MARKETING - Creating Unique Value through Brand Personality in


MARKETING - Creating Unique Value through Brand Personality in
MARKETING - Creating Unique Value
through Brand Personality in the Fashion
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
I certify that the attached written or electronically transmitted material is my own work. I
further certify that I have formally cited or otherwise fully acknowledged the quotations,
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written or electronic form, I have engaged in no falsification or misrepresentation of data
or experience in this submission.
Student ID: S11102463
Date: 26-12-2013
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
This research is aimed at investigating the influence of fashion on consumer behavior and
their decision making . Due to increased competition in the fashion business , it is
important that marketers create a favorable brand image and personality in order to win
large market share in its niche . Brand personality makes consumer interact with brands as
if they were people , especially when the brands are attached to such meaningful products
as bags (lehu, 2006 ) . Different ways have been noted in developing brand personality and
entails establishing the target audience, their expectations and needs , and then creating a
product that is channeled to meet their varying needs .
According to Lehu (2006) brand personality tend to be more emotion than logic driven
because they reflect what people feels about brands and the way those brands transmit
feelings back to them . Brand personality makes the brand enhance positive customer
relations and loyalty leading to increased sales .
In fashion context , this aspect helps in different situations including :
Can provide emotional benefits ; the ability of the brand to make the buyers or user feels
something during the purchase process and when they use it .
A good brand personality has the capability of driving social benefits . These are client
perceptions about brand personality .
Emotional and social benefits are unique sources of customer value since they affect
relationships between people and enhance the factors assessed in making decision on which
products to buy , especially in the fashion line of business operation ( lehu. 2006) . One
can capitalize on brand personality to gain competitive advantage by trying to understand
brand customer relationships; the focus is upon consumer perception , attitudes, and
behavior toward the brand .
The researcher found that the relationship between social and emotional benefits,
brand personality and brand value were varying between the two brands. Brand personality
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
highly influences the benefits derived and thus brand value. In addition, social
benefits/brand value relationship is invariant for the two brands and emotional benefits /
brand value relationship is significant for both brands. This indicates that brand personality
influences highly and solely social benefits, emotional benefits and brand value for Chanel
and Prada brands.
Chanel : higher emotional benefits +higher social benefits => higher perceived.
value .
Prada : lower emotional benefits + lower social benefits => lower perceived value
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
I would like to thank Allah Almighty for the constant motivation and strength that he gave
me to complete this task.
Secondly, I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my
guide (DR: HANEIN CHARNI) for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughout the course of this thesis. The blessing, help and guidance given
by her time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to
Lastly, I thank my family members and friends for their constant encouragement without
which this research would not be possible.
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
CHAPTER 1………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
1.1 INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………….. 6
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT …………………………………………………………………… 8
1.3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY………………………………………………… 9
1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………… 10
CHAPTER 2……………………………………………………………………………………… 11
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………………………… 11
2.1.1 BRAND PERSONALITY …………….. …………………………………………………….11
2.1.2 EMOTIONAL BENEFITS ……………………………………………………………...
2.1.3 SOCIAL BENEFITS…………………………………………..………………………
2.1.4 PERCEIVED VALUE …….……………………………………..………….…………..…
2.1.5 CONCEPTUEL MODEL……………………………………………………………………. 15
CHAPTER 3……………………………………………………………………………………… 16
3.1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………… 16
3.2 DESIGNING THE QUESTIONNAIRE………………………………………………………. 18
3.3 SAMPLE SIZE AND POPULATION………………………………………………………… 19
3.4 DATA ANALYSIS …………………………………………………………………………….. 20
CHAPTER 4 ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4.1 FOCUS GROUP FINDINGS ……………………………………………………………….
4.2 SURVEY FINDINGS …………………………………………………………………. ……..
CHAPTER 5………………………………………………………………………………. …….
5.1 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………..
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………………………………………… 31
5.3 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………… 32
APPENDIX (6)……………………………………………………………………………. ……..
6.1 QUESTIONNAIRE SAMPLE………………………………………………………………… 33
6.2 SURVEY QUESTIONS SAMPLE……………………………………………………………
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
Table 1: Social benefits
Table 2 : Emotional benefits .
Table 3: Customer perceived value.
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
The purpose of this dissertation is to find out the essential steps in creating a unique value
through brand personality in the fashion sector . The assessment of the fashion sector will
be investigated using the market brand like Gucci, Christian Dior , Chanel , Fendi .These
are the major companies in the fashion sector whereby brands have been associated directly
with success of the company.
The fashion sector has seen tremendous growth over the last century .Many fashion design
companies have developed over the last century with a variety of designs and products to
the ever increasing consumers. Consumer demands have also been on the increase as the
numbers of designers have been increasing . However , over the years the success of fashion
designers and their companies has shifted its base . While , in the early years of fashion
marketing m the success of the companies were based on the quality of the product and
manufacturing technologies , today the success factors have been based on several
intangible factors. One of these significant items for the success of any fashion company
is the brand personality .
Brand is one of the pivotal item in all the marketing strategies , in the fashion sector . Most
of consumers in the market have increased awareness in their own personality and behavior
. They are also aware of their own purchasing behavior. Any company in the fashion sector
dealing with life-style products has a high chance of thriving in the market.
Therefore. Creating a unique value and successful brand through brand personality is one
of the greatest hurdles in the life of any management in the fashion sector.
In order to come up with a success and unique rand in the fashion sector , the management
has to come up with good relationship with the consumers . These relationships must be
built on several factors , which must be identified by the management (Gelder, 2005).
Creating a unique value in this competitive market requires more than a creative vision in
personality branding . It also requires a unique managerial aspect . The new managerial
aspect should be centered on personality branding . It should be able to extract and organize
value from the scarce resources in the fashion sector . This should be done through
successful supply system , creativity and good location . The aspects of a brand and the
uniqueness of any brand must come up from the different elements of a brand .
These elements must draw a close relationship with the personality of the consumer . In
creating a unique value , it would be essential to find out the several ways of balancing
brand personality and brand positioning in the fashion design with confusing one for the
other. Uniqueness in value is accompanied by several factors , which must be identified .
Some of these factors including history , stylistic identity and visual identity created in
logos and designs . Creating a unique value through brand personality in the fashion sector
must come up also though dynamism in permanence . The methods of coming up with a
successful method are what is going to be discussed in this research paper .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
In today’s market environment , it is becoming crucial for any successful fashion and
marketing companies to create and deliver unique value to customer . Most of the
customers are interested in getting value for their money . Nobody is ready to waste the
“hard-earned” money on poor quality items . The fashion industry is one of the sensitive
industries in the market. However , in most cases , the fashion designs often become
replicated across several companies . These, therefore , mean that the same design can be
produced by several companies. Therefore, in order to remain relevant and attract and
maintain customers in the market , creating brand is one of the effective ways in which one
must use to success . However, creating a brand is also another hard task which requires
several strategies.
Any brand should be unique on its own . Such unique value can no longer be driven
simply by the product features. A brand should have both tangible and intangible features
which it identifies itself with the market . There are several ways in which one may use
branding in retaining customers in the fashion market . However , the aim of this research
is to investigate the extent to which brand personality could create emotional and social
benefits that could increase customer perception of the brand product value . with increased
competition from both emerging and established brand , it is necessary to find out how
brand personality can use unique feature that would ensure relevance in the market while
maintaining quality , price and customer base or market share .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
This research has several objectives , which are going to be achieved once the research is
concluded. The aims and objectives in this research are aimed in establishing significant
features of brand personality in the fashion sector and how they can be used in creating a
unique value . Therefore, the aims and objectives of this study will include :
How brand personality can drive emotional benefits . In this feature , the research will
analyze how brand personality would be utilized to drive emotions in the fashion sectors.
Most of the fashions or designs in the fashion sector carry emotions or have different
themes for which can draw different themes for which can draw different
emotions.Therfore , the aim here is to find out how personality can utilize this idea.
How brand personality can drive social benefits . In this case , the emphasis will be to find
out the social economic benefits of branding and how they can be utilized to create a unique
How emotional and social benefits could be unique sources of customer value . Most
Of the customers like to have different themes for different occasions , times or functions
, hence a need to draw different emotions each time . The aim here is to find out how this
can be achieved in creating a unique value.
How to capitalize on brand personality to gain a competitive advantage . The aim here is
find out the possible mechanisms though which the brand personality can be used to gain
customers and retain them for long run .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
The competition is becoming very hard and very aggressive for companies operating in
the fashion sector . Management of both existing and new fashion design companies is
facing many challenges in succeeding in the market . Most of the fashion companies are
spending millions of dollars in staying relevant in the market . It is also necessary to note
that most of the companies in the fashion sector have ventured in the same designs and
products for consumers. Therefore, it is more difficult for companies to differentiate their
offerings based on product features , so they need to look for new ways to add value or to
be unique in the eyes of the customers . There are several ways in which the management
in the fashion sector can differentiate products to consumers . One of the methods used is
through branding .
Branding has been used for many years as a successful marketing strategy for various
products even outside the fashion sector. However , there are several ways in which one
can use branding to succeed in the fashion sector . One of the ways to do this is through
brand personality , because it is an asset difficult to imitate .In addition, brand personality
can drive unique benefits like emotional and social benefits . However , the emphasis on
personality branding is how best one can create a unique value in brand personality . Most
of the people have tried brand personality without success. This is why several brands
remain relevant over the years . Many companies in the fashion sector thrive only for
particular periods or for only a particular design which does not last . This study will
analyze the several ways in which one can utilize to succeed and remain relevant in the
market for a longer period of time .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
2.1 Literature Review
2.1.1 Brand Personality
The concept of brand personality relates to a set of human characteristics associated
with a brand. The focus is on how a brand’s personality enables a consumer’s express an
ideal self or a specific dimension of the self by using a brand. Practitioners view it as a key
way to differentiate a brand in a product category, as a driver of consumer preference and
usage and as a common denominator that can be used to market a brand across all cultures
(Joseph, 2010). The fashion industry is dynamic and governed with trends, seasons,
preferences and consumer needs. These aspects create the need of brand personality in the
whole sector to maintain product differentiation and competitiveness in the sector.
According to Joseph (2010), the markets continue to mature, and competition
within companies grows fiercer than before, companies will not succeed purely based on
what products and services they offer. Brand personality serves a utilitarian function for
consumers; it serves as a symbolic or self-expressive function. Consumers often imbue
brands with human personality traits. They easily think about brands in such a way that
they are able to relate to them. This is one of the strategies used by advertisers in the fashion
industry to gain market shares. (Joseph, 2010).
According to Alagiri & Kalai, (2007), the Brand personality can be created using different
methods. Product related characteristics act as drivers to achieving an effective personality.
Product attributes affect t a brand’s general characteristics because these attributes give an
overview of the products quality, satisfactory effect and their consistency with consumer
needs. Using imagery is another powerful driver to making sure that conceptualizing a
brand’s personality is reduced (Alagiri & Kalai, 2007) . In marketing fashion products,
imagery can be in the form of the models used in advertisements and promotions or the
actual consumers of a product. Sponsorships also contribute to building brand personality.
Organizing fashion shows, designer related beauty pageants and communal fashion
activities will create a brand’s awareness to a consumer. In addition, the age of a fashion
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
house or line affects its personality. New entrants into the fashion industry have younger
brand personalities than established and older fashion houses, for example, the Chanel
collection and Prada collections (Alagiri & Kalai, 2007) . The importance of value to the Fashion Sector and Customer
Brand personality increases consumer loyalty towards a specific fashion designer
or style. A strong brand personality provides emotional fulfillment, satisfaction, image
enhancement and it creates and increases a consumer’s willingness to maintain using or
wearing a particular brand (Haji et al., 2009). Brand loyalty is viewed because of the
strengthened relationship between a consumer’s repeat patronage and their attitude.
Products and brands have their own personalities. A consumer will tend to purchase those
that relate to or are consistent with personal traits. This reinforces communication between
a brand and a consumer (Haji et al., 2009). Fashion marketers analyze preferences and
purchasing intentions to come up with better and influential brands that meet the researched
affections. This creates preference for specific lines of clothes compared to others. Repeat
purchase of these products creates loyalty in both the short and long run, for example, a
consumer who prefers leather pants because of the edgy and pop look will create a habit of
purchasing these pants because they are consistent with personal traits, which include
looking edgy.
Understanding consumer perception is important. Brand personality increases indepth understanding of various consumers’ attitudes towards a brand. It provides insight
of these aspects compared to carrying normal research on consumer behavior. Marketers
will be able to understand and carry out their activities based on this analysis to avoid
product rejection.
Brand personality influences a person and leads to this person developing a
preference for a specific fashion trend, designer or style. Marketers use these factors to
make sure that brand personalities help in brand positioning. Positioning entails creating a
perception, which makes a fashion item, stand out from the other items in a similar category
to meet consumer needs. Brand personality helps in giving a brand its identity and its value
proposition, which is relayed to a target consumer bracket (Alagiri & Kalai, 2007).
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
Brand differentiation entails formulating better and different attributes for a
particular fashion brand. Brand personality makes it possible for fashion designers to make
clothing and other fashion accessories for their consumer needs. It enables them to match
a particular need or preference to a product characteristic. This way, a consumer is able to
buy a product because it fulfils demand and is consistent with a particular attitude trait
(Alagiri & Kalai, 2007). A consumer benefits from product differentiation because there is
a variety of products to choose from and an opportunity to select the most convenient and
satisfactory. When fashion companies implement this strategy, they are able to penetrate
new markets and draw more consumers to purchase their fashion lines or embrace new
trends in the fashion industry. Brand personality helps define a brand, its class context and
market experience, for example, Chanel and Michael Korrs handbag collections.
2.1.2 Emotional Benefits
Brand personality creates passion and compassion among the consumers. Since the
brand has good characteristics, it creates a strong feeling in consumers. Passion provides
for an internal drive and feeling of satisfaction or need to consume more of a particular
good. This feeling enables a consumer to have a repetitive pattern of consumption and thus
royalty (Joseph, 2010).
A consumer, after analyzing a product’s traits, is able to compare them with
personal traits. From the comparison, the consumer comes up with a conclusion of whether
the product’s personality is consistent with the preferred ones. Once a product is purchased,
it indicates that a consumer’s traits are consistent with those of a product. The consumer is
contented with the product and arouses happy and satisfied emotions. Brand personality
contributes to these consumer-generated emotions (Joseph, 2010).
2.1.3 Social Benefits
Social identification means that a person identifies oneself as a member of a society.
People tend to use various factors to classify themselves as belonging to a specific group.
This is rooted in social life. The society benefits from having consumers whose needs and
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
wants are fulfilled. These consumers will live in such a manner that they are not constantly
seeking for fashionable products of a similar kind that will satisfy their needs (Joseph,
The fashion industry is all about competition and class. When a consumer purchases
a particular brand, it gives an overview of that person’s character or sense of style. A person
is treated and respected based on this. In addition, brand personalities contribute to the
observed social classes. The choice made by one person in terms of dressing may be very
different from another based on preferences and needs (Joseph, 2010).
2.1.4 Value Creation through Brand Personality
Revenue growth for companies is important because it reflects on brand success
and successful market penetration. Many companies find ways of leveraging their fashion
lines and assets through licensing deals with foreign manufacturers in their categories or
through having co-branding promotions (Alagiri & Kalai, 2007). Other companies use
brand personalities, combined with other strategies to come up with an overall marketing
strategy. With an improvement in marketing, strength of brand personalities and their
consistence with most personal traits, there may be an increment in overall sales revenue,
which will eventually result in high profit margins compared to previous performances.
Brand personality improves preference for a particular product and thus its frequent
According to Joseph, (2010) , the brand personality fosters creativity and discipline. It
makes it possible for companies to improve creative levels among employees to overcome
trade-offs. In many ways, the most fundamental corporate challenge is how to reconcile
potential tradeoffs when making decisions concerning marketing, finance or management,
for example, a trade-off between the material used for design and making an appealing
brand image, since these strategies require different competences and skills. In addition,
these trade-offs reflect the fact that increasingly customers desire fashion products that are
tailored to their specific needs.
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
Brand personality is a feature that uses consumer emotions, attitudes and
preferences in product development. It embraces the consideration of consumer
preferences in brand formulation so that every brand suits its target consumer and is
consistent with personal attributes. This strategy is beneficial to communities, to the
emotional well being of a consumer and companies (Haji et al., 2009). It contributes to
brand differentiation, communication, effective trait analysis, brand positioning and
increased revenue. It is an important strategy in the fashion industry, as it makes sure that
consumers get brands that suit their preferences and needs. the emotional and social
benefits are the same of the dimension of perceived value.
Social benefits
3.1 Research Methodology
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
This chapter explains the research design and methodology. The research used
both the qualitative and quantitative methods. This research allowed for a structured and
less structured approach. Survey research is a method used by researchers to obtain
information on both social and behavioral variables and the relationship between these
variables. Here, the researcher chooses a subgroup of people and asks questions about
issues relating to the research. The researcher regards the answers from these questions as
a description of identifying the whole population’s opinions and attitudes from the
sample. The surveys conducted in this research helped the researcher to obtain
information about practices, opinions, attitudes and other brand values of the two brands.
In this research, the survey helped to identify and describe factors contributing to how
companies can create value through brand personality.
3.1.1. Qualitative
Personal interviews assisted the researcher to get information from the respondents. Here,
the researcher selected students from the population and professionally interviewed them
to gain knowledge on their preferences and descriptions of Chanel and Prada products. The
researcher made sure of easy and understandable questions, ample time for conclusive
answers from the interviewees and motivation for the interviewees. The researcher
established a friendly relationship with the participants. This made sure that there was
minimal biasness during the interview. Conducting a personal interview is a good method
of research because it fosters good relationships between the respondents and the
3.1.2. Quantitative
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
The researcher carried out a survey for Prada and Chanel. The survey included
reviewing past literature on the two brand personalities and their consumer bases. The
survey included using material from web-based materials with a combination of library
materials. The researcher looked into both primary and secondary data sources such as
scholarly journals, periodicals and reports on Chanel and Prada brand traits. This enabled
the researcher to get an overall overview on the subject matter. In addition, the researcher
analyzed consumer behavior, purchasing patterns in the fashion sector and the most
preferred brand in the general environment. This way the researcher was able to have a
definite research problem and formulate better approaches for the study.
Questionnaires helped the researcher to get information on brand personality from
the respondents. The questionnaire had both open and close-ended questions, which gave
the respondents adequate ways of answering, the questions. It made it possible for the
researcher to code and later analyze the data based on the sections in the questionnaire.
Respondents answered the questions according to their preferences, opinions and
decisions. The questionnaire helped in cost reduction, less time consumption, anonymity,
freedom of decisions and it minimized the opportunity for biasness since it was over an
online platform ( survey monkey).
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
3.2 Designing the Questionnaire
The researcher developed a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire included a
cover letter with the description of the purpose and the importance of the study. The
researcher assured respondents that they could remain anonymous and have the freedom to
make a choice of participating. The researcher gave clear instructions regarding specific
items in the questionnaire.
The researcher designed the questionnaire using a format that allows the data to be
in a readable form and easy to input into a computer system. It incorporated item numbered
that important to a data set. It contained different sections to help in facilitating the
processing of data. It included open and closed-ended questions. The promoters of this
study scrutinized these questions. The sections included average product ownership, brand
traits and consumer perceptions, personal opinion of the brands and the personal level of
satisfaction from Chanel and Prada.
The researcher, before implementing this study, made sure that the questionnaire
had adequate measurement procedures, was reliable and valid. The questionnaire was
designed after an in depth literature review. After finalization of the questionnaire, a pretest
was undertaken. Five consumers of both Chanel and Prada products were requested to
comment on questionnaires questions and instructions. These five consumers were not part
of the sample. They assisted in pre-testing the questionnaire to make sure that the
respondents comprehend the questions, and point out the possible problems associated with
the questionnaire’s completion. After this process, the researcher identified minor
problems and revised them accordingly.(the questioner is attached in appendix).
3.3 Sample Size and Population
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
Probability sampling in which the researcher uses some form of random selection
helps the researcher to predict the representativeness of the sample size. Probability
sampling ensures that the researcher has a better chance of resulting in a representative
sample. In this study, the researcher used probability sampling. Cost consideration
influenced the decision to interview 30 students. These respondents for the interviews and
questionnaires represented 70 respondents and the planned of 100 general respondents in
the whole population in the fashion industry. The sample size represented consumers for
both companies to make sure of equity and consistency.
3.4. Data Analysis
Data analysis started as soon as the research started and continued
throughout the research period. This is a process, which entails an effort to identify
formally themes, to construct ideas as suggested by the data and attempt to demonstrate
support for those themes and ideas. It consists of data reduction, data display and
conclusion display. Several common steps are necessary in the process of analyzing
qualitative research. They include identifications of themes, analyzing and verifying those
themes discussions, categorizing them and recording support data for each category.
Evidence for the quantitative part of this research is gathered according to a plan in which
the researcher uses formal instruments to collect information. This information is translated
into numeric information and analyzed using statistical procedures. This methodology was
used to analyze the information obtained from different participants’ opinions on the values
of brand personalities for both Prada and Chanel, their market perceptions and impression
on consumers and particular types of products preferred by the consumers.
The researcher used Ms. Excel to record data. The researcher used the information
in the spreadsheets to derive pie and bar charts to compare the data collected. The charts
obtained included information used for data comparison and a breakdown of information
per brand. The researcher organized the data in the Ms. Excel spreadsheets according to
benefits accrued and brand traits.
This research methodology gives an overview on the methods, which the researcher
used for data collection, the instrumentation process, research design, sample size analysis
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
and the data analysis process. It helps the researcher in making sure that the right qualitative
and quantitative methods are implemented for optimal data collection and analysis.
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
The objective of this research entailed the creation of unique values through brand
personality in the fashion sector while using Chanel and Prada for the analysis. It also
entails developing an outline of brand personality traits and dimensions and reliable,
consistent, valid and a general scale to measure these dimensions. This research seeks to
compare between social and emotional benefits with the aim of creating brand value.
Seventy respondents rated the subset of Chanel and Prada on ownership of either brand,
the product owned, 18 brand traits and general questions on each brand, to identify the
brand personality dimensions and the social and emotional benefits derived from the
brands. The results of an exploratory principal components factors analysis suggest that
consumers perceive that brands have distinct personality dimensions. The results of this
research’s factor analyses run on subgroups of the subjects, which establish the robustness
of Chanel and Prada’s personality dimensions.
Having a uniquely compelling visual identity is what sets brands apart from one
another, which is becoming increasingly important as more companies enter fashion and
home markets. Consumers will relate to brands that project a personality that fits with their
own, making them more likely to purchase their products. When starting a company, it is
important to define a clear and consistent identity right away, in order to stand out and draw
people in. The process of creating brand visuals begins after the brand’s personality, and
style have been determined, its target market has been defined, and a name that fits with
the image of the brand has been chosen. It incorporates a typeface, color palettes and any
signature motifs, elements that define a brand’s personality, different elements for specific
lines and applications, logos, designed graphics, style guides and rebranding elements.
4.1 Focus Group Findings
Do you prefer Chanel or Prada ?
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
21 students they were preferred Chanel .
9 students they were preferred Prada .
And Why ?
Chanel would help me to feel acceptable;
Chanel would make a good impression on other people.
Chanel is one that I would enjoy.
Prada would make me feel good.
Prada would improve the way I am perceived.
The respondents answered questions, which ascertained the brand that made them feel
comfortable and acceptable in a social setting, the brand, which would fulfill their mental
requirements and satisfaction and the brand, which would help them feel good. In addition,
the researcher wanted to find the brand, which was attributed to more positive traits than
the other was. More respondents seemed to prefer Chanel to Prada because of the brand’s
traits and consistency with their needs.
4.2 Survey Findings
4.2.1 General Results
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
Do you have any products from (Chanel \ Prada )?
The researcher asked questions on the ownership of products from both brands. When
asked about Chanel, 64 respondents answered. 53.13% of these respondents have Channel
products while 46.88% do not have any Chanel product. The majority of the respondents
with this brand’s products possessed bags, cosmetics, perfumes, clothes and accessories.
When asked about Prada, 61 respondents gave answers whereby 29.69% of the respondents
have a product from the company while 71.88% do not have any product from this
company (Chart 1) . Prada consumers possessed bags, cosmetics perfumes, clothes and
accessories. Comparing the two brands ownership patterns, Chanel had more respondents
owning their products compared to those owning Prada’s products, for example, the
number of respondents owning Chanel perfumes were 29 compared to 8 owning Prada’s
perfume. These respondents derive social satisfaction from owning these brands.
more respondents owning
Chart 1 : More respondents owning.( Chanel , Prada).
4.2.2 Brand personality
Respondents were asked to rate the two brands based on different traits. Each brand
had some elements of wholesomeness, barbarism, down to earth, pompous, snob effect,
honesty, arrogance, cheerfulness, stubbornness, pretentiousness, daring, spirited among
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
other traits. Based on the percentages of each trait category, Chanel had higher percentages
on good and profitable traits such as wholesome, honest, cheerful, daring and reliable while
Prada had high percentages in most negative traits, for example, stubbornness, up to date
and barbaric. These traits made it possible for the researcher to categorize the brands into
different categories and help in ascertaining brand traits. In addition, the researcher was
able to assess respondent preference to Chanel and Prada. From this analysis, respondents
gave these answers based on their emotional attachment to the respective brands. The
numbers (data label) in chart column referred of how many persons have traits best
describes to the two brands.(Chart 2) .So, Chanel has strong brand personality .
Chart 2 : Traits best describes the brand .
4.2.3 Social, Emotional Benefits and Perceived Value
Social benefits
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
would help me to feel acceptable.
would improve the way I am
would make a good impression on
other people.
would give its owner social
Table 1: Social benefits .
Emotional benefits
would give me pleasure.
would make me feel good.
is one that I would enjoy.
would make me want to use it.
is one that I would feel relaxed about
Table 2 : Emotional benefits .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
The value I receive from this brand
is worth the time, effort, and money I
have invested.
This brand are reasonably priced.
I am happy with the price of this
This brand makes me feel that I am
getting my money's worth.
The value of this brand compares
favorably to other service providers.
This brand offers good value for the
price I pay.
Table 3: Customer perceived value
Consumers perceive Chanel as a brand that gives them pleasure, makes them feel good,
enjyable and makes a consumer want to use it more. In these categories of the survey, most
consumers strongly agreed and agreed with the statement on the Chanel brand. Using the
same subgroups and categories .(Table 2). when the respondents were asked the same
questions about the Prada brand, most agreed or somewhat agreed with the statements. This
indicates that respondents were comfortable with Chanel products in comparison to the
Prada products because of the brand personality, social and emotional benefits derived and
consumer perspectives of the brands.(Table 1) When the respondents were asked on brand
value in comparison to price, brand worth, pricing strategies and the influence of the brand
on personal image, answers for both products varied with most agreeing and somewhat
agreeing with the statements. Pricing strategies by both Prada and Chanel were agreed upon
and somewhat agreed upon by the respondents. (Table 3).
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
comparison between social and emotional and
preceived value of PRADA AND CHANEL
social benefits
emotional benefits
customer percived value
Chart 3: Comparison between social and emotional and perceived value .
The researcher used different questions to ascertain the social benefits accrued from
the brands used in the research. The researcher asked the respondents whether the brand
made them feel acceptable, improve the way the owner of that particular product is
perceived, the impression made to other people and the social approval received. From
these statements, the respondents chose their answers based on their preferences and
personal opinions on the subject matter. An average of 4.02 of the respondents preferred
Prada and 4.26 of the respondents preferred Chanel. This indicates that Chanel has more
social benefits than Prada does. ( Chart 3).
To find the extent of emotional benefits accrued from the two brands, the researcher
used different statements. The researcher asked the respondents to give their opinions on
which brand gave pleasure, made them feel good, enjoyable, usable and that which brought
a relaxed feeling when using. From the results, 4.54 respondents preferred Chanel to
Prada.( Chart 3).
Chanel : higher emotional benefits +higher social benefits => higher perceived
value .
Prada : lower emotional benefits + lower social benefits => lower perceived value
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
The researcher found that the relationship between social and emotional benefits,
brand personality and brand value were varying between the two brands. Brand personality
highly influences the benefits derived and thus brand value. In addition, social
benefits/brand value relationship is invariant for the two brands and emotional benefits /
brand value relationship is significant for both brands. This indicates that brand personality
influences highly and solely social benefits, emotional benefits and brand value for Chanel
and Prada brands.
Personality does positively influence brand value when involvement level is high,
confirming the hypothesis. It appears that emotional benefit derived from a brand is a
partial mediator between personality and value creation for highly involved consumers. For
low involvement customers, brand personality negatively influences brand value and the
benefits gained from a brand. This confirms that brand involvement moderates the impact
of brand personality on emotional benefits. The negative impact on personality and its
negative path coefficient indicates that low involvement consumers do not want either
fashion brands or inappropriate brand personality traits.
self employed
house wife
Chart 4: Occupation .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
In chart 4 , that showing the kinds of participants in this survey and what is there
occupation . And this shows 58.49% of students response , and 20.75% of self employed.
The brand personality and trait framework developed in this research can be used to gain a
practical insight into the antecedents and consequences of brand personality and how the
fashion industry can use emotional and social benefits to create unique value. These
antecedents have received a significant amount of attention but little empirical testing.
They suggest that branding personality is created by a variety of marketing variables.
However, the extent to which these variables independently and interdependently influence
brand personality, emotional and social benefits is yet to be determined. With the use of
brand personality scale, the research variables can be manipulated systematically and an
analysis on their impact on the brand personality measured. From the analysis, brand
personality increases consumer preferences, emotional benefits, social benefits, usage, and
increases consumer loyalty systematically manipulating distinct dimensions of a brand’s
personality and examining their impact on key dependent variables.
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
This research indicates theoretical and practical effects of emotional and social benefits on
brand value. Theoretically, the brand personality developed in this research suggests that
there is a symmetric relationship in the structure of the brand, its social benefits, emotional
benefits, and the value created from these components. Brand personality can influence
consumer preferences and choices in various ways. By humanizing the brand, brand
personality provides opportunities for building strong consumer brand relationships.
Further, brand personality and traits allow Prada and Chanel brands to be used by
consumers in an instrumental manner for facilitating social interactions and building
interpersonal relationships.
Self-image or self-expression affects consumers’ product preferences and their
purchase intentions. The researcher found out that there is a significant relationship
between the self-image created on a consumer and the intention to buy a fashion brand.
Consumers prefer brands that have traits compatible with their self-perceptions and those
benefits derived from them socially and emotionally. This self-image consistency derived
from the brand strengthens positive attitude toward that particular brand or product.
Brand personality reflects on the traits and imagery effects of a brand. In this research,
Chanel and Prada provided a clear analysis on the traits of each brand, how they influence
emotions and the social well-being of consumers, and affect brand value. Brand personality
triggers passion, compassion, and happy feelings. These emotions help create satisfactions
emotions, which lead to repetitive consumption of brands and thus value creation and
consumer loyalty. Brand personality helps in creating and differentiating social classes.
These consumers compete efficiently based on the value accrued from using a particular
The results showed that highest Emotional benefits and Social benefits seem to be an
important determinant of perceived value and high brand personality .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
Brand personality gives an overview of a brand’s traits. Companies should work on
creating good traits for their brands especially (wholesome, cheerful, honest, daring,
reliable). They should focus on marketing their brands while making sure that they focus
on brand traits and improving their marketing mix. Creating brand traits will help fashion
houses to maintain brand consistency with consumer preferences.
Companies should research and work on methods and products that increase brand
value. They should make sure that their fashion products are up to date and reflect on the
brand attributes. They should market and position their brands in such a way that these
accrue social and emotional benefits. While position their products, they should research
on ways of improving their brands to trigger positive emotions in their consumers. This
way, their brands will develop and increase consumer preference based on the traits. In
addition, companies should analyze the market to figure out consumer behavior and the
kinds of products needed to meet their needs. This will help these companies to produce
brands, which will fit into the fashion market loopholes.
Creativity and innovativeness are important in creating brand value. These aspects
help companies’ differentiate their products in the fashion industry. The dynamism of the
fashion industry makes it necessary to produce unique brands, which will attract consumers
thus accruing social and emotional benefits to them, which creates brand value.
In the future ; The advanced statistical analysis should be used to empirically confirm the
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TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
[2] Lehu, J., M. (2006). Brand rejuvenation: how to protect, strengthen & add value to
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TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
Do you prefer Chanel or Prada ?
21 students they were preferred Chanel .
9 students they were preferred Prada .
And Why ?
Chanel would help me to feel acceptable;
Chanel would make a good impression on other people.
Chanel is one that I would enjoy.
Prada would make me feel good.
Prada would improve the way I am perceived.
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector
The questioner is attached .
TARNEEM ALATAWI(S11102463) | Marketing-creating unique value through
Brand personality in fashion sector