May 3, 2015 - St. Patrick Catholic Church


May 3, 2015 - St. Patrick Catholic Church
May 3, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Schedule of Masses
Morning Daily Mass
Monday - Saturday 7:30 am
825 Seventh Street
Rodeo, CA 94572
Phone: 510 799-4406
Fax: 510 799-5681
[email protected]
Office Hours
8:30am - 4:30pm
Father Larry Young
[email protected]
Father Benedict Wonganant
Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Kathy Pruett
Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Beverly Fung
Director of Religious Education &
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kristian Marie L. Ocampo
Associate Director of Youth Program
[email protected]
Arlene Aquino
Youth Programs Admin Assistant
[email protected]
Joy Alcantara
Youth Programs Support Staff
[email protected]
Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm
or by appointment
Confirmation Classes &
Youth Ministry/Life Teen
Sunday - see calendar
Bible Study
Monday 8:15-9:15 am
Tuesday 7:30-8:30 pm
Faith Formation (Pre K– 5th Grade)
Thursday 5:45-7:00 pm
Edge Middle School Ministry (6th – 8th Grade)
Thursday 5:30-7:00 pm
Parish Mission Statement
The Catholic Faith Community of Saint Patrick accepts the Gospel
message of Jesus and seeks to fulfill the message in both words
and actions by being joy-filled people who welcome and share our
faith with all who encounter us.
St. Patrick
Catholic School
Kelly Stevens, Principal
Preschool through 8th Grade
Nursery Infant Care Center
(6-weeks to 2.5 years)
907 Seventh Street, Rodeo, CA 94572
Phone: 510.799.2506 Fax: 510.799.6781
Preschool Phone: 510.799.6683
[email protected]
Mass Intentions
May 3 - 10, 2015
Sunday, May 3
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Second Collection Regular Parish Maintenance
Gift Shop Open
Sun 05/03 7:30a For the People of St. Patrick Parish
9:30a Bob delos Santos †
Santos Family
11:30a Edwin Abaya (Birthday)
Priscilla Abaya
Monday, May 4
Mon 05/04 7:30a Leonor Tioseco †
Fr. Larry’s Bible Class, The Book of Psalms #72
8:15-9:15am in the Church
Tues 05/05 7:30a Frank & Angela Madigan † Richard/Ann Zampa
Tuesday, May 5
Cinco de Mayo
Fr. Larry’s Bible Class, The Book of Psalms #72
7:30-8:30pm in the Church
Wednesday, May 6
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena - 8:00am
St. Patrick School Mass (Grades 6-8) 8:30am
Deanery Gathering for DRE’s - 11:00am
Teacher Appreciation Lunch
St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting - 7:00pm
San Lorenzo Ruiz Group Meeting - 7:30pm
Thursday, May 7
Faith Formation Classes
Edge (Middle School, Grades 6-8) 5:30 - 7:00pm
Children Faith Formation (Grades Pre-K-5) 5:45 - 7:00pm
Tioseco Family
Wed 05/06 7:30a Rodolfo Dimagmaliw
Thurs 05/07 7:30a
Pablo Canadido
Vilma Reyes & Family
Maria Aguila
05/08 7:30a Aurelia Garzota †
05/09 7:30a Francisco F. A . Lirio †
5:00p Felix Lachica †
Ocampo Family
Rose Lachica
Sun 05/10 7:30a For the People of St. Patrick Parish
9:30a Ana C. Poblete †
Evelyn Poblete
11:30a Rufina G. Punu †
Olga P. Poblete & Family
Sacrificial Giving
April 26, 2015
Regular Weekly Collection
Plate (347 Envelopes)
$ 8,481.00
$ 2,362.00
Total $ 10,843.00
Friday, May 8
Santo Nino Novena - 8:00am
St. Patrick School Kindergarten Orientation for New Students
Saturday, May 9
Legion of Mary Rosary - 8:00am
First Holy Communion Mass
St. Patrick School - 8:00am
St. Patrick Faith Formation - 11:00am
Day at the Races, Golden Gate Fields - Hospitality
Sunday, May 10
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Happy Mother’s Day
Please note that we are counting on the weekly
collection of $11,160.00 to meet our 2015 budget.
Please give a little more to help us reach our goal.
A Message From our Pastor
Dear People of St. Patrick,
On this first Sunday of May, I am so grateful to Mother Mary for all her prayers and acts
of love that she has sent to Saint Patrick Catholic Parish, Rodeo-Hercules so far this year.
Our students, who received the Sacrament of Confirmation, were truly blessed and were
not afraid to show the power of the Holy Spirit acting in their young lives. I am very
proud of these young men and women who opened themselves to Christ and made the
two year journey. As a parish, our prayers go out to you as you continue your faith
journey that will lead you to heaven.
Bishop Barber said many great things about you, the People of St. Patrick, during
Confirmation. Prayerfulness, sense of good liturgy, music and singers and also
congratulated and thanked our parish for all the successes and efforts that put St. Patrick
Parish, the first parish to reach goal in the Capital Campaign. Yes, our parish deserves
this praise!
We thank Mother Mary for all the children of the parish who will receive their First
Holy Communion next Saturday. Can you imagine Mother Mary in heaven watching
them receive her Son, Jesus, for the very first time?
Think of God the Father and Jesus smiling in heaven on Saturday, May 30th as we
celebrate Flores de Mayo and show our love to them and to Mary by our procession,
Mass, crowning of Mary, and celebration. Make sure you join us in this great act of love
and devotion.
During this month of May, we continue to honor God by honoring Mary by praying the
Rosary, bringing flowers to Mary’s statue and praying and asking Mary to pray for our
world and for an end to all the hate and violence.
Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.
God Bless,
Fr. Larry Young
News ~ Information ~ Events
Parish Beautification Day
Saturday, October 10, 8:00am - Noon
Mark your Calendars & Save the Date
Come lend a few hours of your time and a little elbow
grease to help spruce up our beloved St. Patrick Parish
and School.
Such tasks as cleaning windows, weeding, painting and
completing other chores as needed around the parish
and school will be performed.
No experience is required, just show up with a can-do
attitude and your work gloves. Refreshments will be
Stay tuned for more details and sign-up information.
For more information, contact Lorelie Ocampo at
[email protected]
Worldwide Marriage encounter
For more information on Flores de Mayo, please call
Lorelie Ocampo, 510-778-4122, Jenny Baccay,
510-799-4136 or Lisa Herico, 510.685.3118 or email,
[email protected]
In the second reading today, John encourages us to love
one another in deed and truth not in speech only. Do
you show your spouse that you truly love them, not just
say it? Love your spouse in deed by giving the gift of
yourself; make the time to attend the next Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend on May 15-17, August 7-9
or November 20-22. Early registration, is highly
recommended. For more information contact Mike &
Jeanne @ 925-672-2016 or Joe & Sue @ 925.680.7767
or visit
Immigration Initiative
Helping our Neighbor
Saturday, May 16, 9:00 - 10:30am
St. Patrick Church, Rodeo
Do you want to do something to help immigrant families
in our community? Not sure where to start? Catholic
Charities of the East Bay attorneys and legal staff will be
in our area to talk about immigration legal services and
listen to your ideas.
This workshop is designed for clergy, staff and parishioners interested in learning how to help their neighbor. Together we can become the change we want to see. This
is our opportunity to be a church that makes a difference
in people’s lives.
Life at St. Patrick Parish
Next Sunday,
we expect the collection will be higher due to all those who will win at the Day at the Races. Place
your bets and remember those of us that cannot be with you, will pray that your horse wins.
Tuesday, Let us Pray for Mexico as we celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Let us pray that our Catholic families from
Mexico will not lose their Catholic faith and will remain faithful to the Catholic faith they received from their parents and
Next Sunday is Mother’s Day
and we hope that many of you will come to Mass with your Mothers,
Grandmothers and Godmothers. We can honor these ladies in our lives by praying together as Mass.
Thank You to all the adults, teen leaders and all those who helped prepare our Confirmation classes this past
year and the year before. Without you, we could not do it. You are a blessing to our parish.
Let us Keep Celebrating Easter
A Special Welcome
as we journey to Pentecost Sunday.
to the many new faces and especially the new families we are seeing at weekly Mass.
Congratulations to Doreen May Cope and Dolores Encarnacion Inductivo who made First Reconciliation,
First Communion and Confirmation. Your hard work and taking instruction I hope, was well worth the effort and
congratulations as you join us at the table of the Lord.
Religious Education News
Faith Formation - Thursday Classes
Faith Formation Elementary (Pre-K to 5th)5:45 - 7:00pm
Edge Middle School (Grades 6-8), 5:30 - 7:00pm
to all 48 students and 2 adults
who received
the Sacrament of
on Thursday, April 23, 2015
Rayanne Agbulos, Mark Almarinez, Jasmine Alvarez,
Adryanne Angat, Alyssa Aquino, Beryl Jay Austria,
Araceli Banuelos-Cruz, Sophia Banuelos-Cruz,
Alexi Basas, Cameron Bustos, Ralph Capitly,
Joseph Catalbas, Martin Catindig, Isaiah Chambers,
Raunald Chatto, Chase Concon, Casey DeGuzman,
Marielle Duncil, Ricardo Guevarra,
Christopher Hernandez, Franze Joshua Hernandez,
Matthew Hucks, Christopher Imbong, Jhona Jingco,
James Stephen Kraynik, Christian Latorre, Jenna Lazo,
Lilliana Lowe, Tristan Mamerto, Alexander Marrone,
Joshua McGann, Christopher Pastor, Marc Pugeda,
Jeromi Rafol, Russel Ramos, Breanna Reyes,
Katya Reyes, Shannon Roach, Donald Rodoni,
Zachary Rodriguez, Jesus Rojas-Norato,
Alexander Rosete, Sarah Rubio-Mendoza,
Brandon Sanchez-DeNardo, Jacob Smith, Regina Belle
Trinidad, Maura Velez-Alvarez, Keelan Weekes
Doreen May Cope, Dolores Encarnacion Inductivo
Questions? Please contact the Religious Education
Office at [email protected] or (510) 799-4434
Congratulations to
Makai Bounkeo Alegre
Leila Priscilla Manivong
Adrian Medrano
who received the Sacrament of Baptism
on Saturday, April 26, 2015.
We welcome Makai, Leila & Adrian to our Catholic faith.
Weekend of
May 2-3, 2015
In Loving Memory
Gala Rinaldi
Donated by
Agnes Van Alystyne