May June newsletter 2015
May June newsletter 2015
Circuit Rider Fir st Uni te d M et ho dis t M a y/J un e 20 15 Chu rc h of Fo rt Lu pt on Pastor’s Page Friends, We have been having a nice increase in attendance on Sunday mornings recently, and I am really thankful for that! I love to see you all on Sunday mornings – and I know you are busy people. Thank you for being here. There's an old Puritan saying, "Good Sabbaths make good Christians." I know, even when you have not had a tiring week, or haven’t stayed up late the night before, or whatever, sometimes getting up and going is a tough thing. You have many options for Sunday mornings – so I’m really glad that so many of you are choosing coming to church on Sundays. I remember when Rich and I were young adults -- when reading the newspaper Comics and eating breakfast until noon on Sunday seemed like the best thing! But I know now that we were missing out on a lot of great ideas, great challenges for living, great people, and by the way – worshipping God! We had friends who were in church who seemed pretty normal. They had many friends of different ages, many rather interesting activities, and I thought about that. But we weren’t from Chicago. Finding a church without our families there seemed overwhelming. Family was an essential element for us – and our families were from Ohio and Iowa. So for the most part, we didn’t do much about it. Of course we all know we are supposed to observe the Sabbath: it’s in the Bible. Jesus did (he went to synagogue). In the Ten Commandments it states that we are to remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy (Exodus 20:8). Jesus, when rebuked by the Pharisees for plucking grain from a field on the Sabbath, criticized those who made a fetish of Sabbath observance. Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). But Jesus never said to forget the Sabbath. But now we have things happening on Sunday that were not happening in the Bible times. Many stores and businesses are open seven days a week and people need to work to make ends meet. Farmers have to plant, manage, and harvest whether it is Sunday or not. Many children’s sports activities are scheduled on Sunday, and I don’t believe parents should prohibit their children and teenagers from benefiting from sports because of Sunday schedules. But really, Sunday is for worshipping God. It’s not so much about rules and not always about whatever else is happening in our lives. It’s about God, and we have scheduled Sundays for worship. For many, the rest of the week isn’t quite right unless we have come to worship God. Somehow, if I can’t sing a song of praise on Sunday morning, it doesn’t seem like I have worshipped. At this point, we don’t have a worship service on another day. If that would be beneficial for you, please let me know. Here’s the thing I think we don’t always want to admit – I think a large part of God’s plan for worship is that we’re supposed to go to church for each other. That’s the reason the writer of Hebrews said, We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and to do helpful things. 25 Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer. (Hebrews 10: 24-25) We at First UMC of Fort Lupton are a great worshipping group. I thank you for making time for worship and for being such a great example to our young people. Pastor Kay Page 2 Circuit Rider From Director of Facilities & Maintenance Just wanted to share a few things in the life of the church and Miracle House. This time of the year the temperatures inside and out fluctuate greatly. People have come to me and said for example, “Anthony, the heater is running and it is hot outside.” I want to explain that this big building holds heat and cold, so even though it may seem hot outside the inside of the church may not be warm yet. Always, bear with me., I am watching the heater and the air conditioning very closely. You may also no- tice I have installed thermostat tamper proof covers over the basement thermostats and one at the Miracle House to prevent people from tampering with the settings. As we transition into summer the air conditioning units will soon be operating. I want to also share with you that the sound system and the terrible feedback sound are being addressed. Neena is working with Allen Baca, who is an audio service expert. The trees on the north side had to be removed. Their roots were pushing into the basement and causing cracks in the foundation. I know they are beautiful and it breaks my heart to remove them, but it’s for the greater good of the church. My last topic is about the grass here at the church and Miracle House. It has been brought to my attention that the grass has bare spots and weeds. I am trying my best to weed and feed spots and replace with grass seed. Thank you all for your input. Hello Friends: I just wanted to send you a friendly reminder that our church is trying to reduce the amount of trash we send to our landfills. We now have a large recycling receptacle located next to the trash can in the dining area. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the items that can and cannot be recycled when using the receptacle. Also, I would like to discourage the purchase of any Styrofoam cups, bowls, or plates, as these are neither recyclable or earth-friendly. Let’s all do our part to be good stewards of this beautiful planet that God has created for us! In God’s Love, Jennifer Blessings in a Bag (supplemental food for children in food insecure homes). We have great news to share. We received a $5,000. grant from the Community Foundation Littler Youth Fund for the 2015 and 2016 school year. God is good. We have been serving 80 to 90 children each week and only have 4 more weeks of school left. We have been able to focus on giving the children more protein this year due to the United Power and Chip Grants that we received for this school year. This week the children are receiving 2 milks, a V8 juice, a top ramen soup, a cereal, a cereal bar, a fruit cup, a 6 oz. can of lasagna, a 6 oz. can of Pork & Beans, an Energy bar, and soda crackers. They receive the food on Friday after school. The Fort Lupton firemen are delivering the bags to the two schools, Butler and Twombly. Thank you Firemen. First United Methodist Church of Fort Lupton 306 Park Avenue Fort Lupton, Colorado 80621 303-857-2257 l 303-857-2814 (fax) E-Mail: [email protected] Web page: Electronic Giving Authorization I would like to make my gift electronically from my bank account. I hereby authorize the First United Methodist Church of Fort Lupton to establish monthly automatic payments of $______________. From: Checking________________________ Savings:_______________________ Starting: Month/ Year____________________ Signature:___________________________________ Name (print):________________________________ Bank/Credit Union Name:_______________________ Routing Number:______________________________ Account Number:______________________________ Please attach a voided check Day of Month for withdrawal (please check one): 5th______________ 25th __________ split between dates________________ Should you desire to stop your electronic payment, simply inform the church in writing at least 10 days prior to the scheduled date of payment. You may resume your giving at any time. This information is held in strictest privacy. If you have any questions please contact Rob Payne, Robin Anders or Mariann Johnston. About Our Finances Thank you for being such a giving and generous congregation. FUMC is well known for how we give to support a variety of ministries in our town, in our church, and in the Conference. We have been depended upon for scholarships, food, mission funds, and soon we will have a homeless shelter across the street in the Miracle House. While setting a budget for 2015 we were challenged with many significant increases and have set a budget of $231,108.00. This budget amount is about 10 percent higher than what we budgeted for the prior year. This supports a new position in our children’s ministry, an adjusted salary for our maintenance director, and our aging building. We are a faithful church as we have seen many times in the past and we pray that you support this growth. However, at this time we are a little short in the giving we need to support this growth. Also we have had some unexpected fixes to the building that we had not anticipated. Looking down the road we have to prayerfully replace/repair the boiler system in order to keep this beautiful building warm for the winter. God loves a cheerful giver and United Methodists are givers. United Methodists support missions around the world. You can find the cross and flame logo on schools, universities, community centers and seminaries across the United States. The United Methodist Church name is on the side of hospitals, retirement homes and a university in Zimbabwe, Africa. Men and women trained and commissioned by the denomination serve in mission in most nations around the globe. But guess what? While it takes significant funding to support denominational ministry, on average only 2 cents of every dollar given to local churches in the United States go to fund this expanse of ministries. Those pennies combine in seven apportioned funds, the budgets of which for 2014 total $150,078,000, to support the worldwide ministries and mission of the denomination and operations of the general agencies, 13 seminaries, 11 historically black colleges, bishops, the Judicial Council, ecumenical and interreligious ministries, and jurisdictional and General conferences. Of the remaining 98 cents, 7 cents supports jurisdictional, annual conference and district ministries and 6 cents goes to The Advance, World Service Special Gifts, Special Sundays and other recipients designated by the giver. The bulk of every dollar - 85 cents on average - stays in the local church. Being connected through giving allows United Methodists to be a part of many ministries that few could do alone or even with several other congregations. (from the Interpreter, July/August 2014) We are coming into summer, when income usually goes down because we let our lives change for a few months and enjoy the other pleasures in life like family vacations or added work in the fields. We would like you to consider giving something extra to help us through these growing pains as we carefully manage the church budget. We have the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) option available to those who would like to donate on a monthly basis and not have to worry about writing that check. This option is FREE to the church and you, there are no fees here (another blessing) and is simple to do. We have the information available in the newsletter and at the church. We are also working on setting up a debit card transaction option and hope to have this available soon (fees will apply). If you have any questions at any time about our financial position at the church I would be available to talk with you in person. I am excited about the growth opportunity the Lord has given us and the paid staff we have to lead us in that direction. “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” I Corinthians 12:27 (NLT) Thank you again for your generosity. Robin Anders, Finance Committee Page 4 Missions 1st Quarter of 2015. “May our Lord Jesus Christ…. Comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work” Thessalonians 2:16-17 As First United Methodist of Fort Lupton we proclaim Jesus Christ as our Savior and endeavor to spread the word to all. So far this year we have given for the 1st quarter of 2015: Hope at Miracle House-$310.00 Ministerial Alliance- $25.00 Paden’s missionaries in Argentina$75.00 Fort Lupton Food and Clothing Bank$50.00 Our Congregational Care members have visited the shut ins, sent cards to the sick, the grieving and the absent. The Kiva Account continues to support people all over the world with a hand up to start a new business and we continue to be reimbursed so we can help another person. The mission’s collections for the next 3 months will be: April: Peace with Justice May: Ministerial Alliance June: Human Relations Day Adventures in Christian Living continues to help people with groceries, personal products, medications, gas and rent. We also have contact people to Rise (help with utilities). If interested our next meeting is May 14th at 7 pm. United Methodist Women We have been very busy this year & have already started planning for theturkey dinner & bazaar! We had our annual Spring Brunch April 11. Nearly There (2 men who played guitars & sang) gave a John Denver Tribute. Very enjoyable. 9 churches represented /38 in attendance/ $416 in donations for Blessings in a Bag. Our designated UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) project this year is health kits. These help people all over the USA & other countries. It’s fun & inexpensive to do. Ask a UMW member about it. They are due May 17. We provided desserts for Earl Harris funeral & assisted the Mark Espinosa family in setting up their catered lunch. We have given 6 crosses to new babies—Cayden Guildner (grandson of Gary & Donna Howard), Ella & Emery Manternach (grandchildren of Mike & Marilyn Bangert), Isabella Tijerina (great granddaughter of Marty & Carol McDermott and granddaughter of Mindy Bucher & Abigay Tijerina, and Presley & Brooks Ceretto( grandchildren of Sharon Ceretto). UMW supports many organizations——Blessings in a Bag, Pregnancy Resource Center, Warm Hearts Warm Babies, Ft. Lupton Food Bank, Preston Ranch, Padens, Nation to Nations, Hope @ Miracle House, & Adventures in Christian Living. UMW meets quarterly Thursday @ 6:30 pm & Mary Circle meets 3rd Monday @ 7 pm. Come join us anytime & see what we all do for our church, our community, & missions. Submitted by Page 5 May 2015 June 2015 May Birthdays 05/03 Stacey Thieman 05/04 Sam Duarte 05/07 Jim Edens 05/08 Carolynn Saar 05/10 Paige Gaul 05/11 Dave & Vicki Wamsley 5/24 Dawn Ceretto 05/12 Todd & Audrey Schroder 5/26 Genevieve LeBlanc 05/13 Ricky & Mindy Bucher 5/30 David Wamsley 05/15 Tom O'Neil 05/15 Floyd Robley 05/18 Claire Kokoszka 05/19 Joni Purifoy 05/22 Pat Garrett 05/22 Neena Hagans 05/22 Megan Anders 05/23 Devin Cummins 05/25 Nonnie Hunziker 05/29 June Birthdays Courtney Bucher Angel Gross Ashley Gross-Bueker Josh Pelis Steve Dickinson Cameron Payne Wendy Faulhaber Gwen Ceretto Krista Payne Mike Ceretto Kolton Johnston June Dailey Charlotte Fike Kira Norby Jacque Kerr Carol Duarte Shawn Johnston Merle Mullet Amanda Reid Jordan Sarazen Page 6 Janet Lee 06/02 06/03 06/03 06/04 06/04 06/09 06/11 06/12 06/12 06/14 06/17 06/18 06/18 06/20 06/21 06/22 06/22/ 06/23 06/29 06/30 May Anniversaries June Anniversaries 150 Year Quilt Dedication Page 7 The dedication of the 150th year commemorative quilt on April 19, 2015, reminded us that the Methodist Church in Fort Lupton began in 1863. Meetings were held in private homes then a church was built on the corner of 9th Street and Denver Avenue, the land was donated by the UP Railroad. The pioneers who came before us endured many hardships, coming to an unknown country, leaving family and starting anew. The greatest reward was freedom of religion. Supplies were scarce and each scrap of cloth was saved and made into a quilt to warm the family members and also made for gifts for special events. When the First United Methodist Church celebrated their 150 years, the commemorative quilt was begun. Members of the church were given the opportunity to make a square showing what the church meant to them. On the top of the quilt is a picture of the 1st church building which is at this time Erlinger Funeral Home, the Methodist symbol of the Cross and flame and then a picture of our existing Methodist church built in 1916. Next year will be the 100 years in our existing church building. This quilt was made by Mary Jean Brewer (angel & cross), Jan Brown (scrap books), Vickie Ceretto (Dove), Lucile Dahlberg (Velva Whitney, hankie), Hidi Fankhauser (round stained glass east window), Sue Hubert (stained glass window), Charlotte Jones (Jacobs’s ladder & star), Verna Mullet (Methodist symbol) and Evelyn Viken (squares of stained glass). The quilting was done by Vickie’s Quilting Shack in Kirby, AR. The quilt will be hung in the church in a custom made frame. Hi, Rob Payne and I am your new Church Treasurer. I am excited about my new position and hope that I can help make our church continue on its path of success. My background - I was raised in this church by my parents, Bob & Kathy Payne and my grandparents. My great, great grandfather helped build our church. It is important to myself and family to be involved in the church and to serve our Lord as he guides us. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in business and have spent 15 years in the hardware business. My experience includes: management, inventory counter, depositories, personnel development, accounts receivable, account payable and cash flow. All business conductors includes strong ethics, discipline and integrity. My work ethic is very positive and focus on task at hand. I look forward to being a servant leader in this loving and caring church family. SuzAnn McCrumb is my name and youth is my game. I am your new Children's Director, I am very excited about my new position, and I hope I can help grow the children’s attendance in our church including maybe some parents. I love this church . Darrel and I and Victoria call this church our home. We have always been involved with the youth starting with Nursery Sunday School and moved up to Senior High Youth Group and loved every minute. Thank you so much for trusting me to fill this position and I am so happy in my heart to be doing The Lords Work. Genevieve LeBlanc found a Book of Devotions from her mother Mary Nordell. I thought the church might appreciate the thoughts of members that are no longer with us. Women's Society of Christian Service Book of Devotions Prepared by members of the WSCS of the Fort Lupton United Methodist Church Fall 1969 "Take advantage of every opportunity, lest you miss the supreme one." Read Psalm 46 Psalm 46: 10 Be still and know that I am God. Make room for silence in your life. It is an aid to peace of mind. We push too hard and are tense and high strung people, though we try to cover it up. Most of our troubles come because we can't be still. Peace of mind doesn't mean escape from the world but a more effective participation in it. With a little quiet time, I'm ready to try to cope with most any situation. Prayer: Our Father, help us to live each day as it comes and to do our best. In Jesus' name. Amen Thought for the Day: Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm. - Robert Louis Stevenson Wish List Please leave items by office door. Hoover Vacuum cleaner bags # Y or Z Clorox clean up wipes Lysol toilet bowl cleaner Paper towels Air Freshener spray M—Fold hand towels Copy paper Colored copy paper Small tissues for pews First United Methodist Church of Fort Lupton Coming Up: May Friday, May 1st Tuesday, May 5th Happy May Day 11:30 am Worship Planning Meeting 5:30-7:30 pm Fundraiser for Mission Trip @ Branding Iron $10 adult/ $5 children under 12 Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:00 am Bible Study in Adult Classroom “ Jesus in the Gospel” Thursday, May 7th 6:00 pm Sunday, May 10th National Night of Prayer @ Rec Center Happy Mother’s Day Monday, May 11th 7:00 pm Foxy Quilters Wednesday, May 13th 3:30 pm Christian Life Club (CLC) going bowling Sunday, May 17th 9:00 am Recognition Sunday Monday, May 18th 6:30 pm Many Blessings 7:00 pm Mary Circle Tuesday, May 19th 7:00 pm Full Church Council Wednesday, May 20th 1:15 pm Lunch Bunch Thursday, May 21st 2:00 pm Mission Trip Cook Day 6:00 pm Mission Trip Cook Day 7:00 pm Finance Meeting Monday, May 25th Office Closed 9:30 am Memorial Day Celebration @ Hillside Cemetery Saturday, May 30th 5:30 pm Mission Trip Potluck Sunday, May 31st 9:00 am Send off for Mission Team June Monday, June 1st—Saturday, June 6th Mission Trip to New Mexico Monday, June 8th 7:00 pm Foxy Quilters Tuesday, June 9th 11:30 am Worship Planning 7:00 pm Trustees Meeting Sunday, June 14th Monday, June 15th Happy Father’s Day 6:30 pm Many Blessings 7:00 pm Mary Circle Tuesday, June 16th 7:00 pm Executive Council Saturday, June 20th 9-2:00 pm Hope @ Miracle House Garage Sale
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