How to make money selling electric bikes


How to make money selling electric bikes
How to make money selling electric bikes Larry Pizzi Currie Technologies The Selling System 1. 
Marke8ng Merchandising Demonstra8ng Closing the Sale Selling Add-­‐On’s Crea8ng a Consumer Champion Marke8ng (IBD’s – E-­‐Bike customers are generally not the people coming into your store) 1. 
Adver8sing • 
Web Social Media PR Print / Direct Mail • 
Outdoor Banners Outdoor Signs • 
Free test rides Green transporta8on Community fes8vals Rentals, Tours Signage Demo Events Merchandising (IBD’s – E-­‐Bike’s need to be differen8ated in your store) 1.  Product mix • 
Range of price points, types and styles Display accessorized / customized products • 
Call aYen8on to the fact it’s not a normal bike 2.  POP displays – separated display area 3.  Product spec informa8on • 
Educated consumers demand spec & tech knowledge and info Help them to match their needs to the right category 4.  Features / Advantages / Benefits • 
Less technical customers need to understand how they benefit 5.  In-­‐store demo / test-­‐ride • 
Trainer ride to demo ease of use and simulate benefits Demonstra8ng (IBD’s – E-­‐Bike consumers need test drives!) 1.  Start on the trainer •  Understanding control func8ons 2.  Accompanied test ride •  Bike of their choice & a step-­‐up model •  Switch bikes at the mid-­‐way point 3.  Hill climb •  The steepest one in your area 4.  Back to the store • 
Big smiles = Best 8me to trial close Closing the Sale (IBD’s – E-­‐Bike consumers buy from people they trust!) 1. 
Ask for the sale! If posi8ve response • 
Skip to selling the add-­‐on’s • 
Price too high? Type? Style? Warrantee concerns? Service concerns? Time to think about it? • 
Offer a lower priced model or your price match guarantee Test ride other types, styles and colors Tout your great warrantee and service department policies Talk about your sa8sfac8on guarantee (return policy) • 
If they are not yet ready, make sure the leave with informa8on about the product they rode and informa8on about your store Invite them to contact you with ques8ons and try to get their contact informa8on for a follow-­‐up If not, ask for their objec8ons Counter objec8ons Ask again for the sale • 
Selling add-­‐on’s (IBD’s – E-­‐Bike consumers generally need lot’s of them) 1.  Start with the basic necessi8es •  Helmet •  Lock •  Bell, lights, cup holder, water boYle, excreta 2.  Customized & Upgraded •  Cool urban accessories •  Saddles, baskets, fenders •  Trailers 3.  Sell the apparel •  Recrea8onal and urban styling 4.  Car racks and more • 
Many good hitch mounted op8ons Create a consumer “champion” (IBD’s – Happy E-­‐Bike customers will sell them for you! To their family, friends, neighbors and anyone else that asks, “where did you get your bike?”) 1.  Sell Fun and make the en8re experience a posi8ve one. • 
You will not only have a customer for life, but an e-­‐
bike advocate that will tell all her friends how much FUN they are having 2.  Create a “Loyalty Program” that rewards them for referrals. • 
Equip them with brochures, coupons or special offers