- Saint James Catholic Church
S T. J A M E S C H U R C H St. James Chronicler Volume 2010 Issue 25 June 20, 2010 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Love of Christ In the Heart Of Sewickley PHONE: 412-741-6650 FAX: 412-741-4782 200 Walnut Street - Sewickley, PA 15143 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday Morning - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 11:00am - Noon FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF CHRIST The great fifty-day celebration of Easter has concluded, as have the feasts honoring the Holy Trinity and the Body and Blood of Christ. Last week we began a long stretch of Ordinary Time that will bring us to late November. Saint Paul tells us today that those who are baptized "have clothed yourselves with Christ" (Galatians 3:27). This scripture is echoed in the Church's baptism ritual when we sing, "You have put on Christ, in him you have been baptized." This message is inspiring and sobering at the same time, for in today's Gospel, we get to the heart of what it means to be clothed in Christ. The Lord tells us, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23). For the next twenty-two weeks we are called to take up the cross and, with Saint Luke as our guide, follow in the footsteps of Christ. (c) Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. JUNE 20, 2010 SAINT JAMES CHURCH TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY READINGS FOR THE WEEK 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Mt 7:1-5 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 Friday: 2 Kgs 25:1-12; Mt 8:1-4 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Mt 8:5-17 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16; Gal 5:1, 1318;Lk 9:51-62 Monday: Tuesday: Next weekend (June 26/27) our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence collection, which provides the Holy Father with the assistance he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Through your generosity, with Pope Benedict we can cast the love of Christ upon the world. NEWLY BAPTIZED AT SAINT JAMES We welcome Margaret Madeline Killian, daughter of Jeremy & Michael & Ann Killian who was recently baptized here at Saint James. Our congratulations to her family as they experience the Light of Christ shine through their child. Our prayers go with you! REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE DIED This past week we had a loss in our parish family with the death of: Annette Dellano. Please remember her family in your prayers during this time of great loss. May she share in the Resurrection of Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. REMEMBERING THE SICK In this space each week, we will let you know who is sick in our parish, and in need of our prayers. Please remember Robert Sabatelle, Eleanor Skapik, Eleanor Farbo, Mike LoBello, Frank Wojtarowicz, Eleanor Paul, Robbie Hawranko, Sue Etters, Dolorita Harasin, Carol Shannon, Rose Spec and Carmela Flowers Kocay in your prayers. MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR JUNE 26 - 28 Mass Time Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 5:00pm Vigil Andrew, Lindsay & Peter Curran Ron Carlson, Kevin Daily, Donna & Peter Peduzzi, Don Sabo, Marlene Todd and Rich Zalenski Karen Deskevich 7:30am Sunday Ashley Farnen, Megan and Chris Johnson Carole & William Battisti, Caroline Brown, Sara Hess and Ray Schuerger Sally Ann Cortese 9:30am Sunday Gabriel Haley, John & Lucas Peilert Kathy & Bob Basl, Bonnie & Larry Megan, Carolyn Verszyla, Beth & Manny Villegas Kathleen Wycoff 11:30am Sunday Grace Alverson, Annamarie Macchione and Michael Napoleone Ibie Alfonso, Gregory Dendinger, Maria Macchione, Martin and Joanne McDaniel, Garnette Muders and Julie Pitcavage John Tucci Connie Boschetto & Garnette Muders Rich Zalenski 7:30pm Monday The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a fam12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To ily member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to make arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. Church and would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with one of the If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support parish priests at least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. of your parish family, please call Carmela 412-741-6790. Please call to make an appointment with one of the priests. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS PLEASE REGISTER FOR 2010-11 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD) by contacting the Religious Education office at (412)7416766 extension 503 or [email protected]. Families are required to re-register each year, so that information can be updated. When you contact the office please give all updated information for address, phone numbers (home and emergency) and email and indicated your child’s grade and school for the fall and what session (Sunday or Home School) you are choosing. It is also important that we know about any special needs (medical, physical or learning disabilities). Sunday times will remain 9:1511:00am. Fees will be $55 for one child, $75 for two children and $85 for three or more children and can be put in an envelope marked “CCD Registration”. Please either mail your information, drop it off at the rectory or deposit in the Sunday collection basket. Baptismal certificates are required for children entering the program for the first time. Many of the Sunday classes are filling up, so if you want that choice you must register soon! Late registrants may have to do home school. REMINDER TO ALL FIRST GRADE PARENTS: All children should be enrolled in either a Catholic school or a religious education program by first grade, so that they have the required catechesis prior to reception of the sacraments in second grade. SONQUEST RAINFOREST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION (children 4 year pre-school through 5th grade in fall of 2010) is scheduled for July 12-16 from 9:00am-12:30pm. Forms are also available on the bulletin boards at the church entrances and on the parish website. The cost is $25 per child. Scholarships are available for families in need and we will continue to accept donations in memory of Deb Monski for this purpose. At this point registration is open to all children in the community. Registration will be on a first come first serve basis so register early. Registration is limited to 105 children. Registration deadline was June 14. If openings remain, we will continue to take registrations beyond that point, but children registered after June 14 will not be guaranteed a t-shirt. New volunteers are always needed and welcome and are guaranteed a great week of fun! CARDBOARD TUBES NEEDED: Since our VBS deals with the rainforest, one of our crafts will be making rainsticks. We need 108 cardboard tubes from paper towels. We ask parishioners to save these over the next few weeks and deposit them in the designated box in the side vestibule of the church. Thank you! WOMEN’S GUILD NEWS Elegant Junk Sale The annual Elegant Junk Sale sponsored by the Saint James Women’s Guild will take place on Saturday, July 31 from 8:00am1:00pm in the Cafeteria and Parking Lot. So start cleaning out your cupboards, closets, garages and storage places. Drop off dates for the “gently used” items will be Monday, July 26 through Thursday, July 29 from 10:00am7:30pm. Any large items (bikes, desks, furniture, porch furni- ture, etc.) can be dropped off at the Rectory garages Monday through Thursday 10:00am-12:00pm and 5:00-7:30pm. All other items may be dropped off at the Cafeteria. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE CAN NOT ACCEPT CLOTHING OR SHOES. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED IF YOU CAN SPARE A FEW HOURS PLEASE CALL NANCY MIKLOS AT (412)741-9463 SAINT JOHN FISHER (1469-1535) AND SAINT THOMAS MORE (1477-1535) June 22 From Robert Bolt's classic A Man For All Seasons to Showtime's edgy The Tudors, Thomas More endears himself still: lawyer-statesman of impeccable integrity, remarried widower and affectionate father delighting in a lively household--four children, a pet monkey, even a paid jester! And challenges still: humanist-reformer, yet champion of Catholic faith and papal primacy. John Paul II named him "Patron of Statesmen and Politicians," citing More's generous work, both as a lawyer and in government service, on behalf of the poorest and most marginalized people of his time, as well as his promotion of education for all sectors of society. More's decision for principle over politics, conscience over convenience prompted his final words: "I die the King's good servant, but God's first." Alone among England's bishops, John Fisher dared challenge Henry VIII's divorce and repudiation of the papacy. When the Pope named the imprisoned Fisher a cardinal, Henry thundered: "Don't bother sending Fisher's red hat here; I'll send Fisher's head to Rome!" Whose "good servants" are we first? Isn't a right conscience worth the pain of standing alone? --Peter Scagnelli, (c) Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. FATHERHOOD A father carries pictures where his money used to be. --Anonymous St. James School 8th Grade Graduation 2010 Row 1 (L-R): Katherine Meurer, Lauren Kunde, Rachel Osheka, Sarah Cullo, Madeline Wiley, Sydney McDaniel, Madison Grimes and Jenna Ponticello. Row 2: Father Henry Furman, Jay Pflugh, Emily Veeck, Anthony Kuntz, Amanda Lyon, Brody Churovia, Joseph McNally, Caroline Jackson and Father Matthew Tosello. Row 3: Lucas Peilert, Evan Zernich, James Rooney, Zane Travis, Greg Strong, Father Dan Valentine, James Farbo, Leo Hill, Jack Matten and Annamae Bolen ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS FAREWELL TO THE SAINT JAMES SCHOOL CLASS OF 2010 Our congratulations to the St. James School Class of 2010! On June 9 a beautiful Eucharistic Liturgy and graduation ceremony was celebrated by Father Dan Valentine and concelebrants Father Matthew Tosello and Father Henry Furman. The following graduates were presented with special awards: Emily Veeck & Lucas Peilert - The American Legion Award Amanda Lyon - Sister Mary Dennis Award Anthony Kuntz - The Knights of Columbus Academic Achievement Award Jenna Ponticello - Monsignor Must Award A reception hosted by the St. James Home and School Association and the 7th grade parents was held following the graduation Mass. The graduates each received a CD with memories of their years here at Saint James School. Thank you to Father Dan, Sister Christy, Sister Diane, Mrs. Maroni and the 7th grade parents for their hard work in putting together a most memorable evening. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS - Now that school is officially over for the summer, the school has new summer office hours. The school will be open Monday through Friday 9:00am2:00pm. Please make a note of these new hours. Through the summer months, the school will be cleaned from top to bottom. Each room is scrubbed along with all the furniture. The rugs are cleaned and sanitized, and the floors stripped, washed and waxed. Work will commence in the Gathering Space and will end in the Cafeteria after the Elegant Junk Sale. Special work is done each year for the gymnasium floor as part of the annual maintenance for a wood floor. Due to the extensive amount of work that is done within a small window of time, we ask for your patience. Our cleaning work must be completed by August 16. CHURCH AND SCHOOL PARKING LOT This past November we completed a very successful Heat ‘n Park Campaign to pay for a new heating & air conditioning system and the repair, milling and paving of the entire parking lot. In order to make sure the parking lot was done correctly, we hired NIRA Consulting Engineers who did a thorough study of the parking lot. They took core samplings of the parking lot in early spring, and proceeded to draw up the specs for the project and put it out for bid. The contract was awarded to Ellis Asphalt Paving, Inc., and the work overseen and inspected by NIRA. If the weather cooperates, the work should be done in four work days thus eliminating weekend difficulties. All the work has been approved by the Diocese, and will be done during the summer months. As soon as we receive the dates from Ellis Asphalt Paving, we will pass them on to you. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Veritas Youth High School Ministry Catholic Youth Day at Kennywood is Tuesday, July 6! The day begins with Mass at 11:00am in Pavilion # 5. After fun in the park all day, the day will end with City on a Hill, a worship concert from 9:00-10:00pm back at the Pavilion. For more information contact Daniel Weikert at (412)741-6650, extension 504 and pick up a flyer in the Church for registration contact. ND Vision group leaving soon! Our departure time is Monday, June 28th! Please say a prayer for safe travels and he ND vision program to bless our teens attending. That they may grow spiritually, draw closer to God and in their gifts and talents! O.C. Middle School Transitions recap! We had a ton of fun, faith and friends on Saturday, June 5! We watched a Tim Hawkins comedy DVD, very funny! We ate pizza, everyone got a cool door prize and there were a bunch of new 5th graders and 6th graders that came to check out the O.C. 50 kids had a blast and we were so glad to see you there! Much thanks to our chaperons and Father Dan for helping make our year end party a success! See you all soon and God bless! O.C. middle school and Veritas high school contact: Join our email list at: [email protected] download a permission slip for the year at: www.saintjames-church.com, under youth ministry! Don’t forget to check the churches bulletin boards for flyers and info and keep a watch out on St. James website and your email for all our events! Baptism Preparation ...............Jim & Margi Gregory741-1005 Bereavement...........................Nancy Miklos........... 741-9463 Bible Study Sunday Morning ..................John Bunce............... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday....................Ernie Tucci............... 741-4539 Women ................................Nan O’Connor.......... 741-1547 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY - To all the father’s of our parish whether living or deceased, our endless gratitude to you for your boundless love which has shaped our lives and touched our souls forever! - Father Dan, Father Matthew, Deacon Robert and the entire St. James Parish Staff DAD, YOU TAUGHT ME HOW TO LOVE YOU You taught me how to love you by The way that you loved me; And by your unseen sustenance, To see what you could see. You gave to me through who you were The gift of what I am. Your pride in me is now my pride; Your faith, my caravan. Your life does not conclude with death, Nor will it end with mine, For all the lives I touch, you touch, And so on through all time. -Anonymous Centering Prayer Group ............ Victoria Graham ............897-1646 Christian Mother’s/Guild....... Kathy Basl................ 741-3889 Eucharistic Ministers for Parish ............................... 741-6650 For Hospital………………... ................................. 741-6650 Faith Formation Committee .. Karen Conroy ........... 741-6766 55+ Club................................ Ann Marie Sabatelle. 741-4024 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist will be celebrated on Thursday, June 24. John the Baptist is the precursor to Christ, who “made ready the way of the Lord.” Many of the Italians who settled in Sewickley came from towns where John the Baptist was their patron saint. For a number of years, St. James hosted a special summer festival to honor the special heritage of so many of our parishioners. Though we no longer do this, we will observe this feast at the Masses on that day. The painting of John the Baptist (above) was done by the famous painter, Andrea del Sarto in 1528. St. John the Baptist dedicated his entire life preparing for God’s reign, and baptizes Jesus at the beginning of his ministry. PARISHIONER NEWS Parishioner and Sewickley-area performer John Tucci (pictured with his dad, Ernie) was recently awarded the McDonald’s Youth Football Steelers Country MVP award for his mission of spreading joy through Western Pennsylvania. John will also be singing at local events throughout the next couple of months. Please stop by at any of the events to see John sing. Congratulations John! Tuesday, June 22 (7:00pm) - Washington Wild Things Baseball game Saturday, July 3 (9:30pm)- Ambridge Fireworks Sunday, July 4 - Pittsburgh River Regatta Monday, July 5 (9:30pm) - Leetsdale Fireworks HONOR ROLLS QUIGLEY CATHOL HONOR ROLL HIGH HONORS: Kaitlin Renner CENTRAL CATHOLIC HONOR ROLL HIGH HONORS: Mitchell House. HONORS: Keegan Holleran, Connor Jackson and August Mezzio Finance Council......................Andrea Vescio.......... 741-8776 [John McNally, Chuck Etta, Jack Marlovits, Tom Hajdukiewicz, and Bob DeBiase] Greeters ..................................John Tucci ................ 741-4539 Home & School......................Janet Renner............ 741-1267 Knights of Columbus..............Sam Oriskovich........ 741-7479 Lectors....................................Dr. Bob Sabatelle ..... 741-4024 Marriage Preparation..............Jim & Margi Gregory741-1005 REMEMBER ALL THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY FROM OUR PARISH Michael Mitchell (Army), Lt. Bryan Naranjo (Coast Guard), S.A. Melinda “Minny” Mowery, Colonel Mark VanKooten (Air Force National Guard), Captain Christopher Stepanek (Air Force), Captain Jaymie Stepanek (Air Force), Colonel Joseph Martin (Army), Lt. Col. Bryan J. O’Neill (Air Force), 2nd Lt. Jonathan Miller (Air Force), Cadette David Miller (Air Force Academy) Ben and Sam Rinaldi (Air Force Academy), Captain Matthew J. DiGiacomo (Army), Austin Kisow (Marines), Lt. Lewis F. Giammaria (Navy), Major Sean T. Auth (Air Force), Captain Bo Bear (Air Force), Specialist Michael Murphy (Army) and 1st Lt. Ian Martin (USMC) Please contact the rectory if you would like to add a name to our listing of service men and women. PASTORAL STAFF Pastor:............................ Rev. Daniel A. Valentine, D.Min. ....................................... [email protected] Retired/In-Residence…...Rev. Matthew Tosello, Ph.D Deacon:.......................... Dr. Robert Sabatelle, 412-741-4024 SV Hospital Ministries:…Deacon Steve M. Deskevich, ……………………………412-848-6245 Business Manager ......... Mr. Bob DeFilippo, ……………………………[email protected] Development Director…. Joann Matten, 412-859-1281 ……………………………[email protected] Office Manager: ............. Mrs. Karin Masterani ....................................... [email protected] Office Assistant: ............. Mrs. Susan Ponticello ....................................... [email protected] Dir. Music Ministries:...... Mr. Lou Valenzi ....................................... Associate, Mrs. Sharron Schaefer ....................................... Web Site: www.stjamesmusic.org Dir. Religious Ed: ........... Mrs. Karen Conroy, 412-741-6766 ....................................... [email protected] Saint James Catholic School …………………..412-741-5540 Principals:……………..Sister Diane Cauley, extension 106 …………………………[email protected] ……………………………Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 …………………………[email protected] Secretary:.................... Mrs. Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website: .......... www.stjamesschool.us Youth Minister ................ Mr. Daniel Weikert, 412-749-3745 ....................................... [email protected] Maintenance .................. Mr. Mike Glumac & Mr. Dan O’Rourke Housekeeping ................ Mrs. Patty Smitz Pastoral Council….Carolyn Verszyla; Facilitator….741-9185 Saint Vincent de Paul ....... Bob Brown..................... 741-4971 RCIA ................................ Bob Basl ........................ 741-3889 SCRIP Program ................ Susan Ponticello ............ 741-6650 .......................................... Rosemary Jancart........... 262-4839 Ushers............................... .. ..................................... 741-6650 Worship Committee.......... Kevin Daily ................... 741-6211 FINANCIAL REPORT As of June 12, 2010 Last Week July 1 thru Last Week Collection $14,871 $902,071 Expenses $18,426 $938,308 Over/Under -$3,555 -$36,237 6/13/2010 LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Tuesday, June 22 Prayer Group for our children and grandchildren (Church) - 2:00-3:10pm Friday, June 25 AA meeting (Cafeteria) - 7:15pm Saturday, June 26 Men’s Bible Study (Cafeteria) - 7:30-8:30am Centering Prayer Group (Chapel) - 9:30-11:00am Farmer’s Market (Parking Lot) - 9:00am-1:00pm Sunday, June 27 Bible Study (Rectory) - 8:30-9:30am Notre Dame Vision departure Healing Lives - Over the last several weeks, Fr. Dan has briefly addressed the issue of the sex abuse scandal in the church. The terrible hurt this has caused victims of the abuse must be addressed as well as the loss of trust which lies at the core of this issue. We are all affected by this scandal. It is our hope that anyone in this parish who has been affected directly by any kind of abuse contacts him. The emotional and spiritual pain is great for these persons, and it is our hope that we can do our part in helping heal the lives of those who have been so affected. In the future we hope to have special listening sessions to talk about the profound effects this has had on the church, and ways in which we can assure that this never happens again. We have done much in our parish to create a safe environment for our children. We work hard at meeting the requirements established by the Conference of Catholic Bishops to create a safe environment. Our safe environment coordinator is Susan Ponticello, and oversees that our parish is in compliance with the Bishop’s charter on creating a safe environment. Please pray that we may be as transparent as possible in addressing this serious issue, and do all in our power to help in the healing of those who have been hurt. Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-395-HELP Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235 Sunday, June 20, 2010 thru Sunday, June 26, 2010 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM + James McCombe (Wife & Family) 7:30 AM Sacco & Aiello Families (Susan, Mary Kay & Kathy Aiello) 9:30 AM For the People 11:30 AM + Helen Norbut (Daughter, Helene) MONDAY SAINT ALOYSIUS GONZAGA (June 21) 6:45 AM + Shirley Sgro (Ruth & Dan Darragh) 9:00 AM + John King McLean (Christine McLean) 7:30 PM Spirko & Kelly Families (Family) TUESDAY Ss THOMAS MORE & JOHN FISHER (June 22) 6:45 AM + Anthony Sirianni (Carey & Mike Sirianni) 9:00AM + Pierina Vettorazzi (Family) WEDNESDAY WEEKDAY (June 23) 6:45 AM + Martha Mooney (Herb & Annemarie Gordon) 9:00 AM + Tim Abercrombie (Wife & Family) THURSDAY THE NATIVITY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST (June 24) 6:45 AM + William Clarner (Katie Kovach) 9:00 AM In honor of St. John the Baptist (Bruno & Josephine Toia) FRIDAY WEEKDAY (June 25) 6:45 AM + Vienna & Francesco Montemurro (Nick & Jenny Veshio) 9:00 AM + John Ciangiarullo, Sr. (Family) SATURDAY WEEKDAY (June 26) 9:00 AM + Patricia Peel (Quaker Valley Class of 1963 Reunion Committee) 5:00 PM + Bill & Neil Nicholas and Bill Opalka (Rose Barlow) THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 AM + Mary Quinio (Inny Palaio) 9:30 AM Robert & Ann Marie Sabatelle 48th wedding anniversary (Robert & Ann Marie Sabatelle) 11:30 AM For the People NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM Have you considered becoming part of our St. James Parish family. We would love to have you. If you are interested, kindly fill out the form below, and return it by mail or in the Sunday collection. Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! To register on the internet log onto: https://myownchurch.com/Pittsburgh SEWICKLEY HEARING AIDS Doctors of Audiology • Sharon H. Russo, Au.D., Paula Sandoe, Au.D. and Linda St. Clair M.Ed. 412-741-7446 Associated with John A. Straka, M.D., Shelly J. McQuone, M.D., Matthew B. Straka, M.D. and Deborah A. Eaton, M.D. 1099 Ohio River Blvd., Sewickley, PA Eat the Best Forget The Rest 445 Beaver St., Sewickley (412) 741-9150 AND BIRTH WELLNESS Celebrating the Family thru Touch BODY ADRIAN PLUMBING Serving our community over 30 years * Insured / Reasonable * VISA - Mastercard 412-977-3839 412-716-1559 Massage / Hypnosis / Craniosacral Therapy KIM YOUNG / WWW.BODYANDBIRTH.COM SEWICKLEY SAVINGS BANK 724-843-8000 412-264-4940 MORTGAGE & HOME EQUITY LOANS GRAND OPENING — SUMMER 2010 511 Beaver Street, Sewickley SAVINGS, CERTIFICATE & CHECKING ACCOUNTS RAPID, RELIABLE SERVICE Premier Women’s Health 301 Ohio River Blvd. Sewickley, PA 15143 ULTIMATE PASTRY SHOP www.premierwomenshealth.org Providing obstetrical and 1009 Beaver Grade Road gynecological care Moon Township, PA 15108 412-741-6530 412-264-2450 Pro-life GIANT EAGLE WINDOWCLEAN CATHERINE M. MITCHELL, Au.D., CCC-A BRANDY R. WINN, Au.D., CCC-A Doctors of Audiology 724-774-4070 GerardPlumbing.com Quaker Village Shopping Center Window & Gutter Cleaning Leetsdale, PA 412-741-6040 724-378-2410 Our Success Begins with You Residential • Commercial 1-877-EAGLE-JOB Insured and Bonded Traci Gerard 412-262-2900 or 724-457-2900 or 724-375-2400 Ohio Valley General Hospital Edgeworth Commons Medical Office Bldg., Suite 202 301 Ohio River Blvd. McKees Rocks Sewickley In Association with Drs. Bell, Froman & Orsini (412) 741-2221 • 1-888-933-7755 • Whole Home Audio • Flat Panel TV Sales & Installation • Systems Tailored To Your Needs • In Home Consultations Custom Home Theater Installations Computer 192 Ohio River Boulevard • 724-266-3500 Sales & Service FREE ESTIMATES GUTTER CLEANING SPECIAL $45.00 and up 549 Beaver Street 412/741-5858 www.sewickleygallery.com FARMERS’ MARKETS We Accept Farmer’s Markets Checks Ellwood City Hospital • AMBRIDGE – Thurs. 4-7 PM • BEAVER – Sat. 10 AM-1 PM 304 Evans Dr. • BEAVER FALLS – Mon. 3:30-6:30 PM Ellwood City 337 State Avenue Beaver Serving Beaver and Allegheny counties with office locations in Beaver, Chippewa, Hopewell, Sewickley and Wexford. Design • Installation Custom Layout Serving the area for over 26 Years 412-741-4519 John & Peggy Wick - Parishioners PAUL A. TAICLET, DMD FAMILY DENTISTRY 1712 MT. NEBO ROAD SEWICKLEY, PA 15143 412-741-3337 SEWICKLEY VALLEY ROOFING SLATE-SHINGLE-GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS Summer • Fall • Winter • Spring TIM SCHMIDT (412) 741-8206 Fully Insured - Call Any Day Beaver Elder Care and Rehabilitation Center JENNIFER JOHNSEN - NAZARETH AGENT State Farm Insurance Providing Insurance and Financial Services 616 GOLF COURSE RD., ALIQUIPPA 412.741.1600 1508 Mt. Nebo Road www.seeJennifer.com John Paul Piccolo, D.M.D Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 522 Beaver Street 412-741-7325 Hours by Appointment 724-375-0345 www.eyegotcha.net - DIAMONDS - REPAIRS 405 BEAVER STREET (412) 741-3866 SEWICKLEY Fax (412) 741-2000 SAFRANS SUPERMARKET 649 California Avenue • 412-766-6662 BYOB Charge $2.00 Per Person — Cash Only Tues.-Wed.-Thurs. 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Fri. 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., Sat. 4:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. 412-741-8110 • Non Sectarian • Non Profit 412-741-4409 Pittsburgh Upper Cervical Chiropractic LLC 412-766-0321 870 4th Ave., Coraopolis NORTHWEST SAVINGS BANK W h e r e p e o p l e m a k e t h e d i f fe r e n c e . L e o A . G ra n d ov i c • O f f i c e M a n a g e r www.northwestsavingsbank.com 414 Beaver Street For further information, please call the Parish Office. Check Out Our Patio Dining by the Waterfall (412) 761-6700 255 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA www.sunnyjimstavern.com Monte Cello’s Natural effective health care for your entire family 8110 Ohio River Blvd. www.PittsburghUpperCervical.com Across From Primadonna (412) 331-9696 Join Us Every Sunday for Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM Open Mon. thru Sat. 9 AM ‘till 9 PM • Sun 9 - 4 429 Walnut Street, Sewickley, PA ci Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Thomas Jewelers FINE JEWELRY TARASI & TARASI, P.C. 369300 St James Church Guc ch Big Enough to meet your needs - Small Enough to Care See Website For Coupon ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ELIZABETH M. TARASI 510 THIRD AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 (412) 391-7135 Website: www.tarasilaw.com Fax (412) 471-2673 Email: [email protected] 412-741-7389 Coa Early Bird Specials Saturdays Only 5 PM-7 PM www.4thavenuegrille.com Sewickley (412) 741-7868 Sunday Brunch Jim Muzik - Owner 11:30 AM - 2 PM 412-299-9225 $5.00 off with $20.00 Purchase www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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