primary:, six - Simbed Learners School
primary:, six - Simbed Learners School
'PRIMARY:, SIX SUMMARY OF CONTENTS FIRST TERM THEME 1. SOratul:': Mulk (1 Qur'an And Qur'anic' Text' 10) 2. Some AyaC1tin the content: 3. SOratul .• AIZilzalah 1. Difference between Tawhid And Fiqh Sirah And Tahdhib SECOND TERM 1. SOratul- Al-lmran 105) 2. Som,~ayaatin the content. History of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from establishment of the Ummah to his death. 2. Moral lesson from the life and teaching of prophet Muhammad (SAW). 1. SOratul- Yasin (1 - 10) 2. some ayaatin the content. I d , Zak,ih and$adaqah 2. Sujl!dql-5ahwi 3. Salatus Safar 1. (103 - l'HIRDTERM ',l).i'Ttustworthiness. ·J2'. Jslamic rules of conduct brotherhood views of Islam on intoxicants and addition. 3. Child's rights in-Islam. 48 1. Faraldsunnah and • Mustahabbat of Sa/at 2. As - Sawm and its importance. 1. Short history and activities of the rightly guided Qaliphs: Abubakar ibn Qlafah, Umar ibn Khatab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib. 2. Islam and Science. PRIMARY SIX THEME: • QUR'AN AND QUR'ANIC TEXT ~I(10 - 1 the words. 5. TEACHING pronunciation. of Qur'an. in the Arabic text 2. Glorious·' and PERFORMANCE Listen Corrects the to: 1. which are: Recitation of the cassette CONTENT 1.EVALUATION 23. . ii. Glorious 3. Write the 2. 2. Recorded Identifies the relevant words and i.pupils' cards 1. the teacher GUIDE PUPILS Shows flash 1. The teacher:in the attempt to Glorious Qur'an L..:L.u L:L.U recite aayaat of Qur'an ayaatqfthe identify ayaat the of aYilatthe Glorious 0correctly. 11 Qur'an containing the Pupils should be able Writing some of the Qur1an. Leads the pupils ayaat. ayaat .while ayaat ofreciting the individually Drills the pupils pronouncing. and in-group;attentively to The pupils:Ask the pupils to: Recite tb~ ayaat cards containing " ~~ 1. ayaat Chart/flash mistakes. ayaat. 0' ACTrVrTrES ~of oJ .J:MI araat write the ayaat. , .JJ"LJ ... . U 4L . ALS TOPIC " • ~~ l.U...J ~IJ-01u!ij ", ",.".1 AND LEARNING 49 PRI,MARY SIX • .THEME: TOPIC ;;.~ :0.-.' .';' -;" '• QUR'AN AND QUR'AN.1C TEXT PERFORMANCE OBiEcTIVES .the t,.-the ·4. 2. surah. Recite ii. 2. 3. Zilza/1-8. i.should ii. 'Memorization iii. recitation. The recite learn Recites Charts Recorded correct the surat the AIsurah 2. 4. 1. 1. recitation.'; the recitation surat AIZilzal surah. of sur at AIIdentifies recite Flash recites Demonstrate cards the surah the at 1. The of difficult surah. words in to: cassette of translation mistakes of the recitation of surah.:Y the of surah. recite sural AI 1. first instance. able i.the The correct surah. Identmesthe 3. the of the words the teacher:Teacher's T1Jecorrect The teacher:meaning of their after mistakes; him. .the ,- S. Recite,surah al relevant Corrects pupil's 2. :surah too in pairs 'otaer whNe PUPILS and in groups. individually. theworcls pronunciation learn Recltethe Explain Explains by the heart the Qur'an. Glorious Zilzal surat ayaat AI-, by copy of Pupils should be ayaat; Listens Reading Learning attentively ofthe the identify the to pUpil's the pupil's Qur'an prommciation .in -Adiyah pupilsftepeat ', containing individuaDy pupils and correct Pupils The be ayaat by ayaat pupils:portions of -Adiyah correctly. ,Adiyah. heart. the Glorious Qur'an. portions of CONTENT mistakes. surah. the Glorious meaning of the 50 ACTW177ES TEACHER TEACIf1.NG AND LEARNING MATERIALS EVALUATION . GUIDE Qur'an. Ask the pupils to: 1. recite surat 2. AI-Adiyah correctly. learn by heart the surah. Ask the pupils to: 1. recite surat alZizal ayact. by ayaat 2. identify the text of the Surah. 3. recite the surah 4. correctly. learn the S. meaning of the surah recite the surahby heart. PRIMARVsIx' TAWHIDANDFIQH THEME: TOPIC , J:ilRFORMANCE . OBJECTiVES , 3. CONTENT them. Zakatand which one is differences can collect iv. The difference what ii. between the List the between them mention items' the cardboard. state of under· 1.2..2. 1. iii. 2. 1. Those i.pupils who can' Zakatand donation. to: those who can benefit The materials differences between definition. Zakatand benefit teachers:from, for the Listen Recall mention!; the 2. 1. 4. used of and Zakat.' Gives Lists those the 3. Zakat can be teacher:PUPILS and'. from Zakat explain identify Definition the those. of.;'-\who two; meaning meaning of of Sadaqahon as: corn, rice, obligatory, sadaqah. charity etc. The purpose for enjoined, the money which significance. etc. they are, . 4. $. Sadaqah such yam, cloth, meaning attentively. Explains its Sadaqah Ask the to: sadaqah, meCiningof meaning of charity. Pupils should Explain sada~h/ "i;-.,..,,-';.'· ACTIVrrrES item~th~t tircurnStance TEACHER be given? shouldtharity 51 TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS and Zakat for SacJaqah EVALUATION GUIDE '. THEME: TOPIC the lesson -! l<l~glif~m Ghusland Mll/qf·., . ~..:.... ':'~, : " ' '". Rirt ~ SIX ,',A,,:":,'" ,,2. ;;.-" '" TAWHIOANOFIQH PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES CONTENT ;~",') 1. Revision of M... .~.''''A'' ',,:' , ~.""~~~''''',.,~ ,pupirsshourd & able to: 1. state the meaning of ACTrVITrES '", -::,' ...•..:;.> T!I!~l!.~!l PUPILS ·/iMRNt'Nf1'<.::";l' ,·;4.:/·.EflJJ.··. '. ) NATERUl."$> 1. Chart of ....Theteacher:tThepupils:showing :J~<;l1f.C!1:jJrid ZQkat. ".,r~ihu~lar)f1 Z~ka"t.; \J !\.'§iV~!n,,_....l.!.,"-bis.t..~D,. .usfof."' it!:;c.oAditio~s that """Jneariilgjof n:'~ely. 2. list reasqns for r: . 15'~ ~he fr~~€$$itates the'CJ.each. those to .. ,p~ifRrming Ghusl. f)eJform~nce of ,,2; .:States t~ )t c':3iJlEtanfDlgof benefltkr' .' 3. : U~,i!ems to be;USech' (ihust 'n.!:J;eMOfls for QrtitSJilsJ~nd from':,;;:', . f9.n·'ZiJ~t. ,Qi•. ltems that can 'O)':,/6/JustL ~~" ,,··,::f ;'U.&CH\,~ ..•• b I.""r\:.;'·\;~~!,·, ',. > 4. mention the :~.~used for'c!:.)t ,.3.0iElabofat~s ,f13JfLf#iBbitletnsl(i>f 2':")~of':-;Jc; essential thing to do ~:fi.~4kat . "U1' its i 1in.fiwba1a.+at.; ,n j rfat#fi' 'q: n; during the Ghusl. ~1'!Hi\::,~t.a1 i 49dMQnUrm i~ylJSt of the produce.. 5. list those who ~hould . benefitiaries of:.;!· r'jc';peWorm~nce ,t51rUlolEt is ,r)1/; ,/EssentialS' benefit from Zakat bb 'ofL(Jh~ ( 6. list the kinds of , _fi·., ..•.... ?~.a.t:. J(.l.:<S~ificarke of . ;,. ··.the meri¢es,,Jf;:)r'tift~forii item~ of 5. ExPIatrithe projects Zakat can ;, ':'d:ZHkat ';;;i'Z1lkat. i 10 leaseOS for be used for. 5'•1 ,.~~msf~ ~l", . Onn 2~L L>:U....-I. . 'jsillrlifkr.af1ce. 'd oj i.Definition GiilDE TEACHiNG' "f\~EVALUATION AND Ask the pupils to: 1... state.themeaning of GhiJsland Zaka~' list reasons for performing Ghusl. list items to be used for Zakat mention the essential thing to do during the Ghusl. 5. t...... - .. 6. fist those who should benefit from Zakat. list kinds of projects Zakatcan: b~ usedfor. f.(52 PRIMARY THEME: TOPIC 2. SIx TAWHIDANDFIQH PERFORMANCE OBJECTrvES Pupils should be able to: 1. . explain the meaning of Sa/atus safar; 2. states reasons for performing it; 3. state which sa/at to be reduced. CONTENT i. ' Definition of Salatus Safar. it... Conditions for ,performing Salatus Safar. Ui" Rules guiding how and when it shoulcfbe performed. iv.The:significance for'it. v. :Classesof travelers and distance to be noted. TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS EVALUATION GUIDE The pupils:- A chart with 1. Listen an attentively. 2. ,.Mention the numbers of the Rakatof each daily ,1IIustrationof the Salatto ,bereduted. Ask the pupilS to: 1. i explain the meaning of ACTIVITIES reACHER 1heteacher:1. Gives its definition. , 2. ,explains . cOnditions ;,isurrouncfingsits t: performance. >3:' :Explainsthe logic behind performing it. 4. Explains the issue of distance 'and the kind of journey required. PUPILS Sa/at. List the kinds' 'of journeys a Muslim should ",I, tmdertake. 4. Which of the daily prayers are affected by Sa/atus Safar. 53 Suratus Safar. 2. state reasons for performing it. 3. state which Sa/cIc to be reduced. PRiMARY'1SIX .THEME: TAWHID AND nQH TOPIC 1. The history of CONTENT PERFORMANCE OBJEC77VES Pupils should be able to: 1. mention some famous Nigerian Muslims. some famous Nigerian Muslim: Uthman Dan Fodio .... Abdullahi Bin '2. Fodio 3. Sultan Muhammad Bello Muhammad AI-Kanem Muhammad Shitta Bey. 4. Briefly state their history. List some of their contributions to the develop~1Jt . of Islam in. Nigeriarq, State some- Of the ·!esscmsl'in their life. i. Brief life history of . the following famous Nigerian Muslims: Uthman Dan Fodio. AbdulJahi Bn TEAQlER , The teacher:1. Reminds the pupil of some famous Muslim leaders in the FodiO· discussion of the life history of Muh~mmad th~ Kane'rTL; i. Nigerian '. Mun~mmadAI .Muham'p,ad Shitta Bey. The contributions of these femous Nigerian famous· Musliffi~C';: 3. MenttO.I1$ ~me of their' .' . 4. contribu~s. ListsSQ01~pf the lessot1S irttheir life.· Muslfins, , ii. SOmelessops from their tlfe history. :,L .': . . 54 ;:~ EVALUATION GUIDE /!upILS The pupils:1. 'Listen to the teacher's story attentively. 2. !Bti~~ydiscuss world. 2.1.~dsjn~ SUltan Be ",0 , TEACHING AND WRitING MATERIALS AC77VrTIES .... 3. L 1 '.- __'ll',._ MeF.1~9n some of:t~ir contributions. 4.·) State'some t!he~ns "':t:helr1tife. :~-:i-';~-\ ;,6 ,;-l "".Y',-: showing Sokoto Caliphate, Borno ", ,hl~~. _'".I 1. Map of Nigeria Of in empire, Lagos and lJorin. Ask the pupils to: 1. mention some famous Nigerian Muslims. 2. state their life history; 3. list some of their contributions to the development of Islam in Nigeria. 4. state some of the lessons in their life. PRIMARY SIXs" ~.~. THEME: ••••. "''1 ,- , SIRAH AND TAHDHIS TOPIC ,,~ CONTENT PE,!fORNANCE OBJE{:TIVE$ Iii !C~leridar ,i~ndits , importance. i. Pupils should be able to: 1. Iistth~~~s of calenciarj 2. explain the meaning of 3. Hijrahj' state the impOrtance of htijrah tl5llhe !t:'~limi:, , 4. I" listtheH1)rah ~I¥:)!!l?nth~ of calendarj 5. highlight the difference between Hijrah and Gregorian Calendar. j', Kinds of calendar. ii. Definition of Hijrah. iii. IqlpOrtance of Hijrah.pnd, Hijrah "i calendar. iv. Narrl~ of the , months' of Hijrahi calendar. v. Differences,b betweeA Hijrah and Gregorian calendar. The tl!ael\er:1. Mentiol1stl\eklnds of calendar. 2.l;:xpl~Os the 'me~ning of the y.Jelrd'Hijrah. 3. stresses the' fact that the Hijrah was, Menti,On:&9ITle 4. (~(5j:at~ ij)e ,names ki~li,eOf , Calendar that '. they are" of~~~i!oQ m0'1~ ~ri,tpe ", (', Hjjral1"uale.ndar .., r-" "'L" ea ··'l.d','IITfi'.1;· =>. '~i'\ffj PUPI'I"~ S In kfarr\i1iarwith. • Statesorn~ 3. . nam~'6fthe . ~:~~$I,q~Otl renCt::s'" the days·a\ilj12 months irl'ttie Hijrah I;" u.' P :calendar;.aM Gregoriam'h! calendars. 6. Stresses the importance of using the Hijrah calendar for the purpose religious observance such as Ramadan, Maulu-al-Nabby, idi AI-fitr and Idi Adhah. 55 calendar. 2., ChartSlri~sh cards cOl'ltainihg the names, of days 'and , months of. Hijri3h' 't calendar. 't/1e,Prophet (SAW). 2. 1c(SAW):id Ask the pupils to: 1. list the kinds of calendar. 2. explain the meaning of Hijrah. 3. statethe importanceQf Hijrah to ,',' Muslims. ,. 4. list the 3. C~ months of the containing Hijrah some" calendar. important dates in 5. highlightsthe ISfaf1i;";:',',i';' difference ' between 4~ A daliy' Hijraha"p newspaper Gregorian SMQWmgth~,'.' calendar. 110l;!Jhdates. , 1. Hijrah The pupils:L Listen to, tlle. . teaCHer while, leading the " diSCUSsion 'on Hijrah as a turning"pbitlt in the life of at'uhii~;point in the life ofpi'ophet l:iet:Ween'Rlji-ah EVALUATION GUIDE PUPILS TEACHER L Hijrah TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERrAl$ ACTNITIES i "iClaIe,Q4C1f,': iIIi 4. List ~OO'l'iJl~'l impnr;t"'lTIl"""t:lf /tm':771,1f ','I~j~~~ ~Iw;'~ar 5. "tn 'Highli h ", IVJu~lms., r ,1l'1'"'f~,'\( r.~r ".','1 someVIO,;"i! t, differences between Hijrah and Gr~orian calendar. I' PAIMARY,:SD{" SIRAHAND TAHDHIS THEME: TOPIC cONtENt' PERFORMANCE ·oIl.iEci~J(~$ ACTrvIt1ES~" '''TEACHER 1. Revision.of the following virtuous/acts: Commanding 'of'goods. - RefraIning evifs; , !: .•.. _~ P,upil$should be able tQ; t" explain the meanjng of good " behaviours. 2.' state the .impOrtance and effects dfgo'od behaviour. apply the Qur'anic injunction commanding all to do good and forbid evil doing. Q103 : 1-3 i. Themeaning ofvhtuous acts in Islam. ii. The fl~ed for 2:,l;xplains with, ,"oil ~aving "r~levant Qur'anic :('. ,y~'~,~ ,behaviour :~nd H~dith ~,I . mahnei-sto iiI.,iThe quotations the neea their people ; 'importance .for good' behaviour. ", -:~"andavoiding and effect of ;~!'.QI03: 1;'3 " evUS.' '3. ,.;Sg-es$es,the 2. 'Ust.the good, benaviours. "importance and .".importance #r 'll\(fteaching ,.,effectsof doing good.,; and effects of the,Qur'anic, and avoiding evils. ,pf..ggg9 injunction of 4~ leads in the ,~....t..behaviouir. ';"ctJrnmanding ;,discuSsions of,,: ..;,: 3t ~e'1tion good'deeds "~~pme acts '~1e5sons derivable' "'_ a'netforbidden '::from doing good an'd;' which are evils doings. ";'avoiding evils."-·";'-;:'· ' good and S. 'Emphasizes the 'those that Q 103 : 1-3 importance of ttle'"ate bad. , ,": ';-~yaatof the GloriouS'Recite the 'Qur'an teaching-·'" ayaatof the "-\"'good behaviour·, which when applied" 'Qur'ao will lead to peacefuL t~ching existence and love '_'. good deed J c. and for humanity. 6. Mentions that the refraining effects of evils will from evils. leacUodisharmonv. 56 EVALUATI:ON GUIDE PUpILS ]he t~cher:',' '·THe pupils*: 1.pE;lfines the word ", 1: Listen'to the , ,virtuous acts. ,;:Y,. "! ,diSa:$sfon gOQQ TEACHING,. AND LEARNING MATERIALS 1. ChartS showing' relevaht Qur'anic and Hadith quota,trons. ,".;;, :;:;,){}l'<;O;; ~,; 'y, I, h Ask the 1. explain the meaning'of good bE!haviour. 2. state the importance and effects of good behaviour. 3. apply the Qur'anic injunction commanding all to do good and forbid evil doing. PRlMM"4U¥~'. THEME: QUR'AN AND QUR'AN.1C TEXT TOPIC' CONfE/f't, PI!/fR)RMANCE ,,',O~ ~. ",~ "'. ACTIVITIES '~, . 1. Arabic text Suratul/mran verse lO3.~ 105 Pupils should be able to: 1. ~edtett\e and aayaCl,tjn aya"tQf the the cOIltel)tt glori~s. 9Ur'~ correctly; 2. identify the words of the Glorious Qur'an. 1. ~rning pf $Ome aayaat ,,' of: ~,c;lprious Qur'an. " "Wri~iri,~pf some wornsarl(j ~y~"tqfthe Glorious q~~~n ,which are: ,'~ ,',.,Hf- J 1 ii J "..w i. ".; " , I t~':, words and aayaat of the Glorious Qur'an. 1. Recites . ", '(1~j;t~ .18~t """ 1 u-o ',f;:.;l.?- !4-JLi..A "'4 i. ~. fl' i ~'pi !: ~.)L_.oJ ~~ . • U-OJ the pupil's ):,mistakes. : 'i5.~dsthe f". ~ 'pupils in 0-fr' ~e 'a~empt to write the ,l_~~~ :41,'.,l¥~i J-i ¥~i Ji uwi' • ..QLj ayaBt J-' .'IL ,.. ~..w (j-O-.> ~ L.o-.ri J ,57 EVALUATION GUIDE Recorded 2. 'containing the relevant wor$,and ay•• 3. ay.aBt group. Writethe "W()f"(isand j ayaat. 2. pronouncing . individually and 102. a)(8Bt casSette and ilYBBt. ReciteAhe 1. Ask the pupils to: 1. recite the reQltiAg and .·theword ." ',words. 4. ','COrrects Gt.J w, . I. wNk!~ " i'~n of the i1++J~ ':~ teiK'tWir WOrds. ~,0-D ~•• , GtOriotJs lb~ "-"':pupi1s in "'l)ronunc!at --J flaSh cards contain the words and attentively .'Qur'an. ,l(tentifleS the 1. Charts or 'tattle lfifflcult ":II IJ~ (;',"1' , 'me ayaat ,i'l'ofthe <;:'-'3. '> Grins ~J ~--,-) J L~lt;, i~ The pupHs:1. ' Cisten tffi:! ~'~ i ",'Ll L, 3. write the ;1" The ,teacher: - I PUPILS TEACHER ~{.~_\ 1: '1 AND ,~C.HI!if!., tEA1tNING , NATEItMi.S ayaat. Glorious Qur'an cOlTectly. ~ntify the words of the Glorious Qur'an. write the words and ByaBtofthe Glorious Qur'an. P-~'I"I)fq THEME:. " .TA w..HIQllflll"-QH, CONTENT ~"d." ..",I I olu., '.' .,. .' , TO/}j&,'-;~I':>'I·'pEJu.~. I '.' "" i \GJ~;l1\1;~ $·.V I ?,'~;'T:1l\(~,Y)~, ~t;17VI*1ES'" 't17n \'~,r)", ~':i';:')'1BAf::NlNl;j( ", , 1.;explain " SiJltJsWl the jme~ning of :liJfli1ziJh. 2. state when iand how it is J. '.'1 JiJniJZiJh. j'. I .,:_,", ~ --";-.- ,~" _.-"~JIS,. ."'\.') The~x_ 1. 'A cardbQ~r.~" AS.'fJ'''. b :f,n'tT"I{to: ,wlth .ct _t', ' ~':-;r~J3.~P\ll:. j.,;;;\~~p~'t~ 1. ,,~'}~~':O?, ;~eJ'fi definitiO",Ofc~~ iIItlstfiitWn of 2.Whflt1~ld JiJniJZaIF.~s,,,,;w ..;-.. . pl~<!E!d;lrl i~",,,,.,,,:,,,,,,e,,,,,,\ ~"'« 2.... i -I tfClW. e~~;~ t' ( iCtf}t -:'; ":; ; ;:~: .~. tQ thEt.corpse . ': ' ~'., ~{N,3"'""!!d{ ( 3'\\~Q10i~ ito be performed. 1. ,state the , i essential EX.E!9iQS ·~:fo.",' "'~ ·in ..Ie'.'" Ie oft' ,4one. parts of it. 1,,,,j ,7'. ;) .~':~ l~.,~,~ -\-::\"., ;",(J State when and h,ow it is 3. State the to performed. essential parts ,. it of ,~"':", \i'\~}"-:'·2' . . /1 !! "~,-~~) cili; O~nstrate hQwto perform \.~ \';1\ '\.~ ~:, ?-.:Jj Dr16 \\N~,\i:~'. :-~t)(';b; SiJlatuL Jan81iJh. iiibt{J .;~;.~} ;:-'<i "~', E"',~,~~. ~~~'.;. r :'~ .; i)n"· wi~~*. 4. Janazah." ;~ 2. . f6fnie'frow. :tiiI@t/rl(.~ JalJiJzah you haveli!ver "~);lJ d~":Y'Ii' ji:,; ')fronfOf(a '. ,.::" ;be,fpr~ saJat.7 3. 'Oe$cripethe SaliIl'll~. , :,rnea.QiI19'Qf adead,body i rc-"-e~~,r,\~A"-.. , MATERIALS The.teac~l1'lf3i(r(il 1. Gives:.,th&',:. 1p t-to'\tO"';~~8ffn saZi(j1 f!'lNzlJlJ, -',,",,''.',.,.-,':,.",,-. """'.,,\,t 'J{,', -,," .. "'" Definitjon1 oil?'>\.! " .·TEAf;l. PUpils should·Be);; ,:'~'''',~ ~');;, EVALtJMION GUIDE , ANIJ{~MMrltG W:\~";.J 1. ::::"""..~Hl' (\V\~\.(JA1\-\\t,~Jx.1 I ' " ::./:;.)Ut)!:l'1 :. :(:,) fi' :';~'B.~d9(l; .m$rlJ 19 "y~~rj~}rU j~-~uhJ~ .:~ j.-';~ ,;:,t .••, . j ':, '~,;'~> '~",,:;:\ ~"}(;S L zXi'..l .\ ;:/:~V';; ::)1611;".\1 :i!'l.' ~iJ\,,,,. .~~';i-"t~~;. ,\ ·a ,I ,r. ~•• ,58 --J. J .- . _.-~ - .._ ~,~~ of each NG eform ut in Qabli PRIMARY SIX TAWHIOANOFIQH MATERIALS .PERFORMANCE ~ TEACHING sa/atus safar. and itin Janazahand 4. 3. isobservant sa/at a/ 1. 4. 6.i.the when itand is essence. sa/alt Safar Demonstrate 1. S. state the 2. 2. observance States the sa/at a/-Janazah. Revision sa/at of safar. sa/at sahwi.Janazah. Janazahand Describe Identifies how when the 2. 7. 1. to be reduced. 3. S. ~Describes the Demonstrates demonstrate tums with the use sa/atus thepurpose the sahwi use safar. of of issalatCONTENT able to: Charts and EVALUATION salatus observe safar the Ust Lists Discusses the the condition conditions kinds how of J. reduction kinds. State the a/Janazah. leads in The teacher:Usten to the· teacher as he puprLS 'observance sa/at al-GUIDE Qabli and Sa 'adi a/-Janazah, identify what for the observance Explains Explain the when two to kinds of Sujud picture. a non-living performed. ofof-its object to symbolize Sujuda/Identify Asks Explain the what pupils prayer Pupils a of dead the should prayers. person. be stages the how they are and sujud a/performed. prayer isof Sujud a/-sahwi. Ask pupils to: State when they explaining the are performed and "1eaning and Thepupils:-in AcrrvrrrES oerformed. Toprc THEME: AND' 59 PRIMARY SIX ~~ ":. THEME: TAWHIDANDFIQH MATERIALS TIACHING Communism which describe shirk In Pictures of 2. with Allah. idols. CONTINT 3. li. in Islam. lead shirkas to shirk the Definition Recite 4. v. 4. their of cultural EVALUATION define the 1. Islam. which can environments. Iv. Atheism known as as Idols. a GUIDE Leads the to: 3. 1. 3. define Shirk Shirk the shirks in-Islam. in4. are of different Bari Shirk Hausa in the Islam. Glorious term iii. Identification and humanism discussion cultural list some features 5. Recites some land atheism. Arochukwu mention the association The teacher:association with List some of some in 100 land of the cultural 2. Describes the do not believe shirk as greatest 2.Pupils in the Kuti In Nupe. existence ofof as forms of Glorious Qur'an, PIRFORNANa PUPILS define the teacher 1. Listen as to he the atheism. known this as is explain state the origin of Qur'an identify term different types Explains different some concept Shirk. of condemning meaning of Q4: 48 practices, Explain some Shirk made Explains practices ayaat by man shirk. (Polytheism) theayat .. of and theof _Allah, Origin ofthat cultural practices in different parts origin ofin practices that thebbjects other objects should be a~1e Ask the pupils to: of Nigeria .such a Islam. gods. origin of (Polytheism ). shirk Shirk meaning of worshipped the objects as explain that individually some people and in-group. The pupils:AC77V1T1ES 116.sin. TOPIC and Q.4: ," AND 60 PR:fMA~Y-Sr, .~ •. . ',- ,I 'c. At... ': . ,~,-1Ci. •.~ ·'·'."'x" . SIRAH AND TAHDHIB THEME: \~~~~':' ':", -~ ~'\. tOPIC, CONTENT ','I .. ~ .:7 ~~ ")f '~~,':Ti'ACHl"(i' ACTIVITIES AND LEARNiNG MATERIALS ,''l.l''t· ~.",.'tl:' ,',." EVALUATIDN GUIDE ':,~-;.\.,1:"',": 'TEA.CHER ,~' .",. PUPIl-S ; ft" 1. Good manMers:' - Constderation '..J':' "\""\ for others. ~ ,;,S~tVice' to the Pupils should be able to: 1. mention the lesson in the spirit of loving one another and ,.c~riWfianity a'nd' !' ':hlim~~ity - Q6:42 - co-operating with one another. Hb r1i ility c 43 $Iandt:ring JCf68: 12, 11- 2. Q'104 : 1 3. 4. state why a Muslim should assist his brother Muslims and others. explain the meaning of humility and slandering. recite some of the i;' 'Love and , understanding. The teacher:,:, 1. Leadst~; ii. 'Assisting others: di$CUS?ion on the ,:benefits iiLCo;:aperating with-others. "derivaQle,from love and iv. Slanderfng ut'rderstanding each 0thers. Q 68::li1 - 12 Q t<l4"(t v. HufrillitYQ6: 42 - 43; The pupils:1. Listen to the . . teacQf;lf)"Ihile ',-': I~,ading di~G\lSSic;mQn the " beIJefjts 2. Mentlons the esSfence' of assisting each dw!vi1\ple from tOe, aet,.~f having consideration for " others. 22EMention some ,of I"~ other-;,··,, 3. "E'mphasizes the iYlS: 4. Retites ~dme -'re1atin~hog09d "~'" f -: .,'. .'sla'ncredng .htitnmij:; 1 ~i • another; 3. Qtir~r\it'ti'1yaat a'fid Radith and ',the ways in 'which one can :assist1lne importance of co-operation. 'manners'-,J ,.,; Explainthe benefit 'of cooperation recite some ayaatand Hadith relating to good manners . r. Chart' cqntain,ing Ask th,~.P,y'Pils to: 1. mention the relevant less6n:lTi'the Qur'QI,'lic and spirit offb~ing one another. ,.<),~cli,~t\.:';. ,2. ,A pJC;tl4r~,' 2. state why a Muslim should assist his brother Muslim and others. 3. explain the importance of cooperating with one another. ;~h9~i~g' wh~,· ,. I .. , '.~." _. ;;:l;:hijEirengr,e ·,wQf>kiFlg in ~r~n and assi$ting oneanqther. 3.A'ShOrt~ ,:: 'drama,toi . rolefplay,< , i',,-some;of the 4. good' manners. 5. injunctions concerning good manners. 61 recite some of I the Qur'anic ' and Hadith injunctions concerning good manners. . ~i' Qur'anic and Hadith i give examples of humility of slandering. PRIMARY SIX THEME: SIRAH AND TAHDHIS MATERIALS heroine normal excessive and sedatives Intoxicants cocaine sedative use ofthe drugs. Intoxicants -and in Islam; TEACHER -use TEACHING of the Hadith of the 4. ii.the the brain which iv. 5. which prohibit socio and ;some Mentions some Posters abnorma"1 because such as i. pupils describe Document~ mention Charts 3. 6. 5. CONTENT 3. normal mandrax. 1. Valium 1. 2. list two the 2. 1. PERFORJIANCE .,the' ' difference 3. 3. effects abusers. ofbe normal -Recite characteristic abuse. health and indulging in EVALUATION abuse. economics always act on Theteacher:Islam. effects condemnLeads Mention Reads a some abuse.f: 4. 2. .f the between Characteristi.CS and of excessive the drugs abuse. GUIDE abuse. ayaats of the Hadith lead to use it,["., characteristics Qur'an, able to: 1. PUPILS Drug,abuse. pleasufqble discussion intoxicants of the intoxicants and substances' feelings. redlJce pleasant the news Ask the to: again and agaiJ1, Newspaper carrying Effects List Listentpthe some of .'Pupils could illustrating picture abuse. abuse,,' Q2 vs 219. containing ary films ayaats of the intoxicant and 4. drugs. Q5 vs 9091. drugs in Explains the of the effects of abuse Modes of drug should be that drugs abuse. of drug negative on drug pleasure '. producil;J~ teaci:ler on some drugs ofmajor drug" ayaatand Glorious Qur'an of drug discussion abuse.", on . 'of '-,ofi-' Glorious dug abuse., people who are derivable ing from prohibiting ,;iii. prophetic Hadith discouraging The ,pupils: =that and drugs abuse; Explain the ,2. drug qb~e,,suFP: 9f: j',,' as drugs abuse~ Qur'anic character~stics feeling/w~t1.-: ACTIVITIES druo abuse. AND TOPIC 62 PRIMARY SIX THEME: QUR'AN AND QUR'ANIC TEXT TOPIC CONTENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE$ ACTrVT17ES TEACHER 1. Arabic text of Suratul Yasin (1 - 10) and other ayaatin the content. Pupils should be able to: 1. recite the ayaatof Glorious 2. 3. Qur'an correctly; pronounce' the words of Glorious Qur'an correctly. write the words and ayaat i. Learning of some ayaatof the Glorious Qur'an. Writing some ayaa/of the Glorious Qur'an which are: ii. (l - 10) U"l:! ~... ~.. Ijl The teacher:1. Recites the ayaatofthe Glorious' 2. 3. Sjj.WI ~4l~ \AJJJ ~ILf.l.. ~..>"l:!~I uf IJJ~ul 4. Qur'an. Identifies the difficulfwords .. Drills pupils in the pronlJndation of the words. Correct pupils in the ?Ittempt to write the ayaat uuL.'i I. ~I ~ t:llJ . I.p 1 ul~1.l.l1 ~ J.aJl:! I~ ~..>"l:!~Iul J.aJl:! u\..Q.'iIJ ~j ,.~IJ ~(ft.;i1' ,.~ltY ~jS.W'J J.;Sli ~ 63 PUPILS The pupils:1. Listen attentively to the teacher while reciting and pronouncing the words and ayaat ReCite theayaat individually and ingroup. Write the ayaat TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS 1. Charts or flash cards EVALUATION GUIDE Ask the pupils to: 1. recite the ayaatof Glorious containing the words 2. and ayaat. Recorded cassette containing the . relevant words and ayaat. Qur'an correctly; 2. Ipronounce the words of Glorious 3. Qur'an correctly; write the words and ayaat. PRIMARV51X THEME: TAWHIOANOFIQH ! 3. TEACHiNG 3. Thepupils:3. of Ghusl. the observation Islam. to: discussion on 3. 4.the list the Fara7d 1.word 4. 1. 2. 4. 5. of Islam. time observance for the ofhow PERFORMANCE A Water demonstrate states state Leads Demonstrate mention Those The chart the a for on who discussion the Fara'id PUPILS 3. 2. 1. iv. 4. 1. 2. 1. on i. 1. 5. 5. 4. toof of Ghusl. Mustahabbat Ghusl. iii. The CONTENT Listen Demonstrates State Definition the to the whom of 2. how ii. 2. to 3. i.of Mention the Ghusl. The Sunnan MustahabbcA:. leads in the iii. Ghusl. Mentions the 3. Sunnan Ghusl. should States List the the 1. 2. the The teacher:T he teacher:Saudi Arabia 2. state the Fara'id Observe ii. how toparts Arafat. some 2. .of GUIDE TEACHER Ghusl. Makkah Madinah. and Ghusl. 1. Hajj. Hajj. EVALUATION Sunnan Ghus~' parts of Hajj of importance teacher teacher of on as he time of in Hajj. the pillar of identify the explain Name discussion. the the of Pupils bale position of Hajj parts Ghus/; the pupils of Hajj. Hajj. to: perform Ghusl. perform Ghus/u. importance their main The pupils:importance Hajj. compulsory. Time whom Hajjis showing perform parts Mustahabbatparts of Ghusl. Explains Maps of how Hajj. to positiOn parts parts pilgrims meaning of Hajj. Ghusl. atHajj. of how toobserve Ghusf, perform as hajjas compulsory. thefifl:h pillar, Mention the people on performance perform Hajjsuch Ghusl. as important three in , '< Ask performing places for should be able whom how to Hajjis perform Fara7d Define~ the Hajj. of Ghus(." how isof ACTIVITIES " perform Ghusl. 64 AND LEARNrNG , I PRlMARY. , ~~ . SIX, . THEME: TOPIC , SIRAH AND TAHDHIS CONTENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIfIES, ACTIVITIES TEACHER state mention the Iii. 1. Service to ' explain apply the the Pupils should be lesson benefits to of 2. 4. another. 3. for of benefit devotion sake of 1. Allah.' able to: advantages to duty. daily. doing good helpingand one their community humanity. I i. Doing good for' the sake'of . Allah. Helping of another. PUPILS The teacher:.The pupils:1. Leads a 1. Listen to the discussion of the teacher discussion on the benefit of benefit of , .' ..... service to _ helpingpne . humanity. another and, , 2. Mention some of doing,gOQ<;lfo( the sake of the ways in which one can assist one Allph. another. 2. States the disadvantages of'I, 3. Explain the benefit of doing good for being selfish. sake of Allah. 3. Explains the life 4. State some Muslim history of some Islamic ' . personality in their environment who personality' who . have been devoted their -. timeto the . generous to the community. se.rvicesof 5. Recite some humanity. 4. Emphasizes Qur'anic quotation and Hadith Islamic relevant to the teachings on service of generosity,and cheering with humanity. reference to Qur'an and Hadith. 65 . .~ TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS EVALUA1TON GUIDE 1. Charts and pictures of people helping ..ot~rs. Ask the pupils to: 1. state benefit of helping,one ' another. 2. explain the advantages of devotion to duty. 3. mention the benefit of doing good for sake of Allah. 4. apply the les;;on to their daily. ;.. PRIMARY ,SIX THEME: TOPIC SIRAH AND TAHDHIS PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES CONTENT AC77VU:tES TEACHER 1. Humility Pup~lsshould be able to: 1. explain the meaning of word humility. 2. mention the benefit in the moral teaching of humility 3. identify some personalities in history of Islam who are known for humility. i. ii. Meaning of the word humility Benefits of humility. The teacher:1. Defines the word humility. 2. Leads to the discussion of the benefit of humility. 3. Narrates Qur'anic story of Luqman and his son. 4. Recites some ayaatofthe Glorious Qur'an relating to humility. 5. Makes reference some Hadith on humilitv. PUPILS The pupils: .•' 1. Listen attentively ~9~ee~l:ler;s discussion on the benefit of humility. 1. Mention some .. benefit of humility. 2. Explain the story!' of Luqman and his son. TEACHING AND LEA./lNING MATERIALS 1. Chart containing .;1yaatand Hadith on humility. ·i -J 66 EVALUATION GUIDE Ask the pupils to: 1. explain the meaning of word humility. 2. mention the benefit in the moral teaching of humility. 3. identify some personalities in history of Islam who are known for humility. l" ~ -_._-, .. AIQur'an- - ':' The Qur'an ._ . .-_ '. - ••••.•. "0 __ ._ ':'. "'-_ i 't;~'l':\<l~J~1,9~)WlJ\li~ :'.3M~HT •• 'I ~,\\~saying Hatlith ""\~ ._ ';i.' Deed~~~~et And ~V'.{~\,I\,'<) < '. :\'l\\~) ", Tawhid ,._;_.,,__._,,__,-, "''''_'''' "__..._'..',~_'" :h€lstamic purisprudenteiquq 9:~T\ Fiqh:] 9r\1 [;:£.10\3 gflin\5JrK', • v''~zi)] ,.; no rlj!lzI6H. r: .•lJin~ij Tati~lP;;lj~~Cln 16'1011'1 \'i;n90i Il.t •.Qr~A~s.~wnurt . 9rn0210noi:ln9t.1 lft9nw " , I 'IJ.",nu ,0 I,~-::.:> ,"'! 'r!,';' r11 jC\""''''d Ritual pray~o1c 9rU ni",lqx3 Salat"jilin'c)fll0 :0,";';';' ! I 2iri br'F .fen'· .f > ", in \(:oj2H1 calliTo " '.\J" . ',(.",~;I;m' . ;;lk!6 ' ,~rljn,i61<!~~ !',yfl!I:;,;;n • ~ I I .yjilif'fluri' b1QW••••.• • ...,)u, i; l' 91lJnOIJn9ffi,,:' " Ufl '.l-l . '-I ni ir':lf19d -,I' 1 . ~I,~~j$"6ltr .~,t.,JSG' ,_'. ,,_~...,..!\ '(",.,....-.'hl('lE" ••-m·; : , ,>". 15",-n 1 ""-'" t "I 4'" 0 ::J,:", C{4i, I 10 Qnirb5~Jj~~ 2iM bt!allsrflpwJ t}(11?8e9ji)~~; 9f,nU lbb'\.t. n6'lu~q'!UC;loft1l:) jJ I I 'Dn~wil~1e9}f5M i no Mjioerf!nnoo " (" 'iastiog . i ' _ i, __.l ' .2 '\jff~rt ' __~_,,.;,~L-,,.-- : oJ.)~ I ! <:\tIijih5no219q , U~ sma<; 10"'0)2;1: niy odw m6ld I 0 ~j , nwoml916 . 1 I ')lytHimurl101 _-_. ! 0dflsOi • ,oJ Qrli\Si!J\ 1'(1i1irrlurt ! ~gFlm ,i..>+t 10 {?n1nS9fn vJjHrl1lH1 .L ~tart Prayer , ", --- 3d bhJ9{Iei~liqL""'t' \ ic~'8lltles srlj 10 '1tJ1~Sf1ed' 'c<ll<.''''. ,1>01 . t ,II i: .,,1,1/' "-t,,--,··,,, ~-.:,.j..;.._.~~,--,-'- 'l(:!mrw:fii bW' s~l:Hyf-eb!3g,J ,n02 CompulSory Alms Zakat ,1 J.>~.I', , ,vJillrnuH Sawm • I '. - .".".". ":lsrt::n:.~15l'ff 90j lo,pf1ic,:,~,l And\somel~nt ,CallTO~rayer , ACll7iJ){'{J molal '10i rl'NOPil ,Hajj ,,(). ,j !. "'"1'\0 I i~tf"DIJ ,I Ablutiorl Wtidili1>nu; :9q Iqamah snl no nOi2cUJ21b : ,'-' --,:_."",~ blOW 9rld:znnn-90 t:1 lif1n~W()grap~yOfT\'l~ ! l,nid::'69J , . r ' ,-.""~-,.,. :-,-, _.,_-__ ~L_. p,.A.J I 'f, UJ..A,JI Sadaqat p~1 As (Abbreviation) 67,\ ~ ·fl ;,-nt. , y' 5.a.w"- sal-A/lahu "Alyhi Wa sa/lam (May Allah Showef i:"~;,., ',.. ~J > :is!'lqc, Upon Him) ASnUJ/yllahitJdusf1iJ!J Jama~ salatul- Hisj~1e!~ih~jinurnrflliJ ~ Beautiful Names Of AUah sliT -to ,,,-.;V'; -4'Xi . " "','11It6!V10f:i.)tL.I.J .(u I ~ nOlJib61T '. " \/1.'-)' - ,"-,~'"\. _, _ ,; Congregational Prayer • 041\1 ~ I ~ ::-\ t( t 0 "MUhajif'Un r..,Kii ,.I An$a( ::...K6 f" Dry AblutiCII ~ "19\'51<1' ,'.;;! " 1 ]$Vf5'Cl ¥:HT1UO[ - Helpers (Tmse Who Receive Muslims In Madmah) ,:~,' ~c..]. Fara7d S\\t\'GG _ OJJ-=!'~ ." l '(16;'lUiUV Immigrants l~ .', !SY6"ll'i 16nod15Q91Qno:l Obligatory , :: "\~""),iIll.')"_c: lQ\Uc.. ~\\\~\";)'-" \r - (~(~ V6bil=l" :,.),\" f't~\\~\,.It -\I,\'\c:.C.\S') '\.,l..l\<,)\..)".:)(,~ ! ",J Musthabbat Supereroget>ry ~''''O Shirk Worshipping Anything Other Than Allah ~~I Yaomul-Qiwamah Day Of Resurrection ;,; AI-Tawbah ,'/\ ~'-~til~ 1,' Tayqmam " :_lJI"'I W:.. •.. '-!~\',\\ '. \ k' .t.o Repentance LJ...A.J , ~~I CH Sujud AI-sahwi Prostration For Error Committed In Prayer Ghusul Ritual Bath ~I Sujud Prostration ,) Janazah Funeral Tanwin Nunatioo 'C. ~ ~ 1 .~ ,) 11"' ~ ilj~l <.'~. 68 i· fi.H ~ .,.u J-'!f-MJ -1,,_ 69 APPENDIX II Dr. Y. Y. Salaudeen Ustaz SuJaiman CURRICULUM REVIEW TEAM 3. 5. B. 1. Ustaz Ustaz L. Inuwa O. Jimoh 4. Dr. B.B. 6. 2. O. S. Apampa 1. Dr. A.Mustapha A. Salawu , A ) BASIC 4-6 ;J:i Hod (Educ), Usman nail Fodio University Sokoto - Chairperson Dean (SASS), Adcmir~n Ogu~anya.College OfEducatiQJ?-,Ijanikin, Lagos,(Secretary) Lecturer, Fed, College Of Education Pankshin - (Member) , . j"':p"~ .J .. Lecturer, Fed, College Of Education Kano - (Member) Lecturer, Bayero UniVersity,~Aho:~ (Member) Lecturer, CollegeOfEducation~~~:_ (Member) Chief Research Officer, C.D.C NERDC, Abuja (Subject Officer) ,;' If ;;. J-~ i. Critique Team ) 'ljl2":S/!: I . Prof. A.A. Salal wu 2. Mal. Musa Rilwan Hod (Educ),: ,,'Usman Dan Fqdio University Sokoto - Chairperson . -,:r:~~,? }::;~< 'f\U Lecturer, A.I.E.R.U, Institute Of Education, A.B.U Zaria 3. Alahaji Abdul-Hameed A. Yusuf4. Mal Yakubu.l. Muhammad 5. Dr. M. O. Adeniyi Dcan:Of Students, Fed~CoIfegebfEducation, Katsina - (Member) H~admster Lea IslamiwaIirjm.aJY School, Gwagwalada, Abuja{Member) Senior Lecturer, Department Of ~eligious Studies" Obafemi Awolowo University, iff"it ' • Ile-Ifc (Mcmber) 6. Ustaz Jamiu O. Zakariya Chief Rcsearch Officer, NERDC, Abuja (member and~tibjeetdrfi6er) I • SECOND CRITIQUE TEAM 1. Alh. Tijjani abdullahi Directo(d~urriculum'DQPartment, Science and Technical Schools Boardt Kano, Kano State. 2. Ustaz Mohammad sani Zakariyya (Arabic Scholar) Vice Principal, Day Science College P.M.B. 3147, Kano, Kano State 70 \ / 3. Alh. Dan-Bappa, A. R. 4. Mr. N. O. Eleri !, ,~ , Sec,re~ary~SubiectOffic~r, ,NERi)€ ij~~quarters., Sheda, Abuja. :I REALIGNMENTOFPIUMARY AND'JSSCtJRRl€ULA-BAS~\4Jl6 : /\ I ,,~j J L~,";';-,0·" " Govt. Secondary School, Yangohi, Abuja. :2' Umar Adamu Baba 1. " }!f NERDC Kano Zonal Officer, G.P. 109, State Road, Opp Kano State High court .",S"'_.",·', -'","".!, Kan,0, Kano State. (\.' , ,; H: 'j l Of ~! '••-; .'. " it'.~ ,! ;,- ' .' " 1" YusufNasiru 2. \-', O. S. Salami 3. ,'1 INFUSSIONS OF NATiONAL VALUES' ''; * 1. Mr. Yakubu Yusuf ~ .' ~<.I _' •' 'j fit: .~,~;; (i • Govt. Sec. School, Jiwa, Abuja. 2. Mr. Aminu Nasir 3. Balogun Abiol~;Ivl()<:lqfl~ 4. Safiya Ish\Jn Kaftan '",' t! ,;; i , :! ,I'. ,. ~ ~. ." Qop'. ~ec. School, Gwapnpa,Abuja i F.C.T College Of Education, Zuha Abuja. .,' .\ ,I 5. i ~ ~' University Of Abuja. NERDC - Abuja. O.S. Salami FINAL CRITIQUE W()~l:lQr;)ru' 1. University Of Ahuja. Usman Abdullahi Manu 'f : ~' 2. Gold R.Y. Ndagi AUtaji:'Gbafe 4.· Balogun Abiola M. 5. 1\ '~F.'e:;-rO'Cdnegel0fEdutaubtl ~ba; ~.J~.~j'~ 3. Salami O.S. / F.G.C. Kwali Abuja. ,'; ••i' G.S.S Gwarinpa, F.e.T. Abuja .,~.:',."")il:.' i _.,t'l~. ¥', -t - •. ,,11-;-'" ,.;. ,.".... "'." :'J" ,~ " J, ~. _. ,·"NEIWC.Muja. I :.1 'i 71 Abuja. 'J }>~r.","