St. Walter Church
St. Walter Church
St. Walter Church “may all who enter share the love of our community” February 12, 2012 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2012 Dear Friends in Christ, On January 20th an agency of the federal government created a serious threat to the freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. As Americans and Christians, we must take steps to counter this threat. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a directive that all private health care insurance programs must include several reproductive services for women. These services must be provided without any co-pay or deductible. Among the services are FDA-approved prescription contraceptives (some of which can cause early abortion), sterilization procedures and related education and counseling. The directive applies to religious employers, even if the services in question violate their moral principles. It also places an unnecessary burden of conscience on other employers, Catholic and otherwise, who consider these services immoral. The directive does provide an exemption for some religious employers, but the terms of exemption are very narrow. The employer must employ primarily members of its own faith and serve primarily members of its own faith. Certainly most Catholic hospitals would not qualify for an exemption and perhaps many Catholic universities. Catholic Charities would not qualify. It could be argued that Catholic dioceses, parishes and schools likewise do not qualify, since Christ clearly sent his followers to proclaim the Gospel to everyone, to invite everyone into his Kingdom and to serve all who are in need. The Church doesn’t exist just to take care of its own. Now, it is no secret that many Catholics dissent from the Church’s longstanding teaching on artificial contraception, elective sterilization and abortion. However, pursuing old arguments on these issues will sidetrack us from the real one at hand. The Health and Human Services directive is a violent breach of the wall of separation between church and state. For the government to force a religious body to pursue a course of action that contradicts its beliefs, particularly where no public interest is at stake, is completely unacceptable. Throughout the history of this country, religious groups, certainly the Catholic Church, have made good use of religious liberty by contributing enormously to the common good. We have run hospitals and nursing homes that cared for everyone, especially the poor. We built universities and schools that educated millions of people who went on to develop this nation. Every day we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, fight for the oppressed and in many other ways give hope to the downtrodden—all done in the name of God, all done because of our faith. Now our ability to carry out many of these apostolates is at stake, and many of our dedicated employees are potentially at risk of losing their medical insurance. Your help is greatly needed, both as Christians and as Americans. First, please pray that this grave threat to religious liberty be stopped. Surely, if the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church, God can manage a cabinet department. Second, support whatever efforts I may ask you to support in the future, such as legislative or judicial remedies. Even now, you can contact the President, the Secretary of Health of Human Services, and your members of Congress. Third, be courageous in your conviction. Take action of your own. For additional information about this issue, visit the special link on our diocesan Web site ( The United States is a great country. It was founded by people who sought freedom, initially, religious freedom. The first right enshrined in the Bill of Rights is the free exercise of religion. We are justifiably proud that in this country people of virtually every faith on earth are able to pursue their religious objectives in peace and friendship. Our federal government should help preserve and promote that heritage. Let us work together at this moment to assure that it does. God bless all of you, whom I am privileged to shepherd in the name of Christ. Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop of Joliet Page 4 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012 SUNDAY READINGS SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME There are some examples of “plastic surgery” from ancient India and renaissance Italy, but the obsessive concern with how we look is a very recent phenomenon. Cosmetic surgery, designed to improve the appearance of an individual, was almost unknown before World War II. Now, the amount of money spent on cosmetic surgery in the western world has skyrocketed to rival the amount spent on the poor and marginalized in our midst. Hollywood and Madison Avenue convey to us that happiness, success, and the “meaning of life” are all tied in with looking young and beautiful. Our culture is brimming with powerful ideals of perfection that easily become norms—norms that impact us all, even if very few of us could ever hope to achieve them. Why are we so obsessed with achieving this so-called “norm”? We all want to fit in, to a greater or lesser extent. To be excluded or treated as an outsider is to have lost! Our appearance can be the most obvious and immediate obstacle to feeling included. Leprosy, at the time of Jesus, encompassed a variety of unknown skin diseases that made some individuals abnormal, unclean, and unacceptable and, therefore, outsiders. We don’t use the word leprosy much anymore, nor do we have many unexplained skin diseases, but has that fact decreased the number of outsiders and pariahs in our midst? Are we any more enlightened as to why we fear and ostracize those who do not look like or live according to the “accepted norms” of cleanliness and in-ness? Relying on beauty, cleanliness, and normalcy to see us through life and gain us secure entry into a sanitized life in God will fail because it is impossible. We do indeed need a surgeon, but not a cosmetic one. The early Church sometimes used an image of Christ as a divine surgeon who sees and works on “a beauty more than skin-deep” in each of us. He invites us not to pretend that we are other than we are, nor to repress that which we truly are, but to let him touch and cure our ills. Where do we go when blemishes and age can no longer be hidden? To the margins of society, trying to stay out of people’s way? Where do I go? Am I human enough to admit my “leprosy” and call out: “If you choose, you can make me clean”? SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT A TV show presented the true story of a twelve-year-old Mexican boy named Alfredo. He lost his entire family in a fire. The fire also disfigured his face horribly. Since no one opened their door to Alfredo, he ended up on the streets. One Day, he stumbled upon an orphanage, sought admission, and was accepted. That night the orphanage had a special celebration. Amidst the festivities, the camera cut away to Alfredo. For the first time since the fire, his face glowed with a beautiful smile. How open is my heart —– as was the heart of Jesus —– to people with special needs? If you haven’t got charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble. Bob Hope PARISH STRUCTURE Part V Last week there was an overview of the Worship Commission. This week, I will highlight the Service and Outreach Commission. The staff liaison for this Commission is Vince Zaprzal. The Parish Council Representatives are Bonnie Okoren and Maria Horgan. The Ministries in the Formation/Education Commission are: Abbington/Sunrise Outreach Ministers of Care Bereavement PADS Catholics for Life Project Gabriel Giving Tree St. Vincent DePaul Hospital Ministry Transitional Housing If you have any interest in these areas, you can contact the staff member above and/or parish council representatives with your comments, concerns, and/or to become more actively involved. Page 5 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012 Stewardship of Treasure Sunday, February 12 7:30 AM Richard Les by Oleksy Family Donald Pegler by Jerry & Carole Drehobl 9:00 AM Agnese Mastrolonardo by Giuseppe Mastrolonardo 10:30 AM John & Elinor Whates by Connie Whates Richard Dombrowski by VanWinkle Family 12:00 PM For the Parishioners Monday, February 13 6:30 AM Donald Marcie by Cooper Family Tuesday, February 14 6:30 AM Peter Marino Wednesday, February 15 8:30 AM Teresa Nicola Coda by Lucretia Perrone Elizabeth Keil by Phil& Kathy VanDuyne Thursday, February 16 6:30 AM Dolores Dziubla St. Walter Parish Friday, February 17 8:30 AM Jim & John Grady by Dunlop Family Saturday, February 18 9:00 AM Special Intention of All Children in the Faith Formation Program 4:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM Amelia Dahly by St. Walter Parish Lucille Schlies by Allen & Kathy Schmalzer Sunday, February 192 7:30 AM For the Parishioners 9:00 AM Betty Schwarz by St. Walter Parish John McSweeney by Gus & Jean Dalbis 10:30 AM Jose Sebolina Solomon by Family Vincent Caccia by Lucille Caccia & Family 12:00 PM Irene Micholski by Family Frank Pusateri by Judy McGuire MASS SATURDAY, FEB. 18 AT 9:00 AM There will be NO 8:30 AM Mass on Sat. Feb. 18. Everyone is invited to the Religious Education Family Mass at 9:00 AM on Feb. 18. In Christ we find not just compassion and mercy, but healing and grace. It is Christ’s great desire that we come to Him and bring before Him all that might keep us from experiencing God’s love. Placing our faith in Christ brings healing, wholeness and salvation. Sunday, February 5, 2012 Online Giving (1/30 through 2/5) Total for Week $26,745 9,839 $36,584 Weekly Budget/Goal YTD Average Fiscal 2012 Jul 1, 2011 thru Jun 30, 2012 $29,000 $28,386 Make Your Offering the Electronic Way. Please consider making your contribution electronically. Online Giving allows parishioners to make contributions to our regular and special offerings electronically and automatically using their credit card or checking account. Go to the St. Walter web site at and click on the link to Online Giving and follow the instructions. If you do not have internet access please call the parish house at 630-894-2461 for assistance. Remember in Prayer Our Recently Deceased Joseph H. White Jerry Parkitny Baptisms February 5, 2012 Jonathan Sebastian Klein Child of Jeremy & Patricia (Basch) Klein Page 6 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012 Prayer Shawl Ministry ALL AGES WELCOME (Sponsored by S.A.M.) Children Faith Formation Family Masses As in past years, we are replacing one of our classes with a Family Mass. Due to the fact that we currently have one priest, there will be only one Family Mass, Tuesday, February 14, at 5:30 p.m. (timed to accommodate both the 4:30 and 6:15 sessions). There will also be a Family Mass, Saturday, February 18, 9 a.m., in the church. You may attend either Tuesday or Saturday. Families should report directly to the church, not the classroom. Book Club February’s selection is The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. A compelling account of the Chicago’s World’s Fair of 1893 brings together the divergent stories of two very different men who played a key role is shaping the history of the event- visionary architect Daniel H. Burnham, who coordinated its construction, and Dr. Henry H. Holmes, an insatiable and charming serial killer. The club will meet Wednesday, February 29, 7 p.m., Ministry Office Center. THE 2012 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL “THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND” (MARK 1:15) Bishop Conlon’s mailing asking for a pledge to the 2012 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal is in the hands of many of our parishioners. If you have received the mailing, please respond as soon as possible. Your gift to the Appeal not only funds the operations of the Diocese of Joliet, it funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in our parish. This year, the theme of the Appeal is “The Kingdom of God is at Hand.” God constantly gives to us. His grace is ever present. His blessings are abundant. We can demonstrate our gratitude to God and help build the kingdom of God in our own parish and our own diocese by making a generous gift to the CMAA. The Appeal not only funds the operations of the diocese, it funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in our parish. Please answer the bishop’s request and make a generous pledge. All pledges can be paid in ten monthly installments. Thank you in advance for your support. Our next gatherings will be2/28/12, 3/13/12 and 3/27/12 – all on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 pm. We thank you for all your donations and financial support. As you can see from all the thank-you notes, we have made a difference in many lives. Kudos to all our crocheters and knitters for a job well done. THANK YOU—Received Your gift helped me get well. I was very seriously ill and felt this lovely shawl gave me strength to fight it. Thank you, Shirley CARING CROSSS The Seasoned Adult Ministry will be selling Caring Crosses during the month of February. Each cross is hand carved, an authentic handicraft made in Bethlehem, of Holy Land olive wood. Each cross purchased helps the Christians in Bethlehem to support their family and community. The crosses will be available at the Faith Network Desk beginning February 5th for $5.00 each. They will be available in time for Lent and make nice gifts for Confirmation and First Communion. St. Walter Moms Group We are a ministry of mothers and their children supporting one another through friendship and prayer. Please join us for the following activities. February 20- Free Breakfast and Shopping at IKEA (9:30a.m.) 25- St. Walter Gala 29-Taize Lenten prayer @7p.m. March 2- Adoration @4:30 p.m. 3- 5pm mass followed by dinner at Steak n Shake 5- Faith Enrichment (7:30-9 @Starbucks) 8- Monthly meeting @7p.m. For more information about our ministry and its activities, please contact Kim Abbott at 630-346-1618. Page 7 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Sister City to Bochnia, Poland The Village of Roselle Sister Cities Commission is hosting its 7th Annual Mid-Winter Dinner Dance, on Saturday, February 25, 2012 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Roselle American Legion, 344 Maple Ave. in Roselle. Catering is provided by Jolly Inn – the best in Polish Cuisine. The Polish Band Format will be providing entertainment. Tickets are $15.00 per person - to order tickets - please call 630-894-5478. Please note – cash bar. All proceeds are benefitting the partnership with Roselle’s Sister City, Bochnia, Poland. PRAYER OF THE WEEK February 12, 2012, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time O God, who teach us that you abide in hearts that are just and true, grant that we may be so fashioned by your grace as to become a dwelling pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Reflection question: How can I allow God’s grace to fashion me into a pleasing dwelling for the Lord? Collect text from the English translation of The Roman Missal, © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc. In the second reading today St. Paul tells us that whatever we do to do it for the glory of God and to be imitators of Christ. This Sunday is World Marriage Day which honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family. Commit to making your marriage a priority in your lives and let your marriage relationship give glory to God. Attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend of Feb 17-19, 2012. Contact Tim and Pat Doyle at 630.577.0778. For more information visit the web at Our Friends at Abbington .. Abby’s Birthday List Thanks for helping to make the birthdays and other days special for the Abbington Residents! Send your cards directly to: Abbington Rehab & Nursing 31 West Central Avenue Roselle, IL 60172 and add the names as listed below Reginald K. Jessie A. Marilyn D. 2/11 2/16 2/22 Jennie V. Jerry W. Vicki M. 2/16 2/17 2/27 Annulment Support for Annulment Petitioners, Feb. 25, 2012 This support day is designed for those who have petitioned the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal to begin the annulment process by submitting the Matrimonial Fact Sheet but who have not completed their long questionnaire which they received from the Tribunal. The day starts at 8:30 and runs until 4:30 and takes place at St Charles Pastoral Center in Romeoville. There will be time for prayer, questions and input, a talk on relational issues, and private time to work on the questionnaire. A team of pastoral ministers will be available for private consultation. The suggested donation is $25 which includes lunch and materials. People who have attended this workshop in the past have found it extremely helpful. Please call 815-838-5334 by February 20th to register or for more information. St. Walters Knights of Columbus Council #5732 Upcoming Events 2/16-Thu D&O Meeting, WH, 7:30PM 2/25-Sat WOLVES GAME NEW DATE/EVENT 2/25-26 Sat-Sunday-Membership Drive 2/25-26 Reverse Collect Supplies 3/2-Fri 24 Hr. Adoration, Chapel, 7PM Knights pray The Rosary during the First Friday 24 hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Parish Center Chapel. Families are welcome 3/6-Tue General Membership, WH, 7:30PM 3/10-Sat Vocation Mass, 8:15 AM Page 8 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012 Seasoned Adult Ministry For anyone 55 years and over The February Steering Committee Meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13th at 6:30 p.m. This month we will be meeting in a different location – Wagner Hall which is located on the lower level of the Ministry Center. This is an open meeting and all are welcome. You Are Invited to an Afternoon of Games and Soup Supper – Sunday, February 4:00 p.m. St. Francis Hall 26th Sign-up Sheet at the Faith Network Desk Cost: $5.00 (Pay at the Door) Save the Date For The Second Annual Seasoned Adult Ministry St. Patrick's Day Luncheon March 4, 2012 - 1:00 p.m. At the McDonald Center Come and enjoy a delicious Corned Been dinner After lunch we’ll be entertained by Joan Figley-Singing a Selection of Irish Tunes And The Mayer School or Irish Dance $10.00 per person-Tickets Available at the Faith Network desk Also, coming in March… Lifeline Screening Friday, March 30th St. Francis Hall Prayer at Abortion Clinics “Helpers of God’s Precious Infants”, an international prayer group committed to praying at abortion clinics asks you to join them every First Friday and the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in prayer at Advantage Clinic, 203 E. Irving Park Rd, WoodDale. If anyone has any questions or is in need of a ride to the clinic prayer hour please call Fran at (630)529-5837. For those who cannot come we ask for your prayers. ✚ Respect Life Ministry THANK YOU! Many Project Gabriel children and their families were helped at Christmas through your generous support of the parish Giving Tree. Here is a photo of our newest Project Gabriel client, born a few days before Christmas. She and her family are extremely grateful for your support! Life Advocacy Trip to Springfield Join the Respect Life Office for the first ever Life Advocacy Day on Wednesday, February 29th; advocates for life from around the diocese will make a day trip to the State Capitol in Springfield. Participants will be briefed on the most pressing pro-life legislation in the state and will meet with legislators to advocate for a greater respect for human life. To register or for more info please contact the Respect Life Office at 815-8344065 or email [email protected]. Reservation deadline is Wednesday, February 22nd. The Respect Life Office is also asking everyone in the Diocese to say a special Prayer for Life Advocacy daily during the week of February 26th thru March 3rd in order to join in solidarity with those traveling to Springfield and help in the effort to advocate for respect life. The prayer can be found on the office’s website at, along with more information about how every Diocese in Illinois is participating in this campaign during Lent. Page 9 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012 S WYM Youth Ministry @ what’s going on. Com SWYM @ Confirmation Retreats & Feb 19 “28” SWYM teens will help facilitate our Confirmation Retreats! The energy to pass on their faith is what makes these retreats one of the best parts of our Confirmation Preparation. Golden Raffle Golden Raffle Tickets are available daily at St. Walter School and Parish Rectory Offices. Grand Prize 2012 Ford Focus or $20,000 CASH! 1st Prize: $1,500 2nd Prize: $1,000 3rd Prize: $750 $4th Prize: $500 5th Prize: $250 $1,000 Bonus Raffle One Bonus ticket will be awarded for every two tickets sold Golden Raffle Sponsor Coffee House 10am – 11:45am Feb 26 SWYM just celebrated their 12th Anniversary Coffee House & what a success it was! Coffee House is all about invitation & welcome, so know that teens are invited & welcome to come and experience SWYM! FYI – after the Coffee House, know that you are then invited & welcomed to join us for the 12noon Mass. We sit by the Choir. Steubenville Teen Conference June 29-July1 Summer must be coming as here it is the 1st summer teen event! SWYM was lucky to receive it’s 2nd choice of weekends so we leave just the week after YLC our annual most loved event here! There are just ‘6’ seatbelts to fill! The adult chaperones are Tom Hollatz and Karen Campe. Want to know more-email [email protected] Nazareth Farm—Mission Trip July 15 – 21 SWYM won the lotto to be a part of a mission trip for the summer of 2012! There are just “5” seatbelts to fill! The adult chaperones are Joan Sukowicz & Stan Partyka. Want to know more-email [email protected] CONFIRMATION RETREAT February 19th Ticket Price $100 Cash, Check or Charge accepted Only 600 Tickets Sold $500 Early Bird Drawing on Thursday, December 15 All Proceeds Benefit St. Walter School and the Endowment Fund The Retreat begins with the candidates & their family sitting together at the 12noon Mass. After Mass, the parents are welcome to leave & the candidates stay. Sponsors are asked to arrive to St. Francis Hall at 5:15pm. The retreat will end at 6:00pm Page 10 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pray for our Sick Carol Baker Lucretia Barnett Greg Barone Cathy Blair Julius Borghese Herbert Bowe Barry Bowlus Don Braun Keith Brewer Debbie Bronars Edward & Mary Ann Burek Anne Burke Jack Burke Antoinette Carani Jody Cardone Frank Castronova Eleanore Cerwin Mary Chiarito Donato Console Dean Coronato Jack Cox Donald Cushing Rose Diener Dominic Falzarano Cathy Fields Larry Ford Richard Gajewski Ella Germino Patricia Gibbons Catherine Gorski Peter Hallin Steve Harris Dolores Hart Donna Hocker Margaret Hoff John Huber Margaret Kiple William Lawlor Mary Ann Lawson Rebecca Lopez Sabrina Lukasz Dorothy Masciola Rev. Francis McDonald Sherri McKinney James McKinney Joseph Micolichek. George Mielke Diane O’Kasick William Peterson Francesco Portone Harold Rendant Edna Riedl Robin Riedl Virginia Rybacki Robert Schmidt Kitty Schmidt Mary Schumacher Dick Schumacher Lisa Stolpe Florence Surman Delphine Trembackiewicz Bud Von De Bur Rita Von DeBur Mary Ann Weber Dennis Wimberley Chuck Winterburg Pablo Ypil Eugene Zmijewski Monthly Baptismal Class The next monthly Baptismal Class for parents will be held on Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 7:30 PM in the Church Narthex. Parents are required to attend this class if you wish to have your child baptized at St. Walter. If you have any question please contact the Parish House at 894-2461. February 12, 2012 As a Community, Let us Pray for the Outstanding Men & Women in Service to our Country Yoshio Adachi Miki Adachi Joe Baio Michael Bellavia Joseph Bellizzi Ian Cavanaugh Troy Clay Christopher Collard Jacob Cox Michael Cox Anthony Dugo Brian Duffy Patrick Duffy Nicole Ferrara Christopher Fischer Favio Garcia David Gizynski Herschel Haynes Becky Hennig Allen Henricks Michael Hyland Michael Ippolito Gary Jurs Dave Kim Margaret Krase Anna Latourney Mark Lawicki Stephanie Maglio Ken Madsen Mark Manes Elizabeth Mangini Will Mangini Brian McGehee Patrick Mooney Andrew Nicholson Joshua D. Olson Sean Orquiola Nicholas Otis Matthew Ozog Eric Page Robert Piagentini, Jr. Paul Ruiz Todd R. Schiro Rachel Sefton Daryn Stark Gina Stramaglio Jennifer Svendsen Lee Thatcher Daniel Wheatley Marcin Witek Magda Wtyklo Stephanie Zavala Eddie Zehme A prayer focus & related verse from 2/12-2/18 2/12 Family Concerns—1 Peter 5:7 2/13 Rest—Matthew 11:28-29 2/14 Adjust to time change, sleep—Psalm 4:8 2/15 Unity in purpose—1 Peter 3:8 2/16 Loneliness—Deuteronomy 3:16 2/17 Children of military—Isaiah 54:13 2/18 Spouses of military—Isaiah 40:11 Thank you so very much for your donation of time, talent, and treasure in providing the blankets for PADS and the homeless. Thirty blankets were delivered to the St. Isidore site this season. Without your caring, dedication to serve others this would not have been possible. You are a wonderful example to our faith community. Thanks you again, Cathy McClarey Cursillo Ultreya There will be a Cursillo Ultreya on Saturday, February 18, 2012, after the 8:30 A.M. Mass. The Ultreya will be held in the Parish House Basement. All are welcome so please come and join us. Page 11 CH = Church EC = Early Childhood FL = Faculty Lounge Nrthx = Narthex 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Facility Codes PHB = Parish House Basement MCChap p= 0Ministry Center Chapel SFH = St. Francis Hall SOR = School of Religion PH = Parish House SWS = St. Walter School WH = Wagner Hall Mac Center (Gym) Sunday, February 12 9:00 am PH RCIA/Adult Conf 12:00 pm SWS/SFH Conf Retreat 7:00 pm Mac Ctr Adult Volleyball Monday, February 13 10:00 am MCchap Small Christian Communities 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 3:10 pm WH SWS Yearbook 3:10 pm SFH SWS Student Council 6:30 pm WH SAM Steering Committee 7:00 pm CH Lector Practice 7:00 pm MCchap Rosary Group Tuesday, February 14 2:20 pm Church Children’s Choir 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 3:15 pm WH SWS Beginning Band 4:30 pm Campus Religious Formation Gr 1-6 7:00 pm MCchap Prayer Shawl 8:00 pm Mac Ctr Men Basketball Wednesday, February 15 8:00 am MCchap Small Christian Comm 3:00 pm WH Brownie Troop 2nd Grade 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 3:15 pm CH Altar Server Training 7:00 pm CH Lector Meeting 7:00 pm SFH Troop 194 Comm Meeting 7:30 pm WH St. Vincent dePaul Meeting Thursday, February 16 SWS No School Teacher Institute 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 5:00 pm SFH Love Feast 6:30 pm WH K of c DO Meeting 7:00 pm MCchap SCC Small Group 7:30 pm Church Choir Friday, February 17 SWS No School Diocesan Institute 10:30 am PHB Daisies 3:00 pm MCchap Cursillo Chapel 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 8:00 pm WH AA Meeting Saturday, February 18 8:00 pm WH Cursillo Ultreya 8:00 am Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 9:00 am Campus Religious Formation Gr P-6 10:30 am MCchap Cursillo Chapel Sunday, February 19 8:00 am MCchap Cursillo Chapel 9:00 am PH RCIA/Adult Conf 12:00 pm SWS/SFH Conf Retreat 7:00 pm Mac Ctr Adult Volleyball February 12, 2012 The 2010 Confirmation Candidates invite all senior citizens (age 55 and older) to a special FREE dinner given in your honor to share the Lord’s love for you! Dinner will be catered by Sporty’s. Entertainment will be provided. So mark your calendar for Thursday . . FEBRUARY 16th 5:00pm to 8:00pm St. Francis Hall R.S.V.P. by February 13th by calling the Parish Center at 630 -894 – 5880 !! IT’S FREE !!!! IT’S FOR YOU !! Please join us for a wonderful time! Thank for your continued support, time and energy in clipping and saving the numerous Box Tops for education, Campbell’s UPC labels and Tyson A+ labels. There is a wooden box located in the narthex for all the labels you have clipped and saved. We continue to need your support! If you have any questions regarding the school’s earnings or the process, please do not hesitate to call the school office. Page 12 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012 Ladies of the Parish: WHAT TIME IS IT? COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH LENTEN EVENING OF REFLECTION FOR WOMEN Lent is a time of Reflection, penance and reconciling. Please mark your calendars and make plans to join us for this evening, and Perhaps, bring a friend. Date: Friday March 2, 2012 Come join us for food, friendship, fun, and great prizes! Place: Marian Hall at Corpus Christi Parish 1415 W. Lies Rd, Carol Stream Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Hospitality following) FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012 7:00-10:00 P.M. St. Francis Hall Admission: $10.00 Topic: Reconciliation Speaker: Bishop Joseph Imesch, Retired Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet Seating is limited. To secure your place, please contact: Doretta Gates at [email protected] or 630-837-2181 Bring a friend who has never played before and you’ll BOTH be entered into a special raffle! To reserve your spot, please call Beth at (630) 894-1159 or e-mail [email protected] The JOLIET DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Let us know if you’d like to bring an appetizer or dessert to share! Nominating Committee is now taking nominations for new officers to be elected and installed at the JDCCW Convention in October 2012. Proceeds benefit St Walter School Endowment Fund Nomination forms are available to anyone who meets the eligibility requirements and is interested in running for office. Lucy Tierno, 630-894-9452, can provide any interested, eligible woman with an updated job description, and the necessary forms for each office. All completed and endorsed forms must be in the JDCCW office by May 1, 2012. JDCCW is blessed with many gifted and talented women in our diocese. If you know someone who would make a good officer, please encourage her to consider running. The Joliet Diocese has a wonderful and dynamic Council because it has always had women willing to accept the challenge and offer their gifts. American Cancer Society Relay for Life to Hold Kickoff Rally On February 21, 2012, the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Roselle, Bloomingdale, Itasca and Medinah will officially get underway as event volunteers and participants gather for a kickoff rally to launch their biggest fundraiser of the year. Thank you for all you do in the name of Our Lady of Good Council. The rally will feature inspirational speakers form the community who have benefitted from the funds raised at the Relay as well as honoring cancer survivors. This event will provide the tools and necessary information to register a team for the overnight event to be held on June 1-16, 2012 at Lake Park High School East Campus. HOLY UNION When: Where: Tuesday February 21, 2012—7-9 pm Balydoyle Irish Pub and Restaurant— Stratford Square Mall The union of man and wife is from God. —St. Augustine Form more information contact: Maryann Grygiel – [email protected] Page 13 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Assisting All of Us to Praise and Worship God February 18 18--19 Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 PM Celebrants 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Fr. Jim Fr. Jim Fr. Jim/Deacon Mike Fr. Phil/Deacon Rich Fr. Phil 7:30 AM Cross Bearer 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Elaine Bell Phil Horwitz Thomas Malec Joseph DeSario Timothy McElroy. 9:00 AM Greeters 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Robert Karczewski Dolores Lawicki Marian Colliander Fran Cortez Georgianna Fiandaca Jean Gruneisen Bernard Swiontek Janet Swiontek Bernadette DeBiase Delphine MacKenzie Altar Servers 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM February 12, 2012 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Jack Bedtke, Melanie Higgins, Kevin Struck Thomas Koch, Samantha Wojtowicz Nicholas Kavouris, Alexandria Scheidecker, Emily Tucci Andrew Anderson, Marissa Fanslau, Alex Solomon Isabella Koptik, Gianna Moreno John Barabba Timothy Bell Anita Buonincontro Robert Hospodka Cynthia Janczy Kathleen Montalbano Camille Pernini Robert Pernini Marilyn Sudd Janice Cartina Anne Coppola Nancy Michael Geraldine Myers Bonnie Okoren James Okoren Joseph Schabelski Maureen Beeter Colette Beynon Allen Cuzelis Susan Ignarski Kathleen Jacques Alexis Johnson Cari Johnson Joseph LaPorta Susan Malec Mirla Bautista Annette Cesario Christina Coulolias Jean Dalbis Barbara Horn Patricia Kranich Karen Smith Thomas Sommers Linda Wasserstrom Elaine Cooper Patricia DeBiase Christine Everhart Donna Smith Joanne Soo Linda Wolf Lector 5:00 PM Ministers of Care Bernadine Tamburino, Pat/Peggy McFarland, Sheila Claussner, Steve Higgins, Carol Wysocki, Janine Poronsky, Lauren Feltes, John Borowick 7:30 AM Hospitality Ministers 10:30 AM 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 PM Braun-Gore Battad-Alonzo Gaster 9:00 AM Christopher Humbert Geraldine Penar Frances Fortier Anna Garcia John Kornacker Allen Schmalzer Deborah Hoekstra Lenore Reedy James Koptik Leticia Zimmerman The Catholic Community of St. Walter Baptisms: Baptisms usually take place on Sundays at 1:30PM. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class. The next Baptismal class will be held on March 6, 2012 at 7:30 pm in the Church Narthex. You may enter the Church either through the circle drive or Hill Street. Pre-registration is not required. If you wish to have a Baptism at a weekend Liturgy they will take place on the weekend of the First Sunday of the month at the 12:00 Noon Mass and the 5:00 PM Saturday evening Mass. Web site: Email: [email protected] Parish House: Ministry Center: School: 130 West Pine Ave. 140 West Pine Ave. 201 W. Maple Ave. Roselle, IL 60172 Parish Office Phone: (630) 894-2461 Fax: (630) 582-4206 Monday-Friday:9:00 AM-5:00 pm PM, or by appointment. Rectory/Parish House (630) 894-2461 Weddings: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 4:00 PM-4:45 Must be arranged six (6) months in advance of wedding date by Diocesan law. Contact the Parish Office. Pastor: Rev. James Schwab ext 3005 Email: [email protected] Pastor Emeritus: Rev Francis McDonald 129 E. Lake St,, Bloomingdale, 60108 (630)307-1235 Weekend Associate: Rev. Philip Horrigan Deacons: Deacon Michael Kowalchik Deacon Richard Foy Deacon Ronald Searls Bookkeeper: Nancy Kavadas, ext 3004 Email: [email protected] Parish Council: Karen Smith (630)894-2461 St. Vincent de Paul: Carl Olofson (630) 894-2461 ext 3504 School (630) 529-1721 Rite of Anointing for the Sick: Available at regularly scheduled Sunday liturgies throughout the year or by appointment. You may also ask the presiding priest before any Mass for an anointing. The anointing will be conferred after Mass either privately or in a communal setting. Faith Formation-Religious Education for Public School Students: Tuesday session available for students in grades 1-6 and Saturday sessions available for students in grades Preschool-6. Contact the Religious Education Department at (630) 894-5880 or check the website at for additional information. Fax (630) 529-9290 High School Program: Contact Karen Campe, Youth Minister for program information. School Principal: Mary Lloyd School Board: Rob Burns Ministry Center (630) 894-5880-Fax (630) 582-5192 [email protected] Music Director: Tom Malouf, ext 3017 [email protected] Associate Music Director: Joan Figley, ext 3016 jfigley@stwalterchurch,com Director Faith Formation: Ken Ortega, ext 3019 [email protected] Youth Minister: Karen Campe, ext 3013 [email protected] Director of Liturgy: Marj Collette, ext 3014 [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Vince Zaprzal, ext 3020 [email protected] Pastoral Counselor: Annette Spiezio, ext 3501 [email protected] Saturday Mass Sunday Masses 5:00 PM 7:30AM, 9:00AM 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon Daily Masses: Hospital Stay: If you or a family member are admitted for scheduled treatment or a non-planned emergency, please notify the Parish Office. Recent federal privacy laws do not allow hospitals to release information or allow visits unless specifically permitted. One of our priests, deacons or pastoral care coordinator will be pleased to make a visit. Communion to the Sick and Shut-In: If you or a family member are confined to home and unable to attend Mass—either temporarily or on a continuing basis—our Ministers of Care are available to bring them Communion. Call the Parish House/Rectory at 630-894-2461 to schedule this service. Parish Registration: Parish House/Rectory Monday thru Friday 10 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday before and after Masses at the Faith Network Desk Parish Vocations: Monday-6:30am, Tuesday-6:30 am, Wednesday8:30 am, Thursday-6:30 am, Friday 8:30 am, Saturday-8:30 am Call Office (630)894-2461 [email protected] Holy Rosary: Every Monday evening at 8:00 pm in the Parish Center or Ministry Center Chapel—After 8:15 am Mass till 8:00 am Saturday. Chapel Church. Send your intentions [email protected] and they will be presented. All are Welcome to 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration: Every First Friday— “Come and Adore Him” 439 E. Irving Park Rd. • Roselle 630-529-8208 1050 E. Lake St. • Hanover Park Indoor Playland • Birthday Parties 142 E. Lake Street Bloomingdale 630-307-8700 Mon-Sat Open 4:30 AM 630-295-9888 Present Your Bulletin for a Free Small Coffee or Soft Drink with Purchase 477 Georgetown Square Wood Dale Serving the Roselle & Hanover Park Communities For Over 30 Yrs. 630-595-5556 See Your Ad in COLOR Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.621.5197 450 West Lake Street, Roselle 630-889-1700 We Remain Family - Owned & Operated by Rosario D. Salerno Sons for Over 90 Years Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans Are Available and Transferable from Any Funeral Home Funerals & Cremation Services Designed for Any Income Joseph G. Salerno • Frank Salerno • George Salerno Licensed Attorney on Staff ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Contemporary Gourmet Breakfast and Lunch Meals Dine In • Take Out • Catering Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 6:30 AM till 2:30 PM Daily Seating Up to 100 for All Special Occasions and Business Meetings After 3:00 PM Roselle Refrigerator Repair 630-924-3057 1500 W. Lake Street, Roselle Free Service Call W/Repair Rich Schlau, Parishioner 630-307-8801 Family Owned and Operated 3 BANQUET ROOMS AVAILABLE Make your Reservations Today! Mon-Thur 11:30am-10pm Fri 11:30am-11:30pm Sat 4:30pm-11:30pm 1242 West Lake St., Roselle Facebook-villaggioristorante Roselle 110 E. Irving Park Rd. 630-980-2700 400 E. Irving Park Rd. 630-980-2700 Advertising here helps your parish & your business. Harris ® is a trade name used by Harris N.A. and its affiliates. Member FDIC LA HACIENDA DE ROSELLE Call Bob Hahn 847.890.5589 Authentic Mexican Food Visit us @ 630-893-9009 35 W. Irving Park Rd., Roselle LEN’S ACE HARDWARE 272 W. Lake St. • Bloomingdale 630-523-5486 425 E. Maple Ave. • Roselle 630-529-2251 SERVING THE COMMUNITY OVER 40 YEARS Business Slow? Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE 630-924-0400 GENUINE QUALITY PAINTING AND DECORATING Lic#20-2943220 Call 1-800-621-5197 ex 2704 today for a FREE ad design. TREASURES OF THE VATICAN 2012 WALL CALENDAR • Commercial/Residential • Interior/Exterior 630-400-5237 10% OFF ANY SERVICE W/AD •Illuminated manuscript art from the Vatican Apostolic Library (The Pope’s personal collection!) •Charming photographs of Pope Benedict XVI and excerpts from his writings •Large Roman Catholic calendar grid with important liturgical and civil dates Riccardo’s Restaurant Dine In • Carryout • Catering • Banquets 1170 S. Roselle Road 847.891.7777 Schaumburg, IL 60193 Fax: 847.891.0726 000453 St Walter Church (B) 1-800-566-6150 12x9, full color • JSP12-VCR $14.95 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 The Countryside difference...our attitude, our facilities, our affordability 333 S. Roselle Road, Roselle Other Locations: Streamwood/Schaumburg & Bartlett 630-529-5751 Owned and directed by Marcus C. Jaeger • The only funeral home with on-premise crematory in the region. ROSELLE SERVICE CENTER Complete Auto Repair 309 E. Irving Pk. Rd. DR. JOHN DURKIN DR. DAVID O’BRIAN Dr. George H. Mueller Family Dental Center Podiatrists Day - Eve - Sat. Appointments Foot & Ankle Surgery – Sports Med. New Patients Welcome 10 N. Roselle Rd. Ste. 300 529-6634 Parishioner X-Ray Facilities 11 S. Howard 529-9091 630-894-3737 Dan Ward Lic # 055-027734 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Law Offices of R. I. B. E., INC. $10 OFF w/Ad SERINO’S PIZZERIA & PUB 468 W. Lake St., Roselle DINE IN • DELIVERY • CATERING 631-671-0874 BUY ONE SANDWICH GET THE SECOND HALF OFF W/AD BASEMENTS Dance Classes for Kids Ages 2 & Up KITCHENS Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Lyrical, Hip Hop & more 209 E. Irving Pk. Rd., Roselle 630-295-5599 Phone: 630-529-5901 10% OFF w/AD Chef John Miulli Class of ‘79 Licensed Insured Plumber BRYAN E. MRAZ & ASSOCIATES Full Service Grocery Store Featuring Bakery, Deli, Meat, Liquor, Produce 630-980-7383 630-773-0893 111 EAST IRVING PARK ROAD ROSELLE, IL 60172 (630) 529-2541 160 S. BLOOMINGDALE RD. BLOOMINGDALE C & L Plumbing Christopher J. Pauly D.V.M., Parishioner 630-307-2200 WWW.ROSELLEANIMALHOSP.COM Medicine Surgery Digital X-Ray 525 E. Irving Park Rd. Roselle, IL 06172-2394 (630) 351-4440 25 W. 571 Lake St., Roselle, IL 60172 ROSELLE ANIMAL HOSPITAL GREG EVERHART PARISHIONER 630-479-7635 Parishioner 231 S. Gary Ave., Ste. 105 Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Ever-Ready TAXI OWNER - OPERATOR DISCOUNTED FLAT RATE TO O’HARE & MIDWAY MCELROY PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, LTD. BATHROOMS HOME REPAIR 630-744-1652 DRAMATIC HOME IMPROVEMENT Bruce Collette (Parishioner) ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 Parishioner Discount 630-663-1444 Abbington Rehab and Nursing Center Quality Long-Term Health Care Serving the Community Since 1970 Professional and Personal 31 W. Central, Roselle 894-5058 DR. PAUL H. BASTERMAJIAN Optometrist Comprehensive Eye Exams LensCrafters Stratford Sq. Mall 630-893-7688 GLORIA WARNIMONT Associate Broker / Parishioner 455 N. Roselle Rd. Roselle Central CALL FOR YOUR FREE REPORT ON ROSELLE HOUSE PRICES!! OPEN FOR LU NCH & DI N N ER • Bridal Shower • Anniversary • Rehearsal Dinner • Engagement • Baptism • Luncheon PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE FOR ANY OCCASION 20-100 PEOPLE IT’S WHERE WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS! 630-529-7070 555 E. Irving Park Road INCOME TAXES PAUL DEIMLING 805 E. Irving Park Rd. Roselle 630-529-9975 94 Stratford Dr., Bloomingdale 630-671-9090 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS CORPO COLLISION and MECHANICAL CENTER FOR MOTHER’S DAY 1429 Wright Blvd. Schaumburg, IL 60193 MAY 9 12:00-9:00 847-895-4000 “A One Stop Shop” special discount when you mention this ad LUNCH SNACKS DINNER Hot Dogs Burgers • Beefs Polish and More 253 E. Irving Park Rd., Roselle DAILY SPECIALS SUNDAYS 10% OFF W/AD 630-980-5200 Dr. Marek Mroczka Family Dentistry Evening and Saturday Appointments Phone: 630-924-1185 25 E. Main St. Ste. 201, Roselle 630-307-9055 each office independently owned and operated For a FREE ESTIMATE Located just a few minutes east. We invite your comparison and believe it will be time well spent. Owned and operated by the Gibbons Family since 1935. 161 W. Irving Park Rd. Roselle Parishioner 1201 E. Irving Park Rd. Itasca, Illinois 60143 (630) 250-8588 000453 St Walter Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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