© 2013 Edward Michael Wishlow – All Rights Reserved ss tre Office Hrs: Tue-Fri 9am-4pm duce s e r d n a www.funpape.com rtain ries to ing sto ok t prov ugh s & tho u o r o m ente ONE DAY ONLY! Issue 15-39.40 Sept 11 – Sept 25/13 Next Friday May Next Classified Classified Deadline Deadline:: FRIDAY Sept20, 20, 4pm 4pm Hu Printed & Published by The Fun Pape, 3107 Hwy 3, Creston BC V0B 1G1 Phone 250-428-2828 Fax 250-428-2878 email: [email protected] Law of the Theatre and Hockey Arena: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, or the restroom and who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, nor have long gangly legs or big bellies, and stay to the bitter end of the performance or game. The aisle people also are very surly folk. —————————————————Brown’s Law of Physical Appearance: If the clothes fit, they’re ugly. —————————————————- The Coffee Law: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold. ————————————————— Murphy’s Law of Lockers: If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers. —————————————————Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible IF you don’t know what you’re talking about. —————————————————Law of Public Speaking: A closed mouth gathers no feet. —————————————————- Eyewear Extravaganza Come in and see the newest styles! Sept 19th, 9am-8pm Free Gift for First 100 Persons in CRESTON Optometric EYE CENTRE Quality Service & Products 223-16 Avenue. N. 250-428-2044 Come Celebrate Our Grand Opening Saturday Oct 5th! Big Daddy’s Bar & Grill, Porthill Idaho Custom Sewing & Alterations 250-866-5481 Live Music!!! 7pm-11pm Free Door Prizes & Drawings!!! 7pm-11pm Free Lottery Tickets!!! 7pm –11pm Free Jambalaya!!! 5pm-7pm $1 off Beer 5pm-7pm Family Friendly Restaurant-Kids Welcome Too! 208-267-0434 Local Coupon! DURADEK Waterproof Decking and Aluminum Railing... 20% off or more... off everything! PICKLING CUKES 99¢ lb Vinyl Roll Ends 50% off Area Rugs 30% off 1518 NW Blvd 250-428-2426 ...Made for each Other! nufloorscreston.ca Serving the valley for 29 years! Look out next year for a major Celebration! Truscott Farms 3016 Hwy 3 Erickson 250-428-4983 CLASSIFIED AD RULES Private ads only (no business related*): 12 words, $3 per issue. Extra words 25¢ each. Bolded words 50¢ each. Includes GST. Drop off ads at 3107 Hwy. 3 Erickson, at the office (VISA, MC, or DEBIT) or ad drop box, or phone in ads, 428-2828 and pay by VISA or MC (50¢ extra charge-if ad total less than $10) Businesses will need to purchase a DISPLAY AD first before using classifieds. * exception-farming, if no similar display advertiser The publisher reserves right to accept or reject any ad The copyright holder and publisher specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence of the use of this paper, either directly or indirectly, and accepts no responsibility for any damages arising from ad copy (classified or display), except for critical typographical errors which will receive a full refund. CV Hospice Society Trained volunteers provide compassionate and emotional support to terminally ill patients, in the home, hospital, or care facility. We also visit the chronically ill and shut-ins. For more info call 250-428-7575 anytime. ANNOUNCEMENTS Creston Mixed Dart League!! Enter a team of 5 people or show up and be put on a team! Meeting September 24th, Kokanee Inn at 7pm. Call Joanne 250-254-1257 or Syndie 250-402-3799. 39 Trinity United Church, “One in Spirit, Love, Service and Song” Sunday: Morning Worship 10-11am, Sunday School (3 yrs & up) 10-11am, coffee time after service. Sept 15th: Outdoor Intergenerational Service and Song, Centennial Park, Corn Fest & Pot Luck to follow. Reverend Shelley Stickel-Miles. 128-10Ave. N. 250-428-4015 39 West Creston Hall and/or grounds. Weddings, parties, meetings, reunions, etc. Full kitchen facilities. www.westcreston.info or phone Leona 250-402-6643 51v3 Rotacrest Seniors Hall: Dancing every Tues 2-4pm, live music-everyone welcome, $5 at the door (Bob Holmes 4288985). Coffee Break-Wed 10am. CribWed 7pm. Pool-Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 1pm (Keith Forseth 428-2255). Bridge-Mon 7pm, Tue 9:45am, Wed 7pm, Thur 1pm, Sat 1pm (Margaret Roy 428-5406). Hall rentals 428-7127. s39v8 Announcements ads are $3 for 12 words per issue (2 weeks) extra words 25 cents each. ————————————————————– Dance the Night Away Sat Sept 14, 7-11pm at your local Legion Country, Old Time, 50’s & 60’s R&R Dance Music by: We Build Quality Handcrafted Cabinets & Furniture Call 250-428-3434 —————————— Also install Blow-in Attic Insulation A-1 ROOFING Asphalt & Metal Roofing Local References Available Free Estimates Call Dean 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 C.D. SOUN DS Disclaimer: Un-credited stories are from a variety of sources and are believed to be public domain. If you hold a copyright on any of these materials please inform us so we may give the proper credit. Pastor Jeff Friesen 234 36 Avenue N. 428-4861 “FAST” WORD SEARCH ACCELERATE, AGGRESSIVE AIRMAIL, BLINK, BOLT BREAKNECK, BRIEF, BUSTLE CHARGE, CHASE, CHEETAH COMET, DART, DRAW, EAGER EARLY, EXPRESS, FAST FLASH, FLIT, FLOW, FLURRY FLYING, FORWARD, GALLOP HASTY, HURRIED, INSTANT JET, JIFFY, LEAP. D U C T E Y T X F E P V M A E G R B S C E U L T I A G P I Z U A A B J Y I A I W E S C R D E H N W R T R Y J O L H F M E C A G G R E S S I V E L E A I F H G K L O A L W E Y T I I R P J A E L Q F K T I L K R L R Z V C R R E E A N O Y P B T U K C F F G N H G B E X F N F H A N W S S E R P X E C A Y L E D U I S B U S T L E T K F U A P O L L A G F W D S R L F R R D A R T B K A G N R A F I R L C O M E T T S I D S A K J Y Y Y T S A H X T O H J X W O L F LETTER TILES: Unscramble the letter tiles to reveal a message. Last Issue Answer: Time is what everything from happening at once. Tony Mulder Jewellery & Gifts Valley View Baptist Church “Where the View is Eternal”Jude 21 SUNDAY Bible Classes…………..…...9:45am Morning Worship………..…11am Evening Service…………..….…7pm WEDNESDAY Bible Study & Prayer…….....7pm PAGE 2 —Quality and Service Since 1988— Custom Art for Your Fingers Home Repair ● Welding Metal Fab ● Mechanical Repair —————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————— Call Fred 250 250--428 428--1499 [email protected] Pieces as unique as you with Canadian Diamonds or Colored Diamonds in Blue, Yellow, or Pink. Dreams to Reality by Master Goldsmith Tony Mulder! 1014 Canyon St. 428-9300 FUN PAPE—Creston’s most read free paper Cooling Off A customer in a restaurant was proving to be very demanding. He began to complain about the temperature and asked his waiter to turn up the air conditioning. About five minutes later, he asked for the air conditioning to be turned down. Then again shortly after, he demanded again that the air conditioning be turned back up. The waiter never uttered an impatient word, but walked back and forth after each demand for half an hour. Finally, a nearby patron was so curious that he stopped the waiter and said, “You are so patient with that cad! Why don’t you just ask him to leave?” The waiter smiled and replied, “Oh, I don’t care. You see, we don’t even have an air conditioner.” —————————————————Technicality The teacher was teaching beginning grammar and asked the class for a volunteer to say a sentence beginning with “I.” A student raised his hand and began, “I is the…” “Wait! Stop! Said the teacher. “You should never put ’is’ after ’I.’ Always put ’am’ after ‘I.’ “Um, ok, “ replied the student. “I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.” —————————————————An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. -Benjamin Franklin page 3 Criss Cross Puzzle ANSWERS ON PAGE 6 —THUNDER CATS— Clip -nSave FULL SEASON All Games start at 7:30pm unless otherwise noted Gate Admission: Adult $10, Senior $8, Youth $5, Family $25. ACROSS 1.CANTINA CONDIMENT 3.REASON FOR A BAD-AIR DAY 4.MODERN ADDRESS 6. LIFTED SO-TO-SPEAK 7.ART ____ DOWN 2.FAN CLUB MEMBERS 5.QUARANTINE Answer to Fallen Phrase: Fri Sept 13 v. Columbia Valley Rockies Sat Sept 21 v. Sicamous Eagles Fri Sept 27 v. Fernie Ghostriders Sun Sept 29 v. Chase Heat 2pm Tue Oct 15 v. Beaver Valley Nitehawks Fri Oct 18 v. Fernie Ghostriders Sat Oct 26 v. Columbia Valley Rockies Fri Nov 1 v. Kimberley Dynamiters Fri Nov 8 Kamloops Storm Sat Nov 9 Grand Forks Border Bruins Sun Nov 10 v. Nelson Leafs 2pm Fri Nov 29 v. Kimberley Dynamiters Sat Nov 30 v. Golden Rockets Fri Dec 13 v. Golden Rockets Sun Dec 15 v. Golden Rockets 4pm Mon Dec 30 v. Kimberley Dynamiters Tues Dec 31 v. Fernie Ghostriders Sat Jan 4 v. 100 Mile House Wranglers Sat Jan 11 v. Revelstoke Grizzlies Fri Jan 17 v. Columbia Valley Rockies Fri Jan 24 v. Fernie Ghostriders Fri Jan 31 v. Castlegar Rebels Fri Feb 7 v. Kimberley Dynamiters Sun Feb 9 v. Spokane Braves 2pm Fri Feb 14 v. Golden Rockets Sat Feb 22 v. Columbia Valley Rockies 2nd Anniversary SUPER SALE! Sept 17-21 FIREWOOD Cut, Split, Delivered Larch $200cord Larch/Fir $180cord Mixed $170 cord Pine $160 cord Call Annie 1-250-464-9811 Dean Bala Mortgage Broker Producers West Financial Great Rates Flexible Schedule Over 90 Lenders! 250-402-3903 [email protected] www.deanbala.com Bamboo room Crafts For all your Card Making, Scrapbooking, Craft Supplies and Much More! 1.5 miles north of 3 Mile Bonners ferry, ID Tue-Fri 9:30-4 Sat 9:30-1:30 208-290-1483 29th Annual DUCKS UNLIMITED BANQUET & AUCTION Sat Oct 5th, Rec Centre LET’S SUPPORT OUR WETLANDS! Tickets $40 at Mawson Sports KIDS TRAIN FREE! Ages 5-15 (For the month of September 2013) ————————————————— Register now for new classes: Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Qigong, swordsmanship 250-866-5263 250-402-8384 [email protected] Come and enjoy the power of the CAN$ south of the border! Mention this ad and we’ll pay your Idaho state sales tax! FUN PAPE—Creston’s most read free paper Fallen Phrase answer pg3 . Ph. 208-666-1525 Hwy 95 and Dalton Ave Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Sun 10am-5pm www.koernerfurniture.com Full line furniture store featuring our La-Z–Boy Comfort Studio Kepke Excavating ♦Water, Sewer and Power Lines ♦Dump Box Trailer ♦Retaining Walls ♦Landscaping ♦Stump Removal ♦Top Soil ♦Manure Call Ron Kepke Ph 250-428-4306 Cell 250-428-1973 3/4 Crush Gravel Bedding Sand Top Soil Competitive Prices! 428-1834 or 428-1729 Ray’s Garbage Pick-up ry e t t& t il ! pond-Buainted Ha nd PTues-Sat 10-5 Ha 138-12th avenue N. Downtown creston 250-428-5080 Serving the Valley over 30 years! Residential Curbside Pick-up 3-40yd Containers NEW- 12yd Hook Lift Bins For All Your Garbage Needs Call Anytime 250-428-9887 Bring in this ad and receive 10% off your purchase, one coupon per customer. Coupon valid until Oct 31, 2013 Local & Long Distance Moving page 4 REAL ESTATE & FOR RENT For Rent: Bright, cozy one bedroom suite in quiet six-plex. Recently renovated and upgraded. Common area with BBQ. Close to library, parks, college, brewery, short walk to Extra Foods and downtown. Perfect for responsible working adults or seniors. $625 + elec. Could be furnished for additional cost. Will consider reduced rent or hourly rate for on-site handyman, electrician or plumber. 250-431-8353. 39 For Sale: beautiful Crawford Hill home with two private one bedroom suits generating $1025 a month. The owner enjoys 3 bedrooms, den, family room, two bathrooms, an open living/dining/kitchen space, main floor laundry and incredible views. Many upgrades done including central vac, new furnace, new flooring and much more. Asking $339,000. Call Ursla at 428-9303 for appointment to view. 39 For Rent: One bedroom apt, incl electric, F/S, cable. $650 mth +DD. Avail Sept 15. 428-8803. 39 For Rent: furnished one bedroom suite, W/D, TV/internet, NP, NS, utilities included. $650 month. 250-402-6432. 39 For Rent: Cottage in Erickson, $650 plus utilities. 428-0162. Avail Oct 1st. 39 For Rent: New 3 bedroom home + den. 2 bay garage. High school and park nearby. Walking distance to town. $1200 mth. Damage deposit + refs req’d. NS. Avail Oct 1st. 250-977-5519 or 250-428-7040. 39 For Rent: 4 bedroom, 2 bath house. W/D, DW, small pet ok. Nice yard and garden. Walking distance to all amenities. $1100 + utilities. 428-4649. 39 For Rent: 2 bedroom house, F/S, W/D, fenced yard, $750 mth + utilities. DD & Refs req. 250-254-3090. 39 For Rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo, close to downtown and library, private backyard. F/S, W/D, NS, $750 plus utilities. NO PETS. Email [email protected] with references or call 250-254-0805. 39 For Sale or Trade: House in Kaslo. 428-9691. 39 For Rent: One bdrm apartment, NS, NP, F/S, W/D. Only clean, responsible persons need apply. No partiers. $700 incl all utilities. DD & ref’s req. Available Sept 15. 250-428-5293 or 250-428-9933. 39 For Sale: Boswell lakefront home with 115ft beach front. 1600 sq ft, 3+1 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, large family room. Workshop, Quonset, boathouse with 18ft Sea Ray open bow boat. 250-223-8227 or email: [email protected] 39 For Rent: Sunny lower level one bed, one bath suite. Full kitchen, bath, separate entrance, own laundry. Perfect for single non -smoker. $600 mth plus part elec. DD. Available Oct 1st. 250-428-0660 or 406-260-0090. 39 For Sale: 1980 14x66 mobile, 2 bedrooms, 6 appliances, large fenced lot in rental park. Needs some finishing touches. $40,000 obo. 250-428-4460 or 428-1874. 41 House &Yard Maintenance Also Available 10 Year Workmanship Warranty Res: 866 866--5760 Ph: 428 428--6701 Interior & Exterior Painting, Siding, Renovations, Decks. FREE ESTIMATES♦FULLY INSURED 250-435-0027 [email protected] Teamwork A minivan pulled into a campsite one evening. Three kids jumped out and began to quickly unload the camping gear. In just a few minutes, the family had set up the tent and the children were off gathering firewood. The mother and father setup the camp stove and unpacked the rest of the gear. Within fifteen minutes, the entire campsite was set up and the kids ran off quickly. A fellow camper came up to the mother and father and said, “I have to say, that is one of the best examples of teamwork I’ve ever seen! How do you get your kids to help out like that?” “Well,” said the dad, “I have a system. No one goes to the bathroom until camp is set up.” —————————————————The September Full Moon is called the Harvest Moon by native Americans of New England because at this time of year, the light from the full moon extended the hours of light into the evening, helping the harvesters with their work. Page 5 Sudoku The rules of Sudoku are simple. Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Have Fun!!! Answer on page 9 OVERHEAD DOOR Company of Creston Gordon Hegland 250-402-9818 ♦Residential ♦Commercial For ALL Repairs & Service Needs Quality Workmanship Service You Can Trust Senior Discounts Available WCB Coverage Phil Edwards 250-254-0924 THANK YOU. Answer to Rebus Puzzle ANSWER TO SIMPLY MAZING 4730 Canyon-Lister Rd 250-428-7278 Visit our Farm for Apples! Gala, Macintosh Silken, and apple juice! Closed Sundays. 4-ton Pellet Buy @ $175/ton! High Speed Internet Wynndel ● Sirdar ● Kuskanook West Creston ● Creston Flats Lakeview ● Lister ♦ We Supply the Equipment ♦ Free Site Assessments ♦ Several Usage Packages Available ♦ Best Rates in the Valley Page 6 SIMPLY MAZING ANSWER ON PAGE 5 250-402-8775 or 250-402-8772 Wynndel Internet Society Serving the valley since 2005 Biffy in a Jiffy Portable Toilet & Shower Rental & Servicing RV & Boat Tank Pumping Septic Tank Pumping Call Paige 428-4053 or Cell 428-6256 Rent-a-Hubby Husband (wife) not very handy? Not there? We’ll do any household repair a husband (wife) would do. Also: Renovations, Roofing Installing Windows & Doors Decks & Patios Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs Call 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 The Price of Fish A couple of city slickers decide to go fishing for the first time. They rent all their gear: reels, rods, wading suits, a rowboat, a 4-wheel drive vehicle, and even a cabin in the woods. The first day they head out fishing, but don’t catch a thing. This continues for the second and third day. Finally, on the fourth and last day, one of the men catches a single fish. As they drive home, one of the men says, “Do you realize that this lousy fish cost us over two thousand dollars?” “Wow,” says the other guy, “Well, it is a good thing we only caught one.!” —————————————————If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. —————————————————NEXT DEADLINE: FRI SEPT 20, 4PM Answer to Criss Cross Puzzle: Rebus Puzzle A rebus is a picture representation of a name, word or phrase. The puzzle below portrays a common word or phrase. Can you guess what it is? R F (answer on pg 5) 3q +7q Answer to Math Square Puzzle: Before you head south, are you really saving? Superior dentures, competitive pricing! We want our community to support our local economy. In order for Crestonites to do this Creston Denture Clinic is now offering pricing to those without dental coverage. Lower pricing does not mean an inferior product. Dentures are custom crafted in-clinic, to suit each patients needs. Owner Vladimir Lysenko has 25 years experience in the Denturist Industry! Call or come in and visit us today! No referrals necessary. Creston Denture Clinic 250-428-4700 127-11th Ave. N. (across from Credit Union) Jackhammer Auger Backhoe Grapple Garth Rosvold Ph 428-7232 Cell 428-1601 Dump Truck The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you… Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit grandparents. Get in shape. Take your spouse out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the leaky tap. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand. One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the colas represented. The professor smiled and said, “I’m glad you asked.” “The colas just show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a cola with a friend. —————————————————Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants. -John W. Gardner —————————————————Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It’s nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it’s anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we’ll all be hooked on phonics. -Leighann Lord —————————————————Next Deadline: Fri Sept 20, 4pm Book Your Fall Wood Orders Now! Mountain Park Resort 4020 Hwy 3 250-428-2954 Dry, Cut & Split LARCH, FIR, PINE or MIXED D & J Waldner CONSTRUCTION Dale 250 250--402 402--8808 Journeyman Carpenter www.djwaldnerconstruction.ca New Construction ● Renovations Bobcat Service Rita M. Patstone Certified General Acct Personal Taxes Corporate Taxes Business Consulting Bookkeeping ———————– Your home or office or my office in West Creston Ph: 250-428-2662 Fax: 250-428-2632 email: [email protected] We Are Open Saturday for Lunch Now www.kootenaythai.com and TONY’S BAR Lunch: Tue-Sat 11:30am-2:00pm Dinner: Tue-Sun 4:00pm-9:00pm Closed Mondays 250-428-7779 Located at Hacienda Inn Free Internet Green Thumb Contracting Winterizations Irrigation Water Features Skid Steer Services Decks & Fencing Landscaping Rock Landscapes Drainage #1 IN THE INDUSTRY Page 7 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY Mayonnaise Jar and Two Colas When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day is not enough, just remember the mayonnaise jar and the two colas. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him… When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “yes.” The professor then produced two colas from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty spaces between the sand. The students laughed… “Now,” said the professor as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things— your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions—-and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else-the small stuff.” “If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or golf balls. Jeremy Smith 250-402-6209 GO GREEN! Free front end & brake inspections! ERICKSON GARAGE 3408 Hwy 3 Erickson Kerry Clark– Lic. Mechanic 30 yrs Experience Designated Inspection Facility We accept VISA●MC●Debit Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 250-254-1791 Wheel Alignments ● Brakes Front End ● General Repairs A1 POOP SCOOPER #1 in the #2 Business WEEKLY PET WASTE REMOVAL ●Residential ●Commercial ●Acreages ●One Time Clean up As low as $12 per week Senior Discounts 250-402-6711 MUCH MORE Than a Welding Shop! Come inside the STORE... We have everything from “Nuts to Bolts” EXPANDED MARINE INVENTORY ATV Supplies Lawn Mowers & Trimmers Tillers & Chain Saws Boat Repairs Safety Clothing . If we don’t have it in stock... we can get it! COMFORT WELDING LTD 120 Collis St 428-7464 Free Consultations ————— Gift Certificates Available Permanent Make-up Lash & Brow Tints ● Waxing Manicures ● Pedicures Super Bodi Detox Patches Emu Oil Skin Care Pure Volcanic Clay Mask Universal Detox & Contour Body Wrap-Guaranteed to lose at least 6 inches in 2 hours Sharon Brown 250-428-8453 Page 8 Alone at the Front A teacher was scolding her class after all of them did poorly on their English test. She told them that she thought they could all do better and asked that anyone who thought he or she was not very good at English to stand up. There was an uncomfortable silence, but finally one little boy in the back stood up slowly. “Very good, Tom,” said the teacher. “At least you realize that you have some weakness and that gives you a good opportunity to improve.” “Oh, I don’t actually think I’m bad at English,” said Tom. I just felt sorry for you standing there all alone.” —————————————————Does Working Longer Help Your Brain? While most people dread having to put off retirement, there may be a silver lining to working longer in life. Researchers at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research took a look at the health records of almost 500,000 self-employed workers. They found that there was a three percent reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease for each extra year worked after the age of traditional retirement. Researchers have long known that there are several lifestyle factors that can reduce the risk of dementia. Those include a heart-healthy diet, exercise, social engagement, and mental activities. They now believe that staying in the workforce can be added to the list. North Americans are slowly moving toward a later retirement age for many reasons. In a 2012 survey, of 1000 people, about one third said they planned on working until age 80 to provide for a comfortable retirement. This may seem to be a reluctant choice for many, but this new study gives some added incentive to those contemplating retiring later. —————————————————You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. -Clay P. Bedford Quotations: Heat If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. –Harry Truman Nothing splendid was ever created in cold blood. Heat is required to forge anything. Every great accomplishment is the story of a flaming heart. -Arnold H. Glasgow Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that you singe yourself. -William Shakespeare Some people change their ways when they see the light, others when they feel the heat. –Caroline Schroeder I have learned through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmitted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmitted into a power that can move the world. -Mahatma Ganghi Nothing does reason more right, than the coolness of those that offer it: for truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders, than from the arguments of its opposers. –William Penn Noble souls, through dust and heat, rise from disaster and defeat the stronger. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow —————————————————-Next Deadline: Fri Sept 20, 4pm Creston Valley Cruisers 25th Annual Car Show & Camp-Out Fri, Sat & Sun Sept 20, 21, & 22 Fri. Sept 20 6pm Cruisin’ the Dub at A&W and Campfire & Corn Roast at Lister Park Sat. Sept 21 9am- SELF STORAGE Lister Park Events Poker Run, Balance Beam, Burnout Contest, BBQ & More Want more space? We have affordable solutions! Sun. Sept 22 9am- 250-428-9933 www.jcstorage.com Show n’ Shine Trophies & Awards Centennial Park Entry Fee: Weekend $30 Show & Shine only $20 For more info call 250-428-5005 Wanted: 97-2000 F150 4x4, 302, 5 spd, reg cab, stepside, short box, no rust. 428-9884. 39 Wanted: Press parts or complete printing pressMulti 1250-1850-1960. 428-2828. 39 Wanted: Need-small/med size recliner or living room chair for low income senior. 428-0764. 39 Wanted: Will haul away your used fiberglass insulation in good condition. 428-2360. 39 Wanted: Wooden apple boxes in good shape. 250-428-2828 ask for Ed. 43 Wanted: Winter tires, P215/75R15 in good/ excellent shape. 428-2828. 45 Wanted: Old studio & vocal microphones and cables for community oriented project. Reasonably priced. 250-977-5041. 35 Wanted: Plastic 45 gal barrels. 428-2828. 43 Wanted: Chainsaws, any age, any make, or just parts, for future chainsaw museum. Donations are welcome. Non-profit venture by seniors. 428-2360. kg Will pick up unwanted/non-working solar collectors, wind generators, cordless mowers, large propane tanks, Lister or China diesels, deep cycle/golf cart batteries, inverters, electric tractors etc-any condition. Ask for Ed 428-2828. 49 A 12 word classified ad is $3. Extra words 25¢ea. Per issue (2 weeks) ——————————————————— You have not, because no one knows you’re looking for it. Try a “Wanted ad” today! ————————————————–——————————————————————————— NEXT DEADLINE: FRI SEPT 20, 4PM Q: Why was the math book unhappy? A: It had too many problems. Q: Where do smart hot dogs end up? A: On the honor roll. HOSPITAL TUCK SHOP Page 9 WANTED Math Square answers on pg. 6 Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations. Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Remember order of operations; multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. Developing a Web Site? Call Carolyn 250-428-2919 Email: [email protected] 8X Face Value For Your 1966 & Older Dollars, 50¢, Quarters & Dimes. Ask about 67’s & US Call for appt. 428-2828 for All Ages Open Mon-Fri 9-3 250-428-2286 ext 3127 312-15th Ave. N. Hospital Main Entrance I Q Painting Interior & Exterior House Painting You can fax your ad with your credit card info to: 250-428-2878 ….anytime Sudoku Answer pe Fun pa or funpape.com Perry Ritthaler 250-428-5232 Beads and Beyond Jewelery & Collectables Estate Sales & Appraisals Consignments Welcome Q: What kind of food do math teachers eat? A: Square meals. Need Help Gift Ideas #2-2804 Hwy 3 Erickson 428-6300 GLEANERS & GLEANERS TOO is looking for volunteers. If you would like to help Please call 250-428-4106 and ask for Geri Treasures Upholstery Shoppe Serving the Kootenays with quality workmanship. For more about us please visit our website www.upholsterytreasures.com email: [email protected] or call us at 250-428-5593 1405 Alder Street, Creston Affordable Accounting Solutions Ph 250-402-6277 Fax 250-428-2067 137-10th Ave. N. [email protected] ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Dr. Dial Tone Residential Telephone Repairs & Installs Business Telephone Systems Repairs & Installs Communication Systems, Voice & Data, Consulting Cell Phone Consulting & Purchase Assistance Technology Consulting Installations Repair & Training Building Safety Products, Sales & Installation 250-431-8175 www.drdialtone.com [email protected] CC CONSTRUCTION New Construction Renovations Bobcat/Mini Hoe Service From Footings to Finishing Call Curtis for All Your Building Needs 250-866-6848 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER Fresh Homemade Page 10 Did You Know September is National Coupon Month? The first coupon ever was issued in 1887 when Asa Candler used paper tickets to give away free glasses of Coca-Cola. In 1909, C.W. Post used one cent coupons to market his newest cereal, Grape Nuts. By 1965, fifty percent of Americans used coupons. Almost 80 percent of Americans report using coupons each year. Almost 75 percent of coupons only require a purchase to buy one item. The rest require a purchase of two or more items. Over one quarter of consumers used more coupons in 2012 than they did in 2011. The top two reasons consumers give for not using coupons is that there are no coupons for the products they want to buy and their coupons expire before they can use them. Marketers overwhelmingly use free-standing inserts, most often found in newspapers, to distribute their coupons, with over 90% of coupons printed in this medium. Baking Double Puzzle Answers Bread, Buns, Pies, Cinnamon Rolls & More! Alterations Call LYNN’s Sewing 250-428-4288 Is your business growing? JAMES MARSHALL OWNER/OPERATOR 250-426-7750 1-877-426-7750 [email protected] Cranbrook, BC Q: Where did King Arthur study? A: In Knight school. ————————————————— NEXT DEADLINE: FRI SEPT 20, 4PM Goat’s Milk & Yogurt also available SOFFIT, FACIA, SIDING, GUTTERS Q: What is yellow on the outside, grey on the inside, and very crowded? A: A school bus full of elephants. Q: What would you get if you crossed one principal with another principal? A: Don’t do it. Principals don’t like to be crossed. Call for orders… big or small Gail 250-428-2745 ROOFING Q: Why did the two headed monster get good grades? A: Two heads are better than one. Commercial Space FOR LEASE Prime Location Downtown Creston Will consider renovations to suit tenant Retro Costume Jewellery at the Fun Pape office Open Tue-Fri 9-4 Firewood $160 Full Cord Joel 250-402-3119 Jeremy 250-431-8204 MarCare Kabin Keepers Specializing in Kootenay Lake Property Care & Maintenance References Available For information Call 250-428-6568 For more info 250-431-8191 [email protected] marcarekabinkeepers.com I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. -Winston Churchill —————————————————I think everyone should go to college and get a degree, and then spend six months working at McDonalds and six months as a cab driver. Then they would really be educated. —————————————————Doctor’s Law If you don’t feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you’ll feel better...but don’t make an appointment, and you’ll stay sick. Page 11 Give It Some Time Little Johnny returned to his classroom after a long summer vacation. It was only two days when his teacher phoned Johnny’s mother. “Johnny is misbehaving in class. He can’t sit still and his talking is getting disruptive,” said the teacher. “Well,” said Johnny’s mother, “this is something! I had Johnny for the last three months and not once did I call you to complain. I would hope you could show me the same courtesy.” ROOFING WOLFGANG STIEF 250-431-8692 Free Estimates Double Puzzle-Unscramble each word. Then use the marked letters to solve the second puzzle. Answer on pg. 10 Legion Events 428-4252 Sept 13-Friday Night Supper 6pm $10 (Roast Beef) by Terry Sept 14-Saturday Night Dance Music by C.D. Sounds Sept 21-Steak BBQ -still only $10 Sept 24-Legion General Meeting 7pm Sept 27-Friday Night Supper Spaghetti Dinner Check our website…. www.crestonlegion.org MEAT DRAWS EVERY SATURDAY 2:30-5pm EVERYONE WELCOME TO ALL LEGION SUPPERS, DANCES & BBQ’s Professional Animal Care — Canine, Feline, Bovine & Equine Health Care September is Equine Health Awareness Month at the Creston Veterinary Hospital Creston Veterinary Hospital 1605 Dogwood St 250-428-9494 ♦ Receive 20% off your horse’s dental exam & teeth float. ♦ All equine services can be done right on your farm, or at the Creston Veterinary Hospital. Please call for prices. ♦ Complete equine health screen, including blood collection & CBC (red & white blood cell count) plus serum biochemistry– all for $120+GST ($50 savings!) ♦ 10% off Equine Massage Therapy Also during September -receive 20% off your dog or cat’s dental procedures (excluding medication) Special “Revolution” pricing extended through September! Cats “Blue” was $86.88 now $73.85; Dogs “Teal” was $121.26 now $103.07 Please call for more prices. www.crestonvet.com Dr. Robert McLeod ♦ Dr. Emma Davis ♦ Dr. John Pfeffer oe lJ Ca l ARROWCREEK CONSTRUCTION Renovations Flooring Finishing Decks Tile Additions Siding Exterior Paint/Stain Basement Finishing Suspended Ceilings Eve 250-428-7274 Day 250-254-0274 [email protected] Ro n H u rr y Master Goldsmith Making Something New from Something Old! at Cresteramics 1022 Canyon St 250-428-5538 ——Buying Old Gold—— PAUL’S INSTALLATIONS Heating & Ventilation Restaurant Equipment Repairs Stainless Steel Mechanic “I’ll Beat Any Price With Superior Equipment” 250-254-1722 250-402-8957 So you think you know wine? Blind Tasting Evening... and meet the Winemaker! Thursday Sept 26, 7-10pm By reservation only 250-428-8768 Windows & Doors by MW MILLWORK LTD. Full Showroom at 1605 NW Blvd! Vinyl, Clad, Fiberglass Windows Pricing competitive with anyone! Garage Doors, Entry Doors, Shower Doors. Free Quotes Installation Available Call us at 250-402-6455 Page 12 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS For Sale: Massey Ferguson disc, 14ft adjustable, 18in pans, $2000. 250-428-7004. For Sale: Puppies, Lab/Husky X Rottweiler. 8 available, ready mid Oct, $250 ea. 402-3231. 39 For Sale: Hunters-turret rifle reloading press, powder measure, scale etc. $600 value for $300. 428-3303. 39 For Sale: Homemade dehydrator, electric lawn mower, $30 each obo. 428-2076. 39 For Sale: Horse equip, blankets, bridles, & halters. 250-428-8450. 39 For Sale: Four 3½ft lengths Selkirk insulated steel chimney, one four foot imitation brick chimney with roof flashings. As new. $120 obo. 250-428-4630. 39 For Sale: Fresh, dry, 1st cut alfalfa mix hay, small bales, no rain, $3 bale. 250-254-1761. 41 Moving Sale: Full size Malazian oak blonde table w/2 leaves, and 6 chairs, $1000 obo. Craftsman self propelled gas lawnmower $100 obo. 428-0518. 39 ArrowCreek Construction does siding & fences! Eve 250-428-7274 Day 250-254-0274. 39 For Sale: 1950’s rounded top fridge $200. Deep freeze $100. Stove $50. Men’s golf clubs, RH, bag and cart $200. Couch and chair $200. Noma snowblower $10. 15½in Western saddle $1200. 20in & 27in color TV’s. 8 chrome & cloth stacking office chairs, like new, with arms, $20 ea. Round office table $50. Call Grant 250-428-6827. For Sale: Good quality Canyon hay. No rain. $2-$3 bale. 428-5665. 43 For Sale: Five drawer office desk, 60 x30, locking, walnut woodgrain finish, $50. Very good condition. 250-866-5273. 39 For Sale: Livestock for your homestead! Dairy bred goats, rabbits, ducks, sheep. Sell-trade-barter. Call/text 250-402-8788. [email protected] 39 For Sale: 2012 electric bike. Excellent condition. Reason for selling-upgrading to a bigger bike. Asking $500 but open to offers. 250-428-2809. 35 ArrowCreek Construction does garden arbors and decks. ! Eve 250-428-7274 Day 250-254-0274. 39 For Sale: Quail eggs. We sell FERTILE eggs, Texas A&M and Coturnix $6 dozen. Also 1-3 days old quail $2, older quail $5. Please call Roger at 250-428-7821 or email: [email protected] 39 Septic Fields and Everything in Excavation! Excavator, Backhoe Bobcat, Dump Trucks ERNIE OLFERT 250-428-6191 It’s never too early to book for Christmas! For best prices book early. Call Wendi for a FREE quote... Simply Travel 250-428-2843 CPBC#50105 For Sale: Fresh, ripe blackberries. Reasonable price. 630-8th Ave. S. 428-0031. 39 For Sale: Formal dining room table w/6 chairs. Antique 3/4 brass bed. Antique cook stove. New 10ft aluminum picking ladder. 12ft aluminum boat. 250-428-5225 or 402-8569. 39 For Sale: 14ft wide cultivator, spring tooth, $1000. 250-428-7004. 39 For Sale: Chipper/leaf shredder, 5hp, $200. Husqvarna 50 chainsaw, 16in bar, $225. Misc used veg oil processing equipment. Heavy duty water pump, 30ft lift, $60. Pressure washer, 5hp, $250. Phone Paul 254-1722. 39 For Sale: 1st & 2nd cut alfalfa hay. Small square bales. 250-428-1793. 49 For Sale: Numerous tack items-saddle blankets, headstall, reins, pony halter, black cowboy hat, tan show shirt (sz small). 250-431-8241. 39 For Sale: Elderly assist equipment-New! Includes walker, bedrail, tub grab bar and bath chair. Retail value $419-sell $200. 250-402-6858. 39 For Sale: Danby Energuide 12 cu ft freezer, excellent cond, $100 firm. 250-428-5882, 250-428-3517 leave message. 39 For Sale: Power Wheels Wrangler Rubicon electric Jeep (Fisher-Price) with rechargeable battery, 5mph max, bought new in 2011, same item new is $270, good condition, selling for $120. 5th generation orange iPod nano 16GB, video capability, with charger + blue flip case, $80. Text preferred to 250-402-3176. 39 For Sale: Timothy/alfalfa mix hay, small squares, $4 bale. Lister. 250-428-4462. 39 For Sale: Organic (uncertified) beets, carrots, potatoes, in Canyon. Call Drew 428-9521 to order. 39 For Sale: Brand new, never installed, Raymarine DSM25 digital sounder module and A65 dual function chart plotter. Purchased new $1800-asking $1100. 250-417-9254. 39 For Sale: Grass hay $2-$3 bale, no rain. Also free mulch hay. 250-866-5788. 39 For Sale: DX 460 Hilti $325. 16ft aluminum orchard ladder $300. RC60-71B mower, fits a B7100 Kubota tractor, $900. 30 rotating Christmas tree ornaments, $100. 1-250-365-6280. 39 ArrowCreek Construction does renovations! Eve 250-428-7274 Day 250-254-0274. 39 Next Deadline: Friday, Sept 20, 4pm Paw Prints Pet Grooming You Bring your Pets… We Bring the Tender Care. Call for Appt 428-7232 Licensed Automotive Technician Ticketed Tire Technicians ● Locally Owned Service Truck ● Farm Service ● Calcium Fill Most Major Brands Available 250-428-2000 918 Pine St Turn East at the Grain Elevators MISCELLANEOUS Page 13 For Sale: 1048 self propelled bale wagon, 2 wide. Needs repairs-good winter project $7500 obo. 250-428-7004. 39 For Sale: Tiger TGA busking amp with microphone, 3 inputs, line out, $50. 250-428-3395. 39 For Sale: Open sign, electric, $95. Cash register $100. cabinet, 2 shelves, 28x30, $50. Shelving, steel frame 3 side 4 shelf unit with peg board back $75. Two end tables (black & silver) $30ea. Corner 4 shelves $30 ea. computer desk & chair folding) $30. 24x30 wooden table (center leg) $30. steel wagon, 2 shelves, 24x36x34 $150. Nat gas garage furnace ($450 new) never used $300. 41x44 glass top table, chrome frame $50. Advance core & coil HID kit $195. two P225/60R17 all season tires $25 ea. T145/800 16-105M spare tire $25. Linogene show case with fixtures $400 obo. 250-428-2433. 39 For Sale: Craftsman 2000 lawn tractor with Trac-Vac 5hp lawn vacuum, $850. Will separate. 428-7885. 39 For Sale: Woodworkers-approx 700 bd ft 10in, 8in, 6in x 16ft, dried, poplar, surfaced 2 sides to 1 1/16in thickness. Price negotiable. 428-3303. 39 For Sale: Border Collie X Rottweiler puppies. Ready Oct 29. 428-6878. 39 For Sale: Acustic guitar Tranz amp model A30, $160. Unique 2 burner wood stove, 14in w x 36in h, good cond, $90. 540 sq ft ( 6-90 sq ft cartons) cultured stone, reduced-$1100 takes all. 300 gal 2 compartment fuel tank w/stand, $150. Several 45 gal drums, $20 ea. 36in x 6ft10in heavy pipe-would make 3 plow blades, $150. 250-424-5523. 39 For Sale: Maple table (30in x 30in) & 2 chairs, excellent shape, $175 obo. 428-0446. 39 MISCELLANEOUS Moving: Ladies fashion cowboy bootsBoulet, size 6.5, new $100. Coleman camp BBQ, new $100. Ladies Boulet cowboy boots– 2 tone color, size 6.5, new $100. Upright piano $700. Solid wood dining settable, six chairs, hutch, $700. Ladies grey fox faux fur coat-very warm, stylish, size large, brand new $100, looks and feels like the real deal. Dinnerware, setting of 12, fly fishing motif, never used, $150. Also assorted fishing motif décor, $50. Apartment size freezer $80. 428-5546. 39 For Sale: Two bicycles. Power washer. 12in portable TV. Small freezer. Small microwave oven. Plastic basement sink. Upright piano, iron frame. Garden swing. Woodworking magazines-free. The house is also for sale. 250-866-5385. 39 For Sale: Vintage 41½in x 30in chrome dining room set with Formica top, in excellent condition, upholstery on 4 chairs is yellow, no rips, comes with 11½in leaf, $395 obo. Antique Viking wringer washer in top condition, has original instructions, $400 obo. Rattan glass topped table, suitable for inside or outside, $50 obo. 250-428-9964. For Sale: Concord grapes. 250-428-7051. 41 For Sale: Lawn-Boy ride-on mower, 12.5hp, incl bagger, runs great, $500 obo. 402-6565. 39 CRYPTOGRAM YARD SALES/GARAGE SALES Garage Sale: 205-6th Ave. N. Fri Sept 13 9-4, Sat Sept 14 9-3. 39 Answers to: Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes Line on dolphin’s back. Spot on turtle. Leg added on octopus. Friends darkened. Bubble on top left missing. Current line added. Shadow under turtle. Top right fish. Left seaweed missing leaf. Starfish (design). Snail shell. Top middle bubble missing. Eyelashes added on dolphin. More coral. Rock added. C.V. Heide Club celebrates it’s annual… Oktoberfest Saturday Oct 5 at Rotacrest Hall Catered by Demitri Music by “Full Circle” Happy Hour: 6-7pm Supper:7pm Dance to follow Tickets $30 ea. Available at Sue’s Clothesline, Paul’s Superette or call Marion 250-428-7836 fix We computers EDA L COMPUTER CENTRE 215-33 Ave. S. (Hwy 3) Erickson 250-428-4419 ♦♦♦ FIREWOOD ♦♦♦ Cut, Split & Delivered Birch $300 cord Larch $200 cord Fir $200 cord Pine $175 cord 250-402-9776 Figure out the phrase. D 13 14 Last Issue Answer: Where do forest rangers go to get away from it all? Spay Neuter Animal Program for more info go to: www.softubcanada.com S.N.A.P. For more info or to make a donation call 250-428-2811 Ad sponsored by Pampered Pet Boarding Kennel 428-2932 Individual Pension Plans (IPPs) An Information Session for Health Professionals Brought to you by: Susan Uswak, RBC Dominion Securities and Denné Ahlefeld, CGA To be held: Tues October 8th, 5-6:30pm at ABC Country Restaurant (Banquet Room) 122 NW Blvd, Creston Pre-registration is required by Tuesday, October 1st Please RSVP to Denné Ahlefeld’s office 137-10th Ave. N. 250-402-6277 Fax 250-428-2067 [email protected] —————————————— Susan Uswak, MBA Investment Advisor RBC Wealth Management RBC Dominion Securities Direct 250-420-2855 Toll Free 1-877-414-2233 C. 250-421-3043 F. 250-426-7129 www.susanuswak.com 926 Baker St, Suite 1, Cranbrook, BC V1C 1A5 VEHICLES and Related Goods VEHICLES and Related Goods For Sale: 30ft 5th wheel travel trailer, good cond, asking $15,000. 250-428-7004. 39 For Sale: 98 Dodge Dakota 4x4. Over $3000 in new parts, have receipts. Also includes new set of winters on rims. $3950 obo. 428-7494. 39 For Sale: 1996 Chrysler intrepid, 3.3L V6, auto, 92,580km. Good clean car. Asking $2500 obo. 250-428-7723. 39 For Sale: 1998 Mustang GT, 59,000 original km, 4.6L V8, 5 speed, posi, chrome yellow, all original, immaculate condition. Rare car. 250-428-4413. 39 For Sale: 2007 Go-Ped Riot 46cc. Like new condition. Hardly used. Best offer. Check it out online at www.goped.com 250-402-6397. 39 For Sale: 1978 11½ft Scamper truck camper. F/S, oven, furnace, sink w/electric pump, toilet, shower, all works. $500 obo. 250-223-8422 or 402-8701. 39 For Sale: 2004 Bonneville Pontiac, 160,000km, great condition. 250-428-6630. 39 For Sale: 85 Toyota Tercel, runs, fixer upper or parts car, $700 obo. 250-866-5640. 39 For sale: 23ft 1985 Taurus trailer, bunk beds. $3000. 250-428-6630. 39 For Sale: 8ft import camper, like new, $3000. 250-428-8450. 39 For Sale: Box trailer, 7ft x 12ft, heavy duty, 8 ply tires, excellent cond. 250-428-4940. 41 For Sale: New Nordic snow tires on 2007 Ford Focus rims, size P195/60R15. Paid $825 asking $500. 250-428-7990. 45 For Sale: Used truck camper 5 step scissor aluminum ladder, like new, $150. 250-866-5273. 39 Wanted: Winter tires, P215/75R15 in good/ excellent shape. 428-2828. 45 For Sale: John Deere 317 tractor, totally rebuiltnew motor, lights, paint etc. 42in cutting deck w/ new blades. Hydrostatic transmission and front end for snow blade. $2200. 250-428-0660 or 406-260-0090. 39 Moving: Canopy, red, for 02-08 Dodge Ram. $600. 2005 Grand Prix, red, 4 door, w/summer & winter tires, $6000 obo. 89 Cadillac Fleetwood, runs great, $800. 428-5546. 39 For Sale: 19ft flatdeck car hauler trailer, 10,000lb axles, new brakes, $2000 obo. 428-8922. 39 For Sale: 2005 Ford ranger super cab 4x4, V6, auto, only 18,000mi. Senior drivennever off road. $10,900 obo. 402-6565. 39 For Sale: 24½ft 5th wheel Travel Aire trailer. Air conditioning, new fridge. Very clean. 250-428-4940. 41 For Sale: 2008 Hyundai Entourage, 100,000km, Trip Tronic shifter, towing package, super clean, $15,500. 250-428-2707. 39 For Sale: Numerous motorcycle accessories-helmets, suitcases etc. 250-431-8241.39 For Sale: 2000 Acura Integra TLS. Sound condition, 2 sets mounted tires. $3000. 250-866-5573 or 250-254-9207. 41 For Sale: 1986 Citation Supreme 5th wheel, 26ft, excellent condition, $3000 obo. 250-402-3488. 39 For Sale: 1997 Dodge 2500 short WB cargo van. Partially camperized. Used for highway travel and camping. Body and powertrain in very good condition. Meticulously maintained, $4400. 250-428-4758. 39 For Sale: 04 Ford Focus SE, loaded, 5 door wagon. One owner, mostly highway driven, 113,000km, excellent condition, well maintained. New rear tires. Power everything. Asking $5200. Call Dani 428-2322. 39 For Sale: New Reese Towpower electronic trailer brake control, 74642FORD. 250-866-5273. 39 For Sale: 1992 Bounder 32ft Class A motorhome. Only 88k. 230 watts of solar power, 3000 watt inverter, tires are next to new, asking $19,900 obo. Will look at all trades. 250-866-5481 or 250-402-9818. 39 Wanted: 5 speed manual tranny that will fit 1988 7.3L Ford. 250-402-1927. 39 For Sale: 93 Slumber Queen 11ft camper in awesome shape. Sleeps 5, fully contained. Shower, toilet, furnace, fridge, stove etc. $4500. 250-428-0660 or 406-260-0090. 39 Sell your car, or truck, or tractor, or motorcycle, or ATV, or snowmobile, or trailer, or motor home, or camper….here! Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes Answers on previous page NEXT DEADLINE: FRI Sept 20, 4PM —————————————————- Darlene’s Daycare 428-3522 Come out And try it out! Register now for junior & senior classes Mondays & thursdays Juniors 5:30-7pm Seniors 7-8:30pm Call Ellen for more info: 250-428-2426 days 250-428-5841 eve ECE Certified ● Licensed Daycare Subsidy Accepted ● Flexible Hours EA Training with courses in FASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Visual Impairment Quality Childcare in a Home Environment “Where your child is cared for as if they were my own” Visit us on FACEBOOK Ro n’s Re Ron Peltzer pair Certified STIHL and Small Engine Mechanic You won’t get wrenched at Ron’s 1238 NW Blvd 250.428.1721
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