CrossBridge Christian Church (CBCC)


CrossBridge Christian Church (CBCC)
This Week at CBCC:
TODAY, January 25
10:00 am – BridgeKIDS (PS - 5th Grade)
(Rm 1)
10:00 am – Worship (Sanc)
5:00 pm – Hispanic Church Worship
Service (Sanc)
7:00 pm – Ignite (MS) (Rm 1) &
412 (HS) Youth (Rm 3)
Tuesday, January 27
10:00 am – Bible Basics Study (Coffee
7:30 pm – Hispanic Church Music
Thursday, January 29
7:00 pm – Hispanic Church
Leadership Study
7:00 pm – Praise Team Rehearsal
NEXT Sunday, February 1
10:00 am – BridgeKIDS (PS - 5th Grade)
(Rm 1)
10:00 am – Worship (Sanc)
11: 15 am – Lunch for ALL + Souper
Bowl Soup Contest (Rm 1)
5:00 pm – Hispanic Church Worship
Service (Sanc)
7:00 pm – NO Youth Groups
9:30 am – 12:00 noon, Monday thru Thursday.
Our staff can’t always be in the office, so please
call ahead if you plan to stop by!
CrossBridge Staff:
Lead Pastor
John O’Keefe
[email protected] – 916.367.8036
Worship Pastor
Joey Colson
[email protected] – 402.770.1967
Children & Youth
Ministry Pastor
Kristy Horstman
[email protected] – 402.890.1400
CrossBridge Christian Church
Sunday, January 25, 2014 — 10:00 am Worship
[email protected]
2014 contribution statements
are now available!
Be sure to pick yours up from the table in
the foyer before you leave today.
2800 Crossbridge Place — Lincoln NE 68504-3907
Volunteers don't get paid -—
Guests – If you are our guest this morning, welcome! We’re so glad to have
you with us. We ask that you please complete the guest/connection/prayer
card and put it in the offering bag as it is passed.
not because they're worthless,
but because they're priceless.
ATTENTION Parents & Kids! – As soon as they’ve checked in, all K - 5
Graders can go directly to BridgeKids before worship begins. Parents—you
can pick them up afterward from Room 1 downstairs (left, at end of hallway).
Childcare – We provide care for your precious little ones during our worship services. Children are cared for in our Nursery Room (infants & crawlers,
Toddler Room (walking), and Pre-School Room (age 3 – Pre-Kindergarten). Be
sure to sign your child(ren) in at the BridgeKids check-in desk located in the
greeting area—your child's safety and security are a top priority for us.
Keeping your little one with you? A changing table is located in the in the back
hallway around the corner from the restrooms.
Today’s sermon will play in real time this morning in Coffee Crossing if
you prefer to hang out in there, or if your kids need a little more room.
You can hear today’s message again several ways. CD’s can be made by
request—ask for a copy at the Information Booth or at the Tech Desk. Videos
of them are available for viewing on our website, and the sermons can also
be downloaded as MP3’s from there, too.
Stay Up-to-Date! Keep up with everything going on at here at CrossBridge
through Facebook. The best way to “Like” the right page is by clicking
the Facebook button on our website home page!
Members/Friends – If you notice any of our regular attendees have been
missing for more than a couple weeks, please let us know on the Connection
Card, along with your own Prayers/Praises, new information (address, phone,
e-mail, etc.).
God’s Mission:
Setting things right, one heart at a time.
Isaiah 42.1-4, the MSG Bible
Our Mission:
Everyday people helping people to follow Jesus Christ . . . every day.
Our Values:
Biblical - Unfinished
- Acceptance
It takes many people to make our worship and fellowship experience great for us and our guests! We are always in need of more
people serving one another. Below is a list of ways you can serve, all
of which are really needed at this time. If you can help fill any of
these roles, please sign up at the Information Desk before you leave
Cleaning Teams:
 1 - 2 teams (and more if possible) to replace people who are
already doing multiple things in the church.
 Helping once every 6 weeks (depending on the number of teams
we have).
 Teams consist of four or more people and require Friday or Saturday clean up and also Sunday after church clean up (upstairs
and downstairs).
 Individuals will be assigned to teams. What a great way to get
to know more people!
Information Booth:
2 people to help at the information booth one Sunday a month.
2 people serving one Sunday a month.
The more help we can get in each area the less everyone has to do.
If you have questions about any of the above positions, contact Bill
Kruse at 402.525.7175 or Sheryl Kruse at 402.525.5979, or ask at the
We NEED Gift Cards!
Our BridgeKids in Kindergarten - 5th
Grade have begun working hard to
learn ALL the books of the Bible—
in order! They started with the New
Testament and have learned the
first eight books (some have gone
beyond this).
We would like to reward their hard
work with prizes as a little incentive. If you can, please pick up some $5 - $10 gift cards to
places of your choice and put them in the basket available at
the Children's Check-in table. Students will receive a prize
when they have learned the books in order for the New Testament, and also when they have memorized them in order
for the Old Testament.
Most of the kids are very excited about this! Be sure to ask
them if they know their Bible books! Feel free to join us if
you need a refresher too! Questions? Contact staff person
Kristy Horstman.
Attention Parents of
Kindergarten - 5th Graders:
Please be sure to take home a
“MAKE IT STICK” page from the
Check-In table for ways that
you can discuss the lesson at
home. You are your child’s
most important teacher!
Pick it up from the Children’s
Check-in table before you leave
Mission Trip
The 2015 Uganda Team is now
forming. Contact Steve Burns at
[email protected]
or at 402.310.2403 if you’re
interested in serving in
Uganda this May.
For Women Only!
We currently have a hold on 50 tickets for this
year’s Women of Faith here in Lincoln. The theme
this year is “Loved.” The dates are Friday & Saturday, August 28 & 29, 2015, at the Pinnacle Bank
Arena. The event starts on Friday evening, and
ends late afternoon on Saturday.
Tickets are $85 each at this time (for the hold).
This is $30 cheaper than they will be later in the
year. AND, this is their farewell tour! If you’d like
to go, but the cost is an issue, scholarships are
available. Call the church office for info.
All sign-ups and ticket payments are needed by
Sunday, February 8th as we cannot secure the tickets at this price without paying for them early.
To sign up, stop at the Information Desk before
you leave today! Consider bringing a friend, a
daughter, a mother, a neighbor, a co-worker (or
two) with you—they won’t be able to thank you
enough for taking them!
M-mmmm Good!
CrossBridge Youth News !
Sunday, February 1
Immediately following
worship, downstairs
Let’s Tackle Hunger! Help stock the
shelves of Matt Talbot’s food pantry.
Bring in non-perishable items and drop
1. Tackle Hunger them in the bin marked “Souper Bowl
2. Soup Cook-off of Caring” on Sunday, February 1st (you
can bring items next Sunday, too).
Food items needed include soup, canned meats such as tuna
and chicken, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, macaroni & cheese, other
boxed meals, tuna helper, powdered milk, pancake mix and syrup, cereal bars, and canned fruit. Bring it NEXT Sunday!
To celebrate helping to tackle hunger, we’re going to hold
our annual Soup/Chili Cook-off right after worship on February 1st. Bring your best soup to share, and try to knock our
champion (Amy Hasenpflug) off the pedestal!
Youth Groups meet TONIGHT!
(Weekly on Sunday nights, 7:00 - 8:30 pm)
NOTE: We won’t hold Youth Group NEXT Sunday, February 1st,
due to our “Souper Bowl” Sunday activities after worship.
Ignite is the new name for our Middle School group. They meet
weekly on Sunday nights from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in Room 1, and are
lead by Youth Leaders: Billy Allen, Karissa Lacher, & Youth Ministry
Pastor, Kristy Horstman. Ask them about their new group names!
412 is our High School group’s new name. They meet weekly in
Room 3, on Sunday evenings from 7 - 8:30 pm. They are lead by
Youth Leaders: Paula Limbach, Casey Littrell, and Tess Widdowson,
& Youth Ministry Pastor, Kristy Horstman.
Don’t want to compete? Come anyway—there’ll be plenty! If
you feel the need to provide something for the meal, feel free
to bring bread/rolls, or a side of some sort. Desserts and beverages will be provided!
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of severe weather, visit our Facebook page at or go to
I’m telling you . . . No Prep!
Bible Basics Bible Study
There IS a Bible Study
Tuesdays, 10:00 am, weekly, Coffee Crossing
just for you !
Can’t make an evening bible study? This is
for you! This is an hour of study and prayer, and
will be the best hour of your week!
The group is currently studying the book of
Romans. Anyone can jump in any time!
Just Come—and Connect!
Listen to KFOR 1240 AM, KLMS 1480 AM, 96.1 FM or 95.1 FM or
watch Channel 10/11 for closing announcements.
y CrossBridge follows the Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) closing policy.
y If LPS is closed or releases early, all events at CrossBridge will be
cancelled for that day.
y On Sundays we will always strive to have our scheduled worship.
In all cases, please use your personal discretion to determine
if it is safe for you to leave your home and travel to church.