Immaculate Conception Parish Bulletin
Immaculate Conception Parish Bulletin
Immaculate Conception Parish Bulletin Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16, 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, or your church is not a home to you, we invite you to become part of our parish family. We are so glad you’re here and hope you will come back again for Mass or become a parishioner. MASS SCHEDULE Parish Information 2 Calendar 3 Today’s Readings & Readings for the Week 4 Mass Intentions 4 Prayer Intentions 5 Coming Events 6&7 Stewardship Renewal 7 Grade School 8 High School 8 Religious Education 9 Youth Ministry 9 10 Volunteer Opportunities 10 Adult Faith 11 Year of Mary 11 Christian Service 12 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the people of Immaculate Conception Parish are Christians who worship and glorify God as a sign of our faith. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we proclaim our faith to the world through prayer, education, concern, and service to our community. By participating in the sacraments and giving of our time, talent and treasure, we help to make Christ present and share God’s love in our community and the world around us. Weekly Sharing 13 Lector Schedule 13 Respect Life 13 2 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 134 Arthur St. Please visit our website at Elmhurst, IL 60126 Parish Office: (630 530-8515 Fax: (630) 530-9346 Catholic Charities 815 730-4891 or 800 240-7011 Parish Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m. ~ 4:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. Phone: 530-8515 Fax: 530-9346 Website: NEW PARISHIONERS, WELCOME! Please click on “New to IC?” on our parish website homepage or call the 530-8515 for more information. BAPTISMS: Please call Linda Grisolia for information (530-8991). MARRIAGES: Please call Linda Grisolia at least 6 months in advance (530-8991). SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Monday-Friday By Appointment Only; Saturday: 4:00-4:45PM Chapel Beginning Saturday, November 22, Saturday afternoon Reconciliation will be held in the Church for the months of November, December, January and February. Bulletin submissions due at the rectory or e-mailed to [email protected] Friday 12:00 Noon, nine (9) days prior to bulletin date. Special Early Deadlines may apply. To reserve a room in one of our campus buildings, please email [email protected]. Thank You! Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 3 Weekly Calendar Daily Masses are celebrated in the Church Monday through Friday at 6:15 am and 7:30 am. and on Saturday at 8:00 am. Monday, November 17 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Reconciliation Parent Meeting Worship Commission Meeting Tuesday, November 18 8:00 am-9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 3:15 pm-5:30 pm 7:00 pm Lectio Divina Resource Room Prayer Shawl Ministry Marian Room Pastoral Staff Meeting Resource Room EARLY DISMISSAL FOR ICCP—FACULTY INSTITUTE Thanksgiving Tag Stringing Marian Room Reconciliation Parent Meeting Church Wednesday, November 19 9:30 am 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Bible Study Religious Education Classes RCIC CCW Meeting GS Athletic Board Meeting Planning for ICCP & Beyond Resource Room GS/HS Resource Room Marian Room Agnesian Room Marian Room Thursday, November 20 3:15pm-5:30 pm 3:30 pm -4:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Tag Stringing Parish Children’s Choir Rehearsal Parish Choir Rehearsal Women’s CRHP RE Advisory Board Marian Room Chapel Chapel Marian Room Resource Room Friday, November 21 8:15 am Grade School Mass Church Saturday, November 22 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 4:00 pm 4:00-4:45 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm –10:00 pm Mass RCIA Advent Retreat Bible Study Parish Children’s Choir Rehearsal Reconciliation Mass Jr High Trivia Night Church Christian Ministry Room Resource Room Church Chapel Chapel ICCP Classrooms Sunday, November 23 7:30 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:15 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm 5:15 pm Church Resource Room Mass Church RCIA Christian Ministry Room Mass Chapel/Children’s Church Spiritual Classics Media Center Mass Chapel Baptism Church Mass Chapel Thanksgiving Outreach and Food Collection This Weekend Invest In Your World - Shop Fair Trade Our Fair Trade artisan’s market is coming on Sunday, December 7 from 8:00AM – 3:00PM in MPH. Discover intr iguing gifts and home decor handcr afted by skilled artisans from over fifteen developing countries at our third annual Fair Trade Market. There are gifts for everyone - jewelry, clothing, toys and musical instruments, baskets, decorative gifts for your home, stationary, bathroom accessories, ornaments, creches, coffee, chocolate and much more. Your purchases mean fair wages and continuing work for artisans around the world, enabling them to dream and plan for a better future, helping pay for food, education, health care and education for their families. Support fair trade – where your purchase makes a world of difference. 4 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 W or s h ip Welcome to the Word TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Tuesday: Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Friday: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday: St. Cecilia SATURDAY RECONCILIATION LOCATION CHANGE Beginning Saturday, November 22, Saturday afternoon Reconciliation will be held in the Church for the months of November, December, January and February. Masses for the Week MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 6:15AM—†Jeanne Batis 7:30AM—†Dovie Taylor/Mary LaPointe TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 6:15AM—†Frank Cygan/Family 7:30AM—†Jesse Acosta, Sr./Kim Calcagno & Family WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 6:15AM—†Mr. & Mrs. Felix Caiazzo/Barbara Tremonto 7:30AM—†Martha Lake/Wood Family THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 6:15AM—†Salvatore Dugo/Josephine Dugo 7:30AM—†John Foley/Mellon Family FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 6:15AM—†Gwen Eddington & Family/Family 7:30AM—†Roseanne Wichmann/Joe & Michael O’Rourke 8:15AM—†Jack Pawelski/GS Faculty, Staff & Students SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 8:00AM—†Wally Morgan & Deceased Members of Morgan/Hayes Family/Family 5:15PM—†Rose & Erik Hawkinson/Mary & Jean Hawkinson SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 7:30AM— †Anne Marie Carney/Rachel Thompson 9:00AM— Parish Family 11:30AM—†Loretta Hackett/Warp Family 5:15PM—†Conor Hendricks/Narcisi Family EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be an early deadline for the November 30 bulletin. All submissions for the November 30 bulletin must be in on or before 12 noon, Monday, November 17. Thank you for your cooperation! Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Stewardship of Our Prayer for... THOSE WHO ARE ILL….. Ancel, Brian Anzuini-Moctezuma, Mary Beczynski, Kayla Booth, Pat Cada, Dawn Casey, Tom Cooney, Betty Frer, Mike Genthe, Charlotte Genthe, Karl Giordano, Beatrice Hamilton, Mary Louise Harker, Katie Kennedy-Brooks, Brianne Marianna March, Dean E. OUR LOVED ONES IN THE MILITARY Marra, Geraldine Mason, Haden Negrete, Concepcion Ruiz Praner, Mark Reedy, Barbara Ruiz, John Michael Ruiz, Joseph Scarpiniti, Joan Smith, Walter Williams, Judy Williamson, Kent Wisbrock, George Wisbrock, David Wisbrock, Irene Wohlers, Lois Woloszyk, Jennifer Loving God, give strength and protection to all who struggle with illness of any kind. Calm their fears and uncertainties. Provide them with loving and tender care. Grant them courage when they are afraid and comfort when they are in pain. Please remember recently deceased family, friends and parishioners in your prayers. Grant them eternal rest and may your light shine on them forever. † Ralph DiFronzo, brother-in-law of Susan Faermark ENGAGED COUPLES Raven Wilcox & Kevin Jakubauskas Janet Anderson & Lee Anderson 11/15/14 1/3/15 Prayers for Our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families For the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen Cpl. Brett Roth, USMC, Grandson of Skip & Betty Roth Lt. Joe Doyle, US Army, Son of Deb and Tom Doyle 1st Lt. Ryan Kenny, USMC, Son of Mary Beth Kenny Staff Sgt. Melinda Jolly, USMC Daughter of Linda and Tom Makinney Pvt. Jeffery Crones, US Ar my, Grandson of Joan Leyden Cpl. Ben Gieser, USMC, Son of Monica and William Gieser Specialist Jonathan M. Pichler, US Ar my, Son of Ginny & Mark Gronek, Grandson of Catherine Young Capt. Andrew Smyrnios, USAF, Brother of Stephanie Alfini Airman 1st Class, Nick Lezza, USAF, ICHS Class of 2003 Recruit Garrett Gong, USMC Cpl. Alex Messina, USMC LCpl. Ben Bright, USMC Friend of the Genthe Family Capt. Jeffrey Robbins, USMC, Son of Barb & Larry Robbins, Grandson of Georgiana Ryan Major Andrew J. Tyson, USMC, Capt. Kevin Mott, 101st Air bor ne, US Ar my Nephew of Greg & Mary Pat Vanderlaan Pvt. Sean Herbert, US Ar my, Grandson of Eleanor Keegan Paul Hornstra, USMC, ICHS Class of 2009 Son of Paul and Dawn Hornstra 1st Lt. Lawrence Hartigan, USMC, ICGS Class of 1997 Pvt. Patrick O’Hara, USMC Nephew of Francis & Sheila O’Hara Cpl. Brittney Young , US Ar my Cousin of Denise and John Doherty Ensign Joe Shannon, US Navy Son of John & Maria Shannon Petty Officer Alexander Fisette, US Navy Son of Beth & Ed Fisette 2nd Lt. Alex Hossfeld, US Ar my Nephew of Ed & Jan Dorner 5 6 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 The Immaculate Conception Council of Catholic Women Cordially invite you to attend our Holiday Dinner/Fundraiser THANKSGIVING OUTREACH COLLECTION NOVEMBER 22/23 Friday, November 21, 2014 Diplomat West 681 W. North Avenue – Elmhurst We invite and encourage all of our parishioners to participate in helping to provide a joyous Thanksgiving to our outreach clients. Each year, we give out approximately 120 food baskets, with names we receive from Catholic Charities, Transitional Housing, Senior Services and our own food pantry. For many years, we have tried to provide food for a week. It is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain what we need through the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Additionally, our food drive has declined over the past years. This year, we will provide families with a Thanksgiving gift box which contains all of the items necessary for their Thanksgiving meal. In addition, we will give them grocery gift cards so they may purchase the items they like and that are essential to their special family gathering. We need turkey breasts (for single or two-person households), as well as gift certificates in $25 increments fr om J ewel, Aldi, Mar iano’s or Ultr a Foods. If you are able to donate a turkey or food certificate, please drop them off at the IC Rectory from 8:30 – 4:30 Monday through Friday. Of course, you may also donate food, which will be used for these same clients in our food pantry. May God bless you for your outstanding generosity to our outreach programs. Vito Zato will be our entertainer!!! Cash Bar and Raffle - 6 PM Dinner - 7 PM Enclosed is my check made payable to ICCCW To reserve _________seats @$45 per person If you have a group, please put names and money in one envelope. Reservations needed by November 17th. Drop off at the Rectory or mail to: We are in the midst of our holiday outreach. If you would like to Adopt-A-Family or Adopt-A-Senior, please call the Christian Ministry Office at 630-530-3497. We will match a family to your specifications. Last year, we provided over 120 families with food. The number of families we serve in our food pantry has increased, so the need will be great. Thank you for your generous hearts Melanie Ryan, 658 Edgewood, Elmhurst, Il 60126 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Attention all Liturgical Ministers! (Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, & Ushers)! Volunteers needed! Sign-up early for Christmas and New Year’s Masses! Sign-up sheets will be located in the Narthex of the Church & Chapel before & after all Masses the weekend of November 29 & 30. Online sign-up will begin on Monday, December 1st For those of you who do not have access to email or have a special family member who will be in town for the holidays and is qualified to volunteer please call Maria Wilbert at 630-530-3498 Thank you! 7 You Are Invited to . . . The I.C. Parish Advent/St. Nicholas Family Night Monday, December 1st – 6:308:00 p.m. Cost: Free will offering Place: IC Plunkett Hall This event is especially appropriate for families with Kindergarten and 1st Graders. This event will include prayer, stories, St. Nicholas skit, Advent take home activities, and a snack. RSVP Chris H-W, Director of RE Kdg-5 at 630-530-3480 OR [email protected] Dear Parishioners, Thank you to all who have already returned their pledge cards to help support the operation of our parish and its many ministries. If you haven’t already done so, please return your cards as soon as possible. We are I.C.! Immaculate Conception Church 134 Arthur Street, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 Everything we have is a gift from God. Sharing of ourselves and our financial resources is a loving and just act, a way to give back in gratitude, a way to say “THANK YOU GOD”! In support of the IC mission and its ministries and after prayerful consideration of how I/We can faithfully and generously share our monetary blessings with our Parish community, I/We commit to sharing our financial resources. __________ We are able to increase our Sunday donations by this amount: _______________. ___________ We will continue our same amount of Sunday donations. I/We have stated our future Sunday donation below. $ ___________ per ( week month quarter semi-annual year ) Circle one ___________ I would like to donate electronically. Please see reverse side for options. ___________ I would like to continue to receive my envelopes to fulfill my commitment. Name _________________________________________________ Date ___________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________ phone #___________________________ 8 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Immaculate Conceptio n Grade Sc hool, 530-3490 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Grade School A Tradition of Faith, Family, and Academic Excellence ICGS Results at the Fenwick Speech Contest Prose Reading Taylor Kamienski – Honorable Mention Joseph Kuhl – Honorable Mention Audrey Buffo – Honorable Mention Kaily Fox – Honorable Mention Olivia Brown – Honorable Mention Poetry Reading Charlie Sullivan – Honorable Mention Danny Pierotti – Honorable Mention Jacqueline Lara – Honorable Mention Kelsey Devereux – Honorable Mention Alice Martin – Honorable Mention Maggie Quick – Honorable Mention Original Oratory Claire Libert – Honorable Mention Alex Norgle – Second Place Kimberly Wood – Fifth Place Claire Kopec – Fourth Place Christian Dale – Honorable Mention Francesca Capannari – Honorable Mention Declamation Thomas Hilgart – Honorable Mention Ethan Hunter – Honorable Mention Michelle Eckhoff – Fifth Place Shane McCarthy – Honorable Mention Niamh Horan – Honorable Mention Dramatic Performance Caroline Fahey – Fifth Place Colleen Grogan – Second Place Wilke Macariola – Sixth Place Emily Wartner – First Place Grace Maietta – Honorable Mention We invite you to take a closer look at ICGS! Please call 630-530-3490 to schedule a personal tour. Is there a graduate of ICGS that you feel should be considered for the National Catholic Education Association Distinguished Graduate Award? A nominee should have graduated from ICGS at least ten years ago and have made a significant contribution to American society and/or the Catholic Church which reflects favorably on the education they received at ICGS. Please send nomination letters to the ICGS Development Office at 132 Arthur St., Elmhurst, IL 60126. Thank you! November 16, 2014 IC Catholi c Prep, 530-3460 IC CATHOLIC PREP KNIGHTS THEATRE PRESENTS…THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK Saturday, November 15 Sunday, November 16 Plunkett Hall 7:00 pm 2:00 pm IC CATHOLIC PREP UPCOMING EVENTS FOR PROSPECTIVE FAMILIES PLANNING FOR HIGH SCHOOL AND BEYOND Learn more about the admissions process and financialaid offered to students at ICCP. We’ll also have representation from the Admissions & Financial Aid offices of Elmhurst College to share: “W hat are colleges/ universities actually looking for?” and discuss why attending ICCP provides a great return on your investment. Wednesday, NOVEMBER 19 @ 7PM IC Parish Administration Center, 134 Arthur Street; Marian Room. Questions? Contact Mrs. Kate Luburic in the Admissions Office at (630) 530-3484 or ail [email protected]. JR HIGH ACADEMIC OLYMPIAD TRIVIA KNIGHT Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Religious Ed uca tion 53 0 348 3 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES SUNDAY November 16 CHILDREN’S CHURCH WEDNESDAY November 19 SUNDAY November 16, 23, & 30 SUNDAY FAMILY MASS—NOVEMBER 16—GRADE 8 9:00 AM MASS Group A – ICGS Ms. Anderson’s Class ICRE – Sunday Classes Monday, November 17 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. In the Church First Reconciliation (Confession) Parent Meeting/Faith Formation Facilitator: Sr. Jane Schlosser RSM Please contact Chris Hannigan-Wiehn RSVP 630-530-3480 OR [email protected] Group B – ICGS Mrs. May’s Class ICRE – Wednesday Classes Tuesday, November 18 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. In the Church 9 10 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Christian Ministry offers numerous service opportunities for junior high students seeking service hours. Thanksgiving and Christmas tagstringing and envelope-decorating will take place on November 18 and 20, along with December 10 (if needed). We need students to help assemble our Christmas boxes on December 13; students to act as “runners” at all masses the weekend of December 13/14 and families to help with the gift sort on December 14. For more information, please call 530-3497. November 16, 2014 Current Volunteer Needs In a parish the size of Immaculate Conception, we are always in need of volunteers to help in our various ministries. Please take a look at the following and see how you might be able to share your time and talent. Adult Singers for Parish Choir. Teen and Adult Cantors for weekend masses. November 28 Who Will Fill These Shoes? (11am – 3pm) RE Catechists Helpers to assist Catechists Junior High Students to help with Thanksgiving and Christmas Outreach Programs. Hospitality Committee—help is needed for Donut Sundays and other events Who All young men ages 16-40 and their parents What A day to learn more about the priesthood When Fr iday, November 28, 2014 11am – Mass 12pm – lunch 1pm – breakout sessions with seminarians and parents of seminarians 2pm – Holy Hour for Vocations (open to everyone in the diocese) 3pm - dismissal Where Cathedr al of St. Raymond, 604 N. Raynor St., Joliet, IL 60435 Many of our priests in the Diocese of Joliet have retired or are near retirement age. The question is: Who will fill their shoes? Who will bring the Eucharist and the other Sacraments to future generations? Maybe God is calling you. The day will begin with Mass at 11am, followed by lunch. Then the young men will break up into small groups with our current seminarians to hear their vocation stories and what life is like in the seminary. Parents will be able to speak to our current seminarian parents about their experiences. We will finish with a Holy Hour for Vocations in the Cathedral to which all people in the diocese are invited. To register or for more information please visit You can also call the Vocation Office at ((815-221-6171). There will be a breakout group in Spanish as well. Ushers for weekend masses. Lectors for weekend masses. Parishioners to provide Priest’s Meals on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. PADS site on the third Saturday of each month beginning in October. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Maria Wilbert, Volunteer Coordinator, 630 530-3498, [email protected]. Bulk Mailings We need volunteers to help with our Christmas, Easter, and 53rd Sunday mailings. Come for an hour or stay as long as you like. Bring a friend or two. Refreshments are always served. Moms, come in after drop off or before pick up. Only three times a year. Please call Maria Wilbert @ 630-530-3498 or email her at [email protected]. Thank You! Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 A Biblical Walk With the Blessed Mother Sessions are held on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 from October 22 thru January 14, at 134 Arthur Street, facilitated by Beth Fisette. 11 A Quick Journey Through the Bible We meet in the rectory on Saturdays from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m., through November 22. You may join anytime. Facilitator is Mary Pat Vanderlaan. Adult Faith Formation Final Session Getting a Handel on the Messiah The Development of Messianic Hope in the Old Testament And Its Fulfillment and Transformation in Jesus Facilitated by Matt Pozen (Director of Parish Faith Formation, Visitation Parish, Elmhurst) 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the Church ~ Monday, November 17 St. Charles Borromeo Church (145 E. Grand Ave., Bensenville: “The Death and Resurrection of Jesus: Hope Fulfilled & Transformed” Year of Mary Catherine Laboure, a novice of the Daughters of Charity Sisters in Paris, France, was awakened by a mysterious child on July 18, 1830. Upon entering the chapel with the child, she saw the Virgin Mary sitting in a chair. After several hours of talking, Mary promises to return with a mission for Sr. Catherine. During evening meditation 4 months later, Catherine had a vision very similar to what is depicted on the medal. In the vision Mary spoke to Sr. Catherine: “Have a medal struck upon this model. Those who wear around their neck will receive great graces”. When Sr. Catherine was beatified on May 28, 1933 her body was exhumed and found to be incorrupt. Catherine's body now rests in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal where Mary appeared to her. Catherine was canonized by Pope Pius XII on July 27, 1947. The miraculous medal was created in response to the request from the Blessed Virgin Mary. The front side: • Mary stand on a globe crushing a serpent at her feet • The rays coming from Mary’s hands symbolize the graces shed on those who ask • Around the oval frame of Mary reads: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Miraculous Medal Invocation Prayer O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you, and for all who do not have recourse to you, especially the enemies of the Church and those recommended to you. The reverse side: • A cross and bar depicts Jesus’ cross of Redemption • A large “M” stands for Mary Mother of God’s people • 12 stars surround the perimeter signify the twelve Apostles • Left Heart stands for the Sacred Heart, who died for our sins • Right heart means the Immaculate Heart who intercedes for us • Flames are the burning love Jesus and Mary have for us. Celebrate the Year of Mary by purchasing a Miraculous Medal for yourself and others. 12 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Christian Service Thank you to the many individuals who have responded to our plea for additional food. Please remember us as you do your weekly shopping. Our most needed items include pancake mix and syrup, fresh or canned vegetables, pasta and pasta sauce, laundry detergent and dish soap. Personal care items are always needed (shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste). Food may always be dropped off at the PAC/Rectory during normal business hours. . May God bless you for your continued generosity to our pantry! If you or someone you know are experiencing health issues, facing surgery, receiving or recuperating from medical treatments, healing through grief or experiencing a significant life crossroads and would like to receive a prayer shawl, please contact the parish office at 630-530-8515. One of our Prayer Shawl Ministers will contact you to obtain additional information. ….is coming the weekend of November 29 and 30. Hundreds of gift tags will be available both for adults and children. Names are received through the IC Food Pantry, Catholic Charities, IC Daybreak Transitional Housing and PADS. We are providing a joyous Christmas to those within our own communities who would otherwise not have one. Special emphasis is being placed on Adopting-AFamily this year . Simply call or e-mail the Christian Ministry Office and we will try to match a family to your unique specifications. This is a great project for CHRP groups, Book Clubs, Girl/Boy Scout Troops, Parents’ Clubs, Faith Sharing/Bible Study Groups, Community Organizations, Commissions, Committees and neighborhood groups. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 Prayer shawls are a tangible sign of healing prayers from our parish and a way in which to feel the healing presence of God. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FREE WILL DONATION WILL BE TAKEN AT THE THANKSGIVING MASS. This is a self-supporting ministry whose only source of funds are derived through personal donations. Please be generous. THANK YOU, ICCP and ICGS students! During the month of October, our high school and grade school students sold “Change the World” bracelets to benefit Cross Catholic Outreach in honor of World Food Day. There was 100% participation from both schools, who raised over $1,200. This money will pr ovide over 4,800 meals for those who are hungry throughout the world. We are so proud of our students….THANK YOU! Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Stewardship of Treasure Stewardship of Time Weekly Sharing Lectors and Servers for Next Weekend TIME SATURDAY & SUNDAY, November 8 & 9, 2014 Sunday Envelopes Total: $ 16,353.65 Electronic Offerings: $ 8,840.60 Total Gifts: $ 25,194.25 (Includes $177 of Capital Improvement Donations) Number of Electronic Offerings: Number of registered households: 13 196 2371 Amount Budgeted Per Week: Total Funds Collected as of 11/09/14 Amount Budgeted: Budget Shortfall to date: $ 27,840.00 $ 524,171.24 $ 528,960.00 $ 4,788.76 Thank You in His Name! Simbang Gabi Filipino Novena Service Hello everyone! Do you like good food? Do you like to help worthwhile organizations? You can do both on Tuesday, December 9! Just head over to Fresh Start for breakfast, lunch or both. It is that simple. Fresh Start will donate a portion of that day's sales to the Visitation Simbang Gabi (a Filipino Novena Service). The Novena will take place at Visitation on Sunday, December 14th at 5pm and will be celebrated by the bishop. ALL ar e invited to come to the mass and enjoy fellowship afterwards. LECTORS SERVERS Saturday, Nov 22, 5:15 PM (Chapel) D. Paprocki (1) T. Paprocki (2) Sunday, Nov 23, 7:30 AM (Church) J. Kenneally (1) T. Sloan (1) R. Redmond (2) J. Sloan (2) R. Kenneally (3) E. Janc (4) S. Sloan, J. Kenneally M. Lucca, D. McCaffrey R. McCaffrey, A. Peters W. Dudek Sunday, Nov 23, 9:00 AM (Chapel) L. Pakenas (1) D. Norgle (2) A. Norgle (1) E. Thurber (2) M. Grasse (3) J. Castanoli (4) D. Pakenas, K. Grasse M. Karsten, A. Meurer A. Conkle, M. Kasley D. Slowinski L. Kalina (1) T. Livorsi (2) A. Veach (1) E. McNicholas (2) M. Welsh (3) A. Gaughan (4) K. Veach, K. Schiliro T. Cahill, J. Cozzi P. Krol, J. Randag J. Riley J. Brosnan (1) Tom Kaiser (2) E. Platt (1) L. Reilly (2) T. Shipman (3) E. Wartner (4) J. Carroll, L. Schreiber A. Aragones, K. Morgan N. Shonts, S. Bogdajewicz, S. Koch Sunday, Nov 23, 11:30 AM (Chapel) Sunday, Nov 23, 5:15 PM (Chapel) A. Paprocki (1) M. Cook (2) O. Brown (3) T. Lamborn (4) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS M. Hines, N. Shonts B. Cronin, J. Korinek S. Scott, J. Mullen PRESIDER’S SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 22 & 23, 2014 5:15 Father Tom /Deacon John 7:30 Father Tom 9:00 Father Tom 11:3 0 Father David 5:15 Father David Presider schedule is subject to change March for Life Registration Deadline Approaching The March for Life registration deadline is fast approaching. If you have not registered, please complete your on-line registration ASAP! Go to Don't forget to print paperwork, sign, and mail-in with your deposit! Registration Deadline: November 14th. Financial Aid Available. See below for full details. Contact us with any questions. MARCH FOR LIFE PILGRIMAGE 2015: Bishop Conlon and Bishop Siegel will be leading a pilgrimage to the Annual March for Life in Washington, from January 19 to January 23. Some highlights include: Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a youth rally and Mass, a wreath laying at Arlington National Cemetery, visiting monuments and more. The cost is $340 for high school freshmen through college seniors, including all transportation, lodging and most meals. The cost for adults is $435.00, double occupancy. All registration forms and a $100.00 deposit are due November 14. For full details and to register visit sectioncontent.php?secid=7. If there are any questions, please contact Respect Life Ministry at ((815-221-6251).