Abu Bakr Girls School


Abu Bakr Girls School
The Abu Bakr Trust was formed in 1998 under the stewardship of
Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Luqman at 156 Wednesbury Road, Walsall.
The Abu Bakr Trust runs:
• Abu Bakr Nursery
Established in 2011, children from 6 months to 4 years
• Abu Bakr Primary
Established in 2009, Children from 5 years to 8 years
• Abu Bakr Girls School
Established in 2000, girls from 11 years to 16 years
• Abu Bakr Boys School
Established in 2006, boys from 11 years to 16 years
• Madrassah
2000 pupils, children from 5 years to 16 years
• Abu Bakr Masjid
Providing Salah facilities for over 1500 worshippers, adult classes and
alima classes as well as a range of services for the community
The Abu Bakr Girls School prospectus is a brief and informative guide to our
organisation, staff and services. Established in September 2000, Abu Bakr Girls
School is a sizeable school with almost 300 pupils on roll, and is increasing in
numbers each year. So much so, we have a considerable waiting list. We hope
by reading through our prospectus you will consider registering your daughter
at the school and join our growing community.
Welcome to Abu Bakr Girls School
Assalamua alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
“On the Day of Qiyamah, a crown of such brilliance will
be placed on the heads of the parents of one who learnt
the Qur’an and practised on its laws, that it’s glitter will
outshine the brilliance of the sun which penetrates your
houses. What then do you think will the position of the one
who himself learnt the Qur’an and acted in accordance with
Abu Dawud
At our school, our philosophy is that everyone matters. We are
committed to raising standards of achievement and ensuring a culture
of high expectations and success for every pupil. This success comes
not only in the form of academic achievement but development of
character as guided by the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah of our
beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
Our view was confirmed during our BSI inspection in March 2011,
which judged our school to be good. We do hope you will take the
time to read our inspection report. It is available via a link on our
school website.
We want everyone to be proud to be a part of our community. We want
our pupils to feel safe and that they belong. We also want to support
them in becoming independent learners. We expect our pupils to
achieve the very best results they can, as well as becoming rounded and
responsible young muslimah.
These are very exciting times for our school. We are continuing to
improve and move forward at pace. Our exam results have improved
year on year and we are confident that our current Year 11 pupils will
go on to produce even better results next summer insha’Allah.
Our GCSE results show the progress that pupils in our school make. At
our school, our aim is to ensure a well ordered atmosphere where the
focus of all our activities is on the quality of learning and teaching in a
strong Islamic environment.
Our aim is to continue developing an innovative curriculum, while
continuing to develop productive partnerships with employers,
schools, universities and the wider community.
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our happy,
successful and vibrant school insha’Allah.
May Allah SWT guide our pupils, staff and school community to
prosperity and success. Aameen.
Moulana M.Ramzan Mrs H.Varachia
Head teacher Head teacher
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Aims and Objectives
All praise is due to Allah SWT who is our Creator and Sustainer. It is
Allah alone who deserves all praise. Almighty Allah is unique in all His
attributes and His power evades everywhere and all time. May peace
and blessings be upon our final and beloved Prophet Muhammad
salAllahu alaihi sallam.
The following Qur’anic ayah shows the high place that education has in
‘Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who
have been granted knowledge and Allah is Well– Acquainted with
what you do.’
Surah Al Mujadilah: 11
Whilst the benefits of being in the path of knowledge are truly
‘He who issues forth in search of knowledge is busy in the cause of
Allah until he returns from his quest.’
“If you educate a man, you educate an individual. If you educate a
woman, you educate a nation.”
African proverb
Mission Statement
It is only through gaining knowledge can we advance as a society.
At Abu Bakr Girls School our aim is to provide a strong Islamic
environment in which our pupils achieve their full potential and go on
to become outstanding ambassadors for Islam. We are committed to
creating a culture of learning in which pupils will strive and flourish
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| Abu Bakr Girls School Our school is based on a foundation of the teachings Islam and we
endeavour to provide a journey that fosters true Iman and love for
Islam in the hearts and minds of our pupils, staff, and parents.
We aim to:
1. Encourage our pupils to grow and develop an Islamic personality
based upon the teachings of the holy Qur’an and the teachings of
our beloved prophet Muhammad salAllahu alaihi sallam.
2. Provide a safe, welcoming environment in which pupils feel
confident and secure.
3. Value each pupil as an individual ensuring they reach their full
potential academically and spiritually.
4. Encourage good behaviour, respect and the value of working
5. Provide pupils the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.
6. Enhance a sense of belonging and strengthen commitment to
society so that our pupils become aspiring, effective and productive
members of our society.
Management of School
Our school is headed by the Abu Bakr Trust, who is concerned with
the running of the school, its policies and finances.
Chairman- Moulana. M. Luqman
C/O- 154-160, Wednesbury Road,
Walsall. WS1-4JJ.
01922 626 829
School Staff Our team of teaching staff are fully committed to giving their best and
are qualified with good experience in their respective subjects.
Moulana. M. Ramzan
Qualified Alim
Mrs. M. Farida
BSc, MSc
Mrs. H. Varachia
Mrs. R. Nana
Intro Certificate
Mrs. M. Begum
BSc (Hons), QTS
Mrs. A. Sidat
BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs. N. Nadeem
BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs. S. Yousaf
BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs. A. Begum
BSc (Hons)
Miss. R. Parveen
BA (Hons)
Mrs. Z. Siddiqui
BSc (Hons) PGCE
Ms. S. Begum
NVQ Level 3
Mrs. S. Choudhury BSc (Hons)
Mrs. Y. Azam
O’ Levels
Mrs S.Sarwar
BA (Hons) PGCE
Mrs. S. Ravat
NVQ Level 1
Mrs. J. Kaur
Mrs. R. Ravat
Ms. A. Begum
NVQ Level 4
Mrs. Z. Parveen
NVQ Level 2
Mrs. H. Badawy
BA (Hons) PGCE
Mrs. S. Zubair
NVQ Level 2
Mrs. S. Ditta
Qualified Alima
NVQ Level 2
Mrs. K. Patel
Qualified Alima
Mrs S. Khan
Mrs A. Tariq
Bsc, MSc
Miss. B. Luqman
Qualified Alima
Miss. A. Ali
BA (Hons) PGCE
Miss. F. Khurshid
A Levels
Miss. S. Khalil
BA (Hons)
Miss. S. Aziz
A Levels
Miss. S. Ravat
BA (Hons) PGCE
Miss.S. Baily
NVQ Level 3
Miss. A, Armour
BA (Hons)
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All parents need to complete an application form and send it to the
school together with an administration fee of £100 and a copy of
your daughter’s birth certificate and year 5 report. Please note the
administration fee is non-refundable and is not part of the school
annual fee.
On receipt of the application, a reference request will be made to your
daughter’s existing school. On receipt of a satisfactory reference a
confirmation letter of your daughter’s place at the school will be sent.
Should it be felt that an interview is needed, parents and pupils will
be invited to the school. A decision for admission will follow this
interview and a formal letter will be sent to parents. This decision will
be made at the discretion of the head teacher and is final. If it is felt
that an application cannot be accepted a letter regarding this decision
will be sent to parents as soon as possible.
All parents will be expected to support the schools Islamic ethos and to
nurture and encourage Islamic values at home. All parents/guardians
of year 7 pupils are expected to attend an induction evening in June of
the year of entry.
Parents/Guardians are advised that our standard admission number
is 24 pupils in each class. Parents are advised to apply as early as
possible, as places are quickly filled.
Preferences are given to siblings of the school. Incomplete applications
will not be processed until all documents and information have been
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| Abu Bakr Girls School School Day - Monday to Thursday
Summer Times
Winter Times
8.30 Registration
8.40 Assembly
9.00 Lesson 1
Lesson 1
10.00 Break
10.20 Lesson 2
Lesson 2
11.20 Lesson 3
Lesson 3
12.20 Lunch
Zuhur Salah
12.55 Lesson 4
1.55 Lesson 5
Lesson 4
2.50 Zuhur Salah
Lesson 5
3.10 School Ends
Asar Salah
School Ends
School Day - Fridays
Summer Times - Friday
Winter Times - Friday
8.30 Registration
8.40 Assembly
9.30 Break
9.45 Lesson 1
Lesson 1
10.45 Lesson 2
Lesson 2
11.35 Lunch
12.05 Lesson 3
Zuhur Salah
1.00 Lesson 4
Lesson 3
1.55 Lesson 5
Lesson 4
2.50 Zuhur Salah
Lesson 5
3.10 School Ends
Asar Salah
School Ends
Behaviour and Discipline
“And help one another in righteousness and in piety.”
The Prophet of Allah was sent not just to eradicate transgression and to
uphold Islam, but he was also sent to bring mankind to higher levels of
good character.
Surah Al-Maaidah 5:2
“A Muslim is one whom other people are safe from his tongue
and his hand. “
The Prophet of Allah has said:
“Indeed, I Rasul Allah have been sent to perfect good
The Prophet of Allah (SAW) himself displayed exceptional character,
and was himself a manifestation of excellent character to the extent
that he was praised by Almighty Allah:
“And you, surely, possess sublime moral excellences.”
Surah Al-Qalam : 4
Good manners and good character are very much demanded in Islam.
“There is none heavier in the scales of the Hereafter than good
al-Tirmizi and Abu Daud
Good character is divided into two levels: the basics, and the higher
level characters. Basic good manners are well known and appreciated
by all. Like helping others in doing good, as mentioned by Allah in
Surah Al-Maaidah:
Our aim as a school is to build character of our pupils and instil in
them a love for din. Our school Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct
reflects these aims.
We are committed to involving parents/guardians as soon as a problem
of discipline arises. Our designated welfare officer, Mrs Patel deals
with pupil welfare. The head teacher is only involved when it is felt that
the pupils are persistently being disruptive. We have a variety of ways
of dealing with pupils who are having difficulties. These include:
• Pupils are removed from the classroom
• Detentions are given after school
• Pupils are put on report where behaviour in all lessons are closely
• Pupils receive a suspension or in very serious cases an expulsion
Under no circumstances does the school tolerate any form of bullying.
The school has an anti-bullying policy in place to reprimand any pupils
involved in such behaviour.
A copy of the school’s Behaviour Policy is available upon request.
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Code of Conduct
3. Respect for Learning
1. Self Respect
• Take care to present yourself, especially concerning uniform,
punctuality and good behaviour.
• Take care of your belongings.
• Work hard to do class work and homework on time.
• Be proud of your achievements
• Make it easy for everyone to learn and for teachers to teach.
• Arrive on time for school and for all school lessons.
• Begin and end lessons in an orderly way.
• Ask teachers for help when you need it and always try to help
each other when appropriate.
• Be co-operative and trustworthy.
• Think things through for yourself.
2. Respect for others
• Move quietly and sensibly about the building.
• Be a good listener.
4. Respect for the School Environment
• Take care of the school.
• Look after rooms and furniture and leave them tidy for others
to use.
• Always speak politely.
• Take care of displays of work around the school.
• Be helpful and welcoming to visitors and people who are new
• Keep the school a litter- free zone.
in the school.
• Think about the health and safety of others both on your way
• Never bully or act in a way that is unpleasant to others.
to school and in your movements around the school.
“Respect for ourselves guides our morals;
respect for others guides our manners”
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| Abu Bakr Girls School Attendance and punctuality
Pupils must arrive in good time for morning registration. It would be
appreciated if parents/guardians give us their maximum support on
issues such as punctuality and attendance.
• MUST attend school regularly & punctually.
• If pupils are late, they MUST sign the late book in reception, giving
the reason for lateness.
• Pupils who are experiencing difficulties in attending school
regularly or on time should seek help from their form tutor or
welfare officer.
• Parents are responsible for ensuring that their daughter attends
school regularly & punctually.
Health, Welfare, and Security of pupils • If your daughter is prevented for any reason from attending school,
parent should notify the school as soon as possible on the first day
of absence by telephone (01922 626829).
Abu Bakr Girls School is a small and friendly place. If pupils have
problems they are free to contact their form teacher, any other member
of staff or our designated welfare officer is Mrs. K. Patel.
• Parents must try to keep all medical or dental appointments for
pupils outside school hours. If pupils need to leave school during
the day to attend medical appointments, they must bring with
them a medical letter before the appointment day. They must be
collected by an authorised person and must sign out. Where this
is not possible, parents/guardians MUST contact the school when
pupils arrive home safely. Prior permission from the head teacher
will be required before the pupil can leave school without parental
If pupils become unwell or have an accident at school and are unable
to continue lesson, parents/guardians will be contacted as soon as
possible. Parents/Guardians will be asked to sign pupils out before
leaving the school premises.
• The school may, at its discretion dismiss any pupil for persistent
irregular attendance or persistent lateness.
Taking medication
If pupils need to take medication, they must always leave this with
the first aider. Parents/Guardians must send a letter stating the dates
and times that medication will need to be taken. Only prescribed
medication and paracetamol can be given.
• For all extended leave, parents must contact the head teacher and
make an appointment to discuss the nature and duration of the
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Dining Arrangements
(Break time and Lunchtime)
Prefects and monitors
Breakfast: Our school offers breakfast club from 8.00- 8.30 each day
Prefects are elected from each form to assume responsibility within the
school. Pupils also lead in organising fund raising events at the school
for local, national and international charities.
Break: Pupils can choose to bring in their own snacks, however we
have a school tuck shop that is open at morning break and lunchtime.
We sell cold snacks, drinks and confectionery.
Pupil Stationery
Lunch: Set meals are offered three times a week. Pupils are encouraged
to bring in a healthy lunch when meals are not offered.
Pupils are not allowed off site during lunchtime.
Fizzy drinks and energy drinks are not allowed on school site and confiscated drinks will be disposed of. On special occasions, fizzy drinks
are served alongside healthy options.
Pupils are asked to bring a bottle of water each day and are encouraged
to drink in between, but not during, lessons.
Whole School Programmes-Assemblies
School assemblies take place each day. The assemblies are conducted
by the head teacher, members of staff, pupils and visitors of the school.
School Leadership-Pupil
Council Elected pupils represent their class and attend a meeting with
all other class representatives to discuss pupil concerns.
Pupils should ensure they have at all times, all the necessary stationery
and equipment required. Every item should be clearly labelled.
Pupils are expected to complete all their homework on time and
keep their books clean and tidy. Covering exercise books is highly
It is compulsory for all pupils to have the following equipment at all
• Blue/Black Ink Pen- use of biros for classwork/homework is not
• Pencil and pencil sharpeners
• Pencil crayons
• Felt tips
• Ruler (30cm)
• Basic geometry set
• Small paper scissor, Glue Stick
• Thesaurus and Dictionary
• Calculator - Casio FX83GT Plus
• A4 Note Pad
• USB (for school work only)
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Extended Leave
Extended visits to the country of family origin provides important
opportunities to reaffirm family, linguistic and cultural identities. As
such they can be positive personal and educational experiences. At the
same time there is evidence to indicate that visits resulting in significant absence from school during term time can have a negative impact
on attainment.
For pupils performing Hajj, a maximum period of 4 weeks leave will
be granted. This leave is given only once during their secondary phase.
For such leave a period of six week notice is required.
The law states that families do not have the right to take children out of
school during term time.
The school will only allow an extended period of absence of two weeks
during term time in exceptional circumstances. Weddings and holidays do not count as exceptional circumstances. Examples of exceptional circumstances include, visiting grandparents during terminal
illness. Medical information may be requested where felt necessary.
Parents must contact the head teacher and make an appointment to
discuss the nature and duration of the visit. A Holiday Absence Form
will also need to be completed.
Should pupils not return to school after this period pupils will be removed from school roll, unless the pupil is unwell on return, for which
a medical note from a GP will be required. If there have been airline
errors which cause a delay for return, official documentation will be
required, e.g a letter from the airline.
No leave is granted to pupils in years 10 and 11.
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| Abu Bakr Girls School Term time Holidays
School will grant up to and no more than 3 days leave at the end of a
term for holidays abroad. For such leave, a period of two week notice is
For all absences, pupils are expected to catch up work missed. This
may require attendance to lessons outside school time and parental
support will be expected.
Where school is not informed of any extended leave undertaken,
pupils will be removed from school roll. No requests for appeal will be
considered. All decisions for leave are made by the head teacher and
are final.
We believe that you will find it easy to contact us if there are any
concerns about your daughter’s welfare, needs or progress. A given
issue can be solved either by contacting your daughter’s form
teacher or if you prefer with the welfare officer. Please phone for an
appointment so that a mutually convenient time can be arranged.
We work in close partnership with the Local Education Authority
support services. Whenever necessary, those involved in working with
your child will liaise closely between home and school in the interest of
the individual pupil.
The following school polices are available on request:
• Child Protection Policy.
• Anti- Bullying Policy.
• Complaints Procedure and the number of complaints for the
previous academic year.
School uniform
School Robe
Cardigan / Fleece
Plain white
Black, should be ankle length with school logo
Plain sky blue, knee length blouse
Black, should be ankle length, loose fitting
Black, must be plain, loose fitting (fleece will
have school logo)
Hoodies are not permitted.
Black, sensible shoes. Boots are not permitted
in school, however they can be worn during
severe weather conditions only. Sandals can be
worn during warm weather
Black or dark grey coats must be plain and
loose fitted. Denim or leather jackets or items
resemble either of these are not permitted. No
logos are
P.E Uniform
Outdoor Coat
Polo shirt
Sky blue (should be long in length, loose
fitting and full sleeved)
Tracksuit bottoms
Black (Should be ankle length and loose in
Black Trainers
Uniform supplier
The robe and PE uniform MUST be purchased from the following
address: Clemmy’s, 57 King Street, Darlaston, West Midlands, WS10
8DE. Tel: 0121 526 3992
The following items must be purchased from Clemmy’s
• School robe
• Cardigan/fleece
• Polo shirt for PE
The only types of jewellery pupils are allowed to wear in school are a
wristwatch and one pair of studs or sleeper earrings. All other types of
jewellery are prohibited.
Mobile phones
No mobile phones, MP3’s, iPods or any other type of electrical items/
gadgets will be allowed on school site at any time.
No make-up is allowed, any pupil wearing any kind of make-up will be
asked to remove it, and sanctions will be applied.
Confiscated items
Pupils who do not comply with the correct uniform will have items
confiscated and will not be returned before the end of the academic
Abu Bakr Girls School | Page 13
School Fees
Our pupils follow all core subjects and a good selection of other
Additionally, educational trips and enrichment activities are organised,
at an extra cost, throughout the year. These are both beneficial and
informative. Pupil attendance is expected to all events.
English as an Additional Language Policy is available upon request
Key Stage 3
Islamic Studies
Physical Education
Qur’anic Studies
Key Stage 4
English Language
English Literature
Core Science
Additional Science
Religious Education
Business and Communication Studies
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| Abu Bakr Girls School Jan
Year 7, 8, and 9
Year 10
Year 11
*Includes £300 examination fees
Fixed Discount is offered to parents/guardians with more than one
daughter in the school.
(Please note all school fees & admission fees are non refundable)
Subjects Taught English
World Religions
Physical Education
One term’s notice must be given in writing if parents wish to withdraw
a pupil. A ‘terms notice’ means notice given before the first day of a
term and expiring at the end of that term.
In such a case, if that notice is not given, the full terms fees are payable.
It is expected that in every case, parents or the authorised guardian will
consult personally with the head teacher before notice of withdrawal is
Other areas covered in the school include:
• IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance- Careers)
• PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) This
is a continuous course and is a time-tabled lesson for pupils from
years 7 to 9. It is designed to encourage pupils to develop their
personal and social skills and values in such a way as to prepare
positively for adult life. Form teachers play a leading role in the
delivery of the PSHEE course.
Learning outside the classroom
given notice before such arrangements are made.
As a school we believe firmly in providing our pupils with a
curriculum that is varied, challenging and creative. We believe that
learning outside the classroom firmly meets all three aims. When
pupils learn outside the classroom they become motivated as it
stimulates interest, curiosity and passion for ‘doing’. These types of
activities broaden horizons, enable the pupils to develop new skills and
build relationships with their peers. They encourage our pupils to be
more engaged with learning and therefore more likely to do well.
We therefore expect that parents will support the school fully at all
stages of their daughters’ learning journey.
Learning outside the classroom can also support areas that are difficult
to cover in the classroom. As teachers, we value its inspirational quality
because it enables our pupils to understand better — for example, what
is the point of learning how to do a survey for geography if you never
actually do it?
We fully appreciate that many of our pupils travel from all over
the West Midlands and the challenges that this brings. However, at
times parents will need to have arrangements in place so they can
be dropped and collected from school at times beyond the normal
school day. Where possible, we provide parents with as much time as
possible to allow appropriate arrangements to be made. Long distance
trips are kept to a minimum, so parents are rarely asked to make these
alternative arrangements.
Parents are however reminded that as pupils move up the school, there
will be a greater need for them to attend school earlier and remain
in school later as they begin their preparations for what will be some
of the most important examinations of their lives. All pupils will be
expected to take part in ALL offsite activities, however parents will be
Our policy on Health and Safety on Educational Visits is available
upon request
Internal Assessments
At Abu Bakr, our assessment procedures include end of topic tests in
all subjects throughout the year. Pupils sit examinations in January and
June. Any concerns are swiftly reported to parents/guardians.
As a school, we believe that homework will support our pupils in a
number of ways. They will learn to work more independently and
develop time management skills. We encourage parents/guardians
to check their daughter’s homework by reviewing their homework
planner each night, signing their planner each week and taking an
active interest in the homework being done.
School reporting system
Our parents day is held each year. This is an invaluable opportunity
to talk to teachers and staff at Abu Bakr Girls School. We value
the partnership between school and home. Our reporting system is
designed to strengthen this relationship. Parents who do not attend
parents day are expected to see their daughter’s form teachers soon
after, in order that your daughters progress can be discussed.
Interim reports are sent to parents in February and a full school report
in July. Parents of year 7 pupils receive a progress review in October.
Abu Bakr Girls School | Page 15
How to find us.
By Car
Abu Bakr Girls School is located very close to M6 junction
9. Leave the M6 head north on Bescot Rd/​A4148 signposted
Walsall Hospital. Turn right at Wednesbury Road, continue
forward over the railway bridge. We are located on the left.
By Train & Bus
From Walsall train station (served regularly by trains from
Birmingham, New Street and Stafford) walk towards the bus
stop located in front of Bradford Mall (the shopping centre
which is adjacent to the train station). Take any of the buses,
311, 313, 333, 334 etc. These buses stop exactly outside the
school, across the road.
Abu Bakr Girls School is a short 10 minute walk from the
town centre. Walk southwest on Bradford street, at the
roundabout continue forward onto Wednesbury Road. We
are located on the right
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| Abu Bakr Girls School Abu Bakr Girls School
156-160 Wednesbury Road
West Midlands
United Kingdom
Tel: 01922 626829
[email protected]