- Saint James Catholic Church
S T. J A M E S C H U R C H St. James Chronicler Volume 2010 Issue 30 July 25, 2010 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Love of Christ In the Heart Of Sewickley PHONE: 412-741-6650 FAX: 412-741-4782 200 Walnut Street - Sewickley, PA 15143 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday Morning - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 11:00am - Noon JULY 25, 2010 SAINT JAMES CHURCH LISTENING TO GOD Familiarity, in the case of the Lord's Prayer, probably hasn't bred contempt in most of us, but it certainly can breed a kind of inertia. The words we speak in prayer run the same risks as all our other human words: they can be spoken hastily, thoughtlessly, carelessly. In a manner parallel to the words we say in the Lord's Prayer--"forgive us as we forgive others"--today might be the day to invite God to "listen to us as well as we listen to you." Today might be the day to listen to the Lord's Prayer with newly attentive ears. Let us learn from the example of Luke's Jesus, who would not instruct others how to pray until he himself had been a man of prayer. Moreover, listen carefully to the follow-up Jesus gives for the prayer itself. In our quick-fix society we must heed the call to persistence; in a world that puts glib explanations on difficult situations we must continue to seek and knock; in our all-too-humanness, we must be open to the patience, grace, and wisdom of the will of God. Do we want the Lord to listen to our voice? Maybe we can start by listening to God's. (c) Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE DIED This past week we had a loss in our parish family with the death of Dolores Minnemeyer. Please remember her family in your prayers during this time of great loss. May she share in the Resurrection of Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jer 13:1-11; Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Jer 15:10; 16-21; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Mt 14:1-12 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 THE MARK OF THE MAKER If things created are so full of loveliness, how resplendent must be the One who made them! The wisdom of the Worker is apparent in such handiwork. --St. Anthony of Padua REMEMBERING THE SICK In this space each week, we will let you know who is sick in our parish, and in need of our prayers. Please remember Robert Sabatelle, Eleanor Skapik, Eleanor Farbo, Mike LoBello, Frank Wojtarowicz, Eleanor Paul, Robbie Hawranko, Sue Etters, Dolorita Harasin, Carol Shannon, Rose Spec and Carmela Flowers Kocay in your prayers. MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR JULY 31 - AUGUST 2 Mass Time Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 5:00pm Vigil Luke, Wyatt & Zane Travis Kevin Daily, Donna & Peter Peduzzi, Paul & Doreen Ropon, Marlene Todd and Rich Zalenski Joann Jabour 7:30am Sunday Alexis Brezny, Caroline and Jacqueline Owens Trudy Guy, Marie Joyce, Terri Robichaud, Ray Schuerger and Marie Torrito Beth Joyce 9:30am Sunday Nate Lisanti, Jack Mueller and Kathy Basl, John Bunce, Larry & Bonnie Megan, Mary Kay Greg Strong Russo, Carolyn Verszyla and Kathleen Wycoff 11:30am Sunday Joseph, Kaitlyn & Timothy McNally 7:30pm Monday Bob Basl Ibie Alfonso, Ron Carlson, Maria Macchione, Joanne & Martin MaryLu Giver McDaniel, Garnette Muders and Julie Pitcavage Connie Boschetto & John Tucci Rich Zalenski The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a fam12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To ily member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to make arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. Church and would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with one of the If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support parish priests at least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. of your parish family, please call Carmela 412-741-6790. Please call to make an appointment with one of the priests. NEW PARISHIONERS NEW PARISHIONERS - We are very excited to welcome the following new parishioners to St. James Parish. Please know that we are very happy to welcome you here, and really want you to feel at home! WELCOME: Timothy & Karen Kelly and Family, Alan & Judy Fiorello and Family, Sandra Foody ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS SUMMER OFFICE HOURS - Now that school is officially over for the summer, the school has new summer office hours. The school will be open Monday through Friday 9:00am-2:00pm. Please make a note of these hours. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY NEWS SAFE ENVIRONMENT Good Samaritan (Ambridge) and St. John (Baden) parishes invite all young adults to join us on Sunday, August 1 as we celebrate Young Adult Ministry Day. Our gathering will be from 1:00 to 6:00pm at Old Economy Park shelter #4. All young adults ages 18 years and up are welcome to join us for food, fellowship and games! Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A free will offering will be collected to cover the cost of the rental, food and refreshments. For details or to RSVP, contact Tony at [email protected] or (724)266-6565. ATTENTION PARISH LAY MINISTERS AND VOLUNTEERS - If you have not yet completed all of the necessary requirements for the Safe Environment Program, you will be receiving or have already received a letter from the parish requesting the necessary items for your file to be in compliance with the Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Safe Environment Policy. The Gavin Group, the auditors representing the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, will once again be auditing parishes and schools within our diocese the week of October 18. It is extremely important that we work towards 100% compliance of the requirements for this audit. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Ponticello at the Rectory Office at (412)741-6650 extension 315. SAINT ALEXIS NEWS The 18th Annual Saint Alexis Festival (10090 Old Perry Highway) runs from 6:00-11:00pm nightly from July 28-31. Enjoy live stage entertainment, festival-style food, rides, carnival games, Kiddieland, card games, raffles, bake sale, farmers’ market & more! Hot family dinners will be served nightly from 4:30-7:00pm in the Saint Alexis School cafeteria. Parking is limited on the church property to those with severe hardship. Free shuttles will run regularly throughout the evening beginning at 4:15pm from North Allegheny Senior High School. For complete details about this year’s fun-filled festival, visit www.stalexis.org or call (724)935-4343. DIOCESAN CHOIR AUDITIONS Auditions for the 2010-2011 Diocesan Choir season will soon be held. The Choir, under the direction of Fr. Jim Chepponis, Music Director for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, sings for the major Diocesan events at St. Paul’s Cathedral throughout the year. Currently there are openings in the soprano, alto, tenor and bass sections. In addition to being good singers, potential members must be capable sight-readers due to a limited rehearsal schedule, and at least 18 years of age. Rehearsals are held at St. John Capistran Church in Upper St. Clair. Audition times may be scheduled by calling Doris Anne in the Diocesan Music Office at (412)456-3042 before August 11. Protecting God’s Children Program - Saint James will be holding two sessions of the Protecting God’s Children program. Volunteers of the parish and school are required to complete one Protecting God’s Children session. The sessions will be Tuesday, September 14th from 11:30am to 2:30pm in the Gathering Space and Wednesday, September 15th from 6:30 to 9:30pm in the cafeteria. Please call Susan Ponticello to register at (412)741-6650 extension 315. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS PLEASE REGISTER FOR 2010-11 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD) by contacting the Religious Education office at (412)7416766 extension 503 or [email protected]. Families are required to re-register each year, so that information can be updated. When you contact the office please give all updated information for address, phone numbers (home and emergency) and email and indicate your child’s grade and school for the fall and what session (Sunday or Home School) you are choosing. It is also important that we know about any special needs (medical, physical or learning disabilities). Sunday times will remain 9:1511:00am. Fees will be $55 for one child, $75 for two children and $85 for three or more children and can be put in an envelope marked “CCD Registration”. Please either mail your information, drop it off at the rectory or deposit in the Sunday collection basket. Baptismal certificates are required for children entering the program for the first time. Many of the Sunday classes are filling up, so if you want that choice you must register soon! Late registrants may have to do home school. ELEGANT JUNK NEWS Elegant Junk Sale The annual Elegant Junk Sale sponsored by the Saint James Women’s Guild will take place this coming Saturday, July 31 from 8:00am-1:00pm in the Cafeteria and Parking Lot. Clean out your cupboards, closets, garages and storage places. Drop off dates for the “gently used” items will begin on Monday, July 26 and go through Thursday, July 29 from 10:00am7:30pm. Any large items (bikes, desks, furniture, porch furniture, etc.) can be dropped off at the Rectory garages Monday through Thursday 10:00am-12:00pm and 5:00-7:30pm. All other items may be dropped off at the Cafeteria. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE CANNOT ACCEPT CLOTHING OR SHOES. Saint James the Elder by Rembrandt He is depicted clothed as a pilgrim; note the scallop shell on his shoulder and his staff and pilgrim's hat beside him his symbol is also the carpenter saw This Sunday, July 25, our parish celebrates the feast of its patron, St. James. He is referred to as James the Great or Elder. He is the brother of St. John the evangelist; they are referred to as “sons of thunder” (Boanerges) in the Gospel of Mark. Our parish received his name in 1863 when its founding pastor, Fr. James Reid, requested that the parish take his baptismal name. Though not much is known about any of the 12 apostles, history and legend fills volumes of which it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. From the scriptures we know that St. James held special significance as he is one of the three known as the “kindred spirits.” It was James along with his brother John and Peter who were summoned to the Mount of Transfiguration to experience the Lord’s transfiguration in all its glory. There they were privy to the conversation between Moses, Elijah and Jesus as they discussed his “passage.” The scene is recorded in the vivid colors of the stained glass window above our baptismal font. It is known that James was martyred in the year 44 ad by King Agrippa I as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. It is believed that his remains were transported to Galicia (modern day Spain) to the town of Santiago de Compostelo. This town is considered the third most holy site in Roman Catholicism next to Jerusalem and Rome. Since the time of the middle ages (as early as the 9th century) until modern times, Christians made pilgrimage to Compostelo by foot and later on by bicycle (100 km walk or 200 km by bicycle). In 2008 alone, over 125,000 “compestelo’s” were made. When July 25th falls on a Sunday, such as this year, it is known as a “Jubilee Year,” and the east door of the Santiago Cathedral is opened to receive pilgrimers. The story of our namesake, James, continues to unfold to this day even as we take up the “spirit” of his name. Known as the pilgrim saint he is depicted by the scallop in art, and is a constant reminder that we are a “pilgrim people” on journey with saint and sinner alike to our eternal destiny of the reign of God on earth. Happy Feast Day. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL NEWS THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO MADE OUR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL A TREMENDOUS WEEK OF FUN AND FAITH FOR ALL INVOLVED: CENTER LEADERS: Maria Brown (Skits and Music), Eva Vaccaro, and Jen Cagliuso (Mission), Molly Torbic (Bible Story), Lori Moore and Amy Joyce (Theme), Courtney Kuzminski (Bible Story), Dana May-Burns (Recreation), Julie Wolf and Karen Russell (Crafts), Karen Jackson and Jen Balet (Snack). GROUP LEADERS AND CENTER HELPERS: Gabrielle Gevaudan, Julianna Nicolaus, Maggie Rothfus, Edmund Rothfus, Theresa Campisano, Isabella Brown, Amelia Besterman, Madeline Oliver, Ciara Donohue, Dan Joyce, Ryan Torbic, Regis Conlin, Stephen Wolf, Katie Wankel, Emma Schurman, Ryan Conlin, Michael Falcone, Xavier Lang, Austin Lemieux, Ryder Ballou, Nathan Belliveau, Joel Kuzminski, Matt Russell, Sammie Pugh, Karen Pugh, Giovanna Brown, Julia Poppenberg, Krysta Sauro, Ceili Lang, Greg Strong, Joseph McNally, Austin Schorr, Liam Ward, Michelle Battistella, Maddie Durbin, Gia Veltre, Alexa Lemieux, Delilah Martsolf, Julia Nelson, Jenna Ponticello, Stephanie Lemieux, Grace Jancart, Dominique Cagliuso, Brooke Sommers, Sophia Fardo, Rachel Belliveau, Angel Wolf, William Wolf, Tomasina Crapis, Madison Brooks, Marissa Conlin, Tim McNally, Matt McNally, Lynda Reilsono, Marissa Trapizona, Jonathan Roppo, Kaitlyn McNally, Meg Oczypok, Rachel Houser, Lynn VandenBosche, and Vincent Cagliuso SKITS: Rachel Houser, Julia Nelson, Dominique Cagliuso, Nathan Belliveau, Ryder Ballou, Isabella Brown and Ryan Torbic SPECIAL THANKS to Jerry Williams (Registration), Delia Veltre (Decorating), Lynn Lucia (Donation of craft supplies), the Tsudis family (Donation of Chocolate coins) and Father Matthew for his wonderful presentation on the Yanomami of the Amazon. Thanks also to all those who helped with the decorating, luncheon and clean up. Vacation Bible School - Project Water Well Although 97% of the earth is covered in water, only 1% is potable water. Potable water is water which is fit for consumption by humans and animals. It is also called drinking water, in a reference to its intended use. Water may be naturally potable, as is the case with pristine springs, or it may need to be treated in order to be safe. The issue of access to potable water is very important. In developed countries, people may not put a great deal of thought into the source Altar Servers…………………Molly Torbic…….....259-8059 Baptism Preparation ...............Jim & Margi Gregory741-1005 Bereavement...........................Nancy Miklos........... 741-9463 Bible Study Sunday Morning ..................John Bunce............... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday....................Ernie Tucci............... 741-4539 Women ................................Nan O’Connor.......... 741-1547 of their water. In many First World nations, citizens can turn on a tap for fresh, potable water which may also be enriched with things like fluoride for health. In developing countries, however, and especially in Haiti, a large proportion of the population does not have access to safe water. Clean, safe drinking water is essential for life. In developing countries, access to safe drinking water can be limited, often resulting in serious illnesses and death. Water which is not safe to drink can carry diseases and heavy metals. People who consume this water will become ill, and there is a risk of death. Unfortunately, even in areas where the water is known to be unsafe, people may drink it anyway, out of desperation. People, young and old, and animals share what little water is available in nearby rivers and streams — rivers and streams that are contaminated with sewage runoff and waste. The people living in such conditions desperately need access to water wells, hand water pumps, and filter systems. Through Food for the Poor, one of the largest international relief organizations, the life-giving gift of clean water is being provided to many rural villages in Haiti through generous donations. Water pumps and wells are being installed thanks to these donations, and for the first time, many Haitians have access to clean drinking water. During Vacation Bible School week, our campers learned about the importance of clean water, as well as being good stewards of the earth. Our Catholic social teaching requires that we conserve, and not abuse, the gifts God has given us. The children discussed recycling, renewing, and the interdependency of everyone and everything on God’s earth. The rainforest, our theme this year, was a wonderful backdrop for this ecology discussion. As in the past, we held a Penny Power collection to benefit the Food for the Poor organization in their campaign to provide rural areas of Haiti with clean water. All of the children were asked to collect pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters… and dollars…to help raise enough money to buy a well through Food for the Poor. This year, during our VBS week, we hoped to raise $5,298 to drill and install the well - an ambitious goal. To date, we have raised $1,287 with the amazing support from our parish families. We have decided to continue the collection in hopes that we will reach our goal. Please consider donating to this cause as you are able. Every bit counts, and not only provides water for the people of Haiti, but also provides life. FAST FACTS CLEAN DRINKING WATER • 4500 children die each day from diseases caused by contaminated water. • 400 million children lack the minimum amount of safe water needed to live. • 84% of water-related deaths occur in children under age 14. Centering Prayer Group ............ Victoria Graham ............897-1646 ………………………………...Richard Whittier……..855-3981 Christian Mother’s/Guild....... Kathy Basl................ 741-3889 Eucharistic Ministers for Parish ............................... 741-6650 For Hospital………………... ................................. 741-6650 Faith Formation Committee .. Karen Conroy ........... 741-6766 55+ Club................................ Caroline Jean Brown 741-4971 REMEMBER ALL THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY FROM OUR PARISH RUSYN FOOD FESTIVAL - Come join us for the 17th Annual Rusyn Food Festival August 5-7 from 11:00am-8:00pm at St. John’s Orthodox Parish Center (Fifth Street in Ambridge). Featuring: Slavjane Dancers Saturday at 3:00pm and Revilak Family singers of Bardejov, Slovakia on Saturday at 4:30pm. There will also be Pirohy, Authentic Ethnic food, baked goods, Rusyn craft demonstrations, Rusyn dancers, Rusyn Ethnic items, icons and religious items. Call (724) 266-2610 to place your order during the festival and pick up in 30 minutes. Eat in or take out. Air conditioned comfort. For more information call (412)749-0675. Michael Mitchell (Army), Lt. Bryan Naranjo (Coast Guard), S.A. Melinda “Minny” Mowery, Colonel Mark VanKooten (Air Force National Guard), Captain Christopher Stepanek (Air Force), Captain Jaymie Stepanek (Air Force), Colonel Joseph Martin (Army), Lt. Col. Bryan J. O’Neill (Air Force), 2nd Lt. Jonathan Miller (Air Force), Cadette David Miller (Air Force Academy) Ben and Sam Rinaldi (Air Force Academy), Captain Matthew J. DiGiacomo (Army), Austin Kisow (Marines), Lt. Lewis F. Giammaria (Navy), Major Sean T. Auth (Air Force), Captain Bo Bear (Air Force), Specialist Michael Murphy (Army), 1st Lt. Ian Martin (USMC) and Lt. Colonel Christopher Dziubek (Army) MAGNIFICAT PITTSBURGH - Ladies, join Magnificat Pittsburgh for an uplifting prayerful breakfast on Saturday, August 21 from 9:00am-Noon at the Sheraton Four Points in Cranberry. Hear speaker Debi Byham tell her journey of faith and inner healing. Debi was living a life of guilt, depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for over 25 years after a tragic car accident. She was literally throwing her life away until God touched her in an extraordinary way during a pilgrimage. Her testimony will inspire you to endure hard times and strengthen your faith. The cost of the breakfast is $18. Registration deadline is August 13. To register, call Kay at (724)772-6749 or Pam at (412)461-8906 or download a registration form at www.magnificatpittsburgh.org Please contact the rectory if you would like to add a name to our listing of service men and women. WANT TO PUT MORE FUN AND FULFILLMENT INTO YOUR MARRIAGE? Then join us for Living in Love, a day and a half mini-retreat for married couples coming to Saint Richard Parish in Gibsonia on August 28 and 29. It’s a time for lively, “guy-friendly” (you’ll like it too, ladies!) presentations and private discussions between you and your spouse – no counseling, no group discussion – just the two of you learning to draw closer and enjoy your marriage more fully using action oriented, common sense, practical methods. Truly Catholic, truly engaging, deeply lifechanging – this is what couples say about Living in Love. Come see for yourself! Time: Saturday, August 28 - 8:00am-9:00pm; Sunday, August 29 8:00am-4:00pm. Cost: $100 per couple includes all materials, refreshments, and a romantic Saturday evening meal – BYO lunch. For more information or to register online, go to www.livinginlove.org or call Mary Jo Robbins at St. Richard (724)444-1971, extension 122. GIRL’S HOPE OPPORTUNITIES- Let’s prepare youth for college and career. Just one hour can change two lives! Find out about flexible volunteer opportunities and the mentoring program at Girls Hope: contact Bridget Cook at (724)869-6521 or visit us online at www.girlshope.org and www.facebook.com/girlshope. We are located at the Sisters of St. Joseph's Motherhouse, not far at all from your parish. Finance Council......................Andrea Vescio.......... 741-8776 [John McNally, Chuck Etta, Jack Marlovits, Tom Hajdukiewicz, and Bob DeBiase] Greeters ..................................John Tucci ................ 741-4539 Home & School......................Janet Renner............ 741-1267 Knights of Columbus..............Bob Ryan........... 513-259-7648 Lectors....................................Deacon Bob Sabatelle741-4024 Marriage Preparation..............Jim & Margi Gregory741-1005 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor:............................ Rev. Daniel A. Valentine, D.Min. ....................................... [email protected] Retired/In-Residence…...Rev. Matthew Tosello, Ph.D Deacon:.......................... Dr. Robert Sabatelle, 412-741-4024 SV Hospital Ministries:…Deacon Steve M. Deskevich, ……………………………412-848-6245 Business Manager ......... Mr. Bob DeFilippo, ……………………………[email protected] Development Director…. Joann Matten, 412-859-1281 ……………………………[email protected] Office Manager: ............. Mrs. Karin Masterani ....................................... [email protected] Office Assistant: ............. Mrs. Susan Ponticello ....................................... [email protected] Dir. Music Ministries:...... Mr. Lou Valenzi ....................................... Associate, Mrs. Sharron Schaefer ....................................... Web Site: www.stjamesmusic.org Dir. Religious Ed: ........... Mrs. Karen Conroy, 412-741-6766 ....................................... [email protected] Saint James Catholic School …………………..412-741-5540 Principals:……………..Sister Diane Cauley, extension 106 …………………………[email protected] ……………………………Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 …………………………[email protected] Secretary:.................... Mrs. Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website: .......... www.stjamesschool.us Youth Minister ................ Mr. Daniel Weikert, 412-749-3745 ....................................... [email protected] Maintenance .................. Mr. Mike Glumac & Mr. Dan O’Rourke Housekeeping ................ Mrs. Patty Smitz Pastoral Council….Carolyn Verszyla; Facilitator….741-9185 Saint Vincent de Paul ....... Bob Brown..................... 741-4971 RCIA ................................ Bob Basl ........................ 741-3889 SCRIP Program ................ Susan Ponticello ............ 741-6650 .......................................... Rosemary Jancart........... 262-4839 Ushers............................... .. ..................................... 741-6650 Worship Committee.......... Kevin Daily ................... 741-6211 FINANCIAL REPORT As of July 18, 2010 7/25/2010 Collection Expenses Over/Under Last Week $13,790 $18,426 -$4,636 July 1 thru Last Week $49,179 $52,126 -$2,947 Thank you for your continued support! LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Monday, July 26 Elegant Junk Sale drop off (see times below) Cafeteria - 10:00am-7:30pm Rectory Garages - 10:00am-Noon & 5:00-7:30pm Tuesday, July 27 Elegant Junk Sale drop off (see times below) Cafeteria - 10:00am-7:30pm Rectory Garages - 10:00am-Noon & 5:00-7:30pm Prayer Group for our children and grandchildren (Church) - 2:00-3:10pm Wednesday, July 28 Elegant Junk Sale drop off (see times below) Cafeteria - 10:00am-7:30pm Rectory Garages - 10:00am-Noon & 5:00-7:30pm Pastoral Council meeting (M.R. #2) - 7:00pm Thursday, July 29 Elegant Junk Sale drop off (see times below) Cafeteria - 10:00am-7:30pm Rectory Garages - 10:00am-Noon & 5:00-7:30pm Friday, July 30 AA meeting (Gathering Space) - 7:15pm Saturday, July 31 Men’s Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 7:30-8:30am Centering Prayer Group (M.R. #1) - 9:30-11:00am Farmer’s Market (Parking Lot) - 9:00am-1:00pm Elegant Junk Sale (Cafeteria & Parking Lot) 8:00am-1:00pm Sunday, August 1 Bible Study (Rectory) - 8:30-9:30am Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-395-HELP Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS Let each one remember that we will make progress in all spiritual things only insofar as we rid ourselves of selflove, self-will and self-interest. - St. Ignatius of Loyola Sunday, July 25, 2010 thru Sunday, August 1, 2010 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM + Josephine Servadio & Theresa Yanckello (Roberta Yanckello) 7:30 AM For the People 9:30 AM + Mary Salrin (Jennifer Salrin & Steven Collier) 11:30 AM + Frank & Mary Vescio (Daughter, Joann Gouker) MONDAY SAINT JOACHIM & SAINT ANNE (July 26) 6:45 AM + Palma Mastroianni (Silvio Mastroianni) 9:00 AM + Edgar Lewis (Keith & Elsie Rothfus and Family) 7:30 PM + Mary & Michael Sinkus (The Connelly Family) TUESDAY WEEKDAY (July 27) 6:45 AM + Kathleen & Ed Rechel (The Vasiladiotis Family) 9:00AM + Liseo Sauro (Uncle & Family) WEDNESDAY WEEKDAY (July 28) 6:45 AM + Beverly Angros (Marcella Schwarz & Cynthia Luca) 9:00 AM + William Hatt (Mary & Leo Scalercio) THURSDAY SAINT MARTHA (July 29) 6:45 AM + Louis & Irene Trapizona (Michelle, Matthew and Brandon Trapizona) 9:00 AM + Jack Roach (Mary & Ann Phillips) FRIDAY WEEKDAY (July 30) 6:45 AM + Thomasina Garafola (Flo Munizza) 9:00 AM + Edward Milcoff (Wife, Jane) SATURDAY SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA (July 31) 9:00 AM + Edward Bamonte (Alan & Anna Torrance) 3:00 PM WEDDING: Krista Joseph & Fabrizio Sauro 5:00 PM + Anthony Tallerico (Cathy & Tony Renda) EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 AM + Joseph & Frances Torrito (Family) 9:30 AM For the People 11:30 AM + Dellie Mahr (Children & Grandchildren) NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM Have you considered becoming part of our St. James Parish family. We would love to have you. If you are interested, kindly fill out the form below, and return it by mail or in the Sunday collection. Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! To register on the internet log onto: https://myownchurch.com/Pittsburgh 981 Brodhead Road Moon Township, PA 15108 Jessica Copeland Volante Supervisor 412-262-1390 SEWICKLEY HEARING AIDS Doctors of Audiology • Sharon H. Russo, Au.D., Paula Sandoe, Au.D. and Linda St. Clair M.Ed. 412-741-7446 Associated with John A. Straka, M.D., Shelly J. McQuone, M.D., Matthew B. Straka, M.D. and Deborah A. Eaton, M.D. 1099 Ohio River Blvd., Sewickley, PA Eat the Best Forget The Rest 445 Beaver St., Sewickley (412) 741-9150 AND BIRTH WELLNESS Celebrating the Family thru Touch BODY ADRIAN PLUMBING Serving our community over 30 years * Insured / Reasonable * VISA - Mastercard 412-977-3839 412-716-1559 Massage / Hypnosis / Craniosacral Therapy KIM YOUNG / WWW.BODYANDBIRTH.COM SEWICKLEY SAVINGS BANK 724-843-8000 412-264-4940 MORTGAGE & HOME EQUITY LOANS GRAND OPENING — SUMMER 2010 511 Beaver Street, Sewickley SAVINGS, CERTIFICATE & CHECKING ACCOUNTS RAPID, RELIABLE SERVICE Premier Women’s Health 301 Ohio River Blvd. Sewickley, PA 15143 ULTIMATE PASTRY SHOP www.premierwomenshealth.org Providing obstetrical and 1009 Beaver Grade Road gynecological care Moon Township, PA 15108 412-741-6530 412-264-2450 Pro-life GIANT EAGLE WINDOWCLEAN CATHERINE M. MITCHELL, Au.D., CCC-A BRANDY R. WINN, Au.D., CCC-A Doctors of Audiology 724-774-4070 GerardPlumbing.com Quaker Village Shopping Center Window & Gutter Cleaning Leetsdale, PA 412-741-6040 724-378-2410 Our Success Begins with You Residential • Commercial 1-877-EAGLE-JOB Insured and Bonded Traci Gerard 412-262-2900 or 724-457-2900 or 724-375-2400 Ohio Valley General Hospital Edgeworth Commons Medical Office Bldg., Suite 202 301 Ohio River Blvd. McKees Rocks Sewickley In Association with Drs. Bell, Froman & Orsini (412) 741-2221 • 1-888-933-7755 • Whole Home Audio • Flat Panel TV Sales & Installation • Systems Tailored To Your Needs • In Home Consultations Custom Home Theater Installations Computer 192 Ohio River Boulevard • 724-266-3500 Sales & Service FREE ESTIMATES GUTTER CLEANING SPECIAL $45.00 and up 337 State Avenue Beaver Serving Beaver and Allegheny counties with office locations in Beaver, Chippewa, Hopewell, Sewickley and Wexford. 549 Beaver Street 412/741-5858 www.sewickleygallery.com FARMERS’ MARKETS We Accept Farmer’s Markets Checks Ellwood City Hospital • AMBRIDGE – Thurs. 4-7 PM • BEAVER – Sat. 10 AM-1 PM 304 Evans Dr. • BEAVER FALLS – Mon. 3:30-6:30 PM Ellwood City Design • Installation Custom Layout Serving the area for over 26 Years 412-741-4519 John & Peggy Wick - Parishioners PAUL A. TAICLET, DMD FAMILY DENTISTRY 1712 MT. 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G ra n d ov i c • O f f i c e M a n a g e r www.northwestsavingsbank.com 414 Beaver Street Owner Jody Villella Check Out Our Patio Dining by the Waterfall (412) 761-6700 255 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA www.sunnyjimstavern.com 412-741-8110 8110 Ohio River Blvd. www.PittsburghUpperCervical.com 724-777-3303 Join Us Every Sunday for Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM 429 Walnut Street, Sewickley, PA 412-766-0321 “Quality Work Etched in Stone” FREE ESTIMATES/FULLY INSURED BYOB Charge $2.00 Per Person — Cash Only Tues.-Wed.-Thurs. 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Fri. 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., Sat. 4:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Open Mon. thru Sat. 9 AM ‘till 9 PM • Sun 9 - 4 Natural effective health care for your entire family Across From Primadonna (412) 331-9696 ALL T YPES OF CONCRETE, BRICKWORK & STONEWORK 649 California Avenue • 412-766-6662 SAFRANS SUPERMARKET Pittsburgh Upper Cervical Chiropractic LLC ci Artistic Masonr y REPAIRS ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ELIZABETH M. 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