Empowering the leaders of tomorrow for the future of the world`s water
Empowering the leaders of tomorrow for the future of the world`s water
Empowering the leaders of tomorrow for the future of the world’s water July 27 - 29, 2016 Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada About The WatIF conference is a novel international conference organized by a multidisciplinary group of graduate students for graduate students. This conference will encourage collaboration and communication among students across various disciplines and geographic locations by giving them an opportunity to share their research at all stages (from budding ideas to a finished product). WatIF hopes to create a community of young professionals who will tackle our future water-related challenges globally. WatIF 2016 Program The WatIF 2016 conference program will incorporate non-conventional, innovative activities that will allow students to develop leadership skills and experience collaborative, interdisciplinary work in action. It will also provide opportunities for students to develop their communication skills and gain academic recognition through traditional activities (e.g. oral and poster sessions). Speakers Audience 200 150 early water leaders from universities across the world in various disciplines researching water-related topics! 50 of the worlds leading industry professionals. 30+ graduate students, keynotes, breakout session facilitators, expert panel, etc. Benefits of Sponsoring the WatIF 2016 International Conference Promote and Showcase: You can promote your organization at a premier water conference and get exposure. Meet with the brightest talents in the water sector and your potential employees face to face. We will work with you at every step to create the best conditions for forging lasting, meaningful connections with our attendees. Finally, showcase your investment into the future of the world’s water leaders. Network and Connect: WatIF 2016 is a great opportunity to connect with early water leaders across the world. As a first time international conference, coverage of the conference will be huge! WatIF is working towards creating a movement by “empowering the leaders of tomorrow for the future of the world’s water” and this is your opportunity to connect with emerging leaders. We value our sponsors: As a student run conference we greatly value our supporters and sponsors and are eager to help you benefit from this experience. We will work with you to determine the best sponsorship opportunities for your organization and we will go to great lengths to promote our sponsors! Some sponsors & supporters of WatIF 2014 - Canadian Conference For a full list of sponsors please visit: http://www.waterresearchcentre.ca/2014-supporters.html WatIF 2016 Sponsorship Opportunities Benefits Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Gala Keynotes Poster hour 3 2 1 6 m2 2 m2 3 2 1 2 3 4 Unlimited 10000 5000 2000 up to 1000 Full page ad in final program Acknowledgement in the opening address Opportunity to speak at the conference* Company profile on social media (1 page) Event sponsorship** Full attendance registrations Exhibition space in the main networking area Company standing banner (~32"x72") Rolling powerpoint advertisement during concurrent sessions Company information pamphlet including in conference bag Sponsorship announcement on social media Company logo and link on WATIF website Full attendees list with name and title Available Spots Cost * Opportunity to speak will be given to Platinum sponsors. The duration of time and the content of the talk will be determined based on the number of attendees and time availability. A minimum of 5 minutes is guaranteed with a maximum of 20 minutes. ** Sponsors will have exclusive promotion throughout this event, thus if you would like to sponsor other aspects of the event we are happy to accommodate to our sponsors needs. More Sponsorship Opportunities We value our sponsors and would like to give them opportunities to help empower future water leaders in anyway that they feel possible. Therefore we are happy to tailor our sponsorship packages to each and every individual sponsor to meet their needs. We would also like to provide other opportunities for our sponsors to help WatIF. Awards Breakout Sessions Field Trips Coffee/Breaks Meals Social Events Social Media Outreach WatIF 2016 has been actively promoting via social media outlets since July 2015. With only a few months of promotions we have already reach impressive stats for January 2016: Twitter: Over 5,000 tweet impressions Over 1,000 profile visits Over 400 followers Facebook: 656 average post reach 346 followers 40 people engaged on average Website: 2000 unique page views 112 different countries WatIF has also had many prominent and respectable organizations promote us via their own social media outreach, one of which has been the UN-Water! Imagine the possibilities! Snap shot of WatIF 2014 - Canadian National Conference Due to the overwhelming success of the WatIF 2014 conference (a national conference in Canada), WatIF 2016 has now scaled up to an international level. Check out some photos from the last WatIF! Clusters of multidisciplinary groups brainstorming their collective water dreams. Graduate students presenting their research to their peers. The expert panelists discussing connections between economy and water, their current challenges and future opportunities. Students and industry leaders networking at the poster hour and expert evening. Experts from various fields facilitated breakout session and students engaged in meaningful intergenerational knowledge transfer. Contact Us Website: www.waterinitativeforthefuture.org Email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/waterinitiativeforthefuture https://twitter.com/WatIFconference https://instagram.com/watifconference/ https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=5147207 I never want to look back and wonder WatIF Terms and Conditions 1. Only organiza.ons that are suppor.ve of the mission of the WatIF Graduate Conference will be considered for par.cipa.on as a conference sponsor. The organizing commiBee reserves the right to reject any sponsorship applica.on. 2. Sponsors and exhibitors are asked to provide full payment of funds along with logo images (in requested format), and other details as required (such as correct use of partner’s name, trademarks, etc.) within 10 days of confirma.on of their par.cipa.on. 3. Sponsorship of the WatIF Graduate Conference does not include registra.on fees unless otherwise stated. 4. Promo.onal materials and banners are to be supplied by the sponsors to the WatIF organizing commiBee. 5. Sponsors and exhibitors may not sublet, assign or appor.on any part of the item(s) sponsored nor represent, adver.se or distribute literature or materials for the products or services of any other firm or organiza.on. 6. The organizing commiBee will not be liable for damage or loss to a sponsor’s and/or exhibitor’s proper.es through fire, theU, accident, or any other cause, whether the result of negligence or otherwise. 7. The WatIF organizing commiBee reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, postpone or otherwise amend or alter the conference, including but not limited to a change of venue, change of date and/or change in number of par.cipants, at any .me before the commencement date of the event. The organizing commiBee will use reasonable efforts to provide the sponsor and exhibitors with no.ce of such change or cancella.on.