August-21-2016 - St. Therese Parish
August-21-2016 - St. Therese Parish
Sunday, September 11, 2016 Klima Gardens 4646 East 71st Street Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44127 more for Sale 12:30 p.m. Outdoor Mass Under the Pavilion Festivities to Follow Ticke Ga Fr P VEGETABLES CHINESE RAFFLE Tickets are available at the Rectory and will be sold in the Gathering Room after all Masses the weekend of August 20th & 21st, 2016 DANCING ST. THERESE PARISH GARFIELD HEIGHTS, OHIO www.sttherese arfield.or August 21, 2016 Rectory: 581-2852 Religious Ed. Office: 581-3840 ALL SAINTS Credit Union: 587-0631 St. Therese Parish Rev. Daniel R. Fickes, Pastor 5276 East 105th St. Garfield Hts., OH 44125 SATURDAY, August 20 4:30 p.m. Larry Bydash & John Gibney, Jr. SUNDAY, August 21—Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I: Is 66:18-21 Reading II: Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Gospel: Lk 13:22-30 8:30 a.m. For the People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. Rudy N. Guzman MONDAY, August 22-The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Reading I: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Gospel: Mt 23:13-22 6:30 p.m. Joseph Sciko TUESDAY, August 23-St. Rose of Lima Reading I: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Gospel: Mt 23:23-26 7:00 a.m. Father’s Day Intentions (from 6-28) WEDNESDAY, August 24-St. Bartholomew Reading I: Rv 21:9b-14; Gospel: Jn 1:45-51 Collecon-August 13/14 Collecon: 7,941.30* Envelopes Used: 275 PSR: $10 Mission: $5 Faith & Values: $10 St. Vincent de Paul: $10 *figure includes the following: Parish Use Only: $1, 095 Restoraon: $135 Children: $3.30 Assumpon: $440 Faith Direct: $950 Thank You! Pray for the Sick of our Parish: Joshua Stebal, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Don Tews, Laverne Griffiths, Jess B. Palker, Michelle Cozens, Shirley Zwilling, Robert Thomas, Rita Pawloski, Raymond Pavlik, Naomi Conter, Michael Kobie, Keith Thomas, Jeannie Wolfendale, Dori Herout, Linda Voracek, Robyn Buckley, Sophie Tessmer, Jeff Bucell, Celine Chepeus, Michelle Triska, Laura Anzelec, Chris Lackney, Nancy Kolecki, Dorothy Latko, Joe Putka, Lucien Shelper, Bill Girardin, Corinne Gorney, David Burchfield, Karlo S. Chylla, Charlene Fabrizo, Josephine Wojtonek, Elaine Vanek THURSDAY, August 25-St. Louis St. Joseph Calasanz Reading I: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Gospel: Mt 24:42-51 8:30 a.m. Rev. Thaddeus Marchant FRIDAY, August 26 Reading I: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Gospel: Mt 25:1-13 8:30 a.m. Eleanor Dempsey SATURDAY, August 27-St. Monica Please pray for the souls of Corinne Gorney Myrtle Wiciejewski Reading I: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Gospel: Mt 25:14-30 Vigil Mass: 4:30 p.m. Bruno & Nell Vitz SUNDAY, August 28—Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Reading II: Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Gospel: Lk 14:1, 7-14 8:30 a.m. For the People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. Clyde G. Burgette 2:30 p.m. Divine Mercy Holy Hour Coffee & Donuts The St. Therese Parish Pastoral Council will host Donut Weekend next weekend, August 20/21.Gift cards will be available for purchase. Please join us in the church hall! Raffle Tickets If you return all your raffle tickets and money to the parish office by 10 a.m. on Monday, August 22, your name will be entered into our second incentive drawing of $50! Thank you for your support and good luck. Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Do you know? The name of the city whose walls collapsed at the blowing of the Israelites’ horns, according to the Book of Joshua (chapter 6)? Answer below. Peace and Justice Gem The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. Albert Schweitzer Chinese Raffle The Oktoberfest Committee will soon begin making the baskets for the Chinese raffle. If you have a new item, gift card or tickets to a sporting event that you would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. You can drop your donation off at the rectory during normal business hours. If you have any questions, please call Shirley at 216587-1624. Thank you! And remember, our Oktoberfest is September 11. We hope you’ll come! YOUTH MINISTRY All middle school and high school students are warmly welcome to join Youth412’s regular meetings beginning this September. We meet in our youth room, located in the school building of SS. Peter and Paul. Doors open 15 minutes early. Every meeting includes pizza or a light snack. High school students meet September 7, from 6:30 -8:30 p.m. Middle school students meet September 21, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call the Youth Ministry Office if you’d like more information! Nancy Heineke, Youth Minister YOUTH412 is a cluster program of St. Martin of Tours, St. Monica, Saints Peter and Paul & St. Therese. 13623 Rockside Road, Garfield Hts., OH 44125 (216) 662-8685 xt 123 Cornhole Tournament The Garfield Hts. Knights of Columbus Council 4130 will hold a charity double-elimination cornhole tournament on Saturday, September 17. The cost is $20 per person, and the prize will be based on participation. Register your team by calling Matt Sokolich at 216-429-1413 or Ben Welich at 216-663 -0570. Answer: Answer: Jericho PSR Religious education classes are held on most Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Registration for PSR will take place on August 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the school. If this time is not possible, give me a call. The first PSR class will be on September 13. Remember, there is NO registration that evening. This year we will have a kindergarten class for the first time to meet the needs of folks who have children of that age that are attending public school. The cost for PSR is $50. If someone is registering for the first time, please bring a copy of the child’s Baptismal certificate and the number of your church envelope. If there are any questions, please give a call. Sr. DeAnne 216-581-3840 St. Martin of Tours Car Show Due to a rainy day last Sunday, the car show has been rescheduled for Sunday, August 21, from 1-5 p.m. Everyone, come vote for your favorite car, have lunch, win prizes and have fun! First Step Program The First Step Program offers continuing education regarding marriage and divorce in the Catholic Church. Everyone is welcome to deepen knowledge of the Church’s teaching on marriage, learn about the Church’s ministry to the divorced/ separated in the Diocese, hear about the annulment process and how to submit a case, discover a path to healing after divorce in order to strengthen and/or renew a relationship with God and the Church. The two remaining meetings in 2016 are Tuesday, September 13, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Cuyahoga Falls, at 7 p.m. and Tuesday, October 18, at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick at 7 p.m. Note that the Diocese of Cleveland no longer requires any fees for this process. Check out our website at or call 216696-6525 ext. 4000 for more information. Remember, we now have an ongoing collection of empty prescription bottles for developing countries, in the gathering room. Mature Adult Wanted Marymount Child Care Center is looking for a mature adult to work part time. Call Michelle at 216 -518-2120 if you are interested. ST. THERESE PARISH GARFIELD HEIGHTS, OHIO August 21, 2016 Rectory: 581-2852 Religious Ed. Office: 581-3840 ALL SAINTS Credit Union: 587-0631 Faith & Values Appeal-This Weekend Catholic schools are communities of faith, knowledge and service. Catholic schools exist to form young people in the Catholic faith. Academic success and rigorous achievement mark our schools as outstanding institutions. Essential to the Christian message is the command of Christ to serve others. Our students are at their best when they exemplify in their actions this command, and they do so daily. Students, their parents, grandparents and other family members sacrifice to provide a Catholic education and are grateful for tuition assistance provided through the Faith & Values Appeal for Education. Please pray that the generosity of our parishioners will continue to support the formation of our youth in Catholic schools as they are taught to be the very best that they can be. Cleveland Zoo and Rain Forest There will be a Senior Safari with FREE admission for the ‘young-at-heart’ (62 & better) at the Cleveland Zoo and Rain Forest on Wednesday, August 31, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This popular event features special activities such as fitness demonstrations, entertainment and dozens of health and wellness exhibitors. It will be set up in the Zoo Palava Hut Pavilion. If you have questions about this event, please call the zoo at 216-661-6500. K of C Wednesday Night Dinners Dinner this month will take place on August 31, from 4-7 p.m. at Club 4130. Dinner will consist of 2 pork chops, scalloped potatoes, corn, garden salad, roll & butter. The cost is $10 for adults and $8 for children under 12. Reservations are required by Sunday, August 28, at 8 p.m. Call 216-662-2277, mailbox #2. Dinners are by Maple Hts. Catering. Free Legal Advice The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland offers free, brief legal advice and referral clinics at several locations and times. This is for civil matters only, not criminal. See the church bulletin boards for times and places in September. Summer Social Immaculate Heart of Mary (on Lansing Ave. in Cleveland) will hold their Summer Social on Sunday, August 21, from 2 to 8 p.m. at Klima Gardens in Cuyahoga Hts. There will be plenty of music and food! All are welcome. Garfield Hts. Summer Fest 2016 Garfield Hts. will hold a Summer Fest on Sunday, August 21, from 1-6 p.m. at the Garfield Hts. Civic Center, 5407 Turney Road. There will be food, prizes, music, games, pony rides, an ice cream social, a magic show, and a safety fair. For more information visit or call 216-475-1100. Oktoberfest tickets will be sold after all masses in the gathering room this weekend. Tickets are also being sold at the rectory. The price is $5 for adults ($6 at the gate). Children 12 and under are free. Want a great way to mingle with your fellow parishioners and have a blast while getting involved? The parish picnic has become a wonderful opportunity for parishioners to connect, reconnect and meet new friends. What can you do to help? We can use your assistance in the following areas: • • • • • • Setting up tables and chairs before event Guest Check in and ticket sales 50/50 Raffle Ticket Sales Children’s Games & Crafts Kitchen Help: Grill Cooks, Window Sales, Servers (several needed to rotate) Clean up help afterwards Please sign up by completing the form below or call 216-581-2852. We hope to see you at Klima Gardens on September 11th! Parish Oktoberfest Volunteer Name_________________________________ Phone Number_________________________ Area of Interest_________________________ Drop in the collection basket or leave at the rectory. Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for adults. This is a program primarily geared toward people interested in examining the Catholic faith with the idea of possibly becoming a member. It is also for those who have been baptized but for whatever reason did not complete their sacraments of initiation (Eucharist and Confirmation). The program is also open to individuals who are walking life’s journey with those who are interested in the faith. Any Catholic who desires to know about the faith—for themselves or to better share their faith with their children is also welcome. For now, we will be starting in September. Please call and let me know if you are interested at 216-581-3840 or leave your information at the rectory 216-581-2852. I ask that all of us remember in our prayers those who are considering an examination of the Church. Please pray that they are able to find the God who is searching for them. Sr. DeAnne The Week Ahead Sunday, August 21 Cub Scout Car Wash 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunoco at Turney and Granger Monday, August 22 Parish Council Meeting 7 p.m., H Boy Scout PLC 7 p.m., R Tuesday, August 23 PSR Registration 6-8 p.m.,S AA 8 p.m., H Thursday, August 25 Bingo 6:45 p.m., H Saturday, August 27 Donut Weekend after Mass, H KEY: H: parish hall R: rectory C: church S: school From Fr. Dan: On Tuesday I visited someone to celebrate viaticum, after being contacted by the hospice that was caring for her. Viaticum is eucharist provided for someone who is dying. In the tabernacle in church the Body of Christ is reserved, so that it can be carried to people whose health problems prevent them from attending Mass. Therefore, in response to this call, I took the Blessed Sacrament with me to administer it to this dying woman as viaticum. Eucharist strengthens us to undertake our Christian mission. Viaticum furnishes strength for the dying person as he or she prepares for the journey from this life to the next. The Church’s ritual book for the pastoral care of the sick says of viaticum, “It is the completion and crown of the Christian life on this earth, signifying that the Christian follows the Lord to eternal glory and the banquet of the heavenly kingdom” (#175). Whenever you or somebody you love is facing the prospect of death, it is important to arrange to receive viaticum. I urge you to do so before your dear one is at death’s door, since he or she benefits more from being able to comprehend and participate fully. The sick individual might wish to confess her sins, which understandably is wise to do before communication becomes difficult. The anointing of the sick also is most appropriate for somebody whose health is seriously compromised. By the way, many mistakenly think that anointing is the last sacrament, but in reality it is eucharist as viaticum. Both anointing and viaticum can be celebrated multiple times, if the dying person lingers. The ideal is viaticum celebrated within the context of Mass, though often this isn’t practical. Still, by contacting the parish while the sick one is still conscious and responsive, Mass can take place at your home, thus permitting your dying family member to take part. The Church encourages this because Mass is so important for our Christian journey. More often circumstances dictate that viaticum is celebrated apart from Mass, whether at the person’s home or in his or her hospital room. Anointing and eucharist are the sacraments by which the Church nourishes the faithful during times of illness and when they are in danger of death. There still is the notion among some that anointing is just for those nearing death. In actuality, as soon as a Catholic begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, it is time to be anointed. This applies to not only physical maladies but also mental ones, since, for example, a state of depression that includes suicidal thoughts calls for anointing. During the celebration of the sacrament we ask God to grant healing in body and spirit and the forgiveness of sins. Most important is the encouragement in faith that is imparted, but I firmly believe that the unexpected recovery experienced by some people is rooted in the divine power at work in anointing. What a tremendous gift God has given us in this sacrament! /ÜiÌÞwÀÃÌ-Õ`>Þ"À`>ÀÞ/iƂÕ}ÕÃÌÓ£]Óä£È Resist Superiority A Word From Pope Francis By Janel Esker I pride myself on being prompt. It shows consideration for those waiting on you. So I am not particularly sympathetic toward the people in today’s Gospel—those who didn’t get to the master’s house before he locked the door. “Should’ve checked your watch / stopped dawdling / planned ahead”; those phrases run cynically through my mind. But that’s exactly Jesus’ point: Once we’re certain of our moral superiority and others’ failures, we get in trouble. Jesus’ story reveals that people who Sunday Readings Isaiah 66:18–21 º>V}Ì}>Ì iÀ> >ÌÃ>`Ì}ÕiÃÆÌ iÞà > Vi>`ÃiiÞ}ÀÞ°» Hebrews 12:5–7, 11–13 ºÌ`Ã`>Ì i`ÃV«i vÌ iÀ`ÀÃi i>ÀÌÜ i Ài«ÀÛi`LÞ ÆvÀÜ Ì i À`ÛiÃ] i`ÃV«ið» Luke 13:22–30 º-ÌÀÛiÌiÌiÀÌ ÀÕ} Ì i >ÀÀÜ}>Ìi]vÀ>Þ]ÌiÞÕ] Ü>ÌÌi«ÌÌiÌiÀLÕÌÜÌ LiÃÌÀ}iÕ} °» assumed they’d be welcomed by the master simply by association, heritage, or neighborhood are surprised to be left outside even as foreigners are welcomed. God doesn’t abide by our rules, divisions, and judgments. In fact, God delights in upending our ideas of who is right and who is wrong. Jesus states it clearly: “Some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.” We hear it repeatedly—“Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3)—yet we holler in political and religious arenas about who will be saved, who’s going to hell, and who God favors and despises. Jesus is clear: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate…” It’s an interesting word choice: To fit through a narrow door, you need only be lean or thin, not necessarily strong. Perhaps he meant strong enough to resist condemning others, strong enough to focus on stripping ourselves of sinful behaviors that keep us from intimacy with God. † “God delights in upending our ideas of who is right and who is wrong.” }ÕÀ*ÕLV>ÌÃ}ÕÀ°À} The way which would lead [Jesus] to the glory of the Father passed through the Cross, through obedience to the divine design of love for mankind…. We too should be clear in our Christian life that entering the glory of God demands daily fidelity to his will, even when it demands sacrifice and sometimes requires us to change our plans. The Ascension of Jesus actually happened on the Mount of Olives, … where he had withdrawn to pray before the Passion in order to remain in deep union with the Father: …Prayer gives us the grace to be faithful to God’s plan. —General audience, April 17, 2013 U7 `iÝVÕ`i ÀL`ÞÕ`}i¶ U7 >ÌV >i}iÃ`v>Vi vÕÞÛ}ÕÌÞv>Ì ¶ Follow Him... and Reclaim the World By Fr. Dennis J. Billy, CSsR “Christianity,” it has been said, “has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” These words of G. K. Chesterton (1874–1936) highlight one of the current enigmas of the Christian story. What passes for Christianity today is often a watereddown version of what it really means to follow Jesus. We have forgotten the rigors that following Christ entails. Rather than a radical change in our outlook on life and the way we live it, Christianity becomes a nominal membership to which we give our lukewarm allegiance. Understanding Christ’s outlook and adapting it to our world today is difficult but not impossible. Our Christian story is based on the conviction that Jesus was crucified, rose from the dead, and returned to his Father’s right hand in a glorified state. The Jesus of history is one with the Christ of faith, and those who experienced him both historically and in his glorified state have left in sacred Scripture an authentic testimony. What is more, this story asserts that we not only possess a fairly reliable record of Jesus’ words and actions but also can live in his friendship and experience through his spirit an intimate communion of mind and heart. The Apostle Paul makes the 7Ƃ9 ,Ƃ ƂÕ}ÕÃÌÓÓqÓÇ ƂÕ}ÕÃÌÓ£]Óä£È astounding claim to have the mind of Christ himself (1 Corinthians 2:16) and that this same Christ was alive and living within him (Galatians 2:20). We might say Jesus wishes to take possession of our hearts by renewing our minds and clothing us with a new self (Ephesians 4:24). For this to happen—to follow Jesus—we must embrace the cross and the empty tomb by living for others in love and expectant hope. The Christian story is based on the notion that our world has somehow gone awry and that God has decided to fix it from the inside out. We believe that, in order to redeem our fallen world, God entered it by becoming flesh in the person of Jesus, who gave himself completely to the point of death so that he could become our food, nourishment, and source of hope. More importantly, by entering our world and setting it aright, God elevated it to greater heights Mon. Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 2 Thessalonians 1:1–5, 11–12 / Matthew 23:13–22 Tue. Weekday: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–3a, 14–17 / Matthew 23:23–26 Wed. St. Bartholomew: Revelation 21:9b–14 / John 1:45–51 than ever. He decided not merely to restore humanity to its former glory but to divinize us and bestow on us the possibility of becoming his adopted sons and daughters. Jesus’ story is also our story, and like him, we’re called to enter the world of those around us and give ourselves to them completely. The adventure of Christian discipleship is all about Jesus walking with us on our journey through life. It is about our lives being inextricably bound up with his. It is a constant reminder that the crosses we carry pale in comparison with the joy and hope that has been revealed to us as a result of the empty tomb. It empowers us to engage the world in constructive ways because we, like Jesus, are in it but not of it. It affirms the power of hope over despair, of love over hatred, of life over death. It believes there is nothing to be afraid of because the Lord has overcome the powers of darkness, and his kingdom of light is near at hand. † À`]ÞÕV>iÌvviÀÌ i}vÌ vÃ>Û>ÌÌ>«i«i° i«iiLÀ>Vi>«i«iÜÌ >Û}>`V«>ÃÃ>Ìi i>ÀÌ° —From Grateful Meditations for Every Day in Ordinary Time, Rev. Warren J. Savage and Mary Ann McSweeny Thu. Weekday: 1 Corinthians 1:1–9 / Matthew 24:42–51 Fri. Weekday: 1 Corinthians 1:17–25 / Matthew 25:1–13 Sat. St. Monica: 1 Corinthians 1:26–31 / Matthew 25:14–30 © 2016 Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057. 1-800-325-9521. Editor: Julia A. DiSalvo. Designer: John Krus. Scripture quotations in this publication are from the New American Bible, revised edition, © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. Pope Francis quotation is used with permission and copyright © 2016 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. For licensing information, call 1-800-488-0488. All rights reserved. Distribution rights granted only to license holders. BHW001 Pamela M. Wilkes Sandy Skul Broker / Realtor / Parishioner Parishioner WILKES REALTY 11108 Granger Rd. 216-663-3247 Call 587-2433 REALTOR JAMES P. RYBA, DDS General Dentistry in Garfield Hts. 9726 Park Hts. Ave. (216) 581-3393 • MIDAS WEILER LEGAL SERVICES 216-520-0322 Probate Real Estate Business Law 7906 Broadview Rd. Broadview Hts. 440-546-5353 5204 Warrensville Ctr. Rd. Maple Hts. 216-475-8240 $1 OFF REGULAR FOOTLONG 50¢ OFF REGULAR 6” 4984 Turney Rd. 341-3110 Valid with coupon at Turney Town Subway only. Add-ons extra. One coupon per customer per visit. May not be combined with other coupons or discounts. ST L ABELL A LAWN CARe & LANDSCAPING SNOW ReMOVAL WE DO IT ALL • FROM A TO Z Accepting New Customers! Senior & Military Discount 216-390-3351 Deliberato Law Center 587-0149 (440) 289-5431 Joe & Rita Hudec Estate Planning Business Law Probate Administration FREE ESTIMATES BONDED & INSURED A Limited Liability Company Matthew D. Deliberato Attorney-at-Law 216-341-3413 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • CONCRETE • WATERPROOFING Dan Boberek 216-642-3277 Formerly Known as: St. Therese / SS. Peter & Paul FCU 5269 E. 104th St., Garfield Hts. 216-587-0631 • Office Hours: Mon., Thur. & Fri. 2-6 Wed. 10-3 • Sat. 9-12 Charmin Carmen’s Carpet, Floors, Blinds 6073 Turney Rd. 216-663-8411 Credit Cards Now Available .com COMPLETE AUTO, VAN & LIGHT TRUCK REPAIR 3RD GENERATION KUCHTA’S AUTOMOTIVE 14255 GRANGER RD. MAPLE HTS. J.MAC A.S.E. CERTIFIED 216-587-5626 H H H ALL-STAR ROOFING CO. Fortuna 216-520-7335 ROOFING WINDOWS SIDING H H H Senior Discounts • Free Estimates Family Owned & Operated Licensed – Bonded – Insured 216-332-0098 Over 100 Years Four Generations of Service 4747 TURNEY RD. Corner of Garfield Blvd. Garfield Hts., OH 44125 (216) 883-3900 • eNViroNmeNTal Co commercial • iNDUSTrial • iNSTiTUTioNal Life Insurance Since 1879 Gaida Home Improvement Windows • Siding • Home Repair Gerard Gaida, parishioner 216-310-5677 216-341-0444 Six Month Annuity CD at 2-1/2 % to Members 1-1/2 % for Non-Members • Rates subject to change GENESIS HANDYMAN CatholicMatch Paul Staley, owner Over 30 years experience “No job too small” Ohio 440-552-7926 FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED – BONDED – INSURED Catholic Cemeteries Association Faith, Hope, Remembrance Brian Kowalski Plumbing & Bath Inc. 19 Cemeteries in Northeast Ohio to serve you for At-Need and Pre-Planning Complete Plumbing Service • Parishioner 216-641-7575 • 216-401-2592 Faucets • Toilets • Valves • Water Heaters • Sewer/Drain Cleaning Licensed/Bonded/Insured • OH LIC. # 36534 • Accept MC/Visa Heating Air Conditioning Ventilating SERVICE & INSTALLATION 216-663-2300 Comfort 440-845-7145 Family Roofers for Over 50 Years FUNERAL HOME 7076 Brecksville Rd., Independence 5316 Fleet Ave., Cleveland 1-800-282-5106 Joe LaMalfa For Advertising Information CALL Tools & Equipment for Work & Play Drew & Cheryl Haney w w 12700 Rockside Dr. 4640 Turney Rd. Garfield Hts. 216-641-6321 The 216-341-4758 Dennis J. Siciliano, Esq., LLC Attorney at Law SERVICE CENTER D.U.I. Kevin P. Weiler 6200 Rockside Woods Blvd. N., Ste. 315 Independence Vic’s Floral Inc. 7100 Broadway Ave. Traditional and Cremation Burials Custom Designed Monuments • Vaults and Markers rAd Air Complete et Car Care ASE Master Technician Eric Spade Service Advisor 216-662-2238 5326 Turney Rd., Garfield Hts. and Tire Centers 5266 Turney Rd. Garfield Hts. Office: 216-663-0663 Mobile: 330-204-4681 [email protected] 2188 Tom Leicher
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September-04-2016 - St. Therese Parish
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Klima Gardens
4646 East 71st Street
Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44127