TMs is ih< void 9f ^© i»ioi(£ ^asw^ UKoco*^ l賓tt r knoim as Mick Xia
TMs is ih< void 9f ^© i»ioi(£ ^asw^ UKoco*^ l賓tt r knoim as Mick Xia
1 SIXGK UIOGCA BtX X May a, 19^8 ^ r ^" / TMs is ih< void 9f ^© i»ioi(£ ^asw^ UKoco*^ l»«tt r knoim as Mick Xia^oe^a^ l»cd9T and iB6nagT ^f tb^ worXdts firfti J»»a feand, texeiGa &B th® er^ators o.? ja%»* X* XX i»lX you »bd2i vsy .arly life in music and oentaet Iwi'feh iwyeio]* Z . '^ vaa boirn in 1B89 ia th® cit-y of <w. Orleans* )fy f<tih9T<» naa» was 61<rolic»aft 'OoT^Tt0- iaRoc^a^ nfeo wtff a tna^p^ft pUy<^ Hlcfl aystlf, My a$tb<r in Victorl& ^wngtiu |?]^ and o^ 9f <fehai %arriag« eaao »ix ehil^reR» Xtll giv yo^ then in opd«p» Rosario van the oXd»e% Anionia xaa aiy siEtT va» sacond, Sfcria v third, / BartholoiKw m^ fo^Ptfe, I wwm S^^aS.olE;^ Melc,» th»i !. »e^ w*» the fouytfe eMM^ B»rfche^©ss< i m» th<i fi^feh ehiljd^ (Lnd X^eo&aKrd w^ ihe »i3£th ehiXd, &i ley ear^y Uf^ tbc ItaXian*^ <r aex»an» a^ ais^ p@opX»» t3^y ^<d to have birthday t' parties and 4iff»wt f^neiiofis* arota^ the eity* ISy ^ath^r played in Biany banda about ih< oity* As^l .IX b» couliet get i»a» ft>»e £l* e*< be wa* not pnid]^ He -tattght ay «i»t^i h<w to pXay^ be 'Unghi say ol4«r lr©tfe»r hov t,^ pl^y> and yhitn It <5am< i© ny t-iiErB X va» io becoms a doc^r* He didnU w^i no »asie for %«^ fe^t X pl@yad im»ie» In ay s&rly contact nith iau»ic v»» <mt ieb^*^ ny fa^bw w©uld play life» Spanish ^ort or <Aife»r »^ W^ei IM, Aset jiometi%<» when h« wa»nli r pUying be -wild tatc* me ont to WfelU Oity «ndl listin to ihe jui»ic, or ^»»d go to the paaffeai and U»Un to )m^» er go on th® riw .n4 Uirt<n to muaia, caus< t^t vas -fcfe^ ia«in ^pari i^^ ay ^.Vier(« trade* §e irafi A 8ho»»<»erohani« H« 8ol4 shoe* f to ihes?« sa3A©r» a^d fttpidlrcd t»m» asd h^ <^&1» four differ«ni laaguagw, ISy f&iber 3lT»d, he AriEt opaRtd his pXaet »i Wanhington Av^iue and §i» Thomas, H$ h»d a Xiiile »bo< tier® and a »hQ<ii^iBg plae» to repair ihea. An^ he n»de nw shoes also* <^ a Synd&y v^iw. ve w»renti iiorfeing <»t s^ father v»@n*t forking h®td bring *1®» ©a^^noui alemg tbe river wiich yaa .the ^oer people t8 -fchst tiffl* tbey ha^ RO <iwMfeoat» OT fttewagfeipty tfeey had .t^ftnboais but no .tettffiefei^ ecwm going ibAi X se^<i And the ^arfs ws» op^a a.'f^ir, it "»as p&or . At .", ^ t SIQK X-AXOOa Rwl X May 2X» 3^ pi^pW« ^ow®ts»d<i« V»U, they ha^ bnrk* or bonU tii&i caae fs^a Itha] IPortwfM* in^ wch cme of ^m boats Had a band OR it or .ometin^ Uifie / a&eordioa ^r pieceXo or bass vio31»^ or » violia» The XttiUan® v«r» ^ho eam^, 1 They Iwd ©Xfirinet or pie<?®lo ^iih this &cooa?dion» Xi va» liiili Mt-fcy oeiagen 8h^p« *«o®rdi(m iNtt ih<y pl»3?ied, Th^n ^ teiday ih» 8«a»i»x»<*»Xtm g©isg ahead of ay SUry*»^5® Qerm<n» bad »U Nw»» i»»toa»eai»* T3^ tuid eomet^ alio^ Iwr^oxw, $x^ tu^ and ^»y uaod t^« besc ^m, And ih«»» -n w>uld go srotmd .fch* par^e of itee ^on-t pftrt of ^h» ^ity ^3a3?ing cm tb» »ty<tt comTe .cc<pting gratuAM<» fSroa e pw?pl» i^^i » hat» Thai v»» »$»» of »y wwi^&l .duestion, Th® n e ay father talwi m io tfae»» plac- t&» aore X wa» dt-fce^fflih^ io * play ausic* At th<r age of ain» yu-a old-X remnkber just .e i»cU a< X an htre ioday^t ^onH <t*y -febAi X h»v^ a 1s»it«r »«i[i^ry ihaa aay^ody elsi, but we vr» going intQ iwa? ^th ^&in^ ftnd t^ vwe ^^irt» a^inging ^e i»Xa^h<me ^r^, and i<l»gr^pfa ntx»«» os Si. TfaoaiMi i§i* pB»aing t»he Btre^t, Tfe^ nr<re putting 1^ '^%v\<Bn<x wtrea, <l»X<gf^b ^iru»» Hy mcle W^.fsiay B<N^Nk h*d v&l^rt^w^ for the mr n *R)S ^r itK^Xei?, Da<a «E^ «XX vft® oaf^ns. S^ X N^d )»UX» hia io go to eorn#t and nwai d<SNn to ^ie bl©ek ml try io leam ihi» com»t« At fir$t X oouXdntt mice no «oand« out of it* X c<mX@te*"t imdersisnd it, ^he way he voiald play Bsd play .o -y itlih it. ITirst ^ling X Imov X was blwing a note^ (Kxother <?RBy than w g&t X got to playing tnxgle oaXls* Then w teidit voul4 go (Ermmd the 4 naigNaorfaoed my 6ff fe'cNn tht feoust tffkd BO- wmld hav<i ir*»hfeoUeaw, tis. p<®B, usd &^ oM refused kitoh^n yiwasil tdiat they ^i<in*t usa, Som* fnu.i NIQQ»sijLotoi^ ^bKtOaii^g solM*rs, aad i^»y h&d the Aa^pieim Uag^ a littl» btity pi^^ of » imnriean flag^ ite&i th^- h*<a, te<i-as< everybody )md fXagft then and they had a ft fX»g amd p^fc it en a sU^lc and tUey ^anied it, and 8Bcwa niih ^aln,w and Ke»d 3 8XCK UHOOCA a«ei x ?ifey a, x9$e go oa all mn? the tr^e* Ve pl^ad th» fesglt e*XX» th»its »U X lenew, X later iak^n ihi^ eoanaet and I fe»gan to find oihar notea, ^ai ih^ tee^s Man / t \ for» I took a piace of pi^^r and the si^U tun»s ihai X fc&ew Uke <bhe ehiX<!lr»& would »ing [Mr, X<*Aocca «i^g»] oe® « boat wound th» fecnd^ go^dby EQr lefver^ g^odfey^ X^aBed d^tm with OhiiMMM», go<4l3y ay Xww, good^ Bye ^k^y , * , toh times Xite» ifoat aad l^agt .gain] ^b> ^el» ^otm {RBnt«h<(p Boy"? ]^ da, <Sa^ d»^ da^ ^ 4a4^ eio* Gr <IX 8-n yiuBNlRgt^t <^?o»a t^» B«X«»»T<»»1> Many tunes tb&t chiXdrwi .8<sttX4 ?ing iroyNI ihe ^o^^ir, *^iag *rowd ^» X^H^** aad ih» Ntodon M4gt i» calling ^CTm*t Tho»^ i?er< thB fir»t txmee X eon^.ttflKi -tea ¥- papar, X ioo&t a pieoa Qf wwy *^ Itd l^ew a aot^ X put th» naae OJF the tw ^ ^he ^©ep^ ^4 Xtd vw^ wfcAUver t»ly corrwpond viih the <fc<m» thai X ^ad in nsy in »y w< Oft to iNL» p«^r* JW S» a^ont fiix i«&jath» X iias pli^iag a tw tmw» X plsy»a "SfwH Ton 0@«r Ho?rr» MU »»iXag^N I pX»2wX *Who*s TJaa-fe Knocking," aot tt3&io<ktng »t the So^e'^* .<mc <^uae thai»-toooi»^ 1&oe«^ yx?u ^ntt, .our ^(&^ iNkt X e*8ti r«n»1s<r ^» correct nam, but si l^eusi X think ii bad »©a^Mng 1,0 d^ Nith 1»MU BaiS.iy.r* Wmti Tou CoMe ov«r io ?fy B^ueo,* tb»i naui t&s (me of ttai» ytetU Md y^^<fvw 18WW * ^S a^owt (»Samael» BilX» th® Sailer?^ ^SsS^yJ 1lto* Nli^» x di4ntt fcnw "Bt^aacX* Bm» the S»iXar»fl Ai thai time^ X aevw laaw BBwmael« Bill^ ih< $<dlX»r*8 Xi> it .xisU4^ X h»ye n&vsr teoim ii^ fesii they wey^ ^»ny tli&»» litce p<i0ple noald »ing# T&<m CIUEW ^K^imd a hand organ and h«M gxltid mii three tm^ for a nUlcel, Tba oldw Tfe»o$r» and girXa aa<i th* y&mg teidn vould tyy to feXXcw ihe MggT Qn^»» And alX toe i>«epX< eat o& *I ih<» o®m<rs^ ih^y dAdntt go riding auUaobilee and carrisge»» Tha etre^-^i wept s»ad^ of amd asd a eo\^plt of »treeic v^e oo^blestenee^ and 1/fea Blwt-rixs Xtghis i» NXOK UBOCGA Srfl X Hay n^ X9$B i^m v&» sert £^ eia » great big high iroa f^^w aael they etuek way in .Uxe aly< And they were Made of Garbcm Ughta^ carbon Xighta, 31 .enn the first aXectyie T ess'4 I wwm vhtsn ^» Jacteson lisa was ^ut. in^ and X ..en nh<n itw firyfc »ul» oay Tnaai out a And I i»» here tbrough aXX oJP iteai^ and I n»» here vh«a tfeey pXay»d ih$ Uno<rft» ife» .ebotti&c^e, quAdriXi»<^ a»d «tery dwe* ihat tbw was, Nst th@r^ nas no J»»B^ and I m« hw?« dwrlng th« r^ii%a yfeyfeNa .r»* Hon Xo^ ne go back nw to ay «85le# Z pXayd niih tteie ti^»to2Bfi«tt<» Th^ ve moved io N»giM^a^ aromd 1900 <® Nt^isise ^d St» An^p^ir^ 80^2 XBga»3^® Si3mit» X^aiy fatbw w^#d «FVir tfeore snd opNnod & larg»r sho» stsT<# Xt was f te^ye nfaere X amd io go; in ih» ^wste houa^ and pr*eti<w» tot nobody c©yld get ia* Tfen noigS^ont uaad t0 tfere r Igpiete)? »i a»» rot-tos fr^.^^ aiaXo Nk»^ <tnyt g ih6y oould teid ^d ^terw^ aa^ the ®or» <th»y ihas^Nf at we^ the U^d»r X TOOd pUy* iltl» » f<Bi?] «^ X n«w lyk^ pUydt with any ei^r b^y ^iat^i4» I of alcmg sid» of ]pfaono<E>^fe reeerd* Trytag to play &gAi»»t tfe^ ph^n^ys^h rwri* VeXl, »y fa^iw ^i<^ wfe«ft X ws.s .bo^t finoea asd a tiaXf yiMirn old^ and %ns» t] who 1 » » vary talwitd aa^eian and onn^d & ^«m3yy @-fe03?<» »cd th*^- had a »on by ^6 wa» »f MofflEy nho va3 an axpTt yl.aliaEai»t» I'd .ay Xtd pufc Ma againat luayeiarti »i -tMa ti®^» He feftd X»Any»4 amsie 3jft the right v&y* So they *@te<id ^y »othT, e*id, "Vtey deat't yo% let Mm ^©ai® <yy»r ih« Inks with teiry ajad be good eoiyny fer M^? ¥h<srtlX b# Al>U t.o pX»y »u«ic errer ih^»»» So whna I wwt m ever t^n »ltl» hla, X wAy towi a f- tw, ltd th^ played by NR^U» Well, X etsri fiaidUsg aro^d with tte^ b«t X tei^, ft&aM* Mrs* Itoia'tg used io Mic» Kfc»i X pX»y»d* ^o &nw ve»d play sar or tve qjher^i sbetd hoXlw .Br^&lBEloim*'1 X nevwr knew irhai llBrNi^a©N»*1 ira»» *IBr«^3do<m,<* that i@ -fco 4ieeard .^ \ ? M3 UgOCCA See! X M»y a, X9S8 itee »uxLc and pX&y wb»^<wer ^XoOies you ^ould ^it in ih»re» Tteat was ^ie beginning ©f »y si»»le»X trainiag i0iieh X vas io pni io U8« in XatT years, / t Affc«r ] ?&, ?<?m^ veiai to t.h» ^ii^ M«nxy .nd X f<aw>d the ^Lret band and we nwe ia texg B^c^^ M^»»l»8i^i» tot her^ i» »om» ©1 "Vr boyn yho pUy1»d 11i^h J^* BNP ih^ t -^] NI<»ilU«« « 4^<] AX3. rWit» <© iRighi ^aad * * [LaHoccAi] Hnr^ ^oyt X we^ pXsy^ nith WMI ^may ^^g» iriplin^ Jew Gi% e^ gaitna^ ^ »A tfe^ aitrNir^ Wit aNml» ^*IE»» I ^o 10^ Nn^i^ h* nas a l»rb«p» h© pl^»d baaa^ <tNE l<?te X*tftoe^» coamei^ ihis van i&t jflyst groi^ * ^f bey» thai ^ <wer bad playa^ .»i'^h# TM» v&« in X^ng Beach, l&swiiisipp^. * V plt^d for 4<met«, ftsd ^ifftrwt othwr Affair a3?OBi^ ^^ B#&eh^ Herxderroi's 3 % m^^ Si^te ®a^ *^ imy oih<F i?3AW aXong i3^ teLf Oeaat, Comiag ^a®k io Sw Qrl^iuss "tlaat ni&t^r X joinad anotlw ©xitfit, i^er® 2 pX&yd -with Je. Tujopw l^iir T-*W^-6»n«l}, wiio p3*snd g^tar. AAa tujagw play»d baw, ttyoa^« f^iee pl»^»d impHnji M»]Eiry Tomg aXno pUyed -yiolin^ Sleic LaRocoa, <wn«i* TMtt ^o^ ^Uyd IJR th» Xri^h CEhanneX* We^X^ 1by ihia tia< my ryim* h»d b«n Nnaim t^1t X M<^ a ^n* »»fti<$iaa^ X cloa*t si^ X ^as goodji Wfc th<jy knii ^feay eoald g^t ar foy ^We i.nd l ets leaothsr groi^ at f»U^a X play»<l «ith» IMs is b»@te ®> icsm <^ag ^r s^^o »«!tion van Bu»« B*yv^, baw, H«nry Toung, riolin^ Ji»Bi» %la^hji ir^ WIK tt Kt^l^^iber to Urry Sfei»lds» He pXa^ gui-Uy, ? Mi@k X^QCGQ. e^F&»t» X pX&3r»d with tnot&er <r^p, down-fccnm^ Su»u SAyw»^ guiUr^ Itillie Oiaiisy^ ^wm^ Barry Mmiw (vh^Nier this boy ia rel&i^ "to iXcide NyReai or not X d@nH knew} lm^ X played id-th 1M« buneh in ^h<i dcw&toim section, ^ V3sfcat3 ^.IXn '^s^ iiaeirmenifl did i^y pl*^ X ^id^ti get that, < 6 XXOK MQGGA Real x Nsy n^ 1^8 i&tea*! tou ^^^ g^ i^? ^»XX» 2tU UXX yo%» 3u»u Sayai^ played g^iar, miie <Nii»r pl»y.e4 ba»», Barry Km^ played vioUn, »ad I played the QOOTx^t* down ^ ..A il ^. .A' / \ .^ \ / W» play4 in t^ dcfwntotm iwitloii, ihai is vay^Xow Sl^Uc fields Av^iue, Mow this i$ in 190^ (03^ <^d ^ wad »0^ ao, X wwt sh^d of n^ ^ateaient., » (^ and *0^ <u^ .^^ t^ ^^ ¥rMwn l?aad XplayiidNith a boy fta^ed Qwgi --N T<3XW..t<i »ba-» ^<^^ ^^1 ^^< ££nn£^f .^ <^^ tfei» boy eeUa ioe csr«am f^>- wrwrsd -feb* strKrfee iwSay, T3,^M»^ a^ Kiefe M^<m» TMt ^ot^ aisd iOl t^ abm gro^n mo ®a33Ad 1^6 ^MWji no w^tt an^ nfew ^h» y^^)aNmts ran ®^, they »n Mi^petr^ on< by oai. In X918 tl90fa?] X twe^ wy om b«nd» a^tsg brasa and clxrinet* X vae y-. t mmM ^ lota^of 5®^ laihouph I r»e«iv^| 1 / * tws j»ec^Mi W«>] teaw ai»^ i»afe<4 aw» ^o p>lfty f^ notbing .. X \/ had <toe WjTorn, Xi na« here iNrt I »^&rUd tatd^ <m^id<? j^^«* ^ »^&<^ttd jobs «ith Mil Otllaty ^--Qi-" t^.. . ^^ ^,, B,^^ ^^ ^ . ^ <,. ^ ^, ," ^^ v»» aia Xri«te CEN^iX <yougp* X» b»tw&«i tosB X playsd ih» ^ietmte tthow, X f^U<im<i ifetsws X hlre4 aiy^^lf oat 'to play aood »wio» Asd it «as hey that X atarfc puitisg th^e pi«c^ i^gether, fl^ faavin' SOTTT ©&e take <^B domi in noUtion, Tfe® ortgl^l »e^^8<sript6 I »tiU ba^e iod^y and X }iftv doc^^t» U prwa, aoi only ^EW leitw, tert fiE*^i »ff»davitrS, (At .lt^,|'n|^ftt^ ymwi* 3 Ek,.:^y%^^ r^ftd ih» JTeUowlng dewwrrfci] IIArfadavit* Stef of, yarfh of QI.IWRS. BeforB w, Bartd I.. Hwam, tt» aadwtga.d *%ili Emy « Soiary rgbHe diOy <s^Xified a^ai <^a^lp»lon»d in *ad £^ ^e ?l«ri8jb of Orlmi^ Biate of Irf>ulai<t8<i, ^rs^naXly oam» a^t iwean-ed Mrs» AUce ^.erQ, a fwal. pcr^E^ w^ i^i ago ^f minority end fall ^1X ^own mto me, N©1^7 rubUc, irho first being diOy worn, diecl&sed emd said ss r^n^K»» That (i^onit vas yl3. * 7 arxox I^ROCGA 1WL X n»y n^ i^se geqm^nt^irUh and faa® jx^-eonaUy ^ncmn far mora Ux&a iM«nity^f3lyt ywtr» ^a^ ^ \ \ ^t J# URocca who r»si4e» in the olty o^ Mm OrUanfi, Sta^ of Louisiana, -^ tb<A ^^armt i» »n <»rgani<3t fey prot^^ioa and <lwiag ^h» of tiae f3?<m L t9^k ^ W^ ft dwm @a p^p^r Tiyri^us ec^o@l,iion» o3?igiRSttecl 1bgr t&0 .aid /-- Xiofti&i >. - tTigT ^&g^t "feha^ the «<^4 Beffli^M^f t^ Mtoeoa erlgjja*i<4 »ad pl»y®^ the f^wWl<W*, amoag «M^ ceapo^itiona ws tfee tt^>«r ^re»enily tema ^ afowwBUoned as»few> by w^ not Imswing th» reateg amd vriting ©f msi® >n^ wmXd eUfew play on N.<» eoam^t <fV ^M thn ae^tioaa^ nus^w to ^cment^ ihat ^ \ 4* ^ »/r s>- on -fche oceaalan nfe^R tht »aid ^oninie^ ^, UHocca flr»t played Tig^r Bag* 1$ a<poassmt i^ .»&^ ^h» first tlwe th»i d^p<m<m^ bBd wflr b»*rd »afif, and thww^xm ^r r#d^e<d WSSQ t^ Kriiingj thai ^e^tmen^ h&js &Xwty8 oonsidt^r^ tir aforersentionttd s.^* X. Doataio/X'W^a .< th* ^»posw .nd eriginator of tfa<i .ong. srwoUy taom a» «ad ^tita^d »Tig»r S»g*» SHgaNl, »&r8* Alio» Xlwn^ aw?m -bo and ii^#orilKd to Wosm m tUa tw^Xfyx ^<ky of ^im»> 1940» ^>vi^. I'* H^%»ftB^ Mo^ry ^ulbljle»n [URoccaiJ »<nr yon w^i^ U »>k: aa *lxm^ th» ffia^ ih»t pUyd in MX1 0<OX&ty<« band? thlB man ooald tenv b»<^ eroimd ii^r ^^ if ha wa» U'vi^ today^ a»srb» a y»<r or ^wo oMer ^han ar» H« a»y U -fehe fttiiar of «^sk» ©f itweo G<ai&"fcy boy playi^ arowtid t^day* Tte*^ X ^att too» beeftuse X have aey^ «tt any ^f ihw u bo^s» s^ ^oy pX*y®4 ia ^h» 4<»mtmm »<»eiAon^ MIX OaXlttty was .feh® Xetadcr QT L. W ^.th^toMd, «nd tt* play^ wl7« tre»ib(»«. Th.y had a boy by to« {j twO ih» name of Wa/2 4on»i toicw M» righ^ rw^ clayed dnaaa^ BaUXin^ler pX&yed th® \ i|W^ taps ^olin» and ^ felXa by ^fee WRe ofjbi^ nhay-plAyad elaapinei and, X plsyfld the ^@rR ?t* X ^oU<md a boy in there by iha n&m of P^iBfewm? oy sosiething li)i» <m thai order ^10 play^l ni^h NUa ^rlor to m® Goxing into M© taaiid^ iteat i» I 8 MGK XAHOOOA Heel I SS»y ^ 19^ X to^k odd ^obtf Kitfe hla, I wa<ntt a regular mwiber or <®iy ^iffid bewiee in SOayo^ m ibe pl<^ur» sfaw« 2)iy^ig X912, tlb, or «a3 X played on ih^ ^Mur* t. ahcws* 2 played osn ife* J, S, «xwioi& boat, X va* biyd there as ^ctya sum and X ^Swi^ the l^t» l^als BXt»<i,n thm fenewa to »c at* **^©go Blse»,<* vithc^ the M<Nlc <Hr»ln in it, Aftd X had pla^red bl^e» »ixdXar to thai before 2 Ter feeiffd tht NSi# Xo^i» Slne»»al Xn wy w3y ^raiaing at eohooX^ ^ t^® cXosi?^ oaEnro^ee ifee^- had a ntaa&er ^ey <s&U«i **T)3» Olty,11 WeU X h»d X^^n<»d iM» nmber «^ during the-» ?» ^seollA was -the wn ^o ta^xt u< ^cw to g$ through OWE- MttXe parts in ^i» ^la^teid tiia 1^$^ ^ro^ w .ix^ag it, 2 way in tfe« b»ek singiixg^ and 2 vs contra-melody »Btte«BMdb«Jbr on m» ^m^y ^id ^ eall<^ m» out in ^.<mi <u3d .«y I 'm^ yem io ^jsg ifejK, A^d 1 ^ oyi tAi^^ and X had rfc*g< f^ighi, and Z ccRildteH si^ ^ ^3i»g, X 00^,dn*t rww^w nhat X dia> ^ui b» ihongN; X did M»W^s grwt that it »oul4 9wd go<sd if X w£td ^a» ©^ in ^ fmii ^ do it, 3?©« tb»t»^ 1^»t ^oyd conatgrwti^ is &ot ^eir^i AjE^l^a* Thai i^, tfee eh^rd <y9wfcra<?il©n .h(»^en<^ is tha chord <i<maitru<sMo& o^ all th< Uu^, x*u give ^a an i^a ^f ^n it goe» a)3d let ifa» negroeB ^ let tfeast <^iii^ ^E^y jw X was gtexg t© »ay s^aetMng ifast»» veapy bad <Ksd X juai ir^rfc to ^orreei ^ Ut, tlw nhit» »cn ^faat ^^ so o^h about tMs msie 1w it io pieow, {Sin^> lme»w^« a^jii aln^ng hw^tne ^Hoftgama, In th^ m.^»st,»] ^^n itn e^ ttei^ ipfeorfc 1^^i2»e if 1 played this amemget vter» X va« X KSS dmgraei^g ife^ actoA »d tee Holy Scrtptw that I toougat. I played tUs pi»ee taeat .tag. wiatiesa emd so ^^ .in^s &^in# aromd th< s&m» ausica^ tteme]. Then eom^ the otto bXw ifa»t X played <ma a'myon< ^f ttiem wilX fii ifeai ehor<i, and not 9 NXOK lAKGG^ H*el I M»y 21, X9$8 on* of t®ts ^mti<wwr f^si AWiea Xllce they a&y .ifaia Tb^ut eti©r^ eoaatmGtic® OKEse &tQm* Xt va« oaiae%fl<tg<»4 Ufee X did &U »gr Biuifecrs* Mh@a X played a imr J/ if I pX&jwt th^ aN»lo4y, and nhw «e 6<^^ dc^n io ^At MO e»U tho "la-^^wn** '» 'b*osw3^ of the fXngTing "beeoiw too dlf^SE^tt io HB ©» the oornet, X eouXdnti pla7 ^^ meXo4y <K!^ £1^ ii in ^ aa^ pUfit, Eot b^ag a v^r weaUle msicina^ 2 had io Jfalf nfaftt<ivtr X cottM GO^K ie jgy car, thai X knowed 'vwoSjSi cone wsy Hitb ay f3jttg«(T»* S^a^e * fsto^ ^ hna fei< HBgara asd hi@ »i»d ijaftt ^0^ydinni-» Xm? aoy- <y^nsr iw^» ^hst I <?omp^»ed »r« th» .uw Nay» tb» Xa$^ ^art of ih» t(Tig«y tst&* is n^Mrig Imt ^oim PhiUp ^&tt<w»s ^&rc&* [ainga .t .nd ^U ?b«i Tigw»<l» iifettrt 43t4 X g»t tbai »uggeeti<m1? *?alw tilt » < Ugi part of the .thing iM<?h is ioo EBa^x for ew i& tfao ^iisgwrlng aaotd I »ity»» »<ar tBr h^U ^.^ th» d<priX ^tfa ii"*^ aMh^w^H^ w ^N1 hoam X begRXi io .ay ^ neUL lfcbfttt» goo4^ a fakw tfe&t ^oa OonH k&ow hew io play* X rd» E^^ml* »G«f» 8BoU Thai Tiger** p<rt<] Th»t»8 not laiftgre »wie, ^fe»t»» v^ic w<a ausic, ?b»a t^<y eymei»« ae, tey* X hav« it. hir^ in .feh# r*c©rd» wh«r$ I got ii» Sotf vetlX Ufe» ibt tt¥ttdgwty y<wt,*1 taeft-fc iairodueii^^ about f®wr )^W throuL^ ^rets^<sa» gXis*] N»XX^ i^^i vould that yai»d y®u of? [AU*n»3 t&^l t.^iU W* [L»Roccft»3 T^<»* nmtt iroa^dn1! know, NEt It» th» aian iiho ^<?^poa<d it-w"£ )mCTi« In s^- early day «'fcen X(<i b«r ih» drta?wi, go da, da tgivec r^XX off Q£ bras» a ICM^] that is ^hat. the rMytha of tfaat ^&tr<KiQ®tl-ca» Ko» w^ eom@ to tNt oth«r \, ^gri, in thai «OwrgU,< Warn fro» tht chord eon»truotio» of -Uw tt&^rgia Qwigp \ ^ \ T^^ in* w^,*^ 'VT * l»ta<» iM» song ]» and »o on, 5fcw if youtXX listen good io thi» h@r6 «Moh i« » Biff^pent, ^i^fereni rfayttea l<mi .logs **yidg^ty ?ee-t*n] Xt<» T ih< aim old ttme but ba?ofe»& dewa Uk® vh<& I us^d -to ge to ibe diffopent 10 SXCM XA^OCGA He^l 1 May a^ 19$8 ^bnwt^rs ss^ »w thdfta feXUa in Jigtiflm» That vfis »i«a»tiBg, ih&t<s %h^re ihe id«w go* ife»i AraK* ^.^1 to-»*^a rua^Xay » t®i8^*ad*^<top ti^®^ i^ ot^y + m?ds^ tfc»y u«td to <io that An the old mitoriXXt acta, Ktw^th^i Xs t^ saaw coax l[»i®feiw«]» NEfe tte« ^^y la»i ^^rt thai ie (±S.rf*r<snt i» n^ oim, [Sing» tyi^J X aay h»v» he*rd th*i »c«M>Kfe^ye, *8d Mte0 a f»Ie»ap^ i^ cam<i io ^F ralnd, tb« tiwmd^ X donlt im<n» i^<ye X feaard it.^ ^r 1 nay hav coaipwd i-fc^ X doatt knov> feat feeing a ^k«p» o^ dtc%»i let mym» eXr t^XX sroi^ yon ean hwy a tldag twUy, It iry not WM to ?w aAad, °n. ywr, .lx ynw, ftew months, iNm »o»th<^ nvei WJ^ you imcw yout3tl b« ^ it Kid y&Er fiag«r» .t. IT .U fSnM late th»t whai you h^KFd, T^% donft ksoy iiln^e y&tt»iy g<it it« B&i ?^utr» t*Xa3?ina it, Utif <s«Mlng ^p^i your Ixxty, T<m pu^iing U yim teiemr ^tii» not 'fe^> 0^ttr »an t^At y®% ^tsrd ifei< ^^ag ff^, non i'fet» 3^ar inttfr- pr«Ution, thaset Uk* fl^ gr-t bs^ l^aa<y«, tbey feftv^ tfffwr nany ^(^T} lii» in ep<ira* They Nnw »^i tb»i Xee4 a^ oefa Ban l^ds bin diyfciE^iiye fft^le «r »ouX U it* Xn w- fe»nd ^«y h*3 ^Oy <me M^el^d ^^z b^dj^ there nas so name b»ad®, »MU o>r negro, feefor® it< They *n ca<e »n»r, Th«y say the^ Od, tmfe 2 pr^vd <iiff<9?ft&t^ ^fe<m vi ogen^d tt ^^»«iEm»^w<» en Smos^ -fcbe fin-n^ K» n^re l^i M^w Yoapk Wf<ar» tbm bwefru»» ve had to feav in tuxedoa * ^»f<5<re tw ^oaX4 <^<e «^ & ^ir»i GX»»$ c%fe^ a^t a^it«# We wiui caaing <mfc of a 44.V aad ^odjag int^ ^a of it» moyfe ^tidio^? &a^ thn l*rgi»ri pln<;e in ^w T©rk» HF» WWE^ iiae grNitwt ..naBtlon ®wer felt Bro*dvay 1^ fifty years* When ¥< <®riv»d UMET^ Byott^ay wa» blAck i^th negro wi^iasi^ ragti»^<^* Aft^r oir 8ennaii<m crated amd tfe»y found ^at w ospw f^m NQK OrX<anB they e«ni ag«Rt» < dcnm }we to g»i b»Rd»» Tbe flyat Iwid that cane io Xaw York, Whoever»e Urtw" T lag t© »» Z a0k yoix for faimest ^o Xoolc ^ itee papers, oei go by MsyshalX 8t^»ra<c n Wt UBOOO& R»el X N»y a, 1958 U.p B«rvic^ or Br» B^Gb<m<» Up serriee^ birfc leefe ^ th«s< thju^gs thai 1 tfla.X y<m, and you viU fenw t^ai ^h^y faav^ told mtiretfaa abosi this mM^U^ Ja»» ^ T Bond* They ess&^ ^h® »g<ni» eiwe to New Orl&ana and .eewred t^e e^rvice of th» Original Greole Sasd tlx»n eaXlitt4 B^gtl^e, t^^r pl&yd ai ^lufe BoXordin* at $0th and Br^a<iway* Th«y opened thwa ws. Mfcreh .UMI tix^h. Toia 3P<Mftd the MCN Torlc STch the toih lyad »ev«x^h ^f 1^X7» Th»y warii^d far tteft J»*n ^saXled Gliffcird IWb or 4*ok W^N) <md hi» ^arfcaw?, A ^aneing »^fc, T1&»y »l0p SCOT th® patront of Itoi pl»c<, toy discing aaauil^, They w^p(t m»^©efafyl* They p3ay»d rAgtifflH anyd.o, fo^Ac^rcs ?fa»7 WR"* 01^ 5^ X»<« i^ua iw& v^^lea, th<»y Drwi into PXwtftgSr ti- [» 'walw^Xle eireui^]* Xf ^-oa Xoote i^ 3Ln ©i^wi^r of t^a ^»r^<fl-Y y&n lAU ^x^ tNtt ttiey haT* an «^tt?ti»»nent in t^rre <md ^h^y e<01 tfea'a-Xvw iht Sivasi xaing® of Sagtiaw, MU ^ohn»<m# amaaage^ i^d ih»y feav« »n Aien^ thore, X caa't r«aeaber .the ag n<fet«, t^sSK Symmn Ag<^^f* 1^* %r!<l^»yiy X ^m^ yoa riMtd Into ^M^ i<^>e ^%i ^^Ifl^y. Mar^h ^he ^«n^ ^1?» h^ to »ay is r<sg*3^ to this a^l^ at ifei» iiw, tM^ m^^ned to be great creoX» b»nd, n<^o band jRron X«w Orl»<m», i^iich waa tiie ftrs^ »#^?o "foftnd io eome to H^i Twlc^ Wi» pl»yisg» AU righi^ Itr, tIyqutes<OE^» y^a^ it» to ipter^ yeaa»x3 ^a»^ la mor» and ^oy po-fcuit and UB&Bg 1,ht c&tearsii attra^iicmft* ^tnglKpy ttprifig?) %u»U ia nh&t the ^aacers vnt and it ofZ^i i» looked fer by tNxi« 1^o do saei ^ss'?e»» A gro^ of wn the oUw eveaaiag, tach lenowing orly too 'w^.l an the s%b&Tet» of §<w Torle^ dieldad the Iwst rerfcammt orehBctnw iia tht ei'fcy are ^eei^®Et<», Bwly<», and the T^teiio* T}ie»< orehas'fcyas ge-fc n<»ar«" i® X»gitiaaaU JSUR% fituff thftn a®y of the otiie^ s* Th^ gtmint ja^z bftiida »i Ml»«8webT^s^ ^GweTer^ aotw^^^ta&dlng ihe sober G^pinioa of it, ar^peay to >ae drawing NisiseB* -^her^* I*»U in ifee aio»T»i3E^ the jaa^er^ go to ifork a^d ih® dane^s Mi tb<» floor to remajba there un-fciX they -fcepr-le ovor^ if 12 MXC^: UBOCGA x ^&y ^» ~^^ tb» band ke^s ^* placing, Xi Xe*V6s no qmticm ^i what they li^e to dano» io thai. felnd of im^ic, *nd it i^ a teind, If the ^tew» ee< aomose they knmr / >. at U^ .tsUee, ii(s cowson io h»ar^ <f0h^ boy8, aa they roll iheir ^y©® nhile nosiing paat, »nd ih^ "Oh, boy»<* oqpresslan 3pr<sA»biy d^crib^i i&e ^a bimd msU better ^w a^Mjag aia. eoAi»« ENteAt} K<^* ^ ^^< »egro«» m» eo <grwii <u^ tfcey .aid th^y cme to law Torlc Wore sr, er w^r ®thw bAi3d$ tliai (^ie ^ere, tb<y never nas neiiced and -UwS.r msie ®ou34n>t. ^w feewa sRy 4Uf^wt ib»n th<^ v«re pUy&»& «iyi^^tB .!». i& the iwM, fe^t, they &otio»d th« Mxl&X&nd ^a»e Ba»4» We .tood out, we mdt Mstery* [Vo pla^d record?] Wt»re ao^ c@sly t^ ^i^^^^i^ bui Wls r^<a^» ^»t we X^ft f^ po^fcwity, & v»s- ef pla^Uig that h*8 BWW b»*n proved ^ ^ <tM» d&y* The wiy w pXftred vas ia ^E^ fer%» Any r<a^d that you pi^k ^ ^ ^ ^ , [BeeX X^ emH,] X teo<»r 3^thiat a^out m»i^ X<» ^w?t tn ignorant »&h^Xar of m»ic^ Wfc X want to too awsy ^SMW, a^Kra pX&ee» ir^ey X eould hftsr gooa maie^ ax^ X tee bo» ^^- played b^fegt^u^ a^tya^^ody and 4i^^^ irlo<B<« against w aaothar. 1 UT^ it .t th, Fm»h ^T. ^n I »or!»d dow tew. l^atog > XigteiN vhaK I J^»t a a«re ^oy» X ^ouM »e© ®aa pws^n »ia<|iag one iim# ^d aso^xer <me Mng^ *^n»t ii» i^wfeh^ ii w $oatya-wsX<^y w no-fe^ bt^ tiy^ iyess^d ws «aeh, and ^ later ye»r< vh«n X ino®a^or&^»d tj^at., nhat we i^d vw ootbAag fo^Efe ^oEv^#aii<m of in»t^tin^^»# Tou Ufee "?&. Uvery SU^le Blu©»,<* rey in$Un^, I »sy 1$ ifoe ei&rinet ^» de d& da da< Olartoei ancver a», i^©dlw>d^o» U '^0. Mst«n U tfc«a tbree of thaia distinct mel<KH^», fa^e ihe tyc^bont *psrt and youtlX h^ve a melody, tate» tfai^ oXarinei, you»U ^are a melody, tafee the eomet, y&utll hav< a ^loay^ 8^4 Ui^y»ye thre<t <li»ilnet melodias ^orkj^ng together, -» » u rox UBOCOA R»el 1 Hay &, l9§8 Tbat i« v^ thty hsvo TWW fe^yi o^t h«w nolsedy .ls< eo^Xd wrer play tha nay » \ we pU7»a bee»%s» ^ey dAjdn't tisve tiifi idea or the nete^ Are you finiahectT tetetl ^ruat *^»^ww^»»*X^i g^>ing i^ anm ii off, tnd if &eel X May ti» 19 f ^ ^ WXCK USOOGA ^TM?X3^S / »»y a> l9$8< Kfi n -» Ua^t m§ 0<m»UR ® atr<^, Sir ^lewa»^ 2.o^isiana ^^ Voicwt Soalaiejt ^&afe» <Hicfc) BArbbolcnuenr (SwNy) XiiBmsni Si^^d B* ixXflai xii^iib Triirt %-^h*3rt. ^ 1 15 uioic USQQCA Roel M(^ a, 19% [lick Xn inB the Mw Qrle^» pspw and ifoe Tljgu^j^jreae u»* Tfa»y »ay tMat w vwe not frora Kw Orleana, ru aak ?fe.» ^rquhart to rea4 thin *^a»s and <?»asl^« wfai<;h i? an ediiorlaX that app»sr»d in the M^? Orlea^a lsW1^e ^9 ^W 2G» 1^@» ". Urquhart, would you please read that? y >. n » IS®ha^, y^tt] ^m »nd ^aaarm. Why ie the Jaas iwwio^ and, therefore, ihe ^a»s band? Ae -wxx a*k nhy is 1Ae diw n^eX or g??iww^^.pplng deugbnnt? AXI f ih« ms^fe?Utl<w ar» a low »tr<wk j^ ma»s taatw ttmi has not yet GCBtte oiifc in c5^i:U5E»i3,oa»s wash, 3Wo^d, one aiight go farfeher^ »nd s^ i^i j»as msie i» » indecaayfc sto^y ays^<?jp»t^ and ooimterpointwl, U.^ the l^y<^w anecdt^^ <0»o. In UB youth, it <&» Ustwtd to bluaMngXy ls^a4 el^s^d doo(r« and dyiam c^rt&in^ but like all yiee, ii ^reir bolder tmUl it dar<^ dccwt mzrro^dings, mid v&s t<a<r»t#<l bws»us» of its o^ity * "»e utmaUy thtok of p^pl. .s ly^ M^I or a««awie<l, as if th^., we . »3^1© Mna »«p»yating t»e ^^ai cl^m. The f»Gi i«, hoN«v«r, tfcat tfeOT are my mntions in ih< bewpe of th® sw, Ttw i», nrst, the gr^t a0<i<ably NtH o§&lo<3y-^i?hw» iKwt ef m talr war sw^s ai »oa» Ume is cmr Uve*^»i^.t a 1-ftr isaateer pA&» <^ i<t tew Wtti^iuayie® of har^my^ ^sr» thn mXodic t^uenc», the »txm«» .» ii most I^quenUy i» eall^ ha» inOnlteXy Uss inier^si than ^he bX^din|g of not^ into ehord», .Q [thntjthe oo-ifeining of wreX<aagths «m give nw aeat^tie s^»*ti6H», Tfcf ioner core ef fear^ony i» »A@y« n»arl,r <11 tfe» iyuly great music in mjoy»d* «Xn the houw there is» ho»»yer, anoth^p ^>ttrfc?rwit, py^>«?^r apeiikiag, doim ^ ^& bssetaant^ a ida^ of »emmi»* hAll ©f rhytim, 1^ in there 1tfn hewr -fch. Q£ the Xndl»R dauce, the throb of ifee Oriental twi&ourines and keitle toxm»» the it oUUesr of ih» elc^»^ th^ eUefe [slAvio?] of h^els, l,he ihw^ty<-t®^ty ^f-^r^k hum u KXOK XABOCC& Bfl XX Hay n^ 19^ et tbe n<gro baa^lOji and, i-n fa^t^ tfae natiT» daacir of » worXd, Alth^^x o<ss»tonly Aaeociaitd with »»lody^ and l^aa orfc4» .with hlEraaayy »Xso^ y^yfcltoa i^ no^ n^e»*arlXy «a*ie, aad h» 1»fao lorves io k-p Ume to 'fcfce pulse of the Wchewtml pwforaanc* by patting fe^ fo^i tep^a 1*fe» ^h-^<r floor i» not 3EXwws«rily a ausic lo^w, T^ ta^a«od<xr»i»ts ta e^»»^i<m go ^o Uyt as ^o 3?r<m<roe<i W»^ ^<m r^yt&m^ laid »i » oiait the jp»tp«>dleutw Mn- <m th»ir bar» of vritten aiucic, ao tshat ih* riafk of a m©!Bote^oa« pix3Aaiio& in dwe Away wildi, t*ProaIa»^Xy, is the baamttit- h»ll o^ rhyths, i« fowad rag^time^ and of tN?»< most dwroittd te flBlt $f th* i^pl»$»d a^c<Rt, th<re has d«v«3lop*d a fcTOtherhm>d ^t ihos» wli@, dtvoid of Ma^Kmi<s and .v»n ^f awXo^ie infl^lne^, lov .fco fairly WfcUcw la noise, <^B csrUla n»fcw aound ^o^dt »6d ^fiaiaagle^K hsus an aoceiii^ alnu&si an intcaidloatiag »ffest, Xike <?rixd» oolers WE^ atroag pi»r^»»a S.OL.dt # c. t.fee i^hi &ft U^h w tb» -w^^e plwm? In b^^. To e^fa *. th«se ^r ^tW aaiKie is a d^Qtighi^ and * danco to the yssUble bray of ths »aelcW> give« a »en»ual dfiUghi nore 5 iii|te^is» aa^ quit» different £p<?a itee Xaageur Qf ife» Vieartw waits w tb« wflnsd smtlaeal; «Bd reep.rtm eK.tlofi of .ightmth ee&tyry «lnu«t« «I» th« »&tt«r ^JF ^M* ^»n»» %w Orl » i» p^iicnlarly int«rBSied^ aiac» it has W«n wl ^y w^g<i»t»d that this parUc^Ur forsi of miaical vice had it» birUi ^ iMe eity^M^thai it <s»%®, in faet^ £rom 4oubtjTul surroundiaga i% ®^E» «I BS» W@ do not recognize ih< honor of parwiihood, 'but[vith .uch a oi3 ula'fcia&, it bahooves wi to be last ]to »ocepi ih^ &troeity in p&liie ^o^tety, .nd vher^ it has ers?pt in w^ sheuld make it a point of ciTie h<mor io St^presa Xt* Its m^leal .v»X%& i< nil, and its poasSMXUies of hsirm are gre»t«« .t ^. I is h 17 WB: UBOGCA B0»X XI H^t 23^ X9$8 Uyi^&t] Wi»U» yoa C»FI j|@^ fir »n ihw nbat fl» p»opl» teaew st ihi» time about jaas N^aie< Tb»y goft a Xoi of people Kitb lip .<rvie»^niUtRg to talfe aTE^out U^ bat ih»y w«r«nti h»r® to def^ad this mnio, (toly Kicic LaBocca vaa here^ aieidhnow about iMfs muaie* H^»t> .^» anawwn 'feo that san» arUcle* ViXl you ?!.»»« read thin i&to ^fe»t thing^ llfe^^te^ r»ad» fr^a ibe MtfK OrXeaniE ^|.^e^|^<i^%e^ Jurr ^3, 3^181 ] *lt^a»<i and ^»»»im»t Mw OrliMma, ^me ^Q^ X9X§» To th* SEditor ef tfee ti%8<i»3K^ity^x<»» iftey ear^fyUy r-ding ye^r ^it^^etifig e^liicrixX^ 1^»»® wad Jasetna» it .AWWI U js® U ^iapXay protfeimd »fe(tXl wne»^« t m %o d<»fead«r of j*»B» but I thinic yem ah^aME r^co^nia* it" for i^ai it ia i<."r fttyl^ ojT ^Xa^riag* it to !&. diM» novel IJ? 7^® niU, but R0?t to ^fee tgre»»»«-d3?ippl»g ^ugbnni,1 nhich !,. an <MKrfeh»teie . tidbit a» <(ny chef can «on<;oet» »J»s> a»y betiw 1bt c®»ii^*r»d .fco ift» dariag s-tyle IR »1dyt»^ nLi<th ar» d^axtures from «hai »&» P^cpo? * ^»H ywa ago, and »«K(tt^iim&« ditplays ibi&gn not 'bwau-feiM.* Jail, * dt^arture JftroM th* propw in .Eaaie, at&y diagpXiy tMng< set beautiful} it r«v»X$ Is close harmony and noif, A» many claasic cotyoaitiona are faU of <?Xo»^ hiurwoiay and n&iue Also, thee» thing® .teeuM not condawi jasa, *>Xoa Mnt tb^i rhy^ha $*© al^K^i foe disp*aw<d nlih, the 'bltga^ing of aoiws iiaio ©3303pd» »o that cwteini^ ww«X»Kgt£yi g3.i?» »w A»»ih»iic a^n^ations tbetn^ t auffiaj^i to ..w s bwintifuX siissi^aX struc?tm^» A» .»®ily tofe color* <wel<wa»Xy m canv» and pred^ioe be^aU^uX pieiixrew* »With<mt fttyuciwn ^d puX»^ti<m th^e is n^ W^ hu»n ih?olteing ia I n^eeaeary <mn in ih» claBsical, oth^rtse there la no app»»l to wio^on^ and id.theut 'escieUcm it beconas aotMng* OXi^aieal wrie earriet e¬ant appeal to . SXC£ UBOGQA B^eXXX ^y BI 19$8 tiK ssaotU»» by aw » of t^ throtofeing and nolae you aaeribe to j%»e« * ty&»® %usiQ msiy eaXX io ine »©n»uaX in aoiR» T-e©p2T»^ btrfe X prefer -feo ooneidar i^ mereXy the .ame *F^«»X -fc!»i m&k<w *m ir»ai to aiarch, or dan^se, W£Q <Aa^ it qoieteis ih» pul»»^ 50 one will sfly ^xe <i^wei ia th» same ^ ewy^n»# Bye eo^ ii ia an $.ff®ct t^e mstws of aa»io have siriv»n for, th<mg^ you i^iiwh it ^r oalXiR^ it yenned .tintia^at acid U^^xr ^t a Vioarurte i?<ai»#tt {aigaad] »ma ^UT»» [URocca &t] yww tfala yw ew B- h«wwU toom tola wui in Mw.Orlean*. iW4 xt^ ^»u y!&% on^ tJ'Ong* Xi dlds»t evan flgant ia Sw OyXean» »t thlg ti»»* Ko c^ pUy^ ii in Hw <^Xt<^, Th^ &^ ao J(fc^ l»iids ia Ht?tf QrXean^ 1^, ^uNiri^ would j^% read th»i ..eend XetUrT [^xdiart r^adt firoa t&w M<rw ^l«an» SSS^r. <my ^ me*] t*»aftgti««, Jw, aad ^^»iie Nuai^^ Sw Qrle»&», IA,, ^m 2^ XW» To th<i Sdii^ of -r ^o Iter?a%®?t ^ ^t no w gooa mmi» <V»B^^ r »ww^ go wi tian o^wkiQ jKsaie 1» an .amsa^d ia&te, Jr»»s tm»ntt .r^i got .duoatin W, g qualities in ii* <To admire <»:U»»ieal wasi.Q does »oi ladieato oir s.» tst^rftrrly i»t»XMgwit| U only Inaoatw yea'v got .om te1n«. fert^ do- Uk. .xtwm, totelUe<mo. wad stu4y to i^r»ei*t< opiratic »asi^» BT<^ «» »Kd gi»ai» isay acq^ir^ U»U®, but imU feae eeme doim throngM the ^iy3M»»d o^twlea a< .o^etfcing jaor^ thaa an aequired iasi^, and we donH-istudy, labwit., m^c on^ or eos^oae 8tasUs,11 fettt we do nith »ri, .Itw S«ffw»w md Bob TayW aay MTO bs.n am flddlws, bat thw.a T a ^ XXCX MLCCA Bs^t II Hay 21, W3 he&p Qt dS.f^er^xc< be^-we^ fiddX&rs and ?ioli£i»ts, fhe <Mfferwice between. BeXodj and fasr%oxiy» Zs t^fre ^ny^ Can / -there be any melody without harmony, And i©n»i &1X harmouy aa&lody? Signed* N,C,w Hl^u] All right* Start over f^r us» tPiano mi^Q played^^-^atArfcs OVKST.] ^te^3 ^13- ri^bi» SUrt. over nov^ 2i>s stated, ii»^ r»ndy, Ob, ihat vas to<» imat v*s the n&ne of th&t b^ the ^ay? tteS^^i x don(t taiosr th® aame or it# Ifs jaet soja® eb^ld@ that ca^e to «^- ^E^ and X Wtf;e teai and ii stuck -»ai-fch -is, i iffias] ^ ^^» [Nor<» plane, de^on^mtJL&iE relaUonsMp or tt^aUoaaX 3fa^Xws't and nTiger Bag^9] ina so on* That <s ^ow X got asr .fcwsxeB, mderst^d? Xt^ -b^ke the ehord oosstruction «na ycrte Is ih»©e timeg an4 B44a^ aroTOad unUl X be^^ a meloay or i^y attfi» ii^ny of ih<? iim^s Z»d take th$ co^et, tita-^e, ^cw o»eXoc^ in the mm±l.^ HhflR Z got Off a Jc^?» A tLeme would Hit in »y m^»d @ay, Uke HSIcel»ion ^BngX««*) I*d go to the p»rk in wy youth, ^ad I Ib-s&rd ^ tyne pla^d [aoai »ings txase]. And that.»» * pieo» of opOT, Mow if X <m^ play th^ Skeleton ^ i^le" for y^u in t^r® X&Ur, you irill notice tb&t ^* ohord cemair-^i^ KfiUi thft lUECflptlon of on^ ehanfc^ is iAe txmw. ^li it»jBt * diff^rQct iwlody aed it's wlced ^differcsni, it's a diff^eat arrasg^ent ^ it* Bui th< idea cone frari opera, Aiid most ftXX a^- pl«c@& o^a@ j^om Asierieas m%sie<«w<to negro msio-the msia that. ^r forafatl.wa brou.l.t to tois sowtry. ;,w I .IX g, " fyrt)w^ the instruai^Rt® the aiusxe the colored man iw are JEtefip«an» The > 10 mQK UHOCGA Htel XI Bay a, 19% tfei&gn that 0W f©ref&iher» laroughi her®, their mthod of droa, tihelr ;<tyumeriw^ h- and tfielr «mXt83 w ^ite pAopl<its ealiure< Ihxi ihn llaw OrX^ans ^®A& GX^> ', ree^nt^ put- OR a prcigTKm [*Wid9^ Wide Worl4»t> TV ehow] e^ (m -fehis boat SSs Jkre)i^.dniat3* n^d on ihi< boat ws ^h* lcmrfc dcwa th^ I could ever hgiv htard* They had Ms»i« W.9^ ainging on the baai ^lich I fencar jin ny d<^ no negroes <ang or pl&yttd on iM» l^&t» Ai^i -fchjoy had negroe» and i^ii-Mit 'ateieh waa afalnc"i tht ouAtsnk of tl-e ^©ut&, tou may think ihai Xta ^reju^ie^d againai the n^ro^ ba-t X(» »<yt< X ^»^1 &s gffitefe for him we X f^l for JN3?»eXf or aay nMU p<aEl»<a!i, tewfe X ^mH believe in g^tng ^« tr^po credit f(Kr |to%»thing ^tiai he di^i<i do* » B^wuse X w * oa^ptRtey ea^ t iaughi »^y ef tfe^a ifee^ ir«d®«, aifad if you ear» Xtll go to M f«?r<ni hou»»a land pi©k <%a e%t t^r y<m* And le^ thea aegrofa t«Xl ^ Ki .ufowi X U^hi ^heiR ^eir -fcrw^a* I va^itt against ih< xiegroes, T^my iwe Muaftn bftlngs Mtee ae* Tho only Udag I ixad iti ay n|nd Wi» agalxyBt miMng* Koir W^s loorlngs in »8gr<a(atiCTa» ^eoplt iblBle ^feai X>a h*r4^ but if Ood %^»ii hia to 5$ whiter or »»Ant a»iy oih«r p^opXi? to be diff«r»i&^, fee «o^M hw i7»4< u» aXX <m» ^^lor» H» i»ouX^ntt ^»v® variety of Mrd»» horc-, and aaFs3^»X»* Thi» i» plMn oo^im<m »«nee ia3Mng* Xta not aa .dueattd aukn, but t.Ms eant-fc voric» Wj^ii ih$ytre irying to fore® dowa -^e ^ottth irod ibai<» ntoAt Nitrtth»U Stea2*n»' Xtiter h^® ^id* X3C 3^u rft»d Ma Xe^tea^ he «<tfflit<i -te »e in a lyfc-fcer t!mt ^r <L reason vfay h» elate^^aied CTa the Xiare v&s beeauee I di^ntt give ii^ eolor^d man a Nleat£» Mow, hay was J io give the eoXor^d »<m a ^.ftk-t Bot faavlag a^eociattd niih him^ s&i laaowtn^ ^oXore^ men, no-t hailing played jnuaic wiih t©?i, hoir WAa X to giy -U^ise <i<?Xor»d a & ^e&k? I eoul<3n>t evfl® give itself a br^k^ I h^d to m&tca -fchat l^^aJI* X*ett» go b&^k io iMs Tlifteft^iee^nms to floet, out eepase I 21 TOK XMQGOA B#el XX Way 21, 19$8 $et ihi» tagpe aXl awod ^, Xta wy ahoad of B^T <ioyy ^^e» W-^tt] That'? »U rigfo^, wtXl changt it womd, don»t iiOT-y. if [LaRoccat] And have you read iioreething isaiai etfear p^Ofple have to say about ^a»s ia N W Or3,eftne« If tla«&» people jLn Neir Orlewra^ were wo. ^fe» spot <md they »ay ihi» au^ic v&e a ctlff^nmi »^U, 1^0 are ^hese p»opX^ Ui^s» ^ortbem cayp^t^gg^ra to WRO and «»y that t^ift n^g^o ¥)Xay^ "fchijl music whfta be ^i4n>t pl&y it» bwsawr iJF ii oeisUd is Xew OrX^iBis XtM e«rt<^in thest pt<npl* h<re ifo^ld h^cye kncwx afeo^fc it, Oo afa<»d aa^ r^d, ^t* l^tqnbart* (W^t y^» Ssw iht »^ Orlw £^<?»^^^m<?» ^Oy 8» m8t} »»aagtim», < Jas«, asd C^ratio Mu»to,t S^mr hE((Xemxs> l.o%i»i^fta^ Jtt&e 29» 1^X8» ?o .Ui^ Sd^ter A /f of the ^lyy^Pi^R^mf* ^r re»peoi« -fco 9«B»P* In iodayt» W«r In Ms let^T oaa ^Bftgtinr^ J-s, atid C^»r»iie Ma^t^*1 Me te5.t» th^ n&il aa %h^ fe®^!, Vh^Ei<rvw . iXB-aon AwifB to pwtwd to w eultw wd i?Bnn«» t thu his neighfeor, be take* a n^g &t n^Rieyar ^M» »... ef follai ^njoy^ 'b» it ya^Uaie^ ^%»», ^oiigUB ^airlwia^ ewsiis »^ppXm«st»^ /p<a^^lsr nov»3^, w <fv^ 4o%gteBttte» On .d$oimt of .fefoe na^ ^^iy ^1^ itho g»t ^b^tr ideas J&PO® a >^end band ®t©any, hav^ pretiidtd U b» too cyMur^d to a^oy lr<kgtisi»«* X nndTstaiad s«^<MEtaX »Ksier» of ®»»ie teav w^d ^ys&c^ation is t<h»ir iwteittedl^ cl»s»ic»l cr^Uonc, Tht^e is ncyfching 'S ^a the yule» of hTaw^^ er the acrfc stiaidardfi of eXafi»ie»l am$ie to so^eem IX'agtlme< that po»se<ss<» »wit attd ^ndividuala.iy^ and ie not aereXy a loud .f tenqpiBg in Ir&kua time of som» t»r»$j^y popular tysa^ .. tt0a$ eminwt authority on Ntriaony and eoanterpoini givn to a c^rialn Xw Terk o©s^>©se3? credit for »b»oXat» <eoyre<;i&<i«® is feia ^oa^o8ltio^»{ this cc^ioser A ha» a national y^xi&ii^n of yw »* yfc&nding^ and hB» o^B^MKd i^iny trag-t^»< e <t&CTpe«liioas . 22 MXOK XfMKWA a^i xx May 34 S^SB W the «ffwt of this «©->©all»d e2.%»ifi^tt2. nueU is so ^pXiffeing, S^maay woulEt be »e Ae»^i^3.c mad eX<ry»t<4 a ^oontry &. <me eonXd find, T^ey haTe b-n nwiWKi «&d eoctdXid <m tfee norfc approry®el ansleal MU»^ *od .uccewi^d In pedldling » their cultixy® i® ^h» r«»t of itie n^rlfS, and X invite yo^ to fl^d any real oWw in thm* Th<y h»d ao 'r»gfeiatt< w »JAS^ to d»gr*d» ^^ but vh«n iha i^» c»»e * .t ^h< ihln 7«ae<r of eun%re sM poMsh er&ofeed And peeXed^ *n<t ahcw^d the s&^» old bru-fc^ b<n»»tb* ^t^ us be a» int^Ueeiiaal .d possible, but ^hia IX-»aab«feoXitr»ihan-tho^t »W^y4e au^cea IN« w»dl<r «faAt<a w?^ng»* «^oow li^S^St] Ta ^ .^©tfe^r ^ae htre$ jisa^ t»kt your ttme i»i^h ii» lffte<l A3^ i^^i^ we»U top ^fe» »cMin. » l^p^H^ r»ed» ^cw Kw OrXoana Ti^gt, , d?xitly4» X918l3 llt^»Bs< and .R«etl»..» a- o^-n», tey a, Zf^ To toe Witw »f to, Sjaa.^aZBai* w» Kbo said .a^a^ii'wf X^ i» a ni^hty poor d»f<m*» U ^r io 1^b^ An ifiao®<nt flttr&agwr in th<i jfa^y, <g»gt^»< iBsS .jAfim1 ar^ two diffw^at things, ftnd the argn-n^ 3^» afe&^t 'jwi»ia.< «Who said ep«rat »311a"e» »%feen ^obaay Conws Mar^t©g Ho%®» to oar d*yff v oould ^Arnft tfecmst^a of »r»F-rfeiBMW* «M«ifa ^v^ ^Xighttd th^ xiatioa, !?. love ty^tlm^< yh«n ifi^ ^^ a aaryel of towiie si^Xieity, tt one doe» not pewiv imhaxw^ioas A^ia laow can ha ^laeif httd ainsic? (eig»»d) Oasiofl %»w^ia,tl SM» f tee l-t pTBgrapfa quoted tr^ . Ittu. dat«d »- OrleaBs, faly g. X91S. [Thi» l<*tttr in alL®ttws io Bditor»» oolmi ta^er h<»a^ <*»Ra^ijyst and »^*Sfl^» N«» Oyl<^R», J%Xy 2^ ^^B, To the ^itor of t^ TAmi^l^eA^me,» is«u» Of ihily ^ X9Xa,] <*Ufc would fee a duU pr@po»iti9K if it wr« not for m@ie, Best ftda^d io mak* plaasant oyr hoyr® of rew^aiien i© ragtiffi® imsie, wjlih ilyg S3 MXQK 3LABOCa a^i xx ^ay gX^ 19 S8 BpartOAng^ ^ r^rtim tb&t nfins every li»Ua<3r» The s&i- $an be »ald of jsz% my®i<3» Xi ha» co®e io sUy, It is m©rire(Xou»2^ syaeopatedy alive irittb // color, passion, savage rfeyUm, saecessrully turning ^he igiad ^©m coaiw^l&Uoo * .nd rqwe. The i.avigorating msic o.t a &ood jat» baa^ inspires and that, in part, accowfc3 jf©r its «ne<;M», {sign»d} V»T*U,tt [Mocegf] W#3J.^ the ^eat a»yt^>@ ts-ied to Bicmi the p^^X^ji but ^ey di^»t do it* Xt toote th* C^iginsX M^dtXai^ tez B^d to wf» i^ people* Itd lite^ you to 3E^ad this n<?W circular 2^:e thie part rigbi hww, and gXvw<^ the date, yEm»lX <w it. ri^t on ih$ Wlio% of t^ eirGuX^** [^u^i r^adfft] oNiweh ifaft ewexith, 19X7^ »MxieU^ ^» Ban^ Cte^^t^p^ r Dixieland Jaza MatfiBpUversr BiabXe BXae$»*yox iroi. Original 2ixi.eX»B4 tosi Biuo4 (Be^^riptioa of :r<^ord,i trmiw, te^e .nd performers] .« [Woew] ((Th» ^*t» »B»ie ^llf^l^*^W- tt (Ig22&iiit3 wrht ^&^ m!l8i<3 ia th^ v#ry Ute»t tM^g in the develo^iiseu-fc of i»3»is< It has s^fti&itRi power < d psnetyaiion io in^^ot n^y lite inio a m^ai^ and wilX feflit^ ordinary bm^ (tocers on i^htir feet till l^eak^^t ti^0, y »Mwy Si&bl» BXa«>< in parfci<mlsr we reepwmwid bewuie, on tb» prineiple thai Wee ciar^i Uk^ iMe partieular irarie'iy «m l3t a p^aiUv^ w^ for t^e f- eomm or garden lcln<S of bXu<»»«w (JSSSSSS*! TH" 1" a Tictor eirealar steteaent th<t it.s a nw kind of aa8ie» Francis White Is ^ doping 3^-^ yoy i»ill find ^d»rtx£^k^^»^w^<-d&s^ibl^n ra n^ rhythm, not few beat* bat glT<n - two besf. All nasic prior to that, ragUm h*d fcusr ^eaia a^ it vas aade of a jwitpy rfc^fcim and it w^it someiid^g like w" <*» [demonrferates da de d? dt, eie»] ?h^i-Nfas the yhytJten, teid ibatts the same ? rhythm that X»m goteg to «^ow yoy ^h»t iMs segro ba^ that ea^e ei^ht .^©y® st» WK UliOGGA SwlXX N»y ^ X^B aftar ut haa^ th»t i» Jo® OUTer'» first ree^ydings* Will jon s-fcop it? i»>} Swly. 1 [^Ueastl Xt<» 3^a4y now( go ah»sd ^ < t&5s^xl ^ w»^ ^° p3^y f^ hiistory a toi&oU raoord X l^ink ii<8 ttThn Canal Stratrfc Bluw,** ^r Bjig 01iTwt»s Cr^le AMkt Bmsd* Xtt» a 0l<oiyieca profit rw>artd» X dos »i tenoir iri^i d^te it <yw oyt^ feitfc tlin amb^ i» ^333 » on the oppodt® nid< X^Bk» OiOXed H?he OBV-^I Street BXn<r»t Xi conl^ be a^oixt tight jw», b»o»u« ^ asr ^eelle^tioxi la X^ there wu n@ elaetTic ^pe^Nfingji It xcmld have io com» in b«twe<m .t? ^td t^» lfeyibe X<m irrong, * bat I knew ii ewalt fe»^»^re »A» bteai^e X v&s »tilX is Hev te^ X %^t 3 io h«ar thi» ri^erd and thw rh^ts» ©f thi» great Or<oX» tea^ irith Joe OXiw, (Play ipBwd,] I ir*Kt you M^ien io -yyi eXarin«»i in pariloizlar amd ife< rixytoi that th«y using a^d X«n UIX yon wh^» ii 0(Mae« firm* *i Mr, X<<ao<w fo*» to »»y abont rh3rfch% in ^h» nwBhttr is Xeafc in ^» »ayie» Sc&t singd along nith feanjo »ce<^ani^eni,] That is a s^p that X hav^ m^t <m yeorda plfiyed ^Igjtit year® before that, they ug?*d ti^t a« s ri^Tttm ^ok(T&^ad, Thai olarinei part !. contained i& ihs lt8i» I*oul» BXu&B1' sAmoet nol/e tw note, tSe&t tingieg,} Son h«re*s ay ^ff. [aoai,] ^B^e&»3 tNiit» fch« ^ixielarbd stop, h. [Wte§iM3 ?hai (Sbow that ^fe^ had h^ird -fche Original MxieXana Jaze B^a* Wh»n they pv^ that fftsp te^ind it. The clarinst par^«^^ v^t io pull tMs 3Tftcord apart for you^ ri^it nff». X»m gQ'ona shoi? you ife»»» aigroea eopics w»» [Ua^ -bhe p^rt JT^r ihe olap3jsi»t,} Ton hoard U»t part -fcfa^re? <t»}PfcS^ Where the t>Uvo?y ^tafelw Blu«?ft s ^ TOS UBOCCA Heel XZ Nay a, X9^ [Badd^l] Ton get it over tb«re, X tMnfe* l»oek h»r®, right ^?t* >>Xd.very SiaM« Bluw»11 ^ [LaHooc*»] S^R X vani you %Q U»t<n to tMs» tgr <teyn»ffc parfc» [PX&^ Sftetion of 3Micer^ $eat#»] You hwr4 it* »aw~-tead tbe»» aiyrow oy wgrot8 ee®» to Ifw Tork* BojFore tb^ tei»ar<i th4 laad liand ree<?Nl i^r ir<m3d haye b»«i tfarona on ^b^r .RT®^ not i^ov^a &^fc th® do^r^ NEI ^xwm < ii feodjlly, Koir Vm. going to go to tM» |wt <hT» h* *ak:es Ma el«ria»i aolo, you wiU &oii<?» t^»i tfe^ b«»jo s^aialatea a .axophon* tX^-fe<mg^ag* Tb<y a »icffh<m^ tMr m# U-sS.9 a2AWN rws^rd bec*u«e ii<a alwi U<etie»Uy Mice ii» [B*coyd pX&y»] W Ton hear the bioajo sianOaWag .Iflp-ttmgae «m a lGC0pfe<meT Hew tiiat r^ttem Ui«y pUy i» $ix^tl»nd »i<^. Th® lawi wtetg &f th« Sixisland reeoirdiBg, WP.^ 3^fct» g<sri to the 6larinfft pari» Xiet »« a- if I ^EOI £tnd ii aeir^ I<U lym ^ pieic ^sp th^i f^eXiiSi iMng in tibere* [T<K»X ^ AX Bwnara* Msaie, 2i»&oooat» ^ a«B»ts o» aiwsie aap* feer<i to hear»] fhi» i» the ^t» X<o%i» Blu»B« vMf <ed ycmtXX bwr nhAt th» a®<[ro plays- Xit«i ifi iMt re^wA* Th»re»» the aOa^-Unei^ng, These r»eoapd» mr» a&de six ywra b<^fw ife<i negroea r»o^>d»d tbelw, Nw te«p«<» th. yrt, tmy atgre bud that .r« mBt, that twla Anftrmg arid aU of iNa» theytd holley Mgh^ M^<ar» bi^^« Thay got it mit the MxieXand record» Xow^ yio^ don(t ?aeaa io -fetU ».» w jxist coai& ^roa leadon, ^gXaiad^ and we eouM ^sve h<&ard the negroe* pUying to Meir Orleans. Th»^<» ifflpoa»ibl<» Th^- hwrd .fehiis rec^ra* Tfewe it is* [SoaU*] Tfea-t»s ^r le^^ss. tfe<ty aaa* {Xaiiai<» U viife iehsalc, tefemk, .is^] Th»y Xenv« e^ tbe Xayfc ao?fc«, tX<^^ tchunk, ic^mk»] Tbat*» faow you hw? mftny .Khite <sn(»fe8 .fchatt» igaoran't too e -* teWl ?ott sfaenl^H get eacoii^ BCK, the s^grensts ver»» And ^ TOK L&KQCCA SeeO XI May gX, X9^S Hiesre(e ^mia^e r^eoyd* He osOled ^M» *ISwe*t UiUe 1?apa*fl X^^lft Aswtyor^* Xtts an Ofecb K»cord, y^or^ed by Pro<^s», am X right, there^ ^» /t 1 Urquhartr? £te^rt,t3 T<»^ i^t is eorrect* [I^lpcoa?] TNA*e c^?reet# O&to thia tme XtXX Khcw yoa t^at they have ^«a t^ vfthiele of th« "Orferieh ^«Wt which i^ ife< siyling of ^oui@ A^wtr^ngtg pX.aying, »0»t3?i0h ^aXN»tt tMy»le, ec&: ting ef *10<^ieh WU^« ^a oom^iff, wMoh sr^ mintaXU^UO* vitX ittu»ie pXa^lng,] Xta n^t taking aaythJ^g aga^u^ X^e Ar^t3?eng beenttse ha ^iw one of the Mo^fc Qufcst^aMng of the o<tlc3t@d auiticianft* Thai»*t aak» N^^ili didn't m»k» ih^ ^&er ae^roe® t [Senia,] tea ^r H*»I xx N»y ^ H9» ^ c 8? XXOX XAXOCOA /'* -4. ?^y 21» 19% < ^eeX XIX * ^Ue^x 2^X8 Oowtiasoe Stye©t, S«»i Orl<^Eus» X.oyislmi* .* ,*1 .^ / Voi<wu XksttiaioKSaws (Mefc) X^o©e&^ Bap^bol<w» (Boddy) Wl^^a$ B$.e^rd B, illim^ K<»moth Trtat Br^afeaaE^ .r 1 / 28 NXGK UBOCGA BeeH 132 May * 3.9^8 W] Xi*« ^Nay» go ahead, put i-t on» l&EAss ?ou <tiat1> r^dy* / * 1^13,<m>} Xtts ready* The iiebine^* w&r%©d ^p» [X^Kocoat] TMs is Ayaatroag in fals <sarly day, tKtt»Ae» begins at Ory sol<?, »<s»t »in&l^g s^nft of tl0»tri^ W<tlfeft ^atiX pian^ «^U«] I* ^m play saons'bhing eX-fl {S^»t with iapaRbeam »ol© in i»3^ei X<iUU ^^a»*1 Qte, 8^Tt, XteuiB Armrtamg and to 8^ n^» (4w^ ^3» 19^) <. B uai^t»Uigibl»,] You W ?t.a»H {nayn N^iy ^«i4^ ty 0^8^ Vi lfi§6M t] iifh<r® ^td t&At eoar ^» nmr? i- ItaRoccat] IIAM Mi^i totg*l( (8i^»} "Xfa An Kig^t 3i<mg»» aad so forNi Xt did not ^tt in th»i reeor^* The id<tt ^ame freai ii^ »*X1 Xjl^t. tetg,ft S<®, X was, a wi tel a r^w <mXd cmoufUge A ^m^. T»tee a ^.<se a»a g^i righi off it* Kew it*» aei all ^h» tim^ "toA 1 tafe^a* frc^ di^fir^ii XiitXe ps^fca of ^fwnt tteingd* SONI^ of ihat, beeame &^ Uae i?«y the aKUsta IFA@ go^ng^ 2 ooi^d 9M U it* Itei ttee ap^aia theac eo^s ^rora ^AIX Kigtei I^ng*f* ?roia *tUX Mj|,^^»wl£t<s MX Hi^M Le®g<N T^ ra»t of t^ ^^»^>»< '^'flatteSwSSiSfr <] Th&tt8 to& N4* l^» 3<aa rw^diag r«p< ts U»tXf^ i, a»< s^i|p<? baote»] ThKt>« ^3» ^ftsi x« eoa^d do, [LaRoccAt] Tteai<@ aXX rig^^» ^Q^ ih» m^Mn^ plw, (mgg«3mne». r»» ^i » . tNmHa< S^s^ eoiEaswfcs dx^ag ltOiaEtyiofa W<3Jtet ^y 0©JBt] TMs i^ the saffia chord <?on@tr^etiGR a« Xiwfcyaag wee QB. ihe previous r»e&rd* Tiukt I pls^red th<r»* Oa fei» w^g ^at [Na »ad] $tou^- ^»(1 MAS tNat. it? [Allant] X^t(s » .» X ^iainte Uta ibe 0Ui®r side* Xt v*s <tS»f«t Mtils P^a,* .wa&ntt it? » ^ NICK UBOCCA E^X XXX ^y ^ 19^ [jt^g^^j Stop the metin»« [X>aSoee& a^aie with "S^eet UtUe P^pa**1] 't3iwwt UtUe ^ap»#s that wa8 tbe »ame *. N0©t,rich V<e,11 l?Xay» "Osirich Waltcfi tey ^ I OBJB ?i l81i$7 (Ha.reb X6» X91B) witi. coments<] This ia tht oxOy p&rt ihey a0a»i hav^» tAlteH SIB^ ^^Qitect %^maMmts uaini^U^.I^»} [|*a^&c^at3 X guew yo^itve n^tioed ^.fc<^ !!%. in feoife record*7 TM< reeord V&B pXay^dl profeabSy i«n ywira g^ tw&.lTa y&ar@ Ww Arms^yong'n wfttf pl&^r^d, X»U let you kncsw feiow ^.r 'fetr G^3lii%^ a N^ oatrri^d pXaylng ih» STig«y Hag»tl Thin 1» tea] jtei^la^ ^'(^L^- tlal&eX] ^j ^d Oyy* Thi» idt «a2y aboirfc a ^^ar ol4» T Between tMs »M tb« one tba-^ X pXs^ th»t n»8 playsd, &lmo»i t^riy^vo yeera ago, forfc7-»one years »g0y ye%tU <e^ tJae diJ?Jf»r<nc»» [yUy» N5>JLg^r ^Lgft by Gry with cocmw^i] ^hail» -nbat ttses* vW^ am 0A3.1 good am»ie# Seme of th^» pr^h«t^ tJ^&i ^o back ia Afsic* l^'ye oiw th^p» < d ^tod owfc aNifai ifc;^ nagro greats ff7vr thar»» [Triia^t, »oXo»] Tfa^s safta i» spying Xi@uie *yia»^<mg» Tfeatt» Amtm^s styit h»t» cs^ltd» IttU shew iiow imiiait dcnm to the otfeaa? [dm*ia^ cna«abls]» Xi*» pitiful* X^ you h$ar le» UXIci^ &teoaii ^he great Or^T I i»]aQuld&li eriilei»t t^U r^eor^ bec^uw X grt ro^Xties oi^ it, ^ui it i» only to lying ^0 th^ p^3JL«? aft^r forty^<m» yB»y» [^^rnt] ^le n^^"o h»a nwr invented ax^rtMng fi^u* Ta&« Arm?tro$ig <w»y from *eai> a^d ^^y* XX go t^c^ to A£rio&» Son I»1X BOW play y&u a record 'by tht QriginiO. JRixieXand <?»»2; Ba&d» ffTiger Bag,8 r$l<^s»d in X9l8» (Maeio niih .one s<mi »n^ cows^i'fcas] Mow ntx»% this record tfsc m^s it vas iaa^e ia-fco an t^gM-fc^incb hsm^ almost f<%rty<ii<^e ywrs I ago] . listen to -tha <B4ing of tfeia stop [ai <nd of ree^p-d], TM8 i« *fcfe» 2^yth» * the early segro b«ad» awd f^r their-^trtcciird OTer]* Md you ^wKf [Soat»]? Th» * awt eotMltttos t^at siany m.uiiciajin eo<ulditH .vn play today, Tb^ comet atood 30 sm UROCGA Bfl^XXZX May a, X9^B about twwiy to ifeKwi3r<»£lye f»«i ^esn th® NOT, th» tro^tbone was fm®^ fwai^ the eXsrinei had a ne^arate little hom -^t cs^eg ont this cl^i-bn^Ln^h h^m to <f about a fow^in^h b*U< JUad be stood right near ibe pl*©o» The pi^io faeed att^y3.g;M under the horn. The dn^® ^fcood along »ide aa^ a^l whe^ the red ligh^ W2u34 theyt^ h&ve a vfeiie M^ht burning* Aad vhwi ^^ y^dUght &c%iie ^^ v w&s to aU comi too» *sd ii<» a a^raole how «« eame ia 'feogttfeer, I«Xl sever feaeir* Maytr Ood iras -with u». 2 dontt knov, te^tt ymi .an 8»® "Ui^ ^iff^rnR<»», The^ hav<5 n*fyir proved ^1 this ^X*3?ing^ a&d X* Xl iwger tbt last. r&maining ye&ra Vve |rot, th»y aijatl» fire »en Gaa play as good vltk *X1 th® ^le^rieaX pr&e-^ ni-feh a^l -fehe i^yGFVamt&is tti»t 'fcfet^ fcaye aad .l^ctrioml re^oyOing^ Gy any imy ^- th»y naai io -fe*fe« it. Tfe^^ e^i^ »ky w pX»y r»gi^i», bat t^i^ i@ ^risitoi jate* 18»wKFe *^1 the ro^ts ffin cemUiAed in two rwsrdingfl, X .II play you th» (ty.W?y S'fe»^l< SXa<w% vhieh ie ^Be eounieypa^t -fehat i»J£<w ^ all tte» ot^i^r Hela i&»i has nyey tewm luda ^ ^e ihl» d<^r, ar^ in ttee^t re<i0rdi^s» H^34 i-fe* C^S^S^ Wfc^^t »a^i a^thtog.} Ufig^i^] Co ahead fonwsme, ^fe, ah, [Ma»i<^iffitd fw (mmen-fe® »,ftftr ibtt a<l^hteg 8oimd» la ih^ y«e^4*] TMe i» ^feat X Xearst wi^n X iia® jat ^Li^ery @u^u siw,It QW^ TI IB^» a^®ol» We i^ed .inf a Uia« aemg »^hi©^.« ^ G^oa<5r Gsw, }fhs^ Tia» X» Xt?nf <^e of the boy^ w&eO io MoXXer (onw]« Th&t«» tttwe X ^o?fe ibe id^* f^^t* [Xnsic oeattoxe^ »Mywy Sta^U SXu-»*t by OX)JB, n 181$$,] [ItN^^AtJ ^tea^ VSM the nrBt noyelty ro^o^d eyer iasued by &ay pii^r^grs^h, ta^er caae ijne exy^XaagMsg ^yGmbcm^, th^ e^isg .axophoBe^ tt^t whateoi, But t tM» record Ittdl the» p^in^od ihe wiy fo^ other »Bj?ici^3t$ i© copy from» » [AH^»] 0, X* Vhin»T«r y&u<re ready, n ro; UBQGCA n^a. in rt ^7 21, 19^8 [La^occ&t] T^l^atn fieoute .»as sent- to Mew @rXeauas U fiKd banda th»t ccmXd play cmr t53p6 of »sy?ie# Th^y rec®?d9d every iriait« esd e^^ry ^olor&d Niad» / Thai can be &tte»i»d by the Xiving people wi'io hw?® vorlc is ifao phranograpfe places on C$t&aX St* [»ue& a« M^rX^.nt»J ww 't&egr're »«v«r»X p»ople tJ^&i Nw» axpr^ss ^dea» ^a tfeia thing* Aodl t^^ oouldnH f^nd a^ ^t ^&nd8 In Bw OrXoan#» ^o th^y ^aa'b to ¥*»-^Kia^ to r »^ Tfi3imefi»w> and ihey s^Xeoiad ^ o* iWly nfco V»B to ^<»&o»» .^e 3tath«ar of ^aos aisd tte» cr»»to(r of the blue» and vho ©mOd neiiNsr ^3Ay 19X^» w ja»%, X X<»t yeu b^ar fei» yceord^Etg and th«a yon ;Mg» ^^ y®x$r0tXf» TM» i» 8»t]Eid^le ree^3?d» [Xuaic* ^^s »i83.e»} Sxcuse ^ X totge^ -feo read .Vi< ouabsr Aa "U^ope^ i»oct3ld yon do ^at> ^l< S^a&arfc? ^~ Ite^fiSliJ T^fcmsi -^t niw^r M tftft r<^erd? [LaJftoccat] The reeot^l and t^^ iita^, tJSSri^S.Q aThi? §oo^-^ <^w Bliw^8 plared ^3r Bft%dyts Orchestra, Mo» 8^t20» [UHocQ»»5 T<OX t«% ^ie Ut^tbt ^CT^-OeXuaNLa* (teitxto^tl Oolwfi^a* EI^^s] ^^e^rdingT s^rfet3 S^^wdint, 7T3TX * [L»Kocc»»1 <^od* Sw» ye<XX play tM» r<>oog?d tfot ita^^ QJ? t.he Bl^a^ ^ricf g^wi so naefe i^&^« !& ti» p*^«r ^f irhXoh X b»d ^& a@r <iXippi&gB alX ifeia stuff and one ito he eaid h« Mad i!» fi^st (^igix»X Z)ixicl»nd ^awa »<^d^ tMs nftg»%» imi3Ll X isad M» <;©rr»ot@d^ wid ^irt> N^k ^ ^l«te<* Xato ^ filae, yautXl find ttefe paper» WI^R you look ihreu^a t«%, ^on Mrloui .e^oUr^ Xeoic thy^ugh thnt mUri<tl «nd yontXl C<?MI» ^ where tMe aegro na^ <iren trying to ^ak^ the X&xie» fi Xasd JA»Z Bioad nare, [Nasio, "Hootelng C » Blu«%»3 Wa tot^ tfff a ^OT^S j3»nt9 Ismd, 1 3S MXCK XMOOOA a<ax ixi Nay ^ X^8 4J^<N9,»3 Are ^w feXXsms pl&ying by .w, or ay th»y reading fir^fc msi<i-^cs& you teU? / X o<n0xi not tOl^ X irami»t ^here wi X w^ulda't say nometMng i^t X <^a<i issew* lAU^t] Wh»i d<?w it 8oiad Xike7 llats^^] It d<mtjfc .ound like Bnything^ C^EVttaii^aaX wric, t l-krt.*t*. vaJwikw 10 »,*t,-A nJa«t» 4-t. Ate ooimd Uk-e^ bat I 1»»nt you io know thai they nw ia^r<&e»<d viili ihe Mxielandl Bimd b»c*^e they cos» t^ one ywr aft«r, Ustesi to t&wi nov yith th® 8Hoofelxtg GeWf* ^«^ t^ay4 th< roster CTO» ai^ the donfcey bray, Bo ifcey eemc out ni-t,^ thalr i^FveXty, TM« btetd wae to Nm Torfe to eey^»t» ^atnn^ y,» osn thn yietor^ Tte»y war* a flop, Tfa«y IK&I into ttee hands of tb^ r< t^iy^» That t0 wlwe X got iheir bogus eh^e^ t<?fa(lX flxid i^t An ^ eUp^ljags almost, ifti<K X 3pX»3T®d th» »0t# XiO^aia l&n©ai<( for ycm^ X<i^^i t© thai [cos? l^taMonl* ©{yfe the "Homing Omrllt That ^11 ^Xy go to »ho»r yon ^Nti i^e n©|£re wa^ <!9pyiRg, Xa M«( wa Mttle imy j^ ih^ughi ^ ^oisld 4o feeiUr bee»a»# b^Lsg A» the negro had ^he a»<^l»ney ^n the ra^time jmwic thai M» m^io ^9 genna e<m o^t beiUr tiaa wa* l^d ®f %u«io,} [SAHoeeas} thai is 1irfey b< faiXed cause he eo^ldn'i ev«ai play ragii^s aiid h* ceuXdatt play ;fauB»» Btop ^h« ns.chino. Hp^f] H^re ^» go, y^witt] TMw i0 a Colmbis nKi^rd^ ^1 Bsv»n»i Skyttw Ko Tim To HaTe tH<i Blu^a^** fe7 the Xxauialaiaa nve, ®277$# They oaXX tfe<wwelv$s * ^aasss ^rehettya* ?h<^e ?miflX h@ar ihe great Aloide ^^^% plfiy* i u?i$] That vss th* ^.es'fe ^ Anion X>&4»liEi XouiaiiiKa live. One of the ^ada» Xsoarioia Kfao Ued all tihr&^h this y<»arbG&k ^N^r^ X^$]< Thai I had placed wiiii lOj* in X9U^» I neyea* 33 NICK MHOCCA BeeX XIX May 21^ ln5;6 «v®n Eaa^t? the -Tian< Th»y c^ime to M@M Tork in aboat -the latter part. of tl8 or the beginning of (19< ?hait^ when X a^fc Ani<m £»ada« pl I. lAHgnt] ^Swe ¥er® tbes® people fr^ on Ws record? l*%te^s^] ^ell^ "to taU th® truth^ Tsllow wss £roffi here, Whe'feber X^acia va$ tfaS faew here or aot, X don't te^@wf< I didn't know hlis» Because th^s n&n^- peopXe came t© K^w T<^rk 'fchat X didnti toioEW» They had a band thtr<« After ih« Cr®@U bami> ^^ ^^<^ ^»»^ ^° ^oa» 'to ^ E11 T03 ^ citly ivs^ t!he3 X-aCoetie Harmosy Quintet, Tjaey open *t the "Qold^i @lad®»»R Th^ir ^tay 'wa: about four w@6ka5» The piwE^isi v«nt nith Cla^y Murray in ^and^ville. They never vere heard a^a5.n* This nas a . wfeite grou,?* It d n^Ter ^nown tfrse bo^» Tb«n ce^e Tom Broien .^lth falg recapganiKftd 'tod to Nam Xorte Ciiy> where ifeoy tried aui ai R^iseiow^teer^s eBd th» anpEiag^merrt ^altfd out while ^.y were ^Xaying* That laighi t.hey trie^ at H^aly*» and were rm o^i aftfir tiie firfffe isighi* Before i,i2ey .finished the firsi nighi Brow's b&nd disbasidwi a^d nerer tried agsdji* Tbam ca»te <?^nn^ M^oher and hi* Bag'iinr Oyot^* Tfe»7 failed tE> »«ow4^ vs'^jojm&nt ar.d went bac^: to lie^ Orleans* That was In 3^X7 and yl8» 4^1w] Wtoe did you g<i ihat informtion? Xs inat from a boole tMere? [Muai0 »iqps»] [Wto<^a»3 Wher@ I get t^ai inferrsation? [ilX^t] Thai you JH^. r^d . [X-ateLC^t] Hear I happm to be tbsre? I kttcw i^i«n they ware ttxere* UaXdfloit] ^ you «ade a note? £Wo<?c^s3 ?eah, yeah, you »ft« . [Altai < 3 Thait» your inf&^nation? I.UBocG^s] Xeah^ yeah, yeaii* Look, you eee here* They say ihxs nig^©r band 3k MXOIC MOGGA BeeX XXX Hay 21^ X^ X«ffc hw ia 191£« Th«y Qed 4*Bls Uw* Becay If yon look t^p ih<i pX»e@» <fch»t X >t«U yw»* Bwl» what I tell yo%» cop» Bwhel wh»t X i<XX yo%<^fc<:U twi« X // <. do&*t i»U >W» t no He? 1. [iXX«ai3 I »^ ^x»i*» aU yigfafc, lUKocc**} lit 3^u a<akt HNI l<« th^3?e^ dontt eom$ Uek h«re any mw®, jFiyrt brand - a daan Uap» ^ssi twh»1il Xt» teXUag you i» ^it tr^^* EAX^gu] ValX^ y&o w» ^ese ^cwt< p^&X^ «y tfe^r fi^w Kw Orlwr? [L*Roco*(] t d<mti 5m<iw< b%t 1 b<Eppw t© te?w, i^ty ww la t>Nl paper, and ywsi know toy X te»r it? X (ei a2X th^it doaa in aei^i^ tT^ry A»a that ^vsm thwa^ w»ry ^sd ^<mt ^d> i^at ^bey ^-^ s^ ^aA ^^7 <^^^H do» Bttfc I nteoalda <mi f tfat (sMppSiigs out» X <B»ly w3» no'U^i^Ml ^ -thee* t>^ag» on pap^r a&d X printed ii dcwaa en a pi«s»» ef p*^w JCor fsiur« r»^oFOoe«» T^^ to o»»e anything can* ^ irMeh X dida<i <a(ptfl?fe-^»M<iM U ^ia-rti^w^ X tmv tb» p^oof* X 4ontt teaoir nfey X di^ it» ^fe t^3T <^«y« <wUed ir a Jmk aum» 2t'v» iwred iMngfl ain^e^, Scd of R-l HI N«y ZX. 19S8