October 2012 - LEADERship MC Alumni, Inc.
October 2012 - LEADERship MC Alumni, Inc.
LEADERlines October 2012 Orientation for Students and Parents The Alumni Planning Committee welcomed Class 16 students, their parents and the sponsors of the Martin Youth LEADERship Program at orientation. Spencer Spraker is introducing his mom, Lynne (class 4) along with his twin sister Stephanie. The class has thirty-one sophomore and junior students from four area high schools. From the Board -- Jeffrey Clee, Director My experience has been very informative. Your Alumni supports benefits for it's members. There are many, however, I wish to write about one. "Access to a unique and talented group of Alumni Professionals" Remember your experience? I went from the Red room to the Board room, literally! My enthusiasm survives today. Sworn to secrecy, getting the "inside scoop" from various government officials, business leaders, nonprofits and charities and getting historical background on our areas development, challenges and opportunities was a fantastic experience. Learning more about ourselves and fellow classmates and helping others by understanding their point of view, was also worthwhile. I invite you to look back and recall "why" you took the class. One of our projects is member retention. I propose that we continue to seek the things we looked for when we took the class. Every class received information "of the time". I graduated last year, Class 22, and there are enormous changes in the short time since. We have a new Sheriff, Head of the School Board, County Commissioners, etc. We have many races ahead that can and will cause changes. At the end of the day, I would like to hear from these new leaders, their goals, challenges and their situation assessment. Hopefully this is of interest to you as well. We need your current information. Speaking of changes, was there "email" in Class #1 or Class #7? Your Alumni will be calling to talk about this and other things important to you. Take the call, share your views, provide updated information. Please get involved! IN THIS ISSUE • YOUTH 1 • FROM THE BOARD 1 • YOUTH CLASS 16 2 • BUSINESS PERSON 3 • EDUCATION CELEBRATE 3 • SIMSOC & SOCIAL 4 • BREAKFAST INVITE 5 • ALUMNI BOARD 6 • BULLETIN BOARD 6 • MISSION STATEMENT 6 • ADDRESS & WEB 6 UPCOMING FREE Social after History/Culture Day At Barn Theatre Oct 4 at 5 pm * * * * * * * * * * Alumni Breakfast At Sailfish Splash Waterpark Oct 24 7:45 - 9 am Page 1 of 6 Introducing the Sponsors & Youth Class 16 Sponsors are: Ampersand Shirt Shack ♦ Clark Advanced Learning Center ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Florida Power & Light Hobe Sound Women’s Club LEADERship Alumni Martin County School District Sailfish Striders Seacoast National Bank ♦ Soroptimists of Stuart ♦ Stuart/Martin Co Chamber of Commerce ♦ Stuart Police Department ♦ Martin County Sheriff’s Office ♦ Tykes & Teens ♦ Women Supporting Arts/Arts Council. Council ♦ Sponsors Laurie Peterson of Sailfish Striders, Brad Love of Ampersand Shirt Shack and Nick Blount from Florida Power & Light Martin County Youth LEADERship Class 16 Members of the class were introduced along with their parents at the recent orientation. The students are: Clark Advanced Learning Center: Center Ronald Alfaro, Dorian Hogsten, Angela Infusao, Casey Moore, Naomi Negron. Jensen Beach High School: School Alli Bettencourt, Hope Cotton, Natalie Holland, Beau Ladwig, PJ Pierre-Jerome, Spencer Spraker, Stephanite Spraker, Falin Williams-Heidarian. Martin County High School: School Tyler Begeman, Melean Davies, Annie Golko, Luke Hyland, Emily Jones, Katie Marcell, Shania Minnis, Gillie Muller, Carmen Valdez. Pine School: School Annemiek Doedens, AJ Lettengarver, Reid Mortell, Haley Walker. South Fork High School: School Pusho Nicolas, Guillermo Perez, Christina Reagan. October 2012 LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 2 Business Person of the Month -Travis Waddell (class 20) Freedom Waste Services is one of the few remaining locally owned and operated debris removal companies based in Martin County. Our company has been doing business for over eighteen years on the Treasure Coast and offer an assortment of services including, construction dumpsters, portable toilets, bobcat service, demolition and land clearing. We pride ourselves on the fact that we are a small business that can have a personal relationship with our customers and at the same time provide them with a service that exceeds the industry standard. During these trying economic times we have done our best to try and support our community not only financially but also by providing our services to help non-profit organizations. As a board member of Keep Martin Beautiful we furnish dumpsters in many cleanup projects, help Martin Memorial Hospital by supporting and donating dumpsters to the Goombay Bash, donate service to organizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, The Maritime Boat Museum, Habitat for Humanity, Arc of Martin County, Military Vets of Martin County and many more. Education Foundation Celebrates Twenty years ago, a group of community leaders founded the Education Foundation of Martin County. Many communities were forming these foundations and Dr. Bill Wilcox (class 1) and Betty Robinson of the chamber’s education committee suggested it to LEADERship class 2 as a task force assignment. Dr. Sara Wilcox, who was in class 2, remembers many kitchen table discussions in forming a group of leaders to make this happen. Bill was the mover and shaker and asked School Superintendent Frank Brogan for his support by establishing a Superintendent’s Roundtable made up of concerned businesses and individuals who were committed to providing the highest level of quality education for the children of Martin County. Various levels of annual gifts gave them a seat at the roundtable. Some of the alumni who served on the Education Foundation Board in the early years of the organization were Kathy deWindt, Debra Duvall, Jeff Weber and Debbie Banta, who continues to serve on the board. Alumni who are board officers this year are President Elliot Paul, Vice President Ryan Strom and Secretary Debbie Banta. Board members are Bill Dwyer, Gayle Harrell and Raul Ocampo, Jr. The Education Foundation looks forward to the next decade in continuing their partnership with LEADERship. Lisa Rhodes Lisa Rhodes (class 19) Executive Director of the foundation said “Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Education Foundation, we honor the visionaries who founded this nonprofit organization and the thousands of donors who have supported its programs over two decades”. Alumni Moving ON Patty Winterburn Alan - (7) Retired as Provost of Indian River State College Tom Sawyer - (3) Established The Law Office of Thomas A. Sawyer Patricia Taylor - (10) Retired Partner of McCarthy, Summers, Bobko, Wood, Norman, Bass & Taylor, P.A. Michelle Tierney - (12) New employer is Gulfstream Business Bank Lisa Teetor - (7) New employer is Group One Safety & Security Contact information is available on www.LeadershipmcAlumni.com October 2012 LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 3 SIMSOC , Social & Class 23 Thanks to the alumni who volunteered as angels for the SIMSOC Exercise; Francine Beckstead, LC Campbell, Will Carson, Mike Dadko, Susan Gaieski, Gina Golino, Lisa and Steve Graff, Tom Harmer, Chad Hastings, Sharon Kinane, Taryn Kryzda, Pete Lashanka, Sheryl and Elliot Paul, Jeff Ralicki, David Sarno, Dalynn Sotomayor, Nicki van Vonno and the Coordinator Tim Kinane. Alumni Mike Dadko, Kevin and Taryn Kryzda, Nicki van Vonno and Tom Harmer attending the social at Pirates Cove Resort Bar to welcome class 23 members after the SIMSOC Retreat. LEADERship Class 23 met at Indian River State College for their opening SIMSOC Retreat. Afterward they were joined for a social with alumni at Pirates Cove Resort Bar. Members are Jennifer Ahern, Roger Baltz, Lisa Compagno, Lee England, Gretchen Frazier, Genevieve George, Jeff Goldwasser, Kelly Hilton-Green, Scott Hudson, Ced Humphrey, Carmela Kirk, Steve Magallanes, Debbie McCaughey, Bill McConaghy, Matt Pilot, Jeremy Savard, Thomas Schinske, Owen Schultz, Diane Seeland, Maureen Vaillancourt, Kim Waser, Cherie White, Jolynn Whitten and Christine Woods. Sharing their experiences from SIMSOC are class 23 members Scott Hudson, Gretchen Frazier, Genevieve George, Diane Seeland with alumni David Sarno. October 2012 Cherie White of class 23 enjoying the social with alumni Sharon Kinane, Francine Beckstead & Sue Hedgepeth. Guest Vicki Carson, the wife of alumni Bill and mom of alumni Gina Golino. LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 4 October 2012 LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 5 Bulletin Board POST YOUR NOTES LEADERship Alumni Board 2012– 2013 Gina Golino (22) thanks the many alumni who donated to the “Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive” that Anthony & Alyssa Golino did to collect food for the House of Hope Food Pantry. They exceeded their goal of 600 lbs by collecting 1,000 lbs. Congratulations to our future leaders. President Lisa Teetor Group One Safety & Security ViceVice-President Carl Newton Seacoast Wealth Management Treasurer Greg Nuttall Hill, Barth & King, LLC Recording Secretary Jon Milton Milton Engineering Consultants David Dees, a memo ber of class 5, wh rtin Ma initiated the LEADERship Youth Program, was not rec s nth mo t las ognized in rt LEADERlines as pa e. itte mm co ing of the youth plann portant role he We appreciate the im the success of has always played in Thanks, Mom our youth program. Corresponding Secretary Jayme Uteshill Pop Culture Past President Janice Norman Lifestyle Realty Group Directors Jason Berger Law Office Jason berger Tara Biek Tara Biek Creative L.C. Campbell Nettles Island Church Taryn Kryzda (13) County Administator received the Charlene Hoag Award, at the BDB Annual Awards Luncheon for her devotion to family, vocation and commitment to community service and leadership. Jeffrey Clee RE/MAX of Stuart Mike Ewing Martin County Sheriff’s Office Susan Gaieski M.C. Social Media Group Scott Herring, Nassau Co. Public Works Director of Fl., is a graduate of our class 1. He was Presid ent of our 1993 Alumni Bo ard and ran central office of SIMSOC for many yea rs. Scott moved in 2006 bu t continues to be an active alumni. He is working on establishing an alumni ass ociation as they start their class 13 progra m. We wish you all the best. Maria Wells (14) gains leadership role in Florida’s largest professional association. She was elected 2013 Secretary of Florida Realtors by their 115,000 members. Maria is the owner/broker of Lifestyle Group Realty in Stuart. One of many honors she has received. Ryan Grimsdale Martin County Sheriff’s Office Sue Hedgepeth Stuart/Martin County Chamber Peter Kemp Huston’s Office-Comm. Interiors ExEx-Officio Adult Planning Chair Debbie Banta Martin County School District Youth Planning Chair Diana Bruton Treasure Coast Realty LEADERship “Mom” Nancy Sailer Stuart/Martin County Chamber Alumni Purpose The purpose of LEADERship Martin County Alumni is to support the LEADERship Martin County Program; to provide education and networking opportunities for our members; and to enhance community awareness of our members by providing opportunities to evaluate and act on issues affecting the community. Note: Our monthly newsletter can now be viewed on our website www.LeadershipMCalumni.com October 2012 LEADERship Alumni P.O. Box 794 Stuart, FL 34995-794 LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 6
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