NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 CD+DVD PHOENIX WOLFGANG AMADEUS PHOENIX Loyauté/Cooperative VVR 702468/VVR 703393 0602527024684/0602527033938 www.wearephoenix.com Splitter nytt album fra Norges-favorittene! PHOENIX var, sammen med grupper som AIR, CASSIUS og DAFT PUNK, med på å definere det ”nye franske soundet”. Norge falt spesielt pladask for PHOENIX, og låter som If I Ever Feel Better og Everything Is Everything lå månedsvis på norske radiolister, parallelt med at albumene herjet VG-lista! 25. mai er de tilbake, og albumet Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix inneholder en bunke sommerlette og lystige poplåter i beste PHOENIX-ånd, og første single, 1901, har 2 måneder bak seg på norsk radio, bl.a. P3. Oppfølgersinglen, Liztomania, er nettopp sendt til radio, og en Breakfast Club-inspirert fanvideo til låta er allerede en av vårens store youtube-hits! Kommer som enkel CD, CD+DVD og vinyl. - Side 2 Nettavisen, Natt og Dag Uncut 1349 REVELATIONS OF THE BLACK FLAME Candlelight CANDLE 284CD / CANDLE 261CD 0803341256286 / 0803341250598 Vær forberedt på en aldri så liten overraskelse. 1349 leverer nemlig alt annet enn du forventer på sitt nye album. Bandet har tonet ned tempoet fra tidligere album og gir deg essensen av ondskap på en ny måte. De ambiente partiene gir deg en falsk trygghet men når svartmetallen slår inn blir du dratt inn i et krypende mørkt mareritt. Dette er årets Ordo Ad Chao! Produsert av legendariske TOM G WARRIOR fra CELTIC FROST. Dobbel limitert versjon med 1349 live i Stockholm 2005 som bonusdisc. 2CD 8/10 - Terrorizer KKKK – Kerrang! - Zero Tolerance (UK) http://www.myspace.com/1349official IRON & WINE AROUND THE WELL Sub Pop SPCD 808 0098787080827 2CD Around the Well innholder B-sider, rariteter, coverlåter osv. fra hele karrieren til IRON & WINE. Det begynner med låter fra perioden rundt innspillingen av debuten The Creek Drank the Cradle i 2002, og kuliminerer med spor spilt inn i forbindelse med The Shepherd’s Dog. Innimellom disse får vi også covers av bl.a. NEW ORDER, THE FLAMING LIPS og THE POSTAL SERVICE. Et must for SAM BEAMs mange fans. “Around the Well serves as a helpful reminder that a discarded Iron & Wine song is still better than many fine-tuned cuts from similar bands.” ALLMUSIC http://www.myspace.com/ironandwine Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 DAVE ALVIN AND THE GUILTY WOMEN DAVE ALVIN AND THE GUILTY WOMEN Yep Roc YEP 2155 CD 0634457215528 Grammy-vinner og ex-BLASTER, DAVE ALVIN, har på denne platen byttet ut sitt tidligere backingband THE GUILTY MEN med THE GUILTY WOMEN, en gruppe ekstremt kvalifiserte kvinnelige musikere, som bidrar til å heve mannens, fra før skyhøye, nivå enda et hakk. Øyenvitner forteller at ensemblet er en sann fest live og vi krysser fingrene for opptredener her i landet i løpet av sommeren; Down on the Farm? ”It’s all hugely engaging, even a boogie-woogie ”Que Sera Sera”” UNCUT http://www.myspace.com/davealvin DIVERSE ARTISTER MAN OF SOMBEODY’S DREAM - A TRIBUTE TO CHRIS GAFFNEY Yep Roc YEP 2198 CD 0634457219823 Tributeplate til CHRIS GAFFNEY, HACIENDA BROTHERS-frontmannen som dessverre døde i fjor. Gaffney var også medlem av DAVE ALVINs band, THE GUILTY MEN. Det er Alvin som står bak denne platen, og han har samlet et stjernelag for å hedre bestekompisen: JOE ELY, BOZ SCAGGS, LOS LOBOS, PETER CASE, TOM RUSSELL, CALEXICO, JIM LAUDERDALE, ALEJANDRO ESCOVEDO, ROBBIE FULKS, JOHN DOE osv. THE DEVIL’S BLOOD COME REAP Van Records VAN 19CD n/a CD Sammen med PORTRAIT et av de hotteste navnene i metalundergrunnen for tiden. Nederlenderne er skrytt opp i skyene av alt fra Dagbladet (forrige uke) til FENRIZ, og det med rette. For THE DEVIL’S BLOOD er rett og slett fantastisk bra. Kun dette minialbumet foreløpig og vi venter i spenning på første fullengder senere i år. For fans av HAWKWIND, ROKY ERICKSON, okkult rock. http://www.myspace.com/thedevilsblood PORTRAIT PORTRAIT Iron Kodex IK 001CD http://www.myspace.com/portraitmetal 5018615111528 CD Sammen med THE DEVIL’S BLOOD et av de hotteste navnene i metalundergrunnen for tiden. Svenskene leverer heavy metal av den gode gamle skolen og det gjør de såpass bra at de er klare for verdens kanskje aller beste festival, Hole In The Sky, i august. “Portrait have managed to produce one of the best albums of the ‘80s in 2008” – 8.5/10 Terrorizer ”Portrait sure as hell aren’t messing around.” – 8/10 Decibel Magazine (US) Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 KHANATE CLEAN HANDS GO FOUL Hydra Head HH 666173 0634457510524 CD Clean Hands Go Foul representerer siste kapittel i historien om KHANATE. Eller spikern i kista om du vil. Avant-doom, og absolutt ikke noe for elskere av tre-minutters poplåter. KHANATE ble oppløst i 2006, men dette grimme verket ser altså ikke dagens mørke før nå. ”The quartet’s brand of grindingly slow doom metal was extreme even by the standards of the genre, with the majority of their ’songs’ featuring little variation from the favoured droning guitar /shrieking vocals blueprint and managing to take it even further out into the stratosphere” – NME 8/10 Decibel Magazine XERATH I Candlelight CANDLE 274CD 0803341251151 CD Influert av STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, DIMMU BORGIR og MESHUGGAH lager britiske XERATH det de selv kaller ”Orchestral groove metal” (eller ”chug-score”!). Tungt, melodisk og kompetent, eller rett og slett sinnsykt fett om du vil. Anbefales! ”Det meste annet blekner fullstendig når denne orkestrale suggesjonsmaskinen feier all motstand til side.” Scream Magazine http://www.myspace.com/xerath KONGH SHADOWS OF THE SHAPELESS Trust No One TNO 035 0200000012069 CD Norske musikkelskere ble kjent med svenske KONGH da de varmet opp for NEUROSIS i Kanonhallen i fjor. Shadows Of The Shapeless er bandets andre album, og det er tungt, tungt, tungt. Suggerende saker som fortjener å oppdages av mangfoldige. Igjen kan vi bare anbefale. http://www.myspace.com/kongh XASTHUR ALL REFLECTIONS DRAINED Hydra Head HH 666176 http://www.myspace.com/xasthurband 2CD 0634457512023 Nytt album fra enmannsprosjektet XASTHUR. Kommer i digipack DVD-cover med bonusdisc med hele 9 ekstra låter. Vi tenkte vi like godt skulle få en litt utenforstående til å prøve å forklare dette fenomenet: ““When I close my eyes and listen, I think of a heartbroken demon sitting beside these ashes in hell and really missing his girlfriend. It’s like romantic death metal. The aggressiveness of his guitar riffs can be quite brutal. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it’s really clever. His flow is so authentically black metal; he knows how to make it orchestral and gothic. I don’t know all the rules to metal, but he seems to kind of be above them.” - Ryan Adams for the NY Times Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 BRETT DENNEN HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS Downtown VVR 703978 http://www.myspace.com/brettdennen CD 0602527039787 BRETT DENNEN er en laidback og småjazza singer/songwriter, som nå slipper sitt tredje album, Hope For The Hopeless. BRETT har fått strålande kritikker for dette albumet, som i USA ble sluppet i vinter. Låtene her bør finne veien til fans av BOB DYLAN og PAUL SIMON så vel som nytere av lightpop a la JASON MRAZ og JOHN MAYER. Første single, Make You Crazy, er en duett med FEMI KUTI, og bør, i likhet med mye av materialet her, funke særdeles bra på radio. 8/10 – ABC NYHETER MARK KOZELEK LOST VERSES LIVE Caldo Verde CV 008 0634457512924 Nytt fjellstøtt livealbum fra MARK KOZELEK spilt inn under diverse intimkonserter i 2007 og 2008. Platen inneholder låter fra hele karrieren, og PHIL CARNEY, Kozeleks mangeårige våpendrager, akkompagnerer på sedvanlig nydelig vis. CD “Kozelek is a powerful performer and every fan should have at least one of his live recordings. If you haven’t heard one yet, this should be the one.” PITCHFORK http://www.myspace.com/markkozelek NED DOHENY NED DOHENY Collector’s Choice CCM 2011 CD 0617742201123 The trust-fund kid, NED DOHENY, var rikmannssønnen som innyndet seg hos DAVID GEFFEN og miljøet rundt hans nystartede label Asylum, og var sågar den første artisten som slapp plate på det med dette selvtitulerte albumet i 1973. Dette er første gang denne klassiske vestkystperlen er tilgjenglig på CD. Et must for fans av JACKSON BROWNE, STEELY DAN, CSN osv. Inneholder hiten Postcards From Hollywood. JONATHAN KANE JET EAR PARTY Radium / Table of the Elements TOE 816 0806501181626 Nytt album fra ex-SWANS-medlemmet JONATHAN KANE som episk sløyer seg innom både Mississippi-deltaet og tyskernes krautrock. Inneholder bl.a. en enorm cover av SLY STONEs klassiske Thank You Fallettinme Be Mice Elf Agin. CD “Wedding the brutal severity of Delta country boogie and Seventies German pulse rock – all dead-ahead motion and mounting detail...Epic.” Rolling Stone http://www.myspace.com/jonathankane Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 IRON MONKEY OUR PROBLEM / IRON MONKEY Earache MOSH 207X 5055006520781 2CD To album som lenge har vært utilgjengelige, på dobbel CD. Orginalt fra 1997 og 1998. Inkluderer også fire bonuslåter. Tre låter fra split’en med CHURCH OF MISERY samt en BLACK SABBATH-cover. IRON MONKEY er legendariske for sine ekstremt voldelige liveopptredener, og dette er da også temmelig aggressivt. Produsert av ANDY SNEAP (MACHINE HEAD, EXODUS, NEVERMORE, CRADLE OF FILTH etc). “The very definition of uncompromising and still as vital as ever.” – 9/10 Rock Sound http://www.myspace.com/survivaloftheshittest IREPRESS SOL EYE SEE I Translation Loss TL 312CD http://www.myspace.com/irepress 0656605956824 CD En helt uimotståelig utgivelse fra amerikanske IREPRESS. Ekstrem progressiv rock og metal blandet med flytende elektroniske partier gjort på en orginal og eksperimentell måte. “Never becomes anything less than something to fully absorb” – 8/10 Rock Sound “Undeniably beautiful and spine tingling.” - Alternative Press “Hypnometal with leafy-green seventies fusion” – Revolver Magazine “Fucking Brilliant” - Decibel Magazine BATTLEFIELDS THRESHOLDS OF IMBALANCE Translation Loss TL 332CD 0880270272228 CD Som en missing link mellom CONVERGE og ISIS kommer BATTLEFIELDS stormende fra Minnestota og Fargo, North Dakota. Sleng på en dæsj RED SPARROWES så vet du at dette er verdt en lytt eller ti. “Battlefields segues between gnashing metal and layers of lo-fi atmosphere. With the addition of tasteful samples and puncturing screams, it’s undeniable that Battlefields are headed in an impressive direction.” - Decibel Magazine http://www.myspace.com/battlefieldsdoom FORSAKEN AFTER THE FALL I Hate Records IHRCD 062 5021449197729 CD Har du noen skiver med band fra Malta i samlingen? Ikke det nei. Prøv denne da. Episk, seig, litt drømmende doom-metal. Flotte saker. For fans av CANDLEMASS, BLACK SABBATH/HEAVEN & HELL etc. – Scream Magazine KKKK – Kerrang! http://www.myspace.com/forsakenmalta Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 THE BLACKOUT THE BEST IN TOWN Epitaph EPIT 70242 8714092702422 CD Epitaph-debut for walisiske THE BLACKOUT, som tidligere har sluppet 2 album på Fierce Panda. Bråkjekk rock med enorme riff, den perfekte kombinasjonen av skriking/klarvokal og melodier som sitter. Et funn for fans av band som PARAMORE, AVANGED SEVENFOLD, FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND og THRICE. Inneholder gjestevokal fra JOSH FRANCESCHI (YOUMEATSIX). http://www.myspace.com/theblackout CURRENT 93 ALEPH AT HALLUCINATORY MOUNTAIN Coptic Cat NIFE 004CD 0061297127825 CD Splitter nytt album med CURRENT 93, det første på tre år. DAVID TIBET har samlet sammen en rekke gjesteartister som spenner fra RICKIE LEE JONES via ANDREW W.K. til BABY DEE og pornostjernen SAHSA GREY (vinner av beste trekantscene og beste gruppescene under Adult Video Network Awards). Skulle vel være verdt en lytt det? http://www.myspace.com/current93 HEXES WHITE NOISE / BLACK SOUND Undergroove UGCD 058 5021449198627 Feiende flott punkrock fra Southend, UK. For fans av GALLOWS, THE GHOST OF A THOUSAND, REFUSED, THE BRONX. CD KKKK Kerrang! 8/10 Rock Sound http://www.myspace.com/hexes DIVERSE ARTISTER NOT GIVEN LIGHTLY – A TRIBUTE TO THE GIANT GOLDEN BOOK OF NEW ZEALAND’S ALTERNATIVE MUSIC SCENE Morr Music MM 090 2CD 0880918009025 Morr Music-stallen, ELECTRIC PRESIDENT, LALI PUNA, AMERICAN ANALOG SET etc, hedrer 80- og 90-tallets alternative, New Zealandske musikkscene; en scene som ifølge kjennere var like viktig da, som den Brooklynske er nå. Innholder spor originalt utgitt av band som The Clean, The Bats, The Chills, The Tall Dwarfs, og mange flere. 34 spor over 2 disker totalt. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 MINISTRY ADIOS...PUTAS MADRES 13th Planet THPDVD 012 4046661152791 2DVD Så var det klart for dokumenet over avskjedsturnéen til MINISTRY i DVD-format. Dobbel sådann, hvor disc 1 inneholder 15 låter filmet live og disc 2 inneholder en 45-minutters rockumentar. Diverse bonusmateriale er det selvfølgelig også og det er også flere låter her enn på CD-utgaven. http://www.myspace.com/ministrymusic ROB ROCK THE VOICE OF MELODIC METAL – LIVE IN ATLANTA AFM AFMDCS 252-7 / AFMCD 252-2 0884860003070 / 0884860002929 DVD+CD Etter 20 år og 15 album slipper kristenrockeren ROB ROCK aka ”The voice of melodic metal” sin aller første offisielle DVD. Og samtidig er dette også hans første livealbum, for her snakker vi DVD+CD. For de uinnvidde kan vi jo si DIO møter DOKKEN med hint av IRON MAIDEN og JUDAS PRIEST. NB! CDen slippes også i ensom majestet (AFMCD 252-2). - Scream Magazine http://www.myspace.com/robrock1 THE CURE THE STRANGE MUSEUM Chrome Dreams SGDVD 016 0823564514093 DVD Dokumentar om THE CURE fra den spede begynnelsen via årevis med global suksess til dagens status som gudfedre innen alternativ musikk. Intervjuer med ROBERT SMITH og andre bandmedlemmer og en masse andre features. THE BEATLES COMPOSING THE BEATLES SONGBOOK Chrome Dreams PGDVD 111 0823564515595 DVD Dokumentar som tar for seg samarbeidet mellom låtskriverne LENNON og MCCARTNEY mellom 1966 og 1970, en temmelig kreativ periode. Vi får intervjuer, sjeldne bilder og opptredener og låter som Elanor Rigby, Strawberry Fields Forever, A Day In The Life, I Am The Walrus, Hey Jude, Helter Skelter, Get Back og mange mange flere. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 CD DISASTER/PEACE DISASTER/PEACE Music Buy Mail/NL NLCD 6038 4020090160381 Den gale gitaristen PETE BLAKK og bassist HAL PATINO, begge fra bandet til KING DIAMOND, er tilbake, og sammen med vokalist WADE BLACK (LEATHERWOLF, CRIMSON GLORY) utgjør de DISASTER/PEACE. Det er steinhardt og melodisk på samme tid, og med gjestespill fra ANDY LAROCQUE (King Diamond, MERCYFUL FATE) og RICK ALTZI (AT VANCE) er dette albumet et must for alle metal-elskere! http://www.myspace.com/officialdisasterpeace CD MOONSTONE PROJECT REBEL ON THE RUN Blistering BR 024 0896825002264 Rebel On The Run er det redje albumet med det italienske hardrockbandet MOONSTONE PROJECT, et band som er tro mot sitt 70-tallsinspirerte sound. Bandets lederskikkelse, gitarist MATT FILIPPINI, har tidligere spilt med storheter som BLUE OYSTER CULT, GLENN HUGHES og IAN PAICE. http://www.myspace.com/moonstoneproject CD SAIDAN EVERCIRCLE Blistering BR 025 0896825002271 Det tyske melodic power metal-bandet SAIDAN ble dannet i 2004 av keyboardist MARKUS BOHR. På Evercircle (bandets tredje album) har han toppet laget med veteranen STEFAN LÜDDEMANN (HELLOWEEN) på bass. Musikken spenner fra headbanging anthems til power ballads, og vi får også bandets første coverinnspilling, i form av låta Tokyo av bandet med samme navn. http://www.myspace.com/saidianband CD VINDICTIV GROUND ZERO Escape ESM 190 5031281001900 Svenske VINDICTIV følger opp fjorårets selvtitulerte knalldebut, og overgår seg selv på alle plan. Ground Zero inneholder en mengde majestetisk og melodisk metal med GÖRAN EDMAN på vokal, alt komponert av bandets gitarist/keyboardist STEFAN LINDHOLM. MARK BOALS (YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, ROYAL HUNT) og OLIVER HARTMANN (AT VANCE, AVANTASIA) gjester på albumet. http://www.myspace.com/vindictivmusic CD LARS ERIC MATTSSON NO SURRENDER + LIVE Lion LMC 262 6419922002629 No Surrender + Live er en delvis nyinnspilt versjon av LARS ERIC MATTSSONs debutalbum, som opprinnelig ble sluppet i 1989. All gitar og vokal er innspilt på nytt i anledning denne 20-årsjubileums-utgivelsen, og som ekstra bonus har man lagt til 5 ekstra livespor. SEXY! X ANIMA INSIDE WARRIOR Lion LMC 263 6419922002636 CD X ANIMA er et nytt, svært interessant svensk band. Tenk deg en krysning av EVANESCENCE og ENIGMA, ispedd en dose KATE BUSH, og du er på rett spor. Pop/electronica med symfoniske elementer. http://www.myspace.com/xanima Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VIII NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 PHOENIX WOLFGANG AMADEUS PHOENIX Loyauté/Cooperative VVR 703394 0602527033945 LP Splitter nytt album fra Norges-favorittene også på vinyl. FAUX HOAX YOUR FRIENDS WILL CARRY YOU HOME Polyvinyl PRC 177-7 http://www.myspace.com/fauxhoax 7’’ 0644110017772 Medlemmer av GANG OF FOUR, MENOMENA, TRACKER og 31KNOTS slår sine musikalske hoder sammen under monikeren FAUX HOAX og serverer her sytommeren Your Friends Will Carry You Home. Utgivelsen inholder også nedlastingskoder som gir deg de to sporene på syveren, pluss to ekstralåter. EAGLES OF DEATH METAL HEART ON + 7” Ipecac IPC 111LP LP+7’’ 0689230011118 Da er omsider vinylversjonen fra Ipecac klar for release. Slippes 2 juni, og denne gangen er den faktisk på vei inn i lager. Ikke dobbel lenger, men dermed også billigere. Og fortsatt med bonus 7”. NB! Legg inn ordre på nytt! XASTHUR ALL REFLECTIONS DRAINED Hydra Head HH 666176LP 0634457512016 2LP Deluxe gatefold dobbel vinyl, limitert til 1200 ex worldwide. Inneholder eksklusiv bonuslåt. HARVEY MILK LIFE…THE BEST GAME IN TOWN Hydra Head HH 666159LP 0798546235610 2LP Deluxe gatefold dobbel vinyl, limitert til 1000 ex worldwide. MATES OF STATE ALL DAY Polyvinyl PRC 079-1 0644110007919 12” MATES OF STATEs All Day EP fra 2003 tilgjenglig på vinyl for første gang. http://www.myspace.com/matesofstate Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IX NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 THE ICEBURN COLLECTIVE THE POWER OF THE LION Southern Lord SUNN 98LP 2LP 0808720009811 Prosjekt startet i 1991 av gitarist/vokalist/komponist GENTRY DENSLEY. Kjent for sin unike stil som blandet jazz, metal, punk og klassisk. Disse låtene ble orginalt utgitt på CD i 1998, nå på deluxe dobbel gatefold vinyl. DENSLEY kan i disse dager også høres i prosjektet ASCEND (SUNN 93) sammen med GREG ANDERSON. JONATHAN KANE JET EAR PARTY Table of the Elements TOE 816LP 0806501181619 2LP Ex-SWAN JONATHAN KANE på dobbel, gatefold LP. DIVERSE ARTISTER NOT GIVEN LIGHTLY – A MORR MUSIC COMPILATION Morr Music MM 090LP 0880918009018 3LP Morr Music-artister hedrer New Zealand på trippel vinyl. HEADLIGHTS REMIXES Polyvinyl PRC 169-1 0644110016911 LP HEADLIGHTS remikset på 180-grams vinyl. http://www.myspace.com/headlights WORMSBLOOD IN THE STARS Aurora Borealis ABX 034V LP 0718122064656 Fra grimmeste Wisconsin slipper WORMSBLOOD løs sin primitive outsider-blackmetal på den norske befolkning. I hvert fall oppimot 333 stykker av oss for det er ikke laget flere eksemplarer enn som så. Dere får sloss om det ene eksemplaret vi har tatt inn, så blir herrene WYRDSKULL, CRIMSON MAARITKITAKA og VRAGKNACHT THE TWO-HANDED kanskje bittelitt lystigere. SHINING / DEN SAAKALDTE SPLIT EP Temple Of Darkness TOD 027EP n/a 7” Split 7” med svenske SHINING og norske DEN SAAKALDTE. Black metal ja, for den som måtte lure. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com X NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. JUNI <CODE> RESPLENDENT GROTESQUE Tabu TABU 027 7090001915475 CD <CODE> debuterte på Spikefarm med kultforklarte Noveau Gloaming i 2005. Albumet har siden blitt omtalt i britisk presse som en av de beste britiske black metal utgivelsene noensinne. SAMOTH fra EMPEROR beskrev den som ”et glimrende og unikt moderne blackmetal-album som hører til sjeldenhetene i disse dager”. Tracklist 1 Smother The Crones 2 In The Privacy Of Your Own Bones 3 The Rattle Of Black Teeth 4 Possession Is The Medicine 5 Jesus Fever 6 I Hold Your Light 7 A Sutra Of Wounds 8 The Ascendent Grotesque Fire år senere er endelig oppfølgeren klar. Progressiv, intrikat og intelligent. Med Resplendent Grotesque tar <CODE> et modig steg inn i uoppdaget svartmetallisk landskap og gir lytteren en tidløs og usammenlignbar opplevelse. AORT, KVOHST og VICOTNIK har denne gangen med seg ingen ringere enn ADRIAN ERLANDSSON fra legendariske AT THE GATES på trommer. -Annonseres i metalpressen -Spilte nylig på Infernofestivalen -Medlemmer fra VOID, DHG, VED BUENS ENDE, AT THE GATES, THE HAUNTED og CRADLE OF FILTH -For fans av ARCTURUS, OPETH, VIRUS, ULVER, EMPEROR. ”Det endelige beviset på at de mange profetiene om en fremtidig knallsolid oppfølger slo til.” – Scream Magazine FORHÅND 2. JUNI EELS HOMBRE LOCO Vagrant/Cooperative VR 537COOP/VR 537COOPX CD 0602527061504/0602527061511 12 nye spor fra E og hans åler! Mer info følger…! Den limiterte versjonen inneholder en bonus-DVD! www.eelstheband.com Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XI FORHÅND 2. JUNI NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 BLOOD RED THRONE SOULS OF DAMNATION Earache MOSH 376L / MOSH 376 5055006537628 / 5055006537611 CD+DVD “A relentless and truly brutal assault” Somewhere along the way, death metal stopped killing. The blunt force of the music was supposed to rip holes in your skull, tear clumps of flesh from your shivering torso and eat your still-beating heart in front of you. Tracklist 01. The Light, The Hate 02. Harme 03. Throne Of Damnation 04. Human Fraud 05. Demand 06. Your Cold Flesh 07. Prove Yourself Dead 08. Not Turgenjev, But Close 09. Ten Steps Of Purgatory Limited edition bonus tracks: 10 Manifest of Lies 11 Affiliated With the Suffering Blood Red Throne believe in killing you with music. They stomp all over your head, kick you in the face and spit on you on the way out. Just like good death metal should be. ‘Souls Of Damnation’ is Blood Red Throne’s third album for Earache, and easily their most complete record - from start to finish the record oozes class, a relentless and truly brutal assault that combines a flawless production with a sick collection of chunky riff, after riff, after riff, underpinned with a furious groove. Keeping the blueprint simple, while excelling at catchy song writing, Blood Red Throne triumph with ‘Souls Of Damnation’ by going straight for the throat with both fists until you are well and truly dead. Limited edition bonus DVD: A 30 min documentary with interviews charting the 10 year career of the band conducted with all current band members, plus in the studio footage and live performances. “En helstøpt affære.” - Scream Magazine FORHÅND 2. JUNI RANCID LET THE DOMINOES FALL Hellcat HELL 68432/HELL 70312/HELL 98431 CD 8714092684322/8714092703122/8714092684315 Tracklist 1. East Bay Night 2. This Place 3. Up To No Good 4. Last One To Die 5. Disconnected 6. I Ain’t Worried 7. Damnation 8. New Orleans 9. Civilian Ways 10. The Bravest Kids 11. Skull City 12. L.A. River 13. Lulu 14. Dominoes Fall 15. Liberty and Freedom 16. You Want It, You Got It 17. Locomotive 18. That’s Just The Way It Is Now 19. The Highway Seminal punk band RANCID – TIM ARMSTRONG (guitar/vocals), LARS FREDERIKSEN (guitar/vocals), MATT FREEMAN (bass/vocals), and BRANDEN STEINECKERT (drums) - have set June 1st for the release of Let The Dominoes Fall (Hellcat/Epitaph), their first studio album in six years. The platinum-selling band recorded at GEORGE LUCAS’ Skywalker Sound Studio, with production by Epitaph Records founder/BAD RELIGION guitarist BRETT GUREWITZ. Let The Dominoes Fall features nineteen new songs, all written by RANCID. Special guest and Rock & Roll Hall of Famer BOOKER T contributes Hammond B3 organ on one track, Up To No Good. “The crew is back doing what we do best,” says ARMSTRONG. “We approached every element of this record as a team, and the result is my favorite RANCID record to date.” Last One To Die, the first single from the new album, will premiere on April 7 via a widget available now on RANCID’s myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/rancid). Fans can register to get a personal embed code and then spread the widget to other sites. Let The Dominoes Fall is RANCID seventh album and first studio release since 2003’s Indestructible, which reached #15 on the Billboard Top 200. Available as regular and expanded edition cd (the expanded version includes a bonus disc with 11 album tracks and one extra track recorded acoustic, a DVD with a “making of”-documentary + 3 foldout posters & 4 guitar picks) and double vinyl! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XII NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. JUNI JORN SPIRIT BLACK Frontiers FRCD 415 8024391041529 CD The Duke er tilbake med nytt, flott album! Mer info følger… - Exact FORHÅND 2. JUNI THE GHOST OF A THOUSAND NEW HOPES, NEW DEMONSTRATIONS Epitaph/Burning Heart EPIT 70152/EPIT 70151 CD/LP 8714092701524/tbc Øyanatt-aktuelle THE GHOST OF A THOUSAND er tilbake, med et av sommerens råeste album, produsert av PELLE GUNNERFELDT! Mer info følger… Tracklist Moved As Mountains, Dreamt Of By The Sea Bright Lights Knees, Toes, Teeth Canyons Of Static Split The Atom Neptune Small Mercies Nobody Likes A Hero Running On Empty Fed To The Ocean N Good Old Fashioned Loss Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIII NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. JUNI BIG BUSINESS MIND THE DRIFT Hydra Head HH 666175 0634457511927 CD Jared and Coady, the two-headed monster behind sludge-rock titans Big Business (and rhythm section for The Melvins) are at it again, this time adding guitarist Toshi Kasai into the mix for their new album Mind The Drift . Make that a three-headed monster. - Producer Phil Ek (insert famous bands like the Shins here) has again evolved the band’s grandiose sound and taken the Biz into new sonic territories! Tracklist 1 Found Art 2 Gold and Final 3 Cats, Mice 4 I Got It Online 5 The Drift 6 The Ayes Have It 7 Cold Lunch 8 Theme From Big Business II - Guitarist and newest band member Toshi Kasai adds new voice and dimension, and looks good doing it. You can actually hear the handsome. 8/10 Decibel Magazine (US) FORHÅND 15. JUNI OBITUARY DARKEST DAY Candlelight CANDLE 232CDSE / CANDLE 232CD 0803341304239 / 0803341249936 CD STUNNING RETURN TO FORM FROM THE AMERICAN LEGENDS OF DEATH METAL OBITUARY When Obituary announced their plans to record a new album in early 2007 the metal world stood up and applauded. One of death metals crown jewels was returning and fans could not have been more enthused. The album, Xecutioners Return, delivered the goods as only Obituary could. Now two years later the band are back with their new epic. Signature in every way, Darkest Day shows that this band truly gets better with age. With a headline world tour already confirmed this year, these Tampa legends continue to prove that their work ethic and credo continues unwavered, unmatched and truly inspirational. Tracklist 1. List of Dead 2. Blood to Give 3. Lost 4. Outside My Head 5. Payback 6. Your Darkest Day 7. This Life 8. See Me Now 9. Fields of Pain 10. Violent Dreams 11. Truth Be Told 12. Forces Realign 13. Left to Die Limited edition includes two extra tracks as interactive element, 16 page poster sleeve and slipcase. Bonus tracks only on limited edition Obituary Live in Sofia 6/22/2006 14. Insane 15. On the Floor Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIV NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 FORHÅND 22. JUNI DREAM THEATER BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Roadrunner RR 78832/RR 78835 0016861788322/0016861788353 3CD Nytt album fra Prog-mestrene! Headlinere på Progressive Nation 2009 i Oslo Spektrum 26. september! Kommer som ordinære enkel cd + lekker trippel-cd med en rekke, foreløpig hemmelige, covere på den ene bonus-discen og instrumentalversjoner av samtlige låter på den andre. FORHÅND 29. JUNI THE BITTER TWINS GLOBAL PANIC! Wild Kingdom KING 036CD 5553555000360 CD Ex-Hellacopters Bobba Fett teams up with Sulo, singer of The Diamond Dogs. Growing up as teenagers in Katrineholm, Sörmland, we were exposed to a variety of musical influences. Of course some bands soon faded into oblivion, but over the years there’s been a core of inspiration that we’ve carried with us. This common ground hasn’t really showed in our music so far and now, some twenty years later, we figured it was time to pay tribute to our upbringing – resulting in the record Global Panic! Tracklist 01 Virtue & The Thief (Nick Royale) 02 Riot Club (Martin Bentancourt) 03 Global Panic (Nick Royale) 04 Goodbye Vindication 05 Right This Time (Club Killers) 06 Don´t Hold Back (Nick Royale, Brian Robertson) 07 Liberation Avenue (Nick Royale, Club Killers) 08 No Sister Of Mercy 09 Rock Solid Core 10 Independent Rhyme Gathering a bunch of friends for the different sessions, the album turned into a multi colored carnival of sounds. Engineer and producer Jörgen Jugglo Wall even invited people for overdubs when we were away on different tours – since he’s originating from our own neck of the woods (i.e. Sörmland) this was of course not a problem. Assembling the band we asked Anders Hernestam (Weeping Willows), Stefan Björk (ex Wilmer X), Mattias Bärjed (The Soundtrack of Our Lives) and Micke Rip (ex Love Scuds) to sit in. Guests on different tracks, among others, were Magnus, Ola and Niko (Weeping Willows), Nicke Andersson (ex The Hellacopters), Brian Robertson (ex Thin Lizzy and Motorhead), Macke Karlsson (Tramp and ex Turpentine), Honk (Diamond Dogs), Gaffaman, Winston and the horns from Club Killers… The list goes on, but we have to mention Olssons Gosskör (Micke, Bengtsson, Lamaz och Gurra), for their unconditional support: ”hardcore house, techno funk, reggae rockers digging punk”. Sulo & Boba Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XV NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 FORHÅND 29. JUNI ANAAL NATHRAKH IN THE CONSTELLATION OF THE BLACK WIDOW Candlelight CANDLE 285CD CD 0803341256378 Tracklist 1. In The Constellation Of The Black Widow 2. I Am The Wrath Of Gods And The Desolation Of The Earth Music 3. More Of Fire Than Blood 4. The Unbearable Filth Of The Soul 5. Terror In The Mind Of God 6. So Be It 7. The Lucifer Effect 8. Oil Upon The Sores Of Lepers 9. Satanarchrist 10. Blood Eagles Carved On The Backs Of Innocents A N A A L N AT H R A K H U N V E I L T H E I R L AT E S T M E R C I L E S S , D E R A N G E D , SCHIZOPHRENIC ALBUM IN THE CONSTELLATION OF THE BLACK WIDOW. Anaal Nathrakh was created for one purpose - to be the soundtrack for armageddon, the audial essence of evil, hatred and violence, the true spirit of necro taken to its musical extremes. Since being founded in 1999, the band has gained a reputation for embodying precisely these things, with a history including not only the release of four albums and an EP to rapturous acclaim, but collaborations with such legendary figures as Attila Csihar (Mayhem), Shane Embury and Danny Herrera (Napalm Death), Nick Barker (Testament, Dimmu Borgir), Joe Horvath (Circle of Dead Children), Sethlans Teitan (Watain) and so on. This, alongside appearing on BBC Radio 1 at the personal behest of sadly missed icon John Peel, headlining a stage at the renowned cult Inferno Festival in Norway as their debut international live appearance, countless placings in best album of the year polls and album of the month awards in the press and cover appearances on leading magazines such as Terrorizer Anaal Nathrakhs status as one of the leading lights in extreme metal is undeniable. Hallmarked by breathtaking musical ferocity, inventiveness and breadth, married with a mercurial, intensely misanthropic and sharp intelligence, Anaal Nathrakhs sound is imbued with a palpable sense of menace that is virtually unmatched in metal. And as 2009 begins with the world apparently going to wrack and ruin, the band unveil their latest merciless, deranged, schizophrenic album In The Constellation Of The Black Widow. FORHÅND 29. JUNI KILLSWITCH ENGAGE KILLSWITCH ENGAGE Roadrunner RR 78892/RR 78895 CD+DVD 0016861788926/0016861788957 Nytt album fra bandet som leverte en av fjorårets desidert tøffeste konserter på Hovefestivalen! Kommer som ordinær enkel cd og ltd edition dobbel disc, med 4 ekstra låter + en bonus-DVD med en halvtimes ”making of”-dokumentar, intervjuer etc. Tracklist 1. Never Again 2. Starting Over 3. The Forgotten 4. Reckoning 5. The Returns 6. A Light In A Darkened World 7. Take Me Away 8. I Would Do Anything 9. Save Me 10. Lost 11. This Is Goodbye 12. In A Dead World (Special Edition only!) 13. My Curse (live) (Special Edition only!) 14. Rose Of Sharyn (live) (Special Edition only!) 15. Holy Diver (live) (Special Edition only!) Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVI NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 FORHÅND 29. JUNI MOS DEF THE ECSTATIC Downtown VVR 706844 0602527068442 CD Regarded as one of the most insightful artists of our time, musician, activist and actor MOS DEF has captured the attention of critics and audiences alike with a celebrated body of work that has crossed all artistic genres—from music to the Broadway stage, film and television. In 1996, MOS DEF became an underground favorite in the hip hop world, which lead to his legendary collaboration with TALIB KWELI. The two formed BLACK STAR whose debut release would become one of the most critically acclaimed hip-hop albums of a generation. The following year MOS released his solo debut, Black On Both Sides, which was certified gold and credited by critics as bringing hip-hop back to its soapbox roots. In 2004 came The New Danger (Good Tree Media/ Geffen Records), DEF’s highly-anticipated and critically acclaimed sophomore solo album. Met with praise from both critics and fans alike, Rolling Stone gave the collection 4 Stars and hailed it as “Ghetto rock and righteous hip-hop.” The first single, Sex, Love and Money earned Def a 2005 Grammy nomination for Best Alternative/ Urban Performance. MOS DEF released True Magic (Good Tree Media/Geffen Records) in late 2006, which brought the artist another GRAMMY nomination for Best Alternative/ Urban Performance for the album’s first single Undeniable. FORHÅND 6. JULI CLUTCH STRANGE COUSINS FROM THE WEST Weathermaker WM 009CD tba CD Veteran Maryland rock quartet CLUTCH are putting the finishing touches on their ninth studio album, titled Strange Cousins From the West. Produced by Clutch and J. Robbins at Magpie Cage Studios in Baltimore, the effort is the first Clutch original to be released on the band’s own Weathermaker Music. The official track listing for “Strange Cousins From the West” is: Motherless Child Struck Down 50,000 Unstoppable Watts Abraham Lincoln Minotaur The Amazing Kreskin Witchdoctor Let a Poor Man Be Freakonomics Algo Ha Cambiado Sleestak Lightning Note the Pappo’s Blues Band cover song “Algo Ha Cambiado,” which vocalist Neil Fallon sings in Spanish. Pappo was a legendary Argentinian hard rock singer/guitarist throughout the 70’s and 80’s. The title Strange Cousins From the West was taken from a line in the song “Minotaur.” Although the band has toured the world extensively over the past 2 years, and released multiple Clutch oriented projects, Strange Cousins... is the band’s first original studio work since March of 2007’s “From Beale Street to Oblivion” which featured the hit “Electric Worry.” Clutch is planning a 7 month worldwide headlining tour. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVII SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 22 - 2009 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL Absu Airbourne All That Remains At The Gates Audrey Horne Aura Noir Benea Reach Bloodbath Blood Red Throne Blood Tsunami Bllut Aus Nord Burzum Carburetors Carcass Clutch Cradle Of Filth Cult Of Luna Darkthrone Deicide Doro Dødheimsgard Earth El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Entombed Heaven & Hell Ihsahn Isis Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Kylesa Lamb Of God Machine Head Madder Mortem Mayhem Melvins Miksha Ministry Municipal Waste My Dying Bride Nachtmystium Neurosis Nickelback Opeth Orcustus Sabaton Satyricon She Said Destroy Slipknot Sunn O))) Susperia Taake Tardy Brothers Throne Of Katarsis Trivium U.D.O. Ulver Windir Wino Wobbler Wolves In The Throne ARTIST POP/ROCK & DIVERSE TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST Absu Runnin’ Wild (Tour Edition) Overcome Slaughter Of The Soul No Hay Banda Hades Rise Alleviat The Fathomelss Mastery Come Death Grand Feast For Vultures Memoria Vetusta II Lord Of Darkness - Anthology Rock ‘N’ Roll Forever Symphonies Of Sickness dual... Full Fathom Five Godspeed On The Devil’s Thu... Eternal Kingdom + Fire Was Born Dark Thrones & Black Flags Scars Of The Crucifix Fear No Evil Supervillain Outcast The Bees Made Honey In The... Heat Witchcult Today Live Inferno Box Ruun Serpent Saints The Devil You Know Angl Wavering Radiant The Great Cold Distance Armada Hundre År Gammal Static Tensions Wrath The Blackening (Tour Edition) Eight Ways Wolf’s Lair Abyss Nude With Boots The Vulture Conspiracy Adios…Ptuas Madres The Art Of Partying Redux For Lies I Sire Assassins Given To The Rising Dark Horse Still Life - Special Edition Orcustus The Art Of War Nemesis Divina This City Speaks In Tongues All Hope Is Gone Monoliths & Dimensions Attitude Taake Bloodline Helvete - Det Iskalde Mørket Shogun Mastercutor Shadows Of The Sun Valfar, Ein Windir Punctuated Equilibrium Afterglow Black Cascade CANDLE 220CD RR 79638 10067 CD MOSH143V DOG003 CDVILEF173 TABU028 CDVILEF 242 MOSH332 CANDLE 249CD CANDLE 141CD BOB086CD BDM 0138726 MOSH 018D WM 001CD RR 79235 MOSH 359X CDVILEF 237X MOSH 273V AFMCD 233-9 FOGCD037 SUNN90 BLNCD 014 RISECD100 CANDLE 272BOX TABU022 CANDLE183CD RR 78532 CANDLE218CD CORE 078 CDVILEF128 TABU019 TABU029 10071 CD RR 78865 RR 80165 CDVILEF 246 AMAZON012CD IPC105 HOAX 002CD THP 012 MOSH331X CDVILEF 245X CANDLE217CD NR050 RR 80282 CDVILED 183X LORD 102 BLOD055CD FOGCD012 TABU 030 RR 79385 SUNN 100 CANDLE 277CD KAR 043 CANDLE 269CD CANDLE 271CD RR 79858 AFMCD159-2 TRICK041CD TABU006 SUNN 99 TERMOCD 003 LORD 103 Accidents Never Happen Airbag Akron/Family Antony & the Johnsons Auerbach Dan Bakerton Group Band Of Horses Beirut Bird Andrew Bishop Allen Bloc Party Booker T. Bronx Brun Ane Case, Neko Cassidy,Eva Calexico Chairlift Chatham County Line Crowell Rodney Danielson Diverse Artister Eagles Of Death Metal Explorers Club Farmers Market Felice Brothers Fever Ray Fleet Foxes Flight Of The Conchords Ford Jim Gaslight Anthem Grand Duchy Handsome Furs Hayseed Dixie Iron & Wine King Crimson Lambchop Little Hands Of Asphalt Lukestar Miss Harmonica Mono My Little Pony N.A.S.A. Oberst Conor Of Montreal Okkervil River Peter Bjorn and John Pink Mountaintops Prodigy Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn.. Sigh & Explode Skambankt Staff Benda Bilili Stith DM Tiger Lou Travis Ungdomskulen Vanderslice John Vaselines Welcome Wagon When Wintersleep Wovenhand DVD TITTEL Full Fathom Five Clutch Chaos In Motion Dream Theater Live At Wacken Open Air 2006 Emperor Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO Enslaved FantomasMelvinsBigBand Live From London 2006 Farewell to The Kings Of Rock Gluecifer Clearing The Eye Isis Live In America Jorn Live Kaada/Patton Live From Chicago Miller,Steve Band Sinamorata My Dying Bride The Misanthrope Nocturno Culto The Roundhouse Tapes Opeth The Concert DVD Roadrunner United Roadkill Extravaganza Satyricon If All Goes Wrong Smashing Pumpkins Comin’ Atcha Live! 2008 Tesla BEST.NR WM 002DVD DVD 09245 CANDLE 231DVD TABU014 IPC102DVD MIG 011 IPC80DVD FRDVD 020 IPC96DVD CHS10035 DVDVILE6 DVDVILE7 DVDVILE 11 RR 09369 FOGVD002 CHS 10036 FRDVD 018 TITTEL BEST.NR Accidents Never Happen Identity Ser ‘Em Wild, Set ‘Em Free Antony & the Johnsons Keep It Hid El Rojo Cease To Begin March Of The Zapotech Noble Beast Grr,,, Intimacy Potato Hole The Bronx (III) Sketches Middle Cyclone Somewhere Carried To Dust Does You Inspire You IV Sex & Gasoline Trying Heartz - The Best Of Bob Dylan’s best of the second... Heart On Freedom Wind Surfin’ USSR Yonder Is The Clock Fever Ray Fleet Foxes/Sun Giant Flight Of The Conchords The Unissued Capitol Album The ‘59 Sound Petit Fours Face Control Golden Shower Of Hits The Shepherd’s Dog In The Court Of The Crimson King Oh (Ohio) Leap Years Lake Toba Champagne, Caviar & Me! Hymn To The Immortal Wind Think Too Much The Spirit Of Apollo Outer South Skeletal Lamping The Stand Ins Living Thing Outside Love Invaders Must Die The Whole Fam Damnily These Seem Like Tarantulas Hardt Regn Trés Trés Fort Heavy Ghost A Partial Print Ode To J. Smith Bisexual Romanian Names Enter The Vaselines Welcome To The Welcome Wagon Homage Series Vol. 1: Sun Ra Welcome To The Night Sky Ten Stones DLR 018 KAR 046 CRAM 144 SC104 VVR 969476 WM 004CD SPCD745 POMP 001CD BELLACD 190X DOC 010 WEBB 185CDI EPIT 69482 WEBB 197CD DEMCDD 09 EPIT 69732 G210190 SLANG 1051258 KAN 342 YEP2157 YEP 2187 SC 180 CDCD 5025 VVR 950269 DOC007 IPC101 TL 39 RABID 039 BELLA2CD 167 SPCD715 BCD 16978 SD 1358 COOKCD 482 SPCD 790 COOKCD 470 SPCD710 DGM0501 SLANG 1051218 STACD 010 PM03 BEATME 001 CORE 077 STACD 007 EPIT 70012 WEBB 212CD PRC 160 JAG 124 WEBB 202CDL JAG 136 HOSPCD 001X SD 1361-2 MKR 014 DOG 008 CRAW 51 AKR 044 STAR 1531212 VVR 1051932 US 002 DOC 026 SPCD 810 AKR 045 TRICK 044CD OFS 005CD SF 020 VINYL ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR El Caco Iron & Wine Isis Skambankt Ungdomskulen Heat Around The Well Wavering Radiant Hardt Regn Bisexual BLNLP 014 SP 808 CORE 078DBLLP DOG 008LP US 002LP ARTIST Bon Iver First Aid Kit Nachtmystium Simon Says No! Skambankt SINGEL/EP TITTEL BEST.NR Blood Bank Drunken Trees Worldfall Ahoi De Angst Skammania JAG 134 WEBB 201CD CANDLE 227CD STACD 009 DOG004 Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVIII
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