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Volume 49, No. 8
Circulation 5,000
Garland, Texas
November 2012
2012 Fifty Year Pin Recipients
Camel’s Calf
We b S i t e : w w w. h e l l a s h r i n e r s . o r g
Official Publication of
2121 Rowlett Road, Garland, TX 75043
Telephone (972) 240-6624
Created May 31, 1887
Chartered June 22, 1888
at Dallas, Texas
Elective Divan
Roger Carney, Illustrious Potentate
Morgan Robnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chief Rabban
Don Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Rabban
Bobby Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . .High Priest & Prophet
Jeff Forrester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oriental Guide
Bob Mantle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer
Roger Nelson (P.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recorder
Bowie / Cass
Peters Colony
Cebron O’Bier, Jr.
Dean Melton
Ellis County
Ken Scales
John Rodriguez, P.P.
North Collin County
Larry Winkle
North Texas
Keith Bates
North East Texas
Jack Reed
Ken Garner
Red River
Benny Lovell
Appointive Divan
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First Ceremonial Master
Wayne Osborne . . . . . . .Second Ceremonial Master
Mike Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Director
Everett Warner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marshal
Ken Flournoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Captain of the Guard
Darrell Pryor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Outer Guard
Steve Conley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chaplain
Greater Southwest
Director of Units
Directors Staff
Motor Patrol
Representatives to Imperial Council
Roger Carney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illustrious Potentate
Morgan Robnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chief Rabban
Don Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Rabban
Bobby Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . .High Priest & Prophet
Larry Winkle (P.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer Emeritus
Claude W. Lyon, Jr. (P.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Emeritus
Glen Day
Mike Hall
Roger Fuller
101 Association
Nobles of Note
Buster Barrier
Byron Parks
Gary Zerfas
Drum & Bugle Corps
Novice Committee
David Sims
Billy Cryer
Pat Lee
Arab Patrol
Flying Fezzes
Oriental Band
Jim Freeland
Mario Portillo
Dean Melton
Black Horse Patrol
Golf Association
Darrell Pryor
Kerry Davis
Don Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor
Ginger Jolly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Editor
David Ethington . . . . . . . . . . . . .Advertising Manager
Darrell Hefley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Press Corps
Jeff Haven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Press Corps
Mike King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Publicity
John Rodriguez (P.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . .Public Relations
Bill Neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Temple Attorney
Norma Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Accountant
Mary Sakuta . . . . . . . . .Sales and Catering Manager
Ronny Hampton . .Kitchen & Dining Room Mgr.
Chuck Currie . . . . . . . . .Burns Awareness Chairman
James Mentesana . . . . . . . . .Membership Chairman
Hella Shrine Circus
Phone (972) 240-6628
Morgan Robnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Circus Chairman
Wayne Osborne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Circus Daddy
Executive Aide:
Potentate’s Aides:
Phelps Brown
Eddie Stutzman
Louis Tolliver
David Sims
Jeff Davis
Buster Barrier
Hospital Board of Governors
John Rodriguez (P.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Galveston
Larry Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Houston
Jim Alford (P.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Houston
Roger Carney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Houston
2121 Rowlett Road
Garland, Texas 75043
Stated Sessions: Third Thursday
Except June, July and August
The Camel’s Calf (UPS 080590, ISSN 0164-8594) is published
monthly except June and July by Hella Temple. Periodicals
Postage is paid at Garland, Texas and at all additional mailing
offices. Please send address changes to Hella Temple, 2121
Rowlett Road, Garland, TX 75043.
Subscription Rate - $.50 Per Year
Fifty cents of the Annual Membership Dues are paid as a year’s
subscription to the Camel’s Calf. The purpose of this publication
is to report the programs and official activities of Hella Shrine
Temple, Shriner’s Hospitals for Children, Shrine Associations,
Masonic Bodies, and other items of particular interest to
Articles for the Camel’s Calf are typeset by the editor by
the 15th of the month preceding the month of publication. To
ensure that your article is included, please have your article into
the Temple editor no later than the 10th of the month.
Contributions of photographs and news items of interest to the
nobility are solicited, and will be returned only on request.
Page 2
Steve Eason
Top of Dallas
S. K. Choudhury
Boat Club
Bobby Caldwell
Ronald Carney
Doug Strom
Darrell Pryor
Camel Herders
Gun Club
Dean Melton
A.D. Palmer
Ricky Randall
Classic Cars
Steve Moore
Jerry Patterson
John Rodriguez
Knights of Mecca
C. D. Kelton
Legion of Honor
Bob Moore
Concert /
German Band
Mini Patrol
Alton Polk
Michael Walker
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Everett Warner
Peace Officers
Bud Mann
Press Corps
Art Edwards
Provost Guard
Ted Frieze
Rollin’ Nobles
William Nelson
Sons of the Desert
John Krodel
Sons of Hella
Lloyd Houston
Greeting Nobles
It’s great to be back from the Potentate’s Cruise, what a great
time we had. We visited several Masonic Lodge Buildings and
Shrine Centers in Canada and in Boston. We ate way too much
lobster and clam chowder.
Our annual Golf Tournament was once again a great success,
thanks to Steve Brazeal and his team. The State Fair is over,
yeah. Many thanks goes out to the Directors Staff and the Drum and Bugle Corps for
representing Hella Shrine, they spent many nights volunteering at the State Fair parade.
I hope you didn’t forget to attend Hella’s Halloween Party, back on the 27th of October, and came out in your
best costume. The Widow’s luncheon and Memorial will be on November 4th. Our Blue Lodge Dinner will be
on the 6th of November. Bring out the Officers of your lodge and any new Master Mason who may want to
become a Shriner.
Our Fall Ceremonial and the Rowlett Parade will be on the 17th of November, bring your candidate out and be
a part of the festivities.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Yours in the Faith
Roger Carney, Potentate
September Greetings From First Lady Julia!
Dear Ladies,
A busy month we’ve had and more is in store. We started October with an enjoyable
Potentate’s Cruise to the east coast and many thanks to the ones that joined us on this
cruise. But it’s always nice to come home.
As I mentioned, October was a very busy month not only for the Divan but for several units. All did a great
job and worked hard in all the activities they participated in. Many thanks to you all.
November brings Daughters of the Nile ceremonial with the Supreme Queen’s visit on the 13th and the
Widow’s Luncheon on November 4th. Hella Fall Ceremonial is on November 17th. Please attend if you are
At the November Stated Meeting, November 15th, Lela Evans will be doing a talk/demonstration on
Genealogy for the Ladies’ Program. So ladies please plan on attending. Should be very interesting.
May there be abundance of food and friends/family at your Thanksgiving table.
Julia Carney
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 3
Blue Lodge
All-Masonic Dinner
Dear Nobles, Clubs and Unit Heads:
On Tuesday, November 6th, Hella Temple is hosting a All-Masonic Dinner for
potential Shriners. We invite all Scottish & York Rite and Blue Lodge Master Masons
to join us at Hella Temple for dinner at 6:30 pm. Our goal is 150 new members of
Hella Temple in 2012 and we all need to work together to achieve success.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally encourage you and your
unit/club to lend your support to such a worthwhile event. Please take time out of
your busy schedule to work towards searching for names of men you know in your
area who are Masons, but not yet Shriners, or non-Masons who should be. The list
could include sons, in laws, friends, neighbors, golfing buddies, fellow church
members, friends at work, etc.
Now, for the best part, Candidates who join Hella Shrine, the world’s greatest philanthropy, on the evening of November 6, 2012, and also those who
attend the Fall Ceremonial Class on Saturday, November 17, 2012, will be
able to join for only $125.00 to become a Noble of Hella Shrine!!! This
$125.00 includes the Hella Fez, initiation fee, and the dues for the remainder of
2012. Also, any current Hella Shriner who is the top line signer on a minimum of
two new Shriner petitions can receive his dues paid for 2013.
The future of our fraternity is the focus of this event. I would sincerely appreciate
and encourage you to participate in this effort by getting your prospects to the AllMasonic Dinner. Our membership is only as strong as its members and there is
definite strength in numbers.
I look forward to seeing a large gathering of your prospects at the All-Masonic
Dinner on Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 at 6:30 pm.
Yours in the faith,
Wayne Osborne, Second Ceremonial Master
RSVP - by November 1st, 2012 to the Hella Offices 972.240.6624
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The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Hella Shrine
Fall Ceremonial
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Honoring Illustrious Sir John Rodriguez, PP 2006
Limited Time Offer!
Price of only $125.00
Discount Price Includes Ceremonial. Fez and 2012 Dues Card
Fall Ceremonial Class Schedule
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Candidates Leave for Rowlett Parade
8:30 AM - 8:45 AM
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Opening Prayer
12:30 PM - 12:45 PM
Opening Remark by Wayne Osborne, 2nd Ceremonial Master
Introduction of the Divan
Opening Remarks by Illustrious Potentate Roger Carney
Greetings from the Daughters of the Nile by Queen Diane Wilson
John Rodriguez Presentation
First Section
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
No Second Section - in Memory of Illustrious P.P. Al Pope
New Noble Orientation/Pictures
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Presentations by Unit Heads and Shrine Club Presidents
Ladies’ Program
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Arch Ceremony
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Closing Comments from the Potentate
4:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Light Dinner
4:45 PM Unit/Clubs may set up display tables to promote their groups
at the Ceremonial between 7:30 and 8:30 am.
$$$ GET TWO and get your Hella 2013 dues FREE!!!
First line petition signer with TWO NEW candidate petitions who become New Nobles in 2012,
Hella will pay $50.00 off your $70.00 assessment of 2013! You will only be required to pay the
Hospital and Imperial amount for $20.00 for 2013!!!
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 5
Top O’ Dallas Shrine Club
Greater Southwest Shrine Club
Come Join Us!
An invitation is extended to all Nobles and
their Ladies to the next Top O' Dallas
meeting and help us continue with our mis-
Attention all Nobles and your ladies living in the Oak
Cliff, Cedar Hill, Lancaster, Duncanville and DeSoto
areas - come join us for food, fun, fellowship and
sion as Shriners. Visit us on the 4th
Thursday of each month (the Thursday following Hella Stated Meeting) at 6:30 pm at
our new location – Café De France, 17370
Preston Road, #505, Dallas, Tx, phone
972-733-3400 [Preston Rd north of
Campbell Rd]. We will meet on November
29, 2012. Social time is 6:15 pm and dinner starts at 7:00 pm – LIVE ENTERTAINMENT. Cost of the three course dinner is $17 per person including gratuity.
For more information contact VP Steve
Eason at 214-638-0345.
Greetings From The Greeters!
Hella’s Unit of first impressions. President Ron
Carney welcomes and invites all Nobles with their
Ladies to join the Greeters and become the first
Nobles that visitors see before Hella functions.
To all Nobles and their Ladies, come on down,
literally, down south to the GREATER SOUTHWEST
SHRINE CLUB!!! You are always welcome to come
join us for dinner, fun, fellowship, parades and whatever else we can get involved with at Hella to bring the
Shriner message to the community. We actively participate in local parades including the most recent State
Fair Opening Day Parade and other Fall parades down
this way. It is a great opportunity to keep up with the
activities and business at Hella. Organized carpooling
to Hella for stated meetings is available. Our next
scheduled meeting is at 6:30 pm on Thursday,
November 1, 2012 at Ojeda’s Restaurant, 2109 N.
Hampton Rd, DeSoto, Tx. We will be holding club
elections for the 2013 year and discussing the upcoming Christmas parades. Cash Bar is available. For more
information and to make your reservation, please contact President Steve Eason at 214.638.0345 or
Secretary/Treasurer SK at 214.704.6699. Come join us
for a good ole’ Hella of a time!!!!
Hella Fantastics
Thanks to all of you who attended our last meeting.
Donning white gloves and blue blazers and by putting forth a friendly hand, we whole heartedly welcome all Nobles and Ladies at the door at Hella's
Stated and Special Meetings..
We meet the second Thursday of each month at 6
pm at the IHOP located at Centerville and LBJ [I635] in Garland. Come a bit early to take advantage
I want to invite all of the widows of Hella Shrine to
join us when we meet. Our next meeting will be
December 7th, and then January 4th, 2013.
We meet for lunch at 11 am and always have an
interesting program, which is usually some kind of
entertainment. Hope to see you there.
of the senior discount. For further information, contact Greeter President Ron Carney at 214-738-1701
or at [email protected].
Page 6
For more information call
Jo Dudley, P.P., at 972.271.0259
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
The Plano Shrine Club had another great meeting on Tuesday evening 9/25/12. The meeting was
chaired by our regular Pres., Noble Ken Garner. We
opened with a prayer from Noble John Creel, followed
by the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a
great meal.
After dinner some outstanding musicians,
Miguel Antonio, a Flamenco guitarist, (972-6999143), and Valdimir who is a virtuoso on the “digital”
Accordion, entertained us. Miguel Antonio studied in
Spain and has played with the famous Jose Greco.
They entertained us with a variety Spanish and Russian
We followed this with Birthday announcements.
Our sickness report this month was non-existent.
The “Above Board Drawing” for prizes! The
first being a FREE meal at the next meeting and the
second big prize – MONEY!! The FREE MEAL was
won by Lady Krista Smith. There was No winner of the
BIG MONEY, so the POT grows for next month’s
drawing!!!! We ended the meeting with a Benediction
given by Noble John Creel.
The Pres. of the Plano Shrine Club this year is
Noble Ken Garner, who invites all Nobles in North
Dallas and Collin County area to join us at our monthly meetings. We meet at the Holiday Inn on the
Southbound Service Road of Rt. 75, just South of
Campbell Rd., in Richardson, Tx. We meet on the last
Tuesday of each month. Social hour starts about 6:00
pm. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm and we try to be finished
by 9:00 pm. Nobles & Ladies please come and join us!!
Fraternally, Larry Kester, Past Pres.
Daughters of the Nile News
Donate To The Fence Program
Sections are available to Individuals, Units, and
Shrine Clubs. Each section will require a small
donation of $300.00
Each Section Will Be
Identified With A Nameplate
Identifying The Source
Of The Donation.
Please complete this form and submit with payment to the Hella Office at 2121 Rowlett Road,
Garland, Tx, 75043
Name to be placed on Nameplate
Name of Individual, Unit, or Shrine Club making
this donation.
Have You Paid Your
2012 Dues?
Are you delinquent on your 2012 Dues? The
successful operation of our fraternity depends
on each member paying their dues. Contact
Ginger or David in the Hella office if you are
behind or have any questions.
Don’t Get Left Out - Pay Your Dues!
The Daughters of the Nile schedule for the remainder of 2012:
November 7th - Stated Session - 7:30 pm in Parlor A at Hella
November 13th - Supreme Queen's Visit & Ceremonial 2:00 pm in Parlor A
- Supreme Queen's Banquet - 5:30 pm in Terrace Room
November 26th - Hospital Visit - Galveston, Texas
December 5th - Stated Session - 7:30 pm in Parlor A at Hella
For more information contact
Amy Kirkpatrick at 972-234-4252
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
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The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Directors Staff
What a great State Fair this has been. By the time this is published, the Directors Staff would have been
at the great State Fair of Texas for 24 days, performing in 25 parades, which included the downtown parade
on opening day, before thousands of people. I am greatful for all the hard work the Directors Staff members
have put into this event. Thank you one and all.
If you did not go to the Fair, you missed a lot of things. One was the great concerts at 4 pm in Marine
Corps Square by the President’s own Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps. What a great show. Then on to
the great performing dogs with all kinds of aerodynamics and tricks. Did you catch the bird show with some
amazing acts like the hawk coming out of the top of the Texas Star (the United States biggest ferris wheel)?
Of course, who can go to the fair without having a corn dog or two? Did you try the ones with jalapeno and
cheese? Then ride the swings that took you 200 feet in the air (and got stuck up there every now and then)?
The amazing music acts, the buildings with all their merchandise. And of course the best new car show anywhere. And last, but not least ,the Starlight Parade everynight at 7:15 pm. Floats, Stiltwalkers, horse drawn
wagons, and of course the Directors Staff Mobile Stage with the Directors Staff band surrounded by our walkers to help us through the fair grounds. If you missed it this year, mark your calendars for next year! It will be
September 27th through October 20th.
This year we had the honor of two Imperial officers riding on the mobile stage during the State Fair
parade. Jerry Gant, Imperial Assistant Rabban, rode two nights. And James Smith, Imperial Captain of the
Guard, rode one night. It was a great visit with both of them and their ladies. They brought greetings from the
Imperial Potentate and let us know what a great job we do representing Shriners.
Now let's look forward to other parades and other events. We have the Fall Ceremonial and Rowlett
Parade on 17 November. We need every Noble at the Shrine to welcome our new Nobles. Let's make them
feel at home.
The Directors Staff is still looking for new members that can drive the truck, ride 4-wheelers, pull the
new parade trailer, or any project our Potentate requests us to do, or just want to help out and have fun. If you
are interested, just contact any member of the Directors Staff.
Mike Hall
Director 2012
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 9
2013 Hella Shrine Circus
We are looking forward to having our 2013
Circus in the wonderful Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, Tx.
The dates are March 7 through Sunday,
March 10.
The new arena manager and his team are
also looking forward to hosting the Circus.
As in the past, we can still make a lot of
money for Hella and our Units and clubs. Forty
(40%) commission will be paid for ads and twentyfive (25%) for ticket sales. So, SELL and help our
Shrine and your Unit.
Remember, also, that $1000.00 in sales
earns a Circus medallion or a diamond in your
As always, we will need lots of help selling
tickets, taking tickets, program sales, and ushers.
Get two – get your
2013 Hella dues free!!!
It is so easy to get your free dues, just do the following: sign the first line for two new candidate’s petitions
who become new nobles during 2012. Hella Shrine
will then pay $50.00 of your $70.00 dues for 2013!!!
You will only be required to pay the hospital and
Imperial amount of only $20.00 for 2013.
Thank you for your help,
Wayne Osborne
2nd Ceremonial Master
Don Young
2013 Circus Chairman
To All Nobles Interested In Flying Or Aviation In General.
The trek of the Flying Fezzes Unit, with
Commander Mario Portillo at the controls, is always
upward and ongoing through the end of the year. Our
unit’s continued involvement in the Hella Circus and
community parades, bucket drive, IHOP day etc.,
reflects upon our mission to bring the message of
Shriners to the community. Originally formed in 1976
for the express purpose of providing air transportation
for burned or crippled children to Shrine Hospitals, the
Flying Fezzes now, upon request, assist in providing
and securing appropriate transportation for burned or
crippled children to a Shrine Hospital for treatment.
Comprised of pilots and those with an interest in flying or aviation, we invite all to join who wish to help
us complete our mission.
The dues of the Unit are twenty-five ($25.00)
dollars per year. Regular stated meetings of the Unit
are normally held on the third (3rd) Saturday of the
month or at a special meeting at a time and place to be
announced by the Commander and wives are invited.
Please check our page at under the
units for special announcements and pictures. Come
join us. Contact Steve Eason, Vice Deputy Commander
at 214-638-0345 or email him [email protected].
Page 10
The Hella Shrine membership committee wants your
help getting new members this year and we are going
to pay you for helping out!!! It's so easy!
James Mentesana
Membership Chairman
Garland Shrine Club
Calling all Shriners
in the Garland and
surrounding areas!!!
Start celebrating the holidays early with entertainer Doc
Gibbs at the Garland Shrine Club, Thursday, November 1,
2012. Attitude adjustment and social hour begins at 5:30 p.m.
at The Taste of Italy, 2210 West Buckingham Road, Garland,
TX 75042. Entertainment will begin at 6:00 o’clock with
dinner shortly after.
Doc Gibbs is known throughout the Metroplex as a musician
and comedian. He has performed for numerous Shrine Clubs
and TSA Divan Mid-Winter Session. He will keep you laughing and entertained. This is one program you don’t want to
miss. For more information on Doc go to:
All are invited. This is a perfect time to bring family, friends,
guests and new members.
Date night for you and your lady, come and enjoy this special
For reservations call 972-948-3460
John Rodriguez P.P.
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Peters Colony Shrine Club
Meeting called to order by President Dean Melton with
John Hannel leading opening Prayer. Noble Melton led
the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Noble Melton discussed activities of Hella Shrine suggesting all in attendance make an effort to attend the
Hella monthly meetings.
Remembrance was presented pertaining to our dear
original member, Noble James E. Higgins, born March
23, 1925, and rode the Black Camel into Heaven on
October 2, 2012. Noble Higgins was one of the original Nobles who organized Peters Colony Shrine Club
in 1981. He was also a member of all the different
Masonic orders and received our Distinguished Honor
of 33rd Master Mason. His Lady Jean Higgins, has
been the individual James leaned on when in need.
God be with James in Heaven.
Peters Colony Shrine Club member Milburn R.
Gravley has passed in the hands of our Lord. We pray
for his family. God bless our brother!
Peters Colony Shrine Club meets every second
Monday of each month. Members invite all Shriners
living in Carrollton, Farmers Branch, The Colony,
Lake Dallas, Flower Mound and Lewisville come to
our meetings … you are welcome to participate and
enjoy our meals and other activities. Come be a part
and have a good time!
Meal this meeting consisted of Salad, two big pieces of
Catfish, Hush Puppies, French Fries, Onion Rings,
Cold Slaw, Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream, Ice Tea and
coffee all for $10.00. What a meal! I ain’t kidding
Members who missed this meeting were more than
missed … we need your smiling faces to make our
Shrine Club shine….
Noble President Melton passed out 50/50 prize to John
Hannel and door prize to Vera Luster. There was an
extra door prize won by Lady Donna Herd, a $1,000
Scratch Off Ticket … but she left meeting no richer!
Meeting closed by President Melton with a prayer.
2013 Hella
The One and Only
fundraiser of the year
that directly benefits
Hella Temple.
YOU are the secret to the
success of OUR Circus
and OUR Temple!
SELL Circus Ads!
SELL Circus Daddy Tickets!
Earn $$$ For Your
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 11
Hella Shrine’s
Widow’s Luncheon
Sunday November 4th 12:00 pm
Terrace Room
Memorial Service 3:00 pm
Please RSVP to Lisa by November 1st
Retirees Luncheon
The Retiree’s Luncheon is the first
Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am.
Lunch is served around noon. Those
that attend play cards, dominoes and
most any other games.
Attention All Nobles!
The Camel’s Calf is a monthly
magazine with articles written
by and for the Nobles of Hella
Temple. However if the Nobles
do not write any articles, the
magazine does not meet its
intended purpose – to inform
the Nobility of the events and
activities of the Nobility.
So please get your informative
articles and pictures into the
Camel’s Calf by the
10th of each month.
– Typo
[email protected]
Page 12
In The Beginning There
Were Blue Lodges
And From Their Worthy
Foundations Sprang
Forth Men of High
Moral Character
These Are The Men
We Want As Shriners
Go Forth and Bring
in a New Member!
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Dinner at 5:45 pm
Nov. 2nd
at Hella Temple
BINGO at 6:30 pm
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 13
Love To The Rescue™ In Loudon
Ragan, No. 34 Car to Carry Colors
of Shriners Hospitals for Children®
Statesville, N.C. (9/19/12)
A special cause will be featured on the No. 34 Ford of
David Ragan at New Hampshire Motor Speedway this weekend. Ragan will be carrying the colors of Shriners
Hospitals for Children® and their tagline, Love to the Rescue™. Shriners Hospitals for Children® provides specialty care to children up to age 18 with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate,
regardless of the families' ability to pay. All care and services are delivered in a family-centered environment.
Ragan's second-best qualifying of 2012 came earlier this season at New Hampshire, in which he started 19th
before an engine issue forced the team to finish 33rd. The Georgia native holds six career top-25 finishes in
eleven career starts at Loudon, including a career-best effort of 7th in last year's fall race.
At the 2012 Imperial Session in Charlotte, N.C., NASCAR driver David Ragan was inducted into Shriners
International fraternity as a member of Oasis Shriners.
In addition to Ragan's racing achievements, he is a loyal supporter of Shriners International and Shriners
Hospitals for Children®. Since naming the pediatric health care system his official charity of choice in 2008, he
has used his popularity to increase awareness and raise funds for the organization. In addition, Ragan has taken time
out of his busy schedule to visit several of the Shriners Hospitals and participate in public service announcements.
David Ragan Q&A on Shriner's Hospital's for Children ®
What made you join the Shriners?
"I wanted to have a charity to work with while running Sprint Cup, wanted to pick a group that does something
for Children that needs there help.... The Shriners are a group that a lot of people don’t know much about."
How do the Shriners impact the lives of Children and families in need?
"They provide for Children that need their help free of charge. They work hard to be a leader in the Medical field
and they work with children till the age of 21.... It's not a onetime procedure and you're out.. they continue helping you for years."
What are your thoughts about the upcoming race?
"New Hampshire is a big race and in a big market.. They have a burn hospital in Boston, so it will be great for
all the fans to see the car and learn more about the hospital."
Quote from Gene Bracewell, Chairman Emeritus, Shriners Hospitals
"David Ragan has helped us in so many ways. He has visited many Shriners Hospitals and has become a hero to
the children. We are so pleased and grateful that Mr. Jenkins and David have donated the race sponsorship to help
raise awareness for the hospitals."
David Ragan on New Hampshire
"We had a good car here earlier in the year, before we lost the engine. I'm hoping we can show up with the same
speed this weekend and put together another solid top-25 run and keep making progress in the point standings."
Page 14
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Illustrious Sir Roger Carney will be honor-
Just a quick note to remind everyone about
Motor Cops for Kids.
Look for a Christmas Light ride and dinner,
tentatively scheduled for December 1.
As always all vehicles are welcome.
Keep Riding!
ing the Black Horse Patrol, A La Karts
and the North Texas Shrine Club at the
November Stated Meeting. These fine
groups will receive a free meal and be seated in a reserved section. Everyone is encouraged to step over to their table and express
our mutual appreciation for all the good
things they have contributed to our Temple
and our communities!
Remember to pay your
2012 Dues!
Col. Roger Fuller P.P.
Sons of the Desert
The Sons of the Dessert Unit was formed for all
new Nobles at the request of Potentate Roger Carney.
This Unit is free to all new Nobles and their
Ladies. It is to inform the new Nobles and their Ladies
on the working parts of the Temple. Our Ladies are very
important to the Shrine Family. Unlike many other
Masonic appendages, the Shrine is focused on family.
We will have representatives from different
units to inform the new Nobles about their units and
how they can join. The November meeting will be on
the first Friday, November 2, 2012, at 6:30 pm. Please
join us if you are a new Noble and bring your Lady.
For more information contact: John Krodel at
[email protected] or 214-762-6077
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 15
Looking Back at the 20
Page 16
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
012 Potentate’s Cruise
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 17
East-West Shrine Game
Hella Classic Cars & Trucks
Thanks to all who responded to last months request to
call me if interested in starting up the Classic Car Club
We have been invited to be in the Rowlett, Terrell and
Quinlan upcoming parades. I
think this would be a great way for us to get acquainted and will be a lot of fun.
Dates, times and locations will be available soon as I
get info from Everett Warner.
Please call Jerry Palmer 972]276-4705 or cell
214]566-6512 cell, so we can get a
car count.
In The Beginning There Were Blue Lodges
And From Their Worthy Foundations
Sprang Forth Men of High Moral Character
These Are The Men We Want As Shriners
Go Forth and Bring in a New Member!
Be A Reporter for YOUR
Unit, Club, Circus, Hospital,
Ladies Events, Parades
Be A Reporter At Large
Contact [email protected]
Page 18
Dear Noble ,
Our 2012 East-West Shrine Game was quite successful, and we want to continue to see it grow. To this end,
we hope that you will join us for the upcoming 88th annual
East-West Shrine Game® on January 19, 2013 at Tropicana
Field in St. Petersburg, Florida. The game will be broadcast
live on NFL Network with a kick-off time of 4:00 p.m. EST.
For those of you who might like to attend, the fliers
for our ticket options are coming soon. For those of you who
are not able to attend, we encourage you to have a watchparty at your Temple. Some Temples use a watch party as a
membership recruiting function. We had reports from two
Temples at Imperial Session this year that obtained three and
five new members, respectively, from this party.
The East-West Shrine Game represents all 195
Temples in Shriners International. The game is nationally
broadcast on NFL Network – they have become very good
partners for us. During the game, NFL Network gives us
several TV spots to promote Shriners International and
Shriners Hospitals for Children®. We want to make sure
that the national TV audience has a favorable impression of
our premier national event of the year, which will help us in
all aspects of our mission.
All proceeds from the game directly benefit
Shriners Hospitals for Children. Please show your support
and join us at the game or host a watch party at your
Temple. In either case, you will have a great time while supporting our hospitals.
Harold Richardson
Executive Director
The Circus
Is Coming
Attn: All Nobles:
Will you please check your fez. If the one you have
has the words President Bowlers 89 – 90, you have
the wrong fez. Please return to the Temple or call
L. A. Vernando 972.467.1399 or 972.270.7803
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
A Message from the Imperial Potentate
October 2012
Dear Fellow Nobles,
September was a very busy month! The Mid-Atlantic Shrine Association (MASA) meeting in Virginia
Beach, Va., was hosted by outgoing President Louis Barazotti (Kismet PP) and Lady Virginia. Highlights of
MASA included performances by temple units at the Shrine-A-Rama. All the performances were wonderful,
especially those of Khedive’s Drum and Bugle Corp and Lulu's Strutters. Lulu's Strutters always bring a
smile to everyone's faces. A massed band and a massed chorus also provided entertainment.
Incoming President Arnold Brown (PP Kena) and Lady Dottie's pageant featured a parade of Potentates.
Each Potentate was escorted by at least one unit from their temple. Excellent music for the pageant was provided by Kena's band.
During the event, Imperial officers and their ladies, Gary and Anne Bergenske, Jeff and Cheryl Sowder and Wayne and Janet
Lachut also met with the MASA nobles and ladies.
Next on our agenda was a trip to Tampa for committee meetings and a video shoot at the Tampa Hospital. The video will be
aired on the Golf Channel during the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open golf tournament in Las Vegas. While at
the hospital, I had the opportunity to interact with the children in the hospital activity center, which made me feel like a kid again.
Occasionally, our weekend activities on behalf of our great fraternity have to be split between two events. That was the case
with the Great Lakes Shrine Association (GLSA) fall meeting and the 90th Anniversary Celebration at the Shreveport Hospital. Thank
you, GLSA, for understanding our scheduling predicament.
The GLSA meeting convened at the Great Wolf Lodge, north of Cincinnati – a favorite of many who were there in 2008. It is
a family-friendly environment with plenty of room for Friday's competitions and all other activities.
The community of Lebanon, Ohio, provided a small town backdrop for GLSA's Saturday parade, which was attended by John
and Margaret Cinotto, Wayne and Janet Lachut and Bill and Debby Bailey.
The 90th anniversary celebration of our Shreveport Hospital was fantastic. El Karubah hosted a welcome reception at their
beautiful lakeside facility on Friday evening. Saturday morning the hospital was full of children of all ages, lots of clowns, various
ladies groups, nobles, dignitaries, news media and vendors. The hot spot at the end of the day was the raffle drawing for hand painted
pottery pieces created by hospital patients.
From Shreveport, I traveled to Little Rock, Ark., for a second meeting with Most Worshipful Grand Master Robert Jackson in
hopes of bringing peace and harmony to the state of affairs between local Shriners and Masons. A DRAFT agreement was prepared by
us, but it will require more negotiations by both Shriners International and the Grand Lodge of Arkansas to finalize details.
The next stop was Winston-Salem, N.C., for the 225th Annual Communication of North Carolina Grand Lodge. I conveyed
greetings from Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children to the Shrine Masons and Brother Masons. It was good to be
home in North Carolina with my brothers.
That same weekend we traveled from Winston-Salem to the South Atlantic Shrine Association (SASA) meeting in Myrtle
Beach, S.C. John Cinotto, Dale and Cheryl Stauss, Jerry and Lisa Gantt and John and Rose Stanley attended the earlier events, prior to
our arrival. The three hour parade down Ocean Boulevard Saturday morning included Oasis' big drum. Several years ago, Past Captain
of the band, Johnny Walker, took it upon himself to completely refurbish the drum. The artwork on the drumhead is by Noble Marty
Wilson, a member of Oasis Steel Drum Band. The competition awards were presented at poolside, where the Potentates were eagerly
waiting to hear their units’ names called out. Then, they quickly left to share the news with their temple units. Saturday night the
Presidents Banquet was held in honor of the outgoing President, Joe Scott (PP Hejaz). I was privileged to install the 2013 SASA officers under the leadership of President Doyle Simmons (PP Oasis). Doyle preceded me as the 1999 Oasis Potentate.
During our many visits over the last three months Membership has been promoted and encouraged since it is the “Number
ONE Priority” this year! Every Noble and Shrine Lady must make efforts to recruit new members – just share the Shrine Story of the
past 140 years. We have plenty of promotional materials available to assist you at both your Shrine Temple and the public relations
department in Tampa.
The next message will include details from a visit to our Northern California hospital in Sacramento, the 5th Annual PGA
TOUR golf tournament in Las Vegas, the Membership and PR Seminars in Tampa, the Imperial Shrine river cruise on the Blue Danube,
and hopefully another visit to Arkansas Grand Lodge.
Yours in the faith,
Alan W. "AL" Madsen
Imperial Potentate
Family Fun, Fellowship and Brotherly Love
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 19
Hella Clowns
Wow!!!!! It was a very busy month of October for the
Clowns. The State Fair of Texas was a success with all
the help from the Clowns at our nightly appearance to
entertain kid’s of all ages young and old. I want to personally thank everybody that helped to make it happen.
Without you, it would not have been possible.
North East Texas Shrine Club
The Veterans Day Parade will be on Monday, November
12th. This will be a good time to show our support for
our Great Armed Forces.
Don’t forget about the Fall Ceremonial coming up on
Saturday, November 17th. This will be a great opportunity to grow our unit with the new Nobility coming into
the Hella Shrine Temple. We need all the clowns we can
get to clown up and show the new Nobles what we do
best. Make people smile!! Also there is the Rowlett
Christmas Parade that we will attend that morning.
The Garland and Grand Prairie Police Departments and
the Dallas Chapter Harley Owners Group will host the
11th annual “Motor Cop’s for Kid’s” on Sunday,
November 18th. Proceeds go to the Shiner Hospitals for
Children. Money and toys will be collected for distribution to needy Kids. For more information go to
The Terrell and Quinlan Christmas Parades will be
Saturday, December 8th. Times will be announced at our
November meeting.
We meet the third Friday of every month at 6:30 at the
Clown Barn. I want to send a special Thank-You out to
our Clown Director, Jerry “ PATCHES” Patterson, for
all the hard work he has done to make this year 2012 a
very successful and enjoyable year to be a Hella Shrine
Clown. “ Thank You Patches” for a JOB WELL DONE.
Remember…..Hold your head high and your Smile
– Steve “TINY” Whitehead
Page 20
The North East Texas Shrine Club met on 10-22012 at Herschel’s Restaurant in Mt. Pleasant, Tx.,
with 17 in attendance. The meeting was opened
with a prayer by Noble J.D. Baumgardner at 6:30
pm followed by the pledge of allegiance by Noble
Harold Conner.
P.P. Jim Alford reported on the ads for the circus
program and announced that the Potentate of Hella
Shrine would be available for a short form initiation
in Mt. Vernon at the end of the month or the first of
next month. He also thanked all the volunteers for
their help during the Franklin Co. Handicapable
Rodeo which was enjoyed by 780 participants.
Noble J. D. Baumbgardner told of the successful Mt
Vernon Rotary Club program delivered by Alex
Wolford, the granddaughter of Noble James Duck.
She is a Scottish Rite Hospital patient. It was
brought to the club’s attention that the IHOP pancake day hospital fund raiser was coming up and
that we now have two locations to work.
The next two meetings will be at Herschel’s
Restaurant in Mt. Pleasant on the first Tues of the
month everyone is welcome.
Jim L. Alford P.P.
As V.P. of the Franklin County Handicapable Rodeo
Association, I would like to thank all of the Nobles
of Hella Shrine that helped make this year’s rodeo
the best ever.
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 21
Mail registration form plus $10 per person to
Dallas Harley-Davidson
C/o Jerry Patterson
1334 W. Centerville Road
Garland, TX 75041
MotorCops for Kids
Rider Name:_______________________________________________________
Rider / Passenger Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City, Zip: _________________________________________________________
Please Print E-Mail: __________________________________________________
2 E-Mail: ___________________________________________________
Lorenzen Chiropractic
Grove Hill Cemetery - Dallas
Dr. Steve Lorenzen, D.C.
Lot 204, Spaces 1 - 5
Excellent Location
Valued at $5995 each
Will sell for $4300 each
or all 5 for $3500 each
1st Visit Free for Shriners!
Chiropractic, Medical Massage
Acupuncture, Weight Management
leave a message if no answer
Are you a leader with vision, ability and
drive who is interested in personal and
financial freedom?
James A. Pipkin, CLU, RHU, LUTCF
Life, Health, Disability, Medicare Supplement and
Long Term Care Insurance
Be A Reporter for YOUR
Unit, Club, Circus, Hospital,
Ladies Events, Parades
Be A Reporter At Large
Contact [email protected]
Page 22
We are a Global Health and Wellness
Technology Company operating in over
35 countries, 30 years old and 5A1
rated by Dunn and Bradstreet
Please call 1-888-437-7749 for a
90 second recorded message
Mike’s Lock Service
Serving Ellis County and Beyond
- Residential - Auto - Commercial - Motorcycle -
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Hella Shrine Building Fund
“Wall of Fame”
Restland Masonic Garden
This is a program to benefit the Hella Shrine Building Fund.
Simply make a one time donation of $100.00 and receive a
Benefactor Medallion. Your name will be also added to the “Wall
of Fame” Plaque!
?We are very proud to be Shriners, let’s be proud to be a
“Wall of Fame” Benefactor!
?Mail your donation today to: Hella Shrine, Recorder’s Office,
2121 Rowlett Rd., Garland, TX 75043
?Thank You in advance!
Four Spaces next to the Obelisk
$4995 each
No remaining spaces available in this section
Buy Two or all Four
Call Kathy at 214.687.6996
Yours in Faith, Roger Nelson,
P.P. & Recorder, Chairman
Ford Motor Company is offering special discounts for Shriners and their
families. Called the X Plan, Shriners
can get discounts
on the following brands:
Go to and log in
using the Code *XY908*. Once you get
in, you can look at the discount that
would be applied to any make and
model offered in the plan. You can couple the discount offered here with other
incentives that might be in effect at the
time. For example, some models of the
F-150 pickup are almost $1,000 off in
the X Plan, and there is another $1,000
incentive on top of that!
So head on over to and
see what is available for you!
November Stated Meeting Menu
Turkey & Dressing
Mashed Potatoes & Giblet Gravy
Green Bean Casserole
Tossed Salad
Pumpkin & Pecan Pie
Rolls, Tea and Coffee
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 23
Canton, Texas Steps Up For
the 2012 Hospital Drive
Hello everyone at Hella!
We had our Canton Bucket Brigade on Firday and
Saturday, September 28th and 29th. We had planned to
continue on Sunday, but the heavy rains forced us to
cancel, we got very wet on Saturday as it was. Even
with the rains, we still managed to have some fun and
collect donations for the Shrine Hospitals for Children.
I want to thank everyone that worked and donated for
our “Kids.” These are the Shriners and their Ladies that
gave of their time to help:
Ted White
Bill and Lorna McInnes
Dutch Krebsbach
Frank A. Skaer, Sr. and daughter Brenda
Jimmy and Patricia Jackson
Charles Adams
Kerry Davis
Steve and Colleen Eason
God Bless to Everyone!
– Jimmy Jackson
From backyards to big leagues, count on me
to be there. I can help you get the coverage you
need and the discounts you deserve.
Jerry Garey, Agent
4112 Legacy Drive @ Lebanon Rd
Frisco, TX 75034
Bus: 972-731-5105
[email protected]
2011 2012
Page 24
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL
An Important Message From Our Imperial Potentate
At the Annual Meeting of 2009, a very historic vote took place...Our Membership authorized Shriners Hospitals
for Children to move forward with a Revenue Cycle Initiative. That collective decision ensured that children in
need...will continue to receive Shriners specialized care for many more years. And please be assured that this
initiative is not changing Shriner’s commitment and mission at all.
Shriners Hospitals now have contracts with many insurance companies and state healthcare programs. This is
requiring us to comply with numerous laws and regulations. As a result, we must be very careful that we no
longer promote Shriners Hospitals as providing “free care.”
That phrase “free care” or “care without cost” does not really accurately reflect the significant contributions
made that are made every day by our Fraternity and by our generous Donors that support the expert care we
provide. It is truly “more accurate” to say...that Shriners Hospitals provide the highest quality medical care to
children “regardless of the patient’s or family’s ability to pay.” We all need to encourage our Nobles to
utilize this newer phrase, which is also a part of our mission statement.
Unfortunately, those phrases such as “free care” or “care without cost” are red flags to our insurance providers
and the regulatory agencies. They reflect practices that contradict our Shriner’s “contractual obligations” with
the insurers.
It therefore becomes very important for all of us to promptly review our documents, our newsletters and our other
publications at your Shrine Center and change those that contain these statements. We will also need to eliminate
these phrases from our web-sites.
In addition, these phrases that are on our Shrine Center vans, parade vehicles, and anywhere they might be
displayed in our buildings, should also be removed. It will serve our philanthropy much better to use this newer
phrase from our “Mission Statement”, “Regardless of our patient’s or family’s ability to pay.”
So that we have no further “awkward discussions” with the insurance providers or regulators, all of the members
of your National Boards hope that you will be able to make these changes at your facility as quickly as possible.
This action on your part is extremely crucial to the continuing success of your Revenue Cycle program. Once
we are past this issue, our historical action of 2009 will help Shriners International sustain our charitable
mission well into the future. Each of us appreciate all that you do on a daily basis to support our fraternity and
our hospitals.
Please help us spread the word to all of our Nobles and their Ladies, that our new Shriner’s Slogan is...“All care
at Shriners Hospitals for Children is provided without regard to a patient or family’s ability to pay.”
Yours in the Faith
Alan W. Madsen
Imperial Potentate
Douglas E. Maxwell
President & CEO
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 25
Perkins, Jr.
Our fallen brothers who have gone on to ride the
black camel before us. We will miss them!
Membership as of 01/01/2012
Associate Members
Membership as of 09/28/2012
Net Loss/Gain for 2012
Page 26
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Year to-date
4 12:00 pm Widow’s Luncheon
3:00 pm Memorial Service
6:30 pm - Blue
Lodge Dinner
10 am Retiree’s
7:00 pm - Divan
& Finance
D.O.N. Supreme
Queen’s Visit
5:45 pm - Dinner
6:30 pm - Bingo
First Lady’s
6:30 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Hella
Stated Meeting
Scottish Rite
Stated Meeting
6:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Meeting
Fall Ceremonial
Christmas Parade
Thanksgiving Day
Hella Office Closed
Hella Office Closed
6:00 pm
Paris Parade
Terrell & Quinlan
10:00 am
Retiree’s Luncheon
Grand Lodge - Waco, Tx
All Units
Christmas Party
10:00 am
Christmas Party
6:30 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Hella
Stated MeetingElections
Hella Office
Closes at Noon
7:00 pm Divan &
Finance Meeting
Scottish Rite
6:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Meeting
at Scottish Rite
Christmas Day
New Year’s
Eve Party
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 27
On Tuesday Evening the Knights of Mecca visited East Fork Lodge 650 in Wylie, Texas, to confer the
Masters Degree on Brother Dr. William Patrick Parks.
After another great meal provided by East Fork we
gather to start our Work. Prior to starting the degree,
Brother Ed Engebretsen addressed the lodge and made
a Motion that due to the passing of Riley J. Kelton,
PM, and the father of C.D. Kelton, that this degree be
dedicated to Brother Riley J. Kelton (the Old
Hillbilly). This motion was seconded and passed by the
Lodge. Brother Riley was a member of the Knights of
Mecca and will be greatly missed. The following members where there for this evenings work: C.D. Kelton
(President), Ed Engebretsen (Secretary), Leroy
Andress, David Barnes, David Hefner, Doc Lackey,
George Rutherford, Frank Todd, Jim Fulcher. We also
had the assistance of Keith Stevens (District 9B
Instructor), Luther Moore (New Master Raised
6/18/12) and Jim Willis, PM, East Fork Lodge. The
Work went beautifully and Brother Riley would have
been proud of the work we did this evening.
The Knights of Mecca are always available to
confer Master Degrees. We travel as far as necessary to
get the work done. Send us a request at [email protected] or contact one of the officers,
C.D. Kelton at 469-831-0985, Bob Foster (Vice
President) at 972-896-7121 or Ed Engebretsen
(Secretary) at 214-514-3983.
Tom Fulton
CLU, ChFC, Registered Principal
32 years experience
Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.
3809 Main Street
Rowlett, TX 75088
972.475.4330 ! 800.866.0202
Fax 972.463.4009
E-mail: [email protected]
Page 28
The Legion of Honor was asked to stand guard at the
Memorial service for SSG Jeremie Shane Border, a
resident of Mesquite, Texas, who was killed in
Afgahanistan. On Monday, September 5th, 2012, the
Legion of Honor stood at attention at the table at the
entrance to the Ballroom with pictures and other memorabilia from Jeremie's life.
pictured from l to r: Jim Heisz, PC, Chuck Currie, PC,
MIke MIllette, Charles Lee, PC, PC TALOH, Pete
Diehl, Rex Walthers and Jim Brittain, PC, PC TALOH
Charles Lee, PC, PC TALOH
A Word From The Pumkin Patch
A woman was asked by a coworker, "What is
it like to be a Christian?"
The coworker replied, "It is like being a
pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you
in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts
the top off and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He
removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then
He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light
inside of you to shine for all the world to see."
This was passed on to me by another pumpkin. Now it's your turn to pass it to other pumpkins.
I liked this enough to send it to all the pumpkins in
my patch.
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Prestige Ford... Your Home
When You Buy Your Next Vehicle.
I’m Justin Wright, General Manager/Managing Partner of Prestige
Ford in Garland and a fellow Shriner.
organization. As such, I carry those values into the vehicle-buying
experience at Prestige Ford. Not only will you be treated as family, I want
to extend our special X-Plan equivalent pricing that is normally reserved
for internal partnerships. I want you to know you are receiving real value
for your hard-earned dollar.
See & Save!
Visit and login using code XY908. From there, you will
be able to see what discount would be applied to any make and model
When you’re ready to get the best deal in town, call or e-mail me at
214.605.0263, [email protected]. Visit online anytime
Justin Wright
General Manager/
Managing Partner
3601 S. Shiloh Road, Garland, TX 75041 |
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 29
Page 30
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Page 31
Shriners Hospitals
for ChildrenTM
A Charity Worthy of Your Donation
11,187 square feet
Theater seating and
Tableside dinning
Terrace Room
3,750 square feet,
Private entrance and
foyer. overlooking
Red Fez Room
4,480 square feet
perfect for banquets,
anniversaries or
any occasion
Cabiri Room
1,680 square feet
Perfect for meetings,
showers, and other
small gatherings
Hella Shrine Catering
For Reservations and Information
Mary Sakuta 972-2240-66624
[email protected]
Outdoor structure
Lake Ray Hubbard with
Picnic tables
and a fireplace.

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