CD CD/2CD CD - Tuba Records
CD CD/2CD CD - Tuba Records
NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 EELS (CD/2CD) TOMORROW MORNING Eworks/Cooperative VVR 744349 / VVR 744352 CD/2CD 0602527443492 / 0602527443522 Siste utgivelse i EELS-trilogien som startet med Hombre Lobo (VR 537COOP) og fortsatte med End Times (VVR 728642), og dermed det tredje albumet på 18 måneder fra MARK OLIVER EVERETT. Denne gangen er soundet noe annerledes enn vi er vant til fra denne mannen, som nå har beveget seg over i et mer elektronisk lydlandskap med mye bruk av keyboards, tape loops, trommemaskiner og samples. Uten at det på noe vis har gått ut over de nydelige låtene vi er vant til å få fra EELS. Der End Times var noe av det sarteste og tristeste fra E og co, er dette kanskje det varmete og mest oppløftende albumet gjennom en 14 år lang karriere. Albumet kommer også i en begrenset versjon som dobbel cd med 5 eksklusive spor! 4/5 MOJO ZOLA JESUS STRIDULUM II Souterrain SOU 016 CD 0673790026361 Strålende utgivelse i et FEVER RAY-landskap fra NIKA ROSA DANILOVA aka ZOLA JESUS. I 2009 var hun en av de mest omtalte og ombloggede undergrunnsartistene i USA, og nå ser det ut til at en god gammeldags hype er på trappene. “Nika creates the most gut-stirringly devastating murder ballads you’ll hear all year” 9/10 CLASH “If there was ever a doubt Zola Jesus had talent under all the noise and electronics, then here is the raw proof, howling at you from the stereo. For such a young and prolific artist she is certainly maturing quickly” 8/10 DROWNED IN SOUND S. CAREY ALL WE GROW Jagjaguwar JAG 181 0656605218120 S. Carey, eller Sean Carey om du vil, er trommisen til BON IVER, her med sin solodebut på Jagjaguwar. Musikalsk holder Carey seg noenlunde i samme leie som moderskipets hyttefolk, men også folk som BILL EVANS ca. Waltz For Debby, TALK TALK/MARK HOLLIS og STEVE REICH har alle influert kammerindiefolken på All We Grow. CD Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] I NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 THEATRE OF TRAGEDY ADDENDA EP AFM AFMSG 212-4 0884860020824 CDEP Farvel-utgivelse fra selveste THEATRE OF TRAGEDY, som tar kvelden straks deres Forever Is The World-turne er ferdig. Denne utgivelsen inneholder 10 sjeldne og uutgitte spor fra et av de mest suksessfulle og innflytelsesrike bandene innen gotisk metal. Denne EP’en var tilgjengelig som bonus på den limiterte turné-utgaven av bandets siste album, men kan endelig kjøpes separat. ION DISSONANCE CURSED Basick BSK 026CD 5060244150003 Kanadisk grind/deathcore-helter signet til giganten Century Media i USA og Basick i Europa. Europeisk metalpresse er på og bandet får bred dekning. CD “Heavier Than A Really Heavy Thing... Crikey. Even if you reckon that Whitechapel are for pussies, Devin Townsend has gone pop, and everything featured in Metal Hammer is in fact wimpy emo, we’d love to see you try to dismiss Ion Dissonance as ‘not metulz’. It is not pretty, oh no. But wow, is it good”. 9/10 SUBBA-CULTCHA “Easy listening, this ain’t. What it is, on the other hand, is an album of almost comical heaviness, delivered by frighteningly proficient musicians with lethal intent, wrapped in an appropriately hefty production.” 4/5 ONEMETAL.COM COTTON JONES TALL HOURS IN THE GLOWSTREAM Suicide Squeeze SSQ 086 / SSQ 086LP 0803238008622 / 0803238008615 CD/LP Etter at de populære indierockerne i PAGE FRANCE bestemte seg for å ta en pause i 2007, startet frontmann MICHAEL NAU og WHITNEY McGRAW COTTON JONES. Etter en rekke EP-utgivelser, albumdebuterte de med Paranoid Cocoon til flotte anmeldelser. Tall Hours in the Glowstream følger fint opp med mer halvpsykedelisk indiepop perfekt for fans av f.eks. BRIGHT EYES eller NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL. Også på LP. “By mixing a rich, lo-fi coziness with soothing harmonies, Cotton Jones shows that the success of Paranoid Cocoon was no fluke.” FILTER Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] II NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 CD MAJOR LAZER GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE…LAZERS DO - New Edition Downtown/Cooperative VVR 746948 0602527469485 MAJOR LAZER leveret nylig en strålende konsert på Øyafestivalen, og nå kommer en utvidet versjon av deres killer-album Guns Don’t Kill People… Lazers Do! Plata er nå utøket med 5 spor, og her gjestes de av bl.a. M.I.A., BURAKA SOM SISTEMA og THOM YORKE, i tillegg til SANTIGOLD, AMANDA BLANK, NINA SKY, MAPEI og T.O.K., som allerede er med på den ekstensive gjestelista til DIPLO og SWITCH, som utgjør dette massive partymonsteret! Dersom du ikke allerede har sjekket ut dette albumet, er tiden inne nå! Et lite utdrag av anmeldelsene albumet opprinnelig fikk: 9.3/10 PASTE MAGAZINE 8.1 PITCHFORK 4/5 ALLMUSIC 4/5 THE GUARDIAN 4/5 THE TELEGRAPH 7/10 NME 7/10 DROWNED IN SOUND BRAD LANER NATURAL SELECTIONS Hometapes HT 031CD / HT 031LP CD/LP 0656605796826 / 0656605796819 MEDICINE (USAs MY BLOODY VALENTINE), SAVAGE REPUBLIC og ELECTRIC COMPANY-grunnlegger BRAD LANER har siden 80-tallet vært en av LAs mest produktive musikere med deltagelse på mer eller mindre hundrevis av utgivelser med bl.a. BRIAN ENO, VETIVER, THE FAINT og CARIBOU. Som soloartist derimot har det gått noe saktere i svingene, og Natural Selections er kun hans andre album under eget navn. Til tider komplekst og utfordrende, men alltid med spor av storheter som THE BEATLES, BRIAN WILSON og XTC tett opptil overflaten. Også på LP. THE ACACIA STRAIN WORMWOOD Prosthetic 10088CD CD 0656191008822 Femte album fra Massachusetts-mammutene THE ACACIA STRAIN (og deres fjerde på Prosthetic) er lett bandets mest dynamiske, fokuserte og knusende til dags dato. Bandet har i senere tid turnert med bl.a. GALLOWS (som co-headliner), TERROR og EVERY TIME I DIE, og de har hevdet seg bra blant disse. Dette albumet er produsert av CHRIS ”ZEUSS” HARRIS, som tidligere har jobbet med bl.a. HATEBREED, CHIMAIRA, SHADOWS FALL og ALL THAT REMAINS. Bandet gjestes til overmål av vokalistene JAMEY JASTA (HATEBREED), BRUCE LEPAGE (100 DEMONS) og KYLE CHARD (BORN LOW). Kall det deathcore, eller bare kall det total utblåsning. Dersom du liker metallen din tung, rå, sinna og rifftung, er Wormwood albumet for deg! 8.5/10 TERRORIZER 8/10 METAL ASSAULT 8/10 ROCK SOUND JAMAICA JAMAICA NO PROBLEM V2/Cooperative VVR 741160 0602527411606 CD Den franske duoen JAMAICA spilte inn debutalbumet Jamaica No Problem med hjelp fra kompisene XAVIER DE ROSNAY (JUSTICE) og DAFT PUNK-samarbeidspartner PETER FRANCO. Resultatet er et album med 11 flotte dansbare poplåter som glir rett inn i samlingen mellom PHOENIX og anerikansk klassisk pop som THE KNACK og STEVE MILLER. 4/5 MOJO Sjekk en av årets mest sjarmerende musikkvideoer her: Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] III NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 GOLDMUND FAMOUS PLACES Western Vinyl WV 77 0656605461120 CD Cinematisk pianobasert album fra Bostons KEITH KENNIFF aka GOLDMUND (også kjent som HELIOS). Goldmunds musikk henter elementer fra klassisk amerikansk folk, såvel som ERIC SATIE og folk som PHILIP GLASS og MAX RICHTER. Kenniffs musikk er veldig mye brukt i filmer og dokumentarer f.eks. av BBC, og Famous Places er rent ut sagt et fantastisk album i sin sjanger. MINUS THE BEAR OMNI V2/Cooperative VVR 745965 0602527459653 CD Fjerde album fra Seattle-bandet MINUS THE BEAR, produsert av Grammy-vinner JOE CHICCARELLI (MY MORNING JACKET, THE RACONTEURS, THE SHINS). Laidback og lekker småeksperimentell indiepoprock som fans av SPOON, PETER GABRIEL og 70-talls yachtrock fort kan finne på å like svært så godt. 8.5/10 EVERYVIEW 7.9/10 PASTE MAGAZINE 7/10 POPMATTERS DAVID DONDERO # ZERO WITH A BULLET Affairs of the Heart 951552 4047179515528 CD Kult-folkeren DAVID DONDERO nevner TOWNES VAN ZANDT som sin største influens, mens CONOR OBERST lister DONDERO som en av sine, og hva er da mer naturlig enn at Donderos musikk befinner seg et sted midt i mellom der. # Zero With a Bullet er hans syvende album, og det plasserer seg fjellstøtt i mannens sterke diskografi. “…there are moments of great wit and wildness on #Zero with a Bullet that suggest a newfound comfort with his cult status.” 4/5 ALLMUSIC MINISTRY MIXXXES OF THE MOLÉ 13th Planet THP 017 0884860028820 CD Mixxxes Of The Molé er et album med remixer av MINISTRYs 2004-album Houses of the Molé, som var det første i AL JOURGENSENs Trilogy of Terror, med tekster som leverte spydige spydkast mot Bush-administrasjonen og Gulfkrigen. Samtlige spor er re-innspilt, remixxxet og remastret, og serveres i en spicy digipack. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] IV NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 BIGELF CLOSER TO DOOM Powerage PAGE 010CD CD 0803341325128 Nyutgivelse av BIGELFs debut-EP, nå utøket med 8 (!) bonusspor. I tillegg til den originale utgivelsen fra 1998, får vi her både demo-snadder, en liveinnspilling + studiolåta Theme One. Snadder for alle fans av deilig prog, fra bandet som nylig opptrådte sammen med OPETH og DREAM THEATER på Progressive Nationturnéen, og som nylig ble nominert av Classic Rock Magazine til ”årets album” for deres nyeste album, Cheat The Gallows (PAGE 008CD). TERRY BROCK DIAMOND BLUE Frontiers FRCD 475 CD 8024391047521 Andre soloalbum fra TERRY BROCK, som på kort tid har seilt opp som en favoritt innen melodisk rock. Han gjorde nettopp sin debut som GIANT-vokalist, på deres seneste album, Promise Land, til stor suksess hos presse og fans, og han har nettopp gått tilbake til sitt gamle band, AOR-legendene STRANGEWAYS, der han i sin tid først skapte seg et navn. Og, bare for å virkelig bevise at han ikke er i stand til å sitte stille lenge av gangen, mellom innspillingene av albumene med disse to bandene har han også levert et bunnsolid album i eget navn, i samarbeid med MIKE SLAMER. De to har allerede samarbeidet på hyllede album med SEVENTH KEY samt SLAMER-albumet Nowhere Land, og på Diamond Blue overgår de seg selv på alle vis. Strålende låtskriving, gnistrende gitarspill, og en av de beste stemmene innen genren pr dags dato. 89/100 POWER OF METAL 88/100 LORDS OF METAL 4.5/5 ROCK EYEZ THREE MINUTE MADNESS DISGRACEFUL Supernova SUPERCD 006 7330612060066 CD THREE MINUTE MADNESS leverer musikk som føles både i magen og i hjertet, Met ett bein i 90-tallets Seattle og det andre i kalde Umeå har 3MM meislet fram et sound som funker hvor som helst, når som helst. Det hele toppes med en vokalist i verdensklasse. Tenk en krysning mellom GUNS N’ROSES, SOUNDGARDEN og FOO FIGHTERS, og du er ikke langt unna! TRUMANS WATER O ZETA ZUNIS Asthmatic Kitty AKR 073LP 0656605607313 LP TRUMANS WATER har holdt det gående siden 1992 med sin CAPTAIN BEEFHEART-take av klassisk indierock. Her med nytt album på Asthmatic Kitty. Limitert til 1000 ex. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] V NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 NO AGE GLITTER Sub Pop SP 904 12” 0098787090413 Som oppvarming til det kommende NO AGE-albumet, Everything in Between, som slippes 27. september, slipper Sub Pop singlen Glitter i to versjoner. Tolvtommerversjonen har de eksklusive B-sidene In Rebound og Vision II. NO AGE GLITTER Sub Pop SP 899 7” 0098787089974 Som oppvarming til det kommende NO AGE-albumet, Everything in Between, som slippes 27. september, slipper Sub Pop singlen Glitter i to versjoner. Syvtommerversjonen har den eksklusive B-siden Inflorescence. THE VASELINES SEX WITH AN X Sub Pop SP 901 7” 0098787090178 Halvlegendariske THE VASELINES kommer med nytt album, Sex With an X, 13. september, det første siden 1989s Dum Dum, og faktisk kun deres andre studioalbum. Før den tid er det tid for å kose seg med singlen med samme navn som det kommende albumet, samt B-siden Roaster, en låt som selvsagt er eksklusiv for denne syvtommeren. MIRAH GONE ARE ALL THE DAYS K Records KLP 222LP 12” 0789856122219 12-tommer fra vår venninne MIRAH med låta Gone Are all the Days fra fjorårets (a)spera i discomix, intrumentalversjon, Hooliganship Mix, og a capella-versjon. ZOLA JESUS STRIDULUM II Souterrain SOU 016LP 0673790026378 LP Den strålende ZOLA JESUS også på LP. S. CAREY ALL WE GROW Jagjaguwar JAG 181LP 0656605218113 LP BON IVER-trommis også på LP. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VI FORHÅND 30. AUGUST NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 PHILIP SELWAY FAMILIAL Bella Union BELLADIG 250 CD 0602527492971 Tracklist: In Gratitude For This Magnificent Day I’m A Hummingbird The Morning Baby Loves Me Spectacular Girl What I Have To Offer This Is Where It Gets Good After The Earthquake Oh So Lovely The Man Looking Up That’s Not Her Way I Like The Way This Is Going Mystery Of Life PHILIP SELWAY of Radiohead releases his debut solo album – FAMILIAL on BELLA UNION “Familial” is a collection of sublimely fragile, haunting and heartfelt songs that will surprise many, and not only because drummers traditionally don’t do this kind of thing. “Familial” is so persuasively good, it sounds like Selway has always been a singer-songwriter. The seeds of Selway’s solo album were to a degree planted back in 2001 when Neil Finn (of Crowded House and solo fame) organised an impromptu gathering of talent, including Johnny Marr, Eddie Vedder, Lisa Germano, former Soul Coughing bassist Sebastian Steinberg and Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien and Selway, in aid of charity. The resulting album - “7 Worlds Collide” - was credited to Neil Finn and Friends, but when he revived the project in 2008 the singing/ songwriting was divided among the ranks, which also now included members of Wilco. As the ensemble beavered away on three floors of Finn’s Auckland studio, Philip came up with “The Ties That Bind Us”, with which he made his singing debut (as a lead vocalist), in Auckland in January, 2009. That song, and an earlier number, “The Witching Hour”, were recorded for 7WC’s “The Sun Came Out” album, released in August of that year. Back home, Selway asked Courtyard Studios’ resident engineer and producer Ian Davenport to help produce the forthcoming sessions. Then Selway invited Germano, Steinberg, Wilco drummer Glenn Kotche and multi-instrumentalist Patrick Sansone to come and make the record with him. Yet despite the rock pedigree on show, Familial is as far from a rock record as you’ll get. But neither are its ballads defined by folk, but something much wider and more contemporary. Curiously, there’s very little defined drums on the record, with more percussive loops/textures. Sometimes the beats and instrumental colours are so subtle, it sounds like the acoustic air in the room is setting the mood. It leaves space for the lyrics, which clearly come from the most intimate of places…4/5 MOJO FORHÅND 6. SEPTEMBER INTERPOL INTERPOL Soft Limit/Cooperative VVR 747029 CD 0602527470290 Tracklist: INTERPOL RELEASE NEW STUDIO ALBUM ON SEPTEMBER 13TH THROUGH THEIR NEWLY FORMED LABEL, SOFT LIMIT Interpol will release their fourth, self-titled, studio record on September 13th through their own newly formed label, Soft Limit. The New York-based band announced the news of the album to fans on their website last week. The album was recorded at Electric Lady Studios, New York, produced by Interpol, and mixed with Alan Moulder at Assault and Battery, London. The band will be touring in North America this summer and in the UK and Europe later in the year. For the release of this record, the band are going back to their independent roots by releasing the album on their own, newly formed label, Soft Limit, licensed to Cooperative Music throughout the world - excluding North and South America. The following was posted on their website recently: “The month of September; summer ends, classes begin. The coming of a new season is in the air as autumn approaches. A time of year when the natural world slips into a slumber, and Interpol releases it’s fourth studio recording. The self titled, self produced, long-player will be available world wide in mid September. We can’t wait to share our new effort with all of you Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VII NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER BLACK MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS HEART Jagjauwar JAG 175 / JAG 175LP 0656605217529 / 0656605217512 CD/LP Wilderness Heart, the new album by Black Mountain, is packed with succinct rock songs that pulse and pound with startling precision: it pummels you and you ask for more. This is arguably the band’s tightest, most concentrated venture, but there’s still plenty of raw rock energy at work. “It’s our most metal and most folk oriented record so far,”McBean says. “I’m not gonna say it’s our best record or the album that we always dreamt of making ‘cause that’s what everyone says. It’s all about where we were at the time the machines were rolling. You can’t control the electricity or how your limbs were moving that day. You have to erase the visions and just go along for the ride.” A little over a year after releasing In The Future, their critically and commercially celebrated sophomore effort, Black Mountain started building Wilderness Heart on the west coast of America.With Randall Dunn at the helm (Sunn O))), Boris), London Bridge Studios in Seattle saw a portion of the construction with songs “Old Fangs,” “Let Spirits Ride,” and title track “Wilderness Heart” among others. The preponderance of recording was held with D. Sardy in Los Angeles at Sunset Sound, which has captured tracks from The Doors, Ringo Starr, the Rolling Stones, and more. L.A. – with its tacos and sunsets, starlets and hills and post-Deco kitsch – was a considerable inspiration. “Just being under the influence of one’s surroundings, as we were while recording in L.A., had a tremendous impact on the process and the way we play. Consequently, the LA sessions have a free and summery vibe. The Seattle sessions, made in the grey, rainy environs that we’re used to up there, have a chillier, more claustrophobic feeling,”Wells explains. Tracklist: The Hair Song Old Fangs Radiant Hearts Rollercoaster Let Spirits Ride Buried By The Blues The Way To Gone Wilderness Heart The Space of Your Mind Sadie “It’s a Black Mountain pop record, which is to say it’s nothing like pop at all,”Wells says. “This was the fastest record we’ve ever made.We’re used to spending a lot of time deliberating over the songs and spacing out recording sessions over years. Start to finish, this album was made in four months, which is something like a miracle for us.We’ve never worked with producers before and that was a challenge; for us to let go and let two outsiders into the process, D. Sardy and Randall Dunn – it took some growing for us to be truly open, but this album is all the better for it.” The band cites a slew of disparate influences – New Order, King Crimson, Studio 54, Alex Chilton, sunshine, Janis Joplin, Please Kill Me, Shirley Collins, Mickey Newbury, jalapeño salsa, Night of The Hunter, Cactus Taqueria, Funky16 Corners podcasts, DennisWilson, the house blowing up in the desert at the end of Zabriskie Point – but, as Schmidt points out, “Who knows how these things connect with the holistic mix of often dissonant forces that become Black Mountain?” Indeed: Listen and find out. FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER WEEZER HURLEY Epitaph EPIT 72312 8714092713121 CD Weezer return to their indie rock roots on Hurley, their first release on Epitaph and the start of a new chapter in the band’s storied career. In many ways, Weezer have always been the unlikeliest of pop-rock bands, earning major radio and video play for leftfield singles like “Undone – The Sweater Song” and “Buddy Holly,” songs that hardly seem calculated to become radio hits. Tracklist: 1. Memories - 3:16 2. Ruling Me - 3:30 3. Trainwrecks - 3:21 4. Unspoken - 3:01 5. Where’s My Sex? - 3:28 6. Run Away - 2:55 7. Hang On - 3:33 8. Smart Girls - 3:11 9. Brave New World - 3:57 10. Time Flies - 4:04 11. All My Friends Are Insects - 1:53 (Deluxe CD) 12. Viva La Vida - 4:06 (Deluxe CD) 13. I Want To Be Something - 2:56 (Deluxe CD) 14. Represent - 4:13 (Deluxe CD) It is exactly this “uncalculated” quality that the band returns to on their eighth album. Hurley is as warm and embracing as the glowing smile on (“Lost”) actor Jorge Garcia’s face that graces the cover, as ragged and endearing as fan favorite Pinkerton, as bold and hooky and open as “Pork and Beans.” In other words, Hurley is in the classic tradition of the best Weezer albums, clever and confessional and quirky and hugely sing-along. “Hurley” will be first available as a Limited Deluxe Edition CD including 4 exclusive tracks. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VIII NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER MAVIS STAPLES YOU ARE NOT ALONE Anti EPIT 70762 CD 8714092707625 Tracklist: 1. You Don’t Knock 2. You Are Not Alone 3. Downward Road 4. In Christ There is No East and West 5. Creep Along, Moses 6. Losing You 7. I Belong to the Band 8. Last Train 9. Only the Lord Knows 10. Wrote A Song for Everyone 11. We’re Gonna Make It 12. Wonderful Savior 13. Too Close To Heaven / I’m On My Way to Heaven Anyhow Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and soul/gospel legend Mavis Staples delivers more wall-to-wall joy on her triumphant new Anti- album, You Are Not Alone (September 14), than any other release you’re likely to hear this year. Produced by fellow Chicagoan Jeff Tweedy at Wilco’s studio The Loft, the intimate and textured production showcases the iconic singer at her most powerful and fervent. You Are Not Alone mixes traditional gospel numbers with two new songs written for Mavis by Tweedy, plus her unique interpretations of songs by Pops Staples, Randy Newman, Allen Toussaint, John Fogerty, Rev. Gary Davis and Little Milton. The album features Mavis’s touring band of the last three years: Rick Holmstrom, guitar, vocals; Jeff Turmes, bass, vocals; Stephen Hodges, drums; Donny Gerrard, background vocals; plus special guests Jeff Tweedy on guitars, bass, and vocals; Wilco’s Patrick Sansone, keys, vibes; Mark Greenberg, vibes, keys; with additional background vocals by frequent Neko Case collaborators Kelly Hogan and Nora O’Connor, and Richard Parenti. You Are Not Alone is Mavis’s second studio release for Anti. It follows her 2007 critical triumph, We’ll Never Turn Back, produced by Ry Cooder, which revisited the great songs of the civil rights era and prompted her hometown paper The Chicago Sun-Times to hail her as “an American treasure.” In 2008, Anti- issued a rapturously received live album, Live: Hope at the Hideout, which was named one of the Best Live CDs of All Time by’s editors and earned Mavis her first Grammy-nomination as a solo artist. Mavis Staples is enjoying a major career resurgence, having become a festival favorite in recent years. This summer she will play Lollapalooza on August 6, and the Wilco-curated Solid Sound Festival at Mass MoCa on August 14 with additional US and European tour dates to be announced soon. FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER UNDERWORLD BARKING Cooking Vinyl UWR 0003-2 / UWR 0003-5 / UWR 0003-1 CD/CD+DVD/2LP 0711297983227 / 0711297983258 / 0711297983210 Tracklist: Bird 1 Always Loved A Film Scribble Hamburg Hotel Grace Between Stars Diamond Jigsaw Moon In Water Louisiana Barking is the title of Underworld’s first album in three years, and their first to be constructed with a brilliant cast of co-conspirators. All the tracks were written by the band in their Essex studio before being given to handpicked studio heads from across the whole spectrum of dance music to add some of their style and creativity to the band’s raw material. The result is a pimped-up Underworld record and their finest collection of songs in over a decade. From the first undulating pulses of submariner bass, the first vocals soft like a whisper in the ear - and the first fizz of hi-hats that force along the pace, the sound is unmistakably Underworld. Electronics wrapped effortlessly around songs; streams of consciousness lyrics that form indelible images; a perfectly balanced mix of melody and rhythm. Underworld’s sixth studio album is a thundering return to form, although it’s fair to say that the band responsible have never really been below par. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] IX NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER JUNIP (CD/2LP) FIELDS City Slang SLANG 747888 / SLANG 0680007 0602527478883 / 4250506800079 CD/LP Perhaps it’s like taking a hammer to a pin, but let’s get this out of the way right now: Junip is a band, a three piece from Gothenburg whose cosmopolitan line-up features Tobias Winterkorn (keyboards), Elias Araya (drums) and Jose Gonzales (vocals & guitar). You’ll be familiar with the latter from his solo work, but Junip have existed since 1999, maybe even 1998. It’s so long, frankly, that none of them are quite sure. “FIELDS”, however, is the album that they’ve been itching to make ever since. The story that leads to its 2010 release is one of patience and perfectionism, frustration and persistence, sheer bloody-mindedness, inspiration and success. Gonzales and Araya have been playing together since they were 14. Their love of hardcore led them to form Renascence, (later called Sweet Little Sinister), and they first encountered Winterkorn at shows in Gothenburg in the mid ‘90s. “We talked about music that wasn’t hardcore music,” Winterkorn recalls. “I think we were all fed up and talked about doing something new.” “Our feeling was that we could do something more interesting with a setting that was more typical of the ‘60s and 70s’,” “By then in Sweden,” Gonzalez relates, “it felt like everyone else was into Americana and country with steel stringed guitars,” he continues. “We had nylon strings and a Moog.” Gonzales elaborates, listing the likes of Caetano Veloso’s “Irene”, Curtis Mayfield’s “Move On Up”, Nico’s “The Fairest Of The Seasons” or Milton Nascimento’s “Travessia” as current inspirations. Finally, when duties for Gonzales’ 2007 ‘In Our Nature’ album were complete, Junip was at last able to become the priority that they had always meant it to be. Produced by the band and mixed by Don Alsterberg, who also helped with recording – “we know what we like, but we’re neither the best recording engineers nor the best musicians,” Gonzales confesses – “FIELDS” proves that every second of its protracted gestation has been worth the wait. Ten years in the making, “FIELDS” is an almost impossibly perfect debut album that proves good things always come to those who wait… Tracklist: FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER THE VASELINES SEX WITH AN X Sub Pop SPCD 889 / SP 809 CD/LP 0098787088922 / 0098787088915 Tracklist: Ruined Sex with an X The Devil’s Inside Me Such a Fool Turning It On Overweight But Over You Poison Pen I Hate the ‘80s Mouth to Mouth Whitechapel My God’s Bigger than Your God Exit The Vaselines Formed in Glasgow in 1987, The Vaselines released two singles and one album (Dum Dum on the 53rd and 3rd label) and then split up in 1989 (in the same week their album was released). They might have faded into obscurity but for the intervention of a certain band from Seattle. Nirvana covered three Vaselines songs, helping to fuel a growing after-the-fact appreciation of their seedy, two-and-a-half chord, garage pop manifesto. Founding members Eugene Kelly and Frances McKee remained musically active between then and now: the former with Captain America aka Eugenius and finally as a solo artist; McKee with Painkillers and Suckle. Eugene and Frances also collaborated intermittently in the intervening years and, in 2008, toured America (including a stand-out appearance at Sub Pop’s 20th anniversary festival, SP20), Brazil and Japan and played some UK festivals. The Vaselines “re-connected” with wildly appreciative audiences who had blinked and missed them the first time round. Buoyed by the success of their live return, the two punk rock chums decided to go back into the studio. The new Vaselines album, Sex with an X, was recorded outside Manchester at the Analogue Catalogue studio in Mossley with Julie McLarnon engineering and produced by Jamie Watson (who also produced that first album Dum Dum). The Vaselines ca. 2010 is Eugene and Frances with guest musicians Stevie Jackson and Bob Kildea from Belle & Sebastian on guitar and bass, and Michael McGaughrin from the 1990s on drums. It may have taken The Vaselines 20 years to get round to making this baby, but it was worth the wait—bringing their solo careers to a climax. The irony has not been lost. Who says indie music can’t be fun? No hand-wringing on these tracks—just good clean smut with a twist of bitter. The Vaselines will tour the US in October, 2010. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] X NYHETER UKE 34 - 2010 FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER OF MONTREAL FALSE PRIEST Polyvinyl PRC 200-2 / PRC 200-1 CD/LP 0644110020024 / 0644110020017 Tracklist: 1. I Feel Ya’ Strutter 2. Our Riotous Defects 3. Coquet Coquette 4. Godly Intersex 5. Enemy Gene 6. Hydra Fancies 7. Like a Tourist 8. Sex Karma 9. Girl Named Hello 10. Famine Affair 11. Casualty of You 12. Around the Way 13. You Do Mutilate? of Montreal’s critical breakthrough Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? catapulted the band to the upper echelon of indie stardom. The album landed on over 30 major year-end lists including Paste, Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, and Associated Press, and sold over 100,000 copies. False Priest, of Montreal’s newest full-length, promises to surpass such lofty benchmarks. Teaming up with Grammy-nominated producer Jon Brion (Kanye West, Fiona Apple), of Montreal’s mastermind Kevin Barnes traveled to famed Ocean Way Recording (Michael Jackson, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra) to record False Priest, his self-professed masterpiece. As discussed in features in Rolling Stone, SPIN, Under the Radar and Pitchfork, False Priest is speakerrattling heavy on the low end and features appearances by Janelle Monáe and Solange Knowles (Beyoncé’s sister). The album also marks the return of organic instruments as live drums, strings and pianos eschew the midi sounds and sequencers of previous albums. The album features intricate packaging – a 20-page booklet of new paintings from David Barnes and Gemini. Tactics. of Montreal’s False Priest is one of fall’s most anticipated albums. • CD digipak includes 20-page booklet and rarity tracks. • 2xLP deluxe edition is on 180-gram vinyl and includes large format 20-page book FORHÅND 27. SEPTEMBER NO AGE EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN Sub Pop SPCD 892 / SP 892 CD/LP 0098787089226 / 0098787089219 Tracklist: 1. Life Prowler 2. Glitter 3. Fever Dreaming 4. Depletion 5. Common Heat 6. Skinned 7. Katerpillar 8. Valley Hump Crash 9. Sorts 10. Dusted 11. Positive Amputation 12. Shed and Transcend 13. Chem Trails Recorded in Los Angeles from the end of 2009 and into 2010, Everything in Between is the new album from No Age, the duo of Dean Spunt and Randy Randall. They emerged from former band Wives in 2005, to become No Age, worldwide glowing talismans for the DIY art-punk scene in LA, now famously known as having its epicenter at The Smell, a clubhouse where art-life/music-life welded and inspired a creative movement and attitude which has fertilized a purple patch of likeminded punkers and artists around the globe. Since the release of Weirdo Rippers, their 2007 debut album (on FatCat Records), through Nouns, the band’s 2008 follow-up on Sub Pop, and beyond, No Age has earned enthusiastic notice from an incredibly wide array of sources; from Pitchfork to The New Yorker (“Let It Rip,” Nov. 19, 2007), and found themselves unlikely Grammy nominees (for “Best Recording Packaging” in 2008). No Age have risen from sweaty basement shows and art galleries to having their songs blast off the walls of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), to performing at unconventional spaces both close to home and abroad. And Everything in Between is a bold step in their creative evolution. It is a culmination of reflecting upon life’s ruptures and triumphs; the process of moving through these moments banged and bruised, yet better off for the wear and tear. They’ve pushed themselves in challenging and different directions, deconstructing their weird-out pop songs while still maintaining their original aesthetic and intent. Everything in Between sees No Age expand on the emotional force at the core of their catchy song-writing through tone, structure, noise, and samples. And, it’s their best record yet. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] XI
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