The Catholic Community of Saint Barnabas July 10, 2016, Fifteenth
The Catholic Community of Saint Barnabas July 10, 2016, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH MISSION The family of St. Barnabas Parish celebrates the Eucharist, welcomes and serves all, shares talents, fosters learning, and initiates others into the life of Christ. 10134 South Longwood, Chicago, IL 60643,, 773-779-1166 The Pastor’s Mutterings The parable of the Good Samaritan is the story of a mugging. A man traveling a lonely road was beaten and robbed by a band of thieves. Although Jesus told this story almost two-thousand years ago, it is as up-to-date as the evening news, with only the names and places having changed. It is unlikely that any of us has ever beaten and robbed another person, and few of us have ever seen an injured person lying by the roadside, much less leave him there and go on our way. But I wonder if it is possible to see a little bit of ourselves in the behavior patterns of the priest or Levite in the parable. Are there moments when, because or busyness, or tiredness, we justify our inaction or excuse ourselves from taking initiative or responsibility? “I don't have time to play with the kids, or visit my elderly parents, or shop for my sick neighbor, and what difference would getting involved in community issues make anyway?” There was one other traveler on that road that day. He was a Samaritan, to Jews a member of an inferior and despised race. What he did in Jesus' parable was of no earth-shaking consequence. He didn't solve the crime problem. He didn't eliminate racial and religious hatred – to this day the road to Jericho is a place where Jews and Palestinians glare at each other. All he did was take a little time out of his day, and a little money out of his pocket, to help a fellow human being who was in need. He chose to be a part of the answer instead of a part of the problem. That same option is open to you and me. You say the little efforts that I make will do no good; they never will prevail to tip the hovering scale where justice hangs in balance. I don't think I ever thought they would. But I am prejudiced beyond debate in favor of my right to choose which side shall feel the stubborn ounces of my weight. Bonaro Overstreet, “Stubborn Ounces” from “Hands Laid Upon the Wind” We are better TOGETHER Administration We are continually reminded of the selflessness of our St. Barnabas community who continue to support the parish through the gifts of time, talent, and treasure. As we reflect on how far we’ve come, in such a short time, with the Imagine. Innovate. Inspire. Campaign, we are overwhelmed and thankful for the generosity of each and every one of our parishioners. • • • To date the campaign has secured pledges and gifts totaling $2,038,765 We have received pledges and gifts from 297 parish and school families or 18% of the parish We are 68% of the way to reaching $3 million of our $5 million total goal St. Barnabas has a long history of sacrificial giving, not only in terms of treasure, but also in prayer and ministry. To continue our generous spirit of giving, we ask that you prayerfully consider a gift that is meaningful to you. If we continue to come together, as one united faith community, to accomplish the vital work of our parish, we will be successful in reaching our goals. It is our responsibility to be good stewards of our blessings and preserve them for future members of our church and school. If you have yet to make your gift to the Imagine. Innovate. Inspire. Campaign, please contact Monica Wilczak, Director of Development, [email protected] or call 773-779-1166, ext. 242 for information on how to make your commitment. Thank you for graciously accepting this opportunity to serve as good stewards of God’s abundant blessings. Sirach 35:7-11 – “For all that you offer is in fulfillment of the commandment. The offering of the righteous enriches the altar, and its pleasing odor rises before the Most High. The sacrifice of the righteous is acceptable, and it will never be forgotten. Be generous when you worship the Lord, and do not stint the first fruits of your hands. With every gift show a cheerful face, and dedicate your tithe with gladness.” Education CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD – The Children’s Liturgy of the Word Ministry (CLOW) is on it’s summer break. There will be no Children’s Liturgy at 10 am Mass during the summer. CLOW will resume after Labor Day, on Sunday, September 11th and be held at the 10:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday thereafter. We especially wish to thank this year’s CLOW leaders: Tom & Catherine Brady, Maura & Sean Barron, Hannah & Karen Lux, Andy & Cindy Neu, Maureen Gainer Reilly, Penelope Robbins, and Margaret Smith. CLOW serves children, ages ~4 yrs. – 7 yrs., by breaking open the Sunday Scriptures with/for them at their level of understanding. The children hear a simpler version of the readings from a Children’s Lectionary, approved by the U.S. Bishops. CLOW also of benefits parents: relieved from the task of keeping squirming children quiet and attentive during Mass, parents are able to focus more attentively on the Liturgy of the Word in peace knowing that their children are being cared for and are hearing the Word proclaimed to them. We are in need adults who will proclaim the Word to the children. We are also in need of teens and adults who are willing to assist by reading, leading prayers, and modeling good church behavior. To volunteer for this ministry, please call Matt Furjanic, 773-445-3450, or email: [email protected]. Thank you! HELP WANTED St. Barnabas School has two Part-time positions, After Care worker and Communications Coordinator. For more information please e-mail Elaine Gaffney, St. Barnabas Principal, at [email protected]. Education 2016 – 2017 RELGIOUS EDUCATION SESSIONS REGISTER NOW Attention New and Returning Families: Registration for Religious Education is open! The registration process is simple and can be done online via on the Religious Education page of the St. Barnabas website. The Religious Education Program will resume on Sunday, September 11th. Religious Education faith sessions are held on Sunday mornings in the School (Grades Pre-K – 8) from 8:15 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. The program will continue for 20 weeks through the month of April. Please register IMMEDIATELY so that we can make preparations for another year of growth in the faith! Sacramental Preparation: Students preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion generally begin the two year formation process in 1st grade. Also, students celebrate Confirmation in 8th grade at St. Barnabas after beginning their preparation in 7th grade. For a full and comprehensive formation in the faith, students are expected to participate in religious education every learning year and throughout their life cycle. For more information: contact Matt Furjanic Phone: 773-445-3450. Email: [email protected] Parish Website: (click on Youth and then click on Religious Education) Please Pray for our Military Kenneth Safford Ryan Graber Peter Chaveriat Jennifer Chaveriat Patrick Corcoran James Fournier Chuck Franklin Richard O'Connell, Jr Josh Pentek Brendan Nolan Matt Beemsterboer Sean Miller JJ Marren Ian McHugh Keating Kevin Ryan Yvonne Cannon Brian Walsh Human Concerns PEACE QUOTE “Unless we teach children PEACE someone else will teach them violence.” C. McCarthy HAVING A PARTY........ for graduation, holidays, your block party, etc? The St. Barnabas Eccommittee can help make your event an ecologically green one. We provide containers for aluminum cans which we will distribute to you and collect. The revenue from these cans is used to purchase eco-friendly products for St. Barnabas events. We also provide paper cups and water coolers to avoid using bottled water. So much bottled water comes from 3rd world countries. People are dying there as we drink their water here. Please don't purchase or drink bottled water. Lives depend on your compassionate choice. You can call the rectory at 773-779-1166 or call 773-779-6064. Thank you from Mother Earth. CARE FOR ST. BARNABAS PARK Summer is upon us, and our beautiful St. Barnabas Park is lively with activity! Unfortunately, we’ve also noticed an increase in damaged or missing park signage. Please know, we are monitoring the situation and sign replacements are underway. You can help stop vandalism • if you see something, saw something! • St. Barnabas Park is a beautiful and meaningful part of our parish campus - thank you for helping us take care it. Neighborhood News LCMH Babysitting Safe and Secure For ages 11-14, on July 25, from 10 am - 2 pm. At the Beverly Area Planning Association (BAPA) 11109 S Longwood Dr, Chicago, Il 60643 Fee $60 To register call 708-423-5774 by July 20th. BROTHER RICE CHEER CAMP Learn the fundamentals of cheerleading! Jumps, safe stunting, sideline cheers, and dances. Parents are invited for the camper's performance on Sunday, August 7th at 3:00 that showcases the routines and skills campers learned throughout camp. When: Saturday & Sunday, August 6th and 7th, from Noon – 4 P.M. Where: Brother Rice Main Gym, 10001 S. Pulaski Who: All interested cheerleaders from Preschool to eighth grade Price: $55 for single participants $85 for two campers from the same family Easy Online Registration: visit the Brother Rice website, search summer camps, and scroll down page to cheer camp link! or call Laura Sexton 773-429-4345. Our Finances—Your Gifts Matter Sunday Week—07/03/2016 Monthly—May 2016 Year-to-Date—0 Actual Budgeted Difference Month of May Overview—Have you ever wondered how this money is spent? Here is a breakdown of our monthly income and expense. Monthly Income: *Sunday, Christmas & Easter Religious Ed and Misc Income $ 3,984.42 Total Income: $82,744.68 Monthly Expense: Payroll & Benefits: Business & Rectory Expense: Utilities : Repairs, Maintenance, Landscaping. & Capital Expenses: Altar and Liturgical: Archdiocesan Expense Parish Life & Ministerial Programs: Total Expenses: Net Income (Loss): $ 43,027.33 $ 2,716.65 $ 0 $ 1,027.24 $ 1,788.30 $ 16,179.00 $ 623.51 $ 65,362.03 $ 17,382.65 May 2015 $85,683.67 $ 5,07.53 $ 90,791.20 $ 68,781.47 $ 5,489.66 $ 1,915.86 $ 12,261.00 $ 664.66 $ 16,420.00 $ 2,124.33 $ 107,656.98 $ -16,865.78 Stewardship Spotlight Stewardship is the recognition that all we have is a gift from God. It asks that we use our time, talent, and treasure to fulfill the depth of our commitment to St. Barnabas Parish. We rely on the generosity of our parishioners to fund our ministries and operations, and for this, we are grateful. Online giving is a great way to give to the Sunday Offertory! Currently, 138 parishioners give online —up from 72 in November! As we approach the end of our fiscal year, June 30th, please consider using Give Central to donate to the Sunday Offertory via electronic check (ACH) or credit/debit card; make automatically repeating payments, or a one-time gift. If you already give online, please check your account to make sure your card is active and to update your giving amounts. New and renewing support is critical to ending the fiscal year with a balanced budget. Please visit our website,, and click on the Give Central logo to set-up your donation in three easy steps: 1. Select your gift amount and designation 2. Log in to your account or create a new account 3. Enter payment method. Online giving saves our parish time and money in printing and mailing costs, and provides more reliable Sunday offertory income. Think about how important St. Barnabas Parish is to your family, and please give with a generous heart. Your support of St. Barnabas Parish is appreciated – We are better together! PARISH STAFF AND DIRECTORY 10134 South Longwood Fax 779-1166 445-9671 Rev. Raymond Tillrock Pastor Emeritus LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS We gather as a community to celebrate Mass: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: Rev. William Malloy Pastor [email protected] X232 Rev. James Donovan Resident [email protected] X230 Matt Furjanic Director, Religious Ed [email protected] 445-3450 Kitty Ryan Pastoral Associate/ Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected] X226 Gail Byrnes Business Manager [email protected] X227 Monica Wilczak Director of Development [email protected] X242 Geri Doherty Parish Secretary [email protected] X221 Sandro Tsomaia Associate Music Director [email protected] X223 Maryellen Harrington Youth Ministry Coordinator [email protected] 429-9614 Weekdays: 6:45 am Communion Service is in Chapel; 8:45am Mass is in Church Mon. 7/11 6:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Tues, 7/12 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Wed, 7/13 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Thurs, 7/14 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Fri, 7/15 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. X228 Sr. Julie Flynn Human Concerns Coordinator [email protected] Saturday, 7/16 8:00 a.m. Weekend Sacramental Assistants Rev. William Kenneally Deacons Mr. Larry Conway, Mr. James Temple Mr. Andrew Neu, Mr. William Sullivan School 10121 South Longwood 773-445-7711 Fax 773-445-9815 Elaine Gaffney Principal [email protected] X216 Andy Walsh Asst. Principal [email protected] X316 Lisa Sarcinella [email protected] X215 Katy Duffy [email protected] X214 Convent 10161 South Longwood READINGS OF THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Word Communion Jimmy Pat Stewart (for healing) People of St. Barnabas Chris Hack Shaun Dillon-Doria Word Communion Jim & Joan Temple (54th Ann.) Lector Sacristans Reagan** McKeough Joey Pfeiffer Jack Looney Kate Walsh Liz Corr Pat Tracy Patty Rohan Carol Warshall Kathleen McGarry Betty Jane Knoth Thomas Mangan Peggy O'Brien-Bremer 10:00 a.m. Intentions Presider Eucharist Celebration Joseph Desmond Fr. Malloy 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Lector Sacristans Maura Reidy Fiona Connors Claire Syverson* Anne Malone Bob Barrett Nancy Barrett John Katzberger Janet Barry Patty Fahey Sr. Carlotta Oberzut William Waddell Kitty Carroll Bob Keeley Barbara Lucente 12:00 p.m. Intentions Presider Eucharist Celebration Robert Dormody Fr. Adams 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. Nicholas Stiglich John Fitzpatrick Veronica Zapata Monica Wilczak Ann Briggs Jim Briggs Mary Dennis Heather Linehan Stella Muir Georgia Caston Susan Faber Julius H. Watson Euch. Min. Euch. Min. People of St. Barnabas Leo Petkus James Butler & family Joan Lynch Kathleen A. Meehan Karen Javorski (for healing) Eucharist Celebration Janet Tassone Fr. Malloy 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. Riley** Cleveland Sean Benson* Grace Cahill* Heather Cleveland Patricia Ahern Liz Marren Julie McGawley Winifred Lopez Kate Liston Castle Tom Nine Selma Stewart Patti Ahern Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server People of St. Barnabas David Hennessey Sharon Duer 4:00 p.m. Intentions Presider Lector Sacristans Sunday, July 17, 2016 8:00 a.m. Eucharist Celebration Intentions James Donovan Presider Fr. Kenneally Thursday: Lector Sacristans Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 SACRAMENTS LET US HELP Reconciliation: The Sacr ament of Reconciliation is celebrated on Saturday afternoon from 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm in the Church or byNew appointment. Parishioners: We welcome you! Please introduce yourself to us. We ask that you register with Geri Doherty Anointing of the Sick/Communion: If a member of your family is ill or homebound, please contact Ger i Doher ty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or [email protected] 773-779-1166 ext.0 or [email protected]. Holy Orders: Anyone interare ested in knowing morfirst e about for mation for pr or diaconate y istime asked to callare Infant Baptism: Infants baptized on the and third Sundays ofiestly the month at 1:30ministr pm. First parents Fr.required William to Malloy at 773-779-1166 or [email protected]. complete the Baptismext.232 Prep Class which are offered on the second Monday of every month. Please contact Infant Infants ar e baptized fir st and thir d Sundays of the month at 1:30 pm, or at any r egular ly scheduled Geri Baptism: Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0onorthe [email protected]. Sunday mass. First time parents are required to complete the Baptism Prep Class which are offered on the second Monday of every Reconciliation: TheGeri Sacrament Reconciliation is or celebrated on Saturday afternoon from 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm in the month. Please contact Doherty of 773-779-1166 ext.0 [email protected]. Church or by appointment. New Parishioners: We welcome you! Please intr oduce your self to us. We ask that you r egister with Ger i Doher ty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or [email protected] Religious Education: Grammar school students who are not attending Saint Barnabas School are encouraged to Sacraments of Initiation/RCIA: of catechetical ageFurjanic ar e baptized and fully r eceived into the Catholic faith annually at register for Religious EducationThose classes. Contact Matt at 773-445-3450 or [email protected]. the Easter Vigil. Formation begins in the fall. Please contact Tom Nine 773-881-8961, [email protected] Sacraments of Initiation/RCIA: Those catechetical age are baptized and fully4received into intheadvance. Catholic faith Marriage: Please call the Rector y to speakofwith a pr iest about making ar r angements to 6 months annuallyEducation: at the Easter Vigil. Formation beginswho in the contact [email protected]. Religious Gr ammar school students ar efall. notPlease attending SaintTom Bar Nine nabas773-881-8961, School ar e encour aged to r egister for Religious Education Furjanic at 773-445-3450 [email protected]. Marriage: Please classes. call theContact RectoryMatt to speak with a priest aboutormaking arrangements 4 to 6 months in advance. Holy Orders: Anyone interested in knowing more about formation for priestly or diaconate ministry is asked to call Fr. William Malloy at 773-779-1166 ext.232 or [email protected]. Anointing of the Sick/Communion: If a member of your family is ill or homebound, please contact Geri Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or [email protected]. Bulletin articles: To submit items for the bulletin please send to Geri Doherty at [email protected] no later then 9:00 on the Monday before the weekend. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Barnabas Church #095600 10134 S. Longwood Drive Chicago, IL 60643 TELEPHONE 773 779-1166 CONTACT PERSON Geri Doherty OR Gail Byrnes SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat 9 Windows 10 PRINTER HP Color Laserjet 4600n SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION June 26, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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