you do not receive your contribution envelopes or other mail from Saint Peter’s, please call the Rectory at 973-334-2090 to let us know. We will try to rectify the situation as soon as possible. Thank you. ALL SAINTS ACADEMY CORNER FIND US ON FACEBOOK: WWW.ALLSAINTSPAR.ORG All Saints Academy welcomes all prospective students and their families that seek the academic, spiritual and social opportunities that exist uniquely in our school community. All Saints Academy is a nationally recognized STEM school of the Diocese of Paterson. Our school offers a comprehensive, multi-curricular, rigorous academic program, centered on values-based education. A strong and loving Catholic identity permeates the environment. A spirit of faith, respect and joy are evident in our school. In addition to religious instruction, students model Christian ideals through cooperative activities, spiritual and liturgical celebrations, participation in the Sacraments, and service outreach. An active parent organization lends partnership and support to the school community. The Early Childhood Center offers classes for three and four year old children. The elementary and middle school classes include kindergarten through grade eight. Contact our school principal, Mrs. Judy Berg at 973-334-4704, to schedule a tour and classroom visit. 1 SCRIPTURE READINGS OCTOBER 26-NOVEMBER 1 MONDAY Romans 8: 12-17 Gospel: Luke 13: 10-17 TUESDAY Romans 8: 18-25 Gospel: Luke 13: 18-21 WEDNESDAY Ephesians 2: 19-22 Gospel: Luke 6: 12-16 THURSDAY Romans 8: 31b-39 Gospel: Luke 13: 31-35 FRIDAY Romans 9: 1-5 Gospel: Luke 14: 1-6 SATURDAY Romans 11: 1-2a, 11-12, 25-29 Gospel: Luke 14: 1, 7-11 SUNDAY Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 1 John 3: 1-3 Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12a SANCTUARY LAMPS/FLOWERS You may have the Sanctuary Candles in the Church, Chapel or Adoration Chapel burn in memory of a loved one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call the rectory. October 25-31, 2015 Sanctuary Lamp in the Church is for Alice McCarthy Sanctuary Lamp in Mary’s Daily Chapel is for Kathleen Tillyer Sanctuary Lamps in the Adoration Chapel are for Gregory Loff, Charles Hathaway, Richard Locilento Tabernacle Roses in the Church – Betty Birilli Altar Flowers AND CCD NEWS Please visit www.facebook.com/spayouthministry SAINT PETER’S GOLDEN AGE-NOVEMBER 2 Saint Peter’s Golden Age will meet at the Community Center on Monday, November 2 at 11:00 AM – All are welcome! We will be having our last trip to the Sands in Pennsylvania on October 29th. For more information, call Joe & Jackie at 973-335-1209. OUR NEW WEBSITE-“CATHOLICISM” VIDEO Please visit our new Website! In an effort to constantly improve how we communicate and provide information to the Parish, we have upgraded our Website with a new look and added more content. It also has a mobile platform which will make viewing it on your smartphone or tablet easier. Check out the video on our new Adult Faith Formation Program, “Catholicism”. The web address remains the same at www.saintpetertheapostle.org. SAINT PETER’S BOOK CLUB – NOVEMBER 11 St. Peter’s Book Club will meet on Wednesday, November 11 at 7:30 PM in the Church Hall. We will discuss the book, Fatal Breach by Linda Rawlins. Join us for dessert, coffee and discussion. OUTREACH CORNER-CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A family needs a mattress for a full bed. A parishioner needs a ride to the 5:30 PM Saturday Mass. A man in the parish needs a ride to the doctor. A family in need of blankets, full size sheets and pots & pans. A woman needs a winter coat size medium. If you can help, please call the Rectory at 973-334-2090. Thank you. MASS INTENTIONS FOR OCT. 26-NOV. 1, 2015 MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2015 6:45AM – People of the Parish 8:00AM – Zofia Jurkowski TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015 6:45AM – Special Intention for Emma Wyman & Leonardo Alberto 8:00AM – Jane Barriero, Paul H. D’Entremont (59th Anniv.), Leah Villa WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015-Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles 6:45AM – Florian Sanchez 8:00AM – Francis X. Wren, Jr., Special Intention for Vincenza Minerva THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 6:45AM – Helen Schweikardt, Patricia Cregg 8:00AM – Rose Mercurio , Joseph Puccio, Special Intention for Frances Brady FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2015 6:45AM – Connie & Al Uricoli, In Thanksgiving for Barbara Leshner, Special Intention for Sandra Rengifo 8:00AM – Sarah Wood, Ulbarico Oritz SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 8:00AM – Aileen Hyden, Linda & Michael Franchino 5:30PM – Lorna Timkang (10th Anniv.), Carol Panasik (2nd Anniv.) Eleanor Carlton, Edward Nick Neighbour, Rick Derrico 7:00 PM –Special Intention for Rufina Ramirez, Susana Vazquez, Faustino Barragan SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2015 –ALL SAINTS DAY 7:30 AM – Colasuonno & Regina Families, Special Intention for Robert Hughes, Mary Catherine Koenig 9:00 AM – Andres Chua, Cresenzo DiLella, Gregory Frank Miceli (8th Anniv.) 10:30 AM – Michael DeLouisa, Edward Zelichowski, Jr., Ann Costello 12:00 PM – Smail Family, Paul Hoffman, Fred Radulic (5th Anniv.) 7:00 PM – Arthur Fiorino (1st Anniv.), Salvatore Russo CATHOLICISM VIDEO SERIES The next session in the “Catholicism” video series will be this Thursday, October 27th either after the 8:00 AM Mass or at 7:30 PM in the Church Hall. This session is “Happy Are We: The Teachings of Jesus”. All are welcome. VISITING THE SICK The sick are the special treasures of our parish community. Ask anyone in the Visitation Ministry what they receive when they visit the sick of the parish. Recently, we have received a number of calls requesting Communion for a loved one. But we need more volunteers for this most important work. The sick and elderly members of our parish long for the Eucharist because it is the source of their strength and courage to get through another day. If you are an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and are interested in this beautiful ministry, please call Sister Sylvia at the Rectory (973-334-2090). Training will be provided. PIZZA WITH THE BISHOP FOR OUR YOUNG MEN Thursday, November 5, 2015 – DePaul High School, Wayne Monday, February 1, 2016 – Morris Catholic HS, Denville Thursday, March 17, 2016 – Pope John Paul XXIII, Sparta Each Night at7:00 PM If you are a young man in high school or college, or even older, come join Bishop Serratelli and priests from the Diocese of Paterson for adoration, reflection, fellowship…and of course, pizza. For more information, please contact the Vocation Office at 973-7778818, ext. 711. 2 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH –OCTOBER 25-31 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2015 Blessing of Expectant Parents - Church Vocationist Raffle Sale - Plaza 9:00AM – Children’s Gospel Program – Church Hall 10:15AM – CCD Classes – School 11:00AM – Food Pantry Distribution - School 12:30PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 2:30PM – Wedding - Church 5:30PM – Confirmation Class - Chapel 5:30PM – Bingo – Parish Center MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2015 4:15PM – CCD Classes - School 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 7:00PM – RCIA – Rectory 7:00PM – Diocesan Choir – Church 7:30PM – English as a Second Language – Teachers’ Room 7:30PM – S.I.N.E. – 7th Grade Classroom TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015 8:30AM – Adult Faith Formation – Church Hall 10:00AM – Peanuts Playgroup – Church Hall 11:00AM – Care One Communion/Prayer Service 4:00PM – Children’s Choir – Church/Church Hall 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 6:00PM – Wedding - Church 7:15PM – Tuesday CCD – School 7:30PM – Adult Faith Formation – Church Hall 7:30PM – Bereavement Support Group - Convent WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 6:00PM – Boy Scout Troop #72 - Cafeteria 7:30PM – Spanish Bible Class – 7th Grade Classroom 7:30PM – Ancient Order of Hibernians – Church Hall THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 6:00PM – CYO Basketball - Parish Center 7:30PM – Adult Choir – Church/Church Hall 7:30PM – Spanish Choir – Chapel 8:30PM – Men’s Basketball – Parish Center FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2015 12:00PM – ASA Halloween Trunk/Treat – Parking Lot 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 7:30PM – Rosary, Devotion & Benediction-Church/Church Hall SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 8:30AM – Polish School – School 9:30AM – Memorial Mass - Chapel 1:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 4:00PM – Penance – Church 7:30PM – AA – Church Hall 8:00PM – Indian Community Sports – Parish Center ALTAR SERVERS – OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 1, 2015 5:30PM – Sebastian, Saggio, Saggio 7:30AM – Torres 9:00AM – Lalo, Lalo, Lalo 10:30AM – Mersing, Mersing, Bondarowicz 12:00PM – Marshall, Sanchez, Sanchez 7:00PM – Abrenica, Gonzales MARTHA MINISTRY Friday, OCTOBER 30 – TEAM 2 Pat Sherlock, Mary Ellen Dinsmore, Marge O’Hara, Lucille Sherwood For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven… …a time to be born Ryan Stanley Fernandes, Hunter Rhys Weldon …a time to die Mary Catherine Koenig, Aurora Sanchez, Rebecca Gutierrez …a time to heal Fr. Herb, Baby Leonardo Alberto, Baby Emma Wyman, Patricia Abrantes …a time to love “…and a time of peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 BINGO OCTOBER 25, 2015 – TEAM B – BARBARA RYAN POWERBALL #1 - $500.00 – POWERBALL #2 $152.00 DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE SERVING IN THE MILITARY? – PLEASE TELL US Please keep all of our parishioners who are serving in the military, especially Frank Mulvaney and Natalie Domenech, both currently serving with the Navy, in your prayers. Please notify the Rectory Office, 973-334-2090, if there are any parishioners currently serving our country in the military. LET’S GO NEXT SPRING TO SPAIN, FRANCE & ITALY APRIL 11-21, 2016 Our parish is sponsoring a European trip to the exciting city of Barcelona, Spain and then on to Lourdes, where Mary visited with Saint Bernadette. We travel to Nice and visit Monte Carlo from there. Leaving France, we go to Northern Italy to Stresa on Lake Maggior the Italian/Swiss Lake district. After a full day visiting islands at Lake Maggiore, we move onto Milan for our last full day. The next morning we fly home from Milan. Many places on this itinerary we have probably never visited before. Please call or stop at the Rectory for a beautiful trip brochure. Please speak with the travel agency, Nuovo Tours at 973-8820021, if you wish. LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR CRAFT & BAKE SALE – NOVEMBER 15TH The Little Sisters of the Poor’s Annual Christmas Craft & Bake Sale (all proceeds from this sale will benefit the residents of St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly) and Ham & Turkey Drop (turkeys and hams that are donated will provide future meals for the residents) will be held on Saturday, November 21, 140 Shepherd Lane, Totowa (parking and entrance on Cumberland Ave.) from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. 3 SILVER AND GOLD WEDDING ANNIV. MASS Couples, were you married in 1965 or 1990? You are warmly invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of Paterson on November 8th at 4:00 PM at Saint Mary’s in Denville. Bishop Serratelli will be the main celebrant. Arrangements can be made by calling the Rectory. Registrations will be accepted through October 26th. NEWS FROM THE OFFICE OF FAMILY LIFE ABOUT ADOPTIONS For well over a century, the Catholic Church in NJ has provided adoption services. Throughout all those years, the Church promised to honor the privacy of birth parents & adoptees. That promise of privacy also was assured by law and affirmed by the State Superior court. Those promises can no longer be kept. On May 27, 2014, a new law took effect that will allow adoptees and certain relatives to request and obtain the names of their biological parents beginning January 1, 2017. Any birth parents who wish to preserve their privacy must submit a Redaction Request Form to the NJ Department of Health no later than December 31, 2016. By filing this form, birth parents will be able to keep their names off any documents provided by the State to adoptees or anyone else. The State made the Redaction Request Form public on August 3, 2015. The form can be downloaded at http://nj.gov/health/forms/reg-36c.pdf. If you know a person who placed a child in adoption, please tell them that if they do not file a Redaction Request Form, their name and other information could be given to the adoptee. Anyone needing assistance can call a HELPLINE AT 609-989-4809. RESPECT LIFE MASS – NOVEMBER 7TH – 10:00 AM Please save the date – Bishop Serratelli will be celebrating a Respect Life Mass on Saturday, November 7, 215 at Saint Ann Parish in Parsippany at 10:00 AM. This Mass is sponsored by the Paterson Federation Knights of Columbus Councils. Following the Mass, there will be light refreshments. This is a wonderful way for the faithful to come together in prayer and in mutual support for protecting all of our children – born and unborn. K OF C PANCAKE BREAKFAST-NOVEMBER 1 An all-you-can eat pancake breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will be held in All Saints Academy on November 1 from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, tea & orange juice. $7/Adults, $5/Seniors, $3/Children under 10, children under 4/Free. All proceeds will be donated to Coats for Kids – giving winter coats to Parsippany youth THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 – 7:30 PM IN CHURCH ROSARY DEVOTIONS & BENEDICTION HONORING OUR MOTHER, MARY All this month we have been offering special devotions to Mary, Our Blessed Mother. Parishioners are praying the Rosary every evening at 7:30 PM outside at Our Lourdes Shrine. Parishioners are praying the Rosary with a beautiful Marian Statue in each other’s homes every evening. We are grateful to all who are honoring Mary this way. Our Spanish speaking and Indian families have promoted these beautiful October prayer experiences. Thank you all. In thanksgiving, we invite all our parishioners to gather in Church this Friday evening, October 30th at 7:30 PM for the Rosary and Benediction honoring our Blessed Mother. We encourage everyone to come and participate in this wonderful Marian evening expressing our love for Jesus and his Blessed Mother. Coffee and… afterwards in the Church Hall. LIVING WITH ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE FOR THE CAREGIVER: MIDDLE STAGE The program will be offered as a 2-part series at Morristown Medical Center’s Ambulatory Care Building at 435 South Street in Morristown on Thursday, November 12 & Thursday, November 19 from 6-8 PM. In the middle stage of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia disorders, gaps in memory and thinking begin to make it more difficult for the individual to manage the day-to-day activities like dressing, bathing and eating without assistance. Caregivers will learn more about symptoms and care needs; techniques for managing behaviors and maximizing safety; relationship changes and supportive services available to help. The program is free, but registration is required. Phone 973-586-4342 or www.alz.org/nj. COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS – NOVEMBER 12 The Compassionate Friends, a self-help group for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents will be meeting on Thursday, November 12th at St. Christopher’s Church, 1050 Littleton Road (Rt. 202), Parsippany at 7:30PM in Room 101. Program: “Dr. Michael Giuliano, a prominent Morristown Psychiatrist, will be our guest speaker,” Topic: How to Handle the Holidays”. For more information, please call Kathy Farrell at 973-335-9389. CATECHESIS ON THE FAMILY THE FRIENDLY SONS OF SAINT PATRICK ALL SOULS’ MASS – NOVEMBER 12 The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Morris County is celebrating an All Souls’ Mass in memory of the deceased members and supporters on Thursday, November 12 at 7:30 PM at the Church of the Assumption, 91 Maple Avenue, Morristown. Music by Claudia Nardi, Musical Director and by “The Guard”, pipe and drum corp. A repast will follow in the Church Community Room. All are welcome. EVA’S VILLAGE VISIONS OF HOPE BENEFIT GALA Eva’s Village is preparing for its largest fundraiser of the year – the Annual Visions of Hope Benefit Gala on November 5. They are seeking item donations for its silent auction. Items such as Broadway tickets, iPads, restaurant certificates, laptops, digital cameras, and tickets to sporting events are welcome. If you or someone you know is interested in donating to the auction, please contact Mary Dombrosky at 973-523-6220 ext. 284 or via email at On Monday evenings, St. Catherine of Siena is offering a Catechesis on the Family. Each week a different presenter will be speaking about an aspect of the family in the Church in the world. All evenings begin at 7:45 PM in the Fr. Glynn Parish Center, 10 N. Pocono Road, Mountain Lakes. The topics and presenters are as follows: October 26 – Creating the Future/All Love Bears Fruit – Mr. Allan Wright; November 9 – Light in a Dark World/A Home for the Wounded Heart – Fr. Felix Herrera;November 16 – Mother, Teacher, Family: The Nature and Role of the Church/Choosing Life – Presenter TBD. [email protected]. 4 Hablando español en San Pedro Apóstol – 25 de octubre de 2015 – Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ***** bendiciones de lo que podemos imaginar, para aquellos que lo aman. Por favor, lleve el mes de noviembre con su familia y los feligreses, como un tiempo especial de la Iglesia para orar por nuestros difuntos, para prepararnos espiritualmente en aceptar nuestra muerte en el tiempo de Dios, y para aceptar las enseñanzas de la Iglesia de respetar toda vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Que todos nuestros seres queridos que han fallecido, feligreses y amigos estén en la gloria del Señor para siempre, en Su Reino. Dios los bendiga, Padre Herb LECTURA REFLEXIÓN 060 EL PROBLEMA DEL SULTÁN Mes de octubre dedicado a Nuestra Señora del Rosario Horario de las Misas: lunes a viernes: 6:45am y 8:00am sábado: 5:30 pm y 7:00pm en español domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12m y 7:00pm Confesiones: sábado: 4:00pm a 5:00pm Intenciones de las Misas: Por favor, notificar a la oficina parroquial (973-334-2090) o al sacerdote (Padre Yojaneider) con una semana de anticipación. El donativo para las intenciones es de $10.00. Mensaje del párroco: En noviembre oramos por nuestros difuntos El horario de verano termina el próximo fin de semana. Las tardes se hacen oscuras más temprano. El mes de noviembre comienza el domingo, el Día de todos los Santos, y el año litúrgico de la Iglesia llega a sus últimas semanas. Noviembre comienza con dos fiestas litúrgicas, el Día de todos los Santos y el Día de todos los Difuntos. Recordamos de forma especial a todos nuestros difuntos y oramos para que algún día podamos estar junto a todos los Santos en el cielo. Durante todo el mes de noviembre, aquí en la iglesia, oramos en cada Misa por todos los difuntos que usted anotó en su sobre del Día de los Difuntos. (Por favor coloque su sobre para el Día de todos los Difuntos, con su listado de intenciones en la canasta de la colecta o llévela a la Rectoría. Estos sobres permanecerán en el altar en noviembre.) En forma especial también, recordamos y oramos por todos aquellos que han fallecido durante el último año. Continuamos orando por todos los que perdieron sus vidas durante la tragedia del 11 de septiembre y todos los que han matado en las guerras de Iraq y Afganistán. En noviembre, también oramos por nuestros valientes soldados en estos países rotos y desgastados; y por todos nuestros veteranos, especialmente el miércoles, 11 de noviembre, en el Día del Veterano. En noviembre, la Iglesia nos recuerda que nuestras vidas aquí en la tierra culminan con la muerte; y que siempre debemos estar preparados espiritualmente, para encontrarnos a Jesús en ese momento decisivo de nuestra muerte. Tenemos miedo a la muerte, porque casi siempre conlleva dolor y sufrimiento de antemano. Ninguno de nosotros desea experimentar que nuestros cuerpos y mentes vayan cuesta abajo. Pero tarde o temprano, ésto sucede antes de morir. Pero aunque éso ocurra, podemos y debemos crecer todo el tiempo más y más cerca a nuestro Señor. Nuestra larga experiencia de vida, nos debería de dar la gracia de mayor sabiduría, al acercarnos en nuestro caminar a encontrarnos cara a cara con nuestro Señor. En un sentido más profundo, por encima de nuestro miedo al dolor y la muerte, le pedimos a Dios nos ayude a darnos cuenta que mientras estamos tratando lo mejor de nosotros por amarlo y amar al prójimo, no tenemos que temerle a la muerte en lo absoluto. (Mateo 22, 34-40.) La muerte se convierte en el momento supremo en que nos encontramos con Jesucristo y cuando El nos lleva a la plenitud de nuestra salvación en la Resurrección, luego de un tiempo de purificación en el purgatorio, si necesitamos esto. Sabemos que nuestro Señor nos tiene reservadas más El sultán estaba desesperado por no encontrar un nuevo recaudador. — ¿No hay ningún hombre honesto en este país que pueda recaudar los impuestos sin robar dinero? — se lamentó el sultán. Acto seguido llamó a su consejero más sabio y le explicó el problema. — Anunciad que buscáis un nuevo recaudador. Alteza —dijo el consejero, — y dejadme a mí el resto. Se hizo el anuncio y aquella misma tarde la antecámara del palacio estaba llena de gente. Había hombres gordos con trajes elegantes, hombres delgados con trajes elegantes y un hombre con un traje vulgar y usado. Los hombres de los trajes elegantes se rieron de él. — El sultán, por supuesto, no va a seleccionar a un pobre como su recaudador —dijeron todos. Por fin entró el sabio consejero. — El sultán os verá a todos enseguida —dijo—, pero tendréis que pasar de uno en uno por el estrecho corredor que lleva a sus aposentos. El corredor era oscuro y todos tuvieron que ir palpando con sus manos para encontrar el camino. Por fin, todos se reunieron ante el sultán. -¿ Qué hago ahora? —susurró el sultán. —Pedid que bailen todos - dijo el hombre sabio. Al sultán le pareció extraña aquella medida, pero accedió, y todos los hombres empezaron a bailar. —Nunca en mi vida he visto unos bailarines tan torpes —dijo el sultán—. Parece que tienen pies de plomo. Sólo el hombre pobre pudo saltar mientras bailaba. —Este hombre es vuestro nuevo recaudador - dijo el hombre sabio -. Llené el corredor de monedas y joyas y él fue el único que no llenó sus bolsillos con las joyas robadas. El sultán había encontrado un hombre honrado. CONOCE Y DEFIENDE TÚ FE N 060 PILDORAS CRISTIANAS………………… EXPLICACION DEL PADRE NUESTRO POR FRASES “PERDONA NUESTRAS OFENSAS COMO NOSOTROS PERDONAMOS A LOS QUE NOS OFENDEN” - Al ser Nuestro Dios el que te dio la vida, es El quien te puede perdonar las cosas que haces mal y no le gustan. - Cristo nos dejó la CONFESIÓN, como un medio para conseguir el perdón de Dios. - Aprovecha cuando veas al Sacerdote y pídele que te confiese. Pero es importante que de verdad estés arrepentido de haber desobedecido a Dios y que tengas el propósito de NO volver a hacer ese pecado. - Si estás sin pecado, vivirás tranquilo, sin remordimientos, en paz, en amistad con Dios. - Al mismo tiempo que le pides perdón, prometes a Dios que tú vas a perdonar al que te ofendió, te criticó, te golpeó, te robó. - No llenes tu corazón y tu mente, de resentimientos, de odio, de venganza, llénalo de perdón, de disculpa, de amor. - Cristo dice en el Evangelio: De la manera en que tú perdones a los demás, de esa manera te perdonará Dios a ti. CONTINÚA EL PRÓXIMO SÁBADO… NO TE LAS PIERDAS…. Rev. Yojaneider García-Ramírez 5 Parsippany Knights of Columbus Council 3680 PANCAKE BREAKFAST Proceeds go to K of C Coats for Kids Winter Coats for Parsippany Youth ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Donuts, Coffee, Tea, Orange Juice November 1, 2015 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Location: All Saints Academy 189 Baldwin Road, Parsippany, NJ $7.00 for Adults, $5.00 for Senior Citizens $3.00 Children 4 - 10 years old Children under 4 Free 6 7 CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE CHURCH November 14, 2015 11:00 A.M. We warmly invite the sick and the elderly members of our Parish to participate in the grace of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Saint James writes, “Is there anyone sick among you? Let the church pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord”. (James 5:14) As a Parish Community, we are called to respond to these words. Helpers will be needed to provide transportation to and from the Mass, prepare and serve refreshments following it, and welcome and assist the frail members of our community. If you feel that you can be of help, please fill out the form below and mail. ANY AND ALL MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF SAINT PETER’S PARISH COMMUNITY ARE WELCOME. Mass of Anointing PARTICIPANT Mass of Anointing VOLUNTEER I would like to receive the sacrament of the sick I would like to help with the Mass of the Anointing. Name______________________________ Name______________________________ Address____________________________ Address____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Phone #____________________________ Phone #____________________________ I will help with the following: Need Transportation: Yes _____ NO _____ Need Assistance: Yes _____ No _____ Transport Elderly/Sick Prepare Food Bake Serve Assist Elderly/Sick _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ If you have any questions, please call Sr. Sylvia, 973-334-2090. 8