community of st. scholastica


community of st. scholastica
Staff Directory
630.985.2351 X 122
The Parish Offices are located in the
Administration Center
7800 Janes Avenue
Phone 630.985.2351
Pastoral Staff
Father Norbert Raszeja, CR
Deacon Jerry Christensen
Lianda Valentine,
Rita Ramsey,
Religious Education/Formation
7720 Janes Avenue ....... ........ 630.985.9255
Beth Cartner
[email protected]
Tricia Serna,
Youth Ministry
Jennifer Michalik-Olson,
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Shawn Denning,
7720 Janes Avenue ............... 630.985.2515
School Fax ............... ............... 630.985.2395
Nikki Kanzia,
Alison Gosewehr,
Office of Worship
7800 Janes Avenue ............... 630.985.2351
Dan and Carrie Marcotte,
Carrie Marcotte,
Mass Schedule
4:30 P.M.
Sunday ................................... 8 A.M., 10 A.M. and 12 NOON
Monday, Wednesday & Friday ............................. 8:30 A.M.
Tuesday .................................................................. 6:30 A.M.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday ..................................................... 3:45 – 4:15 P.M.
Saint Scholastica Parish Woodridge, Il 60517
Visit us on the web at
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16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Meeting Calendar
July 18th—24th
All Parish Leadership meetings are open to
parishioners. If you wish to speak at a meeting, please
contact the Staff Person associated with the specific
council, commission or board and you may be placed
on the agenda.
For a complete calendar, visit the calendar page on
the Parish Web Site at
Monday, July 18th
7:00 pm—2nd Grade Catechist Meeting in
Room 113
7:00 pm—St. Vincent de Paul Meeting in Room
7:00 pm—Boy Scout Troop 512 Meeting in
Activity Center
Tuesday, July 19th
No Evening Meetings
Wednesday, July 20th
6:30 pm—Legion of Mary in Room 113
7:00 pm—4th Grade Catechist Meeting in
Room 112
Thursday, July 21st
No Evening Meetings
Friday, July 22nd
No Evening Meetings
Saturday, July 23rd
7:25 am—Men’s Scripture Study and
Fellowship Group in Sacristy
Sunday, July 24th
No Meetings or Activities
Our Mission
We, the family of St. Scholastica Catholic Parish, are dedicated
Christian stewards of God’s gifts. We have been called in
Baptism and through the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus.
We are a sacramental community, sharing a sense of welcoming
and belonging. We provide opportunities for spiritual growth
and faith formation. We are committed in both prayer and
action to support and nurture each other and those in need.
All those visiting the parish are invited to stop by the
“Welcoming Booth” in the Breezeway at the entrance to the
Church to pick up some information about our parish.
Registration forms can be found in this area and once
completed can be placed in the offertory basket at Mass. The
form can also be downloaded from our web site. If you need
any assistance in completing the form, please don’t hesitate to
contact us at 630.985.2351, ext. 122. We would also be happy to
take your information over the phone.
Parish Business Office Hours
July 18-24, 2016
Monday, 7/18 and Wednesday, 7/20
8 am—8 pm
Tuesday, 7/19 and Thursday, 7/21
8 am—4 pm
Friday, 7/22
8 am—12 noon
Saturday, 7/23 and Sunday, 7/24
July 17, 2016
Pastor’s Ponderings
I don’t know how many strangers come
to your house on a regular basis seeking
some type of aid. I am not including
such people as repair personnel or
special technicians, but over the years I have encountered
many strangers. Granted some strangers do not remain
strangers for long: they may be strange to me in the
beginning, but eventually, especially if the new people I
encountered are parishioners, they do not remain as
strangers for long. Occasionally I may mess up a name, but I
do try to remember faces and the like. So you can imagine
being a person in parochial ministry a lot of people in need,
real or not so real, turn to the church for help. They may not
be acƟve members of any church anywhere, but in a Ɵme of
need they manage to Įnd the local clergyman. Over the
years I have heard a number of accounts about real needs
and some great tall tales. AddiƟonally I have saved some of
the ĮcƟonal stories that I heard just in case I Įnd myself, on
the road and trying to “con” someone to help me. One such
person in parƟcular oīered to repay the church with a
check. All I remember is that once that check bounced at the
bank, it has never come back to earth. This is not to take
anything away from those who are in real need. Fortunately
in Woodridge and other parts of DuPage County there are
several services which can assist someone in a Ɵme of need.
Gratefully, many members of St. ScholasƟca Parish share
Page 3
both their Ɵme and Įnancial assistance to keep these
services vibrant. With all this being said, just imagine three
strangers suddenly appear at your front door. Would you be
like Abraham and beg them to stay? Would you let them
into your house? And if they entered and did stay, would
you franƟcally take care of them and prepare a meal for
them, or even order a pizza to feed them? Your response to
these quesƟons probably would contain a strong inference
telling me that I am crazier than the Mad HaƩer from Lewis
Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Well this past Monday and
Tuesday [July 11th & 12th] our youth ministry conducted Go
Mad. The overnight program included several Ɵmes for
prayer, reading scripture, and being of service to others.
Some of the parƟcipants cleaned the pews in our church
[including scraping the gum oī from under the pews],
others visited with the residents at local nursing homes,
assisted at a homeless shelter, or volunteered at Feed My
Starving Children, West Suburban Pantry, by preparing and
distribuƟng food for the needy just to menƟon a few of the
acƟviƟes. Don’t worry there also was Ɵme for these young
people to play, rest, and be the young people that they are.
Part of Go Mad is that they also became both Martha and
Mary. They listened, prayed just like Mary near Our Lord,
but they also worked like Martha being hospitable. It’s a
way of parƟcipaƟng in life and seeing life from a diīerent,
but fuller view of life. God bless and have a great week
being as welcoming as Abraham, Mary, and Martha.
Fr. Norb, C.R.
Online Giving is a great way to help your
administrative staff while supporting our
church. Signing up is easy—you can use a
computer, tablet, or smartphone. Just go
to our church website: and click on
the Online Giving logo to get started.
Need help setting up Online Giving? Contact:
Our Sunday Visitor
800-348-2886, ext. 4 or [email protected]
The Parish Offices will not be opened as often in the
evening during the summer, when fewer meetings take
place. Please check the bulletin, parish web site, or call
the office to make sure the office will be open before
visiting. From June 1 through August 15, the office
will only be open on Monday and Wednesday
Next weekend, July 23-24,
members of the Congregation of
the Resurrection will be here
selling raffle tickets. The tickets
are $25 each or 6 for $100. The
profit will support the mission of
the Congregation of the
Resurrection. Bring your return address labels to use on the
raffle tickets to save time. The drawing will take place on
Sunday, September 25 at the annual Resurrectionist Benefit
Dinner at Porretta’s Elegant Banquet Hall in Chicago. If you
are interested in attending the Dinner contact: Brother
William Hallas, CR Development Director, at 773-463-7506
or [email protected]
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 4
The Sacrament of Baptism
Congratulations on the birth of your child and
thank you for taking the first step with your
child on a life-long journey of faith. In
preparation for this very joyous celebration
you are invited to attend a Baptismal
Preparation Class. Please call the Parish
Office at 630.985.2351, ext. 122, for more information and
to sign up for the class. Baptisms can only be scheduled
after completion of the baptismal class.
Baptismal information will be published in the bulletin the
week after the baptism takes place.
July 10, 2016
Susan Bonnie Koenig
Daughter of Nicholas & Amy
(Miller) Koenig
Isabella Reynoso
Daughter of Christian & Jacqueline (Monarrez)
The Sacrament of Marriage
Preparation for marriage involves special
instruction for the couple. Notification to
the Parish Administration Center is
required at least 6 months in advance.
Please call Sue at the Parish
Administration Center, 630.985.2351,
ext. 124, for more information.
United in Marriage
July 16, 2016
Khrislene Morales
Thaddeus Gonnigan
Prayer List Policy
Please Pray for the Sick of the Parish
Norma Miller, Vicki Tuch, Jennifer Streff
In the interest of keeping our Prayer List up-to-date,
names will be placed on the list for four weeks. To continue
on the list, please notify Rita by calling her at 630.985.2351,
ext.122. Thank you!
Please Pray for Our
Friends and Family Battling Cancer
Fr. Tony Bus, CR; Fr. Don Zinn, CR; Fr. Len Krzywda, CR;
Wayne Wright, William F. Powers IV, Andrew Schmith,
John Kozlowski, Mary Gatan, Erin Butler Horath,
Benjamin Henderson Jr., Alice Aubele, Sandra Woodring,
Breanna Paladino, Mike Wagner, Craig Smith,
Dennis Bathon, Mike Mimnaugh, Robert Richter,
Renee Heiden, Phil Russell, Rose Willison,
Susan Duffy Grubba, Margaret Jagodzinski,
Patricia Greedan, Charles Thomas,
St. Peregrine
Lisa Cunningham, Kathleen Davis,
Pat Sheehan, Nancy Chruscinski,
Natalie Meyers, Laura Korzeniowski,
Vi Fruchling, Donna Zuch,
Geraldine Buczko, Joan Jaeger,
Carly Mondane, Scott Roode,
Christine Conrad, Maria Perez,
Rebecca del Galdo, Mary Dugenske,
Nerina Martinez, Olga Duvvuri,
Debbie Boor, Danette McNulty,
Beverly Roach, Blanche Yurka,
Steve Hoffman, Brenda Coburn,
Frank Nadherny, Tony Russo,
Carol McCormick, Betty Lara,
Joe Gremlier, Frank Zellner,
Greg & Debbie Hoffman
Pray for Us
Continue to Pray for Our Friends and Family who
are in Active Duty in the Military. Pick up a prayer
card from the bulletin board in the Breezeway.
SPC Matthew Aubele,
GMSN John Franklin,
PVT Alex Jungles,
PFC SGT Eric Kuchta,
Staff SGT Kyle Gulley,
PFC Nicholas Ritacco,
Major Jason Warren,
PFC Wesley Williams,
SPC Samantha Rapp, SPC Trent Johnson,
Master at Arms 2nd Class Randall Jacob Hopkins,
Captain Patrick Sioson, SPC Kyle Mrazek,
Lance Corporal Joseph DeFily,
PFC Sebastian Elapumkal, NSM Larry J. Threadgill,
PFC Michael Jacobson, USAF E4 Micah Rockwell,
FN Jacob Reed, Major Noel Sioson,
Major Kenneth Schlorf, PVT Jake Higley,
VT Claire Gieseke, EMF-K Karl Gieseke,
Major Brady Sexton, Captain Mark F. Luneburg,
MFN Jesse Kolek, Sergeant Donald J. May,
Staff SGT Ryan Gulley, Captain David G. Mack,
Army Sergeant Joseph Riehle
July 17, 2016
Page 5
The Ministry Schedule can be downloaded
from the web site at
I publish the banns of marriage between:
Nancy Tokarczyk of Naperville, IL and
Rob Palabrica of Naperville, IL
who will be married on August 6, 2016
Isabel Waelawik of Plainfield, IL and
Christopher Johnson of Bolingbrook, IL
who will be married on August 20, 2016
Tricia Thro of Westmont, IL and
Timothy Moore of Westmont, IL
who will be married on August 26, 2016
This is the First time of asking. If any of you know any reason
in law why they may not marry each other you are to declare it.
Ɣ Mass announcements should be given to Carrie Marcotte
by 9 am the Thursday before the weekend of the
Ɣ Please limit announcements to 1-2 sentences in length.
Ɣ Announcements may only be announced for 2 weeks.
Stewardship of Prayer
Martha, you are anxious an worried about many things.
Mary has chosen the better part….
Luke 10:38-42
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Priest, Martyr
Lover of Mary (Feast Day August 14)
We pray for these couples as they prepare for their weddings.
Each Christian needs half an hour of prayer
each day, except when we are busy;
then we need an hour.
- St. Francis de Sales
Arrangements for a Funeral Mass are
made through the Funeral Home you
choose. The Funeral Home will contact
the Parish Administration Center to
schedule the Mass.
Join fellow parishioners as we pray the rosary
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:55 a.m. in the Chapel
We Pray for Our Deceased
and Their Families
Eileen Engler
Sister of Phyllis (George) Maher
Journey to J.O.Y.
Grief Support of recent or not so recent losses.
Meetings are generally the 1st and 3rd Friday
mornings. Please email
[email protected]
Or call 630.985.2351 x 130 to join us.
We wish you blessings on your journey.
“The Cloud” —A friend told me, “It’s lonely after the loss of my loved
one”. This is where God will ‘step in’ to help you. Kathy
The first Sunday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in Church
Statement of Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon,
Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet in Illinois,
Regarding the Recent Tragedy in Dallas, Texas
Crest Hill, IL—Today, the victims, loved ones and
survivors of the tragic assassinations that took place in
Dallas, Texas are in my prayers. This follows the grievous
deaths of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in
Louisiana. My heart goes out in prayer for the deceased and
their loved ones. Truly, all these events reveal that our nation
is in need of healing and justice. We must proclaim here and
now that violence is not the answer.
Bishop R. Daniel Conlon went on to ask that all the Diocese
of Joliet’s faithful join him in keeping all of the victims, their
loved ones and their families in our prayers.
Page 6
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Scholastica Sponsor of the Week
This bulletin is totally subsidized by the companies whose
advertisements appear on this bulletin. If you have the
opportunity, you may thank them in the name of St. Scholastica
Altar Flowers
Altar Flowers for the weekend of
July 16 & 17
are in Celebration of the
50th Wedding Anniversary of
Diane & Don Mytys
Would you like to provide a fresh floral
arrangement to adorn the sanctuary of our church
on a given Sunday? This is a wonderful
opportunity to commemorate a special event, i.e. a
birth, wedding anniversary, anniversary of a loved
one’s death, etc. Your name and the occasion will
be published in the bulletin. To order your
arrangement and secure the date you wish simply
contact Rita at the parish office at 630.985.2351,
ext. 122. Sixty-five dollars will cover the cost and
the Art and Environment Committee will take care
of the rest!
Altar Flowers for the
weekend of July 16 & 17
are in Loving Memory of
Linda Lee Novak
Forever in our Hearts
Save the
St. Scholastica Parish Picnic has been
scheduled for Sunday, August 28, 2016.
Make sure you put the date on your calendar
now so you do not miss this year’s fun and
July 17, 2016
Page 7
A way to belong.
A way to help.
SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016
Live dangerously; make friends
Saint Francis de Sales wrote that “friendship is the most
dangerous of all love.” Why? “Because other loves can
exist without communication, exchange, closeness.” Not
friendship, though. To love a friend is to open yourself to
them—warts and all—to communicate and to be a better
person because of it. As the Book of Sirach says, “Faithful
friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a
treasure.” A good friend is priceless, deepening your faith,
calling you to see Christ in the world, and allowing you to
be your best self. Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus
had this kind of friendship with Jesus. Choose to live
dangerously: Make friendships that matter.
School Supplies CollecƟon
Could you please help us get kids
ready to start the school year right?
We are most in need of backpacks (or
a $5 donation as we can purchase one for $5). You
can help a child the entire year! We’d also be
grateful for:
~ Rulers
~ 12 count colored pencils
~ Scissors
~ 8 or 10 count wide markers
~ 8 or 10 count thin markers
~ Wide rule notebook paper
You may drop off your donations
in the gym after Masses, at the
Parish office, or at the Pantry
(Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.,
Saturday 9 a.m. - Noon)
Thank you for your generosity!
We are beginning preparations for the St.
Scholastica tradition of distributing Thanksgiving
and Christmas baskets to our neighbors in need.
We have a wonderful group of volunteers, and we’d
love to add you to that group. There’s a task for
everyone such as: review Christmas gift wishes with
the families, sign up donors after Sunday Masses,
shop with parishioner donations, address questions
from recipients, carry boxes on basket distribution
days, and keep everyone safe and moving in the
parking lot. Please call the Outreach Office 630985-2351 x380 or email [email protected]
for more information or to sign up.
What happens when you mix camping, fun, God, and
being Catholic in one lively, faith-filled, retreat weekend?
Experience parts of the Catholic faith you might have never
seen before! Do not miss the opportunity to attend the
second annual Ros-a-Ree.
Venture Crew 3:16 in conjunction with the Diocese of
Joliet Catholic Committee on Scouting will be hosting the
Ros-a-Ree Catholic Scout Retreat / Camp Out on Friday,
August 12 through Sunday, August 14, 2016 at St. Mary’s
Catholic Parish - 901 N Center St, Plano, Illinois. The event
is open to all registered American Heritage Girls, Boy
Scouts, Camp Fire, Girl Scouts, and Venturers, that are
entering the 6th grade, (or higher), in the Fall. Share this
with all the Scout or Scout units you know!
For Flyers, Instructions, Registration Forms, etc…
as well as Information on Last Year’s Event
Go to the Diocese of Joliet Scouting Website:
Page 8
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Religious Education Program is always in need
of loving adults who’d like to teach and share our
Catholic Faith with the youth and children of the
parish. Please consider volunteering as a
catechist, even if you don’t have children old or
young enough to participate in St. Scholastica’s
Religious Education program.
is God is calling ME to be a catechist?
Your commitment as a catechist means:
◊ We will train and support you in the use of
the materials we provide that form the basis of
each class.
◊ You spend some time looking at the material for
the next lesson so you know what you are
◊ You are present for each catechetical session,
usually 20-22 per year September-April.
◊ You attend catechist meetings throughout
the year.
◊ You are willing to let God use you to both teach,
and to learn, about our Catholic faith with a
small group
Openings are available for 9 Catechists
in different Religious Education classes:
Session A: Tuesday, 4:15-5:30 pm
Grade 2 (1 catechist)
Session B: Tuesday, 6-7:15 pm
Grade 3 (2 catechists)
Grade 4 (2 catechists)
Grade 7 (1 catechist)
Session C: Saturday, 9-10:30 am
Grade 3 (1 catechist)
Grade 7 (1 catechist)
For more information, please contact Beth at
[email protected]
or 630-985-9255 x117
Children’s Liturgy
of the Word openings for
(share readings & reflection) & shepherds
(share reading/supervise children)
Children ages 4-4th grade go to the gym on
selected Sundays during the 10 am Mass for the
Liturgy of the Word. They hear the Word and a
reflection on the readings at a level they can
better understand & enjoy.
Time commitment: Selected Sundays during 10 am
Mass September-May. One hour planning for
For more information and to volunteer, please
contact Beth at 630-985-9255 X117 or
[email protected]
July 17, 2016
RE Registration forms can be found in the
Welcome kiosk by the church, in the wall kiosk
by the Parish Office or on the parish website
We need a copy of your child’s baptismal
certificate with RE registration forms.
It is important to bring your child to RE classes
in 1st grade in order to celebrate the
Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and
Eucharist (Communion) in 2nd grade. The
diocese and parish require two years of formal
religious education before celebrating a
Questions about RE classes, tuition/
Sacrament fees or if you have an older child
seeking the Sacraments of Reconciliation &
Eucharist, please contact Beth Cartner at
630-985-9255 x117 or
[email protected]
Grade 2: Monday, July 18, Room 113
Grade 4: Wednesday, July 20, Room 112
All meetings begin at 7 pm
Page 9
Those young people that signed up for GO MAD (Go Out &
Make A Difference), the Middle School Mission Experience
should be at the church by 8:45 am on Monday morning,
July 11. We will be finished by 7 pm on Tuesday, July 12.
Parents can join us for Mass at 5:15 pm on Tuesday and then
should bring food for the potluck dinner at 6 pm. Remember
to bring a sleeping bag and pillow, comfortable clothes to
work in, a change of clothes for the evening, a donation for
the Food Pantry, and girls should bring a snack to share and
boys juice boxes or pop. Please keep the participants and
Team Members in your prayers!
Please pray for the 16 teen, young adult, and adult
participants from our parish who will be making a pilgrimage
to World Youth Day (WYD) 2016 in Krakow, Poland July
23 - August 4. WYD is when the Holy Father calls his youth
to himself for five days of prayer, meditation, and
instruction. WYD brings together Catholic youth from over
150 countries to learn about their faith and celebrate it. It is
characterized by the happiness of youth being with the Pope
and with each other. They expect 2.5 million people at the
closing Mass. Please include the following people in your
prayers: Tom Belluomini, Kristen Beneshunas, Melissa
Buchholz, Nicole Ceja, Nicole Faille, Patrick Flynn, Samuel
Gamez, Jacob Garland, Jake Hanek, Mark Hodges, Sonja
Kudulis, Connor Nykiel, Kayla Nykiel, Jennifer Olson, Katie
Rock, and Kelsey Sedlacek. We will be commissioning
them at the 10:00 a.m. Mass next Sunday, July 17.
STORM Youth Ministry is continuing a fundraiser to raise
money for our Youth Ministry Mission Trips this summer.
Participants are available to do odd jobs for a donation to
our trips. This could include raking leaves, landscaping
work, mowing the lawn, or painting. It could be a one time
work project or ongoing. If you can give us at least one
week notice that would be appreciated, or if it is ongoing, try
to set it up ahead of time. All donations are then made
payable to the St. Scholastica STORM Youth Ministry.
Please contact Jennifer at 630-885-6439 or
[email protected] to set up work
WYD Blog
We have a blog for our World Youth Day Poland 2016
Pilgrimage that we will be updating with reflections and
pictures before and throughout our trip:
Please continue to keep us in your prayers!
Page 10
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Ministry Schedule can be downloaded from the web site at
Social Concerns & Service Programs
Important Phone Numbers
Confidential Emergency Financial Assistance
West Suburban Community Pantry (food assistance)
For Sick, Homebound and Hospital Visits
Birthright (Crisis Pregnancy) ……………630.355.9888
Catholic Charities (Crisis Pregnancy) …...630.495.9850
Domestic Violence Hotline ………………630.469.5650
St. Vincent DePaul Pick-up……………….630.231.4658
Hope’s Front Door………………. ............. 630.322.9803
Among the attributes of God,
although they are all equal,
mercy shines with even more brilliance than justice.
- Miguel de Cervantes
The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
I am amazed by this story!
Abraham, sitting at this doorway under a
tree, sees three strangers approach. He
runs to greet them. He sees to the bathing
of their tired, dusty feet. He sits them
down under his tree. He feeds them. They
engage in conversation. The story is a
little ambiguous, but Abraham comes to
know them as someone(s) divine. He
responds with lavish hospitality. Perhaps
my mercy work this week is wrestling with
these discipleship questions:
How will I greet and treat strangers?
How can I, who can I, literally bathe or “bathe” with
To whom will I feed dinner?
Jubilee of Mercy is dedicated to living out in our daily
lives the mercy which the Father constantly extends to all
of us. Let us know your plan!
This week I will:
Readings & Mass Intentions
Monday, July 18, Weekday in Ordinary Time
Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest
Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Mt 12:38-42
8:30 A.M.—Paul Full †—Ed & Judy Full
Tuesday, July 19, Weekday in Ordinary Time
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Mt 12:46-50
6:30 A.M.—Forgotten Souls in Purgatory †—Russ & Judy
John & Catherine Frale †—Frale Family
Donald Elbert, Jr. †—Bilica Family
Annamma Mathew †—Family
Wednesday, July 20, Weekday in Ordinary Time
Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr
Jer 1:1, 4-10; Mt 13:1-9
8:30 A.M.—Eileen Madden—Go Family
Linda L. Novak †—Sarah Novak
John Swidergal †—Swidergal Family
Tony Bukauskas †—Valinskas Family
Jerry Lyda †—Dominic Ringo
Thursday, July 21, Weekday in Ordinary Time
Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and
Doctor of the Church
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13:10-17
Friday, July 22, Saint Mary Magdalene
Jer 3:14-17; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
8:30 A.M.—Emila Rojas † & Domingo Calimlim †—Family
Saturday, July 23, Weekday in Ordinary Time
Saint Bridget of Sweden, Religious
Jer 7:1-11; Mt 13:24-30
Vigil : Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gn 18:20-32; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
4:30 P.M.—Leonardo & Anna La Monica †—Frale Family
Sunday, July 24, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gn 18:20-32; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
8:00 A.M.—For the Parish Family of St. Scholastica
10:00 A.M.—Shirley McNeice †—Clem & Mary Campbell
12:00 P.M.—Jose Beatingo, Jr. †—Ongtengco Family
If you will be traveling and are unable to worship with us,
Mass times and church locations may be found at the following
web sites: or, within the Diocese of Joliet,, and click on the Parishes link.
Publish Date
Copy Due Date Send to Publisher
July 31
July 21
July 25
August 7
July 28
August 1
August 14
August 4
August 8
August 21
August 11
August 15