- Saint James Catholic Church
200 Walnut Street Sewickley, PA 15143 Reverend Thomas J. Burke, Pastor PHONE: (412)741-6650 FAX: (412)741-4782 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday / 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 9:30 - 10:30am With God, All Things Are Possible! PASTORAL STAFF Pastor ............................. Reverend Thomas J. Burke ........................................ [email protected] Business Manager……..Terri Price ……………………………[email protected] Office Manager .............. Karin Masterani ........................................ [email protected] Account Manager .......... Susan Ponticello ........................................ [email protected] Music Ministries ............ Lou Valenzi Associate………………..Sharron Schaefer ........................................ Website: www.stjamesmusic.org Religious Education ..... Karen Conroy, 412-741-6650 ........................................ [email protected] Youth Ministry ............... Maria Brown, 412-741-6650 ........................................ [email protected] School …………………...412-741-5540 Principal…………….....Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 ........................................ [email protected] Secretary ..................... Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website .......... www.stjamesschool.us Maintenance .................. Mike Glumac, Dan O’Rourke, …………………………….Kyle Devlin, Bill Hawthorne, Paul Denk ........................................ and Ed Gintner MARCH 27, 2016 SAINT JAMES CHURCH HAPPY EASTER! EASTER SUNDAY Parish Share 2016 The annual Parish Share Campaign is in full swing. Our goal this year is $173,549. The Parish Share collection helps our Diocese to function not only in service to St. James Parish, but all of the 200 parishes in the Diocese of Pittsburgh by educating our seminarians; helping to operate our hospital and college chaplaincy programs, and provide scholarships for our schools. We all benefit from Parish Share! These past forty days of Lent (A Time For Mercy), has been a time for us to reflect on what changes we would like to make in the various areas of our lives, and what relationships we would like to repair and heal. It has been a wonderful journey for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Parish Improvements We recently purchased new blazers for all of our ushers. Today we rejoice at Easter as the tomb is empty. In John’s Gospel we read how Mary Magdalene arrives at the tomb and sees that the tomb is empty. Are You Registered? Every Catholic needs a place to call “home.” If you attend St. James on a regular basis or are searching for a parish to call “home” and are not officially registered you’re most welcomed here! Please complete the form that is in the bulletin and return it to the office. It is very important to be registered especially to obtain a sponsor letter to be a Godparent or Confirmation sponsor. If you are planning to move and change your address, please let us know so we can update our files. Pope Francis is truly an Easter person, His face radiates the joy of one who has just entered the empty tomb and believed! In the resurrection Jesus conquered evil, sin, and death. As your Pastor, I am honored to be the Pastor of St. James and celebrate the Risen Lord with you. Thanks to all of our volunteers in help cleaning and decorating the church, all our Liturgical and Music Ministers, and all those who helped make this Easter celebration extra special this year. Let us be transformed and trust in God’s will. Christ is Risen! Alleluia! HAPPY EASTER! Fish Fry a Success! Thank you to all who participated in our annual Fish Fry. We hit record numbers for the amount of dinners served. Special thanks to Barry Korcan, our Fish Fry Co-Coordinator and his team for a successful season! St. James School Registration St. James School is currently accepting registration for the 2016-2017 school year. There is a three year old half day Preschool program and half day and full day four year old Preschool program. St. James is an excellent place to start your child’s journey through social awareness, academics, and faith in a safe, loving environment. Scholarships are available to those who qualify. For more information and for a tour of the school please call 412-741-5540 extension 100. Pastoral Plan Initiative: “Called & Gifted” We are pleased to host the “Called & Gifted” workshop which will be held on Friday, April 15 from 7:00-9:00pm and Saturday, April 16 from 9:00am-4:00pm. You will discover the spiritual gifts that God has given you. Please use the reservation form that is on our informational tables in church and return it to the rectory office. A new information table has been put in place under the pamphlet rack in the main entrance of the church. Welcome A special warm welcome to James, Katherine and Bridget Diebolt who recently registered at St. James Parish. Congratulations This weekend we welcome the eleven men and women who have been in our Rite of Christian Initiation Program, (RCIA). Members of the Class of 2016 include: David M. Doubt, Jordan Dervan, Jack A. Kincaid, David P. Koba, Sandra Michelle Maher, Gina Marie Mertens, Jerome Schillaci, Michael Edward Scimio, Joel William Swanson, Alexis Wukich and Rayna Zola. Special thanks to Bob Basl and Sylvia McGaughey for their leadership. Congratulations to Paul and Cindy Cirucci-Muders who recently validated their marriage. Welcome to all who are visiting our parish for the Easter holiday. Come join us on a regular basis for weekday and weekend Masses! The Church is Alive in Sewickley! Something to Think About… The best place to grow? Where you have room for improvement. - Author Unknown With God, All Things Are Possible! Fr. Tom Burke Pastor E-Mail: [email protected] The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a family 12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To make member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to Church and arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with the Pastor at If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support of least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. Please call (412) your parish family, please call Connie (412)741-5611. 741-6650 to make an appointment . END OF YEAR TAX STATEMENTS As of 2015, our envelope company, Our Sunday Visitor, took over the task of recording the weekly envelope contributions in lieu of it being completed at the rectory. An end of year tax statement can be obtained in one of the following ways: ENVELOPE CONTRIBUTORS: Parishioners who contributed $50 or more in 2015 to Saint James Parish will automatically receive an end of year tax statement from Our Sunday Visitor. ONLINE CONTRIBUTORS: Parishioners who contributed via online in 2015 to Saint James, please contact Karin at (412)741 -6650 extension 310, so that she can provide you with the necessary instructions on how to receive your end of year tax statement. ST. JAMES SMALL GROUPS NEWS As we celebrate the renewal and rebirth of the Resurrection, let us remember that our own personal change that we take up during Lent is not temporary, but rather let it be our way of life. Join the over 150 parishoners active in a wide variety of groups engaged in spiritual nourishment and fellowship. We can help you find the one to suit your needs and schedule, or consider starting one with friends or neighbors! For more information, email us at [email protected], check us out on Facebook or call Josh DeNinno at (412)496-2438. Spiritual Gifts and Family Life and Relationships You are called by Christ to stand in His place with your families, children, friends, and co-workers. You are called to a special work of love that only you can do. You have been empowered to do so by spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit given at Baptism and Confirmation. You will be most effective as a channel of God’s love in your family when you discern and use these gifts. Coming to our parish on Friday, April 15 from 7:00 to 9:00pm, and Saturday, April 16 from 9:00am to 4:00pm will be a two-day introductory Called & Gifted workshop that will teach about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are already at work in your life or waiting to be used in your life. Everyone is invited to participate in the nine-hour Called & Gifted workshop over two days. To register, complete a preregistration form flyer that is in the church vestibule and return it to the Rectory. For additional information, contact Sandy Napoli at (412)852-2203 or email [email protected]. The $30 per participant fee covers all materials, a continental breakfast, lunch catered by 424 Walnut restaurant, and beverages. Altar Servers……………………...…Molly Torbic…………….....259-8059 Baptism Preparation………..Jason & Shea Corsetti ........ 724-513-0932 ………………………………….Dave & Emily Kelch………...804-517-5533 Bereavement................................. Nancy Miklos..................... 741-9463 Bible Studies Sunday Morning ........................ John Bunce ....................... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday. ......................... Ernie Tucci ........................ 741-4539 Women ....................................... Karen Conroy .................... 741-6650 Centering Prayer Group ................... Victoria Graham……………….897-1646 Christian Mother’s/Women’s Guild ....................................................... ………………………………………..Mary Kay Russo…….……..741-2845 Eucharistic Ministers .................. Father Tom...………...…….741-6650 For Hospital……………….…..…..Deacon Jim Olson ............. 996-3578 Faith Formation Committee ......... Karen Conroy .................... 741-6650 55+ Club ........................................ Rudy Ujhazy ...................... 741-4914 Greeters……………………………...Anna Torrance…………….741-5663 In memory of Erma Welshhans From Joe & Marisa Niesslein In memory of Virgil & Anna Niesslein From Joe & Marisa Niesslein In memory of Virginia & Christy Lucci From Joe & Marisa Niesslein In memory of the Crapis & Villella Grandparents In memory of the deceased members of the Reddy & Sexton Families In memory of Nicholas & Wanda Harris In memory of our parents Vincent & Angeline Rovitto and Joseph & Mary Pavlis In memory of the Barthelemy and Plavetzky Families In memory of Leonard R. Merriman, Jr. In memory of Hansel & Martha Curcio In memory of James McCombe, Jr. In memory of Frances & Clarence Weber In memory of August & Helen Demma From Bob & Michele Boyd In memory of the deceased members of the McGrath and Meyer Families In memory of the Inacio & Ombres Families In memory of Bill & Elva Patsy In memory of Tom Szuba In memory of Richard Boschetto In memory of Dick Robichaud In memory of Joseph & Betty Simon In memory of John & LaVerne Heuler In memory of Joseph & Paul Heuler In memory of Sam Pisano In memory of George R. Sebolt In memory of Joseph F. & Hilda L. Polizotto In memory of James T. Curcio In memory of Dan & Angeline Montemayor In memory of Trudy Guy From Mary & Christine In memory of John & Bettye Ann Zelin From Daughter In memory of the deceased members of the Sommers and Selick Families In memory of the deceased members of the Crapis and Villella Families In memory of Virginia Barlow In memory of John Petrosillo In memory of the deceased members of the Ricci and Trello Families In memory of the deceased members of the Lottes and Muders Families In memory of the deceased members of the Aiello Family From Daughters - Mary Ann & Susan In memory of the deceased members of the Trunzo and Hess Families In memory of Steve Miklos From Nancy Miklos and Family In memory of Ernest & Katherine Russo In memory of Michael & Mary Fezar In memory of Mary & Nick Zipparo In memory of Moke Zipparo In memory of the deceased members of the Zipparo, Tallerico, Gamber and Vaccaro Families In memory of John & Frieda Terosky In memory of Rosemarie “Cookie” Weikart In memory of Shirley Sgro In memory of Walt & Alice Mesko In memory of the deceased members of the Sgro Family In memory of the deceased members of the Vaccaro and Settembrine Families In memory of the deceased members of the Poninsky and Dyas Families From Pete & Carol Poninsky In memory of Mildred Spirko From Family In memory of Edward Spirko, Jr. From Family In memory of the deceased family members of the Cicco Family In memory of Jerry & Rose Tignanelli In memory of Jennie Lucci From Daughter In memory of Terry Biondi From Wife, Phyllis In memory of the deceased members of the Trovato and Alimena Families Finance Council ....................... Andrea Vescio .............. 741-8776 (David Carter, Steve Clemente, Jerry Joseph, John Nicolaus, Lisa Roskovensky, Judy Spanos, David Thompson and Bob Vogel) Home & School………..Amy Kenneweg ........................ 749-5420 Knights of Columbus .............. Ed Schuring .................. 741-8062 Lectors………………………..….Father Tom ................... 741-6650 Legion of Mary…………..……..Lori Cunningham……….370-0939 Marriage Preparation………....Father Tom ................... 741-6650 Men’s Retreat………….……....Kevin Daily…...……….....741-6211 Pastoral Council…………...Patte Grey.……………........741-6650 (Donna Best, Gene Battistella, Jean Bley, Ivan Hofmann, Dave Kelch, Matt Krzan, Sandy Napoli, Catherine Platt, Linda Soldressen and Anna Villella) Saint Vincent dePaul ......... John Nard ........................... 741-6650 RCIA .................................... Bob Basl ............................. 741-3889 Scrip Program .................... Susan Ponticello ................. 741-6650 St. Gianna Molla……………Cindy Rinaldi……………….779-8429 Ushers................................. Larry Kroner........................ 741-9617 Worship Committee ........... Kevin Daily.......................... 741-6211 FISH FRY NEWS On Friday, March 11, Bishop Zubik and the diocesan seminarians from St. Paul Seminary stopped by our Fish Fry to greet our school students, parishioners and visitors. The Bishop also presided at Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction. Photo credit: Kristina Serafini Tribune-Review Photo credit: Kristina Serafini Tribune-Review Weekly collection for March 13, 2016 Offertory 11,090.60 Tuition Assistance 120.00 Capital Improvement 165.00 Votive Lights 215.00 Lenten Offering 132.00 Easter 10.00 Holy Land 5.00 Flower offering 556.00 Parking Lot rental fee 400.00 Palm Sunday 325.00 Ash Wednesday 10.00 Human Development collection 105.00 Total $13,133.60 Due to an early bulletin deadline, the March 20th collection information will appear in the April 3rd bulletin. 2016 GOAL Payments to date Balance Due $173,549.00 $ 74,723.00 $ 98,826.00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD): April 3, 10, 17 and 24 JESUS DAY FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT: April 9, 10:00am-3:00pm CONFIRMATION: April 28, 7:00pm FIRST COMMUNIONS: May 7/8 and May 14/15 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: SONGAMES : July 18-22 St. Paul shows us how to run the good race. CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES are reminded that Confirmation information forms, sponsor letters and baptismal certificates are due immediately. Pregnancy Hot Line 1‐800‐712‐HELP www.optionline.org Text helpline to 313131 Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1‐888‐808‐1235 Sunday, March 27 Through Sunday, April 3 EASTER SUNDAY 5:00 PM For the living and deceased of St. James Parish 7:30 AM For the living and deceased of St. James Parish 9:30 AM For the living and deceased of St. James Parish 11:30 AM For the living and deceased of St. James Parish TUESDAY TUESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (March 29) 9:00AM + John R. Scalercio (Family) WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (March 30) 6:45 AM + Josephine & Joseph Korcan (Family) FRIDAY FRIDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (March 31) 6:45 AM + Deceased members of the Roppo and Bionda Families (John Roppo) SATURDAY SATURDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (April 1) 9:00 AM + Richard Tkatch (Wife & Children) 5:00 PM + Deceased members of the Connors and Jolliffe Families (Mike & Linda Connors) SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 AM + Battista Mauro (Leo Sirianni Family) 9:30 AM + Deceased members of the Randall and Darragh Families (Dan & Ruth Darragh) 11:30 AM For The People NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM Have you considered becoming part of our St. James Parish family? We would love to have you. If you are interested, kindly fill out the form below, return it by mail or in the Sunday collection and we will mail you a new parishioner form. Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ This week the Sanctuary Candle is lit In memory of Justin Benedict From Shirley Benedict This week the Marian Candle is lit In memory of Matthew Jett Schaefer From parents Larry & Sharron Schaefer This week the St. Joseph Memorial Candle is lit For the living and deceased parishioners of Saint James Parish THIS WEEK THE COMMUNION HOSTS ARE In memory of Mary Ellen Nugent From Jack & Carolyn Marlovits Renovations Additions General Contracting Providing Rapid, Reliable & Professional Service Since 1982 412-262-2900 724-375-2400 G E RAR DPLU M B I NG.COM Chvasta European Skin Care LLC AMBRIDGE 1133 Church St. Stephanie Ann Hall-Brown, Supervisor KOPPEL 3500 Third Ave. David P. Miller, Supervisor 724•266•1500 724•843•7977 2995 20-GAUGE STEEL CASKET INCLUDED and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! (4SPA) Lounge, Dine in, Take Out, Delivery, On & Off Site Catering $ PreNeed ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” 85 Broad Street Leetsdale, PA 15056 724.251.4772 426 Beaver St. Sewickley, PA 15143 412-741-1744 Fax 412-741-1810 Complete Traditional Funeral David J. Gabauer - FD $10 OFF Service Call Sewickley Pizza Roma Residential - Commercial - Insured Kitchens ◆ Bathrooms ◆ Painting ◆ Plaster Patching ◆ Drywall ◆ Carpentry ◆ Sewer Roofing ◆ Gutters ◆ Electrical/Service Work ◆ Excavation ◆ Ceramic Tile ◆ Flooring Priced By The Job, Not By The Hour... That Saves You Money! Maintenance • Contract Avail. • Plumbing • A/C • Heating 1001 Grant Street, Monaca, PA 15061 724-775-8407 (OFFICE) 412-680-0045 (CELL) [email protected] Registered Contractor # PA018011 Official Bank of St. James LEO A. GRANDOVIC Office Manager 414 Beaver Street, Sewickley, PA 15143 Office: (412) 741-7389 • Fax: (412) 741-2984 www.NorthwestSavingsBank.com SEWICKLEY HEARING AIDS If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! Doctor of Audiology, Sharon H. Russo, Au.D., 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! Joseph A. Pope, M.A., CCC-A ntracts NO Long Term Co 412-741-5670 CALL NOW! Associated with Straka & McQuone, Inc. 800.393.9954 Critmore Medical Building, 1099 Ohio River Blvd., Sewickley, PA At the Name of Jesus The Way, The Truth, The Life Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. 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The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. 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