Marshmallow Dum Dums® Flower


Marshmallow Dum Dums® Flower
 Marshmallow Dum Dums® Flower
You will need:
Dum Dums
Teddy Grahams
Cut two marshmallows into five slices.
Cut a bit off the end of each marshmallow to create a sticky end.
Allowing the pedals to overlap, press each pedal on the Dum Dum.
Crush up the Teddy Grahams using a plastic bag and a rolling pin.
Frost a cupcake, and immediately after, sprinkle on the crushed up Teddy
Grahams. You can also place the top of the cupcake directly into a bowl of
crushed Teddy Grahams.
Plant the Dum Dum in the dirt for a beautiful planted Dum Dum flower!