v _..
v _..
lP") " , bE ZUID-AFlUKAAN. . ! . P..r.u.u" ai 1\f.... , W Q/Ntrn(. ccipe 'hl'" n.,., Frida, Moral.g, aad dl,polelwd lo , tU Co •• 'ry D"lriet •• y '4' Ch " ON TUF~DAY, I Dese ('ount"t ",orIll tlke.. V..,dag OriI utili lIiigeyelHl14·aaKlitl Ptablica,i,.Xa.,ooT P." •• ltáltifraal. 'P' ,IJ" Zal ... ! m.et\$lt Poll "aar allt de B.fle.· DI,triHtfI 1 No. t. ~~~._ h'arlcud •• 19. Rd.,; nd•. 6 &;i - ti JOA081. STO ..... ~. ~ • \reet, ft" "alt .. Ad a,·~ ble wllde4l P~ ..... t\li.t; • .,;or Furniture, PI~.pja&efl, made Housebold .=el';t~:!~fts~:~~:c:ru.:::8::~~:!~';?t~ __ .... ... ."bIá"'. eornnn.in, ___ JUl _, ..,.. • .,."'" pul W h ~";f -. I ~.,~~ .... - i~ iD ItraDdLqodoD a.ld,C.pe GlaN.aDdCroekeq- ~e _,"Ita ()( the OlOIItnn_ 1'-. a nu-.ber of Ifl~~ of ........ ~ ., ... lf-i.be~I" lCl._"lt.,.~~. wbo .cbidly Houle $erna. U; and two Y."Ita I!'.at _"e JlJlrieHhINI.clref.tIMD·D.teA,RefarJMl£ ...... ailJi. .RENCll~aB.A.llDY.. ON 8ATUllDA Y M01'uing next, the ,uullry .. will ~esold 'on 'h~ Parade, . 4, " . \ f .. I • DEEL V • * , • , , .lUST Il&CElVED PER ",KEllSWILL." A ' ~. ~V..·.. ~~ .AI.,,,, Oe&..' ....... Ntflll'1«lr~. k. 4 EDICT. x:~J..,'~. ~-.,.v _.. ..,_ iJ.1l .,... g!f~ s: ~-:~ t~ .•.' T.f::A i ~ 'So~ . . .. V",.~L •. T•• .,'nt "'.-n. .~ *...... pai"Z:B ... ~It~". .-IIt.,.....~ ....... Vi.,.-,. ,,,,,_.. ' < O • ,.n 1- ~i"... • - 1 M· .or NoUee_ mw.. .•.. .•.. tt a " 3' - at . h.~ It·- we requl'~'Cd Mr. CARL FalBDIUCIl JURITZ to cause bil Kalk. ~kul"o, rt I ~ .(.ime~I.eU.IJ..'''.I'' 'llW. Senl to 'be affixed to the MedicinCll recch'cd hy him from UI, -titt'lt!G •••• .•••• 8tolle ~uo •. - I a.IIIIwe c!tn thercfQre rccomltll'lld IIllllucb Medicinu, ODwhicb K.oorn. 10 )\pllden ••• · W laeat. 10 mpid... 60 - 93 OP HOUSEHOLD l-~kNITURE, &:e. he. flur ~n.d his Seal is fOllnd, Ill> Genuine Hallilu Orphah Houe ~illaen, pc' mutl...... l.entil, lier mDil1 •• 9 - 10 N \he Mb Jal1l111'1" H!3!>. he Sold, nt the Vcft(iuc- MectlcmclI. . . Meel, fyll. ller 11111lb. (o'loudine, I"IOOIb. 5 - II () . Office (If tht' U IIdel1!igncd, diffettnt sorts of HOU8Chol<l Halle, the 20th .Tune, 1&:14. lJelioa, pe' mud, •..•• Mnillu. l)fit'fntlhl •• lJ - G rllrnitur~. 81110ng "hich. a benutil\Jl Blher mounted (iahinet, The I\ledical COIllHlitt('c of the naJti~h Orphan House. Oljrllllllltl1n<lenJlr. IMIII,I,Elol"'l1n18·'1'~lh,lb. - 31 jl ditto ~itt(t B"rt'~u.·JUl ejgh.t~y ~lock. ~wo lill'ge MiH,0rs, (L. S,) {SignC'd) DR.~, W. S. ". MADAI. Okk,~ruolen per WO, .. WnlnuIJl.I"'r 100.. J8 St. t ...o 'I~ J-1¥D1I" Bt·t!l\1t,"ds, Chati'll, Tllblf!'s, C"se'l, water That Uoctor v. :\lADAI. M Director or thé lIalïsh Orphlln KOrl'ntpn. 1"" Ih Curulnt. ,.d tb'.... 28 - as Ib1{.llum~·. "uel.rTs, and etlwr Kitclll'n Utensil!!; Il folio I!o~.~e, l\ledical ~~Hnll)it~e,. i~, .ntborir.ed t~ .giyc tbc above l~re~. IlCr pond 'l:clln. l>er lb. .... s - ei IJiMe, with 1llM- il «tlllU)Lt'y of Mu~&J\,liM>, wit~ NotH'~, anel tO.lt r, a3 f)mctór or tbe I'ranmh Orplru I"ennttm, -mto- .•••• J;-"-'.d!J.to ••.• 3 - ~ ,-,ut the leust ",·"en'c. r1oU!!c.lnlltitlltion, I'oncur therewith, I bel ('!Jy uffirm. rlanken. lier vod . ..I!lllkl. llflr rooL •. - '1 . ' P . .P, lt. ll~. 'HLLlER~, Vtnd. Adm. 11,,11(',the 20th JIlne, lH:H. iillllyOl~n. 'fer pOlld llaisiu!I'llCr lb..... 6 - 8 '. '!l... l'''' (Iffi,'r, ChIlJrh-s(lUUf'j Oce. ~I, 18:H. (L.S.) "(Si;;n"J) DR.. HEitMA"I NmMEYER. !logge. permIId IlJt~.llermuid .... S, - 4 'Wi,h rrf,'rl'nrc' to till' "hon' N()tit,l'. I h~rchy inform the ~lr(), •• I',!r IGllllk Slraw.II, JUlIRek.. 20·23 ad. l'uhli,. lhnt the first I"msivnmcnt or rl'C8h lbll,~h ~edicine8 Tahall. lIllr l'Ohd •... Tub.coo. per lb. .. 8 - 10 SI. I),'ULIC ~I\LE OF I\tERCllA:\'DIZE. . I . 1 "'· .. er.Leenwen & SlrÏlaa Lion. 'rigl'r, & 0.· 3 - • n~I,. Jf. N 'O:E:sVA \, the I)th January next, will he Sold, at hall heel\ Aln',,' y rl'n'iv('(I, :11\< unp"ekt;d, IJY the HaJllhro' Ship /lil' Atif!ll'ltf.ndl' Smile, wbilr IIt'n('r~'ollh r.ï,t1lo.r consjgn, V dlt·lI. p.~r stnk . .. Iridl ~klll' ..•. 6-8 lW () the YlcC$ch lloinhs "ont, 1\ gr~llt quantily of Merell"'nlt-Iltl will h,. I~liwk thr,,!' or fbur tilll('s ill II war lo tbt' Ci.pe. Uyen Il"r m'Jd Oniuna·IJermuid .. ,- t .!;1:C. I' II. R. Dl; \'ILLlEHS, Vl'lId. Adm. 'rh~"e M!'dii-inMl wrll lit fir.t bi- \·t'ndl'd nniy in CIl!," 'rown, \',·",It·rll. ~trt119. pr. alk. l'Ml!icl1I. Oat. ca. au - tO li,'eIl11 .. .: Offir.', ('!mrl'h.sqlll.\l't', J)f'l'. 2:1, IbJ4. III Ill)' J)Ï8pfn!Hlry, No. ;~R, BlIr!t.~:r,rt. IH'xt t(l thl' 'V('!lI('y VI,rkt~W'I.Kf!mt!lle ..• ' l'iKIi. r"Uened. f'a •. 'h I I , -unO'mlll.1ile •• . •• -U1lfnlltlllcd . 10 - 16 ( , "P{'. Ht t 1(' I!lHst nlO,l"rat(· prices, Rnt! nrt' con(orlllll Ily .. 2 -: lt! til tlw wI.-hes of the IJjn'etory of tbc lblti~h Orphan -~p('l'n ..•• , .. -suckling , .•• 8 - 10 SI Puillio Salt' (!( (·.r.cl'llmt lilt Slut". 1I0u"e, stlillll'c,l with Ill)' ~c,,1 IIn,1 8i\tnaturr, whicb is the VN', of tnlk. p"r pond. Suet or Tal"'\V.II. Ib. ij - 12 ~ tht' 10th .111llUar)·, lS:15, will !Jo Sold, 1,>11 chit" .l\Iul !I(lcure!!l Illark of it" h~inJi: genuml'. \ \ L:'·II. p"r l'(\ntl., ..•• Figs, por lb .... , .• , - i n,l. () lht, "'ace ••f :\1r. M. nl: .IAOIr.n, ut T~I,crheT'R, HiOO1':1;. (For III" l'rices of till: Mtdi<:iut". :I~f' the l)lIll'b.) \\ nl. Sdmpfm p Ib... Wool, Ilor 10. •••. \\ \1I.ordillaire.l'crle(C 'Vinca.or,linllry p. ~'dklll ~", \\'t·tUcrl', - 54nd. C.I'. JIJIUTZ. j!er. h'g .. I'. F. R. )1" VIJ.UEIl". Vrlltl. Adm. C ..pe Town, 15th J)rC{'llIher, 111:'-1. al - 4 Zo..... iimocnen. per JOO Orang"'. per 100 ' . \'.'1111.\ t: OfficI', (:hnrl'h·Mlunl't', P,"ul, nec. :':".IH:it. Thl' {ln.I,-rsi"rnrd flli':IH'r h('~ to inr.ITn! tltr (;, '\Uf'mpn (lf ZIH.riim{)('IISnpper lal'm 1,"01011 Juie", iRum . b - 8i 3 Zout JIN mu,1 .••..•.. ~alt. per muid , ••• th~' ~1rtli('al Pr');I''t~'i('n~ lf \t ".- 1, t· lf' 1'1\'«>,1 fl·(·~.l Ni\('colir Exlrft('t~ of 'v'.,.ri:l1l1l, 11.: .. d"nll." Ih (J,n·lIllll. '\" .. unci Zo"II,·t!"r. pH ~ buid ., :-iu!t, 1.,·I\II,..r. , l.ide r,~ - li I'l B! !(' ..... \1.1: UI" llOliSl·:S. H 12 SI. .•••. N .~hc:12th .1•• 111111')', lt!:I!i. the UDdlll'~igned will hold R their Ih'rhll, 'tIlgfther \\ itll ('jruta viroK. hlniulII nwn.!, ï.rq', per ,,011') .' •••• ~()(lp. Iwr 11,1 t\lhllc.SAh' lit the IIIMceof Mu. the,WidolV B .. t:DKN- Grntiol, "nd ó11~(),"Iorl'hiulIl pur:, Strydll1: nitr:, EIlI('Lin, PIperin, Verntrin, Kreosot, I\lId Eupion, &c. &e. I[ at t{ol'ht'rg, ol tlO lIurlles, bein« StaUionll and brttd CAPr~ TO\VN, C. t'.•ItJRITZ. lI!g HorflC1l; I\lId OD tba l!lth. (lf the,'sault· Month, at the ~ Presh IInd flllpcrior Se!tf'r Witter ny the rIozen . aml Edited \Jy P. A.·BaA'" u. Zonnebloetn.-Ptinted and l'ul.lll.lMd placc d Mr. I', MOSTF.IlD, bctulld tbc Purl. ol :.0 do. do. !lin~le can, l.emon Syrup, SOdA n,rI Seidliu Powden. ot 'be I'. F. k. VILLlER~. Vl·nd. Adm. by tb~ Ptoprietor:' P. A. Ha.ucD, No.4, Wak! .treet. beat quality, Dlay be had, alway. fresh, V.:JldIl60nitA, t:burdt'lquare, Dec. 23, 18:U. PUBLIC SALE. ,. O"M", D. ',' M.-er DE op SAr A he( H~ vi alui Ad.,rt~a'. C. In d.. Juollifln;",. ·BotdIl wan ,.,z.a. dtl& ·Wfl-'Ed. ,Ht.r JOt.~Hl"" W1LH •.LII STOLL .. ;. koatbur V G~tl ab i..ullalo i. o"erleden. -en dal eeae Byet!a- aollaD8ec:he Guldena, TOOr YdketeDMn .allea~ UIlkom.t nn de naut.e B1oed.erwanten en Crediteuren ".n M ,.OlDen op dlrBureau:totden IO-.January. Overled"ne en .....,..., )1.. W..... I.co.,. ADIUAAM H~ II d d' .. ~ TE rtJIIIOH. en a e an er.. leD. aa .. ..~ .. .--,. . , KOOP • , worden geboud'in ten overstaan"D •• R 0 nder". keode biledt.e• koop aao, ",.00 op syn Bareaa te Beanfort, np 'Vry~ déD 13 Fe ...istNat, nit. lies morgens teo lO a~n I'reciea-: en alle &OOIlanige perIOtteia ,recbtbare plaaw .. Phn ... \e&1l," geletpn nab, Cou&,au· Itll voormeld. worden bJ dese nraoebt. op daD t,d tn pl... tia. "oonuata beLeisendom van deo Dl'tlr Rn A. M. 6LOftL voorm. tegenwoonlÏlte ayD. ~m dan rn aldaar eenig Penooo' Dea8 ~ i•. seer geryftyk Rel~. zynde .Ieobt. twaalr or Persone II door lOOd.. igen :M.g..... , .. sien "erk_o,' tu mrleo , .. de .tad, daeI"., i• ..,.Iant _ J20.QOO W:YDRUrd. approbatie VADeko )Jee.JA!r .. 0 hee Hqe Gererubof, •• atókkeo. alle soorten "an Vrucht~ .. , bNft eeD (ruye bek~1D cn lJC*bikt om door deo. P" Meester te woide. Molen. 'ea over.toed ,.n water het ~e jaar doOr. . aangesteld tot datiye Elteeuteur of E&ecate • ...., ete. BOttdeIa ltDe a,o.enpmelde plaata i. te koop.,ll-' ~t Vatwer" ,oor "an soodanig o"erledeo perIOOn ala Yoorm, •• tot da'i"e Von. 80 Letaen WyD. BraudewynlketeJs. Waqeenl, 0-.. P..... Voogden van de minderjarige Erfgenamen "an de Oyer- dea. tlna. ~meolyk met 20 ~ealiceerde arbeid~n•. ledene. . . waaronder sich bt"inden Koetliera. W~ry".ra. Metaelaan. CLERK'E BURTON.l\fllftter ,an bet HoogeGeregabor. Kelde~ HoutHItPeN. fIftL - wel~'J'" • De .KOUpkOnditieD.allën zeer aanaemelyk wo""~, _ _ on - .I..' -Ï(oopeob.at kan "oor eenige jaren l'enten wordeo atee"er. BUI'tCI •• Kaan.ltad de.. 31 1834. J • G • LOE1'E , ...... w Jf •• ge bo-"'~ _no ' EDICT: PIamate"', , J.G. 1835. '. _An" DE m b D«.. • JUIST ONTP."'"'KT'• nE n.aa.~..~. Blood."e,.'Wan..ten_.en JJ Aa"fI" Call1aJ'iHII Pieaaar. C~t.eare.n. "aa -wy" JoWeduwe un wylen Lnill JWiJ,~ laatllt"a.n "lit DistriCt GruW-Reinet. wordeo ".aóeln ki"hnia .e nemeD.da' óe gel.' ;.10..... _ -z:.IMruw ~PJMmlr;. Weduw ....... ..,._ .. lAetP "Ota.ab ldHI4loit .~~ ~n dat eene Byeenko .. stuade oaa.te Bloed"f .. anten en Cre. diteurIIll fan de Overled~ne. en afle •anderen dien aolklm0(8 aangaan.' &al worden gehoadeD left overataan .,.n deft Resident M4Il all'aat. op 1)'0 Bllreau te Grulf.Reinet, op DlIlladag den i 17 feb. aanllt. da mortle ... ten 10 unn precietl: en alle sooda. nige personen al. "oormeld "ord~n by <leae versocbt op den tyd ftl ptntr'fOOl'llleld t... weerditl~" .y., ~ dM en aJdaa,r cenl" Penoon or PeraooeD door aoodanigeo l!laci.waat te lieD' "'t'rkiezeu, ter allprobatie "an dp.n Mee.ter van bet. Hooge Gerogllhof. al. bekwaam en getchikt om dool' den Rl'm. )tee •• ter te worden aangeateld tot dat.iye Executear of EXlICIJteDren de. Doedel. vall'lOOI'lanir o"erlede!.1 Penoon al, "oormeld. CLERKE BURTON. l\llleater "an het Hooge Oereg'lhot c·_ VEILKOOPlNG . STELLIOE ~.'~ 1IiCannI __ fa 4ë ~ '-in LOD4OD _..aMIL. ea UIl ek K.-p H1I1maeubel:- •. ZilRl'~;. - eJl'QIuwerk, -'·'.nw"-"·, seer ui: -. ~ ._..,. ---~Wyaen; Ll1CeUren, Vatwerlt.· i{, .•a k"';'.--'-"'- Il; alamede eeM uit-.b.reide BibUot~eek, ,,_,..tio;o, ...... ~- de Werken der ~~lnchte ""- -.0._1...."et.. praa,beva~ "",he en Hollanéllc:he &,heyvera; eeD ..... ta1 aandeeletl In. vei'llCheideM Koloaiale G~QO&lebappea.. het <apprentice"",hap der AppreotieeD VU mallaelyke en vrouwelyke aealaeht, tot dien Boedd ~ooreDde, etl die ~yk ut lluiJbedienclta aet.D qrn' en twee Orafb'l4Jei'J, op het Kerkhof ¥all de N;Jerduitaclle ket"'Onnae G'emiente. " P ·M ...... , Di..... ell DODderClaA', den 12, 13. en Ill. J.uvary 1835. te 9 urea bl elm morpo ¥aIliedereocbrpreeio,·aulleD. byYeilillg.I~kaanden naeeatbiecJenden worden "erKocbt,. at de f~.pot~ 0'- w--. 1. ,aate'm 6a ...... ~ ..ala aeadnrteerd 1ft ~e .. Gounmelllellu Gueue" no ClCIl 26 ae.ze,. eD welke 1ft -1-,de Nom--_ "'~t,Blad, breedn.e" ..ly·k lUllen 'Wor.u .-ua - ... ~tll beketld geIlteld. . .PerIoDen die beperig mostea _";-Zich met- goede en derea. .• D'!!tige génhekf ¥OD""',01Mle" SOOCleD wel doen, dae pieti baat t.tenimen; cie. ~Pl'teDticeli aya ek bedienden EN'ONTV ANGEN PE. ~'KgRS'WELL~" \oolpDde.~ ADdm un. de:.K ..... 3O.,WeD~-~3det - "P r. -Glm.tetrel .. a 4ito,.30.Jaren·ODd. .dito. ,J.... ftII, dito, . ;,i. versche voorraad I.tea" :'Pyp eo :8 ... Jarea oud. l(oeaIer. Valeotf.1' nit CIit:OO 8& lanD. óuCl. w...u.-:- EEN - - u ..... . fen Vterk.aten. en~tlf11e patente Sernt. «f8Ote ttUlDO-1ongtllr, -QoIia\hft.MoIIamfIIU, áRd.W~n. Forto. 'Van hel wf!lbekende Hoit ,.ao SUMt.rt & Zoon, door Candála van dé Kaap, 68 jareu oud, eeae SOlIde Kindermeid, wien deael,e ,eraekerd 111" aynde eltprellelyk, gemanorado, Debora, 51jaren oud, Naaister, met bur klDd saart)e, 15 Jaren re'lrd "oor een Ooett!racb Klimaat. Pillno Forte, Floic. Viool. ol\d. Hui.meid, -Rabib .....n de- Kaap, 2.)IIrea-Gad. StrykGuitar. Violillcello en bIaaII MIJlyk. "an de laatste en beroemd. ater, met baar kind Willem, .... jaretl oud, .Amille ¥all de Ile I,.ttera; Clarinelten. Fluiten. Oboe,lJ. Guitars en Vlol_'n Kaap, 35 jaren c_>ud, .. Huiarn'eid, ~& hare 2 Jdnderen. Lea, Ya" alle aoorten. ltali .. nache en Engelache Harpen; GDilar. lO.. eo JIP,li, 3i Jareo oud, ManA Y&Il de. Kaap, 11 j~n Vloql en ViofiocettiJCliiMD- ·....'éil iifYër811 ~UU. ~.':..",. oad, LYfmëléT;'SilH'''Ylm,w1t..1'.'''''' p.n .8«1,.~ lDlltrDmentcn, Pi,no Forte, Steal en KOllflrdraat, Gall'", •• Deze bedienden '&OUdtn vtJOl'Hbr, belllal", onder de~· Stemh.mers. Violinr.eUo. 'l'enor eo Viool Strykato'kken. 1\10- "oordige omatandighedeo, Illmmer no de band syo pset. aykpapier en Boeken. Aeoordion. m,.t - 5. 6. '1 en 8 Chord.. gewordtIn met '1eranderingen. ~rachllge "n etr"n \'ióolpennen, Staart· De uitbee~&Che Wynen, door de~·Oftrlede~ hoofdsake.tokll.en, K-ammen. ens. ena. lyk voor zyn eipn gebruik ontbodell, syn door kennen Klodtr, Haar, Nagel. Tand en Scltoeóbonrtel9. Schl'erkwall" rlend, de beste te syn, en ftreiachen daarom Met.ten Hurea ... Kaap8l4d, d"" Si Dee. 1834. jeló eene groote nncbeideDbeid fa'lcy en elflln Wantlelltokll.eQ. ~ae ftIldere ~illlf; .. Boeken· ..,. alleQ Uureboaden onle Dolken en Zwaarden. In eenen ~en stIlat. en .allen op Woe_.C ea "'tardal EDICT. AI.mede een aÏlgesocbt aaortement Ree"ea &: ZOOM. dOOljea 'e 3 uren in den namiddag "an elken·-dag wOJdeo .erkocht. . ....J' I ,an II, 12, 18 en 24 kieufen "an "en". met lIlaten en SohoEn el'ndeJy", de HUil'meube1- bet naa.tt> Bloed verwanten en C~",..ileQren I "an wy en . G' . K I I \v r .. "'•• "'.. "I" EAlttta Eli~abttl& "tM de" Uerg. laalst "an hut Di.trillt leIlJ"', laaaJft. en Laayen omp eet. oue atener, ge.... werk, bevattende eene RTOOCe vencbelltenheid Y'&D zeer Dll~ /Jl' I~ . diL' .•_ .I lortoel'l.le ~plllreD dOOljea.geprepaffCrde PotloodeD. Chlnaacbe ·...I·Lelen·••..n de'nl'-'" _ .... ·yn nie· all¥all de e Graau- .emet. end venae t ..e ges. Verwp I'an Jel ea PI aten. l' ee k en PorllolOll. r I' a.. .. ,.. v""' .... in -.. d~n.. volkoanen.ten • ....... staat \'an ' _._ wor L n lt .f"nnls tf" nemeo . .... 1"'ens. hoedaól"'heid, maar"'....mec1e Aletta El I",..-t,. "a. ta erg. ab iJIt •• talo I' over .....,n. en Etr~n en llasyk Albuml, van verscheiden grootte, prachtige p ........rv"eatl'e. > • • dal.MM ~ .... komá ... de..:u.u&e. .Bloe,h .. wa(d.eruD, Cr4!di. ft elfeo BJotteaw. 'DIN.eo _"der .8loteA. K..erahaw•• J.nD&. ~D .~.... .n_'keJden kocb teurt'n va.n de ~erlede.e, en narlateo Man EngdIJU", P.cruiiaaDlCbe PeDJI.,O, met ""ne ~le vencbfJid""heid ·N:Q, De"ftO...-; .... p ,_, .. . ,,,er '. MiC/lael J'iljom. eli alle andeft'n llien indka moge Ran- Papier, bel~Dde ill .(. gei" WO,!! POit. he.,t gf'pera', Laid zullen w~ zullen op dell dag der' KRan. lal wurden gehouden ttlll o'Vl'rt!taan yan den Resident d biK bekend ~maa"t, 'en kunoen ondertu..ellen vernomen·wonlen, "'1 . B.o. IfR' D' ad d hl.. uwe Wo"e, blaauwe 'Vove Foolacape. D be rooD, op by W. P. !lEROR, .I' ajtlBtraut op syn ureaD le yraa .' etnl't. op IDI aIJ eb D R I d Ba C ...... 1'1 i'eb.- aauataande. des morgen. tron 10 ureD l'Rciell en rukdemy. oya 'rl ge en r ap$. EeD~ Curator. . __.l_' 1_ I.' I b d __ .... NA l'iaDO Tortn verbaDrd. gerer:reerd "ert ges~md, of in _. "1'· n. "en',.. r- ..t of .. _ ..... '..k. ,,_.~,;aeo". a IIe lluuuoUlge penonen a .. \'oorme II WOf'en y f'S" ·"eRU\,·ut. d db' d S d B ï b d lt"'d A tof .'" '" ~".. ""ua.... •. op den tyd en p~ata 'oorme~.leIJen .. oordig te I)'n, om daD or er gebou .D, etay In ~ til UI ('n, y e en e. een, boe"efl heid Ley~" en er.n1r. Vatwerk. III den 'Bc;edel ' rP d ooda' M' IlfIl "wartaal. Jaar or Jaar. lf"geD de matilt·te termeD "oor _-'-,.'n'"1'0. -o-~~n --ht -I,"'_ -~_._L •• an-"'..... I'n a Idaar ee. ulg eraooo nonen oor z nl..,n agllE J B J F AD. 'HEN .,-"' u .. ru~ .~....... "'_ ... _avv ..,.,.. ' ba d 1\1 . • A1LItT. • .~.... • "--, All ban reet -al. M'I""'lll'-- te a. __ , lallen"· de· traa t t e IIt"n 'VCrk Ie&t',n.tM . ppro tie va~ en eellt'r "aD B . bo 'k I kl' l U~, .. , ,. .... ll~t Hooge Gerrgtshor. all bekwaam eli Snchikt om door d~1I y Wletl,engem. arll e en te 'oop JYI' ttg ..n te matige e ~el.e allflen, len voordeeIe df'8 Hoed., w~eD ,erkocht • -sn.mr;- van I j. I J IOOn -.me...... D ---1-- Zilver..- ..._ Vm~~~ ca C.... ° ° gem. Meestn tt'! wurdeD aarl~ld. tot dative Executeur or termen. Executpuren dMl Boedel,. "all aoodanl, o,erleden Peraonn als KaopaLad.den 23 Dec 1831 .. ' AAN WYNUOU\\'Elts.-BI!:~OODlGl). woormeld, en tot dative Voogd or Voogden vaD de minderjarige 1\1 inkoopingen te vohooyen. omtrt'nt 150 1f'lCgerswyn ",an ErfR~nanten van de Overledelle. eeue goede II.wallteit. en van den oogst "llH dil Jaar te CLERK E BUR·l'ON. l\1eMter "an hel Hooge Gen"gt.b4tf worden gele'tlrd aan bet Pall.bui!l. in January or February ¥6T~piHg van Huizen en Pakhuas. UIl.t. TH. SU'l'HERLAKD, Caledoott-pleill. . De 29 Dee ISM n P ZATURDAGden 10 J~nuary 183rl, zullén tie Onder- L _· .__ • geteel-enden, ar. daarlóe gekwalifttlCerd, by p1lbHeke BEKE~MAKlNG'.· vendutie ~an den hoogsten bieder laten "erkoO(len, een Huil DAAR met betrekking tot cene Inlertie in dffi .. ZuMlmet daNlInnex PakhuÏ8 eli Huurhuis, gelegen op de BuitenAfrikaan," van den 19 December jl. gedateerd Tulbagh, llJ'llcht. hoek van de HOtluuut, voonnaals het eigendom \'Iln • K ' Lid t den Heet C:l'. ZINN. nu behoorende aan de wcdull'e ADa.'- dvn !) December, K. '. maa heeft, Tulbagh', littllef1.u, en degeteekend OndergcteektJrde bespeurd llAN LJtIBBRANDT.-Veel Strykgeld zal worden ge~"en, dat er door dezen en genen op hem suspicie wordt ge.aakt, Den 31 Der.. 18:.14. S. LEIUBltANDT, dell Scllry"er daarvan te zyn, zoo dient deze tot n!lrigt \'an _____________ G. H. MEYER, eenig dllllrin bt>lnnghebbende Qf betrokken persoon of per- O I t.." In den ln80h'enten Boedel ,'an W, A•• 1. LI1tICHING. ".0. lIonen, dat de Onlfl'tgetee'kende noeh direct noch indirect eenige hand hoegenaamd dAarin heeft gebad, en hy oordeelt, 'CE Il U UR VOOR TWEE MAANDEN ZEK ER. dat het van,dengenen die:r.ulka gedAAn heet\, ventandiger ZOIlE fraaye Landgocdenfn, genaamd "Belle View" tn de gewte8t zyn, om zynen eigen naa~l er onder te teekeuen, Mfnnaid CottJgf', gelegen aan Groene Punt naby de in plaAts v.an ttll paor IdierelI, d~e eenen andt'ren in .uspide :L~, bet eene compleet en frw gemeubeleerd.-Huur zeer brengen, Verdf'r refereert, de Ond(~rJeteekende di~~nen hillyk -Adres by die de Scllryver van (le bcdol"lde In!lertle wenlCh~n te weten, J. T. JUROE~S, } G C na den Editeur van den" Zuid-Afrikaall," di~ miascbiep met' P. O. WATERMEYER, n.. nratoren. dendfa Naam bekend zal zyn. No. 8 Kerkplein. Tulhagh, December una, __ ._____ _ ._. GYSUERTUS KEET, Senior. E Ondel'f("teekende, mukt II&nbet geeenllHlblipk bekend, KOllter Yin c1t''fulbaghllCht' Kt'rk dat 'I.y wegens hoogen ouderdom, voortaan gren doc\I -' - _.._ ....ment1\oejtenlllmld meC'r ZI'I1'1' tf.('kl'nen I.al. do. li wr"isl'l,t ,~t'E HU lJll.-Eeu 11ui .., of we' ee" gedeelte wonleDllf', fllUlrtoe uI kwalificeren de He'",'" J lilt ,\ ~ ('.\ lut lil tlallfun: \1)0 rued... "tjee ~l'hlM'ntnakf'l'1Ijon~enl!. '1~ y olC;r, en Pn:l'ltll \. A .... BitE!) ..., AlrxS1 "nl)jl .·.·n 1\ MWV" ailf'1I nlt~l or ?or..I!'r raltnl~n.-Tc ben.lfC'n Dcn 2i Ut.c. lt<:l~. 1 " \\ . I !. t VC). : III Il" l\ I .IUIJrva" dil Uh L D I D '"vl"._.... v_ 0 n -----:.._-----~-==-=- ~ 00I11UlYZSlf. ur t, , D ,,,iii "':rt"; ~ B.~G., KaCJp,tad tie. 31 Dec. lBU. WISSELS A~ Oerewuho' IIIlmlnï.t.tereadeE naute. Bloedu,on\eu en Credi~,o~ "an wl·te. Dil... de &.keil de 1'Óo1'lll&lige Weeabaler. heeft de .moCAROLINAOomIOYUM, lutat ,u bet Di.trikt 8eaafoit. ri_e.~·lette1tba op 'de' Wee_h" ... te- .... .., worden nnqebt kenniti lê ne~. < de p. Du", CA1tOW!t4 1'001' de·JOm na .5949..351 HoilaDd""'H GqW.~ ea 1'83.~2 Jlmltl" FIlESH Invc:itment dt.·Ifilted~~ '•. cI.,WD.. ~quara. '. ... . 0. UT.a. .•• aq4 !l~nt Sell)i .~ Piaoo J!Wie. ,hom. til, weU ~. ~:~~!l'W"'J"=ft'N ';MONnAY:'Tl1ES-!)Alf~ WEDNESDAY, known bOt\MófSIfdiu'lI(:$oa, by .~.&hc'JI'e·w:~ted, .2f. . ~~~-c, .... CqIOa. ~. and T II U Il S DK\', tbe "Utb, '1:ltb; '4tlt, . antl being expretlsly mllnt1ra~tured (oru RaltuDCll~. :. Uth of J.n~ 1835, at 9 o:clock in Uie FORBNOON P~IlDO.F~rte, ,dute, violin" ~tar,. ~llo. and vocal •. .... 'of: ~b "day',reciselr,,jiB be trol""'!'''1 ~lIffión/ Pe- Music of fbe lateSlllnd most Ildlnired cOPlposi&i9Dt; Clari· ~~ ,JG.d, &ct si J'empaGnl1' tQ 1he Rigbtllt ·Didden, ·tbe· "hOle 'of ~e oncts, Flutes, Obo~s, q:uitars, and VioliDl oC curt ) ..le .u~w &.l' ~, ..~~.. . .......... moyeáble"lIo,\ imnlDveable propertyof e\·t!1')'desqiptiÓD, 'be- description' halia'lll.nd ElIfllilib harp JUiLar rlolio and 31. Superior, ..... lOOD. _ .. a~ tóaKiill to this EttBte, II! ftd-ie;tfzed in the G~".t Ga- violhicello und 'sih'er Strings fa,r suid mlttu~ent.i ; , Piano . ,Pj 1." ••. 1. :,,,,. of ·!~tll inltant, and w'bich wHl be moPt ·fuU.)" Forte, iI~u : and·b'aI" Wire; Pilcht'orkl &Dd 'tuning. Ham- Sbipe-:-Coromaodel, &Dd CUdIII Kelt. plirti,colffized in fl)tu~·'.'a,~~ o! tbat l',áp'er. ' mc:.ra.: violi'!Jcello, tUor ud vioU•• 8ofl~. Mut1c "aper ~d Ba_rk.-RenowD.. .' ~,. PenIOnS 1iUhing to ïMmllf'wes _Itb good and ulIl'fUl JJookll; M:eotdt'ODI, ,With 5, 6, 'i, ,aád .B choM, w.tb Bnp-Catn-o. TeR. G~ ~. YOUII. Servants, _will do ~ell tp aV,ailth~m!lel!e!l ?f tbis oPP'Jrtunity;. muta,ion; depllt od PlaiD Violin Pep, TailPieces, Bri. ~ Hobar&t Mate ........ ~ ..... ..., KaSWiIl. a'm~~p.l\pptflltic:ef ..are tbe 101!oflin~~~drles; of. tbe &c., &c. .' .•... NImrod. ~ ~_. • .•.. . Ca.,e; 3e\yéan old~ House-sC!TTllnti' Cbrlljt~trl"l, of ditto, C~, ~Ir, n:lIl, tooth, .... \rIOS, tNl tlboe Brushes. A Scb~~"", Mary, ..... A.Uewr, .. ...,. ....... ~ ~;~diuorlájil!,~of dit&o;',.33, years, t:~t'hln,an t Vit:, g~ ..yMietr,ql fué)' anlJ pk. W.tkiftg Sticb, witb. Life pjrie. . lentyn. of ditto, ~t years, uoorer; Gohatft; of Mo- Preservers; Oval Daggers Rnd Swonk;·IfIso;. ~ . J. ·Jttt.IV·"'I'8 Iti 8'110"· •..• ..1.'1'. 1I&Ulllicaue. !já Y(llT8, L-aborer; Candnl:3, of the ({a~, tiS· Sellet Á¥urtflUnl if \ 24. It.M.S. Wolf, Capt. RtllDley,lro. Table'" pee. 23. yw.. &D excellent N\lltte;' D~b~rll, . 51 ~fearll, ~elUrstres!l, R~ne, sj Son, cases of V, 12, 1~ aad 24 Colon, fitted up 26. It.M S, ·Wiftche.ter, 60 pat, Rear ~ .. iral dae ... wi,h her child Saartje, 15 years, gOU~U1ara; Rll'ltlbn, oT the With si"h!', saucen, glll!ml, atid drawen complete; loose I:ir Tbo .... CapeJ .. K.~.II .• lroal EnalaDcl od. 'IS, to ..... C~, 2S yean, LIIundret5, with ber child Willem, 4 ~ ycal'tl; Water Colon, lIlIlIortt'd; papu BOlle., pftpai'ed Pencib. Brings a mail. . ' Ámilie, of ilie'Care;-Jl) ytiJ'Ji 'llo~mnid, with her t\Vo Chip", PlIIets, Tiles and Slabs,.drawlng l'oJ'tfolio .. lite, file. • t:hlldUn SeA. 10 years. and Jllo~-:H yeatS; ~lIri .. of tué - f"IJtln A.iJd'· Musie·AlbulBll, of~v.rioul sizes. elt-gant and Y KS8KI. ,ft ",UI4N. aA Y. '~.l;:t~rt.:~ .&dea. JlLthecldtpi, U....¥~_ . plain Blott~_;_ivitlllUlll withoul locb'; lCershaw', Luna H. M. S. Ttint~. Wolf', ~d W!DCheder. .Oiuo. 1'~ese Servant.- ,,:oufd {·ert.ainly !leve~ bl!ve been pH.rted ~nd .Peru\'i~n Penl, I'c. wltlia!~reftl vllri&yor~upel'll, eODtistwith' exttpt under the IH'csenl ClrCUlustauccs, as1bcy_aU bear Ing In 4to '\ ello~" \VO\'e rO$t, Jlol-l'retl!led, LaJd, Blue·",ove, ,,:r,c{.hel.•t cbaracters. . . Blue-\VO\'e FoolsCilp. Double·trown, printing, 'DeIllY, Royal i'he 'foreign '''in es hll\ing ~en cqieflr orJW!d by the de- Cartridge and Bag Glip. . (:(,.ued for his own r.rivate consumption, have been ackDow. N .B. Piano Fort" let out on hire, repaired and tuned, .. or ledged by Co .. DOiHeun to be oftllt'-ve1y besrcIeacription, ~ kcptTo' anJer, eltl,er in",'()wn or Country, by single, qwmer1r tberef. ,r~ need of) fUJ'~f comment. half yell~ly, or yearly, on the most' reasonllhle terms by E. rheHookll are all well bound, and in good condition. '. J •. BAI .. EY, at . J. P. ASCaRN'S "Ioeper rond ........ AIOf!!ItlMl'"und .' 41 - 41 SL '-i\nd-fur.tJIy.-the-~~~-par~htrly-.the· .be ~~rne~,jon~~~ 1t'ill ..~ O~.!" (CJI" .~!. ~\lIi1Jetdn;.".lIrl.tJIJ&; ~&L ct)lRprising Il great rai'il.llycof Ut)ltJlliful.arLJcles of the newtst on lhe mo.t l'CAIODabletenu, unmediatelf OD Uie same 1ieln! o\l'l .. IMlr tho , ••.• ~ A ''1.J,lIi. 'Nldb .•• li -, lU SL patterns. are not Qllly.of the very ~est CJuality. byt in the unpl\eked. . Abrikllscn. I"'r ,Iill!) • A.. ri~,I". diho .••• .. - lu . highest IlLate of preser\'átion. • Cape 'fown, Dec. 23; 1834, ~nrclt\l'll(ll"l1. I'er ma". P"tuw.. JlP.r mui". S - " ... ~I =N.B. The Conditlón. upon whleh tlJe Vaults.ill be Sold, --.-------------------Asyn. lM'rIt'~ger ••••• at .._ ft) ",111 be made .....OWft on the dllyof Sllle, .thd may in the SALE OP 110USE ERVEN WITHOUT RESERVE. Blllk~n. per sluk. . .... Duama. cacb.. ... .• 6 - 7 N Mo,NDA Y, the Mh January, 1835, immediately. afler Itonneu I,,~r !llu,I•...•• ' O".3n., Iter IlIalIl, • • Il - 13 IReu time be ucerUined on application to thf' undenigDed. ,IJ;, P;'·BE'ltGH,'Sole·Trustee. the Sftle of tbe GoYemntn& B""" tbe Undenlgncd I)tI\\j"'w~, tlM lb•. , Btm-y \V •• , I_tb, Ja - .8 S... will cause to b,! puhlicly IIOld lome tine Houae Erven, lIitllllte lll)l~r. dilo • '. ...•. Uutklr. IlOf'lb •• ' • • 2 .. - 30 llCxt. to t~.e Hou.e of ).fr, FaAN(:lil COJ.L180N, along the 8rllDdewyn, per legger. Brull,ly • .,.'0011 •. 170 1'18 Rd. NOTICE. Somend Raad, .G. II. MEYER, Orooge (.)ncnlluitlcn ..• Ury OIL Ihdes ..•. .. - $ 'lU: Und.ersignt'd h~~llg been d,uty appointeli the Execu__ Bqkkl""ljno .••• ~ Ilpek I tM' J)fttt"e, to ItdmJftlster tbe Eatate-"of tile litte' Htnry FRESH GENUINE HALLISH MEDICINES. Eondcnenl\lnknuw.o .. Ouck.'d\Iuec.t1o.. I - Jl HollaNd. o( Pon Elizabetb, naqueetll Creditol1l, and all otbers t:;rwtclD. pér,mwJ .•••.• PtlGlI. l~r nlO", •• Il huYing ·claims agllilult tbe .~llIUltU or biB Eltute, to lod"e ,). GarAl. dito Barley. per lDllid.. - .. the S&QIe ci.t.he.s:wi~h Ihe U~qjd or his ~nt, and Ata: CARL PRIEllRleH JUfUTZ, ApothtcaTy in 'lIi)e",,"""'" u.... '.,...· ".'.""" . -.t luDle)' III thiM mal ter. N,r.,_..}Iéltry l!_aIlcll. of Port.I-:lizllbetb, ". . Cli.peT.own, is bereby, bj IU'Idwith the .~pprobat.ioll of -Ga~ G~,~!w ..... I. Qr before the 211th day of Feliruary~rieit~- I\lrCriiartois the Suprel..,': Directory of the Pranki!lh }nsUtuq\ln (or Or- Knilloenen dito .••..• Turke)·I. clillO . • • • :os - 3 l'at.iliilgl.W lo.dge proof 'their elat.illlllwithin the IItllted period, r U ."he... IlO. u18kolel1. per a.all. •• CI1Dl'coaI.·1" ~ek.. p.bans. Il.t H. Ill.It'. appointed our. .Sole COl{lmiSaioDe ,t :-'ill ~ •.F.~~d~d . .rro,lI~_recO\'~ring 'he Bame. .All Debtors Ca~~G~ UOfie,_fIO ~baHrom 1beda&e bereof our lJallisb I:jlJ,Oi. per .100,poptleo ••. lJay. per luO lbe.. 1 - ~ will lhué'li' o'blige by ~lng tbelr I\cconn'ts ~rtlrIrith" ettber1ó Medlr.l~d .!"Ill be sent dlrec~ from our Orph~ House to. tba' Uoning. dito •.•• _., UUOOJ, per. Ib. _.. 1 the UutlCr.igned or hill Agent at 1'qrt Ehr.aheth. Gentleman,only, and to noother pe.non reslIhng at tbe Cape tt."ttr.flN' muil 0aU. 1'18' muid.... JU '. - FRt.NCI!'i COLLISON, Executor Dative. or GQOd nope, . . - . K.~. llUI' Hi aakken Chair. p. lG 1IIleb.. d -.3&t O:ape TOll'n. For tbe. better !lccurity or the purchasers 'Of ,ai(l Med!cina, !\as.tm, Knnl" Jler lb... (.;heese. CaIIC. p.lb. 8 -:- 10.St. •.. Sab,crfp"o", . ." Puitf •• AdtlGAft • • ' Fo"ae. 1'1 ,J, ... It'Plr«t~N:t'BbidQ&NGL. ., 3d 11by Mr. Il. ,J.,IQ" •• , 'al I. o'clock pr.ci.ll _. •••• "" y"aL. au'.' ·49I}Wl>.or ,,'rellch Brandy, ·now ~ndiDA' U'om ..tI..... o.... '~·O.~~ fIrPaa qi'l.~ Lhe Fr.ellcij 8l~iJ' CorarrtlJnáel, fro .. Bordoaux. - to uu.')oa1..ad 'PUP ".111*'. Mr. Rod' .' C........•~ 8..1--' ....~ n 1 HO:\ISuN, WAl:sON, st C...o..., Agen.... ..rJt.nD.1,~, ara, toil. -.t· toLbw. - ac , li,: m." aad -F." • • •• E~li.h, }'reneh, and Du~h.authon; \It'ttiil'ei'eDt ColOOW ~laP."l.tbltt .s --,~" .. DecwaH. "'~"-nttEap"()kt' Stt'E: ~. -~.- . 0' " Wu.au "" A." .... ; •• • ... le 'poplr, pw Voor Utle eate'''e COllraK' ? PttUe.-Elt "",artaal "OOT •i,belaald ",orde. ,. tAt lAIolMAl &del. .- _.:., ..o.:... i. TOJl!II. Rd., II p,r Co..,,'rl. (i,uh,dillg. Slamp. p~"al/f.) .Rel,. -19 ptr Aa,." ... 'fie BI.d. f*' jaar, 16 Rd s, ; ptrkIWJr,aal. fIJd.-ln d. jut'. ... __ ,1, .fao Iateekening.-l,. Buiten.Di.trikten.p" __ 7'lr,., \ ~"'cOftdm ! Pry,cD ._. za """ AA N familie en vrienden I,· ......... -.. wordt .... by deze be: kend RMIlaakt. dl't onst' waa"U~ Mo!eder eo 8cbooamocrler l\It'jurvrouw Autta B,.retldilMi ".... :" Wall.,.tH.· W «!duwe w) Il'n den liner TIIen ea .. dw Sp" • Mea. op den 30 I>t'c. II. in den ouderdom , ... 72 jaren en li ..,,,.nden II n•• ,leden.--all ..n flie met het braaf eD deu....... karakter ,an de n"41rtedenez~e,!d gewefJit .Iyo ..aotWII:~ ,oris B~ y~rliel kuoenbt> n. • Nameee d& .. _oI,ke..KiDdetto.. Kaapatad. 3 Jnn. 1834. S. J. U" Pla SPUY. A. J. MEYBUl\G. ai' c •• - _ Oproepin9 valt Cr.diteurm en Di. e"iteurl1t._ ALLE diegenen die eeui~e vorderi..,eo ver- II. menen te btbbeo. w.11ma boolile 00\ btenllOlDflnde leien deD Boedel ~,len Mej.r,"",w Aletta Bw_tliM 'I" fier Well ... ' .... Weduwe ",leD deo· Beer Melt "all (Ier ::iP"!J~ ::iC!Hwr. worden ·v.nocb\ daan .. , oppaf le doen billnen dell tvd '&0 drie maaftden 'an bedeD get'flkeDd. terw,l alle aoodnniticftdle aan voonnelden Boedel leta ,erscboldisd 'yn •. by deaen worden aan~maand hUlloa ac:halden onl'erwyld te ne wODia8 komen 'oldoen by den Ooderset.eeken!kn UO 11 Buiteuiraoot. No. S9. P. M. BRINK. Kea~, 6 Jan. 1835. Oe&llllmeerde Eucntear;. "Clil DE AAN OUDERS EN VOOGDEN. Heer J. H. Kll!!SER. ".inmenlDAker,I. begeerig. nog twt'o V.'r!i·tlr,l'lI lIan.enemeq, om in be, makou van Kamm.n te Olll;'" ,. \;;,'11, . Du Jongelin,.; •.11 .... It dAartoe aanbiédeude moeten .omtrent 14 i.rl'lI ouel, achar.ri ...;· ..n "an et'ntn arbc!l.tsamen •• rd IJn. ell 1·lallcn op "oorll,,,lil-:" ~aord~1I worden aan(enomeD, n Bt"".,.-.ld;lI'f,."lIuar. etn "·erk ..jl)or .. r e , ..,, .' , DE ZUID-AFRIKAAN. DE ZCID·AFRIKAAl'\. I , PUBLIIJKIl VBBK.OOPDf&. ~GJ(f .. KAAPSTAD DBlf 9 IAlf17A .... 1835. U~ geeft oos Y~"I g ..noegrn in ons R1a<l ""n h".Il'n tI' bneT. Ilf!ll\t>kt'nd .. Et'n EngellChe \'olllpll\ote!tog. m~t tie laatate ('Olt .an de grt'nsen ont\:an~,·n. I",t ka. Beschadigde G~dere,.. ---Hamilton Hoss, "oor. one Dlllt dao ylll"pnd :ll'n: te ontwar ..n . ,Int O"~ll . andf!re I " De Wel-Edele Hrer J. H. Ho(meyer, L.L.D. EcJaR Verlooping ~an dfl Ondergf'teekl'Ddf'n.ol)aanst Din~. ~tn~ .. n In I e saak 'fan I'Cl{tval\rdlghl'i.1 en \¥IItlfl"'i,1 I !t' .allen een,1I" B.len Stukrordt'~n door 3f'e"a t..r J. L. Smuts en nn .'reteunilt(t en goedkeuring vali elken individu, die \vna~l~~ belcha ~Igd _ ... n deft meestbi6dendlln wOrdeD ..enocht ... oor ~Ieel ~I'mt in df! 1I<.lanr'" deser Koloni ... heeft nrdi"n,1 -i, ------D. W. Hertlt~. L 11:'&.. R 1111 der belangbebbendeo. groot" hOf!yet'Iheid "ieu"" ..an de rrenzen. helilaat thans h,:~ Z. A. A~um, 6 JauUUT 1{~(lOtl~e eelte ."an onl Blad, doch wy v~rlrollwen dat h..t I ',1. • J. ~E"WET, Hon. Sec. PiU...... lItlp niet Y,cr a! IS. wan,n~r wy io llaat lullf'n lyn zoodan; " na.owkeof1~ Informamn intowinn"n. om ~ 'I'It'e u Il~f ..an bet e\4>II..I te kunnen ge"lm, WIlIk., ml'n tot h..de~len JAVA RYST. AD \'ERTENTIE. O~I~ der Kllfft'':''. hl'l!rt opgt'lVoirl. An " .. tw,·lk on!;l"twyfd,1 P z.tutdag den ie tlner, :tal cr .aD ZyDe\' ENDERS tot het Iqgftl "an' f'en Planken\"loer in eea millOI meer·aanieldlllR lot ckf tA!gpwoordige criei .. bet'ft gf',e~"11 MaJeate!lt Cuetomb.is worden "erkocbt. bel reataat der At:ht.en'e!1rrkken t'n I'oor de reparatie van de' SteeL Ja". Byat. all omtrent 300 aakkp.n ~aande. ~\'y plaatsen met geooegen eeDen briel ~teekend " E· lleaYloerea ID • A·.uen.um Den d .de audere Vert.rekkt"ft "an hett Z, . n. 9 Junary 1835. P. M, BRINK. en hE't publiek daaruit zien ~I~ zu tot eo 2'l ~U1' wonten aanseDomen door de~ Vnend dl'tl LeeraarI," :e êf'm~~ing ..van te Een Lid e~ Reiangt'teJler on:tl'r Krrk Wel-,Ed. Hrer J. H.' NEETBLlSG, No. 5. St. Gwrgeetraa (ij(' Ontvan9tn fl&et de Reno," n. )Jy WlrDde byzonderbeden kunDen worden 1'ernOlllen t, I' anw UIID, W~Oll de aCwCltlgheid \'lW tien wraar pluts, "oldoenend wordt ooantwoonl wv verbI, I r Z. ,~. AlbeDeum, 6 Jauuary 1835. . .AU~ kWUl . '. . ~Itn ,Dl1~JUl\ls. ,.l!le~._ N,.e..a~oebn. Chambre11, -truk· - _ .L .»Lu:.E.T,.llGL.Sec.. Z'n Eerw.··.e&L eD..DUl .o!U.enJ~Jm~_ill~~g!'}_l!!KelhJ.!l!l .. rte ..... hae eD 'Voerailli. .. .'". - _'l:=~~ Y ID den wyngaanl des Hceren werkzaam fs- ge\\'t·("~t: . JAMIESON. WINGATE & Co. 200 RIl8. BELOON I NG. S t. G eorgemaat. 6 Jaa. )835. De Edele Sir J. A. Truter, T R~r, tft pI~teO eenen --------J. isas Thompson ar. ~rrAd""Je., r.~err.n, O ,ed T ui 56 Zakken ~%tra Ma'"itiNs Suiker. DAAR men hel Hnis van den Onder... oeteeken- .:!- · ULLEN np den JO elfter nr "'0 deo Heer .R. J. JONES yen&' reUo"'l ¥&a de. HEYWAilD. tt -CO.-' de Commiaie \"l'rkooping V .... ~el~· ~~n No. 3.') Bui·f'nr~cbt. in d..n nacht "an Il'Indf'r Rew"' worden Yern 2 ,teser. heeft .f'l ..n bfnnen te komE'n. de aloten IMOl-aten U-»l 'la. C. oad«ra:~ideefI deet-en. k~rk .. l~. Botr ... tt1t ens .. oleo J. G. S·I'EYTLER. eD .. ,~ Goederesa seat beerl~ te _._._ _ _ ~ige Curator. £eft' dozf~ aJl..."~n ~rt'forkf'n. 6 ;all..eren ~l"Uer'll'pels I~ ~ ...... r .IiI"en".P LrpelS. reD - dosyn .set'r (raa'~ .HEDEN MORGEN. ,:UJ"ereo ~rtlft_n en \"orlr.en. mel paarlrmoere fT.) f'en Saladelf'pel. MU \ïscbmes t_ Saus! In. If" "n. E Ooderpeekende op he~ pa.nt etaaode de KaaJlSlad te HoroIoRie. eea dosJR ""-1",~1 •. ~n dia':::~nl't'nR i :lll.eren een L_.1 vnlaten. en naar de blDnenlan~ te 'fertrekken. aal loa"J'lOJ dito. ren poui .. dito. l'en goutl ..n lIaa_rt'e .... en mor~n te 10 oren eene publieke 'ferkoopinl( hoodto _ ~fO tnpu BonupfIId t d" .. · J r. ayn Woonhuis ia de BreNtnult hoek wan de Kutf'CI-~'::: S~ld. ke. Ire. Omtn-nt £JoH': ;~i:0Ya Ilo. ~n diamantp.n. Z, "oeh' i~' , D .... "oole- " GI T Ge"iIU'n. all1D.e~e Haiemt'ubfllea. .. U ~ "DoG h'" ....::!i:,t e r , bcmaande L. PUBLlE~ _t Ba •••• HK H. W. "OLLEn. E'LIOT ere in StOf'len • Af.lapn. VERKi)()PING. . I'n Ineolvent"n (Vit de''' Gralaam. ToJl''' JOJl)'H£ll:' 2 Ju .. ury IR35.) IlU" ......... O ""l"". _h~,h ..... p.enlge ~aartrn •. maho.nybooten K..........". s..:::.::".:...~,,·,,· n: n... ,.•""... ..n..id .r ::~z:a~ r.J::·::: filé! ....... ,• ....., ~. :::.:.::7.. r •..~Ó ...... "',.... ~ r: r"~ L k... u,,,; " "'0' wl"d .. n,:, ~len. :~ ''''i" V.... _ ...... u.!i. hnewMIbllid Kalk, f!f'nfl lIof't'fIt'lbf'i<1 Zoat eene ~roote H.... M.;" ,....n ._._1.... ..- pak G•• j_kk.o. _ W n _L •• pr; DLIEKE ede .an wa," "Olui ..n. ." .: '. ":;"",.~. ecbt~r aan df'ze kleine ",:bod••• on 'y "'reik Wie ~ .:::.d In, d..n InlOt'fOnten Boedel . K..,.....,. Wln'.'ler. DEL...I""" van ADIUUlf Da \V UL. OP d. ond"" •• ld'.; . q. .. !'..0. m.""'- E H•• -. •. E~E Ar~"Iicoo TE ut~l~R. omlr ..nt li jan-n ~ "':"" " 1.deIyk d:';l:!;.'.r.::: OtJ.I. av i~ M'DI"...... 1 ~;hoo;'N ••• i.... ;... \\L~b ••• SOn"m.,'-Ad~. "K' • lallen teT bNlgUglog ..an Crediteuren r . ""ft dit Blad. .' jl lf! nntoor hflt Bureau ..an den MeelLllr voor del t d opo-u I"rn. cp "·· I )' yaQ ~_ maan" I' en Iterf' en , waarna bet llooge Ge-Iabuf I . ....... n ' ,. "",0 __ . .~ U .•• ~ Pt·.u EKE VERKOOP"G. ..an h d k d P. GOOF. ''''A1'EB.MEYF.R ' ZO:'tUEn 'D'" 'UI"" Knan.tarl, 9 Jan. 1835• '. ..' .: Y'" £enig" Curator. ' DE Ono'" . ttoek I [', ." "'STE RES ER VE. li ~_ f'ft<~ :ra! .... np l'ublil"ke \' ~rkno!l;"1t hoo.tl"o Of" a."'-tt R4mlt ' 1tbll: II' 3 url"n BOI!del.'an "ylIlI! G schridl"ftb ..i,} 8of'It" a'_.1_ • l'8? .... n.. It.root.. \'f'r10llCB D.\.ltlu, KOf"tJ. . \d lW 3 qJ ....""'~I.erte.erd tu ,h'''_C ..)mm ..rcial LLEN.' t 'i t ' ~",r r."_,,,,1l _uan- 1815. P • LL'Y' 'le "or, I"t: CI~n Iphlw!n Cl'tt"n ~m Boe tcl. nIt .' ". 1'. ~ qqN I~: del". ingnolgft tl.. 30ttte ar.tf' ..lill~ ..all o...~~hl; TE KOOP u ••••• O ,.. ,~.~.... . ,lil' a~n ....nl"::l-'~lllft n~enlllcn 98 n IIII~d~n " ..rek!'n.1. 'I'r.\'1 SV EENIG Ep' ! .-Qt'"T" £t II" kfta~h .. .... DUn' "f'flOC1111 lit" lOyn ' "':"_L roe ...encYJI C f '{' Rrtl'1,lp,,,,· ... "0 Braotle 1 hrpaalcll" 't w~\r"f"n 'rR"",t .I"ll'lvlI ml!tle hinn,," tt,. bierbo\' ..n . ''''vrlllt'''l1 hl' ,If'~"" ••'kf'~,1"9n(t""'II\II"~. F. G, W .~.~t:~:\I~;~E~n On·, ~~,_ __ -~.: ~_ ..... Seon. No. I l)orllSlrant. aApata(. Jan. 18.35 Datiwe E:....~I~ur. I Itl'{;U.-I':, "r Mló -1' .. t"'''d ..... f1 ,\, •• I' I ...rlllt. .., .. Slrllo,lPubbcke YerAooping tta4 Gl'tJOl IJrakl!.t.t€l1I. 1 ._ _ .L·· ft A .S.. hJ ~ I ~ I ""Il" in hy .... r 0." = II""· zoo als bet sébeen e d I oweD, WIUIIok • • n .... " ". 'YQ b,mbd. ,,~, te~~ en, om het bloed te stuiten. De party l'e; hi. cruu:: Z. 0.::: .... ::' ~:~::~kde~,gingedn naar het w.oonhuis V~II ·t.... I rd' uoor e strool'crs geheel en III \lll'!t-P ulnne ,was; \'er\"olgens begaven zv Zll'h on-r (I,' p aAts a "urC-me rd . ,•- r \"ermoo wa wiens ligcb :ty 'y ' ••d In " , ;. I. don":~ ~.u goo" zy behouden in de stad aan. Op d~n ..ol ...... !l dil walU('n ee! ' o-n en ag "ertrok o.:~:n~ l'~rty md ernm wagen,' 'fast be!llotell"hrilbendf d . boe l~amen, stadllwllllrds te vl,,'oeren ty st 1'1": en ID un oo<'merk alsl ed . I' , ... ~ rh'" , Il e JO let \'mden "I\n het ,I lO I ' I.~ aam :an eenen hllndelaar Kirklonn uie naby de \'~ nVlers Unft, "ermoord was ""''!'I'onlen ' hl ,- ':'d ·i' op z ..,-. • haddeo hunne ,paa rd en ontzadeltl e arls-arlner, Z" ten eindete doorkrllh;eu. de:I:\'h'e tc latl';' ~n toen lunne a8ndueht wierd afgetrokkcll floor lit" roe~': .vrou.w~lf, en een ~roell om bYlItand: van I'cne "onden ,onlng, J'll~t bClledl'n dl' plants 1I1wnar zy z:ch hc. "gelegen. Een man te Jll\I\rd hard "ooruil ziend .. 'f'~or~reni eli hen slllekellde volg('11~)I'reden a, ,t') da.c ltellr na, ('II kwamen hem kortte daar;)() eene zypi Item \ilts al " Ptralie MAANDAG tt"n 26 Janaar" J 18'!.) %,,10 Ipr n, I".'Irt.,,(iEDR~"T. \ta.ar ne I\.lItf' oeren bezig . h ~egen ollltr(" • III, ,. ~ 0 driehonderd . '" waren. zie Hrer w~~n~'i:Rrto'lelll""t.:oR -.r.t!k.e~ ~an ""0 \ AI'I,r ...nhC'· l)CII'JU' I... ~nd .. a,.n d"n lI("'er J 1> \'IlII ;t.t'k' b ., I!I'!I. t(" ,erdc<hgell, tile hl'n JO de nail,· hClll GD' UIB. ter syDer plaats ~I''''",' .a& ;\JOUR. ~..u oir Paarl h' br" . I' clr OS( lt \\ aren annl{evallt'II, en Illet wirn ,le dril emotd rr"kenltem. 1 worden "I"rk~ht "... • II-t a J'p1"'" "ICI't:(" L~ ....p ~lt.0 ~ Ii,,&.t~ï' • ALn. \an f .• r· u.,....._. ....;, ... .1 "",r'h,) uurd ....r t 1>chI· "rgent'! III .It' ·h~ .ol'ren i· (nllpt'" .. ".. 'l"n h·t ..~ .\.l'e IIten waren. Dc laatsl~("mdd,', ,. n der lI(Ia uit~esene arl)('iders, "'aarondE'r KOf'tzw", \\'"'llnr"r-li .. g....f'.d.~. ""'It;e ;npkk ;- ...man,. "' den Tronk zl'~h ru tI'! It't'lI ~1ktl{\liOitt fW wy~· ~l\iI(wUfnr ~ll vru'llei.lli..·dm It..n r~tf'n. SCaIJOuRenl. Haisml'iden. pns. -n. min~. nl bf' ooo.j wor '-n f'n. ~n tot Z~Il" r·a~"flfl", e, c grootste d d I. . "en drHI I\lRRl'rl Wa,,,n. f'l'n kl"'ln'''a ...pn Jurkk·~n .!nOOt •,..~ .. ",,'1',,07 nnh-.I'-I __r"""oI:"llt'r",,y_1 I.ll ,I..,,, K,'nll.' .IA vallen, t (' II<; h'leltl'n. " Hy moe, oor lJ}' voortdllrins;op til' aanI ' ~tK"I.. ... I te ZJ ,~_hem nl<' L' ... de aannaderin~ !ler pntroUllle nlUUl'1l I .."",.. "K ..oort-. deaelf. lIuitlralt.d. bflltaan~ illl SIOt'I";'. TO,,': u ft ,"'0 0, ' ",Ru("n; In I("t naast hv I I' I I .• " • ' mallnen Jill' egene ).OSI'1 (e wyk; ·-tw!'" \\'Ilarop n"Iten. V nd enx. K enz. atlook Kombnl'--'--" ~... """.9I' L_ .... p. ETROli\\' - m('n I cl de Fdril'.1 &1'l'er(" herMktc I{~ weten "St :::o::r. FAURE &. KORSTF.~ T •·..nr II I). ~f' ~1aan,I!l1: dr .. 5 .I..z..r. ,l,or .f"n \VI'I- lWt' edl'l! ERRl:IRA ~cnliam<l, ('n een pers'OIm ('OIH s Htt II ___ ..~~ ,6Jln. 183.". I .• H'r . Jl. "0"", ~ ..... r,F.R. t-n ,,11"11' ItUISt' i M'~. I!' ~!rh 10 t'f.·rwlI Ilt'kla~ells\\'aardig-en tOt'stand he HÊÏ>E-N-M- O-RGEN-. I~" ~n~D:&t. ti.. 1I~ Tn'nus DH'" Illc" \IW~. ,m:: ~o~( ('n. h:.('n. \'an 111'11, hnd H'I""('h("i<letl!' 7.wart' won.It'1I ,~on'::f')flr.rtMIW OOllh,nn, .... 'f"IWml'lI. llotdz'lkt'l\'k ill II" Oil' fpr I'k ' " ['.UZ.'''''TlI .\ " .... HlII·t~ D,~II,ftr n1 t 1"· lil. " 7.'")' I.11 I.\'n<"cl Ir.. lIB I ,. .~ ,. dl e \'00"''1',\ II \.. k ' . . n ftso" ..ntrn ol1del ..anJunlul:hT l\an'f'II\\'<"I.£.1 IIl"t'rJ It BIK . I'· "u(nllt' 011"'11, I'll opd(·llgl'lIllllhll,·n ENEI n dI,ubliekfl Verkoo()injt 'Ionde R' . I'\)"'j • • .41O.D, "'Il'" " ""I"',n<1. ,,;n anTe('~ \~ns merit· !=e\·.larlyk .. ,'wond; lCN:' I de ,lt· ...ie rh~ Mmgen drn 9 desu ro. r _ne za ht'"\lf'lll ~C('n lIe\\C(I hl\fl, 0111)(, 'I'hadig-,I ",n..~, H"t hOseh \\ .- III t Kamf'r ,an deo Heer jO JO~;;,hoadf'n. ,le VetMIuIr ~n!\~,,'lI_en Ills lll'jl.Mid. til' ll1e~'sten denl'ln' nil'uw "11 ~·all Kouten"'.tf'n. ranC)' Itf'kle~rde Mo~li:" ~ assort:."t '~Il d~. C:f"nmt"nlyk.. kinrkrt'n. wnrrlt """ NI\I)f'. '~Itm~":cil( (' soort. !'d nul .fN,eh (" ht"'ft !III'U fill' zycltD KnDllen en Krui.handfln. l\talei. 'Doek rn Jf!1J' d.-:s,.r In lf' K a :1e1..df'n ...... ""·t "..mllnkl ,lal ol' .1,·n:1 ;.l' gnc (" ;rll.gt. D.. l'a!l'Ouillc 0l' t."t'lIl'n af~tall,1 een,," \tIll:;' , Cra"alll. kllt()l'nel! Onderbroeken Gin ba FIa t'1I. wnr.lled 1 Jl,'" ''Sni'. aal'!"a. '"' f)... rled~n, <I.. Ht'f"r WiLt EM W £1IIF.- k 1', :wn,1 Illlddyk l'en bode at'. U\' dr'7.f'lt~ t,'r'lI "..beinellfl "n.lere fJOI'!deren, tot dlfln n:; t'o .rr· . . "' of"" o'l"~nm "an _f'1 .ia~n ~n 10 "'ltan.I~". . ,OU~S ~alll HI('n te weten, dat ,luf\'rOlI\; lIowil'on 71'\ .H. WATSON }re JO~A"St;S \VEIDE!\IAN, Sen. In en&e"I'~,h"\'ontl,(,lloJlWcg naar1111Is was' ,'r 1:est'3l J P VALI .....i..f'S, J ~. F. BOTHA ~n gt'f'nen twy.e dat haa" lev I' ' .• 1\11111>4111.1. ,I. n 9 J~ll I(!~,;'. . ,,, IIN. Coratt'ren 1 I .. toevalli e h ·z'Y n d er patroUille. . ~n gen-c: geword("nwierden door Ilt't ,.. •• <'v, dg) De IS gewonden "' A ~ :"I:abf',.tJ'Il,,,·It'fl.'" \·" ..n.I..", wrr-h .Cl.l'nl w&fl'cnf\'epl8atst cn bereikten dl' stad cics a\'ond~ 1','" O.lldcrgeteckcllde waar".el'II • ••'.'t E<J'O.n .'Cu, J"'r ,t·'. ,.) 1'_ I"" I ("7.<.'I\'cnI~ ~cd('rt . ..,. \ lf' ,lat ...... -,. ,.... ~.... ~H. O~~, I . lo'Il '",I; '" ..n<l "~,_ ~"mf1,,\t. ~"l;•f.I.. 'Rn onO'I,14kk' . I o\'crl . ..rlen . DI·· e moe' ~'allrllU"'t' ,k" , aan nlem,lllJ borjtl'n am I np syn ..n nAam c",du.t toi .... r~ ~ 1\' r J,"'OI'''' _'" ""';"1:\ Mr. In 1...... , I, "I 'I' \.'" "~llIr' 'n . 1\1' mali Zit I n'I,It·,liK,t hn,I, i, ~allllh'l kin!.: ;.- 'nr,h~. l'I!IlI'D ,,,",r"r I'Illoejtl'lK"hr"'f'nl.Ner .an hem" ..I•• " ~ m.,~.....'", rn I. I,s: .. n. _, \rr<"u'" ' \I .' '.''1' ,1I~llpllfn .• 'i' 'I' '" I{!'\\'ond ,"ltlIlt··. ' ...·.k '1'" ",,~ KMII!;:aJ. J,III. 9. IS35 J (' ('!-O:l,E" _.. '. '"Ch..,. ~ I,..Il .. " \.\ r ~, ,,,'., " nl""'" I.,,, k'l\>!: ,f"n" ••'r- I 'JIl "Ui\ l\l. ,,,t,'r_ l'll[h,I:11II ("II '1IIf"'1 ,t.'ll'h,· " lt'flll{ "I' I.\'nr• 1,ai' I 'Il ,"., ' , A:tl.U4:,~,' : r \" J1t I~)-. 1I 11-\'\'\1,\11·,1·11. \ I Ilpl!-Il(l!ellrl ..... llllol\cntol\'ol'I·1 (. Il \ 1.1_I',1110 \'Of I('" J ";0 =:.:.:..::_::~:::::- T& _-;:;:;:;-:;-:-;;-:_-:- O y' • DI': '" r Q ,~ " '1 G ~... .. • , •• ! ~i . 4 E U sUAna:::" "It Ii u!e.te~~ - -- rOt ~l!\ ("!Il("; t G : '- DE i ' I ~ t .. " , w_. k' ; .. '.''''n ., ""',oak' .. _.o" n. g dot od. _ en keerde y_, "'_ Kolonie, - ....._ 'vo= by ben TO ..,..._ spoedig OD _ met (00 .tub men zegt __ . mede, dat de Kaffers _ ...... ; .. zich op de Kowie-heuvelJ Ik d -.~ hoh- rlgtiDl"a _ ~. to .. ""'" , 1 In hot -- Mne retraite _,.1 •.• A aaaab&edencie. _ - .... ;". n. ;" In_ _,p.M' I...... a1~ _.DIL _M. _Dlm- do•• ,... ••• alwaar be\.oor lledllll '1 .. K .. _ .."....nn.. YO _ ' .. al -"'" gevol« tertJjf ged'reftft.. 4', . . eeoi~ ._n diereo 1MiM1.é ..OOi'~ liet UI i< d deo -. da _,,01& ~Do _.~ _..........,_ _".,,~ ... ........ , ....... do ...... de rapporten, bykana ~urend(L elk mar in GraJaama...t,&a.d htdeft-oaelK-doGr" bar~J' ~ eli het wat.iet YOOr. h.. n C ml iJiobeId. hot _ ,.,.-_ -. yk d... .. ; .m .. _ K'o dal Iac , . communicatie te pubUeeeren: ' Het rueuon beden ftD de JlUIIt plepae lJfU*IIl onCVu· De buiteogewone 1"-g door de Kaft"el"l inges~ by hun- gen, WIIlI tteer akelig, en wel berekend om aGO wel bet_ ........ woo...... I.... I. d. Kolon;" .... n ho' C... ,.; ............. _ ........... OIO de _ ....... lo' van bescherming belet, om het publiek in bet bezit te ltellen, den barclneJdtÏ!SteD tlegelllltand te doen ontbrpden. Heuelve van voldoenend uaauwkeurig narigt, Gm hetzeI"" inltaat te meldt, dat alle de aieh tbu. in K.aft'erland beriDdende Zendagw. nie. mind" dan joiot ... k...... ".."men VOD """"'. ...... ddl i< -. ...... ... al de I. 'OOI' :r_ 'Y.""'. 'J"" se- •• WM •• ...... 10< n""" ..... w_"""'. rk; m Do I.,"'m.r.._._ le " _ .. nd. .n UI'''' k...... ". d.. G un ., •• puole. w k.ld, Bu"",. dl. "'m h"""" Even akelig pu.' .~ wall de tyding van Báthurst,-het andere hot DI>!riet. Eene meded~ling "an een committee \'an bescherming, welke aldaar benoemd Wal geworden, vermeldde, dat, ten ",rol« von d•• a1.= ....... _. do< de 10_ van dllt gedeelte, bunne woningen en goederen badden yerI"ten en gevlugt WI\re1\; dat de nieuwe Kerk te Batb1ll'St-met. die ollgel\lkki~ en arme l1éden \'emld WIlS, eR dat-de o.-erigen zich in hunne wagens be"onden. Dezelve "ermeldde mede, dat de Kalfere op Kersdag, het.vee op- eene stoutmqetiige w)-"'Zeaaoge~ en geslaagd waren een groot getal wegte\'oereo; dat zy zich in den grootaten staat van angst\'lllligbeid. bevonden. uitbooCd~ bunner ontoereikende middelen vaft verdediging, 'Z'J W_ .tecllts W'e1nig in getal, terWyl vden geene' andere wapenen bIltiden, dali hooivorken en bajonetten. Zy die paarden badden, waren geduriglyk aan ht't pl\trouilleren; velen der paarden ,varen afgemat, en deze _g'I .... k....... nie ....... wo .... ,~_. ten7.y zy bYHtand bek,v8men. Deze depeche wierd be,loten; met (te "E'rklaring, dat men bun gerapporteerd bad, dat de Knffers iR eene groote menigte aan het oprukken waren, en dat bet bun gevolglyk onmogelyk zoude :tyn, hunne positie te houden; dIlIlr de toevoer "an water. zelfs toestaan,le cI"t 7.)' zich in de kerk konden verdedigen, geheel en al belet konde wonlen. Onder deze omstaDdigheden verzochten zy K....... ••,".re ..... n... M d, •• h.. ",kh';' ... ,... 'un.' '.mUl... en van' de Veldkomets, " n. don C.mm~"" CI,I'.. Com.. i"";' ~ s....die rene eorrespondentie •• W met dea CtriIOD C.,....;...n. ..... ,........ be"""•• lo "' •• u ....... blykelyk, dat de Kalfers in bezit zyn, Vl\n de ganache Grenllieoie van Kaffers Drift, tot aan Winterbel'lf; dat zy sich lo' h~ "'puld ",bben •• m hol;- d•• beboonnde, ~ te voeren, ell de menlchen die lt,! in sen)lp ~taUeIl.()P de groote \Vegen en in de afgelegen woonatedeu vinden, te verlllOOnlen. . .. Uitboofde dat de Kal[ers aldus verstrooid zyn Oftl' de groote uitgestrektbeid der Grenzen. PRIl beachreYen en tot eene diepte, bykans het gebeeIe grena-distrikt be".ltellde, doorgedrongen z.yn, zrn de Burgen van dit. .diatrik.,,- zoo wel als die·van Somerset, of niet ilUlwt geweest, hunne! woningerf te verlaten, of hunne dimltten wie~ ill-"ucler~ gedeelten "ereischl, '. .. DI! If"WaJl"lltle magt- in O... bamsta,l hyeentieraaaeld N tot hiertoe bykalllJ hfuiLeluilinlt belig g"~lIt met ."rdediJingl o.. Bu.,.."'U........ wordt "lie n~1I "erwtlCltt. "'t 0. Cilile .L&1DD1i.,arlli aldaar. hl"ef, "elooftl "erstorkicll{l"n t"sftntien. ltOoora alII deael,ein de a£gelelJeo ~"IIc.:ten van het Oi41rict. byeen,enamehllulleu lyD. .. De l'6M!tl' dt'pecbe aan Zyae EItC811enlie den Oeoverneur, kali ,Ic Kaapstad 0fl Rillt"ren bllbtw.n berl!ikt; h"t ie daarom waarechyolyk. ,lat bel kracht,laoligete rener. spoedig 11'1 worden. ,,"rleC'nd,. hl..................... de F... De -""""ac ramru.. wo al De&eln pat voort te r.eqea, dal a, pea nUll"hol ...... _,k .......... ; rn&.U' dal ay hadden ~oord na Bd"anI, te Burnt Hm; Warren, op bet loatituut na dell Re~ Hr. Keyaer. lol het· ............ .. _ ....... Rogen, aan de Cbumie, en yeneheideDe anderen. De arme man Warren, ill 'VIUl de ODtbyuafel nn den Iteer Keyaer ~, en in weerwil van de amf'ekiDll'en .an laatstpmeldeD, voor syne ~ftI'IDOOI'IIr .. . .: ,~,. . keurig..... ....... ... _mil. K.'........ .... ........ ... ,a,"n~Eo........ ,... " ... w.,~'"'' 'n ""n."""" D' .. Somenet, k1f&Dl Maandag nacht .. n aan, 'eD. in.peeteercle op Din8'*dag--middagde-~ Da lJdbtI dQOr ~em ~ld. kwam in ~le .opziwten met -4e; ....r oDtTupne, oniun. ~ .•W,,!, . aelC. van eeDetl ero•• aai'd, lWJlelyk, dat d., militaIre magt onder 1r.'VD be\"t'I, niet iUlUt eenip1l kncbt .. dadip weentand te bieden, lIat- ~oeaoo w~1 beraama tw:ucnen te :tyn; f'n zoo goed uitgeloeld wierden Luitenant Koioeel Port BeauCort te Grabamlitad ~.,. ....... '-"old .~ _ ....... '..... : POOI...... verydeld; en dal.by deKolente derhalve in bet groobte Rf!...... betdtouwde-syn. Dtt.·~ wietd oYervl~i.r bevestigd, door·van alle kanten ankomfllJde rapporteD. De aan.oerder nft eene ~apende ~roulle (R. Fertlleratone), ga( het volgende ,erhaal nft ayne yer~ngen: dat hy Graba1Ull8tad .1'erlaarn en ltieh naar de plaa .. van den heel' Gilbert ~en bebbende, uldaar perlOnen bad geyonden .,,,enteo r.' i. ".,.,~,........",... do' d. ..... .... ,- ....... ai" ........ te -; du; ... tirnbamsstad de wyk te nemen, en bun vee in de rigting van pen,le magL albier hye~nverzam"lll. aich tot vurtltdiginsta by AMIl naar Salem. welke de inwonen mede htMlden Algoabaai oC eldel'1!, ~zeaden. Zy smeekten om eene oilllratien bepaalt. eli bel Commiuee ait aanm"rkillit .. n d., ~Ioten •. ~iet te "erlaten: Daamll is "lY pmlen n.ur. BWlh.· ,.t>rsterking van manschappen, wel\e des te noodzakelyker groote ve... lerkin~en. wftlke ,I" v)·... ,l yolgens .ltl laallte Jetmanlnvler, welke hy Ja OYérgewkkén, en het O .. tflct \'all Wl.l~, dMr een I\antal jonge lieden <>nder Luitenant Forbes depecbe VDn Kolonel Somerset. io Killftlrlan,l Ol) 'de beftn Uiten~ in~trokkeD. Aldaar w..,en de Boeren bezig &ich ,!ie berwaards waren ~zonden ~wllrden, all eene e8cort~ brlln~t. heeft tie. inwoner. viln Balhn,.t 81l1l""vol"'l'- en !loet te YMZlUoelen en in hetgrootate alarm, hetwelk. merkelYL met ammunitie, en die bl' uitstek aeti ...!' waren geweest on sulke no ann de Inw,men vao (te af.,el ..gt'nc getledttln van brl -nrmeerderd wienl, door gebrek aan ammunitae, om zicb· het punt stonden, om de plaats wederom te verlate~. '. Dioltrict Alhllllin. naar GrahamiWt"" de wyk tft nemell. waar er zel\'eo te "erdedi~n. Daar veroam by, dat een groot aantal: net antwoord óp deze mededee\tng ......!I van deu oopnmaar l'en" communecatie 0lllln mogt syn. Kaffere den vongen nacbt de .Jagers Drift W&reIl binnen' ,ti~sten anrd. HeneT\'e "ermeldae mr-vol!lagene onmogelyk.. Jle!fommiUee ',eert giSteren :lnun_d''''fIiIt ex."'_ tl&IV, pk~t.uep,. .D~ \~~~ Ill~~n s~~n, de barbaren de . held om bystand te ltenden, en be\'al hen &Ib, 0111 dat fraaye K .. lo'lel S"merBflt arge,~nden. hl.'r11erl\9t1glyk aanbe~, de ~.Dn_ J~\'UI Scheepen lil den lIrPil. Oe4un!tlde" I'll IwhlOgryke dorp te "erlaten, en zich Iidu8 te bedienen dlltlelyk" hyellnYerzam"hng. dl!r l(ansche gewllp~ntl., lDagt 01' den tp~ dat by Incb daar bevond, w.snefjëli.t y.,ens meT van de cowmnnicatit;. toen met OM\hAtn$tal open. l>elte tieSil I(renzen: !e...Grah&msstatl. vlug.tellngen, tot "0 vermeerdenI, eD voor hy bet District I'.,ad wier(l . opgevolgd; deze ge re Jandlct-rett is ontvolkt: ." !l\lt ComtmU.-e ·.ermaat\t. all., l!eI'llGft<'ndil Coaunandot l'erliet, n boorde hy' "an .\'enpleders, welke in vencbeidenE' 1e h ,Ic woningen der inwoners \'crniehl en geplunderd; groote ultmaken.le. ,"'er e,l\.dgl,k'~ 'eent; ""reet!" ~h",?r:a«ambllid .. te _.rigtinae , waren ui~~, ~ bet'boIch ee!J l'ÓOd YOOrtrocl~rn V~ I'n fraaye kuddf'n merino !lchapen, 'toyn tot een bewyst'" ann ti•• hevelen tI.. r, OffiCler",n on" ..r wl~r to~,enlcllt komeo had, door liet groot. 'pt&l illéh daUiQ· 'be-vlodelide ')roOi der \Voll'fOnof alln de nog woester hOl'flen "Ill barbaren ly ~epl.\<\\!lt ~yn. en tIe OffiCieren van Zynllr Majesteill IIf're- Kaffen. B,! zyn terugkreren '8 hy weer te Salem aangeweeat ::,'Iatcn. H~t wall wlU\rlyk een al\Odoenlyk scholl,vtooneei ~<.lhJ" m,'~t dat vertro~\"en to Itell,,". waarop lrune militaire 'waar allet n .. tig was; mMr by meldt, dat het ge\eete land .,'n den hedrocf(len stoet de !lta(l te zien binnentrekken. lIuis. onJe .,n,ltnf;t. en het "'lit koesteren v""l'laat~elyke vooroordeelell waanloor by i. getrokken, door de inwonen wal yerlatett di, .ri " ,.•~. IQ ".d, d,1e "'Icrttrn nil gehl.'f.'1arm der werelrl in!{C/.onden, tiaar de vruch~1':n ,It All tien milltalr!'n n":L It"n'w;{ lor to"twaaIJ'·I1. \',)',r "" ~iging Vel"laIlIt'ld waren. Op al deze pOtten, kIdgde men t,'n ~an m~r dlln 1-& jaren harden arbeid, in cens WIlI'en nctl~lt"lt III hannl! o",If'rllcl.It'..I,:n.. ,1o'I,llI'tt'm"lIt"" h'n .'Ourl I(e· blttcrlyk o\' ..r gehrek aan ammunitie. wCll:!frl'oofd. Eene medt"deeling van nie ).laats, het b~luit IIpr~"I. :tllO wel voor eie velhgh(,f,1 nl~ I..., 0"01, rhou,I derlllwonere Op Dinglldll8 middag 'lyn 8 wagent op hennen weg "an ". kt>unMt ge\'en<le, OIn de&('lm te 'I.-erlaten, bevat tie volgtilde £em' ~l,'rk" .V"",Ch8."SClll"..( \va!\ rondom 11." K"rk npgt'rigt. Grahams-sWl nalU" Kalter Drift, onder een ftICOrte vau 12 ,\.mdoenlyke zinsnede: "Het veM!chlt.ft lilY genoegen, de fOenpr",)t plt'llI 1l11llUllen,loNI Cl'"'' iltcrk" . \Vac,l~ hUrl(f'rM, IIIan drulelyk na dat zr de Grahawl-litads berg WllI'en I( .etlle vt'l'!Itnq!lhOliding te kunnen \'ermel<len, \telke ondltr by al "o"mlll_J;l\lIgcn p:epltllltst. l~"t ('lIIllmll'S Hlilal en d" Or,I- afgl'dal\ld rloor een groot rorps Kalfen unpvtdleD, .,.., .... H"'; lel'rscht~ i l.I.<I~e akl'lip! olD~tandigheden. \\'y laten II' n~n.co. ' ~Ierl'n \"n,,~n :l~<lr. BellY" I" IPt lll'\k ..n ~nn :luIke ..!If/i!J, fonkt dt fJOOrltHtlf .uhle4lliIR, ,tir,."., t. PGflf'tI tn nl\ze ~fff.i,n lln \'CI\ .&éliter~ dévï'tldlteJï· \"llb lil ill hM'" scllllt;k.lngen. alti de .orn~t!nrhRlw,I"n mOl{lAIII~t:relt;cllt'n. "ut !/elrtrl'fl roor:itn 1Iltn'1n. reTt ,h'n arbeul en ,"olllllrdmg. en zyll tot tien bedelstaf gehmgt.\ 0" 1......11\1{ ¥N·tOOD(l,.!:il. ~."u"4C Kerk een tO(Jll~ (het"trlk In '"" ~ IIA! lIMIIl alL.een pakotU.l.b\ f_KaloIle ,!',ltmg<"n (Ire wy hellben, kunnen t!t>"rou\vrn en kinden-n U"" n..'nw nl~ trptrenll WM. 11181(',10~an nan .lIft h"I!lge er r·- ndten, maar nader ltomen«le en éf1l u..nal Klïlfet'lrli! ';OI!t ,1I1"l 1I('''all("n. "den zullen mnl'tcn, loopen, zynde vele dt'r ,1~nSL.BI~ g,e\Voolll~k gewy,1 .." syn. wlI'f,1 t'r n... tll gebt) ,rd' dIln ontwarende, bield de escorte halt, en wierd dadeIYk door den ....azcn~ zlIlIdl'r (l8!I<.'n. daar de Kaffert\ tlezeh'c '·grstolen h"l J::"kl~lt~r vnn \~{lI)II'np.n.III Iwl j:(t'fMt\ fl~ gr..'fO\·1 va" .een VflUld u.ngevallen, toen men echter na het doen ván eenlft' h"'II~l'll." C)p hllnnen \\'eg ha(I.I("11zich "erseneidel\l' troepen :Qctlthtll~ In o'.rlolt" Lyti. Ofllstr.,pkR!} urim 10 tI.." ,,~ond wier,' achoten hetpeurde, dat een groot aantal Ka«en te YQet hIlftertI "crtoond, m:u\f Wil,.." Il\!\nrnoediglyk achtt'rvolfCtll r O~h'''(,llllt gf'boutlen. (I()flr ~I~" frlhg..r,,~tlp. ~1I"ncl8 Kal'd. bard liepeo, en een dttowr maakten, met een Kbybaar ,. ".n',n. d••" de ;..o.,lIe.' .. di. d•. ",k'",.! '.a •. ~ :-"'01•.,, t m....... ~.• m.1e -k, ........... - ......doo, ... .... .., •. en In c!("7.C Ndll'rlllut,chngen waren twee K'llr~rs Kedootl en I,murt. }k.tl" m lor tt!vt'1I8.If'!belangryklllf' gt'wollrwor.hnr • tI! vlakte afd"lende weken lty clAdelyk terug daar )laD \wob d \.cr~chcitll'nl' f'cwoncl. \ d~n Il•.'i(.~"" U, (jaallclery~n "'",.." h,~r,lsakelyk ln!'t de nou· VIUl bet vel'U'ke~n "an dien doortGgt aChing zoodra dit ou_ ( ,,~ .. l "h,o Znnd... .I.m .. " ui' .""h.i. wen ,. k ,"ol ., •••• .".Id. "" ',,?n. w '~'.n .• "... ...hl n d. K n ...r.n ,I.. nl' . ~t>dpE'ltell rftl'portf'n 'lOh"angen, allen mn dC1l7.l'Ifden ~gemak. ~(J (' ..... ". voiflaK"n nndlerl"K· ,Io(lr Ill'n WOI"lItellwyand gt'"_ df' ol!llen lOl, ten bt!drq-en vau 96 en dreYen ben in bet ti ('url~cn aard. ("Il aan1011Rende dat htt I{llnsche gt>-deelte j bragt. t, rw~ I .1. maDl~en op hu.nlle wal)l'n<lrusLendl'!.op ,ll'!n gronll hosch. F.en EngelllCbman pnaamd J.-nes Jenkins, ...., " ..I...... ,." .. u""""',nd, .:'n d... Wi... ,,,",.. 'ot Mn ...... ,..... , ..... ,...... J_>oh M. wa.... ' ""..... p • ...,n ... , ., ..... " ........... da YOII",,";P il- 1(('1'. t"n mn :\lanl'anZlll1a tot .11' SO!lrhjt'Kmansri\'it'r 1')1"511\1\,1. "'\ ,IC LP.C"raar.In.ttd,~ ""n "..",. le"rt'''rl t,! hou,I,," dell anderen dJUllS Ol) den "'I:'!{ II gev~ndell m.t wond::l ... 1111 I'll' 1""'1\' lIitn: ••~trpkt",'i,t nUl I.('~ dllll('nti "il."k.l1It; ml.\tlkl'tl '!"Il'ltl' annmt'rlunl("" omtrt'ot ,I" "1I""r~cI",i I.. n'· " ....1t"'0 btotlekt. De patro"ille, hield voor ten ko;ten Iyd ren .. I", l. I...: I'."f,.t ,"l'I I'',II,,'r~ ~ ''I.' ~"r 'n"l a!:~I0~ v"rkllrt',vf,' 1'.,• h t v.. 'k IIn"l.n,,"' !I"~\ 'nl". ~,I 1 'rlllnt~t' I'InQ'met eien 'i'and gund!' mallr cic a(,1tand WIUI . lP' , , ,I,' ,,'U, wa~ • ,!.,t 1.\ 11\ , I"· I' ! ... ,I,. t st." --. "r r 11\:""f' It\ o,;.'.'Pt'U np lt."lll tt , \\tIt'1l tit.' \t)lk'," .,'l r n'r 11111 IlI'n te t~{"IT . '. li .,"" •., \'I'l'rtl('N I Ila"Il"11; "11 ••IIt Il,' Inwon' r~ ..n, {"('neelIprelIle i~onverwyII' naar d\! IItrW ", ...."". l!\nl \'. ,n •n. III (,,,,,"11 ~t 1,,1 \ .." ,t'i ;ll'i)l,t.l( . R()§.Ol en eene party hl' ' ar"""'" . ".\r,'"\ I I,. I.' 'I Il '... 1" aAnIJ' .I.' \..'t·.·'{"l·'j I.H v\. fl 0'11 II\·~tafl(I' a6!C("zontlcli en Lmt. 1O 11 'I'" . ""I'r ",",1'11" l'lI"'1I1 , .Ir ... l."" I .''I'" 11 • ti I 'II I "ir.u't. lilt 1"'111'11 In .ld', t,. " . 1 v,'.' " .,' ·n kW\Ill'I'1 " I "taan( ,. lut ollltrent 41)' lIlau wienl nog~nblikkf'lvk gelallf , I' I I. I I Il • r, , "," ..'"''''011 "'11 \ ''I .I, ""t,,,,,,'lkrllIht'lI ,ll!r t,·.re . Id' , "li " P :1'11"("1 IMn , ,. 1")'J!l'Ij' .,~... h .t~I'IIII'. I. li '"" . ,. ' ,f , 'r: U· 7.1C I erwnllrd:.; te "--noli. He1.e part" ontm()(.'Hc• de m.n • r , 'I' " ., Il •. , ,t.- rrr,"'·"· '~I I., "" ' v:1 'nl"'en IICIlaPl~n \"All IICt e<lcortc .~~~, ' , , '.' '1,,''',' I t.. ,,"1 \ "I P\" "I' d II t .. ,;" I.,' (ID ' ,., I _lf : I. """ i l ,,', .". .' l,'r>l . t' .... nn'\r de atall komende en dAAr hl'" ...... : lI~,l \ "I /.;.1,1'" ,,' ~. ',:"' ... \:, '." :,",':: ,." "'/ ';" " "11 ,.\" nl "I~,'nw,·rl. om tt· litat WlI" ,' .. r,ll're operatll'n te ~werkstelli~gcn flIlI bt''' '.", \ "" I~ 1,1 "Il "r!' " II,U:' .,.' ,~ " , '1 \ or , '.' ,,,, 1.1 1111-,' .\ I', Il t.. \f·uamelen. I.! hm'c('htrn. keerdl'n '1.V nr\ar de stad tcrug. < 21 man:::~!s:Org'~l "ert~k eene pAtrouille tI' pur,I, lilt d. .~m.:::n·;m K " ,.~d d•• , H"";'" .. Po.". 'I'" l:"~~~~;ï' ". ot., -- ...... - ...... , _ ...._"'-"l')_d. ~""'ugtle. d. ,,.ding h dat'" __ pool o d ,..,.,,,, """m ' ·m...... . h...,h. H~, oI'H """",rd T'_"'" 80...... ...--- o d. , _meo _. het .. 'k m. h.m hoo b.... 0 T ·'100..... T.",,'" .~h I. D... ,;"o,n ..ke'd .,uk "'" _. A.. do< 50 d.Koon._..; " " _ _la U hy M n de .'ugt I '1«" ui""" "~ !Jende "rywiU· ~e;:~8~:'!:~O~pl~:;e~;e '\ ERItOOPING. v:n den ZaI.arJac den 10 Jan...-ust.. &al Ol) d.. (Ammis ie ""'r- de nge1 kk' koortn~ "an d~ 1I n ELLIO .·r BRn niER' M 0 u.ge onz,. ~h.'ru: H, '00 d,'d •• "hu ••• ,.. •• lI.len d' pu n "I." .. lenen. alw)ute zlcb een tooneei . wilgen waamlede IM:.l'8onen Il_aar Kaffer Drift Ol) ,ve waren ............... I... d Vn,. P.. ..:. ~ .. ...::- ._,. al ,... ,,. ,_,,: .. w-:...~m~'d............ ",uwkMlg'yf ".t Aardewerk, en betree mNr sal.orden '''aD )lU:RI&l. \VO'!)OI.f)('It.'-'aan.l~ io ::\1,,1 h'8OfIo.",,1 d:&OCe L_"~VfO en'lw.a.l'1!chynl~'k voor wnpf'ften en alOwunatl~' S ,,,,,.' _ ...__ a. L__ 'r_r I • 10ft, ou ...n en ut'Uucn en peu uwen w re " en an. <NU. J. n r. JURORS!'!. } Gf':& ....... l"" ...... La.I ..kast. SU)f.len. Lrdikllnt"'n Bedde anoreugesneden en op de I F. O. \VATERJtEYER. Cánllo~. Aarde.erk. Kombll~reeJtcbap ... n'S. enz. . . n. ;;~reid; achterwiel, la~ het 1 derson, bymetde bMl)gl\te-wonden als ligch~m ovenlekt van ~n~~~ O 8J v I " J. ROl"X. p~. Carator. NAIlIG'f AAN CR"'""ITEUD"N. kleinen afstanJ h tI' 'h:,r::d :: d~~nn~~:~~k~rn ' en op een<.'ll 1:011 "... die een \'emthrik~el~k l\Iahony, 1..-,IttA!r.Hne OOe'feelht'i:! yseren HoePf'la. -ir tediRe &ukvateD, PyV".n en' bahe Pypen, O.hootl ..n. ens, •• at IIH'I. en KaalltlChe Brandfl.)'II. een aantal Dui.eo en Klinb ~"""'.;_ d.H "Wd . . tiJ" Het ... ~IJ'6 G•• ,..... ""I .. u" ••• w '''''' A ..... ,.... • '•.•" ..nk .dA EE-.T ........roe- m d.. " .. dn".d Kanloorklllt, eeD l{YOOte Jan.6. t835. o.tete epartemenl • lnga~ wagellli getrokken; schildwacntcn eu.,patrouilles honePlheid -Wat.i.chtatJt; hl'ltaanrm- in u........."lI... .\. nE S~JItyl. ~ we te paard als te \'oer., rondom de .tall ~p""'" en W' .... ,__ a • __ • n. _tt m~ w ...... , d. , .•,. ..... Op V"d -" e , '1' Il In, erplpfleten. Spek ..orILeo I'D H.k!"ll. KalrolTE neeR vertrok eene party te ''''''rd en wel "'_""""d, 'naaagrh~tOrgetool_1 en eo a el. f'Cn aanaal Vaten ot! Balies _ tto. ......IL-id I 1 d r-' ..,_ ..- ... -.. ~ Duil(8ft. wat nieuw'l'OtJwwtrk f'n \Val"i-':I';". -n "-~'t t I" ~aogftlum Bo"enbuÏ1o. "an ....n Kf'ulu'n ..n alla "'e. nee ti wreeden moordIl aan cle Heeren Mal _."__ n: .,,' .. _I. ,,,'u J-' ~ i ... _ """,el ma ..krn "oorsten en.'... dell')n gepleegd --1:ene dI"" ' 10uyen H en-:' __ ~ .Qprteten. .4Jl&rn. eoa .• tt!l .kopenll pom FamiJÏt' -.Aar " . -'f, ~"5C III'k t '1oor ... ·u rntSOf'II1yke hl'.' tr b"t'vaar yMte engten langs I Spo"""" ' S.m'''''' ,_,,, .• ...... M. • .... b ....... ~ .k' 0'......... " ••,;.. .Ii, .-a.a.uv_ - a::'haa I""'t"""" •._ . -- . on zkh _ de Kopri zy hoorden Kaffer!! rondom heu, en bet scheea hen toe, dat zy • '" ..._......,.., _hciden. __ •• !ko. ml n.m H_ ........ dio .mh in eenen staat van groote Olitgeputheid beronden, de party. ui 'rokken .u. om d. de H.. "n >1;,••• , •• H.. ....,. o k dQO, d""" Illlat de stad begeleid.. Heden wierd er door den Ci"ilen Commissaris eeoe depeche o",,,n,,n OaB K.I... ' ",,""dd •• da, de Katfeu de Kolonié met een ongelooftyk getal introkken, 1'1\ alles in buonen voortgang mede"oenle. Hy berekende JOIS.aB! 'ff'nof'kt ook _. ihlt"\'al f'enijt4' ,I.'r bl..noren !n Grabamsstad ~noruen "oor eene be1ilisseDde l"erdedi . g LltUIC1ll!CO, Jtokott ·aa zlr .... st~. of Q:Mmnl'f'n sil'ff"r . t e .1l00f' ,''''r. II"n WI In_geval en kl·ntlf'ltDg, <lanrf'fk. wel d 'rAD, b I I aan\"al; de meeste \~ou-n . I'f'n ne eene.n P MAADAG den 19 d,.aer. te JO area. ".Jl. aan .t... 1... Ir.... in"a;il'ft':en M~~'" ~Iatt"o. ()~ f"f'nill:" 110111'1""- Kerk ~ ,UI P aats \'erleend, in de buizen rondom het n, g&OI{h.'\llrIII <I,.s.. Kolonil'! in JDIOI"f'II~ Pakhuisen. No. 39. Lan""marfcllft'''l. I8(H. ia brialtng"vil· p em gr egen. eo lIV~llremet platte daken voonien zyn . , Boedel "an 'VILLE. ~I'ITBI)~ .an de Kaapsla,l. KoonllftAo -r gedeelte van :tyn vee gtnomen, en een lIl"n iÏl.l1ét hoofd p- Dil K _~ea'iD tlie,rig1i.,~:l'·W, eo K . ~", .• y .. ~ .. i en echter n__ 'lol,k •• hebben d ' ee••• ri " a _ ..... een 'K"trer1n de kro1'p:om't·doodgcx~· .Vcldkornel-"kl. J:.!l_.~~ "erODdenteit. dat ly aaogeapoord IUlld.m kUllnen ;. ll en, 'u_ de _ .. Ilers wind en '.NO .. • w ,, __ ~.IOOIiOL-dn!ven, -met...-eriies ¥aft- twee WaR. !le.. j.eer Collet',. W D ht'!$Cheming "ierde ." ..kend. t!lRen de "raakDllmiDg ,,&11 de .ierd omstreeks vyf mylen beneden zyne plaats aangeboudeD, ,e ere ' . der IAme~.JlI!!~ eu de ossen met het trektouw en de jukken wegrevoefd; warl'n~ Ónder al dae om.tandingb~n witerd er lul .... en, de kOOl)waren Wa&rlllede hetzelve beladen wu, wit'rden op om dese paat te ..erl.teD. en de troepen Daal' Ka.r Drirt va den grond VUlItrOQiil, en vele artikelen van mede terq te lat.ell ",ken. . gevoerd. Buis ill op ZondIlg avond nadat bet donker.u, op Maant!al "lerd. er eeno m8l1edeelint' O Satem OII... anvermoord geworden. Aan de deur hoorende kloppen, p« cen, 'fermt'!ldende. Ila~ op den "ori~D dill. op .ma trd dat .hy om deselve te openen; en ontwaarde toen eenige Kaft"era, ,"cnd\",i,lene Boeten die eeoe poeltie '-'Idell K8IJOIDen.oaalrelll ging terug, maar· lty grepen hem aan eo maakten hem drie myl"n no dae dorp. ,iell ~ maakten nm ,nor" .. Jd. oogenblikkely~ af. Zyne vrou" en kinderen tw:breiden, en tt' trekken •• y iD honM nab,beid eea .. ntal Ka~rs OClt".. ,· trachtten de vlugt te nemen, maar de KaffeM! .loegen heo del); en lIaauwl,b w."''' de "ageoe eeD" klein od ,.,... ne p'UIa _ •." •• neer, d...... 1........... g ... , .... huis ; oI.d.lyk .... k...... ben .... ko..... n ........ den Heer IU.hoor ,anere •. &)"ciie. penooal in ~.Iarm te v}up.n. beuel,e weK·-De Qoe~D onder "ler benat""" lal tee .... ug uitkomen, Zl'g!Cnde,nde dat het zyn voornemen was, met 'M. \VUlIéle en de VeldkotftelNd •• tDIlIIe, ... nl_" D&IJleQde ","k n.. r Sa.... a'"aar sich eoo. der i".oner. zyue familie naar Gnh~."" le H,· stelde De melde zei de KaIfon oaI'l'k by __ ._ _ meMCh bel "0.' , , .00 'yn ' KalI", Driflo PO" de wyk 'I'.p 11'"..... te ....yl de Kdon al .Iu -e . tt' nemen. ~"'hooy toonde echter eenen brief van ~ajoor zyn "ee wegdreven. byaldien hy gescho\ell bad, ill het zeer nn ""n ,,",kker junc ~reu,l Woe-t lI ... .ad. _terL••• ,. ...'d.. d br .unehynlyk.da, '1 h.m ud<n "hbe.. C. h -Z, d. "_'" hem te belpen. Niett~ ,Istaande dit, besloten zr, zich Nel, bood etnen sterken wederstalId, maar lty ll&akende' kraal ce'ul\en bem. 400 lI.u. 1M te hernemea.- Vier &alren liJn tierwaards te ~ve" ~ :r:ywaren echter niet ver gevorderd, in den brand, en :toen was alles verloren. NadAt de pbata by die lPiecenb.t-id gfllDea,el<t. . toen eeD troep Kaffen, op eenen afstanu van ometreekl300 van Weasels, geplundenl Wall, zond by twee Kottentot&en te In deaelrdft naboW'IICbap beef\ eo.ft part, Boen" aieh ooder voeten, voor hen. Ilit passeerde, met het k1urolykelyk.e oos~ paar;d, om ondenoek nur den ltaat vau zyne 'WOIliog te d~n. bilt be"el " Ooorge GilbHt gneetljld.-Zy _taan lhaoa ui' ",,,.k .",!\. h~.~mci"",., H, wu u•..... i< , de bo Kalf .................. h•• I. de _In« eo _ M hI.__ .., i . ........... _, OnaDrapport \'&n de veorledene week liep tot de vau ondetdag. Op den namiddag,,~ d' d n ~orgen er ,!it onderscbeidene re<leelten nadere ~ len ag, wierden omtrent de stoutmoedige aanOAáering de~IK:t;: ontvange~, ,_ , ••. _. ,;, .. ~ _M zulk " •• m I h" 'yk h " ••• da. OD iDilia"'n .an C .. R. daarop g~" ....rd HOilanotdilt de gang ~et goed .ge.volg te stuiten; de verepre~enei::oort, G om ~• .~'m~E~ .. .;;; OD aU U" hU'M I"",,;'n. _. ", ..... V... " ..... , ,._ , •• ". n.bv b~',g·n do", ,I,h • ! t C. B .• ,"f1"!ICb<O~ kleine Ringen Snoitl'f'fyen'" plaa: bYfto te venamelen, •alwaar zy ter h~nntr \'e":::W;lIe g ,"c. Ste. " e k:nd~!!ynd' met ealeni vooruitzigt, oln ,'oor ee~:! n " \Vor~t do' hif'rbo .."" 1t"1{l .. I,Jt>~ 'fan 200 Rd .. "!ln ,._.JI 'J . en -ee Mm' leM! te kunnen staande houd 1'18" ~I"'''' d·.JI.JI_'I • ~e ",..en, Gedurende d ht .... D .nd"d ... wl... " ., ... ~"., tn . • .' _. ~ - -" .. , DO< e ",•• I:::,:•.....,.. I .~~-_.- wndr, op het oogenhlik uit bet Kafferland te zyn aangekomen. -.n, ~ ~""""'.l'LBu-"" b"d hy een' EngelsebOlan WIlham Hogg genaamd, vermoord h)' had verzameling van meer dAn 100 affere gezien, rue eené groot kudde plLllnl-enen andere vee, lan~ den grooten weg nit de Kolonie nur het Kaffl'rland dreven.-Alsmede eenige KaffeM! die eenen han(letaar U. Mites gen1Ulilld, st-erk acl~olgden.Waaiplaab bereikt hebbende, had by drie afdeelingen Kaften gezien, ieder omtrent 100 man sterk, het land in de rigting "an Satburst, doortrekkende. In den avond van beden, k"am de Heer Jobn Brown, die by de heeren Mahouy en Hendersoa Wal, toen zy vamoord wierden, in de stad aan, en ltlflle eene verklariog af van den volgenden inhoud :_" Dat op, den dag in kwestie, hy Ka.If.em CJlIIAf De - - ....__. 'p- .... .' ,. d' n Op 'gisteren namiddag is de Krygswet door het ProvisioneeIe Gouver,nement door de ganse he Kolonie geproclameerd. i I J ...._ .._~_"",,~U'''''i ,,-·BY"ft'lu'IDSt-\'aft· ~.ift..~ .. ._. ~.' A. Athen&!uw, ui ,!onleo ~bouden, op den 19 deur, te 10 uren, •. II. ten einde bet Ju.rlyilCne Rapport te o~t~n, en 5 Leden "oor den Raad vau Direc:tenrea te kanen, In plaats van ben die ootal~n moeten worden, 1r.ynde , - - . :4,- ~KN-~ ?an~.fii 1e- Oitderl(ëtïoëktndelÏ:-op D.injpdjlf •• an venebe tl:Otldertn. ex 'Skeme: ...... ... 0 SUiker en andere producten. BORRADAILE~. 'fIIOMPSON st PILLANS. .n .~DVER'fENTIE. -"Giiï. E~ • lo t m' .. ,.:,i"". ,~'d...•••" '~'.o.,.n,.,.." ,,, "'h.'''. 0' " m."'" . n , '" " : w.,,, _.&all I '''0'''' "I.,.. .'0.' '''.''''.''0', .... , ,... ,Ii..... .. ...,;.••- .• '1""'" ..... I il' \ t ,4 I. ' , ~\,~ il 1 ,.,~ !J . .., ·,Lr. .. lt'" II t, •~ t !: t... 1 t' ".r I lit I f' . 1. • ', \.' J It' " I , ,.. I. lo. t 1111J' \ 11\ 1 d' H\\t:tll I \; " ' "' gr •• ,..,t" h'H! \V 'III I rH :.,. ",., ,,,'''t,,' ':. " '... , 11)'-\'" I. n~1I r '~l'\11 ol,' f, '.- y\ wltl.rfat de 1,1)'1':"11 nlet IUII"I,' I "} <tand ~ (1'" ",·l,l'·f. ~~.Il, "·r·'T'I 111/1;,"; 11;')1 rIeli ttJr!' '{:I" f,,,tf('el~ (lP . UI -'lor!!,,, het StJ/lplem Hit lot d;t 9l"J'llblicttrd).. 701t! tUorrlfll , • ___ ...... _~~~ __..-~~~~~~~~~=~=::::::~~~~. - _. --~:a:-aV"1'1.1lt:1••--· -.- .-.---..Ik .,....nameeG8"ll_ea· _-'-1 heb tot het maken de&er afwvkende aanmerkingen PIl-QItAHAM!l-STAD Rill January' . p~rrgrn. door htt gadeilun der ..!~rri,t.ingen .,~!! den kryprilad, .. elke ol)lanp do regterlyke talenten nn DAAR tU Bdit.,. .... 'fHE SOUTH AFICAN COM. c1eIzdIs O8lcieren, beeft" beaig gehouden, de uitalag VaG MEIlCIAL ADVERTISER, ,..u HII' ,t6etIrlMU i" tier- welk ondCRc,lCk. de a,ankJager geen groot eredies vel"lCbaft i beU t .. ii:Hl tUr Ki#wt ill dUf KolOJItt. dar al de ~bllldigiJlRm ~ne .trekking hadden, om tot tJM",,_,.tUI!jk fIOOrgtdr4gm. '" MVt op kwelling en beuzelacbtigheid ovmeheUen. en ons op eene :JU ti~ ..ucM 0JIf~ op MW "'Y.r~ OM oru, li(/OP knu::htdadip wyu te herinneren aan de twist russeben twee o"dwllhIIitII flit lmIkre lw K.i~ I, .,.,.,fkl",;miDnaan.. Indien het kwaad "lecbta eindigde by de ~doe'" 4Jau M" HJI ,ffl'WAt 1dtJiPt. "", tlOOt'fINlige tltriHru niDg dezer twilt, tl1lSChen eenen ~ugyoerenden Officier en 'upg_ i. bownf""" Blail, .00 tnl .U Mt H.roti """ zy,nen onclerhoorigen. konden men ~ezelve onoptemerkt d", BIIlUtW liar • Oreanta, ..",. HIt dM" oorZaUlt tlw laten voorbrgaan, maar o.lukki~lyk zal er wlUU'lldavnlyk d. K4'w-Hoo/tU.. tf144Jrdoor tIlt een nodeeliger gevollf uit on titaan, te weten :-oneenlgheid !/l'OOt ,cdMU. dM" K.,.,. f1ItI ftIW ,.AM' reriflI "'!trdl in het R.egi~t. ltar zel& is di' /uraGIl .van eeDen "Y.,.., dl ...... JIlI,t. &Ilc~. rin~n aard in vergelyking van de temporaire blootltel~g IICIun ." dll Itned 01',..0."., al.. ·tI.. , .... fItOtdlDlWg. der Koloniaten aan KaIt'er-.trooperyen, door de terugroeping U'trlltaipr. ttrillI!ft .,."..., OM 1t~ gM,"" flit. Weduwen ~ der Ofticieren van de buitenposten, en waaronder wy tegenWezea, filii byfIad t,.,.,."., t,,... 1", ,._,.. pogirt....ool'ding f\ngelukkiglyk Iydel!; wllnt gedureude de zitting Il il AD. WETGEVENDE fI'" ...,..,." .. .". tU.. 0'IfIl00P NIl Blct4 ged.rtflfk d. VIn den gt>melden "-rrgtnuad, namen de KafFenl deze gelettglfltl7OOf'tlig~ dtli,. CriIU, t"""'fI4IIII' genheid te baat, en nWlkten met eenen vernielenden roof van IUHler VOlgell ~ namen van 335 cler aanzienlykate Inge~te- -vee, eenen aanvan~. in dé bero"flrin~ waanan eenen VaanZATURDAG, 27 December 18:U. nen v.n .Graha_-ltad en en~ron., behal"fln verache.de~e drig SPAIUt., vau de Kaa(lscbe Ruitery, aangevallen en De Raad vergaderde te 10 uren. anGeren die de Eclit.ew" meW met te kuDnen mededeelen, UIt voor de dien" ongeschikt la gemaakt geworden.-Er ligt in Luitenant-Kolonel Smith, en tIe Wel-Edele Hr. I1amiltou gebrckaan plaata.) de beschuldigingen niets opgt>8Ioten. dat de verrigungen R.os:t, wierden als Leden ingel.woren, en n:uu.en ~lyk billvkt, oC de grenzen vergoellt 'Foor dé onkosten met den ziUing in den Raad. ; .k..,.jprMd ...... Id~..ea, .~Jedi.c&.~.vd..~ ·.D6~XoWDiele 8ec:mWis ~~ m den ~ Kololliotea door de a(_aigheid der genselde Ollleieren van voor. ter t....eede leáng der Appréotiee Ordonnantie. h_ne ~ten; maar uit kwaad wordt lOm tyd. ,oeet' geboren, Zyne Excellentie Yelticde de AAndacht «ks RIWIs Ojll'enc .Aa.. d~1I &dallitur pan den u'Zuid.Arrikaa'n." en ik vertrouw, dat dit beRin van vyandelykheden ua dell Memorie aan Zyne Exeellentie en den RaAd ingedil"nd, door kant der Kaffers, de aandacht des Gouvernements tot ODae Il) ppprenticeerde arbeide", in het District Ui'tenhal.'"e. onbeschermde grenzen. trekken,. en een onderzoek zal hunne onuitaprekelyke dankbaarheid te kennen ~e\'entle "oor DE GRENZE.."i. daaratelJen omtrent de \'crschrikkelyke strooperyeu d()Or de guns' hun oalanp door'Zyne Majesteit belt'cLen, eli buu I laats deze barharen gepleegd. wier Opperhoofden, (door middel ernsriK roornemen, om zich ten allen tytien de opolferinll' MY)tB~ ••• -De onlanp.o, cleze gedoemde greDKD p van een_ Zendehng naby de Katrivier ....oonachtig, en die ten hUDnen beb~'e gedaAn. waardig te hetoonen ;-dell gehael heb~ ~beurtenauen, z)'D getrouwely~ vern)t!l~ zoo als het gerucht zegt, Mn het Hottentotsche~' Raad tevens II1Ilekende, dat er in de wet welke uithoorde "IUl ~nIeD-..m. de. ~ TOIl''' :, •• ,,~;. __ML." daarom nrmugdlllCbap isJ, --onderrigt zyn-geworden·van ~statlhunnen veranderden tOeIItaPd zal W'OtYlen gepa.."seerd, eene niet Il~, .. ik 0,4W ~ I~k ~ door eepe dijfhefd, dat Uiemand op eenen Kaft'er durft IIChieten, Diet Toon:iening DlOgte worden gemaakt, om den gehuwden 011b~allng ..::-tan~~ede~&yd h bt een. ter aelfsverdediging. en ben de mogelykheid ''8n toelating der ben, bet ongelltoorde by~yn bunner familien gedurende yfttzal bUft ~~ b ~d v~~.. in de. J{olonie. op bet gemoed beeft gedrukt. Byaldien den nacht toetettaan, en ben Illede bet voorrt"'ét te vCfIfUDnt'll, gestaan, n et ~u\Yen y eene I!I...... ~ e. , we ~ .zulk.eenataa' van zakeu m~ worden gedoogn,..en de. hillyke. de..Godadienst. des Zondags byleWOnen. _~." _ .. nnaar ~~~ ':' ::e",~-:e~b yeront .. aar-. klagten der Kolonisten worden behandeld met die verachting, De Petitie wienl door den fungerenden fierk des Rantls venru; cm room e waarm e voorre~ zoo als zuil..... geschied. byaldien wy geplunderd, vermoord en pIeaen en ter Wel ~legd. . y ene pbeW'tem.en het Publiek .tRed~ en beluterd moeten worden. en het Gouvernement ons geene De Heer n.n Breda. diende ,'ervol~ns eene :\kOlorie in. r deWft! be~,=~kbeeft d1!tZ,":::--V- ::.,\: ma bescherming 'Ferl~nt, hoe kan de KOlling van Engeland voorstellende te zyn van geweLen Sla"eneigenaren, in ht't van pag .e ft1l f!r. le In e d zyn. -,ieh dan ,"Cr.-onderen, wanneer wy den eed van getrouwheid' booCd y"n dezeh'e beschreven, als een gedeelte van een dUI&:,:1 b1' yoor b~.!~ en hem ,gez~oren, verbreken ,en onder die barbaren de wyk Com~it~ 'VIln Slav~neigenaren, e~ olUtrent liet onderwt'rp ?''''':,u'''!1~'''' ...."'l'!.. om. nze ven yoor 111 ....... nemen, dIe ons land verontru!ltt'n en plunderen. maal' on .. de DIeuwe ApprentIce Ordonnantie zekere pun~ lUUl de e ID: hagcbel.t synen tc;:v.!:! te ne=~ gedogen onder ben geheel onbelecligd te wonen, ja ons zelf!! ernstige overweging deft RIUHl:isllhmitterende, te weten:dooe ~ : J niet et!DS VBneen enkeld stuk vee beroo,-en ?-Hoe schynstryHet onbeperkte gezag van de nieuwe Magistraten. en hH . lA r ~".. in dig dit ook .Dloge z~, la het echter .nieta dan waarheid, waanc:h~fk in aan~ komen hunner niellwe pligten, ~r van Blad~ele~ k.& wnnt berigten \'an de lloeren reeds onder de Kaffers wesdl1ar het konde gebeuren, tlat meer dan een Magt.traat in ODIe, .~ eD ZJft; un m ~n ZR opgewe tigd, roemen hun tegenwoordig bestann, als yry van de heuelfde District woooachtijl zoude zyn.-De Supplianten de woiUen; en puM!Dgde ~~leDl van n. vo:r ne an~vlllligheden, kommer en ellenden, welke zy te lyden vestigde de eroatige aandacht des Raads mede, op het dallr- - . ':h d~eni ~ ~ cl hadden toen zy zich onder de beersl"bappy van de BritllChe stellen yan eenige "erdere Il\!!ten, als het gevolg dezer nienwe ~Ing, t ~ J{t"(Ion be,·ooden. Vestig uwe aandacht Heer Editeur • .op ~ollte_llin~n. daar de tegenwoordige hulpbrounen d~r Kolo, I!~ ~ eei:: ~ :erwek. te de lié'kendmmngen en tyllten-l'im -vee den Koloniaten ont- me. geene Yerdere .illtgárerr-·lredoogden.-T~n OpZlgte- dl'r -maken, om ma de VflrelllCbte ~ , d' n t roofd, en Gy zult ,'erbaasd stl"'n over het bedragen :-~ie op clanswen over het onderwerp van ,"oedsel. en dekllf'l aan tie d~n deK~~en ~ '::!;!Ilr;:t~n, le ~~ ~ het getal dooden, die door een zonder wetten levende zet Apprenticen. gaven de Supplianten hllnne OI'ertuiging tf' ge~ te r la..!on1C, _me. ue_cl.c_~,!me.r ve" _:en Btroopers ter neder geveld :lyn, zonder dat er herstel seISeven kenDen, omtrent de "ohiagelle onlDogelykheid. om de "oor•--"'riklcelyank J-~" ~.., 'IJl" 'd op-...,. ... eetIe" wo rd t, en éC hK"'" . I' In •• ~. d'Ier e Iallll1!Ien, In . wer",l"g '.' tw rd I kb hebbenuou"ernem~ . ter, wanneef er eenen aller d oor -.If!man( zIenIngen te b reogen. ~, mtrent d e y ed~e:nl 00 : '! . et Ik ~ ....~.~n. . zelfl"erdediging wordt .doorgeschotelI, wordt by voor de clausuien m'er het onderwerp ,'an geneeskundiW! hezoekt'D, b I ti aaRw;i!:r.~~ we ~ de ft. 0 Ut~ ;er. regterlyke vimc;haar geplaatst, om Toor moord. te regt ge- IIlerkttn zy .aan, dat eene voldoening '. MD deZt'h'e eene All ID • ge reil u ~ t la dOt ran :;.. mld te--wurden. 'Kan dese toestand "An zaken worden ~ wenmlyke TUIJrenJudc Zyn Toor den undbouwer. op een en tot bedaring .U)~ zyn, r.a~ e n D~e :ueta doogd l-Zyn wy anne Kolonisten geene aandacht waardig? aflltand "MI liet "crblyf 'Fan den genet'skundigen praktisyn, ~8ftrde ooroot:t:erwac .en y ny:: n Is er lliemaDd, die ten omen behoeve, zyne stem in het woonacbtig ; tém'rl \'el~n, minder dan 40 Apprenticen in huner aanr agen v~ ~~Ie. tebe,.;ft md v a~~ Pllrle~nt verbeft, wanneer de kreet voor de anne Slaven en ne dienst nemende, de Il clausule on.t~}'ken, en dezeh'e v~ • un u....e efD1IlI'ie ~ .. Il h ~. e de gt'kleunle kJtIlIftn algemeen is ~-O seh01lde~--er wordt gehecl en al tToodet~ zonden knnnen maken: 'Fersehei~ngenk van ~~8" rab~ms:'~ ... ~ ou e;e ~u ~. niet eena een vinger voor ons oP8"token. WaaI' ligt de dene clRusulf'n "an het átle hoofdstuk wan'n "olgens h"t yeeD omlt.;-vrwanneer e IDZlr<>_nop eze ve dn sebuld. van dit I!Cbandelyk ven11im' ?"-Ik durf deswegelfil ~vocllen der Supplianten. ID al te losse bewoordingen ,·er,·at. Ilellf.rad, met Ide a';~Ogte~ boveree~s=~D, gyede myn gevoelen niet uit~n, en ial daarom de aandacbt van Ve pligten \door den geapprenticeerden arb~der te worden ;: .. er an beve're unne n e m e- het volk en het Gouveraement vestigt'n. op den tegenwoorv~lbragt, konden niet te dllitlelyk worden bepaald :-'.Dc u.-gers, ltO e Inne:: ~D • ~~. d I b h digen onbeschennden staat olt7.er Grenzen. afdeelinll' van dc Parlements AcV, ol'er het onderwerp del' ... Dat geeï::~er bes ~kt IDI~ ID~ • es odandtl, besc.~ De KaR(lscbe Ruin-rr, olf wie~ dapperheid ivy Kolonisten opdrossi!g .,·an tien Apprentice nit de diell5t z~'ns Meesters._,. D 0 ag. T~ en. ~ tOm.. w . ons 'Feriaten, voor de heschennmg van ons leven "en onze seb~n geheel t'n al m-er het' hoofd,te zyn gezlen.-De Ap druk: ~~~e kR:::u~~, k°r'k d veen genomen; rigendommen. b~taat tegenwoordig uit drie troepen, ieder p-centice behoorde vcrrligt te Ivorden, om den tyd door zyne ~~ 11 UI e ge Ik be nISsen, waarop 60 man hevattendt', het getlll Officieren bestaat uit 7, te opdrossing verloren. WeIIer i.tedienen.-De afstantl van lo)'ns I uwe aan ~ E' V Ilo weten: 1 l\fajoar. 2 Kapiteins. :J Luitenants. en 1 Vaanttrig, Meesters woning. waa1'dooEde Apprentice zich zoude onderEN NGELSGHE OL"P~_~:::~~.::'.~ __ nu vool' _dedienlt ongeschikt. door wouden van de K.afl'éts he"ig ma\óen 0111 te worden gt'.Ilpprehendeerd, tenzy hy nll· ontvangen. Deze troep moet detachementen 'Ferschaffen doende re\lenen zonde kUllnen opgel'en voor tyne ailVezigheitl Den 26 December 183-1. voor Ka.ffer Drift. Fort Wililhire, Hermanus KrIlai, Guiana, op eenen "cl'tleren afstand, behoorde ,'an á tot eene myl, te ~hNHF.Ba !-In uw Blad \'Iln Il. Vrydag, heb ik een~n Katrivier. Grllhams.~t!\d, alsmede po!!tryders, bedienden "oor worden \'l'rmin<lerd.-De Supplianten stt-Jden mede ,'oor. dat ~rJef Qllt.. Uf4....~ ,C~iUUlm. 4tm . U DeQ!mb6.r. Officiuen, en een oppasser voor Kolonel Somerset's. ZOOD. bet niet alleen ,'001' bet tegenwoordige Jn:lal' ook "oor het lU~t het~kklDj[ tot. d~n Leeraar der Gemeente Aldaar, ~n _Kan men nu \·erwnchten. !lat het overschot de Iimge !!,ren~- toekomende geslacht I'an nut zonde lyn, om de kInderen ":m (I\'er deueUs aCwetllfheid. alsmede met betrekking tot den linie kan beschemlen? zy z)'n reeds H dIlgen in de bosscht:n Appn-nticen. Ilie uit.llOoftle \'IlO de olDstandiglleden 1lUIIIII'r \'oorle""r en Kostér der Kerk. . geweest, het land tusscllen Fort Wilshire en de Glliana ouders, geene heho6r1}'ke middelen \'an beJltaan mogten hchIk neem de vryheid, aantemerkCDf d.al de scbn'ver Illoet patrouillerende, waartoe de sa~sche luagt gebmikt wordt, ben, te "erhindt'n tot hun 21 jaar. hehbeJi pelen. dat de ~zegde Leenaar CJ.Dw~lliam met het ov-erigr gedeelte' ties lands, zonder t'enig'e._bescbermlng Voorgesteld dllOr nen Edelen 1\f. vnn Br(',ln, fn gesN'on:t.Yne Eclltgenoot hef>ft ,"CrIRten. om volgens pl:gt I'D oprot'- latende, wemelende yan gewapende Kaffers, llie ~troopt'rFn deert! door dl'n Edelen L. Cloete, "dat deze Petitie aan)\'('· ping, III.' Synodale Vergadering bytewonen, welke I'enige Iwgalln, en de kll<Ïnen ven'oeren, terwyl Kaffers te >bolOl'n worde." weken geduurd heeft. mAAr ook. dat dell LeeJ'llars Echtge, palmi, nemen wilt zy verkiezen, en cle O\'erigen de pffzen De Koloniille Secretaris wa~ bt'geeril{ te weten, of " het nOO~haar kraambed il\ de 8tad' gehouden !t('('ft, alwaar :Lyden nLO de poten nfsnyden. De Boerc'n \'f'rkeeren in renen 8t~t Commrkee ,. de l\femorit, prest'nt~relllk door bet GOllvcrne. bystand '''an. bAre familie en vlln Doctoren, des verei8eht, "llII YTee~, lIlBar u'anboopen aan herstel, op bunne bezwaren ment WAl erkend geworcll'll. . , konde verwachten. Kort na de g~boorte vlln het kind, toen !!f'en antler antwoord bekolDl'n bebbt'nclr\ dan: "IJ,. (i,ulI't,·· De Protllrenr Generaal zl'icle, dat hy hl't einde der leLinl( de moe<!l'r instaat WIUI de stad te \'erlatell. de Leeraar !l1('t ''''IU' j, lIlI" Ittt kO"'"I1." :\foeten w~-op de komst ":\11 :lyne had afgeuacht, 0111 te onrlerz()ékeu of tlc.!l'l\'(~door iemand als ltt'n naar de Paarl vertrokken, om altlalll' "yne onde~ te Exet'lll'ntie wRchte·n? KlInnen onzc Illllbtpnar('n alhier. \'oorzitur Wl\!!onderteckend; hy heml'rktc tlat dit het gel'al 'Jezoeken •. en te predikl'n, ,vaaroll hy zich dIldeiyk, mf't nil't tondl'r tie tegeDlI'oorlhghl'iri \'an Jt'n (;otl\'erneur, te niet wat, m&llr dat bet 81echts dt' l\J('lJlorie WilS van zekt'n' achterlating llyner Echtgenoot. op reis nMr Clanwilliam wl'rk gaan? lIet is til)' wcl bewullt, en dit is ook het geval personen zich noemendt·, een C(JIIl'nittt-e van de gewezen tlteft bcJreren, IlIWftar hy reed!! op eien l.l Decembl'r moet mt't tie IO:J:zc Opperhoofden, tlat de handen van Kolonel Slavef\ei!l'f'Dllren.-Het dced uiet>. tér ZRKe welken naam l.y •1IlDgekomt'n :lyn, terwyl :lyn 'Vel-F..erwaRrde .:&yncntyd niet Stllller~l't gt'llOn,ll'!1 zyn, en hy ol'cr c1t'civile 1H'lImhten Il"tel1 zich !Z'av!'n. hllnne Memorie konde slechts \Vonlen aaogeno· I~ luilll.lU in werkzl\lunbeid heeft door!fcbrngt, nis heb· geZAg heeft; ook i~ het wl'l hekt'lffl, dat de Cidle Commis- mel\ als de Petitie ,'an individuen, en in dil' h"trt>kking h.l,lelen henIfe in dien tu~nr.trd. in de- ~ in bd-de Kerken, -ert ~ ~ trr.dmorr h~ft; om tie HtI~1t"tm__ kore .mlke-' 1'1'" ~l,,(>· ~~l, ......lWt "M~ U.I WIl ... ·eF ·,11,,._ ,hurna un de J'aarl Godsdienst gehouden, en bet E\'angclie beul.cla.clJti!{c Or'!UlllIlllltien, in wt'rkinl{ te hrt'ngof'n, OIIIIIr ,·óor. 0111 dt' Memorie aantent'men. al~ eef! Petitie der per~" ,·erkondigd ... aarvan niet alleen ik, maar vele anderen nf'\'ens kan cle KflIllumn,lallt h"t 7':>l'te Jtegiment geen hel'ci !!'e\'en, nen, die dezêlve haddcn ondl'ttt't'k!'IIIL my, Teel nut en sticbting .hebben getrokken; ook twyfel ik om de !luitery ti' hplpcn? en hen niet verbieden om Illinhen )le Edele van ~r('da, gaf te kennen, ti..' iu '.falll t jl. par· niet. of de Gemeente te Clanwilliam, i. ten uiterste m'er dl's tyd te venpillen in nondelooze "ertooningmakt'nlle m:m(Pvn'!I, tyl'n die deze Memorie ondertl'ekend en ing-(',licnrl lu\(I:leli. Leerllllrs werk in het algt>meen, ,,"oldaan. Op '{rond daRrvnn. en hl't I"nd or onkostt'n te jagen, door beuzelnchti~e kryjl'S- e('ne Byeenkolllst hadden ftehouden in <Ic Bf'ar~, lilct verlul kODlt ht't my voor. dllt de hedoelde IChryver, m!!tede van in ruden; cic Ruitery ht'('ft het zwaar, en het ill Il Il m nf{elyk , vlln Zyne Excellentie den HOll,-ernellr. ten t'in'!c' als Sla\'1.'1l I'rlendschap met :tynen Leerasr te leven, vyantlschap tt'lff'n om nwt zoo weillige manschllppen, het IUlnhou,lende I'lltrouil- ei!{\'IHtren, zekere representatien aan Zynt· EXt'ellentie te IltJt'll; hem koeotert, en daardoor bew~ft is ge ....orden. Zyn Wd- leren lang' uittebouden. Op den ty,1 dat del.e brit·f Mil IlW I hy die gelegenheid wa.q het hedoelcle Commi(t(lle !{l'formeer.1 Jo;erwllllnle te belasteren. ,Jk ben, Kantoor ontvanlf\'n lal wonlen, zal/er Mn de hooCdkvartie-1 geworden, en het ~delc Lid was eC~!tler deputatie'. ,nlkc EES ValltND DICSLEERAAR!'. ren mede een rapport zyn aangekomen, ,'an t'('nen stout_I toen hare opwachtIDI{ hy dt'n GOI1"errll'lIr ~eIlJaakt. hail. I'll .. mOf'digen aanval, duor cle Kalfe ... gt'dnall, op cc'n rll·tnchemt'nt Zrne EsceUentie had toen goedge\·onden. h('tI in de I{l'daantl' Graham,-stad, li Dfl('('tftber lS:U. l'lln de Kl\lIp!lche Itllit('~; tracht hetze"'1' te bekOlIIetl t'n te van een <':t.llnmittee te ontvangen.-J)e !\Iemorit, tlU in~cdiellcl. r.hStlRP,R !-Wanneer komt de Oonverneur ?.....cn ,'an hrrdntkken; door wikt' p'll'Ilicatien, kllnll~ "y hop:m, W~~ nln bt'tulfde COIllmittee. . \rtlk nut la ~t n~te Regime~t ?-Deze twee '-ragen zyn vall de anndat'ht des GOU\Ttnements in I-:ngeland, tot den wt'l.enZyne Excellentie \'roeg, of er cem!~C' andl'n: Pl·titwIl het ,root!!le aanbelan" in zoo "erre t'r van de hehoorlykc Iyken ~!;Iat Oll7.er !('renzt'n, te 7,ullen trl'kken. Iudien ..r !Ii, t tl'r indiening waren; en ontkeRllelldel' W\ II' be,\oll"O('fI1 (lplll,:<in~ dl'7.('r twt'e )lNlhlellllU', "I'el go('ds of kwalUls IlfhRnp:t. iet~ I'll 'l""'elig !Cec!aall I\'IITCh·. zal hl't gehl'cle lanti '·I'rl."c Il 17.\"11I!1', 7I'ide hy, "tlan 7.ulll'n wy Illct d.. :WCT.!. 11'1.11111; ,lc·t Ht't It.IIt~tgcllll'l<le "I'll"!1'I"lllt kan !;t'n't'lIc'lyk hl'l\ntwollr,1 wor· , \tor,ll'lI. 1'''lnt IIII't ,Ic' rlrn .. "II', ,1,: <l'rilwhall(,11 I'tl d.. ,trn... Inn ',IJ"", \·()l1rl::-aan." den, wlInt de nntl('r"llIIlil''': hf';lllnsti!{t ons dltlfrlyk~ Illt't' )"" \""". ' h. t \'0,11' i, lIo"r,':! f)'III1Of,'I .. k. (Ji'" .11,11' i'! 1de ,I ',,<l ..' 'If' ., Il ~ : • '""'" '.1 . ".' :., (' ,. ') I • cene uitlegging. Dit ('orI''' is tot hiertoe· \'an I{('en h··t t.t' 1,,·sl'l.l.', eli Wi,' 1,.,,1 h,'u I",rl'p' Ol' '1:'11" ". !"- j li PI' \ ,.11 : l •.. , ·.d . "". ' ,f:, .. ,I '" i'I' I. 'lid,· 'I I' " . I , .min!lte nnt (lt'Wffst, eli bunhe \"!'rri!Z'tin~n ve!'1tchatft'n ~IC"rht..;,ClIII!.:rJllIl..hilll{, '·,·,JIIIII1. 1II001,! CII rIlfIt'. 11<"1.'",uly 1,,·t!1I! 1.1,' 1<'/lIIZ I;' rOl! :'·r",·h.· dt·.' c' 'lIS'II' ' .. ''' .. ·.Ill;' •• " II': werk aan u~eren vromel? in 7.)'?e hrnenen ~ekrenkten j cliglyk rl.Hl~f'worst"',I, in ,Ic' ~Irt'll'nd.· hll":' Villi I)('t..r" tu'" ',ls I:I!~l,' L'·IIt·n. 1Il'"-.!·1I I 111"1..,· I };ph' t Il, d Ir, tO, .111" t'cc.tdry"l't'l', dit! voor de ntmbedllldencle opwtnJn!l'('n ltynR tbl{('n tt' 1lI11t'n I)I'TI'\'t'l1; mnnr h"l.ln,· ..,I. I l:,11 IllIlIla' d 1I"I,'ni ,·:trnl"".-Th' III II zich ')\"I"HI 'lt. "al lt I", L d . gemOtcU, eene gereedc rllUlt)ling vindt, in tic "(;rabams vcrwachlin~clI; eli III ,It' plnl\t~ "III h,·... h('fIII1IL', 'LlfCIc'" ly zi"h r(',·.!s \...·Il(){'Cfla.1I11 111,'1 ,It'll !Ilh III'! ,',Ill Il'! (lilt., "I t, , Town Journal. Dit Reglment is ·niet alll'('n nlltrl'loo~, ""lIn- ; I.)' \'oortclurinf:' hl'lc.li!l'd dOll( lwarta:.IIII!!C· -rhl vn·,-'. BH h..l.rlHI 1I"1'11I1';lkt, om .hl tt' ].11111"'1\ ,1,.\,., neer neen betzelve utt een militair oogpunt hcschotl\l'r. I'Il111lr~taAtklindigl' &td"el, WII.llmp th"n~ doOI Ict't !--"IOIII"),Z, Ill' l:xcl'llt>nlle :r.eid.·. "dit I ,~, li"'''11 j.'f','a lf! ""'.' .'('n volslagen overJast, door h,*' "oorbeeld vlln partygec~t.' ,'('rnt'lIIent wortit gt·hAn,I!·ld. 7111niteinrlrh'k a;lil 1t'l1lin)r l·e\'l'lI. ""III1I"CTwy il' ( ollllniup,· zyn, I d,,, nu tI' .1'"'''' ,,'1 Ic • :.1 .lllt hetl!elv~ .op~evert, (.. ant in lUeine DOl'Jll'n d.'r Kolollirn 10111ons lillen nRM KRfft'rland d" \I"\'l, tf' rieten. nl'~LI'n ; elC'/1'1"",,1 r ·kin!.' onlC'r I't',tll,htll'n I.yn.· Il" 1 "'(,l'tI,· lc'7,ln" 1.""'11,11'1'\ ~..ftn demlhtalren gewoonh'k .wn toon aRn cle 7.alllenlevlllg), wankrlentl.· I'n ..makk,· staalknocll', 1111"'" l I ~ Kall"r- 1,ln. /\'1"1'. 'h'lde 'yn I.x("(·lIplltll·""'1 ",'jo ur""I"f'n' ,,,or. l .Jl is tene uitgaaf voor ht't land. wrlke gt'hctl .trytli~ i~ Il,et I rn ~. we!'t. ti lt er 'lfg('I''1urdigclen 0.' ti \\ ,d,l ,t "'1. 0'1 ,;e l \, I.", ,). II lIJ IC·lt'r. -.t.iittIM .. ~ti.,,,, ,~t, tl"'~ .. '" :~., """W ..~ ..J.e"'''' :.:::!::k¥re i::Z r::: ;;" .... '" ~~~ 'W i,. r- .t l .door_verkeerde. YOQn~_Jie.ta nutteloos om op dit tegenwoordige oogenblik, zoo al~ i1t· bloed. de ~iteur van de' C:'Y~~.II '[mm JtU&rtIlli' beweert. m~t deze barbaren te wlnen reïleneren: Gee( Kolonel SOlhersct magt om te handelen, en binnen wdnige weken, zal deze gansche toestand van zaken, aanlllerkelyk veranderd !lyn; ik konde over bet onderwerp nog verder uitwyden. daar hetzelve voor de grMztn vila zeer veel aanbelang is, mAIlr ik vrees, op de kolommen van lilY Bhul, eenen al te grooten inbreuk .te zullen maken; ik zal ltl't onderwerp by eeue volgende gelegenheid hervatten, en besluit, met myne ~keuring te kennen te geven, omtrent UN ontwerp der Apprentice Ordonnantie, nu voor deu Wetlll'venden RUll,--eene Ordonnantie. welke zonder uil-tel lf • PUIM'et'd !,Iol100rde te worden. niettegeDSta&nde de object! ..!! Tan den fleer C- tegeo zulk eenen spoed. ~ , Ik ben. enz. EKX KOLONI"T, II,,,. ol: f I,!~.:_:n ~~e1.4,~=- :id~ 2'tllBJwrtgt, .-"tI- ov: ?.~e; in~~rat ;:.... ,...i "':~':tna' u: ï ooge:i %::;is e: =:~~iging hebbea'_-!. !u.hea!..::"ade ~hik t~ \V ~n;:r ~ rk~~'..r~ ':iZ: iI d ~fil tt':ïe ID!tU:'b lebt .,rd. eri k~ ~ b~ 1\ beuo:! . IS ». 4" I' I I ('(111·1 I. clefending Igallantry ...... n.»t,a. At._lbe. THE -Drcak.~ergroo.teA .... ~&-ia.~ OA-PS TOW •• • •• • ,I • 1\ 11' tbeaneeh'es by kef;ping up a tire upon the &J!~h QC t!lê ~~~ __.the.:.. C~ acampe~ off to tbe adjoining lunp, ... (1 t11~ ïhe,. the..thm bl'&\'e meo-two brot~ers, niwled Perren.., ánd ofte n.med' CobUa 'Buunoan.-i~ a nióaf pltia1lle- sitUallo~~ of them bael reeeiYed numerous Ie'YCrewouDCb, parti Y in the abdome~. 10 that hil lnteadll.6! ~ protruded, and "ere lying on the gTOund; ".riolier .. allO daup!0:L wonnded; wldlat the third, who blld DO p,n, The bUlh ...... thKkly It\'eftd -.nth • ~m t. 0 new. and of a .ery loperior descnption; 53 of whlc1l. were collected -and brought to toWb, TIle patmJe. rou ::.:. r- un.':! • 0-:::-: ~=;~!nTt!!,,:::b.:'...~ ~'all of .tW:- _e I~Y th.t.-:Jer, and ~WÏDI Uaat the wtaole 0( tba& pert of the (;oleny. ex 'i ·froaI ... WiDter ......... s-. ".UQm,.\h&MQ ru.,er. to cbe B_maa',' and contai\lin~ at ~f'ut w.. elltirel, iQ tbé ~upa\ion ol tht', Cde::-' dlat t~ Md •• ept ol: aarty dae whole of \he. ~a'and that De' inlaabitanta wbo "ad Mta !!p0.re4 wl'n' ::. .. U........ ......,of ~ ~OI~ d.'*~i. clestitu~... 'l'h.' ÏoUoÏfiD trad fIOOl a le&ter ~he IituC\iOD ol the fann.:: i:e Koonap, will pvc .. lively 1I1eaof t~ present .0( C. van Ank " .. attacked leat mght, tomt' of Ilia cattle caken &ad one mu 1fO\\Pf.lcdPG. \be aeacl ; th~y ~JeIOlowl,.~dedod tbcaliItlvtlo ~d IIbot a_C.fFer In tOOG "';I;~i1fta~ B, 1831. JA.VARY __ 1''\ \ .-., ~.•{ \AN ~-=.-:-. - ~~.!~.~~~'=~:~~~!!:!!~~~~=::~~~~=~;::=~ rt • DE Z ~ ure mi1a. detail"... aI'ai.... • =~~~~ have much pleasure m glvmg meertion, in our Paper QCthis day, t.~ a letter signed ~~n a ~o~ d~~ HO'IrilOn the ~aal pte. ",::~~a;~ll~~t. ~f~ ., An F.J1lglish Settler;' received br. last ~OIt on.be~ .....y bóme; ud there i8 no qJlelltioll but ber m'e 1l'U ëo-:;~ta= wao dOp~. about 6 milf'l below hia. p~ce. from the Frontier.' lt cannot.. fail of. beia .. ftd· by the pl'O"f'ideDtial- ~tan~. of ~~. Tbe dae osllft .... y. ~ ,w1dl tbe vrk lit. Nl4.,£bllln ;, .,. gratifyiDg to UI to ee8, that out eft'or~ 10 ~e~,:·~~:e:sied. The br!::; the wed::::' dil -::a~::;u caUI!le of Juatiee and TNth, hase merl~dth 1 :ith wbicll thi. poor fellow c\efended bim~f .. 1'Cmarkable.; Oil SuJa,. ~ dark. Heariaga knoekiill' support anel countenance of every Indivi ua many of the aUegaaiIf whiell wo~ded him M ~. from bil at. the door he went and opned 1" aDd f'oQnd--u.ere 8Qmfl who really hu an 'intereet iu the concerns of own body, and burled back o~'t;= ~y.!":ta.:eported Cdert-: ~ atepped bid tD~"~~~ # ,from the Tbitt day a Hottentot, DA I the tabbed bim at.·o.:e. His wue _ e.......ren we -,-_. Th this COIODY. e ~U8 Ol neW8, himself al having just arrived (rom OafFe~land. At " to flee. but the ea«en flos" t.hem ba(k. -mttO t~~ Frontier must neceaardy take up aU our space, 'trading lltation of Ptt,.. Son~, WIed B,,:ck. KraaI~e ~ni :::; they ultiaWdy sot ou, aDd ft~ to • n~"b~r ~ but. we trust that at no ~mote period, we sh.U an Eng~isbman named WiUiaa HOg Iymgr 100 M. WeAell aad Field Cornet Nel were al. ~~. _._~ . ..~ f to enable the .tatlOn pluaderect; he _w mo & perty 0 m (0 aeeilll the Catren 10 numerous, stood q~e y ()Q lP~ obtain 8UII1clent correct lDlorbl& Ion • Catre which were ~ awwe'bml 0( cattle __ . bOrIea diatanee. whilo. the Ca«'" ~.e Jil bie att&le aad -us lG gi.ve..a..1rUe Acs::ouol o.f the SJ.'ste~, wh!~h mein mIIl .. boQl tK,~I~.l''d~ .~C: C-!'tt &mi. OD. , W helirod. il,ia probable ..be woHld l.!av! bet>ti ~ tory. These cattle wen: drove lO ... lmf·o~.:.. "He "1if~ hu ered. C. Nel made a stou, ~ce, bP,' .~ey liet tIt> has hitherto been ~unued toward. tiM Caa"ers, bl w ft party of Call'en IQ bo' pUrsUit 0 a er namcu • ..__ I ti d tOell all wu lOlL Moot of ....elle peop e. 1 b and wbich no dou '. hu, more or' el8, roug On tbêbiDg Waay ~aatl he RW aix divisioaa of ;;;':t ai(. aM..er W __ la bad been plulllderecl ~ .. nt .'wo about tbe p~seDt crIsis, Caffen, each about 100 1ItIo11f, C(OIIIing the country t.owarda .HJI&tIeatiOtaon horsê'-k to eumiae the state of his pre~~: ______ -="-:---Ba\hurat The CaI'en aurpriM .. at. the bo_ •• n~ Oll~, u, at on th~ eveaiq· of tllis '"day Mr. ;Joba Browll, wbo ... the tMr aeaped-brinct~ buk the iateU .... ce \lW an tht' T His Exceltellcy' 1be Gonrnor leet OWD ~ ·th ......... fdIdIOaY .... Henderlolt ,whea \lief wenuaur~ 0 ww deIti'OJéIL O.e~ wa .oeoMW :l pa.t 4 in tbe- afternooa or Wedneaday the 7th :..... anind:a wwn,. NJd ~ a stakl1leD.t to the foll~~'nI~ BOtIaa-- _ people wi"'- him .ha1e 10ft !J stant for Simon', Town and wu to ha,'" ea:a- mg r1I'eel :-That ea tbe day ID questicul, htbw~, all ne.e lsaft DOt a -eiape heed .f .. qIe left. ~ hu ked' tho' -nemng '01tc-boa~H.,-Ab-8'i ~own farm, wben on e':un ~fj ... puderiDg __ .iD_~e T:inculo, for the Frontier; are abo tofoTmed M:ti!~ with al. CaDlll')i'to,,"",1 ~ it .. u.ow:::.~b~ :t!:k'ed ~hêe K~n~; tbat His E'xcellency waited the. lut ~espatehes Graham'. Town: H~ ~ that it would be ~ s..cceaf~l, _tell ~I'." . " _tromt Graham', TowDrand.. tbat unmedlately after proceed..to CaJt'ér-Drift. Jl9!'. Mabony. h~~'l! ftiii t The fOJ'l'!lO~ ·wiU-.....-:- ... ·-idea-. of Jhe. date ou)l~ -' ".,_,; lo 'led letter from Major LOWáI "'thalr that e'lUW -nu. a1l en d dle atellt of the ClaIlPr But eo IlUQleroUII the receipt of them' l he .I. nftCU force to relieve bim. N'otwhhatanding. tbll they decided at :::~ ~Iuela arriftd IIUJi", ';hnc)II\every hour ~t WE the ~o::::!e= :.?:..W:~ af_ ::ou::'.:ec. !~ bul"'::!,,!! :: me~ tI r:' ;iln. ~6k same i::tC-: ~ J' ::I'io we )mm_ -Itb:,;;.talirm ~e::igï:: '! ;::::,!ere :porta sal. ~Knap·~~~;. eo.. length to proceed there ~ t'"'f "had not, bowem', proceeded G~'a 'fowa. tbat. aM má&&ee~ ~ety. deemed tt A report is circulated in Towu, that a quantity far when a body of C ..... ·,paeaH .bout 10.0 yards ~ore aedieat to pnblialt the f~wiIl« o.ial.o~tion ::or wheat is' about being' eX1'c>rted; we trust them' llQd it .... apparent that tbey were being 8urrounilt'. af."The.uouauat COUde p\ln~ by dae eden lil ~r tbe D--.*t's·lo I ""-verf~-"'nt wH-l .see tbe He';~ •. lime before lla,4j ~Il. ~~!!.th!ttt~t:!:r~o-~ .. i.,uioftof-~, _.DIl,_b~.~l'~ ïffi . ~ TU. uv ... ..., rOund that the oxen had been cot out,...... ~ ml".. aD~n4 Coaamittee of SafMy &0 pat. dle public ha poMeMIOD.Ol IU the that necessity of prohibiting, under. the pre~ent al"rm- 1l'U lying mardered on the groond~ lIt::tnd hll !!GII" fled mto ciead ~eu,.te UaforflD.cioll &0 fIIlablre them to form • rorrel"t iD'" stale of the Colony, thé exportatIon of that &he busb.,.' Hfl'C tbet dkmountell from their ~ th~ ~ ..t of \heir actaallitUu... . 10 &be ~ aDd uddlQ away, and turned' their ho~ JOOIe, lbo delpatdles ~. received from the Comindispensable article. . Whilst they reroaiaed coDCNléd ttaiéftt a party of.boat ~ of the from the cmt ·Oommdaioner of I1OOD M CaI'ef'$"Cf()IIIe(I tile CoIo~.w an~ erse IiDd""Dl theFieId Corneto who ~.been ,ia.com• L.-trtJ.tji ....._ LU' Grdltm.', 7btCII Joumal, ".fall. 2. 1835: aftenrUds with.about-ilOO head 0( ea e, whICb they Tided So~ea~D "hlt tbe .Civil C,-oDer, " now cliatlDc.tly r ~ 1v... into dift'f!l'tDt lotlf and 1hOCeedeCl with tIaem towarcJa the Kap .. - . that thê' cd'ets are in oceupMioa' of the ldao1o. Un~ Rivet' b~hta .. They beard Ca6ers all nigbt round them, :r::rs tier (rom Caft'er Drift to the Win&erberg i tlaat hither.~~I". ~~ . _ ~ -and~-eohbld~t.~ wm: in couldera~le force. ~ u':nba$'e.-c:onfuIcd_ ~vea ~ ~ off tM.c.U~f. We bave this week been oblipd to escbange the quill C~,r After several haUbreaAlth~pea,."M"r .."Bi'O~nrtyd~ ~ bélo..,flig.to the ColODiata, ua'ltmlng~people~ UI-the Illusket-the dak for the guard-rooDl; our re ..... wI~1 • state of ~t ahau~don, feU ID With e pa wen lnaall DUIIlbera 011 the bigb roads or Hl IOlitar1 lW· .Qt therefore e~pect from UB 'u1 thin! more than a detail ouuo ftCQ\'u.the boclies.of MeISfI. Henderaon an - - - OIlYl lioid' - - .- . Jl f :Wcw-re~ during far the· lOOIt eventfal .,mod that and weré COOYeYed by them to 'tQ1l'11, . " eonBeqaeoce of the C8«era being tbUli di",.-.ed oyer e\'er been kncnrn 011 the frc)ntier of this ColoOy. WAo On tbill day a dl!spatth ..... ~ by- ,he Ci..u COaaDlII· the gMt lft«Ul ofFtolltier alretIIly-deleribed. ~ eo • .de,tll or what bAl brought Uil into tbe lamentable condition, in ..sioner from Lieut ••Col. Somerset: ~t sta~ tha~ the CafFera eml:n'acing nearly the wbole estent of the Frontier Dlltnet. vhich we now find ourselves, must \x! deferred' ... -subject \irere pouriotl ioto the CoIeay In mc_redible numbers, ~d the Barghe ... of thial;)iJtrict ... weU .. u.ooeof·~erHL. ~'OT future enquirY. An enormOUll account lies :-om_here, \l'e~ sweeping everyt~ng before them. He complltedad~a~ bave either been unable. to lea.,e their "ou.., 0)- thelt aer~ or is to be attributed to SOOle cause-not leas tban the total d~nng the foUl' precedmg day. not less ~ban 10,000 he 0 vices have been rel(uired In other quarter& destntction of the once flourishing Settlements of Alb!lny and cattle' had been carried off. To repel tb~ anvwrs .. as utterly . "'fhe lU'U1edforce collécted iD Graham's Town h.. , ~eretbe Kat Rive~-a 4readfa11iuriDce-« life, aDd ·an ~oennou impM!libJe; his hona were knocked ~ and ~_~u 1l0J. lOft .been alin68t exd1tai~ e~ iDdefe.DIiye Oft!~nll. 10Stlof'property. We will not, however, pennit ou",:lves to a IIingle Burgher who co~d ~fford bun any, .li5lltance. A ';'rtio. ot tbe armed Burghers from Uicenbage .. ~ourly lwen llpon the painfulsubject at present; the harroWing de- Equally gloomy wu the Intelhgence from. B.tb\lrst~tbe lO cted, and'lbe Ciy" Commiuioaer· then hu prom.i.aed \(') ~ail of facb will speak more forcibly tiaan any comments. and other extremity of tbe District. A coml!lunlcatlon froan a :e!: -Gn n>!oforc:eatellW .. they en: collected in the, moN re· cannot fail to excite the deepest sympathy: in the mind of ,Committee of Safety whicb had ~n IqlpolDted there •• taad, "te part. of bis DistJ'lc\. ' t~\'ery man. wbatever m"y be, bis ~reed or his ~ountry. wbo dIal i!l consequence of the-alarnung lltate o~ the country, t~ ,u 'fhe fint detpelCh to Hili Eltcellen~. die Governor, may has any claim to the conu:non Ceelmga of humanIty.. inbabltants of tbat part bad .bandoned theIr homes aml P':t haft reacbed Capa Tow .. yesterday; ~t II therefore p!O~le Last wetk we brougbt our repo'" dew» to th~ morDlng'of perty" and fled· that 'he nfJW c~un:h at .Bath~t ~~:611 that the moet etlicieál relief will speedil. be atfonletl. In tllf' Thursday. On tbe afternoon of that day further reports were witb those unfortunate and dClltltute people; and that the mean tirae it is indispen.ibly noocllNf)' th.t the aruaed force received (rom "arions qWll'terS ol the daring advance .of the ."CmRÏnder were expoaea in their 'W1IgOns.. It went oa ~ .tate coJleeted here, collfiDe dtemRlftII &0 defenuft OJl!!r&tioDII, and eatfers and tbat in luch numbers, that successful reststance that on Christmas Dal' the CafFe... ~d t~e cattle lil tbe tbe COJDmittee' iD con_ration of the large reUlforcementa to tbek progress WAl utterly impracticable ~ the scattered i~- most daring mUner. and su(.~eded ID carryang ~tf a great wbieb it from Col. SOjJleroet·.1ut ~patcb thee!'-emy babitants in every direction were compelled to tly from tht;lr number; that they. were kept I~ the D~oat lev.era.h lltate 0( it reparinS" in Calferland. haa 1'eC0000tnell¥ th.e i~babltan\lI. d.wellinga either to an adjacent village. or to concentrate 10 excntement in consequence of theIr very.lDluJliclent mean. of lBatblll'lt and they nowadvise 'be Inbabitanlt of the some ap;t where they uligbt act on their ~fence w!th lOme defence, being but fe.... in number, ....hilst many had no other :.ore re~ parte of the District of Alban>:. 10 hJl':k prospect of hold.i~ out for a sbort ti~e.88'tlI~.st the ~nvade.... weaponl than pitch-Corks or bay~nets. Thoae who had horses Jl Graham'l Town. wherever _ communu:at.ion IS lItJlI During Thucidny night every precaullon wd taken at Gn.- were constant1y on' '41lty ~1,",,; and'" ....,·.of· ~t". ~. . " '.i . . ,<., - ~1.·, •...• " ham's itown for a determined Aland i.n c~ -of attadl.; ...most horses were lrnoclted utt; and lhat ~ ~o~u 8U~~1 ~ The COmmittee dewpUc:hed an el(preaa-~~ .uemng of the WOlUen and children were rl!CCIVf'.dIOto tbe flat roofed could not be eoodnued nnleu they received 8IIlstance. 1'111. to Colonel SoOle .. " earnea'ly recommeochpg tbe Immediate houses around the ChllrCh-lICluare~' or ~k refuge in tbe deapatch concluded by lltating tha~ it ~ bee!, reported to ~.:of tile .. bole of the armed Fo~ OilthiIt frontier. churcb; wagops were drawn acl'OSl the ditreren~ entrallCCS"; them that ·t~e ca6rt were .~biq' ~~o~ideQbIe.a~ at GrahAm', T'"f1l. " . '. guards and patroles, both mounted and on foot. posted berst and ,bat consequently theIr po81tion "ool.d be qUite ol The CoDlmiuee eámeat1y exhort.1l petI'lOna eompotlilllt around the Town. and every man WIlS under, arms. On Friday untenable, lUI their supply of water! all<Yfring t~ey l"ould de· the commandos to yield ~1 obedáence to the ordel'l of \be morning Il part'! o} 20 of the inbabitant., moullted and well fend themselves in the chllreh. uugh:t be ~nllrely cut 011'. 08ic:er-. noder whOle direëtion they haft! beeo placed, and to armed, proceeded to the scene of the savage bnt~hery of Under these ci~mstancea ad~ wu refJue.ted. u ~ ~e re in \heOftic:e ... of Hit Majeatr'.regularCoreelh.t. confiMeurs. Mabonj""llnd HenderlOn-o~e the most IDtrt~ propriety .of ret1':lD! on G~ham. :row!l 'WIth their famibea, d::::: to whicb their military espenence,. aa w~l1 .. their total and dangerous defiles along the frontler lme. . . and send mg thel.r cattle ~n tbe dlrecU~n of Algo" B~y. or freedom from local j,reju!liees .nd pnnte mterut entitle No opposition WIUl, however, offered to thIS httle band of elsewhere,. lUI nllght e\'etltually be. decided on. The, 11U- them. . .. volunteérs, and they at length reached tbe !lrbt .. hen: tbe plored Il remforeement o( men, whIch was. the more necesToo much praise connot be given to tbe mIlitary ~()r tbe dt'ed had been perpetrated, Ilnd where a scene prest'!'ted I~lf Mry, as a number of young men, under Lleu~ •.Porbes. who activit displayed in their ~ departnlents. both tot. the uf the most appalling description. Th~ wagon 'Yltb, wbl~h had been seat thither as ~ escort with "mmnnIbon, and wh.o aecurify and ."bau.tance of tbe inhobilAota. A ~trong bar~lcad(' the llnfortunate lIu!ividl1llls were proceedIng to CafFer s Dnft bad been extremely act,,'e. were about to return to then had heencCODlwue&ecll'OGnd the.ehun:h ellcloalOg a cORlllderabad been overturned; tbe property hod been carefully es- tesrective bomeII. bIe area and a atronl guard of civilian. posted at all tb .. amillell.apparently for arlUlllnd ammunition-tbe beds and ~"e reply to tbis . communication ,!IlS, of \b.e. Dloat hcart- ~ The ~_ OrdOaRee ~.were all!U ~ CUl '9]JeiHom-·u.. C01deDca·lK4dte_hftmed ;.MU retrifing-daat.ctel ... ftlit&tMt~ttff~~Iê, Dioïi'iéiive in mumg inidf1ii'i'augeili€litiU 11lI~ht I,,,,et Mw the bind wheels lay tbe body of Mr. "e:ndenoD covered with 1IS8istance; and r~ommended them to a1!andon tbat be.u.tlfu ~ . , 'L~segruuwounds; alld Il sbort ~latance ~n Advance the ~rp!le and intere1tlng villagt'. and ~hus tQ a"a!1 ~hem!lelves?f the - óiaZnday St. George'. church prellflnted a I('ene f'fJII&lly of poor Ml\hony, who had receIVed a fnghtful wound IQ the communication tben open ""tb Gmham I fo ....n. Tb.s adI ~d "ectipg: inlo&eadof being l1At!d for I>i"in~ Wonhip neck, into wbich he had app~ntly endeavoured to thrust a ~ict' bas been followed, t~e whole ot that ~art of the country notbinR wu beard but tbe din of .rllll'. Rnd the 1I().I~t' portion of bis .shir;, in the ,'atn at.tempt to stauncb the blood. ill depopulated: th~ dwelbngs oC tbe Inh.abltanta ravaged ~d and bUItIe of gdafd-house in a time of WBr. ~lJolit. mn" '~be party ba.nng covered tbe ~Ies. proceeded to the dwel- hurnt; I:\rge berds of caUle, and bautlful f\ocka 0(. Menno at ni bt di"ine Wonhip was performe!l by the Acting I)IStfll'~ hng house ot the deceased, .. hlch had ~n completely sacked :heep abandoned. a p~ tó the woh-es, or to tbe ~ .~re Ch glainf Amidst an aueUlbla~, wblch prnentIMl Il .lt"elle thlh hy tbe marauders; they tben examtned the scene of tbe !lavage bordes oC barban&nll. It was tr~ly an alfec:tlD.IJ I~ht cool~ t fail to awaken the mOllt painful Rri,l lIltere~tln murder of <':rámer. mentioned I,ut week, whoae bO<!Y they to witnt'AA the melancholy calvlllcad_e !Ill I! rell('hed tow!l' Fa· 8IIOIia~ODII. The gallery "''ft~ !lTincÏT'ally tilll',1 with felll3lc' interred as w~1 aá t~ey could lil a wolf hol.e, At night the milies who a few day. before were Imng ln ~ Ro.d ID com- and children. drivt'n from tbeir homl'lI,-rootlced rrom.,"omf'ott JlRrty reached ro~ ID ".fety. Tbe f~lIowmg ~y ~other fort, ....ere now cut upon tbe world utterl~ destitute, the ~ro- to absolute delltitutilJ1' bv the IIll'FRge..nl'llIy. whIlst til" Roor Irnrty pr,?ceedell WItb a wagon. ~ete"!'lft~ to bnng I? tbe ceed. oC mo_re ~ U yean ardnollS and moes8ant ~xerUons Wd occupied hy men lea~ing on tI."ir arml .. TIll' 1II0rlolll' dead ~1t'S, and they succeeded 10 tbel~ object, I\!! alllO lO re- .wept off With one feU .woop, and they the~se~vescut upo.n I S80n (X1(X"1I lltai:\h,) WRll, biul('ulllriy aflI1ropr ..,tt' t,(t (HII rovenng the body of a trader named Klrkman. wbo h~ been the world )aoueeleas wanderers. A communicatIOn tro,n this \ tion an(1 the MlIli~t"r instt-ad of s~rmon lII1ld~ a fl'w munlered near the Fish River Drift. on Saturday morning pla('e. ltatinA' the determin3tion to abandon the place, h~~ 51 ua rit!! '011 tht' ~e"l'r,,1 pasMagl'14fll()intin~ out theIr R~."lil"l1' II monnted l'atrole. consisting .of ~l rrsontl, proceeded. to tht' f~no~il1~ affecting ~ssage :.-"1 ~a"e lIlurh pleMurf. ID ~~~A,. ;lO.II'IICOUfjU~lIlf!'tl II' r('()I'Ic' to tnl,t in fil!\( h~fllrl "('(IIIr the country lhrollllh 1I0WIS(lD s J oort, RI(Jllg the "kirt!! l'ILDtlOnlng the gooll fedmg which eXI!it~ alllOIl~l!t n~ uIIder 1) 11the natioll~ "f "Irtl, nN0 hilt l\ll the dail (Jl abt: of th,' hariga ~iver. T.ney bad dislQollnll'tl· for thr .r~1I1)(IM" thl'!'e di~ne5l1ing circumstances.. 'V\: lellve hl'hmu,the ..r f(T'lIZIIIC; their hm1j{S Inr ~ few llIimlte~. Whl'll lhe.'r nU....n. whóhl of our llropcrty and Cl\tt~, the result of 1:\ yean heard All the tle1lpauhNl fronl the !lever,,1 Ollt"pOllt~ roncllrr('o It! li Hl \\fI\ .lttml·lt'd hy the enes of f('m.leII, and 1\ mil for 1\l4M1I- labou1l1nJ i"'raeverancl', llnel 'are retluced tCl merl', l~e. Il . tbe fntility of tb .. 1!reM-nt force on thl" Frnnl.l'r a'· lancc' from 1\ farm hOliSt' immt'diately below then). Oh'lM'I'- 'fbt' C'on('ey1Lnces"'c ban~ will Jlot contain the Wtllllen and : ow~~, Lo offer ally eft'edlllll reJ!istallee to Ihe IOrlldl'r~. II. I.! _II UI.n gallopilll{ furiously forwll~ lInd ~k(lDinA' to th.m cilildren. IlIany wilt nav-e tQ~w,,!k... " some of lb~.w'l,,"Onl a~ e.~':~tl:::c~lIle the general 0l,imon that thl' only elfec~ulIl pl".11 to t"Il"w. th!')' mlltAntly rode after hun. and I'bnrtly ('aIDI" to without O'lteD, tll~ Caffers hal"lng IItolen them. On tbelr ) Id be t() Rbandon every pcMt Ilnll ooncentrate at C.tahlllil • .1 spot where a_ party of t,hree farnlel'li "ere then d,~end~ route sf"Vtral I,artiea- 0( Clltrl~1'lI prt'!il'ntc,l thcm:wlves, R~ ~~:'n. At tbe Gualana it was with thl" gn'ate."t diffi.cn1t>:that thl'lIllleh el' IIgalll~t ahout .lOO ('Ilffent, wbo hM: attat:>ked t~~. W('rt" gallantly pursued hy the yOllng meu wlv). lonne,1 tlu tl troonll ('ould prelt'"e tbeir communkntion WIth _( IIlfel ~t'ar II. c('rt!lin hllsh 1\ short dl~l.Illlce off. IInd WIth wamll thl",~ C!lcort In thf'se IikirmislH''i tWlI ( atlerll \I (....' killd and .!.C" _Ie_':"h l-;'-fIi " -h' --:-1-ral' '-Iy--ex" _.'Il-deel th"mJlt'h· ~ -lOL' ,. f .' , " , e ....a erll ave coO!m el..... ' I '1'1I~' Ial,tf'r h.J (Irllll'rs wert' tht'n hotI)" 1'IIIlilICec a" tll"en oe u~ "cral1!iounded: ' 'tt d ~o,'er a mllcb la ....er ~11i(,.t'. . I 'd' ' lt'': ",'0 lilt f;.·P !,u'rt IIIl! III "rom· thl!! wns wrl en , Rn now, ' . ., , n thlc" dllmp ol . 1'U'" Id' 1•• 111 weJ'(' ,Ylt I t.l~ most ettrmln"· I' J)tlnng tht: whole of s"" ,Je- to""'" L ,,_.... I UOD mt Fro._ ~F rem:1 *.• dMd. ;~ás i. bi ap""; ra)~ <. , ,. " o! ::.1, an :.ï~~::.. . ".... DE ZUID-AFRIKAAN. ..L_I_·~·_._ ~=~====~===-=~~=~~ - '_er, ber WIIII n.,,, ". "Ie déPllt~tion which theft waited on the 11I~,I:'. t -tt .. "7 -.not'---WM ,plcaar.d . .IIO ftCfi_v~ .~~~ jn Gho;~rno . itv i "" C~;';;.ittee," 'fhe Memorial DOW pret ar capacl ) u 1 C ittee tleitted W&ll froI~ tie .. ..?~ ?mlW . .:., Ilis Excellency ellqulteit"it"th~ -were .ny-ftl6t'C t>e.............. .. d be' red in the Degative added, for pretentat~n; au _,. mg ::,we nd reading of thé Ordi" then .._.YOuwill pl"9CeCIUto aece nance. clio had bees commeoeed the ATTO""J;Y- ---vn. '_.. th ..... aeioa-ef.u.e ""''''''1' I~""'----,_.... ..0lF ..... _ •• _- ...... -r->'""L,.· .~,.,w~'._ b~ _r.L... F i.._ -.t"""jl"'tJl"·gantt'llj'f -li" -1" l' uv-~~""'_-__'_---·,tIMt ...... "'w.u .." wn.....,..",.- _ v1 OP<: .,,-nt t.... inhabitaDb, nor ltop the projrNa of the lDAarauders. The faiN statement, in a macaner ealeulated to aft"ect our hopes of ' Let the unprejudiced only see how thill!Cll art' o~n;s an\l. C.lfer Cbiefi ill that nei8bbourhood, Cobus, Pato, anel K.... 'uccour from otLet quarten ; and a, there iij ao imp~ion mi.lea? by hireling or fan~tical writers, to ",bUil: tru:' nl'Sot)(' -Dri"-,'wtd,,,:~ 1\. ..... ......, ..v hw, 'bOwe'ftf'\-.bown a1fte"" dltpolldon.-l.ftltic-;wu'"1lllru;:"'hbrc:l8dtftM--former n\i • .,.prelf!n~ ill tbat paper, -_o.R-I~-'"'"-"-ft1t...,r~b-lt~t·the-.:m:utattol1 .... -- .. - --_!\. - JlOl posed that they might be io.uoed to declare in of the as .tbe v~t of ita Editor to the Frontier. are amoog the own ends in l>~me shape or other.-111l;,7~ .. to anbwer their colouy if HCUrj.'y "He aft'orded tbPm apini" tbe "\'enpDcc cauaa 0( a coftf~etac1"moDI" the Caft"crchiefa, which thftaA CuNS1ANl' RUD-'" ttf· tile lftOIie peWeifUl ehifo&. ,wao ·ftré at dae ht*1 ()f the ~tlle total naaD 0{ .. ~ portion -of the Coloay, OOR co!,federacy. Under all these ~UlQatanCtlll., dUI poet wa. bider it ~ur duty to' call IIJ'On all well-wisbers to. their counordered to De abandoned. and the troopa le retire UPOD c.6er try-to UlJplore aU wbo would not willully lMt mad: ins(",S Th' Dec, :11, IS:I-I Drift. '" mental in ltitliA, the criea o( the widow'" the fatherlC118 ~JR,e necessrty of a Ja'r U!_t'aiDfltt1lgrllnry bt>col~e, " ~Q~ M..QD~.mntUDk.tUm ~. ~~v~_fro~_~em for pro&ec:tion,-to Uie tbeil beat endeavouf\. to suppress the dally more and m~rt" urgent and IDlIlC!rstin~.-On the lOt~ IStatio& tht' on tbe day pftCeding. 1\1 teven} farme ... who laad êliëlilition of that paper, duriDg the continuaace of the pre- No"ember last I -htTed 11 Hottentot. named PI.'·e B i man I ~, _.I t . h v, .." aart taken ~a JJCmtion abOllt three' milea from that village., were tent awful criait. '" , ...e a con ract Wit lum before.the Clerk of tile prepanog &0 moft forward, they ot.erved a numbero( Cden (H ... foIIOlH IM ...... qt 335 qt tile fII06l reqJectabl, in· ~eace for' .the term of one yefr; he w.. ·scar:x:ely one month l'Cl}' near them i and DO eoooer had the. "fIODI proceeded 1IdiI~, qt G,.dcm', 'l'OWII "JUl ntr;rQIlI, bnide. '~eral !n my service 'Yhen he stole my aaddJ.é..hcme from the. st.bI lIibort:diataDce!Mn dt.ey ruehec1 ~D, Iêiaed &be aWe; OIl.WI, • ..",.. tfa, Ediliw .tllI' eoadtl not be bun-IHl for and rode with It to mf neighoour F: Ju~na, where he &of' dr(,ve them off. Tbe larme ... in eharp of them tied to wmal qf .. c,),-~', T .. JOKne"l, Jau.I, -1835. a IAddle add bridle, He was afterwards seen at Wit~..n~Jlr~ SaleJn, whfl'e \bey were joined by SOIllO of tbe inhabitanta, .here he pretended. to hat-e come for cattle for the' Butcher Mr. Johnatone.-It 18 supposed that he ill now at Z tehe lormiq a party of about 20 lROu,teII mea, and placiag themeel~es under_the direetioll 0( ail Ktift young mUl named w:here he formerly Jived with one de Beer.-Aa no '::e h.."f~ Barend Woett. they litarted iD punuit. They lOOD came up nght &0 I\Ik robben a~d thieves whether they ltave a Pas!! with DllU'audf"l"lJ,and' .uceeedecl in recapturing about ..00 they cau ~-:Iy aDd undiatul'hedly commit simill\r actt to the 1'0 THE aO(TOR or u DS ZUtD-""RIKAAN." head of cattle. Pour Caffe ... were kiUed iJl this. atfUr. In !freat preJudice of othOll,-This the)' dared not 10 il d In fonner time!! eas y 0 the WDe .neighbourhood" party of fánners, under the direction of George Gilbert, have established thelD8elves. They no... . THE FRONTIER. . By imerting the above in your "tliuable Paller you will muster about 60 defended SII!o-Recentev!J!1t, .... Ibis diYokd, 11__ .:_-: ...... flitH.~ .. ®_a.pQQL,.__ ..,_,.~==. It ""iUM, 'P!s~ máiie":"-to ~ ~ nnc./~~eed~ot dill<!d8e Umn. Ollter of .... ilar bold CIeeenaiOa· df~,,~ OD your apaoce by a repeLitioll of tbe honible . tion might be cited; but we only meotioD duat ol e_. . 8Ia,-1 have as little time llli, 'r am sore I ba\'e inclinatio n . Geors- TomlinsoD, wlKiae reaideace la in OlM!' of tile moet ne zeal whh w~ich you have always ·advocated tbe caUte at thé trou.ble 0( noticing the .. ~e.-er-f'ailib " Iltu intrieate and clanproWJ pallia in the country, aurrouDCled by ot 1~ur country, willl\ot trag oa an occasion wbich fills every ptdltr and InconslStency of that lOrt of a Co tem g , of IImple coftr for myriád. of the eoemy .. Md all'onlinlr in patriot's breut with indignation; the fearlcuneal witb wbich ~ur,s, the Commn-cial Advtrlun-; but I thinlit d~r:'the every direction a fttreat where it ia iDipoaaible for mouilted you .have communic:ated to tbe public, and commented upoD lliabhc, as well as &0 the lion. Members concerned to tat t it Ï! utterly false ... Mr. Bretla had praented ~ e men to folloW; bI!IidH many BituaUomr which are quite im. paall'" .evenW bal IJlveted the Z..u 41"-- with a practicable to. any: otiaet_ animals than Cders and baboolLl. of authority wllieh diepo8ell every maca who hu t~ welf..-e of from 1.S Appftnticed Laboreni of U~nluige at the Si . tl~ the deniseas of the rocky precipiCle. Still, notwithltanding hU cou~try at heart, or who can (eel (or the autferin!J8 of hiS CounCIl on Satun!ay, the 27tl1 Decewber 0" or that ~ thelUliMdn1l .... _Mr.T.omUDIPJl.b,.vety_~~fen~~ hi~Jf .!~'l.!~l~~~ &o.t~rn_toit for illfol'!lLltio!a. and for- couJl$.d Cloete had moved lb ~eceptioni'~_ D!",itfle.rof thoiê:' , Dtlem~~ ~ the repeated .u,ht auaeb of the ~; and it was at ... lS ap,a-ul'" c:rlllll. . bad do~e the one t~lD~ or the ot1let-; &Dd tt.e af.:ridity of that mls-statemt'nt .s an IOWI' lriilli_n ..t,Utet th not eill he bad lo4It Ilil tattle that be abandoned bis dwelling, The cor,aplicatec,l miseries of an almott UIlresiBted invuioD --ou t bl tI '. :1'" '." r e mol'f' un...... n a e, as le prtDClpal conductor af the Ad C Ilnd thra only at the eatnellt'recommendation of Lieut.-Cot. by I&vage" as detailed iD tbe ~', Towm J0tn'ft4I, had been 'personally p"""" t ~ -Som~. ' '-. ~ IOOn kDo~n through 'JOtal' ilLltry.lRentalily to all the inha- (Mr, Jobn Pairbllimj occasion.-I am, Sir; vour', ._..."u on t l" The intelJipnc:e. reeeiftd thil dav from the immedia~ bl~ts of thaa Colony; tbéir sympathy will be excited, and YQwr RI'j}(wler'j,. tAt C",mcil qfGoreNtml'1II. frontier ... .diltreuing in the .extréme, and well calculated- m~ed emotioll1l of pitr for the .u~ren, and ind~tion to tbe mind with indeecribable horror, u wellu to roUte against, those ~h~ ha\'e ~aareglU'de4 their oft repeated criea for every latent .park, 0( energy to the moet uncompromising pro_leCtio.D, will meapacltate tbem for Il time from invutiresistanée, It I~ that a' present all the MilSionArw. in gIltlng WIth the,neceuary coobletllt the cauaea of events wluch C1lft"erJaad--......... but ChetaH thto poor trader.! luad beeft ba~. Iilled,a.large portioo of the.Colony·~dt bitle' hamenbntc:hnid in cold blood. The communication from Port tallon-which b~ve ruined the labours of years in an instant r Willsbifoe ltated. that Macomo bM dec:laml that the Mis- -and have cast upon tbe Goveriiïoëiii a TeiïrlW reaponalbility sionarin and ~eir families "on Id be.red, but that all the .When, tbe generous emotiona, which the melanchDly tale wili trad~rs must.cbe. It we.t on to .. y that they had DOaccu-. ~lOdle an the boson~ of your countrylnen ehalI bave BubSATuaDAT, DEcJi. Tate lDfonnation ol the n~DllJer actually man~red, but they .. ded, the coulltry WlU expect from you. dispassiona!e di.. 'fhe Gouncil Illet at 10 o·Clock. h"d beard Ed~ at Bum', HiD, WalTen, at .th~ Re\", closure of the. 4Ctual posture of ad'airs in this Colony,," Permit Lieut.·CoI. L'_q ~r., Key.Jer, Station, belongih, to the London MUIIIlonuy me! thjrelotl', to ,recommend to your most aerioUi conside. M SMITH, and HuuLTOs . Ros~a .~, LIl " were ~worn In embe... of Council, and took their seats accordSOCIt'ty, ~ at uie Chum .. , aad eeftNl others, Tile ration we ~ga at the lut public me.:ting in Graham'. . poor mMl ',Va~ WIlS drassed from Mr. KeYJt'r's breakfut Town,-that In the. e\'(~nt of their viewa coincidiQg with your mgly, The hon. tbe ~OLONtAt. S.c.tTAay mOl-ed tile Order'of tahle, &Dd, 1I\ 'plte of the entftat!es,,.o( that person, mut- own, that YB,.u w~I!, ~ecom!JIe~,~ ()-~tIltion' of your •«-tl~_cItIor.. __ .. . . -'.., .co1Ullq:weu. • .ltluheir-EnglisldeHoW eitizeIl8.-'.. the Day_for.the..second, reading of -tbe Apprentice Ordinance . Monday niKIJt .LIeut,-Col. Somerset arrived at Graham's That.Done o{ thc exi.tiDg inatitutionl of tbe country afford His ~xceUmcr the GOvERNoa introduced the eubject of l& and the Council, from ]5 A . 'l'.owa from.~ ~~Tu.eacIay, .. t-noc)l~, in- protection 10 "c~acter, life, or property," 1&a expresaed in Mem?rial &0 Has ~c~ll~ey ~prrt~ tbe muniCipal folft. fhl! Intelhgence communicated one of. tbe resoluLlona}18lI5ed by the meeting, ia unhappily preDt~c;e Laboren ~ldlO8' IQ the .District of Uitenhage, e~h;' this ofticer corresponded. in every respect with that~. t~o eVldent .from tbe occurreoeea &0 which I have taken tbe preSIlu e of Memonalista eYfl'Ia!ltmg gratitude for the boo \'Iollsly ftef'ind; or rather it wu, if pouible, of a still bberty to dn'ert )'our attention. !ately .conferred ?n them by His Majesty, and of their since~ mtentl?n,at ~l times to prove themaelvee worthy the Mcrifice AN ENGLISH SSTTLER. grat'fl' cbarsctN .. ~é ItAWd tbat tbe Catfera were inov.ing I am, &r. !Dade In thelr favor; and craving of the bon, Council, that IOtO the Colony an luch largoe mM8e!l that no milit,"" for~<" an tbe new .~w about to be paued. 1\8 consequent on thei; thf'n at his 'rommand WIUI ahle to oll"er the'm lUly t.1f'ectUiI resistance; thRt th ..ir plans aJ'lpt"Rftd to be !IO'well ot'gllnized, . SUl,-Wert" it-not t~at such a let~er as that wbich "r:peared a~tered cond,tJoD, lJOme pr:ovi!lion be made to allow the.ma,'and !IQ abIY.,xecut4!d, as to dd\" hia utmost exertiODS and an. tbe S. A, C. :t~rrtun- of the 3ht ultimo, is caleu ated to rled amongst them the unlOtf'rrnpted 1I0ciet:y of th ..;· ~ il' • ht, d th t"'b '--__ 1__' -.am les inlt'f'nuity to Icircumn!nt lhem; and that he considered the mmead"the umn?ormed on tbese matters; I should never at . mg. ,an a .' ey, "'" IWOU granted the privilege of attemlColony in the most imminent daogt'l'. This opinion was have taken the ~rouble JO read it tlu;ough, much less offer IDg dl':lDe worshIp on Suoclaya ;-the Petition was read bv ahunduntly- conftrmed by the reporta whieh poured in from any remarks ?n It; .buru .. Indian futport" IlppclU'8 to Cancy the aetang' clerk of ~e Council, and Lud on tbe Table. • ~n'ryquarter, Tlia Il'ader of ~ne lOountf'd Ilatroie (R. Fea- .lIe must connn{'e hiS readers of tbc corrt'ctIII'B' of his 11IUMr. ~~KDA then mtroduced a Memorial, purportin to he , th~ratone,) gave a detail of his proceedinge to the followmg s.tatemen~, I of\er, t~rough th,e medium of your paper, a few the Petition of late Sla,'e owners d-escribed in the pgrea hl. , ettect ,-that he left Graham's Town and pron-t:ded to Mr. h!"f.!, ~n Ius prohx, raltl~les8, and t Dlllst say I tbink uiscre .. as ~a rt 0 f a "C" ,o~mlt~ ofJ\IR\'e Proprietors," and m su e_ ,. (~ilhert'lI (arm, ori the Karil{ll Riv ..r, where he (ound 19 men dltnlj1e produrtion, '. . gestl~g, 0';1 tbe .ubJect of the new "Apprentice Ordinanc/" stationeel, with Il determination to withstand IIIJ RUHCb' :rbe letter he rro~ellSes to ",ply to, signed .. Sam, Parlh)'," cert8m polO.ta for the seriou. consideration or His Excellen~v from tlleDt't! hf! proceeded to Salem, ,vhere the inbabitant~ ;'Ith. who III Hot ~Ith whOil! n~me he ",ishe8 to appear ,'er)' and, Councd-namely, tlae undefined authority of tbe new had likewUle reaolnd to remain ltatiOnary, He afterwarlls Ilce~IOIIS!,~d ,,"ag~lIh, was a ~lalD .statement of tilltt gentle- Magistracy, and tbeyrobable clllIIbing of their Do\"el duties a.~ rod~ &0 Bu.-hman'a Ri\"t'r, ,,,hieh bt' crol8ed and mteted the H?an I! OpJnIOrlS ot th~ ,,~cfl8/J,/y for a Vllgrant Law in this m?re t~an one ~agl8trate might be resident in the salne DisUitl'nhage Di.trict. Ht"I'e tile flumers "'.;..,. co~ntratin!p; ~olony,. as sO~lle st'cuntr for the farmers against the depreda- trll't. fhe a~Jng any additional bUnlens, as the result of then~selvell. in • atat .. of tbe 8'rellteat alann; which 'VM bone ot the "Bgrant Hottentott, and was entitled to SOIllt' thest' new appomtmcnta, Memorialillta respectfully 8ugge.ted ('ODludersbly Illcreued !Jy II want of ammunition to defend .,.~pect an4 cQnsid~ration, as romiD~ from a large landed pro- .hmlld al80 have tbe serious ('onaideration of Council-thl' tbemRI~. He had leumed bere that a great body ofCaffen p~letor, aJld !' mag'1!1tl'llteund unpreJudicN person, who {'aD- preeent reso,!,rces of the Colony not adlUitting of additÏ(lrial .•twJ,ent&~ the, baalt a' JJI8"'S Drift, the nigllt preriou., '!'he dldly gave hUI nollllOns for ~Ij!lopinion!!, and establiBhed "'~ .:xpeOle. "lt~ regard. to. tbe £Ia~ oft the "lbject tb ... ....~t m.,r,"",~-~fOl.fiftt\tbe"'CIwfltiDg of"M'OIms on fa~, recent, nnd of dllllyorcurrence,. ' foo~ arui ~o~ng to. the 3pprent~, tfte JietitioneTS expressed SchceJlCI'lI.. J)urmp; the time hl' remained tht' numlM'r of It III more thun probable, Sir, thnt .. Indian Export" hQll thel~ ~onnctlon of th.e litter impoS8ibility of l'IllT}-ing tbt" "'agon. -,;~ increased to 40, and before he left the apot, be never bet'n. bf')"OIlU the limits of Cape Tfllcn for bad he he pro\'ISlons of those clauses- into effect. With regard to tbl' L __ ' r_ ..._~ ••• _ ••._. I ..... L~_ • ~,.., wotlld UQPlbv': ._' __ __ ,_'-.::u,·Rat,oll& ·tIl'......ereat,·diftC,o rti tlllveII been ral aware o,f the trulh óf Co'~nel lW .e... ~ ..... ~ c1~lI!1eS on t.be auhject -of medical 'attendllnce ft. compliant'(' ticmw, that tile htitdr Il~ fhlrIY 1't'd trom the Illunt'f'r or lie ons~ t e Illcy. of hiS pwn stlitelllent.~. nnd the right the With ~hei~ provisions. might actually be the ruin of the ~griCatt't>rs b~' which it was in ft"sted. Oil bis retum hl)Ule he farmer hllll to t"xpeet the protection of GO"eroment, D.s con- cultunst ,I~vmg at a dIstance from tbe residence of the medi"allt'l' lI@'1Iinat Salem, -a hen' t!nory&hing was 4juiet; but he telllfclll~d by the V Ilgranl Act; for in no country in tne cal prnctillon~r; und' mimy, bv engnging under the number stilti'll diat the \Yhole,of tb,e country through which he pullt"tl w~r d IS ally lllan or ~et ?f men nILo"'ed to rORm at large 0'-;40 upprentlces, would be al,le to evade the provisions nt \Ya.'< ,Iet!erted by tb .. Inbabltllntll, with the exrepbon o( three "~tho?t any m~ans of hn'hhood but their dogs and gun, con- the clause, and render the law altogether useleslI SM'eral or tftltf station!! wh .. no thry had a."lIf'Inhled for mutual deft'nC'l', trahutlng noth lOg towardll. the state, but, Jiving on the pro- claus('s in tbe 5th Chllpter nppeaT't'd to l\Iemoriali~ts t~o .H all t"NIe th~ most bitter \:omplaininga .'ere made of want perty a~d hard eRTned gmr.!! of others; nnd !lO the \vorld vagu(',ly worded. ,," 'fhe dutit'1! to he performed hy the liP, .01' nIlUllllDition.' over,. Sir, no ".Ien work harder, nre more fru!{:ll, or more pre~tlct"d lahorer could. not he too r]<"Rrly dt"finro. 'fh •. C.ll lhe IIftt'rlioon of 'J'UClltJay, ,H WRj{ons which were on hospitable or ,kl!,d,. than the farmerll (poor, arId [hOlle wbo 8~ctlon of the Art of Parhament on the suhjt'C\ of th .. deserihl':,' WRy !r~II\.p~ham'8 Town to (;"ft"('r Drift, under an are hettt!r off) ot thiS Colony., . tum .of the apprentice fl'9111 tbe ma.'1ter's emilloy, appears tn "~rot"t f(ln!lI!ltlnll of 12 mf'n, wl're attacked immédiately .uter No U""lltl1ltm CRn take his dogs nnd glln and roalll at large ha\"t~ heen altogrther overlooked-the apprentiée should be t~ Itmt ~"ntled thI!:-Gnabarn',!l'owft hiH, ~.large'body O\~er t~e prope~ty of.tbe Faruu:rll, without It'I\ye, shooting his bo"n~ to mnke good the thht'. lOKt to his emplo\'er bv bis ol Lltren;. lil ,wbom lift!!, .,'A(t-~ i" 1fdnm"i clotIJfitl, pmI', and fc('(hng .lus hOl'Seli on hi!! land,-and is this to be dt'llertlon,-;-the dL~tllnce from hill nUlster'. premi~ ;t whirL tlWl.tleJ..,..-4UUi-nDu.t-#it4.gw.ol~ _.~ w..... 'a-l-nntr ..~ltallowt'd_ t~1l Ile_ml~hl\~ha~ous Hottentot, who helps him!lelf the apprentIce wOilld !luhje,ct hill1self .to be apprehended .. un" ." Ill' a pa(role of ('u.lo.ilb, hut as they ('Urne néarer; ob. to" slll"l'l' or two rrl~m th~ Kr:\al at nlgnt, rohhing tlie Farmer le!l.~ loc ~ollhl show sufficient rellson (or hi!! nhllenre nt :l "I'n II~ Il HIIlIII" r ,Á (',dr.'rlS on foot. und olhrr auspiciou!! o~ hi~ lIIeanll of pnyJn!-l'hl~ taxes, a'!,d foragin!( hi, cattle on gn'llter .dIlItarl Cl', shollill be reducf'(,! fnull 5 to 1 Illill'. The l"I('lllll~tan{,I'~, tlat· ellCort 1111.11. A. rtd wer<> inunediatt'I)' at. lUI! lands, though he lllig-ht enrn an hont'st Ikdihood if !jl' l\JelllOl'llIh!lts al~o ~lIg~~t~,1 All a principle whkh tht'y antiel, '" ftlJldd" , till' kNI bY t I1<' (·n"flly' uowen-r, IIftl'r firing a few shot8 it ' pntrd would ~e benetkllll, 1I0t only to the prellent, but III "'.:lI' oh~,"ed, th~ ,\ I."", bl)d~' of Calfel'll on foot w..rt" rllll. J.:ook lit Grof'nI' Kloof, Gnadendahl, "DIl other missionary future gl'l~cratlOns, thnt thl' rhilt\l't"n nf appl"t'nti,·l'l1. who nl~!I' !tWlrtl,. wllkan.( 1\ (ltt".,,., with an e"ident intention to cut Jlt:l.tlOnJlat tlus 1ICn~(ln, lI'hen hands 111'(' .~nnted to cut the ~rom th<, Clrcumstnnrl'S of th('ir IlR~ent!l III"Y not be 1I1IIypl'n ott. tilt' retreat by tht pa.u descendinlZ' til thE' plain. All their c~lrn, when men enn get Irell ]laid !lnd 1l'I'Ilfed for their IIcr- ,uetl, for, IIhOilid he bound "flprentlce'< until they reached tLt" uistence c~nded upon tlt'curin,; fhi!! rlll"lll, the,' inlltantly "lcelI, and lIee the numher of idlt" HotténtotH who will not age ol 21 years, r"lFf'&ttI<l, li". W&ol no ."oner d",,;, lh ..A Inti Cntt.'n rOIlIl ... 1 ~N'pt o! Q?!I wagtI, exct'pt, perhapB, ~lI('h as tllt'y know the l\Ion~u hy the .hon. M. VA" HRF.IH, and peconded bv i\1I UI'011 8 waRllnl, cut Ollt II.., (I![f'll. Cn ,h" nomber of 00 filmIer IS '"ttl}l~1JI1' of paying, hnt who I'",ft'r the lafe of the CUH;n;, that thIS petition be rt"eej'red " afll) .1, .. ",· tllf'm ",Co Iht' I,""h 11ft l-:ng4I,lihmnllnamed Jam,." !lh!t,b.to .one of mdus(.ry and hont'~ty. _ .Tl le Cs'OLO:-;L~L, KCaETAJilYwish"d tn know if "the COOl J,."klll~. f..11 II "('tinl t(l th .. fllt'v IhlR '"""m)', hi" loo,lv lhl!! UI the ~educatJon of mOllt of thf' Mjll~ionaril'ft, tht"se "!1ttE'e prellMltlng tht' Memorial 1l0W read had tll'i'n rero" 11<' In"', till" nf'XC Ila~' In' illl~ ,,,' II ... ror"t "oV' rnt ,,,.d, prnff'ufJrll of plt"ty and !l"Oodnes~,Ithot-- if th"vexert('d tht'm, OlZl't.!bv UOl"ernllIen t ~ ~ 11,,· l'~tf'"I .. k· ", "1' II " ... ,. ,.1· "','1, 'h" """Ill\' tilr ~,'tn'~ ': I~"Y II1I.qht, ~hotllill)JJfi.\'t ()fl th~1' Ithie-borlit'd idler~, The ÁTT~R:-;E...-G~Nli:aAL slIid, .. J wnit(',1 the conclusion .... '" .• ",no.', ' ... , d, .. ~II:'" li. r, "!.' "'11 ,', Ii.,!. ~(t!IICTt'f:,IC,," m ~11("h1lIllIllwr. ahnlltithl'lT' I'll1r("~.workinl( an.! of tis!' rcaulDle of thIS Memorial tn learn if tlll're WRlI th .. Au if" " ..... \\.,,,, H"HU, "i II • r '1.1'11 Cu Idnll h'r .....I".u.l...r. i \)t'UI~~ ll."'it·(ul nlf'tJt'."ll"!I. elf 'OOf'wry, in~tt~ntl of tlu.' woh"t'tj th<-y nRlUe of Rny one nttllrlu'd to it liSd"lirmnn ; I finel thi~ not tn and Llt'lIt. U"". D,ltl " I' '\' "'"l41lhlll'lt 1'( "IMlllt 40 !neD, !I."'e; aOll tht" t"ilrmn~ of on,e ~:'!l!ion would ~lIppOtt them in ~)C.t~le rallc, b~t (hilt it ii< lI){'n'I~' the "'·",ori.tl of I"l'rt:II" Wl'r, '1l4I1a:lIly ~rclen'" I.. II,,, ~I'ol. Tlu .. ll&rcy Cell 1ft with Id/mt" and Itont~fy ~be re~aJnder of the year, Th~y would lndlvlduall st)'lang thenll.eh'l'~ a COlli III ittl'" ol' I..t~ SI~Y" It·, . ' '" , " &hl' 1ll"11 c!'flIJlC*nlJ Ih.. "II\·Olt, 00 dlf'ir wfV lo town; and it then be 6f .o*'use an a Colon)' where labor is so jlreadfuU)' Ownen h' . ,as lmmatenal whAt thl'\' 11111\ tt'rln tllPl",·dH·~. hf.11lQ' ton latt! an lhet day to enRalt1'! in Aa, more exteoai •• :~ce. and ",beft tbe crops are gathered in with 10 much ~ elr Memo~ can only be r('('ein'd ;" tlH~I''''ilillil (jf ""Ii"i _I""ralion &\an chat of r".,..ill« tbeD'. they re'oraed to town. dlfleulty and riak, ilLltead of a set of drones wbo devour m~ and 10 that character Iht'Y !tan' 'ignt"t it." Th· IlO,' J.e ntlMlin.,d lA, s..,lmtftJt, tcAid ViJl H pUlided what the bees are 10 indDltrioUi in amaiIing.' A man muit ti mhq ~uld, therefore,.'M',tc~r .1!ae_I'~('t'I.'ti,.~,of thl' 'l ..n,,' 011 M()ne~",,) go in tbe country to ).:now and be acquainted with the relll al u tbe petition o! tbe ln.dl\ïCrH"r~ "f{lung- II atate of tbinge ; an~ something .bould be done by Go\'ern, Mr. BJIlEDA-:xp~ed-t".lt III \Ian'l, lll~t till' r:trtll'~ '!lI ment t~'wnrd. affordmg moft protection to the Farmen and ADVERTJSE.MENT. Ing and p~ntin8" thas Mt"IL.,~i,,1 b,,1 hpld a \I"I'IIIIL II! t. e lOm,·, ... ". (or the payment tow"rrl~ tbe atate, men CommercIal Hall, and by r il i ,ion c: II 1·:~("C'I!,·tlf\ti, Grah.",'" Town, Jan. I, 18.16, whr. ho--'."'"," ~. 1 !{t In'". . .,.. . lT' t h e pil '1'0~l' of GOTe,rnor, for the purpoil!, ". ,,1.1\1' rropn' 1.'1'. "i' :', . il' 'Il ... EdSior or th .. S(I"tI. Afr;1' , "rnt'rcial Atlrl'rl;ur (rt . '-)Hf'rh· ~ , Jlf) 1, H ,·"[tAm reprl'lf'ntation" tu ,( , I, '- . ,1""1"\' II II. ; 1',' ' • ·l\··t~1 "'!'f'811~' fT i ~ \". c..... ' ;t! r.~m: • w. ! .un =_ ..•. - . PeJ. wili tm oadS or 'l" i "lo"'" '. '! en. .m SIl"''''' ol !I. .'.. "- - ua gut ,:00 ~ ~i:~~ = ~t: r ptar. :.:r .~~lê~· til! panr children o~ fem~e appren~ces born unns: e~ th~e viIáoH«l GOIJtrlUllettI',' llereb.1 ereated, -.iiir full power 'to Water Colon, ItllIOrted; B~tn. ~ hPtilll,' apprentl(:~lIp,.~r~ ~n f, to ~ap!~l:~~~d n lt is not aaacmtble tl)e Legislath~ Council, and pre8ide ~Il qnder C"i~a Palets, Tilea and SlabI, drawl.ft, PoiUoiloa, Ire. Ac. system may t" ront.lBu or IDl •• . • h tbe 11th C}ame oflbei{óyallnltrUct:iona, and to propose to, '-PliUn Il1ld M1Uie- A-lbllllll, -of' wanoua .aIzc!s; .~t ant! likely that the Colont5ts would ue wilhn~.to .u!":::: ~~~h: and ther'Cm all sneb enal:tmenu as to web Prorlaional phUn BlottenI, with and without locb r Keraha"'1 LUDIl never-ending system! o~ to takhc ~ppren lees n , -Gove::ent sb.u seem expedientand neeeasary: and to pro " and Perunaft Pens, .te. with a great variety~f Papen, c:onsi!lt"y~tem, after U,leeXólratlon of ~ e ~~r ,i:~ihe S}~tem' might potte and paas in like numner, aH neceuuy rutéll for ~iring ing in 4to Yell!>w wove Post, Hot-pftl~, ,Laid, Bhle.woye, fbe ATT{)l\~EY- ENEaAL 0 serv , . . efFect, througltoUt this Colony to an Ad PAlled in tb~ 3d Btue-w'OVe F~' Oeuble-er&wn. PRaline', Dellly; Royal lastMP' for 14 or 15 years. ! K'lng ,...tII'lam th• e, F'~'''h • th bl. that at the expwation of the (our ana, 4th year 0 f . HiS preMDt M ajaty ...... ~ Cart'drl ge an dB ag,Cap , . r. lLLAN8 oug d.tIiculty in ado tin the Mme ror the Abolition' of Sla~rr io the- British Colon ... : ProN.B. Piaao Fortea.let ouLon hire. -.epalred ~d ftmed, or .y{'~I'tI.there <;OlJldbe no ,'me for appre!tici!g children, 'fided alwayS, thlli the 'aaid Provisional Go\"ernment ahall kept ill- order, ei~r in Town or Countq, by el~gle, quarter:!.. ~:elsc~il~%:~Z :pp..:oticed might come under the ave no power or authority &0 direct tbe ex.:cution of. aily ~f yearly; or yearly, on the mOlt re~n--:le • 1 'Idi' ti ed in England sentence of Death, Banlshmfnl, OT Transportatioo, er to 111\&41 J. BAlMilY, a' • • sal~; re[llatlOns I~S c.l1 ~n~re:bec probable eXknt of tbe ila own Wamnti on His M~s T~Qrer lUid ACCOllD~llt Wh ...re the ~ore-mentioned articles rot sale on the b r. oilStteWOdU tW~ the n----t1Iblisbments. ·admitting G(!neral for lbe ÏlIIUe'o('_y'pubHcfmoDlU from the Colonial moet~le lft111 .. expences 8 Il an 0.. "'" CT! the !Ill osition that the new Justiees lDay be paid their sala- .Treasury. .,' ....::.:a::!pe:.:_::.o:.,,_:_n.:., _;, __ ~ ----.' 'f pp H there will be surh a machinery connected And all persons and 16babitahta or thll Co~n)' ara hereby TO 'WINE FARMERS. ~~~:h~':ir ~:~1i8hments as would entail 'an inslll'~rtable ëalled upon ~o yield obedience &0 the said Pro¥aaional GovernANTED -to complete 'purdl1lM!lt, about 150 IbJguen bnrden on the Colony. The hon. member would wlah the ment accordmgly. WINE, of good quarity, ol thi~ yea.-. vintase, to b~ Council to he caref.ul not to have more Magistrates BI>pointed G'v u der n GO:i.n~.4:~ JMuary,1835, delivered in&o S&ore in tbe course of thaa month ur Febtuary ,.wlnn coulll be proVIded for. . , I en n ly ,'~' S' ed} B D'URBAN next.-Apply tG 'fHOS, SUTI-(ERLAND, Mr. EnD.:N lillid (in reference to an ,ob8~rvatlon 'made by " ::In hek.' .CaJedofl Square. q t1ie Govl>mor)~: 'tbiit he lf~de~~ HI1t Exeel~'to. , ... ,B)',Co~of_m., Q ~CYE'~ s:.':êiort.· »Iateo, that tIle expenses, 111addlttOn tt} t~e 8 "~lal JUMl (Signed.),. JIli" BL. . H~ Undersign~ herebY' g;yctI Notice to tlte Pu\tlic.that front England, would not be \'ery ronslderllble. - ,If ,~ose ahe will, in future, on ·accouot of her .adYaneed age, froOl England wQuld he paid hy the Home GO"flTQlne~t, be lijn: nb f)ÓénmeDt ·w~. bat,· il~, ~ thought dIe new establishinent l:O\lld not· Ire ,.", expenetYe. VAl't Ba ..kDA,-_Alex'fhe COJ,ONIAL SECJ\ETARY mentiOlled the -Pistricta to HENJl:RAL MEETING of ~ of the SoutA MesIB: Jo-a: CAUL VOlot'fUl4'PutTWll The W1do-.r P.·C. VOlGT. which tht" .Justices were to be appointt"d, and HtR!1Mthat tlae A.fricara Colll9t will be held on the 19th inst., Ilt 10 ander'l Son, to do 10, December 27, 183-4, lll'('nter nUlliber would hlwe pen;ons ,Iready holdlog sellt. as o'Clock, A,M., for the purpose of ftceiVlo~ t~ Ann~,,1 Re\lagistrlltl'1l of the Colony, appointl'd to them;. this arrangeport, and electing five M~mbers ror the. Couned of DIrecton, TO PÁRENTS AND GUARDIANS. ment wOIlM l'ertltinly.,hU\'e the effl'ct of 1t"9lIemn~ thc IlPPr.e- in the room 1){ those who are &0 be reileved, belng tile R .• 1. H. KIESÊR, Combmllker, wi~hea Ilull. to hav('Hon. Sir J. A. Tauna, Kt. henekd bllrUt~n. ~ " '. Mr. ROll", eXl'rt"s~cd himself genl'rally s..hshcd wIth, the two apprenticel to In.tr1lct tbeat in.Cómbmakln,. 'fh~ Hon. H, Ros8, Esq. hnn, St"cretar\"s cx('lnnation; hut ohserved .that bf' fear:ed ,I, H. H~FMEYF.R, L.L.D., Elq. The youths applying io~ that .putpO.se mu.t ~ about ~.. t.he duties of the new Justict's lIIil(ht;ïnco~"enlently ~Ja!lh wlt.h ycátll oJd, .intelligent and mdustrlOus, an whieb e.1If' they Will .1.• 1. L. SMUTS, E8q" and t hat of the Resident l\IlIgistrnt(''\, parll('ul~rly ID certJun D. W, H1taTzoG, E.q. be accepted on favorabie tenns, Districts (which tilt" hIJII, !\I {'III her llIe'!tlOnt"lI), Ilnd. be .J, DB WET, HOD. &4:. N,a. Waft~~-&·t~_. _ thought thllt instead of confinin" thl! authonty nf .tbe JU.tlcel S. A, College, Jan. I;, 18:Jt" tu certain defined duties, It would be better. to l';l,'('st t~tm PUBLIC SALE AT GRE.t\T DJlAKENSTEIJ\. wftk Jlowe.r O-\'et: al.Lfclonie:llul~ 1I0t ha\'c tht"u ,lutJes restrlctN MONOA~,J.he..2.6tb ..ofJ •.nu.,ry. IS:!!), will be 1'uh..d to a partiruilir class of offenders,. ... lIc1f.8old, uIlder the Adminil~tion of tbe Uncler~igllThe ATTnR:-OEY GENERAl; obscn'('(I, qlnt su:h II ~<!lIrsc ed, at the plll{'l! of Mr. W.tLL~1i( AD?I.PH l\lAaAl8, Ilt G.,.al E~DERS for laying" Plank "'()()r in one of the back WRSimllO!\~ibh'; it would break through. the whole ¥plnt of Draken.tein, tbe Apprentjceahlp o( .JO able Labot't'rs, aan~ng Rooms, anel for repairing t~le StoIle F~oor in the o~~er which Rre <':oachmen, ,yagon-driven. the act, The late sla\'es ought, by all means, t9 he dused nnd Groom$, HOIl!'le!l,wd8, Roo",,, of the S. A. Colltgt, Win he reN'lvf'd till the 22d &c., togethf'r witb li. three lngu ..r Wagon, a email, worked hy theIllSfh'cs, . , inst" hv ,I. H. N.J:THLJNO, ERfj-, No. 5, St, (;f)orge'I-lItreet, On the ~ec()nd Clause of chapter second bemg I"('od, Yokes, Ropes; and further, all tbe houllehqld Furnltu.re. .,' Mr. EBDKs l1Io\'ed, and Mr. lIr('!Ia ~econded, that the from Wi'OI!l, upon appliration, tbc Ilarti('uIR!"" may be k~own. consisting oC <.:hairs, Tables, Wardrobe., K,tc~en l:t"~!Id~, ,J, DF. ,\ ET, HOll, Sec, J ustire~ he rt'lluired to hold tlH'ir sittings twice a week &r, &c. ' FAUKE tt. KOHSfJ\J\. inlltcadof om·e. .,. ,. S. ,\. ('olll'~, ,Jan, fi, 18~~" Vendl, .. Office, S~I"'nboscb, Jan. 6, 18:-15. 'l'be ATTOR:-OF,YGI;:-OI':R'AI,ohsen'ed, that his boo. friend', .. Tuotion cOlllf! not he strietlycnrril"\1 into I'ITl'd .-the Act of P~~TO-MORROW. FOlt SALE. 1.l\llIent ,I('mandt'd of thr Jmtirf!l frequent Rn~ .pu,:,ctual \,1111SALE OF HOUSES AND STORE, Few Le.8ltliertl good Cape Brandy, and n·randy prot"fl'r .. latiullS, and their nerelisary a1l1lt'1I<:on sur~ nll!tatlon~ would l'Ó SATURDAY, the 10th JRnuary, 1835, the Unde~of C'-Tl~:lt L. (;AUVYN Sen, No, 1 Dorp-strt"l·t. nl' iL",·lf de~lr()y the purllOse of hIS ho~, fnend li l,:,otlOn. A signed, as duly authorised thereto, w~1I sell by Puhhc Ilnl( di~I'u~sion the~1 ensued "!I ~o ~hr tlmc the ~ll~tlre!l IIh.ould Auction; to the Iligheat Ridder, a House, Wltb the annexed PUBLIC SALE, bl' rl'ejuired to m8kt~ those \'IRltatlOlI~, wben It wa!! deCided, Storc and hire HOllllf', formerly tbe P~ptmy of the I"te Mr, WitliOftl tltf! IHII Bafl'lW. a'.onc<", in ('very ti months, . ZINS, but now the Property of the Wldow\;A1t&AUA.1I LXI'" .\ftl'r which tht" ATTOD.:SKYGIo:NERAt,movt'd thf' followlllg HI:~ Undf!TIigMd will hold a PubliC; Sate o~ ;\IONDA y IIRANDT.-Much Strykgeld will be given, _. amend.t'nt :_" Tllat the'Justice sh.U twice in the week, or AFT ..~RNOON, a' 3 o'Clock,of a great .~e,y of Boo~ •• Der. :n, 18:\4. J, LEIRBRANDT, uftl'nt'r; if nt'C(l he, except wbt'n absent on "iMitation, h<!Jd ~ G, H. MEYER, as .I,,,ady adf\~r,ilW-llin lh6 Ctmlmercial .4d~I.,.,., ; th" "d ~I'~!\illn for deriding 8uch I'asc!! a..~may he brought bef?re him. Inllll\nt, p, A~ L~ ,q Il ','hl' .\1TIlIt"J.Y GRSF.RAI.'S lI111eOlhnl'nt wa!! ramed, Tllf" ('1If.(j~n.l. SF.nn:"AI\Y 1II0n~d,-" That ,!te ,lnAti~"8 )lEC.E1VED P,E1t .. RENOW N." , ',1' a'l'llrrti at. Ihf' ,'n,1 of~v('ry si.lI 1I.11llltlu., in.'tcad ?' .ljUllr- l)rr~Jt'Ms, Malay ~and"ttclllef., Cbllatbl'f"ytl, Pruur,d t rly, In 1I,IIkc'IIlld trllll"lIIlt to Ihs Lxcdhml")' tht; bo,ernor I :\l1J~1i11"'. IInel VO"rclUl:!: ..' , C IllI'ir rcport-, \\lth t h"'f ~ffi,1I\1'itll thl'rf'to att"r}iI'cl !Iwt ~lIrh., J AMIF.SON. \\ INGATE. & 0 -"1'01'1 haal 1 f' '" Olrt' li\' kppt; Ihut tO ,111' n'c,,!,,1 ol :-:t Cj, prl;c·'.lIltC('t, Jail, 6. Ik35, .,f 'V' ~:~':~~f~~ gre:\ A~Jr.S . ve ~W '. . I ~!fs~dKf::~/ oe H ot te' a!J ""ti _ bad~-""" poarauoll::e ?f Yf'"' Auctio_"_m:t. Y. .• tt, -tll.lanbt Council. .. BïLoTIIJ:1LIl, ef. r~ ur o._ &J.Llirl -G::!e:A~~":;stet that it would 1Il\:e mu'cb trouble if ... , to- proceed to tbe p'!pantoL!;xaminatiQD and ~omnuua1 ol PUBLIC SALE, the ditr~rent .danse" were read. -such ,,;mendmeDts 1\8 bon, the accused, acconhD~~ H ~Ïlnltd.) pUBUC SALES will be COlltlnued at the Stores of the cl. m~JQbf.p.Illilbt ~"e &0 make were tlaen lD'~uced ;-~ ltad Uadersigued, on TUESDAY MORNING next, wben no iioUWt every member hael already made hUDsel( sufti.caenlly freab Gouda'ex SkWM will be exposed for Salc!, together with acqu"inted with tbe Draft &0 enáble him to do tbia. PROCLAMATION, Supr anel other produce, His EXdJleney .. id, "tbat can only be do~e when we ~ B D'U BORRADAlLES, THOMPSON & PILLA~S. in Com~ do it nOW would be hrea)ung our rules. BJ H. Bzoeellflfley Jlajor.G~ercl Si,. J:HIAMIN allAN, The second re.iding beiDg concluded,. His Excellency move. h.. C. B .• "". ~.~. ~ -., D"AAU'G&o GOODS. . '. ' an adJ'ournment to TuellClay, the 30th UIlt., W1lomu tufoTQIation bM been reoeiftld by me, that ce~ ..f Tribes inbabiting tbe Countries be)"On~ t~e Eastern Froutierl AT ,be sale of ahe Unde ....iped. on TUESDA 1: MORNTU.SDA Y, DEC. :lO, 'Of thia Colony han: eatered the Dlitrieta o~ Albany II!d ING next, a few Bales of piece ROOdS will be Sold to thf' The Order of the Day being moreel for t~e Cou,:,cil to re- Somerset iD teveral direction&. and haft eommltted and atill highest Bidder-damaged ~y Salt \Vater-on account of .hom solve it!lelf into Committee on the Apprentlce OrdlnaDce,-. are cOmmitting great outnltJe, devastation, and mllrder it. ... , colMlWl'D~ . The COl,OS.JAL SBcaUAaY pro~ amendme!,'" on die therei.· and it h .. become GlOlutel, BORRADAlt.ES THOMPSON & PILLANS. ht Cltapter, with a view to shorte.nmg It, lJ>: aYoidl,!~ t~e too tile inh~bitanu of tbe several Districtl of tile Difl. . ct ",quellt repetition of .-ertain terms used In ~In«!'; u .Ioft of tbe Colony, to aid Hil Ma;e.tY'1 forces in t1te expal~ FOR SALt.' .' wcll as to rem\er i~omltruction cleu and applicable, wlthout sion of the inVKders: Now, therefore, .in OnIe1' to ~ HR Undersigned. oft"e... for Sale hia fertile F...tate PIli. .(lle reéW'~Qi tew man)': AADeceaaa!l.P~!:'LIl~_ ~... ~.af.'''cb iDbabilNlll._q_4.~ ...e._.9.~~ . ,Con',!,oWi" for?-c:dJ..Jh.1L~~Jl( Tbe ATTOll.:>JF.y-GENIla-ALapproved of suêb amenttmerïts, on their part to the orden of the Oftlcer to W'Ilom ~ lUlTC Mr. lUK A. M. CLOJITJ:. This &.tate ,. lDOft _Irabty 1&t\1hut thought tbe views of the ho ...· Secretary wOlild be JDOTe entl'uated ,be commana of the combtnecl fol'tlN, lUlt" tDf .-. ~ng only 12 miles from ea~Towo, it is-plamttt-with eaKily inet by tbe insertion of an 1Idditional Clause at dae end assumption 0{ the Ame in perIOn, I do hereby order ana 129,000 ,Vines, aU kindl or fruit. Tno. .•nd.iI wdl wO()()ed; of tile Hill, to define tbe appli~bility of the alluded to. direct, that from and after the promu1gatio~ of t~ pre- haa an- excelleat Mill eNCtIid thereoG, ... ~hn abttodu' lupply The hon. Secr~tary'e suggeltlGll to hare .:II superfluous aente, MAaTlAL ~A w ~hall be ln (orre withln the Diitrkta ol .... throutrDout tbe ~'.. ' l'hrase!! avoided heilig speed toof Albauy, Somel'llCt, Ultenhap, Gn&lf-Reinet, Geo .... BAd TM above Estate la for Sale eslher WIth ,Puatage tor etghty His ExcelleDCY the Govca"oll observed, tbat the clause Beaufort, tor an cuee and in all matters conaec:ted WIth tlllr leipen of Wine. Brudy Stills, 'VlfOna, Oxen, Horses. &e. stating the 1lJlJllber .,f .~iál Diatric~ at 25, 'te(luited cor- aase"hlinll: ud coD~uctinr the laid combined foreea.~d ~ with ~ ~,preaicic:ed LabOren, amonl. wlaom &I'f'; rection; the number deCid;ed IlpoD belng bed at 22, ., ahall con"nue &0 lie ln uptil the ~ UW CGldI ..... W~vtrf, ~.~ \\,~j The hon, H. Rosa enqull'ed w:hetber theIe lpedal DUtnctl ianden, unless ptQC;lamat'OD to that decl ahaD.tie Ad:- '"" 'dd 1IIaT~ were A new division of the Tem&Ory, or whetÏler they con- vioualy made, _ The CondieioDi of Sale'will be made most f.'f'O....It~, and liisted of the Diatrieb- _ at ~ known. Jle would also GOD UYB: 'CHB KINQ!_. ~. _-parchae monry.lD&y be "eld OD lwt_teft!iI! for a nuqtber (I{ -wish to' know who would have to pay the MW _tablialtlB"W Given under my Hand, etc., t'hil3d day ol Jaaury. 1835. yean. . J. G; CLOETE. 14. of the.e special Jus.tices-was the Colony to be burdened by (Signed) B. D'URBAN. PlunaatMd lit Jan\aary l~. the additional expence, or would the Home Govemmept pay . By command of His ExceUencv the Gonrnor, .....--..:.. --' ----...:,.~----~_ .... ..;;..;---"'-it ? . . • , (Signed) JOHN BELL. See. te GovL . JUST UNPACKED, The ATTOaNEy·G~NEBAL replied ~ th~ ~on. membere q • ..4:, ~H.lnYeMQaentOfPlated, Tubed. and plain SqUafta -first enquiry and said that these apecaal Dll!tricts would ne.' 'meel b h .l1&Dda ateat SeÏni' Gru4 ·Piano 'FotCe, (rom tbe well <l'ssaril he 'a new division, specially,provi~ed for lhia pur.M~r~ial L~w hu smee been proef.. ~,e bon ho.! of 8totltJrlBr BMa. by ~hom tber ~ ...,..ntW. 1'1iiR'. ~o tbe latter part.of Mr. RolS enqUll1:. f ProvIsional Government, (or the W~rn Dll"I'OD heiog expressly manllrae,oreêl for aa ~tetneUmate. Hi~ EXCE!-L.NeY replIed, t"at he w.. ~t m of the Colony.-ED. : piano Forte, flut.ê. violin, ~i~, nolinee1lot ,and vocal Rny IrtstrurtJon lIS to· hetw ,Ile new Megaatratel were to uaic the Iafat and ma,t &daiirecl compeWdooI ; ClarllJaid-the Act of Parliament WGuld .how t~t they were to be Fl'ii., Oboes,'. Gllitan. 'Violins of every !,aid-His MajMty mi!bt~ranuheDI wanes, b.t from what PROCLAMATION, description' ItaliaD and En_glilh hatp, 'violin, and sonrce Hi8 Excellency WilS not p~pared t~ "Yi tb M' Bil Hu Bzc~llmcy M";tw-(hrur.l Si,. BBNJAII." D'UaJU,N rioliaCëllo anil.Uver Strm,. tor aald iutruGleIlCS'; Piano : Afr••Ro .. wooJd beg 1:0 kGOWIf th.~ duties 0 ~se, agaa- " K.C.B.,>I(e. Ire. .'. Forte, steel, and bnu. W';re; Pi~hforb and Tu~l~, Hanltrates would cease at the end of t~ fo~r yean,. being dl~ Whereas the state of the .Eaatem myiation of th. Col~.y mers: riolillCClllo. tenor anll-nolin ~ .... ; MuBie ~' alfa termination óf tbe periqel of apprenticeslup; fOr ~ ~ppeared MHlers my presence tbc!re iilltiaPUMbly neeaaary, and It il .HOoka'. AC:CONeODI, with 5, 6, .7j- and 8 ch~., with to the hon. mem~r? by the ~nor ,of tbe d Act expedient to make lIue proviaion for die' administration of 'lIWtaii~n; elegant and plain Viólin ?egt,. Tall Piecee, Bridg~ that the Ilystem of appreDtlceshlp, as eec:n In c 'h se ol Go t d ..... my ab " lie" . ~ . mi ht last for ever' under tbeae cireuJllitancea the burden to Public Aft"all'1l at t e .t. ftlDmeft uu.." • c. , ""'loth shavln and It-oe 8naahes A Colony (ti the Colony should .baVf~to ,support ~oae new Rnce, an~ the Officer. next nr. C~mmand qo~~ ~ffi nat 'Wn W~ St.ieka, - "ith' Life ('staolisnments) would inaeeaoe enormous. If this-Jawef thlthty o&J_--Mi!~_aen'iee. I do, --_ ....-... --- - great~ty pc). !'act-~auo... · - -' .. •' 'ti esb' h uld in reality end at the expiration of tbe nominate and appoint Colonel the l!0norable J 08N BaLL, .Preaernn; oval ~ ..__-, ..t!'. '. .Ippren c lp SOt' . 1 f - r th C B 'to carry oft ·the usual ~ ·01'" ~ _. ~~ 'fI -- four years, lt~ (Mr. Rosa) wou ~ not give. t!e ramen 0 e 'c'~ 1bb Colon ,by -anet with tbe advice and eoaaent 0( ~ 8r s",., cuea of 9, 12, 18, and 24 Colon; fttted up The .. Ac.t Qf Parlaament much CredIt for d t11~r lhdgmen~, t Eaec:util'e Cou~ and. under the Itrle _of the 1. Pro- with elaba, sauce...,' glUáea, an~ c1rawe~ ~m'p'lete 0 loolC tc;nn' ,~ !>e ctesnre Unde~ned bein~ about to leave .Cape To~n for tilt' IDterior. .• Ol.hold.a Publi.c. Sak ~ltJ MOI'DlIII~. at 10 o'elock prec:isely,· at hia.reaidence in Brée-i\réeC, c:ornetu,(lf Caaile-atreet, of Ct«kery Md Glass ware, Counten. aac1t~. S';:::l';':;';;,·-~t5,' -allO. KOURbotd PlmI~ ..conltating- of ~ "-!!i" Chai... with 1I0rse-hlUr eeata. sot.. Tables, ~nchet, "RIl Kitcben Utf'n.U.. H. '''. MÓLLI-:R. neeeseaz.:.e:body .. ;h::: irtFf THIS MORNING. .., THE I , .. tu .===~~===~=~~:==:=:-======-- D~E:--::Z~.~Fr.ln:~\.~\N~, ;beattfellOrta and afIléJa.ita the d.rii~edbeWd before the LegialatiYe_Co\l~~il;': __ Amendment carn • 1)n the motlOll of tbe CfJLCJl'IIn'1l'~~"'¥ IIIGO= bJ the ATTOaNBY GJ:NJ:a,'-!" tM Juriacllctaon of the ca . cl I ddn...l bv the int.:ochlction or an amend, moUl tat J c- ~ba ·2 ..··':;:T' h' "'&ft OnIii ----ce meat on the Uth claute of e p. ,Ol t e ..,r lnan , tbat after the wora. .. convict the party charged." the follo.q be inKrted-" unleu ac:cuHd ~ • eapit_al or t~lportable olfeDCf!,- in whieb cue the M~ _u~ t 'h:n .. AdVertlsëtméDt.~ A W _.. -.~ ... '.---------=---~· :T --------------_.J\I Adve~dsement.. O T ,~~I)II. , --""'I" O .. - -- -~-......__- -- _._-------- A -..:,....- ----- T i ,,,,rl (" Ot l' I - ~t,,(. ,P ,lil l. ! ,'.' . I. • l: t ._ .;. I DE ZUID.AFRIKAAN. \,.~~~~~==~==~~~====~~~======~_~====~~--~~~~~~~!i~==~=-=====~'======~========~~~~~==~~::~~~::==:-: ..:.~:: .. ~ MUf",'O.,lb. aooBcJa. =~~ THIS MORN ING- Dff.mber 31, 183t. arp.Tovm, EDICT. _, J H WHEREAS Pi;""_!!_~!-:=",:t:::~"::'K~ -;;t THL~II~!',t'~te( "O'-·ftDt·hUe dD..Ctri~tonO··f· IJ" ..... lA iii''''' BO~DWlufiort,C4l!d~~~".!..qo" ~ _.. I\BWABD. the HOUie of the Undersigned, sltuated No. MOI'D'" Friday lut. 35, Buitengracht. entered into ofon.eteral. cbe Night DUI'- .. n.... • v '........... _ the 2d inltant:wu ·the Locla Deon,of required \0 tak~ Notice, that \)le said DiMI C.roIiu OoriDg. the 9th 1000taDt at the Sale RooIII' of. Mr. R. J. Warcfrobea, II weU .. ofthe Sideboard forced, and the€ollowing A"lI died inteataf,e, and that a MeetiDf of the Next of Kin "0~&8, of a well ee4ec:t.ed aaortmeDt of Houery, fuey Anic1e1 Stolen, rill :-1 dolen Sih'erdesaen Forb (quite Dew). alIIIIza ~iton el,. Den ....... and aurnrlDg Hv~4. Wil- eolored MUIlin, Lechom 8onaet.a, .Uk H~.1t Bracea. fut 6;SilYer deut'n Spoons, 1 Soup Ladle, 4 Table-lpoonl, 1 dMen lt". J~ ..uriClGll B«IIi"". «u ol".loM lleft p,.... óOloted ~aJar HaitadkereWefa, Wont.ecl Cra~ ..Couon Silvertleallert·KaMe - feFb, with motber-ol...pearlH.andla. 81!J1t, will be kelel before tbe R.êSldent M.,utrate' Plaaael aad lwadry other (joods belonS- 1 Salad-llpoon, 1 Filh Slice, 2 Sauce Ladlea, 1 Silver watch, at bis otIice. Beaufort, 011 Friday, the 13th of Febr-uaey aellt: mr to the .bon Estate. H WATSON } J' t I dozen Tea.'poonl, 1 Diamond Ring. I Tóurquolae, ditto, át 10 o'Clock in the P~reooon p~ly; and.aU sueh ~ J . P VALEN:flN T o~~ I Pu uie ditto, 1 Oold Loeket with hail', I larwe Topaz Brooch 1QQ8 U &fo...... are .~by reqUIred to attend.' the PIáCe . • . ru .... d. 1 Towoquoise ditto, 1 Diamond Pin, betften 30 It 40 and time aforeeald i theD and there to tee IQme rer,on or Cape Town, Jan.9, lW. Spanith Dollars, a qu&lltlly of Rupeea, a Silver Snuff-OOl; Persona telected by .och Magistrate. for approval by the 1 ditto, with the initi'" C. V. R. engraved on It, a few Dutch .M1IoIta' of ..IM SIlpreaD! u 6t ud proper to be by the la ,_ ,..,.., :I!It.u JOAC.UI WILR&LM Duc.ta, 1 Guinea, 2 Soyereipt" a tew English and Duteh coin, . aai4ltfáater appo1otal ~utor or Eiicnton Datiye to eh. '(l 1Sil.er Tbimb1e IIUlrb.dC~B., Seteral ama1l Rinp, Triakel!!. ~ Eltate of such deceued hnon u afo1'fiÁÏd, and Tutor or &rOLL, £Iq. DIeMMfl. &c. and other small Com. 'futon Dati.,e of the minor Hein of the deceased. PER EMPT 0 RYS ALE. The Sum ofTwoo Hunderd Rilld«?l1en Re,,!ard il ~ereby CLERKE BURTON. Muter of tbe Supreme Court. n.D _. __ u_ or --ded Pro·....te· St _..J oft'ered to such penon who may .. ve .uch Infunuatlou as v.. ..., .....__ ........ r- :1, In ~ ~1lUwill briDr the perpetrator to juatioe. ~ and at G~ PoiDt; .upenor ~ndon ~ Cape It ill &bo requeate4, &bat.should an)' of the aaid articlea of Matt,.', OJfee, C.p' To..,.., D~ 31, laM. ..... ~oUlellold Funlihlre, ~, Plated. G~, ~ C~kery: pla~ &c. or mel&ed Silver he otrered Cor S~e. or lpani.h EDICT Wáre, rel')' wp laTOl'efl Fo~ ud Cape ~lI.es, Liqueu!". bo&n or uyother small Dutch Snveu COin made at the . • PUI.; CeDar, Store, aD4 Cultnary Ul.cnaila I togetber With . 'lOA. d __..J i b 8 tr, D. ,...,HE Next of Kin and Creditora of Jolt«u4 C"tlulri... ext.enaive Library COlD rW the Worklof tbe most Ca~ ID ...... ; ten ~n:u n paym~nt y 1Up&CI01II .....,TMJlU, _.~_.~ ..~t' ~,.WidoW~~~·~.·ol ..d .... an, .,B.... ~-.:.-~ '"thORio,,- ""....:...... ':; ~oueet~fbellyen.tbthe ..oliceDeparttneDt. DUitrict ol GruJr-lUlnet.'iS'êct&Md. are required.to take N~ ~t Colonial Aaociationl i the Inden~ra of e.pe.lfowa,Jaa. ,,~~ ~ -" ,.OL D, s.M!PA~ lice. chat &be eald Jo.... Cel.... Pwaitw. Widow of the dae male ud female Appreaueea be!oDA'Ïng to thil &tat.e. late LofIiI'Ko/zI, died m&eltate, and that a MeetiDr-.o( thoe Who .. c:ltieftyHoale 1t!l'ftJIta; .... two V•• lta.itua&e iD dae M.kRRIED, on Monday the 5th inlltant, by the Rev. Mr. Nat ot lCin and Crediton ol dae _--', .." 11/1 _iM Burial Oroaad el &JaeD.tda llefol'lD8ll Communi&)' J. H. VOl'f MAl'fo.a, at hia h_ in LonS-Itrf'.et, Mr. '*0 ~ WUI be held belore ~e Iteli- . . • TaoMu DA VlD RIC", •• D•• to Mi.a DO.Ma.A. ELIZABKTIl d.,at 14.,iltiate aC bia 0I'Ike. O...... MM. on TIl=:t:.:he fiN MO N DAV. TU~ S DA V_, WE. D NES DAt, Alfl'fA, eldest claUSbter of J. H. Ba.urD,Eaq. 'Cape Town. 17th of February lIellt. at 10 o·ctock In the FONtIGOft ,: 'J aDd TH U ft S DAt, !he l~, 13th, 14th, anti --' .ad aU sucia Peraoill a. a[~ld are hereby reqoired tO a'lead at 15th of Juqary l~, at 9 0 cl. ock 10 the FO~ENOON TO LET.., die ~ • .a' 6_ atonlláid: ·dUnt amJ thetë ............... of ach day ~" will 1Je. 101d bJ. ~UdioD, Pe\VET NURSE,-EDqJaire al No. U. Strp,d-atreet. • 100 ot."P.tiOáIi ~'bJevch-Jl~tef fM'.~bf ~ to the HJch~ Bidd~L __!he. who~e of tJ;ae . the Mattm' of·the Stlpre_e COlIn. ea fit aH proper bJ IDO'f'e&ble aftd. imlllOftlable Property~ enry del(TlpdoB, be-- . . . • .. tbe- aaid-.......... ~ .£_.·01 keca. ton Da.u.a. to longiD.~_this Estate, u advertlze4 In the Go"",,,,,,,,t ·U.- NOTIC~ i. _beftby.iven to RelatiYel and Friends, that the 'of ... cli~ Penoa ... id, . z,tt. ol t~ ~6th iDUant. . . 0111' woriJiy Mollier &ad MotlRr-iD.bnri-·Mra~ Aklta CLERKE BU I\TOS, Maater of the Supreme Court. l'UIO .. wiahinr to provide themsetvea 'with ~ and ~l lJeiOeaIliU wa d.r Wtlthrf-· W'tdcnr of Mr. Melt HIt dM' ~~ will do to avail themael~ of thlS o~portunlty; 81*11, Sr., ckparted thie life OD the 30th December laat, aged .. amoD, the 4fP"'1ltiCel are the fQUoWlnlt":'Andnel, of. the 12 yara ud 2 moDtU.-Th~ who have b_een acquainted 0,Iift. e.p.7b-, D.etmber 31, 183.. Cape. 80 ~ old, H~-ae~t t Chnltoffel, of dltto, with the virtuous character of the cleeeaaed, will he bea~ able EDICT.' 30 years. di~ ~ Japie, of ditto, 334 yeara, C~ehman. Va- to participate with UI in our tleYfft lou. . . UE Nat of KiD and C~iton of .Al,tt. Bli:fJktl tJa lentyu, of ditto. ~. ,....., lAborer ~ Gohath, of M~ID the name of the Jomt ChiJd~n, dtta Ber, late ol the District of Graaft'-ReiDet, cleceued. _Wque, yean, ~; Cuada&a, o( the Cape, ti8 S. J. v A.N lt•• SPUl:, are reqWred ~ No~ that the Mid .Alii'. Bli:.tla ~ u ~t NUrlei Debora, 51.~, ~mpatresa, Cape Towa, ,Ju. 3.1835. A. J. MEVBURG • • a ... .,.. CUed intestate, ud &bat a Meeti!l( of tile Next With her child SUrtJe, 15 ~, HoUlt'~lld '. Rakiba, of tile of Kin lUld Cred1ton 0( the tieceued, ant: lIum'flng Husband, ~! 25 years, Laundreu, With ·her child ~ a1~, ., years; ~ 1'OTICE il hereby !inn, ba the aame of the .JoiDt children B. euU .. lCae1tW V"t{jOlllo.ad all otAtr, ft'AoIJa tlele pn- ~I!'llie, of dle Cape, ~ years, HousemIld. Wltb. her, two 1 ~ to relatiYel and that Mr. WILL." W.ID.MAN CfOIIM'It WUl be helcl'before the Reaident M~1Ie, children sea, 10 years, u;ad Ju, 31 yean; Marl&, of the departed thia liCe in Cape Town, on the 5~ illS&&nt, aged 1 at,his.-we:.G~.Rcinet. .00 TaM:ada. v. the '17th ot Peb-. Cape.17 year&, LaCUeS. maid ~ Sal~ of the Cape.. U yean, v..... and 10 moDtU, . rUIl')' nex" at 10 o'Clock in dae 'ore~oOD precisely: and ~. 'l'heIeServdbt'~nJIIlchertaialYD_haftbeaa parted • . JOhAJlNES WElJ)EM:A.~,Soior • luch Paton. ~ afortAid are hereby required to &&tead preaent MIl_tances, III ~ey all bear J. J. F. BOTH~, .Senior. .u fM' ~ prawen, ~ cou.n. A' 11__ I ~)D "'.....''''JINIi'''U -'---=--..::---- A -té_ "te ro... --:u Jl_er. T ....-:t~. » ..u frieu.. ,.'I. ::u.~~be seeW::i FT-wraa .. ..xl = De·Ka ...... =.~_ab&M~ ti~~~;..!!'~:efto Person or .unona Y IIlC or a by the M~ter of the Sll~reme Cóurt. as fit and pl'Oper to.be hy tN Aid-Mater appoUJ&ed &ecutor or. E~ton.QatiFe to the Eatate of lucb dece~ Pe~n as aforellld, and Tutor or Tutora Dative otthe mllior Hem of the Deceased. CLERKE BURTON. Muter the Supreme Court. -e......, 0' u TIle riD« been chieCyordered by the de,. .• •.• __ .l..l. ha eeaaed for own priYate couumption, ha ..e Deea ickno.1'N(YfICE II hereby 8'"'" to relaaiftll_ frien...." t • t o~r ktlpd br£o1lDCllÏllevl to he 'Of the .,., hestdNCription, ud dell' fath~ JO.o\ClIUI K~l'fl'f.M.'t:E& departed thIS hfe therefore .... DO further COIDIIiMIIl&. . . OD the. ~~ Dei. 1834, aged 6~ .yean, 2 moatha, and 11 days l'b& .BcIob-amaU \ftll boWld.-ia,JQOCl c:otJditiion. _&Dd_'_!II1ftl n:queStillJ to.be ~CUIed tlle \3Ilt:" o! eoadoleoce. he Sold ~ edneaday and Sablrda at 3 o'Clock' the Tn tHe DI1l1eof the -;JQlnr~D. -day.' Y an H. D. KANNEMEYER Aftem.oa:~ eat. A.t.fiully, tU punLiture •. more pai'tiatlariy the Pla1e. compriai1ig a variety or ftr'/ uaeful aniel", 0( the newest pattern .. are not bul,. of the vel')" beat quality, but iD the HE M .... of the Supreme Court, at ..uniaittering tlt.e .. airaof •• Orphan Chamber, _authority todraw birhftt ltate of ~acioa. .# , N.B. TIle Coaditiona Dpon whicb tile Vaults will be Sold, TClt deft 7 Ja1&uary 1835. Bills OD &he Orphan Chamber al Batavia. for the· IUm8 oC 594~-3S.Du~h Guilckre, ud 1983·12 Dutch Guilders, for will ~ mlde kDoW'll on ta. day of Sale, aDd may in the "Ioe per ~nd .... :... AIoea ..per pouDd ••. 21 - Ct St. ~bich. Teadera will be received at thia mice till the lOtb .. wa cime be ueertained OD applicatioD to th~ undersiped. AH PmoDsbaTiDc .D1npcOl"titie"toaquamityol Amaadetea, perl.OOO.~ Almooda.per 1.000 Ji • Rtl· pl'OSJQl.. -BJatea,. .... ao~~aa&a8e lODaci lo the &tata, are-deaired to A-ppeleD. per lb. ... ... :A ppI8l~lH'r tb .-.; 6 ~ SSt: M~ter'l Office, Cap4! T..9Wl!. ~eul~ ~,_ 1.834· make early application aDd pl'Ove their claiat; otherwil!e' the "brikCllleIl •. por ditto • Apriootl, diuo ••• • 6 - 8 IIIne will be IOId for the beaedt of the Eatate. AardallpeieO. per mali. PotIUOeI. pc;r muid.. 2 - 5 RIL 1,. 1ruo1HrtlBnal, qfWtLliIAM A. J. LUtIiOHING. W. F. B.ER.GH, Sole 'frusteé. per 11!gge&'....... ViDOKllr. ""rleaJr" 32 - 40 OD, per.wk...... BeaIaa, eacb • . • • • • ti - '1 TO LET FOR TWO MOSTHS CERTAI~, Boonen per IDud.. • • • •. BealII. rer muid.. • li ,- 12 , JAVA RICE. HE beautiful Villu ealled Bell.' Vi4t1C &ad MU'mtlid pedb. •• Berry WAL porlb 13 - 16 St. PUBLIC SALE will be held at. H. M. Cutom Hquae Bea,;-wueb, tap, altua1Ïed 1& Gtem Point, dole to the sa, the o~ Boter, d;lo Buller, perlb. 32 - 4S Stored. TO-MORROW MORNING SATURDAY. the completely ud elegantly Fumitbed.-Tenna very mode.legger. Brandy, po.leag .. 160 - 170 R\I~ 10th inltant, at 10 o'Clock, of the remainder of Java Rice, Braodew~:er rate.-Apply t. Drooge hUlden. •• Dry Ox Hldea . • . . 4 - (; collSiacill8' of about 300 )bp. J. T. JURGENS. } Joint -Bokk.¥ellen ••• , Buck Skini.. P. M. BRINK. Cape. Tcnm Ju. 9, 183:1. F. OODF. WATERMEYER, Trustees. EendeneDM.ko\lwcn .. Dllclllï&l\1ulC.do.. i No. 8, Churc:h-aquare. . NOTICE TO CRI';DrroRS & DEBTORS. EFwteD. per mud Peu. per muid.. 7 - 10 4 r ,. PVBUC 8Al..E, \Iloae who have Claiml OD lhe ENte of tbe late Garat. dito • Barley. re muid.. 1 " . M - .At.tr~ .. d 1f"_-" Wido-W f ,Koeadel"pet &luk •••• Heol. eacb lltttHr.tla ~t JlItaJL.lIf WU.Ll.o\M AJlfTHON JOS£I'H n..... .. .'" WO . ,"-,yMi.' . 0 .Gao_aeD.dltq: .. Geeee~dit~o 1 ...;..', Y _ -ar L t Mr; 'Jr~_lii: -sp..j, St., ifrë ~·to forward tllfltt Il' lO. d to T I "2ltlo Z 3 ~~'CH1NG, 'cl' 0_..... wc .. within three montha after the date 0( thil Notice, to tbe U n- ft •• oenen I •••••• u... y • u •• • • N MONDAY. the 19th wt., allO o'Clock, A.M., al the deniped. wbile'" iadebted to the Eatate are warned to Hoa~koleD. per zak •• Cbarcoal. lack... l~'" $tono.., No.39, Lo1'Pl1IJ'k~ . '. their -debta withOut. deJay to the U~· . at Jail HOOI. per 100 poDdeD.. Hay, )Mlr 00 Ib... 11 - 1 "--! ~--I. Tabla .ad D-t.-· ~ , 39 R • h P M RINK Honing. dito •.•.••.. ,_Honey. per Ib. .... .,.2 "_-)'. .. 'iJ'AA. W t .. dP'*"8J"lIC &. ., , Ha¥4l!lrT.... r mud .~.... Oab, pe. r fOid.. .. Sj - 4 R,I 8 ome C'.... re,..,~ IIOJDe Mapa, a mahopn-y omce Prees, ft ~t quantily of Cape. 0'" Ja. 6, 1835. Aaaumecl Executor. Cb-1 ...,.11.. --... -30 L_II G __ 1_ • f P ,_ bl bber S ad I.ar, por..- 16 ukken -, P; ~">w...... ng ear. eo ...... tiIIr 0 nl, 0_. u P el., Kazen. Kaap. per Ib Cbeeae. Cape, po lb. 8 - 10 St. l,aunch Polei and Launcbea, blu ber Forka and Hooka, csge56 !JAGS OF EXCELLENT MAURITIUS SUGAR. I.alk .... ulpe, pr .1 aam Lime,sbelt, p. faam l' - lt Ril IUocka and Tackle, a number of Cuk. and Tu~, a quantily S d' t( Sbooka, aome eoUa. of new Rope. a whale ,Line, and a WILL be SOleI on the 10th inatanl, at the Commi.ioo -Steen •••• .••• •• -tone Itto •. . Sal C M ft JONES W'tbo t R ti t Koorn. 10 Mndden .... Wheat.10muld... 'lO 10 O uantity of old Rope, IQme boat Saila, Oara. Beaml. and • 0 r• .n.. • I U oeerYP. or accouo Anchor, &c., a copper Pump, Scalea and Weightl, or the Inaol¥ent Ealate oC C. HEYWARD & CO LioaeD. per mud .....• Lentil. per maid.. 9 - 10 I;ome Kega withPaint, ft quantily oC De.l, a lllf!t' quanti~ J. G. STEYTLER. al., Sole 'fruItee. Meel. CyD, per 100 lb. Flour,noe. p. loolb. 5 - 8 . . r SI' l fG Il ¥elia, per Daud .• . . •• Maise. per moid ., 6 - 6 t ,lf L Imc, a !lu.nUly 0 a t ID -eD, a ~ D unny agt, QO.~ .~...i~.an~rI.8DOlateDndea ..p..... e rP.r •• PO. D.d•. E\!;....a_P.lbaO.U ...n.,_ •.tI .•. ~.J..~..·fIe.r tl.'OOI,I.I».' 16 -_ 21S St. ". Grappe!. "iaeheJ,\·e". ' .£ ..... '1.. DI'lt'II•. a ~..u..aDaD.".jl.ty of Iron Hoop., PUBLIC SALE. •• t;ome empfv SfuMatl) PipCl, half 1"ipe1, Hogsheads, &e. i SA'rURDAY· die Uk .. iMUl., witl be pubtiely JWd n c lh 28!tt "ome Flour: Cape Brandy, a lot ot S14vt!1, a lot or Bmb, at lhe Cocnmi.. (oo Sale or M~ .... Et.uarr UIlOTll&." K.Or8Dwn. per )...... urran'. per •• u..-quantity. oL old lroll •. ~m4;!. 11'On Pota, .and Pana, 8OIl)e tM wholf' or tbe ltuaolyent Eatate or MICHJIIL W OOOLOCJt. COD- Peren. rer IlOnd • • . . .• Peara. per lb. •••• lJ - li '.10 d ba h II be d'~'" liaftn" in Jd~~woed--'l"~ Drawera .. Chai .. Perllikl!ll, dito , •..... PeaclM's. ditto... 11 - 8 ( roe ery, an w tsoe\'er moft. a Ont:~. ft ::.'-:"-';{ -:;PI.nken. per ¥oël . P1i:ilP~~rfoot .. 'I -7t .J. T. JURGENS, } Joint Bedateadll. Beda. }Aribenware. Ilileben U'f'llIil •• IJc. R dR' . Ib 6 8 F. WATERMEY£R TrusU>el. P. J' ROUX, PI. TruItee. osyoeD. per pon lUIIOl, per t ,. 'r J 8 1°"5 Rogge. per mud ' .• Rye, per muid 3' - 4 ",apt' own, an. , ...,. Stroo ...... r 16 sak •.•.• St.raw. p. lG lacu . 20 ._ 23 R,!. TO LET. r10 S FElIALE Apprentice. abo.' 17 yeara or .~; Ibe il a Tabak, per por,d •..• 'l'obacco, per lb. .. S t. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. .ooct HODIeCD&id.Wund .... , aad Sempstreaa. Apl"Y al Ty~r,Leeuw('n&StriDI Liod.""'·iger, & 0.. tbe 0fICe ol tbia Paper. Vellen, per "luk • •• trich ~killl ..•. 3 - " Ril, I" th, IJUIO/ .. t &Itlt,qf ADau,A!f OB \VAA1., Uyen per mud ODioDil. per muid . • 36 - 4 Rd Vef!dern.Struia. pr. Itk. Feathera. <>St. ea. • 6- t qf CaP' 8hopiHprl'. TO LET. Varken8. ge_le ...• Pigs. £alteoed. ea.. SO - 40 HE A«ount or U'luidation and DiI;trlbuUon of tbe said PLEASANT Upper House, proYidrd with a Kitchen. and _ ongem_e .• , .•• unratwned '. 10 - lf} Eatate, will lie open for the examination of the Creditora, every eonftftieoee. ftll adapted (or a ~ntee. family._ .peen -luckling ...• 2 - 3 tlt the Milter'. OGiCt', (or a term of one MODth from thit Vet. talk. ~r pond. Soet or·l'ahow.p.lb. 10 - 12 il ' day. liter which the Hon. Supreme Court Will be moved to A!Jply No. 64, Long-.tlft&. N.B. The House it aflO Wt"llaupplifd with "att'r. VVRen, v.or ""nd .• , ..• Figl, per lb. .•.. .. 8 - 12 £ODfirm tbe sam~.. F. G. WATERMEYER, Woi. sOOapen p lb... Wool. per Ib. .... • - I Ril. Cape Town, Jan. 9, 18.1;1. Sole Trustee. per leg 'Via ... ordinary p. HE VadP.raipetl hereby WIJ'IlS aU Peraonl'l not to gin~ Wya.onliaaire. .credit to u, PerIon whom!lOC'n!J' in his Namf', \\'ithout ger. .. .• les·· -. _ MRd. ~teliaaoenen. per 100 Orangea. per 100 .. • writte. order from himself. J. C. ECK LEl. ERtlllc of GaolLO& D..,NlaJ. KOCH, tkcHltfl, lalt of 6 Zuurli..oenaapperlarm Lenlo. Jnice. '.am (:~ Town, Ju. 9, 18J!I. /)1"';(1' qf Uitl"It(l!l.' 84 Zoot per mud .....••• ~t, per .ald •••• LL J'tononfo, I""'jn: (luim!! ng~IAII\ tht' .. i,l l'Jitat(', arc Zt,ulludtor, haid .. sole [alber,' bide. &j AUSCO~Dr.D. ~ _ 12 St hereby call"" "111)11, ha pllnmanr.e of the ;\O~. «'rdiZeep, per PODd ..•••• Soap. per lb. • •.• HE Aprl'\'''.lit'8 DUITJ.I ••. beIonRinR lo )lr. J. D. MOUlt, I\jln('l! lo.t, to lodge tllI'ume with tbe ()ndel'»i~nt'Jll, within or P~rt; be il employed eoIDeWhere about Cape Town. three ~dar ~II ff'Oflt this (la~ aDd all Peraona inKi,inr'iarannatioa at the Troek taal .. y lMd to CAPE TO\YN, d('btl'd to the .aId J:o:!ltateare required to pay die lIlDe to die ADJ ~ hil apprebensioll. or )od';., liim ia tbe Priaoa. wiM be Re- Edited \ty P. A. BaAND, ZOllnebloPItl Printed amll'ublillucd l1udtraiped within the same period. ~ wa.rded. ud tbelee PenGIII .. plOfI", or. barboariDg him after P. G. WATERME\'ER; Executor Datire. bJ ,he Propri~orJ P. A. BRA~!Jr ~v 4, W!Uc·»trect lh. DOtice will be tm*CQted• (.1t1" 1'0wn Jan. !I, 183;;. • - - BILLS' ON BATAVIA. srea~ J_ T a:r :r:. ,lal eol. T vm. A· t- f ,ALL n' ""'p' "'_...... O of - .. 00 "n . ,. . t;y _.l._ .. ~ '= st J. - • ... ..L. t '-1 f' <. ( f ápara, 1.._ 00.... ON - f. - a. A To""', T A ------.----- --- ,la, or -----_ T ----....,....------_._--~----------- A T t'" 3' -. &, _ per' e I OrlclneeJe Oorresp0n4eDUe. .t ,,"Hana EpI"t11l !-f)lIllr de SmOusen 7.ich chl\'" van hN ongelukkig t}·,latill tlellienenl om Clftll h.,t yel lIver ,,,OOJ"eD te trekken, door met ~rt. de P'T' van dl' )J('t"r, 100 pCt. te yerboogcn, zoo wenseh ik dal gy my tOe$u, orn myne arme Iantllflietlen. en wel voornamelyk dáe'{I'nem ..---Ik,; een aomber inkomen hebben, ~rn.'1tigtyk te venn.nen, (IÏlI tl ..h t<lCh \'oor he' tegenwoordigf' te, onthouden van het jfc"mik van. Bowr i-laten 'l.y en bllnne kinderrn, hun hrnocl'" mor gen. in eeD kopje "oily doopll8, en ik twyf!'!' geenaln •• ,f bl\I ulhen eyeD .ntak.lyk wn~n, ell dil" dlJ~nde, -no~ ,.1 ~n·. y~inderinr In hunne dagclyk~cbe lIitgJ\ven. te,.,~ t.ro'(;!Cl)u. CJ (1. ..... ~ . JQ~ . =~(N~o~.'~:£58~,~1 ~~!:Bl'=V.~Q~KG~SE~"'=L~ ..... ~TO~, T~-='~(-D~&-r'~ Z~,U,,!,!,!~P~·A~fRl!~ \ \ x.: v \::~, VR'¥.o.w~,Q..Jt,N~;ur.Y .l~. ~ (a...tlJI.) ~rt. .... ~~Nnfi neol~~u or der Inwonen- j!1- valt -MQ ~·r.. u, d.-poI."'e "cJ.pMtatl. -ch hia. ~~ .......... ~K",....J .. - --- - -- " 11 .J dec ..... oelS;~'~Wa~;'t:~·~, ded~wy-op dAt . ~~.pnen ~t W. op dil ~.';.i:!-=~-=:: ",SJ_ IOft... ...... ~ .xe._ V.l. .. ~~'~;~-""1' éf~"'aI~",,'~~tl~~-~K-l ....... , tétilili~· ,"o' ~ . - ~·.a .. Ak· ..... .p.tt.8"'' le'' . ~.~~ ~~i~~ oc;j.'blik ~"..,...... ~~ l' .. ,_".~. .. -----.. e- ,. ' :.;i.et-r":'•.,1l "':~':io.--:':~;':~~~ bedol".' ft' . vend~ met d~ ;f.é'DZen'L~ ~pwach1i~ft...r· te.. :: ~~Jea ~ J.;dfllea.Koll. Bell, uvl,noord lm.ud_"E ".aa&.etn.~'" op ~Il de Ji:tft .at· df'Qelh .it.i........... le. k W .18ioneol Oouvernemeftt, om hem ............. (en .... ea~eldea eeoe~ ma«t; U"~lft ........ ..Iuchtheid voor de veiliO'heid der g'reONn ta keo. het· tt. bae bRit .,,.a. ~ *- \UCbenneaJ ~ e"·~ ti~ ctOordt6bt h. .. ... an U ft Bailie, mien OiIr tnur !W'~. ea-wierclel). door of berbaaldfll, •• de __ der 'MI'ID&mq de nen le geveo, en t. verzoekea, dac. meer aaUi. drie ... dere~. Wy bereiJdl~1l ben. brt~ O~ 4tle of ... neby"" "'sewotro . ..au ..,.., kM. le .. ' e' l.....<rt derwaud. tot '-.tand fler nn bell te~ .oor diat ,." on~·bc'.!ltttt .... :yan . _--'-_L......_I~· _. _ ..I_ ..... _....... '-. tal r ~. ".... "" u;, bet botch 1P&I'et1. Twee of drie _ I!J•. ea .uui114a .. n 00..... wit." ~------ --::.,~ mogte worden afgezonden j teven.aaobiédéode op en ketreball" ...... ·I'f®& taI .. ee te~'" t.,.n de K•• ".. b'_ , .... "UI om ..t.eeD Militie Corpa te ageren, en met h~ Bé patnMPlte ftII aea ~rOi46hu, befaam ook mi« \-eI! en ek wI.~,,~1Ifi"ra ". aJ. pbee' .. al ia·... Gouvernement. in alle.opzicbten lIIi8CIete wer. ft ~:-- ..ieror",~~.~· :-lklJf!n~!",~ . bd. Iqpn.. H:4t Qi~ a~~" , ... bet ken' Koll. Bell, ontving de deputatie, beeeI ~';'.';.s.&."~&..'~~t'~ióa~. ~~~e st~~de. ~i& de Heere~ Pillans, Still. Teo.... tt op 'Y~ o.t •• , mcn,f,J1J,ing ha~e lW!. ,!,~,bet !\'erdedllinJ4ner ...,.. ••• l~. "'del,.~,"r'~ Jl. CtnapplDl, ChaIe, S.m~n & Co, op eeue fI)OYOO ~r ~*- kodde, onder lieJcbel'lD~OI r~ G. Gilben _, ~ IPCIer raOlI\e1t erll .. fteft~ die !~. ~,,~ ...... \ heusche wyze QJ1 verze~rde l!en, dat bon "er· en &ylle wl)' • .ot oml'J~t 800 .,_n 10 p~n bet Icamter de, inl.lldtObe .OlIr. or .. ~I'~e zoek dadely_k ia overweging Zoude wordea ;It!: De ~~~,; ~1l.!P h~n !'.:...b.i e~:YI~t~~~ lit{ginlfll' d. 1&",1•• ,0.. oo.... ~ ~ Oae • .,..... '" ..I__. .... pus en,d on_ -..yel'Jls• van ..... _.... .. ." ,,EnR81.cacI.,. eclUer ~ p~ '4toor .......... dit genomen. Kort \Waroa IS.... eene J.W,~lftOfl. 'PwaPecade ...... lIeo. %y ... aak.teG ..leb...... ~90nte ~n•• !Wli ....... tydt, war.. •. . over hetzelfde onderwerp. door een &aaateni,,, kJ' .vaa de, .W~" Ulaar lie~ de herde:ehlltall~. De on;ryrradtU verhale ••• J.aet ~ "''''_.irtaNd· ~ut inW01QJll óade,,"keady.A&D. hti Ogg_.. Berijten &)'ft ooi o."",,ge~'t eeDe: n~.r trfllai.iett" ~ó"'; retwJl Of'!P-.en . d de -e l'I~ett'-tiee " ......... ~ ..-,M_:·~~!i;.: ..~ .. 'eeltln vernement angezoll e.n gewor n, .e~ au. 0 Sale .. hebben PIaaa~ '[\fen rekent dat er DI" _n wlOCI.' ; _ eie .~ PI~. ~ilerj.., zegt, dae. het 98 RegIment, het ee,!lltl.tt .... 1000 IC~ warea, waaronder 80 t, ptl4rd 'Ii fIId ~ w..... cl"a.i .. .lIit· D de stad , met een delacbem8l\t.a ; Arldletialen, Steehta etaZYKalusd.!:J:: vt)l~~!,cn. e~roof4e:~~~\L vee ... wiac",*" tette i. blOed de'&' II pwo ea. e~_ue . r,u...... r ,; tD We\Q •• " order .\eeft OfttY&'Ogeu, naar WJ lftDZ8'D te ddea _""J1e1l (Woe ,) d oo~ ~ont'Il, '11111 -eM,,, ~,,'ken .. nl .Ja. iSM PeIWt' .... 10· verlrekken. .~bDd. ORl b~dt. daar b4't aórp ~r.cl~:B" _CJ w.. ~ de"'" Dninftp, • ft ~pleMie oaet~!itad ~J' :_t~' IUt ouetoeltan l b, .it.. ~~~~_~u,i. tepW'4 eo ~ttfl'=ri, &f.!'. •• ,~'11"'~-. tnIUId ~~: ~1'Jl""~ ~ ,... .. ,. 011"'--". u......... ,~. a., I~ 'wet ¥!Ill. w, on., =_~e.:~=k~~ci:f:tt::~"J·;~..::~.. hef\:r.- ~=" .'0Il ~:!~~'~Il:'1'0: ,,-.u _.e... .~IfItJ~"". ó,r. eie" ........ ...,~u4tf&~"""', vaor.-oa'''' Naik....... .. ,..-.1& _..._.~ ~*- I l • rult _ d~ _ £ 6'''''dI~r....J...TUl." na. a.laA.llUl'''_j~5 .. ~,_~_Oll~ts. n. ~~ -err ~~ iIJit.~~ ... ~~~~~ 'ur ae;f~ , .... ,. fill bit-G te Pie,o*rëli4M'"or-.~·-~ ia de hentel .erleeM". 'oor b.t lakd.toor b lItUd te ~ ~...... - , hl, .., •• I , "' .... ~!L -- ,. "'_''''K ~Il ~wk _~t, I\[eb..~ Ij•• I..•,........ , II. v1akte van Manlëy, waar 1lt\ Jt!vcc'b' dea.~. .,...,... ... ....,( To' Jll.. ta p,.ndea. Di\ ~hemf!'& O.~l· ",,'JJaJnor hiert:' be~ "'1 de ~ Ml.~ __ " De· Grepry. ~Ie .p eeoe dappere wyce ..~ . by,. .il k tu ~_, ~laeld ,heeft "Dp~. ea on ......" -.ne ... n .ilJU.~. bUieen .taal -........ .. , •• n. II. (l'tn70Ig '" .lot ou .Blad ... AtdttV· re.JllW1l, W ~Ja,atst z)' .•~ aicll 'f.-d ~.~. W,! Iae'bben niet noorlig aantem~bn, dat pcluren~e het tI!. begeftn- D&Ia!' KaIFer ~ri.R, OlD .clMNoor de nou .. ea eo. de "rtolf"" .... Wf'~... .u ~, .... ~hel!le hierboftD aangellllaJde tytbtip. d~ ~ In dt!a kini:rea re b"Dcn beseberm~, eD de bIfaIle ió de .&ed te !If_n. "I_lye ... _. .... ~ ..... • kelipten .':-t ~Iln verby ..tering ea angstvill~d w~n, en brengen. '. ~el1ke ~1I.'dinll een _·II ....,~WJR~ .., . 'OI!' de:&elve tentger ~t.e gerust re a~len, . t .bet Com: heo ~ (DoDClmJ~,) ~ ~ Hottelltotlche ~ wo"-. ,~¥lJlle • .......,. .. ~ IIN\' ••• - ,eft lIU&t~ YU Beacberllung, de volgende kennll~VUlg ultge ...acb.ter verwoord pwoNea. bulteD de .&ad, &yDde btt .... m.olae. ou I_aM l-__ ." V ..... lgd :- . _ li«ebaam hc:deIr.t met Huapte wondeo, .0P den selfden CUg peel pg" ee \e . Sedert. deo 28. beeft. er. ~.e a:anmukelyke 'teranderlllg .YIl de trcJepeta. ~~neetd a&Il de. palen "a. gelrer.J>rift ....... raQ~ ~ "..11•. BY!J1diH It~ ~". . •.• n 'tndenltaatyIlnZllken.pl~tsgegrepen. ,. ,eochl.G~liene.ve,"delkppete G~ ~-,worlll!"'alde ae lebe ..cAbar .... ,Ï!Ii. _ Kolonel'Soraen.et_ II .ID ·G.....a'............. ~ ,_. . ~1"_:eeDiiïêUrida:·Aiékiir~Ju,eft...wtptIeId,' de·.;WftttëI"'dcl,,,~~~"· ........... 7ón Bëiurorl~ ell'ilfDllZlmlyke ~ 1a&eD'"-om deA.:~~ "ebbeD wy, vele by:r.onckrbed .. vtrll_ .. Q.. ~t deo.tAal r.iae ••• de traa,e Vol"rluti.,. ~t '-' ..~~.llk ~~ ~"" ee~ groen aanta~ Ka'ers. die eie Kolonie poé)gdea de.laoh. v-.a ..... ~eq troepen 'S)'1Iteraa' p'kcmien, welke, ,..oll.Ytt - - -In~. te bele&tell., .' " in beacllO\awd,.· guDI&ig il. Het ~J:aYO'. clat",~. .. - -' .Dé i•• onen vu Batburst, en ennl'O';" ¥"beD naar GI'!'- hooCd,=n .P..&o, Cob .. e. Ka ... DOf -.iet te«ea ., Koloaie . . bmlltad de WY~genomen, d~ bet ~,teft de mopIykbeid verklurd. l1l&&I' integendeel eeu groote bepea1e ti) keDJlU _Vrydag 9 ~ao: l~, te 11 uta':' A:, II • ........ !l... 't'OO1'SteDJIaet~_lId1&Mt ... eilc:t.U·o .... t«..,. ... ~VeJl hehbm. m~_ 4ulve_~.2 ~en _ \"Aav~dlc:hap re . Het verelaaCt 0" -oMmlm tiliir •• 1i'ded~ftJ nn onderaclte,dene afgelegene pIlDtt'D; e. door bet Winen bly",en. Zy hebbea de opregJ.htuJ l'''' bUB)'oorgeYO& k _~_~- ',-- °d":waanc:bJllIJke gevaar, dat den 1bevoer in .1aandenaaa dcn dar sel.. door ooafgebroken vriendachap te unDen m~cuee ell, 8. er .~ ~~·I~n 1ft .)'Uden soude kunoen valle •• die ge..~ ID' no. ~!t wyze.o. aan..eIken Europeaan. biDDen la1Jn gtOndgebi!M1,"e~ dé Stad, eeo flX~ u;aet "IIcltJlleo t.e hebben. De ~~ ICb~bheld nn ... mundie dOOÏ' bun b:a_voortduriD« beacbemainl' te Yel'le..... wann_ de ftD eeft . lan~ de geheeie gt'tftl linie, vorden IIl1gdyk ••.de pootate zy zulka behoetê1en. liet· ~JIlt dat veten tan hun volt I. .' beawn~t\g in bet ge~ik ~~lve. ten ciDde iD ..taal te aya ?nteyrec1ea :r.yo O"U~ ~wyce •. en yuriclyk "ê~~hell ~aa~len; eo .'" ~ee1JD o'1lD de Burgerl der andt're ~)lStnkt.en by hunne aaDkomat, 1ft den _rooI der Kolonl5kn te deeJeu. Dezr "wlI&d .. alb~. geoela kenn.vmg durmede t.e kllnnen ,·ol,r:Lle~. . droaen dasel)'u YIIl hunDe Opperhoofden, en voegeD slcb .taande mede:"';'" Eene tlepecbe, gellIlwerd Somcl'ICt den 28 December by den Yfand; en Paco die hel opperae gat( ~oer1, neest ;. ontva"gen II'!wordcn, vau deá beer RyDe,eld. "aaruit &eer dAo.r,J.yl1á underdaoen .&e.~ WQrdCQ ""lIlteD ep dUI . ------- -~-~blykl, dat de Hur~rI "an GraaIF·Reinet,. ten getalle YIln blootgeltcl4 aall den ""rMk der verbondene lioOf't1e~. :;0 man, die pillllt!l hadden ~ereikt, cn dat hy alle oogen- bevat.i~ vertrouwelyk, dat wanneer men deu hoofden alecllata . A _ nn, hlikken verwacbtte. dat de ~H'ri~n del" eeNte wening, "ic.b eeDe hulp uit ~e Kolonie verleende, ay niet zouden - . • 9 1831-. by heOl :r.o1.ldeo.oegen. ..' aanelëa, crade1yk. den vyand in deo rug t.e vallen, CD dUll' ' . n._!'IJ~~ ......1 F..eoe mededaeling ill ook ontvangen geworden "an .den hee~ bunneD v~~n voortgang ~eheel tA! verydeIen ; aan deu Beflglen der.e~ ~org.eo ~~ ....~, ,.O'Reilly, Vrederegter te Cr~ock, melllendeo; dill de Illwoners Ilnderen ~t II een \voo!" dier hoofdea. voldoende, om al oni.vanlep gédateerd deo -4 deH't. \'IlO ..den...WiD~berg verplJ«L ~?udeo zyn, aeng . .w~~, .dese horden .dMdeJyk..4e.olonie te doeo lnru~en, en ~luD- 't.d zeert·--.tA ,~. vaD' .... d .._ tpn:r.y :r.yspoedtg met alnLDunltle w,erdell "'oonlen. In tile der en moord aaatevangen. Geen meGlCh, .Hel tea vólleo • -8"'-. • wvk wordt het ~hrek Villi aml.lJunit.ie ..waar It"!vneld. bekend .. et de gewoonten dcr KalFers, ba sich een denk-. "oet\'olk outfaDgen Uit et I1C~'. ,leD· •Het Committee kan niet te ernl~ 4!p de ~moederen der heeld. maken VaD de .. agt~ .welke de ondeneheMJene hoofd ... hage, dal OPM' ~!wapende inwonen de nood~aKclykheld drukken, om eenp. over hunne oaclerdaoea t1ltoe(eae~ EeIl-Y.QOrbeek1 daarvan Bathun\ .londenderw ..... Ifer?ede gehoorsaamheid te betoonen aan de ~len hanner heeft onlanp plaats gevonden an de &aak ,'an den beer H _~L • d d _.....a I d Officieren, en om geduldiglyk het ~schikt.e oopnblik •• he- ~obertt, eeoen bandclaar, wOlleade aaa de 8~ka. Dae beseveD. . et aR.~)'nt Diet .at ~ .8 ...achten, om oft'enAÏve operatien ~en den "yan~ tA!bPgmnen. JonJfe man Will.. ~ ..$UCM d.oor .de K.aIFe,. VIUl .dlel.' o~trek. ' , Zondags. Rlvl.er o,er~tro."kell WM.,. UI . Naheto"alleO""lul_avond.«lfAála'dedeD.bori&oaopeeaell d~~.Jl,IW'.d~ ~~loale dOO~,~e~. drCI.!Jt;aad~vaar wIllemte 1AaUCh~J.. lvk dat ~~ed;lIPiO" ftlWatlen Aanmukel k.ell aflitand.iadeu.0J8b'l'k vaa de Brit.-c:be Volk- l't~teD, 'lVIerd hI,dadelyk omnugd door hetzelfde volk, m~ • . ..... ..,.; "~•.l " ". ." "te, a ..'\', ?'J:~~~>,"" -"~ ., ~ .,Iant.inlt het ZUarevêld, door den brand der buizeD van wien 'hy l'flendsclláppelyk lW! Omgeg.'IIl' Imnue bllagateic hltme& orten tz-u-.. de inwo~era, welloe door deze oomedoogende barbaren wlma waren reedt. 0llphi:\'en om Item aftcmaken, en by soude in en de' terugtogt KaWent welke meD redén 1WIf!'H&nkea. AUe uren OD1,:~ •. ~ ber.igten. .aantit cell ,oogellbbk olll~brqt geweest syn, had by niet vnor- beef, te ClMlooven 6eIlMDIlen. Meek, tlat de .yand Grabamatiad aniloot, en bet ,"erd der- gewêDdJ ~ PaIÓ &idi t'OOI' "JP ~'bad ftrbGndeo.· k .. '- .' ~-, .... ~t . M.ot~ " hllh"t"n noodig ~rdeeld, dat byna al de in...oners 'a INUIhlll De IlitvO"'..rangwienL echter 1titpRlield tot dat lIlen omtrent. dit r&Cllt· zo~uen.",:,~eft; V"",, ~.:--:-' -,. '.': .", t (Inder de w_locoen :touden bly~n. Onder 4tie emare.dste .tuk, ondenuek gedun had, en het antwoo.rd wu; .. dat O.er het algemeen Jl bet wtz.ir der aLvea pt'rannen, verwekt.e bet voortreft'ely~e lteltell'Iln~' oorloga- bet leven d~r 1Ulli\'aUers verbeun "erklurd w,erd,. voor h~t vaa de OOItelyk. Gr.ózen bepealdelyk ver· \'Offlnl( der Kaffer.l, meer ,'erbA"tn!f. dan eenIge aladere verbreken :lyner belofte, aldus aan dan persoon Nl kwal.ie b rd d d· d· 'hed ~ omAt.andip;heid. Het hleek c1uidelyk, dat honne planneD gegeven." N~uwelyb wu &yne wil bekend geworden. ete , oor. e.y mg van en. wel herulft!l, de operatien wel géotgllniseel"d, en dt! ...erk- de perlOnen die :r.oo geree4 wareD geweest om als dienaren t ) 7.lIImheden nuuwkellrig en sto\ltmoedi~lvk uitge",oerd wier- del ~rukB te handelen, vertInderden tlen.klap. in zyne 'Warme e . :I • den. Troepen nUl Katfen vertoonen 'zich op afgele~ene eo. ~.re vri.enden;en bellCherwen, en belt"!Jeidt-n hem werktlyk punu.n, maken e~ heW)'1I \'8n a.nval, wur bflt noodig il l'elltglyk bll1l1en tle grenapalen du Kolonie. In den avond 1 UUR P.M. df'11 inwooers Tree. 'llantcjAp;en, of ,oederen te rooven; en k\1"'"lIen de troepen ...elke te "'ort \Yil!lhire geflta~ilmcerd r('~ir~rel\ vervolgen .. in. de schuilhoeken der lli~atreklie ~arcn gewet'~t,in?c I",~~, 1118.bebhl'nde WC .Il~lil\'erla.ten. Proclamatie op het oogeblik ui$gev"'" tnt" bouchen bedekte alooteD, waarvan bet land l'ol ... eene ~! vele bUlsge:tlllnen der KuaVM'he aoc.ren bercll,ten mede wyu l'an oorlogen, berekend om het gednld uiueputt.en. en Je .tad mellIet overige geaeett.e Tumner gO~elell; GelÏurende digd, wordt bellend 'gemaakt,'dat, • de kra.da4--&f~QJ1-.d.e.._If~en~ denjlacbt wu_b)'uns£ell ied~ onder: de ·"apeneu. alle urell wet hiet meer in wétktng. in troepen, en hetwelk .lechta kan wonlen tqcengegaan door cenen aanval "crwachtende, daar het wel bekend wu dat f'Cne IIIln1.ienlyke krYlJ!lm8A't. en de krachtdadigstA! operalien.. bet laad rondom de atad, in het bezit dCI vyaoda ...... "C!8telyke afdêeliug der Kolonie. Het volgcnde Extract f'cnl briefs van LuiL Forbes, die op Get'n aanval. noch f!o:nigfl lIeweging van 1I1\11I1elall".werd eene dappere ~e "rywillig 7.yne dien8ten heeft ~en. pr !'Cht.. r lI:f'maa.kt. &.0 Katr','r \Vierd .W!lU 1(,·"on,I. terllfJI in de v-erdediging van Bathurst, :tal veellieht hieronlt..enl hy t!e Kalip,ehe Klllernen nad.·tde. t'n wield heden mOfgen verspreiden :-NlIIluwlyktl had ik u gisteren mynen brief op Cf'n kar blllnen de ICheidin! g..brIll:I. Wy hd.lben Qlll4le gezonden, toen ik Vf'mam. dat het vee het ...elk wy ne KalFera vC'rnomen. dat ~a!l'm geheel en al .Jour dr.n ,YIIII.I belet i.; \ in den nacht' toen wy van Grahaml.stad k.amen haddeo dat ly ol' hUil , .. m,," rOllllwan!l,elen. ea selr. gl·lpr,·Jt" ..n houontnomen, weder in hunne mngl waa. Ongeluklr.iglyk Wal den met lie mC:lIschcn 1.lioOI't'BloL\'n lyn. ~11 de ~erllt~han~ill~en Aan dell Ródakteur vaB den" Zuid ..Arikaan. tt ik voor dit gebeurde verpligt geweest, eene writ: eecorr.e by I...LZcnd ..hllgs hUIB. nil bel'r G. nam. i. In dp. Blad aan· met WAgens naar Grnbams-stad te aendt'n; en daar de 1( .. lIoQlen•. met f'en expr"I~1I vlln den Civil ..n CommisRIlris van MAANDAe Mo."", ... patrouille van Luit. Gil611an, bestalInde uit omtrent l~ ara.",If.Rt!In~t. lIy b"8cllryrt hot ""heeIe lan'i. vR.n hier tol bene\'ens \-yf of !tCl myner manschappen, geene dIenaten .jil lorka. In ern!'n lIlaIII ,an rUlne en Ol,.chu,hlmq. nl' MYNs". D. EOon.... !-Daar ek' 81ft01lIft &lcb ,kant kontll'Jl verrigten daar hulane paarden afgema' ...aren, bl~f Vplrllwmmlln.lant Vlln 'yyk, II a,.er acti.e ge\\e·"t. I'll i. my slrchu ~ven man te pAard O\'er. Met de"lve ging ik welg •• laagd in .yn 01lt'rallI'D 11l~...n dt'n vylUl'!. mau hy klaARde ,an het oógelukklg tydltip bedienen, om 0111 he, .el oYer de dadelyk ter verkcnning uit, en het duurde niet lang, of o....r Kroot gehn'k aaa ammullItlo. Er il mede '.p het Odlflln- oorea t.e trekken, door met eeD' de PI')'I taa de BO&er, wy ontdekten cen trOt'I) v..n 20 of 30 Kaft'ers, die op myne ~"," l'ene eJtl"MlIle ft~IIKekomon. ,er~ ..lden.llI. dat do KalT.lfl 100 pCt. re yerboogen, zoo wensch ik dal U my toeata, om aanranding in het bosch vlugtt.en. Wy hadden hun ltOO lP eene groote ml'nlgle warl'n g~""u III"or,leo. f,ahJ d.· welke IIp()('dig nict verdrevl'n of ik ontdekte een andere troepKIlft'ers, ~Iaau\\.e ~ranl. op eenen af-dan,1 van omltreella m)·If'II. mr~e arme Jandalieden, ea .el voomameJyk diqeaa onl $1(" Zich hege,ende naar een aantal vee dat op eene on,oonigIn dil "gIIng .an Oraham-trad opfllkken.le. en ti" KOMMalI· eeD &omber inkomen hebben, ernlll~yk te .tmuallen, tige wyze op den .fllund van omtrent 2 mylen wC'idde; ik du .. t beo·ft orderl gegetco un ~II (lfIrly van ~O lie.leo tI! &och .,OOr het tegenW'oordige t.e onthoudco "an hl!l br,"" hegar lilY !tOOlpoedig mocelyk. met myne patrouille der- flIlard .. om naar dal pont te v,·r.trekkl"n. ten C'lllde bulllle ... 0 Borer ;-Iat.en iy en hODne kinderen, b..n brood' '. mOt· wll&rd.. Alvorens dit te doen, eo ontdekkende, dat de Kaffers .operDIII! Rade te BI..an. Jedér man II IQ de "allenen geroelll'n. gens iD een kopje kotry "oopen, CIl ik. twyItl aeeltaiDl nr "el 'ZflO' talryk waren, &onet ik een myner manschappen terug~ eli de .tall ... nracbt na alle areQ eenen aanvat. Er ltrllU' dllaé" tftn .aak"yk wc"o, en dUt 4OOfJ4e, DOl al etae om bystand te verzoeken vlln de patrouille te '-oet, welKe I mm h\ ,rltl .tat d." K:lfF!,rs bJ ohltek ~yfl ...1168 word_. naar onl toekwamf'n, voor ik de aodere troep-Kaft'ers ont door ,III ~'rIROO!Ih~ld. ",aarmed ... lY. p;1!,1001(11 I)'R. bet I~nd ".rmiaclerinJ la ...1I"ne daplylltcbe uitr,n te W'eq bren,e~ dtkte, welke het ",cc ging rooven. IIrl..lolOpen, en I...t .. ""kll~en'~'8ar.",. dat ar~hoon ~., tyding U Q. Wy bereilr.teJI hel .ee, jmt toeD de Kaffen besig W&ftD .. a onun tOCllafld. nu aederL tIeD d",,.'1 lo oml~ )1' II, " tot ...... la Ka"rs" ui' ,c:wm:dU. eta« d~""'.D',R '!!''t''.. ~~Ol "".'.~I(k •. E~' '. ~.. .... w, U,.w- "ra _eta ~"'''':'._c ,. ~ drr'", .,. ~ ~I.'~',..ii_ -.u .. _.s ~ , Ia~.rebeel oa. be., &:r I o~.. vao :-e-'i'.:~...~".-~~ ~ ~ POIt ,il ,aaQ.P\ ..... , CHO d~",edé n. Mea - - - ..' KOLONI terinae AL BV"RO i.V nO Januu. .! sy" I o'Clock P. 11'. By Proclamation. of the Provisional Govern. mt"nt, dated 9th January 18~!i. It is dir-ected tba t Martial shall no longer bo in force Law throughout Colony. tho \Vestern Division of th~ S~pi. 26.-l1p tI) th", 20th o( thlt mÓritb, thc numb<-r of ~llIps thllt hlld arrived at Cronstad' was 1,658. 1,239 had Il1relUly sllirea at Riga ~ up to tbe 16th of AU!lust 731 shipll bnd Rrri\"t'd, Rnd 600 uiled again. town of Chel1lon, in New RUh!ml, hili snlft'rcd "everely io itl oommc)'ce by the rI'pld rise of lMesaa, IIR11the rt'mova! Gf tbl' Adllliraltr to Nicolajelf, Rnd tbi~, ootwitbstanding it.:: Ild~an" tageOll!lllltu.ttion lit the mouth.of one of the most important rh·pr .. th:rt flows into the Black Sea. The want of li '000 qUfty' and the hars or sand were, it is true, great ohttaclu. The Oov,.rnment. however, ha.~ t.urned ill attention to Cbt'rSOD, dnd tbt! Emlleror haIJ granted 2á,OOO ruble!! for ercrtin~ a quay ~)f timber, unhappily It cauDot be of Itóne (or inot of materials. The Marsbes are to be. drll.l.~dJ the ~hanncJ, c1e.llrE'd,h"rrl\ck~ huilt, Il dockyard formed, a naval schObl ~. t"lllil~', flIt« o-tber improvetM'flt:. m1\de.~RlInian pap"" Tim~;, Oct. ):~. _ Tbe RM7UI' RTlI'.llc!o]lt'di'f'tt gh·e!l 1I0m~ vcry Inte~ing in (Orlnation reilltll'(' to the childretl "'ho are abandoned by their parent! throughout ~'r~§lee, and whl) are 1I\ll'portl'd in thr. hUflpitals anu other ins!ilutlOn. of the ('01Intry. The &~tA" IIt11tes, t bat accordin.!{ tCl official accounta Lhat hII'Ve h«'n milde, Ilinee tIl(! }ear lKI~, 'bil nUllIher of foundlin~5 hII<I incl'('lIsl~II from !i!.l,;~.. 6 to 12l,981. Tbc lallt QUlnlx:r "al during the year HHI, IIIl1Cewbit:h lleriod no account!! haft hct'n lOllde up. Arcordlng to thc IIl\V, the mille dlilcll'l'n !lhnuld he placed on board the ve~11I of the Royal nllvy, bilt the captain. are KO a\'CI'lót!lo take them, on JI('I'onnt of their hirth, that bilt very few lire empl!-lI('(1 in this III11Oner. Thry Arc unllt'r the canl 6£ the IInnte8 until thry !ll'd}'e at tbe "It'. ()f I:.:! }'t'llnl, f,'olll which tilm~, until thq' arr:w' Ilt the AA'C ol mlljority, they are 1'IIll'Ioyed in the lipid!! ami in mriouJ wlly~. Ilill tlu not f\;ccive any ~lIlary for thrir IRhollr. Aftl'r thr. ;u:-e (If :! I, tht'y arc turne.ll ilWl thl' worltl to 5cek tlwir I"vn ~ll" !IIMIt·IW!'. According to thc lItatistics of th .. mllrfltlity amung tht'~I' chiMrt'Il, it apllCllU that formerly nine "it'd out (If eVllry !rll tlf'(orc altaint .1( tllll liKe uf l:l yel\l'lI. At tl,e pre'!ent tim'! the III'cra!!:e ia ahollt one III three. In l!UO, 19l'1dll'd out of :,!I;! wh" we((' 1I11mittcIIint() the ho!<pital of M()ntpe!ipr. Th" II!UI'liornlion i. IICt.'Ounh'd for by the increase" !lU'll which ba' b(~"11 all"wrd fur lhe children's I\IIpl'0rl, find lik~!<e It> ,be VI,i," of the medical gentlemen, who ha\'e hv 1\ recl~nt rl'gula linn h(,l'n appointed to ·that BervicC'.--'I'illll'lf: Oct. J ~,. ST. ·PRTF.llllBUI\On, rt..~ - h" I De. ~ .- • " "~UY ,.ilig wae. .De.maoiae.lyk • .i•• zich weder ·w "7~. ,Het.. yan r.. a., .teeda wOrai ... ,~a. wa, ~,: . I 011 (G JOHN BELL By -Kr".... 7.,... ~.l; de O!,lctnee1e OorrespGJU1,.nU•• ""11, J' re I ,.\ J'
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