tubanytt uke 19
tubanytt uke 19
NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 CONOR OBERST + THE MYSTIC VALLEY BAND OUTER SOUTH Wichita WEBB 212CD 5055036262125 CD CONOR OBERST, til daglig frontmann i BRIGHT EYES, grunnlegger av etiketten Saddle Creek og generelt alt.country-helt, slipper nå sitt andre soloalbum. Han har atter med THE MYSTIC VALLEY BAND, som også backet ham på hans selvtitulerte solo-debut i 2008, og soundet er fremdeles varmt, organist og passe rufsete. Det høres godt at det er en kompisgjeng som har kommet sammen, like mye for å spille og hygge seg som for å lage plate, og på flere av låtene lar OBERST like greit gitarist NIK FREITAS overta mikrofonen. Et glimrende knippe låter, rett og slett! ISIS WAVERING RADIANT Conspiracy CORE 078 5425015710785 http://www.myspace.com/sgnl05 CD Nytt album med ISIS, det femte i rekken. Etter et tiår som innovatører har ISIS beveget seg fra små kalde kår i New England til å bli et internasjonalt kjent og kritikerrost fenomen. Hele tiden i forkant av det som tradisjonelt har definert tung musikk, og for hver nye utgivelse fornyet sitt eget sound. Så også denne gangen. ”Wavering Radiant” er rett og slett et mesterverk. Melodisk, rytmisk og seismisk tungt. ISIS bør og skal gå rett hjem til alle som liker tung musikk, det være seg rock eller metal. Produsert av JOE BARRESI (TOOL, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, KYUSS, SATYRICON). For fans av TOOL, NEUROSIS, CULT OF LUNA etc. ”Soundscapens mestere er tilbake like imponerende som vanlig.”Scream Magazine 8/10 Rock Sound 8/10 - Decibel Magazine AKRON/FAMILY SET ‘EM WILD, SET ‘EM FREE Crammed CRAM 144 0876623006022 CD Du trodde kanskje du kjente AKRON/FAMILY? Vel, åpneren på denne platen, Everyone is Guilty, får deg umiddelbart til å tenke noe annet, der den dundrer i vei med sin potente, perk-/bassdrevne mikstur av SLY & THE FAMILY STONE, FELA KUTI og THE MOTHERS OF INVENTION. Seks psykedeliske minutter senere glir vi over i en ukonvensjonell folkperle i form av låten River, og slik fortsetter det utover platen med grenseløs miksing av sjangere, stil og karakter. En retro-moderne musikalsk ekspedisjon levert i et av årets desidert feteste cover. For fans av ANIMAL COLLECTIVE, YEASAYER, BLACK MOUNTAIN, FLEET FOXES etc. http://www.myspace.com/akronfamily Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 PINK MOUNTAINTOPS OUTSIDE LOVE Jagjaguwar http://www.myspace.com/pinkmountaintops JAG 136 0656605213620 CD Tredje album ut fra PINK MOUNTAINTOPS, aka STEPHEN McBEAN. McBean har sakte, men sikkert etablert seg som en av de fremste leverandørene til den nord-amerikanske musikkscenen; kanskje først og fremst gjennom sin posisjon som frontmann og primus motor i BLACK MOUNTAIN. Pink Mountaintops er i forhold til Black Mountain av det noe mer neddempete slaget, og sløye ballader om tapt og vunnet kjærlighet, og annen mer eller mindre eksistensiell tematikk sitter løst når McBean og et enormt lass med venner setter i gang. Også tilgjenglig: Pink Mountaintops (JAG 67/JAG 67LP), Axis of Evol (SLANG 1038612), Black Mountain (SLANG 1033932), In the Future (JAG 90/JAG 90LP). THE VASELINES ENTER THE VASELINES Sub Pop SPCD 810 0098787081022 2CD Aldri har man fått servert så mye av tungt innflytelsesrike THE VASELINES på ett sted som nå; Enter… gir oss hele The Way of the Vaselines (remikset og remastret riktignok, lyden er markant bedre) pluss en haug av tidligere uutgitt materiale, blant annet diverse demoer + bandet live fra Bristol og London. For alle som ikke fulgte med i musikktimene på slutten av 80-tallet er dette den perfekte anledningen til å oppdatere seg på KURT COBAINs favorittband. http://www.myspace.com/thevaselinesband TREMBLING BELLS CARBETH Honest Jons HJRCD 043 4047179298124 Glasgow-baserte TREMBLING BELLS er basert den tidligere WILL OLDHAMtrommisen ALEX NEILSON og vokalisten LAVINIA BLACKWALL, og spiller klassisk britisk folk-rock. Anbefales til fans av FAIRPORT CONVENTION, BERT JANSCH og lignende, og de er selvsagt allerede hyllet i pressen: CD “…is put into practice brilliantly on this incredible collection of songs, which combine early music, psychedelic noise, anthemic rock and traditional British melodies to carry tales of heartbreak and yearning.” –MOJO “The best new british folk-rock band for quite some time” –UNCUT http://www.myspace.com/tremblingbells Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 KANNEGAARD/KORNSTAD/VÅGAN/MJÅSET MARYLAND LIVE Moserobie MMPCD 067 CD 7320470111833 MARIA KANNEGAARD er en av verdens fremste pianister. Hun har en distinkt stil og en utrolig sterk musikalsk personlighet. Her kommer et suverent album fra hennes kvartett, som for ca et år siden slapp albumet Maryland. Dette albumet ble bl.a. belønnet med terningkast 6 i VG og 5 i Dagbladet, Nettavisen, Adresseavisa og Nordlys. Maryland Live er nok et mesterverk fra denne ekstremt talentfulle kvartetten, der KANNEGAARD flankeres av HÅKON KORNSTAD på tenorsax, OLE MORTEN VÅGAN på bass og HÅKON MJÅSET JOHANSEN på trommer, innspilt live 14. mars 2008 under Vossajazz-festivalen. FIREBIRD GRAND UNION Rise Above RISECD 122 0803341255180 CD Etter en aldri så liten reunion med CARCASS i fjor, er BILL STEER tilbake i den daglige jobben, nemlig som sjef for FIREBIRD. Her dreier det seg om bluesete, klassisk, tidløs hardrock. Liker du CREAM, ALLMAN BROTHERS, LED ZEPPELIN, AC/DC etc etc, løp og kjøp! “More big blues from enviably talented Carcass axeman” – KKKK Kerrang! “Excellent.” – 8/10 Rock Sound http://www.myspace.com/firebirdpage THE PAPERCHASE SOMEDAY THIS COULD ALL BE YOURS VOL. 1 Southern 28154-2 0718752815420 CD Femte fullengder fra de Dallas-baserte avantrockerne. Someday This Could All Be Yours er et konseptalbum om naturkatastrofer, og volume 2 er planlagt til 2010. Det låter omternt som om JESUS LIZARD torturerer BRIGHT EYES. Flotte saker. ”A modern day rock opera of overwhelming scope; truly music for when the comet hits.” – 9/10 Rock Sound http://www.myspace.com/thepaperchasemusicspace HARD-ONS SUCK AND SWALLOW: 25 YEARS 25 SONGS Boss Tuneage BTRCRS 037 CD 0689492086626 Australske HARD-ONS ble aldri store enn at de reiste rundt og spilte på puber og små klubber verden rundt i en årrekke. Men faktum er de var et av de beste melodiøse punkbandene på 80-tallet, med albumtitler som Smell My Finger og Dick Cheese. De eksisterer fortsatt, og da er det jo bare rett og rimelig og feire 25 år med en samler bestående av 25 låter. Og når forbildene heter RAMONES er det bare å kaste seg med på feiringen. “Neither big nor clever, perhaps, but fucking great all the same.” – 8/10 Classic Rock Magazine Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 THEORY OF A DEADMAN SCARS & SOUVENIRS Roadrunner RR 80092 0016861800925 CD Canadas THEORY OF A DEADMAN slipper nå sitt tredje album. Inneholder bl.a. singlene Hate My Life, som har fått godt over 600.000 treff på YouTube (med kun et stillbilde som video!) og nærmere 7.000.000 plays på MySpace og Bad Girlfriend, som for tiden har fått over 26.500.000 (jepp – tjueseks og en halv million!) plays på bandets MySpace-side! http://www.myspace.com/theoryofadeadman MADINA LAKE ATTICS TO EDEN Roadrunner RR 79312 CD 0016861793128 Chicagos stoltheter MADINA LAKE slipper nytt album. Etter å ha blitt kåret til årets nykommere 2008 av Kerrang! er bandet tilbake med sitt andre album. Attics To Eden er produsert av DAVID BENDETH, som tidligere bl.a. har jobbet med storheter som IN FLAMES, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE og AS I LAY DYING. Fans av disse, så vel som f.ex. SMASHING PUMPKINS, BILLY TALENT eller JIMMY EAT WORLD gjør lurt i å sjekke ut dette albumet! Vi snakker vel for øvrig om et av årets lekreste albumcover? http://www.myspace.com/madinalake NEBELHEXE DEAD WATERS Candlelight CANDLE 268CD 0803341250666 NEBELHEXE er prosjektet til karismatiske ANDREA HAUGEN. Med en fascinasjon for det overnaturlige og mystiske leverer hun vakre og førførende, men samtidig mørke og forstyrrende låter. En organisk miks av goth, ambient, tribal og folk. CD http://www.myspace.com/nebelhexe TYPE O NEGATIVE BLOODY KISSES (DeLuxe) Roadrunner RR 79415 2CD 0016861794156 Nyutgivelse av TYPE O NEGATIVEs genre-definerende album med låter som Christian Woman, Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare-All) og Too Late: Frozen, samt coveren av Seals & Croft-schlägeren Summer Breeze. Bloody Kisses var albumet som i 1993 definerte en genre, og fikk metal-folk og punks så vel som gothere og andre vampyrer til å forenes. Her er alle de originale 73 ½ minuttene i all sin mørke prakt, sammen med en 47 ½ minutters bonusdisk med B-sider og annet ekstra-snask, inkludert den sagnomsuste coverversjonen av låta Black Sabbath. Coverheftet, med et detaljert og underholdende bandintervju, er verdt inngangsprisen alene! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 MEXICAN INSTITUTE OF SOUND SOY SAUCE Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 472 0711297487220 CD MEXICAN INSTITUTE OF SOUND er DJ CAMILO LARA, som følger opp albumet Piñata ned det særdeles smakfulle albumet Soy Sauce. Albumet inneholder alt fra tradisjonelle mexicana-sounds til electrodance-låter med innslag av hip-hop. Inkluderer gjestespill fra bl.a. JOSELO RANGEL (CAFÉ TACUBA) og, ikke minst, AD ROCK fra BEASTIE BOYS! http://www.myspace.com/mexicaninstituteofsound STARS OF THE LID CARTE DE VISTA Stars Of The Lid SOTL 01 0791381844122 Superlimitert selvfinansiert utgivelse som ble solgt på turné i 2007. Kun 1000 eksemplarer ble laget og dette er restopplaget. Inneholder ni sjeldne og tidligere uutgitte låter. Fin for fansen med andre ord. CD http://www.myspace.com/starsofthelid DERADOORIAN MIND RAFT Lovepump United LPU 027 0036172882724 CDEP 5-spors EP fra (ANGEL) DERADOORIAN. Angel er til daglig en del av DIRTY PROJECTORS, men finner også tid til å skrive eget materiale i et sparsomt orkestrert folk-møter-følsom-R’N’B(!)-landskap. Utgivelsen har allerede fått god omtale i Pitchfork, Stereogum og Village Voice. http://www.myspace.com/angelderadoorian THE LOUVIN BROTHERS TRAGIC SONGS OF LIFE Righteous / Cherry Red PSALM 236 5013929980624 Brødrene LOUVINs smartefulle fortellinger om tapt kjærlighet, død og generell uflaks fra det sene 50-tall. Stor inspirasjon for NICK CAVE som har covret Knoxville Girl. Uncut CD Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 NOVEMBRE NOVEMBRINE WALTZ Peaceville CDVILED 253 CD 0801056725325 NOVEMBRE har etter hvert blitt et av de ledende navnene innen atmosfærisk death/doom. Her er bandets fjerde album, opprinnelig fra 2001, i ny versjon. Inneholder coverversjon av Cloudbursting (KATE BUSH) med ANN-MARI EDVARDSEN (ex-THE 3RD AND THE MORTAL) på vokal. OPERA IX THE BLACK OPERA Peaceville CDVILED 227 CD 0801056722720 Klassisk symfonisk svartmetallalbum fra italienske OPERA IX med den kvinnelige vokalisten CADAVERIA i front. Opprinnelig utgitt av Avantgarde i 2000. Et mørkt, okkult, melodisk konseptalbum. OPHTHALAMIA A JOURNEY IN DARKNESS Peaceville CDVILED 232 CD 0801056723222 Svenske OPHTHALAMIA var prosjektet til IT, bedre kjent fra ABRUPTUM, (som var signert til DSP, labelen til ex-MAYHEM gitarist EURONYMOUS) og fra den skandinaviske black metal scenen på sent 80-tall og tidlig 90-tall. Vokalist her er SHADOW aka JON NÖDTVEIDT fra DISSECTION. Orginalt fra 1993 og produsert av DAN SWANÖ (OPETH, KATATONOA etc). JOE STUMP VIRTUOISTIC VENDETTA Lion LMC 260 (110,-) CD 6419922002605 Sinnsykt intensivt og drivende fra gitaristen som Guitar One Magazine har kåret til en av de 10 raskeste gitaristene på planeten! Med en kombinasjon av neo-klassisk metal og speed metal, ligger parallellene til YNGWIE MALMSTEEN opp i dagen! TIM FEEHAN TIM FEEHAN Zink 886739636232 0886973963623 CD Sterkt begrenset nyutgivelse av denne AOR-klassikeren fra 1987. K11 VOICES FROM THELEMA Aurora Borealis ABX 029 CD 0718122064052 Italiensk prosjekt som dreier seg om en verden av radiosignaler, trans-kommunikasjon og andre usynlige fenomener, hvor målet er å lage en dimensjon hvor den eneste lyden er signaler fra kortbølgeradioer. Joda, godt som gull det. Okkult ambient spilt(?) inn i Aleister Crowley Abbey i Thelema. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 PINK MOUNTAINTOPS OUTSIDE LOVE Jagjaguwar JAG 136LP 0656605213613 LP Rosa fjelltopper på duggfrisk vinyl + tilhørende nedlastingskoder selvsagt.. JON MUELLER PHYSICAL CHANGES Table of the Elements TOE 817 LP+CD+DVD 0806501181510 LP+CD+DVD-utgivelse fra avant garde-perkusjonisten JON MUELLER. Inneholder 5 spor fordelt på de tre formatene. Meget hederlig omtalt i The Wire. http://www.myspace.com/resonatingface STONEGARD ARROWS - VINYL Bells Go Clang 334 30744 7332334307443 LP Det glimrende debutalbumet til nå oppløste STONEGARD på vinyl til en særdeles trivelig pris! JOEY CASIO SHARE THE CUP K Records DBN 115 0789856291519 7’’ Nytt volum i K Records’ Dub Narcotic Disco Plate-serie, denne gangen med enmannsfesten JOEY CASIO. Post-punk møter house. B-siden gir oss Selector Dub Narcotic-mix. http://www.myspace.com/joeycasio WEEDEATER GOD LUCK AND GOOD SPEED Southern Lord SUNN 82LP 0808720008210 LP WEEDEATERs tredje album endelig på vinyl. Doom fra sumpene! ATAVIST II: RUINED Aurora Borealis ABX 033V 2LP 0718122064557 Episk, massiv, suicidal sludge doom. Et mørkt beist gitt ut på CD i USA av Profound Lore. Her på dobbel 180 gram vinyl, og limitert til 500 ex. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 NYTT FRA CHROME DREAMS BONO BIG DADDY SGDVD 021 0823564516493 As head honcho of one of the most successful Rock bands of all time, Bono is both a celebrity of the first order and one of the worlds finest performers. Throw into the mix his dedication to global causes and his association with world leaders and other notables, and you get one extraordinary human being. The Big Daddy is a documentary film that charts Bonos entire life and career, from his modest beginnings and the creation of the his band, to his multi tasking role today as both a world class music artist and a high profile campaigner. Featuring previously unseen footage, exclusive interviews and contributions from those who know him best, archive interviews with the man himself, rare photos and a host of other features, this film tells the Bono story in a way it has never been told before. THE KILLERS THIN WHITE DUKES SGDVD 023 0823564516899 In the space of just three albums, The Killers have established themselves as a first league act, up there with the likes of U2 and Coldplay something they have achieved through that rare combination of superlative songwriting, dynamic live performance and a driving ambition to succeed. This film celebrates The Killers ongoing success and includes exclusive interviews with the band and those closest to them, rare archive footage, contributions from the finest music journalists around, location shoots around their home city, seldom seen photos (many from private collections) and a host of other features which in completion makes for an enlightening, informative and downright entertaining programme which will delight the groups millions of fans across the globe. NICKELBACK THE MIGHTY AVENGERS TCF 010 0823564901725 With their critical and commercial acclaim increasing all the time, Nickelback can now be counted as one of the worlds most popular bands. And with an ever-growing army of fans hungry for new material and live shows, one who are set for huge further successes for years to come. Using rare footage and interviews, and contributions from the people who have come to know Nickelback best over the years, this extraordinary bands story is told here in its entirety. And with the aid of news clips, location shoots and further input from the worlds top music journalists, this DVD opens the lid on Nickelbacks phenomenal rise to the top. BRITNEY SPEARS THE RETURN OF AN ANGEL SGDVD 020 0823564516394 The Britney revival is well and truly underway and while many thought her recent problems had finished her career for good, the girls talent has won through and the newly revitalised Ms. Spears is once more a delight to behold and a joy to hear. And with her new material gaining approval from all quarters, including the normally cynical music press, Britney is back on track and ready to take on the world once more. This film celebrates the Britney Spears revival and in so doing tells her full story the good times and the bad and with help from her colleagues, friends and associates, plus a wealth of archive Britney footage and interviews, the complete story of this southern belle is told here like it never has been before. Also featuring rarely seen photos, location shoots, news clips, contributions from industry insiders and music writers and a host of other features. LINKIN PARK COUP D’ETAT PGDVD 116 0823564516790 Having left most of their original Nu-Metal contemporaries behind many years back, Linkin Park have maintained their position as one of the finest and most successful rock bands ever by continuously experimenting, regularly pushing boundaries and always remaining hungry for the prize mix in a whole barrow load of talent and the formula is complete. This 2 DVD set tells the complete story of Linkin Park from their earliest days in California struggling to find a record deal, through one success after another to culminate with their position today as a first class rock band, up there with the very finest the world has to offer. NYTT FRA LIFEFORCE SENECA REFLECTIONS LFR 090CD 0826056009022 North Carolinas reigning sons of anarchy bring you their latest opus of raw intensity and brutal metallic exploits in the form of their Lifeforce Records debut entitled “Reflections”! SENECA not only maintain the rich musical heritage from the proverbial extreme-metal/hardcore hot bed of the US but create an effort that expands and renews. Mixed, mastered and produced by genre stalwart Jamie King (BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME, GLASS CASKET, BENEATH THE SKY), “Reflections” offers a unique blend of lyrical sincerity, sweeping melody, and vicious anger that aims to expose a new, matured evolution of intelligent, melodic, and ultimately punishing metal to the masses. As an added bonus for long time fans and new fans alike, there will be a LIMITED EDITION pressing of “Reflections” that will include a free bonus disc of the bands first 2004 Self-Titled full length record, re-mixed and re-mastered by Jamie King himself. NYTT FRA SENSORY PERSONA NON GRATA SHADE IN THE LIGHT SR 3046CD 0763232304628 Sensory is proud to announce the signing and forthcoming release of a new rising star on the Greek progressive metal scene Persona Non Grata. Greek bands such as Fragile Vastness and Sensory’s own Wastefall have generated a buzz world wide and the scene continues to expand. Shade In The Light captures a band creating complex music but coming from the melodic end of the metal musical spectrum. Similar bands would include Circus Maximus, Vanden Plas, and Poverty’s No Crime. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VIII NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 11. MAI BLOC PARTY INTIMACY REMIXED Wichita WEBB 210CD 5055036262101 CD BLOC PARTY har en god tradisjon på å la seg remixe av andre, og nå slipper de sitt siste album, Intimacy, som i sin helhet er remixet av så vidt forskjellige artister som VILLAINS. MOGWAI, ARMAND VAN HELDEN, FILTHY DUKES og GOLD PANDA. Intimacy Remixed går rett i midprice, så her behøver ikke fansen å blakke seg heller…! Tracklist 1. Ares (Villains Remix) 2. Mercury (Hervé is in disarray Remix) 3. Halo (We Have Band Dub) 4. Biko (Mogwai Remix) 5. Trojan Horse (John B Remix) 6. Signs (Armand Van Helden Remix) 7. One Month Off (Filthy Dukes Remix) 8. Zephyrus (Phase One Remix) 9. Talons (Phones R.I.P. Mix) 10. Better Than Heaven (No Age Remix) 11. Ion Square (Banjo Or Freakout Remix) 12. Letter To My Son (Gold Panda Remix) 13. Your Visits Are Getting Shorter (Double D Remix) FORHÅND 11. MAI BIG BUSINESS MIND THE DRIFT Hydra Head HH 666175 0634457511927 CD Jared and Coady, the two-headed monster behind sludge-rock titans Big Business (and rhythm section for The Melvins) are at it again, this time adding guitarist Toshi Kasai into the mix for their new album Mind The Drift . Make that a three-headed monster. Tracklist - Producer Phil Ek (insert famous bands like the Shins here) has again evolved the band’s grandiose sound and taken the Biz into new sonic territories! 1 Found Art 2 Gold and Final 3 Cats, Mice 4 I Got It Online 5 The Drift 6 The Ayes Have It 7 Cold Lunch 8 Theme From Big Business II - Guitarist and newest band member Toshi Kasai adds new voice and dimension, and looks good doing it. You can actually hear the handsome. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IX NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 18. MAI CULT OF LUNA ETERNAL KINGDOM + FIRE WAS BORN Earache MOSH 359X 5055006535938 CD+DVD Dette er rett og slett CULT OF LUNAs nye DVD. At du får med det ufattelig fete albumet Eternal Kingdom på kjøpet er jo et eksepsjonelt stort pluss. Fire Was Born gir oss halvannen time med CULT OF LUNA live fra London i 2008. DVDen er bandets første liveutgivelse og inneholder også 30 minutter med intervjuer som bonus samt bandets tre videoer. Albumet Eternal Kingdom var inne på drøssevis av årsbestelister rundt omkring i Europa i 2008. Tracklist CD 01: Owlgod 02: Eternal Kingdom 03: Ghost Trail 04: The Lure (Interlude) 05: Mire Deep 06: The Great Migration 07: Österbotten 08. Curse 09. Ugín 10. Following Betulas “Now this is what we call a special edition” – 9/10 Rock Sound “Denne DVDen er såpass bra at den virkelig forsvarer enda et kjøp av Eternal Kingdom.” – Scream Magazine http://www.myspace.com/cultofluna Tracklist DVD ‘Fire Was Born’ Extras: Live at the Scala, London, July 1st 2008 01. Following Betulas 02. Owlwood 03. Ghost trail 04. Leave me here 05. Österbotten 06. Finland 07. Adrift 30 minute interview using fan submitted questions Promo videos: ‘The Watchtower’ FORHÅND 18. MAI BLOOD TSUNAMI GRAND FEAST FOR VULTURES Candlelight CANDLE 249CD CD 0803341250505 Tracklist 1. Castle Of Skulls 2. Nothing But Contempt 3. Personal Exorcism 4. Laid To Waste 5. Grand Feast For Vultures 6. Horsehead Nebula 7. One Step Closer To The Grave Oppfølgeren til debuten Thrash Metal er mørkere, tyngre og kjappere enn forgjengeren. Brutal men samtidig melodisk thrash av ypperste merke. Norske BLOOD TSUNAMI, med PETE EVIL og ex-EMPEROR-trommis FAUST i spissen har dessuten våget seg ut på tynn-isen med en 13-minutter lang instrumental. Det er en stor glede å konstantere at det fungerer aldeles ypperlig, og gjør at albumet som helhet står som en påle. For fans av SLAYER, ENTOMBED, METALLICA, IRON MAIDEN, KREATOR, TESTAMENT. “Lets go Blood Surfing folkens!” – BBBBB planB “Killer thrashing from former Emperor drummer”. – KKKK Kerrang! A furiously heavy onslaught of bloodstained riffage, making Hetfield and friends look worryingly out of touch” – 8/10 Rock Sound http://www.myspace.com/bloodtsunami Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com X NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 18. MAI MADDER MORTEM EIGHT WAYS Peaceville CDVILEF 246 0801056824622 CD NORWEGIANS RETURN WITH THEIR FIFTH ALBUM OF PROGRESSIVE, ATMOSPHERIC METAL Tracklist Eight Ways is the follow up to 2006 highly acclaimed (and debut for Peaceville) ‘Desiderata’ album. 1. Formaldehyde 2. The Little Things 3. Armour 4. Resolution 5. A Different Kind Of Hell 6. The Riddle Wants To Be 7. Where Dream & Day Collide 8. The Flesh, The Blood & The Man 9. Get That Monster Out Of Here 10. Life, Lust & Liberty 11. All I Know 12. The Eighth Wave Expanding and improving upon every element, ‘Eight Ways’ is undoubtedly Madder Mortem’s greatest achievement. With the same stunning dynamics of all-out punchy riffs & catchy metal mixed with delicate beauty & avante-garde twists, these 12 songs deliver an emotional journey heightened by the stunning voice of singer Agnete Kirkevaag, alternating between haunting mellowness and sheer rage & frustration. The album was produced by Madder Mortem and engineered & mixed by BP M. Kirkevaag of the band at various local facilities over the time period June-November 2008. ‘MADDER MORTEM ARE SPECIAL. DO YOU DESERVE THEM?’ – Terrorizer ’FEMALE FRONTED BANDS MIGHT NOT BE THAT RARE THESE DAYS, BUT GREAT ONES ARE’ ZERO TOLERANCE FORHÅND 18. MAI SUNN O))) MONOLITHS & DIMENSIONS Southern Lord SUNN 100 CD 0808720010022 SUNN O))) is proud to present their 7th studio album after 10 years of existence. Work that spanned a year and a half resulted in their most intense, mature work to date. Recorded at various points throughout 2007 & 2008 by Randall Dunn and Mell Dettmer , it features an array of other players including long-time collaborators Attila Csihar and Oren Ambarchi , and other luminaries such as Julian Priester (notable for work with Sun Ra and Herbie Hancock), and slow music God-father Dylan Carlson of Earth. In addition, arrangements were handled by noted composer Eyvind Kang who has worked with John Zorn, Bill Frisell and Mike Patton amongst others. Fleshing out the usual Sunn lineup is an upright bass trio, french & English horns, a harp and flute duo, piano, brass, reed & string ensembles. Despite this, this is not “SUNN with strings” or “metal meets orchestra” material, this is something altogether more exciting. Monoliths & Dimensions is practice in density, gravity & momentum. This description is only the tip of the iceburg. Tracklist Aghartha (17:34) Big Church [megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért] (09:43) Hunting & Gathering (Cydonia) (10:02) Alice (16:21) Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XI NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 18. MAI JOHN VANDERSLICE ROMANIAN NAMES Dead Oceans DOC 026 / DOC 026LP 0656605132624 / 0656605132617 CD/LP The most noteworthy thing about John Vanderslice’s new album is this: Romanian Names is the best record he’s made to date. The 12 songs represent a career-defining moment, a pitch-perfect collection written and recorded with the utmost care and attention. Vanderslice is certainly not the first artist to make such a leap several albums into a career – think Guided by Voices on Bee Thousand, Spoon’s Kill the Moonlight or Of Montreal’s Sunlandic Twins. JV’s newest, his first for Dead Oceans, makes that colossal step and separates itself from an already top-notch body of work. Throughout Romanian Names, JV sings with a newfound, unwavering confidence. He gets right at you with the sing-along choruses and punchy hooks of album opener Tremble and Tear and the poppy gem C&O Canal. The songs know when to patiently step back with subtle gestures and knock-out atmospherics like those on display in Forest Knolls and Summer Stock, and the album is glued together with the stripped-bare title track Romanian Names and the gorgeous Arthur Russell-esque album closer Hard Times. Romanian Names is a symphony of sounds both subtle and lush, and as an album it provides the perfect backdrop for JV’s deft and fully-realized songwriting. Tracklist Tremble and Tear Fetal Horses C&O Canal Too Much Time D.I.A.L.O. Forest Knolls Oblivion Sunken Union Boat Romanian Names Carina Constellation Summer Stock Hard Times FORHÅND 18. MAI IRON AND WINE AROUND THE WELL Sub Pop SPCD 808 / SP 808 2CD/3LP 0098787080827 / 0098787080810 Tracklist Dearest Forsaken Morning Loud as Hope Peng! 33 Sacred Vision Friends They Are Jewels Hickory Waitin’ for a Superman Swans and the Swimming Call Your Boys Such Great Heights Communion Cups and Someone’s Coat Belated Promise Ring God Made the Automobile Homeward These Shoes Love Vigilantes Sinning Hands No Moon Serpent Charmer Carried Home Kingdom of the Animals Arms of a Thief The Trapeze Swinger 2CD/3LP - Collecting songs ranging from out-of-print to never-before-released, Around the Well spans Iron and Wine’s earliest sessions which yielded the band’s debut (2002’s The Creek Drank the Cradle) through material recorded for 2007’s The Shepherd’s Dog. The double-disc Around the Well collection is broken up into two sections. The first half is an assortment of hushed home recordings, unedited and raw, and the second highlights moments captured in the confines of proper studios with the help of other musicians, friends and engineers. The album’s title comes from a line in the song The Trapeze Swinger, a fan favorite which was written for and included in the movie In Good Company. Three more songs written and recorded for the film finally make their appearance here as well: Belated Promise Ring, God Made the Automobile and Homeward, These Shoes. Around the Well also brings together hard-to-find covers such as The Flaming Lips’ Waitin’ for a Superman and New Order’s Love Vigilantes, along with one of Iron and Wine’s earliest originals, Sacred Vision. In support of Around the Well, this May Iron and Wine will perform ten intimate shows in five cities. In addition, Iron and Wine have begun work on the follow-up to The Shepherd’s Dog and plan to release a new album in spring, 2010. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XII NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 18. MAI SUSPERIA ATTITUDE Candlelight CANDLE 277CD CD 0803341255036 Tracklist 1. The Urge 2. Live My Dreams 3. Attitude 4. Elegy and Suffering 5. Sick Bastard 6. Another Turn 7. Mr Stranger 8. Character Flaw 9. The One After All FOURTH ALBUM FROM NORWAYS MELODIC BLACKENED THRASH VETERANS!!! Susperia may have their roots in Norways black metal scene, but that is merely a starting point for a band that describes their music as extreme metal with melodic twists. Their simple philosophy of no boundaries as reflected on the album Attitude demonstrates how Susperia have no hesitation in embracing and exploring a variety of musical avenues with ease. They feel that originality is the essence of surviving the music industry today and their willingness to experiment has seen development and progression over their career, to a point where they are managing to carve out their own identity within the metal genre. FORHÅND 18. MAI DIVERSE ARTISTER CAPTAIN BEEFHEART’S JUKEBOX Chrome Dreams CDCD 5027 CD 0823564612522 If theres one contemporary composer whose influence is nigh impossible to ascertain, its the artist once known as Don Van Vliet more familiarly, Captain Beefheart. The music Beefheart released between his 1967 debut Safe A Milk and his last album, recorded almost 30 years ago, Ice Cream For Crow, is so original, unique and, lets face it, out there, that any attempt to catalogue those who inspired its strictly organic creation, is a Tracklist task few would relish. But, there are two central themes that 1 Slim Harpo Im a King Bee (Moore) 2 Lightnin Slim My Starter Wont Work (West) do run through Beefhearts repertoire, two themes that were 3 Richard Berry Louie Louie (Berry) also, according to those closest to him, representative of the 4 Clarence Gatemouth Brown Midnight Hour (Brown) 5 Howlin Wolf Somebody In My Home (Burnett) music he was most likely to listen to throughout the time he 6 Bo Diddley Diddy Wah Diddy (Dixon, McDaniel) was recording and releasing music; these being Blues and 7 Ornette Coleman Eventually (Coleman) 8 Robert Johnson Terraplane Blues (Johnson) Free Form Jazz. 9 Blind Willie Johnson Youre Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond (Johnson) 10 Johnny Guitar Watson Hot Little Mama (Watson, Davis, Taub) 11 One String Sam I Need a Hundred Dollars (Wilson) 12 Jimmy Reed Little Rain (Reed) 13 Muddy Waters Rollin n Tumblin (part 1) (Trad, Arr Waters) 14 Al Simmons with Slim Green and The Cats From Fresno Old Folks Boogie (Green) 15 Mississippi John Hurt Candy Man Blues (Hurt) 16 Lead Belly Red Cross Store (Roland) 17 Louis Armstrong St. James Infirmary (Trad, Arr Primrose) 18 John Lee Hooker Crawlin King Snake (Hollins) 19 John Coltrane The Invisible (Coleman) 20 Sunnyland Slim Goin Back To Memphis (Luandrew) 21 Bukka White Parchman Farm (White) 22 Sonny Boy Williamson Dont Start Me Talking (Williamson) 23 Little Walter Jacobs Key To The Highway (Broonzy, Segar) 24 Howlin Wolf Smokestack Lightnin (Burnett) 25 Blind Willie Johnson Mothers Children Have a Hard Time (Trad, Arr Johnson) This compilation brings together the records it is known Captain Beefheart was listening to prior to making his own music [often in the company of school chum Frank Zappa] and throughout his musical career. Records that have been partly responsible, in their own way, for establishing a recording style whereby experimentation is de rigeur and following whatever came before is forbidden. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIII NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 18. MAI JASON LYTLE YOURS TRULY, THE COMMUTER Anti EPIT 70162 8714092701623 CD JASON LYTLE fra GRANDADDY slipper soloalbum! Tracklist 01. Yours Truly, the Commuter 02. Brand New Sun 03. Ghost of My Old Dog 04. I Am Lost (And the Moment Cannot Last) 05. Birds Encouraged Him 06. It’s the Weekend 07. Furget It 08. This Song Is the Mute Button 09. Rollin’ Home Alone 10. You’re Too Gone 11. Flying Thru Canyons 12. Here for Good Two years after Grandaddy’s quiet demise, Jason Lytle returns with Yours Truly, the Commuter. Immaculately crafted pop soundscapes mirror both the dramatic environment of Lytle’s newly-adopted Montana and the vintage twang of Central California farmland that provided the backdrop to all Lytle’s earlier work. Electronic flourishes collide with acoustic guitars and soulful piano parts, recreating Lytle’s signature lo-fi-electro atmospheres. The space-fuzz rocking of “It’s the Weekend” is balanced by the beautiful heartbreak of “Rollin’ Home Alone,” and the opening lines of the first song ”Yours Truly, the Commuter” poignantly capture the past few years of Jason Lytle’s life, and his shining future as a solo artist: “I may be limping, but I’m coming home” FORHÅND 18. MAI WHEN HOMAGE SERIES VOL. 1: SUN RA Jester TRICK 044CD 0803341253933 CD No longer than a year after his “return to darkness” with You are silent, Lars Pedersen and his WHEN is back with a lesson in plunderphonics. Album no. 13 since the start 25 years ago, this one is something else: a mixtape/mashup to celebrate brilliant bandleader, pianist, mystic, philosopher and Afro-Futurist Sun Ra. Tracklist 1. The Angel Speaks 2. Spacebound 3. Venus 4. The Cosmic Ray 5. (Talkin About) Nuclear War 6. Celestial Travels 7. Disco 2009 8. Black Sky and Cosmic Rays 9. China Gate Revisited 10. In this New Space Age 11. History Is History The first volume of WHEN’s Homage Series, this singular saucer is a jam-packed jamboree of “cosmic jazz”, where Lars borrowsnot stealscuts, loops, adds and completely turns the universe of the legendary jazz-brother from planet no. 6 inside out. Pedersen’s own Omniverse Arkestra, if you will. This is not exploitation, or blaxploitation, or anything but a labour of love, respect and admirationfrom one space cadet to another. Turn on, tune in, space out. For the history and music of WHEN see www.jester-records.com or www.myspace.com/witchwood Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIV NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 25. MAI PHOENIX WOLFGANG AMADEUS PHOENIX Loyauté/Cooperative VVR 702468/VVR 703393/VVR 103394 CD 0602527024684/0602527033938/0602527033945 Splitter nytt album fra Norges-favorittene! PHOENIX var, sammen med grupper som AIR, CASSIUS og DAFT PUNK, med på å definere det ”nye franske soundet”. Norge falt spesielt pladask for PHOENIX, og låter som If I Ever Feel Better og Everything Is Everything lå månedsvis på norska radiolister, parallelt med at albumene herjet VG-lista! 25. mai er de tilbake, og albumet Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix inneholder en bunke sommerlette og lystige poplåter i beste PHOENIX-ånd, og første single, 1901, går allerede på norsk radio, bl.a. P3. Oppfølgersinglen, Liztomania, er nettopp sendt til radio, og en Breakfast Club-inspirert fanvideo til låta er allerede en av vårens store youtube-hits! Kommer som enkel CD, CD+DVD og vinyl. Uncut www.wearephoenix.com FORHÅND 25. MAI 1349 REVELATIONS OF THE BLACK FLAME Candlelight CANDLE 284CD / CANDLE 261CD 2CD 0803341256286 / 0803341250598 BRAND NEW ALBUM WITH A BRAND NEW MUSICAL DIRECTION FOR NORWAY’S 1349 Norway’s 1349 return with their brand new album Revelations of the Black Flame a blackened journey that encompasses black metal, dark ambient, noise, industrial and the soundtrack to a twisted David Lynch film. This album sees the band toning back on the balls to the wall blasting speed of previous albums and trying something crawling, darker and altogether more mature. With this album the band have realized that to truly capture the aural essence of evil you need contrast and time for the musical soundscapes to lull you into a false sense of security so when the black metal does kick in you’re dragged bodily into what can only be described as a nightmare. The new album was produced by legendary Tom G Warrior of Celtic Frost fame and will be released as a standard CD &, special edition double CD that includes a bonus live disc recorded in Stockholm. Tracklist 1. Invocation 2. Serpentine Sibilance 3. Horns 4. Maggot Fetus Teeth like thorns 5. Misanthropy 6. Uncreation 7. Set the controls for the heart of the sun 8. Solitude 9. At the gate Disc 2 (only in the limited edition CANDLE284CD) - LIMITED TO 3000 COPIES WORLDWIDE Works Of Fire. Forces of Hell Live Stockholm 2005: 1. Hellfire 2. Chasing Dragon 3. Satanic Propaganda 4. I Am Abomination 5. Manifest 6. Slaves To Slaughter Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XV NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 25. MAI KHANATE CLEAN HANDS GO FOUL Hydra Head HH 666173 0634457510524 CD Clean Hands Go Foul represents the final nail in the KHANATE coffin, and a more fitting ending could not have been devised. Tracklist 1. Wings From Spine (6.47) 2. Clean My Heart (11.05), 3. In That Corner (9.13) 4. Every God Damn Thing (32.52) “The quartet’s brand of grindingly slow doom metal was extreme even by the standards of the genre, with the majority of their ‘songs’ featuring little variation from the favoured droning guitar /shrieking vocals blueprint and managing to take it even further out into the stratosphere” – NME FORHÅND 25. MAI DAVE ALVIN & THE GUILTY WOMEN DAVE ALVIN & THE GUILTY WOMEN Yep Roc YEP 2155 CD 0634457215528 Tracklist 1. Marie Marie 2. California’s Burning 3. Downey Girl 4. Weight of the World 5. Anyway 6. Boss of the Blues 7. Potter’s Field 8. River Under the Road 9. These Times We’re Living In 10. Nana and Jimi 11. Don’t Make Promises 12. Que Sera, Sera Grammy-winner Dave Alvin has been roaming the highways of American music for over a quarter century. During those decades he’s busted speakers with roots rock kick-starters The Blasters as well as mined the depths of country, folk and blues with his solo projects. A mainstay during much of this journey has been Alvin’s electrifying band The Guilty Men. Following the recent death of Dave’s best friend and Guilty Men accordionist Chris Gaffney in early 2008, Alvin decided to move in an exciting new musical direction. In October 2008 he stepped onto the stage of the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival with an all star, all female group. Since dubbed The Guilty Women, the group consists of Americana scene vets Cindy Cashdollar, Nina Gerber, Laurie Lewis, Sarah Brown, Amy Farris, Christy McWilson and Lisa Pankrantz. Special guests include Marcia Ball and Susie Thompson. The self-titled debut from this uniquem assemblage of players led by Alvin is a spirited collection of thoughtful yet dynamic tunes, featuring world-class musicianship worthy of his nowlegendary pedigree. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVI NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. JUNI <CODE> RESPLENDENT GROTESQUE Tabu TABU 027 7090001915475 CD <CODE> debuterte på Spikefarm med kultforklarte Noveau Gloaming i 2005. Albumet har siden blitt omtalt i britisk presse som en av de beste britiske black metal utgivelsene noensinne. SAMOTH fra EMPEROR beskrev den som ”et glimrende og unikt moderne blackmetal-album som hører til sjeldenhetene i disse dager”. Tracklist 1 Smother The Crones 2 In The Privacy Of Your Own Bones 3 The Rattle Of Black Teeth 4 Possession Is The Medicine 5 Jesus Fever 6 I Hold Your Light 7 A Sutra Of Wounds 8 The Ascendent Grotesque Fire år senere er endelig oppfølgeren klar. Progressiv, intrikat og intelligent. Med Resplendent Grotesque tar <CODE> et modig steg inn i uoppdaget svartmetallisk landskap og gir lytteren en tidløs og usammenlignbar opplevelse. AORT, KVOHST og VICOTNIK har denne gangen med seg ingen ringere enn ADRIAN ERLANDSSON fra legendariske AT THE GATES på trommer. -Annonseres i metalpressen -Spilte nylig på Infernofestivalen -Medlemmer fra VOID, DHG, VED BUENS ENDE, AT THE GATES, THE HAUNTED og CRADLE OF FILTH -For fans av ARCTURUS, OPETH, VIRUS, ULVER, EMPEROR. ”Det endelige beviset på at de mange profetiene om en fremtidig knallsolid oppfølger slo til.” – Scream Magazine FORHÅND 2. JUNI EELS HOMBRE LOCO Vagrant/Cooperative VR 537COOP/VR 537COOPX CD 0602527061504/0602527061511 12 nye spor fra E og hans åler! Mer info følger…! Den limiterte versjonen inneholder en bonus-DVD! www.eelstheband.com Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVII NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. JUNI BLOOD RED THRONE SOULS OF DAMNATION Earache MOSH 376L / MOSH 376 5055006537628 / 5055006537611 CD+DVD “A relentless and truly brutal assault” Somewhere along the way, death metal stopped killing. The blunt force of the music was supposed to rip holes in your skull, tear clumps of flesh from your shivering torso and eat your still-beating heart in front of you. Tracklist 01. The Light, The Hate 02. Harme 03. Throne Of Damnation 04. Human Fraud 05. Demand 06. Your Cold Flesh 07. Prove Yourself Dead 08. Not Turgenjev, But Close 09. Ten Steps Of Purgatory Limited edition bonus tracks: 10 Manifest of Lies 11 Affiliated With the Suffering Blood Red Throne believe in killing you with music. They stomp all over your head, kick you in the face and spit on you on the way out. Just like good death metal should be. ‘Souls Of Damnation’ is Blood Red Throne’s third album for Earache, and easily their most complete record - from start to finish the record oozes class, a relentless and truly brutal assault that combines a flawless production with a sick collection of chunky riff, after riff, after riff, underpinned with a furious groove. Keeping the blueprint simple, while excelling at catchy song writing, Blood Red Throne triumph with ‘Souls Of Damnation’ by going straight for the throat with both fists until you are well and truly dead. Limited edition bonus DVD: A 30 min documentary with interviews charting the 10 year career of the band conducted with all current band members, plus in the studio footage and live performances. FORHÅND 2. JUNI RANCID LET THE DOMINOES FALL Hellcat HELL 68432/HELL 70312 CD 8714092684322/8714092703122 Tracklist 1. East Bay Night 2. This Place 3. Up To No Good 4. Last One To Die 5. Disconnected 6. I Ain’t Worried 7. Damnation 8. New Orleans 9. Civilian Ways 10. The Bravest Kids 11. Skull City 12. L.A. River 13. Lulu 14. Dominoes Fall 15. Liberty and Freedom 16. You Want It, You Got It 17. Locomotive 18. That’s Just The Way It Is Now 19. The Highway Seminal punk band RANCID – TIM ARMSTRONG (guitar/vocals), LARS FREDERIKSEN (guitar/vocals), MATT FREEMAN (bass/vocals), and BRANDEN STEINECKERT (drums) - have set June 1st for the release of Let The Dominoes Fall (Hellcat/Epitaph), their first studio album in six years. The platinum-selling band recorded at GEORGE LUCAS’ Skywalker Sound Studio, with production by Epitaph Records founder/BAD RELIGION guitarist BRETT GUREWITZ. Let The Dominoes Fall features nineteen new songs, all written by RANCID. Special guest and Rock & Roll Hall of Famer BOOKER T contributes Hammond B3 organ on one track, Up To No Good. “The crew is back doing what we do best,” says ARMSTRONG. “We approached every element of this record as a team, and the result is my favorite RANCID record to date.” Last One To Die, the first single from the new album, will premiere on April 7 via a widget available now on RANCID’s myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/rancid). Fans can register to get a personal embed code and then spread the widget to other sites. Let The Dominoes Fall is RANCID seventh album and first studio release since 2003’s Indestructible, which reached #15 on the Billboard Top 200. Available as regular and expanded edition cd (the expanded version includes a bonus disc with 11 album tracks and one extra track recorded acoustic, a DVD with a “making of”-documentary + 3 foldout posters & 4 guitar picks) and double vinyl! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVIII NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. JUNI JORN SPIRIT BLACK Frontiers FRCD 415 8024391041529 CD The Duke er tilbake med nytt, flott album! Mer info følger… Turnéliste: 8 maj, Byscenen, Haugesund 9 maj, Folkets Hus, Ålvik 14 maj, Roger’s, Tromsø 15 maj, Otto’s, Finnsnes 16 maj, Lekneshallen, Lofoten 22 maj, Trondheim Rock 12 juni, Rjukan Rockfestival FORHÅND 15. JUNI OBITUARY DARKEST DAY Candlelight CANDLE 232CDSE / CANDLE 232CD 0803341304239 / 0803341249936 CD STUNNING RETURN TO FORM FROM THE AMERICAN LEGENDS OF DEATH METAL OBITUARY When Obituary announced their plans to record a new album in early 2007 the metal world stood up and applauded. One of death metals crown jewels was returning and fans could not have been more enthused. The album, Xecutioners Return, delivered the goods as only Obituary could. Now two years later the band are back with their new epic. Signature in every way, Darkest Day shows that this band truly gets better with age. With a headline world tour already confirmed this year, these Tampa legends continue to prove that their work ethic and credo continues unwavered, unmatched and truly inspirational. Tracklist 1. List of Dead 2. Blood to Give 3. Lost 4. Outside My Head 5. Payback 6. Your Darkest Day 7. This Life 8. See Me Now 9. Fields of Pain 10. Violent Dreams 11. Truth Be Told 12. Forces Realign 13. Left to Die Limited edition includes two extra tracks as interactive element, 16 page poster sleeve and slipcase. Bonus tracks only on limited edition Obituary Live in Sofia 6/22/2006 14. Insane 15. On the Floor Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIX NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 FORHÅND 20. JUNI DREAM THEATER BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Roadrunner RR 78832 0016861788322 CD Nytt album fra Prog-mestrene! Headlinere på Progressive Nation 2009 i Oslo Spektrum 26. september! FORHÅND 15. JUNI THE BITTER TWINS GLOBAL PANIC! Wild Kingdom KING 036CD 5553555000360 CD Ex-Hellacopters Bobba Fett teams up with Sulo, singer of The Diamond Dogs. Growing up as teenagers in Katrineholm, Sörmland, we were exposed to a variety of musical influences. Of course some bands soon faded into oblivion, but over the years there’s been a core of inspiration that we’ve carried with us. This common ground hasn’t really showed in our music so far and now, some twenty years later, we figured it was time to pay tribute to our upbringing – resulting in the record Global Panic! Tracklist 01 Virtue & The Thief (Nick Royale) 02 Riot Club (Martin Bentancourt) 03 Global Panic (Nick Royale) 04 Goodbye Vindication 05 Right This Time (Club Killers) 06 Don´t Hold Back (Nick Royale, Brian Robertson) 07 Liberation Avenue (Nick Royale, Club Killers) 08 No Sister Of Mercy 09 Rock Solid Core 10 Independent Rhyme Gathering a bunch of friends for the different sessions, the album turned into a multi colored carnival of sounds. Engineer and producer Jörgen Jugglo Wall even invited people for overdubs when we were away on different tours – since he’s originating from our own neck of the woods (i.e. Sörmland) this was of course not a problem. Assembling the band we asked Anders Hernestam (Weeping Willows), Stefan Björk (ex Wilmer X), Mattias Bärjed (The Soundtrack of Our Lives) and Micke Rip (ex Love Scuds) to sit in. Guests on different tracks, among others, were Magnus, Ola and Niko (Weeping Willows), Nicke Andersson (ex The Hellacopters), Brian Robertson (ex Thin Lizzy and Motorhead), Macke Karlsson (Tramp and ex Turpentine), Honk (Diamond Dogs), Gaffaman, Winston and the horns from Club Killers… The list goes on, but we have to mention Olssons Gosskör (Micke, Bengtsson, Lamaz och Gurra), for their unconditional support: ”hardcore house, techno funk, reggae rockers digging punk”. Sulo & Boba Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XX SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 19 - 2009 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL Absu Airbourne All That Remains Anathema At The Gates Audrey Horne Aura Noir Benea Reach Bloodbath Blood Red Throne Bllut Aus Nord Burzum Carburetors Carcass Clutch Cradle Of Filth Cult Of Luna Darkthrone Deicide Doro Dødheimsgard Earth El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Entombed Funeral For A Friend Heaven & Hell Ihsahn Isis Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Kylesa Lamb Of God Machine Head Mayhem Melvins Miksha Ministry Municipal Waste My Dying Bride Nachtmystium Neurosis Nickelback Oceano Opeth Orcustus Sabaton Satyricon She Said Destroy Slipknot Susperia Taake Tardy Brothers Throne Of Katarsis Trivium U.D.O. Ulver Windir Wino Wobbler Wolves In The Throne ARTIST POP/ROCK & DIVERSE TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST Absu Runnin’ Wild (Tour Edition) Overcome The Silent Enigma Slaughter Of The Soul No Hay Banda Hades Rise Alleviat The Fathomelss Mastery Come Death Memoria Vetusta II Lord Of Darkness - Anthology Rock ‘N’ Roll Forever Symphonies Of Sickness dual... Full Fathom Five Godspeed On The Devil’s... Eternal Kingdom Dark Thrones & Black Flags Scars Of The Crucifix Fear No Evil Supervillain Outcast The Bees Made Honey In The... Heat Witchcult Today Live Inferno Box Ruun Serpent Saints Memory And Humanity The Devil You Know Angl In The Absence Of Truth The Great Cold Distance Armada Hundre År Gammal Static Tensions Wrath The Blackening (Tour Edition) Wolf’s Lair Abyss Nude With Boots The Vulture Conspiracy Adios…Ptuas Madres The Art Of Partying Redux For Lies I Sire Assassins Given To The Rising Dark Horse Depths Still Life - Special Edition Orcustus The Art Of War Nemesis Divina This City Speaks In Tongues All Hope Is Gone Cut From Stone Taake Bloodline Helvete - Det Iskalde Mørket Shogun Mastercutor Shadows Of The Sun Valfar, Ein Windir Punctuated Equilibrium Afterglow Black Cascade CANDLE 220CD RR 79638 10067 CD CDVILEF 256 MOSH143V DOG003 CDVILEF173 TABU028 CDVILEF 242 MOSH332 CANDLE 141CD BOB086CD BDM 0138726 MOSH 018D WM 001CD RR 79235 MOSH359L CDVILEF 237X MOSH 273V AFMCD 233-9 FOGCD037 SUNN90 BLNCD 014 RISECD100 CANDLE 272BOX TABU022 CANDLE183CD RR 79112 RR 78532 CANDLE218CD IPC81 CDVILEF128 TABU019 TABU029 10071 CD RR 78865 RR 80165 AMAZON012CD IPC105 HOAX 002CD THP 012 MOSH331X CDVILEF 245X CANDLE217CD NR050 RR 80282 MOSH 345L CDVILED 183X LORD 102 BLOD055CD FOGCD012 TABU 030 RR 79385 TABU024 KAR 043 CANDLE 269CD CANDLE 271CD RR 79858 AFMCD159-2 TRICK041CD TABU006 SUNN 99 TERMOCD 003 LORD 103 Accidents Never Happen Airbag Antony & the Johnsons Auerbach Dan Bakerton Group Band Of Horses Beirut Bird Andrew Bishop Allen Bloc Party Booker T. Bronx Brun Ane Case, Neko Cassidy,Eva Calexico Chairlift Chatham County Line Crowell Rodney Danielson Diverse Artister Eagles Of Death Metal Explorers Club Farmers Market Felice Brothers Fever Ray Fleet Foxes Flight Of The Conchords Flogging Molly Ford Jim Gaslight Anthem Gogol Bordello Grand Archives Grand Duchy Handsome Furs Hayseed Dixie Iron & Wine King Crimson Lambchop Little Hands Of Asphalt Lukestar Miss Harmonica Mono Mould Bob My Little Pony N.A.S.A. Of Montreal Okkervil River Peter Bjorn and John Prodigy Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn.. 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