Creditor: 1 YEAR HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT WEBSTER FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 271 GREENWOOD STREET WORCESTER, MA 01607-1733 This disclosure contains imDortant information about our 1 Year Home Equity Line of Credit. You should read it carefully and keep a copy for your records. 1. AVA|LABILITY OF TERMS. A of the terms described below are subject to change. lf these terms change (other than the annual percentage rate), and you decide, as a result, not to enter into an agreement with us, you are entitl€d to a refund of any fees that you have paid to us or anyone else in connection with your application. 2. SECURITY INTEREST. We will take a security interest in your home. You could lose your home ifyou do not meet the obligations an your agreement with us. 3. POSSIBLE ACTIONS, Under certain circumstances, we can: A. Terminate your line of credit and require you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment; B. Refuse to make additional extensions of credit; and C. Reduce your credit limit. We can terminate your line of credit and require you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment if: A. You gngage in fraud or material misrepresentation in connection with the line of credit; B. You fail to make a payment as required by the ag.eement; or C, Your action or inaction adversely afiects the collateral or our rights in the collate.al. We can refuse to make additional extensions of credit or reduce your credit limit il A. The value of the dwelling securing the line of credit declines significantly below its appraised value for purposes of the line of credit; B. We reasonably boli€ve you will not be able to meet the repayment requirements under the line of credit due to a material change in your fi nancial circumstancos: C. You are in default of a material obligation ofthe agreement; D, Govemment action prevents us from imposing the annual perc€ntage rate provided for in the agreement, or impairs our security inteGst such that the value of the interest is less than 120 percent of the credit limit on the line ot credit; E. A regulatory agency has notilied us that continued advances would constitute an unsafe and unsound praclice; or F. The maximum annual percentage rate is reached. il. lllNlMU PAY ENT REOUIREiIENTS. You can obtain credit advances for as long as you own your home. During this period, payments will be due monthly. Your minimum monthly payment will equalthe greater ofthe following: . $50.00: or . The amount of accrued fnance charges plus 0.250 percent of the principal balance outstanding on the last day gfthe billing cycle The minimum payment amount will be rounded to the nearest $.01. Whenever a ffat dolla. amount is used to determine the minimum payment however, wi b€ rounded to the nearest $.01. The minimum monthly payments may not be sufiicient to fully repay the principal that is outstanding on your line ol credit for as long as you own your home. It they are not, you will then be required to pay the entire balance in a single the minimum paiment payment. years to 5. MlNlMUlrt PAYMENT EXAMPLE. lf you made only the minimum monthly payment and took no other credit advanc€s' it would take 24 pay off a credit advance of $10,000.00;t an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of'3.250%. During that period, you would make 287 payments varying between $52.08 and $50.00, with a linal payment of $33.88. 6. FEES AND CHARGES. Tho tollowing are an estimate of third party feesl . C.edit report: . Appraisal: $- $- ' Documentation: $- . Title search: $- You must carry insurancs on th€ property that secures the line of credit you 7, REFUNDABILITY OF FEES. It you decide not to enter into this plan within three days ol .eceiving this disclosurs and the Home Equity Booklet' paid you may have already are entiu€d to a retund ol any fee 8. lllNllluil DRAW REQUIREIIENTS, The minimum c.edit advance that you can receive is $500 00' cr€dit9. TAX DEDUCTIBIUTY. You should consult a tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest and ciarges for thE line of home equity lines 10, AvAtLABlLrTy OF OTHER HOIIE EOUITY PLANS. lf you ask, we will provide you with infomation on our other available credit. of (corresponding to the pe.iodic 11. VARIABLE RATE FEATURES. This tine of credit has a variable rate feature and the annual percentage rate a result. The annual percentage rate includes only interest and not other costs. The annual as rate) and the minimum monthly paymeni can change -The index is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70016 of the 10 largest U,S banks perdentag; iate is Uased on th'e vaiue of an index. prime Rate and is published in the Wall Street Joumal. To determine the annual percentage rato that will apply to W"tt Stteet Joumat U.S. kno*n "jttJ riOit, " rjrgin io th" ualue of the index. Ask us tor the current index value, margin, and annual percentage rate. After you open a Vii"i ii"" "Oa " wjll b€ provided on periodic statem6nts that we send you. iine of credit, rate intormation or clecrease by more 12. RATE CHANGES, Ths annual percentage rat6 can change monthly after remaining lixed for 1 yea.. The rate can not.incrEase is 15'000 percgnt' of credit the line during thaican apply RATE PERCENTAGE ANNUAL percent ge point(s) per The maximu; adjustne"nt. fran r OOO The annual percentage rate will never be less than the initial rate. payment at the maximum 13. ulrl RATE AND pAyifENT EHMPLES. lf you had an outstanding balance ol $10,000.00 the minimum monthly in the 12th month ('l ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of i5.000 per""nir"o,;ta be S15O.OO. The miximum annual percentage rate could be reached year) following an initial hold of 'l year' 00 cr-edit 1il. HISTORICAL EXAMPLES. The fo owing tabte shows how the annual percentage rate and the minim_um paym€nts for a single $10,000 While day of January first business are from the years.ihe index values last i5 oue, ttte in u'e inOer advance would have changea uaseo on Jiriges year is shown, iayments would have varied duriirg eactr year. The table assumes that no additional credit advances were onlion" p"yr"nt indicate how the index minimum payment was m'aO'e, inO tlat ttre rate remained o;nstrantiuring each year. lt does not necsssarily tail,n, tfr.:id,nfy tf'e"rount-per payments in the future you. would change o. *i flltxl ANNUAL Minimum PERCENTAGE Monthly Payment Margin Year Index (%\ ("kl (%) ($) 1999 2000 7.750 0.000 7.750 8.500 9.500 4.750 4.250 4.000 5.250 7.250 8.250 7.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 0,000 0.000 0.000 8.500 9.500 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 89.58 93.00 2001 2002 2003 20u 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 0.000 7.750(K) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 8.250 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7,750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 98.09 81.87 79.44 77.O9 74.81 72.60 73.72 68.36 66.34 64.38 62.47 60.63 58.83 (K) This reflects a lifetime floor ot 7.750 percent This is not a commitm€nt to make a loan. You hereby acknowlEdge receipt of this Home Equity Plan Oisclosure and a copy ot the Home Equity Brochure on today's datE. Signature Signature @1989'2oo3wolb6K|UrgFinanq.|s€M..6-Bank€BsyslemnFdrnHE.otsc.2PT}15.2003356oa60-020custom ," Creditor: 2 YEAR HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT WEBSTER FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 271 6REENWOOD STREET WORCESTER, MA 01607.,1733 This disclosure contains important information aboul our 2 Year Home Equity Line of Credit. You should read it caretully and keep a copy for your records. 1. AVAILABILITY OF TERtlS. All of the terms describod below are subject to change. lf these terms change (other than lhe annual percentage rate), and you decide, as a result, not to enter into an agreement with us, you are entitled to a retund of any fees thal you have paid to us or anyone else in connection with your application. 2, SECURITY INTEREST, We will take a security interest in your home. You could lose your home if you do not meet the obligations in your agreement with us. 3, POSSIBLE ACTIONS. Under certain circumstances, we can: A. Terminate your line of credit and require you lo pay us the entire outsianding balance in one payment; B. Refuse to make additional extensions of crediti and C. Reduce your credit limit. We can terminate your line ot credit and require you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment if: A. You engage in fraud or material misrepresentation in connection with the line of credit; B. You fail to make a payment as required by the agreement; or C. Your action or inaction adversely affects the collateral or our rights in the collateral. We can refuse lo make additional extensions of credit or reduce your credit limit if A. The value ol the dwelling securing the line of credit declines significantly below its appraised value for purposes ofthe line of credit; B. We reasonably believe you will not be able to meet the repayment requirements under the line of credit due to a material change in your financial circumslances: C. You are in default ot a material obligation ofthe agreement; D. Govemment action prevents us from imposing the annual percentage rate provided for in the agreement, or impai6 our security interest such that the value of the interest is less than 120 Dercent of the credit limit on the line ofcredil: E. A regulatory agency has notified us that continued advances would constitute an unsafe and unsound praclicei or F. The maximum annual percentage rate is reached. tNtMUM PAYMENT REOUIRE ENTS, You can obtain credit advances for as long as you own your home. During this period, payments will be due monthly. Your minimum monthly payment will equal the greater of the tollowing: . $50.00: or . The amount of accrued finance charges plus 0.250 perc€nt of the pdncipal balance outsianding on the last day of the billing cycle. The minimum payment amount will be .ounded to the nearest $,01. Whenever a flat dollar amount is used to determine the minimum payment however, the minimum payment will be rounded to the nearest $.01. The minimum monthly payments may not be sufficient to tully.epay the principal that is outstanding on your line of credit tor as long as you own your home. lf they are not, you will then be required to pay the entire balance in a single payment. 4. 5. illNlMUM PAYXIENT EXAMPLE. lf you made only the minimum monthly payment and took no other credit advances, it would take 24 years to pay off a credit advance of $10,000.00 at an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 3.250%. During that period, you would make 287 payments varying between $52.08 and $50.00, with a final payment of $33.88. 6. FEES AND CHARGES. The following are an estimate of third party fees: . Credit report . Appraisal: $- $- ' Documentation: $- . Title search: $- You must carry insurance on the property that secures the line of credit. Z. REFUNDABILITY OF FEES. tf you docide not to enter into this plan within three days of receiving this disclosure and the Home Equity Booklel, you are entitled to a refund of any lee you may have already paid. 8. ltlNltYlUM DRAW REQUIREITIENTS. The minimum credit advance that you can receive is $500 00. 9. TAX DEDUCTIBILITY, You should consult a tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest and charges tor the line of credit. 10, AVA|LABILITY OF OTHER HOiIE EQUTTY PLANS. lf you ask, we will provide you with information on our other available home equity lines of credit. .ll. VARIABLE RATE FEATURES. This line oI credil has a variable rate teature and the annual percentage rate (corresponding to the periodic rate) and the minimum monthly payment can change as a result. The annual percentage rate includes only interest and not other costs. The annual pe;ntage rate is based on th'e vaiue of an index. the index is the base rate on corporate lo€ns posted by at least 70% of ihe 10 largesl U.S. banks inown as'the Wa Street Joumat U.S. Prime Rate and is published in the Wall Street Journal. To determine the annual percentage rate that will apply to your line of credit, we add a margin to the value of the index. Ask us for the cunent index value, margin, and annual percentage rate. Afte. you open a iine ofcredit, .ate information will be provided on periodic stalements that we send you. 12. RATE CHANGES. The annual perc€ntage rate can change monthly after remaining lixed for 2 years. The rate can not increase or decrease by ror" tir"n t.OOO p"r"entage point(s) per adj-ustment. The ma;imum ANhUAL PERCENTAGE RATE that can apply during the line of credit is 15.000 percent. The annual percentage rate will never be less than the initial rate 13. MAXTMUM RATE AND PAYMENT EX,AMPLES. lf you had an outstanding balance of $ 10,000.00 the minimum monthly payment at the maximum ('l ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 15.000 percent would be $150.00. Ihe maximum annual percentage rate could be reached in the 12th month year) following an initial hold of 2 years. 14. HTSTORICAL EXAMPLES. The following table shows how the annual percantage rate and the minimum payments tor a single $10,000.00 credil While advance would have changed based on chan-ges in the index over the last 15 years. The index values are from the tirst business day of January were credit advances no additional year. that The table assumes each have varied dudng year would is shown, paymeni amount-per only one iayments tat6n, thit 6nly the minimum payment was mad;, and that the rate remained constant during each year. tt does not necessarily indicate how the index or your payments would change in the future. ANNUAL Year lndex Margin ("/.1 e/"\ 0.000 750 8.500 9.500 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 8.250 7,250 0.000 0.000 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 201'l 2012 2013 9.500 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 8.250 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7,750(K) 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.250 2010 7.750 7.750 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.250 2006 2007 2008 2009 e\ 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.750 4.250 4.000 2002 PERCENTAGE RATE 0.000 0.000 0.000 (K) This reflects a lifetime floor of 7.750 percent. This is not a commitment to make a loan. You hereby acknowledge receipt of this Home Equity Plan Disclosure and a copy of the Home Equity Brochure on today's date. @ 1989. 2003 wollec Xlu$€r Financial s€Nics6 n - Eank€.s Svstom! Fom HE-OISC-2PI Signature 9-1t2oo3 3560484{20 Custom Minimum Monthly Paymenl ($) 89.5E 86.93 98.09 a1.87 79.44 77.09 74.81 72.60 73.72 68.36 66.34 64.38 62.47 60.63 58.83 UTEOIOI 1 YEAR CT HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT WEBSTER FIRST FEOERAL CREDIT UNION 271 GREENWooD STREET WORCESTER, MA 01607.1733 recoros. I AVAILABIL|TY OF TERilS. All of the lerms described below are subject to change. lf these terms change (other than the annuat percentage rate), and you decde, as a resull. nol to enler into an agreement with us, you are entifledlo a refund of any fees-that you have paid to us ;r anyon; else i; connection with your application. 2. SECURITY INTEREST. We wrll take a security interest in your home. You could lose your home if you do not meet the obligations in your agreement with us. 3. POSSIBLE ACTIONS. Under certain circumstances. we can: A. Terminale your lineof credil and r€quire you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment; B. Refuse to make additional extensions of credit: and C. Reduce your credit limit. We can lerminate your line of credit and require you lo pay us the entire outstanding balance in one pavment if A. You engage in fraud or matenal niisrep'resentati6n in connecton with the Ine of B. You failto make a payment as requi.ed by the agreement; or C. Your action or inaciioir adversely iffeas tire coll;teral or our rights in the collateral. We can rcfuse to make additional extensions of credit or reduce vour credit limit if: A. The value of the dwelling securing the line of credit deciines signifrcantly below its apprarsed value for purposes of the line of credit; credit; B, We reasonably believe you will not be able to meet lhe repayment requirements under lhe line of credit due to a material change in your fi nancial circumstances; C. You are in default of a material obligation ol the agreement; D. Governmenl action prevents us from imposing the annual percentiage rate provided for in the agreement, or impairs our gecurity interest such that the value of the interest is less than 120 percent of the credit limit on the line of credit; E. A regulatory agency has notified us that continued advances would constitule an unsate and unsound practice; or F. The maximum annual percentage rate is reached. 4. MlNllluit PAYIUIENT REQUIREiIENTS. You can obtain credit advances for 5 years (the'draw period"). During this period, payments will be due monlhly. Your minimum monlhly payment will equal the greater of the following: . S50 00: or ' The a;ount ot accrued finance charges plus 0.250 percent of the pdncipal balance outstanding on the last day of the billing cycle. -payment The minimum payment amount willbe rounded to lhe nearest $.01. Whenever a flat dollar amount is uaed to determin'e the minimJm however, the minimum payment will be rounded to the nearest $.01. The minimum monthly payments during the draw period may not reduce the'principal that is outstanding on your line of credit. Afrer the dlaw period_ends, you w]ll no longer be able to obtain credit advances and must pay the outstanding balance on your line of credit (the "repayment pe.iod.') The length of the repayment period is 15 years. During the repayment pariod, payments will be due mbnthly. Your mininium monthly payment will equal the greater of the following . $50.00. or ' 0.556 percent of the prinqpal balance outstanding on the last day of the draw period. The mrnimum payment amount wili be rounded lo lhe neirest $.01. Whe;ever a flat dollar amount is used lo determine lhe minimum gavment however. the minimum payment will be rounded to the nearest $.01. The minimum monthly payments may not be sufficient to fully repay the -princrpal that is outstanding on your line of credit by the end of the repaymenl period. lf they are not, you will then be required to pay th-e entiir balance ih a single paymenl. 5.-MlNlM-UM PAYMENT.EXAMPLE. lf you made only the minimum monthly payment and took no other credit advances, it would take 20 years to pay off a credil advance of $10,000.00 at an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 3.250olo. Dwing that period, you would make 60 payments varying betwben $52.08 and $50.00 followed by 't79 payments of $50.00, with a final payment of $2,283.54 6. FEES AND CHARGES. The following are an estrmate of third party iees: g- . Credit report: . Documentation: .litle search: ' Appraisal: You must carry insurance on the property that secures the line of credit. 7. REFUNDABILITY OF-FEES, lf you decide not to enter into this plan within three days of receiving this disclosure and the Home Equity Booktet, you are entitled to a retund of any fee you may have already paid 8. illNlirUM DRAU, REQUIREMENTS. ihe minimum ;rbdit advance that vou can receive is $500.00. . $- _ $- $- 9. NEGATIVE AMORTIZATION, Under some circumstances, your monihly payment will not cover the finance charges that accrue and "negalive amoJtization will occur. Negatrve amortization will increase the amount that you owe us and reduce your equity in your h6me. 10. TAX DEDUCTIBILITY. You should consult a lar advisor regarding lhe d6ductibrlity of interest ana chardes'for t'he line of credit. 11. AVAILABILITY OF OTHER HOltlE EOUITY PLANS- lf you ask, we will provide yod with information on o-ur other avaibbb home equity tines of credit. 12. VARIABLE RATE FEATURES. This line of credit has a variable rete feature and lhe annual percentaqe rate (corresDondind to the oeriodic rate) and the minimum monthly payment can change as a result. The annual percentage rate includds only inierest and not bther c-osts. Thi annual percentage rate is based on the value of an index. The index is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 700/6 of the 10 largest U.S. banks known as the wall Street Journal U.S. Prime Rate _and is published in the Wall Street Journal. To ditermine ihe annual percentage rate ihat will apply to your line ofcredit. w.e add a margin to the value of lhe index. Ask us for the cunedt index value, margin, and annual pircentagJ rale. Atter you tifein a line of credit, rale infonnation will be provided on Deriodic stiatements that $€ seno vou_ 13. RAT^E^CHANGES. The annual percentage raie can change mgnllly gqel le]llelliilg fixed for 1 year. The rate can not increase or decrease by more than 1 .o00,percentage point(s).per adjustment. The maxrmum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE thaf can apply during the line of credit is 15 000 pirrcent Ihe annual percentage rate will never be less than the initial rate. MAXIi|Ull RATE ANO PAYUENT EXAMPLES. lf you had an outstanding balance of $'10,000.00 at the beginning of the draw period, the mrnrmum monthly payment al the maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 15.000 percent would be $150.00. The niaximim annuat pe;centage rate during the draw period, could be reached in the 12th month ('lyear) following an init|al hold of 1 year. !IJ9"^!?9-91g,4"l1[ding balance of $10.000:00 a! t!;) begrnning oi the repaymenl peirod, the minimum monthly payment at the maximum ANNUAL P^ERCENTAGE RATE of 15.000 percent would be $55.60. ihe maximum ariniat perientage rate dunng the repayinierit period, coutd be reached in the 13th monlh (1 year, '1 month). 15. HISTORICAL EXAIUIPLES. The following table shows how lhe annual pcrcentage rate and the minimum payments tor a single $1O,OOO.OO credit advance would have changed based on changes in the index over the last 15 years. The index values are from th'e first business d-ay of Januarv. While only one paymenl anounl per year is shown, payments would have varied during each year ol the draw period. The table assumei that no additional credrt.actvances were taken, lhal only th€ minimum payment was made, and that the rate remained constant during each year. lt does not necessarily 14. indicate how the index or your payments would change in the tuture. ANNUAL Year Inoex PERCENTAGE RATE Margin (0/6\ (o/o\ t0/6\ 7.750 8.500 9.500 4.750 4.250 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.750 2005 2006 5.250 2007 8.250 2008 2009 2010 7.250 3.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004(o) 2011 2012 2013 7.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 8.500 9.500 7.750(K) 7.750rK) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 8.250 7.7s0(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 0.000 0.000 0.000 Minimum Monthly Payment (s) 89.58 93.00 98.09 81.87 79.44 50.00(M) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) s0.00(M) s0.00(M) s0.00(M) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) (K) This reflects a litetime floor o17.750 percent. (M) This minimum monthly payment is insufticient to pay the accrued interest on the balance, c€using negative amortization to occur. (O) The repayment period begins in this year. This is not a commitment to make a loan. You hereby acknowledge receipt of this Home Equity Plan Disclosure and a copy of the Home Equity Brochure on today's date. @ 1989.2003 woltels Kluwer Financiar S€Nices- Banksrs Systemsr Fom HE-DISC-2PT Signature Signature $1t2003 3560485-020 Date 2 YEAR CT HOME EQUI7Y LINE OF CREDIT WEBSTER FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 271 GREENWOOD STREET woRcESTER. MA 01607-1733 Creditori This disclosure contains imporlant information about our 2 Year CT Home Equity Line of Credit. You should read it carefully and keep a copy foi your recoros. l. AVAILABILITY OF TERMS. All of the terms described below are subject to change. lf these terms change (other than the annual percentaqe rate), and you decide, as a result. nol to enler into an agreement with us. you are entitled-to a refund of any feesihdt you have paid to us 6r anyonE else in conneclion with your application. 2. SECURrrY IMIEREST. We will take a security interest in your home. You could lose your home if you do not meet the obligations in your agreement with us. 3. POSSIBLE ACTIONS. Under certain circumslances, we canl A. Terminale your lineof credit and require you to pay us the entire outstianding balance in one payment; B. Refuse to make additional extensions of credit: and C. Reduce your credit limit We can terminate your line of credil and require you to pay us the entire outsianding balance in one paymenl : A. You engage in fraud or material misrepresentalion in connection with the iine of credit; B. You fail to make a payment as required by the agreement: or C. Your action or inactioir adversely affecis t'he colliteral or our riqhis in the collateral We can refuse lo make additional extensrons of credit or reduce vour credit limit if: A. The value oflhedwelling securing the line ol credit declines signfrcantly below its appraised value tor purposes of the line of credit; E. we reasonaDly Delleve you wlll not be able to meel lhe repayment requirements under the lne of credit due to a malerial change In your fi nancial circumslances: C. You are In default of a rnaterial obliqation of lhe aoreement: D. Governmenl action prevents us froin imposlng thE annual perc€nl,age rate provided for in the agreement, or impairs our secunty interest such lhal the value of the interest is less than 120 aercent ofthi credit limit on tfie line of credit, E. A regulatory agency has notitied us thal continued advances would conslitute an unsafe and unsound practice; or F. The maximum annual percentage rate is reached. 4. l{lNlMuil PAY ENT REQUIREIIENTS. You can obtain credit advances for 5 years (the'draw period"). During this period, payments wil be due monthly monthly payment willequal the greater of the following: ^YouJ-minimum . $50.00. or ' The amount of accrued finance charges plus 0.250 percent oJlhe principal balance outstandtng on the last day of lhe billing cycle. p"y-9tlt amount will be rounded to the nearesl $ 01 When;ver i flat dollar amount is u-sed to detennin'e the minimrim 'paymenl however, II" T'l-uT lhe mrnimum paymenl will be rounded to the nearest $.01. The minimum rnonthly paymenls during the draw period may nol reduce lhe'principal that i; outstanding on your line ot credit. Atle. lhe d€w period_ends, you will no longer be able lo oblarn credit advances and must pay the outstanding batance on vour t|ne of credit (the -repayment penod. The length of.the repayment penod is ) t5 years. Dunng the repayment period. payments will be due mbnthty yorir mininium montnrypayment wrl equal lhe grealer of the following: . $5U.UU: Or . 0.556 percent of the pnncipal balance outstanding on the last day of the draw period. _. lne mrnlmum payment amount will be rounded to lhe nearest $.01. Whenever a flat dollar amount is used lo determine lhe mintmum oavmenl however. the minimum payment will,be rounded to the nearest $.01. The minimum monthly payments may not be sufficient to tuttv repai ttie iiincibii Irrat-G 'Ualjrice i'n i ilnlre 9*:3gi"S on your line of credit by the end of the repayment period. lf they are-nbt,-you will thirn be required to pay itr'e etiitrl paymenr. 5. ltllNltlull PAYI$ENT EXAMPLE. lf you made only the minimum monthly pavment and took no other credit advances, it would take 20 vears to Dav off€ credit advance of $10.000.00 at ad ANNUAL PERcENTAGE RATE of'3:r{io-"/.-Dunng thar period. you worra $52.0a and $50 00 fo owed by 179 payments of $5O.OO. w h a finat pavmen[ot $Z,ZgS 5a " 6. FEES AND CHARGES. The following are an estimate of third pariy f;es: . - 'Appraisal: $'.credit reportr. $ce.ry insufance on the property that secures the line of credit . Documentation: You musl g- rir! . oo ii"i.di[";;'i,il;"il5;i Ti e search: $_ 7' REFUNDABILITY OF FEES. lf vou decide not to enter into this plan within three days ot receiving this disclosure and the Home Equity Booktet, you are entitled to a refund of anv fee vbu mav have akeadv oaid 8. lrllN|HUH DRAW REQUIREIENTS. The minimum irbdit advance thal you can receive is $5OO.OO. 9. NEGATIVE A ORTIZATION. Under some crrcumsiances, your monihly payment will not cover the tinance charges thal accrue and "negalrve 9!n9!ti{9tiol:y'!_o.g"-gr Negative amortization wi increase the ahount that ybri oive usanO reOuce ybui equitv in vour n6.e. 10. TAx DEDucTlBlLlTY. You should consull a tax advisor regarding the d6ductibitity of interest;na chaid;;'foi thiiinJot creoit. ll. AvAlL.ABlLlw oF OTHER Hol|E EQUITY PLANS- lf you -sk, wE will provide yoJ with info;;tro;;; oi;;fie; avJiaote nome equity lines of cred . 12. VARIABLE RATE FEATURES. This line of credit h-as a variable rite feature and lhe annual percentaoe rale (corresDondrno lo the oelodic rate) and the minimum monthly paymenl can change as a result. The annuat percentage rate inctuddJ onty iniereli aia .iot 5rtiii c-osG.'ihJ;ffi;] percemage rate rs Daseo on the value ol an index. The index is the base rate on corporale loans posted btat least 70% of the 'lO largest U.S. banks known as lhe WallStreet Joumal U.S Prime Rate and is publEhed in the Wall Street iorjrnal. To ddtermine he annual percentaqe rate ihat willaoDlv to r-"^glt a ma€in to the value of the index. Ask us for the cunent index vatue. miigin. anii lnni.,il f5r-C"-n-ii'gJ;;te. liiiEi;il;6;'"'; Y9!lflT^.j.c ,I:_1qq rne ol.cJeorl, rate Intormatton will be provided on periodrc statements that we send you 13. RATE CHANGES. lhe annual percentage rate can change monthiy after rerilaining fixed for 2 years. The rale can nol Increase or decrease bv percentage pornl(s) per adjustment The maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE that can appty during the tine of credit is 15.006 I9-1"-llallher 999 percent. annual percentiaqe rate will never be less than the initial rate. 14. ]{AxlMUU RATE AxD PAYMENT El!4{B1ESj.lrygg an_outstanding balance of $1o,ooO.OO at the beginning of the draw period. rhe minimum monthly payment at lhe maximum ANNUAL PERc-ENTAGEIad RATE of 15.ooo-percent woutd be $150.00. rne riaxrmim annuif pd;ntab;;ab dffig the draw period, could be reached in the 12th month (1 yeaO lo owing an initiai hotd of 2 years. lIJg"^Ig9- ?19,{"gPit}s- 991:l* of $10.000.00 at ihd beginning oithe repayment pe;od, the minimum monthty payment ar the maxrmum ANNUAL TJEHUEN lAUb RA lE ol 15.000 percent would be $55.60. ihe mEximum arinrial perientage rate during the repayinierit period, coutd be reached in-iht 13th month ('l year, 1 month) 15. HISTORICAL EXAMPLES. The following table shows. how the.annual p€rcentage rale and the minimum payments for a single $'jO,Ooo.oo cred{ advance would have changed based on changes in the inder over the lasl i5 years.ihe index vatues are froni tfie nrsi ousiness ,i'av of Januarv. While only.one paymenl amount per year rs shown, payments would have varied during each year ol the draw period. The table assumea that no additional 9r9oll€oJanc€s were laKen, that only the mlnmum payment was made. and that the rate remained constant during each year. lt does not necessarily Inorcale how the Index or your payments would change in the tuture. ANNUAL Year lndex lv"'t Margin (ok\ 1999 7.750 0.000 2000 8.500 2001 s.500 4.750 4.250 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2002 2003 2004(o) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.250 7.250 2007 8.250 7.250 2009 2010 3.250 3.250 2011 3.250 2012 2013 3.250 3.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PERCENTAGE RATE (ok\ 7.750 7.750 9.500 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 8.250 Minimum Monthly Payment ($) E9.58 86.93 98.09 81.87 79.44 50.00(t\4) 50.00(M) s0.00(M) 50.00(M) 7.7s0(K) s0.00(M) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 7.750(K) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) 50.00(M) 7.7s0(K) (K) This reflecls a lifetime fioor of 7.750 percent. (M) This minimum monlhly payment is insutfrcienl to pay lhe accrued inlerest on the balance, causing negative amortization to occur. (O) The repayment period begins in this year. This is not a commitment to make a loan. You hereby acknowledge receipt ot this Home Equity Plan Disclosure and a copy of the Home Equity Brochure on today's date. @ 1989 2003 WoteB Klwor Finarcial SeNices - Bankers Systoms n Fom HE-DISC-2PT Signatuae Date Signature Date +1t2OO3 3560484,020