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tubanytt uke 8
NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 ZEROMANCER SINNERS INTERNATIONAL Trisol TRI 359 4260063943591 Ventetiden er over. Det har gått over 5 år siden Zzyzx, men nå er endelig ZEROMANCER tilbake med nytt materiale. Og det er en betydelig mer rocka utgave av bandet vi møter. De har gått fra major til indie, og gjort alt selv denne gangen. Resultatet har blitt ZEROMANCERs klart beste album, med 10 glimrende låter frontet av knallsingelen Doppelgänger I Love You. Bandet har allerede et stort navn i USA, og med Sinners International tar de enda et steg nærmere NINE INCH NAILS og MINISTRY. - Bergens Tidende ”Rått og godt comeback.” ”Råere, tøffere, bedre.” - Tønsbergs Blad CD ”Ei skive som bør treffe fansen godt.” - Scream Magazine Se ZEROMANCER live : 18.03 Bergen, Hulen 20.03 Stavanger, Folken 21.03 Oslo, Rockefeller BEIRUT MARCH OF THE ZAPOTEC Pompeii POMP 001CD 0823566487722 Vi har gleden av å endelig kunne presentere nytt materiale fra ZACH CONDON og hans BEIRUT som etter sine to første album mer eller mindre forsvant fra jordens overflate, og blant annet avlyste sin planlagte Øya-opptreden i fjor. Det gikk også en del rykter om at Beirut var historie, men disse avkreftes nå med utgivelsen av denne dobbeltdisken med nytt materiale. Disk 1 består av March of the Zapotec spilt inn i Oaxaca, Mexico blant annet ved hjelp av det lokale begravelseorkesteret, THE JIMENEZ BAND. Disk 2 er kreditert REALPEOPLE og titulert Holland, og er et soveromsvidunder av en synthperle, skrevet og utført av Condon på egenhånd. Totalt snakker vi 11 nye spor fra den noe i nærheten av geniale ZACH CONDON. CD Forvent god pressedekning, og intervjuer er allerede gjort med bl.a. Lydverket og NTB. http://www.myspace.com/beruit FIRST AID KIT DRUNKEN TREES Wichita WEBB 201CD 5055036262019 CDEP FIRST AID KIT er søstrene JOHANNA og KLARA SÖDERBERG fra en av Stockholms forsteder. De er så unge (18 og 15) at det nesten gjør litt vondt, men låtene deres er så sterke at man raskt glemmer alt annet. En 4-spors versjon av denne EP’en ble sluppet i 2008 via THE KNIFEs etikett, Rabid, men nå kommer den med 3 nye spor + deres mye omtalte cover av FLEET FOXES-låta Tiger Mountain Peasant Song på eminente Wichita. Blant musikalske inspirasjonskilder kan vi nevne BRIGHT EYES, JOANNA NEWSOM og JOSE GONZALEZ. De spiller 2 konserter på By:Larm, og vi garanterer fulle hus! ”Instead of writing about getting wasted and the ever crushing emotions felt from losing a boyfriend, the lyrical content neatly slots in to that of something that veterans of the music world like Ryan Adams could write. They are that good.” 9/10 – THE MUSIC MAGAZINE http://www.myspace.com/thisisfirstaidkit Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 N.A.S.A. THE SPIRIT OF APOLLO Anti EPIT 70012 8714092700121 CD N.A.S.A. (North America South America) er et sinnsykt hip-hop-prosjekt, ledet av DJ’ene SQUEK E. CLEAN og DJ ZEGON, med en gjesteliste du ikke har sett maken til! Blant de medvirkende finner vi DAVID BYRNE, CHUCK D, SEU JORGE, METHOD MAN, RZA, JOHN FRUSCIANTE, KAREN O, OL’ DIRTY BASTARD, TOM WAITS, KANYE WEST, LYKKE LI, SANTOGOLD, SIZZLA, GEORGE CLINTON og M.I.A.! Flere av låtene har sirkulert på diverse blogger en periode, og interessen for dette prosjektet er svært stor der ute! http://www.myspace.com/nasa GRAND DUCHY PETIT FOURS Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 482 0711297488227 GRAND DUCHY = BLACK FRANCIS (FRANK BLACK) + VIOLET CLARK. Sammen leverer de 9 spor som nok en gang viser at FRANCIS har fått gløden tilbake for fullt. Herlige basslinjer, passe mye synth, lekker vokal fra CLARK og skrikende gitarer, mye slik vi ønsker å høre fra FRANCIS. En liten vitaminpille, helt enkelt! ”Though Black’s career post-Pixies has been patchy, this is an undoubted return to form.” 8/10 – DROWNED IN SOUND CD http://www.grandduchymusic.com/ WILLIAM ELLIOT WHITMORE ANIMALS IN THE DARK Anti EPIT 69742 8714092697421 CD Animals In The Dark er oppfølgeren til kritikerroste Song Of The Blackbird fra 2006. WHITMOREs fantastiske stemme har blitt sammenlignet med både LEADBELLY og OTIS REDDING. Sleng gjerne på TOM WAITS og SEASICK STEVE i samme slangen, og du nærmer deg. Musikalsk snakker vi folk/blues, men uttrykket er såpass rocka at han har fans også i punk- og metal-kretser. Faktisk kunne åpningssporet, Mutiny, ha passet inn på et CLUTCH-album dersom det hadde hatt andre instrumenter enn trommer og vokal! “…a voice that sounds like the reincarnation of an old gospel preacher from the 1920s and a fascination with sin, death, and redemption to match” – www.allmusic.com “Young(ish) man gets the ancient blues” 4/5 - MOJO “Oak-voiced Iowan offers up bluesy fifth” 4/5 - UNCUT http://www.myspace.com/williamewhitmore Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 THRONE OF KATARSIS HELVETE – DET ISKALDE MØRKET Candlelight CANDLE 271CD 0803341251083 CD THRONE OF KATARSIS er tilbake med mer ondskap. Bandets andre album for Candlelight gir oss ekte norsk iskald og hatefull svartmetall. Flotte saker å kose seg med i vintermørket. For fans av TSJUDER, AURA NOIR, MAYHEM, CARPATHIAN FOREST. http://www.myspace.com/throneofkatarsis ABSU ABSU Candlelight CANDLE 220CD 08033412531504 CD Texas-baserte ABSU returnerer etter åtte års fravær med et helt suverent album. Mytologisk okkult ekstremmetal av ypperste merke. Gjesteopptredener av folk fra KING DIAMOND, MAYHEM, MELECHESH, FIRSTBORN og ENTHRONED. Her kan vi fort snakke om årets metalalbum folkens. Album of the month – 9.5/10 TERRORIZER www.myspace.com/absu DIVERSE ARTISTER HEAVY METAL KILLERS Earache MOSH 373 5055006537314 CD Earache har samlet sammen kremen av nye band innen The New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal. Inneholder låter med Earaches nysigninger CAULDRON og POWERVICE, samt andre nye store talenter som ENFORCER, CROWNING GLORY, WHITE WIZARD og PORTRAIT (klare for Hole In The Sky!) 8.5/10 Terrorizer SAROS ACRID PLAINS Profound Lore PFL 042CD CD 0880270264629 Profound Lore er for tiden en av USAs mest spennende metal-labler. Band som KRALLICE og THE DEVIL’S BLOOD er eksempler på det. SAROS fra San Franciscos Bay Area er nok et eksempel. Neida, de spiller overhodet ikke ren thrash, derimot får vi en spennende blanding av bandets influenser : Black metal, klassisk tidlig Bay Area-stil, teknisk dødmetall og neo-klassisk kammermusikk. Flotte saker produsert av BILLY ANDERSON (HIGH ON FIRE, NEUROSIS, SLEEP, MELVINS etc) www.myspace.com/saros Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 ODAWAS THE BLUE DEPTHS Jagjaguwar JAG 138 0656605213828 Cinematisk indiefolk fra Nord-Californias ODAWAS på Jagjaguwar. Harvest Moon-era NEIL YOUNG møter ANGELO BADALAMENTI møter Jack Nitzsche-arrangerte strykere? Flotte saker er det uansett, og hadde du også en drøm om Shelley Johnson og/eller Lula Fortune på begynnelsen av nittitallet, eller liker noen av de nevnte herremenn vil dette være midt i blinken. CD http://www.myspace.com/odawastheband THESE ARE POWERS ALL ABOARD FUTURE Dead Oceans DOC 023 0656605132327 Brooklyn-/Chicago-band som sammenlignes med GANG GANG DANCE, BLONDE REDHEAD og HIGH PLACES som her er ute med sitt andre album med sjangerbrytende musikk med rot i elektro inspirert av bl.a. THROBBING GRISTLE. Det visuelle er selvsagt også på plass og coveret er satt sammen av tretten kunstnere fra Chicago, New York og Beijing. CD http://www.myspace.com/thesearepowers FOL CHEN PART 1: JOHN SHADE, YOUR FORTUNE’S MADE Asthmatic Kitty AKR 053 0656605605326 CD Vi synes dette er bra saker, men skjønner ikke tegninga helt og lar derfor Fol Chen forklare selv: ”You know that mysterious black object that the creepy family is staring at on the cover of Led Zeppelin’s ”Presence” album? Fol Chen sound like that. But we don’t sound like Led Zeppelin. (We actually do a little.) Instead, we sound like Prince with Amon Duul II and a children’s religious revival, not to mention Hot Chip, Pink Floyd, Gwen Stefani, Pere Ubu, Danielson Famile, Scritti Politti, Boards of Canada, The Blow, and Pulp. (Mostly.) We are using secret powers and the guidance of legendary DJ Donna Donna to combat our nemesis, John Shade. We are cryptic and joyful and we would like you to dance.” You dig? http://www.myspace.com/folchen Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 DIVERSE ARTISTER ROUGH TRADE COUNTER CULTURE 08 V2/Cooperative VVR 957275 2CD 0602517957275 For første gang slipper Rough Trade denne samlings-serien utenfor UK. Og FOR en samling! På en dobbel CD til enkel pris, får vi mye av det beste som ble sluppet i 2008, bl.a. BON IVER, FLEET FOXES, TELEPATHE, DEPARTMENT OF EAGLES, YO MAJESTY, VIVAN GIRLS og BORIS, samt en mengde band du nå kan skryte til alle kompiser om å være først ute med. Totalt 44 spor! JACKIE LEVEN THE HAUNTED YEAR - WINTER Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 483 2CD 0711297488326 The Haunted Year er en ny serie med doble CD’er som samler utgivelser som hittil kun har vært tilgjengelige via JACKI LEVENs nettsider og på mannens konserter. Første utgivelse inneholder albumene Men In Prison, innspilt i Bergen Fengsel i 2003, og Munich Blues, innspilt i Munchen i 2000. Herlig musikk og JACKIEs alltid like underholdende småprat til en særdeles billig penge! Dette er første av i alt 4 utgivelser. Samler du alle fire, får du helt gratis en varm følelse i brystregionen på kjøpet! JONAS KULLHAMMAR THE HALF NAKED TRUTH 1998-2008 Moserobie MMPCDBOX 02 8CD 7320470104200 JONAS KULLHAMMAR QUARTET er sannsynligvis Sveriges mest fremgangsrike jazz-ensemble dette tiåret, og de har fått mange fans også her i Norge. Denne nummererte og limiterte (kun 600 i salg!) boksen inneholder 8 cd’er med utelukkende uutgitt materiale innspilt live og i studio fra 1998 til 2008, inkludert materiale innspilt på Kampanjazz i Oslo i fjor. MONICA ZETTERLUND SWEDISH SENSATION El / Cherry Red ACMEM 165CD 5013929316539 CD Utgivelse som inneholder MONICA ZETTERLUNDs lenge utgåtte, og meget sjeldne førstealbum fra 1958 samt alle A- og B-sider fra hennes tidlige EP’er. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI THAT BEEP Polyvinyl PRC 174-2 0644110017420 EP limitert til 2000 ex. i verden med den nye låten That Beep i fire versjoner. Ny fullengder fra ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI kommer sent i sommer! CDEP http://www.myspace.com/aihmusic CHARLES SPEARIN THE HAPPINESS PROJECT Arts & Crafts A&C 039 0827590390027 CD BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE- og DO MAKE SAY THINK-medlemmet CHARLES SPEARIN er her ute med sitt noe spesielle Happiness Project. ”Musikken” på platen er basert rundt intervjuer gjort med naboer og andre personer som tilfeldigvis har passert Spearins hus, og ”musikken” som visstnok skapes av måten de prater på rundt emnet happiness. Les mer om prosjektet på mannens Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/charlesspearin HOT PANDA VOLCANO, BLOODY VOLCANO Mint Records MRD 125 0773871012525 Edmonton-orkester som ifølge seg selv er dårlige musikere som skriver bra låter inspirert av franske jenter, pirater, alkohol og IGGY POP. Resultatet er sjarmerende og svingende rock som bl.a. har skaffet bandet ikke mindre enn fem spillejobber under årets SXSW. CD http://www.myspace.com/hotttpanda SLEEPER BEHIND EVERY MASK Mush Records MH 257 0663405125718 Hip hop med svært så elektroniske og futuristiske beats fra SLEEPER. For fans av ODD NOSDAM, RJD2 etc. CD http://www.myspace.com/madawkward Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 CHINA BLUE TWILIGHT OF DESTINY Frontiers FRCD 395 http://www.chinabluemusic.com 8024391039526 CD CHINA BLUE ble opprinnelig påbegynt som prosjekt på 80-tallet av ERIC RAGNO (TAKARA, TED POLEY), men er først nå sluttført. Vokalist er ingen ringere enn TONY MILLS (TNT, SHY), og JOSH RAMOS (THE STORM, HARDLINE) er med og topper laget. ”…MILLS sounds positively strasospheric on the band’s soaring, JOURNEY-esque brand of pure-AOR” 8/10 – CLASSIC ROCK ”…about those pivotal moments in life when the boy gets the girl or the boy loses the girl” 93/100 –MELODIC ROCK PAGANINI MEDICINE MAN NL 10055 4042564033304 Sveitsiske PAGANINI er tilbake med et album som vil glede bade gamle fans og generelt alle med sans for band som GOTTHARD eller BON JOVI. CD http://www.myspace.com/paganiniband VII GATES IN HOC SIGNO VINCES Lion LMC 249 6419922002490 Klassisk metal fra Sverige, krydret med power metal. For fans av RAINBOW, JUDAS PRIEST og ICED EARTH. CD http://www.myspace.com/viigates HOPE ALL OF MY DAYS Escape ESM 181 5031281001818 Nytt, spennende svensk band med erfarne HENRIK THOMSEN (DON PATROL, SKY HIGH) I spissen. Velkomponert og velspilt. CD http://www.myspace.com/escapemusic1 Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 JEM COHEN EMPIRES OF TIN Constellation CST 56 0666561005627 DVD En hybrid av film og konsert skapt av New York regissøren JEM COHEN og lydsatt av VIC CHESNUTT, GUY PICIOTTI (FUGAZI) og medlemmer fra THE SILVER MT. ZION. Offisielt presentert på den internasjonale fimfestivalen i Wien i oktober 2008, og nå klar i DVD-versjon. Musikalsk får vi improvisasjoner, tolkninger rundt STRAUSS The Radetsky March og gjenngivelser av VIC CHESNUTT-låter. AC/DC CHURCH OF ROCK – BON SCOTT YEARS Chrome Dreams SGDVD 018 0823564514895 DVD Dokumentar om norgesaktuelle AC/DCs første storhetstid, ledet av den karismatiske BON SCOTT. Sjeldne bilder, eksklusive intervjuer, nyhetsklipp og en rekke andre features. BON JOVI THE BILLION DOLLAR QUARTET Chrome Dreams SIDVD 544 0823564515298 DVD Dokumentar som konsentrerer seg om BON JOVIs senere periode. Inneholder live- og studio innspillinger, intervjuer med bandet, produsenter, journalister etc, sjeldne opptak og bilder, etc etc. OASIS THE BIG PICTURE Chrome Dreams PGDVD 110 0823564515199 2DVD Dokumentar som ved hjelp av intervjuer, nyhetsklipp, sjeldne bilder etc etc, omhandler musikken og karriéren til OASIS. I tillegg får du dokumentaren om det klassiske albumet (What’s The Story) Morning Glory, som vant Vodafones DVD Of The Year pris i Storbritannia i 1997. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VIII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 BEIRUT MARCH OF THE ZAPOTEC Pompeii POMP 001LP 0823566487821 2LP BEIRUT på dobbel, fin vinyl. Kommer i lager i slutten av februar. DIVERSE ARTISTER HEAVY METAL KILLERS Earache MOSH 373LP LP 5055006537345 Kremen av nye band innen The New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal også tilgjengelig på limitert vinyl. ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI THAT BEEP Polyvinyl PRC 174-1 0644110017413 12’’ 180 grams 12-tommer med den nye låten That Beep i fire versjoner. Ny fullengder fra ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI kommer sent i sommer! http://www.myspace.com/aihmusic Joan of Arc/Owen/Make Believe/The Love of Everything The Association of Utopian Hollowgram Swallowers Polyvinyl PRC 090-7 2X7’’ 0644110009074 Dobbel syvtommer i gatefoldcover med seks spor totalt; to fra hver av MAKE BELIEVE og THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING, og ett fra hver av JOAN OF ARC og OWEN. THE VIBRARIANS RED LIGHT / MODERN WALKER & THE WOODS K Records IPU 122 0789856212217 7’’ Trespors syver fra Olympia-trioen THE VIBRARIANS. http://www.myspace.com/thevibrarians THE MURDER CITY DEVILS THE MURDER CITY DEVILS Sub Pop DIE 001 0098787900118 LP Reutgivelse av THE MURDER CITY DEVILS debut fra 1997 på LP. Inneholder kode for nedlasting av albumet. http://www.myspace.com/murdercitydevils Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IX NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 THE MURDER CITY DEVILS EMPTY BOTTLES, BROKEN HEARTS Sub Pop SP 429 0098787042917 LP Reutgivelse av THE MURDER CITY DEVILS andreplate fra 1998 på LP. Inneholder kode for nedlasting av albumet. THE MURDER CITY DEVILS IN NAME AND BLOOD Sub Pop SP 497 0098787049718 LP THE MURDER CITY DEVILS tredje (og beste?) album fra 2000 reutgitt på vinyl. Inneholder kode for nedlasting av albumet. THE MURDER CITY DEVILS THELEMA Sub Pop SP 560 0098787056013 EP THE MURDER CITY DEVILS’ 6-spors EP fra 2001 nå reutgitt på vinyl. Inneholder kode for nedlasting. ODAWAS THE BLUE DEPTHS Jagjaguwar JAG 138LP 0656605213811 LP Cinematisk folk på vinyl. THESE ARE POWERS ALL ABOARD FUTURE Dead Oceans DOC 023LP 0656605132310 LP En limitert 180-grammer med gatefoldcover og fint design. FOL CHEN PART 1: JOHN SHADE, YOUR FORTUNE’S MADE Asthmatic Kitty AKR 053LP 0656605605319 LP FOL CHEN, RAFTER ROBERTS, KAREN TATOYAN et al på vinyl. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com X NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR TYRANN SHADOWS OF LENG Dark Essence KAR 045 7090008310457 CD TYRANN ble for første gang gravd opp som et sideprosjekt fra DRAUGLUIN tidlig i 2002. Prosjektet døde raskt i 2003 da det ble kvalt av flammene til TSJUDER. Uheldigvis nektet beistet å dø ordentlig. Bevisene tilsier at TYRANN på ny ble manet frem i 2006, og består nå av überbastardene ANTICHRISTIAN (ex-TSJUDER), SEIDEMANN (1349) og DRAUGLUIN (ex-TSJUDER). Tracklist 1. Reaper 2. Beneath 3. Trial By Fire 4. Hellridden 5. Dreams Of R’Lyeh 6. Shub-Niggurath 7. Soulburner 8. Black Moon 9. Grave Dreamer Tyrann er høyst kvalmende, ekstremt nekrotisk og generelt mentalt ødeleggende. Bandets musikk vil på ingen måte gjøre deg noe godt, og bør unngås ved alle omstendigheter. FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR SKALDIC CURSE WORLD SUICIDE MACHINE Dark Essence KAR 044 7090008310440 CD SKALDIC CURSE er et av de beste engelske black metal banda som har kommet de siste årene! Tracklist 1. Pest Against Pest 2. World Suicide Machine 3. Worm 4. Genocide Storm 5. Carcinogen 6. Invoking Mal-Being Siden starten i 2000 har målet til SKALDIC CURSE vært å skape nihilistisk og progressiv black metal, og med sitt andre album har de skapt et helt unikt og original sound. World Suicide Machine er både ett intenst, kaldt og brutalt black metal album, samtidig som bandet har et originalt sound med en mørk og særegen stemning. I tillegg er det spor av old-school thrash metal i låtene, så dette er et variert album både stemningsmessig og musikalsk. Skaldic Curse henter inspirasjon fra forskjellige band som MAYHEM, VOIVOD, DARKTHRONE og RUSH, og makter å skape sitt helt unike og originale lydbilde. World Suicide Machine vil stå igjen som en av de mest innovative black metal platene i 2009! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XI NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR THE PRODIGY INVADERS MUST DIE Take Me To The Hospital/Cooking Vinyl HOSPCD 001/HOSPCD 001X/HOSPBOX001/HOSPLP 001 0711297880120/071129 CD/LP 7880151/0711297880106/0711297880113 Tracklist 1. Invaders Must Die 2. Omen 3. Thunder 4. Colours 5. Take Me To The Hospital 6. Warrior’s Dance 7. Run With The Wolves 8. Omen Reprise 9. World’s On Fire 10. Piranha 11. Stand Up THE PRODIGY er tilbake! Deres nye album kommer 23. februar, og allerede fredag 27. februar spiller de for et totalt utsolgt Sentrum Scene! Dette er første album siden 1997-suksessen The Fat Of The Land der LIAM HOWLETT er gjenforent med sine kumpaner KEITH FLINT og MAXIM. Sammen har de nok en gang vist seg å være et uslåelig team, og liveanmeldelsene fra vinterens UK-turné har vært overstrømmende. Første smakebit fra Invaders Must Die kom i form an video av tittelsporet, som kun var tilgjengelig på nett, og som har blitt streamet 1.100.000 ganger siden desember! Den nye singlen, Omen, er nettopp sluppet til radio, og er allerede playlistet av bl.a. BBC Radio One, XFM og P3 Sverige. Invaders Must Die er THE PRODIGY som viser hvem som er sjefen! I tillegg til ordinær cd, kommer dette albumet i en dobbel versjon med en bonus-DVD, på dobbel vinyl samt en ultra-limitert boks med samtlige albumspor på fem 7”-singler i orange vinyl, CD+DVD-versjonen av albumet, en ekstra bonus-disc med 4 eksklusive spor + poster, stickers og annet snop. “The Prodigy are back and they are here to dig up your dancing soul. Lock up EVERYTHING” – Clash (Feb 09) “As devastating as you could hope for” - Mixmag (Feb 09) “A frantic mash-up of breaks, rave and rock power all delivered in with the punk attitude that we know and love them for.” – DJ “The Prodigy haven’t changed – they’ve just added enough new cusses to run up a national debt at the swear box.” The Guardian, live review**** “Brutal, skilful, faster, harder and more alive than ever before – the prodigal sons returned in style.” – Daily Star, live review “The Prodigy are back to their best.” - The Daily Telegraph, live review **** “11 tracks of rock-infused dance mayhem which might just remove your head cleanly from your shoulders.” Kerrang! http://www.invadersmustdie.com/ FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR LAMB OF GOD WRATH Roadrunner RR 78862/RR 78865 CD 0016861788629/0016861788650 Tracklist 1 The Passing 2 In Your Words 3 Set To Fail 4 Contractor 5 Fake Messiah 6 Grace 7 Broken Hands 8 Dead Seeds 9 Everything To Nothing 10 Choke Sermon 11 Reclamation 12 We Die Alone (Bonus Track – digipack only!) 13 Shoulder Of Your God (Bonus Track – digipack only) LAMB OF GOD slipper nå endelig sitt sjuende album, og sitt første på Roadrunner! Wrath er albumet som kommer til å sette LAMB OF GOD på metal-kartet, slik Cowboys From Hell gjorde for PANTERA! Deres distinkte stil har gjort dem til forbilder for en ny generasjon amerikanske band, og de fronter på beste vis det enkelte ynder å kalle ”The New Wave Of American Heavy Metal”, sammen med band som TRIVIUM, MASTODON og SHADOWS FALL. I sommer spiller de support for METALLICA på deres to utsolgte konserter i Oslo Spektrum, og vi garanterer at deres allerede respektable fanbase kommer til å vokse seg anda større etter det! Dette albumet kommer også i en limitert digipack-versjon med 2 bonus-spor! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR DAN AUERBACH KEEP IT HID V2/Cooperative VVR 969476 0602517969476 CD DAN AUERBACH – den ene halvdelen av THE BLACK KEYS – går solo på Keep It Hid. En oppvisning i sterke låter, inderlig sang og et avhengighetsskapende finurlig gitarspill! Keep It Hid was produced and engineered by Auerbach at his studio, Akron Analog, and features him playing a variety of instruments, including drums, guitar, percussion, and keyboards. Many of Auerbach’s friends and family play on the album, including his uncle James Quine, who contributes vocal harmony and electric guitar on the track “Street Walkin.” Other musicians include fellow Ohioans Jessica Lea Mayfield, who sings on the track “When the Night Comes,” and Bob Cesare, who plays drums on “Whispered Words,” a song originally written by Auerbach’s father. Of the recording process Auerbach states, “I wanted a live, organic sound. Nothing was too plotted or planned, just a lot of spontaneity.” The record was mixed by Auerbach’s good friend Mark Neill at Neill’s Soil of the South studio. FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR SEBASTIEN GRAINGER & THE MOUNTAINS SEBASTIEN GRAINGER & THE MOUNTAINS Saddle Creek SCE 128 / SCE 128V 0648401512823 / 0648401512816 CD/LP “When Grainger goes by his given name, it means he’s all about two things and two things only: the rock, and the roll.” –Pitchfork Tracklist 01 Love Can Be So Mean (3:26) 02 Who Do We Care For? (2:28) 03 By Cover of Night (Fire Fight) (3:47) 04 I’m All Rage (Live ‘05) (4:12) 05 I Hate My Friends (4:32) 06 (Are There) Ways to Come Home? (4:03) 07 Niagara (1:28) 08 (I Am Like A) River (4:30) 09 Love Is Not a Contest (2:38) 10 American Names (4:12) 11 Meet New Friends (5:13) 12 Renegade Silence (feat.The Rhythm Method) (3:38) Sebastien Grainger & the Mountains is a record that reflects the majesty its title suggests. Big chords, soaring choruses, and Sebastien’s voice paint the portrait of a man still climbing. While lyrically and musically, Grainger’s taken a sidestep away from the more aggressive approach of his past musical pursuits in favor of a more reflective and personal style, he still knows how to rock it when necessary. Pulling no punches, Sebastien’s crafted a muscular and smart rock record that will surprise people expecting him to relive his past. Best known for his contributions as singer and drummer for Canadian dance-punk duo Death From Above 1979, whose decadently catchy anthems took the world by storm with the release of their breakthrough record You’re a Woman, I’m a Machine in 2004, Sebastien Grainger is soon to be even better known to the world as a singer and songwriter of sophisticated distinction via his new solo works. Fans of his prior music will likely be surprised by his new direction: delicately layered ruminations rich with energetic arrangements and deep melodic undercurrents. With his first full-length album Sebastien Grainger & the Mountains he further expands upon the well-received melodic endeavors of his digital EP American Names. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. MARS LADYFINGER (NE) DUSK Saddle Creek SCE 129 CD 0648401512922 Tracklist 1. The Winds of Blasphemy 2. Lysets Endeligt 3. The Darkest Path 4. Det Iskalde Mørket 5. Summoning the Horns At a time when the world’s two biggest rock bands have released their long-awaited, return to form albums and the last few years have seen some of the best shows being performed by bands who originally formed 20 years ago, Ladyfinger (ne) could not have made a more fitting album. Nods and winks to the past meet a sound of the not-toodistant future, and with one foot in the sounds of early 70’s classic rock and another in the punk and hardcore scenes of the late 80’s and early 90’s, Ladyfinger (ne) bring you Dusk. Recorded once again with Matt Bayles (Mastodon, Minus the Bear, Isis), Dusk is Ladyfinger (ne) at the peak of their powers. Witness Chris Machmuller’s confidence in his vocals grow exponentially and Pat Oakes’ powerhouse drums finding a firmer root to propel every snare hit and bass kick. An album clearly born of playing local dives and national tours over the last couple of years, Dusk is a statement of intent. The dynamics of each song and across the album are more evident, from the opening 1-2 punch of Over and Over and the bass growl of ADD, through the sharp riffs and aggressiveness of Work Party, the plaintive Plans, and into the hit-in-the-making Let’s Get Married. We’re not going to sit around and tell you this is going to save rock and roll. We’ll leave that up to the big boys. But for now, this saved rock for us. We think it’s going help to save it for you, too. FORHÅND 2. MARS REVOLTING COCKS SEX-O OLYMPICO 13th Planet THP 009 4046661122626 CD Nytt album fra AL JOURGENSEN & CO. Mer info kommer. Tracklist HookerBot3000 Keys To The City (Vegas Mix) Red Parrot Robo Bandidos Cousins Touch Screen I’m Not Gay Abundant Redundancy Lewd Ferrigno Wizard Of Sextown HookerBot3000 (Disco-A-Go-Go Mix) Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIV NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. MARS NEKO CASE MIDDLE CYCLONE Anti EPIT 69732 8714092697322 CD On March 3, 2009, Anti- Records will release the eagerly awaited new NEKO CASE album Middle Cyclone. The fifteen-track collection is CASE’s first release since 2006’s Fox Confessor Brings The Flood, the best-reviewed and best-selling album of her career. Tracklist 01. This Tornado Loves You 02. The Next Time You Say Forever 03. People Got A Lotta Nerve 04. Polar Nettles 05. Vengeance Is Sleeping 06. Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth 07. Middle Cyclone 08. Fever 09. Magpie To The Morning 10. I’m An Animal 11. Prison Girls 12. Don’t Forget Me 13. The Pharaohs 14. Red Tide 15. Marais La Nuit Middle Cyclone was produced by CASE with DARYL NEUDORF and recorded in Tucson, Brooklyn, Toronto, and Vermont. It features CASE backed by her core band - guitarist PAUL RIGBY, bassist TOM V. RAY, backing vocalist KELLY HOGAN, multi-instrumentalist JON RAUHOUSE, and drummer BARRY MIROCHNIK - along with numerous guests including M. WARD, GARTH HUDSON, SARAH HARMER, and members of THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS, LOS LOBOS, CALEXICO, THE SADIES, VISQUEEN, THE LILYS, and GIANT SAND, among others. In addition to twelve new songs written by CASE, Middle Cyclone includes covers of Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth by SPARKS, and Don’t Forget Me by HARRY NILSSON. FORHÅND 2. MARS VETIVER TIGHT KNIT Bella Union BELLACD 194 CD 0602517970656 Nytt album fra alt-folkens store yndlinger, VETIVER. Mer info følger! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XV NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. MARS UNGDOMSKULEN BISEXUAL Ungdomskulen US 002 7090001911866 CD Ungdomskulen klarte med sitt kompromissløse debutalbum Cry-Baby (Ever/K7!/VME) i 07/08, å markere seg både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Cry Baby fikk oppmerksomhet i medier med forskjellige musikalske preferanser, og den kompromissløse og udefinerbare stilen skapte interesse; “Ungdomskulen have arrived to smudge the stereotype...” 4/5 - UNCUT “Intriguingng, uncategorisable opening shot from Norwegian nutjobs…” 4/5 – KERRANG “Tracks like Feels Like Home makes Cry-Baby as relentless, reckless and original as Sonic Youth...” 7/10 - NME “These songs are all motion, mixing indie-rock lightning with heavy-metal thunder and revealing a belief in rock’s spiritual powers.” 7.7 – Pitchforkmedia Cry-Baby ble kåret til årets beste norske plate i Plan B, vant ”Natt og Dags Bergensprisen” for årets beste plate og kom på 19.plass i Dagbladets kåringa av beste norske plater i 2007. Siden ”Cry-Baby” kom ut i oktober 2007, har Ungdomskulen jobbet hardt. De har mellom annet gjort tre turnéer i USA, med spilling på de viktige bransjefestivalene CMJ og South by Southwest. De har spilt en treukers supportturne i England med Mercury-nominerte Young Knives, og gjennomført en Norgesturne i regi av Rikskonsertene og Alarmprisen. Et slikt tempo gir resultater, og selv om Ungdomskulen jobbet hardt med promoteringen av Cry Baby, var ikke det noe hinder mot å begynne å skrive musikk til et nytt album. I september 08 brant deres kreative tumleplass ned til grunnen, en omfattende hendelse som mange trodde skulle sette en stopper for et nytt album i 2009. I stedet vart Ungdomskulen inspirert til å jobbe enda hardere, noe som resulterte i at albumet vart ferdigstilt på rekordtid. Fra de begynte å skrive låter, til Bisexual var ferdig innspilt hos Jørgen Træen i Duper Studio, gikk det omtrent tre måneder. Den nye plata er en ny retning for Ungdomskulen, men det er fortsatt det karakteristiske soundet med forkjærlighet for nye impulser som ligger til grunn. Det klimatiske progrockbandet Ungdomskulen er nå klare med sitt andre album Bisexual. FORHÅND 2. MARS THE BAKERTON GROUP EL ROJO Weathermaker Music WM 004CD 4046661155723 CD THE BAKERTON GROUP er rett og slett et instrumentalt alter ego for CLUTCH. Bandet består av alle fire orginale CLUTCH-medlemmer, og på det nye albumet får de også hjelp av PER WIBERG fra OPETH på alle tangenter. Og jaggu dukker det ikke opp litt vokal også. Dette svinger som bare CLUTCH kan få til, og bør være snadder for fansen. Gis ut på bandets egen nye label Weathermaker Music. Tracklist 1. Time Horizon 2. Chancellor 3. Peruvian Airspace 4. Bien Clasico 5. Life On Lars 6. M.(f).H.S. 7. The Gigantomakhia 8. Work’em 9. Last Orbit 10. Bill Proger’s Galaxy Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVI NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 9. MARS DM STITH HEAVY GHOST Asthmatic Kitty AKR 044 / AKR 044LP 0656605604428 / 0656605604411 CD/LP Heavy Ghost communicates a startling range—from earnest yearning to heartbreak, shimmering hopefulness to the brink of existential despair. David Stith’s ethereal voice communicates the unfathomable—mysticism, the commingling of water and fire, waking dreams, spiritual torment—with such reckless abandon that is rarely seen in many albums, let alone a debut work... Tracklist 1. Isaac’s Song - 1:38 2. Pity Dance - 4:21 3. Creekmouth - 4:10 4. Pigs - 4:54 5. Spirit Parade - 2:23 6. BMB - 2:43 7. Thanksgiving Moon - 3:59 8. Fire Of Birds - 5:13 9. Morning Glory Cloud - 3:56 10. GMS - 2:35 11. Braid Of Voices - 5:26 12. Wig - 2:35 Engelsk presse om EP’en Curtain Speech (AKR 054): “Fall to your knees and hear the angel voice of DM Stith… like Jeff Buckley armed with Andrew Bird’s violin and the key to the mysteries of the cosmos” Time Out “DM Stith occasionally seems to stop the world with his hushed beauty… captivating” The Panel, Music Week “A sublime debut effort, midway between Antony and the Johnsons and Sufjan Stevens” Sunday Times VINYL ONLY: 13. Around the Lion Legs - 3:38 14. Curtain Speech - 1:38 15. Just Once - 7:23 16. Hoarse Sorrows and The Whole Blind Earth... - 2:46 17. Abraham’s Song (Firebird) - 1:50 FORHÅND 9. MARS MT. ST. HELENS VIETNAM BAND MT. ST. HELENS VIETNAM BAND Dead Oceans DOC 011 / DOC 011LP 0656605131122 / 0656605131115 CD/LP Benjamin Verdoes (vocals, guitar, percussion) hoped to motivate his younger brother Marshall to push forward in his drum lessons. Once Marshall got good at drums, Benjamin vowed, they’d start a band together, and now-13-year-old Marshall would have naming rights. That promise is officially made good with the release of Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band’s self-titled debut full-length. Tracklist Who’s Asking Masquerade Cheer for Fate Anchors Dropped Going on a Hunt A Year or Two Albatross Albatross Albatross Dull Reason Little Red Shoes En Fuego On the Collar Co-produced by Scott Colburn (Arcade Fire, Animal Collective), the album at first blush recalls Wolf Parade; the band’s frayed melodic sensibilities and Benjamin’s urgent, driven vocals in particular. Of course, Wolf Parade borrowed a few ideas from Modest Mouse, whose beginnings were indebted to the Pixies. This is the sort of musical lineage that creates the foundation for Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band’s debut LP. Early press confirmed in Spin (”Buzzcatcher” feature), Alternative Press (”100 Bands You Need to Know”), Stereogum (”Band to Watch!”), Bust (review), Filter (review), Teen Vogue (review), Under the Radar (review). Much more TBC in early 2009. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 9. MARS MIRAH (A)SPERA K Records K 195 / KLP195 CD/LP 0789856119523 / 0789856119516 Tracklist Generosity The World Is Falling Education Shells Country of the Future The Forest Gone Are the Days The River Bones & Skin While We Have the Sun (a)spera, the fourth solo album from Mirah, is the long awaited follow-up to 2004’s highly acclaimed C’mon Miracle [K 160]. Known for her explorative approach to her own brand of independent music making, Mirah’s voice now brings us a new vision of the truths of our times. The songs on (a)spera strike a bold path across a landscape of dynamic and varied melody forms. Mirah’s strongest asset, her sincerity and the care she takes in placing herself within her music, is offered without compromise. Again teaming up with Phil Elverum (The Microphones, Mt. Eerie) for 3 of the 10 tracks, she also enlisted the engineering prowess of fellow Portlanders Tucker Martine (The Decemberists, Sufjan Stevens, Laura Veirs) and Adam Selzer (Norfolk and Western, M. Ward) to complete this beautiful voyage. Featured musicians include Chris Funk (of The Decemberists), Tara Jane O’Neill and Lori Goldston. FORHÅND 9. MARS HANDSOME FURS FACE CONTROL Sub Pop SPCD 790 / SP 790 CD/LP 098787079029 / 098787079012 Tracklist 1. Legal Tender 2. Evangeline 3. Talking Hotel Arbat Blues 4. (Passport Kontrol) 5. All We Want, Baby, Is Everything 6. I’m Confused 7. (White City) 8. Nyet Spasiba 9. Officer of Hearts 10. (It’s Not Me, It’s You) 11. Thy Will Be Done 12. Radio Kaliningrad “This band is completely based, aesthetically and otherwise, on travelling, on absorbing places and regurgitating them in music,” says Handsome Furs’ Dan Boeckner. Face Control, the second album by the Montreal band, draws inspiration from Eastern Europe and re-maps Eastern Bloc surveillance state themes to contemporary life and the irony of our slow acceptance and embrace of self-monitoring, through blogs and facebooks and myspaces and credit/debit accounts and surveillance cameras and GPS devices. The album’s juxtaposition of cold, metronomic, electronic beats, courtesy of Alexei Perry, with the jagged, dissonant and frail, broken or breaking, guitars of Dan Boeckner convey what it is to be a human being at the bottom of the 21st century. And, at the same time, provides the means to opt out. Alexei Perry and Dan Boeckner wrote the songs on Face Control together. The album was recorded and mixed by Arlen Thompson at Mount Zoomer and was mastered by Harris Newman at Hotel2Tango. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVIII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 9. MARS THE LITTLE HANDS OF ASPHALT LEAP YEARS Spoon Train Audio STACD 010 7090001911873 CD Oslo er en liten by. Og SJUR LYSEID har vært en av drivkreftene i oppblomstringen av indiescena i byen de siste par årene. Gjennom å være låtskriver og vokalist i MONZANO, men også som bidragsyter i en rekke band og prosjekter, og i løpet av det siste året som produsent for blant annet MY LITTLE PONY, NOMBER 5S, EINAR STRAY og ROGER GRÆSBERG. Tracklist 1. Oslo 2. Highway’s Pull 3. The Future 4. Eating Fish In Hamburger Heaven 5. Bait 6. Somethings We Need To Forget 7. The Next Time We Meet 8. Sex & Loneliness 9. Letter To Carrie 10. A Few Words From Our Ten Nominees 11. Words That Kill Men det er det lavmelte folk-prosjektet THE LITTLE HANDS OF ASPHALT som er Sjurs hjertebarn. Middelklassegutteromspop med country-vyer, som lener seg like mye på en SPRINGSTEEN eller en PAUL SIMON, som på de åpenbare referansepunktene ELLIOT SMITH og CONOR OBERST. Det litt forslitte begrepet “unorsk” er også flittig brukt for å beskrive Little Hands’ musikk her på berget. Noe som kan ha sitt utspring i de detaljrike, referansefylte og velkonstruerte tekstene - om tapt, funnet eller avvist kjærlighet, om havet som stiger og golfstrømmen som snur. Og om Oslo. Blant annet i byportrettet “Oslo”, skrevet lenge før det norske folk trykket avdankede amerikanske rockestjerner til sitt kalde bryst. Låta åpnet samleplata Oslo! som kom ut i fjor, en kronikør av det nevnte indiemiljøet i byen. Nå slippes Little Hands’ debut-langspiller Leap Years, produsert av undergrunnshelt KENNETH ISHAK. Som liveband er LHoA et løst kollektiv av roterende instrumentalister, med bidragsytere fra blant annet YOUTH PICTURES OF FLORENCE HENDERSON, YONAKIT, MY LITTLE PONY og MONZANO. Med alt fra to til åtte medlemmer har Little Hands gjort en rekke konserter på kredible Oslo-scener, hvor høydepunktene har vært som oppvarmer for legendene BONNIE ”PRINCE” BILLY og LAMBCHOP. ”Bør kunne bli stort og favne om veldig mange, for dette er fantastsik popmusikk. Låtskriver med stor L” - Jørgen Hegstad, NRK P3 ”Elliot Smith møter Townes van Zandt på snuskete sportsbar i liten europeisk storby” - NRK Urørt FORHÅND 16. MARS THE REVEREND PEYTON’S BIG DAMN BAND THE WHOLE FAM DAMNILY SideOneDummy SD 1361-2 CD 0603967136128 Tracklist 1. Can’t Pay The Bill 2. Mama’s Fried Potatoes 3. Worn Out Shoe 4. DT’s Or The Devil 5. Your Cousin’s On Cops 6. John Hughes (The Water Tower’s Heart Is Sore) 7. The Creek’s Are All Bad 8. Them Old Days Are Gone 9. Walmart Killed The Country Store 10. I’d Love You Baby 11. Everybody’s Getting Paid But Me 12. What’s Mine Is Yours 13. Persimmon Song With ordained minister, Kentucky Colonel, and Wildman virtuoso The Rev. Peyton up front on the national guitar, his wife the lovely and equally insane Washboard Breezy, and little brother Jayme Peyton keeping time on the kick and snare, this is a band that somehow crosses the barriers between indie rock/punk rock kids, scenesters, and traditional blues fans. Over the past four years of touring, the band has managed to sell over 25K copies of their previous self-released albums, almost entirely from the road. “They Sound Like Robert Johnson on crack … they get one hell of a sound.” – Nuvo Newsweekly “They made a woman who was wheel chair bound for 20 years get up and dance.” - Colorado Springs Independent “Gifted at guitar/dobro, writing, and singing, The Rev. Peyton is a triple threat.” – Blues News International “The trio concocts a rousing, hyper and authentic brand of Blues that sounds like what might come out of that secret meth lab nestled deep in the backwaters of the Mississippi delta.” - Cincinnati CityBeat Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIX NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 16. MARS SIGH & EXPLODE THESE SEEM LIKE TARANTULAS Mas-Kina MKR 014 CD 7090001911828 Tracklist 1. To Raise the Dead Belongs to the Blackest Art 2. Eyes and Limbs Are Waiting for Contact with These Macabre Tools 3. The Van Gogh Sky Shrinks the City... 4. (...That Shrinks Me) 5. Circle Performs Square 6. Glass Shattering Under Water 7. G.S.U.W. (Pt. II) 8. Editing the Fragments 9. This... Is the Breathing Caricature 10. An Epic Moment in Spontaneous Human Combustion Halvannet år etter at den kritikerroste EP’en ¡O Bailan Todos O No Baila Nadie! (MKR 010)ble sluppet, kommer Sigh & Explode endelig med sin første fullengder. Drøye to uker med hektiske innspillingsdager i Harry’s Gym Recording Studio med Bjarne Stensli (120 Days, Surferosa, hiawata!, Harrys Gym) bak spakene har resultert i ti spor, fordelt over 32 minutter og 46 sekunder. Mastring er gjort av Björn Engelman (The Hives, Dimmu Borgir, Backstreet Boys, Rammstein) hos Cutting Room i Stockholm. Bandet har videreutviklet det musikalske uttrykket fra sin forrige utgivelse, med mer variert låtmateriale og et større og mer detaljert lydbilde. Det lekes med forskjellige sjangere, og Sigh & Explode står definitivt ikke fastlåst i hardcore/screamo-båsen mange velger å putte de i. Gode melodier står i sentrum og er pakket inn i soniske gitarer, energiske trommer og skrikevokal. Hørte vi noen si bråkepop? Tja, hvorfor ikke. Som om ikke det var nok, så er skiva mikset av Emil Nikolaisen (Serena-Maneesh), noe som har gjort at bandets lydbilde har blitt enda mer ekstremt enn tidligere. Ved å kombinere hardcorens vanvidd med en genuin og popaktig meloditeft, etterlater de uten tvil et langvarig inntrykk hos de som er villige til å hengi seg til bandet, både live og på skive. « (...) serious appetitewhetters for a full album.» NME om debut-EP’en « (...) det var fort gjort å utrope dem til det mest lovende bandet i norsk rock for 2008. Nå er 2008 her, og vi kan slå fast at de innfrir lovnadene.» Geir Rakvaag – Dagsavisen. «Det er liten tvil om Oslos mest ambisiøse screamo-bataljon har et imponerende velutviklet låtmateriale, både dynamisk og estetisk.» Torgrim Øyre – Dagbladet «Minialbumet ’O Bailan Todos O No Baila Nadie!’ har surret og gått i CD-spilleren de siste ukene, utrolig deilig med vill hardcore hvor bandet åpenbart har total kontroll.» Asbjørn Slettemark FORHÅND 16. MARS HAYSEED DIXIE GOLDEN SHOWER OF HITS Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 470 CD 0711297487022 Greatest Hits-album med HAYSEED DIXIE! Inneholder bl.a. Deres utsøkte versjon av To Fulle Menn, som de nylig fremførte på TV2 ”Gullfisken” for over 800.000 seere! Mer info følger! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XX NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 16. MARS FAKE PROBLEMS IT’S GREAT TO BE ALIVE SideOneDummy SD 1376 / SD 1376-1 CD/LP 0603967137620 / 0603967137613 Tracklist 1234 Dream Team You’re A Serpent, You’re A She-Snake Don’t Worry Baby The Heaven And Hell Cotillion Level With The Devil Diamond Rings Tabernacle Song Alligator Assassinator There Are Times Too Cold To Hold Heart BPM Growing up is never easy, but when you’re in a band it often seems impossible. Make the same record twice and you’re chastised for being repetitive, but if you make too large of a sonic shift your fan base will desert you. Luckily, Naples Florida’s Fake Problems have never had to deal with this dilemma because with each release they’ve not only organically reinvented their sound, they’ve also successfully redefined who they are as musicians and human beings in the process. The culmination of this is the band’s SideOneDummy debut. Recorded at ARC Studio in Omaha, NE with producer A.J. Mogis (Bright Eyes, Cursive), It’s Great To Be Alive, shows Fake Problems’ unique brand of indie rock finally shaking off the insecurity and soul-searching of adolescence and sees the band embracing a sense of perspective that can only be gained by spending countless months on the road touring, laughing and writing music they believe in. “All types of brilliant” – 9/10 Rock Sound “There’s not one throwaway song – to the contrary, the album get’s better with each spin.” Alternative Press FORHÅND 18. MARS FEVER RAY FEVER RAY Rabid FRCD 379 CD 0602517985186 KARIN DREIJER ANDERSSON, den ene halvdelen av THE KNIFE, slipper nå sitt første soloalbum, under navnet FEVER RAY. Første single, If I Had A Heart, har allerede fått særdeles god respons, bl.a. på Pitchfork, MySpace og YouTube, og er playlistet av P3 Sverige. 19. mars – dagen etter albumrelease – åpner hun sin Skandinavia-turné på Parkteateret i Oslo! Mer info følger! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XXI NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. MARS MONO HYMN TO THE IMMORTAL WIND Conspiracy CORE 077 5425015710778 CD Just in time for their 10-year anniversary, MONO return with their fifth studio album, the absolutely massive Hymn To The Immortal Wind. Tracklist 1, Ashes In The Snow 2, Burial At Sea 3, Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn 4, Pure As Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm) 5, Follow The Map 6, The Battle To Heaven 7, Everlasting Light After touring almost non-stop for five years, the band hibernated for over a year to focus solely on writing Hymn. The result is their most thoughtful and eclectic album to date. Written and arranged with a hopeful, romantic narrative in mind, the songs string together like chapters in an epic love story. The music is naturally majestic, with MONO’s trademark wall of noise crashing beautifully against the largest chamber orchestra the band has ever enlisted. The instrumentation is vast, incorporating strings, flutes, organ, piano, glockenspiel and tympani into their standard facemelting set-up. Recorded to analog tape with long-time friend and producer Steve Albini, there is an intimacy captured here that is at once beautiful and a little terrifying. The creaking of old wooden chairs as the orchestra rocks in their seats (both literally and figuratively), puckered lips rolling along flutes, and even the conductor’s opening cue can be heard during the hauntingly quiet opening moments While Hymn continues to mine the cinematic drama inherent in all of MONO’s music, the dynamic shifts now come more from dark-to-light instead of quiet-to-loud. The maturity to balance these elements so masterfully has become MONO’s strongest virtue. FORHÅND 23. MARS MY DYING BRIDE FOR LIES I SIRE Peaceville CDVILEF 245X / CDVILEF245 0801056824721 / 0801056824523 CD My Dying Bride has become the leading light of doom metal since their debut album ‘As the Flower Withers’ was released on Peaceville Records back in 1992. Influenced by acts such as Celtic Frost and Candlemass, and with their heavy atmospherics, the band carved a huge worldwide following over the years and remains greatly respected today as one of the pinnacles of the genre, as well as one of the most instantly distinguishable metal bands. Tracklist My Body, A Funeral Fall With Me The Lies I Sire Bring Me Victory Echoes From A Hollow Soul Shadowhaunt Santuario Di Sangue A Chapter In Loathing Death Triumphant ‘For Lies I Sire’, My Dying Bride’s tenth studio album, is set for release March 23rd 2009 & consists of 9 songs of crushing doom, recorded & mixed at Futureworks in Manchester, UK, with long-time producer Mags throughout the second half of 2008. It is the band’s first album since re-signing to long-time home Peaceville Records, and looks set to become another quality addition to the MDB catalogue, such is the scope of this latest journey into the depths of despair. This album is the follow-up to 2006’s hit, ‘A Line Of Deathless Kings’, and is the first studio album with new members Dan Mullins on drums, Lena Abe on bass, and violin/keyboard player Katie Stone. 2008 has seen a successful year for the band, having released their live CD/DVD ‘An Ode to Woe’, plus their high profile ‘Unholy Trinity’ shows re-uniting the ‘Peaceville three’ (Paradise Lost, Anathema & My Dying Bride). Featuring some seriously heavy-as-hell somber doom, ‘For Lies I Sire’ wades effortlessly & poetically through tales of darkness & gloom, this time textured with the much-anticipated return of the often-missed violin, last featured well over ten years ago. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XXII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. MARS MISS HARMONICA CHAMPAGNE, CAVIAR AND ME! BEATME Records BEATME 001 7090001911811 CD Miss Harmonica slipper endelig slitt etterlengtede debutalbum, Champagne, Caviar and Me! på sitt eget selskap BEATME records; mandag, 23. mars! Tracklist 1 I Wanna Dance With You 2 Princess 3 Get Dancy! 4 Boyz/Girlz 5 Music Control 6 Heartbeat 7 You Gotta Go 8 Friday Night 9 Get Lost in the Disco 10 Come On 11 I Am Falling 12 Hey Boy Miss Harmonica er en blanding av electrobeats, synthpop, nintendolyder, indie-pindie, old school hip hop, plastic-fantastic outfits og godt humør. Med referanser som Peaches, M.I.A, Crystal Castles, Matt and Kim og Robyn er det ingen tvil om at dette er dansbar dynamitt! På Champagne, caviar and me! viser Miss Harmonica virkelig sitt talent til det fulle. Hun har imponerende nok egenhendig skrevet, arrangert, spilt og sluppet plata – noe svært få norske, kvinnelige artister har gjort før henne. Plata er co-produsert og mikset sammen med produsentstjerneskudd og venn, Even Bekkedal. Masteringjobben er utført av en skspert på feltet; Nilesh Patel i The Exchange Studios i London. Mannen har tidligere jobbet med artister som Björk, Hot Chip, Röyksopp, Daft Punk, Depeche Mode og Justice for å nevne noen få, og regnes som en av de ledende teknikerne innenfor denne sjangeren. Hun har i tillegg fått med seg noen av indienorges beste vokalister i Nicolay Reierstad (Bazooka Boppers) og Sjur Lyseid (Monzano, Little Hans Of Asphalt). Disse bidrar på hver sin duett på plata. FORHÅND 30. MARS PETER BJÖRN & JOHN LIVING THING Rabid FRCD 379 CD 0602517985186 Nytt album fra den svenske super-trioen PETER, BJÖRN & JOHN, og oppfølgeren til 2006albumet Writer’s Block, som inneholdt super-hit’en Young Folks. Første single fra Living Thing, Lay It Down, har allerede blitt playlistet av P3 her hjemme, og flere følger garantert etter…! Mer info følger! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XXIII NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 30. MARS MINISTRY ADIOS…PUTAS MADRES 13th Planet THP 012 4046661152623 CD Livealbum fra MINISTRYs avskjedsturné. Mer info kommer. Tracklist 1 Let’s Go 2. Watch Yourself 3. Life Is Good 4. The Dick Song 5. The Last Sucker 6. No W 7. Waiting 8. Worthless 9. Wrong 10. Rio Grande Blood 11. Senõr Peligro 12. Lieslieslies 13. Khyber Pass FORHÅND 6. APRIL EMPEROR LIVE AT WACKEN OPEN AIR 2006 – A NIGHT OF EMPERIAL WRATH Candlelight CANDLE 231DVD DVD 0803341253940 Tracklist 1. Infinity Burning (medley) 2. Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times 3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4. An Elegy of Icaros 5. Curse you all Men! 6. With Strength I Burn 7. Towards the Pantheon 8. The Majesty of the Nightsky 9. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 10. In the Wordless Chamber 11. I am the Black Wizards 12. Inno a Satana Running time: approx 70 min. Bonus material: A selection of on and off stage bootleg material. Candlelight Records confirms the completion of the final recordings from black metal legends Emperor. Titled Live Inferno, the special live series features various releases recorded/filmed during the bands sold out 2005-2007 reunion performances. Several formats will be available including a 2cd/ slip case with 16-page booklet, a limited edition box featuring 2 cds & dvd with an enhanced 24 page booklet, a single dvd, and two limited edition double-vinyl gatefold sets. April 20 is set as the European release date for the series. The audio aspect of the Live Inferno series features exclusive recordings from the bands headlining performances at Norways Inferno Festival and Germanys Wacken Open Air Festival. The video portion, titled Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 - A Night of Emperial Wrath, has a running time of 70-minutes and includes footage professionally filmed at the Wacken Open Air Festival with additional on-stage and exclusive backstage footage filmed and compiled by the band. It looks like these releases will be the final nail in the coffin for Emperor, says guitarist Samoth. They are a testimony of the live reunion that took Emperor to even new heights; unique events like Wacken where Emperor headlined in front of 60 000 people. We had a great run of shows and feel lucky that we were able to come back even bigger and perform songs from our complete catalogue for a lot of dedicated fans old and new. There will be several cool formats and limited editions coming that should be a nice treat for the fans and a worthy representation of the Emperor legacy. Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XXIV NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 FORHÅND 6. APRIL EMPEROR LIVE INFERNO BOX Candlelight CANDLE 272BOX BOX/2CD/DVD 0803341251113 TRACKLIST DVD 1. Infinity Burning (medley) 2. Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times 3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4. An Elegy of Icaros 5. Curse you all Men! 6. With Strength I Burn 7. Towards the Pantheon 8. The Majesty of the Nightsky 9. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 10. In the Wordless Chamber 11. I am the Black Wizards 12. Inno a Satana Running time: approx 70 min. Bonus material: A selection of on and off stage bootleg material. DISC 1 Inferno: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, Wrath of the Tyrant, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, Inno a Satana, I am the Black Wizards, Ye Entrancemperium, Opus a Satana. DISC 2 Wacken: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, I am the Black Wizards, Inno a Satana. Candlelight Records confirms the completion of the final recordings from black metal legends Emperor. Titled Live Inferno, the special live series features various releases recorded/filmed during the bands sold out 2005-2007 reunion performances. Several formats will be available including a 2cd/slip case with 16-page booklet, a limited edition box featuring 2 cds & dvd with an enhanced 24 page booklet, a single dvd, and two limited edition double-vinyl gatefold sets. April 20 is set as the European release date for the series. The audio aspect of the Live Inferno series features exclusive recordings from the bands headlining performances at Norways Inferno Festival and Germanys Wacken Open Air Festival. The video portion, titled Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 - A Night of Emperial Wrath, has a running time of 70-minutes and includes footage professionally filmed at the Wacken Open Air Festival with additional on-stage and exclusive backstage footage filmed and compiled by the band. It looks like these releases will be the final nail in the coffin for Emperor, says guitarist Samoth. They are a testimony of the live reunion that took Emperor to even new heights; unique events like Wacken where Emperor headlined in front of 60 000 people. We had a great run of shows and feel lucky that we were able to come back even bigger and perform songs from our complete catalogue for a lot of dedicated fans old and new. There will be several cool formats and limited editions coming that should be a nice treat for the fans and a worthy representation of the Emperor legacy. Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor! FORHÅND 6. APRIL EMPEROR LIVE INFERNO Candlelight CANDLE 224CD 2CD 0803341233270 Tracklist DISC 1 Inferno: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, Wrath of the Tyrant, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, Inno a Satana, I am the Black Wizards, Ye Entrancemperium, Opus a Satana. DISC 2 Wacken: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, I am the Black Wizards, Inno a Satana. Candlelight Records confirms the completion of the final recordings from black metal legends Emperor. Titled Live Inferno, the special live series features various releases recorded/filmed during the bands sold out 2005-2007 reunion performances. Several formats will be available including a 2cd/slip case with 16-page booklet, a limited edition box featuring 2 cds & dvd with an enhanced 24 page booklet, a single dvd, and two limited edition double-vinyl gatefold sets. April 20 is set as the European release date for the series. The audio aspect of the Live Inferno series features exclusive recordings from the bands headlining performances at Norways Inferno Festival and Germanys Wacken Open Air Festival. The video portion, titled Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 - A Night of Emperial Wrath, has a running time of 70-minutes and includes footage professionally filmed at the Wacken Open Air Festival with additional on-stage and exclusive backstage footage filmed and compiled by the band. It looks like these releases will be the final nail in the coffin for Emperor, says guitarist Samoth. They are a testimony of the live reunion that took Emperor to even new heights; unique events like Wacken where Emperor headlined in front of 60 000 people. We had a great run of shows and feel lucky that we were able to come back even bigger and perform songs from our complete catalogue for a lot of dedicated fans old and new. There will be several cool formats and limited editions coming that should be a nice treat for the fans and a worthy representation of the Emperor legacy. Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XXV SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 8 - 2009 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL Abigail Williams Airbourne All That Remains Anathema At The Gates Audrey Horne Aura Noir Avantasia Benea Reach Bloodbath Blood Red Throne Burzum Carburetors Carcass Carpathian Forest Clutch Cradle Of Filth Cult Of Luna Darkthrone Deicide Doro Dødheimsgard Earth El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Entombed Evile Execration Funeral For A Friend Grand Magus Ihsahn Isis Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Lamb Of God Lumsk Machine Head Mayhem Melvins Ministry Municipal Waste My Dying Bride Nachtmystium Neurosis Nickelback Opeth Paradise Lost Porcupine Tree Sabaton Satyricon She Said Destroy Slipknot Staind Storm Susperia Taake Tesla Trivium U.D.O. Ulver Windir ARTIST POP/ROCK & DIVERSE TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST In The Shadow Of A Thousand... Runnin’ Wild (Tour Edition) Overcome The Silent Enigma Slaughter Of The Soul No Hay Banda Hades Rise The Metal Opera Gold Edition Alleviat The Fathomelss Mastery Come Death Lord Of Darkness - Anthology Rock ‘N’ Roll Forever Symphonies Of Sickness dual... Morbid Fascination Of Death Full Fathom Five Godspeed On The Devil’s... Eternal Kingdom Dark Thrones & Black Flags Scars Of The Crucifix Fear No Evil Supervillain Outcast The Bees Made Honey In The... Heat Witchcult Today Anthems To The Welkin...box Ruun Serpent Saints Enter The Grave Redux Version Syndicate Of Lethargy Memory And Humanity Iron Will Angl In The Absence Of Truth The Great Cold Distance Armada Hundre År Gammal New American Gospel Det Vilde Kor The Balckening (Tour Edition) Wolf’s Lair Abyss Nude With Boots Cover Up The Art Of Partying Redux An Ode To Woe Assassins Given To The Rising Dark Horse Still Life - Special Edition Gothic Nil Recurring The Art Of War Nemesis Divina This City Speaks In Tongues All Hope Is Gone The Illusion Of Progress Nordavind Cut From Stone Taake Forever More Shogun Mastercutor Shadows Of The Sun Valfar, Ein Windir CANDLE 215CD RR 79638 10067 CD CDVILEF 256 MOSH143V DOG003 CDVILEF173 AFMCD 150-9 TABU028 CDVILEF 242 MOSH332 BOB086CD BDM 0138726 MOSH 018D CDVILED194 WM 001CD RR 79235 MOSH359L CDVILEF 237X MOSH 273V AFMCD 233-9 FOGCD037 SUNN90 BLNCD 014 RISECD100 CANDLE187CDSE TABU022 CANDLE183CD MOSH 353X VEND 033 RR 79112 RISECD113 CANDLE218CD IPC81 CDVILEF128 TABU019 TABU029 10032CD TABU023 RR 80165 AMAZON012CD IPC105 THP008 MOSH331X CDVILEF207X CANDLE217CD NR050 RR 80282 CDVILED 183X CDVILED 244X CDVILEF 235 BLOD055CD FOGCD012 TABU 030 RR 79385 RR 79022 FOGCD004 TABU024 KAR 043 FRCD 394 RR 79858 AFMCD159-2 TRICK041CD TABU006 Antony & the Johnsons Backyard Babies Band Of Horses Balkan Beat Box Bird Andrew Blitzen Trapper Bloc Party Bronx Brun Ane Brut Boogaloo Cassidy,Eva Calexico Chairlift Chatham County Line Core The Crowell Rodney Dälek Danielson Division Of Laura Lee Eagles Of Death Metal Einsturzende Neubauten Explorers Club Farmers Market Fleet Foxes Flight Of The Conchords Flogging Molly Ford,Jim Forster,Robert Gaslight Anthem Giant Sand Gogol Bordello Grand Archives Grand Café Giuld Gutter Twins Hellacopters Iron & Wine Jurado Damien King Crimson Lama Lambchop Lukestar Los Campesinos! Magnolia Electric Co. My Little Pony Of Montreal Okkervil River Postal Service Rumble In Rhodos Sadies Shins Skambankt Sun Kil Moon Supersuckers Taraf de Haidouks Tiger Lou Tomahawk Travis Wainwright III Loudon Welcome Wagon Wintersleep Wovenhand Yeasayer DVD TITTEL Full Fathom Five Clutch Chaos In Motion Dream Theater Emperial Live Ceremony Emperor Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO Enslaved FantomasMelvinsBigBand Live From London 2006 Farewell to The Kings Of Rock Gluecifer Clearing The Eye Isis Live In America Jorn Live Kaada/Patton Live From Chicago Miller,Steve Band Sinamorata My Dying Bride The Misanthrope Nocturno Culto The Roundhouse Tapes Opeth The Concert DVD Roadrunner United Roadkill Extravaganza Satyricon If All Goes Wrong Smashing Pumpkins Comin’ Atcha Live! 2008 Tesla BEST.NR WM 002DVD DVD 09245 CANDLE101DVD TABU014 IPC102DVD MIG 011 IPC80DVD FRDVD 020 IPC96DVD CHS10035 DVDVILE6 DVDVILE7 DVDVILE 11 RR 09369 FOGVD002 CHS 10036 FRDVD 018 TITTEL BEST.NR Antony & the Johnsons Backyard Babies Cease To Begin Nu Med Noble Beast Furr Intimacy The Bronx (III) Sketches Dirty Living Somewhere Carried To Dust Does You Inspire You IV Golonka Love Sex & Gasoline Gutter Tactics Trying Heartz - The Best Of Violence Is Timeless Heart On The Jewels Freedom Wind Surfin’ USSR Fleet Foxes/Sun Giant Flight Of The Conchords Float Point Of No Return The Evangelist The ‘59 Sound Provisions Super Taranta The Grand Archives Put A Little Grease On My Axe The Golden Thumb Saturnalia Head Off The Shepherd’s Dog Caught In The Trees In The Court Of The Crimson Ki Guidebook To Lamaland Oh (Ohio) Lake Toba We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed Fading Trails Think Too Much Skeletal Lamping The Stand Ins Give Up Intentions New Seasons Wincing the Night Away Hardt Regn April Get It Together Maskarada A Partial Print Anonymous Ode To J. Smith Recovery Welcome To The Welcome Wagon Welcome To The Night Sky Ten Stones All Hour Cymbals SC104 BDBLI002 SPCD745 CRAW38 BELLACD 190X SPCD 755 WEBB 185CDI WEBB 197CD DEMCDD 09 MMR 003 G210190 SLANG 1051258 KAN 342 YEP2157 MMPCD 063 YEP 2187 IPC 109 SC 180 IMT 012 VVR 950269 919782 DOC007 IPC101 BELLA2CD 167 SPCD715 SD1348 BCD16993 TIN01702 SD 1358 YEP 2188 SD1334 SPCD 754 RMR 001 SIBLINGLESSCD 02 SPCD 761 KING050CD SPCD710 SC 175 DGM0501 STACD 008 SLANG 1051218 PM03 WEBB 187CD SC120 STACD 007 PRC 160 JAG 124 SPCD595 BLNCD 012 YEP2148 SPCD705 DOG 008 CV006 ABT 5019CD CRAW40 STAR 1531212 IPC89 VVR 1051932 YEP2181 AKR 045 OFS 005CD SF 020 WRF002 VINYL ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR Bon Iver Brun Ane Skambankt Sunn O))) Yeasayer Blood Bank Changing Of Seasons Hardt Regn Domkirke All Hour Cymbals JAG 134LP DEMVA 08 DOG 008LP SUNN 94LP WRF 002LP ARTIST Bon Iver Isis Motorpsycho Simon Says No! Skambankt SINGEL/EP TITTEL BEST.NR Blood Bank Not In Rivers, But In Drops The Nerve Tattoo Ahoi De Angst Skammania JAG 134 IPC 99 PSYCHO04 STACD 009 DOG004 Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XXVI
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