__ I!I'I!":"'f'"'~'C' 1 f I r I I Prgen~ B~déll , r .r: te ad •\tERKO~~NG /Jr t:t'SkiJ.1Ile1· llui~ ~ V,}uyard, I ~by N.. Jc: I' de (ltl' T111:DE~ K{U1f.:trit. Elbli ~('J, :c ~e.I, lOD~ , 'H iLUI PS. :'i. Nt" Il eli (lu Zat PbblisMd oll~ defJv'ttJl' Di'/~ltt'1l . ""'dtiI. '" rn Cllite Tow~, No.~ . .:\111rkt't-sflnnre ID Town, Rd", 16 per Annum; CouMrY, (mcluumg Rds, 19 per Annom. e- Subscriptions JrQrtUingte Pa~r. and Atlyertisements to be J TOil; oobesdtroomd.-.Indien JO' niet jutJt hcheJfdeugtdnt ik: ~. en het ~lSehAP dat gene wys maakl "lit m) goed dunkt. dan nl ik aall UW" Mama Tert!'''eri !lilt KY ~lInr bttS.t6 waterpot hebt gebroken. op hila,. schoothTnd.)~ gt'1 rajJt. ~ .taart no de klit uruntu. haar papa~:\i YfOnrlliikt. f'Q hnar MPJe p!a~ bf-bt. SCtlEEWOG r:egt my dllt hem 1\1 uwe daden belC('rtd :t'\'n. en c:lat hv ti ~f'dl'rt ~ !.aat$t(' hnatlg maanden :Joor hl't slé\ltelgnt be.pietl beeft. DratI4t das IOrg dat gy uwe tong houdt, even fIt'na !!pr.et'kt alt ik. H. Meesterstuk df'r Redehndigewa. nietJWt! mftDitr -ran &e orertuIgen. door Jackey Palebaby. A.s.s.,. F,A.RIJ .• D.D. als: .I " ""krtogneeif~p. , I or • _ 1 w. Tros ".' nullo, discn·matt.e agitur.-VIRGIL. Een:'raJt.1 ""rfeto'rt Senit"!! mClr,,,,rgulde randen, eeu Thee duO' ma&.UMo. J(tranon, lioelbak~. ''''yn en b~r Gluen. 1 . ~"er j. ~ .. ~ • • • en PJAa.~e ..~, DEEL W~tt'Tbol'f1l'n en CouVf'!rcillON kf",",pl)et. Sdl<,teMek.e~ raet , lil'fflr"meden. ~II()Rkbo1'tl", en Il, ler,_ Th- 6ft Onth)'. &Ir",i_pn IromplCet. Knnricl~u""tI .. IJ" rm'n. olie nzyn en ~Y~I' tiran<hl,atJ ... Bot¥hakJ~. Tat:'" I' • rt Lepels en V tIrken. Soup ~ Sallli Leprl.. ZoutTaatjf'1, ~:I., 'en li. OPROEP~G E Onder.teckende 'L~ 30 DJilOEDlBER 1831. CREDITEUREN. als Gemat,rtigde van deo roept hy dezen op. aUe ep een No. 91. VAN DIlU'. nor"'"" -""A" kon gemaakt of ver.tl\an hebben, ond!'r"chpiden On(je.rfet~.kel~(lll ftft En.relsehe Onderwyvan die welke aan boord was aangl'gann, het konHet'r JOd :MUIIKH. , I . Ier hebbende, _geeft hiermede Naflgt. dat by Irllkt van verkoop kon derhalve niet g~zegd woriegelyk die yerm«en mogt~1I eenlgt' ('rp-tella;!ete hebben up ZyH hui ten ('1\ Engelsehe, fraDIIChe. en Hollandscho A.Ol:;~elDel1t priucipaal den ~r JOUN l\llJRR"- Y. tim dllnl'van nw! talen. I!n:r. den vultrokken te zvn onder zulke omstandigheden de Hoogduitsclle taal lessen aal geTen. l>t'hoorl) kc bcwy:tlffl voorzren, binnen den L¥d ..an drie wel.en. daar een kontrakt van verkoop, indien I\pt beide Eenige worden nog aangeoOUltld. ..an morgen gpTl·kfml op~aaf te komen doén, te Stellenboeeh, part yen zou verbinden, b., uitsluiting \'orderde dat H. G. SCHRIK KElt. Kerkstraat No. 2 reu Kan1Qrf! va" d'~11 Oudergeteek ende, CII [n de KaavstaJ ten Stnkkf'n lp-r-ch Linnen. u' mde :dIto. 'r-;"t ...l,IOt'k. Kllmf'r ,lo Kantore ~ftn dtlb~ Ad\okaat en NotarÏll Mt. J H. HOFlIEYR. het ook door belden verstaan moet worden. M. B. DI' Te~eQis) n IOOr "oordeelig. l'ankltl. &fll\s. ChH~eo, Hal.dJoi:kc.'. TjolB.ls.Z)J~. ell•. en "ortlendt' alle J~f!nen die aan 'toormeld~ Hr. :\luKRAY lets I;)e Hllofd JustlC'ler U'ldt', by het geven van lyn I r 1'.1~..d('Nttlkl~ v"rschuldlgd lt) n. '1'evp.nilby df>zen vrIendel) 1 aan,;:~maanrl, om VOImiS, dat het getu'gellls t Il behoeve van d~n hUlllJe Deullal<.. gU['guell t) d te Strllellbosch by den 1iOhtlr, TE KOOP. e hem niet als volrloende VOOr kwam: dat Oll",·rll;,·t,,_Cloen'''',',flllin de Kaapstad !Jy grin. Ilr. HOi'lIEYK. I' , de gedaagde het gesprek, «ht de gdulge Wools \\ \~. U,er. Ililk~I~Pfl"ll. Uil ,1;Il~h,il.. 1001' Gew ....r. ,...n tt! '-oml<lI ,oldot'~. M. C, A. N£.l~TIILING, Cj.q. E Ond~ge.eekende als Gemagtigde van den ,'.ruu Ptt;fokll. '''-'Il ~<:"!l",.I'~ K'K. I!ï;lqlr"1n, Lav(?lIl"',,-.!er. de Stdlenbo!'Ch det 29 Dec. 1B31. had op het slrand le hebben plaats g'_ ~'G" lIr, J0H.t!i :\1~ttJ!4\. biedt uit cle Mod te koop aan. bel ,'erklaard llumans 'an :sir \\ ~Lld( S,,,n. ";\""'r!:~" allJere \'~r1ten. HUtS 14 St1~ndslrdat. Yoormlll\l~ to!'behoorrl hrhbende aall vOI~den, nipt verslaan had als vali bet vori"'e aan '.;Fls ~ :\nd wyleD den H"er 'r or Gif. - D(· Toorwaarorn. dIl' sper Ilann<'meh'" bO'lI'lJ verschdlcllde; PUBLiEKE VERKOQPING dat het Hof llUl\'erig ~ou iyn ~~ of -l:t>n~ :ryn. ko men zlltn I~ Stellenbol'ch. wn KRnton van eien Onder. le ,'erondorslellen, dat er 'ellig-e dirtcte memëed AA~ ;l'Ir] l:I.Jthna. Paarden. KQ"y,,o. een Kar. t"!I{~i:ugce:y me' TUig. Zadel. gt'tedlewe. !lil ~ó. cI~1 Kaapstad tt!a Kantom rRn t\.on Heer eu l In deze zaak UI'SIOlld, welke het getuigenis verMr .• 1. H. HOFA~~YH.I 1\1. C. A. NEETHLlNG.. q.q. eo 'f ... ·JlIltw. e~.l. I.' " h----...... \Vf'rvelyk zou maken; marll 'nl aanmerklug, dat de Stellenbocch 'n :39 De<:"ember 1831. g Er "orrit vl'nodll ,Int ll11e~~J"ui~en en RrJraarden . I E Heer F. VENABLES ~I op Mnandag gedaagde een vr('emrlehn~ 7Ylldl', t)nbckcn(l met de u.JI'en Jo pUilrt wuroleu K,·lalel!. ,mn 17 Jn'l'If1i!lry. cu vo)gendc dagen. ann PalulltJt.Rlvler , 1;.1<11 hy gerf'g'tlgd was lol het voorl egt van gebre k te K oop aan"if,deit~ 'f W...eak.ru"er. K.~,l de Goede Ho:+ .kJR 30 Dec. 1831, ;BF;K~NDMAKING. ,Ian getUIgenis, om te bewyt.en dat hy gemeend Een OItgebreiJriaortement Negotle-Golluerpn. de ntlentu' H Tt~:;.\ NT. Secretari .. vnn BUltenli"IIf,Qlo;~m ander ..n wel wllardlg. alsm.,J" SlJlgt I'n ' TY Ondtllrg-oteekenden, ondervonden hebbenhad om eene \ olkon1l'ne koop aan te gaan, en, op TrekOSSf'n. Wag". CD e!'ne groolt' \'er~ijeldenhcIJ andere \ I t' d.· dat ~~ioIUje EI!(lDdommtln Hyllt'den worden geno- grond hiervan, was hy voor tiene abso,ulle van de Artikt·len. te ,eel;)ÓIn te m.lden. Elk iltllk HA't op~tl"eild zal men (lte voor Oil!>, icla"g nadelig syn. ~OO wordt een leder by deze instantie. KENi\ rSGE~1[ :t\.G. word!'n. zal ~ODd~; re.ene aao den hoo'!:p llieder worJen ~..wnllr'rlltl" J !Ch ~n het toekomende cJaarvollr le wachll-n. E Onder~eteekeude ill (t"'n~ltcit nIs Gemag.Qe Heefta Rf'gten MK:SZU:S en DURTON kwaverkocht. ." , ,lat \VI ~('"l''' \\'11~"n pnrll"n oyer (ln~e Plaatsen Kli"r!)nteiD 1I1l,1 ..... 11 da ~.,.saQII~ntl),,': E.ré.~~ri:ll:wIIvan wylen d~n ~ne Kudde m001e Scharen. ult·de I;\mncnlanuen. ui eu Amand 'lh{lu(~~Vle~. zulten g",c1ogen. uf vau hetsel"e op eeni~~ mpn met den Hoofd-JusllCter overeen, maar lIoeg_ ~.Il ~Il..,.._ Jl ... r "J LLE;\l NBL.!:Sr re ... p' ,~I . ..1" elf} "pn le~ely~ die mede worden ,er t. ",dien ly by I) ds, arrIVf!cren. allden' ") se gt'bt!"k ~e maken. blllteD de vublieke wegen Ilaaf den er by, dat zy geneljrd ,tOlIlI~ Ii!'I~cl:3 waren ,..og verder te 'II '''0(<' .000000o" beeft ten la:ite ,h~ n, '""tic:! van ~em. NEL tIe Frall~hllcks 114loo{. ! ~Jrltes, pall, en staande le houden, dat de eischtlr ge"",,·I.lt te I.on~n 1I1.gP.HO. en dlt~ ;>11f1 g.;'m Boedel verscliul. W. A l\IARUS. ~ $ TE HUUR, .I'~I .!:)II. huntll' de~lll3s het %y n,1I1S,;llu~fbrt(".('In ol Re"~nlll' heel en al in gebr'f'ken gebleVf'1l Wd om zyne zaak I), D. l\lARAJS, ~IDKo I{' IJ. It'! .r.um"n ""In I..n. aan hd Nalll')()r vnll oe U....ren M dadelvkite kunnen worden lIlanvnard, een te bewyzen, rn zy daarom \'dmlls voor deo geJ. SO MARAIS. 1 h::n:11 & ~la&>i"'Il. Procllrl'Ur. Ï'tl l\Qt.n.r~n, en Ill!'" hov..n e;1 Ii~eden P8khulS. vnordeelig gele"'''11 in de daa~den gaven. _ ~ l 1 , 1l1l,IlCIl uou IVUv&n drae Ulaand"u. y Lil h..,lén gerel.t'lld. K!l5teel·8trBal. to_hen de H~re!\,racht "n SI. (.iPoq~f"Htrallt. De dne Regters kwampn totn overeen, om den 1,1.\jDYERTENTIE.] <.: A UN~D~ HL'RGH. q:'l' ~. H. CLOE!'B. Ls ~edaagden van dl! Ilistanll8 le absolveren, met de K.'lIr~l:1d tI..n 22 I?I'C'. 1'>3]. Lo0l's:ra111 No 16. E geza"1i3int!l','ke oExcuteuren en Erfgenamen ko,ten. Iwól. !:; --------------------------- I ues nagpljl!t'll ~t)f'dels van nu wyleo !\j''lofrrouw laa.tst Int. InJI thrM! De Heer Regt!'1 REKF:WICII verklaarde noglans, \V~du\\,. vali I~~ili,'nlieu Heer CUIIiIoELlM E. PU~T\. I>yu \001ET ScildCl van den Hr. MARTINSO;\l, I I.... *ptVlllcJ MACHTEN:81JI\G dal hy eell af/olJoerl)kt! ovinie r)('m"n~ III ,k al.~n~l~ancle maanrl Jalluary, e,'nll pub!il' ...e {'II dar het hem speel No. flU Loqpsttaat. val ['lt Dunut'rdag ,'en:' Januor} ~~nel ai" V crko I,J Ing I all den gelteelen I nh(l~d"l te houdl"n. B~. bad; maar dat, dnar hy Vt rpl,gt was om zyn vonOl9 h'''''U'f'nJ 1\ ordeu. .~ , .Iaaml,· 1'1 Ct'llliL' ~m~rs W, lion, 400 LI'I~gers nl1ll\an Vat· v01(.cns Zyu gewl'ten te geverl, hy alleen zeg~eu NéfllgP. w"II11gl'~n~eh"f'ren dil' rI, gP-lYoneS"llOoluren lIIet w<)rk. ""11 Br,,"~ ~Wy~~ (iDisttllcl'l) Kelels. :::;nlldlig~reedscl.ap. konnen bril oncll. ".nnen Ont!erwI' I n het EI1~r1sch on~\ angen. kon, oat hv geen rede zag 0111 hct getuigenis van ~'F" PPIl "os: ''\I ngt ' ( so TI [kussf'n. Knt'} en I'n Kldyt~ren. R) d., I ET bo\·eng-en. Eig-endo,", -,.al op den 5 Ja- Jes Ulngstlags en ~ndf!'Ydftg~ a\(llId van 7 tf,l 9 ur!'ll. rrl·k· en Annf narden, Scb l(l['n "n Bokken, yoorts alle den neer Wool~ met te L:'l'luven, f'n dat hy, byalautJt.e., !Il li f".uHY H!')~ I-n ~·Ppreeel .. n \,,"Itl ..( \' ..rkocht. nnml'l) k : Daar de Hr. M,! B!eL4lts t'pn b"l'lInltl ~Plnl ::;chul"'rl'n aan. SlJ' rten 'all lluI~'1Lde". ~eoKeng!lreedsehappen, ens. !llll. (hen hy het geloofde, hy ouk g-elo\'('n moest, dat I'£H~.£L I -Hl't llul~ .n Front ",n !Id l..uoIJers\,lelll. he. neemt. dll' by uitslUIng olltl"r 1.\ II Ulrede Oj.lz'p;t ~) Il, I erDn Puhllel.f! .-!ft-koQPll)gzal g..houdeo wortlen up de \Voon. hy nlet dell gedail~dl'D '~t.etltle 9 rUime K.aUlI·rs. hebbt!nclcl ee~ 'fIlIll. Loo~ ersplein. trouwd hy. in!!t4,ll~ le zyn om li" h('~~erte 'va.n JJ(' p;"I){'ntt' tOl et-lie on,oorwaar(lelvke aan Groot Drakenstein. ~nl "Il:'f. "n~ voldoen welke h~' .&or\ ullhg,1 :,) n ollltrl'nt de vorJI'rJll~ vnn plants .. llnb) lon~ ~"r~n:' '\"erkooping van het BPk( r wa~1 o ....ereen gekonleD, PKR~EP;I 2.-Dne l\1ason~ke T!!~!lI'~ 'm~t D1ellWeStink· hunne Zonen. In tlilil kenniS weil,,, van het meesttl Lleillllg h De "endtlJall'~ril ~1I1lt'nontit.r worden be. end gcmnl\kt .n dat de gedaagde hem mo~t 'erstRaf) hebben' kou!!' 7")I.I,,r1>rn ~n !w-ned..n en Kl'Il1lftrIn Front van ,le voor dien kring (va,drvBor 'Sy !wstt'md mogtcll Ij Il Dell " lJ~celllUl:i laal. Uit aller IIIWIllO . d aarom, ~ [ !lllE~mr, 'yne OpinIe was dat flr vonOls moest ge, q""I""rnl\t t'n t\~.... KnlDf'rt. et'll K~n~n. en Pakhull. enz. ~ Eene maand m!.l!lt'fooruf kenn;~ gp~eYen worden. hy bel I Zl~ In~J:lO(, :C.\jREL A RAUPT, v_ ._ '" t'" TUin. alsmede ct:D 1'-0&1 e. Ke,.,Il)(t.~n. welke men jn «!en 'f'I'trett geveiU worden voor den eiseher. ~et kosteIl. eeIIf'Q X'&4lO1ier, of voor eeD. maao!! Schoolglild ~J. "!WU8, Izt .....ecu""'lJ,rell. TUIn klU! ,erandrtrn. I bef.aaJd worden. . ,_ P.Kt!CIIL I... _ a.--.Dri6 ~ "'_~. I"~ tu. Ihapttad dell t9~. 1831. ... I i ' i • e', Il de HUll't!n y..n de Heenn Scjq"t,T~ 4Hl BnRANOI IDd. H00l""tmol, De B.Hk " ~clirse," Kapt. DHI~, is den llden AAN BUItt,NLJEDEN, BAKKERS EN lI,·t bovp-nstna.nd...zal llO!Iitirf en of' ~P.(,l' gemnr;kelyke .oorOctober te P*~mbutl~ aangekomen. ANDEREN. \"nllrrle. van btctllllll~ word~n \' C'r:kqdli, welke op den VerAan den RerlaJdeur van de Zu,d-Af1·ikaan. k,"'pJag Iullen worden bekend gl'ma?~ , I , E KOOP Uil Ju:t rakhuI3 van d~ Onderg-cteeI i I kenden. M~en en K~f:':flklit'n. \ao 011 !t'r" hlidcOf' <\limede zal Terkocht worden e,.1lllill;.rd Ta(el. eM yure 11vJ!I ~IHj gebleekt Zl'lIJot'k VUil So OU:ltJl'll, vour l'ulllmL 1'-oUatoiLkeo, eli 'wal verue'r ~t'r, ver~oop lal worden !IOOrten van Zt'II~. AAN DEN HEER "Q IN DE HOEK." 'r.1 il1ljUJf \Vag!'nJ..le(-Uen. ]\o};slsch ZellJoek. Pdulllekrauben. \ l.chIYIl. UlIKcsUoclen. • Een £flderMteullcr 1'~4 Ut .. Z"'id''''f,.,ka.c"".· I,~(' KabelgareII. ell.s. '!I.oor billyke pr)<en. I li lh~ a~1I LUDWIG: & DONOUGH. en N'II orricn, taTu~tel !'oor dr 1JJ/kll lW. Mynheer !-Ik geloof zecr zeker dat gy u ! nlJTCIISO~S. &. noss. Dmgfkg den 20 December 1831. 1tn·~r"iglt.tld Oltit 1'.1 bum I:; ~PlLL vergist hebt, toen gy Jell bnef welke io deo ~~. I • Aan de ~n tc de figourl) kf' 5:1' fnn II Tl 1 r:, f') I Adl-erti.lier' van Jen 19 dezer 'voor komt, met ecne rE:Lj _=1r! tiser niet tJc!kend :tyn. h""ft Oil St'hryl l'T von Ol'ze (Ohadj!\ • I (\'crvolg vla~ ell' zaak LEVIES' V. OU'UT.) Q in de hoek. hebt onrlerteekp.nd, eB sat het had F:L. spreek de wdrheld ') het nodtg gepurdeeld bt·!.,."clle ma~en. ,I.n P ;\faan~g drn 16de JanjUn aanstaande, 7.al , behooren te weezen " Q in I) ne zothCld;' om dat ,le b(nenstaande verheTene figuren :':t'f'r I.Il"l':Vsl'lyk de", ""rw' de Oudt"rll;t'Leekende op de;;1.e1flt1'1a.«1.8 Rustenhurg Mn EN knappe·<Afrikaanscbe Sla.fzYtlue een goeliet "ehreps Ilo~boek en twee certlfikatën van gy Il zoo onbewimpeld voorstelt in de woorden, Billinggatl". de gettl~nf'! pluimstrykt-rv. grImmIg!' spytigh ,.I. ." 'Id ROlld~bQIICbje.hy publl<"kll Y ~r~OjO'Jng!nan dl' we"zlllut'dt!D' u~ Kot':slt'r ~ Staljongen, voor lwp", l'~arcJl'n. ('Il ook wll:r~el~ toen g'eprodueeerd. om te begllloende by, "!\-IcnscheJlollthlootvanprincipen, beledigeude -J"IlChhK~irl. ,.n de ntl.,ll,..h!!'" [)emoe) ibg v:tn I., ,erilOopen. df'sselfs frnal gelege~, n liV ruchth!Wr" Plllllis tut HUIII I'll \>n. hUI~crk bl'Jlkbaur tI' bev ragen!\ 0. lil. \\ ale- Illspe('Illll . !ltl~terburl" met de Jaarby gean~e '("TJe Land"T)",n. Uc straat, of ann bet l-autoor 'all Jil Blad WVH'n dat het :=Ichip op den 21 Aug geinsFecteerd tol aan, "zy moelen tcn toon g'csteld wordeD," dat .enen welbekende Edileur. I\an deu dag legglln, P nats eo LanderYl'n sullen eerst III \lfr ~rce.len \\ord"n ver. en bevonden wajl 118-A- dUimen water in t'en uur te niemand die in het mi~st mel uwe gezegdens, eu k ,chI by deo op eu af~ag. en daaroo.w~e,om In !) u geheel. f~DVERTENTIE. J maken, en dal ~e~ -de geheele lading had doen daden zoowel van de oudcn, als tegenwoordige nETHELSDOHP Iq DEC. IR::!l _. <13 ~t'• .ue I)nderscbeldene afdechogeo ert: donbillen ,"n verltoop landen,. ell daJtilhet anker van het schip op dept1,7 tydeu bekend is, zich vergissen kan, in den man Mynbeer!-Een bTlef. gMngtl'ekrnrl UILl-nb!;1' IR No ... 1. AAR eenl~ f'ersonl'n de 'goedheid gehad 'l!len met rle kMrten \ an d,' 1)!aal.8 :" ~t'rl Z} IJ. ten Konloor .. l. tl '''a v.'r!--('!J'1I('n GlIllrl'!1t 13 $1. hd,b ...n. oni-myn goedo na.:1m 1<' Slllt'lJupn ann Boord ~e I)I'Ol\e , si" f'-n Ile t an k rI' 1'0 ket . W S le ::lan l loor d van vcr vreemdzn.? wiens .![evl;llzenisnemifl~ om 1831. IS in No.87 ya!! de Zuid-Afrikaan ~afl Je Heeren 'NOLI' l.< BARTM4N. , J l) cl d ~ de II.lstraffing< YM t'enen Hot'entot, nlhlt'T (Jl' d"11 LIV&;I,II,IJ. vnn Je Franseue J)rlk L"Lucile Knp (, I I.\q AI BHt':.O. zoo - Il I ,Ern eredlet van ettelvk" JlU'en ontl~r securttelt zalann \\'d~ ~ellliolgt Op! On :W9, en op en 3 Uc!. Wt' er den wil van !ret pllbliek welzyn, alleenlyk voor\faarop Ik de vr)hf'ld noom eenigt: a~nmerklr.i-"n 1< I'l\k"r, neen Ik de \ r~h,·"i,aan het goepr.1 l'uldleh. IJJI'ki'.lJt.· makeii. <kl kopen! wordeu verleend • I G' Rt.!· gekomen is, door dat hy dtl waardcflrder l'an Ik merk het als nlynfl pliebt ft,lll om d,' 1,1Irt.!"": k,' 1\.". dat alle iChuld~n ~ê door my gem:takt mogLeli ,,"urd(,ll. Joor g-~Iand was, ein: ~at het op hel logb:)ek \\"lS bekend op Dm~I&1I; t.!cn 17"e Janonry' dl ~ On<lprgett'"ki>ndl' mpel\ en alleen :mlloll \\ on!1'1l \ I: had l"fID('n den t\ ti van ;;~ste:d als eer/I ah1ker van \Vools. hotzelfve geworden is. ten van hellRlld te gehoonamen. I n ZOu \~, I ,:)~ 1'!1K"h lo. I'. - ~~ De I ro ct I r e'"r almede publiek eh k V"rk"optln, cm:lf l:io I~e,;:g[>rs. spt'r oud", Cf'ne w.·..k \ ,.no ...." Iltl.. I" tflvcn,; old t nil" \1.e 11."" nH' I~t, .1 E'Isener, l b eD a reuen 1 Z, Il. '" i G l'ller,la, I "OOf uen wanrom ot.V nz.a.yen weer aan bet ~r",ed te l>C\fyzen nnn pt'TSOonl'n \II'II-.c In I>c,!,'~k."rtl''' " ~~ ~Il I':rtra orr!annlre Kaapseb,' \VY'i. 1klw~rk. l\I..ullell'n \I'r"chuldlgd ~) n h~ulle deblla.< bmnen g' zl'glJtl tI d ~tIIPlaleli. lo. ' "i , t~ kel,n'!l UlU; weerde, dut h,dl.![~t"le-enls \'(ln den Hel'r Wools, Pllblrek Ilebt opzedron,...,_w .... dot zy UI't med""- manr III &_LdIe schrh\'er sch~I'nt ht>t 1I'~"II,I",'1 ti' I..'...., I I',2 I n H Jl,;nud Spilegels. 'fnfejs. 8!'elden eli Ih-,Jjleg'~ci. Aard .. " prk. ua 1$1'IU.lenIS y een t ICr UI.mUll .'" •. m:lrlOt'll <lit· u, I , • ;, C. F DE LEl'THE. l:-1~lJeOIS~OOfl. - li) ~ PBari!eft, F.!ds Koelyen. een Itoe£s ~n J, TIlIl:(pn. \\' agen •. het bestaan v~~l \t:elle dll,ddyke. en JUiste o,'ere~ndoogenheld bykans ltl et kwaad, dat gy huu betrouren dat bet oude genoogl)k 8\1>t"mll Mil <1{)nkwh"~1 Kaapslad ,Ien 29.!Jec. 1831. li.arren. en tene groote kwantilt'it hl'!l¥l't eu Plu.ts gereed. b;OI11st lu~schd!Á I ~e p.lrtyen ,IUllloo"de, Zllllder zoowel door woorJen eo daden hebt aangedaan, ,"oorby 18. en dat wy nu on,ler d.. dral.l" riJ I "t \all "c.!, Cl - Ji! .• ' .J .J eelll,!e COII( II t lu.. lId )Of!,TClJaam(, en at, lIaar lilt ue- waren ver.!.._yetell, I~ nlet V'cmakkel.vk te gl ...."'O, vryheid kermen. De halt'l}I kt' pogl'lgI , dlCt', 'I< II I h'1n\ ' •• 10-","'II - It-ll lIld. .dmppeo, , i ~'UOR IIE1' Nl El IV i.1AR. I!'I 1",. t> ~ op de Leeraars en bl'lp"," valt ...l 'hri~t ...nnml1 I.. In it"t En op \Vocosdag ,len I &le .Tanuar}'!. s.l !Ie On,lerg ..t"llk ..nd~ , , - 10 I ntl't llw,13 tegengcsprokeo, het konlof'ukl fcn lJ myne verondersteHlllg naauwkeurig II, dat titi"" luel 'H6f'mrl nug nIeuw. Zelf.1Jr-ho""'n l""'r,.<loll"n ,,," X1,-A aI'venJ ..r ~ubheklyk Verk9.'?pen. ClrClIBO! ~laven en Siavillllen. \\ e~fl>k,als,·he H,1l1lmetl te koop, ,j tuigtIIiS ~ I vali verkoop ~rt1S bewezen en-tie Elscher tot liet u\\c bekwaamheden zoo vormill1dert zyn, dat gy maar ge.It ..I~k Ulet de gewycle. (J~~PIl'yd,. l'lo k...tk.I,", '3n onditnchc>idetle Jaren. pn Amha.-:,).-nlt I • ,,,en Schtlltll~ lwr pi)lld. by B. !JE HONDE, La'lgestrll41 efitct d'larV'lIIl~rp.I ••g'l::;d w;'s. rllet meer .ontdekkeIl koudet, dat f'I'_Y uw. betere Gesehiedcnls bekend z\n. ntl't 1.t' 'Hl)"1"0 (JO!l.-rrJ":,ti lt ,ht al.1 I De KOUfT!!yan d" losse goeder"". ~~Ii~nde tot Rlls 1000 I !'in. 42 hoek van de.KI\$!epl.trl\At D e H eer A uj 0 k';tal C LOJo:TE, \'oor cl en G·leu all,!!' Irachte e het "oorwendzeJ gt!weést i~ ~an d.." tyd IIr all,n J.ll te bela~larell, en uw ei.2'eD beelt-nl·. .. ol. hn.'t"fll;' ~ullen ~ creOlCt van I jaar h",bbcn. l~l 2uOO 'un 2 Jaren. •• • ---'--i-'--~-----~ • ~ loll; ,. d.ge ea outevredene Haman oen galg vour 1110nLchui hwi rn 100 i. evt'nredlgheld. milll litellcp~ s)J<'dc Ick .. rhelJ ten D' ER Tl'. Nl lE. J den, beweeldl." ill lcg-endet'l, dat, zollder het geaf"c1l1lderde. opgerlgt waaraan by st.'lf gehnngen IS. _ ~ 'Ul;!eIlIS Vdn di/il vo,orna,lmste getuig,> 10 deze zaal, Gy neemt den knuppel, op waar het niet te pa! net 18 cene IIlgeml'ene 5tel"n,;: dill "-nnr er ~I"'n welll(';;t,,~t 01) fl<!D genoege. JAN 110ETS, Cgmp.!!;~~eScilar \Vl"lke tot Illerloe be~taan - J ti 111stl yJ te breugclI, het nogtans dllldel\ k \Vas dal komt, uw bondgenoot de Editeur van deo Ader ook gene ov,'rtredlog "nil plaau; ~I ,l ..n h Iwn "' .... III ~ct KAAnRiad l' December 1831. hedt tussclIP~,C I.. UEI~l\JAN & J. W. J. HF.lt.\fAN J ti , mmlll bexpud tlat er eemge wd l>f"stMt w('l[,e \ nr: ....nrll ~"Il--.onder d.. firma ,anp. ~ W. Hf'R.MAN 19b) mutueel cUlIsent d e IJ ,er W uuls llltJt r1<In tcev&l:j~! - 3 "'ys naaI hel rertlllcr, was alreeds met den ZUld-A.frlkaan slaags deling elscbt om by de II.nst\,!.ng ~lIn eCII<IIl,cranglllt'n 111("11 onlbondt'n . g,'sIJ!ek, ~an bdordgt'houden, hari!!f'fefereert,~het).."c\\eest, III dIe bYLondere fat~oenlyke taal op w()lJnJigte!yn, en weIK'il"":l Ithll<,,,dt' HnltJ.alutUne .. r, 'r: ~ 1 .I D,· ~LLnd('1znl Itl '1"t t~ltOmencifl YClort~pzet wordf'll, Jnor BENOODIGD TE ~q>OP. "oIFel1~ het g'eluj~cnu VUil den \'.elke hy OIlS eenige da;cn te voren ollthaald YOli lI)'n. de Dl1l~t gP.eft QDlh..n Ofl,I"1:>:yn O:'l!I!\,t t(, d"'l"~"" rll"n H"'t'r C. L IIKIl:\-lA;'I/ nllel'n. I\nn "It'll (lr' sl'hnlrll'n I IlIl I\'C k 1l0~t.II1S, t • 2 ' t 011 ICier, b GlWezt'n W;JS ue _I u,lSIS L • l' van En2'elsche hun wer" b .. zullt et".ne gdpgl nb, Id t .. 'I"Ulllmt'n .• ll pt'n' te zyn ge· !iad, en uat fraai voorturcnzse d" I,rma belaalJ eli ~ vordcrJlIgon ol' u,'y,'lvp cl""lpn fll~"St'n- ('t·t, en EN K.oetsier by moet vap .ml(klclmatigcn ·2Z plaals te bto.socli'en \Va1lr de I "r<ll h:llIl1: der :\lant--chill I~ \ C. L. ti EIDI.\:'I1 OadeJdOTD "" ~04'd gedrag \YIlll"II·.~lsmed~. .....11 pnar den wurden. Wt'P!it van hlll\lIt ov\'retwkomst, hy djt 1!t:'leg"Il!JCld oeSCha'\illlg- cri welspreliendhe'ld, welke nimmer gemeenly" I{l'vonden \Vor,lt Hun Ir)\\II:'{ ;:;,-,dr~ ,\a,., Pt 'I 2i r..•• J W j. Il EH 'I ~N rxlra groote. sterke brllUl8 KoeGpIlAto.ktj. ,ilet bo ....n ,le 4 Jftt.;l'hOUUCll, d(j(Jt mtd~el van een Intt'rpHteul, liet wás door eellIg' mensch vali oJ.>vuetimg in de Kolonie OeW}"!I ran hunne rorJering trlllf'~ll\lIrdht'ld. r.-a C)U(). waar yoor -kontant EAI betaald 'Wc,-..Jen.op aanvraag l,ewe!.ell, (Lit de I dl'lyen elkandt-ren zoo v~rstaall zal verg-elen worden, CII welke hnn altoos de 'De brief," d.. heide Inll'fl g"plI\AUi' be.:ltnl'·! d~eifJ,,{j"I~I"1 TE HUUR, by de Heer C. A. BECKEIl. No, 4, ~$ar~tp~lD. , ' ha d IIeli (at I bib d f I <'II bt-uJ. verhl\lclI "uunen g""n \\:l. .. rht'ld !~n. !loor ~al I., l er I V geen \'an el en een twy e looncelen der naluur voor den geost zullen brenEnl1\'elschugc Irt zag den fI('f'r Br.-hnl <li n \":lJn~t lla ; l\ r3 E36Twt'lge!igell . H'lis in de W dIe straat No. r D~ be\VlIsthe,d welke er op dien dag g'ell, Wnar de JUlibens vechten, en de verslagene 7.1011ftlle mOf'lte ge.en en nllvra'\)., (i I.-U nnar bl'l IilJolJ IJ r 1 i" mei acht' Kamen. Stal Voor t\\Cl' Paald~n ~en over bltl~f In de ~e1l10edett!1I \Ian beld£n bMltond, mott grZ,::Il hulp Leg-er (Corps de / CS(·rt',.) van gemeene taal Zem1ehngen. maar :tonder et'nl~ ~,'vr 19. l.k h'h er nlfrn,\ l' w~de gang. en alle térdcre g"makken. zeer gc~hlkt \'oor "~rp f rutsOt'IlI}ke flllUtlle,"én anne;,; gelegen PakhUIS en t\h'e ZIJl. \Veest 'yn, dat; i"d'CIl de gtdaagde hft anker en scheldwoorden te voorseh) cl brengt, om z.yn legenl\'oordlg ge~H~n. h: ;mg d.IArlla "I' ~entgt n i\f~tal)d ' 1 1.1, l[) .. 1 Pruike"Imalh7' Invoerder (ft.-rs. • h Il I de plaats der EXf'cutl(', hf't .,,,,,rblglll\.1 'n 'wL','r ,.Hlrl'!o~11 I-.t I,.'' ft a eeR le een was, ~n on<ier con(ht1e, loopen te verbergen. ,"an omtrPnt 100 dier """"tlnnf,le Hoil('nlt,tltn. "Iloor "Q h~: tltn Engel6cJae en Frll.1f,sche Ll'n PakhUIS I'n ~older. "nast bet HUIs Lt. B ~o, 8 In tic nam, ~I.l ~o", byaldien zyn schip Zee· Gy moedlg't uwen vriend aan, door hem te HoUaod!lCh. De ZendelIng hetl d •. ,,!a·t!~ Yl"flAten, el) Ilallr PleWslroat. g,·aclllkt.:_W1alle aJfallen •. It;uer gehe"l uI at~oll- tl,lt !ty het koópen P".fumertt. r deri)" te Huur -Adre:! hy waardig zou b~Hon,h'n \VOlden, terwvl het niet te belooven, "dat 1;.\ de prUiken van de hoofden !lene valmgegaan ,'n h..t 'JI~' m) temoe,t'n :SI'WIl lial l~ If :. /ti o. 1 orlfflUl1'ktstraat, ~rengra chi. vt'ronder~tellell wa!!, dat de gf'daagdc, Il.l dot zp; van somm'!::,c Zltlt nftrckl,clI" het ma5ker van slpchts weluige vlln dir. Oes<haaf,1t' Hotlt;,'ul'I('n tegenwl.)Ordl~ . J J. V\'1 Dh'l BERG. f5 $l.i '-, , waren. EE:\lT de vryheid om z.yne opr.egste d3nker(.., ~rlllr rl't'ds eerIe e,'!:atlill'atic had ondergaan, en uall~ettlchtcn zult afnemen, enz. enz. zoude het Voor dat (II"!tc!Jryyer van Ot'Zf'yt)ortrotrt'I~Ke fit WY~~rl~ .. ~.' kl!nl"n,~en, bM Publiek aan t~ bicd!J,a voor <l.. ondt>rg~r,ll'l,orleud ~J.ts rb ,e \o~ten water In t-Ik unI' Irl lJw ernstig' voornemCII zyn, dIt te doen !\lyoheer, productte dezt·lvt' lI.Illl U Ier plMb lig :",,,d lot~ondl'n. ~u hy 6 fiDS. DELOO:'\ING. ko..l·I .." 1>t'>-cbl'rnND~ met welke h~ ~...I\Jrende;mper dan lWJu ..n ~ cJe hn\f'n te oJ.1l(en, l'ell allk"r 7011 ~t kucht h~bben, I n ddt \\cl III llIVe zotheId ~ ,:\'eem h 10 nellt eH "el geUll4n hehhen. dOOF I('h I' inl"rl'wrell If,',· \dJu, .~ ""!'!'rd .. ~e\llocdtl8. Hy za! S) ntt 'lJtlf!tst:! ylVl ft8I1Wend..n. ? ! en dolt, daat dr,w.': zorn- dat fY'.\' de prUik niet \'~ het hoofd BllljuW' dlln wel of dl' Z('ndelJOJ( );l('h lUll! I,la~\ v' ";;ll,DJ n.loi,j"" E Olldrrge~ekellde looft bOl enlit:lande be- daar hy er bUIlltl11 dam n()~ Iwee "Id; lID'&'00 de ,oordQrtng Y41l[ho gun.tt'\!l '411.a.tdlgIII maken. I'n lCbuldig gemMA 1. I.k .an m,.l :U'~~cn tI"I' ce Hr. R,...bm OlV '8f' 100",01( Uil. al:!' die ~\ ne 01·g,·Jroste Jon!(..n '~ovl'mb"r 'ft1'itJ1~kt~\ II€ l'rternkn te vcrzeker"'fdat hj:! voortgaan zalm de Heer \Vouls .. rl<clild Il ui, dat lly I'och Fransch trdd ~'an dien ZJch 7.elf aan;_;e:>teld hebbe[lde, uog eene boooli\Chap nop; bnefJl' l,a,l geaollden. om Ill) ll,~t:n" 2f> i· lI~t."leen gt'brnlktn van :s:ulke arlJk~l.l(l \V>:!lke'an et'ut! on· ..un :\Io....amu..·K. hy "'m In dil Slad. of III ep.ull( GevangenhuI~ sprek~n lIolh Vt'rs;,lan kou, eli Ut' geJ:lIg-de be. dlet.1tE'tlr uie ;ene andere ma;..: t bezit, om Zich als te maken Jatdr EXl'rutl" ZlU I' .at' Ilnd.·". mt\ar kIeu lt"Tl 9 ~I. Iltrzorgd lIy III '¥. 1'~11 vnsscbt' ~t·RI8Ile. draagt ....a rour. I 'ertal.:hte k\\ol,t ..1l en vaD d.. IIlcU""ste smalik .syn. Wt:zell \\us geelJ EIIl!'plsrh te sl,rekt>n nocll Ic H~r de \\'al~c\'er \'un deze KJlolIlC loor te doeu, dan "ollen he"usl.ht Ik gt'l'n fI\1I1'1'1,1," "ntlan~"n }od). eet cl,. tI"",1. om het ho,.jJ ,,~'et'i1l hnarJ,1'~lCler de Kill, IS f'''" ;\ll'tse, Jh lICI'mt yerrlttr de nvbt'ld lit' alt"ntlct ";&nBUltf'll Hf'ert'n la.:u en IInkk!'r f'n 3100rrlllinJs hel t'1~pnJom V-Cnd, II, ( reo ~ Heer Brehm heef. hr't zl(,~l1dven Le dank('ll iJnt Iii. Id 'I 1(' !-: lJ< staan, was het i1Ie1f~ dillde~) k Uit de llIalliCr waarop Z\ Le el'relle O[fue~choltbeld. Draag zorg dat bj W&5 om hcm t.'n .Ie damps \"'!kc hl'm ver~".eHt'll le on"'IlI~. " II' ,.'n:~kw. Op JyDe ODIÁngs Ingertlttlrd. Pruiken. welke nu A W"IlL en Ur. LI*III~{; Sr, gey,ee~t J. A ti \.\.. de H, er \VOO!s1 Z) Il gt'tlllgentS ~e~t', ell h,d, met hel IIln,ker nll't aflil'elnt \ an een <l!\'og-ez.igt waar l\lvnheer en ~lpJuf\r,llIW Born) wH,.n nwts "an Itrt ~cYII.1 ,"UlJ' 'cor \er:mladerdll ~rysen te koop zyn • 5 KaaJ»lad 2~ Det.·-1~1 ,c:!) hf trekkIng ~ot de C'llv ..lsatlo wt:lke aan de \Val, l)nd:1nkb'lnr IC'I]I)nd"r den schelllhcdlg-e glImlach tint I) de "a~"11 vvor hI·t Z"ndehnxs )"1" ~1Iftt'nen h", £n daar hy m~lt Yer'!ICheldene ,er!>i'll"rlfl~en 10 !Vile wInkel ' Jl i.' hMI pla:1.Is g~\'@hdell, dat de HI'rr \r()(ll~ 9fd'1dt ":\n menv'I:II(,H'lld~,(',d verscholen ligt, waar ~:al er uIlhalen en l\JI'Jufnouw lIood \13." 1110 IlAngC'lln,l1!1 ebt 'V A G~ M~: .-K-ER--S--V-A-LL~E-'I-.- ---It-maskt heeft lot gemaK: nil <lIl' Uel"l'r. welk .. hun hanr lt ,. lid met groot.' mClCltegepaard J(1II~ tbt z' ht l bu.s "dl( t !"'I dAAl" weMclll'n ge.aeden te hebben. Vf!twluigil hv hon dal Z\ nl' cl b kon 11I;l;Cl!n dilltt hv ht-m het all kei twee dubbeld 'g-ek \\ etste hO')~rllucd zlch teg-en e ewustheld emde h...t hoon'n <'n b) woon!'1l "Iln dat gcno I,. v..rm"I .." I.. : ~ Prl"ll nu ~It'.chts lIei Sch.llllll{S In het JlQr IS. I'll dat de!{('ne dl.. E TngezetcnE'll worden 111erdoor !>{e\Llar~chonwd verkocht, lel \\ de gedaagd.: dileen "ermeelIlle, dat het van anderen afhnngelyk I!S, verzet, dIe het wdk "'lOr haar In hllren t"W'nw()(lrihI{PfJ lItlll'lt ~nn f{': Pt!IP'r ,I ]!i .J.' h~lll b) hUil aan htll~ wen!tChen te ht'hl~n. !ulks nMar nail l) nl' om (l{Idcr geen ,oorwend:sel h~~naaL\}l1 aan eenl~c dat hy ltd enkili'~ ontving op de voorw.lllrde van ge\'oed '~ekleerl CII ontler!lOudeu hebben, tot te v(',,1 was IR bt-.vond my In een hots omtrfnt e"n dur A"\!\t', JO ~t" "'"\~d kunnrn Intrn weten. zulleude <liaar ,oor gl'oe extra be· j kn..C'ht uf d",n.lhot!pD'l'all Oly I'Il1ll'nkeld krlkJ~ "yn of a ..der het g-esplek aan bOlJlXl dat (dl' o·e.laalTde er g-een I u t het' l~et p,H! opr uctl"'d voor bedrtef'l'elyke nn daar. het..-el. IK met m)ne (";;e l~ bcl'l ..jf'n geiY,uwd I.. '~ ta' Jl..!!.. worden gt'yordert. clralll( te ~~~ qf te 'l'rkoopen Jaal III. reeus 'l'eel I, I' L ,,' ' .:::0 d 1 e. I met oogmf'rk om er myn..n Zaturltnt; cl" tr II' Im'II'i('n Ir:l , I ' .. · 341 Pd.' D, .. PruIken 1\ orden ",olgens opgu.C UI den koru mogel). stf'rlr.« onaangenaamheid d~rdoorgeleden h<!bt I uI.' all::; y zouGle gehad lt buell t:t-' W.lfe oll ...ler- reuen het-It verlaten, en e verac ltlng'l~ ge,n m\"ne 8todie. mf't ~hinderd tf' ,yor.l"n. ~n l_l h..t jl"n I', :11 ' i~D tjd ,enanrdlgd. J. ADDY h,lIIdellllg le odtlWlltll'll, d lur Il\' hel a]" voor Let \\'urJen \,~n el keil mensch \'dO eer en I!evoel. besllB8Ing van lederen oprl'!gtt'n eo I'li"'n ,Hi lt· llr ID d... K"J('III' seb! Jl !larn, hd'" C'J k I el a~Fli re:,r cl Z ~ nd t', he l 'OOt r-.. ('<Jm J: t \1 -.,Il heer L()I) ,ti ~ !Jet gemecnd wordt, oyer of de Zalurda.g lUld':~'Oldualt. ~ '(lr my "-Coe gesc!lIk". tI ,1 wER'LOORE" I11'01 epf e gpm.1lK,he I,~ 1y,.;:e ~. Z \,1 I, man I: le- om hk' .1 Il' ~as..rom :ruike konde ".f'nl' verTlghn~ "oor h..lheb""n. ef'rst lt' \\OCr.tHl lJ, TE Hl1C~: Y ." • fr arl er en 7 \', cl:: dil ;:CIlCCSlOiLdl' I g eut\ l 19. . He Brehm om my geaondf'n ," D Een ~een van Lake", Linnen, "~t~ldoek, enz. D E besta.a.nd, ~n I Oa4erscheldene !Jin.nt". lArUkelen, :: I;IUIS D "'0. Vee en Ry4~uijgen, .. P A~DlIET BIVI.R, ~N1L: 1, ------------~----------~- ~------------ D ff ~I" O 1 . t, ~--------_,------ J)ND~RWYS. D H "UIS .. EN', ~RF. I 00."" "n ~.I" J~.} II ! €orrr~on1Jmtir • ·t T li' BOqSIl GEBEGTSBOF. il ~A! • I m~, HOFSTEDE RUSTJ:ltlBURG. O E I ~ oe- \ D glUI' - ~'," ny W;.. D ~.\"f. I or Mynheer !-Holen en boeu.o ~n zoadQr ~raak de eigenaardige 5ChuilpllUd8en '1'&11 hulc~lar1 eD acbyDbciUgl ... ten einde hunne to'eMIln gecigteA ~ •• rberfteD, WaDneer ry nogtans hunne wiggt-lroedf'n aan ee,a geroelitJ, Q&chooa ya· draagzaam Pnhlll'k opdringen. worol hrt de pllgt va., elk IDR'eletelt ben mM al 'YD doakm gre~ ~IIII hunne bepaaJdQ wOOMledtl ~J I.e dfl'1ea. , Na de ifeJlUle uatydillg !\')elke \lW Oo,..,oJpar ArtItel 'VI\ndeo Ifl deser den scbeldenden .A heen aangrrtao.D. bad Mt IIf8IlaWitr Publiftk. dat f'én lD'It .,._, llIanetn'ftW bekend 18. "ooruil ge%len dat hy zyne toeYlag' IOn W'Jnf'D. oC tot een w~-rweloos a:belden. ol lot ~ ball.pt"~llde halfhuilende ttmeekiog tot het med ..l}'deQ..van eea .. 1 ~&4N rolk, dan wel tot eeue soort '1&11 oa~v .... a1eat y.rbotgene en ji{ewaalllie yertlcbtinr voor de genf'n welke de O.bf1,clIOClhrid 0( "ever de stoutmoedigheid gehad bebeen om hem tep te spreke •. Zyoe ,wakILe pogingeu .... n .ool'\OO\'1!I Zaturdag, hchbtn do Iaatste l[ieltooging van Cflnen n~etgovf'ldeD •. 0." .vr'1oond. Laat hem nog:lln! ill. "rMt wrtnUriI. mét de .oll~ T,.r. wenllg. dat de ~aft!n 'Ml een IOOtt yan Nieu~ad. C:Iat in deze Stad gedru," wordl. niet aDO ' ...·Ilk I'll ~ .)'11 M\ een bPdwingend prIVIlegie uit te udeRl'n op 0.1 htt R~n dat w~ntlyk lIuttig i8, Ik TOor my g('b,,( :rek('t. dat zy zich ~C<'r plukktg wuden rekenf'n in het daan!tellen vnll M'II O!'f\ooi,;('hll.p tot bet ontmaaker~n van Edltoriak- ol .-enlK amlt'r '!Ioort V'lO OIIID.tige\ scbeld60de. ,('rnMl.de. onJar,ldlllfe eu opdn ..gr.D le r\eyery ~ oobeecheldene tUIS(·benkllnlflt. Gy hebt Toor zek~ gl'glimillcht, 1\1ynhlll'r E.!it.ur. O""r 'yne I,,"akke pogingen om de Zn-m.tllu'ig met z~'111'hoornUIl te "~rschrtkkeu. en gy ~ult gt'mnkkcl) k "I>orull g~~ hebben dat. indien gecn stl~telylrer "Ct maak kAn a&lIbrengen. 1::1" tooneel c1lpndlg "oorlien ui %\ n. I B('t edel. heschftafd eli hoogtaarllg g~lflf'Jte vnn bet ·KlUlpach Pubhek, he!'ft cent'n afket'r aan :sulke 'f'rl:l<)llln~'In. .. 61!!, C:Ie Inat5'te toe,logt Talt \voesto lyranni,.. lafharll~~, k \Veud. aardigheid en onbeklsgelyke z'A'.kbeid!· ~r t>t'slnrl<l .'fIn t .. \"rel bv eelilgeD welke'lleD AdyerLÏSt'r 'ltllwoorl ..dcn ta,lwlng gerezen hauden. of Q i" de /Jo& nict llo IIr J'. .., I/IL "y. _ndl' ;-.te genen welke ran dit gnroelen \Jarei •. b~\\t!Cn.l'n luiks op grond vlln de groole gelykeni~ "'f'Jk, er bttsto.t.rl in lie "Olie Ieul{entaal en kwaadaardige ,('heltlt'lltl~ retlpl\l'tJtl!;. ,lttl genen wclke vlLneen leg!'n overgesto:J g,'nH'j 'n \\ :lr!'11 nlt'rl-.kn &AtI, dal. ofschoon de "lrureD {Jfht't \ o,)rht·, "Il 1111'\ ('lllal I, rt II. o.el?t'n kw.men. de trtlkkl'li edlt"r nl..' elculrdr IHr,'n !'T\ dat, alhocwel zy erkendqn Uat ue Hen F. kUil 1e.1'1 etl III (,1':1 bul. of k....unen als !'eD suigradt' hond. \\a~~rl( hl't aa" sy'" oogmcrk beantwoorddt. lrogtans ~eell:kl\rakl(" hllll a:ln~rll ..ml n dat b) OIet met eene 800rt ran IJchenulf,;'lll~lden l,~t ond. n;t. Ulli!('; dat, om kort le pan. I'r weinig mensdll'n "e(er iu Slt!.:!l"'"l"'O om een dr!Wd WUI helrl III ern "eh van It!ugeu~ II' Zk:' en lil, "e'f'n. daar nogtans het prodokt Tan Q con plpllIl' l~m('n weefsel \vu wt rler oyerilcholtl'n Yll.n 0< n Ytille !.np lt" [aml'O gestelrl. Hel eel'iite Sluk of l)8,rllf.{rlur. u.ul"11 :ty. Ila. e('rI" draad ran lontere wll4rbdd. het lweede. vlt'r,le ('Il la'.t'to. roodlge I!'ugentaal; hl't derde, ('eJl duor lit· 1)If,t II'TI""r,}e' ~nter op een rermt uLlnenweefll!'1 Tan in.t/'MI! 11II1Ig:!'1 cl,. ('Il eeDe oude Ht:h yoorslclienJe. die h!lnr ~lolJt eli la".lg kln,l tl',t"'lll'n stelt door ht'lll!Wn l[) ne Inngt' (l( '''II te ralll.nrll·c, dal. lDdll'U de hcmrlneer vlllt. hy le!'uI' Tikken knl) I nni.,;,·n Dnarom. (gIDgt'n zy \oort.) 1l()e ~t'I'r wy ook 'an n'l" ,llInKeu van ,I~n Heer F ~ench'llen. eo hO(' ~root on1.C~l'~I\l'iltln~ 'oor ~}ne genelgdheclen en on:se odHerJ ..dll ClOll((!ul %Jne pTlncll'es ook :ryn. dl'nktn ,"y. dat \ly z~n<' tufr"fnl cnrog\ zouden aandoen, door te 'fOronderstf'llt-n. oat .JP. Br,'·'p",t ...·kcnd Q. VIW z.y". peil gevlOl'lu UI, lalen \\ y !te-er vt'rl'nd","I.l'Uen. dat bet de oolydiie poglogen van den eeu of ullJrr tu y\..'Ci gl!fliG8lde tchoo1joDgeft geweflllt is, rile. opgt'bhucn dO(ir t'ÏIJ,·n. belall~ • .,.. bDpe"ocmucI vae beJldinkellCle on hlJl)~¥end'4 ydfllhetJen te yooncbyn bfton~, I"n lyn ont""""le IlIa5~:r. \I!lD kwaadanrdigbeid op bel alloor van 11:) uen IUrl"tl'IJ lI(goc~bf'l'ngr. MatLr Ik moet wyn pen neder Irgb"'("n. z('gt (t ,lot dIl Ill\'U goede Q./ doe het In ~ollen nnsl. en nrp-m IIl't nl<'t 1\ dOPr Ó~ voor dAt ICY twee tot'pa8Wlyke faools. wdke I~ u .~an" yU'n !l::lL lUlt beoefend hebben. Damei}!;. du! ynn tie Klborschen lOD OsseII. eo Y&ll deu Berg in barersllood. Ik ben, ~l \ nhPer! I Ohln"-h, Po5t.lel~~nGl&sw~r __ , : t. ~a I 'rHfdll en ~ltOf"lt·CI,So(~. dito Ledikanten voor (1V,'tO ~~ IJtet GaMyn ..!, ehl n.,....','"n. KI .....l--r !l(a!!~eu, • LAI~~(~.Il"l\1'ttl\r"I". Wnl'('h dl~1' ;l«r:tnl,l., tarel Lampen. Kroolll'lh, S)1if.1:tHt!. ~eD Alabustt~ Pe.:kIule. Tapytea, eus, en Mt\bonf~ • ..\ De gewaaoo6 Ka"'pwMier tJan lfp Yrye D"ukpets Oftl11l(lslterd,. of No. 411 'l1an de H u.mbUflealla. 7d. paid in ad\llncr. I alge-'·u~~.,-eo I in.be ADd Posiage, Stamps "', - ColIntry DiS1ricls ~y the Post the same da). Terma Jan lUe ~, van de - Ik beo" lf~pbeer, ~. Bt7t'der O1'I"Jst~ltnS'S t'11'" ch .e Ztiid-;Aftlkacm." fO~eryF'ri<ln.yMornlnk. ami disparebed tu the VIID ~teekellÏng.-l" _il bettUUtl ~e VUUr te oD~teken, einde de verspreiding ~etten. IJdQ Publ de Stati, per jaar. lG Rd.,:~~r lOfUl·laal •.. Rtl, -41n de Buiten.DIS~~.,. JH'l' jaar. 19 Rd" ~ per barlaai ..... II SCI\ - Voor Mie n(keld~ Collr,,", 7 P~ -Elk Ktcarlaal tMt,l"oor 'Ptt13l!1 .i.. 3. J/tJ~/pki~, Prysen t 1Il\,gle van ea~ll, • tl,~rl' ., ill'" lel I gt·nanmtl .. eie 'Yi~auJ" met tWl"e .tokleen ";"~mnm1l, 1!tJ'1 ""tuk PeU" Ï(dort'I1.' ~rrl'nChlland dalll' all!ln ,:,1, :{~1) IU lwt Kn tp,.:h ",SUlet, ).et Rondeboschje, IQlog'l dr l.i.,sf ....ttsrÏ'\'lcr. ten ~I)ote ,aill'l ~orRen. 226 kwadraat, t » ,1"11'·'Kt'ndll4U. tin :30 morgdl en. 200 kwadra4t tocdcn L. r;>achtltnd. ; [)lo l; "'*11 ~ 2U f~t " Il pnII de Pon ~1' ~enOftde". or-; ~rl'eies ~IOHUE~ lill VI' un~ van liet ....... ~...... op r..,v.. nzcm PII\a" A "'lt!lC).ij~11 flin te 10 uren Heeren We-e&. tllilily de K.a.tact worden y, r.,,clll, b"t vlIl\C...,.1 "rw o~ ~hC:UJ't'Dde aan cWo ~el n , 1\, I<!nl"II,,",CIS II, WI,I~II. hat1ca~lyk: • 1 CIHt",,,., Du, f I , <J ~ lY ,~ Jl,l, E rt ..,... J,' ~ ? LODIlW YE Hp,anmyd.er .. mJ~ \ ,. _ J u s:' Lt ., t·. u l·A DE l u E ... IS1 co K H .ru.nlor. eu . II N w D 't'_ "0 ,_ ~ ., I !~1. I.: 1 ~. D !I~ 1:1,. Lecra E b> B~ rooo:lchtY;" geld boekje by de uitspnnwt'del \001 ft·k~JjlOg Ll"r AssuraJcU"s te vert.oop!!n, 'lIET primo January, loor dm! t~d van drie "Iuts by de.K~tre,"lje!l Dnft. waarin wn~ 1""" I tla::r htt bo\"ent1ien door de conver~dlie \.ln den :'dlll\nden. of ef'n J1;f'heel Jaar .. pflll PakhuIs. glll"II:'t'1l pal?,"rrn YBn ~root IUlnhelang-Ij:;Pt(l~eGardln, bv oe te'I'I7':,I;Jf vali het aekt ; ~.. !Cul'ruplraat No. 17 zeer gl'~ds,kt voor renr Puhltek.· ,Iu"pllplergpldp~~ntge d I .1 1 1'>11 1 k I "-""(lf'n en w..lk~ affair" dal\r thaIIs .n K~reven ~ordt ml't Iemand rite h"lxel,~ . mog! !tf'\'olldl'n hebhf'll kan h,.t r;eld 1.1 I' l>t:houJl'n. waUIll'n 9Y boek ruel de ll.lpl~ren t)e~orgd aan u te." at (e re",~; g'l'" a een v ('P n e t'l':. I,g'II Z 'I Uf'r llRnkt'1l Tafrl-. "nz _ re Benage ':1 ue Strl\nJ~!raal <' J AI>D\ L,doelt! haJ, Ve g~hel'le Inhoud \3n lid g("III'iJ.JI l)C'.;) I, BUlten-kan; • ' P~.tloi P~ot. :':t'II~ Ol IWlS, Jilt de o-ed.la"dr ~tell'l' ()\Crl'C .. r,ulll~t 1:1 0 0 "i GelOOf nl\' h~c rlle'er f:.,\ III (ACl zaak Inurrng-t Hoe la heL de opmeruQjit tan dell ICherJUlenden f"~'n8r Jc, l" er;'_:l'r ZI,lt :...' I,ct III kcn en de belle d.e dat er geen Doe:or tegenwOOrdigwas. H~na.n bell Ik g,I.,,'. (i,l(.k~u\!\crl'l,,: :...:ml,.:e.lz.Hll\\etuekomenue,Uaarlykonderrl!:'t ~ ~ 'I tier d' t. Do l' desen brtef In uw Blad le plaatst'n zolt gy U\H n' r 1,Cur: e~ p1J 11.1;:>11 j 'l' II el H.' (J n'Acr \', jl d ~) helJ doen blyll.eu eD gl'oo...,l~,,_ ~,' , 'Cll" U ' h')/eo hel)! te III 'elcn kt,.'''. zu.len nw.:>-ch,eu ~1.1l!"~'~ I ' J II als eCll l~:;(,II(;,fl eeu \r~u;A nonsos o~l' l)o\;I1:a ...:d Z\11 .. :;('-1' I A Nt"'~Drd Op dl' W,,' f • ,14 ' t ]\ IJu P' t1 " ) t ., Il:<- x ten ~D)l , .. I NI { " , . ~, Ol " 11 - c Ir 1 rcuntr Le.'\ RIUE.El~ K\ - nlld at ('" DE HO IT. ~TOTl'E"\ u lIJ 1 f I II 'r~ ""lil uld dlla'n 1 t () I f .r fltl \\ (11)U IF' 111 t I'll .. I I" \ Il ( Cf ~.d o r<QI Il d I) r ( l ( 1 t Jl j,,' ~"'..I tl I'\('~, w Zlud-Afnkaan 'I Jr l Jl Ir I 1 1 ~ tut fI Lv 1t " IS \\ Jul I " ,~ -II II r :1 1 10 li FlL ( Ic II, Il\ l,ll ... HId > lu ...w i ~1 {' I ol III " , .. cru iiir l<ct """',I( - Llad Nu ,,1_ I I" r I Jud;.: d ',,:l~ll,r , DE ROLSr tt t icoord, n (jp rt au n den Koornbser ~edat1( tragtfn JIl net ,lIUd-1fllk(7€lnsche 11tI!Dk_ I (r " 11(' Jl 1..:ti.! ~., , Il li ZLiII iI I t I pn') li t 1-:" and I f ue-s ; J r r) ") l .. I l\ I!\ ra A k .. In; IIir AFRIK .. • daJldlctl, I, ~('nN p ir u: III! ill lh.: m A ZllD b:!lIay h t lre ~iJC r arltnh m I i~ a r \V,ll,. ~ 1 wh dl li l ICII, ser I Id c t 1 P t ~ ,1 C"'i:t!lWJ.< C ()r our c M~dl'f'r. Lw. B£Hl.~I.'411 Luu. of the Z nt (!" Idl"r ~e-<lIC~l r 10 ono of Cll ~ tloJ Bu( "It !Tl (Ill] y. Co Jl ,1 • or (lie abc "',~hcaJn Jt8fl(' ~ j 'rt fttMt then "Ifl ~nfl hrt l'e!;1 " '-' l . ~nd • A~ " Ill'" rl u4 ~ c il .." tt:ac,'d t'le} (lie \ 1 ~T dl ban pJ1Ce lLl::y IllI,lAI T' i Y~:~tJBskl ( If 'jil Il. 'U 1\ jJ lall..!; 111.( j I' ~1I;"1Ii I -- - IT ,__..___. ! -_- 1"1 8 In d\d,zerl (,H'rY tbt cl l,e l " 1: 4 t -rs, J,.., I II 111 th I" I , '. ... I I I Il II va .. I \ If' 1 •, ) 1 I , ! I 1fm'J lion 1 bGsc'-l D~(' 3c r:l , t<' ~"'c;-v r t I ) 1 I. • fo thOfle "ho are n)~ 1111I~t e I mtll lbC! Adl'Ln!t.'eJ-UIil wruer O~ 1 m .. rll Il mt'('t Ier r th I ,liJ'" Iorth Ihl filth.l} RlIhngH!;':ltP lulr ess Off""~I'1 gnrrulu • and tbh fi~lral1ve th ~ (Ob('(ltalr- Rtl lf' <lf felf I'ruth) 'OV" $u"h",,. fig-ol1'll llflth I ... "vcOfllHl~ I!'r m SpH. IllI~Cl.lle!\'OU' UI~dcJhng of a • wel] known blaar TH E II 0 Sln,-l p].:lllilS ) r tr o u b i« lit' II \ I \ \ 0 Ir \f ly cd , ólU)lI'; hus !h:\\:-l II L1t"1 , ~ II r ruo I." d the ~I o 1 I mc l .nc '/, I0 '.f >\ 1. , 1i()lj, I- RI" .. \ ~ a f re (':t IS all Z, rn and co n- ncss llIPt> b" the c LU" \ \ .. t hc Colouv h h Ja ~OCIClJ QUI uppor tcd, r e s pe t (\ \ r tnc li \, ~t1> I (1"1 IJ r. lt ':'\rJPY l\l' Il to mscr t lt, bell),.: lo JII~t ficatiOll (Jf that DI~k ct, bu; ns WQ el ves to the assumed lltleof nl. [t lt} Cl er ,:tJlI lil l{ I! \ \ x , ntHj III In t Il td.:~ oun II" II rm II) nllr C rr~'r~~t1Ml.~, ) the more J -I \\ It. r n' tne Q:nICO rrcucc we be_ them~o Iavor us \ \ 'I \ FRIi 1 l) r .x ti I~tl~ I to lib manlier Il c \ lot ter ,~[}"d De Re,..;ercIlJ~ Ker kr-nrard lf the Zt r n van rlllb~zh~ IHl~ been receive i, and we ,l!ouJd !IV le I III he the nra nncr I s teil llhe j-l-t( and dcstroj I_; Jl "''' ('" ,to !If' (' t- couif'or t nud or~C{ hl, r the ,-Il an! state lus (11 ntr v hJ l r Li r _ Il, b ~ \\ tn bl he to dt!.~.ro v the r I, &llcl the ti miest. lilf, ftheZUlD\ i ~I[ au ackc.i, 1'Of" PJl t:-';'1 't; ufl II Pilt ril.O Ih lIttler \\I)J!JltUl.' ,\C will read ly insert Zur o t'l" \(:":1.1 A\' ~ ( tilt C' l r '1''''. ~ rtY!tC,.l r ew ar I 1[1 t Ill! II/lp t) 0 IC ot the,n \ rJ cts the rnnst be co') be be flrl_pl1ttcu (I 'v ('ollident his IIIll ( r t le abo~ stated crImei ", 1 I (' IlrnUéss to hIS sent J ~ { "- I st l~be" n lt! en I "I't.:l. t !,en ba \~Rf('hc I ~ lt (' I l I be t. It ~"Hlld ' or I' rial of :\llmlv'r, \\,,, IJ-nf' lf"'l nforrne "0, ns the any W\L4"killt Will' the r ) If (' iuutr , lj ~ hu. rA~~..(1 II<" >t fl) ;-.H Il.'" ~ttet: Icttt!l' signature: thel.Dáme~. when ('bOveaILudedto d U~ (n~ of our Corres- finJ Il III po .d e t s that be t il" r~t)l\ed (\ leuar Irum Ho lanl II' b lt ~ sure lIld I lt nl al« lt th( en I ol AI ':U~I. from whIch I' ha: (1101 the P\IO~, app-a r s t h at Cl.lliE:'\S S.\.~OEl"BERG ,A-fATI ID .AfRrK!\~~ IS TIII~S8EN U(l hu bE-en crellle4 a KOight b~ ined 011 neg iit ted the I\lIlg of :BoUIl d, for hl'! COIlSrl(~UOu, Ierlid lu~eeJ he Il> so vlees IJl the q!ll'stJO 1 ag-Illl'lst B 1.,IUpt e m teg-arJ ta auv i II eaunot I t lw Dooks fort\ ar d ). t hen the .;'rC!$.tl',t '5 (l( the ~("oll" re drrnm'p"'t'll E:rtract frov: 'il ll'tter Deeanber af Grflatr~~llId, 22, 1831. daltcl lj I T lf' R('\crCtld. lind OU'!' much ~emed !\fr ql. t Il ~ II 1 Tl }b~rt'un a~l\ \l\.l here with L , e~mpan)' (rom es (rom WI'l~IJlC Clr [' 1 ) \ Il ;11 \l~"tcrdll, UflCfll0:9IJ: about 50 cl ,t lrb a ud n0,tr \ Ilf lJ ~ Old I>l 0101 rs wo friends went to recclV(' t\ III t I C ! nn v I m t wo I ur s ~J c c fr Jm tl.is \ dl;lóe.r e u.e pU.;'IC UllJ~ (F '" lj ,_ Cl.) v;; (;'.1 ... ) I' \ I; or have jil' ..\ 1() T • J )Il-tr n. 0' Cl lllWI t~m of!,fn rr II III VI/tH I <IJJ r lOtD- !' i ".~I Are lV) mnr~ ~nd ~o have lO ~ ...ven befo)e nIt buth. roade a ahlh tor *"" -. ~tou', have ~rri; found 19ailly ol ill· t .nent Or iujustice towatd. any IJ.non, m.ch .~ ro a H~tte"lor; but, m~() ..er, tlat there h~'e ,teert H t-!;!rRtO'I In their ser ice who did not bring • \11hi Il: ,*iltt t!).Jm. and wh Il lh~y I~(t have taken therm froln ~O lo 30 .beep and goallt ••• als~ •• veral head. of Cllttl} and f)~he, preperty, ,h,,,h h"v .. b.~n .tIrt'd and ~::a7.ed 011 uur places or I "Hls dudng thorr stay, a d lor ~hlch we anfI~lry have pall]. and until ,hil day."t'1l do pay, t f' I a.eli lo G(Jvernrnent,-~nrdy a Secret and det ilmentttl qause Or reason mtt niH tbat lhey will 1101 h.re themselves ont to Jm", even those who k "lW nie .. ery wd) and ha~ been konviaeed of JH" zood treatment tQwart~i them, aocl who I knolY to have: 110 visible m"IUl$ of t'itiateuce, aad do not pos8eu ally lhlng to' live on I therefore 311k. Sir, Oil .hat do they hve, wha~ will at last ttecolDO of them, .hat hlay oe the real cause of the ,eneral Ioarhness or the Houentora tha.t 'h~y will uot work. and who are \hey to thank 'or all thi:s wblch really wdl tend to their I~e?t'ral disw th I )'e.trl ago. e\-rry or III thUlI{! [ wi is'; out It- 3llsln~ to,vards ils lfppUflUg fields, wht>re and thorough AIlRIV,,u.1t -CoatblUA. brag, or" D.r~ard. {mea ll&aritiQ, to. to LoOOon. Cargo ilulldnel.-Pa...eoser. 1 IU fnr r .. fre"bmenl •. another kloof cei ve that I .arm.ca.. tU .bthony, ........ tbë acllOOOcIr Emma. 'rom J.C)f)don 10 Al,roa Ba) A;lI'IlIIl NI""'t & DII'lOn and D nf'f'llHn hull IIm~ The Olive Braeeh. Állthony. Spok~ tbe ~QODef!:la .... ., Londott lo !tll'~y J7 fMj.!tft bark. "l. Smids. ""Balay~Oet,2'i port nnd LIY6r,1OOl. The \ Iclona ~ ....... p'11WI Lucila, Ocr 6. ud sundries th~ -oa tt le, (which, as allowed N unei4.-::i t4e 0!&.u.B~ Spoke ,Ji)o'k had == I ..r.. IM T .. Dec, 17 J9 ,f ---- ---------------a ... ~of tbe~",d Iloerly to drive some 5 the only produce of my .ak~_ aosi & &il SHIPrl:~O INTELLIGENCE. '.,go, ("I cul HUTC»O_ Bay. Rogge have remar oiece of I.nd k~oor '~Vf'r a • At a ah ort distance from my place ii a high pre.'piee of a Kloof I'lclinini tow",rd~ the OII}Jl18t1t'S lti~ wh,cb runs 1I0t far (tom It, r.pctrded 011 ~ldeS bJ in which Kloof _sg}iertr ,,a M Uld and (halT Sack. uT dlfIer'lltt aorts of C.., blea~hed Canl a~ ror "'agon {'tW,,,... R.1$IiIa c..t ~ (·rlblJ:i. Stmle Twice, JIJIJl. !tc. ~ I" m. """'lOAhle "r~ 11IC'h r 1 , F J trQ.· ...OD ? whi h 'url'ly WIll soon be ~hetr fate, as .. ~Il as Ours, If no ch,wge take" J>1<lc~ I w.ll only relate to yOIl Ohe event, to show how ~klllgiy aod harmfulty s®t! Hottentots, (who .1Il .orry to uy have escaped.) acted about two r I TO FAR'tERS,8AKtas." OTHERS OR SALE, at the Store. ef tMe ,h.nrg~ Cargo pD~ back to 'gf>lZt', Intending to se l l em lo the butcher. and IIJr which 3U "ds. a pieee had bren alrectdy otfe red to me.) to the buttom of the ~ntd KIOQ(, until thf''y come before the-ir place of concealment , and as, 011 account ot the ht'lgltt, they could oot ur~1 ~ them further up, they set tiu: ~O the timber for the EST A'l'E RUSTENBURG.. _ pllrpose, IlS It ~ufficl~ntly appeared, to burn these R. MA NSQWs SEMINARY', No. 60, MONDAY, 16th of Jauuarj' next, poor arumals alt\e. of which they certainly would the Undl"rsll{nl'd wlq callie to be gold to the IIl~be~t have laken thelt:: share and lelJ the remainder lor 1 Loop-st will be te-opened OD 'l'HURSDAY next, Bidder, 11l~ hand~om,.ly I'lluated and forttl" Plaee nUllfl'"blu'q the WIld GeaSI!! ;-but they did not galli their obthe ;Jlh Januar) Ith the adJOIOIIJ! Lands, The Place .nlll Lands" Irt fifllt hf. J\ few young entlemen. such lUI eannot attell4 during tbe pot up by tbe nse and fall ID (oar L~I. and nflerwar<l. ject 10 full, for these poorstupid nnimals. prob .bly usual Houri of r 8cm'lIa may recerse IlI8trocllon In the together, te- !tng the lI\rong heat of the fil e, ran down the EII~IISII Langufl~tl on the ',euInga ol TlleSllay, Tbursday A Plan 0' the dllTel'f!nt l.otl and Dla~1n or the Place CAD s,,!ld Klo,)(, with such Vlolellcé that they could nOL and SaturJay frq"17 to 9 b6 ~n at l\IetlSflI, WOL?,. • BunlAf'I As Mr 1\1 takl'~ only a limited Nomber or POpi II. wbo are A Credit oC IlevCl"Il1 ye". will be (''l'en to the l'orcll(!5ln b· stoPIJed, and thereby escape(l, but two 0' exdu~lVely nnde'" ;hIS lIumedlale care, he trusts he ill able tQ onder iluffiClen& Security. "tht'm bad their legs burDt In Burh n m:mner thal satl.ry thEl deslr~. or those "ho .re moet Ilohc,toul for their Tl"e$D.\ y, DIiOCt::UCRR 20. 1~1. Ithev ll&nlly coulel walk, and a(tpr tn:Hh llOUbltl ~OIlS' ad, ancem61jt In that knowledge "hlch u, Ihe moslOn tile I'ht. of Jnnel\ry next. tbe UDd ...rslgnrc! "dl "I~o PubA rl'w pro""lt)~ caS('~, of 00 IDtCrt'~t, c$me on thiS day. c~lI"utlallo tue Si'I~rtl In \\ hll~ th~y may be de.lIned 00 move heJr eau .. lt) be Sold. aboot BO ll'lllgll~u Clf n...-ll,.,tf old I tune tht y rtco,-erc:d -)UU iee lhu~ anothel After WhICH till Jolllltl'lnp: motIon was mad,. _ A months !l;o\tce to be given pre",ou!! 1.0 Ihe RemIJval or Capt'l Wines, F'ostl\~!!, HOGlichold FllrOltutC'. Mlrmr", Tahlet .stute of the chal aetel of a llottllral, who rf'cel\ es ~lr Ad vocate C t.,!) I' lE lor ~CIlt:L'BLE and "If ... " DRR BUllcn, Il Poptl. or the Term of a Monl.h lt) be palli. Bcd~teaJ6 anI! 8edding. Earthenw án:. H or6l"'1• .!'dult'l!. low., a ,~) trueh protectlon and Int~rCetslOn (rom DI. Cr!'Jltor~ In lh,' lii,.'<iIIVE'nlc.tate of :Sllllo<]tI moyeU for a rule Cape Tonn, D~~, 1831. Coach, ""h Harlle88 eompl,.te, Wa~Cln~ Carla and" larst B -; I wllo am obliged LJ lJF-V nl\ Taxes, and rlh,;"lulf' .• &Uowlnl{ Ulcm I'reirrencft on Ihe "i'oceeJa oC .om~ qUAnt»t., ol Cellar and Fllrmmg tmplf'm~nbl "~llh (hfficulty must protect my propert.y In order mul eabll! properI) .... II1\('h·J tit thl' ;\!";j8"DgM of the Ma,;IIIo And finally WIll be Solt!. on the 18th ol the Mid Month. LODEWYK, .Junior. Llute:s Court pn Ir;1o the "urn'l~r of Lhll iJlsolvent I 08tat~ about 80 Slaves. or dlfl'~rcn~ ~e8 anil tradf's. t I p~y my t.\X6B Out of It, n1l9st fn thh manner ,Lgal:!;;t Durhllm til; ,,1':)111 a~ 1111Idlon! of tthe house. tiJe llal1-d,.tSs~r., W'g-Jnllker. and Importer of Those rurc-hasmg l\Ioyeabl(". to lt.e amn'lnl of Rds. 1,000. qlJlel,y see my property thUli destro\'c:d and de- truste!! had awardeJf:Prelen·nel'. Jashlollable I E.'ngluh and Fre'ftch Perfumery. will ba'f'e a credit or ope vear, tb08l' tn llit' amount or Rd. IL I ull~kd In a rash anei bartiart)lJs nlanli,<'r bv 'I,l1 h~ Atlorne}-Cre-;feral, for Durham coottllncled, that thl' 2,000, a crl'dlt or two ""arll, and 10 forth. t>roYlded th,." I{IYe No. J, SHORT"")f.laK&T.5TRI..T, H •• aa.kAaIlT 'l\rldlonl hill! a 1t·t'>~.J Ilf'1t upon all ttw> properi) , IInd tbat bJ l-! It)(llld~ ,liJ IJlers, who have 'CdlltIlbut~d Ilutlllnglood Securtty to my satlii(actIOD. L~,t')1lL th,~ rIght c,~nJed un relit f(\f Olte allJ ~ "ont:nt )ear Cape fawn, Dec, 14, 1831 t ,WULh Il CAPII Tow". , JA~ llO:E.'TS I :'tIr Clot't~ uJml~:J lhc ,,".Iom ol one all I a currt'nt year, J)Y I' iH nl the nbove In your well-known and ',ut 1JIIlJiltallled th,lt ~IS legal hen \Villi a IIl1're tight I\!uob th .. EGS mos~' respectfully to offer his ~rllterlll u,t-I(J! Juufllal, yuu will obl!ge~ l..llllilord cIJltia '''.crc!lit- ,IunIlK' tba' tune, but tllat tt) lhe Dutcb aekowlctlgmoots to the Pu'blIC III genl'ral (or the T!'ry 1\1\ It was of no et nnd lIIoperatl ye unlt'i@s Iho property olstlngulsbl'!lJ patronage With "Iu$ be hlls been bononrt'd ror ~Ir, &c. ON 't t, It" B ":J lad actually bet'1I la~o under .Ul4dllIH·nt or nrr~t tbe prt". Lr~nce not IUISJn!; (J;:i)m the [!lef~ IlC~ oL brt"gang the good. Into Ibe huu~ refernnglcl the wurkO~rvlltlOIlS ol) &Uil ln.ol. vent La ... , p. I hj, ,""~ MACHTENRURG 11. Ie&t. a from W Mar~"11~5 Bat..,t.;,1 frnm \bie (ar .... .._ LIverpool SI-pi' ~wálrl".-lh'lOgM II Cargo ,.25 -P('nl'I,~. I J to ,nn !.:lrk {argo 'II, P Hlltchl,I""n ~u~"r Pal Irnrn MIluritIl'" ~.. .~, fur refv.~bc'~1 I. i, 2.3 -I>lnnlt r, blHk :-il.. , art {r 'Ill l\In~fIllt .. :'4", 2:;' to 1,00,lon (nrl<n sugar -Pas~f'nbers~ l\1r:l. !-)t""arl II~.J JIl r Do" ltng--Brwgs a few lelt .. rs, title ~ "-die. nay. c ..tgo AlgQ4 , !Iehoom-r, T Ln",~ from AI«~ Rar Doê.Jd.to colo'"ul .. r"J,., ... -Pa!'IIttl,~ra. ::'I~.. ~ D(' Ronde, and KUUIIlI{IlrIl Ead('~ _I n brig, auu port ai.-Kate, I~ll!l port " ~I ~t~~~. - French brilt • .l\f A1hrund, &Om 6Wralter Oct" Il. ,to D. c, 21 -Amanda. i;; 1PtU~ le {;U10i:>. ha'ln, to 4t~.rll:" t~ 8Un"rlt~ Z~ -('or~lur, DN-. schoonI,,". J, \\ eathuJlf'ad, lo thIS port Cftrgo ~uJ.:llr -nr"'~8 3 16 -LignnÏf>,., 23, to this port. 'J' eetter., T) Ier, from .. fmm a f, w :.\IIlIU"fl,. 'r. "·t Drt'rele Rl\et . Dec. 2A +-Sophia. bark, G - H A cock OIl 11 \\ hili nil' tr .", WI~ 300 barrels sperm oil ('UI In (or hilI"" hB I ,r.g 1,.1 meu aDJ 2 boatI. la lat S 20 S. and 49 I:c! E lê "a.tf: 2i -Cnt"sar, Sillr, T: A f"JIII Ca ..uil •• Oet Hi to l.andoll. Cnrgo lIuDrlrlf'1< PI\~S, lik' rt; ?:Il,...1, I",.k\lll ' J~nk~, Wat80n, and H.(I~ers, (.al" L ,c:,l<\f'r LI b Grt~ Poe, nnd Torr. 118, F.lIll1gns Baci.len al!d D", n, i l\lr~~~' 'ft')rrca. Itn.i Craoe. II cJJlldren, and G senaIlI", Put IU r r rcfl'f'sbmcntlll with CbIIWl '!Vu .gllln retUmffl . Trade 28 -Trinmph, 111111', J Grl"i'n' from rh mOIl'I, 0f't HI I'ound to &Inbel". Cargo 6I:n,I", !I.-1'a",·,,~.. ~J ... \"'addlngton, For!ws, BJl)I)Il~. "IL.,P',"Wl1 j t;~ kAS (_,'" N_fIO"t. S,mpl'lOn 'hlld Stok"", b5t IJ '" Hal"" 1 "yI"w ~liJ Thatcl)er. Metllrw. Crultt'fld"n \\ "III. I, Sluarl rc. rt! r.oglt' and Fm""'r Re-r 1\1 \\ 11"lh',"1 2 ,.1H In" I I I I, JJerva.t8.-Yorth~ CaJ"f' Mrs. Prltcharu nod LlJllld III J )Ir. Bo) den.-Bnll8l a 1\",,1. rl; rt 2~"-FlamlOgo, SChoonf'r A fit''' fn!l' \ kOIl PA' Der. PrlA'Ut, -,'., ,..' r", .\Jr ,,- 21. to thl~ port. Car~o CoionlIIl und 1\1 ra. Sener and sen ant. 110179. A!rD PRElIIISES. 29 ASlIl. Frenc-h silip J "ulch from li Il~hnlt [wun<! lu wballn~ Car!(o l,bOO ban' ..1s oll-I'nl III (or rt (r..shmt nl~ ever) r.xerllOIl III hill power to D1l'!rit a ~onttnuance of the !!8m= I'JTO be sold on the 5th of Janunrtf, 1832, tht fa"ourll, IUld Iltgs Il elllIl'fl hlB Fr,ends that tIe will per"!"\ "ru " 29 -OLI 'e Bl'l\oeh, J Aoile"on. frun lHau"tJ~ D, r ~ /lclu.d ID Ihe prac&ioe hf; has rollo~ed from tlUl commenl"J.'ment of lIllOT!! PremISl"~, ID Five LoUt "ZIn l.olldon Cargo 811~r,-Pusseah('1'11 \) r, J\n,Ic"T.on lUl.! 2 rhe (.;oun held. Utat th .. landlord had a It/gal hen on the D"lng and retahug Phly ~lI('h artIcles a6 lire of the mOlt pre" Lot 1 Tbe HO\llle 'n Cront of Looyen i'1II111 "!'In tllnlnit {) chllJrl"D, alld 1 ~valll, and ]\Jr Stunt' -lirll hil Il nuul THE }H..:..,T. j)rLlperl) so lung ,,&:IL Ilall fdIJlIllqn the premlHeS, "ven aJ. 'failing fasblOD. ant~gellulQe qllnllty. SpacIOUS Apartment&, baYIng a Garden ID fronC, ILl also J4tlfwu.r to tilE Ql!t~tI01!S put fa t!te Cun' FaJm~1 .hough no arre"L hatt..1Je~D b"tlI!J. ant.! dlschar,,~ the rule wIth SAJLKD OIlT 0' TARLII IIA\ He also begs loo~ lo call the altenltnn aC Country Gentle. Looye ... PlatO, &c. , co~t~ ~. IS.-BonM Mere, M 8alaua to'l dlicberrT. men to hIS newly IlllJlortt:d W lugs. 'Ill hleh are DOW for Sale at Lol 2. Three .Masonie Temples, With DCW TI'&Il""Ofld nOOr! , II' fh~ .. ZUlli- A(rJk,un" NWJSP(7}JU, Ao. !)7. fbe follOWing trla!ithf'D \\1lS beard"tb Conc!J1 T, (olwrn, to Aigoo Bal " ,erv reduced Pncrlij ftn Upper and Lo"1Ir Room 10 front Uope-tltrec, fwo SlK,-lt I~ tille tllat tho mushloorn COlitailiS a Lt't>ft'71 V Onjra!h brought hy the 1III\Intifraga,nlt df'ft'n, 1~ Cllh,~ A Slncilur to I I,.. K n' .nn" Ánd as he ras 1~lJÏwise mad" se,eral Imprbvem"n~ 10 hIS Room~1 On. Kitchen. and One Store, !te. In the (,arof'D. 1\1 fIi tier re.<>t'llIblllig th~ Rust, and \Ve neeLl uot lJ:>e dant for ,the price Qf all anchor gelid to ha"~ t.e.!n !!Old ta Sb"(1 for dae .C('.om~.odatlon I~ Bar"lto Jurllor, \\1 rhomll~ to LonOon. of Ocutlem"n who Wish to ha'!'" la., GlOif aa4 liketti" Ground, whIch mlly be t:Pnv .. rted InLo )j,j K,u~ua J l"andilil (0 Ih .. K"IS'"1 li IIJ,CrO,('Olle 0" !lair of sl'ectJll:l!.':! to per(;clve Ir. defendant. u mnster1itt' lht! Frencb $lul' NtUOFllIt, while 1YIIII lhelr Hair eve. dlerl~ he hereby inl"","" them that IIUI c!U\flle A Ganlen I Sit :tS. LOCI'". ld. Albrufld. to Rata, la. r r 10 Sllnon • Hay III ~"" 0 A d I hat t I108e \\ b0 "IS t betwecll Lotl3 l\tr 4. & ft Thr". Garden Ground. situated IS now on y S~ atiI I~helr I:tt:g& J!'r all SehDII.l nn,1 1\Ir. BerranO'('! but m,lv"sec lt wI,h our nak,!!l ~)'n. bUL Ihat tLat lil ftoolll, Cor ~ultllf ~worn, deposed th,t lOme time' III Ilt~ lH. Yef'Jf'f', f ~ml~h lo Ll\erpool. ,"tendaoce Hoose n!lUW: máy leave theIr Oroen at hiS ....... house ID Ho,__.tr!'et __ \l, 'LLer 'Or jJowdt'r IS the cause ut th" HtJ~t In the the mouLh ofAl1(ollt"~t he WIlIl on board t~ ship Navorm 21. Coalnam r l)or~uro. to LI"rro,,1 shep (or tbat purp~ .1Id DO e[l.lr& .lill~trW be made. ' The 'bO\ e will be rosltlv,.ly IOld. Md upt)Ó 'Yerv ea.y term. \\ t: ,t IS very '!llprob,tLle, f(,lr thne Ufl:! CO(lI wben Oue of the 9111":8 ancbon bemg fOUDd brekt' hf' otf'~~ (Ii; Whigs rnadfi; to Order ,a the shotte.t DOtK'e and at paym""t WtHCla Will ,>e statf'd on thl'l Day of Sail' \'I!:SIIHLS IN TAAL!': BAl. , Á 110., Will be fIOld. Billtanl Table, &t Gar4ltn Roner, '" I I .1 the tl,·rclld \lIt une rut lal~,saying tHat he had se,erul on realiOD&ble Prices. £,-1 Jo n wlllch 1l0t a ::>lII~ e mus !room I~ uil!~horc. upon Whl<...g t~.Jef .. oJall[ sauf he W01lld ('ume and look Sh Ip--CAeSeT , 1 numt-b un,1 Af'm Goll PUlli. aiN "ba' rurther ma, be put out CDr 5&111. Bllrks-London. :SullJl,.~, PIHllt' r !IKJ Pen~lore "l"'I .. J, and It eYOIt tll()t~UI'~S ....ere <ll~('Oyert!d at Ibem,th.uon.·orc.da\8I1ftf'rtbedeft'ndl\fttrameon sbole LUDWIG, DAY. & DONQl"GH. Brlgs-Aqutll\ AD\lIncla nn I Ol"" Br,lIOl"" Li lt \ wlJlch I~ I e\ er tile ea,e III uur cuuntry) and the jlblntltl sbajjied deJi!nJanl AD Illlchor~tol,1 Ilim the SebOOnl'!rR-G, ~e 1\- Kate, (.;OIbliIL alld FIlLmlngo_ t!l~ 1l1ll,hro"tll, Jl 't\tt' tlOle the rust l:l OI.:lCO'ereJ, pn~f' \\!u d a(~ p!llr 100 Ibs. and ~elgh .. d 1600 Ihs thllt Hi: Undt'rsi:gn.ed. In hIs capacity as Agent to ,.rANTED to ~llrcha8ê, a ébACWl\fAN, Cutter-Llgol"t'r d~(, Ilflaut :laId the al~or .,. orU(1 .. ut, anJ th.u tbe same wa@ 1!iI rut \ tt gru" II ut-' or rIpe, allel ~onlaws uo mal- ther~lIpun taken on b@;&rd. Mr JOHN MV.RA'-, hereb) calls (lpon every ODe haVing he must be of tnld~ ~ge and oC good chars~terto ror\\ard tlH' same wltl. Llkt"WISt', a palr-d ..... , ~.. lfoong bro ... n C"rTln~(' Hon('1 not TESSELS IN SIMON" 1141. t,' { '[I It \ tI, 1 pOll "rOS1ioo6xaullllltlOn, th" of'fendlllut Slud that be did not CI"lmt ag1llnst h,S .,d ConslIturnt, HMS. l\lalJsto ne, anJ Ja.'>lt"ur to Ihe 1l90~C 4-l)'ears old. f~ all wlueh read'!' mOller wjll be- paid OD • j will Ilut t olllrao ct t!iRt the botanl~t Fries is uno, rslalld ur sp' tllC..~reI16h, that defenuant seemed to under. proper" oOl"hers wl~hlo three Wf'eLs from To-morrow, Ba.rk-Caslor, Office of the l'ndl"rs ~n~, at St~l1l'nlJosch or In Cape Towu appltootilOn.to Mr C A. BKeltER, l\Iarket'IqWl.r1" No. 4, \Veil a, l]llilllited \\ Ilh Illushrooll1s, lh t ,that he ~tllnJ En~J.sh, thai ~onc \Vo.~ prt'lif'nt when thil COIlVl'rsatlOn to tlll'lOttice of lhe AH;vocate ann Notary Mr. J, H HUFAlEYIUt, I I I tm', plall' on .h(jr~ alv.Jut the Uftt hor.. anu that he had 00 fur d),lrgt·~ ,It, mtl~hroulll \~ lt 1 U~ C\Il t I~ caUSe 0 f t le lh!'r "onVl'rsauon I\ltcfl d"f ... dallt un,d som" time lifter the and all Pl"rROnS tnc!~ht~d tn the 8ald Mr JOHN l\luBR,H. are hl'rf'lby kIndly reqoe!!te<l to discharge their Deh!!1 within Ihe nll~t III \\ heat proves lhat rtt IhlS l a~e he IS d"rnand had bl-en mlti:l"e IJ} pll\mtdf UPlljl dt'(t'Il'jp,u, that olla ~ald 1*"00, PIther tt) the UnderSigned Ilt Sldl~ubosch, ~ to ~~'III' Illlb' ut a LIII,J,J Athel:St. The argume!lt! formt'r occa.ion.ft a~or hud !Je{'11 ler.t to Il ~llIp Mr HoyAtIl\ KR. IU C~ Town HE UndeuigneJ In bis eapaeity al Genel".l I'ot den 28 DecI:mbe1 1~31. \fhdl, hl' l'lle, agalllst tht' eXlst-e.lce of the Hust {iltlUaIl"'~ilI.;>j.tolJlccrllflhe "dIIUllIll.'",nswltnt'ss[or M, C. A. NEETHllNG. 94. AgelIt oC tbe J.III& HeIn of the late .Mr. WILLB" NSL ~ c' h 1 .1d,'It'ndant,.,,--.IftaCI(jf., thut on the day thCif a"c.hor I\!l.S louad Stellellbosc DI'IC.29. 1831 Senior. N'quest all Persons who hav!! any C1a.i1Dl 011 tbe "Id Aloe per rond Aloe! Ilf'r poond 2 3!1t I1le 1II:OI;l!Itlc,wt like tllose wlndl te C I!lUIen of brok!' thwWltnewlW.,l\ctluKn<PortCaptBIII,\\asonhullrd, Dltate, to Corward them for Payment. and thOle Indebted tu AmlUldelen. Jlf'r 1.000, Almollds pt: 1.080 f I n,1 1~r.~t I, III the deStIt, cllu,e agallJst the urtea of that someconverMti$takln'( pla,{' bl'twe .. n 'kfendant and SIIId EStltle. eIther by BoneI. f'r A crount •. to lettie the II&lIIe. H(}USE FOR SALE .• 1101!luJJOUS sllalcell, allll liiirtlenc:d l,hclr hearts to the wItIles. "Voell. ,.tvth .. ( il"u, IVltucsS \\as 'calll'd hy Ihc Appelen, per Ib, '.. ., ~Appll'li, per Ib II 13 SI ~I Ihe Ollie". of Melln. 1'IiUTlla & )b.sa •. Attornletl and J.J..Uk ulJon the bra~~ s, rlJellt tf realled by GoJ's d"fendant to St'ne 1ft Intt'q Ttl .. r a~ the defelHlant coulJ Abrtkozen, per d,tto • Aprlcot., dluo 8 _ J3 HE UnderSI~lled In hiS capacltly as Agent to Notane., "ItbID tbree month. rrom tbl' date, Dellb"r sppak nor IIll1ler"lalld Ln;.;lt,h that on thl, oc ,,,,on ( A UN OJ:ft BURGH, q"q.){u 16, Loop .. treeL Aardappelen. per mud, • POlaloes, I)f'r mUIJ i Rd Mr JOIIS lthlClUY, offers fol' Pn.ate Sale. Ihe House t!l"le for th"lf rt:cc\er:, .llhllJy whIch they alone fdr" WoulIs !Jt1nl~ &Il 1I1l(lIpr uf hh for s:,l,'. di'lIl IIh,cu Cape Town, Dec 22. ]831. ,lrecl, f<JTm, rly the projJerty ol lhe late lVIr A.yn. per leg'gI'Jr, • " " V UIegar per If'llg 24 _ z's lVIlid bIC h~alt.:,l. defendant rep!tetl th~ lfl tI'l .tat~ of IllS ship h" could not :'{o 4 IStmIl" llw Con<1III1i1I1'. Illmh are \ery favourable. can be II~ says lh lt ~'1ad(' from rot~st$, cr other ob- purcha~e, but that iI~ \\ould [lece{ t I1n aedlOf III 101\n, und!!r \ OIGT Balken. per lituk . '. " Heums. each 7 _ 7' obtallJcd tlt t.he Office of thc Undersigned, Slellent.osch, and al I I JI"<,t5 ,"rrOUnUln!:" lie I'll I(, J. pfL'!l10tlili t he sprca( I conc1ltl()n of tak In. It "ta p!let hl're"rl, NOTICE. r lo bl' fiAt"d lf tlw whIp Doouen per mud, ..••. U~ns, per IIluld ,14 ~ j6f ' Mr, J H HOFJIElEI. LLD, III Ca.p6 fowl1. ~ wal found c3fll1hle uf I'~'f'dln~ nil lJ"r '('1 1;« to ,dllch prop'lMI Boer) \\ Ulo 1000rIL 14 ..... jf) SI HE Undersigned havmg experienced that BellJelwasch. pt!r Ib. l.H C. A, ~EETHLING. q q. vI lh ... Ru-t, b'lall~t' ,t plevent;; tile flee clIcul,,· ~Ir \'\-oolls, In""llt"d"that two (lr tlll~" tln\s a!t"r an anchor Stellenbosch, Dec- l!!), 1831 hberlles are tak .. n UpOD tht'" Lands. which !fond much Boter, dito . BlIt,er p~r I" '; _ Jl; tliJll GI dIr, adJ L: I~hlCh HWre opportunrty IS was broughillll bOl!.rd,pu[]g b} the bOIlS nil I ..../LS t"I''1.: u~ed, totheir prejudice he reb\; give No Il'e to all P"rSllns to be upon ~11 ~ll tor ,heir e:'(),lCnltl. III 'thls tLe Swcdlsh tor Il da) ellch l"ne,'1~lat the shIp ha'lllg b""ll aftemar<ls Br&lldewJ'D, per legger. Br.andy Jl It'!!.>;" lOO Il J RJ. tll~lr gnard lO future, as they Will not allowan) Roads or L I Ilear Itim candrmned tbe witness ~ur~rtnt"lllled t'j(~ Inull'"/( of the Droogll Onenhulden .•• Dr) Ox Hi<1c$ lJ _ IlJ [.,leil!,1 Fn S I, pertect t y ng hl, ll\t:He anchor and othereffeefi\ th,t th,'hlat~nl"lVbll'{lI,g put tlliS P!-th, oVl'r tbe vlaee!! KliR}u'IItt'm and AfJUlJUlrlhollt liner, A CON~rA~T R.\D~R. uvwards of twenty }eftra past •. plt'cljtl'!tl hlDllltllf to use or p,_'" or Iron NOTtt:E TO CREDITORS_ T 1" NOTICE .. A.RET T PR YZE:W T a - T ADV\ERTISEl!IEN'T. tLe ;rulh, (ur I Inlle ,eell In \\'heat which th cl., and III low heIJ::o, ~...tlue there IS no ""''' (' rt Ijl tIluIl ol c.lJr, lli lt lt w.ls more subject to ktlst tl!t'1I \\ lIeu, wi, Lh o"rew thmntr aliU 011 teil lInchorwlthl'I"()ther~cts(l[tllt',llll'nearl'l" g{~\tf saw I\here he,:;ht~, Sbades lureSI~ Iroll! be e"d. It IV:!:! i(IH>1I (JIl h'>f..'"lu=1 lh,1I1 the fUI h 'lI.1:J l')I,St'qUllltlv 1 c) S(J1It Ill"ny 8 8') 110 tI,.('1tL IS f"i)o:;ed to tht! alr,- ubJe( ts cannot, howthe C;4t1,e ot ~ust In \Vheat In i f d btl, ulld r.lul e t1roq;,ell~ (J llln \VIl!.' ..t ~rO\ , 'there IS no iihrub \\ t,e tt It"elf to' ut! :oeen 'near lt, l dlllWl ~I VI' shad~ to the \\ Ileat III .JU \fhlCh ÁfIIC,l, tV' ont' mOle or other IH'nch of the (rluse <dilSe "",tn,',~ Mr \\001/. and !told Ilim thnt as tIll nn~hur had by ml !Hake h, I n pluN'd tlkre he "(1,IIJ ha\(! lt Laken n ..nrer tu tn; ns .\lt J I Ali/ilr ,tWorn stl1tl'd tfqt dcf(ll(ant has been loo~mg ftt 11I~ bou!le !'(St the lu,t two nlOnths, that hl' ran D"llher ""tak Ilor under~dntl EIlJ.\lls!t cXcept a fcw \\OrJd ()( abusl' wh,{h he !<eellll'd'!u hnv~ ['" k,d "II w,.. Etecutors nnd HeIrs "Io,~ \Jf of the Estate Il.e late \\ of CORSEL(i B, PON'TY, IDtend holding a Puhllc Sllle III theo Month of January nf'xt, of the wbole E~ll\tt!, co ISI:!tlng In !IDme Léaguers of \"'III~ Fusta~e, three Dra",l) Stills, Smlth~J rools. \v agoes, Drsught Oxen Cows Uild Call ~9, SadJlt·. \,\; agon, allJ Ureedlng Hol'lles Shel'!p, and Goat~, some HoUiiellPld FurI/lturc, Kitchen ,UteoHIls &c !Iiir Th .. Sal" \\ Illl be held at Bah lons Toor~o, at Great DralAensteln, III tllO IPlstnct oC StelleDbollCh. 'l'h~ Days of SuIe will hereaft.t r be Ad'!'el tls!'d :~lr ..\ 0011, hOlhl' ""hwh !llr \\'Il< COIlI"III, d upon which t[w onchor Wtl taken hy order of tht> 1\ ltne,,~ JvU I uces nf!art'r to t!tt: hou, .. orllr ""'(jpll_ hf'rt' l' ~tlllaJs that no demand lur pnlmt·"t (lf'lh,s ulllhur ali Illude UllllIILlIli) arke tbe"ftleolt" .. ~hlrHI"~ts. ,\h' J /lurAtI 111tr.;AttorIlP\ III loot tht' de(endfilit bil' I,.. nl ~ 011 one alld 'the same field IS totallv IInpo,MSI[,I... to c~ver~ \\ ILh li le RIlst. To Illanure Il field had had to tnk~ 1119 l<t'llI,OIellt6 lo of the ){ tlst: fdr tIllS r!.'''son that 'uun';l'l f, IIlI"rprll!\IISIi ytdl T HE Jowt A J.I \UPT J9 JA:-J DAN~~L DE \ I~LIEns, } Execllton CAREL tl.e «\us(' '"orn, s'ated, but thlLt b. lw,d [uuII,1 It hun 111 Lnglhh, thllt hc IITltln,.; aliJ apply lu hiM Jl AI)VFHTISEMENT. HE Partnership which hitherto eXisted bet\veen C. L HEnM~N & J. W. J HliRMAN, under T ~\l" generallv the firm o[ L & \\ ItKR1US IS dl~~olv6t.l h) mutual consent for"[,lIt thIs eVlllelleé'tllf'Altornl'}.Gcnl'ral prOducd :\Lr. be carr'eu on hv !\Ir C L HliRMA.N "ngion JUli nho I.. I~ :!\\orll d, poseu-lh\! h" had CIlII~d All bUS'IIt'SM 111fUlure !~alld, th,t ker allel tu, 1'1 dlld <:()'(l~t'quenrly Wants upon d..t .. odllnt for ,.. ,thrlllof tbl' prest'ut Cl!illil ....ht'll Jd"uuni \ to \\ hOUl the deGts of the firm must be paId, and lhe claimS senlllL u Irer (Ir, "lltl(HI ol tll~ a'r I dv !lot know fur" .lont hwll\nsl"lr~d III h~ken EIlg'h:lh. 'I plly \(lU \11' broom. tht!r thlt ,t ('lil I t' l' U\ld thát Bengul \Vheat .tlc-kl 111Jl1 I... hL,l f:k.thl'r tuld hlll1 h(' WOUIU UI' arrelied, C L. HER'lAN J \\- J H~RMAN brQught tq thb lullJny liB nut 10 the first year unJesalw [>Old hilt that Ihc ",relldant dill nul s,.~ III IJ 411dLl Leen su l)Jecrer I to t Ile "IJltht, lt mig Ilt Ilaye bf'en I ~talld \Vii;; then calle!' to 111(( rpret b~twf'.ent.Il1~, thew/lIlU thltt ~ ,: KlI'ucr \\ agl'Dmnkers \ aIel Dec 2R, 1!l31. • fear thllt th~ H'l;tt ....a~ l.!tsc(1vered late In the I fhl' qlup ~ Le'!; an,! lITO ddl"rent SIIn ev~, "ere pro,JII('.eJ HE Inhabltcmts tHe hereby cautioned not to lif'aHJrJ, wten ,he Berig ,I \Vht'lt \Va~ already rIpe, ILO pro', t"olt ti,,,, -h'p I~ iJ;. .. n ~Uflt''i' 1 Oil th .. 21st \ugu.: !It'll or gIve I"vel\-4 drop of \\'Ine or otht'r SJlITlIa to anI' a lhus no, (,J.~,ahle ol t:\klfl~ the Rust;· fbr one when ~". wa '<Jund i,! Itt' ma"Jn~ 1"1 Inchl~ of IV lt. r pt'r one of mv ServIlIltlI, !Inder any pr!'lext whatzOf'~' r as thiS occa~lOl1d mll'much t~ouble. J ADD't bUilt and Ih,l. tI' t nt~~t ~!.lrp;o hael Ih. Il I'''~ll ,1\rectt't1 t, be has nlren,h ':'<!dr the Hust "PptMs bte In the season, snd In land ..d an,j till Ill, ,hiV" rtll' h(Jr br Ik<' 011 lhe Zilh, that ti,e atl(jlht'r t arl)". \\ heat I~ not free ol Rust In undlor lil 'lU"'lltlll 11l1d.;.o'·'·n ~11I[,l'l'd 011 th<' ~"t'l <lIn'l 011 LU' OST, OD the, Outspan-plnce at Katryntjes new I ,nt! or 8uch land!> as have b~eIl made 3J (Jf Oltol,..r II" .. rt'·re:nded lnd entt!rt'd un tl1<" log a~ tllC Dnft, a rl'J,llsh ,'Jocket Book, ('nntalntng Two Paper I h LI' b d b h fLnchor ol \I r \\ ,)"11,, "~ Notes and some olher ~l1ptlrs of great Imporlance" ''''hoever P Otlg Il e or ~rllt, lit lt on t ti cal In.,.wullllTo ng Ut) lh,' Á,{i;,}rol'\'(} nrral hdJ that t'tJe el Idence trc4l1y, suoJe"t to II In a greater degree, ut'rausl' of:'dr \\ UJr s proycd Jht' ':\,,~,pn(" ,f a dtHI Lrollprl'cl>e founil Ih .. ~me, can r~~11I lhe Money, ou returning the BOvk a'lcl the oth~r Papers. • J ADD}, ouiqch 1.1IIll tbe Whellt gruw.·u~u"lly fatter ;Jud agrt'f'm<'llt h'\I\("" rh .. ftartli" 1\ ','It nn] conJltlOn "hat Paarlsche Pont th,tlkt'r, a"j th,~ also walll:s cl s.dnclt'lIt thorou h "~..r 11t,.1 hi' '111'1lC" 'jV'1:i 1101 d,rt!( " CootrllifJ('ted br oth, r IV.. I I ollti~l" ll).llltlt,,(! Illd ,,'heat the • T a -I !~, h .. luc 01 air, t .J<;&e "ven thillg tillle () f '"110t '1eontrlbure-:; SOWIII<1' " L 1"'!'ldenit' /lil I lut th·l!!.Jl rift o[ ' ti·, ~"-tng tbl.lh' PlO Ivu a-I ti le orto mak., allV otn"r uile Kloof oC them the !'lubbc Roads excl"I't -- to th. Frlln~chehoek Bo"k",ellen Erwlen W. A :\JARATS. D D I\JAHJ,JS J" (jau" I"'r Ituk LelHlent'nMali.ouwen :FOR SALE OR ~lIRE, Slave Hoy, beln~ uanlen CLEVER AfrIcan ft ~ood Coacbmlln alld Groom, and Itkl"\\ I~e a gl~) 1 H,,,,..., nr Stlre Sen ant - InqUIre at No. 61, \.,·ale ~treel. ur ..., lhe Hili" .. oftlllB PafJf'r A T House No. No Kaf Ilo, IIl1daptt'" 1.4 Il Store, Loop ... treel Ilt presen' oceup",t1 Wltflout Hcnch~s, Table!!, &r &c StllLnd·Rtreet. or at No 6. BUlt"nknnt \\-'f>] sUltp,l, Month!l '\n 17, 11 Ctlrlt ..~n, ""t I1 ('r Apply al '1.0 3' for &c nn<i DucksIl.:1I1ulK'do !OOIuIl li p, lo t..J2 -- -- ,tllto , 10 Mudden. " (1 lb' _ 2.3 33 <':heest! Cape p lb. ::-:'tOIlI' per lOO "'"t' a !lum Per~1l per pond Perfiken, dllo . pl.. , t Il ...ll"ell, l)f!fYOC .er P nd Itrfff I plf II 1 Il~~~~en~t'~mu~ pt r 16 saK • Stro" LET, I\ It;, t'!I "H 10 7' ~ IJ 15 ~I 4' lj ~ - i 35 3t liJ - Z;) li 2 3 2...i;.. 3 ~a 12'J U 2\1 - 1 IlbClCCu p" It. LIOn J I!;er 6.: US. tqch ~"'IIlS Onl<Jjl. "crUlu,d }I th 0 1 .. 0. P'KS, lat,tt'nf'd - 2 - Pla.nk~ HaLsH.. I"pnr f""t"c Ih H\e per mUlti ~tr" ... Jl HJ sack. St. Hd" ::: 1~ Pear~ per IL>.. Pellé!i("s, d,tto SI. Hd. J7 i Joo •• 21 7 1f "'Ileat \\',dnDt~ I ~ :::) _ SAd.,. p I ~ _ J ~ ....... lj 11 - per Ih Lime ~"ell Shlen t- •• J pe" 3t t • - ucfse ditto 1 urk{'\~, dlllO" Cill.lrcual, I' ,lick (uafT llib \k I cr podd. TO I j )11;~r l."eullro & Stflll.'l ITH Immediate PQsse,slon an Uppe!' .and I \ ~1I"n, per stuk , Lower Ktore ,ery deslrwlv Iltualt'd III Ca,tlt'-~Ir",' ti..I U'~nI' pl"~ mud stk 'I d G~ t t', ert n, IrUI. pr be \'een the Ileer"gracut aD :::it. e~~g~(H~~~ fE, r. !tO I lukens gemeste W (ach HO[It'f Jh uk"en O:'kernoten Itt llarrlU'k lIell!!, 14 _ 2! - mUHr 10 muws JW Ltn1en. per mud Lentil. per mUlu i Meel. f)n. per 100 Ib , "luur.hDC,jl WOlb 7 Mellt'1l per mud, !tbi'" per UlUIJ 4 Oltrantst.a.udl"n pr !'ODd Elq}1II1IlLS j'" th Ib lt - ~Ither (or Three situate pn lJ OaUi, per Ululd r>er mud, per Dar!,,) Hu) diLO t_ per mu,t! Kll.Ien. Kaap per Ib Kark, tcbolpe pr ~!\QUI KOQrll, TO LET, 1st of January, per zak Honmg sr., W,der"r 1'"" Horse, for It. geat.eel F"rutlv AI1!.O,a lo"er and (\\ 0 upPf"r Stores. .. hate next to the a"bov~ propert,. an ur~r !lnu I()~t'r Store nj>lI:tto No 8. letter B Plaln.,tr,.ef, adApLf' f fOt I'ver) Tra.lc: roLet either togetlter or It'paratel] Apply to J J VAlI I)I\R BERG or Onl" Year dlto llava, lit r"",t , containing Eight Rooms Sta"l .. a Vld,. Pn..!IIIage, and e'f'l"r'l' other IIc('ommodatlon ON the Kalkoenen Bout.kolen, HOOI, per JuOponden. TO LET. H A. T well-situated .. ,I1to :-'''''I~ Hur", Pf',..' 0110 Hnendera S. MAR.US. ~ Ilflr mud 20 _ :i.R~ 5• Rd 25 AD"ERTISE~ENT. iJlalllllll II O\~ e'llilk-d tu thlil p!f"rt ltw e'lf - UI1!rtmlI'ILe, ", -un atll'llt'd 13 -, Jl HuH doe,. f10t come 1 Mr A IVOtal. LLol!n::r-for d, f, nritlllt an tbe contrarv iI,-IJ S ~ome PNSOI)li have had the l(lndne5~ to -Ir"'-" -'udlul!» I lj 011' uI the EJrth bilt from Heayen. that WilMut hnnglll~ th!'-ellden(, of th, prinCIpal ","r;"8s,')S III 20 RDS. REW AR D. sland ..r m) ~co,t oame on bn3."! of lhe Fn'nen Or L;I ' ..t of lalk p~t pod Sn I nr I aLJ\( I III B 51 St. T, luke tlte ~e ...d-wh('at III Sal.t or Lime-water tlWl ca,e In direct Conllte, It W3.1i <I'er tI. It !Hr V,{oo'l, h~j La Luc'" (apt l\I ;\.t.III1~NIJ. I hrreb} hl'g to Inform Ihe HE undersl""ned offers the abO\e Reward, ygl"n per pood . ,..J:·II(S, ptr II> 13 _ IR \., 1 be ,H u~e f UI ,I!J r h e measures a bove a IIu J e<I to I nnth r h.. feTr '-- ...! uut lncld f .. ritilily £: lo th .. CJOIP "1101100 bOdrd ~l)ll PllhliC 1'11\1 alt d,.hh .. ~ch may hl' contr!l' tcd by me" til be to anV Pel'llOn ... ma~ I()~gt' hl, Sla.e nam('d :\'ovI'mber I .... ol. l')Q!aapen. p lb. \\ ooJ p" Ib 21 JO St. ntJ\' (",.rf "om t,.." "Vldener of th" I ,t oil', er I,.h ,\Il Rd. tak.tn hv the (lttldrt.1I of I'riel. lt IS not pro- lo have hl't'11 the ha~Is.Óf th"lr Birel'ml nl (Il Ih. (L(rt'Wll 1>, paid ",thIlI ont" "pl'k r't:'l0 ..8tln~ nl th~ "am .. tllD!' thllt Ih~se ol Monmbique In one of III,; 1I1aJelt,,·. Prtll"n8, or tmn~ 1,1111 \\) n. prduuure I'er leg. \\ ~n~. OrdLAIlry V Irodl'Lted LOmc du ulsclJlrg(' theIr d"hls "lIhlO the samr r"rlOd to Ol" underllgneJ 1'1 Cape rown The said Sla.e l!"Of a gpr g.... ~5 _ 30 L'dblt' that tlte Rust orl!;ltlil't'S ftomthe Set'1.l-lIiht'Bt mean'uf nn Int'rrr~t"r, tilt' plrtt"arl' jlrJ\l'd II hll\, un,]tr. (_ F, DE LET 1 RE, Fraocols Son s tQII' losl[]r!! ('n.'lally wcar! It,. rt"d Hl\ndkercblef on hli ZO"l.ehmOl'nen fll"f lOO Orallgl'S ~r 100 2, st Lut ILlS (tll.!I!1 that It Cl)lJlr~ out. of the 811' torlitO(KJ">«'hnthl!rlll'll('h!}mnnn~r!\stol('ilU Ilod'l'lht Hl ,nrI! Cape Town. Df'c 2~. ) SJI I dg I l! a b","~1 und,.r 11ls rl1In l~ 1\ MHOft and Dak .. r h\ iUlUhm~p PUtllum Lemon JU1Ci>,'.I\UIJl 12 _ 16 R. ('xrlPrll[l('~ l..t!> tallO'ht ti, lt from ''"'IIt'at whIch' wa!! oUIt'r s ",,:d 'fbt' ,,"pr';"'l'lI1 011..acb IItll( r, IllIIlJ Itll,t ha..\e .1:'~Je ,~nn<1 b~locg.d fortD~IT tn 't"5lirQ ... \V ...HL & Dr ZoUl. er mud Salt per mUlu ::I _ Il to lt-the A T , I \\, r' f"\ , been th,u, , II' that II the(I~'l"n !<1nl Innk 1111ulHhor Ilt I 'OK lt tt lllJ,ed LJ) thE' Rust linrl r ut fit (or bread, th .. fol-I on loan oldl' and Yll It'"f. cOll,I, "II of onl} Illlk'll' Il I'll lhastl LJ\\lll" \('Jr, wllcl1 lhe Huq Wits flot so "tOt..r.t IV hiS sill!, lym d sh'l!:~lo\.l'thl Jl"., l[llm'lj ~'It" ,f' th~ g Ivd t \\ li, tit, Uil "hieli IIUtilll'" coult! be saId' I trllnsacI101I1\(}II!rl h.nr t~ d'·!.·n,la"t tlut enllrelj l"S Il IS Ilot do l'C.l ~ • ' I hl..eh that lilt d, 1"Il,ranl,~rt"r il" ~h,Il kid ttkl.>adv IInd~r~ 'ntl I rIll THE 1.1t 7.. 't \\ ..... f.' I 0 ( \IJ t lJU\1 flv, li~_j~,~d31'1I' lt) (lom the lo CXpf'lWlltl'., fl lUrtft.1.1I1C the an~wt'f lI.~bou~h • ! a :;urv!:\ fttl t I'll b,.,'ii liCau, nS I" nlHk, (I,n'~('~(l( the,wouldllll\< J be.Jde" ""1 "'A( ,'lr rt"l'nr,t'l tOl I", Il ''u, II ,a Jrt':H!'ul wnt"rrv<rvhourlntN' I,ur! 'ur lf,1",re~~','ofanllll~hlr htl\lni{lwu".h"r~~ \\'001;-:1 h:l/lll!{ l1llmHltJ th:h b:: d,d 1\ 110 not I ,NOl VndC'rslgned f'ather ICE. C_ bavmg appomted h"g~ Ilf'reln t) glVt' ntJllce that an Eng[,rsl h" 'n Ellf I"I! i- rt Il( II, itnd Dil eh Lllngllub~' he also Instrmt!, lt In the (i, rnlkn Langu!\i!~ llu:rt:I~lill!lroollltottsonlc Pupil. l J li G SCURIKEER N fj l'tl!,mn tHe very fav"oraL)" JAB LI.~(,HI "c, .,.... D,'c 28 I !:l31 FOR THE NEW YBAR. OR ~~I(', (''{ccl1ent Wbestphallal1 H i\~Is., give! F One $llIlltrg r0l1n,1 III 11 Pf RO ... DE jl' r r on('·,tl'ff't l Ir. T 42 ol Cu, J~-5,r' et ~o ~oolitJer. per' Zeep. per poliO • 'I " uUld Sol" Leather, Sr .. " Ib 'hide _-.y' pt' r CAPE at l::dltl"dh\ hv tbe lor,,!.'r 1.18 _ l~'.) ~. I UW,," . P!\ BflA"'P ZOnllt'hIOtIO-Prr'tl Pnl)JfI"tur P A HIU,1'fD No of :::.h ,r.IIIUI"e.·. r~L rllld 3, -'Iatl.c P '1.led , uare
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