Media kit 2015 - Publi Annonces
Media kit 2015 - Publi Annonces
FASHION | ACCESSORIES | WATCHES | JEWELLERY | ART | DESIGN | ESCAPE | WELLNESS Media kit 2015 FASHION | ACCESSORIES | WATCHES | JEWELLERY | ART | DESIGN | ESCAPE | WELLNESS No. 2 2014 Edition Ultra INTERVIEW John Armleder FashIoN Black Balloons EscapE World Tour of the Best Spas WhaT Is LuxuRy ? FASHION | ACCESSORIES | WATCHES | JEWELLERY | ART | DESIGN | ESCAPE | WELLNESS No. 55 Winter FASHION Winter Fairy INTERVIEW Keira Knightley MARRAKECH Light and shade JEWELLERY dIAMONd OF THE LuxuRY Switzerland INFORMATIONS GéNéRALES CONCEPT D iffusé auprès d’un lectorat qualitatif et haut de gamme depuis plus de 10 ans, Sur La Terre Switzerland célèbre l’excellence et la beauté. Suivant le rythme des saisons, chacune de ses éditions s’intéresse aux nouveautés horlogères, joaillières, à la mode, la culture, la beauté, le design, le voyage et la high-tech, en privilégiant les angles originaux et les éclairages d’experts, associés à un design épuré et visuel. Sa silhouette longiligne, reconnaissable entre toutes, son shooting mode, ses sélections des nouvelles adresses incontournables, ses dossiers mais aussi ses interviews ont érigé Sur La Terre Switzerland au rang de magazine lifestyle de référence. TIRAGE 20’700 exemplaires (15'000 exemplaires certifiés pour les éditions trimestrielles) 10'000 exemplaires pour le hors-série annuel Ultra 6'000 exemplaires pour l’édition annuelle Gstaad Sur La Terre PéRIODICITé Trimestrielle Annuelle (hors-série Ultra & Gstaad Sur La Terre) TERRITOIRE Siège des éditions suisses et internationales basé à Genève Contenu rédactionnel produit en Suisse par des journalistes de premier plan Shootings réalisés en Suisse romande, en collaboration avec Seb Michel (photographe), Mélanie Hearnden (styliste) & Le Bal des Créateurs (Christophe Durand & team) CIBLE Majoritairement féminine (60%), 30-50 ans, haut pouvoir d’achat LANGUES Français / Anglais (magazine intégralement traduit) GENRE Lifestyle de luxe (horlogerie, joaillerie, mode, design, beauté, voyage, news locales) DIFFUSION a t by La Perl unde rskir a » skirt and by La Perl d brass iere « Flora l Mesh r » unde rwire lace by Adle « Flora l Mesh diam onds pear neck ld Adle r and by She ffie earri ngs by Whit e gold l « twin » ring onds pear and diam whit e pear x tian and Whit e gold erre gau ond, Tahi rd-P diam Gira Whit e gold, t watc h by Day & Nigh Cat’ s Eye Kiosques, abonnements, fichiers VIP, partenariats de diffusion & événementiel, distribution au porteur 2 ALS E S S ENTI Er fo r H m ovi e S Keira The Evolution of Relax ter this Win CONTENU is te Dubu ved : Arlet Selection s : rights reser Photograph leather « Biker » wool boot Choo Jimmy « oyster al » Perpetu watch 36 mm Rolex Omega Photograph ie : rights reserved a peau coat in Genev Zibeline ga a fait Benjam ise d’Ome travaux, elle Daniel ue genevo es de design La boutiq six semain le nouveau Après cie de neuve ! novembre superfi début et d’une présentait de vente, ais dégagé ux désorm surface 2 de sa de nouvea . Espace 300 m t en valeur colonnes plus de ux, mettan et d’élégantes larges plus lumine présentation nt de irs de titué intégra agé : rien compto zébré recons ment réamén écrin de entière en bois un salon VIP pour offrir collections vitrines, was hasard et é emps laissé au g -, which n’a été Prix weddin aux garde-t . Egalement appliqu u for his sought-after the Trésor toute beautémaroquinières of , ce nouvea De Ville et d the highly Dark Side rs de Zurich à celle de awarde joaillières counte master t gerie. ue Omega recently e tation inemen s the Speed stitch hat Prix de l’Horlo presen à la boutiq l withGiant ra procha e pour la marqu ood column y 24 ply Reviva the new a’sre,Grand t s’étend zebraw t une hting cashme rd concep at Genev belle réussit y – arboran tituted highlig an entirel Moon100% t recons e. Une Eric Bompa s, and the Cloone mariage Lucern Genève and elegan large window de son provide Omega e de George Trésor lors Prix effort to ting ions Grand préféré Ville : in an collect integra du Rhône uée au euse De très 31, rue to VIP lounge ry and leather ent disting somptu rtant le refitted been left récemm 1204 Genève jewelle en rempo g has to aster Dark Genève –, qui s’est 25 50 timepieces, setting, nothin Speedm also applies t gerie de 022 319 that Tél. ful t l avec la m de l’Horlo concep shmen a beauti new Prix Reviva e. . A refurbi Zurich, this convoité www.omegawa Lucern chance store in the Moon. ver ! store in of Side of to the brand a makeo the Omega , extend has had favourite new design2 a store for the will soon sumptuous , ’s Genev the store’s success wore a 300 m Omega of works, A great y – who more than weeks ber. Cloone area of After six of Novem George surface ing a ng featuri the beginn luminous space, ted at and a was presen a more open Messik offers Valérie has It now that she ence ood, no coincid her her childh It was told by ds. Since t par ting stories of diamond chose diamon le diaman les fascina world choisi to d to the in the écoute desire a n’a pas listene player e, elle grew a Messik ’s a major son père, Valérie passion son enfanc father, ies Valérie of her ées par t. Depuis embod . Out hasard. woman ntes racont du diaman a style dealing d by a fascina the Messik . Create le du négocede création : le second histoires design: woman like a incontournab son envie of today’s designs are risms, acteur qu’à Valérie est née vision manne , her la vision une m of any women De sa passiona répond à ées par freedo devoid for Imagin airy, in their than ns se font style Messik d’aujourd’hui. skin. Light, pany women in more ses créatio es de le today de la femme les femmes, like the they accom nes, dégagé pour ent. Availab points of sale, s, aérien femme onoré la t femme movem 240 Légère of Saint-H pagnen tés e peau. ies and on Rue second d every elles accom ment. Présen 50 countr flagship store risme, seduce points cé, ry has de mouve tout manié et 240 magnificent a jewelle diva Beyon liberté p 50 pays sa Messik de flagshi fashion Move dans in Paris, dans plus ing the from the magnifique bijoux , includ e rings aujourd’hui l’image du balance woman Paris, les à s, to combin ions. A subtle a onoré à de vente, Messik les femme Saint-H who likes collect ss, rue toutes la e zone softne elles, a, séduir store de and Glama h and in Genev ont su ses d’entre strengt des er today de la maisondes plus modeu r les bagues to discov between n. re associe ry is yours and at Zbinde équilib dont l’une plaît à jewelle qui se zone. Subtil a est de Gorski om Beyoncé, et Glama essika.c ie Messik at Benoit www.m ions Move r, la joailler e, chez collect à Genèv et douceu rie entre force sans plus tarder de la bijoute rir et au cœur à découv de Gorski Benoit n. Zbinde + qualitatif + ambitieux Switzerland No. 55 64 NEWS Photograph ie : rights reserved messika 14 Serge LutenS NG SHOPPI » as well and jewellery, to make-up get into : From hair styling perfumes : how did you Sur La Terre and y, film, clothes as photograph It’s part of life, an expertise. design ? it’s profession, or I would say that Design isn’t a Serge Lutens: on this concept, abandon it, stems from. Based If he were to that’s where it keeps him alive. all the activities art alone that In my opinion, the designer’s as this as a death. They’ve served he would experience be considered as professions. obsession only can’t next. The you’ve mentioned one thing to the out of me. Drawings, taking me from I have to force a springboard, a this double, that has simply been texts: all this I have is this woman, make-up, perfumes, hair styles, films, force her out. this woman, to means to access the encounter with first your about tell us a little SLT : Can you between words ? tension that exists world of perfume is a state of more or less to perfume attached been S.L : For me, whole life has poison or a rainbow Of course, my and images. to belong to a strong a smell might that my introduction wonderful scents: Let’s just say smell lights. There, a thousand Morocco, in 1968. sparkling with that my first trip to by these scents undoubtedly perfume was to world. I was seduced a way for me that of the Arab preceded sight, but that also represented du Bois, Ambre that a doubt, without Féminité have been were fabulous and thus create so I couldn’t to my to challenge it, bear witness thought, I got a B at school, allWest, the on set we These perfumes the Second secondsconfront also have the end of Cuir Mauresque. my perfumes bad, and for two help us with willSarrasins, who Sultan, they Code and securing East. That said, plays Joan Clarke, to do for the Far Knightley seems penchant ‘ let’s bring crosswords, itpersonality’s two days Park observer, Keira World War. Knightley at Bletchley ’. I think took hectic 18 To the casual code-breaker the code stuff ’s ! ” ethereal facets... from thoroughly more worked as a Marrakech, quick crossword in to be emerging married to the British Government a one of of emotional, half getting medina an on is apart from (the headquarters heart of the her cold, it was Her character in France months. Quite a house in the find, or rediscover, by Serge Lutens Knightley If the maths left g operations). thathave : You James Righton What did you level L’Incendiaire SLT in a malecode-breakin Klaxons musician for acceptance Hennet rather than intellectual, set of your time. of her English a talemost you;spend Gaëlle Benedict wherestory in lone female searching making the most movie’s Interview: the medina alongside with , the Knightley last year and of alive reserved connected heart ? Chanel, weren’t s: rights Morocco located in the ? as the face of dominated environment “ Myinparents Photograph my life, well as Matthew house in 1974, Rose elegance over the next of a new collection a large gap in a big So as Turing, as in wartime Britain. S.L : I boughtwere. in me ! It filled movies released the beginning Cumberbatch Allen Leach. embodies but my grandparents in a room that perfume mark appears in four live in it, it lives my Nan d’or; this name I don’t received excellent during the War Downton Abbey’s La Palmeraie, SLT : Does this the story of called Section of which have Goode and Marrakech, in them, ” Knightley was alwaysMarrakech. most probably it’s what I’ve 12 months, all The Imitation was inI live in creations. alongside it. Everything I guess there great : I loved - she all my off from something, S.L : Absolutely, as douncle up because “ They were the latter of those, something else forced stairs with my things on fire i.e. cutting myself reviews. It is had to build “ I knew Benedict promoting at I’venext papers... they’ve right falling down that just me from setting the act of cutting, is sohitfull Knightley was but I had says of her co-stars. notebooks, pens, a bomb of unlimited that has prevented Game, which on Atonement, some: books, in small earlier this year. his arms because of a certain number become too from this shyness hasremember This we worked together Film Festival, of Matthew And I even d’or is also a collection its bevelled black bottle. the Toronto street ! level of brilliance wearing a striking to the house. bombtheshelters out onto until now. Section box and me still . spirited, and no idea of the either. I loved of there were such as its fabric Charming and friends’ houses didn’t know Allen shows no signs source of inspiration taken down, collections. values in beauty, Goode, and I d dress, she ? that hadn’t been like the expression of the finest jewellery ”. perfume don’t multi-coloure busy as we gardens a as gang you worthy the is Londoner, in been their a : I believe collection SLTBeing she hasn’t to begin creating says that being part of play in them. fatigue. Perhaps you need a story suddenly, because do you this year, apart honesty, Knightley ? a kid and we used to and even as s, evoke for you Often, it appears actually haven’t With scampish slat LondonNevertheles and information the world is Switzerland in my head. thought… “ I I was only on andisthat like a fan – every cryptanalysis you walk around story seek refuge when : The old SLT : What does building in them. It’s the world of for Everest, which peaks, the feeblest most is thisS.L where you can stories only the why ‘ snowy that’s to had its other country of And from filming she “ that several the kindest, start thinking has bombed. it was with the silence S.L : It’s a neutral everyone most timid, to systems was one days, ” she explains. that I know it’s because is also a retreat, the perfume’s solitude, in which for about six walk from the out this year, ” I can always pretend new ? ’ but of course and notranging not, I think of only ablaze. Switzerland chosen and unitary reveals a feeling four films coming grasp of. “ But be a Londoner, more often than don’t and I can a rich, carefully because I had So you can’t really bit. ” Actually, dictator. rocks and lakes; or its story. not going on ! I normally its little is a radical it what’s of meaning, maths laughs. its of scars g Knightley thriller about explanation, understandin around with the I want to be. . Well, name before its in pretend… Her Game is a historical Turing, “ It’s non-existent The Imitation and you live ? scientist Alan group Shiseido for the future me. her forte, it transpires. we wish for you pioneering computer work ? for the Japanese Nazi’s Enigma Gstaad with me and despite SLT : What can conveyed in your SLT: You work things happen in cracking the image and the kind of you but confronted with a key figure these two influences between the before being S.L : That’s very Morocco. Are point of tension of faith. Even existed perfume is a that already is a profession As I told you, S.L: My work ! p were encounters even at any moment and Morocco before you’ve text: it can break each other, Japan that already exists in Morocco is like a love story Craftsmanship within me, just it’s the was no surprise. party. There whereas in Japan, met the other and lightness, union sing with joy to death. It’s a beauty but also a song that people of which leads to in other perfumes can be found pursuit for perfection, myself and that in which I recognise De profundis. mine, such as olfactory creation, re, your latest does L’Incendiai SLT : What it. Setting something then declares evoke ? withholds its passion it ? 55 S.L : L’Incendiaire your love, isn’t Switzerland No. a way of declaring on fire is also foreM ost, er? first and er or perfuM . startin g filMMa ker, design , texts, fr agr ances, senses Make-u p artist, d by dior in1967, r: of iMages he was notice is an autho art director serge lutens Make-u p artist, e the br and’s stylist and where he becaM Au and l’Incen dIAIre, out as a hair de Pe shiseid o in 1980, s a touch SultAn to Jeux before joining reveal Ambre poet froM ious for perfuM e. ve and Myster he create s. n, this sensiti the stories his l atest creatio ves throu gh each of of oursel n or » 2014 – L’Editio Saab « Le Parfum edition Elie limited tissima « Diaman Gucci r eyewea fr ag r a n c e A multi-talented designer Steen Interview : Eva : rights reserved Photographs Y KEIRA KNIGHTLE PM » black « Twist bag leather n Louis Vuitto g l be facin to ter, we’l ks This win x mode, than fort l in rela ng com the chil n combini ns ! selectio all situatio a shopping , adapted to ance eleg and as nte les frim e r, on affro Cet hive ction, grâc décontra nt en toute ping allia shop tion à une sélec élégance, adaptée confort et tions ! les situa à toutes baffled about being Sur La Terre n Game, ley talKs to film The ImITaTIo Keir a Knight of her new escape d being by the maths and how she her home life period dr amas. typeca st by TRANSLATION 92 Exhibits Pièces à convic tion Time for art : Eileen Chantilly You can always expect the French Matejewski to designer use magical Chantilly unexpected materials, as in his light and cock tail feathers. made from goose feathers Available as standard lamp. Made-to-measu a table lamp or re. Les matières inattendues sont toujours rendez-vous chez le créateur français au tel ce féérique Matejewski, luminaire Chantilly et fouets de coq. en en version lampe plumes d’oie lampadaire. sur à poser ou mesure à la commande. Mat & Jewski www.mateje Fronzoni ‘64 Maison Gilles Nouailhac www.gillesno the iconic Collezione ‘64 created in minimalist italian 1964 designer A.g. Fronzoni,by the substance to the gave modernist mantra to celebrate the collection’s 50th of less is more. exclusive manufacturer, anniversary, cappellini, is launching its limited edition of a piece is marked 33 pieces for every item. each by in square metallic its structure in black and white. tubes and lacquered wood tops. créée en 1964, l’iconique collection italien minimaliste du designer A.g. Fronzoni au mantra moderniste donne corps less is more. Pour 50 e anniversaire, son cappellini, son exclusif, lance producteur une en 33 exemplaires édition limitée. chaque pièce se singularise en noir et blanc. par en tubes métalliquessa structure plateaux en bois carrés et laqué. 40 Cappellini www.cappell Patek PhiliPPe Light and kech shade Text & Photo graphs: Hot Mar Marie Lance rakech is leur the gateway Mountai ns. It gree ts visitors to the fresher clim offering with a welc es of tourists and One oming sala ,the Atlas Nights. We an exoticism stra m aláykum ight out go on a tour of this uniq of the Thousand , ue city of many cont rasts. singapore ION Ananda 108 La suite Majorel le de La Mamou nia text : Gaëlle Hennet Photographs : rights reserved peo ple The Tweed jAckeT TimeleSS chic Antoni Norbert Patek Gstaad 48 peo ple On 15 December 1953, the Daily Mail made an “ Mademoiselle incredible announceme Chanel goes back to fashion ”. A nt : Chanel, then few months later, aged 71, played Gabrielle a masterstroke house at 31, rue by reopening Cambon, which her couture had closed shortly of the Second World War. Her before the outbreak new challenge and exuberant ? To substitute style of the day the pompous with a flowing, functional item minimalist and of clothing, inspired resolutely encountered in by the uniform a hotel in Salzburg of a lift attendant : the tweed jacket. it’s the one she Of all the materials, liked best ; for its quality, its elegance, which suppleness, its she discovered unequalled in the wake of Arthur Grosvenor, nd 2 Duke of Westminster, her idyll with Hugh Richard Hôtel de Paris whom she met in Monte Carlo. in 1923 in the She enjoyed going source : close to to fetch the fabric the Tweed, this great salmon-filled at its its purity, where Scottish river weavers established known for their wool since in the surrounding the late Middle area had washed Ages. On 5 February 1954, she chose to give it a new fashion show presenting lease of life during more than 130 a wrapover skirts, items. Accompanyin jackets inspired g knee-length by menswear, braiding, but with four patch no stiffening, pockets and collar or shoulder with a small chain pads, and instead located in the rewarded lining, and gold a lion, the house’s buttons stamped emblems. All with timeless designs and the icons that thrilled the of the day, such press as Brigitte Bardot, Aimée and Romy Grace Kelly, Schneider. A Anouk true symbol of with nonchalance, a certain elegance the Chanel jacket tinged Lagerfeld, who has since been reinterpreted became the house’s by Karl Chanel’s identity artistic director in 1983. He knows better than anyone and has preserved origin of the legend, the content, at while playing the with the forms, a guarantee of modernity. le Club des leaders fête ses 4 ans à Gstaad la 19e édItIon de la Hublot polo Gold Cup des Leaders est aujourd’hui Monaco et Londres, le Club de Genève, Gstaad, Luxembourg, de l’économie, de répartis entre les antennes à Gstaad des personnalités Avec plus de 300 membres et Claudia Robine, il regroupe rythment les saisons international. Présidé par Jean-Sébastien déjeuners, cocktails et concerts devenu un puissant réseau au Grand Hôtel Park. Dîners, lors de prestigieux événements la philanthropie et de la culture passionnantes. Arlette Dubuis autant d’élégance et de rencontres qui s’enchaînent avec toujours août qui s’est tenue du 21 au 24 e de la Hublot Polo Gold Cup, en nombre à la 19 édition temps pour éclairer la finale les spectateurs sont venus le soleil est revenu juste à Malgré une météo capricieuse, d’une compétition intense, sur un score de 5 buts de Gstaad. Après trois jours face à l’équipe Gstaad Palace, dernier dans le cadre pittoresque E.I. Sturdza Investment Funds prochaine. Arlette Dubuis achevée sur la victoire de l’équipe des 20 ans du tournoi l’année captivante du tournoi, qui s’est avec impatience la célébration organisateurs attendent désormais à 3. Joueurs, spectateurs et peo ple Hautlence cél 1 1 èbre ses 10 ans à neu Le 1er septemb re dernier, Neuchâtel, la a réuni journalis marque d’horloge rie créative, au cœur du tes, amis dont le et fournisse berceau de urs pour célébrer nom est l’anagram l’horlogerie du Cross The me de suisse. Cette Line World Tour, une date a égalemen son dixième anniversa Hautlence exposition et des œuvres ire t marqué itinérante d’art apparten choc de la le coup d’envoi marque, ant à la collection regroupant les modèles Gaëlle Hennet avec laquelle il vient iconiques privée d’Eric de de lancer Cantona, son premier partenaire garde-tem de 3 ps, Morphos Invictus. 2 cHâtel PEOPLE 1 Mademoiselle Chanel and her famous pearl necklace, 1936 2 3 2 6 5 4 6 6 Le meilleur de vos soirées 3 4 5 GRAND FORMAT 5 4 9 9 8 7 7 8 7 Saga d’une marque Décryptage des enjeux & perspectives des secteurs du luxe 8 9 9 12 11 10 10 11 10 andrea scherz, Ceo du Gstaad schweri (denner) - 3. eileen Hofer, président de la marque Vicomte a - 2. Cédric Cigars - 5. pierre e. Genecand, 1. arthur de soultrait, fondateur politi, Global Head de dunhill entouré - 4. Jean-Claude biver et Yves dunhill Cigars - 8. Yves politi palace, et prince eric sturdza soultrait - 6. nico Jackson - 7. (Hublot), entourée de de l’événement, et arthur de du Gstaad polo Club, organisateur de polo - 9. arthur et Marcy de soultrait - 10. Juliane robert-Grandpierre de l’équipe de joueurs professionnels : droits réservés e. Genecand - Photographies l’équipe Hublot tV - 11. pierre Catherine de square partners sa, entourent & Kroff snow Golf et président et le marquis Giovanni Incisa della rocchetta sésé, fondateur de la boërl Marie Gabrielle de savoie le roi fouad II du Club des leaders et stéphane Marta Gaya, s.a.r. la princesse Caroline Murat et sa Majesté 1. Jean-sébastien robine, président-fondateur du Club des leaders, et suzana Maus - 3. de Gstaad, s.a. la princesse prince Michel Vice-président - 9. Cristina Macaya, s.a.r. le directeur du Grand Hôtel park pastor - 2. Giovanni rondanini, leaders - 5. Jean-Yves blatt, andersson avec Gustave bonde Houmard et Jeanette de Vigier Co-fondatrice du Club des - 8. Maître et Madame Jack et birgit Gerlach - 12. Joël 4. david Maus et Claudia robine, Madaus - 7. Isabelle de neuville et nathalie van rijsbergen Morisod - 11. barry Houghton Janine - 10. lillyclaire saran et bertrand d’egypte - 6. lorenz bach et et Maurizio paternò di Montecupo 12 de Yougoslavie, francesco Moncada Photographies : Art Photo Gstaad 11 Gstaad 92 14 122 1. anita 13 et aepli - 2. carlo lamprecht en compagnie anu 3. bill Muirhead, pai, nathalie de céline liah Millasson, cobos et David 4. caroline candaux léonore et edouard 5. Guillaume büchler, céline aepli et nathalie Meylan 6. l’ambiance tetu, ceo de Hautlence, cobos était festive et eric cantona Williams à la case pantieri et Madame Georges-He Denis Hayoun à chocs - 7. sherry - 8. nri Meylan horlogers - 9. GuillaumeMonsieur et saif ahmad 10. sacheen ramchandan tetu et bertrand i, edouard et ses 12. l’exposition Meylan 11. nathalie Meylan, cross the eric cantona line - 13. Veysset Guillaume 15. le modèle- 14. Monsieur et Madame tetu et Invictus Morphos, stéphane cantona - Photograph signé Hautlence Henchoz ies : droits et eric réservés 15 Chanel wo r ld map Cool EvEnts BrUSSElS around parIS BRAFA Grand Palais From 24 January to 1st February 2015 Haïti : deux siècles de création artistique Until 15 February 2015 moNTrEal thE World International Auto Show Maison & Objet From 23 to 27 January 2015 From 17 to 26 January 2015 Agenda FASHION Audace Créativité Univers dédié AGENDA Turkey feather coat by Chloé Pink gold (Bongénie earrings ) with pink « Fuseau sapphires » rose by de Grisogo and siderite gold, rock crystal, bracelet no by Vhernie pearl, diamonds Pink gold ring with r pink sapphires « Visdomin i » rose gold, by de Grisogo and diamond rock crystal, no eosite ring by Vherniepearl r 19 February 2015 « Freesia » white silk long nightgown by La Perla Beige cashmere shawl by Georges Rech (Apostrophe) « Chandelier » platinum and diamond earring by Sheffield Geneva Resin and strass bracelets by Chanel Top washed organza white by Chanel Jacket washed organza white by Chanel Grey jogging pant by Fabiana Filippi (Bongénie Grieder) « Calla » rose gold and calcédoine necklace by Vhernier « Royal Oak Offshore » watch by Audemars Piguet « Camuration » rose gold and grey agate ring by Vhernier « Gocce » rose gold, rock crystal and pearl white earrings by Vhernier « Nami vert » bracelet by Monsho « Choban » white gold bracelet by Monsho Tour du monde des événements internationaux à ne pas manquer Agenda culturel local Genève Vaud Janvier Févr ier Mar s 2015 114 blues, the calendar of A miracle cure for the winter puts thrills and escape the best international events the Maison & Objet show on the agenda. In January, while the capital sets the tone in interior decoration, th the 60 BRAFA, one of of Belgium gets ready to host antiques and fine arts fairs. Europe’s most prestigious chefs will be preparing At the same time, renowned Engadine into a Mecca exceptional dishes, to transform and while jockeys prepare of international gastronomy, the Courchevel BMW Polo their mounts, to shine at the Grand Palais at rendezvous th Masters. As for art-lovers, works of art; the 65 to admire remarkable Haitian ; and MoMA, which Berlin International Film Festival artists this winter, whose is exhibiting the works of 17 in the 21st century in paintings reflect the act of painting world tour with a flourish, a myriad of ways. To close this booty at the Rio Carnival, nothing like shaking your for the Melbourne in or stepping on the accelerator Australian Grand Prix ! 6-10 Jan OpérA Le Petit Prin ce de Genève. opéra, le français Michaël composite Levinas a œuvre qui, souhaité créer ur à l’instar une du message Le Petit Prince, transmis par qu’aux adultes. s’adresse autant aux enfants S’approprier grande pureté, ce langage alliant écriture d’une redonnant et dessin, vie au message tout d’espoir qu’Antoin en Saint-Exu péry a livré e de au moment entière était où la planète frappée par mondiale : voici l’exaltant la Seconde Guerre défi qu’il s’est lancé ! Co-production with the Genève. Grand Théâtre For his de fourth composer Michaël Levinas opera, the French work that wanted to addresses create a like the message both children and adults, just conveyed Appropria ting the flawless in The Little Prince. writing and language, combining drawing, while of life to giving a new the message lease of hope that Saint-Exu péry expressed Antoine de whole planet at a time when the was engulfed War : such by was the exhilarati the Second World himself ! ng challenge he set SaINT-morITZ CoUrCHEVEl Gourmet Festival BMW Polo Masters From 29 January to 1st February 2015 16-25 Jan NEw YorK From 26 to 30 January 2015 AGENDA VENICE Carnival of Venice 19-23 Jan From 7 to 17 February 2015 MoMA FEstContemporary ivAl Painting in an Atemporal World Black Mov ie HoNG KoNG The Forever Now l’agenda des meilleurs Until 5 April 2015 Remède miracle à la déprime hivernale, aux sensations fortes et à événements internationaux invite donne le ton Bâtime le salon l’évasion. En janvier, nt Maison & Objet belge se des de déco Motric d’intérieur, tandis que la capitale en matièreForces es (BFM) e de la BRAFA, l’une des plus Divers prépare à accueillir la 60 édition d’Europe. Pendant lieux prestigieuses foires d’art et d’antiquités mets d’exception des Dédié au cinéma d’auteur de ce temps, des chefs de renom préparent festival très grande gastronomie Black Movie en Mecque dele la qualité, pour transformer l’Engadine édition briller au se dote pour sa quinzième riche programm leur monture,dixpour d’une internationale, et des jockeys ation reflétant jours l’inventiv aux amateurs Quant sur ité, l’excellen des cinémato ce et la diversité BMW Polo Masters de Courchevel. graphies admirer du Grand Palais, qu’unepour suite de projection monde. Davantag d’art, le rendez-vous est pris au e e du festival s, le festival édition à la 65un réel espace de liberté de singuliers chefs-d’œuvre haïtiens, cet offrant une constitue de choix réunissant et au MoMA, à la standardi alternative sation culturelle international du film de Berlin, . comme autant de manières Dedicated hiver les travaux de 17 artistes, clore en to independ siècle. Pour au XXIe quality ent films d’envisager l’acte de peindre of the highest all over au trémousser de se from the de tel queMovie Festival offers à world, the 15th Black beauté ce tour du monde, rien a periodà Melbourne, a rich programm de la vitesse of 10 days, carnaval de Rio, ou de prendre e over reflecting excellenc ! d’Australie inventiveness, e and the l’occasion du Grand Prix automobile diversity Co-production avec le Grand Pour son Théâtre quatrième BEIJING Chinese New Year Text & Selection : Eva Steen © Smile par Cetuss Hairband-like cHokers set witH stones, single earrings, br acelets adorned witH feminist slogans and eyebrows studded witH piercings: top designers today take pleasure in overturning tHe conventions of jewellery to create a distinctive look. a brief overview of tHe l atest mustwear jewellery trends. Anniversary to the riSe in Geneva Patek arrived the Antoni Norbert in 1833, when Poland following The story began he leave his native he chose to A man of style, (1811-1877), after occupying forces. of the against the Russian the acquaintance failed uprising he soon made circles, where design exceptional the ambition to frequented immigrant & Cie – Czapek. Sharing Patek, Czapek watchmaker François the firm of watchmakers the founded tensions between their success, watches, they person in 1839. Despite partner. The Fabricants à Genève to look for a new brilliant Norbert Patek (1815-1894), a two men led Antoni Adrien Philippe mechanism for in 1844 was Jean keyless winding the he found in Paris of company and inventor in 1845. The French watchmaker obtained a patent for which he same year. pocket watches, ry. was founded the Fabricants à Genève to be complementa – Cie & proved Patek two men between the modern management The partnership in director, introduced business trip as the technical an extensive While Philippe, his firm’s Patek undertook present to production, order methods to and Europe, in agreements United States resulted in partnership New York, 1854 across the in perilous adventure whom he met timepieces. This among others, IX. An exceptional Lewis Tiffany, as Pope Pius with Charles customers, such the title of citizen and new top-ranking Antoni Norbert Patek received couldn’t mask Geneva, outstanding success ambassador for this son But His 65. from his tour. at the age of upon his return 1877, he died st in exchange On 1 March the company his failing health. his rights to of Jean Adrien to relinquish son-in-law a that Léon preferred for so it was the reins. As annuity, and ippe, took over for a lifelong Antoine Bénassy-Phil Philippe, Joseph Marr a dUBaI sAlON SIHH Geneva Palexpo / Julian Crouch Text: Gaëlle Hennet Photographs: all rights reserved TRANSLAT Sanctuary A myth in twelve chApt ers e sc ape © Opéra de Lausanne Distinctiveness becomes trendy a sling in Switzerland No. 55 © lipnitzki / Roger-Viollet From the oriGinS oF PAtek PhiliPPe Fashion & jewellery Un regard luxueux sur le monde of A compA ny , the emblem . of two nAmes wAtch mAking : the unitin g of the Art of contin ued Patek PhiliPPe the quinte ssence fAmily firm hAs design Associ Ated with in 1839, the indepen dent ing A refined found ed This is a l avish timepie ces combin celebr Ated its 175 yeArs since it wAs Tale, compo creAtio n of n, it To influen ce sed of princip to excel in the mechA nism . l Ast Autum The world of les ThaT conTin to look bAck icAted opport unity of chane l : a luxury. iconic ue perfect And A sophist sTory ThaT genevA . the jubilee . The house chose design s, The symbo ls Twelve Thema in busines s in events of this To Tell in 2012 over the mAin Throu gh and The jewell Tic shorT films. from n 0 5 To The Tweed ery, marily n monro e and jackeT minisiT e inviTes The lion, The you on a journ ey InsIde Chanel Hennet and encou nTers Text: Gaëlle To The hearT rights reserved ThaT marked Photographs: leT’s Take a The life of madem of The evenTs look aT The oiselle chane sTory of Three l. of The house’ s icons. The Patek Philippe Chime Grandmaster launched to celebrateof th the 175 anniversary the brand’s foundation c at wa lk s ESCAPE ation inform y Practical the Sanctuar Burma on 2014 ; for cruises in The first November www. began in Ananda please visit wish information, those who further .com. For situated the travel t Pollen, sanctuar yretreats of the country, more mic restauran Bay, in the to explore at the gastrono the Gardens by the (www.kinnaritrav From old The of head for the agency Kinnari tailor-made stays. daily in the heart exudes serenity. plants, we a offers by street The boats the exotic all have on every in Rangoon e is served SilkAir. middle of d cabins the region. is evident , Singapor Sipping a ally decorate watch the shore at British past Rangoon Airlines and city. The 21 tradition British colony. Singapore chef, ck Heritage liqueur so you can the former flights with by a Thai the Mövenpi gin and cherry corner of private balcony k-hotels. based on a stay at Hotel –, chance dinner, cooked oevenpic a After is cocktail The a Raffles (www.m This Sling – reached any time. mythical by an aperitif. know one another Hotel Sentosa n capitals can be 1913 at the Burmese Days daily created in to of the novel is preceded Europea cultural house rs to get which offers final pages com), the from this one of the e Airlines, we read the for the passenge few steps journey time heart with Singapor Banana Colada, Orwell. A own travel A380. The become the by George an Airbus over a Bagan has their which has flights in is the bay, 12 hours. Everyone cosmopolitan, is around epicentre Rich and cocktails. in and by to Zurich Singapore. s. oldest towns businessmen of the new anecdote The ed by one of the centres. with, we’re it is frequent of the shopping Finally Bagan, into view. To start trip, with trip to Little e family trip in a hot-air tourists weary with an essential Burma, comes we take a Tussauds for an enjoyabl history s with spices heaven as -year-old ideal venue the Madame tour continue are bursting in seventh thousand of the l Studios, the shops an 83-metre ted with discover its to the heart its Universa ter World, India, where balloon to fish ity pagodas highligh mist. saris, a visit and Underwa opportun all sorts of The 1001 the morning Museum n, and an and colourful at sunrise. you can view as above a little up such Chinatow where topped also in rise streets, they are tunnel from Sentosa is fish market golden stupa shopping Buddha, that mammals. of imported the main n of luxury honour of little bells and marine its beach to explore a its successio Built in hung with peace, with along during Street, with ornaments Silence reigns. haven of can cycle Orchard with finial in the in the wind. which you awn carriage. endlessly satay kebabs white sand, brands. a resonate in a horse-dr and ed by again ? Enjoy evening. continues Hotel Sentosa, After hugs romantic Feeling hungry market, surround The tour chain, ck Heritage s, we over already. separated traditional Swiss is Sat Mövenpi been the addresse Pa to The Lau has only The cruise s of email belonging been able Singapore the Heritage hustle and exchange but it has 5-star palace with the dream. In skyscrapers. kisses and wooden since 1965, of peoples leave by our explorer back to reality ceilings, continues people will from Malaysia are brought es, high to the diversity the Some by rhythm, adapt over colonnad reflects and regular old Bagan. es be won wing, the to prosper its cuisine rotating in bustle of Chinese huge fans, will let themselvthe Golden Rock, here. Thus, of the British floors and on : Malay, who live al spirit and plane, others with Inle Lake the tradition stunning effect of its populati sm continues with respect diversity to . Mount Popa, d eclectici The Almost Rangoon This combine temples. colonies, n and comfort. and Indian. of before reaching and Taoist Meng decoratio t, Hindu the statue are the Kong contemporary have a view over the Buddhis an half-lion, ng to visit Mariamm 62 suites Sri emblem, interesti the s the all most ry, , airport the country’ Kark monaste the Chinese quarter, g for the from Rangoon the Merlion, San Phor Bar. by plane a Before departin located in the grand the Wow traveller three hours half-mer maid. a final whisky in Hindu temple, temple, and of European Less than for Buddhist This is flight, offers the bar, a partner the sunset for a night the Balestier malts, this Singapore wish to see returns home. frenzy has, over than 400 the endless before he Those who t with the With more in St. Moritz, mosque. final stop view it across s am See as the place alfresco bar ity to reconnec the suffocating time can Singapore the Waldhau the final an opportun unlike e, the highest why not by or ed itself in o. p city. But 1-Altitud – and time, establish any whisky aficionad Kuala Lumpur The city from of the big such as ge for before reaching the extreme south fresh air. of pilgrima in the city, megalopolises Island at e exudes faces : the and natural – Sentosa two , Singapor car has gardens cable Bangkok No. 55 g with the . This resort is brimmin a home on Switzerland of the city-state green city even found a stop trees have Bay. After parks, and g Marina borderin skyscrapers d Text it is : rights reserve country, Buddhist Photographs those that, in this disadvantaged remember have in to the most is in Sagaing, enough to good to give first stop some we are fortunate water. Our things that monks occupy through silty river, than 7000 . On the weavers patiently s on the abundance. where more the morning the g continue like in a ries. We discover making cheroot, o’clock in we greet The travellin a cloudy Earl Grey, fishing 600 monaste It is seven y Ananda over tiny hands by a the rhythm silk and the Sanctuar with a walk and then, accompanied working embraces bridge of day ends On film. Now out, which yoga lesson cigar. The morning. sunset, sipping contemplative A Mingalaba! rings the local sunrise. The U Bein at for of a Burmese es after a us. bridge in glimmers y, silhouett re-embarking . At dusk, boat passes the wooden Irrawadd of the rosy Burmese ne, before in the in of bank champag a local expert, the horizon means Hello! a glass of offered by the eastern or iPads appear on cheeks massage – cookery e of the t monks traditional , their round dinner. of surprises of Buddhis : rs take advantag on their n of tours has its share fields. Children of the Limonia some passenge to comment directly settled Each day the paddy and a successio Pakkoku. the bark the bly classes – onboard thanaka – –, sit on comforta , and then available meditation covered in y with water ons. Others, Time of Joseph ra, Minggun Sanctuar tree mixed laughing. first impressi impressions after Amarapu village of Sin Kyun, acidisima bicycles, two read the al who loved we set ting parents bar, rubis, cruise, tradition their the construc des in In the five-day back of finished the of La vallée odation During this has just and accomm Kessel, author ago, to discover Retreats stands still. ity to s: a library s from long school building . This is an opportun off, like explorer Under Burma. Mandalay. for the teachers heart of Upper begins in we glide captain, The voyage of the ship’s the guidance SAG A chapters A jubilee in three 175 Sentosa ry th the 18 centu self explorer from a. Allow your a romantic exotic Burm dalay to Bagan, Set off like treasures of Man the hidden apore, days, from ail in Sing in search of dy for five ing. a Sling cockt g the Irrawad Then enjoy bedtime read to drift alon y Ananda. ell for your tuar Orw ge Sanc aboard the y, with a Geor British colon the former Hofer Text: Viviane Scaramiglia Photographs: rights reserved Big-Bang k Mövenpic Hotel Heritage e sc ape the first piece in the clock collection sander Mulder, of dutch designer his emblematic. this Continue Time Clock remains the limited edition gold and chrome wall clock in 14 most carat has just one articulated simultaneously hand which shows the hour, seconds. shaped the minutes and the like a bolt of lightning changes shape , it continuously over a 12-hour period. Première pièce de néerlandais sanderla collection d’horloges du créateur Mulder, sa Continue la plus emblématique. Time Clock reste en édition limitée, murale en or 14 cette horloge carats et métal chromé se résume seul bras articulé qui à un minutes et secondes. affiche simultanément les heures, en forme d’éclair, continuellemen celui-ci change t de forme sur une période de 12 heures. Sander Mulder www.sander Exceptional designs for an A selection of unique exceptional Christmas. or limited edition items to mark the end of this year. Design d’excepti on pour fêtes exception Une sélection de nelles. pièces uniques pour marquer cette ou en édition limitée fin d’année. An explosion of coloured pheasant feathers you’ll find at gilles is what nouailhac. Mixing classical sobriety with brazen folly, this French company specialising in luxury craftsmanship has transformed a comfortable, black leather, Louis XV wing chair into a BigBang armchair. Made to order. chez gilles nouailhac, explosion de plumes une de faisan colorées. entre sagesse classique et folle audace, la maison française d’artisanat de luxe transforme une confortable bergère Louis XV cuir noir vêtue toute de en fauteuil BigBang. Une pièce entièrement personnalisable à la commande. SAG A Rencontre avec les personnalités qui donnent du sens à notre époque h idgehs-tec ign h Actualités locales (shopping, restaurants, bars, bien-être, expos) Nouvelles tendances mode, beauté, design & high-tech th INTERVIEWS © francesco Brigida metal and silver e Golden w necklac multi-ro Chane l International Boat Show Berlinale International Film Festival From 5 to 15 February 2015 From 12 to 15 March 2015 From 13 to 21 February 2015 Switzerland No. 55 mElBoUrNE Australian Grand Prix 2015 The Rio Carnival C’est au Salon Internatio Horlogerie nal de la que les Haute marques exclusivité présenten leurs créations t en recherche horlogères, s souvent fruits de longues et là aussi que exigeante l’on rencontre s. C’est horloger ou le créateur, le designer l’artisan représentant créatives, et avec ces équipes passions. Salon qui l’on partage directeme privé réservé nt ses aux profession nels. The Salon Internatio is where watch-ma nal de la Haute Horlogerie king brands their designs come to present on an exclusive often long basis, the and demandin fruit of g research. can also meet Here you the designer represent creator, the craftsman or the ing these share your creative teams, passion and fair for profession with them in person. Private als only. From 15 to 17 March 2015 BErlIN rIo dE JaNEIro worldwide. of filmmake More than screening just a series rs s, the festival of is a true freedom, offering forum for cultural mainstrea an alternative choice to the m. Art Basel From 3 to 7 March 2015 3 TARIFS & EMPLACEMENTS PARUTIONS SAISON EDITION PARUTION REMISE PUB (dernier délai) 10.3.1510.2.15 Printemps N°56 Spécial Art Eté N°5715.6.15 15.5.15 Spécial Horlogerie Automne N°58 Spécial Mode Hiver N°591.12.15 1.11.15 Spécial Joaillerie Annuel Ultra Annuel Gstaad 15.9.1515.8.15 30.10.15 30.9.15 1.12.15 1.11.15 PAGE SIMPLE Surface CHF (HT) 4e de couverture.............................................................................. 12’100 Face édito & sommaire....................................................................9’000 3e de couverture................................................................................9’000 Page premium (1ère et 2e cahier)....................................................... 8’500 Page city1 (3e cahier)......................................................................... 4’500 PAGE DOUBLE Surface CHF (HT) Gatefold (extérieur, 2 pages dépliantes) 2.....................................20’000 Double d’ouverture (C2+3)............................................................ 17’500 1ère double (avant l’édito)................................................................. 15’000 Double............................................................................................. 14’500 ENCART CARTONNé 3 Recto verso 2 pages........................................................................ 14’500 Recto verso 4 pages........................................................................ 19’000 1 2 3 Tarif de proximité dédié aux boutiques établies en Suisse romande Frais technique en sus Positionné entre chaque cahier de 16 pages, frais technique en sus DONNéES TECHNIQUES Format du fichier : PDF Dimensions (L x H) page simple : 245 x 330 mm (+ débord de 5 mm de chaque côté) commision 15% commission d’agence Dimensions (L x H) page double : 490 x 330 mm (+ débord de 5 mm de chaque côté) Indication des traits de coupe people Résolution image : 300 DPI Taux d’encrage : maximum 300% Transmission : CD-ROM, DVD-R ou par e-mail edito Pourvu que ça brille? A mesure que s’illuminent les ornements des nuits d’hiver, les corps dévoilent leurs parures de lumière. Matinée ou lavallière, les colliers, souvent, ravivent une flamme chez leur propriétaire, tandis que les bagues, symboles par excellence de l’appartenance, s’ornent de solitaires. Rehaussé par les reflets irisés du papier glacé, le bijou s’habille ici de féérie, le temps d’un shooting, ou s’éprend de fantaisie, quand, lors d’un défilé, il devient faire-valoir du prêt-à-porter. Et comme il n’est pas de lumière sans réflexions, il s’est agi, aussi, de questionner le futur de la production diamantaire, avant d’évaluer la santé de l’industrie joaillière. Somme toute, une édition dédiée à l’un des secteurs clé du luxe, conçue comme autant d’éclairages qui apporteront peut-être à notre regard pourtant surexposé à la lumière, celle qui, parfois, lui manque. Gaëlle Hennet Rédactrice en chef 119 Restez en contact avec Sur La Terre en nous suivant sur Twitter @surlaterre © Christine de Loë Support : papier couché brillant Dans la mesure du possible, les fichiers seront accompagnés d’une épreuve numérique (cromalins, matchprint etc.) Ian Abela Le photographe parisien Ian Abela évolue dans les univers dédiés à la mode, la beauté, la nature morte et le portrait. Si de nombreux photographes tardent à trouver leur voie, Ian a su très vite qu’il voulait s’orienter vers la presse féminine. Ainsi, c’est à l’âge de 14 ans qu’il a pris ses premiers clichés. En 2011, le site le classe parmi les dix meilleurs photographes internationaux du moment. Les éléments sont à fournir à : Publi Annonces SA Sur La Terre Switzerland A l’attention de Laurence Chalvet 3, chemin de la Charpente 1219 Le Lignon - Genève Mélanie Hearnden «Melane» Styliste-modéliste genevoise depuis plusieurs années, Mélanie travaille non seulement sur mandat en tant que styliste pour des sociétés de production, des shootings photos et spots publicitaires pour de grandes enseignes (Bally, Raymond Weil, Canal Sat, TSR…), mais aussi pour sa marque de vêtements sur mesure, «Melane». Viviane Scaramiglia Passionnée d’art, de design et d’architecture, cette journaliste spécialisée helvéticomilanaise jette un regard aigu sur les jaillissements de la création contemporaine. A l’occasion de cette édition hivernale, elle nous fait partager ses coups de cœur design. En couverture: Beige cashmere pullover by Georges Rech (Apostrophe), White mink vest by Daniel Benjamin Geneva, White diamonds set earring by Graff Diamonds, White diamonds set necklace by Graff Diamonds. 4 DIFFUSION HORS-SERIE ULTRA 10’000 ex. DIFFUSION VIP CITY 11’400 ex. VIP DO NOT DISTURB VIP 2’000 ex. HôTELS 4’000 ex. PARTENAIRES 2’300 ex. KIOSQUES 1’000 ex. Distribution au porteur dans les boutiques, bars, restaurants, galeries d’art, fitness et espaces bien-être les plus prisés Réassort mensuel Envoi nominatif aux dirigeants d’entreprises et personnes d’influence, en Suisse et à l’international VIP Envoi nominatif aux dirigeants d’entreprises et personnes d’influence, en Suisse et à l’international city Distribution au porteur ciblée dans les boutiques, bars, restaurants, galeries d’art, fitness et espaces bien-être reconnus pour leur clientèle au haut pouvoir d’achat HôTELS Distribution dans les chambres, suites et lobbies des hôtels les plus prestigieux de suisse romande et alémanique (copie des attestations sur demande) 2’000 ex. 3’700 ex. DO NOT DISTURB Distribution dans les chambres, suites et lobbies des hôtels les plus prestigieux de suisse romande et alémanique (copie des attestations sur demande) Réassort mensuel 500 ex. distribués dans les business et premières classes KLM Air France (copie du contrat sur demande) Partenariats de diffusion avec des manifestations (Baselworld, SIHH, Artgenève, Menuhin Festival etc, copie des contrats sur demande) Partenariats événementiels avec nos clients, lors d’inaugurations, d’événements en boutiques, copie des contrats de collaboration sur demande Envoi nominatif à 300 personnes domiciliées en Suisse, identifiées comme des décideurs et/ou des grandes fortunes (UHNWI) 300 ex. SUR LA TERRE SWITZERLAND 20’700 ex. 15’000 ex. certifiés DIFFUSION PRESTIGE 2’000 ex. PARTENAIRES 2’000 ex. 500 ex. KLM + partenariats événementiels SUR LA TERRE GSTAAD 6’000 ex. DIFFUSION VIP Vente dans les kiosques Naville de Suisse Vente au numéro : CHF 10.- VIP Envoi nominatif aux dirigeants d’entreprises et personnes d’influence, en Suisse et à l’international city Distribution au porteur dans les boutiques, bars, restaurants, galeries d’art, fitness et espaces bien-être les plus prisés HôTELS Distribution dans les chambres, suites et lobbies des hôtels les plus prestigieux de la station (copie des attestations sur demande) 1’000 ex. 2’500 ex. DO NOT DISTURB 1’500 ex. PARTENAIRES 1’000 ex. Partenariats de diffusion avec des manifestations locales (Polo Gold Cup, Menuhin Festival etc., copie des contrats sur demande) 5 CONTACT MAGAZINE EDITE PAR : Publi Annonces SA 3, chemin de la Charpente 1219 Le Lignon Genève EDITEUR Jean-Claude Métille [email protected] REDACTRICE EN CHEF Gaëlle Hennet Tél. +41 22 308 68 76 [email protected] DIRECTRICE COMMERCIALE Laurence Chalvet Tél. +41 22 308 68 89 [email protected] CHEF DE PRODUIT Kelifa Rechik Tél. +41 22 308 68 88 [email protected] SUR LA TERRE INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS Bangkok/Phuket, Doha, Megève/Courchevel, Italie, Paris
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