Cd/LP Cd+dVd/LP+dVd C d 2Cd+dVd
Cd/LP Cd+dVd/LP+dVd C d 2Cd+dVd
NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 the wretched end inroads Candlelight CANDLE 252CD 0803341250536 CD SAMOTH, kjent fra EMPEROR og ZYKLON, og COSMO (MINDGRINDER, SCUM) har på Inroads, deres andre album som THE WRETCHED END, fått med seg NILS FJELLSTRÖM (DARK FUNERAL), og følger opp Ominous på en gedigen måte. Ren ekstremmetal som henter i omtrent like mengder fra trash, death og black og med tekster som i det store og hele dreier seg om dommedag. Anbefales! “Rytmegitarene ringer inn dødsklokken, og de raske harmoniene og trillene til leadgitaren kunngjør menneskets undergang i grusom detalj” 8/10 METAL HAMMER NORWAY (4 siders reportasje) ”Nytt mesterverk fra Cosmo og Samoth” SCREAM (reportasje) Bred dekning i utenlandsk metalpresse ventes. moonface with siinai: heartbreaking bravery Jagjaguwar JAG 210 / JAG 210LP 0656605221021 / 0656605221014 CD/LP MOONFACE aka SPENCER KRUG, kjent fra WOLF PARADE, SUNSET RUBDOWN osv, har på Heartbreaking Bravery fått med seg det finske post-/krautrockbandet SIINAI (nylig nominerte til Nordic Music Prize). Siinais tyngde kler Krugs ofte dvelende fremføringer godt og som tittelen antyder går det tekstmessige i stor grad i retning av knuste hjerter, som så ofte med Krug. “…stuff like the brooding album highlight ‘Faraway Lightning’ sound nothing like Krug has been involved with before, its coldly exotic peals of synth and measured, menacing floor toms distinctly reminiscent of Closer-era Joy Division.“ 7/10 DROWNED IN SOUND “…this collaboration with Siinai proves to be one of the more compelling Moonface records to date.” 7.1 PITCHFORK CD+DVD/LP+DVD sun araw / m. geddes gengras / the congos frkwys vol. 9: icon give thank RVNG Intl. FRKWYS 09CD / FRKWYS 09LP 0609788999607 / 0609788999591 FRKWYS er en serie utgivelser hvor vestlige musikere kobles opp mot worldmusikere og spiller inn album sammen. På Vol. 9 er det California-rockerne SUN ARAW og M. GEDDES GENGRAS som dro til Jamaica for å møte den legendariske vokalgruppen THE CONGOS. Resultatet er et forbløffende og energisk sett låter som får oss til å lengte ekstra mye etter den kommende sommeren. DVD-en Icon Eye som gir et innblikk i prosessen, følger med. Briljant! ”Like the very best dub of ages, the deliciously stoned sonics mask a nub of righteousness” 8/10 UNCUT ”Startling and unique” 4/5 MOJO dave alvin eleven eleven - expanded Yep Roc YEP 2273 2CD+DVD 0634457227323 Utvidet luksusutgave av DAVE ALVINs bejublede Eleven Eleven. Disk 1 inneholder originalalbumet samt 3 bonusspor. Disk 2 består av et liveopptak fra fjorårets USA-turné, mens disk 3 består av en live-DVD fra den samme konserten. I tillegg er det lagt ved nedlastingskoder for alle låtene og det hele er pakket i en flott boks. ”Kongen av California” DAGBLADET Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] I NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 CATHy JORDAN ALL THE WAY HOME Blix Street G 210201 0739341020124 CD Med utgangspunkt i tradisjonell irsk folkemusikk leverer CATHY JORDAN et utsøkt debutalbum med All the Way Home som på en fin måte blander tradisjonelle låter med egenskrevne. Jordan har siden 1991 vært vokalist i den populære gruppen DERVISH som i 2007 leverte Irlands bidrag til Eurovision Song Contest. “The accent of the music throughout remains located in the sparkling vitality of its traditional Irish roots. And while the energy one encounters with Jordan as a member of Dervish has been dialled down, there’s no loss in quality or masterly finesse she brings to her material.” BBC ”If there’s only one folk/trad/world music album you buy this year, make it this one.” HOT PRESS ” horse feathers cynic’s new year Kill Rock Stars KRS 559 / KRS 559LP 0759656055925 / 0759656055918 CD/LP Flott folk/americana bygget rundt JUSTIN RINGLEs vokal fra Horse Feathers på Cynic’s New Year, deres tredje album på Kill Rock Stars. “I would recommend it to anyone with Cass McCombs, Bon Iver, Will Oldham, and even Horse Feathers’ own onetime KRS labelmate Elliott Smith in their rainy (or any) day playlists.” Entertainment Weekly Hør albumet her: CD wodensthrone curse Candlelight CANDLE 310CD 0803341322899 Hedensk black metal fra WODENSTHRONE som etter syv års hvile reiser seg igjen. Bandet henter tydelig fra sjangerhelter som ENSLAVED, MOONSORROW og PRIMORDIAL og maler ut majestetiske og episke låter med sterkt meningsbærende tekster. For fans av de tidligere nevnte samt band som NEGURA BUNGET, AGALLOCH, DRUDKH osv. “‘Curse’ is an excellent black metal album with interesting atmospheric qualities and pagan undertones which should get them considerable recognition.” 83/100 LORDS OF METAL “…there is no chance that this jaw-dropping new material will leave someone untouched.” AVANTGARDE METAL inverloch dusk | subside Relapse RR 7192-2 / RR 7192-1 0781676719228 / 0781676719211 CD/LP Fra asken av doom/grind-legendene diSEMBOWELMENT stiger her INVERLOCH opp. Dynamisk og variert death/doom omgitt av en uhyggelig og truende atmosfære. ”Dette bandet virker å føle seg like hjemme i den brutale blackened dødmetallen som sørgesangfylt funeraldoom” 8/10 METAL HAMMER NORWAY “Inverloch’s “Dusk…Subside” is one of the darkest, most haunting and beautiful pieces of heavy music I’ve ever heard. Strongly recommended for fans of death/doom metal.” 9.5/10 METAL ASSAULT ”A confident, masterful debut, and a harbinger of much greater thing to come” 4/5 TERRORIZER 4.5/5 ANGRY METAL GUY 4.5/5 SPUTNIK MUSIC Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] II NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 reverence the asthenic ascension Candlelight CANDLE 331CD 0803341336544 CD Industriell black metal fra franske REVERENCE på intense og til dels kaotiske The Asthenic Ascension. Anbefales til fans av BLUT AUS NORD, DEATHSPELL OMEGA og DØDHEIMSGARD. ”Dette er velspilt black metal slik de andre bandene i sjangeren skulle ønske de maktet å gjøre. Kjøp og nyt et av årets desidert sterkeste album” 5/6 SCREAM “Using as many of its esoteric resources as possible at any one time, the somewhat jazzed-out potency of the industrial drum patterns empowers the preternatural riffs with a sense of marvel and beauty that contradict the utter disgust permeating Luciferia’s diaphragm.” 9.3/10 METALSTORM.NET clutch From Beale Street To Oblivion (re-issue w/Bonus CD) Weathermaker WM 015A 0884860058520 2CD Ny utgave av CLUTCHs From Beale Street to Oblivion. Disk 2 består av liveopptak fra BBCs studio i London og har en spilletid på ca. 40 minutter. clutch robot hive / EXODUS (re-issue w/Bonus DVD) Weathermaker WM 016A 7090001012945 CD+DVD Ny utgave av CLUTCHs Robot Hive / Exodus. På den medfølgende DVD-en får vi bandet live fra 2005. clutch blast tyrant (re-issue w/Bonus CD) Weathermaker WM 017A 0884860058728 2CD Ny utgave av CLUTCHs Blast Tyrant. Disk 2 består av en rekke demoversjoner, sjeldne spor osv. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] III NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 ruby fray pith K Records K 239 / KLP 239LP CD/LP 0789856123926 / 0789856123919 RUBY FRAY = EMILY BEANBLOSSOM, vokalisten i CHRISTMAS. Halvpsykedelisk americana drevet av Beanblossoms hypnotiske og vakre vokal. monica zetterlund don’t dream of anybody but me Él / Cherry Red ACMEM 229CD CD 5013929322936 Skandinavias største jazzstjerne, MONICA ZETTERLUND, debuterte i 1958 med Swedish Sensation (ACMEM 165CD) og fikk snart et internasjonalt navn. Don’t Dream… samler alle hennes innspilte spor fra 1959 og 1960, inkludert er et knippe sjelden svenske EP-er. 22 spor i alt. DIVERSE ARTISTER DYLAN’S TALKING BLUES – THE ROOTS OF BOB’S RHYTHMIC RHYMING Righteous / Cherry Red PSALM 2364 CD 5013929986428 23 spor Talking Blues, en musikkstil som hadde enorm påvirkning på en ung BOB DYLAN. WOODY GUTHRIE, PETE SEEGER og LONNIE DONEGAN er selvsagt inkludert. diverse artister mad daddy’s maddest spins – vintage late 50’s rock and swing Righteous / Cherry Red PSALM 2365 CD 5013929986527 29 spor fra spillelistene til den legendariske shock’n’roll-DJen MAD DADDY som hadde stor innflytelse på bl.a. THE CRAMPS. Alle sporene er remastret og heftet er ført i pennen i Mojos DAVE HENDERSON. joshua moses joshua to jashwa – 30 years in the wilderness Bristol Archives ARC 250CD / ARC 250V CD/LP 5052571025024 / 5052571025017 10-spors samling med JOSHUA MOSES med låter innspilt mellom 1978 og 2003. Inkludert er ”klassikerne” Africa (Is Our Land) og Rise Up. Roots reggae. 4/5 RECORD COLLECTOR eric copeland Get along Post Present Medium PPM 056LP 0724101963070 7” Syvtommer med sporene Get Along og Zulu fra BLACK DICEs ERIC COPELAND. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] IV NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 FORHÅND 27. APRIL pennywise all or nothing Epitaph EPIT 71912 / EPIT 71911 CD/LP 8714092719123 / 8714092719116 Tracklist: All or Nothing - 2:29 Waste Another Day - 2:22 Revolution - 3:25 Stand Strong - 3:10 Let Us Hear Your Voice - 3:43 Seeing Red - 2:54 Songs of Sorrow - 3:35 X Generation - 3:15 We Have It All - 2:59 Tomorrow - 3:17 All Along - 3:09 United - 2:49 Pennywise return to their true home – and return to fine mid-90s punk-rock form – with All or Nothing, their incendiary new collection of twelve songs. Writing with renewed passion and commitment, the legendary Hermosa Beach foursome seamlessly integrate new singer Zoli Teglas into their fearsome sonic assault, playing harder and faster than ever to deliver their best album since 1997’s Full Circle. • US and EU tour dates this summer, launching with SXSW, and Graspop (BE) and Hurricane Festival (DE). • Pennywise catalogue has sold over 2.8 million records to date worldwide. FORHÅND 27. APRIL morten myklebust morten myklebust Spoon Train Audio STA 026CD CD 7090001012945 Tracklist: 1. The Rest 2. She She 3. Judgment Day 4. Over the Sea 5. Away 6. All the Love You Can (Generic Song) 7. Lost 8. Temporary Friend 9. We All Want the Same Thing 10. Mouth Too Big Morten Myklebust (26) har vært en dårlig skjult hemmelighet i musikk-Norge i mange år allerede. Tross sin unge alder, har han utmerket seg som låtskriver for flere av de største artistene i landet samtidig som han i fem år har jobbet fram debutskiva. 16. april slippes singelen “SheShe”, og det selvtitulerte debutalbumet er ute via Spoon Train / Cosmos 27. April. Myklebust har beina godt plantet i singer/songwriter-tradisjon og skriver tekster få andre norske artister tangerer. Selv om navnet kan høres nytt ut for de fleste, er dette en ventet og etterlengtet debut fra en av de mest lovende artistene i miljøet rundt landets beste musikere, og han har tatt med seg et håndplukket stjernelag av musikere til debutskiva. Susanne Sundfør bidrar i den vakre duetten “Away”, mens Tor Egil Kreken (Shining), Børre Flyen (Christel Alsos) og Ørnulv Snortheim spiller henholdsvis bass, trommer og el-gitar på skiva. Myklebust spiller gitar og har skrevet alle låtene. Siden arbeidet med førstealbumet startet i bestefarens kjeller på Abildsø i 2005, har Myklebust co-skrevet begge skivene til Christel Alsos, blitt hentet til ByLarm to ganger, koret for artistvennene og allerede bitt fra seg utenfor Norges grenser. Fran Healy (Travis) har omtalt Myklebust som “en stjerne” og spydspissen i “en norsk låtskrivingsrevolusjon”. I høst ble Morten også hentet av Healy til hans private veldedighetskonsert i Berlin. Albumet er blitt plukket fra hverandre og satt sammen på nytt i takt med stadig nye liveopptredener i Norge og utlandet de siste årene. Stort sett har han spilt det inn alene på Abildsø og i Viagram studios i Oslo. Nå er artistenes favoritt endelig klar for folket, syv år etter at det hele startet i en kjeller på Abildsø. Et slags “Best of 2005-2012”. - Eivind Sæther, Oslo, 2012 Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] V NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 FORHÅND 4. MAI HERE WE GO MAGIC A DIFFERENT SHIP Secretly Canadian SC 230 / SC 230LP 0656605023021 / 0656605023014 CD/LP Here We Go Magic’s sophomore album, Pigeons, had only been out a few weeks when the seeds for A Different Ship were planted in late June 2010 at the Glastonbury Festival. The New York band had been on the road since spring, wowing audiences with their uncanny live chemistry, turning album tracks into intricately groovy sonic explorations where the band seemed almost synchronously possessed. That had been their sweet spot since their earliest rehearsals together, when singer/songwriter Luke Temple, bassist Jennifer Turner, guitarist Michael Bloch, drummer Peter Hale and then-keyboardist Kristina Lieberson bonded over a shared belief in musical spontaneity and a kind of improvisation that feels too divinely ordered to be called “jamming.” Tracklist: Intro Hard To Be Close Make Up Your Mind Alone But Moving I Believe In Action Over The Ocean Made To Be Old How Do I Know Miracle Of Mary A Different Ship At Glastonbury “the crowd wasn’t giving us much to work with, except for these two guys standing in front,” Temple continues. “One of them was dancing around like a maniac and I was like, ‘I’m just gonna play for those two guys. Then I realized,‘That’s fucking Thom Yorke and Nigel Godrich!’” The band,York & Godrich became fast friends and the producer eventually proposed working together. In particular, the producer said he thought he could help them better communicate their hypnotic and hypnagogic live vibe on tape. And he did. A Different Ship is Here We Go Magic’s most remarkable and captivating album yet, with an emotional and musical arc that is alternately calming and anxiety-inducing, and often both at once. “I Believe In Action” and “Make Up Your Mind” sound like they’re being beamed in from outer space, while more earthbound tracks such as “Miracle of Mary,” “Over The Ocean” and “Alone But Moving” amble in a somnolent haze, with Temple’s cool timbre cutting through the fog. FORHÅND 4. MAI sleep dopesmoker Southern Lord LORD 158 / LORD 158LP 0808720015829 / 0808720015812 CD/2LP *WIDELY CONSIDERED TO BE THE ULTIMATE AND MOST IMPORTANT ALBUM TO COME OUT OF THE STONER ROCK/DOOM MOVEMENT! Tracklist: 1. Dopesmoker (1:03:31) 2. Holy Mountain (Live 1994) (11:54) *Formed as a Bay Area hc/punk rock band called Asbestosdeath, the band changed their musical direction and name and debuted as Sleep with their Volume One album in 1991. After Justin Marler left the band, the core lineup of Al Cisneros, Matt Pike and Chris Hakius went into the studio to record a demo cassette that they sent to Earache Records. The recording was released in November of 1992 (exactly as received by the label!) under the name Sleep’s Holy Mountain and went on to forever alter the musical landscape. Countless current bands cite Sleep’s Holy Mountain as a major inspiration, and the unique sound and style of the record can be heard in many subsequent releases by bands from all over the world. *Sleep’s Holy Mountain created such a humongous buzz that major label London Records signed the band. Unfortunately, the label lacked the vision necessary to actually follow through and release the album that Sleep recorded, mostly because it took the not-radio-friendly form of a Single song — a 63 minute long ode to weed — called Dopesmoker. Sleep returned to the studio and edited the track down to 52 minutes and re-titled it Jerusalem, but it was again rejected. London Records shelved the record and dropped the band, leading to their dissolution. *In 2011, Southern Lord was contacted by Sleeps’ Al Cisneros about the possibility of releasing a deluxe version of this classic recording. The rights to the record had reverted back to the band and Cisneros wanted to breathe some new life into the old beast. Southern Lord was overwhelmingly ecstatic about the challenge of taking the reigns of one of the most important recordings in the history of Heavy Metal! The Lord version features brand new artwork by long time Sleep artist, Arik Roper, who created something specifically special for the albums’ rebirth. The biggest difference between this new version and the old releases is the phenomenal remastering job by From Ashes Rise guitarist, Brad Boatright (OFF!, Noothgrush). His vision was to enhance the original recording without changing it drastically. What he has done makes this epic opus sound invigorated, more powerful with renewed clarity and allaround unbelievably mammoth. His work was enthusiastically approved by the band and considering how focused, vigilant and protective of their masterpiece the band is, that is nothing short of a miracle! Also exclusive to the reborn version of Dopesmoker, is a unreleased live track of one of the best songs the band ever did, Holy Mountain. The booklet features newly penned liner notes by the band helping shed some new light on this holy grail of a album. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] V NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 FORHÅND 4. MAI tu fawning a monument City Slang SLANG 50014 / SLANG 50014LP CD/LP 4250506803490 / 4250506803506 Tracklist: Anchor Blood Stains Wager A Pose For No One Build A Great Cliff Skin and Bone In The Center Of Powder White To Break Into Bones TU FAWNING are returning this May with their sophomore release titled A MONUMENT, which is just what this is, a monumental evolutionary achievement. A mere nine songs short, but enough time to confirm the suspicion raised by the band’s debut album HEARTS ON HOLD: Can it be that this band sets itself apart from everything else out there right now? Yes, this is proof. Lets not fool anyone here: Right now, TU FAWNING are still the best kept secret of Portland. All members of the band Corrina Repp, Joe Haege, Liza Rietz and Toussaint Perraultare are deeply rooted in the local community of artists, barkeepers, rooftop gardners and musicians. They have played with nearly every other artist in town, yet Tu Fawning was an are still a brand new band. They dont really fit into any schemes of “contemporary buzz making” except for showing up in PORTLANDIA for a bout 5 seconds and they don’t sound like anything else right now so what to do in 2011s “referencial retro mania” The only right thing is and always was,to trust your instinct and you passion and record the record you believe in, put it out and go out their and play which is what they did and with it all downsides, the problems and drama that creates but also the good sides, the amazing feedback they got, the harmony energy in the band and all that: TU FAWNING became real became a band and wrote what is now A MONUMENT. FORHÅND 11. MAI andrE williams & the sadies night & day Yep Roc YEP 2269 / YEP 2269LP CD/LP 0634457226920 / 0634457226913 Tracklist: 01. I Gotta Get Shorty Out of Jail 02. America (You Say “A Change Is Gonna Come”) 03. The Seventy Year Old 04. Your Old Lady 05. Bored 06. Mississippi & Joliet 07. I Thank God 08. Don’t Take It 09. One-Eyed Jack 10. Hey Baby! 11. I‘ll Do Most Anything For Your Love 12. That’s My Desire 13. Me & My Dog Canada’s finest live band, The Sadies, have reunited with explicit soul singer/cult legend Andre Williams for Night & Day, set for release May 11, 2012 on Yep Roc records. Night & Day is the result of sessions that began in 2008 at Key Club Studio in Detroit and captures Andre, then 70 years old and still using at the time, at his most raw, honest, and immediate. No filter. Andre is aided by a stellar cast of musical friends, dirty bluesers who have earned the trust of the ancient hustler, including Jon Spencer (who directed these sessions) and Matt VertaRay of Heavy Trash, Danny Kroha of Detroit’s own gutter-blues superheroes, The Gories, the unsinkable Mekon, Jon Langford, and of course, behind it all, The Sadies’ long-time line-up of Dallas Good on guitars and keys, his brother Travis Good on guitars and fiddle, Mike Belitsky on drums, and the mighty Sean Dean on the bass. The result is a raw, gritty slice of raunch rock that has attitude in spades and the hooks and playing to back it up. Night & Day, indeed. There is wisdom in these grooves. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VII NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 FORHÅND 18. MAI BURZUM UMSKIPTAR Byelobog BYE 010CDS / BYE 010DBK 0803341362314 / 0803341362352 CD BYE 010CDS = Jewelcase BYE 010DBK = limitert digibok MARKETING & PROMOTION / SELLING POINTS • Tracklist: 1. Blodstokkinn 2. Joln 3. Alfadanz 4. Hit helga Tre 5. AEra 6. Heidr 7. Valgaldr 8. Galgvidr 9. Surtr Sunnan 10. Gullaldr 11. Nidhoggr • • • • • “Umskiptar” is the 10th studio album from Burzum, and follows the highly critically acclaimed releases Belus (2010) and Fallen (2011) which put Burzum straight back at the at the top of the chain as of one of the most innovative and creative metal artists of our time. “Umskiptar” is not like any of the older Burzum albums, and yet similar to all of them. More than anything it has been inspired by scaldic poems and ancient folk music, and yet it’s metal, but with Norse lyrics this time all taken from the famous Scandinavian Voluspa poem. Burzum says: “Hence I call the “Umskiptar” album scaldic metal, and also naively hope with this to avoid having my music labelled ‘Black Metal’ anymore.” “Umskiptar” contains both traditional metal music and more experimental metal music as well as a traditional Burzum introduction and conclusion. Undoubtedly will be one of the biggest black metal release of 2012 FORHÅND 1. JUNI SUN KIL MOON AMONG THE LEAVES Caldo Verde CV 018 2CD 0634457563322 Tracklist: Among The Leaves is the 5th full length album by Mark Kozelek under the Sun Kil Moon moniker. Played almost entirely on nylon string guitar, this 17-song all original album was recorded between October 2011 and January 2012 in San Francisco. Among The Leaves - words which caught Mark’s attention from a John Connolly novel - finds Mark relaxed, singing playfully about his life as a musician while retaining the melancholic spirit of his 20 year catalog. Mark’s love for San Francisco and Northern California are at the heart of this new album. “My first album (Down Colorful Hill) was released in 1992” says Kozelek, “but creatively, I feel like I’m just beginning. The new album was written and recorded impulsively, without second guessing.I didn’t have that kind of confidence in the past.” Unlike Red House Painters’ epic Rollercoaster,described by Rolling Stone as “the slowest and mopiest self revelations ever put to tape” or Sun Kil Moon’s Ghosts of the Great Highway, which Billboard Magazine called “heartbreaking,” Among The Leaves displays a more raw and humorous side of Mark’s songwriting. Aaron Prellwitz, recording engineer of Red House Painters and all 5 Sun Kil Moon albums describes the latest effort as “wonderfully direct.” Kozelek curiously ties together legends Joe Frazier, Bobby Fischer and Ed Gein in ‘The Winery,’ ‘Song for Richard Collopy’ is a touching tribute to the late San Francisco guitar repairman, and “Sunshine In Chicago” - written just before taking the stage at a Chicago venue last year – is a funny, self deprecating poke at life on the road. Though Among The Leaves is mostly in the solo, nylon string style of Admiral Fell Promises, a new ensemble of players joined Mark for a portion of the record, recalling the same spirit as April and Tiny Cities, but with a fresh, new sound Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VIII NYHETER UKE 17 - 2012 FORHÅND 1. JUNI melvins freak puke Ipecac IPC 136 CD 0689230013624 Tracklist: 1. Mr Rip Off 2. Inner Ear Rupture 3. Baby, You Won’t Weird Me Out 4. Worm Farm Waltz 5. A Growing Disgust 6. Leon vs. The Revolution 7. Holy Barbarian 8. Freak Puke 9. Let Me Roll It 10. Tommy Goes Beserk *The Melvins will release a brand new studio album with the delightful title ‘Freak Puke’ on June 5 via Ipecac Recordings. *Nothing ever stays entirely in one place very long around the Melvins, and the constantly evolving underground hard rock geniuses have undergone a temporary lineup and name change for the recording of ‘Freak Puke.’ While their last three albums featured a two-drummer, four-piece roster augmented by Big Business members Jared Warren and Coady Willis, the new record finds the group in a more familiar three-piece setting. Founding guitarist / singer Buzz Osbourne and his longtime drumming partner Dale Crover will be joined by bassist Trevor Dunn for this record, and the trio will operate under the name Melvins Lite. It will be the four-piece version of the Melvins that embarks on their upcoming spring co-headlining tour with Unsane. FORHÅND 1. JUNI japandroids celebration rock Polyvinyl PRC 238-2 / PRC 238-1 0644110023827 / 0644110023810 CD/LP Celebration Rock, the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Post-Nothing, was recorded at The Hive, the same Vancouver studio as Post-Nothing, with engineer Jesse Gander. Tracklist: 1. The Nights of Wine and Roses 2. Fire’s Highway 3. Evil’s Sway 4. For the Love of Ivy 5. Adrenaline Nightshift 6. Younger Us 7. The House That Heaven Built 8. Continuous Thunder Japandroids kept the ground rules they’ve always had for recording: no double-tracking guitars and no overdubs unless they’re absolutely necessary. The raw energy captured on Celebration Rock is well-balanced with a much bigger sound and showcases the band’s growth as songwriters. Songs like “Evil’s Sway” and “The House That Heaven Built” prove the Vancouver duo has more than staying power with this sophomore release. The long-awaited, highly anticipated Celebration Rock will be available on June 1st. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] IX
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