一 、 , ■ 】」YARI DEVEIJOPMENT AUTHORIrllY I ヽヽ 1)S(` APE HOIRTICI・ I′ ‐ T【 lR IC&P,ヽ lt I(S DEPARTヽ lENT B11)1)1ヽ (:D()(` 1:ヽ IENrrS `く)Iく I( ヽ Aヽ lE O14` ヽ 5 ATSECTOR N0 30/B30/C&ST‐ AT SECTOR卜 031/B,AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME-42 1YARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY,KARACHl PLANTAT10N/CAP Fl[LINC IN PARK Sl‐ CREENIN(〕 ′ 5′ ′ lCヽ DElく 1)()(1・ ヽlEヽ 71ヽ s 1` 13H,I′ 0「 Qて :A ASi'ER PE(.at sPl'1く ヽ((:l Nrl、 lI)EI Iヽ Iri` IICS Eノ 1)llく Eく AIJ(】 ,2015 ` TIヽ E)RI I´ ES 2010 lrdlrr! JL\u ,rtrr i'r \\orL. llltf! I ol l.l ortrr Rr I l'age Instructions lo lli(l(krsi I'rrrculing AgeIcies. ( c cIrl liulcs nn(l Dilcctirrns lbr rh( (;uidnrrtc ol'( oDtrxtn)rs. l)l\ \cclion ol lhe b.ldrng iloeLrrrenrs shou.l pror iiJe tht inli,rnation neccssar\ lor biddcrs tL) pep re responsirc bid\. in l!ro rn.c \\ith thc rcquircrncnlsoflhe Procuring Agenc\ lt\hould lso !\cirli)frrl tiorl ()n bid \ubrrrls\ \irl. ,ipe rin! ir rlcralLrrrtiort.antlorttheaNal(lotconlrilcl Vatlcr'r gorernlns lhe Nrli)nnefr( ol_ the r(nrlracl rir fl\ cnl\ ttndcr the (ontmcl. or ma(crs a l_ecling the risks. righls. and ohligari,rns ol the plllies under the (ontract are included as ( )ndirions ol ( ontracr arl ('onlkt(t I\t!u f lt l)t\tnk'tktn' h Bhhh,r\ fL,nLIl!l l\ \r!ncd \\il llol he narl ()l'lha (i)nlrilct un(1 rril ceare to htlve rllect once thc 1.,\llnorLproposcdtol)ue\.rutrdl)\!onLr.rrl\talltrr'rroritledrrralunll()l Noliee lrl\iting lcndcr (Nll)rln\ilxlio!r tor Ilid {llU)ho \lcd or) \\cb\itc o1 \trthoriLl rr rtl ltoctrrifg Agcn.) and also in I)r'intld nretliu r hcrc cr er rcq! ireJ J\ ncr rt lc\ \llrrrlL\Lslrrlelredcserilnion()l lhc \\(,'1. Jirlc\ Lirre irntl plrc,rl i.strrirS- stlbllrissloll OPcrring Lil hiJ\. .,,rnpclton lrlr(. .()\r 1,1 tri tlifg ilocLrrrrerrt irnd Lrirl \ccurit\ cither in lurnp \oln u' fe!ecrrlrgc('l l\limutcll (o\r Ilr.l( o't. lhc ntcrc'lc(] l)lddernrtr\t ha\c \alid \l\ nl\o 2. Contcnt of llidding l)oc nrcnl\ rrrust inclLrdc but not lintited lo: Conditions ofcontract. Contract Data. 5pecillcllions or its relirtncc. llill oi Qu.rnlilics conuining dcseription ol item\ \\ilh \chcdulcdrircnr ralc\ \ilh prenriurn lo l)e llllcJ irr li)Inl ol pelccntallc itho\er bclo\ or on ilcnr rate\ t() br !tuolcJ. I o'rrr o l ,\greunlcnt rlnd tl rnr irrl' .1. !ircd Pricc Contracls: n(r 4 eircu \ti!lce 1 ,じ '「 ぃぜ tl sha I ]u `2C lビ _lhc Di.l l)Iices ard r.ttc5 ilrc ll\eJ dtrrins cLlrrcne) olconlract and under hc enlillc\ to clnillr cnhanccl ratcs lir llll) llem ill lhlS conlrltct. rnr conl|lrrl ヽ、■111 11t、 じ││ュ ,1 、 │せ ICtt ]」 │ ヽ '「 a il、 ぃ1 llビ :ヾ i〕 (lCrヽ a、 pヾ │ 「o、 っ 1、 1()]、 )│ 、 ヽ1)'Iく t‖ c、 2010 ヽ ( r,rdiliorirl \rrr purrrrsirLr:uhrrl\lt.rrJ!r \lr.rllllll rrl)lhc u:uirl printrd li,rlrr stnlin! dt \\ r.rl t)eL!errtirllc abo\! ()r'b!loN \)rl thc rlt(\ \Pcrl ie!l rn IliLl !rl Quulltilic\ lbI ilcllls ol \\ork to bc can'ied oul: hc is Nillirg lo unrlcrtlrLe the \!{)rk and xlso cluole lhc ratc! li)r those ilclns Vrhich are bulcd on rnil[kct ratcs UfL) orlc rittc ol \urh par!anlilge. ()n !ll thc Schedulcd I(dtes shall be lilrnctl. lcn,,lcrs. rrhreh px,pL^e xn\ xltt rxti\c irr the rrt,rl': speeilied in the \ilid li)nn ol' rnv lillior\. u ill bc iirble L,r r!t!!1lon. \() )r'i rtcd li,lnr ol lcn(lcr shall ineltrde a tsndcr fbr more thiul one \(irk. bul ilrorlrrr.()r sr'h tL, tcrr,.ler'lirr l\\(,orllorc\\ork\.Lhc\shallstlblnitasepllrate Olltr: rL'I]Jcr li,r cileh _fhc 6 \l! en!elopc contain rg lhe lcrr(lcI docunrcnts shull relcr thc nx c and rrtrr)lhcr ol lhe work. \\orks \hull he nrcx\rrrcd h\ .tln(lard irr\lrLrrrrcfl\ ilecotdtn! lLi thc rtrle\ lliLltte r.lr.rllplr.le rriJcr,:c,, llr.lr .li!ihiLlt l' r \l shcrr rcqtrc\ted h\ lhc Pr()eurins Agcnc) IJ]JJ tr! !l !t!!!!L[rL \].]r!] rD!,] ll!-L00 I'agc :l \nr ol !l l:1 hid recr:ircd h\ thc \gerrr\ rller th( (lcu(llinc li,r.rrhmisiion (il brd\ shall b\j rciecled and relunrcd unopcncd Io lhc hi(l(lcr. l'r'orlolhcrlclirilcdc\llrirIl()I()l hrJ\.rh. ll()crLrn: \-e|.\ \il(lclcn)1i c $hclhcr the brddcr lulllll' rll eLrJ,rl r!quircl]]cfl\,,1 eLiSrhrlrL\ .rlcflu Sl\.rr rr rhe tcnder n{)ricc 5uch ir\ r(:ri\rrrrit'n \\ilh la\ arth()ritic\. resi\l[irion \\irh I)l ( l\\herc rppl]eahle). turnorcr sralemenl. (\peri(n\rr \rrrerrenL. ilnd In\ othcr ro dili()n rncnrio rctl in Lhc \l I iln(l biddlIq doeumcnt. Il the bidder docs rrol fllllllan\ ol lhese condillon\- lshrll rol hc cvc ulrlcd lir|1hcr. l,l. llrd sitlroul hid \ccurit\ Lil rrltu rcJ rnour\l rnd pri\eriltd lbrnr shallbe reiected 11.llids detcflninc to be \lrhslanliall\ rc\porsire shall tre checked li)r an) arithnrclic errors. Arithmctical erft)rs shall hc rcclilled on thc Iol o$ inq bir'is: (A) .rrr\Jrnt ,)l rcr.rrl.r!t (lLr(,l!(l itb.\. or hcl()\\ \\r1l be chceLe(l rnd added,ir \rbLraala(l ll!fr ilnroult ()l l)ill ol quaflillc\ to ani\e lh! llnal bid ln rasr ol'Schcdulc rirte\. lh! (ll) lll \rsc of ilcm rntcr.. ll thcre i\ ir !] .crcnanc) hctrcen the unit rxle and the torrl cost that i'obtirnedb\rrolli|r\irrglh.ufirrrlcrnri(iurntrt\.lheunil rirlc \hallpre\rilirrr(l thetotal co\r \\ lL hc rore.lcll urll.\\ r llrc .rirrt,rr \,1 tlrt \!( ri\ lllcr. r\ .rrr ob\lotr. ni\lllir!err. rt ol lrc(lr.irnill l\,i )t ir Lhu rnil rirLe r $lti.ir ..r:clhe t()t e\)\l a\ !luotcll \\il sorcDr rnd lhc u!rir rilrc r(,rrr.lc(l ll thcrc \ u rlisercplner hcnrccn thc total bid iUr)1)uIl an(l the \t]ll] ol l\)lrl !o\l\. Lirt \!nr ol th! lolll ro\t5 \hall prcraililnd Llrc total bid rI1(rUrrl \h li bc eoffe!tc(i (( ) \\ here rhcrc i\ a (li\r'cl)ilnc\ bcl\ecn lhc lfroufl i r llsrLrc\ ln(l in word\. lhe .rrI(,unl s orrlr rrill golcrn. irr B:DD:NG DATA A LYARI DEVELOPMENT AuTHORITY Narne of Procuring Agency CREENINC′ PLANIA■ ON/CAP PARK ST‐ 5′ B HLUNC IN AT SECTOR N0 30/B,30/C&ST・ 5, AT SECrOR N0 31/B AT HAWKSBAV SCHEME‐ 42′ LYARI DEVELOPMENT Bfl€ f Description of Works ▲llTHOplTY K▲ 口▲r Hl Site orice of the Horticulturist, Block-30, C Pro,)uring Agency's address D Amount ol Bid Security 2%ofthe Ouoted Bid Amount E Penrd of Bid Validity (days) 30 Oays F Secrrity Deposit (lncluding Brd Secuaiy) 02%of Bid Amount G Pe( enlage if any lo be deducled from bills 08% Retention Money H Dealline for Submission of Bids along 30092015(01:00A M) Hawksbay,scheme42,LDA,Karachi Site o“ ice of the Horticulturist, Block‐ 30, │ Hawksbay, scheme42, LDA, Karachi at 02:00 Ven re. Trme and Date of Brd Openrng a m on 30 09 2015 Comp e10n from wl歓 en order of 」 Tlmo Fo「 com nence K Dep,)sit Recerpt frgurr) No (Date & Amount rn words and 1 (One) Year Ilnlli ! Ll,un,.or ln, $orL\ dotu l( Llllll i ol ll Pagc Cond itions of Conl ract (laus€ - t: (lommenccnrenl & ( ompleti(,n l)xk\ ot \\(,rk. lh..(nIl'lrilor lhx ,xn enlr-r |non or !,mmef(.c lnr) po rorr or $orL e\cepl sirr rhc $r r1!r] irulho il) and rnnruclion ol rhe Ljrlm.lot \lr.r Lhr\e (,.i rItol.k,IrI r\ rc]r!nL\L)i or pil\rnenltbrNork. Lr!\(nkl\er1.r.(l lh.L.rxr \rx h..l Ll\ob\er!.(l b) t rc ronl|iiclor J'hr LrrLtir.(l r(r| Lr.JrtrLrr sl !rirr\,!,,1,,! rrr []\, nL,rl .!,\(It()th.LlrrlrirJ.r \ r(l l(r'lhc L\.l\urc!(\)(l l)rcSr.s5,rL inS llr..\r!rllron n lr.\()rl,.orrL .r!L{) rhll he hotl d. lnLrll rnrhl.hlhcliLre .r Lt$cJ lijr r(rnf.ri(jll L'l .nr\ $r,rL.\!.nlor. r(,irl|-ro.r.hi.\.1)[)gr.\\o lhe])ruiI.hr\r, rle lirre irll(tr\cd li)r urr\ng0LLL .L ( larse - 2: l,iquidalc(l l),migr\. I r! lonlrrclo \hil I pa) lqui(lxred danrlScs ro ihc Agcnc) al lhe lille per (li\ ctxred if I re hi(ldi r! (hlil tir crrlr ,lir\ rhir rlr( (r\rrrIlcrion (lirrc l( llrtcr lhirI lhe lntcndcd comp eriof dxre: r'- 3rlrL\I1l ('i l(lrLrJirr.(l ,irnir!. r,,r,i \ rh. .!,rr .i.r1,r r,, rh. \.r.Dr\ \rirl fol .\c!.(l lr) ncr.enr ol rh. ui nlrecl pree {gcnc\ lnrl deducl liqui.jale,i ,l.rnrx!e' lrorf l)r\rrcrrr\ rhre lo Ihe contrac( Pir\lncnr ol lr,tuidaled dlrlrages does r(n dllecl lh. co rlraclor's rlbr rlres ( Nuse l: ( ,.) -l-erminalion of thc Conlrncl. Pr(rcurifg genc) I lofl .ullr li) lo\! ng co rd ir io r\ c\ i\L' 'l IrI ( orlrualorailu\.'.1 hrcil(r(,1 .rr\ (f) l fa riilr he frogre\\ ol xn\ lcLr xr [o l \ecur\ . lL orr \( ( !,1 I rr! !rccr Irr( rlrr\ Icrrninirlc Ihc coflrircl il cithcr ol lhe (r!rltil.l ol l r( \\ork i\ L]nsi i\lhclor] rn(l x)licc 01 l0 da]! ha5 c\prredi rhc.r\e ol irh.rr.iofI.rL ,,l rr. $t, 1,,,\\ r! 1,,l r. \c rtirL\,l f.\\(f \l!'l(lr r)l lhc.ont(l.loror rn\ ()llr. i.lr\. Tr (rv) (i)nlrxclol cirrl ulso rertr.n lin' lcnrirxrior ol eonlract iJ n palnlefr cenilied hy thc llodtrLltLLrisl lfgineer ls ror paill lo rhr lonrnclor $ilhrrr60dalsolthe dale ol'lhc subnr ssionof rr.hi (ts) I l-h! lloflicullurisl []\eculi!u I nsireer'l)(i!ur n! ,\scn!) lut l)o\\r' lo xdo)l xn) ol lhe li)llo!\in8 eourscr as nrl\ dccm tll: (i) l.li,rlilrth....Lrir)(eB,\1.\u rbl..\(rfr (ji) (( ) !,,rdll(,rrfr.nlloncJ.rr \(li )lf(l(r\llbo\e Ir) liIilliTe lhc $1nk h\ rneir\r 'lntr rhc \\orl (lofe h\ lhc !onrractor. ln Irc e\cnl ,)l r\f\ n] r!,1r iLh('\. i,)Lr'.. t. r! .(lo|lr.l h\ rh. ll(!reLrrrri.l I\..Lli\e t rSr'.e Pro.ur r! \!rr.\.rr!!Lrilr.rrtLrir.r r.r\J rir \,,,Lir n] Lr, rLrrt,cr\lL ,iri,' ,L \ (,.- iL \1.'r., ,\ rir ,\ ..r\irol hi. \irS DL rhr\erl or fr{,rL rdrnt tnirrcrill\. (n (rrLljr.i fr(,.rr\er-x!cllrrfl\.orrnx(lr,rr\rd\arre\onaccounlol.or s l rir\ie$ I() I re e\e(r Irtr r \)I th.$(rrl,i) thc t)crlij l[Illc ol lhe (o lrxcl llr.LLl'!LL\! !!-( !uu]I\\ r)! 1(\ 0t\! L (I) lloqer.r. lhc .onliir.lo !rr rlrlf lor rhc \ork lone al srlc dUl\ ccrlitled b\ rhe ll,.rr.(..lrr.r,r | \(.,,r !( L'-, (.<. r r $ r r .. jrrJ rj ll . ;'cr"nr ,. , r.,, . h * ur- arrd frrr. nor bec 'r. . paid Procurifg \gcfc\ llo(icLrllurr'r In!rncer nrt n\ r. lit,rhr,l. l;r tu'rnrrir r)! $orL. ( lao\r .l: Possrssior ot thc silc nnd claims li,r rott|pensation for dela]. lhclloiicukurist,l.ngineershall pos\e\sror ol irll p.lrls ol lhc \ le 10 the conlrllor. li po\\e\\iof (J1-silc is rlol uilen by thc dare stated in tl c lonlracl dala. fo rjoLnpen5iriorr \ha be allo\\c(l li)r an) delir) caUsed in sl.rflin! ol lhe \!ork on nccounl ol' af) cqui\irionol lirnd \\aler \riIxiIrr n borro$ p l! lLfnprdnle,rlr or in accodifq sancrion to cslimates. ln ! !r . !lr !.r.!. .irh.r JJr. o1 .(jlr fr r(r,.nL si I l,i rhrf!t\l (r i\er oJ ol i\n|lrlc oI i, r(, b( e\rendcd ru,.orl ngl\ ( ltust - 5: E\tension ol lnlcn(lcd (rrmplctioI l)ale. lirc l'our rU lgere\ clher aI ir\ (^rlr iniridri!.s .,.fl I$hi.r hirr(jrl\ rhc.\ccuLitill ol ionlre.r)or\ur\or x \rrlllioI orler li i*rrrl $hicr na|t\ il irnpossib e \(trk h) (lr. rfr!rr\l(l corrnlcl L!r Jrlr rirr.uch Nrio(l ai he rfir\ lrirl feccs\lr\ or proper. 1( !(rnpletc lhc 1,, r.rl.ooo1 rr( Ilori.ulrLr'L rjii ..r Irri. rr,rrr. -lr.i 1.. !lrrlr$ r.rr lirir. rx\ he.n r\rcr(led un(lLr cnrLscoJ rhr\.1!rc.r).fr. lhe(llr. li)r eollrnlcli(fr ol thc$orksh|ll be thc drlc ll\cd b) thc (ir(lcr !i!rn! llr. (\tc 1\lor pr l.\ thcl!!rcsirrcoi irl ru.rordc^. rrrdc rLrrder this llrecrncnl I \orrn)olhcr \\,rerurfe r.r. b(.r c\lerr.lerla'.rl,rre'iLrJ. rL .ur r(nnrr!tloh. lh.d\\errccol lheeortm.landrll clxureJol l rr eonrracr ririrll conr nur ro hc opcrxli\e dur n! llrc c\lcrrd.d f(rl(\l ( r r\e 6: Spcci[]crfion\. 1 rc lt)r1 r.Lo rlrlll llr. shr,fu rrrJ,\.r\ rirrlr,l lr( \o l in lhc rrr)( \trlxtanlltrl UJ$t)rl,nrn-l lcr ,lrrcr Irrl hotr.Nr.!rr,. f.rr. ,rl' lllrJ.rll L,rhf r|Lr( \ r \ \lM lrjlor( lrrc. Nilh l rr .1 .rilinLior' lolg((l lI rhc oltl(r .r r r. ll(,ll .r 1rri.r I\.e!lr\. In!inccr rn.l rr I rled l)\ Ih. t)Lrrres. lh! ,.,,1 'lecrll(all(nr heing a pa11 ol rhcu(,flracl. lh( lonlra.lor conllfln c\.cIl). lirll) afd lfiIhlirll)'lo 'hal! ll() rn( ro $ r ch rh. rti rl cror ( riLll l)c c rLlrlc.l 1o rrvc xrcess al such olllcc or on lh-\uol \o l lo Ihc purfo\e ol irr't)!'.tlonlrrrr!r)lllr.ht)tr\irrr thccorrl rft(,r'hilll. ll h! \o rcquires. bc - rrlc(l ,l rL. t,\ ) r\fe r\. lr) r'r,r[. 1, ..]r.r ,, \ rr.rJ, i,,...., rlr. -r,r' ll.rLrr, r. rrr.l ,,lilr .1, r.1.. rrr.. ,rr r$ !)!. rxl !rnrLrrti(rr'.1(,.\. ,l ! irgc .Urd (idg. ( xu(, , Pr\ ir [x lris olllcc rrt\, lrt h r rreJ bl lhe (o lllleror a' lrtquenll) as lhe pft)gress oflhe lnlcflm/Rnnning Bill. \ hr I 'l 'r \\ork nut tu'lill lor ri $(Jrk t\cculcJ illr(] nol lnclude(l irr irn\ pr!\iou' hrll al leasl once in a monlh .rrr lhcll('rrrrlrur'llfgr)(rr lr,rr ,r..ti,l I.rLL t,r ',rL\!' lt, h!' LI[.rr Ih. rr!Lri\rl. rrrcr\LLrlrncrl' lor lre nurnose oi ha!inS thc \Ifrc \crrll.(i i r(l l rl: (lil rrr. il\ lhr r\ ird i\\ b e. adirrstc(]. il'possit,le hcia.llre .\ljr\ ol l0 (lr\\ lioLr) (l1c t).'crllLion nj llrrhi lxl .rr\ lir)rJ.prlcrstLholdrtatclo nr(ir5r c rLl! rhc:irLl rorl n I1. Irr\!rr!e ol Lrc.t)rlrrctor or h' irulhori/cd .igfnt. $hose .ounrel\iSnirrure ro rhe nrel\rLrcr enr li\r s ill be \r li( c rr Io N.rranl irnJ Ihc lloaiculluri\l Flngineerir-.harscnr.r) trcfxrcxhi llr('fr\rchlrn\\hthihrlh(hindinsonlhcconlracrorlniill rcsPccls. lrc lLr i.L Lt[i..t ),\r: ,f \:'rr.\ conridcr duc xnd r,u\rrh e ,r(l\ it ].! )J\ rr(rrL i iL r\ nr.(1. 1,, r rr r r.r contraclor. \lL'|)\).r1. rhich lfr] .r, he \ r,L ., .' ..1 li rf .rrrrj rL Lt L.f suhicrr lo deducrion .r ol I Lr) I ,r secur l\ illrcmrcdral. r.r\ r)!nr shirll hr :rgr (l.J r' fr\rfefl\ b) sir\ ('l x(1\ance Igirirr\l the unill lalnrnrt)rl\ rrrl noL .r. rrLrrrrl\ t! \\t, l.,lrtur l\ !l(,rL. irr( .orrrIlcle(l. lrdshill rrot frcclrLde lhc lloru(ultrr \r Irrgifc.r ir]-.r,Lr!. lr()rr l.(^!'rr' tifr riril h rLrr(l r..tllllllior ol lcl!clr ond rLD\irr \l:rfr()r\ irr n. t,r $,!i. L.(, fr., LiL L rL, l'i l] Jr r r! (r. ..r lrh L\ r,(r L,,l .\Ll 'urlr ]]\lln:.1,(u r.nr .r \.'1. !.1!, ii. (l) (x)\l lhcFinal Bill. A bll 'lr.rll 1.. \rhI)ilred h\ Lr(.(nIrir(l() $ rlrir o rc rIonth ol thc(lare ll\c(l tbrthe ,onrPltLrorr'l rh.sorL,'lh.\.( lorli.ulLrr.r lllgrrr.!r.if-!h.rr!r.ec|1iilcarcol rhc |reas!rcnrc|rs ,rrr(lol lhcr(n,rl ,rnouIt f,r)ltr ( r'(n tltr $L,rk.. r.rl h. ll|,rt.Ir(l birdi !,irrrll pdrlc\ ( lausr 8: l(rduccd Rale!. ln ca\e. s tcfc lllc il.rrr\ ol \\orI ll|!' noL ltccpleL] xs so corfnlcled. lhe I ofiicrhLrri\I I.ngirlerr,lrr-charse |rat nirlc plt|rclll o| arcourn ol .iuch rlen]\ al such red ced rale\ ar he rr e\ c,nr\ dcr rean,nirh e ir I rc frcf:ri1liIf nl lltul (f (,n rtrnIfr! IccoUrl hill( silh reirsons recorded in ( lausc (ハ ) (1,, lt l 9: lssuancc ofvaflrlion .rnd Repcat Ordrrs. ,\gcrrct frir) ssue a VxrialL()n Or(lc ir prorUcrrrcnl ol Norli. ph)sr(rl \er! cc\ jion thc original coniractor lo co\'eT rn\ ifcrcasc or dccrcase if quanlrlc\- includil! lhc inrroluclion ol new work l.rrr\ lh:rr ,I!, c l rer .lr.'lt,.r r ':. ,i llr!'r. Ll.. ! r nr lll,! r,r(,rrl lo \rrrl il(rual llel(lcondlliL,f\. silhln lll( lc crir ..ofc ind n )) \i.irl hoLIr(l ric\ ol lhr .onlrs.l (i)rlmclor \1illl 0LrL |!rli' ll.L \iL rLi()r rnril 1rr I'jr).rirn! Agefl:] hirs rlulhorl/Lid the !arlJliur in $r ln! \Ul)(rt Lri |r( l, l|,' \!, 1.!L !1,: ,\ L,l li ,,| th..irr|c.o|(l L(n\ |x (lo \!hich Ir respects oD he risre.d Io ll1.rn lh( $ork. irr(l irr lhe !rrrr': rxles ai aI!'\fecilled rr) lhe rcndcr lir thc rnrirr $ork lh..ofrrlcror rir\ r!r rlulrr l() cri li)r corrpen\irlion b\ rcrr\on of x lcfuliof( .r cr nxr nrc 11 ol l u \ (f k .r\elhen.tnrc(]rrh.\\Lnllr rhc\rrrLror(1t)..nol.(rrc\l)ofil\irhrlcrrlsrnlh.Uil olQuirnlilie\. h\ Lhc collrr.l()r' \ rti he rf rr. l(]rr oine$ rales tbr lhc relevant ilcms ol work.andif lhc lloiicullurisl l.ngincel, n-.hxrgc \ \irLr\li!(1 lhlt lhc rirLc !lrLoted i\ \!ithinlhe nlc workel oul b) hrnl on delarlcd rare ilrll\rii. an(l rhen (,nl\ l\c \hrll ir lo\\ him rrl,r ulier rnpro!al tlo ltiglter rr rhc (tuollrliof ruLhorit) (1)) llre linre h)r lhe eomp crorr ol Lo lhc ori,rirrill !o rLtl.L $ o h.ir (1, │││ rlrc!\orkrha b. e\len(le( r lh€ prol)(n1iolr lral lheadditionll rork I cilrc ol ( uirnlilie\ t) \\orl Lr\rrr l,jJ rc\u I llre rrlriil ( o rll.l.] l'r ee lo be c\cLicdcd b] rllor. lhan l5o'6 and lhcn Hofticuhuri\t'[] rgrnccr can adltL\l Ihe ralc! li)r Ihose qtLilrtlilies cattsirrg cxccss lhe cost ,,l .nflrilclbe\orJ I50".rli.r r|fr(,\rl ol l']11,lr(l l)ir.clor I L)l rrrlr| .L,rrlrlcl ilrlrorrrrL \hil rLr xLr\. \iLr ,rLior h.\L,rrr I r. i acr lo he r.nd.red or I ll rhc $t) 1, lre sepx irb c ll orn llrc orilinal conrrxcr llrprnr ()ftlrr: ,\nt (r ()l anorhert:of ( rus( lhc 'trblc.l lll: Qu lil\ ( (,nlr0l. (A) ldentihing Defecls: ll lr irrt lrne helbrc llrc \ccrril) (lcl)osil is rclirfded lo lhc contractorldurrng ,l.r..r ixh ir\ Defo(1 rrr.fl ofL,l Ihr,ldrrr rlltllonrr]l1rri\ll-nglnecr-i -charge or his \Lbodinalen-e r rge ol rh. $orL rnir\ in:lrucr rhe .onlrii.ror lo un.o\cr .nd lesl itn) pan ol lhe [orks \\hich he !on\der( rrr\ hllvc r (lcl|..r Juc tt, Lr'. i'l LrrvrLrnd rrrirtcrirrli or t r\k lllll \!orL nan\hlp Ilrrd lhc ro|llrxclor hls l{) cxn\ L)rl J Lc\r irr hr\ o\f eo\l lrie\t)ccr \. o $orL x rcldr appror,ctl or paid (B) Correclion of Defccts: lhe conlrilcror shall bc boufd li)nh\\irh lo rerlil) or rernove and reconslr!cl t rr' sorl :r, rDeci icrl r\\roc(n r lirL r\rl)..r\e nrl\ rcquirc. lhe conlraclor shall corrcclrre rr(n llc(l (lci..l \\ llhin lllr l).l.rr ( ti erlio r l'er ,)r frlrnl or.rl r nolr(t l!,I ',r 'lNrr. !!L\tt!\ ( ) l4rr,r.LLlllt) \l l'age l1 lt l t n(orrcct€d l)ckcr\: (, lI Lh..,rr.l r.rt.L.nlri rr!. l(irr.rlLrLr:\L nsifcrr if.rll.Sc\l)rrll givc lhc conlrxctor rt, \e l llr ,J |ln) tr) eorr.cl a defecl liu ,na_\ reclrii ilj .\L:r Lr .f'\. .It! .i,.1.. thr |Je it ' or rr!1.. rLi. rr lcl\r l Lla\. rolr.. ol lrL\ rrrrrion r;j\j\r. L corllplirrnc(l ol xs Ihe c,rse nrir\ hr rr lhr r .k xn(] c\fcnn'in irll rc\pccl ol rhe ljolllrirclor. lllh. ll', I.rllrr.il:lrr...t,r.JJ.Lr.Lr rrrlill.rlonrL!r..lior('l r Jelc.l r. Iol csselrli.rl a((.Ile,l o n.rJ. rsc oi rr \lrall h! $rr rf hr\ drscrclrof lo accefr lhe sanr. al arrd rl nrir\ be \!ch rc([r.er] rrlrs r\ he nx\ ji\ thercoil ( lausc (r) : lnspcc(ion o[ ()peration\. lhe llorrcrllrri\r Lfgncer irr(l his suhoft]lnales. shall al rlll reasonable rlrr.. hr\d .r..(.' lL, lh. \iL( lnr .utrr \ \r,, r .I)(l r \t,.er\) r (,1 $orl r nd.r or rr c(r r\r ()l .\cculi\!r , pursuilr.e ol lhc .onrmcr rnrl lhe i) rlrireror \l).lll irilo (l c\cr) l cilll) Lr und evcr) assistan!e n ob(ainrng lhe rlghr lo 5ucll ire.c\{. lbr lnspeclron and le\ring. lhe Hori.ullurrrl lrrgrrreer sh ll gr!c lhc contraclor reason i,lc nollcc ol the iflenrior ol rhc llorrcullrrrist Irrgirrecr ln-charge or hi\ subordirrale lo visil the work .hxll hr\c b..n !i\.1 r,, LrLr i.frri!lnr. Ir.r rc.Ilrrr hlnrrcll lrc lrescnl Io reccivc orders irrrd ir.L rtrr on. o r,\..r r(.L,t,r .rtl! ..,.r1 .irl\ .!.rt. t.\ r $rrLr r:_ t,re..rrl li! lhirl lrurl)o\c (,Jcr !r\. rrL) rhe.rjnrrr(lor'i rful\ .,rl r(,fi/rJ,L!crlr .hr lh. rt,rr. r1.r.rl l,) hir!e lh( srrnc lorllj iLf cllcel rr: it lhcl rxd bccf !rveI 1o rh. Lio rrrirLiro h rrr\cll Dal€s (1') ( l.osr - l2: 1:ramirali(,r of$r,rL btli)rt (o\cflng (") up. ,u rolrlrc ri,rl,s.lNll ).i',\.r.,(l r.(ir trl,iL1ol \1.$ h.\on(l thcrearr$llhoul gi\ir!noli.ci)l' Ln e.. l f l\( J.r\. l, lr. ll,, 1rrl lrr'r'l lr'!rrr.,r \\r.rre\.r rnr 'rch l.tn ol lhc \\ork. or 1o(Lf(l.Iion l\ or ,rrL'rcal\ Ln'irhoLrr lo 1.. rcrl) 1()r !'\iIrr rllror r\rr\l llre llonrcu lunsl l.rgrneer \hnl . $rrhorLl dcla\. Lrrlc\s hc ro rsr(lers I !rrnr..\\lr\ xrrJ .rLl!r\e ll)c e(nrlrnctor aceo ingly. rlllend lor lhc purpose ol e\amrning and urel!uring \uch ptrrl ol rhc $orkr or ol c\.r ninin! \uch tbundirlions \,, (B) lf any work is covered up or placcd belon(l lhc reach ol'ntcastrrcment \\ilhout such notlce having hccf !i!rn thc rrne rhrrl hc urrcr^rr.L rl lhr' corrlril.lor'r crpcnse. artl in delitr I lhercol no Iir\rrr.rl or lll(i$rr.r.r,r L. ri.(l! lti .urr $(,r1.or li,r lhc rrrrrl.rrrl\ $rlh $hrch IhL'sarlrc $rr\ .[..1 r,,.,, 1,r'.]rnrur:ctonrr'cr] propcrtr 1.1: Ri\k\. lhr..,, t|1.ir,,.1,, h. .\\,r.hl. ,, ] lir.rliric\(r'rrLared\cr\rcerlrrefrer\c\,r\l (,1 |rr\rrr,r rrr') trr\j Jei,ll) \hrrh arrrc dtrrinc arxl r) .( rrsequen.r ol ils perli)rnxrr!c r)l lh!' co rlrr.l. I irnt (hrnirg( i' citL scJ tt rile lhc \{orl i\ rr [tu)gr(\. nr r!r(irrrc rft,f(rrl riLlrir rlrrr't nrL,rrrlr. o1 I r. !rirrrl I rr ,\' L ll!iLl. L,l r(' rrIl.l L,rr. lirlxl or tn lcr\\i\.. thc ',1 .nrLtrr,\\l .l[ .. l]rl .. rrr.trL,, -\\r..,, 'r ,1.'.rLr lr( L{1r.tllrL r\llrllrrr.rr nla\.rrs. \\orl,IUr. if)d (Le([L.l lre.\lcn\.5]iorrrrelenliorrrnone\l\rngullhlhe 1r'\iur. l(,hcrnxdcg(! h\ ollr.r h( ieullu sr'l rrginccr ( rr.( o1 Claus( - ll: lucasurcs lbr prr\crrion ol lire and \altl! measur(s. Ihe eonlraclor shall nol 5el ilre lo rn) srinding jungle. lrees. bush-woo(l or grn!,i \ithoul r \!rillen pennil llorn dle llorticullurlsl/Execulive I $, !inrcr \\'hcrr \uch pcl nir \gi\er i[]dI\!lnitll r}c'rhcnLlt't|oring.crtlingoruproolirrgtrees.htr\lro(l !tra\\ clr h\ tjrc lhe conltrcror \hrll Iirlc rrc!!\.al rrrcr\rre\ Io prc\enl \uch ilre sfr.ading I(, or in, uding pfrlcction ol lre cnvi(\rrrenl or r r(l oll lhc \i1.. ('() rlpcfsation oi aLl druuges dofc iftentionirll) r,r urifrenriofrll\ on or dil thc ' rc h\ rlr. .,) rrrlcrif-. rrhoL r .lrirll hc' pa d hi him l!!1!!t'!rltr!u!r! rh \rtr|,: unlo (lau5(- I5: Sub-corlrrrting. Il)! R\. I 00 \l ull fnr irlrlortrreL thc$holcol lre rorL\. c\ccpl !!herc lhe^\i\e pro\ided b\ lhe conrrrcr lhr corlrr.Lor.hrll ror \rhc(lrr .r all\ naa ol rhe $orl\ silhoLLr lhc trior eonsenl {)l the lloticrlr!risl I Uineer n\ nrch corrscfL shnll nol relie\e rhe conrrircLor lronr a ) .rbiliLr or L,lrlrgatiof unJ.r rh( iLnrrr, !r .nra l). rlrrll h. rr\pon\rblc lnr rhe nlJr\. delaulr! and ncgLecls ol an) . rb.ofl[1.(n'. his agtnt'. .crrarr. \) $ol'1, ]l.n ir\ Ll t]re\c itcl\- driaull\ (r neqlecls $ere lhose ol lhe !.)rLr!!Lo. rs.rgertr. i. \ir)lr (r $!r,,Lr!r. lle prrr 'ro ro lhr'.onlrrL!l sh.rll Ippl] ro nrch subcoflrLrcror or lrs enrplo\ee\ il\ rl he or rt $crc cmplolccs ol rhc cofr irctor. !(inLr.r!ror ,, r ('lausr l6: l)ispulr\. l{llsIulc( i r\ir! r) r(,rrr.(li,f \ tr 1r. )l\crl .orlrx('r..nd sl)cr rxnrror h. ,Il.lhl\ rcrl .J bet$ccrl^llrr lirlrL\. rh,r J!(i'i.f L,l Lhr \r l.r nr.rr,lirc I Igifcer ol lhe rir.leolllcerorc fr..Ir ! () rhe \l)..rll.irr .N. \je'!r' r|rNirg\. rr(l irslluction. hereirlbeli)rc \i, k nrr. riI or ,rrJ(lrflal\ !\.J n r llrc $(lrl or .r: lo af\ orher !uc\liorr\. car . rghl.mirlrer.orrhings ratsoerer irrrr\ Nr) rrl\irgoulol.orrclxlingrolheconlractdesign.drawings. ,eeillrIrior.. .\1i r.l.' irr\rrr.LltirF. orlu ,,r 1lrc.r .() r!l I \nr\ or ,)lhcn\l\c cofccming lhc \vork\. or Ihc ' .,ecrror. ol lirilurr t,).\ccutc (h! .rnc \h.'lhe ur'rfg. ,itrirrs th. p()!rc\s ol lhc sorl. or rrlier lh. , ren() i rclilll|,.] ro rl!e ' ,rrl orr.d irrJ J\ ro lhc quirlll\ ()l I i rl) .1iof or ,rbxn(lo r rlrfl ll)r'co1. (lausc-17: si(e(l€nrance.()re!ollrDlclrorol lhcs\'rl'. lh. .orrlrir.lor slrirl be tlL rished silh a.cl1 iicalc b. lhc llorLrcu lurisl l:\eculivc lrsrr.errhccrr!dller!all.( lhe llt)n rtrllurrn llr)!lnccr rr'crargc) oi stLch c,)mplcrion. bur neilher such ccrlitlcrlc shall be giren rlol \llall lhe \\orl bc (onsidcrcd to bc complcle urrlil lle cofrrac()r \hall hirve rcrnoved all lemporirD sl(rclures xnd rnalentls bft)tlght al site eilher tbr use or lbr o)eratior i-acililies ir(lu(lin! ccaIif! Jehri\ xnd (lrn irr lhe sitc. Ii lhe conlraclor lirrls to complt with lhe rqrr(r.fr\ ,'l llr!. .llrr\c rlrer llorlerlrrri.r I nS rlr,rr-lrr-.hurge. rrril) lrl Ihe e\penses ol lhe lontraclo' ll.'iornrl.lor'\ rercltitirr |(fr(\ lir,.',I r.to .h.i I n\( r,,.r rr rlorc\fld e\(.lrl iorilr\ 'LL irrlrr.rll\ r.,lrlrl h\ lhr., .lr(r.,'l Clau\( rr rc\frrl ol irrr\ \u|l)ltL\ rnxlcriir i i]. - l8: Finxncial {\.islilnce/.\(l\an(( I'r\rntnl ()$(l て、) \,lohilir,rtion ad\rncc \ ll') S((ure(l A(l\ note ngnrnsl mirltrirl\ hroushl rl silt (i) n1,r irl Securcd Ad\xrrce m \ be pcnrrrlle( orrlJ agirirr\l lmfcrrJhal'lc malcrirls quanlilres anl cipalcd io be .onsufrcdrutili/cd orr lhc \\ork wlfhin feri(xl ol (hrcc rrronths liom lhe dale ol-issue ol' \ecured ad!rlnce and dellnilel\ nol li)r lirll qrr.ulilies ol malcri ls i-or lhe entire sorkrcontracl i nrilteriirl' on srtc ihall nol Thc \unr fx\irhle lor 'uch (li) e\.c.d ,_50o ol the mark.l Price ol' Rero\cr\ ('l \c.Lrc( \i]\,rr.c lir(l lo lrc rorlr.rrlor tlfdcr lhe ibo!e pr.ovisrons shall bc a1)eelcrl lrorr rh. nx,flLI)Lt pil\rrrcrrt' oLr arludl con\(rrnpliort basi5. btrt nol lcss than period rnore Ihrn lhrce frofrh\ {c\!rr ll rLnt lill/e(l). Rrcorcrr a\arrtrrriol l-nn(l ltc\enr't. \rrl .L rr,ltJl,,Lrc(1,^.rr crlh\lh(corrlr'ilcloI'hirll ,r LL li.\L rLr h. ,r,.,1,r (.,^.\.r\u,!r,'L,l Cxu{r lg ll\l\l f!!r!L t\!!l!r t!!t!\ L!r!t lh lllfl ( lrusc - 2t): R(lund ol lrcuril\ l)(posir/Rclcnrir)n \lonr\. Oll .onrp er on ol the $hole ol rhe sork (a \ ork should be considercd as complerc lbr thc purlxrse oi rclirnd ol securiry deposir to a contractor lrom thc I rsl ilale of $hich its llrr.rl mcx\urerrcfl\ rrc r re(.le(l b) r .onrfrlent rurhoril). il such checli is nceessar) Lrhcr$ise lrom lhc lasl dale ol rccor(irJrg Ihc llnal nrcx5urc r.fli). lhc dc,cct! norice pcriod h s also passed .rrJlh. ll)licLrllL i\llr-inc.r lrir'.r1rri.,l r)irL ir r..(. rl(irrl.rl lo Lrr c(rrlrircro hclderhref(l t)l hi' ,r.,.1 1.,\- i'rr r!L,rrr!r..1 1,..r!.. .ri,.r\.1:.. l. .ri.rLrr , r,,.r,lr,, rrr0rcrcrl , ir'r.r r.rr. (,1 lr!.irrr)rt15 lror thc(lxrror $hcrrhe \tork s L,r) rl'lr 'r ' rr I h( r.ri n(.,1 r(il) .rll.rrlrJ\1, \ 無 llortii:fliruri\l │ ― 3iddio,Oo`umentl● `Wo`k`ooto Rs 1 00 M Page llて o14 CREENINa PLANTAT10N/CAP FlttlNC tt PARK ST 5 AI SECTOR N0 30/B 30/C L ST‐ SECTOR H0 31/B AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42 LYARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY KARACHl BILL OF QUANTITY lTEM avatron n foundal on of burdrngs brdges and rnciud ng dagbel ng. dress ng re{ lrng aaound slructures wrth excavaled earth wa eflng and rammrng as drrected by Honcu tunst lnc rarge ead upto 5 feet (ln Ord nary So ) Ex( othlr struclures 13900 Cm Rs 15750 Cll Rs 1 57500 Cft Rs y Stacking and Spread ng of approved garjen so rSweel Eanh free from sa ls pebbles anc grass roots elc, complete rncludrng lft and Su ,p ea(l Sut ply Stack ng and Spread ng cow dLrng manure / Slughter House cow dung manule rncludng mrxng the same lpto a depth up 2fl rnto earth rnc rdrng break ng clods. dressrng f ne raklng and roll rg complete Sut ply & P anting lrve. hea thy & l!xuoantly ant complele gro,vrng sapl ngs of lrees and p S S R R a h︶ MELIA AZADRACHTA TREES(5 Ft H 9h) 35000 Each GI ヽKUM OFF CINALE TREES 13Ft H 9hl 35000 Each 70000 Each Rs 6000 P Rn Rs & Frx ng frrm tree support bamboo shcks 6 to ong 1' to 15' dra thrck aong sde sap|ng of lrees & tre ng lonely at 2-3 pornts w th the he p of co t,)n4ante shnng and as drrected by Hort cu tur st SL.rtp y I Ind arge E Frxng rndustral made concrete pre kerb bocks 3750 PS 450 mm x 300 mm x 130 mm 28 by 45 CM at top ard n 2 Cl\,',l th ck 1 4 ce r enl mortar and lorn the kerb block w th level and algnment sha be proper as drected by Eng neer lncharge Pro,,iding cast 5 夏 OTY !TEM RATE UN!T M:: rnlenance serv ce r/c (but not hm ted lo reglr ar W:Iter ng. tr mm maaunng grass cuthng ng landscape cl€ian ol lhe and tota area tak ng weeds and olher undesrable deve opments rellr acements of grass and trees of all srzes and ng ag:rs that have dred I dryng away where ever urred Securty etc cornplele rn a way that lhe artdscaprng done rs ma nta ned & kepl n excellent rdrtion to be comp ete sat sfact on of Ho 1cu turst lncharge n al respects for a peflod of 06 months Thrs rtem rncludes provrs on of Tec urste manpower (gardeners / watchman and sul ,erv sor etc) adequate No of nrachrne tools & tml )lements ( grass cuttlng machrnes tree prunrng sc jsors saws & chppers waterng equrpmenl etc cot lplete) adequate place / offrce / store for these ts ° ‖ 」ob '00 │ )pyrng and apprcatron of rrgaton wate. of roved qualrty to drfferent p ants and lawns as │:i cted by Hon cu lunsl LDA reguLar y n quantrty crbed by the Horlrcultunst rncharge from trme rme for I (one) year complete ( about 1-2 cns per tree per day & 8000 galon per acre per for lawns & Hedges) ensunng that no plant / Tre r r awn slarves lor want of watenng n case rt SO rappens lhe damages f any wl be charged j _o_ raclo' dec JCleo trom rhe brl's ol r^e rec( r)veted from secunty deposlt etc Pei Ga Rs 51lC00 00 ,/We hereb\ quoted as follow 5 Based on Offer rare amountrng to Rs GRAND TOTAL │ ‐ i‐ ヽ■ 、 t, AMOuNT 'The total amountis Rs (Rupees for the complete job for all offer rate. / We havr attached a pay order bearing No. from Bank Rs as per NlT. I Dated amornting to Time Limit:1year Penalty per days: Rs.500/, Note: . . Ten ier must be quoted in fr8ure & assued n words both otherwise Iable to be cancelled Allc ver writinB & correction if any must be rnitiated & sramped by the bidder Signature of the Contractor with Stamp 鈍 ゝ IJ`J‖ !J、 ,● un,● ,日 ● 、o,い ●。●RS I興 1!o 11, ヽ11ヽ 1ヽ lLM lhe c、 idclec dt)。 [ 11● ]:ヽ ヽ ]11ヾ '「 thecヽ cd dtri13 opcn 'Ljcclcd irl oし ヽL:「 1(ヽ ヽい 1ぜ 〕 8 P「 ()cで ヽ 1、 ri()ヽ l El_1(:IBILllヽ 、 ハ、llビ lt, ビ 「ヽ thc o efl b\ I re lcndcr oncrillr ELICIB:Lilヽ │〕 11,ぃ ll1 1〕 t il]Ч [:l ,せ │ヽ ll,i、 、]Ц 1 IJ (:RITERIA iCtl1lo〕 el gib‖ 1, ci tc「 IJ thぜ 1[hぜ lヾ lde「 、 、1‖ bc 、 、1‖ bc 、tl口 lnl:〕「 1、 c(,rnnrillcc : l. \I\(c(itlcarc l. \ alirl l'rotcssiortal lr\\ I ReSi\lratl(rn .ulNtMt,Nl lr nn Sindh B,,irrd olRc\rnul: ot ALI!tcA t to\ ( Rl I Elit,\: l. I](l Sccurir). ir\ nrcnli()ncd f 5. ^ll \ll&llid!lingl)()crnrelti.islirlrtishctl rxtes qootcd incllrdin! lhe l0lrL illrlounl oi lhchid\haLl be in usurc\ 6 r\ll eorrcetions o\cn\ril Lr lhe ri.l .hlll be elcar'l) rc-$rillen & \\ord\ lborh). \\ilh initials dull stanpcd b) the irlJe r 7 lhe hrJ rhall be propcrl\ siSnc(|. rlrDrcl & \unrl)eJ b) lhc uulhofl/ed person ol lhe tirnr and euthorization lcttcr lirr siuulL,rr shrll bc cnr o:etl \\ ith thc tenricr hr thc aulhori/ed Person. il' ,Ih(r 'r.rr ll c. rrr.rl, I\ .'l l''( liIr,. ll. Ihc rnininrum tunr o!rjr I $orL c\pcricnce \ith \ati\lcct()r\ cornplcrion repot in last 2 ]ears ()r al lcast l!\o or rrrorc \\()r[s irr hilnd nd rheir irggregalc cost should be cqual to the wo.k .,,,r ir \l.r.h hiJLlcr IntL.rJ.t..,l ., n.rni]n.rl( Signalrrrr ol lhe Uirlder sith SlaDrp / ′ ′ ノ IJYARI DEVEI」 OPNIENT AIITHORITY I.ANl)S('APE HOlざ PI(II′ T【 :R IC&PARIく SI)EPA R'Pヽ 【ENT 131D】 )IN(11)()('IJヽ lEヽ rrS NAME O「 V70RK GREENING′ PLANTAマ 10N/CAP ttLuNC IN PARK ST l&7 AISECIOR N0 11/C AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42,LYARI DEVEtOPMENT AUTHORITY KARACHl rI` ENl)Elく I〕 ASI'ERl)IC(` II,I′ 1)()('1:ヽ lEN`rS 0「 QIIANrl、 lTIES &SPPlこ ヽく(1111)EI.1ヽ E/1)11く l=(■ `1ヽ ノ ヽlJ(3,2015 E)1く モII.ES 2010 l!!l,l !r! ![! tr pnrL ld \\.rl\. L]!!4j 1llll \l l'rgc I ol ll lnstructions to Bidders/ Procuring Agencies. (;cneral Rules and Directions for lhe (;uidancc of( ontraclors. -l tht intinrrllion ncce\:,ar\ lin' biddcr\ to p'epdrerc\pofsrcbl(l\.inaceo|.(lun.c\\ilhrhcrequrcn]cnlsol the ltocurlng Agcnc] ltshouldalso e re rn[onnation on bicl subrnissiorr. openinu lnd .\aluLllion. nnd on lhe a\\ard ol contract. ri:.ectiof ol lh('hiddlng !lo(!Ircrrt\ rhorld prLrriJc \latters go!erning the perli)flnanec of the .Lnrlrrct or pa\rnents under the contracl. or marters alccting thc risk\. ri!hts. irnd ohligirlron\ ol lhe Diulie\ LLnder the ( ontracl are included as ( ondition\ of(irntracl irld ( t)DtKt l)otd 'l 1c lnjtnkthn\ to Birlltt ttill nol be pLl( ol lhc ( onlract and \\rll ced\u to hule etlect once lhe cL jnlract is \isnad. | rrorL proposed I,, bc creeLrtr.l L.r ei,nrruet :h.rll b.notilicdinrlirnrrot\oliccln\iting Icndcr (\ll-)iln\itillion lor llid (ll:Bl hLhted orr \\chrirc ol ,\uthoril) rnd Proctrring Agcncl and also in l)rintcti rellu rhclc crtr rcqLrireil ir: prr rLLle. .\11 NIT nru\l stalc the rlcscription,rl the r\ork. (lala\. tirnc end nlacc (,l is\uins. submission. OPcning ol bid\. aorrrnlct()rr tinrc..o\l ol bid(litS lo.unrcnL rnd bi(i \ccuril) cilher In ltlmP sunl or percenldgc ol l:stlrnilted ( o\I,/tsid (irst. l hc l llctcstcd biddcr mLlsl ha!c !!lid N IN also. 2. (onlcnr ol llidding l)ocLrrtrcnts rrttLrL rrtcltt(le bul not Iinrile(l tt): ('ondilions ol contruct ( ontracl l)ata. specillcutiol]s or il\ relclence- llill Lrt Qurntiries containing description ol items \\ith \chedulcd/itcnr ralc\ \tilh prclr trm lo bc llllcd in lafln ol pcrccntage abovc/ below or on ilenr fit('\ lo ht qooled- I ()rrI ol \llrccnrenl irnd drr\ ln!\ 3. l'i\ed l'rice Contrir(ts: lhe tli(l firi(c\ xn(l rlrlc\ rrI( lircil tltrring iurrcner ol 0onlriret and undar no aireu0lsl!nec shllll ,n) a()nlril!l lre enLiLlc\ l() a ninl cfhillleed Ixll\ lL)I iln\ llcm in lhi\ conlr cl. ,1. l hc Pr()cuflng Agenc) shitlL SPP Rulcs l010. hr\e righl ol r.'iccting rll or an) ol lhc tcnders as per pIolislons ol 5. Conditional Offcr: \nr pcrson \ho subllit\ rl tcrrcler \hall llll trP thc u\ual printcd li)nn stating rll \hal percentage abo\e or bclo\ on lhe rnte\ \pecillcd in llill ol Quarrtitic! tbr items ol \\orl to bc crrricd orLt: hc i: $i ling rLr unLlcrlrl'c llre \\()tl' rtn!l ill\{r qtole lhc ritlc\ li)r thosc itcnls rvhich arc based on nrarket rate5. Onl\ onc ratc ol stlch perecntagc. .rn ll thc Scheduled Ralcs shall be liflnc(|. Iendcrs. rrhich p(tposc an) allernllive ln the Norks specillcd in the said lirm ol' in\iti[ions. \ ill bc liuhl.'1,, reictr on. \o Printcd li),ln ol tcndcr shall includc a tender fbr morc lhan onc \\ork. brLt il conllirator \\ ish t(, Icnder llr l[o or n]ore \torks. lhc] shall subnrit a scparalc lcndcr li)r ench. the enrelopc contliuin! the tcn(lcr doeLrntent: shull Icler lhc nirnlc and nulnbcr o, the $ork. 6, \ll rrorks shlll be rrcasrLrel hr rtrnrlutcl instru nents llccordrng () the r!le! 7. lllddcr\ \hIll pro!idc e\ Ice (,1 llrcir cligihi il\ r\ irrrd \ hen rcqtrcsled h) thc l)rocurin!l Agcllc\. L',,1.!!! l r!!!r!!11!r\!4!!.E1!r 85J1It Page:l t. An) ol \1 14 brd rcceivcd b) lhe Agenc\ irtier lhe dcrdlinc lbr srrbrrission ol bids \hall be rciected and returned unopencd lo thc bid(lcr. l)rior to thc detarled c\alullion ol l)id\- rhc l)r,icurin,r \gcner sill dclcnnine \hclher lhe bidder lirltllls all codal requiremcnls ol eli!ibi il\ crircrin gi\en in thc tcndcr notice such a\ rugi\rhrrion \\ith ta\ xuthorilic\. r.gi\tr liof \rth l)l ( (\\hcrc ilpn i.lblc). turno\er \tarcmcnr. u\peftcn!e statement. and an) othcr condru(nr mentK)ned in the NIT and brdding documcnt. ll_the bidder docs not lirllill an] ol-(hese eondrtions. it shall rot he eralulted lirnhcr. 10. Bid rr ithout birl securit' ol rcqLrircd imounl and pru\cribcd lbfln shall be reiccted ll.IJrJ. d(lerlnine lo l)c \uh\r0nlrir r rc'|on.ric 'lt.tll he chcckcd li)r 0rr\ arilhmelic error\. Arilhmelicaierrors shall bc rectitled on lhc li)llowinu basis ( ) In crse of Schc(lulc rat(\, thr rrrrounl (rl pcr.crrtallc qtrolcd ahore or below will be l1)rr umounl ol h ll ol qudnrilics lo arrire lht llnal bid chceLed xnd ir(ldc\l ('r 'uhlril.rc(l (B) ln ,lasr ol ilenr ratc\,. ll Ircrc rs r di5(repane) bcl\ccn the untt ralc itnd thc lolul eosl thaL is obtaincd b\ nlollipl\ rng lhe unir ratc rnd quantil\. thc unit rate shall preyail artd the lolal cost $ill be eo.rccled unlcs\ in thc opinion ol thc r\scnc\ lhere is an ob\rous mi\plaecrnrnl ol thr tlccinrll pninL if lh. t]rril riltc. in \hiah.rae tht tot0l co\l rs qttoted r,,ill gor,ern und the unil rate cLrrreeteri. ll thcre i: a discrepancl bet\\ecn the total bid anx)unt rnd rhc \u[l ()i t()lrl co\l\. lhe \um ()l rhr lotal co\ts \h0llprevail nd thc lotal bid lrn,)unl \hll ll he a(,n'a!le(1. (C) \\hcre lhcrc i\ a discrcpr0e\ bct*ccn the amoun( in llgures and in rrords. the urnount in rrorrl: n ill gL,reLl 3同 din,賊 ument(o,Wo`も ●●toヽ 1∞ M Page 4 ol 14 BIDDING DATA Narne of Procuring Agency LYARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITγ B Bri( f Description of Works CREENINC, PLANTAl!ON/CAP ttLUNC IN PARK ST‐ 1 ■7′ AT SECTOR N0 11/C. AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42. LYARl DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY′ KARACHl C Proruring Agency's address D Amr)unt of Brd Secuaty 2%ofthe Quoted Bid Amount E Per od of Bid Validity (days) 30 Days F Secrrity Deposit (lncluding Bid Securty) 02%of Bid Amount G Pen entage. rf any to be deducted from bils 08% Retontion Money H Dealline for Submission of Bids along 30092015(01:00A M) A Site o“ ICe of the Horticulturist, Block‐ 30, Hawksbay,Scheme42,LDA,Karachi Site o“ ice of the Horticulturist, B10Ck・ 30, │ Venre Trme. and Date of Bid OPenlng Hawksbay, scheme● 2, LDA, Karachi at 02:00 a m on 30 09 2015 」 K Timc for Comp elon frOm wntten order O 'l cOm nence Oep)sit Recerpt No (Date & Amount rn words and figure) (One) Year !![]rrr:r!!!!!!rrll.r \ors uO]!B!! !q\1 Page 5 ol ll Conditions of Contract ( lao\r - l: (_() mrn((nrent .t (, nplern'n l)nt(\ ol $orl,. rc .t,nlla(t(n !h ll fol crt.r utoir crrlrMlc iln\ plrli(nl or \\ork .\..fr $tllr rhc $riucI autlrr)r l\ u|d illslruction ol l onrcullufl\l Fnsifeer nchar,re or t,l n \rhor!l n.llr-ir (hrr!. ()l lll( $ork laLi]S \uch irLirhoril\ c)rrlraclor\ralj hir!enocllr mrousl, l,f n.il\Lrrr'rrctll\ ol ot nl\ c I lbr \\o I or thc lhe I re conlraclor shall pro(eed \irh lhe $orl,. $ rh il c r\pcdillon .n(i $ilholr dela) and cornplele the sorks rf tl e time allorved li)r carrying oul lhe $ork as cnrere( in lhe lcnder \hall bc \rricrl! observed by lhe conlrector rrrl shrll r..lonc(l lionrh.,liurorsr.rrh(Lnt. rt,..frrc )cr $o l, i\ ! \cn r(r rhc conlmclor And lirrthcr l( efslre good progre5s (l(rirg rhe e\ccurion (,1 lhe \!ork. c(nrlrarlu'\hlll be bourrd. in illl in $hich rhe linre a o$ed tin conrplclion ol m\ \ork e\..ed ollc nroflh. ro Jlhic\e I o!re\\ o lhe trorxre brs 5. ( lrusc Ll, \ ll). .oflrleror s ull pil) liq!rdirled darnages lo the Agenc) al lhe rale per .lirt rhal lhe complelio r dall ir Larcr rhan rhe lntended completrolr datc: (l pa rmornl ol idalc(l h\ thc conltuelor k) thc Alrcrrc) shall rlor c\ceed l0 pcr cent ollhe ll. li!r darrir.rc rfr!.. .,rr.r.t \9.n.\ rr.r) ,lr,lrrr lr,lrirl.,l !lir r.r!.. lrt'rn px\rnenrs Jue 1o lhe contracl Pa\ cnl ol - 2: Liquidatcd Damsgcs. \rared in lhe hidding Jxra 1ar each atlc.l lhc .onlractor'i lrbili(ics. lr,luidared danragcs does rx)l ( ( nusr - -Iernt'nalirllr J: r)f lh( ('r,nll?et. Procurlng \gerc\ Horl crlrLri.r L\(cr(r\! i.) lollo\fn! condrlrors (jl ('onlracl(n caus.: trLr llrc {iiil tr(,!r..' ir (,l ,rn\ lf!!rrc!r rIa\ l!yr lh. .orrlrrrl l cilher ol firlL' lhe c\ \lr:- brcircrol .[l\ . xr:c ol lrc(onlrilcl. frrl.t lr lL){ ln lhe ca\c oi ahilndof renl ol lhe nrr t,l I r.1\(!L i. Lrr'rLLr.rr.ltr'\ .il(l rolr.c $or[ oNirr! Io lht \cr]ou\ illncs\ Llr ol 0 !ia\ \ hl\.\frreJ. dcoth ol the coIrmctor or an\ (i!l ( rtracror can aln) rcquc\r tor Ie n nirlron ol conlracl il a pa)menr cerrill.d h) rhc IlorticullurisrrLngi rcc' is ror fai(l Io thc coflraclor \\l1hi r 60 dtl)\ ol lhc darc ol-the sr bmission o1 trrc hill (B) TheHonicultLrrisl'E\ecurivc Lnginecr'Procrrri rg Agenc\ h.ls porler to adopl an) corrr\er rs ma) dcem llr:- (i) r (() To larliil Ihe l l. ii|.lj,,. lI tre t(Lrril\ (11'Nslr rrc $,Jrk .\ c\enr .r\rLlrhl..\cLrfl con(lrl tin rrrcnlloncJ ill f,..r.,,,r,hr,\,, [. L,rrt \r ol lhe ibllo\Ylng rar)Llti\)aho\c. l\\ !ht jLfrtlril0 ol ar\ ol llrc rb(,\c corr\es hclns ndol)le(l b) lhc \!.r.\. r r..orlrir(r(,r 'lriilL hir\c' Horllc!lluri'il F\crUli\( I n!lr)ccr l)NcLirirr! (jl \o l(\' nr.luirrc(l h\ Ir rrr h\ rr.r.on ol hr: ltilrinrl pLrrchitsed or or cnlcrerl rnro rf\ cn!lllcrenl\. oI rrrir(le an] itdVances on ilccotLnl of. or .liirrr lo cofrfcrr\rr of lt,r lllr\ p11)cured iln) rnirteriirl\, $irhir\ir\\t()Lllec\clur ontil Lllt$\'l,i] lll.lrr1\)Irilr..o lr!aorLrircr 1!.1[r]s!!!.r nr.tr' rrtr \orr.: rnro R\ L!l!L\! \iil llose\er. lh. ,onlrir.l,! r,r r . rrr| lor rhc $orL Jonc rL 5rlc dutr ccrlrtjcd b\ lhe ll,,1icut,Ir.rl\c.Il.\(lr,-r (( ,r$|lrr.r!rj.ixrd irh<t.crr;flr r.,io,.uLtr ;6rkar,.t tn.n,,.te<.. nil ,l l)rocuring Agrnc) ll! icu (url\r Lrr!Lnccr llir\ in\ tc lic\h brl\ lor rcIn ning \!orl (lxusc lt I'o\\cs\ion ol th0\ircrn(l (lxi slirrc0nrpr \lrjonli)rdcll\. lhcttorllc!llrrisl,t.nrnccf5hall a lpi l\ ot lh. \rrc L() rh. !o|lra.t(n. ll l)o\\r\\ Lnr oi : r( rr nol qi\en h] rhe llale \luled ir I re contriicl data. no conrpensalron sh ll l,ea (n\ed ti)'a|\ (lcla\ r.rrscd nnanrrrgol (he$orkonacco nrot r l\ acquisilion ol and. $.ller \uurdrt! iI bor()\\ ptl\ co filrttnc ls or 11 ilccordjng sanelion (l estilnilres. ln r.h casc. clhcr Jalc ('t .ol[I.n!.Irnr silL h..r r!.(l ,rr f.rioJ (,t cornplerron rs lo he c\lcndcd a'cordilrg ) !!cpos\c\\rorol (lause -5: [:\tcnsion of lnlrndcd (lmplrlk)r l)nlc. lr. ])r(,((rils ir:rc tct etrer lt ils o\\lr lnlilllres brk)re the lare ol competior (r'on dc\rre ol rhe co rrracro ma\ u\tcnd rhc irrcn(led complction dalc. lan e cnl ($hich hindcrs lhe e\ecul on ol .ontracl)occrFora\irLelronorderisissucd\\hichrrlakesirimfossible 1( cornplete lhe work b\ lhe irlrnde(l corrn elion dilrc lor such prriod r\ he mil_\ thinL ecessxry or proper Ircdccr'r{nrol r re Hor li(U luri\r ln!rrr.cr r rhr. rrr,rttcr \hlll be ll nl: $h!re li r. ha, hcen c\t.nded Undel I r or an\ olhcr c iluse ol lhr\xllreefrlrl. lhcJat. lorronrperio|ol thc!\orkrllirll be lhe dalc tired b) rhc order gi\ing lhc e\lensiorr pr b\ thc a,r!rcgxle of.ll s!ch ordcrs. mxde undcr lhi\ it!reerncnt. \\hcrllrrchashernc\lcrxlcdasrlbr.\iLi\l.il\h. rolllinrLc ro IhJ conlracl shall conrinr e lo be operar \ e duri rS r rc c\le h.lh. csscncc ollhc conracl and irl clauscsol' rdcl perio(j ( nuse 6: \prcrlitanon\. I rr .(,nr.r.rnr . r,rll rhc$ht,l.irnJ.\c\ faflL'l Lr! \ork rn rhe frorl \ub\lanlrol ar(i \!orL-nrrn il,r nanncr an(l holh .r' e!nr(l\ mlru xl. rrxl irll ot rt rirrrcr\ rr stricr xccorlurce w lh the .fcerticluon\ lo(l!cd rl rhe oltlee ol rrc Ho !r Lr i'L I rceLLtire ln:irrecr afl nil ilcrl b) rhr parlic\. thc 'r J \necrljcalion hring ir [.rr ol ]he.(,rra(r. lh(.(,Ilr3cr(tr \he irl\ocorljrnc\ircll\.lirll]arr(l lrirhlirll) lo lhr dcsig s. dra$ing. af(i ifsl rcliof:. in \rriling Ielarirg ro Ihe Norl' \igncd by thc Homicullurisl,linginccr-irr' clrrge and lodgc in hri olilce rnd ro $hich llrc conrrxclor \hx I hc .nritlcd lo ha\c icce\\ at iuch olllce or on rh \ile ol \rork lbr lhe fr rpo\c ol rn\pccliorr (hr n! olllcc roufs irrrLl lhe conlr.clor shall. ifhe so reqrLirc\. bc efLirled rr hi\ o$rr c\n{rr\c lo rn.riic r) !ritL\r l,) bt rrJ(]..(,fj.' (Jl I )c \|e(rllc.l onr. arl,l ola \trch dcrign\ dr r\\ ifg\. irfd ir1\lnrctio r' rlofr\li.l (\) , ︲ ︲ ¨ 胴 ¨ “︲ ¨ 蒜 ∩ 一鵬 ︲ 鵡¨ ( lnusc 7: Pa\flrcnl\. l'n(lr fg \Srnc\ \ rx ]x\\ ce l] lhe ilnr()unr lo hc ner(l ro lh. I he iJol1icu 1r rin I flrlter .ourarror. Nri.h llc.(i ',lr ' JLrr arrLl paiurc rr rc\tr!r thcr(r)l \rLhr.r lo rledurl on ol \ecur 1\ Jrfo5ir. ird\ a r.! pit) 1l!nr ij it r\ mir,j. 1o r r irnJ tir\.:. All such inlenncdiatr fril\mcllr srirll hc rclrtu1cd ir. fr\menl ofl! irn(l nol r\ pa\frcnt( li)r \ork ncturl \ la\r .nrq h\ $a\ oi ad\iince agllinsl lhc tirirl donc rd rornplerc(|. an(i shall nor precjude thc llofli.u rurin IrL:inccr ln chrrr,.:t lior ..i)\. ir. lr)rn llrl.rl hill .ur(l rectitlrNion ol Lletccls In(1 unialrslictor\ ircrJls ol sorl\ rornr.rl ,'ril lo ) rr (hr rrg (l.leer lirhrlrl) fclro(1. l!.r!r ! r Ldr nutr td $r)!\:!t!!rltl|ut)r t!! ll) lhcrinnl llill ',h .l rLll .r.,.r.|:,. i,r .\,i r.r,L. n rlr,r\,r.,rtirL r(, rtr.Jrt! t\r( tor rlr. ol' lhc *orL olhcn\i\e tl(nlrcUlrr ri\r l:Igirccr-i -rhar!c'\ cc.lifleale ol thc rrrca\!rrcmenrs .lDdol rheknal ounl pa\.rhLe lin rh.\orl\shall be tln,rl and bi|din! on all paflies. cornplction r'lnosr - 8: l{€rluccd Rarct. th. I!'rrr\ ot $or[, ure nol itlcepled lls so complclcd. the lk)nic!llurisr linclncer-if-rlrirrlrc 1lr\ Irlc pl\ ne ( or irfcourl ol \Ucl) irems al \Uch reducrd r.lc\ a\ he rrx) cof\ider rea\ofahlc in lllc prcIi irlioI ol llnn or orr rrnfrn!l ilcco!nl bi ls wirh reason:. recordel in ( lausc ( \) 9: lssuancc of Variation tlnd Rcpear Orders. - llre (Bl .rtfL ,,1 \()r[. ph].eir \cr\ices tionr lhe origlnat .ir\f (, (l..rcfs. r ,lrl rlrlrc,. frlr(linS rhe flrcdUcl on i)l re* \rork '\gcn!\ rrril\ ir:re.r \,1 rllr\,r()Jcr l(,r lro.rL .o rLrir.lor lt, .o\.r ir r\ I. rlcnr. rhal .rre crllrer \hr. lo r lcrrcril \cofc ir rl r.rr!. .1 1 .rLrl.. Jc\i1rrr or ir i!n IL'|rl to \rLir ,t.luirl |h) 5r(iL L,orLrlliLr e\ (,1 1rc e()rlrirrl ) l(]r lr...rrlri.t hear l() rhe r)ngrnu contracl $ork. ) (l , Clause rlr r lor.onrfen\rlon by r(suf !l ln case the nature ofrhc \\or( ln lhe !irriallon doc\ nol corre\pond $ilh iIem. rn thc Brll ofQ,unrili<\. rhe qrLotalion br- lhcconlracro is lo bc in lhe li)rnl ol fc$ rarcs lirr the relevirnl llcrns ol \"_ork. an(l ll rhe llodicLLllu.rn Eng ncer-Ur'chirrgc i' \all\lied Ihal lhc fttlc quolcd i\ \\ilhin tlr. rale \\orkcd oul b) ri or dclir lc(i |llc rfx\\s. lr(l tr!r (nr\ hc shu rllo* hinr rxlc rtier apnroval ftonr higher l[.r,rr. (t \llhiI ( onlritclor \ha I rol f.rfonf ir \uri0llorr r rt th( l'ro(rrirg qgenc) hns aLthori/ed lhe larirtron in $rilrnS 5ubicel lo lhc lrnil rror .\.cc(] r! lhe roflr..r !o\l h\ ol lSooonrre\allecondiliofsinnll rtsp.el\ orr \\ ri.h he r!rce(l Lo (lo Ilrcin rr th. $or(. irnl rl lh! \lrrrc r0lc\. as Irc \pcc tled in lhc rerdc lbr Ire rxln $orL lrr ronrirrtor lrx' llo rght Lo irl(errron\ or cudailnrcnr ol I re $orL 1( iel(l conlilrons. L'r,r lh(.\1.r.le.l rr I re | (,t)(,rlio r lhrl lhc a([1rl onil s(n'l' cI\c ol quantllics ol $(, l.\.uutc(l .srLlt thc initill ('onlrict I)ricc Lo hc e\cccdcd b\ more lhiln 5% irrrd rlrcn l1()nreL lLtln,t I r!r ]cc Lri t ir(lt( \l rhe 'nle5 o rlx\! qt irrrLilic\ .au\rrrg c\ces. lhc losl ol co|lracl belonJ 15", atrcr a|f !\ irl ol Prrlecl I)rrerlor. l \.u ralror). lre\ orll I rc I i'o (il rnilrill eorllrrcl irrllLrrrrll. \hal1 bc suhl!cl ol'anolher conlrirct lo he tenderr(l or I il r re wor[ irre \cplmhle lionl lhe origifal contracl Repeat Order: - r\ni !umuhti\ t l0: QuaIt) Conlrol. ldenlifrinp Deliclsr I irr irr\ l rne hclor! lhc \tcuril) dcpo\il \ reJirrrde(l (o lhe conlraclorlduring ietecl liabilir] Irerio(1 nrenlio rcd i r hl(l rlalx. lhe llonict lluri\l F-ngineerin-charge or hl\ rtrbordinIlle_ in-chrrge ol lht $orl r]la\ in\rru.l lhe.onlrircrcr to u co\cr and lesl trnt prn ol lhe uorks which he cof\i(lers r r! hrve x delcct (luc l(r u\e ol urrsot n(l rnat!ria s or tfsl'illJirl lvorkmarl\hrp and lhe cLmrrirelo.lrr!10.i r\orlr(e\rrrhi\(^\rr.o\Llrre'pe(l\eot \orl'a|exdl approredorpaid { ll, ('orrcrrion of l)efc(t\: I11. .onll1r.ror 'hr be hL\rnJ li)nh$ilh Io recliil or renrole and reconslrtlct lhe \\or( () spec lled rn $hole r)r irl rx11.rl'1r!ca\c naJ Icqtire. llc corrlraclor shirll cofrecl lhe rrolillr(!delicl $irhin rht l)cli.l (i,||..li,r) l'cfl,\1 rrrenriorr.(l lrr noli.c ll'!!tr!!l!\!f ,.ir or s!rl*ru!(!Bs-Lll!L!! l',rP. ) (( 1 trnl:orrtcred Dcl'ectr: (i) ln rhc case ol rn\ \oc r tillr re rhe I lo icultr rislrl fsinecr in-!hrrrge shxll give rhc contr.crcf iu leir\r l.l d \. roricc ol h s rnLentr(,n lo Lrtc ,t lhrrd prn) to .orrccl a delecl. tte m.r! rcclit) or r.nrc\...rrd r.-.\.rur. Lh. sr)rl (i reI(^c .rrJ r.nLtrce lhe rnaleriat\ or a(icle\ comflarrcd ol .r\ rhe (rrc r|a\ hc irl I re \k rud c\pcn.ie i| a I respecl ol the conlraclor. ii) lllhc ljorlicullur \r F r,r ncer con'iJcrs rhal rccliljcali()n (onectlon oll delict is not csscrllial nnd il mirv bc rcccptc(l or |ra(lc USc olt rl shlll be w lhin hls (lilcrelon ro nccepl rhe sanre al \(rch redr cc(l rIr.\ ,l\ lre rn.j\ ll\ rh.rcoll ( llxuse │へ 8,n - I l: lnspeclion of Operrlions. lhc Ho(crLlrrLrisl |ngifeer rrd rissubo rnares- shall al all reasonab e lirrc\hir\('r..e\rIothLr(ik'li!(ut)cr\i'iorr irf(l jrr\f.crititol $o l xlcr or I cou^e ol e\cerrronir pur\uaf.. ol Ih..onrr.r .ll\l lh..orlr.r.Lo \rxl .rllinJ c\rr) 1.r.i il\ li)r irnd e\er) assi\tar!r ll ) oblirlning Ihe rirhr to \rclr ilc(.!'( Dales lbr lnspeclion irnrl lc\ring. lllt llofli.ullrLri\l lngi|cer 'hall !i\,r lhc co rrraclor rca\on.rb c r)oll!e ol rlir inl!nlioro lhrllonrcur\r rsl LrS;fcc.if-ehirrgc or hi\ nrhor(l naleto!isil thc !vork shall have heen !ircr tu, rhc conlrxclor. Ihen he cilhcr him\ell be lrcscnl Io rcceivc orders and !rr.ILr.l nrr\- (rr lr,r\. .j ,.'ur.il.l. r.r.r1 .hrl\ .L.ir.Jl1.\l r $riLrn.r fr.\.ril lirr Ihtll fI!frN. ,fJ.r 1") gi\cnolheronlrrclor-rdul)rrLtr(ni7c(l xgcnt\lr il_rlrc\ lrird bucrr !i\ erl lo lhc .. rl irrrcr h rrr',rli ( lause (\) - l2: E (amination be ron\iil.re(l rohir!crre\xmelbrcearcltccta\ of rvork hclbr( coi(ring up. \ofarlollh.\orl,\Jrall hrro\.rcJLrlorlLrlorrol \r.she\on rlr.rerclr$rlhourgr\insfolrcL'01 nor lc\\ lllll ll\c (lir\s l{) lrL l oii.ulLr \r lngireer $hcire!cr irr\ such pan ol rhe \torl\ o tbLrndalion isorare rcadt ornbour lo hc reld) lorc\a rnalrorr rrrd the lk)miculiuriqt,l.ngineer \hall. $rrlx)rLr JcLr\. LIr r\\ hc !(rr'i\1. ' l uIll...sxrl rrJ.r!l\ \c lhc !orrlrirelor iccordrnrl\. xrlerrd lir ih! purpose ofe\tminrn! and nreirsurirr! sLrch pal1 ol tht \!orks or olc\anrining such tbund:rlions. (Blli .ir\ \oI '.,^r.(l rIo I rrJJ h.)(, rJ rlr. r!ir!lr oi rci\\rLr.n.nr \\irh.rLt \uch norice hx\in: beerr,livcn- Ihc \arnc \rirll lrc ur.o\rrcl rl lhc rorlrirrlor'\ c\pcr)!e. rnLl ir lel)rrll lhcreol rro l)x\ cnL or r lo$in.e .lt.rll ,J r,J. l(r .rL.h $o 1,. (ir l\r l re rdl.llir \ srllr $hi.h l)c \rrr( $iL. rusc- IJ: Risks. Ihe conrracl{rr \hirll hc rsporr\ib c lbr ull ri.kiol lo's ol or dnrnrrc 10 ph\sic^l propcn\ ol laciliries or relalcd r{r\lc( rl thc frL'fri... rf, o1 Nrn,ni niur} in(i rl.irrr $hi(h'irrise ([rrint nrld ir] .(, lsrqrcrc. oi r\ nerli)nrirnrc ol r|.r(,rL[rr rln\.].r)rx!. l. r'irLreJ u ri c thc uorL lr rnnruresr,r bcJonrc aIn0rer]l $irhln thrca rllofllr\ oi lhc Srarr o Lrc (c( ll!alLr ol rorfplelror. llna or orhcr$isc. rhc .,, rlrr.lor :r,ill rlrIr SL\\l L ]. :iL r! .ir it . L,s r r\l).rr.. ({ | . rllLrlL Lh. ll(, lr.ullur \L I r3Ln(er rrr) .au\e th| same to be madc good by orher workmen. and deduct lhc e\pen\cs liom rclention nroncy lying wllh thc h(] r cullurn E nglreer C - ll: Mcnsur€\ li)r prerrnlir)n of firc nnd \altl) measures. The contracbr \hall nol set ilre lo anr' ilrxling iurglc. rrecs. br sh{\oo(1 or ,.rrir\\ \\irrorr r \\rllcn Ni ir lrorn lhe llonicuhuin,ll\ec(rli\e Frrrlnr(r \\h.I nrch n$rnir i\,ri\.n.rr(l .rl*J rr rir'.' $l)rn(le\ro\rn!. crrrling or LLp()oling Irees. hLrsh' rr od. ,.:ras. clc b\ llrc. lhc cofl'ircr(ll \lrxl r.lkc rcc.\\a \ rncr\r rcs Io Prc!cr]l such tlre spreading Io or oll.rl\i\e dilmaging sufl1)ur(iifg prol]e \ Thc corrrrirctor ii r!\por\ible 1or the \altl) ol all il\ aclr\'itie\ Clrusc nr rlrl!nliti rir \ oir or ()ll llN \ilc h\ Llr. .t) rl lcto . lhr,L ' rrL I l,e |.r \l b\ hinr llrrl!!r!!rl!,!!Lrrt!!1 t1,rtr!r!!!!!tl) ll1ll4 t lausc- l5: Sub-corlracling. lhc co|lrxcror \hl nol \Uhcontfacl the $holc ol lhe \!orks. e\ccpt $here ,,lher$ \e l)ro\ (l(Ll lr\ lre r('It.trL lll. rn trir.L,r \l:t lLjt !ih(ontrir.t r \ p rr ot lhc $or[s $ lhout the I)rior consent ol rhe llofiicullur ( LrS neer ,^n\ \rch lonsent shxli nol relic\e lhe conrr clor tiom irn\ i,abrlrlt or oblisrrion !Id.r ll)..orrrr.l .LrJh..hrl b. re:pon, tre l()l' rhrlrt\- (lcrarlls nnd neglccls ol ir|\ .ubconl.irclor- hi\ irrenl\. (traIl\ o $orknrcrr ir\ il these xf1\. (lclltLll\ or fc{leel\ $rre lho\c ol the l s erlrplo\ecs al il hc or t\crcelpo\..\ol lhcfo|ll1r.tor (lausc- 16: Dispu(c\. {lL|5p!l!s rr'ir)! $ trLr. lr.s.lt lonlrr.t. irnd shict lrnnot trc imicirhl\ \cllled bel$een Ihc fanic\. llle ilcei\!orr ol rhlj Srrlcr nrerJiIg LngifL'tr ol th. crrcleolficerr) e ( Lreslions rrrenliorrcd rclalif! Io lhe mcxning ol rhe \|r.!tl.rrion\ Jesr!|s (lrir$iDg\- a|(l inslructior. hereinbeli)re ilrd Is Io lllc (lux rt ol sor(rri r\lr f. or rrlerir s u\cd oI rhe \rorl or as l() an-- other queslions. !arr.righr.n.rlcr.orrhirgsl:Ltr,rrrir.rn\$.r\.i\lnSorLLot.orrclali Slo(h!conlr0cldesign.dra\ings. \recillcalion\. c\lrmarc\- lIsrrrcu()fs. or(l.r or lhe\L con(Ilions or orrenvisc concerning rhc works. or dre \ r.th.r rri. fS ([rriru llrr niourcs\ ol rh. \\ork- or atier rhc e\J.tllon. ol ln !rc L(i e\cLrLte r rLr \rrr. r nnnleljon or abirndonrnerrl lh.rcol' ( lause l7: Sile (hc corrnlctio]l oflhc \\orl,- lhc !onttuclor \hir lbc lirrnl\hed wllh a ceftifirale l, lllr lloni.rLhLriil l\e.Lri\c lllgircu L rcro rxtto ..rllcJ rrc Hoflr!ullursr Inginecr-in-chargc) ot.uch clnntlclion. bLrr ncilhcr \ucr cer licIr. \rall lrc !r\ef ror \ral lhc $r)r'L hc cof\irlercd k) bc cornplete rLrlil Clearancc. lics includ ng clelrr rS Jcb.s urrd d n rl Ihe sirc. Il rhe conlraclor taii\ ro compl) \!ith lhe rquircrnenr\ ol rhii cl.ruic rhef lkrni.ullLri\r fn!ineeFln-chir1re. nr.rl irl rhc r\penser ol lhc contra.r(jr rcrnove and disposeol rhe sarne as he lhrfLs lir afd\ha dedlcr lhcillnoufr ofall expcnses v) incured lionr rl,'ronrrilror'\ rclcnrirJrr fr(frr\ lhJ.',flrr.l,, .h,rll lr,r\. nr, i:r rr irr rc.fcct ()lart \urtl(s rlrirltrir ' a. rlrresrid c\.ept lbr.u) srnrircru ll\ rcrlr/c( h) rlrc\lcrlrcrcol o )ernlron lilcrl . ur(. lS Frnnncinl 4ssi\lttnc(./ \(l\xntc l'r\rrtnl (l) Mobiliraiion ndvancr l\ ftn rllo\ed. (l Sljcurcd AdraIce atnin\r nral(riAls hrorghl al srle. ) (i) Securc(] ,\dvflrcc rrr\ hr pe r llld (nrl\ iLSir n\l i pe i\hxhlc lrlcria \ quanlilres arlticipaled ro he .on'Lrnrcd Lilili/c(l (,f lh. $ ork s ilhrr ir tlcuod ol lhrc. morrlhs liom lhc dalc ol issuc ol_ secured edvnr)ce rnd dcllDirc \ rol li)r lu I quarlrfies ol rnalcr nls li)r lhe entire work/conlracl Ih(, rurr fa\irhc lor nLih rnirleri]1. orr.ire.hilll r)ol e\rccd l5oo ol lhe markel pricc ol nraler als. () Ilecoler\ ol Sc.urc,l \J!arcc px(l l(i trc rortlaclo'undcr lhe abovc provisions shal bc irlleclc(l lionr lhe nronrl\) Fir)frcnl' orr uctLraL ronrrrmptlon bx\r.. bul nol lc\s rhirn period nrorc lhrf lhrcc 1r()nlh' 1lr\ L' r il r rLrr]lilc(1) ( lrusc- lg: Rcro\er\ rrrcarlol l.an(l Rc\enuc. be linhle ti)r reco\er\ ir. irreirr\ ol I rn(l llt\errrc as n\ \urrr L[rt Lo lre (it)\.rrrrrcnl h) (he uorrlrxclor \hilll IJ|JJ fu d(ru'q'!1!r tr l:Lpl]lli.I00L! ('lau\c 20: Rcfund ol Scturitr l)cpo\i(/Relcniion \lonc,l. Of eonrfletio| ol the $hole ol lhe \!ork (l NorL sho!U be .ons dcred rs cofrnl.rc li)r thr fL 'p(^e ol rclirn(l ol \ec!rilt (leporrl lo a lonlftrcrcr tionr the dsr (lale on $hich ls llral mcx\ur!rlr.rr\ irre che(kc(l b) ir coIrperenl ir!tlxJrir\. ilsrch checl i5 necessa.) .)lhur\\i5c lior lh. Lalr d rc ol recordins rhe rlnll nrcaiurcmellrs). rre dclt(l\ norice pcriod ha\ also passed rnd lhe Honicullunsrll_.ngirleer has cenilied rhcl all delicls rolitled ro lhe contrrclo beibre lhe end ol his reriod hir\'e bcen corrcclerl. thr tr Jep(\ l l( !,rJ l)\ r.oIlrir(rortirl .I\h or recovered in inslall rcllts 'e,:Lrr lollr r \ hrl .r\h,rll bc r.lrnl.J ro |.rllrr lhr.\, \ .1 rhr.e nh rh. liori thr dxl( o| shich th! rorl, \ llorrirullurrrl L;: 'age :1,o ll CREENINC_PLANTAT10N/CAP FltuNG tt PARK ST‐ 1■ 乙 」 SECTOR N0 11/C AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME 42 1YARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY KARACHI BILL OF QUANTITY ITEM E!cavatron rn foundalton of bu ldtngs, bfldges and otl er skuctures rncudrng dagbeiIng dressrng relllng around structures wth excavated earth w:terng and ramrnrng as drrected by Hortcu tunst nrharge ead upto 5 feel (ln Ord nar! So l 15660 1忠 s詰 盤 t』 hil∬ IH」 路 J 甜 anrl grass roots elc. complete ncu0ng andi t∫ 11 lea J 13050 Sut)ply Stackrng and Spreadrng cow dung manure / Slughter House cow dung manure ncudng mrr ng the same upio a depth up 2ft nto earth nc Jdrng breakrng clods dress ng fne rakrnq and rollng complete Suipy & Plantrng . 130500 & luxunantly lrve hea thy qro,\irnq saplnqs ol lrees and planl comp!ete │ 01 b, 1 ME JA AZADRACHTA TREES15 1 H onl 29000 Eaclr GU′ ヽ KUM 20000 Each 58000 Each 6000 P RFt OFFICINALE TREES(3ft H gh, Supply & F xrng lrm tree supporl bamboo sl cks 6' lo 7 long 1" to T 5 dra lhick along srde sap ng of tree; & tie ng lonely at 2-3 pornls w th lhe he p ol co ton4ante shring and as drrected by Hort cl] tur si lncharge Pro\ drng 8 Fxrng rndLrstfla made concrele pre cast kerb blocks 3750 PSl. 450 mm x 300 mm x 130 mm 28 by 45 CN,l at top lard rn 2 CM thrck 1 4 cemrnt mortar and lorn the kerb bock wth eve ;Nd a anment sha be proper as drected b/ I L9薔 にい ・ e TT 「 h「 lTEM OTY RATE UNIT nlenance serv ce irc \but not |m ted tc reglr ar rier tflmm manunng grass cutt ng 3 朧 ng ng )anng of the landscape and tota area iakng t weeds and other undes,rabe developmenls ? acements of grass and lrees of all s zes and es that have dred / dryrng away where ever lurred Secunty etc compele n a way thal the rdscaprng done s marntarned & kept rn exce enl ,ldit on to be complele sat sfactron of :.licultunst lncharge rn all respecls for a per od of months Thrs tem nc Lrdes prov s on ol ) (tuste manpower (gardeners / watchman and )eN sor etc) adequate No of mach ne too s & ) ements ( grass cuttrng machines tree prlnrng isors saws & clppers water ng equrpment. etc 鵬nplete) adequale place / off ce / slore ror these rns 1旧 1 00 」ob │ and app|cahon of rrgahon water of )l)roved qually to drflerent pants ano lawns as lsuJ)plyrng ft,cled by Horticultunst LDA regu arly rn quantity ,!crbed by lhe Hortrculturst ncharge from tme rme for T (One) year comp ete I about 1'2 r o.s per lree pe'oay 6 uuuu qa ro^ pe acre oer ry for lawns & Hedges) ensur ng that no p anl i e: / lawn starves for wanl of walenng lncase t ) rappens the damages rf any w I be chargeo / )ducted from the b lls of the conlractor / 1強cr)vered from secunty depos t elc │ │ .ヽ ,tl`1、 42340000 : =u01(da:`o ol● s Eased on Offer rate amount nB ro Rs. GRAND TOTAl ti´ Per Gal Rs AMOUNT 一 ぉ B'ddi.roo.uhcnllo.wo'15u!loRl,r,0oM ' The 3mountis Rs (Rupees the complete iob for all offer rate I / W€ ha\ e attached froFBanl a pay order beanng No Dated issued amounting to as per NIT Rs. Time [imit: l year Penalty per days: Rs.500/- Note: der must be quoted in figure & rn words both otherwise liable to be cancelled )ver writint & correction if any must be initiated & stamped by the bidder Signature of the Contractor with Stamp rJ,r, r.r!,.'.",1 r,' "qr) !r!ffi:i+, rr! MINIMT]M Ot ALIFICATIoN / ELIGIBlLITY CRITERIA lhe c!idcncc , !locurncnl\ ot thc lirllosinr: nrininrLrn quuliljcalion eligibility crrrcria will be :hcckcd dLrrins openrnll pr(rccs\ of rcnder & lt xn\onc t\ ntis\inc lhcn lhe render \ill hc sumtnaril\ '.t(Lt.J.r' tlr(.n,,'I< t h\ rl r ,c \t( ..1\.r rr. . IIrr(i ELlCIl Lt',t Yl I \T\ ( .rl itlcalc I \ ali(l l)rol.:\\rorirl | .l Ilegi\lrati(rn fr(rn \\ \iIJh l]olr(lol l(.\.rrU. :ll\lMUNr olrAr_rFICA' oN cRt-t[.Rr,\: il Ilid Sccuril\. Ds rrrentioncd in rhe Nll & lliclding 5. All rntcs quorc(l inclU(llrSlh. loLNl i l)ocLrrtrenrs. is lirntished. ]1()trnlol rhe btd shrll bc in llgure\ & \,rords (both). 6. All correclions / oyenvritinu shal he clearl\ re,\\ritlen \!ith initials dul] stanrped b] the hiddcr 7. Ihe hid sh ll be propcrlr sicned. na nc(l & slillltpc(l b\ lhe ilulhoriTcd pcrson ol the lll.ln and irulhorizirlion lcllcr li,r \i!frr,,ri :hu I bc rnclLr'eLl r ith rhc lcn.lcr h\ rhe eUlhori,,rd Pcr\o|. il' ,,lhcf lhxn Ihc .i!nll(,'\ ,)l Ljlr 1l'|r ll. lhc nirrinrun rur'n {'\r' \\\,1'( c\pcric|!c \\ith \ilti\lilcl{)r\ rr lcasr I\() ()r ntorc \\or[\ in hitn(l xnd thc]r u{l]rcllitrc j.,.r in \hi(h hiJd(r:nl(r(.1((l 1..1..r1r. n.rr( rir ro llctiorr reporl in last I \cilrs cost should be cqual to lhe $ork Signature orthe Bidder with Stamp _ 鋳 1 1F tvll I ` │ LYARI DEVEIJOPMENT AIJTHORITY 1.ANI)SCAPE HOltrlNI(.【 :I′ Tじ RE&PARKSI)11PA Iく TヽIENT BII)DIN(】 DO(〕 【Jヽ lENrPs NAME OF W01く K GREENINC PLANTAT10N/CAP ttLuNC AT RD‐ 39&40 AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42 LYARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY KARACH: ′ Eヽ 1)Elt l)()(.I・ ヽ1 l` lCヽ 7rS BHフ I,0「 Qビ ANTIrPIICS ASI'ICR PECで t SPl'ltA〈 (:じ ll)l】 ,lNE/1)IRE(■ 1` Iヽ 1)RITLES 2010 AUG,・2015 , ' ●│り ・ じ `) lliJl'N (\,nsl rd \dL\ !!+ l.!U-\l lnstructions to Bidders/ Procuring Agercies. ieneril llulcs nnd I)ircction\ for thr (; uid.rDcc 0f ( r,ntrirctr)r!. ( Ihis section ol lhe hidding.locurncnt\ rhould proriLlc the inlbn arion neccssirrr lirr biddcrs lr p epare rcsponsive bids. aocordar)ce ll ilh lhe rcquircrr]ent\ ol thc l)rocuring Agenc]. Il shoUld also 'n g \c inlirrrl.rt;ur on bid \ubnri\\ion. openflr! and r\rluirtioo. ilnd on the a\rrcl ol_eontracr. lhc ircrl()rnareu L)l thc !oflraal rjr pil\rlrcnt\ undcr lhe ( ontract. or lrlirtters .r'Le!trn! llrc ri:kr. rr|tr rllJ (,l,li!.rlL)r\ (il 1lr. l).Lrli., rLfJcr tlrc ( Lrntt'rct 0re includcd as !,IJir.\,I\ol t\,nlrditrnJ (,4rrr.tr/ 1'.//., \lattcr\ I l.l(J\ern rr!l r ln\t !, )ntrrcl i\ ktit)n.\ ro Bthk'rt will nol be p rt ol-lhc (i)nlract xnd will ceasc to have ellccr on0e the signed. pn,l)(\cd t\' lrc c\(.ur!(l h\ i,,rrlrr.l 'hilll he norillc.i in l lirr.rn {!l \oliee Inritins Icnder h(,r\tcd on \\cl)s lr ol \uth\)rt) rlrll ltocuring,\gcnc) Nndrlsoin l\inted rnedia rrherc crer rcquircJ a\ pcr t.trlc\. l. \ll\(\rk (Nll)rln\italionlorllid(ll ll) Nll nu\l statc the lc\cri|lron ol lheNork. lutcs. lirrcarr(l ploce olissoing. \ubmtssion. Opcning ,r1 bids..onrfrle0on Iimc. i()'r,,1 bitlLlrng rli,tunrcnt xrr(l hid \ccttrl\ eithcr in lttrnp \trnr or ncrccrllirqeol l\rinrr.J((\l'll ,l( (r\t lhc inlr.c\l!(l bi(l(lcrnllr\l harc!illidNINrl\(). rr.rrl\ ntr\t lrre uilc htLt nr,t jnriltil () ( orldrll(,1\ ol .onlrnrl. ( olrllacl lhtir .pe.rlleJtiorr: or iL\ releLcn!c. llilL ol Qulrrlili.:'.,)nLlrrtin-! de\criplion ol ilcnr\ \!lth 2. ( ontcnr ol lli(idinS l)()cL \chcdulcd,/ilcrIl ralc\ \ith prcnriLrnr to bc ,lllcd in li)rnt ol perccnlagc lbovc/ belo\\ or on ilenr rxtcs L() be quolcd. li)fln ()l \lrccnrcnl rrtd rltart in3s. J. fi\ed l'rice ( ontnrtls: lllcIJi!l ptiicrand r'irlcs itt'c lietl dtrrins etln'cner ol conlritel and tlndel no .:irc!nrsta rec shall rn\ .(rntftrer bc errtitlc. l() clri n enhxrrecd lirles ti)[ lln\ itcln in this cultract. .1. lhe Pr()curing Agenc) shlll ha\c righl ol rticcLing illl or xn) ol lhc lcndcrs ils per pro\isions ol' Sl'P ltulcs 2010. :. (oD(lili0nal Offcr:Anlpcrvrrruhosuhrt\rtcfrl(r\hrllllll rflhcu\url pr ntcd ti, n\txtinsal $hal nar!anlir1rc rl)\)\. or h!lo\ ,,r ll( rJlc\ \\e.rll((j in Itill ,rl Qulntltie. lirr iLenr.,,l riorL trr hc exrried our: hc is $illng to u r(cnillic ll)c rrorL lnrl rlso qrrote the rates li)r thosa ilentr uhich arc based on nrarket ralc\. onl\ onc rale ol \uch pcr(cntagc. rnr rll rhc Seheduled Rrter rhall bc liamed ien(lcrs. rrhich proposc anJ ultcrnxli!e in thc uorks specilicd in the slid li)nn ol' nritrtiLrns. uill bc lirblc to rclcelior \r) prirrl!d li)rnr nl lcndcr.hrll inclLrdc a tenrler tirr rrore lhan on( \orl,. hut il co lrir.jt('r' $ r\h Lo lcn(ler lijr l\(, or nrore \ork\. lhcl :hIll:ubntiLa 'unaratc lcndsr l()r cn!h. l hc cn!clopc eonrilining lhe len(lcr docurncn\ shlrll 6 ● .\ll \\orks shull be nrcasurcd h\ srl]ndarcl rclil the nrnrt .rnd nlrrnbcr olthe work. inslrurrcnt\0ccordingtolherules. )idde|ssh llp|oriLlcc\i(lcrec(,1 lhcreligiblliLr usirnci rrhcn re!ucsled bl lhc Procuring Agcnc) l!,.1' r.r J'., '!t!!r rLr l\rrl: L'!!LR. l llll\l l'rgc:l ol l.l Ir. An) brd recci.'ed b) the .\genc! riier lhc dcadlinc lbr subnis\ion ol bids shall be rciectcd and rerurned unopcned to the brdder. 9. Itior lo the dctail!'(l c\,a (urion ol bids. lhe ,)n)curl11" a"e rc\ rillLletcrrnine \\'hethcr the bidder lirllllls rllcodal reqoirernrnls ol cliaihilit\ crileria Si\en in lhc rcnd.r noricc \uch a\ regrslrarion \ith tar rLrtho|itic:. rtg\Ilarior \\ith I)].( (\\hcre rppllexblc)- tuflro\cr \tatcrnenl. (\p!ri<rLe statemcnt. and rln) ()thcr condition rnenrioncd in lhe \lT and bidding dorumenl llrhc blddcr does not tirlllllan) ol_thcse condilioD\. it shall nol he c\alurted lIlrther. I l. Llid Nithoul hid sccLritl ol req( ircd irnrounl ll. llJ' J!rcrrlrr. r\ bc lnd prr\.rilltd li]nn:hell bc reiectcd nh'tlrl .rll\ !.1\,r'r\..h.rl l,( jh..LlJ li,r .rn\ Arithrncticill crror\ \hall bc rcctillcd ()I rhc l(,llo\\rne ba\ .irirhnrcri. en\)r\ s: (A) lo c.rsr of SchcdIle ratcs! thc anouIt ol pcrccntage quolcd ilbovc or bclo$ wrll be checkcd and added or suhlracted (B) bid ln \asc ofitcm ralrs,. ll therc i\ r dr\cl.cpanc) bet\\ccn lhc untt rate and the ()talcost that i\ obtxined b\ nrullipl) inu thc urril ralc itnd qurrrtit\. lhc ttnil ralc \hall Prevail 0nd thc total cost \ill be corrected !nlcss in lhc opinion ol the Agetrc) therc is an ob\ious nrsplace)nenl ol thc decirDal poinl in thc urlil ratc. in uhich casc the knal cost as quoted Nill so\ern irnd thc unlr riltc.()rre(te(l ll tllare i. x Ji\erepane) betrtcen the t.trl hid lunrount and thc sunr ol ()till co\ls. the \uur ol th. lr)lill cost\ shitll prerailand the total bid irnrourrt shall (('l tion rtnount ot bill ol_quanlilics lo arrile lhe flnal lt.Lr rcetc.l \\ herc there i\ a drscr.-pirne\ hetrrccrt thc alnoulrl N (rr(l\ \il !(i\crn ir tlstrrc\ and in $ords. ihc alnount in 馴 d“ o■ は 、い 。●tl● ,Woお ●。tOは 1∞ M Page 4 of 14 B:DD:NG DATA Nanre of Procunng Agency LYAR:DEVELOPMENT AuTHORITγ GREENINC PLANTAT10N/CAP Flι Bre Descnpt on of Works ι!NC AT RD 39 LYARI & 40 AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME-42′ DEVE10PMENI AUTHORITY KARACHl Site o“ ice of the Horticuiturist, Block‐ 30, Pro( uring Agency s Address Hawksbay,Scheme42,LDA,Karachi 2%ofthe Ouoted Bid Amount Amc unt of Brd Secur tY Pemd OfBd va d v(dayS) SecLrrity Deposit (lncluding Bid Secunty) 02%of Bid Aぃ ount Percentage, if any, to be deducted from bills 08% Retention Money Dea iline for Submisslon of Blds along 30092015(01:00A M) Site orice of the Horticulturist, B10Ck‐ Hawksbay,Scheme42, LDA, Karachi at 02:00 Ven re Trme and Date of Brd Openrng Timc for Cornpletion from wntten ordel a m on 30 09 2015 ol comrence Dep)st Recerpl No (Daie E Arnount rn words and f gur?) 30, 1(One)Year l!l\l!!g r i(u!r!!l ltrrtrulrj !r!' I\ L \l ol t lt!l!) I'irgc 5 Conditions ol Contract ( lausc l: ConlmenccrDenr & (omplclion l)rlc\ ol $r'rk. lre eonnicror shirll fol en(er upof or ( ,mnrer.e rn) porl on or \\orl c\e.pl \\ilh lhe Nriucn a lhoril) al](l rnsrmcrior ol rhc I onr.Lrllurr\r l:igineer ir.h0r!e or o rr srborrllnrtc I clr r!e ol the $ork lralliIg such rrlhorilt the . rrrrrir(ror shirll ha\c no ! ilrm 1o irsl l(ir nr.ir\urefrcn(J ol or lil)rnefr lor $orI l. $ilh JrLc e\Dcdll orr anrl $rlhout dela) and complete llre *ork\ ln I re co|rraclor shall prccced \ilh rhe $or rl e tinre allo$ed li)r carr) ing our thc \!ork l\ enlcred if I re lerder shall bc \lricll) observed b], the contraclor irird shnll .ecl,oned lrom rhe d.rre on $hich rhe ordcr to conr rencc $ork is gi\en k) Ihe contraclor. And funher r( en!(irc good prugres\ (lurirg Ihe c\ccul on ol lhc \rork. conlrrclor \hlll he hound. in all in lthich lhe Iinre .r o$e(] lir (ofrplcron (il rnt \\(,r1.\!.e(l()r.rrronlh. lt\uch.\elr('Srt'\orrlrcplffrlcba\i, ( lausr - 2: t.iqudrtr{l l)anlages. lh.'(ollrrrcr('r Per 'hai )x\ liqrLiarrtJ dxrnirqes Io rhe \genc\ ol Ihc ralc(latel (hta irorrr )lellon drlc \ later lharl lhc lnlcndcd oomp elion if li)r ea( r da\ lhrt I re slrred rhe bidding t rh: a )unl oi liqurdatc(t dam gc par(l b\ lhe corlmrtu)r Io lhc A!.rrc) \hal rrol e\cced 10 per ccnl ol lhe c( rtrn(l prrce. Agcnc] rna) (leducl liqur(ialed Llirrrlirge\ ii(irrr nrmerrts dLre lo rhc conlrrrcl. l)rrtmenl ol' I , r \.[frl !],r!|.r!(\ rlo.. !,1 rLlri.! tlk .r, .Lr , . lll' I .. di ( ( au\c 1) l: - I ernrirrrli(xr ol lht (lontrxct. P()L!nn! lqcrc\ Ho reu r s( rL L\cculi!e F_n!rnecr nra) tcan nlte lhe conlract rl eilher ol the ibllo$ing condirions c\i\ts (i) ( onrrlclorcirusc.r (iir brcuch ol irn) eliltLsc(,1 Iheprosrcs5ol rn) plrrculirr |]orli(nrol (iii) ln lhe casc ol ahil othcr th.( onlrrrll: lh.\\orLr\t )\rl .lir.lor'\ rndn(rlicc()l l0d.\)sha\e\Pircd: donrnenI ol lhe \\ork o\\irrg lo lhc \crioLr\ illncss or dcatll ol thc contrxctor or an) car.rsc. (iv) ( o rrftclu' aarr alto .\l rcqt llt,rr .rLllLri.l I g I(rr . r,,l loI '.rL,l !,, lc nifxrror ol corlracl il i Pa)'nrcnl ccrlitlc(l bY the rl\.onlr,r!lLr \ilhrrr 6lr (|r\' ol lrc\lrleol lhL' rtrh ni5\ orl ol nrhlL l_hc llorlicrrlttrrisl (B, l:\c'rrli!c .ou\cs ir\ fra\ d.cm lir I tj ,i,r,iil (li) lo 1lna /ぜ (() rl[,..L jl\ I n!rrrccr l'}rocur r! Agcnr\ rl\ li:- l(i doPl ar) oi thc lillowlng r].fo.lr .r\rl.rlrl..\..fr..nJrrorfr.nri(,rr(Jul \llrr)irrld(i\')rbo\(. 、olヽ い、lllぜ 〔 │]せ 、 n、 いlk J(■ ul‖ lJ t)0ヽ ヽ lで い、11c t、 ■l inCt0 ln lre c\enl oi an) ol lhe xhole cotLr\c'i Efgineer l\ocuring AUcnc). I le (i) \o P(tr\cl uo heing adoptcd b\ the llorlrculturlsl,E\ectrtive rlmclor \hall ha\c: clxifr to corrrpcn\xtion lirr nr)i los\ rtr\lirined b) h nl b) reasorr ol hi\ having ftrrchased or rn) nxlerils. or cnlcrcrl inlo xr\ .ruirgc lrcn(\. or rrrlde an] ad!iulces o accotrnl ol. or \\ irh n !ic$ ro rhc c\c.uli(nr ol l r. $ ork ('r llr( t)cr ir'nilrrre ol lh. .onlrircl pn,curcl lliJdl u dtutr ent tnr\orll um) R\ LolI! ( r llo\\c\e . I re .t)flrirrr,)r' !tllr .laifr lor L[. \,) l, (ion( al \irc dL l\ ccrril]c(l b) rlrc ilorriculluri\r I \.!ur\. l f!r).cr rr\r rn!r.!.r(lrn!lhet.riirrrr) r.col(Urh$orl ndhir\nollrec pa (l Pr()curir-lr Agenc)'llo icullurist l-ngifeer rx\ nriteiicshbid\Iirrcrrairrin!$ork. ( liusr -.1: Po..(ssion ol rhc \ilc an(l clxim. lir loflpcn\atir)n lor d(h\. lhc llorticu luri\t l !inccr drall !r!c p()\sess on ol xll fnl]' o r r( ' l. ]o l rc.(frlrx.ror. I r()\\.\\ro|ll1 \ir. \ for !i!.n h\ lhc dlre slxred n lrcconrm.rrlxla xrconl)tniitjon\hr h..1llo$ri lorirr\ J.lr\ (i|lr,e(l rn.lirflrns(jl lh!$orl,orrxccornlol' i r) acq!isiron ol land. u0ler llirnding iD l)o o\\ pil\ conrpannrenl\ or tn according sanction ro estimates ln 'rch case. eilher dare ol commen.enrenr $il be ch nged or perioJ ol complelion is lo bc e\rended a:cordingly. ( lausr 5: E\terstun of lntcnde(l Cornplelion l)ale. l'r. I'ro.rrrirg irgefc) cirher 11 ils osn initi.li\e\ hrtorc lhe dile ol conrplcliof,,r on (j$irc ol Ih. (o rlrir!ror nrir\ e\lcrr(l Ihc rflcixlcd eornpletion datc. if trrr .. cnr I \\hich hindcrs the c\cculoI oi .oItrxcl r or.r r. or l \ irrilr on ttrdcr ir i,(Lrcd \\ lri!h jnrker il lmfo\.ibl. t(, conrplete lhe lvorl b) lhc irtcnde(l corrrp elion drile tar such per od ls he rrra) lhink neccssary or proper 'I re decision ol rhc HorticLrlrun\l F-rlginecr in Ihis nrirrrer drall he llrral: $here limc has beef e\ICnded rLndcr r is or rn! other clause ol this agrecnrent. Ihe (late li)rconrplclio, (rlthe workshall be the date 1l\ed by thc o dcr glving thc c\lersion pr b) Ihe algrcgltc ol .rll \uch orders. made under llris agrecment. n'.rlore.ln(]. rL \ r,L ((irlirr r lo h. rr. e\\r ].c ol llrc!orlrircr irndilll .l.rrse\t)l l.conrrxcr.lr'ill conrrrrU.roh(()f.riLr \.1[Lr r! rlr( (\r. ].lcJ f. ,,\l $hc tiNc r lrccn r\ren(i.l ( lruse 6: SpccificAtion\. Ihc conrracror shrll lhe $holc irn(] e\cr) pirrl ol rhc \ork rtr Ihc moil rtrbslrnl irl \lrcilierlrons lo(lged rrr lhcolllccol rrc Ho icullrnsl {\ccur!e Irrgirreer lrd irritialcd b} lhe Panies- lhe .. (l .t,c.irl.trr LJr hri r,r x l]xfl (,1 rhr ,t,IrrljL lh. r(, rrr.ror .hirL rl$ .tmurrrr c\ucll\. lirll\ xnd lrllhiirll\ l(! llri dc\igns. dra\!rng. rurd ir1\(ruclio r' rrr $r lrng reliltinr l() Ihc \\orL sigrr.( b) Ihc llorlrctrlltrlisl I nginccr_in. .r-!. ,r rJ \ !.. irr hi. olll!c irrJ lo shiilr l1r. .orlr.r.lor .hr h. .rrlillcJ lo hl\( ,r..c\\ xl 'trt:h olllcc or o I lh r sitc ol sork li)r lhe prLr|osc ol rnst)ecrir) r during olli(e hours .lnd Ilre conlracor shall. il hc so rcqttlles. be crLirlcd ar his o\\n e\pcrse lo nrakc or cau\e lo be frade eoprc\ ol lhe sfccilicilliorrs. and ol all lLrch dcsigns. (l rlv ngs. arld in\tructions xlbrc\rid ( 1au\o - ?: Pa\menl\. lrteriorRurring llill..\ bill .ir.r it .' t)i)i lleJ lr) Llr!.!.)rrir!r0 I. li..lrL!rrl \ r\ rh! ProSr!s: r1 rh. \\ork rnat iuslil,\ lor ali \\orl e\acIre(l and nol ir]c udcd in an\ pre! ou! hill al leasl oncc in nlonlh ln(j rhe llonru rU sr I:n!irr.e r ah ge \rir lirLa or .au\c Io be lrr[cf lhc rcquisrle nrcn\urc enl\ tbr rhe prrrpo\e ol ha\irg rhc \anrr \eriile(l irn(l lh. !lirim. irs lin as rdmi\\ible. adiusled. ilpo\siblc helirre rhc e\frrt ol l) da\s tio n Irc Irc\cnl lior ol thc bl. irl iur\ lrnc dct)ulc ir !uh(n'dinllle Io f.,I.t|r r]r l). \,frL \,,r[,] lrr \f.!r\r L,l il !.\lrlr.r.lL, ,,r hr. ,tLLltori.,rtl a!.nl $ho\c counrersigrarrrre l()lhc freirsr rcfrenl \l$ lhe\ulli(rcriL 1o$iLnxflrrrdlhellofliculuritl'Inginccr_ ln(harlclnat t)rc)rLrerbrl lrofr.uclr li:l\hr.ir'rJ h.bn(lingoflhce(nrrraelorirr0ll rc\Pe(ls lrri\l I:nsinecr llr)cu rrg Agenc\ \hxll )xi\cerl l\ rhc irrnourrr lo be p id lo lhe corlrracror. \\hich he coniirl.\ duc rnd pa\rhLc ln rcspe(l rhercol_. :,ubiecl lo deduction ol \ecurir) J()o\i1. rd\.rrce fr\nrrfL Iirr) rrrirdc lo IhL llo icLr A I iuch intu edirte lr\ neI( (l]irll hc r!glftc(l .rs t)l\rrr,jnl\ b) $ir\ ol ad!lrrcr irgairr\l lhc fifrll la)rlrcrr onl) xrl(l nor ir\ pii) ncrrL\ Lor $orl aelu.ll) (lo re irl!l .t,int).leJ. Jn(l rha I rlol Prccltrde lh. Horticulrurisr Engifcer-in-chilrgc lion recoleflc\ tiorn llnal bill irtrd rcctiilcxlion ol dclecls arrd un{tislictoq, itcfr\ oluork\ poinrcd oul 10 h n ([rr]rlg dclict luhilil) perio(1. llltlr!]! (l!) (l,tr c ,r li4!4. ror() R. | 00 \l Thc Final Bill. A hill \hitll h.irhrnitl.(l l)\ Ihc(onrrlt.ror!\irlrinonL'nonrhol rhedal. ll\ed lorlhc corlrt)letiolr ol lhe$orkoll)c\\is. Ilorli(Lr rurinLrglrr.(rin.lrarge-\rcrlitlcrlcofrhcrrrea\uremenls andoi lhel(nal anrounl prrrble li,r lhe\\orl\shrl beil].l] rrll,ir irsorrlt).rlies. - 8: Reduced R{les. ln cases $herc the ilcns ol lrork arc rot acceptcd as so compleled, thc ll.)nieulluri\r Lnginccr-in-(llxrge r1x) rrl,r pn)Ir.nt oll rccorLrrl ol_\uch itcr \ al \uch rcduced ralc\ as hc r a\ .of\idcr reaSorrxhle in lhe frcfxralr(rn ol linal or ,)n nfnrng accounl bills \irh rea$ns recorded in $.ltirU Clause Clausc-9: lssnancc of Variaholl,od l{cpc lO,(ler\. (.'.) Agcr)et nr.t rssuc ir \aflirtion ()r(ler nl lrl.(r.t renr,jnl (,1 sorL\ ph\.ierrl scr!rces li(,n rhc origirirl coIrrirclor Lo .o\cr n\ ifrreirsc or (cc (irtc rr rlu nl lic\ n.lrrdirg lhc inl11xlucliorl o1 few \!ork rtefr. rhal xrc eilhrr due l() chrf!c ol ll$rl'. de.iSrr or irlr-!frnerlr lo iuil rrlual lleld condilrons. \\ilhrtl l r. !.rrcral \ropc lrrl P r\ \illrl bot rrdancs t]l lhe co rlmcl rL ) Cofrircror.hall (( ) rx,L l].:rl,,rf .r \.r ,ur(rf Lrrlrl IlrL ltro(rring \S.rrc) rr. irtLIh(trr7cd lh. \.rridliurr n $,r ling mbtccr lo lirc limLl rol c\leed nS lhc.orllracl con br. ol lsu,o on thc sarne condrlions in all resructs on \vhich he acr.rd to do lhenl in lhc $orl. xnrl at lhc sanlc ratcs. rs are \Pccifled in lht lendcr for rhc nrarrr \\ork The conlrircl()r ha( rro riglll lo (lnr lar co ncnsation b] rcnson r)l alterllions or cLrllailnrenr ol lhe $ork. ln cx\c lhe rl.rlurc ol lhc \\o'L r l re \rrill orr (lo!: rol !()rrcsporxl \ith rlcrrrs rl Ihe tlill olQurrnlilies. th. qrotalion ht lhc corrlrir.lor I' l,) he rrr rh,: li)rrrr oj rrrs l,ill.\ ti)r lh( reLe!anl ilemt ol \\or[. and il' lhe lkrnicullurlst Lngirrccr-ln-. rirrg. r\ \lli\llc(l lllaL lhe rirlc qLroled is \ rlhln Ihc ralc \\ orkcd otrl b) hirr on dcniled mrc er)irl\\ir xr(l IhL:n ofl\ hc \ha I rr lo$ him rrlc aticr lppro!rr tio rr hlghcr nullrorl\. ││││ lr. lrlr. l{, lh. .\,lll).1;,,rr ni Ll\s,rl'1,.r hr(\lJr\.,1 I lh. frol)(nliorl lrrl trctrldiliorill \\orL lrciir lo lhc orrgrrrr .t)0lrir(L $(1rI (Lr \()r[ .\..uleJ r('r]ll t r. Lnilirl ( onlr.r!r Price lo be c\ceeded b\ nr(rre Ih.ul HonrcuhL r'i\l'llngirrcer cxrr irditrsl lhe mlcs jor lho\e qr r rlilies causing c\ccs\ lhe cosl l5oi, aDd then l)0, xlicr rf,pl,()\ al ol ll orecl I) rcclor ol(onlrccl trc) ond ln (ir\c o1 (luanlilie' ol l{cpeill Or(lcr: \r) curlr xl\.'\irrrirlor).{)c\,,,,i rhe lion.l inri.l .rfrlrxcr rnrorrnl shall bc strbiecl ol illxnher Lonllr.r 1o bc re rrIrtJ \'irl rl llre NorL Jr. sel).rrrblc liom Lhc origrfal conllircl Cl ruse - (A) lf al rn) lirrrc beli)rc thc sccuril) defosl is lelirndcd lo the conlraclor/during perio(l liahllir) nrerrorre(l inhid(lIlx. Ihc lbrtirrrlluri\l Lngirletr in cltxrge or hi\ strbordinale_ dcl.cr sorkrniL\ rnrr(llhc.('Iriael(rroL r!ri\cr iritrl le\l irn\ pllrl 0l the\orl\$hichhc r-.r,Lrrcol lhe lr.i!e .o!r'LJ.\ rrrt\ ,L n(l.ll \ L . r(j r .r ,'i rL r{,r nl r.rl.llr . or L rtslili irl \\orlinl.l rs rip and lhc coflrir.Lorhir\Lo..rrrtorL,Lrc\r .Lt r\t,$tr.(N r.'f.el,\(ol $orLllrer(]\ rill)ro\ed or perd (B Corrcction of Dcfrct\: lh. .onr.r.ro 'hrll bc h,)Lrn(l l('rrh$ tll lo rc(litj or lcrrrole lnd reconslruel lhe \\ork \o specillcd rn \\hole or in pi 'I. rs the cisc fril) rc(l!ire. lhe cLrrlrircror shilll correcl lhc ror1l.J!l!lJ.lsirr rtlrrl)!1i'.r ( ()r..rlt,n l)cri,\l nc r,,rcll ill rol cf l0: Quxlitr Conlrol. ldentif-ving Defects: l!!lr rgrlirtr!!!L l,!r\rrt!14r1\i ILL l)(lI1 l',r!e (C) lt.r ll UncorrcctedDctccts: lI rh. (ir.c ('l rn\ \r.li lrl urc. Lrc llorliculluri\r l',r!lneer I-chirrge shlll givc the contr ctor fl leii5l lrll\\nor.e(rr hi: i rrcnrion 10 ll.c a lhil\l p,rrr\ (o corrccr a dcltcl. llenrn) reclili or rcnr)!e. Jrd c a\c(rLLc ( rc \(r'k (! rc rlo!c irrrd r!Dlaee r )e IlaLerini5 or anie e5 (i) complained ol as lhe cxsc nra) hc al Ihc (ii) n\[ and c\pensc rn rll respecl ol Ihe conlraclor. ll lhe llonicullurisl [ng r]cer considL'rs llrill rcclrlicarron correction ofa defecl is nol csscnlial il may be rccepted ()r madc use ol: il shol bc ltilhin hi\ d screilon ro accept lhe samc at \uch rclr c.(l r.rll\ irr h. rnr\ ll\ rher!ol. and ( lau\(, I l: (.\) lnspcction ot Opcrations. thL'llonr(!Lrlrin Efgneer.nd hir:ubordin tes.:hall ar all rersonable rr)res havc accc\s lo lhe sitc lirr .uper.is orr irnd in\pcclioLt ol \{orl ttnder (n in cottrse ofe\c!utroll ill pur\uance ollhc.orrracr rnd lhc corllraL.lor \hxll ullirrl e\cr) lircilit! ,ar anJ ercrr as'r't.rntc rrL otrrir nr rg rhc rr!h r l() \tLrh irr.c" (lr) Dalt.s li)r lnspr(lron iDd Irsrirrg. lh. ll('r.rlLtirsl lrUir!cr\hirll !i\r lhe.oflrirllor rlasofirhle nolrcc ol lhe rrlcnlirnr ol lh. llorlrcullurin lnsineel,in_.hitrsc or 11i\ suhordinrtle lo \isil Ihe \rorL slltlll have becll givcll 1o Ihc conlraeld. lhcrl hc cilhur hiin\ell lre prcsenl (r recci\'c orders irnd insrrucli(nrs. or halc rc.rcnsrblc agcnt dul) accredilld in !\riring pre\ent tor Ih l purpo\e. o er !t !c r to lhe cor)lraclor's dul) atLlhori/cd agcrrl rhirll be considcfcd lo halc lhe sir ne iorce an !iIe!t r\ rl r''(t 'r.trt hc(r':i\(|r,n rl,r.,ru ,r.l, r ',,rr.!ll. ( - l2: f\nminlltion aurr (A) of \r orL bcf(,rc cor tring up. No p.n ollhe \\orks rhal tre colcred trp or Prrl otrl ol \r.ubc\ondlherelehsilhoulgivingnoticcol not less Ihan live days lo thc Hoilcr ltLir \trEnginecr !rhencvcr rny strch parl ol lhc works or lirrndarior is or rrc rcarh or rb,)Lrl to h. l.lil(l\ lilr t\arrinrlion end lhe llofticrrllrritl'tngineer sh.\ll. srrlroLl (lcla\- rn c\\ he.(,rr\i!l( ' ll rrrrrlcc.\\ilr\ lrrLl irJ\ s. lllc conlrlclor'.ccordingl) allcndlorlhe fr 1 o llr'i$orL'orol e\ir0rrnrn!nrch lbundllliorr\ ptrrl)oscol c\nrrrrrrLr! rrr( rnt.r{rr Lrr! \tr.h (B) nn) $ork i\ co\cred rLn or nlx.ed tr.\or\l Ilrc rcach ol nr!ilstrr.nrenl $iLlx)trl such noliee ha!ing lhc salc shrl t)c (||lco!t]c(l irl 1r. conlrxclo|'\ e\fen\c. Ind irr dclirul Ihcrcol no nllo\\arrc. rhrl be Llrxd!'lor.ueh $orl' {n lbr lllr rlrirrcrirl\ $ilh shr(h thc \lLnc $as ll ( 1,'u\r lJ: Risks. h! .oIrrr.l(n s rr bc fc\ nnl\ hle li)r ill r sIs o1 ]oss ol or (lirmage lo ph.'__sical proPerl] nl li.rlrr c' or rcllle(l .cr\i!c irl lhc lr.rrrr'r' un!! (jl t,cNorrl iriti\ ilrl!l (lealh \\hich arise dlrrirrg an(l if co )s.quencc ol ils pcrll irrrce ol lhe uor)trir!1. ll irn\ drrnage is cltLrsed $hilc the tlorl is ir progre.s or be (nne lnnarenl \\ilhin three monlhs ol lhe grarlr olrhc ceflillcale ol_co rplclion. llnal or olhen\ise. the coflractor \hall make Bood lhe silrre al his own e\pcnse. or in (lclaL ll the I lofticrrllurisl/En! neer n,d\ ciru\c rhr sirrrlc to hc rrrrde good h\ olhcr sorllrcrr. irnd lcdrLrl the c\pen\.\ tiorr relcnlion nrone\ l]ing \\ilh lhe T ho Licr lrr r sL LnBineer. Clirusc I lr illeasur(\ lbr prercntion ot fir( intl \ali'l\ mc \ure\. Ihe ((nrlrrclor \hnll fol rcl llre lo nf) n.xlin! tunsle. lree\. hu\h-\\oorl t,r !ras\ $irhorrt a $rilltn pcrr il llorn lhc HorllctrlltrriSl ll\ectrlive l.nrnccr \\'hcn \uch perlril \gi\cr.irndnso nilll casc\ \hcrr deslr())ing. cullrng or trProoling trces. hLrsh \o.xl. grar.\. erc b! llrr. lh\r conlrirctor rhall lal,e ncce\sirr) rrcasurcs to prevcnl such fire spreadlng k) or orrc \isc {hnlgirg sunr)r rrlins Ir)|rr1\ lhe.orlrncLo' s rc\nnr\ible 1t)r lhc \altl\ ol ill il\ xcll\ille\ \,r iIr]lenror)irll) or or oll rhu \rrc bt Llre.ofr 'ircLo \ rht)r \ ri I h. trr d lr\ h I lli!{,!r-!lr\ f Ellfor !qL!r!!!l]!i Lllll llLir' 9'n ( lausr- Sub-conlrrcling. lhc conlracror rhirl nol \ubconrracl rhc \tlrole ol the lvorks. e\ccpt lvhere Ih. conlr clor 'hall ol \ubcontrncL irn\ part o, lhc sor[s \irhoul Ihe trior consent ol ihe FlorriculiurlyrF.ngineer. Any \uch corrsenr shal nol rclie!c the contraclor liom nn) I ahilil) or oirligalion u rder Ilre l:onlra.r rnJ hc ,h11ll be r(.pon'rble lar rhc rcls. delarLlr\ and ncslc.rs ol rn\ .Lbconlr.r.lor. h \ .rgcf1' sorI||rer r\ ]l !h.\c iLrr\ (lelirull\ or |leslecl' \terc lhose ol lrc 'cr\anlr tlr rLrflrirclor-hr\rScnr5-\.r!irr\tf\\orlrr.n I r. )(trr. Lfr(,1 rhr'.(irlrr.r \lullirrl)\ Io \uch \ubcorlrirc(n or I Scrul)lo\cc.x\ I he()r rr $lrccrnfl)\!!'ol Lrccorlr (L(n ( 15: thersise pro\Ldcd b) lhe contracl. lau\c l6: Disputcs. All (lispurr'! xri\ing n cofnectlon $llh thr presenl conlract. irnd which cannol be nnic.rbl) \c led bet*ecn lhe parlics- lhc deci\ion ol rhe SLrperinrending L:ngineer ol the circle olllcert)oe gadchighcrlorwardingarlhorit)shall hc tinrl. cofllusi\c,rnd hrnding on lll pa(ics lolhecont.acl uponrll (t.resrofs rca(ing lo rh.' rrrcarrrlg ol rr. it)r.ill.,rriof(. Je'irr' tlr,l\fn..:. rnd innnrclion. hercinbeli)re r erl oned ilrd a\ lo trr (tLrlil) ot $orkrlrirnshi|]. or natcrilh u\cd orr lhe $i) L or xs l() Irn) olher qucslions. . ainr. righl. nrilrler. or lhrng $hal\oc\cr f3n\ $]),rri\inSorL(illorrcLxun!lolhccunlrirclJe:rSn.dra\irrgs. s,ecillcaliorls. eslinratc\- in\t(rclions. or(ler or lhesc con(lilron\ or olrcr$i\e concerning thc works. or thc e,ecurion. of lailure () e\ecure rhc sirnre. \herher ari\ing. during lhc p()grcss of lhe \\ork. or aller Ihe ( c,)mplelion or abandonnrenl lhereol: l.ru\r l7: Sil( Clelrnn(c. Orlr lofrt criof oi r r. \ork. thc ro|ll|ar(Y slrirll bc lirrni\hed Nilh x ecrrilicrrrc lr thc HonrculrrLr!sr I\ecrLlr\c lIgir..i rh.r(nl!rLr .rr..1 lhr llonrrullt!\l {rr!rlr!cr in (hlr!o ol \Lrelr ( plction. brLl rcilhcr srch ccnrlicaLc \ha Lh. gr!erl rroL \hirll lhc \\(irk b. eon\ (l!re(l lo bc coirrflcte trrrlrl lli conrrirctor ihill ha\. rcrno\ed rll tcIltorrt il|LL.(Lrc\.rrd rf.rl.ri.rl\ trt](L,rlll uI sil..lthcr tor rNe or tor o renrlion lirriLilic\ includin! clelr ng rtcbris lrtl di1 11 llc srle. ll_ lhe co rlraclor hLls Io connl-1" \!itr Ihe rrtulremenr\ ot lhrs (lau!e Ihcn lloni(ullurrn Ilngirr.cr irr_chrrrse nrirl al thc c\pcrr\e\ oi lhe conlrirclor ri n(N. xf(l rsDi^c ol rhc \rnr. is he 1r rrki 111 iin( 'h.rll rlcdu.l llre xrr)ot rrl ol irll e\pcnses so inctrrrcd ,ionr ' . .\frllr(t()r"! rcl.rrL\) xrr)n.\ h] (L,rrtr'iL!lL,r .r.r1 |lie n,'.lrrlnr rr f.\f.cl L,l rrrr] \rLrnlr' rrrtrlrrixl. r: rLl )rr\rirl c\lctl lar rrr\ \urrr lrtt x i r.ir ,?c(l b\ Lrr \n c ll)rreol cri C rusc l8: FinrIciBl Assistan((/A(l\ancc I'a\Drcnt (A ) (tJ) Mobilization adyancc is not a lo$ed. Sccured Advantcagainsl nralerrals hroughl nl srle. (i) Securc(l Ad!irncc rnx\ h. lrerrI llc(l onl) rrgarn\l ifrpcr \hab c rntrlcrials,quanlilies nnlicipnled to hc i()r)r! .rl r tiij.,.,i ,,n r r. $ orL $ iLhl r r lr.r loll ('l lhrr'. rlronlh5 lio rr lhc ,l.ttc ol issu0 of' sccure(l advarce an(1 delinilcl) nol lor lirll qtLanlllies ol'malerials lar the entire work/conlracl. lhe surn pil\ablc lbr f)alerills. (il) 'uch rlerir ( orr \ile slull not e\cecd l50n ol the market price ol lcco\.r) ()l \c(Lrc( \(l\1r.. fir (l l(, Lr. .r,rrLlirel()f t r,Ir lrr irllecled tiom rhc nnrnrh ) pit\nlerrl' orr .r!lual ton\r npli('r) bxs nr(ne Ihxn thrce frorrlhs (c\en jl tLrrr li i7c(l). Cl rusc - lg: Reco!er) as nrr(ars of l,nnd Rc\ enut. he liirble lor re.o\,rr\ r\ rn..Ir\ ol l rnJ lle\cfue. r) \urn trho\e pruri'rorrs'ihrll b. bLrl nol lcr\ lhrn pcri(xi \. (lr e lo lhe (lovernrrrenl h) thc conlrrclor sh.11 lliddi"alod ! n ror d!!!r lll!,1llM 20: Rcfund of sccoril\ l)cfo\ir/Retcnlion \lonc\. ()r c()rrll.r (rr ol Ir. shole ol thc $orl la \vork should be considcrel as cornplcrc lor rhe purposc ol rcli rd ol securil) (leposil ro I conlrlctor lio lhe lxl dale on $hi.h its linal measurenr.rrrs are chc.kcd b) a cor netenl nulhoril]. il such check is necessar) ( rherwrse tiom the lasl dale ol recoftling lhe flnxl menrurenrcnrs). the defccls notice period has also passed rnd rhe lhnicLrliunsl llngirreer h.rs c.nific(l lhlil rll dcftcls nolillcd l(, lhe contraclor belore lhe end ol his tero(l hx!. becr) cor ccle(l- lhe \e.ur L\ dex\ I lodgc(l bt ir conlrNcl(n (11 cn\h Ln recovered in inslallnrents hc r.r!irl(J L(' r r r!Lrr lh. r\fir\ nl l r.. rLrnrh\ llofr rh! Jrle orr \hr.h lht $orl i! L onr ri' hr ('lxuse - 'r.hrll llorticultrrist Page ll to l` PLANTAT10N/CAP FILLINC AT RO‐ 3' L 40_ DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY KARACHI GREENい し HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42 笙 LYARl BILL OF QUANTITY RATE QTY ITEM AMOuNT UN:T Ex aavaton n folndaton of burld ngs brdges and OI er struclures rnclud ng dagbell dress ng ng rel ling around slructures with excavaled earlh ヽ V8 tenng and rammrng as drrected by Hort cu tunst harge ead upto 5 feet (ln Ordrnary Sor) 1n( 18846 C魚 Rs 15705 Cft Rs 157050 Cft Rs y Stackrng and Spreadrng of approved 981 den sor (Sweet Earlhl free from salLs pebbes ant I grass roots elc complete rnclud ng litl and Sul)p leal i. Sul )ply Stacking and Spreadrng cow dung manure ′〔 :lughter House cow dung manure ncudtng ml), lncl ng the same lpto a depth up 2fi rnlo earth Jdrng breakrng c ods. dress ng frne rakrng and Tg complete 「0‖ S 9 ︲ u Ю ! ply & Planting rve healthy & luxLrrrant y ) v ng sap|ngs of trees and planl comp ete ME :r-rA AZADRACHTA TREES (5 ti H gh) 34900 Each Rs b) J,\KUM OFFICINALE TREES (3ft Hrgh) 34900 Each Rs 69800 Each Rs 5 m e軌け いいme e 跡げt r c鋼恥 a) pply&Fxrngfrrm tree supporl bamboo st cks 6 sap|ng ol 7 long 1 to T 5" dra th ck e; & trerng lonely al 2-3 pornls wth the help oi k)n4ante shring and as drrecled by Hortrcultuasl rh along s de arge l\rdLng & Frxrng roduskai made corcrete pre sl kerl, bo.ks 3750 PSI 450 mm x 300 mm r 0 mm 28 by 45 Cft,4 at top la d rn 2 C[, thrck 1 4 mrnl mortar and jorn the kerb block w(h eve d alrgnment shall be proper as d rected by g leer Incharge lent IRs 6000 │「 i Sf i」 │], :・ ::ノ lTEM RATE QTY UNlT I\rilntenance service r/c (but not lrn ted lo regular w: teflng lnmm ng manunng. grass cuttrng cl€anrng of lhe landscape and tota area takng ou weeds and other undes rable developments Tet acements of grass and trees of all szes and ag)s that have died / dryng away where ever re( utred secLtnty etc complete rn a \{ay that the andscaprng done rs ma ntained & kept rn excellent cofdition to be complete satrslactron o Holicullurist lncharge rn all respects for a per od o 06 months Th s tem ncludes prov sron of reqursrle manpower (gardeners / watchman and sutervrsor etc) adequate No of machrne lools & mf lements ( grass cuttrng mach nes. lree prun ng scll,sors. saws & clrppers waleang equrpmenl elc corrp ete) adequate p ace / off ce / store for these tler ts r00 Job Sufplyrng and applcatron of rrrrgatron waler o apFroved qualrty to drffereni plants and awns as d re.ted by Hortcullurist LDA regulary rn quantty desrribed by the Hortrcu tlrnst rncharge from time to lme for 1 (one) year complete ( about 12 gall)ns per tree per day & 8000 gallon per acre per day for lawns & Hedges) ensur ng that no p ant / Tree / lawn starr/es for want of waterng ln case lt so lrappens the damages f any wrl be charged / ded rcted from the brlls o{ lhe contractor / reca vered kom secur ty depostl etc 50954000 y'We hereoy q!oted as fo ow , Based on Offer rate arnouni,ng to tls GRAND T01AL ::l Pef Ga Rs AMOuNT :,,'lli I siddift po(uhcnr Theti:llioiniisti ror wo,k uoro ns. r.mM (Rupees for the complete job for all offer rate_ l/ We have attached a pay order bearing No. Dated from Bank Rr. amounting to as per NlT. ..........Tlme [imit: 1 year penatty per days: Rs.500/. Note: . . Ten(ler rnust be quoted in frBure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled All over writing & coriection if any must be initiated & stamped by the bidder Signature ofthe Contractor with Stamp 1 1・ t:・ :` . issued ititl']:tし・ ‖` l,oul,.J。 .● nit,ti「 いoァ ヽs uolo墨 s l lll" '`!● ll ol 11 MINIMUM oLAl.IFICAT10N/ELICIBILlTY CRITERIA lhe c、 idcncc, docu]lc]][、 ol :]l it〉 lo、 、i:lビ l11 ]11ltl 11(lua il:cat on c1 8ibi l, critcriaヽ キ lbヾ el,ccked during oPcning proccss t・ 「 le ldcr& ir anゝ 。ne is ll]issing the[l lhc lcndcr、 、11l bc summaril〉 「qiected atthe inomcni bゝ thc tcnder oPcn ng conlm口 tcc ELiCIBILrrY: l. N 2 Valid I'rolcssional I /\X I Ilcgi\trulidr Fft'n Sirdh ti,irrd ol llc\enue tN Ccrlillcalc UINIMUM OUALII'ICAI'IO\ ('RI'tEI{I,\: .1. Ilid secunl). ar menlioncd in lhe NIT & lliddinu Documents. is litntishcd. 5 ratc\ quotcd includin! thc loral nroLrnl ol thc hid ihall be in tlgLrres & \ords (htrth). ^ll 6. All correction\ / o!er\\riting \hall he c car \ rc-Nrillcn tYith initillls duli \tanrped b! the hiddcr. 7. lhebidshall be propcrl) signcd. nanrtd shirll bc rtllhori/xtioD lctter li,r 'ilLnrrrorr !,ther lhun the .isnnlor\ ,,1 (hc li n. 8. b) lh,r auth()rizcd pcrson ollhe lirmand en.losed \\ilh thc tcndcr b\ the aulhortzc(l Ptr5on. if & slanrped _lherninimurnturno\crr\\orkc\oercnra\\ithsati\l!ak)r\contplclionrcpoflinlasl 2)cars or al least two or rnore *orks irr hanl afd lheir aggrcgalc cost shorrld bc equal to the \\ork 1,,\l Dl \{ni.h hidJ( inl(r(rcd I n.rrl .rlrlr Signature of lhe Bidder %レ ヒ `:′ \rilh Slamp IJYAR11)EV EIJOP卜 IENT 1′ =ヽ ヽ 1)ヽ (,Al'11 11()R′ 1` :(`t l′ ′ 1` t lく AII」 Eでに l',ヽ 1く Iく TII()RITY S I)lC l)`ヽ 1く ′ 1` ヽlEN′ 1` BIDDING DOCUMENTS ` ヽァ ヽ()lく ヽヽlE ()「 ヽ Iヽ CREENINC PLANTAT10N/CAP FltuNC AT RD‐ 37&38 AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME-42 LYAR DEVEtOPMENI AUTHORITY KARACHl ri` E卜ヾI)】 CIく 1)()('Ilヽ1lCN「 PS 】 〕 HJ12 `ヽ Sl'Elt l'Eく 'と 0F Q【 ANTI「 lES 1` ヽ1'PIく ヽ ((:111)1l I.Iヽ 11/1)11く AUG,2015 E(TIヽ E)1ヾ II′ ES 201() ltr{1 !!r!!o!r]rrrc l,tl\trtr\) !!!o ]t!.l.0lt !l Prge: ol l1 lnstructions to Bidders/ Procurirg Agencies. Genera Rules and l)ircctions aor thc C ui(lanrc ol'Contractors. Ihr\ \crlion ol the bi(lding d(icunent\ \h,)ulLl Iro\i(lc lh! rnli)n11irli()n nc.c\\xr\ tit hi!ldrrs ro frepu|t rcsnon\i\r hid\. in Iitorrltrtrc r ith th( rcqt rrcrncnr\ ol rhc l)ro!oring Agcnc!. lr \hould also si!c inlrnnalion on hid \rlhnri\\ior\. ()pentn! itnd c\rlulti()n. and on the a$nrd ofcontract. \lattcr\ qo\enring lhc pcrlinnritnec ol thc !onlra.t r)l na\rncnt\ u dcr thc (ontract. or mafters .rllietir.l thc risks. ri.hrs. irn(l ,,hl gllrnr\ (,l lh( l)il e\ un(lrr lhc ('oIrract rre includcd as ( on(litr.nrs \)l ( oftrlel irnJ ( .rrl'(r / /)(rrl Iltt ltt rttrcrtot/t, to rontra!r is \igned 1.,\ll r,rrl lit.Lkt'\ \\ill not bc pa.t ut lhc (-ontrlat and }\ill ccasc to ha\,e etllcr once the br.ontruet.hall bc notitled ln a tbrrn ol)roticc ln!itinc fonder ),ln\ tilior li)r lliJ (llll)lr\)r5r!(l r)rr \\eLr\rt! o1 ,\(]lh,)ril\ r d I)tu)euring Aguner and alsLr in l'irLrli rlc(l it \lcr.c\LJt reLr cLi ,r. ltr r er (\l propo,,ed t,r heerceutc.l NII must slate thc dcscrifUon ol rhe \ork- larcs. tirne an(l nlacc ol i\suins. submissioll. opcning )ids. cornpletion Iinre. cosr ol bidding docurncnr ilnd hid sccurit) cithcr in lunrp surn o. perjcntaseol Lslinlatcd(()st,Bi(l(osl. lh. intcrcsred bidLlcr nru5l ha\c valid NlNillso. ol , ( orlrrlr t)l llLlLlirrr l)r,rrrrcrrt' rrrtL\L rrr.lrr(1. hLLt r,,llirrrte(l tLr. ( rrnrlitions ol !onlrael. ( ontriret l)l l. \le(iijrrlllof\ or iL\ rrl.rc r.c. lI I \r1 Qrrrlrlttllc\ c(rrrlitintn! LIc\criplion ol ilcrrrs wllh sclcduled/itcm rales \!irh prcmiunr lo bc llllcd in loan ()l ncrcentage abolci bcloN ur un itcnl ratrs to bc quolcd. I-ofln ol Agrec cnl und dr.l\\ing\ l. tri\cd l,n$ ( ontr:rcl\: llre llrLl prrie' rrf.l ri[c\ il[e ll\r(l Llurirlr etLrrcr]!) ol cont|acl and tlndcl no circunr\t ncc shall an\ r()nLrxcl hc !nliLlc\ l(r clllinr cnhllnccrl rNlcs lilr xrr\ item in lhis contract. ,1. | | c Procuring Agenc) \hrll ha\ c righl ()l rclecling ll or an\ ol lhe tendcrs as per p.ovisions ol SI'l'Rolc\ ll)10 l]er$rr \hrr.trhrrril.il lcndrr\hilllll tlnlh!'tr\tli|l Prinlc(l li'rnslalingat \\.rrr l)cru0nr.rllc irh\r\| (,r l).1,,n ,,ri 1111 1.111, 'pciilieil I lj ll,rl ()uiUllilir\ lirt itcnrs,rl \ork to hc shich lrc !r,.ried r)ut: h.:i\\\illrlst(,url!rL.r['!rll!\\,'rl'rrlJirl\'(](l()lclll!rillc\lr)l lh\)se itenl' 5.( ) (liti0[nl Ollcn \n\ hrscdonrllrketratc5On])onelxlcl'l'\!ih|)cr!enIl!Lc.\]llJllthc\ehcdtlledltNtCi\hlllrc ll0tncd. Icnclcrs. \\hich frono'e irn\ x tcrnrli\c in tht rrorls \pccilled lr the 'eid lirrln o1' Nill bc lidble lo I!'iccl on. \o plinted li)rln ol t'ndcr \hltll includc a tendcr lbr lllorc \\ork. bIl il c(nrlrir!tr)r \\l.h l\) l(rr(lct li)f l\(' ()r norc \orl\. lhe\ \hall stlbmil a separate rLr!italions. I ta ona trnrlcr l(,r ut!h h|r r\tlonc 6. \ll \\orks l. (0nLllirling ltlt lenlitr d')rtlnrcnl\ \hJ I relcr lh' nrlrn' lnd shall bc lncastrrcd b) lta drrd instrtlrncnt\ 0ecordirlg to thc ttLrnlhcr ol'the srrrk' ruLc5 \! rcqueslcd b) thc Proctrrrng {gcnu\ lliddcrs \hall pro! rdc c!idcnec ol their cligihilil) ir: Ind hen ' It 8 Any bid reuci,,etl b) the,\Bcn.) lller rhe deldlrlc li)r (.I!: !11\( !!t! I r,t llur[ trfl,] tlt l lltl \l 5ubrn srion o1 [rids shall be rcjeercd and rertrrned unopcned to rhc bidder. Prior to lhc dctailed erlluarion ol hids. rhc Pro.urinS Agenc\ \\ ill determine rrhether rhe bidder lirlllll: lrl .,rLlul tc!lr rcrrcnr\ (,t ei gihr irr i iL.rir !i\clr in Llte lelJcr loliuc s(rch ir\ rcti\rritri(,n iIrlhoril rs. IegirrratrLr| \ I r l)l ( r\\ rrr. rLl)|l Lcuh !) llIl.]o\rr \liIemenr. (\pcfl( (! \lirlemcnl rnrl irn\ other londill{,n I(r1li()ncd lI tlte \ll if(1 h ddins docuIrcrrl. li the brcldcr does not firlllll an) o, these condition\. ir \hrrll not be r\xluated tirrthcr lr\ \\rlh l,|. Llrd ll. Bi,.i' rleteIfr fc t(r he \rh\t.Ill.lll\ r'erpor'rre shl I he thcelcd li)r itn\ arithneti! crrcrs. '\rrlhrrr(li.Il .nor. \h.lll h! rc.Uti!l .,I th. l,,lL,,$ rn! lr.r, , \rithout hid sec! nr\ ol rcqt (A) trcLl ilnrount lnd nrcscribed laflr shall be rciected. lI casc of Srlcdule rt(c\, thc unroull ol pcrarnlase quoted abo!c or below will be chceLel and rddcd or suhtrrclcd liom rnrrrunt olbill ol quantitre\ to arri!e thc tlnal bid (B) lI r:lse ofilcnr r'tltrs.. ll lhcrc is a L] s,:rcpirner bcr\eer] lhc unit rale nnd the rohl cosl rhar isobtained br rnultipllinS the unit ftlte ilnd quanlil\.lhc unit rate shallprevailand the total cost $ill be corrected unle\\ in the opinion ol the Agenc] there rs an obvious nrisplacemenl ol the deeirnul poinl in lhr unir rate. if \\hich case lhe total cost as quoted \\ill !o\crn rnd the unit rirlt correelcd ll lhcrc i\ ir (iisercpanc\ bct|\een thc total bid lt [()ur)l af(l thr \u]r (!l r,,rnl L:()\r\ lhc\urnLi lrLrr()txl eo\t\\hall prcvllilrnd lhc lorill hi(l rrr\'urrl \h.rll 1,. ., r'reite,l (C) Uherc therc i! (1i\crcpiln(\ bet\\cen lhc irnrount in ll,rures and in rrords. thc irrnirunt in \ ill q(^c r \\orls Page 4 of14 BIDDING DATA LYARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Na ne ol Procuflng Agency CREENINC PLANTAT10N/CAP FltilNC AT RD‐ 37 B lErr I Descrpton of Worhs & 38 C IProrur ng Agency's Address s te Orice Of the Horticulturist, BIock‐ 30, Hawksbay. Scheme{2, LDA, Karachi 0 lAm )unt of Brd Securily 2・ /● 30 0ays SecJrity Deposrt (lnclud ng Bid Secur ty) 02%of Bid Amount De 1YAR 08% Retention Money deducteo from bllls lDealhne for SJbmrssron ol Erds SCHEME 42 Ofthe OuOted BId Amount Per od of Bld Vald‖ y(dayS) Per entage. if any. lo H AT HAWKSBAY DEVEtOPMENT AUTHORITY′ KARACHI along 130.09.2015(01:00AM) Site oFrice o, the Horticulturist, B10Ck‐ 30, Hawksbay, Scheme42, LDA, Karachi at 02:00 Venre Trme, and Date of 8rd Openlng a m on 30 09 2015 lor T mr: com11ence Cornplelon from wnllen order of Dep)srt Recerpt No (Date & Amount rn words and figur3) 1(One)Year Il!!!,! docunrc t l.r \or[\ trr(] R; I l'}xge 5 llt!! ol l1 Colld itions (rl Contract ( lausc - l: (lommenccmenl & (omplction Dalc\ ol' Work. Ihc connacror shirL nol enlrr upon or c,nnnlcnce ant or \\orI e\ccnr silh lhe \ritrcn aUlhor \ a,td inslrucrion ol rhe l.orlicrllurrrl,l.neineerli,charge or ol n nrbordinalc in ch rlrc ot lhe rork. Firlli g such l!lhorit! lhe c,,rlrxclor(hlIhilvenoci llrlox\( r\fr|(ir\Uf.llron\()! orlirlrncrt lbr\!(nl, poflion I rc conrracror \hall prcc0cd \ rllt lllc $orl,s $ rlh due c\NdirioI l|Ll \\ irhorn dela) an(l complele lhe worLs in L e Iine allo$!d ior carr) ing ort llre \\orli irs e nercd i I lhe render \hall be srlcrly observed by lhe contraclor ir (l\hull recLorcdfionrIhcdaLctnr$hi.hlr.orlcr lo (onllen.. $ork i\ !iven to lhc contractor And funher t( ensure !.ood progre!: during lhee\ecurion ol rhe $orL. conlrlcror sha lhc bound. in all in$hichthellme rl r,$eLl ior frnnnlcti(,n i,l iln\ \o r\.ee(].r)c nonth loir!.ric\.nogrc\roj)thepn)[rteba\, L ( nusr-2: l.iquidard l)amagt\. lrc.onrr,r(ror .lrr t)J\ llqli,IrLtJ.irrrr3.\ Lo lhc \!.n!\.rt rl)eraleper tl, i st.tted tn the bidding (lirla ll)r ciru r Jil\ ll)iu I rc.onrplclron Jirrc later lh r lhe lrltndcd cor!rp .rion (liuei ' Ir.r irllounl oi lquidalcd lanrag. t)itiJ b\ lhc.orll,llclor ro thc Agcr]c\ \hal nol e\cccd l0 pcr cenl ol thc .( rlrrrrl prie! ,\ucrrc\ rrir\ (leLIr.l (luidrrc(l rlilnrrU.\ liofr p.r\ nenls LIre lo I rr contra.L lray]ncnl ol' li,tUidnled dafrrge' doc\ rnn allicl rh..ofrr !ror'! lirhilrlici ru\r - J: lcr rinatir)Ir)l'lhc(r)Itrtlcl. Pro.r r (.1) rr! ,\gef(\ llorlr.rlrrnl\..rlr\. lr!rc.r frJt Ienllirrrc Iie.orrra.I il ,:lrer ol rhe ibllo\!in! condilions e\lsls (1) t‐ 0,]trac:or catisc、 (lll l (1ヽ ) - ■brcachて ヽ l ai〕 、clat se ofthc(o ll acl ljr1lr,.,r\eol ,Lh.trJtrrNr.rr Llrf{\,r[(n\r'rrrrL'Lre.. (,1, rlljre'.,n \,1 ,jaxtlr ol thc conr(l(lor or iu\ Conrrxcror can also r&lucst lir tL'nninat r\f ol ,:onrracl il 3 lla\rrenr ce(illed b\ rhe Honirullurist Lnginecr i\ for lai(i lo lhc corrlrilctor $rlhrn 60 d \s ol lhe datc ol ihc \ubmisslon ol' rlr. h lhe ll,) jcullurn l-\eclrli\. l cQurrrl 5 ma) dl;gfl lli, (B' f!i t((r l'nieur |l! \!c|!\ Ir\ ll(r\e l(' r(iol)l rrrt ol 1l)c tollo\in! │ ()10t‖ 101口 lri) (() l ,せ 、 cで ■ │,de x)、 o tlf llrre lhe \\orl, lr rhc e\ent 11ヽ bl rrl\ rng lhe ol .f\ ol lrc Enpineer Procuring Ale rc\. rhe (i) \o 11L卜 じじ、ccPt t(■ 〕 d tk'n nlenl oned al A( n and(1ヽ )06o、 c $or[ Jo|. b\ lhr.o lr..to.. irho\'c coursc\ beins irdoplcd .oflrrcror shall ha\e:- b\ rhc llo(ic lturist L\ecutive (irirrr ro ((nnfer\irrol lor xn\ o.\ \(\tri cd b\ hl|r h\ rcl\on o, ris having pUrchased or r,!Liirr rr\ f.lM.ll, ,,r .tL.r(J j)tLj.l l r j!.r,rrr|(rl\ ,r x.l. l|\ nll\Jtee. or) Ircolrnl ol. or I $ ill) r \ re\ to ll). .\.jl r(r) ,rt t r. \\ rfl (n t r. |crrLr.IiI)i. or llr. fl)Iltxct lln li]]gdlqDe rl]q r!orl'\ uplt) ll! I 0l) \1 (ii)ll(n\,!'!.r. thc (orrlricLo .iir uirrrr lor llr! sorl (on. rr \1r ([r]\ .el1iilc(l b! I lortlcrll|Lrisr I \rcuti\. I n! lhc |lccr Ir $ nrI)! r.lrxtullrg rhc t)erlannirr.c ol \uc I sork rnd ha\ nol been ProcuringAgenc)llonicultul\lFfsrncel'rrrit\rn\rUl,tdrbd\lorrenllrnrnssorl (lause-Ji (he\i(r rndclxim\,br (ompcnsr(ioo l'ordela\. lhc llo11]cullrriy,Enrr)cershall !\.lr(N\.\:.r(jl rlfrrL'ol rh..ltI t.,rh..(rrLr,L.r(n l1 t\\\.\\\fr\, \ir(r. r(rr!i\crh\ rrcd .rlatedirr rl e.o rl rcl dalir. ro co r )en$rion \hi hr rllo\(,1 l(ir an\ rlel.rl (uu'crl i r \rlninlr ol rhe \\orl of lccounl ol' nry acqui\ilion ol land. !\arer sttlnding rn horro$ pilsr conlparlrnents or in ilccotulifq sanclion to esljnrates. In \Lch !a\c. eirl)er dalc ol corrrlrrnccrrclll $ill tre chantsed or I)eriod oJ completion is ro be e\lended ( Pc,\scs\ion ol S: Eu(n\ion 0t lnlrrdcd (i)nrplelion I)ate. lhe P o(rrIl! ir!.nc\ !rthcr irl rr, u$r lnrtiati!c. diLre ()l .ofrnl.lior) (f orr (lr\irr ol lh. .orrrr.l( nr\ .\1(n(l llre rflenle(l eofrnlcrior drlc. ll iIr .\rrl($hirh ri r([r\ lhc e\.rulirill.] .oIircl)o.!ur\orir\rr]rliorod. \ \stLed$hicrfrnke\llifrpossibl! t, corrnl.rc rh,j \ork h\ Ihe iflrf,leil .orntlelron (lxre lor !rc!r n.lroi I' h. mrl lhirrl ncces5ar) or proper lredcci\onol lhe Hor'lreu turisr l:ngrrrecr rr thr' nruttcr 'hLrll hcllrxlr$hcrelrrrrrhir\bccr)c\lcrldedundcr 1 r \ of aI\ orher c ause ol this agtefrcnl. lhe drlc fbr corrrp etiorl ol thc $ork rhall be lhc dale U\cd bY lhe orJcr gi\'ing rhe c\ren\iof tlr h] rh0 x!gr!!ule ol ul .uch order\. nruile undur lhis a!recrncnl lause - h,lbrc rhc \\ ref r r!l ' ],.cr !\rc rlr. collrrr.r ihr tr]ljrl l' rlnr.'r , . I 'h.r (,frtrrrr.l()h.1lr.c\\.rr(rotlrc(onlrrr.l.rrrLl al eatrsesol conri rur r() h. \'l)crillr\c (lL rn! Ll)( .\l.n(ltrl lcr ,\l ( , ausc 6: Specilications. lhcconlrl(l(, rhall llrerhoclndc\trt prlrl()l lhe $orli in rhc rnosl \t brtanlrrl J $()rLr arr,lil,. fraIIer and horh Lrs rcgatul. rrlcrirl\ rrJ a Lorhcr nrllrers rr \Iricl irccordanre silh lhe \tr-,clucrrio11. lo(lgcd rrr rhcoillce ollhc llo11iculurisl [\cculi\c Lngincc Ind Irrr]xled b) the parties. lhc ,.LJ,l]re licirlroI bcrng rr |an oj Lrcrnllllircr I ]! !ontral:ror rhrll rn).orrllfne\r!rl)- tirll\.urd lirlhlill] k) r r r desillls. dra$ rng- and rnslru!r on\ n $rrif{ rclalrng lo lhe $orl signcd b) lhe lk)1icu]lurist tngineer-rn_ clr:rrge and lodgc in his oilice rf(i Io $hreh lhc corrlraclor \hall bc c ttilled lo lravc rccess al such oiljce or on lh r sile ol L\ork lbr the purpose ol'inspcclion durin! otUce hours ind lhe contraclor shall. ll he so requires. be errilled ar hls o\rn c\pcrr\c ro lnakc or cirur.lo hc mad. copie\ oi lhe spceillcalion\. and ol all such designl'. (lr r\vings. rnd ifsliricliorl\ alorcsri(1. ( liu\r (\) ?: l)a\ nrtnts. lnterim/Running Bill. ,\ brll .lrir he \r lrrrrllleJ h\ the ro llrirctor ir\ lieqLLcntLr as the pro!rc's olthc tuslil! l-or ell \!ork c\ccured an(l nol rnc[rded ir) an! Ec\ious hil] al leasl once if ir rnonlh rnJrhcllo11icu]rursll.nsire.r- r.harS!'rxl lirl,r orcxu'c lo bc lrLen Ihc reqrLi\ilc nrcxsuremenl5 lorlhe frrrrc'e t!l ha\llrir rhe.xrnc \eIllc(l xndthtctairlr irs lor u\ drri\\ible. adj(rsled. il pos\ible hcLi)rc rhc e\pir\ ol l),LL\\ l1, r lre t,r.\.nrir1r) r ol thr bll. irl irrr\ lr c depulc i \ubordinale lo rcir\urc up lhc \ni(l $ork I lllc pr(\crcc ol !hc lorrfiiL.lor o r\ irLlllor /cd agenl. \\ho\e .ornrcr\ignarurc ro lhc Ir$srrrcfrcnr I n $ lhe\lllll.ienllo$.\'rxrriurdlheHonicuhuri\llingineerro'chiullc nra) prefficrhil liorr \Uch i\r \\hi.hn]lll be hind fg o r rhe conrraclor in al rc\pccts \,r'ork rna! \hall nass ceflilj lhe nnn)unl Io be nnid Io Ihc lue and patablc if respelr lhereol. nrblect ro deduclion ol secur lt il xn\ r.rrjeIohrran(] lr\c\ lhe llodiculrurisr Engilleer ProcrLring Agenc) eonlracl(x. whrch he cof5rders J.fo\ir. ir(l\Ircenx\ nlrlrr All su(lr irrtcfl1r.(llnlc Ir\ rent srirll hr r.Silrded r\ fa\rncfts t] \vtl) ol irclvancc agairrsl lhe flnal tril) ncnl orrh r r,l nol r\ fu) rr!rrr\ ior $ork r.luiill\ donc r)J c()rl)l)lele(i. xnd \ha I not preclude Ihc llo(rculluriy Fn!ifeer lr-rharsc lion rcco\eric\ h'orrr llnal hrll il d rcerificalion ol dclecls and unsatisiirclorv ilcnrs ol $r)rk\ poi )tcd oUr l() him (lurirr! (ic ccl lrahilit! perio(i UrdJ n(doctrpr0nr ibr (l) {.rkr !ok) Rs. .0ll N1 ll,r. r.l ll Thr Final Bill. A bi 'hall h( \ubr ired h\ rhc colrrrcror \ irlrir !,rc fro rth ol lhc lxle r\cd lor rhc complctionol lhe\orl,other$irelkJrliculturislLn!ireerIr'ehargc'\ccrtiiicaleol the measurernctrr5 arrd(,l lhcl(nllLuxtrIrl pl) l).lar Lr(\!orLssull tre lir)xlarkl brrrdrlgon l prule\ (lausr 8: Reduced Rates. In cir\e\ \\here lhe irem\ ol \\orl ilre nol acceplcd as \o compleled. lhc Irorlieulturislilrnginee.irr chirge rlrir\ nrakc pa\frcrl of ilccounl ol such ilerns ar such rcdrLred rrlcs as he 'r x\ !Lnr.jde rurorrtrh t rr r rc pr(rr,IrLri(, r ,)i ljrir or of nrnIin! ,!ccourt bill\ $ilh rca\on\ rccorded in rir!. \r r ( laust - 9: ls!uancc ot varialion and Rcpcal Ord(15. (,\) Ag.nc\ ma) r\sue a Variali(nr Order lbr procrLre cnl ol sor[s. ph\sica] \erllces jiorr lhc origifrl conllicror rc (o\er an\ incr.irie or (lccrersc rn quilnlilret. rrcludrrg lhc rllrodullion ol nL\\ $ork lefr\ lhxl rrc cilher (lr . lo rlltl r!e ol l)lxrl\. (lcs !n or xllg rnrcrlr lo \L it aclurl field condrriorr\. \\, lhirr I rc Scrr!rr \(o|. rn(l lr i) ..r lrourr(lirirc.ol lh..onlrirfl ' (L l (lolrrilctor 5lull nol pcrtbnll x larirtroD unlrl llle I)rocurin!. Agenc] has allhorized lhe variation ir $ritlrrg {blecr lo lhc llmil nor c\!cc(ling lhc.ontrlrl .orr h} ol lSuo on lhc:,xnre conditions in all rcspecl\ on whlch hc rgrecd lo do rlrcm rn Ihc ttorli. afd irl the \rime ralcs. as arc specitjed in lhc render tbr lhe main work. lhe conrracbr has no righl l() elalrr ior conrnensalion bv reason ol J rc iLri\rf\ L! (( l (Iir !Lflr rr).rl.l lr.tr(rL ln casc lhe n0rure ol rh,i \\ork rrr lht \rlrlaLion doe. not co 'e\pond srth iterll\ if lhe llll olQuanlilic\. lhe quolalion b\ lhe (onra!l(n r\ lo bt in lhc lon ol ne$ r.lcs tor lhe relcllrrI ilems ol \tork. and il lhe llo icullur\l II !illccr |l]hrrgc \ \xti\l]c(l lhirr lhcrarc(rLotcdirwlrir)lherale$,(nkcdoul b) on\ he.h.rll rll(\\ hinr or (lelllilcJ rarr irfirll\\. Th. r rc lir rhc.ofrD ellon,,l lhc $,nk.l)irll I() thc ori!irx .onllaL:r $rirk. bcll an(l rhrn lt hirrl rrre olier aptft)!al t11)rrr hlgher c\lrrrrl.,l rn lre fr()trofliorr lhal lhc rddilional \\ortrl ([-r \\orl .\ccurcd re\ull Ihe rn lixl (-onlracl Price lo hc e\cecdcd b) nrore lhirn l5on nfd lherr Ilo(iculluri\1 lrrgineer can adiusl lhc rrles li)r lhose quantities ca0sing e\c!'ss lhe cosl of conrracl hc\ ond l 50o alier irppro!aL ol Prciccl Dircclor. (F Repcal Order: An]'eumulrli\c \arhlion. trciond lhc l5" ) r,l irrillnl conlracl .mounl. shall be subicct ol-a xnhcr.ofrrircl lo hc Ierl(lcrr\l oul Ilhc$orkrrr'eprlrirhlL'liorrrlheoriglnalconlracl. ( lru\r - (A ldentif\ing Dcfecls: ll at irr\ llmc helbrc ll)e securir\ dcposil l\ rciirdc(] Io lhc conlrlclor,duflng JcLirr rlri r! Ir.ri(\l ,rrr! , .,1 f l,JJ.rr,r rh. ll,'rr.fllr n I r!rrccr- n-(lrirgc ()r hr. 'Llltrdrnirl(' r)-.hi ,rc oi r 1. $orI r]n\ rr\r lLct r r. .o rLrr.lor lo L nco\er rf(i lc\lrr!niriol lhc$ork\ which re !,,r.Llr. llx\ h,r\r .r (lcl.. Jre r,, Ls..r, Inn,rfJ frrlc lll\ or Lrrr\kr lu \!()rkn)llnshrp and tlrc I ln casc ol qullnllliei ol ll): Qualil\ (i)nlrol. .onlrircknhr:l(r.nrr\oulrr.nrlr\\^\r.L'\rIrc.|c.lr\.(,1 $ork,llrcad) (B rppro\ed or par(i. Corrcclion of Dclccls: Thc ronlrarlor rhall he houn(l ti)nlr$ith kr rL'.lili or remove and reconstrLrct lhe $ork so \pecilie(l n \h()c or rr narl. ir\ lhe cJ\. a\ re(lrLr c lhe.orrracl(n \halL colTecr Ihe rrolill.,lJclrrr$i1h rlrfl)!irr ( () re.r (,r) P( l(\l I.nti(,r(,1 | loli.c lis 1.00 Nl Prge 8 ol r(nitrr! Joeutrr.nr i)r w.rls rolo ( nrorrerlrd De{rcls: ) {r Il (i) In rlr. cast ol ln\ {re r lirilr r.. rhe llo iculrr ri\L t-nglrceFin clrrrge shall give lhe conlraclor al least l.l da\s notrcc of hls rnrentron ro use il lhird p rl) ro corrccl a dclect. Hc Jnal reclil) or remov!, afd rc-c\ecu(c rhc !\orI or reflo!e arl replacc the arerials or arlicles cor)\plained olas lhc eirse mri) be al lhc risl, xfd e\penrc if all rc\pect ol the conlrircror. (ii) Il lhc llorli.u ILir sr I U rlc(r (orrsrll(A l rirl r..t licllioll uorc(t ,)f ol x dclecr i\ rn essenl nl il fr.r\ be rc.!l]lLJ (! rrrxrlt u\. ()lr l \hr lrr $rlh ll hi\ \li.rr.rolr rr) xccept rhc ial]rc irr iuer le(]recd riLld\ r\ rcrn.r\ li\llrercol' and ( lnusr(ハ ll: lnspection of Opcralions. lhe llorlic!Ll!r \1 llrglnccr rud h \ subodinrles. \hllll araLl reasonahlc li rc\ ha\ r xr(c.. l(j rh. 'ilc liir ,utru\ r. or .rr.l Lrr:l^.!lLL' r ol $ Ln'I ur\l.r ,,r rn coLrrse ol creeutiur in prrsr.nce ol Ihc c(nnracr irn(l lhc crnrlmclor 'hlll ull()tu (r!c \ lircilrl\ lor and e!er) assiildnue rrL ohlrinin! 1 re rirhr lo sr ch leuc\j ) l)rtes for lnsp€clion nnd-lesting. lh. l_lonic lruri\t Lnginccr shall Bivc lhe contractor rcasonahlc noricc ol the inrcnlon of lhc Horticukrrisl,[]ngineer-irr-chargc or his subordinale lo visil the work \hllll ha\c been {i\.r) () rhr conlrir.lor. lhcir he elrhcr himtlf be pre\cnl lo recei!e orders and irrslrucliofs. or ha!c a resporrsrble ir!enl dul\ rccredilr!l in $ritrrrs Irc\cnl lbr lhal purpose. or(jer !iven ro Ihe contracror's dr l\ aulhorl^d agerrl \ ral hc cofsidcreil to hnve the santc lbrce ln cffecl as I rhc\ h,d h.en !i\cll ro rhe.onracror him\c I (1.) ( rrse(r) l2: E\Anrnation ol'rrork bt[orecoycring rp. ol rhc \orl\ rhall hc.o\cre(l upornLrl o((ol \i.\\ bclordlhercrcll$rlhunqi\ing roticcol nor less lhxn ll\c (lxls lo lrc ll(n1i(ullt i\l lrngrrc.r $llcrr!\tr lr\ rtrch prrrl o1 (h( \!orl'\ r) ti)Undallorr rs orurc rca(\ or irl)r)Llr(ih...r(li li,r r\irrr!rnlorr und thr llorlicrrlttrril Iin!rfccr shall. \\rrlx)l[ (lclir\. unlc.\ ]crof iJcr' r urI...'!ir\ xrr!l irJ\ r\r'lhr ionlrxclor accordrnSl]. irncnd lbr lhe IUrposeol .\anififgand nc \urrrr-q str.h Pr l ol thc\\o'krorol c\anlirlingnrch tbundalions \o frn (B) co\cred ul or Ilac.\l he\on(i Ire rca.h ol eir\trremc rl \\ithotrl nrch nolice ha!ing hccn givcn. the \ilnrc shrll he unro!!re(l ul llc corrlrlrclLrr'\ e\pensc. rnd in defatrll IhercoJ- no ll irf\ \\orl, i\ till rcnr or x lo$rfi:c jh.rll he rrrr(l! lor .rr!h \orl'. t)r li)r lh( narcriiil' silh $h cr l rc 'rme $rr' ('lrusc- ll: Risks. Ihecortraclor\hilll b.r$pof\iblt l_orrll risksollossolordamageloph), sical propcn) ol ihciliries or relaled service ar the nremises and ol personal iniur] and dealh vihich anse during and in cor\cqucncc ol ils pcrtbirunce ol lhc conrrxcl ll flr) danllc ls currsccl ithilc the work i\ in nrogres\,,r herorne lnparenl \ilhin rhree nrorrlhr ol rhc rr.rnl .l rhc ccnilicalc (,l co nlclion. linil or olhcru'ise. lhe th( sanrc lo be rnade qood by orhcr \vorkmL:n. and dcducl rrLi c\pen\c\ llonl lo lrcu lurn InLIrc.r. ( liuse ll: rclcftror one1" l)irrg with the Mc$surcs ft)r prclcntion of fire rnd vl'cty rnc{sures. lhe cofr.cror shilll not \et llre to ar} .L.,r.lir! rll!l( l N.. l\Ah $(r\l Ir :rru., siLr,rrt x $rrrrcn tcr ril llorn rhc lloncUltursr Il\ecUli!c lrrrn.er \\lren\r(hperfriri\!i\.n lf(l irl\J rir r.r'.'\\hLrrr(le'U,,!in!.crrtin!orrfroolrn!Iees.hLrsh, riod. grrs:. ele b\ llrr. lh0 ronlrirrLr) \riLll Lrl. llcec'\lr) t.irsrlr.\ 1o |.\. ( such llre sprclrd ng lo or (nl ,,,r$l'c (hmirgif! srLfloundlng pr)fcnl lh. .oIlrl.lor i, r,:sponrihlt tirr thr sal;t\ ol all ir\ aclivilicj rr( udin{ proteclion ofrhc cnyrronnrcnl or ard oll thc \ile. (unper)sirtion ol_al damages done ifrenrionally o rninle rtlonalll on or otl lhc sile b\ the conlr.ctor's abour shall be paid b,v hinr. ]lL!r ] ,r .l()!trnrnL l!]lr!Ar !lt!]tr!l lllll1 (lausc- lS: Sub-contr^cting. Illc ronrracror \l)rll not\rbcoIlir(rthc$holcolrhc$orks c\cept r!here o he^rise pm!ided h) lhe conl|rcl. I hc conlrircror \hir I ]()l \r b.or)tfircr ,\ p.rrt ol l tc works \!irhor I lhe p ior cof\cnr ol thc llorlicullurisr fllginecr .\r)\ iuch !oIJent \h ll not relie!e the contraclor lro nn) lr rl)ilirt or,nrlrgalron uoder th! conlri\.t .rn(l hc \hlll b,r rrsponsrblc tor lhe acts. det_aUlrs and ncglccts ol an) \Lbuor)rricl()r. hs rgerrs. ser\irnl\ or Norknrcf irs rl tltc\c acls. (lciaulls or neglects were rhose ol lhe f,'rlrxclor.hr\llcerrl\.rer!3nls(,r'$Lnkfrun Th.pr)!is()nol lhisco,rlraclshirllappl.-losuchsUhcontracloror h emploler\ as il hc or ir serc crrplo)ccs ol lhc conrracror. ' ( lnusc - l6: Disputc\. ,\ll d \putcs irr rg irr lornclliorr $llh lhe prcsc rr .onracl. rnd wh]ch canrot bc 'i ir ricabl\ !clllcd bel$.cn lhe t)iulie!. lhc (leeisiorr ol lhc Superiflrnling If!rneer ol lhc crrcle olllccr onc grxdc hrgher ro a$ardins aulhoril) shall be llna . .onclusirc and binding orr irLL panies ro rhe contracr upon all q rc\lions rcaling ro lrc mcilning ol lhc spc! llcallons. (lcsigr\ d a\ringr. xnd in\rrclion. hereinbelbre rlrrrl !)ned Ulll rs lo lhc qualir\ ol \(,rlinrnslrif or m.rlcrill\ u\c(l o| the $orl or lo an\ orhcr questirn\- l\ .lrnr.riShl malter-orlhing\,lrrln,c\er irrrn)$ir\irrlsifgoulo.orrL'lati0lrrolheconrracrdesign.dra$ir)g\. on\. orrl!r o I r.\. (or(l lion\ or olhelwisc roncc .\.rLlur- (i liilrr! lo c\e.urc Lrlj..1r.. \ r.lh. rr \rr! ,i!r r! rrc nrogrt\. ol sl eciilcariors. esrifrirl0\. inslrr cr rt ring thc works. or lhe rhc $ork. or xller lhc rrt)l.lion (n rhan(l,nrrr.fr llrrre(jl. ( rusr l7: Srte( learanc€.()rccofrpcliof ol rhc\ork. Il)e conlrx(ror shilll hc lumished $rth r cenificillc h\ rhc tlorrr.ulrur.r I \ccuri\! I rrslrc!f rhcrrlllrller cr [(] lh. Ilorll.rLIrLri\l Enuirrcer-in-chrrSe) ol \rLch r( rpletior. hut ne thcr \uch e.rrilicxrc \lu I b! sr!.rn rx)l \hall thc \ork bc eonsidcred lo be completc unlil Llrr eonlmcror rhal hx!e rerno\cJ a L.rrlporxr] \lrrLcturcs ilrd mrrerirls brorrght at \rrc erther ii)r use or ior ,'lcrllion lir!rliri.s Urclu(lin! elcrnir!.lljbrii.rlr\l Ji11 lh. \ile ll lhc cofra or lLrils to conrpl) \riIh rhc r. luireners ol lh \ c luse thcn HorlrcullunJl Lrlgifccr-rn-chargc. rra) at lhe e\pcnses of Ihe conlraclor rc nove and dispose ol the samc rs he lhinks tll rdsha dcdrcl rhc arnounl ofall erpenses so lncurred fiom rh'conrracror'\ retcnli( monr). Thc corrrrarlor ihall ha\! no.liunr in rc\pt.I oilr)\ surplu\ nraterial\ ts .rl )re\ai(l e\repl lor nn) s!nr ir!luall) reirlizcd b\ rhc \alc Ihcrcou (-liure lli: financial Assisranre / {(lr rncr l'nr menl (\) Mobilizati(,n adyancc 'noL ilL)$cd. Sccurcd Ad\ance againsl mal(flals broughl al sile. (i) ,\d!tnr.r lnr\ h( r.llf ll(,1 ,nrl\ i S,r n\l rl,c i. hlc nrllcriir \ iluantilis .lnticipalcd lolr(\on\umcll rIlr/(Jt,rrlr!$LnI rLlrr].r t)tr(\ltil l:rrc.irr(irlr\llornlh.\lirlcol r\sucol' secrrred ild!iIrce arrd (lcllnrLe I ror lor Lr l ,trr rlilrr\ ol rralrrn[]i)rlhcenliresorkcLfirract l_hc \rLfr Ir\ihlc lbr \r ch nilrlcr rls on \rr( shir I lo1 e\cc(d 150,n oi lhe mrlrkcl pricc of' Sccrrrr(l rnalcrial\ RecoveN ol Sc.rred Ail\rncc fnid lo lhe conlraclor undcr lhe above prolisions shall be alltcrc(l Iftnn Ihe nr(inlhl\ pl\nrcrr5 on iicr!al cof\umplion basis. bul nol less lhan period nror! Ihan lllrce rrofrlr\ rc\.rr I urrL ri i/c(lr ( I rutr - lq: Rcco\cr\ nr arr(xrt of l.n d Rcrcnur. l.r lrilhle lor rcco\er\ x\ nrrear\ oi I in(] Rc\enuc ヽ1ヽ 、 t‖ 〕 )、 tCt、 ):1せ ('、 )、 じ 1]all 「 1]]ぜ ■: bヽ the to lliaC101 、 ll\lJ ! rletrDcnrlor $orN uplo Rs l.0l)M 2tl: Rellnd ol Scturir\ l)(pr,\ir/Rrlcntion ltonrr. (l r eolnplerro ol lhr $hole ol r re \orl (a $ork shorLl(l tre cons (lcred rs (orfplcr. Ior lhc flr|o\c ol rclirnl ol \ccLrrll\ dcposil k) a conlrrclor tiorr lhe r.r J.rLc of $hlch l\ ilnn frrrnl.Ir.,I..r ..1r.!k!J l,\ , .\)f,.leirr rrllrri I\. i1 'rL.h.hcul, l. ne!es\ur\ o her\ire llorn lh. l.r.r Jar. ol .corJ, r! rlr. ll r.Ll fl.r.r r. nr )r.r rlr. ,1.1i.1. rorr.c t\rriod lrx\ rlso pi'\rcd rLrl lhc llo icultrLrisl lfginecr hxs.crrlie(l rhllir delc(1\ rrofillc(l 1o Llr! e(Dlraclor hctore rlr.end oi his Iro(l llilvc h.cr lorrecrcd. rlr,j\ccrLrir\ Jcpo\il o(lgeil h\ r lonlrrcl()r ( ln ersh or rccovered i r nstallNcnls I ,rr hr: h ll.r shit I hc r('lirnlcd to hI rrlicr thr (\fin (,1 lhrec rrrorrt r\ lionr the dale on shich lhe !\or\ is ( lause - .t, rrplcted) ( Horlicullurist ontraclor 1,「 ‐ 1 ).3tヽ ´︱︱ ヽ ︶ │ │′ , ` 1111せ : ムUt,。「│ソ ,o=e llto 14 CREENIN■ PLANTAT10N/CAP FltuNC AT RD‐ 37 DEVELOP ⅥENT AuTHORITY KARACHl ■ 38_ 」 HAWKSBAY SCHEME 42 1YARl BILL OF QUANTITY OTY lTEM RATE AMOUNT UNIT Ext avatron rn foundatron ol bu ldrngs bndges and rr struclures rnclLrdrng dagbelhng. dressrng reil rng around slructures wth excavated earlh wat rr ng and ramrnrng as drrected by Hortrculluflst lncr arge lead upto 5 feel (ln ord nary so ) otht y 18846 C負 Rs 15705 Cft Rs Ci Rs of sur c Stackrng and Spread ng approved gar( en so (Sweet Ea.thl free froflr salts pebbles and grass roots etc. compete rncludrng ft and leac sup c y Stackrng and Spreadrng cow dung manure /S ughter House cow dung manure rncludng rg the same upto a depth up 2ft inlo earth rnc r drng breakrng cods dresslng frne rakrng and rolrr'g comp ete s!p ,y & P ant ng llve. hea grov/1ng sap rngs ol trees and p lhy & 157050 luxurrantly anl complele S S R R a) I\I EL- lA AZADRACHTA TREES (5 ft H gh) 34900 Each b) GUII KUI\4 OFFICINALE TREES (3fI H gh) 34900 Each 5 sup))ly&Fxrngfrm tree suppon bamboo stcks 6 onE i to I5 d a th ck a ong s de saplng ol lfeelr & treng loneiy at 2 3 pornls wth the hep of coltcc n4anle shflng and as drrected by Hort cu tuflst 69800 Each Rs 6000 P Rft Rs lnchr lage vdrng & Fxrng industfla made concrele pTe casllkerb bocks 3750 PSI 450 mm x 300 mm x r3J nm 28 by 45 CM at rop ard rn 2 CM lhrck 1 4 r)nt mortar and jorn the kerb block wth eve and argnmeni shall be proper as drrected by EngI reer lncharge R lTEM RATE OTY AMOUNT UNIT ntenance serv ce r/c (but not |mrled to regular n9 ng manunng grass cultrng ,nng of the andscape and lotal area lakrng rer tr mm weeds and oiher undesrable deveopments o'a szes and dryng away where ever acements of grass and trees ,s thal have dred / red Securty etc. complete ln a way that the iscaping done is ma ntained & kept rn excellent drtron comp sat sfachon ol t cu tur st lncharge n all respects for a peflod of monlhs Thrs rtem nc udes prov S on of u to be ete manpower (gardeners / watchman and ervrsor etc) adequate No ol machrne. tools & : ements ( grass cLlltrng machrnes. kee prunrng !soTs saws & clippers waterrng equrpment etc rrplete) adequate place / off ce / store for lhese rste 'rs 1 Job 00 ︲釧呵豫釧¨﹂ 鉾概崚い︲ o︶ :plyng and app|catron of rrrigatron water of )'oved qualrty to drflerent p ants and lawns as )rled by Horircu tunst LDAreguary n quantrty ;jrbed by rhe Ho(rculturst ncharge from trme lme for 1 lone) year complete i about l-2 )ns per tree per day & 8000 galon per acre per , for iawns & Hedges) ensufing that no plant / (., a\{n starves fot want of watenng ln case tt i appens lhe damages f any wrll be cha.ged / of lhe I rcted from the brlls c vered from secur ty deposrt etc contlactor / 50954000 ′eh[「 eDッ Per Ga Rs luOted as Fo ow Ba\ed o. OUer ra to amor ft rrt to tr, GRAND TOTAL け ′ ■ ヽ ` fl . :) ' t\i il The total rmount is l/ (Rupees Rs. for the complete job for all offer rate. We have attached a pay order bearing No. from ganl Dated as per NIT Rs, Time [imit:1year Note: . penalty per days: Rs.SOO/, Terder must be quoted in fiBUre & in words both otherwrse liable to be cancelled writing & correction if any must be initiated & stamped bv the bidder SiBnature of the Contractor with Stamp l. i.i -. Ir:iit l'. ]. '. issued amountrng to r,,, t,..r*.-, ", "*r. Fil:Ls i j :11 )l MINIMUM Ot ALIFICAl'lOl / ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Ihc.ritlcDec (ln.rfr.|lr',,1 th. l,'11,,$i ! rnir)inUrn qr.rlillertlL)n cligihilil) critcria \\ill be rhcck.d during openin! pr(Jce\\ ol lcnLlcr & l an\onc is fri\sin! thcn the lcnder r'"111 bc summarilr 'ciectcd at the molnenl b) Ihc lcnder openin! eonrnrttce. 1:Ll(; tBl t.lt \. I \l\(L'rlill.arr I Vllid l. Rcgislration Ir(,m Sindh Bolrrd ol Rc!enue I.IINIUL .{ v I)nr1.:ssional I \\ OUAt-tt'ICA', ON ( ERl,\: t{r',r I}r.l Sceurit\.a\rnenlioncdillhc\ll&l}iddirrgDocunrcnt:.islirrnished 5. r\ll rutc:quotedrneludingthctotrlanr.runtolthcbidsh 6. /\ll r()rrcclions'o\,en\rillf! shxl he rlcrrl\ ll bc in llgurcs & $ords(both). rc-rrritrcn $ith initixl\ dul) \tumpcd h) thc biddcr lhe bld shx I bc propcrl\ \igrrc(i. ranrcd & \lirrrlpell b\ lhc l(rth\)r'rzc(l pcrson o,_thc fllln and rtLrlhori/rrion lcttcr lirr .ignut,rrl rhitll hc cneloscil ii ith lhc rc|dcr b\ the authorized l)erson. if othtr thtn tltc silrtutorr ,rl tlte llrnr l l1. rninirrunr turn \r\ cr \\(irI a\pcricn!c \\irll \arri\lacLor\ eor]rllclrorr Itporl rn ll5L I ]ear\ (,r ,Ll (ir\1 l\\(, 1)r'Irrr. \\rirk\ ir lrrr.l rtrii treirugs|elrte a()\l \hould bceqrral tothcworl' co\t in which biddcr inlcreslcd lo panieipatc. Sisnaturc ot lhe llklder lrith ./>\ \PYil. il it. .rr-i|!I (i--.-:r,i!i L r ir r ; i_ " i- ,: i::: , : I a j: :. : - I I rj rl : i ! ir i I Iy I Sl mp .● て IJYAIRI I)EVlllJ()I)ヽ InNT I,ANDSCAPE IIORTIて ,じ LTt■ くE& AUTHORITY PAIRKS I)EPA ltri、 ヽこENT BII)I)ING l)()(〕 【」M ENrI、 s ヽ()1く ヽ Aヽ lE()「 ヽ I《 CREEヽ INC PLANTAT10N/CAP Fl七 日NC ATRD‐ 30&36 AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42 LYARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY KARACHl ′ lCN I)Elt l)()く ` モヽ1】 Cヽ 7rS 1` I,H′ I′ 0「 Qt:ANTITIICS AS PER I'E(` さにSPl'1く ヽ ((:【・11)E:′ 1ヽ E/Dllく E(・ 1` IVE)It til.ES 2010 AIIIG,2015 ¨ , ヽ , ¨ [ 一¨ 一 一 ︻H﹃ L . lr.!ir!!]l,,n r. r t!L\r!. tr.'(i t\ I rttl\ l'r.rc: ol l 1 Insfructions to Bi(l(lers/ Procuring Agencies. ( cncr.rl Rul€s and Dircctions ,br lhc Guidnncc of(i,ntractors. This rcction.l lhc biddinq JoeLrnrcnt5 \h(,uld prorirlt rhc tnli)rration cccssar\ lar btdder\ to p cpitre responsire bids. in irccor,:lLrrree rrith lhc rcllUircltrelrl\ ol llle I)rocuring Agenc). It should illso e vc inlannation on bid sLrhnrission. openlnS irfd e\afuirri()n. cnd ()r1rhc arrur'l ofcorrrrirer N artcrs uore ring lhe pcrli)l]nanec of rhr .()ntracr o, pa)men(\ under lhe C]onlracl. or ntlllers a tUctinI1 the risk\. nghls. and ohlisations ol the p rlies under the (ontract are includcd as ( nrdlr (ins o, ( orrlract nnl (i)Dt)txt l\4Lt | 1c l /\lnt( t)tt\ n) llkhhr\ \\t rr(rl bc filrl ()l lh. ( \,Ilrir.L rn(l \\il .cil\r l() ha\c cllcel olr!e rlt|lral i\ \irrrc!l rhe i\ l. \llrr,,r'kp'ol]orcdl(,hcc\!.ule(l br eoftruct :hall l)e notrllcd rn a lofln ol Nolicc ln!rting lcnder lroi\(cd on l\cbsitc ol ,\uLhorit] !nd Prccuring Agenc] dnd ulso in Itirl(cd rnsdr;r Nhcrc c\cr rcqoircd ir\ pcr lrlc\. (Nll)ln\illlli(,n lor ilid (llB) \ll rnu\l sLrl! lhe dc\eriplion (,1 Ihc \o L. (lnlc\- Lilr! rn(l fluceol i\\u nS. \ubnrirriun Un(fir! ol bid5. cornpletion lirilc. cor,l ol bicltJingl docLrmcnt !rd bid sccLrrirl cirher in luurp sunr or pcr.ertugcol l srimaled ( olt BiLl ( ort lhc rnLcrc'tel biddcr rnust ha\c rLrlid \T\ Ltlso. 2. (',rrtcrrr ol llidLling l)(rerLrnerl\ nr\r inclr(lc but n('l linritccl to: (onditions ofconlrrct. Cuttract I) r . spccrtlcrtiolrs or ils rclirenae- Bill ol'Quantitits conlitiIin{ dcscription ol rtem:, Nith schcduledrilcllr rales \ilh premlrrn to be llllcd in lornr ol pcreerrla,re llho\e,'hclo\\ or on ilcnl rrles Io be rl!()led. lorn(rl \Sreerrrerr irr(l !lriLtr ifr.l\ .1. li\cd l'ricr ( ontracls: Ihcllr(l pri.e!und rirtc\.Ic ll\c.l n(, Jrr i s .urrcrre\ ot contrirct and orrder .ircunr\lilr)ce \hil I irr\ c(\flrir!,l rc cflrtlr\ lo !Ilr fr enhrrnceLl r'lttcs lir xn\ ilcnr in lhi\ conlrllcl. L lh. l)n,.I ir!r \3cr.r.lr.rl \1,1, 1{r lc\ ll)lt) r,ri. rirt ,,t rreit rr,r l,,r .L]\,,l lhc re rlle . a: pcr Do\i.iort',,1' ('(tn(lili('ll.rl ()flcr: \rrperrorsh,,.Lrhrrrrt.Jtcndr'r'shJl lill rrp the LLsuirl printed l],rm \lalinral \h,rl pcrucIllsc abo\e ('r bclo\\ Lrn lhc rxrc\ \pe!ill!(l in Bill(,1 Qu!ftilic\ lirr itent:' ot tr,:rrl to be cilricd outr hc i\ willing to under'tilkc thc rrork and a:o quotc thc rates li)r those itcrns \r,hich arc based on nra|,Lcr rare\. ()nl\ on( iltc ol \urh pcr!e0ll-!c. ()n ull rhe Sehcduletl ltdtci sh ll be lrrrrrrcd lcnclcr:. lhieh prLrpi,'c rnr rlternutire lr thc rri,r[. spceilicd in th0 \rid li]rn of invltarions. l\il be iahlc to reicerlon. No printed lir|rr ol terJcr shall include a tcndcr tbr nrore thrn ()ne \ork. bul il-conlracror \\i\h k) lcrlder tbr t\\o or lnorc \orLs. thc\ shall srrbmit a separate ler(lcr lin' ur!h Ihccn\clopccort inirglhcLcr(jerdocunrcll\\hrll rclcr \ll\\ork\\hLrl tt nrer'LlrtJ hr 't.rrrJulrl rllc nilnrc rnd rrLrnrher ollhe rrorl' irr'L r]nlrrll\ iL..nrdirl! lllild.rsshul proridct!idc'nccol tlreirrl gibi itrrsurtcl \ L(, lhcIUI(\ heD rcqlrcstcd h\ the PrccurinS .Agcnc] l!\!(llrg,l,t!!rIqLrr 1(rtlu,rt!, Lulltllt.!!)l) lil tj. ,\n\ bid rce.irel b) rhe \S! c\ relt] rcJ uo(!prncd L(, lh. l)i(l(l.l ]lirr llr! (ieirdliIc t()r \( l)nri\\it) I ot l) (t\ \hl bc r.iccred 0nd 9. l)ri( r Io Ille dctailcd c\rl(Llri()n ot bid\. lhc [,rocL[ing Agenc\ \\ill dclcflnrne whcthcr !he bidder lull I' lil.(\llll ru(lr ircntcnr\ ot c i!ihi il\ (|1lenil !i\aI in lltc luIdcr noricc \uclt a\ rcjri\tr tiun \\itr la\ xuth()rilies. rc!i\rrelion \ilh l)l ( ($hcfe llpplicahicl. rurno\cr sta(errlenl. c\penence slxlir))enl. and an\ othel con(lition mentioned lt) lllc \ll nlrd l) dding locutnerrt. ll lhe bidder doe\ 1,,r lrlllll .rn\ . I lh(...i. IJilr., ...l .lr.rll I.r hJ(\.rt irrr. t,r.rli(r 10. Ilil\ilhoulhid\ecurit\()l rcquircdr ll. llr.ls Jcl!tnlinc rLi bc \rLb\rltriitli) en1)h \hilll bc rc(lilled ^rllhnrcti.al ounl irnd pre\!ribcd li)rjn \hallbe rei.eled. respolrsi\( sh.rll bc .hccl,rd lor an\ arilhnlcric errors lhc lirllo\inr: has s: r)n (A) ln case of Schcdulc ratcs, the iIrloU t t)l |rr!e ltrllc (loolcd ulrovc or bclo\\ \ ill bc .hccLcd nfd x(ide(l or \uhtrafrrd lionr xnroul ol hill ot qUanlitic\ lo rrrire llre tlnal hid (li) In \asr ofitcm rntes.. ll lllcr. i: l clircrcpirncr bcl\ecn lhc unil rillc und the r(jlu !osl rhat i\ obtirincd b) nrulrp \ f! l re ufI riltc irn(lqur t]l\. rllc untr trlc \hall prer il ind lhe rot.ll e,rsL rrlll hr .(inr.reJ utlc'\ | lhc {ifllr()n ol rhc {gena) thcre is irn Lrbri,rus nri\plilecnrcnr ()l the Jeeirrrirl Ioinl in lhc utir liltc. i]t \hich crlse lhc roral oo\l a\ quoted ttilL gorcrrr xnd tllc unit filt! eorfc.trJ(i. ll thcre rs il dis!rep nc) bcrNccn rhe toral btd arn\rurrl an(l Ihc turn (,l l()lxl !(r\rj. l l! \urn ol lhr Iolirl co\l\ 5hall pre\ril irnd lhc k)tel bid amounl shrll [t correelcd (r') \\ hcre Ihcrc i\ a (li\crcpilnc\ \ord\ \\il itorcnr h,:l\reen the urrourrr in lfulrrr5 irnd n sords. thr i]nrount in BIDD:NG DATA LYARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY A Name of Pr)curing Agency B Brief Descr ptron ol Works C Procunng Agency's Address D Amount of Bid Secunty 2%ofthe Ouoted Bid Amount E Period of llid Validity (days) 30 Oays F Security teposrl (lncluding 8id Security) 02%of Bid Amount C● Percenta(le H Deadline for Submission of Bids along 30092015(04:00 A M) Venue I rme and Date ol 8id Opening Site orice of the Horticulturist, 81ock‐ 30, Hawksbay, Scheme42, LDA, Karachi at 02100 CREENINC PLANTAT10N/CAP FIL[:NC AT RD‐ 30 │ 」 K Time f)r rf any to be deducted from AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42, lYAR: DEVELOPMENT AUTHORIIV,KARACHl & 36′ S te o“ ice of the Horticu!turist, Block‐ 30, Hawksbay,scheme42,LDA,Karachi 08% Retention Money br ls 3 m On 30 09 2015 Completron from wrilien order of `(One)Year commerce Deposrt Receipt f gure) No (Date & Amount in words and Llr4ir,Erl).r!lq! (lause l: lrlr!Ar!!!!l!-l !lll\l I,ngc : of ll & Comlletion l)alc\ ot \!orl. ttrL'.oIr.r.l()r \hat nol enlrr lpon or (!r ('f s,r[ .\..ft $iLh lt[ $r rlcn xUth()nt\ n|\i in,r161;p, n1 ,n. llorli.rll! sL lll! recr-if-.hir:e,,r ,, |,L r,r,lr r .rt IL( ,l rtr. ",i t,r r! \rclr ilrrhorir\ rhe rorrLrir.lor 'hlll lu\ ! n(, clI | to r,l, l(, nreir\ur(I.rtsoi tirt,l\rr)ern lor \L!k Commencemcnl .r)rnrrrc|c( I|\ |ort $r . 'rt..,'.rr,,.,,rrrr...rrr.\,.,,.-:\(.r;.rt.(.,,...:rc:,r \rh t.rnttrl L\i.f\Lr! -ioo(1 pro!res, rlrrr Ig lhLr r\r. io r o rhe $orL. !ort.r.lor \h t hc b,orLId. i| .rt jn$hrchlhetinre r lo$e(l I ir .ofip et o| ol rn\ \vofl c\eca(i one llonl r. to ilc lic\ c )ro!te\\ on the pr'ortre basis. .,r ...11 .rkrrr.l l rn ( lausr - rl,c, .,rJ,,l 2: l.iqoidilte(l l)anragcs. th. rrntriL.l,,r .h,r I lrr\ li(lr iJure.l dlr)rir!c\ ro lhc {renc\ at (he rare per lhc ilrior rr ol litluidarcd (laIra-!r l)ir[] l)\ llr. ronrrrctor tu lh. Ag.n.) \hr lJtor e\cecd t0 pcr ucnl ol lhe ronrmcr rrice ntir\ de(jU.r liq!id .d.hnr.:e. Irrm pr\mcJI\ ([rc ro lhe conlracl ,)a\menl of ^gcnc\ I !uidale I ilanralcs does Jr0r rlli'cl the lronlractor'r iiabr ics l: Irrrrirrlion ( l.tusc (\) ol lhr Corrl)ler. l'n,.u n! \lrcrr\ tloLil 1u\L l\rrLr\. lr!rrr$ ollo$ IS rond I or' r\ n\r- (i) o rllir(Lor.i[rsc' x breir.h ol ,ift L:laI5e \Ir llre|r,!rcs\ol flr) t)Irlerlil tutroll (iiir lr lLrr.u.. ol r \ .rl).lrr'l(,rr rrt rl L)r rir\ rr,1finirl. rhr.rjrrrircr il eithcr ol lh. ol I r. [ 0 rrrr.l or rh( ror[ llr. \L, t' 1)\ r! r: r n\ilr]\la!(oN and rrolice o1 lt) 1,, ll(\.rr(rrr' llrrr'.rr llcirlh,)l Illc crf also rc(tue.l li) l.rnrin liorr ('l_ .onlrlr.l ]l r pil]nrenl certificl b) the lk)rli.u ltrrl\t [ {rf.cr ir rrol p.r(] lo lhc roflrMor \\ lhin 6(r dii\\ ol th' (lxle ol_lhe submission ol ( L'nlrircror lhe bril. lhr llo i(!llrfl\l ll\c.uri\eln!rre(rllorrrirl!'\!crrrl hf' p(tr\.r rorLNes.r\ flll\ rlcurf llL - (l|) ro ldol)l rrr) ol thc tirllo\\ing tr) l()Lirfeil lhe\eeurit\dcl)o.ilI\iii[ble(\e0fl.oxlrlonr]rtrrlroncdill,\(iii)irrxl(i\')rbo!! (ri l (( ) o lirirlr,,e lhc $orL L)\ rrrcrr\t r r! L rr $(! [ (]o r' [\ L rr'(]rrLrir'tor lI Lrc (\.nr 01 in\ oi rlrr rrlr()\. (('Lr\.\ lr.l r! r(lorr.\l lr\ rh' I ll! r(.r l'} t,rtrrr r! l!.ru).r r.!(rrrritrrLn \hirlL Lr'r!':- 1l(n1i(rrlrrr r\r l\!rtrL\!' ol h\ ha\ln! purchased or l('r ilr) lo\' \unir rr'J tr\ rrn t)) 'irtur of: or .L('.,,,",f inr\ lnrl!'riill\ ol .11.!cJ r)lLrllll\ cr:"ilscrrurl\' or nrrdr nrl] ild\ilrlccs on a'cotlnl wilh I !iew to thc e\eelllxrn ol lhe NolL or Ihe pcrl(nlnllll'e ot lhe eol)tracl ( r \(' ihrrl ' r Lo (orrrptrsirlrorr ШoШ ユ ,olШ Ⅲ J'蛙 ヽ Ⅲ ,ヽ 工 Ш u l'a=o(,● │ 11 (ii) Il($e\cr. I)e .onrrx.lLn ..0 .l.rir lor L rc $orI 、 : ゝ,e dtl, cじ「ιliビ 、 │ 卜, l lc ln iiflrlturlsr t\ec!ti\c I rl!lnr.i ln s r ri rr rcsrrJifg rlr. ,cI101 n]o〕 せぜol sich、 、0「 k an(1}、 ls i)01 bec] (ヽ ヽビじ2Cヽ 11。 llictJ[‖ P ocull‖ i∫ ( E,ュ i‖ ぜ ぜ│ 11,1ヽ │]ヽ 1ビ │ヤ せ、h卜 (1、 ]ご lt,I Iじ ll:‖ i〕 il望 ヽ ヽ Orヽ =′ ( lausr - -: lh\s$sn)n 0t lhc silc an(l clnim\ li'r con'prnsati0ll lbr drln\. lhc Hoiicr lllLri\t't]ngincer shir sr\! pr)\\(\\ror 0l rll |)il \ol lhe \te t(illr.(( L . It).i5e\\irr(rl \iL.i.r('l!i\crh\rredale\lalcdiI \uch casr. cilter due ol connrcnlcIcn( sil br flrrrlrcd oL f. o(l ol follpLclo0 is tlr fu c\terlded ( hu\( 5: U\lcIsx)n i)l lnte'rdcrl ( ollrplrtr(,n l)lte. llrc Prourr U xgenc\ e]rher ar r\ u$r in idrr!.s bcti).c lh, dalc ol co nplelion or oLr dcsLr! ol lhr (o [a.t{)r ml\,c\lcrr(l rhe nrcndcl] rornplcti{,I dalc. it nn .v!)l(!\l r.hrrrllerjlhce\.crLlroro.oIir.Lto!rrLL\oiL!i Lrt(,ro!lUi\i\\Led!\hi!hIral,e:ilmfosslblc L,i !(,frr 'L! r rr rtirl, h\ llr. i rr. r,l.rL !.1| )Lrlr,, I ,iiLlr r(, \L! r lr.f (\l r. rc IiL\ rh nl ccesslrt or propcL lh.Jecr rorrol lhtllorlrcrlr!I5l lIgIre. i r lhrr rfxrrcr ihitll hc rlnir :$hcre lrme h s blcn e\rerrLlel Undcr Ihi: or ar \ orher cl use ol lhrs a!re. n.nl. rh! ililr. tor corn|l.fio| ot thc \\ork rhall bu rhe (lalc ii\ed b\ thc ,,rder Sr\ rl! the e\rc rs(Jn pr b\ l rc irg!regirrc ol irll s!!h oftlcrs. Lllrdr rLfder rhis agrcerrenl \\hcn lirre ras bcen e\tcndcd ils .rloresiud. rI shilll lontrnLre lo be rhe c:scnec ol lhe conlract rnd irll clilu\cs 0l' l rc lorru reL 5hirll cofrirrlre Io b! op. irli\e ( r r Ig Lh! c\L.rrJo(] pcrrod. (laurr 6: spcril'icarions. llle.onrrir(lor rha lhtNr()c.rn( r!crt pxrlol rhc Nork rrr Ihc nrosl \uh\lrtrtiirl r\l \\{' \ rL,L r I [( Lf.Ilrc !r\L hr]rrr .r. L.'r.L 11: r. Lfr.r \.ir\1 ,L I ,rL .r rrr.rll.r\ n \lr (l ,L.cL)tui.Lr.! $ lll thc t rS r.er irld irriliirtJ b\ rhc Panie'. Il)c \pcerrlu rron\ lod!cd ir rhr olliec ol rhc Holi!ulrrLri\r l\.rtr\. , s.rr(1 sprriici[ir)fhcin!r0irnol rr..(,flir.r lhr!orr x(ro .hir ir]n,iL)nllrrf c\x.tl\.1u1 ]xn(l irithliLll\ l(, l ru rc illirg l(r lhc $o l 'rSrrcll b\ lhr llorlr.trltur sl I rgrnecrirr lrL!(,nL x!Lor 'rrl be.rrll..l L() rit!c.r.e.\!.rl \rrrlr .lll..(ir on Lr.irLr ,r'\\LfI l(r lr. ltr)LN!,' r'l'rlr,, ] ,Lt I rr: Lrrll!( n'jr 'iLrrJlrr.irrrlr,r!l(tr'hr1 .i1 rcn)rc(ltrr'\ trc .n( l .L i L hr\ ()\\rr e\Pr'rr\e lo rrrrk. or .rrr\c lo ht nil(lc roIrc\ dl (lr( \lctrll.alron\. alrd ot irll \trrh (lesrSl\,l11r\\ Lr)r i. rrr,l rrritrrrctrort\ illbrts,li(i rhc dc\ixrs. (lrx\ing. arr(l irrslruclior\ in $r ,:hargc rnd lo.lgc irr hrroili.c iLrr\i 1,)$lrii ( lxrn ': (A) Px\ mtnl\. l' lie(ltr'rrll\ a\ lhc prolre\s oi lhc 'onlrirel('r r.rlILir\ tr\llr\ l(ir.ri \\(irlr\.rtl.J,LrrJrr()l rr. rc. ilrrr\ fr(\i'\r'hrl irl lcirsr ''rrrce rn a nrt'nl I and thc HonicL irurr.r l.n!ineer,rn chrrrle \hall l.kc or .e.sL'lo bc laken lhe rcq.isilc.reitsLrrcnrenl\ po\sible li)rlhc prrfosc oaha\lng rhc 'rrnrc rcrilieri rnd I lc c[l nr. ils lirr l\ ilc]nis\ible adlusled- ll rimc dcp.re a lubordrnare ro r,.,ri,,.1 ir,...ni^ ol.tl) rtn)\ t.rorn the frL\!,r*atiorr ot thc bi;. cr an) hi' rulhorized irgcnt $hose or r'l lhc u,..',,. ,p it,.: ..rr.t rrorit irr lh. ptc..l.( 'onlri'l()r tlorricultLrrl\r'Fngir)eer$xrrrnL rfd rhe rullciefr ro ln,,r,"^ig,,o,*" u,,l" mcx\Lrrcnr,:nt i\r \ ilt t.e lnlerrm/Rnnning llill.,\ l' I 'ha he s(bnrillcd l)\ lh( ,,.,,",g.'r"t fre|irr(rbL llr(rn'rrhl'($lr!h'hrlh'l' xlrrr!onrlrt'or)lr'rctor rnall re\Pccl\ t(' bc fli(l lo tl)e lhe Horliculur 5l Ln!rrrccr Pio'tL irg \!'fr\ nr:rll)l\\'crLil\ llrt xrrrorrrl he corr'i,ler'.trt pu"'t'Lt ln rc'11'!l Il)creol \LLbiccl r(r dcdrrrliorr ot \ectrrll\ ",.i "il.r, ",,,'r,'.i",:. Jept)iit. ird\in.c Px\rrrcnl il irrr\ rrr,l.lo hirr ln(l ll\e'' \\'r) iri \rncc 'r!'rin\t the llnxl All 'u(r rn(crfreilixt. p.rl rr.rrr 'r.tll lrc rellrJc'l 'r' nr\rr(nr' h\ rn'l \hJll n"r f'e'lrxle tlre l.;i ,;,,,;,li .',,l nn,"r p"yu,",,' ri'r uori rreLLt'Ll "l"r'' "r"'l 't'rrrpl':r"l L'r 'LrJ r"li l'rllor) Lil dclccr' xrll l"r l,,rrrtrrLt r\r lrL r.(r I rh,r .. ri\rr :J\\{'i ,,,,.,,,.i.'.,.r',r('''.L'r.tir,r' "I I I l:i''l''lrrr"I ll !l! (8) -Ihc rtrs ri!lrlllurrltr \!!tr !11\j,]!] 1 1)(|!\1 rut)LI rL(d l)\ rhe.or)rrrcr(tr $ hin o|! rnonlh ol rhc dale [\cd tbr rhc olircn\i\c llo Iulrun\t IIgi re.r if ch rle \ rcnrtiexlc ot rhc nreirsurcnrcnrs af,l oj lhe ror!l x]lroulll tir).rhlc li)r rhc \ork\ \ r,rll be tlnJt rrrt t,i r!l ! r)n irI p0nie! Iinal Bill. ,\ l)iil b. ol lhe sork'lrir]l cornplclion ( laus( S: Redu&d Rltc\. lr .x'c, $lr!r. rlr. l.r\.1 $orl .Ic rrot recetle(l ls,o corrrpletc(t. rhc llorl c! lr i\r l |ginecr.ir-,:hargc I\ n]kr p.il Ircllr on rf.ounl ol \ueh rlc ti ill slch rcduced rale\ a\ he )u\ .(rr\ l(r ica5onnb c lI lh. prcprralion o, linal or of lrrnrrirtr it.counl brlis \ilh reasons recorded in $ ritrlrg ('lausc (ヽ ) o: lssuancc ofvarintion nnd Rcp(nt Ord(ri. \r.r.,\ nrr\ \rn .| OiJrr ti,r'|n'.U.rrr.Il .l sor[r. th\.i.a] *,r\i.e\ tion rh. originxt irr\ rnLre!\e or (..r..rt( ir).lLarIiticl. in.lr\lin! th. intro!iu(tion ol ne\\ \\ork il .r'lhxlrrrr.irlr. J!! 1,, ,rhiill!( (,1 fl. l..,lL\irn or ir !nIrer)l t().r rcr!x tl.ld condiliurs. \\ilhi .(rllrirero rl c i3, ((, 5\U..r t() co\cr rcncr.l rcopc altd fh\ \rcal l)ou|!li c: t)l r re .o]llmcl ( ,irrldor \lull r!.ri,,r n . \rrrlllior unlll tre l,r).ur n! \!e rLi\ h.r\ JUthorirc(t rhe \rrialrorr rn r ilrrS \ul)..1 L(,'ror rhe || L .,L (\.r.,lir/! ilj..,,rilr.r.l i()\L t)) ol tS,rrrh.nr ceo (triio\ina r.jpccr\ ofi $hich he irg('cd ro (lo rhenr ln rhe orl. anLl ar rhe sa|)e rater. as are \pccitled in rlN l.nJcr lirr rhe rnain $ork. Ihc eo trir!lor hil\ |o rehl lo !la] i(I comnen:iation h\ rerson ol' .L l. ,tllo r\ or furla r cntol lh($orl lr$or[ \rri.u.n rir)!\ ror .oIe\pon(l $ lh [erns n lhe i]illol Quanritie\. h\ lhr corrIi].lor r. ro hc rf lhc lirnr ol re$ rrle' li)r lhc relc\xnr ilenrs of$ork- an(l i1' lr. llodrc!ltririsll.Igllre!r'r-!n.llg! 5 5,rr5ilc(l lrir(lh.ralcquorcdr5$rrhrnlherate\orl,.dourb) ll of Jerarled nrle ufrl\\r\. arrcl then onh lrc \hilll lllo\ hIr rrlc irlirr .ppro!.rl lion higher I ) e.r5c Ihc rliilurc ol ]) Lre trc qtrolalion , ul (1)) (1, l\)rrl\. Ihc lirrrc lor lhc cornpierion ol lhc $orL \hali b. e\l.rrdcd ln lh. p()porlion lhul lhe ndd tional lrorl' ,!.I 1o lht orrgirul !oirir.r.l $ Lr l, ln cJ\c ol quiinrue\ ol sorl, crccurcJ r.nr I lr! irr lil ( orrlrJrl l']r (c lo he e\!eelcd h\ rrr,nr rrr l l50i and Ihen HoflrcLrht risl l ngi reer c,rn irdiusl lhc rrrle' l('I lho-e (ttrantiliL\ clitr\ ng e\(e\. tire eo\l o! .(,nlracr bclond lj'rrlicrlppn)!it ol Proiccl l)rreclor. ││, Rcp(xt ()rdcr: \nJ .t Lr .rtr\. \aI iLli(,n. h.)L,rlJ lh. l:"" ol rnrlrll .onlrrl!l rnrounl- shall be strblccl ol a|ot ler conrrl.l Io ba rcndc cLL otll I lha \ork rrc:epirr.lhle lio n lht orig naL .onlracl. ( - laus( (\) l0: Qualit\ ( onlrol ldeo(il\iIg l)eltcts: ll'irl anr tlnle belol! Ilc \e!tlll) dePo\lI i\ rcfilldcd lo thc colrlraclor during rlct..r iletilirl l)crio(l frrnllon.(l lrr bi(i (lrli\. lhc llorlicullLrnsl I-ngineeFin-ch'rrge or his subordinale' pa ollhe \\orks \\hich he irr'clrarge ot ihe \!orL nrir! irr\tftrel lhe.on(racx)r to rLnco!cr and le5l an) \Lillhrl \\orliLna.ship and lhc (r u or use ot urso.nd nuLc,ets havc a rtcrccr dr! consid;s n*\ .r\rlrnrrrn r.\Lti]]urrl (B) trL Lirl.\L irl r\ti\\rr.ti\l rlr\p!!l \eol $orI irlrciri]) afprc\cdornaid' Correttion of l)ctcch: I hc corrlrrrlor \hirll he horrn(l lirlh\\ ilh Io rcclrl\ or relnove lln(l reconslftrcl shill correcl the fhe \\ofk so (p(crllc(l in$ln)le or i I lirfl- a\ lhc 'irs' nri\\ rc(lrrire Ihe corrlraclor foLi lt(l dclt(l \ rl rin I rr Ilrlirl ( or !'!'lr('rr L'.rr'{L rn' rli{!rcrl r rnn 'e │● (C) lause 、 、 o,ヽ 、● oょ ヽ 基、 J()` 1 '1,せ ヽ。 ││ ll rhe ll(flir! turL\t I r!lrre.r .on\r\ldr\ I rL rc.t tl..rrio| .on!.lron ot .r dettcl is |or essenlial arrd il nrir) b.,rc.cplr.l Lr rIl(lc LNe ol: it shrl he $ithin hi' Jr\crclron ro rccepl lhc sarre a1 such reduced rxle\ i\ he rnl\ ll\ lhcreoll - ll: hrspection of Operations. I he lloniclrlluri!l,blrrgirreer an(l his srLhordinales. shall al all .easonable L() Lr. : lc lor \rl).r\i\iorurJ \t)c.rinrr ()l r\or[ r rdcr or in coLrrsc ol c\cLrrron]n t) rr'\ulrrct ol lhc u.rr,r.r rn\l l rc .oftrirrlor nt.rll llli)rl .\.^ lacrlrr\ liI irnd e\,er\ irssi5raIcc rn rrlrrrnrn! lhc rr!ht lo nrch rc.e\\ (A) I Ic: rr\. .r!.c\\ l)ales for lnspection nnd 1(,sting. lhc llorticull!irsl l. S nccr,hlll !i\c rh. conlrircl(n reasonrhle oricc ol lhe ifrcnl on ol rh( I l,rl rr rurl\1 I rS ncel, r .hxrge or rr \ub,)rdrncte lo \ l\ I the $(trk .hil hrllc hcen glver lo lh( contnlclor. lhcn hc cilhU l)inrsell h{r prcsent ro reccl!c orders lfd Lr5L u!1roIs. or lrx!c n r..)L)|l\rlrlc rg(r rl l\ r(.rcdlrcd in \\riI|ru pr!scIl li)r lhal p! pose. ordcr ,.ircn to the corrt|rctor's rlrLl\ rr I rori,,r,l r,rcrrr \ rrl hc rorl\i(lcrerl ni havc rhe \amc ti)rc. an ci-1ecr as (1〕 ) tl'(\ ('lausc \) ll「 ln thc cirse ol rtnt {rerriilLre.thrHo icUllLrl.tInsineer rn-chirrre shall gi\e the conlracror il]c.l\l].ir)\].l!tLlll.rrL.ll]L]]rtlll.(llll|t o' rcmo!c. ilrd e-c\ccrLLLr I rc $(, t or rerrro\e ln(l rcl)Lxcc the mirterlat\ or aiicles co nnlained ol rN I re .ir\c nrir\ he irr lhe r \k irnll r\ferr\e n ll rcspecr ol rhe contraclor () ( せ●■,。 nt Lr c0rrccled D(.|'e(ls: (1) ( IJ■ 、 !J、 ..tr l.ccrrr,\.r' r.. ..<L. rr, (,'r t.r ''.. l2: E\rmir.rlion ot rrork bclbre ror cring 1 np. parl ol thc $or[' ilrall he ror er.'.| rrp or pur oul o1 \ ]e\ hc\ orr(l lhc rcarh \\ ithoul gi\ lng nolicc ol_ rol [\\ rhall il\c dl\s lo Lhd l]oni!rlluriil Ingirrcer "rerrcr,:r irn] streh pan ol_ the $orks or bIndarior i\ or irrc rcrd] or irhoLrl Io hc rcadl tar e\anrlnrilion nnd lllc llo icLrlttrrislrEr)gineer shall. $llhourdclx\.rolc\.ihcroN[.Nir rLrrcrc\\x'\ xn(l advise thc corrlrllclor accordi gl].attend lbrthe fr 'fo\! oi c\lfrnrrrg rrrd rlcir\L Lrn!.t.lr luLl ()! lh. $L)rk' or ol c\i1rri rirg strch lou dalrons \o .rn\ \\('rl r\ r(,\rr,r(l trf ('r llrc.(l h.\('nJ llc r..r.lr rrl ncir\rr!lrrr' rl $rlll()trl \trch foljce ha\rng hccn {i\.f. lr. slme sllrl hc LLrr.o\r .r(L rl Lh. .Lirrlr.L!lor"' .\f.nsc. irrl!l in delau I rhcrrr)f no prlnrc or irllorrarrcc \lrrll he rrr ,l. ior .tlelr $,irl or l,n'rlrt rrrrl.rirLl5 $rlh s rich rlrr \rnrr \rts (ll)ll lJ: Ri\l'\' l.h(..,ntlil..l.)l 'l.llI b. Ie.|]o]\ihlc l(]l lllli{1.'ol l(\'o|.ordanarcloplr\,sical pl)pcrlt ()i trcr itie\ or rclntcd \cNicc it the Drcrrl\e' Ir(l ol p(rsonal in ur] and dealh whirh nrisc dLrring and in (lau!( (rirl.fcrLoLrrlilrr(tolrLrrorlirclllxr\airLrrlsrsclLrsrtLshilclre\\orki\rrlr1'!r({ur l".uu,-..pp.."n, *ithin threc rr.nrhs.1 rhe srirnt ol lllc.crlrllrirr. ol cornpcli.rl- llnal or olher\{isc. lhe fo,ltaror ihilll nrirk! r(r)(l rltc sirnre xt hi\ tN\. e\l)ersc. or rrr J.tirLlr th. lonr!utturrr lxrtireu nrr\ cJr.c rclerllron nn)nc) l) ng \ilh lhe tlre rale t,, t," made g:o,)d b) olher norknlcn. an.l dcducl Ilc t\p'rlic\ llorll lro(lc turin Ln!irtetr (lau.cl.l:Ileasure\lhrprcrtnlionol'lireandsaftllmensurcsl_heconlractorshallnol\elUrelo'ln! lhe llorlicrillLri\1rli\cculi\c nallJ Lrg lunslc. trcc.. bLrnr-sooJ 1)r gr.LSs $illrotrl I $rillcn perlnil llorr or LrProoting trees bush' ctrlling deslrc\ing' rrx carc\\hen ll<o l"gl.Ir'iii", '"4, pcnrit i' giren. arr-d llre sprcading 10 or \Leh Io nea\ulcs rrcee\sar\ l)cvcnt *oi,l. grr.t. etc b] tirc. lhe contractor shall lale ol llll ili acri!ilies \'!cll li)r'rhe (onr ibLc i\ rc!])orf aclor J"r.sf"g t"ir,otrndln-! fropcn) [hc ,ii" "it. o rL rrc|lr.Lral \ o I or otl th.\rtcir) rlrrurnLr'ruLo 'rlLrtitL 'riL h' l)'rr'i b)hrr" Llr!.ll!! d!!r !!!!1 ]]tr \rrs ltlrtdt l 1]) V ( lause l5: Sub-contracting. l re.orlmclor \hirll nor \r bcorlrftcl lhe shote o, lhe $orks. e\cepl shcre olhcr$ile rro!ided b\ lhe loDtr.cl. lhL' co|rrirrro.lhnll |ol (llrcojtrl(.l ln\ pan ot rhc *,ork5 \\iihoul the trior .or:enl ol lhe Ilorlieull!'isL L.l!i .cr ,\r\ \UrI !or\.ril \rirll nol elr.\c rre coDlraclor fio ln\ ixhilil\ o (,hlrg:rr o!) Ur(ler rr..or rir.t ,rnJh..hrll h. rr\tt) r,il) ( lor ltr!'ird\. (lctlrLtr\ an,t n(!t(t\,,r.rni \LbeonlriiLlor. hs il1enl'. \cnl rt. or \orkrnrrr\ rl 1.\..l.l\. \lct,lulr. (ir C!l.cl\ Nere lhosc ot lhc conrriclor his agents. ser\anls or sor[rncr] lh. tr(^ i\ion ol rh \ conlrrcr Jhall apft] lo \!ch suhco|traclor or hi5 cmplo.ces as il hc or il r\erc enrplo\e.\ ot lhe conlrricl()r. ( laose l6r Disput€s. q l di,pLrles rui\ n! n .o||c(tio| \\llh rrr n cs.nl (onlmrr xrrd shich .an|ol b!, irmreabl\ )ctllcd bct\rec| the )l|l c\. thr (lc!r\ o oj treSll)erinrci)drUIneirecrolthecircleotficerronc lo thr nrcanrnS ol rhc spe(rtl.irrr(nrs. d.'rgllJ !lra\\ings. tnl instruclion. hcrerrlbetbre nenllofL:I und as Io lhc quirlir\ ol $orkrri r\hrn. or nr crl.r \ \.(l (nr tlrc \\orl or l\ lo llr\ other q!c\tron.. .irrrrr- ri! rt. rrlllller. or IhrnS $ hals()c\.r iD an\ $r\ l sin! o!r ol. or relirlin! lo lhe conrract desiSn. dra$ ings. \ rc! ll.u loIr. c\li nrrc\- t)sllr.li('lr\. o\lcr or thL'\. lronJilrons or othc^\isc corlccrfinr lhe $,orls. orlhc e\ceulior . ol lailure to e\ccurc lhe \ rrre- shcrher arising. drring thc progrcss of drc work. or aller lhe que,irions relarns tomplclr,)n or abandonmcnl rhercol ('lause - Site Clearanc€. ()re cornplulron ,)t rhc $ork. rhr conlrlrcror \hxll he tirnnshed r!irh x cedificare sl I:\.crni\. [.rgiIeer rhcreinali.r .a ..] rh. Ilorli(u tur Iing reer-if-chrrgo ot \uch 'l )n. hul Icllhcr s!.h c.rl h.gi\cn,roL .rir I rlrc l.c .,nr. dercd ro he .,rrrf ldr I rt I l7: h\ lhe I onicultur !ffrn.r \orl lirrt 'hir te r nrr.rr\ \trrcrL .\ Jxj rnllrrlal\ br()t]!hl rt \itc cirher lor !se or lbr operatio r lacilihes rncluding clcanir! dehrl\ an(l .lin rl Ihe \te I1'lhc conrrilcn)r lail\ to compll u,irh lhe rr.luireo enl\ olrhis cl.rrsc thcr llo rrLltLrri\l,l.nginccr-rn-chxrge- nru\ xr lhe c\pcnscs ol lhe conrracror rcmo\r ,nil .li\porc ol lhr sl n. r\ r. l ri rl\ ll1 ,rnrl \hrll Ll.dI.l I r. rLr)ouIl ol xll c\perl\es so rncurrc(l lionl rr.ioflrfrr)r \relcrrorrlro .l. lh.eorr,L.rLir :)iLl hr\c It].hrr rr(\f.rlol rnl \urPlLrs nrirter ills as .,lirr..i c\!efl li)rirr\ .Lrrrr ir.LL.rll\ rr:i /.J ht lhe.rir tr.r,1,1 rofl .rrror.hxl hl\e rcllro\cd xll Ilrc ( la'r\r llt: tinnncial \\\islHnft/ \d\nntcl'I\t|rc l. (\) Mohilization advancc ls nol rllo$ed {B) Se(urrd Advante agnrnsl mnlerial\ broughl nl srlc. (il \.curc(l \l\irnce rna) h. t)eflnlllea (nl) rsu n\l inler \hihlc rnarcri.rls !rLanrilies anliclpalcd l',1.. i(,r.lrrJJrlilj.,.J,irIr.r,nlsilr rrNrir,i()l lhrr.nxrnlhslrorrrlhcdrleolisnrcol' (lefinilel\ not lbr lirLl qLr0rrtilies ol mal,rrials tb. lhe entire work/contracl lhe slrfi plllah e tbr \uch natcliirl\ on rilc ihlll nol erccc(l ?io,d ol the markel price ol secured ad!ancc and (") ( lluse re Itcco!er\ ol S..trr(L ,\(l\rrr.e lr rl L, lh( .tiflrir.lor trr(lcr Irc irh('\c pro!i'rorrs \hir I hc alle(tcLl liorn Lh. nLrrlh) fr) rrcnl\ Ltrr,reLLirl rof\trrrllli(n blL'i\' htrL nol e" lhan l)erio'l nro e lhirr llrrr! rr( rrllr' L.\.rr ilrrnrrlrlr/cJr - l9: Rccrrrcr\ ns rrrcar\ ol'l.an(l lle\cnut. \r)\ !lrrn lrrljlc lor r!co\c\ x. irlreirN ol l-arr(l l(.\.rrLr( Jrre lo thc (lo\cr rrntnl h) Ilrc conlrxcl()I shall u!!!u 'l!'!!n! rd $uL. ul!!:::,i,rirr++ ( INU\( 2l): Rcfund of StcUrit\ l)cpr\rt/Rirlrntion \lonr\. ()r) confl.lio| ()l the $hotc ot tl)c $orl (.r sL,ri\ \lx)ul(l l)..orsrlrr..l .r..rrrrt, .rr LoL lh. l)Lr t)o\.ol rclur(t oi \cc!nl\ Jcto:il toacorltucror tio lhe list darc on whlch its llnrl measurenrents are chccked b) a conrpelenr aurhoril). ifs ch check is necessarv o her$ise frorn lhc lxsl datc ol rlcorling thc llr)It nrcrslrenrcr)l\)_ the defacrs rrorice period h.F al\o pas\cl lrl lhe Honicullur sl Lnginecr hih .e|1ill.d thlt ,rll (]ele.l' |ortl.(l lo rhe eo lrircror before rhc end of his D,rod hare been correctcd- thr \e.urit\ dcporrr lo,llcJ l)\ ir lont.rclor (in.ir\h (jr recolered ln nstallmenlt rr !f r \ b I \r \h.r I h,r rr'lirn(l.J r(, I n rtlcr tlr(r\lri \nl LtI.( ,xJnrh\ tior| rhc ttue on \hrch the $ork ^ ( や 1)trati()r て 、 ︲ ︺ lい ︱ ■ 0 ヽ ︱ T ﹃一 ¨ ¨¨ r ´ 300● ,Do`umontio`Wo′ k,● o:oR`10C M Pago lll。 14 CREENINC PLANTAT10N/CAP FLttNC AT RD‐ 30 DEVELOPMEヽ T AUTHORlTY KARACHl ■ 3生 笙 HAWKSBAY SCHEME-42 1YARI BILL OF QUANTITY lTEM Ercavirtron .n Iorndahon of bu ld ngs bfldges and other slrLrctures rnclud ng dagbell ng. dress ng lref lrn( around structures wtth excavated eaa(h rwatefir g and ramm ng as drrected by Hon cu tur st lnchar'le lead upto 5 feet (ln Ordtnary So t) 18846 Cft Rs 15T05 Cit Rs 1 57050 Cit Rs SJpp I Stackrng and Spread ng of approved garder so (Sweel Earthr free from salls pebbles and g ass roots etc coftlp ete nc udrng ft and lead ' .: r 'e:l rg.oos rj ng aolrrpiete Supp ,g lrE(S ` 9 ` pl"nt,nn rve healthy '3К & .9 3nc luxur ant y growrr g saplngs of trees and plant comp ete a b MELア 、AZADRACHTA TREES15 n H 9hl 34900 Each UM OFF CINALE TREES(3Ft H ghl 34900 Each 69800 Each Rs 6000 P Rft Rs G∪ AК / & Fixrng {rrm kee SUpport bamboo slicks 6 io 7' )ng f io 1 5 da lhrck aong srde sap ng of lrees & tre ng roneiy at 2 3 pornts w lrr lhe he p of S,JPP la n'● s・ ′ 日 ・ `,9 anJ aS● 「ert=● │, crJCul■ sl lncha ge Provllng & Fxing rndustfla made concrele pre casl lerb bocks 3750 PSI 450 mm x 300 rnm x I lLr,,m 28 ov r'5 Cful at loo ad rn 2 CM (h,ck I 4 ceme rt mortar and lo n lhe kerb b ock w th eve afd r gnment sha be proper as d rected by Engrr eer lncharge S N0 lTEM QTY RATE AMOuNT UNIT ce ,c (but not I mrted to regular krmmrng manunng grass cutt ng of the landscape and total area taklng lvlarnlenn rnce seTV wateflne re I c eanrng r€ds and other undesrrable developmenis replacer)rrents of grass and trees of al szes and age! tl^rl have dreo r oryng a!l,a) where e!er req! recc Securty etc compele rn a v,,ay lhat lhe a )rng done rs ma n€rneo I kept rn ercetlenl lr to be comp ete sal sfact on of st lncharge rn al respects lor a pefiod of Itrono mo)1ths This rtem rncludes provrsron of 106 uii LJr manpower lgardeners i lr'atchman and O. o - Joeq..a.o NO ,r , J h,e .OO 5 8 'rnls I grass cLJtlnJ machrnes tree pr!n,ng sc ssoTs' sars 8 Lhpoe s ,rare'-g eq- pnert elc cornpler e) adequate place r off ce r store for lhese L 1 rlems │ 00 」ob and apprcaton of rrgaton waler ol quarly rd approv to drflerent plants and awns as drrecte(d by Hortcuiunst LDA reguary rn quantrty descr b:3d by the Hortrcultufist ncharge from hme lo trm€: for 1 (One) year complete ( about 1 2 per lree per day & 8000 ga on per acre per Supply,,rg "^.9Fedges e-,. J'L- rd'' arvr starves {or iranl of \\raler rg lir case t pens the damages f any w I be charged / l,o'n lne D,'s of the Lonraclol 'o from l淵: _ed secunty depos t elc し _ 1 50954000 │ /$/e hereb! qLoted as follow ased on Offer rate amount nB to Rs. GRAND TOTAt [__ 111 tり =■ i ギ Per Ga Rs siddinr The total amOuntit Rs po.une lor worrr uoro fs. r.00 M (Rupees for the complete job for all offer rate. l/ We have attach,rd a pay order bearing No Dated from Bank issued amount nB to as per NlT. Rs. ' Time limit: I year penalty per days: RS.5OO/- Note.i . Tender mujt be quoted in frgure & in words both otherwise lrable to be cance tecl . All over wr ting & corection if any must be initiated & stamped by the bidder Signature of the Contractor with Stamp lllJL]trI!!l\{ul.nl*"--*iliililii] MINIMT]M ()T AI,IFICATIo\ / I,]I-t(;IBILITY CRITERIA _l_he e\i(lcnce d()eurneIls L)l rht li)ll(r\\ lr!l )ininrtLl]l qual]tlcalion cligibilil] criteria \,rill be n ssin,t then lhe tcndcr will be surrmarilt. chcJked durinl.l oPonirrt pRrec\s ()l tcndcr & ri xf\onc i\ rui( cled al lhe rnr,rnent h\ l,t( l( der nnenin! C,,rnt.tillcu. T]L ICIBILII'\': I \I\(cnilicalr l. Valid Prctt\sional IAX I Registrati(rn l'r()nr Si dh []oard oi Rc\eIuc ul\luL.}t oL,\l_lll( ,\ Ito\ .1. Illd Sccuril\. r\ 5 \ll ctit nrcrrlroncd rn lhe ..Rt.\l \ll & lJ iiilrfg ratc\ qooled incluJingthc tdal xnroullr()l l)rturncnrs. is lir|nishcd. lhcbr shall bc in llgurrs & $ords (both) () \ I .rirceLlor: or!r\\.itrnrl shull he clcu'11 rc-\\titlcn \\ith iniliills dul) stamped b) rhe hidclet. 7. Thcbidshrll nlfrc(l &\li]npcd b) lhe irulhori/cd pcrson ol'thc tlrnr and authoriralion lcllcr lirr srqnrtLtr rhull hc cneloscd rr rrh the len(ler h\ lhe aulhoriTcd Person. il' olher lhan lhc \i{rrrlor\ olthe tlfln be pr,opcrLy signcil. minimrn lunr o\cr \ork c\paricrrcr $irh \ari\lncror\ conrnlctr()rr rcport in lasl I lear\ or at lca\t t\!o or morc \o|ks in hr tcl .rnLl lheir nssresate co\l shoulll he equal lo thc work cosr if rhich hi(ldcr lftcrc\1c(l t(i lLrrl eifllrc. l_he Signaturr ot lhe llkl(ler $ith Stamp tt " i..1'l - LYA RI DEVEIJOPNIENT I′ .ヽ ヽ DS(.APIt HOltqヽ 1(.II.Tl■ くEよ BII)I)IPヾ (〕 AIJTHORITY P.ヽ 1く KSI)EPAlざ 1` NIIEヽ T D ()Cl)ヽ【ENTS NAME O「 WORK CREENINC PLANTAT10N/CAP FILLINC AT RD‐ 28&29 AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42 1YARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR:TY KARACHl ′ 1` Eヽ 1〉 BII′ I′ E le】 )0(ヽ し 、1 lCヽ ()1や Qlし ヽN′ ヽヽ 1'Elく 1'E(.で にヽPPIく ヽ((lt 11)EI′ 1` IrI` 7rS IES Iヽ E/】 )Ilく E(′ I` Iヽ E)Rモ ■′ ES 2010 A tJO,2015 ヽ │=「 _ │● i lv !r!.i, ,!i!r!,1!r!r], lnstruclions b llidders/ Plocrrring rLtr \!lr\rjilSl lH Agencies. ( crcral llulel. Ind l)irections li,r thr (;rrlnn(! r)f(-o trirt0rs. lhr\ \eclion ol lhc hirlding (locultenls \hould ptur\ illc thc inlonnarion neces:an lirr biddcrs r,J p epiue rcsponsivc bid:. in reeo durrec \ rlh lhc rcllU rcrncnrs ()l rhe ltocrr nq Agcnc!. It should also ! \c intbrrnation on bid :Lrbnrirsion. opening rnd c\ luilllon. irrrd on lhe ar.ard ofcontracl. \ atters soverning thc nerli)nnancc of lh( conlrircl ()r palrncnts under the ( ontracl. or matters .rtle!l nS lhe rrsLs. rr3ltL.. rrrLl L,I igrtiL,rr' o tir! l)ir'trc\ un(lcr lhe ( onrluet are ineluded as ( )ndirion\ ofContracl rnl ( t)tttnk t lhtu I r lntrtktk)n\ n lli lt:t ttll a( nlracl l5 n(jl ba |xrL ol lllc ( o|lrrel un(l \ ill cease to have ellter once thc \rlned. I \ I \ork propL,\ed lo hc c\\rrrLlc(j h\.(,r1r.l!r\l\.rllh(r)(,r lleJ in.r l\rrf \rl \olieeInriting Icnder (NIl )/ln!rlatror iar Brd (llU) h()rstcd on \\ch\rlr ol \(rthofll\ and l'rocrrring Agenc) and also in Itirtc(i nrcdil \\hcrc !\cr |c(lulr(,lr\ ner t'ul(\ \ll nu\l \tatc thc lcscripliof ('l axl plaec ot issuirrg. subrnis\ion. Opcnine (ioeumcnl and birl sccuritl cirher in lurnp \Irm or l)crecrrir!r ol l \rinirred ( r^l []lJ ( o\r. lhc inlerc\rc(l bidder nu\t hare r.rlid N'lN also. rhe \(,r1,- duter- tirnc ol biJ\. aonrplation rinrr..()\L t'l brd(lrn! 2. ( onlent ol llllding l)ocurlrcrrt\ rrrrLst rrrclu(t brLl nol linrilc!l Ioi ( onditions ol contrllcl. C'onttact l) ra.5pecillc lior\ or irs rclirellaa. llilL ()l QuilIri0c'.onLxiring dcscriplion ol ilcnr\ \\ith \chedolcd/ilcnr ralc\ rrth premiunl to bc llllc(i irr lornr ()l perccnltrge ltbove/ belolr or on item rltc5 t() be q!oled. I,)lrn ol \grecr]rcnr ilrl Jlir\\in!t l'ricc ( orlrtlrts: l Lr. il . ir ,.\ rLrJ r.Lr!\ .r1. ll\..i .L!rL rS !urr!rr!\ u1 !ontrr.l .rnd rrlrJcl no airaurr)\tnrrea \lrr I llrr\ .(,rrlrir!l h,: crrtitl,:. to rlulrrr enhlr)arJ rillc\ lirr lln\ ilcnr in lhi\ conlracl. i. l i\r(l 4 11〕 c '│、 )tti‖ 1き ヽI)l'1く t lc、 `8C lじ )、 ht‖ lJ` じ││ョ 11 ヽ │ビ │ぜ 、1 ]ご ‖日 、 1 ‖〕 ゝ ヽ1 1〕 ヾ1ゞ 〕 Jヾ │、 tl、 │)Cr l'()` │ヽ t)1ゝ () 201() (onrlilionul Ollcr: \l\ t\,\,rr \h(,'r r,Iir,iL l.Irlu,htrl ll lrrnthcrsLll priIledlIr \tirtiIr.j.rt \\h.rl |(rr.ntir!r xh\,\r or brJ(,\\ ,,I tr. r.rtr\ \|eLill((l in l]illol q)urntitie\ li)r items ol \\orl, to be rirn'ia(l r)utr hc is rri linr.: tr, r r!lr1rLk. lhr $ r, .L .rnJ u sr !t],)Lc Llre rale\ lirr thosc itcfrs l\hich arc rll\ad (\rr mrr(al rirrr\ Onl\ \,r1e firlc,i1 \Urlr f(r(enriSc. on ul the Sahedulcd I{xtcs \hAll ht iarrctl. lcndcrs. rrhich pxrposc nnl illlcrnirli\c in thc Nork\ specilled Ln the said lorm oln\itfliof\. $il bc lilblc t,, r!'l(iliof \o frinrcrl li)nn ol lcndcr \hall includc a tendcr tor morc hirn o|rc \\ork. brt il'eontractor \\ish t() lcn(lcf,i)r l\\o or nrora \(]rks. lhc\ sh0llsubnrl a senaratc cndcr lix'cr.h. IltcenrelopceontrirringllretclJcr(l()!(rrent\\llxll clerr!rerlnreandn!rnbcrol thc\orL. 6 \ll\\ork\ shirllbe nrcilsured b\ \lirndrrrl irrstrLrrttenls uecoli.lirtg to lhe rulcs. ILiJrrr.h. pr,rr rl..r rl.rr.c rr.ir (l .",i l\tL.Ifil \ teI t(lU!\1.(l h\ Lhr l)r1).!r tr! \!ct!\ lt\r!!n: ,1!!r!rr!r!|d h h l I 1,6rr!)-8r t qq\! l'rge I ol l,l \scne\ irlicr lhc (lcadlirrc li)r \ubntission ()lbld\ shall bc re.jccted rnd biddcr. l'rl,,r lr, rh( (lctiilr(l €\ir Lirli,, ,il hi(l\ th. l,r\Lr r! \rcrr.i rrl Llcri:rrrrirerherhcrrhehdder Iulllll\ rll .()dnl r!qu erlterlr\ \,t .lrgrh l[\ .r l.r ir ,.r \c[ | lh! ten(lcr no ee sUch a\ r(!r5 irlruI \ th Irl\ a(lhorilie\ fc!l\I|atr('] \\ lh l,l ( l\\h(rc irpplicahct lrrrno\cr \retcrnenl. c\pcflcncc \tiltcnl.0t-.rrJ an\ oLhcr .on(iill,rntenLr()|cJi tllc\lllnJbrlJirlgdoeUrnenr. llrhehidderdocs not li lllll al1\ ol lhc\c.(nrdirion\. il \hrllnol bec!lllualed lit her. (, I returncd urr(lpcncd b S. An) hid rccci! cd \\ i). I] Ll r irhoL t hid secL rirr ,rl eqLrircrl irltL,urrr lrnr:l p'crc ihcd lirlrr shltllbc relccred. llids delelrninc ro bc \obstitftall\ r'crponrire rh ll be !hcck(l lfllhrncti.rl crror\ \hxll be rc!litlc(l on the tirl[tin! l)irr:: lir un\ urithmclic er[ors. (A) ln tasc ol Schcdule riltes, lhc anrounl ot pcrccnralc quorcd abo\c or belo'\ $ill be checked and addcLl or \rrhrnrcled llon anrrlrnt ol hill ol qurnutic\ to arri!e lhc fin l bid (B) I"\x.(r)Iil(.nrr,ilr\.. llrr!. ...1 .!f(rr.r rJ\ l,,L\\((r1h( rrril rirl( r tl lh. t()l.rl .(,\l th t i\ otrlirincd b) nru ripl\ fg rhe oriL rilte rnrl !lulIlrl\. th! rrnrl rrlc :,hrll p[c!ail rrd rhc t(]ral cosl \\ill l1( e()rrerl.d e\\ in thc ,)p fi(,ll ol rhc \gene] lhcrc is iln ob' ous rhieh c.rse lhe r(nu eo\l as quoted \\ll ,to\.1r rr!l lr. rfll irt!.()llr!Lc(l ll th('e i. l.liscrr:pJner hct\\ccn the tollrl l,itl lnr\'Llnt ar1(l lhr \u n (,1 l(,l.ll i()\l\. lhc \urn ol rh! lolrl eosl\ \hall pre\ail!nd lhc t(nirl bid ll n(rtIrl \hilll lt.(,r rC.lr,l un rlrisplaecnrcrrt (rl rhe rlee rnal p,rint irt the urrit rutc. lrr (C) Uhcrc lhcrc i\ ir (li\crc|]ilfe\ hct\cer tlre rmoLrnr in llgurc\.tntl in rvorcls. Ihu ilnL'unt in \o(ls \\ lll !o\cl1r 3iddl● ●Doて ,m● ● t io,Wo′ ヒ●● to R` 100M Page 4 o'14 B:DD:NG DATA A Na ne of Procuring Agency LYARI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITγ CREENlNC,PLANTAT10N/CAP FIL口 NC AT RO‐ 23 B Brk)f Descriptron of Works ■ 2,′ AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ 42 YARl ι DEVELOPMENI AUTHORl:Y′ KARACHl Site orice of the Horticuiturist, Block‐ 30, C Pro,uring Agency's Address D Am )unt of Brd Security 2%ofthe Quoted Bid Amount E Per od of Bid Validity (days) 30 Days F Sec.rrity Deposit (lncludrng Brd Secunty) 02%o(BId Amount G Pe()entage, if any, to be deducted from bills 08% Retention Money H DealIne for Submission of Brds along 30092015(01:00A M) Hawksbay,scheme42,LDA,Karachi Site office of the Horticu:turist, Block‐ 30, │ Venre Time, and Date of Bid Opening Hawksbay,scheme42, LDA, Karachi at 02:00 a m on 30 09 2015 」 K Trmo for comnence Compleion from written order of 1(One)Year oep,)sit Recerpl No. (Date E Amount rn words and figur.) lrur1]3!l!!rltlrLr t!L\rrlllrtr!!!\ llult t,,'!e 5 ol t.l Conditions ol ( ontlacl (ll use l: (lommencement & (()ml)hlion Datc\ ot $ork. lh! conlractor shxll nol efrer upon or (lrrrrnrerr(t a11\ norliorr (tr \() I c\.etrt \lth tlrc $riuL'n aUlhont\ and jnnrucri(!) ot lhe l,jrr.L lrLinI|! r(r i.!tiL|. L,r , I.L h1,rl ir.r,r.lr !lrxr!! I'i ll)r \\rirk 1.trr! ! .h rLrrort\ lrr .,nr,r.l(,,.r.rll hr\r rL)! .1 rI )..1 f r\.r\ ir.rr t,, \\(, 1 . ,\ LiltjLl .it.r\ rrtrl(nrrrl)lcle thc st) l,\ i l rc rifrc lllo$.d ibr ea \ngoLrrrresorl,rJcrlcrc(i rrlhcLcnrl. \hir bcrlrlcl\ ob\erved b) thr conlracl0r r.!t,irL .r!L\, ir:i l.rr,ir;,rrllr(,,,L.L\I I .LrJ'hal re.l'orred lrorrl lhcdxtcon $h!.lr tlrc(,r(i!r r,'.orrrrf.'llr!$(,rIr\!r\e|lotheuontrrcror ,^ndtunhcr 1(.cnsrL'(loorl prt,r,resr rlrLrifg I)er\(rrlion o lhc \or[,.,:orr.rL.r0r 'halhcbou|d. nat i| $I!h lhcli|)e . ,,\\r,l i, .,nffl.rr,,Ior J|\ tr,,LL\..,.,(l,i|. |rnl| rnir!.rie\rfn)!r.\,,rrrrtrcprorirrchrsr. (lnu\r l: l.iqui(lnlc(l l)an)rg(.s. l[\Llntrir(roi \lr,r l]l\ lrqUr!hLe(l Jar lgc\ ro lh{ Ager)c\ i rhe rirrc per ,1.\.lnl!,1 ir(lr. t J(l r!.1.r(r li,r .iL!ir .Lir\ rh.rL r r. ,t, ri, rLrt) I J.Ll. ,l trth.rnlh. l lcndcrl .onrIetiorJat.: rl r,rrorLrL ()l l(trLi(Lrrr(l J Ir.r!. l).r J bl rhrrorrrdo L()1r..\r!|.) \r,rl n0l e\ceed l(lpcr.crlolth. r(llLrrcL rri!! \!(r!) rJ\ (lcJru i!r ,[Ir( JrLr]xg.. rlollr t).r\ I.nl, (LUe lo lre .onlract l)a)r ljf1 ol' lit r idaled da nirges (loe\ r)l ellccr rhu conrr.cnrr'\ lilhiliric\ C rusc (,\ ) J: Tcrminnlion r)l (h! Conlrx(.t. ,\l]en.\ ll(nlr.li (il (,\fl .r.ror .L l \c(!t \. I n!r r.L .rLr\.' r h(..r.h o! . \,li)\r\.1)l irrr lrcl)r'()!'c\\(\L irl\ rr tL L l)r r .r lir |(fl (nr Lrl rrri \ l. rrrj|lirlc r irl.o rc. ( .n lor l.nni rJIlo r ol .oDlrircl rl i\ llolcrllUrn[-fgncer s r(,r p,r(i l(] rh. ror)lrr(l,r $rrhrn60dir\sol hi l. Ihc llo ol lh. Lrf\\\!l.Lrr\,rl \l.l.t(,r\,1\l rrnr.eril lll(h\\l \e\pirerl: lh...r\.o1 uh.rl.lorrltrrl ,il llr.$frtr,rs r!rLillr.\fr ou\ lirrc\\t)r (lellll ('l 1l1e cirher Ll.r ( ,, r1 liL1 ( i, rtf.r.l(rf .r (B llu ro lracl l ;cLlluri'l |\e,rrli\. Irr!ires l)ro,rurn! r]lil\ de.rrr lllr- th!. eonltrr.lor (!rrr\ cenillcd b! thc ol lhe \ubmiss on oi pr\ nrcnr tlrc L|rle \!e!r.) rr: po\el' l(' irJoIr rn\ ol rlrc lollo\\ill! courscs as ll) 'lirlifilit (Lir IL, (() the sceLrriL\ (l('Po\r.i\l rb[e\ecfr eonll]li(inrnerl onclrt,\(iii)rrd(ivlabole. ir /cLre$Lrl,h\ r..sr r! lrrri,,i.,l,trrhrIr..,,rlJ.LL)I tll lrr .\dL\' lr\ nj ,,f .rhr,\. .,,1j.., r.r r: .r.l,,ft..t h\ rhf tto (rLllu|.tI\e.Uli\c I r!f(crl'o.ur rt,\!J).) Lr..()rlrirlor 'l)r r,r\c (l, \o rlJ n r() rorper\xL (ir lo lllr\ (\\ nn.rr.(l t)\ hln h\ rel|\on ol ri' h vng purchxsed or l\ro.rr rJ rr\ nr,rrer ai\ o drl.rrrl rl,, .r r\ .13,1lcnrc r1\. or mir,l. xn\ ird\irnccs on aeconnl ()1. or r t r rr vier to t rc crreL tit) r t)l I r. \orl, o lll. L).r'lonfa .r ol lhc corlftcl. L lli!l!!L,r! dorutr).rr LirL!!t!L\ !!q!l!L!ll!l lii) Ho\.\o thc .ortrirctt, crl cl I li,r rr( sorI do . silc dLl\ cerrit]ed b! lhe .|'i-IL...jII.i r.,r,....,r ...t,...r^.,-J l'.r'..11 ,. 1\..!.rr... 1 ., ,,;t... )ai( l'r)curi|! Ag.ncy llofiic!lturi,r I:ngiIeer rrlxi !ircti!\hb(rtirrrerntlirrin!!\vork l: Possc\sron 0l th( \ile nn(lchir s li,r co tpcn{ntion lbr (tctr\. lhe o(icullurislLngi|cershall !\.f(\\'\\onol xll firfl\n1 thc \ t( ti, llrei(r [Ntt,f lltrL^\.sioft,r \ire r\ ror gi\c h\ (hf Jlrc \tarcl rn ( lrusr - .ir) ir!q(rrs,rror rir Jn\]. $irLct n.Ltnr tr lb(! \i\ rr: eoIJr.l'lIjlj l\()r l.r(.orrjiIg 5a|eloI to eStjntate\ lrl \Lch .rsc. c tller dare ol coIrrr)crrcerlr. t $ill hc .harUrd (,r period ol conrplelion ls l() be c\len(ted (laus(- 5: [.\tur5ror (,1'lnlr dc(l (r,nrpful()n l)ll(. L r ,r,,iurrrr.r!([\ (ilrcr , s Lj$n rlrdtr\r. ,.lirrr lhc (l.rle ol corrr|.1it) r .i (rr ,1.\ru ,rl 1r. .(, rl rrL(, Irl\ c\l( r(l Lr. rrte ..d .(inrplctloLr llrc. I irI (\enl,$r.rhlnlci\11r..\(! l (nr\)l !.Itrr!1r(,!ir \L)r ir \. .llLjnor!l.rr\i.\|c!l Nh.h males rl nlo\\ihl. 1Lj cor)rl)lelr rhe $()rl h\ r rc Lftu rJ.( .,,Ifhtr(' r (|rtr lir ,ric 1 fc io( irs he nray rhinl, rrecc\\.[\ or frot)rr lrcLl..r'(,nol Irrllorridr luri\t ln!Ir..! |thr\nr le \hlll trc irll: \\hcre (irI. has hec| e\ren(ied under lh \ of il0\ ,)rhcr c ilrLsc ol rhi\ alrccncfl- ihc (lrtc li)r cornllerior ollhe $rrk shirll be lhe dalc fi\cd b! lhe ,ir l.r ii\irr! I r. e\ltrrn('n pr l,\ lhc.r!!rf!,1(.1, rll .L.r(,r,rr\ |.\lcLrn\lcr lhr\r!rccnrcll \\ r.r Lr jr. , . [..( I .\1. r!1.(] .:j l 1,rr.,LrJ. rL \ r,L r(, r1 rr ( lrr h( lh. .\,e r.. lh, co rtJ'ac1 rhall eonlirrlrc ro hc opcrrllM ( rLr n! rhc r\ten(lcrl pcriod (lxu\c 6: Spccifica(i(,rs. lhe conlraclor shrll \,1 lh. .orrl|it.r i[xl rl] m!'\\hocilrd(!cr\]r0rlol thesorlilnlhe oqt .l rs.' ol s lxtanlirl \|.ll.xl(n\ o(lg.d rrLh!,)i i!.or Llllllolrflr]lur\rl.\!cUr!. lIg recr xnd i ritialcd b) lrc pirl,tics. thc r! r.rn r.lo .hirll r nJ (oflirr e\.r.rl) lirll) irnd Iiilhtil \lo Lre r.flir.r '.r.1 'l].rll!ririorh.inS.r trirrr.! lr(d.sign!.(l a$lrrg.irr(l irsrnrctrr,tsrnrirtlrr! r.rLr r! lr, rlr. \t) l, \i!f .l l)\ t rc llo tiLrrLlrUrin I rr nccl. n .rrlr.rr,l ,11!.ir ri.,'i r(. (l r,,\,!,,. tlr.., l.(1,,r ir., ,. r!l I .J rLi ln\! .r.c..,,11 ,U.lr.tll.cor t!l r!\r1.i)l $,jrl li)rthr rrmrNro rr\t,c(i()rr[L r:L'll.r ]LjL \ iL|!j I re c{Irlrirelor \rx.il rc!orc(|ifc\.be .n ill(r1 .illI.(,$rr\frr\el(, nrlr\,.,tr\clIbcInJ.\tir..,il Lhr .fccill.rt orr.. a|J olirll iUrhJeiiS), rr5l ( ( t(l!rr\ rl(' (\ (i [un - ?: l'a\nrent\, \ lnr(rnVRunnrng llill. ,\ bill shu hr \r tlr llcd h\ rhe rorllrxcror as llequcllll rs lhe progrcss ol lhe il\ irLrlit\ lor xll \\orl, c\.rulcrl ilnil nol irr( LrJ.(l ir any prerious hill al l('.rsl o|ce in I monlh dr(i Ihrllol1i(r] lur\l l.ngir..'irr'.1)n !. \rir Lirk. or rirLr\r 1o be lirken lhc rc!ui5ttc nlrs!tcnre|llS or rhc lrlxN. r\l ]ir\ r!tr.\.rrr.\.ri1l.(l n,l !h(.lrf).rt. lor a..rtlnr s.rble rdirL\ted. ll posiihle bcliirc rhr c\nir\ ol l) dir\\ llon Lr! t,rc\cirrillior ol Lhc b . irr iu)\ r rc Llcp(le a \rbordlnalc to I.ir\rLrc rP ll). sill(l $oL rr lrc |..en.e ol 1lr..or)lrr.lor (rr h'.rulhonre(l rgenr. shose cor r(crsirna(urc (olllc nrexsrrcf)crlr l\1 $ lhosUlllcienl lo$rrfirr irrrd tllc Hodrcullurislillngincerin .harlc nra\ prcpxr..r hrl 1l(. r \u.ll i.( $hi.h .lr,ll bc hrndllrg on lhe conrrecl(n in xll resleclr. \orl, th( llo reulrur 'L L rgir.r lJio.rrif! \S(rrl .l !l t)xiJ ccnil\ rhe irlrourr ro hc plid 10 rhe rrrr v\ hr. r rc !or\r(lrr\ ilL. rr(l )r\irl,i. r c\,.r1 tlr0(r)1. \rhjc(t ro (icdr cr of oi ie.rL il\ . .rr,,, t. ,r(l\ r|\. r..,1.',, r r. i ,\.,, ror)r \ ln( rrnl.rrs.l .Ll! rr.r\ rr.nL .r.Lll \.irr.Lr(((r .i\|r\ Irr\lr) $r\ ti ,ld\ir)rc ir!lL|\l lhe t]rrLrl nr\ rcnt orll in(i noL irs fr\ I0rL\ li) $(irI lrlui] l\ (l()n! iIx tonrp Lred. lrl shir] nor f.cctUdc the lbrricullu sl lnginecr,in-chrrlrc tio reco\erics rionr tlnal bill il d rcelillcrlron ot dcltcts rnd r \rt ,! irctor\ ilcrns ol $o l\ fr(, I.d or I l() lriIr rl!ri l! ([led liitl] I t\ per od. ll.LL, irJonnrdrL tLi ,1, r,I\ r!I!,.,!!t,+1 Th( Finrl tsill.Ahrll srlll l)e rUhnLLL!r b\rh!.r)I.r.ro \\rrh or!rno rhol rtreJNle lt\ed li)rltrc .onplcrl(inol lh!$orl(,rh.rsi.. ll. rr trirjnl r! rrfr'r r .lrtrrg. ,..nitlc . ofthc nrer5urcnenr\ rfJolllr(r(nll an('riIttir)lhl(lirrh.\(!1.\hx bc il rrl x|d brndi|g on l l pnftirs I lnusr - Ii: Rc(lucc(l Rnres. ln .l\.r s )efL lhc itenr\ ot \orL dre nor xeccpled xs so corrrpleted. lhc l()rlirLllLIn I n!rneer. o Lhar-! |rir\ rnirk. f.r\rfr|t {j,r 1.c,,Inl ,,r {rh lrcn\ r \Ucr red ccd rates as hc rr\ itif\rler rcr{)lrlil. Ir rlr. l)ct).1 illi(,rL]l l .r (r,)r rLu ! .r(\)U)r hill\ sillr rea\n5 rccoftlcd I ( l.rusc (ヽ ) - 9: lssurnccofVnrialiona d Rcpcar Ordrrs. \gcnc\ nra\ \\ri! r lir riltr(, r O ,ier li)r nn).urc L.,f\rrJl .ff.rh.r ru-rL,i,. r!.,,1 f |c|r oi $ork\. phl\ical .LrL. \[..-]rr Lr.r ! IcI ro \r i1 \e^,iccs lrom t re oriLlnll lctUll llcl(lcondIions. \]lhrl lre!encrLrl iroDc iirrd ph\ \r.xl hor rdarlc\ol l]trL()Itrir!l ,) │() (irrl x.Lor rlrirll rx,L pulo r,r \xr.rtior L )lrl lrr l,[)!!rll! r\gerr.\ has irUlhor zed rhe ! rJlron $r I r1! {rl)lc!l lo lhc I rn I fL,r e\.cc(l rr! lh..ofr.lt.r .o.r l)\ ()l la1', on thc.ilrrre.orrd rions in al re\pccl\ (nr $hicr re illrec(l ro l() trefr irrrc $rirk. rLrJ lr (hc \lIr rille\- ir\ arc \nerilled ir lllc Lrr\\ lL,r th. |r,r r !t, L r. rLi|lrirLor rir\ r, r!I lLj rrrrrrl ttj .tjr|fc[\llio| lrJ rcason ol' .l Lfr.rl rnl.al rurli Lfa rr \r I . $1,,t r ln..r,e r r. rirlurc ot t t. \\oLl Lrr re \ir r.llr\,| Joc\ x)l.orr!\t)onJ \il r irc r\ i]r rhe Uill ot Quanliries. ll lo t)c in lhc ianr ol rrc* rrre\ lor lhe re cvanl item:. of $ork. irnd I thcllorri!(LruriilIIgIreel.rr'.har!ci\\11 \lled rhil IrL'rale,luotcd \ srlhrn lhe ralc \\orkcd otLr h) hrrr of a.lIrl.(l rlc r rl\\\ rr,l rirc!r (!r\ [ n,x]l llI,$ irm rrle rlier lpp()!il ljorn hi!rher thc quolillron l)-- lhc conlraclor ,rr ││') 、│ │ I \[ iL\ Ihclinlclorthcror pcfiofL'l rh( sorf. \hir h.c\lcrxlcd iI lllc bcar ro lhc or g .rl.orli.r.l \\' I proponr(nl lllrl thc.rddirio|al worl, lf rr\. ol qr rnllli.\ o1 \\ork c\c(uled rcsr lt lh. i riUxl ( (, rlra.r Pricc lo be c\cceded b), nore lhxrr lio,.n(l Ihen l{onicLLllrrirt ln!irlccr(ilIr(lir.lllcrxlt, \'r' th(,,r qL x|tilir\ cilurirlr c\cii\r lhc co\t \,1.\,rrr.r.1 b.\.n(l l)" ,rjler ,r|lr {,\iLl L,l I, o..t ) ..1,, Itcperl ()r(lrr' \ r\ rr rr xr \r, \iu xr till h!,\(' rL Lh. li" oi I I rl !onlrir!l irIor r)1. \ ll ol .rrollrer rorrllrrr lo t)c ref\lc c(l ('lI r] rh. $or( .lre {0Jrilhle lrof) lhe on!rnal .onlriret. be \r biccl ( hDs( l0: Qunlil\ Conlrol. ( I (1)) ldrrrihirg l)rl('cls: l :rr ir \ Lire hrli). rh. \'!.LL il\ (1.Ios I i\ rclirn(J(.1 l{) rhe ronrra.loriirrif! rlet(.1 rrbiit\ pcl'L(trl rferlr()r.( rh(l rlrL,r Ltll(ir1l.1 LIIn I rr,r rrllr'rn'!h:rrle or lris nrbor(lin.rcrn-( rlr!. ol I rr \(' I fr.r\ ir\0Lr.t rlr. !.n0,rir(]r l(, rrr.n\.'rn(l Ie'L irr) l)iu1 oi lhc \\ork\ whirr hr rorr' (l(r\ rrir\ rir\e x (le e.r ,irr to u\. ol u)s(,Lrlrl rntrn. \ or rlrlsLrlliirl $orkriarship and lhc corlrrretor has to..rr\ o(l ir l.rr irl hrs (\\n e()\r Irspc.l \c ol $orl a[cad) appro!ed or prid. Correclion of Dcfcc(s: the (r)r)lrirclor .lrilll t)e b,)r]nJ liah\\irh lo r€clrll or rctnolc and reconsrrucr rhr \\o l, \(, \t).r il,:J rL rlrL r,, r f ,LL L. .r\ L rr. r.r,L. .ri r,:tLic Ihc.ortrr.lor \hn .or.c.L 1ll rr(nrrleJ(l(l..lsrrlrIrll)(l)(r..r (til.rr(1io]l'Lrrti,r ft(rl ,),r(\l rrr r(e tユШ 咀 JoCШ moR O「 、 vo「 k、 u四 )R、 ' =● r a') 10)M 8o 11 I n(orrc(rcd l)rl-c(l\: lfthrrr'.ol rlr\,r.],tlil r. 1li. ll!r1.rLllu ,ilir!rr..,ln-!rxr!.\rrt ! \. I r. conlr !t(n .j lr.,.r I r.r 'r.r rJ ' ,. jrr ' i., r , . ., ..r..,r r...i{r<\r., drt.;, ( I\ recrii or r.r"o\. anl re,!\ci f lh. $ork u .tno\r an(l rcplilce thc rilleria \ or rnlclL.s eorrplaine(l ol rl\ lhe .ir\e 11) Itil\ be iil lhe rr\k an(1 e\tcnse in all rcspect ol the co|lract()r l rlr. ILftr,ri lLr\L I !rje(r !()r\r(l.NlnL (.1 llrirtron corc.tio r ol rdctecl i\|olc\renl l ,Irrl rr rr\ l). rL!.efl.(lt,r Ir.r!e u,..1 it .lrir b. $ lhirr ris (l \cretion ro rccept lhe \ame rt \rLch rcrl!uc,l ftLes rs h. frir_\ ll\ th! .o . ( lause I l: (`ヽ lrspeclion ol Opcralroos. llt. llo'l crlrLri\r I r! |.rr x r(l hiStlho(llnllc\. Jhxll al xll rcirsonabLc ltrrr\ lr]\c ir.(,j.. t(, rh. 'r1. lii' {rtr.r\ ,,f] r)J in\f(.lror t)t $,) I un(lcr or n courre ot c\e(!0L r rf frA!ln!! ol Ihe corlnrcr rf(l rhc r(nrtrir(1(r'\lr li xllorl .!e^ ircilil\ tar and c!er\ irssiil.,Iec ir ohLLrLrLr)! t r. I!hL t(i \r \Lr ,tr!... , Drt€s lor lnspecrion and Tr\ling. Ihc llonru!lur]'r Ff,-lncly rhall !i\e rhe conlracl(n rein)nah c forice ol thc i rtenliof ol lrc I lonrer l(lr Ir r! ne\r|. |-. rrrge or rl. ruholtlinrrtc to rj\ I tlrc uork .lrir lrr\c hc.,r ! \rr ,r, 'h. .r,Itr.r.t,rr 'L'\rrr \. ri!\.r lr |,. 1 h. l\rc..fr r. r!,c. \., "(1,,\ l\l :r'LrL(l on'-() riL\cir r.\rrr\ r.,L-r.rL ,lL I !.rLl Lr,l ir$I|l!r].\crrL jirr1nt IL txA!. or(l.r ! \(rlLrrh.r(ifUir!1o ..Ir \ j,,Lh(, i,,.,] ,rrJjrL .,,. l.(.rjr..lrf,j r,, ,L\.ll1! r.r1l(ri)!r.n.tl..L .r, rl l rc\ (l l)ecrr !r\.I 10 rhe ro rl a.Lo lr fr'cll (1) ( lru\( l2: E\nminntion ol \rork hclare co\ering up. \. l)rrt()l lir!\\orL\\hrjl lr..o\..(l !f ,, rrl,,Ll,,l \i.r h0\orrllh(rcl(r$l(ht)rLl!i\irsforccol' r,L r.\\ lh.rr rl\( rl.L\' l(i L( (ru!rLr r.L lrS r.! \r.r.\e Jr\ \r.[ f,rfl.l rhc srirk' or l.urdxrror \,)r rLr. reir(l\ (,frhortrIh. .irlt lL' r\.||lrI.rr o|lir]dLlr. llo r.ullrLrl\t l|lg]fcc slrxll. \\rr \)r L(.i.r\.Ir f\\ lr. !(,r\L\ ( \ r !rI..e\\,u\ i r!l ,L|l\ L:. ll). r(nrlrireLor irelord rrgl). Jllerld lor lhc !ur'l)osc o !\irrrilr!irrLI rtrc.rr,rirrg*rehparLL, Llr.s(rk\or o currrirrlng\uch li)undirlio r5. (\) (l|) ll rn) Norl i\.ovrred lrl or l)hccd be\ond lhc rex.h ol'rrealuremcnl \\ilhour such notice ha,ring h..r !\cr lrr..rrrJ 'r.Ll 1,. rr!Li\.f.J,rt ll)..,)rtr.L1,r \.\Nf\c. ifrd if (lcf.ull trcrcol_ rro Ir\ircrrl or .rl tr\irr!. \r.l l,r rrir(le i)r 'r.lr $L,rl.o lin'll)e rnalcri05 $ilr \\hich lhc same $lt ( llrrtst lJ: Risks- lhccortrirctorilrrril h,:r..rpor'rhL r(,r llfl\k\ol o\\r,i or dnrllgc 1o fh\\icrl propcltr, It irciliti,:. or rclarc(i icr\icc irl rre lrfL'fri\r. irnl o1 Nl\nnJl l trr\ lrr(i d.irrh \\hich irrise ([rrinr and in ror\cqrr.rr.. ol ls lcrli.rirr(c L)l th. !orLrir.r trrrl\ Lhrtrrrgc r\.ir\e(l sri c lhc $or[ \i fr,'!r!],,r ic!.nLrr ,rlrl)JLerl srLlrirr rh ce r,nrrlr' ,, Llr. ! , ri ,, r J !. r rj\. r( .,1 r,,rftl.lr,, . li r.r .r ,,rh.r\ '.. rl:. !or Lrir(Lr, \hr rnrl(!o(\l lh.\.rnc.Lr lri\tl$nr\r.n'r..r I(lcliLrlL Lr( lolirIllllrr!L l,r!r.( r, \ c.rr(( lhr \Jn. rti bc rrllld. !oo,l h\ {)llr.r \i,rl,Il.n- xfrl dcrltL.r I t. c\f.rr\e\ lr!)l]t rctcIlrot) nt()ne\ l\Lns \llh lllc l,o i(r irL .L |!irrcr' ( hu\r - ll: \l(niur0\ lbr prc\cnti(,n ol ljre nn(l saltl\ nroxsurr\. I rc conlractor lhall nol sel flre to xf\ Urglc. rr.c\. hu\h \\(\\l () qrir\: $ lhour .r \nrlcf lc il lionr rhc Ho( culluri$ []\cculi\,c nr J Ig $o,(l. grr):. cll b\ lle. lre conIlirct(r ih.r I r,rLr rerr*.rri n.ir\tre5 l() tr(\cnl sUch llre spreadln! to or olh(N\isc Jrfrirgin! \ufiour1(lirg pro|cd\ lhc (onLrir(tor r\ rcsl)ors t)lc lbl llc \iltel\ ol all il! acri\ilics r. (llf! fftrlccrion ol rh( c|\lt(,Ilnt l oI irnd (rll Ilrc \rre (i)m )cn\alion ol illl danxl]cs donc t]lenl otull! or rL ri rtcnlionrll\ on or oll thc \ilt b\ rhc c()|lrarlo..i LrborLr \hall hc fa d b! him. lh,1tr!, Liltlj]]rr rl \.rt. Lo L 01uli. L0| \t lxu\' l5: \uh rontr:il:tin!. T r. .L, ,.L.t,f \ riL I rr, \r h.trrrIl,rl:t th( $ho]c ot the u(tr[s. c\ccpl $hcr. rtrc,*l\c pro\idcd h\ thc conlract ll)c (ortrr.Lor \h lt rot \r bco triler ln\ pa.l ol rhc \!or[s $ilhour lhe )nol cor)\enr ol-ll1L: HorlicUltu \r l !rrecr .\ri {rch .of\cIr \hir for rctr.!e rhe conrraclor tiom irn\, xhilil\ ,r ohli!ari(ir r r(. rlr..tiI.ijL ,rJt1..trltl h. r(,1)(,r.rhc ti)r rtl|acr\. lteti[ tr\ irnd n.rte.r."r .,,,i !h!onrrn.l(, l)i! r!enl\. )er\r \ or s(rlrncr ,lj iL ttr.s,: ,r.1,. ,t.tirLrtl\ or ncglccls \erc llrose oi. lhc \onrrrcror.h(ulcnr\.renfirl\or$(nItnc!r. lh(fn\ iorrolrll\!onrrrcr.hx rJ]pl] l0s(rrh subeonlrxrror or I is c rplo\ees irs i, hcor l\lcrccntpo\ce\ol lhc co ra.tor. : (ltlus( l6 l)i\pr'tcs. \ J,\ful.\ rr\r! ri rL,Irf(tLirj \trLr. n.\.It rt)ntri(r. n(i $hrrcirnfotbe rrirlbl\.clrlrJ hrt$e.r, lh. l l... llrr..r.(fr \,t tr! \rterrI.!\lrr! Ir.r|rcr ,it lhr .irc . o tucr o e . j..r 'r. .r,rt r t, lr, r,r!.r.r.[ , ',]. ,r,.! '_\..,r ,,,. .1..,!!r. ,!rusjI:r.. rnJ l\trrcrio| hrr.rrrhcr(,rc .xrrr r !hr. Ir,rrrer. or lhrn!$trarlre\d if.Urt $r\ irri!rn! orLl ot. or.elali gl() lhe conrracr desiBn. dra\ring\. .r(.rll.rrior\- r\lIri e\ n\t (di(rr\- or(l!r or lh.\r rorrliriorrs o otrc \lsc.once|niIg lhe *or(s. or rhe . \,.r Li\r \'l r,rli ( L(, i\..r L! I tr ni|r( tr rlL t.r .t t\ ti 1 r l] rrt ll)e nolr.\\ \)1 lh. $ork. trr .ttler rhc . i )rt)leti(ni nr .rhan(lo Ir(|r I rr.col' ( lnu( ll:\ilr(learirn((. I ) r. .t, ft, .Litr b. r ,, rf$L,r[.Lr.L(!lr,L!ro.]r.rl l). lL r\l)c(t Nitr.rrc llirlf Ihe llo(icUlrurlst E\ccuri\,0 h !rneer lherc nallcr cil lcd rhc HoflictLlllLrisl Lnerneer n chirrge) ol s!ch c(,rrlfleli()n. bLrl ncilhcr \uch cclIii](rtc (h l he grlcn for sha I rhe $ork he con\idercd t() be romplcre llnril orjtrirlir)f trrilili.s f.lud q (..Iri|!,l.l;fl, .r'r.Lr rlrr.rr( trh(!(, r:,(ror t. I. r,) conrth $,rhlhc ol thr\ claltsc thclr llo tcti rur \r'l.lt n! ncr - n-.hitrlc. nta\ ill t rc e\l)c|sc\ ol llle coJttraclor rc.llriremenrs lh- .onlriLrlor'\ rclcrrliorr ororr\ i rr rrirrlrir!lt)r 'rLi hir\. rn clrrrr .ii n..ri\i,r\(et,t o i r\ \rrn.r!t .1ll\ rtllr,,..l l\ tll!'.,L.lr(r.,)t ( t'ur( l8: Iinancirl \\\islnn(c ] \lohililati(!n ,l(l\,tncr \ \(l\xDcc n(,t .rl l,ri\ (i) or iLf\ s!rptu\ r)ralcrnls irs cnl. t,s.d Stcul((l A(l\nnccaglrnsl l|utcrirh hrorghr (Bt r r'|c!t lt \ilc. ,\,lurrr,r Iir) [r. lrenn rr,lriIl\ irgiL]ll\t mffriihirhlc Irilter xl\ qtirIlilres anl cipalcd .L,ir.,l ,l,,r,l , i lrr,\,, L,\,1 LLf. nJ,,t ir.. ji\rIlr,iorf Ir.J.rl.ol r,-,U!.t \cc0red r,l\fl|(ciu(l (lerl lc \ |ot lor lU ,tr l rL Ljc\t)i mi erix.lor lhe enllre \!ork,contracl. The sunl na\ablc li)r:uch lnal.rial\ on 'ite shall nol e\.eed l5oo ol-the market price ol Sc.r rcd L., L! .,, tnatcrial\ ( 'i) Re!'over\ ot SccU((l A(1\afcc pa (l to lha conlraclor Indcr lhe hove provisions shall he rtlc.le(l lioD rh. ntiflhl\ lit\nr.fr. L,| .rLlLrl col\r nttrt)| hir\\. b!l n(n le\s I ran Pcriod rr(irlhurrhr., r(frt .r.\..r lLr Cli u\e bc irh Ll/.,11 l9: Rrrorrr\ n\irrrxr\0l l-rn(l Rr\enu(. 1r\,tl|r.[r.t(,1h.(,o\t| nrr t li'r ..o\cr\ ir\ i r.i|\ (,1 I I rri l{c\e rr. t I rt L:oIlrr(t(Jf \hirll tdlrtr -!r[Lt!! ,! . ,,".1. ]]!.lllr,o*l,l+ ( lausc - 2l): Rclund ol'sccurit\ l)cposiuRetcntion \to er. (), .orrlDtclion ot rhc $hole ol rtre \rork (a '\tirk\r'rl!l h..()rsr(l.r.rl r.r()rIerr li,r Lr( rLfr,'. 1, f.rl rr oi \er'urir\ dcpo\ir ro.r lontrretor iiofr rhe .r.t Jirt. i,r \h.lr rt\ ll)rl rlc.r\r cnr.,l\ iLr. rr.L[.( r\ ir ..rrrt.tefL illtr)l\ t such check ii leces\an )lhrr$i'c llorlr I r( la\r dirre ol rct(n,|l I! lhr tl riLt M.L r.rn.|t\r_ thc J.ied, |,nrce perio.t t].t, .r ., ps,e,i xl lh. llorlicrr lLrrisL I rr!irree ha\ c.rlrlle(l lhrl rll (.iirr\ foLili((l lo llre rr)nlrirclor bcti)re tlte end ol hi\ ,.'r (d r.r\e L)r,.I co c!lc(t. tr. \c.!r lt JrD(\iL t,tri!.,t h\.r !(jIrr.tor (i| !ir\h.r rc!o!er.d n lnsu fjenrj iom )i\ b I \) shirll bc relirndc,l ro l)l.r xli!r rh! !\pir\ oi rhr(! nn)r h\ lio r rhc dal! on $hich lhc \\ort is IIorticultl[rist ll=t ・ :い T ,,=e llto 14 CREENlNC_ PLANTAT10N/CAP F:ι ιINC tt RD‐ 20 D〔 VEIC PMCNT AUTHoRITY K△ 墜 ACHI ■ 29_ AT HAWKSBAY SCHEME‐ BILL OF QUANTITY S NO ITEM E:cavaton n foLrndaton of bu ldrngs bfldges and 0l 1er structures nc ud ng dagbe ng dressrng re rlrng around structures wth excavated earth wi ter ng and rammrng as drrected by Horircuttuflst lnriharge ead upto 5 feel (ln Ord nary So ) SL,apiy Stack 18954 Cft Rs 15795 C負 Rs Ct Rs ng of approved ts pebbles etc complete ncudng |ft and ng and Spread 9a den so I (Sweet Earthr free from sa anl grass roots eal │ 卜 1捕 墨 ]風 聯 射 ‖ 聯 曹 1静 nc,Jdrng breakrng c ods. dress ng f rol 19 comp ete lsucoly & Planhng ive ne rakrng and 157950 hea thv & luxu■ anly mtt lgSOl m andptt comp“ a 0 き;│:亀 ピIW」 fiv蹴 じ ︱ │」 35'00 Each 35100 Each 70200 Each Rs 6000 P Rft Rs 1∬ 罫1賞 ] よ 認 皇 ll胤 臨濡̀ 思 鱚が lタ S S R R 円 よ ︱ │ 1鰤 J"&曰 刈ng ndttu mtte cO中 で e cast (erb blocks 3750 PSI 450 nrrn x 300 mm “x 130 )m 28 by 45 CM at topladn 2C[4th,ck ] 4 cern€nl Tnortar and lorn the kerb block wth eve and rlgnment shal be proper as d rected by Engireer lncharge 42 1VARl iTEM l,4arnlenance serv ce r/c (but not lrmrted to regular \vateflng lnmm ng manunng grass cuttrng, ( eanrng of the landscape and tolal area takng (!t weeds and other undesrrabe developrnents r rplacernents of qrass and trees of a s zes and .ges that have ded / dryng away where ever riqu red Securty etc complete n a way that the i ndscap ng done rs ma nlarned & kept rn exce ient i∫ │:ilΠ sl♀ nchligeTTFI::ieci『 │:1:CI:lod:│ 惧 :Tttn服「 乱 器d』:よ :柵 pervrsor Sw』 na∬ etc) adequate No of mach ne rools & nes tree prunrng s( ssors saws & c|ppers watenng equ pment etc c('npletel adequate place / offrce / store lor these sr rn plements ( grass cutt ng mach tErns 1 00 of rrgaton ,later of quarty ap.roved to drfferent plants and awns aS drrcted by HortcLrlturst. LDA reglrtary rn qlanrty aercrbed by the Horlrcu lunst Incharoe from lrrne lo trme lo, one, vedr corrptere aooul ' 03 0.s per iree pe. day & 800c Ea or per 3.re De. da, for lawns & Hedges) ensurnq lhat no Dant Tr€e / iawn siarves for want of waterng ln case so iappens the damages rf any w I be charged 0e. ucled from lhe b lls of the contraclor J ・CD掟 に。 mm∞ ∞ dc S.ppyng and app catcn ‖ ︱︱ IL ll・ "y¨ "瓢 51246000 │ Based on Oifer rate amounting to Rs ト L GRAND TOTAt Per Brddrnr The tota amount po.ud.nr lorw6tu uot6 ns.1.00 M (Rupees is Rs. for the complete job for all offer rate. / We have attached a pay order bearing No. from Bar k I Rs Dated rssued amounting to as per NIT Time limit: l Year Penalty per days: RS.5OO/- Note: . T€nder must be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled . Al over writinS & correction if any must be initiated & stamped by the bidder Sitnature ofthe Contraator with Stamp rrrLrt 4llrqtr '! rLrLr t'i'rr]li,ll"'|,llllj MINIMTiM OT;At,IFICATIoN / ELI(;IBILITY CRITERIA lh!c\i(icnec rloc(L|lc l\ \, rh( tiJll(tr\rnS n nrIU n quirlitlcat on eliglhilil\ critcna !vill bc thcn lh('lcndcr will he sumrnarih n! profl\\ o1 tcrl(lcr .t l trnrorc is nrissinr: .,(rl(J.rl Ih( rn,,llr(II l,\ tlt( r(r J( .f'r i.rr -..I r (r rhcckc(l dllflnS opcrr r,ll,l(;Itt|1,t t \: l. \l\(crrill!.rr! l. \alid Prole\\ion l l. Regislralion Frorn Sindh Bo0rd ol Revenoc l,\\ \ \t\lt lt ot At.tlt(.\ I lo\ ( R l] \: l. l| (l \e.rrl\. u\ rnell ,)l.rl rlhr \ll ai 1)i(l(lin! l)(,rururr\. l\ lirnl\hed. j \ll rillc\ quolcd incllLdin!lh! lolitlunrount ('t rhehid\hal beinllgure\&\\ords(horh). i, \ll .\, e.rl\,r\ L,rrni irlf." -r.rll hL. i r,l|[ r'..,urirr,:n $irh inirirls dLrll \lanned b) rhe biililcr. 7. lhe b tl irulh\)ri,,xrion ..lh(r rlr.rn llr( ll r 5 lllcrl. nrr)t.J & \l.Lft )e(l b\ rllu ruthorr/el pcr\on ol rhe llrnt and lcttcr lirr .hrll hc cnclt,scrl \ ith the tcndcr h\ lhe authorizcd person. il' 'ignat,,rr rhLr I he prL,pcr \.: .rt,'r\ .'t llr( llrl lhc mrnlntrrm lLrrn o\cr \\(,rk c\ncricDra \irh \ilti\,irclor\ c(nnplelion rcporl in last l ycars (,r ut lcil\l 1\\o i)r Dr()fe \\(,rk\ in hurrrl urrtl thc I itr,.Itsxrc c():r should hc equal lo the \ork .. .r t sh (\ ,iJ,l<r -t(r(.t(,lt f.r i. f rtJ 耐 呵 転 ご T面 trtr ll l闘