Sustrans Active School Travel news
Sustrans Active School Travel news
Summer 2015 — Lisburn, Down and Newry Sustrans Active School Travel news Giant Bike for the Grand Fondo I’d love to hear from you… I’m Pamela Grove-White, Sustrans Active Travel Officer for the Lisburn, Down and Newry area. Please get in touch if you have any great school stories or would like to f ind out more about our schools work. This was a short, busy term with schools taking part in lots of active school travel events as well as classroom sessions. Pupils found out about the bike in Victorian times as well as considering the issue of pollution and thinking about how to reduce this on the journey to school with other sessions on how to fix punctures. In June pupils from the Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche in Castlewellan were excited about the Grand Fondo bike ride which would be passing behind the school and past many of their houses. To celebrate this pupils from years 4 to 7 worked in two groups to produce a giant bike using games equipment. The year 4/5 group even added a giant cyclist . Tel: 028 9043 4569 Mob: 07884 393 537 Email: [email protected] Tw itter: @Sustrans NI Facebook: NI Summer Cycle Skills Around 200 pupils from three schools took part in cycle skills sessions in the playground this term, with small groups having 30 minute sessions of games and challenges to test and develop the children’s skills. Games are a fun way to develop skills and confidence on cycles and scooters: practicing stopping and starting “It was really fun with Pamela. She skills, moving through obstacle courses to test made an obstacle course for us.” control, and increasing awareness of others around them on the road or shared path. Not only is this a fun way of learning but great exercise as well and will encourage more cycling over the summer and in the future. (Photo and pupil quote on left from St Peter’s PS in Cloughreagh) Over 20 children also took part in Ditch the Stabilisers sessions in Ballymacash Primary, with parents and family members helping during the session so that they could follow up with the children during the summer. Are your pupils superheroes? Sustrans’ Superheroes is an award scheme recognising pupils’ skills and achievements in walking, scooting and cycling. Aimed at 7- to 11-year-olds, pupils gain points for activities they complete to become either a Sustrans Hero or Superhero. Based on a booklet of activities, the scheme provides the structure and inspiration for children to learn and practice the skills essential for fun, safe and sustained active travel to school and for other journeys. Sustrans is the charity that’s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day. It’s time we all began making smarter travel choices. Make your move and support Sustrans today. © Sustrans 2015. Registered Charity No. 326550 (England and Wales) SCO39263 (Scotland) Lisburn, Down & Newry Sustrans Active School Travel newsletter, Summer 2015 Overheard… “It is wonderful to see so many children cycling, scooting and walking to school. The parents have also been supporting this initiative - long may it continue. This is a small step in changing the mind-sets of a lot of people to choose the healthier option.” Principal, St Kieran’s PS, Poleglass “Very pleased to get this award and to see so many bikes in the lovely bike sheds and so many children being a bit more active on the journey to school. We have worked hard to get the Bronze Award and will now start on the Silver.” Principal, Maghaberry PS “I got to come to school with my best friend on our bikes. Our mummies followed behind us. We got to school before them as they only walked.” “I parked my bike in the new bike park. It is cool!” Schools making their mark with active travel Three schools were presented with the Sustrans School Mark Bronze Award this term; Maghaberry PS, All Children’s IPS in Newcastle, and St Joseph’s PS in Crossgar. There are more to come next term, including some Silver Awards to be presented. The Sustrans School Mark Scheme helps schools to demonstrate how well they have done in incorporating active travel into their daily activities choosing a more active way to travel to school but also involving the whole school community, importantly involving pupils with ideas and decisions, using the active travel theme in the classroom, developing cycle and scooter skills, and making usef ul local contacts. Those schools working towards the Silver Award have been keeping things going encouraging pupils to help out and revisiting activities such as postcode marking and whole school events with great success. Pupils, St Patrick’s PS, Newry “Parking and then walking gives me an extra 5 minutes each day.” Parent, Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche, Castlewellan This term in numbers For Lisburn, Down and Newry St Aloyisius PS had 82 ‘blinged ‘bikes and scooters. Over 5,480 journeys made during challenges in four schools whilst 80% of pupils in St Patrick’s PS took part in a 3 day walk and wheel challenge. 200 pupils took part in cycle skills sessions. New parking in place in three schools for 24 bikes. In the region 371 pupils took part in Bikeability on-road cycle training this term. 1st school in NI wins Gold School Mark Award. 65 new schools will be joining the Active School Travel Programme for the 2015-16 school year. Did you know? 7-8 years old is a critical age in keeping girls motivated to play sport. Beyond this age, girls become more self -conscious, lose confidence and many stop participating. (Women in Sport and the Youth Sport Trust) …and across the UK Sustrans’ School Mark recognises and supports schools’ excellence in active and sustainable travel. At last count we had 690 schools who had achieved Bronze level, 75 with the Silver award and 19 with Gold. Schools have also demonstrated impressive increases in active and sustainable travel after taking part in Sustrans’ Big Shift, our a f ree-to-access online challenge which sets targets and charts their success. One of our officers used it to run an inter-school competition between six primaries, representing over 2,400 pupils. It ran for just a week, but the results were eye-catching: * 54.5% - the % of active journeys (across all schools) at the START of the week * 78.1% - the % of active journeys by the END of the week * 94.0% - the highest % of active journeys recorded by a school on one day * 2,959 - the number of ADDITIONAL active journeys generated over the week Visit to set your school a challenge. Lisburn, Down & Newry Sustrans Active School Travel newsletter, Summer 2015 Piccolo Fondo First there was the Giro d’Italia, then the Gran Fondo, next the Piccolo Fondo… Northern Ireland was once more in the pink! In June, 4 led family bike rides set out along radial routes into the Titanic Quarter for the Northern Ireland Festival of Cycling. The Piccolo Fondo – The Big Pink Pedal attracted around 400 cyclists along greenways and quiet roads into Belfast for a family festival of food, drink, entertainment and the exciting centrepiece – a street velodrome open to the public. Hype that site: Get your pupils excited about walking, scooting and cycling with bright and fun ink stamps, stickers, buttons, reflective slapwraps, banners and Superheroes badges – all available at our online shop for schools, groups of schools or local authorities. Active School Travel is Golden St Therese of Lisieux Primary School in north Belfast became the first school in Northern Ireland to achieve the Gold School Mark Award in May. The school now has more than 76% of its pupils regularly cycling, scooting or walking to school – a figure that has risen dramatically since the school first started working with Sustrans in 2011. The Health Minister for Northern Ireland presented the award to the school this term in a special celebration event. The school also received an exciting visit from Dino Jeffers of Deaf BMX who put on amazing flatland display for the pupils! Photo competition Top tips for the autumn term See Events on the back page and use any themed weeks, Caption: Smoothie Pirate Do you have a f un or interesting photo? Please share. Send your photos to: [email protected] Or try a poem: My bike Shiny, fast, cool Cycling with mum and dad Salty sea air, wind in my face Good time P4 pupil, St Mary’s PS, Newcastle dates or events to promote or discuss walking, cycling or scooting… World Car-free Day, International Walk to School Day (and Week) and Road Safety Week are all coming in the months between summer and Christmas Start thinking about when the evenings get darker and the importance of using lights and being visible. Diwali is the Festival of Lights, perfect for promoting being seen after the clocks change. Plan your activities for 2015/16 and take your hands-up/ baseline surveys to see how pupils are currently travelling. Do you need to refresh a travel plan, or tweak your information for new parents and pupils? What new things do you want to try? Get this resource… Bike to School Week may have come and gone, but our new guide, 5 Small Steps to Something BIG, includes five activities designed to be delivered over five days, to help you turn any week into a Bike, Walk or Scoot to School Week. Download it at Lisburn, Down & Newry Sustrans Active School Travel newsletter, Summer 2015 Snapshots of active travel events From bike marking to ‘blinged’ bikes to walk to school events to cycle skills days to fresh air challenges, it’s been a busy term. Dates for the diary August 12th International Youth Day 31st Bank Holiday September 16th-22nd European Mobility Week 22nd World Car-free Day October Three schools were able to take part in the ‘On Yer Bike’ cycle registration scheme offered through the Crime Prevention Officer in Newry. Over 100 bikes were marked and put on the register. Nine schools took part in a variety of challenges running between 3 days and four weeks, adding a f un incentive to choosing to make a more active journey to school. These took the forms of a Walk and Wheel challenge and the Big Green Foot challenge as well as the Summer Fresh Air Balloon challenge. Schools ran these with the option for both individual, whole class or ‘house’ participation. The P2 class were the winning class in Maghaberry PS. Pupils from St Joseph’s Convent PS Some schools ran one day events to promote and celebrate more active travel. On a walk to school day, pupils f rom St Joseph’s Convent PS in Newry walked to school for a bottle of water with over 288 bottles being collected. Other schools ran bling your bike days and active travel breakfasts. 7th International Walk to School Day 5th-9th International Walk to School Week 25th Clocks change 31st Halloween November 11th Diwali 23rd-29th Road Safety Week December 24th-26th Christmas ‘Blinged’ scooter and pupils from Killowen PS Thank you for supporting our work Sustrans’ vision is a world in which people choose to travel in ways that benefit their health and the environment, and this applies to children just as much as it does to adults . The positive experiences of all the children that you have read about in this newsletter are the culmination of more than 20 years of Sustrans and our officers working with schools, colleges and young people. Without your support, many children would not have the opportunity to enjoy independent and active journeys in and around their communities, so a huge thank you from us on their behalf. The long-term benefits of creating healthy and sustainable journeys will be shared by every one of us – in terms of our health, the environment and the wider economy. If you like the sound of what Sustrans does and think that more schools, colleges and young people in your area could benefit from our work, or you want to know more, please get in touch. email [email protected] phone 0117 915 0100 online Sustrans is grateful for the continued support of our schools work in Northern Ireland f rom the following: Lisburn, Down & Newry Sustrans Active School Travel newsletter, Summer 2015
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