tubanytt uke 22
tubanytt uke 22
NYHETER UKE 22 - 2011 JOURNEY ECLIPSE Frontiers FRCD 517E / FRLP 517 / FRBS 517 CD/LP/BOX 8024391051740 / 8024391051757 / 8024391051764 JOURNEY er et av de mest populære amerikanske rockebandene noensinne, og har de senere årene nytt en renessanse, både takket være bruk av bandets musikk i diverse TV-serier og en generelt fornyet interesse på verdensbasis for den typen hardrock bandet er blant de ypperste eksponentene for. De 12 låtene på Eclipse er intet mindre enn et dusin AOR-juveler, tidløse, melodisterke og like deler geniale og enkle! Dette er rett og slett akkurat det perfekte albumet man kunne ønske seg fra denne gjengen, og vel så det! Konsert i Norge 30. juni, på Skånevik Blues Festival! “This is an utterly classic album. I could leave it at that…review over!” 100% MELODICROCK.COM WHITE DENIM D Downtown/Cooperative VVR 768522 / VVR 768523 CD/LP 0602527685229 / 0602527685236 WHITE DENIM fra Austin, Texas slipper nå sitt femte album, og deres første for etiketten Downtown. Plata har fått tittelen D, og er produsert av MIKE MCCARTHY (SPOON, PATTI GRIFFIN, …AND YOU WILL KNOW US BY THE TRAIL OF DEAD). Første single fra albumet, den lekre og forførende halvpsykedeliske rockeren Drug, har allerede blitt bra mottatt rundt om kring, og fans av laidback, passe hard rock, vil elske dette albumet like mye som en pyroman elsker flammer! http://www.myspace.com/whitedenimmusic CHAD VANGAALEN DIAPER ISLAND Sub Pop SPCD 871 / SP 871 http://www.myspace.com/chadvangaalen CD/LP 0098787087123 / 0098787087116 Diaper Island er musikeren, produsenten og kunsteren CHAD VANGAALENs fjerde album for Sub Pop. I løpet av de siste to årene siden hans forrige, Soft Airplane, har Vangaalen utviklet seg enormt både foran og bak miksebordet, og han produserte bl.a. fjorårets brilliante WOMEN-album, Public Strain (Jagjaguwar, JAG 152). Betagende lo-fi-pop/folk fra en artist på vei opp. “VanGaalen is clearly no longer a basement amateur.” A- THE ONION/A.V. CLUB “Hard to imagine any of his future albums beating this one, but it’s entirely possible, and all signs seem to point toward this inventive young producer/songwriter being on the rise.” 4/5 ALLMUSIC 7.5 PITCHFORK ART BRUT BRILLIANT! TRAGIC! Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 534 0711297493429 CD EDDIE ARGOS og hans kumpaner i ART BRUT er tilbake med sitt fjerde album, denne gangen med ingen ringere enn BLACK FRANCIS i produsentstolen! De beveger seg både innom det mer melodiske og det mer rocka enn tidligere, med syrlig flotte tekster på fengende låter som Bad Comedian, I Am The Psychic og Axl Rose. Intelligent, catchy og passe skranglete! 4/5 MOJO 4/5 UNCUT 7/10 DROWNED IN SOUND 7/10 SPIN http://www.myspace.com/artbrut Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 22 - 2011 EFRIM MANUEL MENUCK PLAYS “HIGH GOSPEL” Constellation CST 78 / CST 78LP CD/LP 0666561007829 / 0666561007812 Soloalbum fra A SILVER MT. ZION og GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPERORco-grunnlegger EFRIM MANUEL MENUCK. Dette er Menucks første soloutgivelse, og bare det er jo en begivenhet i seg selv, mannens tidligere produksjoner i band tatt i betraktning. Tidligere samarbeidspartnere som trommis David Payant (SMZ, Vic Chesnutt Band), fiolinst Jessica Moss (SMZ, Carla Bozulich, Vic Chesnutt Band), og vokalist Katie Moore bidrar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efrim_Menuck PLANNINGTOROCK W DFA DFA 2273 / DFA 2273LP http://www.myspace.com/planningtorock CD/LP 0602527696607 / 0602527696614 JANINE ROSTRON, med artistnavnet PLANNINGTOROCK samarbeidet med THE KNIFE på det hyllede opera-albumet Tomorrow, In A Year. Nå er fokus tilbake på hennes hovedgeskjeft, og hennes andre album, W, slippes på kvalitets-etiketten DFA (HOLY GHOST, LCD SOUNDSYSTEM, THE RAPTURE). Det dreier seg om passe sær electropop med vrengt vokal og dramatiske arrangementer, som mange fans av f.eks The Knife, FEVER RAY og ZOLA JESUS vil nikke anerkjennende til. 4.5/5 THE FLY 8/10 NME 8/10 CLASH 4/5 FINANCIAL TIMES 4/5 THE TELEGRAPH 4/5 THE SKINNY 4/5 MUSIC OMH SUBROSA NO HELP FOR THE MIGHTY ONES Profound Lore http://www.myspace.com/subrosatheatre PFL 072 CD 0616892123163 Dette kvinnedominerte doom rock-bandet fra Salt Lake City har holdt det gående siden 2005, og leverer musikk i krysningspunktet mellom KYUSS, L7 og PJ HARVEY, dersom disse var besatt av Djevelen selv! Ta også gjerne med band som KYLESA, EARTH, DEVIL’S BLOOD, JEX THOTH og SLEEP i ligningen, og du skjønner at dette er noe helt spesielt. Bruken av utradisjonelle virkemidler som fiolin, dulcimer og a capella-sang er blant det som gjør at SUBROSA virkelig skiller seg ut fra mengden, men trass i en del eteriske og sørgmodig vakre elementer, låter det både mørkt, krasst og usigelig tungt! Blant det ypperste innen amerikansk doom metal/rock akkurat nå! 10/10 METAL REVIEW 8/10 POPMATTERS 4/5 ALLMUSIC 4/5 METAL PSALTER BARBARA PANTHER http://www.myspace.com/barbarapanther BARBARA PANTHER City Slang SLANG 9550061 / SLANG 9550062 CD/LP 4027795500610 / 4027795500627 BARBARA PANTHER er sannsynligvis et nytt bekjentskap for de fleste, men hun kommer neppe til å forbli ukjent lenge! Denne uttrykksfulle artisten er født i Rwanda, oppvokst i Belgia og bosatt i Tyskland, og debutalbumet hennes, innspilt med MATTHEW HERBERT (MOLOKO) byr på et heftig møte mellom pop og electro, med flotte melodier, fengslende vokal og oppfinnsome arrangementer. KATE BUSH, BJÖRK, GRACE JONES, M.I.A. og FEVER RAY er referanser som bør gi en liten pekepinn på hva du har i vente, men det er likevel noe friskt og originalt over denne artisten! 8.5/10 SOUNDLAB Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 22 - 2011 WOLVERINE COMMUNICATION LOST Candlelight CANDLE 328CD 0803341336582 CD Nytt album med det svenske progressive metalbandet WOLVERINE, som har latt det gå 5 år siden forrige album, Still. Bandet tåler sammenligning med alt fra PAIN OF SALVATION, FATES WARNING og PAGAN’S MIND til THE GATHERING og TOOL, og deres dystre og melodiske metal er både kompleks og særdeles iørefallende. 5/5 ETERNAL TERROR 4.5/5 SEA OF TRANQUILITY 4/5 MUZIK REVIEWS http://www.myspace.com/wolverineoverdose THE MEN LEAVE HOME Sacred Bones SBR 057CD / SBR 057LP CD/LP 0616892150565 / 0616892150466 THE MEN er en post-punk-gruppe med hint til band som NEU!, THE CULT, WIPERS og SONIC YOUTH i lydbildet. Bandet har base i Brooklyn og “lokalavisa” The Village Voice uttaler følgende om førstesinglen: “First taste “Bataille” is inspired by the French writer’s Story Of The Eye and rides a pug-ugly joy-punk riff into almost krautrock oblivion--complete with gorgeous voice cracks and face-mooshing distortion” http://wearethemen.blogspot.com/ TUXEDOMOON UNEARTHED Cramboy CDBOY 1717 0876623005698 CD+DVD CD+DVD-utgivelse som gir oss et utvalg godbiter fra TUXEDOMOONs skattekiste av tidligere uutgitte demoer, liveinnspillinger osv. DVD-delen inneholder videoer, bakenfor-klipp osv. Unearthed var en del av (det nå utgåtte) bokssettet 7707, men har ikke tidligere vært gitt ut på egenhånd. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuxedomoon SEAPONY GO WITH ME Hardly Art HAR 036CD 0098787303629 CD Vaskeekte sommerpop sammenlignbar med band som BEST COAST og VIVIAN GIRLS fra Seattles SEAPONY. “Go With Me is assuredly worth more than a few listens. The fact that this collection of sun-bathed rock tunes have arrived just in time for summer makes it all the better.” 3.5/5 CONSEQUENCE OF SOUND http://www.myspace.com/seaponyband Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 22 - 2011 BLACK’N BLUE HELL YEAH! Frontiers FRCD 513 CD 8024391051320 BLACK’N BLUE slapp fire suksessfulle album på Geffen i perioden 1984-87. På den tiden var nåværende KISS-gitarist TOMMY THAYER med i bandet, og to av albumene ble produsert av GENE SIMMONS. Nå er bandet tilbake, og det låter like friskt i dag som det gjorde da. Det oser selvsagt av band som KISS, RATT, AEROSMITH og WHITESNAKE, med flotte melodier, flottere refrenger og klare intensjoner om å lage fest! 9.5/10 HARDROCK HAVEN 80/100 POWER OF METAL 4/5 DANGERDOG ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM/VINCIUS DE MORAES BRASILIA – SINFONIA DE ALVORADA El/Cherry Red ACMEM 208CD CD 5013929320833 I 1958 ba Brasils daværende president ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM og VINCIUS DE MORAES om å komponere en symfonisk suite som skulle benyttes under åpningsseremonien til Brasília, en by som var under bygging midt i landet, og som skulle bli landets nye hovedstad i 1960. De to var selv grunnleggerne av bossa nova, og skrev genrens største hit, The Girl From Ipanema. Dette albumet inneholder deres bidrag, med fullt orkester, kor og solister på sang og piano, i tillegg til et annet viktig brasiliansk musikkstykke, The Forest Of The Amazon, komponert av HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS, dirigert av komponisten selv i hans siste år, 1959, med den ypperlige sopranen BIDU SAYAO. Et mesterlig album, rett og slett! RONNIE HAWKINS THE BALLADS OF… Bear Family BCD 16229 CD 4000127162298 Balladesamling med RONNIE HAWKINS, THE BANDs mentor og første arbeidsgiver. På The Ballads of… får vi hele 30 spor fra HAWKINS tidligste utgivelser med coverlåter av bl.a. HANK WILLIAMS, BOB DYLAN, KRIS KRISTOFFERSON og TIM HARDIN, i tillegg til egenskrevne låter.. Musikerne som bidrar inkluderer fintfolk som DUANE ALLMAN, LEVON HELM og HANK GARLAND. Digipack med 32-siders booklet. BRENDA LEE ROCKS Bear Family BCD 16686 CD 4000127166869 Brilliant uptempo-samling med BRENDA LEE, The Queen of Rock’n Roll. Lee debuterte allerede som 11-åring med Bigelow 6-200, og på Rocks får vi hele 36 spor fordelt på 86 minutter pakket i en digipack med en booklet på formidable 52 sider. Inneholder også hits som Sweet Nothing’s, Let’s Jump The Broomstick, Dum Dum, Here Comes That Feeling, og julehiten Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 22 - 2011 VLADISLAV DELAY QUARTET VLADISLAV DELAY QUARTET Honest Jons HJRCD 056 / HJRLP 056 4047179556927 / 4047179556910 CD/LP Den finske komponisten Sasu Ripatti har mange alias. Et av dem er Vladislav Delay og sammen med Lucio Capece (saksofon, klarinett), Derek Shirley (kontrabass) og det tidligere Pan Sonic-medlemmet Mika Vainio (elektronikk) har de spilt inn dette brutale eksperimentielle noise-albumet for Honest Jon’s. http://www.vladislavdelay.com/ TARA JANE O’NEIL / NIKAIDO KAZUMI TARA JANE O’NEIL / NIKAIDO KAZUMI K Records K 234 / KLP 234LP 0789856123421 / 0789856123414 CD/LP TARA JANE O’NEIL og NIKAIDO KAZUMI har turnert sammen siden 2002, og har blant annet turnert Japan hele fem ganger. Den naturlige forlengningen av dette er da selvsagt å gi ut album sammen, nemlig dette. Eksperimentiell lo-fi/noise ”sunget” på både engelsk og japansk. http://www.tarajaneoneil.com/ http://www.myspace.com/nikaidokazumi DIVERSE ARTISTER KLANGSTUDIE AND KOMPOSITION Other Sounds/Cherry Red OTHER 2 CD 5013929190245 Tidlige elektroniske og eksperimentelle lyder fra utøvere som behandlet studio som et laboratorium og var like mye vitenskapsmenn og gale professorer som musikere og komponister. Dype hjernesymfonier, pulserende rytmer, støy, ekko, reverb, baklengs tapeloops og annet som på denne tiden – vi snakker svært tidlig 1900-tall – var bokstavelig talt uhørt! PIERRE BOULEZ, HERBERT EIMERT, BRUNO MADERNA og KAREL GOEYVAERT er blant utøverne. YARBROUGH & PEOPLES BE A WINNER – EXPANDED EDITION Big Break/Cherry Red CDBBR 0048 5013929034822 CD Denne duoen besto av CAVIN YARBROUGH og ALISA PEOPLES, som slapp dette albumet i 1984. Dette var deres tredje album, og inneholder #1 R&B-singlen Don’t Waste Your Time, som også nådde #11 på Billboards Dance Chart, mens albumet nådde #20. Et must for fans av 80-talls soul, funk og R&B! Remastret, med bonusmateriale. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 22 - 2011 EZEKIEL HONIG FOLDING IN ON ITSELF Type TYPE 088 CD 5065000885649 Sample-basert elektronika/lydlandskaper fra NYC-bosatte EZEKIEL HONIG. For fans av MORITZ VAN OSWALD, FENNESZ og lignende. http://www.ezekielhonig.com/ SCOTT OGDEN / MALCOLM HEARN MAKE Asthmatic Kitty AKR 078DVD DVD 0656605607825 MAKE er en dokumentar som presenterer kunstnerne PROPHET Royal Robertson, Hawkins Bolden, Judith Scott og Ike Morgan. Spesielt Robertson er interessant da det er han som inspirerte SUFJAN STEVENS siste album, The Age of Adz. ROSEMARY CLOONEY / PEREZ PRADO A TOUCH OF TABASCO, PLUS… - THE VELVET LOUNGE Bear Family BCD 17144 CD 4000127171443 Nytt volum i Bear Familys The Velvet Lounge-serie, denne gang med pre-rock’n roll-superstjernen ROSEMARY CLOONEY og mambo-kongen PEREZ PRADO. DIVERSE ARTISTER STICKBURY JAMBOREE Bear Family BCD 16638 CD 4000127166388 Stickbury Jamboree presenterer Delta Records beste country og honky tonk-spor. Delta var en label som var basert i Jackson, MS mellom 1953 og slutten av 60-tallet. Dette er første gang dette materialet er tilgjenglig på CD. DIVERSE ARTISTER Diddy Wah Diddy ...Ain’t A Town, Ain’t A City Bear Family BCD 16748 CD 4000127167484 Diddy Wah Diddy… presenterer det beste av Delta Records’ rock’n roll og rockabilly-utgivelser. I likhet med på Stickbury Jamboree, har disse innspillingene aldri vært gitt ut på CD før. SONNY BURNS A REAL COOL CAT – THE STARDAY RECORDINGS Bear Family BCD 16877 CD 4000127168771 SONNY BURNS var en honky tonk-innovatør fra Texas som spilte inn for Starday-labelen på 50-tallet. På A Real Cool Cat får vi 31 av hans beste spor, deriblant to duetter med selveste GEORGE JONES. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 22 - 2010 FORHÅND 3. JUNI BLACK LIPS ARABIA MOUNTAIN Vice/Cooperative VVR 773430 CD 0602527734309 Tracklist: 1. Family Tree 2. Modern Art 3. Spidey’s Curse 4. Mad Dog 5. Mr. Driver 6. Bicentennial Man 7. Go Out And Get It 8. Raw Meat 9. Bone Marrow 10. The Lie 11. Time 12. Dumpster Dive 13. New Direction 14. Noc-a-homa 15. Don’t Mess My Baby 16. You Keep On Running Founding fathers of Atlanta’s “flower punk” movement the Black Lips are set to release Arabia Mountain, their sixth full-length album, June 7th on longtime label Vice Records and through Cooperative Music in the rest of the world. Arabia Mountain was recorded between Brooklyn and Atlanta over the last few months of 2010 and with the collaborative assistance of celebrated DJ and producer Mark Ronson, Lockett Pundt of Deerhunter, and a human skull with a microphone jammed into it. Arabia Mountain also marks the first time the Lips have worked with an outside producer. Mark Ronson, best known for his production work with the likes of Nas, Adele, Kaiser Chiefs, Duran Duran, Lily Allen, and Amy Winehouse, recorded nine of the album’s tracks at MetroSonic studios in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, amid a 10-day bender of late nights and one hospital visit. He then came back to Atlanta’s Living Room studio for an additional 5 days to add the finishing touches. “I was already a fan of the Black Lips coming into it and I definitely didn’t want to fuck up anything,” Ronson told Rolling Stone in December. And fuck up he did not. The production tests the limits of modern amplification technology, harkening to the full, meaty sound of Fun House or Lola Versus Powerman or whatever your favorite record of 1970 is. The Black Lips will be touring the new material up and down the Eastern Seaboard with garage-pop ladyband the Vivian Girls in April, and again on the West Coast with skateboarding hardcorers Cerebral Ballzy. Full dates below. FORHÅND 3. JUNI MY MORNING JACKET CIRCUITAL V2/Cooperative VVR 770978 / VVR 770979 CD/LP 0602527709789 / 0602527709796 Tracklist: MY MORNING JACKET return in June with “Circuital”, their much-anticipated sixth studio album, on V2 Records / Cooperative Music. “The new record, Circuital, is named after the title song,” explains MMJ frontman Jim James. “On that song I sing about ending up in the same place where you started out. And that makes a lot of sense for this album… I hate the phrase ‘going back to our roots’, but for this record we came home and made it in Kentucky. And it just felt a lot like it did when we were first starting out…” My Morning Jacket formed at the tail-end of the 1990s, with the group drawing upon their rich knowledge of classic rock, country, soul and psychedelia, and spinning these influences into fresh, life-affirming rock’n’roll and aching, haunting balladry. MMJ’s fourth album “Z” saw James stretch his song-writing chops beyond the familiar reference points of the band’s earlier work, an impulse he furthered with 2008’s ‘Evil Urges’, which scattered the group’s ragged rockers and tender, keening ballads with subtly sensual grooves. ‘Circuital’ was recorded in the gymnasium of a Louisville church and co-produced by Jim James and Tucker Martine. Jim bonded with Martine while recording backing vocals for Laura Veirs’ 2010 album “July Flame”, which Martine, Veirs’ husband, also produced. The album was recorded live, with few overdubs; James’ vocals were recorded at the same time as the band’s performances: “We wanted to capture the sound of us just playing, being in the same place and just feeding off each other.” For James, the new album finds a sweet understanding between the questing creative impulses of Evil Urges and the more familiar feel of My Morning Jacket’s earlier work. “The album’s like a rolling, gentle soundwave,” he says, in comparison to Evil Urges’ jagged edges. “But I don’t feel Circuital sounds like our earlier recordings. We’re always trying to go in new directions.” From the opening call-to-arms that is “Victory Dance” through to the gorgeous closing lament of “Movin Away”, the ten tracks of “Circuital” display all that is great about My Morning Jacket. The result is yet another reinvention of their sound that both forges new ground and maintains the distinct spirit of MMJ’s previous work. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 22 - 2010 FORHÅND 3. JUNI ONEIDA ABSOLUTE II Jagjaguwar JAG 190 / JAG 190LP 0656605219028 / 0656605219011 CD/LP Absolute II is the final piece in Oneida’s “Thank Your Parents” triptych of releases, begun in 2008 with Preteen Weaponry and followed by 2009’s acclaimed triple disc Rated O. With this release, the Brooklyn group concludes a challenging and profound long-term project. The “Thank Your Parents” triptych, totaling around 200 minutes, is intended to be listened to as a whole or in its component parts. Absolute II stands on its own, in addition to serving as a chapter in an immense whole. Tracklist: Pre Human Horizons Gray Area Absolute I The music on Absolute II is startling, rigorous and demanding. Oneida is a band that has been strongly identified with the frenetic, fluid drumming of Kid Millions and the relentless pulse of classic Krautrock, but this release contains neither audible drums nor identifiable “rock” music. The recordings move freely across accepted boundaries of rhythm, harmony, and tonality – not in the form of dramatic, willful experiment, but as a musical distillation of several themes that have emerged in the wake of Rated O’s dynamism: paralysis, entropy, stasis, possibility, and finality among them. While Oneida is known for unpredictability and sui generis musical forms, this release is particularly resistant to categorization, and it remains difficult to identify precise influences on the music contained here. This is particularly unhelpful, we realize; suggestions and recommendations for updating this info release would be welcome, as the band themselves don’t really know or are being recalcitrant. FORHÅND 3. JUNI FM BELFAST DON’T WANT TO SLEEP Morr Music MM 105 / MM 105LP CD/LP 0880918010526 / 0880918010519 Tracklist: 01 Stripes 02 American 03 Believe 04 Mondays 05 We Fall 06 Noise 07 I Don’t Want To Go To Sleep Either 08 Vertigo 09 In Line 10 New Year 11 Happy Winter FM Belfast is not really a band, it is a community, a force, a friend. You should not treat them as yet another buzzworty mp3 clamouring for your attention; you should treat them as a potential friend or lover, a welcome addition to your life that accepts you for who you are, and wants you to be more of it. Who are they, though? For the past four years, Icelandic electropop group FM Belfast have been perfecting the art of reading an audience and connecting with it, using their steadily growing skills to hone a music that catches easily, yet runs deep; an art of performing that can—and usually does—induce unique and euphoric states in large crowds of people, or just in your headphones. It is harsh and technical, warm and embracing and organic, thoughtful and giddy and cool and inclusive. Those who have ever seen them perform or listened to their début, How To Make Friends, can and will verify this. They will talk about FM Belfast as if they were part of the band. Which they are, really. For over two years now, the group has travelled the world, making friends, taking in experiences and sounds and the world and one another. And now they’ve funnelled it all into a new long player that you need to hear. It’s called “Don’t Want To Sleep” and it is a logical conclusion to two years of making friends and taking in experiences and sounds and adventure. It is also a worthy successor to their debut, a natural progression that retains its predecessor’s spirit and builds upon it while exploring new territories. It will carry their name further, yet ensure their current friends keep them close to heart. FM Belfasts’s is a carefree, light-hearted empathy with balls and vigour, an almost aggressively welcoming party. “Don’t Want To Sleep” is out on Morr Music (World) and Kimi Records (Iceland) in June. The songs were written and recorded by FM Belfast (guests include Retro Stefson’s Unnsteinn Manúel, Borko’s Borko and mighty trumpeter Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson), they were produced and recorded by Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson and mixed by Kristinn Sturluson, Gunnar Örn Tynes and Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson. Helmut Erler mastered the thing at Dubplates & Mastering, and the cover was designed by the band and Bobby Breiðholt. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VIII FORHÅND 3. JUNI NYHETER UKE 22 - 2010 THE ANTLERS BURST APART Transgressive/Cooperative TRANS 129 0602527701462 CD 2009 saw the release of The Antlers’ astonishing album “Hospice”, an elaborate song cycle dealing with life, death and all the in-between, a record which earned the trio of Peter Silberman, Michael Lerner and Darby Cicci rapturous praise, striking a deep and resonant chord in both critics and audiences alike. Tracklist: I Don’t Want Love French Exit Parentheses No Widows Rolled Together Every Night My Teeth Are Falling Out Tiptoe Hounds Corsicana Putting the Dog to Sleep Now comes their follow-up, the rather aptly named “Burst Apart”, released in June on their new label home Transgressive Records – an epic, breathtaking collection of songs which are lush, nuanced, and uncommonly moving, seamlessly integrating accessible and affective melodies with dynamic, imaginative orchestrations. Indeed, with its swelling pulsebeats, intricately crafted arrangements, and dreamy pop hooks, the remarkably sensual “Burst Apart” sees The Antlers’ ambition and artistry ascending to an extraordinary new plane. FORHÅND 10. JUNI DESTROYER KAPUTT Dead Oceans DOC 046 0656605134628 CD Destroyer is Dan Bejar from Vancouver, British Columbia. Tracklist: Chinatown Blue Eyes Savage Night At The Opera Suicide Demo For Kara Walker Poor In Love Kaputt Downtown Song For America The Laziest River (bonus track) Bay Of Pig Kaputt is his latest vision: an opulent, lyrical, game-changing masterpiece to rank with the choicest works of Sade, Scritti Politti, Simply Red and Steely Dan. For a more contemporary touchstone, feel free to consider it the sad-eyed psychic cousin of GAYNGS’ smooth opus Relayted. These elaborate songs were lovingly crafted by a large studio ensemble of dedicated players; they are given fresh life on the road by an eight-piece touring band which will visit European shores for the first time this year. Kaputt was released by the good people of Merge in North America, entering the Billboard chart at number 62 and receiving exultant hosannas from such august publications as The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Spin and The Washington Post. Pitchfork awarded it their Best New Music accolade, noting that “Kaputt feels wise. Like a mirror that actually points back at something better. Something you can jam and let wash over you, but also something you can use. It feels funny, tragic, artful, and ultimately true.” The record scored an A- grade when reviewed by The Onion’s A.V. Club, who declared: “Kaputt rolls luxuriously in its own plush soft-rock grandeur, powerfully alluring and deeply sad at the same time.” Dead Oceans are honoured to be Destroyer’s new home for the UK, Europe and Japan. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IX
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