- Saint James Catholic Church
- Saint James Catholic Church
SAINT JAMES CATHOLIC PARISH June 28, 2015 Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Volume 2015 Issue 26 The Love of Christ In the Heart Of Sewickley 200 Walnut Street Sewickley, PA 15143 Reverend Thomas J. Burke, Pastor PHONE: (412)741-6650 FAX: (412)741-4782 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday / 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 9:30 - 10:30am With God, All Things Are Possible! PASTORAL STAFF Pastor .............................Reverend Thomas J. Burke .........................................thomasburke70@hotmail.com Business Manager..……Terri Price ……………………………[email protected] Office Manager...............Karin Masterani .........................................kmasterani@saintjames-sewickley.org Office Assistant .............Susan Ponticello .........................................sponticello@saintjames-sewickley.org Music Ministries.............Lou Valenzi Associate………………..Sharron Schaefer .........................................Website: www.stjamesmusic.org Religious Education ......Karen Conroy, 412-741-6766 .........................................stjamesreled@comcast.net Youth Ministry................Maria Brown, 412-749-3745 .........................................mbrown@saintjames-sewickley.org School …………………...412-741-5540 Principal…………….....Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 .........................................chill@saintjames-sewickley.org Secretary .....................Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website ...........www.stjamesschool.us Maintenance ...................Mike Glumac, Dan O’Rourke, …………………………….Kyle Devlin, Bill Hawthorne, Paul Denk .........................................and Ed Gintner JUNE 28, 2015 SAINT JAMES CHURCH 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SHEPHERD’S VOICE In the Gospel of Mark, we read two miracles in one scripture passage. Scripture scholars call this a “sandwich.” Jesus heals Jairus’ daughter and heals the woman with a hemorrhage for twelve years. Both of these miracle healings occur because the person who asked for the healing had faith. June 28, 2015 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time As we conclude this month of June and reach the midpoint of 2015, let us let go of those doubts, worries and fears. Also this coming Saturday, we celebrate Independence Day. Let us be thankful for the gift of Freedom in our country. God Bless America! DO NOT BE AFRAID, HAVE FAITH! DO NOT BE AFRAID, HAVE FAITH! Last week, we took forty-four high school students to the University of Notre Dame in South Bend Indiana for Notre Dame Vision. This annual event is a great week for our youth to experience small groups, faith sharing and listen to dynamic speakers. High School and College Campus Ministers and Parish Youth Ministers also attend. It was a very faith-filled week. The theme this year was “Discerning God’s call and responding in faith.” Many of our students commented how enlightening the week was for them spiritually. I had the opportunity to sit in on many of the sessions plus also walk around the beautiful campus. I was able to read a book entitled “Forming Intentional Disciples” by Sherry Weddell. This book highlighted how we as Catholics can really become excited about our faith. This weekend is a glorious weekend for the Church of Pittsburgh as Bishop David A. Zubik ordained six men to the Priesthood Saturday morning at St. Paul Cathedral in Oakland. We congratulate the Class of 2015: Rev. Zachary A. Galiyas - St. Malachy Parish, Kennedy Twp, Rev. Levi D. Hartle - St. Joseph Parish, Cabot, Rev. Christopher J. Mannerino - St. Cecilia Parish, Rochester, Rev. Jeremy J. Mohler - Sacred Heart Parish, Shadyside, Rev. David G. Rombold - Holy Redeemer Parish, Ellwood City, and Rev. William D. Wuenschel- Holy Angels Parish, Hays. Let us pray for these newly ordained as they begin their ministry. This weekend we celebrate the Thirteen Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings focus on keeping faith especially when we face challenging times. In the First reading from the Book of Wisdom, we read how a wise teacher steers clear from the influences of idolatry. The things of this world should instead lead us closer to God. In the second reading from the Letter to Corinthians, Paul encourages his people to be generous to the poor of Jerusalem. They will be imitating Jesus himself who became poor on earth to bring diving riches to us. Independence Day - Saturday, July 4 - 9:00am Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration till 10:30am. Confessions will be heard from 9:30am to 10:30am. The Rectory Offices will be closed Friday, July 3 for the holiday weekend. Terri Price - Business Manager I am pleased to officially welcome Terri Price as our new full-time Business Manager. Terri previously was a teacher in the Brentwood School District for the past twenty-seven years. Terri taught Accounting, Personal and Business Applications and Personal Finance. She has a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree from Robert Morris University. Terri will be a great asset to our parish! Welcome Aboard Terri! Parish Improvements Crosswind VOIP Phone Systems recently installed a new phone system for the entire Parish and School Campus. Graphics 22 of Hazelwood recently installed new church lettering on the Bank Street side of the church in addition to two new “directional cemetery signs” on Scaife Road and two entrance signs at our parish cemetery. We are very grateful to Helene Norbut and another parishioner who wishes to remain anonymous for making these projects possible at no financial cost to the parish. Welcome Home A special St. James Welcome to Liz Gamra, Celina Fajtak, and Jerome and Teresa Drogalis who recently registered at St. James Parish. Something to Think About… Expect great things, and great things will come. Happy Independence Day! With God, All Things Are Possible! Fr. Tom Burke Pastor E-Mail: [email protected] The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a family 12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To make member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to Church and arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with the Pastor at If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support of least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. Please call (412) your parish family, please call Connie (412)741-5611. 741-6650 to make an appointment . RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS REGISTRATION FOR 2015-16: All children in Grades 1-8 who are not registered in a Catholic School must be registered in a parish religious education program even if parents are planning to home school their child. We also run an optional program for Pre-K and K. Onsite classes will continue on Sunday mornings, 8:00-9:15am or 10:00-11:15am. Fees are $65 for one child, $90 for two, $115 for three and $140 for four. Registration is required each year. Forms are also available on the CCD bulletin board, at the rectory and on the parish website. We ask all families who have not yet registered, to do so immediately so that we have the summer to prepare adequately for catechists, materials, room assignments, home school packets etc. SON SPARK LABS VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held July 13-17, 9:00am -12:30pm. We welcome all children who are at least 4 years old through 5th grade (fall of 2015) from our parish, school and community to attend. We ask that all those interested, to register immediately so we can plan adequately. Anyone registering late will not be guaranteed a t-shirt. Cost is $35 per child. Religious Ed. (CCD) and school families have received registration forms by e-mails and they were also sent home with Altar Servers……………………...…Molly Torbic…………….....259-8059 Baptism Preparation………..Jason & Shea Corsetti ........ 724-513-0932 ………………………………….Dave & Emily Kelch………...804-517-5533 Bereavement................................. Nancy Miklos..................... 741-9463 Bible Studies Sunday Morning ........................ John Bunce ....................... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday. ......................... Ernie Tucci ........................ 741-4539 Women ....................................... Karen Conroy .................... 741-6650 their children. Forms are also available on the CCD bulletin board, at the rectory and on the parish website. Come join Dr. Cool and his crazy lab assistants as we explore God’s Plan 4U=Jesus! ITEMS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: We are in need of old CD or DVD discs. We also need lids from liquid soap, beverage or water bottles that flip open. If you have any of these items please leave them in the designated box at the Gathering Space entrance to the church. THE WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY GROUP will meet on the following dates through the summer: July 6 and 20 and August 3, 17 and 31. We meet from 7:00-8:30pm in Meeting Room 1. We are currently reading and discussing Courageous Women: A Study of the Heroines of Biblical History by Stacy Mitch. All women are welcome to join the group. Contact Karen Conroy at (412)741-6650, extension 503, if interested. Centering Prayer Group ................... Victoria Graham……………….897-1646 Christian Mother’s/Women’s Guild ................ …………………………… …………………………………………Mary Kay Russo……..…...741-2845 Eucharistic Ministers .................. Father Tom...………...…….741-6650 For Hospital……………….…..…..Deacon Jim Olson ............. 996-3578 Faith Formation Committee ......... Karen Conroy .................... 741-6766 55+ Club ........................................ Rudy Ujhazy ...................... 741-4914 Once again we were blessed with another week of faith nourishment at the annual Notre Dame Vision Teen Conference at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. 44 high school age teens from our church along with students from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School (OLSH) accompanied by Youth Minister, Maria Brown, Father Tom, Molly Torbic and Daniel Montgomery, Youth Minister at OLSH enjoyed the wonderful experience enriched with inspirational keynote speakers, small group faith sharing and great fellowship among all. Can't wait till next year! Scenes from around Notre Dame! Sunset over St. Mary Lake on the Notre Dame campus. View from across the lake of the Golden Dome. Sunset over Touchdown Jesus… the Hesburgh Library The Grotto of Our Lady of the Lourdes Christ and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well The War Memorial Fountain Platinum ($2,500-$4,999) The Sewickley Vein Center, Inc. ($2,500) ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS St. James School held their New Parent Orientation, June 3rd in the Gathering Space. Eighteen new families entering grades K-8 were in attendance. Speakers included Sr. Christy, Sue Ponticello, and Gold ($500-$2,499) Donohue Medical Consulting, Inc. ($2,000) Spanos Group of Raymond James Advisors ($500) Clark Hill, PLC ($500) Sportin’ My Stuff ($500) Silver ($100-$499) Orrs Jewelers ($150) Chvasta European Skin Care ($100) Zick T Associates, Inc. ($100) Peterson Insurance Associates, Inc. ($100) Forrest Orthodontics ($100) Lance’s Custom Construction ($100) Ann Killian. The orientation was a success and everyone left excited to be part of the St. James School family. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please call (412) 741-5540 extension 100. OTHER NEWS Fr. Tom recently attended Catholic Schools Day at Kennywood. The McKeesport Knights of Columbus hosted a Priest and Deacon appreciation dinner. St. James School would like to thank its generous sponsors. On May 15, the school held its annual Race for Education – this is one of three fundraisers that directly supports the school. Thanks to the following corporate sponsors, along with Fr. Tom, Sr. Christy, faculty, staff and students. The school raised over $23,000 this year with donations still being made! Proudly Sponsored at the following levels: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Diamond ($5,000+) DT Gruelle Specialty Logistics ($5,000) Sunday: Finance Council ....................... Andrea Vescio .............. 741-8776 (Chuck Etta, John Nicolaus, Lisa Roskovensky, Judy Spanos, David Thompson, Bob Vogel and Mark Whitaker) Home & School………..Renee Cunningham ......... (724)457-2507 Knights of Columbus .............. Ed Schuring .................. 741-8062 Lectors………………………..….Father Tom ................... 741-6650 Marriage Preparation………....Father Tom Burke.......... 741-6650 Men’s Retreat………….……....Kevin Daily…...……….....741-6211 Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27 Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Ps 34:7-8, 10-13; Mt 8:28-34 Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29 Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass "For the Country or a City," nos. 882-886, or "For Peace and Justice," nos. 887-891 Ez 2:2-5; Ps 123:1-4; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6a Pastoral Council…………...Patte Grey.……………........741-6650 (Robert Basl, Gene Battistella, Jean Bley, Ivan Hofmann, Dave Kelch, Matt Krzan, Tom McConomy, Catherine Platt, Linda Soldressen and Anna Torrance) Saint Vincent dePaul ......... John Nard ........................... 741-6650 RCIA .................................... Bob Basl ............................. 741-3889 Scrip Program .................... Susan Ponticello ................. 741-6650 Ushers................................. Larry Kroner........................ 741-9617 Worship Committee ........... Kevin Daily.......................... 741-6211 LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Weekly collection for June 21, 2015 $11,600.25 Monday, June 29 Finance Council meeting (M.R. #2) - 6:30pm Tuesday, June 30 Prayer Group for our children and grandchildren (Church) - 2:00pm Thursday, July 2 Legion of Mary meeting (M.R. #1) - 6:00pm Friday, July 3 AA meeting (Gathering Space) - 7:15pm Saturday, July 4 Men’s Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 7:30am Centering Prayer Group (M.R. #1) - 9:30am Sunday, July 5 Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 8:30am REMEMBER ALL THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY FROM OUR PARISH S.A. Melinda “Minny” Mowery, Colonel Mark VanKooten (Air Force), Captain Christopher Stepanek (Air Force), Captain Jaymie Stepanek (Air Force), Colonel Joseph Martin (Army), Lt. Col. Bryan J. O’Neill (Air Force), Captain Jonathan Miller (Air Force), 1st Lt. David Miller (Air Force), Sarah Miller (Air Force Academy), 1st Lt. Ben Rinaldi (Air Force), 1st Lt. Sam Rinaldi (Air Force), 1st Lt. Jessica Rinaldi (Air Force), Major Matthew J. DiGiacomo (Army), Cpl. Austin Kisow (Marines), Lt. Lewis F. Giammaria (Navy), Lt. Col. Sean T. Auth (Air Force), Captain Bo Bear (Air Force), Sgt. Kevin Murphy (Army), Airmen Jeremiah Murphy (Air Force), Lt. Colonel Christopher Dziubek (Army), Lt. Col. John Davis (Army), A1C T.J. Owens (Air Force), Cpl. Ian Valenzi (USMC), Colonel Thomas Hess (Air Force), 2nd Lt. Christine Muders (Army), Col. Randall Beatty, MD (Air Force), Patrick O’Connor (Army), 1st Lt. Christopher J. Vish (Marines), Specialist Paul J. Ropon, Jr. (Army) and 1st. Lt. Jacob Enke (Army) Please contact the rectory if you would like to add a name to our listing of service men and women. Please remember Eleanor Skapik, Sue Etters, Carol Shannon, Sandy Rishel, Jerry O’Shaughnessy, Nancy Fleming, Robert Murrer, Kathy Delgrande, Kevin Kenny, Lynn Huston Holmes, Helen Alimena, Mary Lou Smith, Anna Kerr, Patricia Fusco, Jimmy Breslin, Carmela Valenzi and Jack Herbst in your prayers. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS LIT In memory of the deceased members of the Norbut Family From Helene Norbut THIS WEEK THE MARIAN CANDLE IS LIT In memory of August & Helen Demma From Bob & Michele Boyd June 28th through July 5th THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM + Joan Wharton (Deacon Steve & Karen Deskevich) 7:30 AM + Lawrence & Rose Collins (Larry Collins) 9:30 AM Wycoff & Samek families (Bill & Kathleen Wycoff) 11:30 AM For the People MONDAY WEEKDAY (June 29) 6:45 AM + John Trovato (Pat Reddy & Sarah Sexton) TUESDAY WEEKDAY (June 30) 9:00AM + Mary Ferchak (Rose Brezny) WEDNESDAY WEEKDAY (July 1) 6:45 AM + Marjorie Curtin (Dr. Kathy Driscoll) FRIDAY WEEKDAY (July 3) 6:45 AM + Marianne Farrey (Bill & Barbara Boswell) SATURDAY SAINT BENEDICT (July 4) 9:00 AM + Elizabeth Presto (Rich, Karen, Brian, Sarah and Michael Parker) 5:00 PM + Elaine Geishen (Elyse Wright & Family) FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 AM For the People 9:30 AM + Frank G. Vescio, Jr. (Family) 11:30 AM + Deceased members of the Grogan and Brenneisen families (Clauda THIS WEEK THE ALTAR FLOWERS ARE In honor of Vera K. Brandt’s birthday Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-712-HELP www.optionline.org Text helpline to 313131 Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235 Renovations 1001 Grant Street, Monaca, PA 15061 724-775-8407 (OFFICE) 412-680-0045 (CELL) [email protected] Registered Contractor # PA018011 Additions General Contracting Providing Rapid, Reliable & Professional Service Since 1982 412-262-2900 724-375-2400 Residential - Commercial - Insured Kitchens ◆ Bathrooms ◆ Painting ◆ Plaster Patching ◆ Drywall ◆ Carpentry ◆ Sewer Roofing ◆ Gutters ◆ Electrical/Service Work ◆ Excavation ◆ Ceramic Tile ◆ Flooring Complete Traditional Funeral Priced By The Job, Not By The Hour... That Saves You Money! Maintenance • Contract Avail. • Plumbing • A/C • Heating David J. Gabauer - FD $10 OFF Service Call G E RAR DPLU M B I NG.COM AMBRIDGE 1133 Church St. Dionna M. 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