Trivia Night - The Ormondian
Trivia Night - The Ormondian
Issue 9, 14th August 2011 CoolRob’s Broken Biscuit Nom Nom Nom... O THE et nova, et cetera... Check out Ormond’s New Bog Swamp RMONDIAN OCDC’s Peter Pan leaves us Hooked! a publication of the OCSC 2 Save the Bush Dear Editors, As I reside on this porcelain dock Conservation is an issue that is close our hearts. So proudly they stand, in pride of place, While we considered sending this piece of poetic prowess to the Ormond Papers, we thought your prestigious publication would perhaps be more appropriate? I gaze tenderly down at my most stigmatised locks. such stature and poise! Such simple grace! But alas, Ormond sisters, my mind has been taxed by stories I’ve heard of our friends being waxed! It’s not always for comfort that these beasts have been maimed but because, I have heard, some sisters feel shamed! Some feel expected to look like five year old girls, though surely a woman is proven by curls? If society expects us to be child-like and bald, then we as a sex should be shocked and appalled. For should we accept that our shrubs need the clip, what would come next? The old Labial snip? So rebel! Brave sisters of the Red, Black and Gold, do not take heed when by Nads you are told: that to have any chance of that bedroom delight, your short and curlies must be plucked from sight. It’s absurd to think that while men have them too, the female brand has become such a taboo! While I assure my flock that they’re not under threat, the plight of their kindred is hard to forget - So my mind is not easy, sitting perched on this loo. Will we soon look like women from the pages of Zoo? In short, all is not quiet on our southern fronts, so unite, Ormond women and reclaim our cunts! We wrote this piece to provoke thought, debate, and the desire to protect this important asset for humankind. Those who fight to save The Bush have been shunned from society in the past. There are powerful forces at work that will fight (through vicious advertising campaigns, you know the type) to increase the rate of deforestation. We therefore request that our identities (which we’ve thus-far attempted to conceal) remain unattached to this potentially controversial commentary on our concerning clear-felling tendencies. Regards - Anonymous. In defense of out use of cunt: Germaine uses it and argues that our discomfort with the word is merely a symptom of the systemic patriarchy of our society. Why is it that a word describing a woman’s genitalia is considered one of the most offensive words in the English lexicon? Besides, ‘vagina’ derives from the Latin ‘sword sheath’ and we resent that. It is also particularly difficult to rhyme... 3 Table of Contents Save the Bush... 2 Ormond Bites 4 Brack-ses & Bathtowels 6 SCR Not Staff! 7 AskRob - He’s Back 8 A Message From Admin 10 Buffy V Bella 12 Trivia Night Funzies 14 Cribz! 16 From the Archives 17 The Fun Stuff 18 Editors’ Note Oh hai there Ormondians! We hope you saw the play last week! It was ah-mazing, and we’re sending out our biggest congratulations to Blake & Ali, their splendid cast, those visual wizards who made up the creative team, and all the cute little minions in black who ran around and moved things to different spots. (You guys were the best.) A big shout out is also well deserved by the Community Service SubCommittee who organized a Trivia Night so outrageous Adrian had to shut that partay down. This week we’ve brought back Cool Rob with a vengeance: A new quill described as “totes more acidic than Rita Skeeter” now pens the antithesis to your angst, and this time it’s personal. Nom nom nom on some Ormond news, see Dworj kick some Twilight tail, and avoid surprise when your toilet door is removed, cos we’ve got all the answers… Kthxbye, The Editors 4 College News... Nom Nom Nom Sized! A Gala Night Wednesday the 10th of August saw the opening night of the OCDC’s Peter Pan. In the tradition of previous opening nights, the cast was explicitly told by producer Alice Goodman to “have fun” with the run. The pirates in particular took this very literally. Highlights included Soph Parr’s cover of ‘I’m On A Boat’ and Hook’s final words (“et nova, et vetera!”). And while the pirate flag was slightly backwards and the Darling house may have featured a wheel, the Ormond only audience was clearly no bothered by these minor details. Cast looked babein’, in particular Elle, Stef and Georgia in their merm-a-tards and full-body scales. Massive congratulations to everyone involved, especially our brilliant Drama Heads! Awww shit! There’s Wally! An Awkward Intersection After a big night out, the classic It has taken a while but Ormondipre-Ormond destination has alans have finally crushed the spirits of the official college photographers. ways been Intersection Café. Every Smoko Head has their number on The 2011 College photo features speed dial, with the popular food moustaches, Viking hats and even choice being overwhelmingly Inties an appearance from the elusive pizza. However, one Henry HanWally. Whilst the 2010 photo saw lon decided to explore their menu some brutal editing, the number and diversity of Ormondian quirks was further and got more than he barclearly too great an effort for Photo- gained for. After a tiresome round of Shop. We can imagine that the golf, Henry struck up a conversation with the manager about the legitimate ownership of a corn-cob. ‘EDIT THIS’ sign featured in MB2 window was the final straw. However, the general response from students has been positive. We hope future Ormondians will have a laugh and wonder exactly what inspired Jimi Redhead to go with grey for his moustache. As luck would have it, the manager was in a good mood and took Henry on a tour of the establishment. Henry chatted with the staff, and even got to help with washing dishes! And so the relationship between Ormond and Inties remains strong! 5 Pong It’s been great to see that college staff and students have reached a compromise regarding the ping pong table. With it’s new location next to the Billards table, the trophy cabinets in the ‘Reading Room’ are no longer in danger from tiny, highspeed missiles. All we need now is to find a home for the other Billards table ;) The JCR also features new chill couches below the oars, which has quickly been populated by the 500s. The café has also seen a great boom in business, with nachos being a particularly popular choice. For a detailed explanation of salsa to sour cream ratios, please contact Alex Harper x1342 (especially if Johnny O’Brien is making them) Alan?!? Picken residents were left confused in the late hours of Monday night with cries of ‘Alan! Alan! Alan!’ being heard through the corridors of A3 and B3. Some people responded with calls of ‘Steve! Steve!’ with no response. Luckily, the lovely Naomi Read came to the rescue. The lostTurf patriot located her Alan and was safely escorted back to Main Building. Mighty Marcelle More than the Magoos honour was at stake at their debut match last Wednesday. Mickey Bee (proudly worn by Marcelle Fleming) got into a tussle with the infamous Whitley Wolf. When it was revealed that the Wolf was in fact female, tempers were cooled and hands were shook. Sadly, the Magoos also lost, however this was rectified the following Sunday with a stunning victory over Queens. Invite: Lost in the Mail? Hello Upper East Siders! We hear there was an intimate gathering involving cheese and wine last Friday night - Invite only. Held outside the Grant, Belcher and Denison residences, the guests conversed over candlelight. Ghazi and Chambo were spotted earlier that day at Vic Markets purchasing le fromage. Will this become a regular occurrence? We hope we get invited next time... Special Delivery On Sunday night, Jared was pranked in a most heinous fashion. Many students received calls on their room phones saying they had a package at reception. They all trooped down to retrieve said mail, reached for the nook only to be stopped dead in their tracks by a frustrated Jared. In his words, “someone’s having a laugh xoxo Gossip Girl mate”, but srsly, we love Jared. Not Wendy Gone Wild... cool guys. Post-Play celebrations at Tsubu Bar on Wednesday night saw many an Ormondian in fine form. Students studying in the ERC were slightly perturbed by a passionate embrace up against a window. Billy jokingly thanked Tinkerbell for preventing Peter smooching on his Wendy. Back at Ormond, a boisterous party discovered that the UCR had anticipated an unplanned Tower Party and locked off proxy access. Well played, Rahul. However the party continued in John and Cool Rob’s study, with beats such as ‘A Whole New World’ and ‘Summer Lovin’ drawing babes from afar. Later that night, a very confused Lost Boy insisted at 2AM that Eliza’s room was, in fact, her own. Although this assertion was vigorously defended by the aforementioned, eventually both gave up and agreed to ‘squish’ and share for the night. However, the next morning was filled with much confusion… Classic Gala night. 6 The Brack and the Bath Towel ...Or How I Broke My Hand Trying To Preserve Olivia Newton-John’s Honour I remember sitting with a group of friends in the JCR thirty years ago. It was late at night and the man in the now infamous Brack painting looked down at us with a weary wisdom. Conversation turned to the fact that the Brack was a valuable painting, and there it hung uncovered, unprotected, and generally unremarked upon – witness to Smokos, Reviews and sundry other undignified events. One of us – the only non-Ormondian there – reached up with the intention of scratching his initials into the oil paint. We Ormondians remonstrated with him and he stopped, though he was a little perplexed: my friends and I didn’t have reputations for being “goody-goodies”, and our nonOrmondian companion was surprised that we acted so protectively. Putting aside the senselessness of damaging an important painting, what really motivated us was simply that this was our Ormond, and looking after it was a natural thing for us to do. Later that year I was woken early one Sunday morning: “Leachie! Wake up! A madman is trying to break into Lizzie’s room.” I wrapped a towel around my waist and ran to second floor Picken C. Sure enough, there was a man shouting and banging on Lizzie’s door. In retrospect, I feel sorry for the man: he was clearly very ill and wrestling with terrible Rob Leach inner demons. At the time, however, it was confusing and quite scary. His delivery, if largely incoherent, was strangely Old Testament in tone, and fragments of it remain with me to this day: “I shall strike you down and make you jump into the mulberry bush of death!” he shouted. He had a handful of small sticks, which apparently were his children, and if we didn’t leave he would release them: “And like a plague of crocusts [yes, crocusts!] they will eat thy eyes and forthwith ye shall be banished into Satan’s fires.” It emerged, from his ranting, that he thought Olivia Newton-John was in the room and he planned to take her away and do terrible things to her, punishment for her sins. There was a group of us standing in the corridor and we told the man to leave. This only seemed to enrage him more and he set about trying to break down Lizzie’s door. I suggested, in my own biblical vernacular, that he go forth, which proved to be a mistake. “I’m getting her out! I’m getting her out! And there’s not a thing in damnation thy can do, Mr. Bath-Towel!” He lunged towards me and there was a short scuffle, after which my companions restrained him until the police arrived. Lizzie was fine, a little shaken up, but glad that so many friends had rallied around when they thought she was in trouble. Unfortunately, in the confusion, my right hand was badly broken. My hand didn’t hurt straight away – but getting it set by an impatient intern, who didn’t believe my story and who thought I’d been out fighting, caused me to utter some impassioned biblical references. No doubt that Sunday morning could have been more skillfully handled. And though we saved the Brack that late night in the JCR, it was lost to the students club not that long after. Thirty years ago my friends and I were young, and dumb, and full of enthusiasm. We made lots of mistakes, but we did try to look after Ormond and we did try to look after each other. And this is something I see today: Ormond students supporting each other in sport and drama, taking care of each other at parties, working together when planning events, and helping each other with study. There is something special about being part of a community where you live and work together. By taking responsibility for the college, by looking after other Ormondians, we can engage in away that is empowering, that provides a sense of purpose and meaning – and it’s often great fun too! Got a Classic College moment? We want to hear about it... [email protected] SCR, Not Staff If there is one factor that differentiates a true collegiate institution from a residence hall or student dormitory, it is the presence of a thriving academic community. Without educational purpose, we may as well be another College Square; a collection of rooms used solely as living space. Our college prospers by creating an environment for real conversations about issues that are relevant and ideas both innovative and inspiring. Sustaining this environment requires the input of everyone- not just young students, but experienced academics as well. At Ormond, this is where the SCR step in, and we’re lucky to have them take up this role. The participation of distinguished academics in our college enriches our conversations and our community in ways that would not otherwise be possible. Our evenings are enlivened by seminars and debates on a broad range of topics, from new scientific theories to questions of ethical behaviour, most of which are in some way related to the SCR. And yet the influence of our academic fellows extends beyond the occasional evening session or debate. They can provide mentorship and advice to students working in their fields, or contacts in the wider community. More subtly, their presence contributes to an academic atmosphere within the college that pervades all 7 and academic fellows. Editorial aspects of Ormond life. It’s important that we not only have the presence of the SCR at college, but that we make the most of the opportunities they afford. A saddening fact is that many conflate the SCR with the college staff, and are very unaware of the different benefits each of these sectors of Ormond provide. If we don’t know the roles of the SCR members, how can we understand the possibilities they provide us as students at University? The SCR is a distinct body within the Ormond community made up of resident tutors Despite common misconceptions, the SCR are not paid to be here. They are also not automatically members of the college staff*, and pay residential fees just as we do. In short: we have all equally chosen to be part of the Ormond community. Next time you’re at lunch and can’t quite spot your friends in Hall, don’t do the awkward servery-door dance. Sit down next to one of our academic fellows and strike up a conversation. You might even make a new friend. *Editor’s note: some members of the Senior Common Room are also members of the college administration, including Dr. Black, or are employed as tutors, and some receive fellowships that compensate them for all or part of their residential costs. 8 AskRob Dear Cool Rob, When I saw the call for GC applications, my heart leapt. In the dead of night, I anxiously composed my application. As soon as Thea opened reception, I slipped my application in and scurried back to my room. When the applications were posted in the Vesti the next day, I was crushed. Up against my meagre application was a stunning work of art. I was up against a monolith of Ormond manliness, the coolest of the cool. Oh Rob, how can I begin to describe to you what this man means to the Student’s Club… He Dearest Ghazi, has been an illuminating figure, a personal and collective beacon for the entire Ormond Community. With this work as Head of Construction for the Play, even the freshers have been exposed to his brilliant thunderstorm of tempestuous moods. Rob, I really think I could do a great job – my personality, experience and ideas all fit the job description. But how can I even dream of victory in the face of such a resplendent creature? Yours sincerely, Kind of Hopeful If your instant reaction to the opening of this response was “how did he know?!” then I’ll spare you the mental sweat; I’m pretty much psychic. As if your evident triumph (if we could really call it that) and my ‘loss’ (so many loose terms…) in the GC elections didn’t already have to be public enough, you’ve found, to your delight a less than humorous means to continue to bask in your victory and revel in my defeat amongst the pages of the Ormondian. Note: For those who are a little lost, please divert your attention to the previous opening paragraphs. Arrived? Now children, let’s all hold hands and play ‘Spot the exulting, insincere sycophantism of a sore winner’. Don’t fret if you can’t spot it straight off, it’s arguably as subtle as Lachlan Carter’s absence from university tutorials. I’ll admit that I was at first truly devastated. The thought of your satisfaction went down as well as I imagined a cup of cold sick doesn’t. Thank God I only had to feel sorry for myself for like, seven minutes BBMed the good news and realized that I’d enjoy watching you slave away on seven Student Service shifts a week for all the GC members that you promised to cover in exchange for a few extra ‘votes’. Victory evidently does come at 9 a price, so I’m glad mine didn’t cost my dignity and fourteen hours behind a Bain-marie. That’s just heinous. I imagine this response might be all coming off slightly harsher than you have expected. The thought of this thrills me. But seriously, I’m not bitter and twisted about losing. Srzly. I’m not. And I don’t want this coming off in the way like I’m being a heinous person, but sometimes I just cant help but be a good friend. So, let me tell you something about Ghazi. We were best friends in middle school. I know, right? It’s so embarrassing. I don’t even... whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend, Kyle, who was totally gorgeous. But then he moved to Indiana, and Ghazi was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, he’d be like “Why didn’t you call me back?” And I’d be like “Why are you so obsessed with me?” So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like “Ghazi, I can’t invite you because I think you’re a lesbian.” I mean, I couldn’t have a lesbian at my party. There were going to be be girls there in their bathing suits. I mean, right? he was a lesbian! So then his mom called my mom and started yelling at her, it was so retarded. And then he dropped out of school because no one would talk to him, and he came back in the fall for high school, all of his hair was cut off and he was totally weird, and now I guess he’s on crack. But Srzly, no hard feelings... S l! o o c tay Rob send your questions to: [email protected] The Ormond College Students’ Club will be holding it’s second General Meeting this comingWednesday, 17th of August. All Special Resolutions and Motions on Notice are on display in the JCR. OMG! It’s an OGM! If the AGM is anything to go by, the OGM will surely be a night of informative awesomeness as well as 350 post long facebook threads. Dress code: 70’s. Don’t stress, it’ll be cute and chiilled, we’ll cya there! Attendance is compulsory for members, and apologies must be sent to the Secretary in the ‘M’ pigeon hole. 10 Attention! 11 12 Turned off Twilight – Why Buffy Beats Bella Any Day Buffy, the Vampire Slayer is my new role model. Fellow Gen Y members, I have finally caught on to the phenomenon many of you would have discovered thirteen years ago. In the wake of this Twilight era in which we now live, I’ve decided I much prefer the Vampire girl of the 90s, Buffy Summers, over Bella Swan. Spending my last two years of high school at an all girls school meant enduring the overwhelming obsession my classmates had (and secretly still do have) with the Twilight series. I am ashamed to admit I was swept up in the madness for a time. I read the books, multiple times. I’ve seen the films. I’ve googled shirtless pictures of Taylor Lautner. I blame Twilight fever – a very shameful disease to contract if one is no longer a tween, but nevertheless it managed to spread throughout my entire Year 12 class. Now free from the confines of schooling life, I spend my days studying far more age-appropriate books like those of Jane Austin and Virginia Woolf. I’ve also studied the works of feminist writers from Mary Wollstonecraft to Gail Dines. Buffy, to me, personifies that thirdwave feminism of the 90s they called Girl Power. Back in the day, pop stars like the Spice Girls taught young girls, like myself, to own their Alex Dworjanyn personalities and be confident in whatever type of girl they wanted to be. What stumps me is the fact that I was deprived of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s awesome kick-ass-ness as a child. My mother, very much the undercover New Age hippie, was extremely against a TV show involving evil vampires, monsters and witchcraft. It didn’t matter how many of my friends were watching the show. She had a fair point, I’ll confess, seeing as I was only six years old when Buffy first aired. Then again, it ended when I was in my teens, at which point I was still banned from watching. If only mum could have taken the time to see – she should have encouraged me to watch the show, not ban me from it! For me, the love for all things Buffy was almost instantaneous. I was recently in need of a 90s themed costume for a party I was going to. Stuck for ideas, I googled ‘90s TV shows’. A scroll through the results eventually presented me with an image of Buffy – blonde, gorgeous, dagger in hand. Intrigued, I gave Buffy a sneaky Wikipedia search and a quick Youtube stalk. I hurriedly got my hands on the first few seasons. My friends saw little of me in the following weeks. Most respected my need to remain in my room, encouraged me even. They knew I was discovering something amazing, and that no uni assignment, no lecture and no pub night was as important as watching the Buffy series for the very first time. Late one night, during my Buffyinduced hibernation, I lay in bed reflecting on the differences between Buffy Summers and Twilight’s Bella Swan. First, I thought of Buffy. Sixteen years old, pretty, blonde – but don’t forget; super strong, super confident and capable of killing a vampire with a quick stake to the heart and a witty one-liner. She is confident, loving and not afraid to be herself. 13 She’s also completely independent and in control when it comes to her relationship with her vampire boyfriend Angel. Then I considered Bella – awkward, self-deprecating, utterly dependent and fragile. She is antisocial, and treats her friends like crap. Her self-assigned destiny is to be with her true love, Edward, forever. That’s it. No other ambitions whatsoever. Buffy’s is to save the world from evil until the day she dies. Bella is the victim and Buffy is the hero. Spotted... In the Vesti These very stylish Ormondians gave us the lowdown on all things personal panache. Take inspiration! Jess Denison Libby Bakonyi Dan Candy A great sense of grief and sorrow washed over me; sorrow for the young girls stuck with Bella Swan as their role model. The influence of the Twilight series cannot be denied. It is true that many are only interested in the films due to the incessant need of the male leads to remove their shirts. But this thing is a phenomenon – young girls are obsessing over every detail of the books and films. Including the ‘ordinary girl’ protagonist whom they are all supposed to relate to. What they’re obsessing over is a twisted relationship between a personality-less damsel in distress and her controlling and overprotective life’s obsession. The girl cares about nothing but her ‘perfect’ man, sacrificing her entire life, including her education and her friends, to be with him. Hopelessly romantic? I say tragic. The Ormondian: What do you have Georgie Savage: Libby, you’re supon tonight? posed to make it funny. Deni: It’s my girls night out Libby: I can’t be bothered to make outfit- ‘cute and comfy’ :). it funny. The Ormondian: Libby, why are you wearing a beanie tonight? Libby: Because it’s fucking freezing outside. The Ormondian: Looking good there Mr. Candy ;) Dan: I’m breaking down social norms with my outfit! 14 Trivia Night The Results ... What happens when you take 300 of the brightest young minds in the state, lock them in a room and ask them a whole lot of hard questions? Apparently, not much. Welcome to Trivia: The Results… Question 6 Name the ghost that appears to Macbeth at the banquet of the King… Question 12 What is the key ingredient in Mock Turtle Soup? Fantasia: Banquo, mofo Question 3 What sort of a berry is crossed with a Loganberry to produce Boysenberry? Cal Wood: Casper (lol) Fantasia: Rufus Black’s skinnay bitch DawG Leprechauns: European Raspberry Question 7 Which Australian swimmer recently won the men’s 100m freestyle at the World Championships in Shanghai? Trivial Pur-Suits: Blueberry Blackberry Raspberry + Blackberry Sick Kents: Halle Berry Fantasia: Blackberry/Denny (as in Logan Denny… we’re SAH witty) Sleep Over Club: The ghost Sick Kents: Emma Chambers Team Alastair: Tim Parrott! Pirates III: Jellet’s Retribution: Cadel Evans LOL Beer…Far…Whereever You Are: Tofu Wingardium Trivioosa: 3 ½ dodos James Pilbrow: Ninja Turtles (baby) 15 Babymondian! Large amounts of alcohol didn’t deter detective Ormondians from some tough photo evidence- this cheeky face led no team astray… Question 13 Name the 2 players in this image… Pirates III: Jellet’s Retribution: Chris Judd + Dumbledore (levicorpus) Test Toppers 2.0: Moose & Zambon Team Nishita: Cal Gordon and Austin VG …or maybe not? The name of this cutie eluded most teams. (Hint: when you cross out the right answer and guess a second time, you totally don’t get a tick you know.) 16 Eva ithsc Wu her t e D We’re airing out the best mansions... er, rooms on the crescent. Think yours has what it takes? Contact [email protected]! The wallpaper she found from Big W and spent all night figuring out where each square was best placed! Eva has a ‘no studying in room’ policy, it’s only for chilling. Gold bird ornament: A present from her grandmother. Husky toy: A present from her parents to substitute the real dog Eva wanted. Motivational posters: With triumphant Olympians stories. The jewellery collection that Eva has a ‘love affair’ with... Eva bargained for her rug in an Indian market. Gold lantern: From Singapore. Mood lamp: From big brother Pete. 17 18 Horoscopes by Phoenix Stars Your relationship may feel dry and Perched without any real lovEm’. When attending skolls, don’t sit opposite the a-Tom-ic vom, it may explode at anytime. Watch your drinks this week, You wouldn’t want to Dav your drink spiked with Eccies. Don’t wear your Amani suit out in Lorrain, it will get wet. When playing golf this week, you may find two balls in the cup. Look out for Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, the have been seen Wondering around lately. As Alex the Great said, “The grass is Greener on the otherside, but have you Scott the balls to go”. Wait a Minnett, where’s Carter? He’s at it again. You may be burnt to Smith-erines this week, but like a Pheonix you will rise from the ashes. Henry is on the prowl, I don’t think Hanny-body can stop him.. You need a froffy, a froffy, a froffy is all you need. Hey Hey. Chin up, you Will be a Brid(i)e one day. Overheard “Wait..isn’t Ghazi already on the GC?” - Annie Belcher “Anna, we talked about sacrifice. For you, it might have to be food” - Blake to his Tinkerbell. “You went to town on my expectations” -Alex Mathews, to Lauren Flint, when she brought out something from the kitchen. “Oh my god she’s so dead” - Laura Berthold, discussing the late Amy Winehouse. “I think I’ll be good at tackling, it’s like sharing food at Christmas” - Row Baer Blake - “But WHY can’t we have pitchblack on stage...” Cool Rob (vein-popping in forehead) “Because the ACTORS need to see too!!!” Ruth - “ It’s sad, the cookie monster can’t eat cookies anymore.” Jessie - “Oh he diabetic?” “Let’s just not tell Rob about that...” - Each and every Peter Pan crew member. “I just want to spend my life making cat videos for Youtube. But I don’t have a video camera. Or a cat.” - Loraine, post-Turf. “I don’t really like chocolate. I like my ice cream like how I like people... white” - Khalid “Why don’t I ever end up in the overheards?! I say such funny things!” - Georgia Brough Blake - ‘‘Oooh solder!’’ “BLAKE DON’T TOUCH THAT!” - Entire construction crew. “You and I don’t have to resist porking other dudes!” - John Ryan to Cool Rob “I don’t have the neck for top buttons” - L. Borthwick “Yay, an opportunity to pee on Uni property!” - Will Scott “Fun is overrated.” - Cool Rob “That’s hard!” - Naomi Read 19 Forest Trivia Wondering what happened to those questions you missed out on at Trivia Night? Wonder no more! Sharpen your pencils kids it’s time for Trivia Rejects! Trivia Rejects Quick Fire Round 2: 1. Who wrote the Golden Goose? BROS. GRIMM or AESOP? 2. Which is the only planet to rotate clockwise? MARS or VENUS? 3. How many cameos has Miley Cyrus done for the TV series Community? ONE or NONE? 4. Is Faroe a breed of PUPPY or PONY? 5. Was Josef Stalin TALLER or SHORTER than Winston Churchill? 6. Where is a sandshrew found; Pokemon RED or BLUE? 7. Canaletto - PAINTER or PASTA? 8. Where was Karl Marx buried? LONDON or PARIS? 9. In the band Coldplay, does Will Champion play GUITAR or DRUMS? 10. Who has had malaria; George CLOONEY or Barbra STREISAND? Star Wars Nerd Challenge: By Nick Taylor Garfield WIthout Garfield 1. What is Yoda’s home planet? 2. What is the surname of Luke’s surrogate parents? 3. Of whom are the stormtroopers clones? 4. Name Chewbacca’s father. 5. Who commanded the Imperial invasion of the Battle of Hoth & how did he die? 6. How many minutes does A New Hope go for? 7. Which Star Wars actor or actress can now be likened to Jabba the Hutt? 8. Name the lizard-like creature ridden by stormtroopers on Tatooine 9. What day of the year is Star Wars day? ANSWERS: 1. What are the names of the 9 members of the weasley family? 2. How many knuts in a galleon? 3. Malfoy’s wand: how long and containing which magical substance? 4. In the triwizard tournament maze, what spell does Harry use to defeat the blast-ended skrewt? 5. What is the password used to enter the Gryffindor common-room in the third book up until the attack by Sirius Black? 6. What is Profesor Dumbledor’s full name? 7. What do you need to say to get into the secret passage to Hogsmede guarded by the one-eyed witch? 8. At what address to the Black family live? 9. In Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince, Profesor Slughorn asks the class to prepare a draught of Living Death, a. What effect does the potion have? b. For a bonus mark, name one or more of the 5 ingredients required for the potion: 10. Name four kinds of candies sold in Honeydukes. STAR WARS: 1. Grentarik 2. Lars 3. Jango Fett 4. Attichitcuk 5. Admiral Ozzel (choked to death by an angry Vader) 6.One hundred and twentyone minutes 7. Carrie Fisher 8. Dewbacks 9 May Fourth (May the force be with you) HARRY POTTER: 1. Arthur, Molly, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny 2. Four Hundred and Ninety Three 3. Ten inches, unicorn hair core 4. The impediment jinx 5. Fortuna Major 6. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 7. dissendium 8. Number Twelve, Grimauld place. 9. a) a (deathly) slumber/sleep b) wormwood, asphodel, valerian roots, Sloth brain, and the juice of a sopophorous bean 10. Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs, Coconut Ice, Ice Mice, Fizzing Whizbees, Pepper Imps, Sugar Quills, Cockroach Clusters, self-flossing mints, blood flavored lollipops QUICK FIRE ROUND: 1. Bros. Grimm 2. Venus 3. None 4.Pony 5. Taller 6. Blue 7. Painter 8. London 9. Drums 10. Clooney Harry Potter Nerd Challenge: By Charlotte Grover-Johnson Contact the Ormondian at [email protected] © 2011 OCSC
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