List of participants* (version 28 April)
List of participants* (version 28 April)
List of participants* (version 28 April) Olubisi Johnson Pius Bikash Bhim Niraj Adekunle Adeniyi Adhikari Adhikari Adhikari Gilbert Carolina Julius Pramod Adjimoti Adler Agboola Aggarwal Olayiwola Francisco Gaitán Qurat Ul Ain Abed John Agoro Agüero Ahmad Aicha Lila Ajjugo Jan Paul Anthony Aken Akpan Mahin Al Nahian Md Khorshad Alam Lorenzo Alfieri Muhammad Rafi Jawad Yoseph Mahammad Sadar Somayya Al-Hariri Nasution Ali Ali Ali Ali Ibrahim Rachel Karin Brigitte Allen Allenbach Allex Adeola Jos Monica Filipe Elaine Alo Alphen Altamirano De Jong Alves Alwayn Company Name DNV GL Near East Foundation Ministry of Public Works Wetland International Bangladesh Agricultural University University of Capetown Vanderbilt University University of Tennessee Knoxville EASME - European Commission ENERGOPROJEKT Katowice SA Sustainable Environment and Fisheries Foundation Vast Concept Multimedia Federal Ministry Of Environment ForestAction Nepal IDRC Human Rights and Environmental Protection Nepal (HUREP-NEPAL). University of Ghana, Legon ETH Zurich University of Lagos CCAFS, Borlaug Institute for South asia, new Delhi, India Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Municipality of Cantarranas Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Khemis miliana university Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N) Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO) pan African Vision for the Environment (PAVE) International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr, b). Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) European Commission - Joint Research Centre Institut Teknologi Bandung Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Yoda Partner kathak academy ,UNCSOs Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN), Columbia University Climate Investment Fund University of Geneva (UNIGE) University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Royal Agricultural University Staff Deltacommissaris Deltares CCIAM-FCUL/UL Ministry of Infrastructure and the * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Norway United States Indonesia Malaysia Bangladesh South Africa United States United States Belgium Poland Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nepal Canada Nepal Ghana Switzerland Nigeria India Nigeria Honduras Netherlands Algeria Ethiopia Netherlands Nigeria Bangladesh Bangladesh Italy Indonesia Pakistan Ethiopia Bangladesh United States United States Switzerland Austria United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Portugal Netherlands 1 Last Name Aalbu Abdella Abdi Abdullah Abedin Abera Abkowitz Absar Accoe Adamek Adegoke Page First Name Kjersti Jen Eka Nugraha Keizrul Md Anwarul Kidist Mark Syeda Mariya Frederik Adam Ololade Lahcen Martial Bernard Helene Ami Amou Ampong-Tawiah Amundsen Pouchepparadjou Anandan Ellen Elias Lisa Karin Kim Kuteesa Andel Andersson Andon André Anema Annattee Nanyonjo Adrienne Andreas Philip Antoine Antoniou Antwi-Agyei Michinobu Timothy Dahyann Alejandro Aoyama Apeanti Araya Muñoz Argumedo Maria Teresa Aslihan Georgios Alberta Kojo Agyekum Yimer Azeb Mohammed Fred Elizabeth Alloysius Aaron Suchita Joseph Idigba Rifah Rawnak Mohammad Abul Kalam Fatimah Joris Jos Nicolet Stephan Joost Renuka Djibril Haragobinda Naeem Siti Chris Peter Mariama Armijos Arslan Artavanis Aryee Asiama Assefa Assefa Mersha Assen Atieno Atkinson Attah Atteridge Awasthi Awuru Azad Azad Azzahra Baars Baars Baas Baas Backx Badhe Bah Baidya Baig Bakar Makame Baker Bakker Baldé Company Name Environment MCI University of Lomé / WASCAL Program ACCILUV ENTERPRISE CICERO Centre for Environmental and Climate Research - Oslo Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Micronesia Conservation Trust Stockholm Environment Institute Unesco-IHE Gayaza Community Agriculture and Environment Awareness Initiative Centre NOAA Climate Program Office IGRAC Kwame Nkrumah Unversity of Science and Technology, Kumasi Japan International Cooperation Agency University of Ghana University of Edinburgh Indigenous Peoples' Climate Change Assessments Initiative University of East Anglia FAO of the UN California Institute of Technology University of Lome, Togo Datalink University Ethiopian National Meteorology Agency Utrecht University Addis Ababa University University of Nairobi University of Waterloo Farmerline Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Watershed Organisation Trust Hope Life International Ibrahim Medical Collage Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) Bogor Agricultural University Wageningen University NEN FAO Rijkswaterstaat European Polar Board Environtech Minority Self Empowerment Foundation Falcon Expressprivatlimeted Community Forests Pemba Wetlands International WBCSD Gesellschaft für Internationale * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Benin Ghana Norway India Netherlands Sweden Micronesia Sweden Netherlands Uganda United States Netherlands Ghana Japan Ghana United Kingdom Peru United Kingdom Italy United States Ghana Ghana Ethiopia Netherlands Ethiopia Kenya Canada Ghana Sweden India Gambia Bangladesh Bangladesh Indonesia Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Italy Netherlands Netherlands Guinea Bangladesh Pakistan Tanzania Netherlands Switzerland Togo 2 Last Name Page First Name Kehinde Hilary Chirantan Poulomi Raisa Fode Moussam Bipin Kedar Balogun Bambrick Banerjee Banerjee Banfield Bangoura Baniya Baral Jonathon Mandy Estelle Ryan Anamika Monique Teun Jyotish Sean Marie-Ange Juan Gordon Barnett Barnett Barrillon Bartlett Barua Baskin Bastemeijer Basu Bath Baudoin Bazo Beal Austin Carolijn Skylar Martien Swadhin Moges Miriam Asmae Elise Ryan Till Becker Becker Bee Beek Behera Bekele Bedacho Belblidia Belhirch Belle Bellison Below Steffen Jilliam Magnus Janneke Vincent Anne Marte Emmy Bender Benders Benzie Bergen Bergen Bergseng Bergsma Ashton Pam Henriette Berry Berry Bersee Mathias Pieter Bertram Besten Anna Sukaina Ajay Beswick Bharwani Bhave Sitamon Bida Kinyin Company Name Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Munich Climate Insurance Initiative Western Sydney University GIZ SaciWATERs Municipality of Panama Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres IMI International Pvt. Ltd. Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation The University of Melbourne SANBI European Commission WWF-US SaciWATERs The George Washington University Water Integrity Network West Bengal State University University of South Carolina University of Cape Town Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada University of Rhode Island Rijkswaterstaat UNEP DTU Partnership Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment JAMSTEC Cordaid Netherlands Louisiana Water Works City of Rotterdam UNEP-WCMC University of Amsterdam GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarebeit GmbH Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) City of Rotterdam Stockholm Environment Institute Atelier 1:1 vvandenbergen advies ClimateXChange KWR Watercycle Research Institute / Knowledge Networks and Future Studies University of Seychelles ECI, University of Oxford Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment GIZ Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Sniffer Stockholm Environment Institute Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Maison de l enfant et de la femme pygmee * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Germany Australia Ghana India Panama Guinea Nepal Nepal Australia South Africa Belgium United States India United States Netherlands India United States South Africa Peru Canada United States Netherlands Denmark Netherlands Japan Uganda United States Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands Germany Germany Netherlands Sweden Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands Seychelles United Kingdom Netherlands Germany Netherlands United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Cameroon 3 Last Name Page First Name Alexander Anupkamal Dipak Bisaro Bishwakarma Bishwokarma Victor Pieter Gao Emmanuel Amoah Emmanuel Yaw Melanie Anuschka Yvonne Matthijs Eustathia Sandhya Sri Claire Laurent Blanco Bloemen Bo Boakye Boateng Boeckmann Boender Boerakker Boersema Bofilatos Bonela Bonham-Carter Bontoux Ricky Jouke Ana Roxana Hermen Boogert Boorsma Borges Borquez Borst Heleen Timothy Sarah Dennis Peter Bothof Bouley Boulter Bours Matthijs Laurens Okke Inge Katryn Michael Leendert Bouw Bouwer Bouwman Bouwmans Bowen Boyland Bree Birgit David Christophe Matthijs Breitfuß-RENNER Bresch Briere Brink Annelies Sandra K.W. Broekman Broerse Broersen Company Name Alfred Wegener Institute Gemeente Tilburg / City of Tilburg Alterra - Wageningen UR Wageningen University Regional Water Authority De Dommel Spirit Consulting University of Stuttgart University of Queensland MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL RESOURCES IN RWANDA Global Climate Forum Dalit Welfare Association (DWA) Multi-Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP) University of Edinburgh Staff Delta Programme Commissioner ministry of water resources Working Group on Forest Certification Darso community project University of Bremen CaTeC b.v. DNV GL HZ University of Applied Sciences Institutional Establishment Mrs. AVN College, AECOM European Commission DG Joint Research Centre Gemeente Rotterdam Delfland Water Authority Camara Municipal de Vila Franca do Campo King's College London Delta Programme Commissoner - Staff Director LUZ architecten World Bank NCCARF Global Environment Facility's Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO) University of Pennsylvania Deltares CARE Nederland Cordaid Australian National University Stockholm Environment Institute - Asia PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency BMVI Swiss Re Deltares Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment CREAF Elsevier Province North-Holland * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom Germany Australia Rwanda Germany Nepal Nepal United Kingdom Netherlands China Ghana Ghana Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands South Africa India United States Belgium Netherlands Netherlands Portugal United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands United States Australia United States United States Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Australia Thailand Netherlands Germany Switzerland Netherlands Netherlands Spain Netherlands Netherlands 4 Last Name Biebow Biemans Biemans Biesbroek Bijlmakers Binding Birkmann Birt Bisangwa Page First Name Nicole Pieter Hester Robbert Louis Keith Joern Jac Innocent Floor Stijn Calum Sally Valerie Hedwig Marta Ana E. Erica Chester Hernowo Reina Emilie James Emmanuel Brouwer Brouwer Brown Brown Brown Bruggeman Bruno Soares Bucher Bucog Budiluhur Buijs Buist Buizer Bukenya Umed Lutchmeeduth Bulbulshoev Bullywon Anna Joost Rachel Fiona Ian Tim James Bunce Buntsma Burbidge Burgt Burton Busker Butler Joost Buurman Paula Irene Helena N'fanly Caballero Cahyani Calado Camara Carolyn Gregory Gisela Cameron Cameron Campillo Laura Bernard Canevari Cantin Tiago Elizabeth Henrik Maria Capela Lourenco Carabine Carlsen Carmona Sander Marco Carolien Nabunya Aurelie Mario Carpaij Carreira Da Silva Caspers Catherine Ceinos Cerutti Company Name City of Rotterdam PIANC Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) LEI Wageningen UR KWR Watercycle Research Institute University of Edinburgh University of Southampton Municipality of Rotterdam Wageningen UR University of Leeds World Bank ACCORD Inc. Pemerintah Kota Semarang Ministry of Foreign Affairs TU Delft University of Arizona Wakiso District Action For Development Organization Public Foundation CAMP Tabiat Economics Web Institute/ Ministry of Finance McGill University STOWA EUROCONTROL Weather Impact University of Toronto Utrecht University Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore World Bank Karina (Caritas of Indonesia) University of the Azores Association Humanitaire pour le Développement International (AHDI) Cameron Strategies Cameron Strategies Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) Acclimatise / King's College London International Development Research Centre Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon Overseas Development Institute Stockholm Environment Institute Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Wetlands International University of Copenhagen Radboud University Nijmegen Sherman Healthcare Foundation CARE Ministry of Infrastructure and the * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom United States Philippines Indonesia Netherlands Netherlands United States Uganda Tajikistan Mauritius Canada Netherlands Belgium Netherlands Canada Netherlands Australia Singapore United States Indonesia Portugal Guinea Australia Australia France United Kingdom Canada Portugal United Kingdom Sweden Germany Panama Denmark Netherlands Uganda France Netherlands 5 Last Name Bronsdijk Brooke Brossmann Page First Name Eveline Jan Michael Anusheema Faith Chakraborty Chan Dipesh Isabelle Minpeng C Hae-Kwan Chapagain Charron Chen Chen Cheong Amy Aline Joseph Kenneth Kwangwoo Noah Chester Chiabai Chinyereugo Cho Chongo Ben Akm Foiz Billah Amir Hosain Ioannis Eric Andrea Abbie Chou Chowdhury Chowdhury Chrysostomidis Chu Chu Clare Ian Olga Clark Clevering Logan Eleonora Cochrane Cogo Alan Cohn Willem Marcus Claire Colenbrander Collier Collin Cindy Ingrid Kirstin Declan Jonathan Roshan Coltman Coninx Conti Conway Cook Cooke Jan Corfee-Morlot Cecilia Koen Sekou Siraman Costella Couderé Coulibaly Otto Carter Cox Craft Roger Florence Cremades Crick Company Name Envioronment TERI University UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM NINGBO CAMPUS Climate Analytics Ouranos UNFCCC Adaptation Committee Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Rebuild By Design Basque Centre for Climate Change Blessed Sky Chrome Ventures Ltd Korea Environment Institute Network for Environmental Concerns and Solutions (NECOS) Natural Resources Defense Council Public Resources and Services Foundation Ministry of Environment and Forest Sustainable Futures University of Amsterdam National Taiwan University Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics European Commission Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment IDRC Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change New York City Department of Environmental Protection Livingstone Green Initiative, Zambia University College Dublin Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Both ENDS Alterra Wageningen UR IGRAC and University of Amsterdam London School of Economics USAID International Fund for Agricultural Development The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Tractebel Engineering Centre de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Developpement - CRED Wijzer Adviesbureau Consulate General of the Netherlands in NYC Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) London School of Economics and Political Science * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country India China Germany Canada China United States South Korea United States Spain Nigeria South Korea Zambia United States Bangladesh Bangladesh United Kingdom Netherlands Taiwan United Kingdom Belgium Netherlands Canada Italy United States Zambia Ireland Belgium Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom United States Italy France Netherlands Belgium Mali Netherlands United States Germany United Kingdom 6 Last Name Page First Name Halvor Guillermo Damdin Marion Anfal Angie Dannevig Dascal Davgadorj Davis Dawood Dazé Susanna De Beauville-Scott Helena Bernd Karianne Maarten Diogo Daphne Manishka Jose Miguel De Boer De Bruijn De Bruin De Groot De Gusmão-Sørensen De Koeijer De Mel De Paz Erin Coughlan Ken Carel De Perez De Souza De Villeneuve Arjen Jeroen De Vos De Waegemaeker Cornelia Kees Mariska Sanju Julie De Winter-Platz Deelen Deen Deenapanray Dekens Jos Joost Jesse Jayden Yacouba Ivo Roos Benjamin Vivian Delphine Delbeke Delsman Demaria-Kinney Dembe Skyler Dème Demmers Den Uyl Denjean Depoues Deryng Company Name Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University University of St Andrews Delft University of Technology Infosys Limited Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research Blue21 European Commission, Climate action IUCN Euroconsult Mott MacDonald Ministerie Infrastructuur & Milieu Commissariat General à l'Egalité des Territoires Western Norway Research Institute EUROCLIMA Programme UNFCCC Adaptation Committee Stockholm Environment Institute Baghdad University International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy and Science Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Vogelbescherming Nederland Alterra - Wageningen UR Global Affairs Canada European Commission Gemeente Rotterdam Columbia University Instituto Valenciano Investigaciones Agrarias Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre DFID Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Salt Farm Texel Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) + University of Antwerp (UA) CARE Nederland TNO Rijkswaterstaat ELIA - Ecological Living In Action Ltd International Institute for Sustainable Development European Commission Deltares Oxfam Green World Uganda Near East Foundation Delta Alliance and Wageningen UR University of Exeter Beijing Forestry University I4CE - Institut for Climate Economics University of Chicago/NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Portugal United Kingdom Netherlands United States Denmark Netherlands Belgium Switzerland Netherlands Netherlands France Norway Belgium Kenya United States Iraq Switzerland Saint Lucia Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Canada Belgium Netherlands United States Spain United States United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Belgium Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Mauritius Switzerland Belgium Netherlands United Kingdom Uganda Mali Netherlands Netherlands China France United States 7 Last Name Cruz Cunningham Dabrowski Dadlani Dahlberg Dal Bo Zanon Dali Dalton Dam Damen Dangeard Page First Name Maria Joao Fiona Marcin Sandeep Rasmus Barbara Maddalena James Rien Michelle Marie-Lorraine Prince Dziedzorm Honore Komi Fogan Meghan Dodoo Dogbey Doh Christopher Donaldson Camila John Annelieke Clare Andro Kristin Ton Peter Philip Laura Donatti Dora Douma Downing Drecun Dreiling Driessen Driessen Drost Druce Beilu Ghislain Sarah Raimond Martin Ma. Stella Felicidad John Robert James Miriam Dhananjoy Duan Dubois Duff Duijsens Dukker Dulce Priya Dutta Kwasi Ohene Dwumfour Doherty Duncan Dunford Dunham Dunn Dutta Company Name CARE ANR (French National Research Agency) Department of Hydrology and Meteorology University of Waterloo IRSTEA - TEC Conseil Gran Sasso Science Institute University of Regina Stockholm Environment Institute UNEP Dijkhuis MeteoManagement UPM GmbH University of Colorado Boulder County Goverment of Taita Taveta World Resources Institute PRISE / IED Local Government of Kendari City International Institute for Environment & Development Getjet IT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF TOGO Country India France Nepal Canada France Italy Canada Sweden Kenya Netherlands Germany United States Kenya India Senegal Indonesia United Kingdom Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (NDGAIN) Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia Conservation International John Dora Consulting Both ENDS UKCIP, University of Oxford UNFCCC Adaptation Committee Chemonics International Inc. Municipality of Haarlem Utrecht University United Nations Environment Programme FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance University of Michigan TEC European Investment Bank Netherlands Red Cross City of Rotterdam ACCORD Inc. United States Tufts University University of Oxford Atkins Ltd University of Edinburgh Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (State Agricultural University) Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (Public Health Foundation of India) Network for Promotion of Agriculture and Environmental Studies United States United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom India * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Ghana Ghana Togo United Kingdom United States United Kingdom Netherlands United Kingdom Montenegro United States Netherlands Netherlands Kenya Germany United States France Belgium Netherlands Netherlands Philippines India Ghana 8 Last Name Devabalan Deygout Dhakal Dhar Dhenain Di Giovanni Diaz Dickin Dickson Dijkhuis Dilger Dilling Dingiria Dinshaw Diop Djalante Dodman Page First Name Rajagopalan Chloe Shiva Prasad Tapan Sandrine Grazia Harry Sarah Barney Luit Jan Martin Lisa Marley Ayesha Waoundé Riyanti David First Name Adis Laura Kristie Vovener De Verlands Mariana Muhammad Umer Lisa Manal Pieter Valerie Klaus Frederik Marc Steven Katerina Ugochukwu Francis Adam Måns Nathan Joyce Last Name Dzebo Early Ebi Edmond Company Name Stockholm Environment Institute University of Georgia University of Washington Ministry of Environment Country Sweden United States United States Haiti Egler Ehsan Eichler Eid Eijck Eijrond Eisenack Eisinger Eisma Eleson Elias-Trostmann Emmanuel Ministry of the Environment Higher School Of Economics Moscow Terra Consulting / Trinomics Suez Canal University Wetlands International Wageningen University & Research Centre Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Adelphi Consult GmbH Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. LIGHTING INNOVATIONS (PTY) LTD World Resources Institute ASABE SHEHU YAR'ADUA FOUNDATION Brazil Russian Federation Netherlands Egypt Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany Netherlands South Africa Brazil Nigeria Emmer Enander Engle Engoke Czech Republic Sweden United States Ethiopia Andrew Achuo Enow Bert Katharina Enserink Erdmenger Marlene Stephanie Onyebuchi Christian Ala James Nicolas Marijn Sam Eriksen Erwin Ezirim Global Change Research Institute, CAS County administration of Västmanland World Bank HORN OF AFRICA REGION ENVIRONMENT CENTRE Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA) Delft University of Technology Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Germany Danish Insurance Association OKRA landschapsarchitecten Mushin local government Indonesia United States Belgium Netherlands United Kingdom Virginie Arnout Ira Efrén Alan Roger Gábor Andrea Denise Fayolle Feijt Feldman Feliu Ferguson Few Figeczky Filpa Fiorentino John Remco Imam Firth Fischer Fitrianto Jonas Hernán Fleer Flos Fleischer Bogor agriculture university Internews' Earth Journalism Network European Commission Wageningen University Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics Acclimatise KNMI Climate Adaptation Scholars (tm) TECNALIA Research and Innovation Regional Consulting Ltd. University of East Anglia IFOAM - Organics International UNIVERSITY ROMA TRE Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto Acclimatise United Nations Environment Programme Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH Stichting het Blauwe Hart * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Netherlands Germany Denmark Netherlands Nigeria United Kingdom Netherlands United States Spain Canada United Kingdom Germany Italy Malta Germany Netherlands 9 United Kingdom Switzerland Indonesia Page Fahmi Fahn Faivre Faling Fankhauser Italy Ibrahima Sadio Lamin Fofana Fofanah James Wilson Kwasi Ford Fosu Anthony Karina Angelika Fowler Fraczek Frei-Oldenburg Marco Hans-Martin Ana Veronica Fritz Füssel Gabriel Oscar Ivan Honourable Snigdha Matthias Hugo Srinivasa Rao Galvis Mora Ganjar Pranowo Garg Garschagen Gastkemper Gattineni Bishnu Oliver Gautam Gebhardt Getachew Gizaw Tara Hans Marco Bart Birgit Kebede Rex Birgit Gebrkidan Geerdink Gehrels Gemmer Gent Georgi Gerba Gerchie Gerkensmeier Kate Berry Alemu M. Marlou Tuhin Michèle Madhav Habiba Getachew Nicole Germain Gersonius Getnet Geurts Ghosh Giebing Giri Gitay Gizaw Glanemann Peter Robert Corsmas Glas Glasser Goemans Kian Goh Company Name INSA de Strasbourg McGill University (Graduate Research Trainee) Wetlands International African Child Rescue And Advocacy Network(A.C.R.A.N) McGill University Opportunity International Savings and Company University of Auckland Umwelt Bundesamt Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH European Commission European Environment Agency The Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc. LCRD PROGRAM / USAID-USFS Government of Central Java Province C40 United Nations University Stichting RIONED eeMAUSAM Weather Risk Management Services Private Limited Nepalese Youth for Climate Action Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Awash Basin Authority TNO Deltares European Commission Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs European Environment Agency Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy University of Ghana, Legon Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht / Institute for coastal research Chaire de tourisme Transat ESG UQAM Unesco-IHE Ethiopian Development Research Institute Partners for Resilience JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY Amrit Campus, Tribhuvan University The World Bank Awash Basin Authority Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management Waterschap De Dommel UNISDR-Geneva NL Ministry for Security and Justice National Focal Point DRR Northeastern University * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country France Canada Mali Sierra Leone Canada Ghana New Zealand Germany Germany Belgium Denmark Philippines Colombia Indonesia United States Germany Netherlands India Nepal Germany Ethiopia Netherlands Netherlands Belgium Netherlands Denmark Ethiopia Ghana Germany Canada Netherlands Ethiopia Netherlands India Netherlands Nepal United States Ethiopia Germany Netherlands Switzerland Netherlands United States 10 Last Name Florence Flynn Page First Name Rudolf Melanie Stefan Alexander Greiving Griffin Roos Yolandi Robertus Annemarie Erik Torsten Björn Marcus Christine Groen Groenewald Groenland Groot Groot Grothmann Grün Grüning Oscar Bara Kristen Tania Thaís Camolesi Guevara Gueye Guida Guillen Bolaños Guimarães Joyeeta Joydeep Hom Bahadur Gupta Gupta Gurung Ram Gurung Parshu Yam Bahadur Gurung Gurung Rupesh Kumar Gurung Maria Jose Roberto Jongsik Marjolijn Lukas Gutierrez Murray Guzman Ha Haasnoot Hach Prisca Raimond Ferry Haemers Hafkenscheid Hagen Nina Stéphane Kirsten Angela Michiko Hall Hallegatte Halsnæs Hama Rohan Lydia Elisabeth Hamden Hameeteman Hamin Company Name Climate Adaptation Services University of Stuttgart ORG-ID Climate Analytics gGmbH NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency TU Dortmund Wetlands International - European Association University of Amsterdam Internews Earth Journalism Network KNMI Wageningen UR Haage Hogeschool University of Oldenburg / e-fect Emschergenossenschaft Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH WWF Colombia IED Afrique London Climate Change Partnership Climate Service Center - Germany GVces - Center for Sustainability Studies of Getulio Vargas Foundation University of Amsterdam The Third Pole HUMAN RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT CENTER Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET) - Nepal Go Green Nepal Centre for Drinking Water, Agriculture Development and Environment Improvement (CDADEI) Centrer for Drinking Water, Agriculture Development and Environment Improvement (CDWADEI) LEDS LAC Platform Ministry of Environment Korea Environment Institute Deltares; Delft University of Technology GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) Rijkswaterstaat Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Hertie School of Governance World Bank DTU alpS - Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Rohan Hamden & Associates City of Rotterdam University of Massachusetts * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Germany Netherlands Germany United States Germany Netherlands Netherlands South Africa Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany Germany Colombia Senegal United Kingdom Germany Brazil Netherlands India Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Costa Rica Costa Rica South Korea Netherlands Brazil Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany United States Denmark Austria Australia Netherlands United States 11 Last Name Goosen Goris Graaff Granadillos Greig Page First Name Hasse Anna Robert Jessie Ruth Katherine Xue Han John Brian Paul Mike Zuzana Paula Justin Paulien Handmer Harding Hardisty Harley Harmackova Harrison Hart Hartog Blane Md Rezaul Harvey Hasan Jamshed Hasanov Masahiro Aishatu Bello Hashizume Hassan Ahmed Ahmadul Clemens Hassan Hassan Haße Emeline David Muhammad Fawad Sugata Yong Dries Abigail Jiska Peter Arnout Marit Johan Hassenforder Hasudungan Hayat Madeleen Helmer Sarah Sebastiaan Nyamiye Jozefien Carolina Hendel-Blackford Herk Hermenegilde Hermy Hernandez Marianne Bruce Yasuaki Heselmans Hewitson Hijioka Mikael Jochen Miyuki Hildén Hinkel Hino Hazra He Hegger Hehmeyer Heide Heij Heijden Heinen Helmer Company Name World Bank International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development in Agriculture, CAAS RMIT University SNV CSIRO Climate Resilience Ltd Global Change Research Institute CAS University of Oxford HZ University of Applied Sciences Waternet Amsterdam / Amsterdam Rainproof Overseas Development Institute Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) Pilot Program for Climate Resilience Secretariat Nagasaki University Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger Nigeria Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Federal Environment Agency Germany (UBA) OECD Hogeschool Rotterdam Climate Finance Unit, Islamabad Jadavpur University Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Utrecht University WWF Oxfam Novib Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu Lijnontwerp Climate Adaptation Services Regional Water Authority Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard Klimaatverbond Nederland (Dutch Climate Alliance ECOFYS Bax&Willems Human Health Aid - Burundi Spatial Development Department Flanders Low Carbon Resilient Development Program ImpactReporters University of Cape Town National Institute for Environmental Studies Finnish Environment Institute Global Climate Forum (GCF) Stanford University * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country United States Switzerland China Australia Kenya Australia United Kingdom Czech Republic United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom Bangladesh Tajikistan Japan Nigeria Egypt Bangladesh Germany France Netherlands Pakistan India China Netherlands United States Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands France Spain Burundi Belgium Colombia Netherlands South Africa Japan Finland Germany United States 12 Last Name Hammer Hammill Page First Name Stephen Anne Dirk Rutger Sanne Roland Carolina Ian Katharina Yasushi Marco Heather Joske Marja Grete Grete K. Stuart Mark Julien Huang-Hsiung Hoffmann Hofste Hogesteeger Hohmann Hollmann Holman Hölscher Honda Hoogvliet Hosterman Houtkamp Houwen Hovelsrud Hovelsrud Howden Hoyaux Hsu Wei Zunka Hu Hudekova Paul Paola Alistair Nguyen Hudson Huijding Hunt Huong Thuy Phan Saleemul Nazmul Huq Huq Anthony Bart Margot Jovin Trond Chiehiura Pierre L. Hurford Hurk Hurlbert Hurry Husby Ibeabuchi Ibisch Thiam Joanita Okedi Okoli Ibrahima Idwat Ifeanyi Charles Osamwuyi Takahiko Mandy Lili Igiede Ikeda Ikert Ilieva Resfaniarto Tsuyoshi Fareeha Y. Md. Atikul Indraka Inoue Iqbal Islam Company Name Malteser International Delft University of Technology MetaMeta Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany Bolivian Mountain Institute - BMI WRI Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Swiss Federal Office for the Environment Bax & Willems, SL Cranfield University Drift University of Tsukuba Deltares Abt Associates Alterra, Wageningen UR Municipality Rotterdam Nord University Nord University The Australian National University Walloon Agency for Air and Climate Academia Sinica/Research Center for Environmental Changes oxfam Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development VU Amsterdam Volpi Urbane Urban Planning University of Bath Mekong River Commission ICCCAD / IIED International Centre for Climate Change Adaptation and Development (ICCCAD) University of Manchester KNMI University of Regina Green Business Singapore PBL Asabe Shehu Yar'adua Foundation University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL AFRICA Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria ASABE SHEHU YAR'ADUA FOUNDATION Japan Bosai Platform C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Practical Action Consulting - Latin America Regional Office Hogeschool Rotterdam Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc. Global Environment Facility (GEF) Khulna University * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Cambodia Netherlands Netherlands Germany Bolivia United States Netherlands Switzerland Spain United Kingdom Netherlands Japan Netherlands United States Netherlands Netherlands Norway Norway Australia Belgium Taiwan China Slovakia Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom Lao People's Democratic Republic United Kingdom Bangladesh United Kingdom Netherlands Canada Singapore Netherlands Nigeria Germany Senegal Uganda Nigeria Nigeria Japan United States Peru Netherlands Japan United States Bangladesh 13 Last Name Hocking Hoeven Hoffmann Hoffmann Page First Name Richard Frank Otto Munir Stephanie Jacek Áile Katie Janssen Jaśkowiak Javo Jenkins Alessandra Ad Rupak Isadora Namatovu Crentsil Angela Ogechi Jerolleman Jeuken Jha Jimenez Joan Immaculate Joh Kofi John-Njoku Andre Gavin Lindsey Micha Fokke Bhagwati Dharma Raj Jol Jolis Jones Jong Jong Joshi Joshi Shrestha Ute Jugert Sirkku Louisa Amos Tiereyangn David Abdu Hena Mustafa Anand Juhola Kabobah Kabo-Bah Kaluba Kamal Dorcas Juliane Malick Kameta Kammer Kane Susanna Kankaanpää Caroline Valerie Kanyuuru Kapos Eleni Karali Kamavisdar Company Name Danida University of Helsinki University of Marrakesh Cadi Ayyad UNAM University of Oxford Pacific GeoJournalism (Internews) GERICS University of Arizona City of Rotterdam Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre ProRail University of Oxford Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Delft University of Technology/ Deltares Poznan City Hall Saami Council Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford Louisiana Water Works Deltares Indian Institute of Technology Bombay BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER life foundation uganda Practical Emergency Service (NGO) Imo State Planning Commssion / GOVERNMENT OF IMO STATE OF NIGERIA European Environment Agency WWF-Malaysia Overseas Development Institute NEN (Netherlands Normalisation Institute) Alterra, Wageningen UR S.B.S. Government Post Graduate College Human Rights & Environment Improvement Centre (HREIC) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Aalto Univeristy, University of Helsinki University of Ghana University of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Finance, Zambia Universiti Putra Malaysia Country Bangladesh Finland Morocco Mexico United Kingdom Samoa Germany United States Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands Department of science and technology, Ministry of Science & Technology Nairobi City County Government European Commission Institut de Météorologie et des Sciences Climatiques - IMSC Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority International Livestock Research Institute UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui India * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Netherlands Poland Norway United Kingdom United States Netherlands India Spain Uganda Ghana Nigeria Denmark Malaysia United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands India Nepal Germany Finland Ghana Ghana Zambia Malaysia Kenya Belgium Mali Finland Kenya United Kingdom Italy 14 Last Name Islam Isoaho Issam Jacinto Jackman Jackson Jacob Jacobs Jacobs Jaime Jak James Jansen Page First Name Matiul Karoliina Ifaadassan Itzcoatl Simon Cherelle Daniela Katharine John Catalina Stefan Rachel Clasina Kolbai David Fakri Karasartov Karienye Karim Suresh Pratap Marianne Johannes Trust Karki Karlsson Karremans Kasambala Gawusu-Toure Adriana Kassim Keating Jesse Rodney John Clarisse Mcarthur Dejene Biru Ellen Nikki Pamela Sarah Irfan Keenan Keenan Kehler Siebert Kehyee Kekeba Kelder Kent Kertland Keyes Khalid Essam Hamad Khalifa Khan Sahibzada Irfanullah Aisha Khan M. Shah Alam Khan Dambar Khanal Keshav Dipendra Vhalinavho Euster Khanal Khatri Khavhagali Kibona Robert Yoon Hui Myungjin Christian Evans Kibugi Kim Kim Kind Kituyi Erik Vincent Richard Wiebke Lisette Judith Martin Arjen Kjellström Klap Klein Klemm Klok Klostermann Koechy Koekoek Khan Company Name Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) Mayor's Office, City of Karakol, Kyrgyzstan Garissa University College, Kenya United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) Summer Media Pvt.Ltd Nordland Research Institute EUROCLIMA Programme Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Ghana International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Columbia University University of Melbourne Stockholm Environment Institute Cuttington OXFAM GB City of Dordrecht Ricardo Energy and Environment Natural Resources Canada CPA Canada Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, K.P.K, Pakistan Sustainable Land Management Programme (SLMP) Mountain and Glacier Protection Organization (MGPO) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Centre for Poverty Alleviation, Environment Conservation and Women’s Welfare (PEW) WWF Nepal ecoprise Department of Environmental Affairs Foundation For Energy, Climate and Environment University of Nairobi Four Twenty Seven University of Southampton adelphi research gGmbH International Development Research Centre SMHI Provincie Zeeland Stockholm Environment Institute Wageningen University/ DOW / LAR University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam WUR-Alterra Thünen Institute Climate Adaptation Services * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Kyrgyztan Kenya Thailand Nepal Norway Belgium Malawi Ghana Austria United States Australia Sweden Liberia Ethiopia Netherlands United Kingdom Canada Canada Pakistan Egypt Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Bangladesh Nepal Nepal Nepal South Africa Tanzania Kenya United States United Kingdom Germany Kenya Sweden Netherlands Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany Netherlands 15 Last Name Page First Name Simona Agbemedi Kosikova Kossi Lebene Sari Kovats Margaret Maria Koyenikan Kozova Roy Anja Kraft Van Ermel Krause Soenke Eliška Kreft Krkoška Lorencová Adinda Alexandre Vincent Anita Umme Vinay Pavan Ritesh Miroslav Krombeen Kudriavtsev Kuiphuis Kulis Kulshum Kumar Kumar Kumar Kundrata Ashra Pradeep Zehra Jan Rosina Jolène Hypolite Justine Yongcai Kunwar Kurukulasuriya Kuz Kwakkel Kyerematen Labbé Laboyrie Lacey Lai Richard Ina Floor Marieke Pex Marijke Lamb Lambert Lammers Lange Langenberg Langeveld Roald Caroline Ralph Lapperre Larrivée Lasage Kirsi Latola Company Name Waternet GIZ Smith Innovation Swedish Geotechnical Institute CARE Nederland KWR Watercycle Research Institute German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Integra Consulting s.r.o. Association "Initiatives for Sustainable Development and Prospect (ISDP)" London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine University of Benin Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava HHSK University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde Germanwatch / United Nations University CzechGlobe - Global Change Research Institute CARE Nederland INSA Strasbourg Municipality Breda ONE WAY Delft University of Technology Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Kumaun University Wetlands International South Asia Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation Tribhuwan University United Nations Development Programme Pratt Institute Delft University of Technology University of Ghana McGill University Witteveen+Bos CSIRO Institute of Farming and Cultivation, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute for Environmental Analytics UNFCCC Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs Alterra Wageningen UR City of Rotterdam Ministry of Economic Affairs - Agriculture and Nature Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment Ouranos Institute for Environmental Studies - VU Amsterdam (IVM-VU) University of Oulu * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Germany Denmark Sweden Netherlands Netherlands Germany Czech Republic Togo United Kingdom Nigeria Slovakia Netherlands Germany Germany Czech Republic Netherlands France Netherlands Poland Netherlands India India India Czech Republic Nepal Thailand United States Netherlands Ghana Canada Netherlands Australia China United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Canada Netherlands Finland 16 Last Name Koeze Köngeter Kongsbak Konitzer Kono-Tange Koop Korn Page First Name Rob Alexandra Simone Kerstin Lenneke Stef Horst Tuan Le Andrew Louis Leakey Lebel Phimphakan Lebel Hayley Christopher Moung-Jin Kees Filip Heikki Timo Leck Lee Lee Leeuwen Lefebre Lehtonen Leiter Markus Donald Robert Sanda Michele Kungaba Fongoh Asuncion Christophe Alexandra Intan Richard Inge Alex Eliot Yingchun Leitner Lemmen Lempert Lenzholzer Leone Leonel Lera St.Clair Leroy Lesnikowski Lestari Leung Leuverink Levering Levine Li Wenhua Li Kuo Li Samuel Lietaer Willem Gloria Ligtvoet Lillo Ortega Jong Hwan Lilly Daniel Aline Lim Lim-Camacho Lincke Linde Ellen Jörg Lindert Linke Lawal Lawrence Company Name First Leap BASIC REGISTRY AND INFORMATION SYSTEM IN NIGERIA BASIC REGISTRY AND INFORMATION SYSTEM IN NIGERIA New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture and rural development of VIETNAM Unversity of Illinois Unit for Social and Environmental Research (USER) Unit for Social and Environmental Research (USER) King's College London NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Korea Environment Institute (KEI) KWR Watercycle Research Institute VITO Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Environment Agency Austria Government of Canada RAND Wageningen University IDRC CAMEROON NATIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL DNV GL Strategic Research MWH sa McGill University Hogeschool Rotterdam Drainage Services Department, Hong Kong Cordaid Hogeschool Zeeland Mercy Corps Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development in Agriculture, CAAS Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development in Agriculture, CAAS Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)- Free University of Brussels Planbureau voor de leefomgeving Center for Climate and Resilience Research - CR2 National Institute of Forest Science CSIRO Global Climate Forum Twynstra Gudde Consultants and Managers Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Nigeria Nigeria New Zealand Viet Nam United States Thailand Thailand United Kingdom Australia South Korea Netherlands Belgium Finland Germany Austria Canada United States Netherlands Kenya Cameroon Norway Belgium Canada Netherlands Hong Kong Netherlands Netherlands United States China China China Belgium Netherlands Chile South Korea Australia Germany Netherlands Netherlands Germany 17 Last Name Laureys Lawal Page First Name Francois Mohammed Misbaudeen Muhammed Misbaudeen Judy Diana Bruno Anne Maarten Steffen Rob Kate Margot Jantsje Liverman Locatelli Loeber Loeffen Lohrey Lokers Lonsdale Loof Loon-Steensma Julia Susanne Ignacio Lopez Lorenz Lorenzo Hermann Lotze-Campen Harilaos Bastiaan Loukos Louman Pei-Jyun Johannes Eva Marine Ákos Sc Candice Natalia Shuaib Shuaib Ziva Lu Lückenkötter Ludi Lugen Lukacs Lung Lutti Hummel Lwasa Lwasa Lysakova Dianqiu Lyu Tafadzwanashe Katharine Petra Jane Mahadev Anuradha Mabhaudhi Mach Mackowiak Madgwick Mahadev Maharaj-Jagdip Clifford Seydou Aly Juha-Pekka Willem Mahlung Maiga Maijala Mak Tsepang Makholela Meshack Kirsi Antonis Amir Haider Makhubu Mäkinen Malagardis Malik Company Name European Commission Climate Analytics / PIK Potsdam Internaional Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) University of Arizona CIRAD-CIFOR University of Amsterdam Vereniging Stadswerk Nederland The World Bank Alterra, Wageningen UR UKCIP (Associate) CORDAID Wageningen University and Research centre C40 Cities Leadership Group University of Leeds Ministry of Housing, Land Planning and Environment Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) the climate data factory Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Enseñanza Taiwan Research Institute TU Dortmund University ODI Université Libre de Bruxelles Ministry of National Development Academia Sinica FGV Makerere University Makerere University Integra Consulting s.r.o., Pobrezni 18/16, 186 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences University of KwaZulu-Natal Carnegie Science gemeente Tilburg Wetlands International The Nature News Dot Com University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus UNFCCC Adaptation Committee COMMUNE URBAINE DE BANKASS Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa SIR BROWN INNOVATIONS (PTY) LTD Finnish Environment Institute GIZ COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Belgium Germany Austria United States Peru Netherlands Netherlands United States Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Spain United Kingdom Uruguay Germany France Costa Rica Taiwan Germany United Kingdom Belgium Hungary Taiwan Brazil Uganda Uganda Czech Republic China South Africa United States Netherlands Netherlands Pakistan Barbados Jamaica Mali Finland Netherlands South Africa South Africa Finland Philippines Pakistan 18 Last Name Linsen Lissner Liu Page First Name Max Tabea Wei Shailendra Petra Maria Mandal Manderscheid Manez Gigi Rebecca Brian Petr Kisa Shaun Ruth Daniel Manicad Mant Mantlana Marada Marrt Martin Martinez Maselli Thabo Collen Luuk Rafaela Masenya Masselink Matos Federica Kati Shaban Chiara Margaret Daniel Cheickh Paul Adam Stephen Matteoli Mattern Mawanda Mazzetti Mazzetti Mbithi Mbow Mcaleavey Mccurdy Mcdowell Sadie Darryn Daniel Jacqueline Heather Colin Robert Zakir Reinhard Mcevoy Mcevoy Mcgahey Mcglade Mcgray Mcquistan Mcsweeney Md. Hossain Mechler Joao Seona Karen Jacqueline Maylin Medeiros Meharg Meijer Meijer-Irons Meincke Luca Wiebke Imen Susann Silole Adelina Meini Meister Meliane Mende Menezes Mensah Company Name Atradius Dutch State Business Plan International Deutschland e.V. INTERNEWS NETWORK Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) National Institute of Technology Patna JPI Climate Climate Service Center Germany Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Oxfam Novib UNEP-WCMC Department of Environmental Affairs Mendel University Brno mubs World Wildlife Fund Conservation International Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation SDC AARDVARK STEAM PTY LTD Wageningen University LNEC - National Civil Engineering Laboratory Ca Foscari University/FAO European Environment Agency Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Ecologic Institute Internews Earth Journalism Network University of Nairobi ICRAF-World Agroforestery Centre European Environment Agency University of Colorado Boulder International Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre Deltares RMIT University INTASAVE UNEP World Resources Institute Practical Action Carbon Brief Krisoker Sor (Farmers' Voice) IIASA&Vienna University of Economics and Business Municipality of Vila Franca do Campo CSIRO Deltares University of Washington Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH ENEL DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. UNDP GIZ Wessex Water University of Ghana * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Germany Congo Ecuador India Belgium Germany Netherlands United Kingdom South Africa Czech Republic Uganda United States Costa Rica Switzerland South Africa Netherlands Portugal Italy Denmark Uganda Germany United States Kenya Kenya Denmark United States France Netherlands Australia United Kingdom Kenya United States United Kingdom United Kingdom Bangladesh Austria Portugal Australia Netherlands United States Germany Italy Germany Tunisia Belgium United Kingdom Ghana 19 Last Name Mallant Maloya Malungu Bobyondo Manasfi Page First Name Gijs Gift Afy Nadia Country Netherlands Netherlands Mücke Mugisha Muiswinkel Mukerji Mukumwa Mulakalapalli Company Name Wageningen UR Altenburg & Wymenga ecological consultants Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Griffith Climate Change Response Program MINISTRY OF HEALTH Watershed Organization Trust kathak academy ,UNCSOs Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC) Grundfos Lifelink C4 EcoSolutions and Stellenbosch University The University of Edinburgh Erasmus University Rotterdam PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency UNFCCC Sweco Netherlands Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt Low Carbon Resilient Development Program USAID/USFS GIZ Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Department of Water and Sanitation City of Rotterdam Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre University of Malta Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) Consultant WageningenUR, Alterra Oxfam GB IHS-Urban Management and Development Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Tarbiat Modares University Royal Netherlands Embassy University of Liverpool Exeter University University of Dundee/ ClimateXChange South Africa - Department of Environmental Affairs German Environment Agency Open Society Initiative For Eastern Africa Rijkswaterstaat HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Ministry of Finance GITAM UNIVERSITY Kristin Meyer Olaf Hendricks Bhupali Samrat Melania Meynecke Mgodie Mhaskar Mia Michetti Rasoul Anthony Mikkelsen Mills Tiffany Ellen Jelle Minjauw Minkman Minnen Annett Enrico Hossam Moehner Moens Moghazy Ana Maria Mogollon Rahoui Subhakanta Mohammed Mohapatra Ndileka Kunjulwa Arnoud Fleur Stefano Ruth Flavio Mohammad Sara Eddy Daniel Adrian Robbert Mohapi Molenaar Monasso Moncada Monfries Monjane Monowar Hossain Moore Moors Morchain Moredia Valek Moree Saeed Dale Andy Colette Anna Alinah Morid Morris Morse Mortreux Moss Mthembu Hans-Guido Richard Kees Rupa Jean Satya Venkat Prasad Dhriti Mulakalapalli St. Joseph School India * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Germany Australia Malawi India Bangladesh Italy Denmark South Africa Italy Netherlands Netherlands Germany Netherlands Egypt Colombia Morocco India South Africa Netherlands Netherlands Malta United Kingdom Mozambique Bangladesh United States Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Iran United States United Kingdom Australia United Kingdom South Africa Germany Uganda Netherlands Switzerland Zambia India 20 Last Name Merkelbach Mettrop Page First Name Kathrin Ivan Julie Paul Ángel Tima Katiana Gabrielle Andrew Patrick Simon Martin Erisa Mulonga Munday Muñiz Piniella Munthali Murillo Muris Mushita Musinguzi Mvuyekure Mwanje Thandie Muhammad Mwape Naeem Khan Willemijn Sieuwnath Johanna Rita Betty Emmy Joachim Nagel Naipal Nalau Nalunkuuma Namakula Namyslo Amar Gita Anne John Adrian Priya Daouda Déthié Soumaré Gilbert Mbaka Stephen Njodzeka Jens Harry William Tibor Nanda Nandan Nandawula Narag Narayanan Ndiaye Ndiaye Nduru Ndzerem Nejrup Nelson Németh Mark New Cong Nhue Quang Nguyen Nguyen Tien Alex Sandro Kim Ainun Hiro Richard Arjumand John Didacus Nickson Nieto Silleras Nieuwaal Nishat Nishigushi Nispen Nizami Njoku Sekou Ian Yvonne Wu Nkumu Noble Noel Nongdi Company Name OECD French Research Agency / Agence Nationale de la Recherche Wetlands International Atkins Ltd JPI Climate Central Secretariat Ministry of Agriculture Earth Journalism Network Rotterdam Centre for Resilient Delta Cities Community Technology Development Trust Makw Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) Kalangala District Local Government Uganda The Netherlands Red Cross Muhammad Akram & Sons Trading & Investment UNESCO-IHE / VIA Water Anton de Kom University of Suriname Griffith University Open Society Initiative For Eastern Africa Wealth Bay Holdings (U) LTD European Commission, DG Research and Innovation The University of Western Australia Pratt Institute Rural-Urban Environmental Agency (RUEA) Department of Finance NCSCM Adaptation Fund Board secretariat Centre de Suivi Ecologique Karatina University SHUMAS CAMEROON KMC Nordhavn UBC- Faculty of Forestry Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development African Climate & Development Initiative, University of Cape Town TH Köln - Technology, Arts, Sciences Ha Noi University of Natural Resources and Environment Greater London Authority European Commission CAS BRAC University Japan Innovation Network Municipality of Breda Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria Sederod Trading PROVIA SSC El Noel Eco-Center for Integrative Wellness Ministry of Water Resources, China * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country France France Kenya United Kingdom Belgium Malawi Costa Rica Netherlands Zimbabwe Uganda Rwanda Uganda Netherlands Pakistan Netherlands Suriname Australia Uganda Uganda Belgium Australia United States Uganda Philippines India United States Senegal Kenya Cameroon Denmark Canada Slovakia South Africa Germany Viet Nam United Kingdom Belgium Netherlands Bangladesh Japan Netherlands Pakistan Nigeria South Africa United States United States China 21 Last Name Mullan Muller Page First Name Michael Johann Sarahi Febya Kingsley Nunez Nurnadiati Nwogu Gordon Marcelle Nathacha Joan Seosamh Nyabade Nyalong Alim Deborah Barry Chidiebere Nicholas Afolabi Micheal John Felix Felix O'Connell O'Dwyer Ofoegbu Ogden Ojo Ojwolo Okafor-Benjamin Okafor-Benjamin Gabriel Inyibor Uche Thaddeus Yudho Olawale Anne Mikko Felix Okosun Okpara Oktariano Olayide Olhoff Ollikainen Olorunfemi Grace Julia Olle Charles Chibuike Rosalia Justin Ugochukwu Ernst Oloukoi Olsen Olsson Omumuka Omungo Onuoha Oosterveld Boris Francisco-Javier Thomas Kwame Emmanuel Moshood Balgis Josep David Gualbert Chantal Bernadet Rik Orlowsky Ortiz De Zuniga Osei Osei Osibote Osman-Elasha Osorio Osterberg Oude Essink Oudkerk Pool Overbeek Overmars Nymand Larsen Ó Laoi Company Name Rainforest Alliance national disaster management organization University of Cape Town The City of Ljubljana University of Wisconsin-Madison Government of Central Java UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Wageningen University TU Delft National Environmental Standards & Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) Go Fishnet Project fades-afrique.ACP Country United Kingdom Ghana South Africa Slovenia United States Indonesia Brazil Stefansson Arctic Institute Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government CSIRO Australia MaREI, University College Cork University of Pretoria, South Africa Public Health Agency of Canada AKINADE NIGERIA LIMITED Namalere Energy generation POPSYLEO CONNECTIONS HONG KONG LTD COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad ASABE SHEHU YAR'ADUA FOUNDATION University of Nigeria Hogeschool Rotterdam University of Ibadan, Nigeria UNEP DTU Partnership Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria Nordland Research Institute Stockholm Environment Institute Mushin local government Kenya Broadcasting Corporation MUSHIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT Altenburg & Wymenga Ecologisch Onderzoek B.V. University of Zurich MWH sa Farmers Care Foundation UNIVERSITY OF GHANA proheath initiative African Development Bank Climate Service Center Germany University of Iowa Deltares/Utrecht University City of Rotterdam KNMI SNV - Netherlands Development Iceland Ireland * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Netherlands Indonesia Nigeria Kenya Cameroon Australia Ireland South Africa Canada Nigeria Kenya Hong Kong Pakistan Nigeria Nigeria Netherlands Nigeria Denmark United States Nigeria Nigeria Norway Sweden Nigeria Kenya Nigeria Netherlands Switzerland Belgium Ghana Ghana Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire Germany United States Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands 22 Last Name Noponen Norman Nortje Novak Novak-Krebs Nugroho Nunes Page First Name Martin Charlotte Nana Kirsten Kristina Ina Cynthia Juli Luci H. Henk Erasmus Marcus Ovink Owusu Oxley Maria Pia Pace Sumetee Harry Pahwa Gajjar Palmier Jean Jie Architesh Palutikof Pan Panda Abhilash Meropi Jennifer Ram Prasad Panda Paneli Pang Pangali Yusuf Jeeban Ashwani Sneh Samisoni Jayashree Pangibulan Panthi Pareek Pareek Pareti Parida Go Eun Vivienne Martin Arturo Esclamado Aben Mujuh Park Parry Parry Pasa Pascaline Archana Florrie Shona Janak Annemarie James Eva Patankar Pater, de Paterson Pathak Patist Patterson Pauditsova Pieter Pauw Anders Åsa Lydia Jan Julia Mark Saskia Gil Joy Adriaan Åsa Renske Pedersen Pedersen Pedoth Peelen Peleikis Pelling Pelt Penha-Lopes Pereira Perrels Persson Peters Company Name Organisation Kingdom of The Netherlands University of Ghana Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto Indian Institute for Human Settlements Global Forum on Agricultural R search(GFAR) Griffith University Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciencies International Rice Research Institute UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction European Commission Pittwater Council HUMAN RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT CENTER Hogeschool Rotterdam The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) Jawaharlal Nehru University ICGEB, New Delhi, India Internews Earth Journalism Network National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India National Institute of Forest Science Lingermans Imperial College London Visayas State University LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION All India Institute of Local Self Government De Pater, Advies Klimaat en Water King's College London Former UNEP/PROVIA Wageningen UR Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik / German Development Institute KMC Nordhavn Norwegian Environment Agency European Academy Bolzano (EURAC) Royal Netherlands Embassy USA ICLEI Europe King's College London Weather Impact Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon SEADPRI-Universiti Kebangsaan Finnish Meteorological Institute Stockholm Environment Institute Delta Alliance * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Ghana United Kingdom Malta India Italy Australia China Lao People's Democratic Republic Switzerland Belgium Australia Nepal Netherlands Nepal India India Fiji India South Korea United Kingdom United Kingdom Philippines Cameroon India Netherlands United Kingdom Kenya Netherlands Netherlands Slovakia Germany Denmark Norway Italy United States Germany United Kingdom Netherlands Portugal Malaysia Finland Sweden Netherlands 23 Last Name Page First Name Patrick Neli Andrea Ashutosh Marco Perlyn Pringle Prota Prutsch Pudasaini Puetz Pulhin Mario Wiriya Pulquerio Puntub Dawn Byron Ruth Adriana Tom Naomi Kees Purves Quan Luna Quaye Quevedo Raadgever Racz Rade Harma Klaus Mohammad Rademaker Radunsky Rahman Atiq Rahman Andaleeb Rahman Yohan Rajesh Rahmat Santosa Rai Sally Rajack-Bhageraty Emiliano Ramieri Company Name GERICS TNO Adapt Earth e.V. UNDP City of Rotterdam HZ University of Applied Sciences European Commission UNFCCC Finnish Meteorological Institute Central European University Springer Thailand Development Research Institute Arctik Ateneo de Manila University Visuele Notulen Chiang Mai University Open University The Third Pole Oak Ridge National Laboratory DNV GL International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) University of Oxford Wageningen UR Environment Agency Austria Pokhara University Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation Inc. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Kingston University DNV GL University of Ghana Paul Watkiss Associates Sweco Netherlands Wetlands International Director Inclusive Green Growth Department Cordaid UNFCCC Adaptation Committee Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Bangladesh Centre For Advanced Studies (Bcas) Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore Karitas Nasional Indonesia (KARINA) KWI South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) Caribbean Office Of Trade & Industrial Development Limited Thetis S.p.A. * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Germany Netherlands Netherlands Thailand Netherlands Netherlands Belgium Germany Finland Hungary Netherlands Thailand Belgium Philippines Netherlands Thailand United Kingdom Nepal United States Norway Canada United Kingdom Netherlands Austria Nepal Switzerland Philippines Portugal Thailand United Kingdom Norway Ghana United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Austria Bangladesh Bangladesh India Indonesia Nepal Trinidad and Tobago Italy 24 Last Name Petersen Petiet Pfeiffer Phuavong Pieneman Pieterse Pilger Pilifosova Pilli-Sihvola Pinter Pitanguy Poapongsakorn Pohjankoski Porio Porskamp Potapohn Potter Prasad Bhushal Preston Pretlove Price-Kelly Page First Name Juliane Peter Ellen Thitima Jorg Ben Horst Olga Karoliina Laszlo Juliana Nipon Riikka Emma Charlotte Manoj Karen Ramesh Benjamin Bente Hayley Nitya Jan Anke Kristin Sir Alfredo Hugo Fabrice Olivia Michel Cristóbal Lola Catherine FrederickChristoph Graeme Jeroen Benedikt Rao Rasmussen Rasper Raub Recti Melquiades Redondo Remaury Renaud Rendon Rentenaar Reveco Rey Reynolds Richters David Rissik Timmons Debra Hannah Holger Neni Alhussine James Lahai Rob Matteo Guillaume Martin Athena Bertram Andreas Egbert Lars Cynthia Roberts Roberts Robinson Robrecht Rochaeni Rogers Dik Ellinor Roth Roth Reimund Marc Svante Jean-Pierre Alice Rötter Rounsevell Roupé Roux Ruhweza Lars Ruig Riddell Rijke Rilling Roggema Roggero Rohat Rokitzki Ronquillo-Ballesteros Rooij Rooijen Roozen Rosendahl Appelquist Rosenzweig Company Name University of Leeds MCII member/advisor Legislature Parliament of Nepal Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) University of East Anglia City of Copenhagen Deutsche Welle University of Connecticut Municipal Government of Guiuan C40 Adaptation Fund United Nations University University of Leeds Netherlands Government Climate Envoy Adapt-Chile Cranfield University University of South Florida Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure The University of Adelaide UNESCO-IHE University of Stuttgart, Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) Brown University EThekwini Municipality The University of Queensland ICLEI Europe The Samdhana Institute Human Initiative Network Country United Kingdom Germany Nepal Germany Cittaideale HU Berlin University of Geneva PlanAdapt World Resources Institute Alterra Wageningen UR Gemeente Zwolle Branchevereniging VHG CHW Open Access Platform NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia University Wageningen University Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht/ Climate Service Center Germany Natural Resources Institute Finland University of Edinburgh Sweco SouthSouthNorth UNDP REGIONAL SERVICE CENTER FOR AFRICA VU University of Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies Netherlands Germany Switzerland Germany United States Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Denmark United States * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name United Kingdom Denmark Germany United States Philippines Brazil United States Germany United Kingdom Netherlands Chile United Kingdom United States Luxembourg Australia Netherlands Germany Australia United States South Africa Australia Germany Indonesia Liberia Netherlands Germany Finland United Kingdom Sweden South Africa Ethiopia Netherlands 25 Last Name Ramirez-Villegas Ramm Rana Range Page First Name Julian Gaby Tulsa Matthias Fahad Nancy Mohammed Kollawat Robert Gen Saeed Saich Said Sakhakara Sakic Trogrlic Sakurai Tairu Mohamed Salami Salem Keijo Tânia Anabel Hans Adir Krishna Prasad Salenius Salvaterra Sanchez Sanderson Santos Sapkota Bharat Sapkota Ursula Caroline Joke Annette Laura Thomas Schaefer-Preuss Schaer Schalk Scheepstra Scheske Schinko Michael Laura Werner Mikas Baud Emmy Martin Schmeltz Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Christiansen Schoenmaeckers Scholten Schönhart Marco Roland Sandra Schouten Schulze Schuster Arno Lucia Zoe Paolo Laurent Gerdien Sybil Sckeyde Scodanibbio Scott Scussolini Sedogo Seegers Seitzinger Julia Seixas Company Name Dutch Water Authorities Mott MacDonald Polska Sp. z o.o. Acclimatise BRACED Ismailia governorate Institute of Space and Planetary Astrophysics Sustainable Development Policy Institute European Investment Bank Kenya Market Trust GIZ OFFICE BANGKOK Heriot Watt University National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Nigerian Meteorological Agency Coastal Research Institute, National Water Research Center Basecamp Oulanka Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade Lisboa CREAF Aarhus University ADADPLAN Society for Human Improvement Protection Nepal (SHIP-Nepal) Centre for Poverty Alleviation, Environment Conservation and Women’s Welfare (PEW) Global Water Partnership UNEP DTU Partnership Rijkswaterstaat University of Groningen WHO/WMO Climate and Health Office International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) ASPPH/EPA European Commission European Investment Bank MT Højgaard Synergos Communicatie Netherlands consulate general in Toronto BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences VEI University of KwaZulu-Natal GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH GIZ University of Cape Town Oxford Policy Management Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam WASCAL Cordaid Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Univ. Victoria Faculdade Ciências e tecnologia - * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Poland United States United Kingdom Egypt Pakistan Pakistan Luxembourg Kenya Thailand United Kingdom Japan Nigeria Egypt Finland Portugal Spain Denmark Brazil Nepal Nepal Sweden Denmark Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Austria United States Belgium Luxembourg Denmark Netherlands Canada Austria Netherlands South Africa Germany Germany South Africa United Kingdom Netherlands Ghana Netherlands Canada Portugal 26 Last Name Ruijter Rybczynska-Szewczyk Rycerz Rye Sabbah Sadiq Page First Name Marcel Mirosława Amanda Charlotte Mohamed Naeem Kate Jan Raad Karen Muhammad Tahir Hassnain Shaila Nirshan Li Ali Arjun Anju Mukul Rebecca Mohamed Perry Abul Kashem Ali Tauqeer Scott Sangel Selden Semenza Seraj Seto Shafi Shah Shahid Shakya Shao Shareef Sharma Sharma Sharma Shaw Shebl Sheffield Sheikh Sheikh Sheridan Sherpa Marietta Monemoto Nsoh Serajul Hoque Bhushan William Peng Shimizu-Larenas Shimon Amstrong Shipon Shrestha Shubert Shunfeng Tesfaye Shiferaw Sida Rahinatu Sidiki Alare Alexander Jana Siegmund Sillmann Marcel Sofia Catherine Tanya Silvius Simoes Simonet Singh Chandni Loretta Krishna Prabhakar Singh Singletary Sivapuram Venaka Rama Åsa Sjöström Per Eirini Piet Monique Adriaan Erik Maartje Nico Skougaard Kaspersen Skrimizea Sleeking Slegers Slob Slobbe Smeets Smith Company Name Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Pratt Institute ECDC WaterTAP Yale University OMAR MEDICAL HOSPITAL, SAHIWAL Wageningen University Gender and Water Alliance, GWA Eco Friends- Nepal (EFN) University of Reading UNFCCC Adaptation Committee Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) Oxford Climate Policy Climate Parliament World Wildlife Fund Suez Canal university Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai kathak academy ,UNCSOs LEAD Pakistan Kent State University Human Rights and Environmental Protection Nepal (HUREP-NEPAL). Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs fades-afrique.ACP UNIVISION TECHNOLOGY Plan International, Myanmar Earth Journalism Network the Huaihe River Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources of China International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center-CIMMYT Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies University of Education Heidelberg Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo Wetlands International Faculdade De Ciências E Tecnologia Overseas Development Institute Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre Indian Institute for Human Settlements University of Nevada, Reno Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Technical University of Denmark Gran Sasso Science Institute Gemeente Dordrecht Radboud University Nijmegen TNO Wageningen University Fountainpen DORCAS * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country United States Sweden Canada United States Pakistan Netherlands Bangladesh Nepal United Kingdom Maldives Nepal United Kingdom India United States Egypt United States Bangladesh Pakistan United States Nepal Netherlands Cameroon Bangladesh Myanmar United States China Ethiopia Ghana Germany Norway Netherlands Portugal United Kingdom Netherlands India United States Japan Sweden Denmark Italy Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands 27 Last Name Page First Name Saurabh Shraban Kumar Linda Tatiane Dian Jason Sood Sop Sorg Sousa Spear Spensley Mark Cosima David Stafford Smith Stahr Stainforth Michael Gert-Jan Ottelien Roger Martijn Karen Vladimir Magda Arjet Linda Steel Steeneveld Steenis, van Steens Steenstra Stehouwer Stenek Stepanyan Stevens Stevenson Ardi Karin Sofie Roger Ivonne Joost Stoios-Braken Stone Storbjörk Street Stresius Stronkhorst Rodrigo Suarez Suarez Castaño Nidhi Subramanyam Bodanapu Suri Babu Harry Surjadi Hanna Swenja Rina Rina Rob Åsa Tina Ibrahimasory David Nassir Surma Surminski Suryani Oktaki Suryani Oktari Swart Swartling Swierczynski Sylla Tabara Tahir Ali Company Name Royal HaskoningDHV European Commission Universiteit Utrecht International Labour Organization City University of New York - Hunter College Sehgal Foundation Disaster Reduction Nepal (DRN) University of Stuttgart Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/FIOCRUZ University of Cape Town UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network - United Nations Environment Programme CSIRO/Future Earth adelphi London School of Economics and Political Science Environment Agency Wageningen University Wageningen UR Tata Steel Europe Sweco Nederland Cordaid International Finance Corporation Risk Society WWFNL Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rijkswaterstaat Linköping University University of Oxford Hamburg Universtity of Applied Sciences Deltares, Delta Academy - HZ University of Applied Sciences MINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE Y DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE International Development Research Centre National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The Society of Indonesian Science Journalists Poznan City Hall London School of Economics Syiah Kuala University Syiah Kuala University Alterra Stockholm Environment Institute European Climate Research Alliance ONG Carbone Guinée Sustainabilogy Mistry of Land, Water, Energy and Environment * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Netherlands Belgium Netherlands Switzerland United States India Nepal Germany Brazil South Africa Denmark Australia Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands United States Netherlands Netherlands Japan Netherlands Netherlands Sweden United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Colombia India India Indonesia Poland United Kingdom Indonesia Indonesia Netherlands Sweden Belgium Guinea Spain Tanzania 28 Last Name Smits Smits Soeters Solana Solecki Page First Name Coco Robert-Jan Sebastiaan Miguel William Phan Cong Tam Bhesh Bahadur Anne Emmanuel Mark Ian Patrick Tamang Te Molder Tebanyang Tebboth Tellam Ten Brink Wilfried Erica Malou Sandra Pema Ten Brinke Ten Broeke Ten Have Tenggren Tenzin Alina Emma Katrien Tepes Terama Termeer Teun Pieter Marta Catharien Kannika Ashik Kapil Terpstra Terpstra Terrado TERWISSCHA Van SCHELTINGA Thampanishvong Thapa Thapa Pham Thi Dung David Olaniran Mary Andrea Marijke Prakash Chandra Thompson Thompson Thompson-Hall Tilche Timmerman Tiwari Abhiyant Tiwari Yan Hoei Evelyne Susanna Ivana Jiang Bella Femke Kairsty Christine Maria Edmond Tjiook Toa Tol Tomasevic Tong Tonkonogy Tonneijck Topp Tørklep Meisingset Torres Totin Mohamed Toure Company Name GK General Insurance National Institute for Environmental Studies Center for Rural Development in Central Viet Nam SOLVE Nepal CARE Nederland Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa UEA ADAPTIFY Institute for European Environmental Policy, IEEP Centre for Climate Adaptation Cordaid Synergos Communicatie Stockholm Environment Institute GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS COMMISSION Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) Finnish Environment Institute Wageningen University, Public Administration and Policy HKV lijn in water Netherlands BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER Alterra/Wageningen UR Country Jamaica Japan Thailand Development Research Institute Green and Rural Development Nepal,NGO Human Rights & Environment Improvement Centre Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development UK Committee on Climate Change Federal University of Technology International START Secretariat European Commission Visuele Notulen Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar Rotterdam Municipality Independent Newspaper Wetlands International Meteorological and Hydrological Service China Meteorological Administration UNDP Wetlands International Scotland's Rural College IBKA - part of the NG Group CAF Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Agence Humanitaire pour le Thailand Nepal Nepal * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Viet Nam Nepal Netherlands Uganda United Kingdom Netherlands Belgium Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Sweden Bhutan Spain United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Spain Netherlands Viet Nam United Kingdom Nigeria United States Belgium Netherlands India India Netherlands Vanuatu Netherlands Croatia China France Netherlands United Kingdom Norway Mexico Mali Guinea 29 Last Name Tait Takahashi Page First Name Jordon Kiyoshi Sara Binh Demi Amarnath Annisa Jenny Maurice Traerup Tran Thi Thuy Trignol Tripathi Triyanti Tröltzsch Tsalefac Stephen Rob Akiko Abdul Karim Rasmus Lola Maarten Nick Sander Anita Paul Jarit Lilian Ingeborg Paul Jantienne Frank Maarten Tom Tyler Uijterlinde Urakami Utazirubanda Valanko Vallejo Van Aalst Van Barneveld Van Beurden Van Breda Van De Logt Van De Visch Van Den Aarsen Van Den Nieuwendijk Van Der Beeke Van Der Meij Van Der Valk Van Der Vlist Van Der Voorn John L. Barbara Els Milou Van Der Walle Van Koppen Van Lavieren Van Mourik Bob Van Oort Paul Petra Jaap Jac Peter Frank Claire Berend Patricia Ted Tialda Jouke Jeroen Paula Jos Johan Ge Van Roosmalen Van Rueth Van Thiel De Vries Van Tuijn Van Veelen Van Weert Van Wyk Van Zeggeren Velasco Veldkamp Veldman Velstra Veraart Verhoeven Verhoeven Verlinde Verver Marie-Jose Vervest Company Name Developpement (AHD) UNEP DTU Partnership Internews Earth Journalism Network HZ University of Applied Sciences Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, INDIA University of Amsterdam Ecologic Institute Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, University of Dschang Adaptive Resource Management Ltd Dutch water Authorities Ministry of the Environment, Japan GIZ WBCSD OECD Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre City of Rotterdam Gemeente Rotterdam WWF Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Royal HaskoningDHV Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu Atradius Credit Insurance Just Climate Adaptation Holland Innovation Network Water Integrity Network Rijkswaterstaat Institute of Environmental Systems Research CARE Nederland International Water Management Institute Conservation International Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment CICERO Center for climate and environmental research - Oslo Municipality of Rotterdam Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Ecoshape / Boskalis Dutch water Delft University of Technology Wetlands International University of Cape Town Synergos Communicatie Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam CARE Nederland Acacia Water Wageningen UR Alterra Urban Development Utrecht University City of Rotterdam Royal Netherlands Meteorological Inst. (KNMI) Wetlands International * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Denmark United States Netherlands India Netherlands Germany Cameroon Canada Netherlands Japan Rwanda Switzerland France Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands United States Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Australia United States Germany Netherlands Germany Netherlands South Africa Suriname Netherlands Norway Netherlands Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands South Africa Netherlands Ecuador Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands 30 Last Name Page First Name Imelda Bert Steven Angela Marcel Elena Sylvia Maria Visaya Abano Visser Visser Vlaar Volkerts Von Sperber Von Stieglitz Sabina Corinne Bobby Hanneke Arjen Marion Diederik Helga Gregor Thiemo Voogd Voorden Vos Vreugdenhil Vries Vries Vrijhoef Vuist Vulturius W. Eser Andrea Wahl Shiraz Akhtar Wajih Fran David Jan Christiaan Wajih Henriette Johanna Johanna Guangyu Walz Wandel Wandel Wang Jinxia Hong Wang Wang Xiaoming Nicola Frederik Koko Katherine Wang Ward Wardenier Warner Warner Jacob Mohammed Waslander Wasswa Paul Watkiss Walker Walker Walle Wallet Company Name Royal DSM Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile CGIAR Consortium GEF Independent Evaluation Office CATIE Wageningen University Ramboll Kulima Integrated Development Solutions (Pty) Ltd Philippine EnviroNews Wageningen University and Research VISSER water management Rijkswaterstaat DNV GL Ecologic Institute Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Both ENDS Netherlands Enterprise Agency Wageningen University HKV lijn in water Acacia Water Wageningen UR Visuele Notulen HydroLogic Stockholm Environment Institute Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group Country Netherlands Chile France United States Costa Rica Netherlands Denmark South Africa ODI DNV GL AS Mineralis Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment UTZ University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia Beijing University SWIFT CURRENT Research and Development Centre CSIRO CARE International The Hague University Munich Climate Insurance Initiative Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs BUSOGA KINGDOM/MUNU TECHNOLOGIES ASSOCIATES Paul Watkiss Associates United Kingdom Norway Netherlands Netherlands * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Philippines Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Sweden Luxembourg Germany India Netherlands Canada Canada Canada China Canada Australia United Kingdom Netherlands Germany Uganda Netherlands Uganda United Kingdom 31 Last Name Veugen Vicuña Vidal Viggh Viguera Vij Vilhelmsen Vincent Page First Name Lindsy Sebastian Alain Anna Bárbara Sumit Martin Katharine Zhu Wei Isabelle Weindl Lena Torben Torsten Hausner Carsten Mark Saskia Jos Bregje Jennifer Niki Florian Koos Weingärtner Weiss Garne Welle Wendo Wentink Werf Werners Wersch Wesenbeeck West West Wieneke Wieriks Marja Piet Wijnties Wildt Bettina Emily Anna Beatrix Wilk Wilkinson Willingshofer Russell Edyta Janina Wise Wisniewska Wohlgemuth Chima Wokocha Anke Wolff Godstaff Amanor Stephen Fred Anita Christopher Chia-Lung Susanne Carina Eddy Wontumi Woroniecki Wouters Wreford Wright Wu Wuijts Wyborn Wymenga Yinlong Xu Kwado Sophie Polyd'or Carolyn Jackie Z.K. John Colin Yeboah Yeo Yessi Lolo Yi Yip Yokingco Company Name Sierra Leone Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition Taihu Basin Authority of MWR, in P. R.China Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) University of Amsterdam Danish Insurance Association University Stuttgart PROVIA Research Fellow Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu Dutch Water Authorities Wageningen UR Rijkswaterstaat Deltares CICERO START International KfW Development Bank Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Universiteit Utrecht, Geosciences Overseas Development Institute Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit- GIZ CSIRO Netherlands Water Partnership Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH University of Port Harcourt/Faculty of Agriculture Global Climate Forum, HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin Asuogyaman FM 87.7 Mhz Lund University Vogelbescherming Nederland Scion Internews Earth Journalism Network Chinese Culture University RIVM Luc Hoffmann Institute Altenburg & Wymenga ecological consultants Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development in Agriculture, CAAS ACCRA METROPOLITAN ASSEMBLY Carbon Brief fifef Internews Earth Journalism Network University of British Columbia The Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation Inc. * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name Country Sierra Leone China Germany Germany Denmark Germany Kenya Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Norway United States Germany Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom Colombia Australia Netherlands Germany Nigeria Germany Ghana Sweden Netherlands New Zealand Australia Taiwan Netherlands Switzerland Netherlands China Ghana United Kingdom Tanzania United States Canada Philippines 32 Last Name Webber Page First Name Francis Last Name Yordi Aguirre Yosua Yu Yumashev Yuni Yusran Siry Abendong Edwin Marianne Marc Chris Martine Teresa Koen Yvonne Zaccai Zandersen Zebisch Zevenbergen Zoethoutmaar Zölch Zuurbier Company Name European Commission Hogeschool Rotterdam National Cheng Kung Univeristy Lancaster University Andalas University Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) DEVELOPMENT ACTION NETWORK Université Libre de Bruxelles Aarhus University EURAC.research UNESCO-IHE Netherlands Red Cross TU München KWR Watercycle Research Institute Country Belgium Netherlands Taiwan United Kingdom Indonesia Indonesia Cameroon Belgium Denmark Italy Netherlands Netherlands Germany Netherlands Page 33 First Name Beatriz Horas Pao-Shan Dmitry Juniarti Hendra * only participants are listed who have given us permission to publish their name
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List of participants* (version 8 May)