November 6, 2014 - Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group
November 6, 2014 - Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group
COMMANDER’S CORNER: DEVELOP PERSONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE - PAGE 3 Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Thursday, November 6, 2014 Vol. 58 No. 44 Peterson aircraft receive new paint, life at base museum By Staff Sgt. J. Aaron Breeden 21st Space Wing Public Affairs (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. J. Aaron Breeden) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – Anthony Garcia, a painting contractor, masks the cockpit of an F-4 Phantom II aircraft with paper and tape in preparation for paint at the base museum Oct. 30. Garcia is part of a contracted crew hired to repaint and touch up 10 aircraft maintained by the museum to ensure these artifacts remain accurate representations of these once high-soaring crafts that now reside at Peterson AFB. PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — A restoration project that started in August is breathing new life into several aircraft in and around the Peterson Air and Space Museum, and will likely be completed this spring after Old Man Winter has come and gone. What started as a small restoration project grew into the complete repainting of eight aircraft and touch up of two others. Museum curator Jeff Nash explained the museum is charged with ensuring all of their aerospace vehicles are maintained and preserved as accurate representations for guests visiting the museum, and he said he’s pleased to see this project underway. Although Peterson is a space base, the aerospace vehicles represent the historical and current missions of the 21st Space Wing and its tenant units. Nash said since 1951 the Air Force’s former Aerospace Defense Command, then a component of Northern American Aerospace Defense Command,existed at Peterson until NORAD moved here in 1957. “The aircraft and missiles we have on display here at the museum and elsewhere on Peterson are weapon systems used by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army Air Defense Commands,” Nash said. Along with the static displays outside of the museum, inside there are treasures which showcase the rich history of Team Pete, the construction of Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, and the evolution of the space missions operating today. “For over 60 years, units at Peterson and other Air Force bases in Colorado Springs have supported the aerospace defense mission,” he said. “The display aircraft and missiles you see around base are silent representatives for members of Team Pete who supported those missions.” Nash said future projects will include renovating the Broadmoor Hangar, currently used for administrative space and artifact storage, with new and updated exhibits to help tie the hangar into the rest of the displays at the museum. The museum will continue to operate normal business hours throughout the restoration project. For those interested in volunteering at the museum or for more information visit Wing gears up for Condor Crest (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. J. Aaron Breeden) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – Chris Ransom, a painting contractor, applies paint to the tail light of an F-15 Strike Eagle aircraft at the base museum Oct. 30. Ransom is part of a contracted crew hired to repaint and touch up 10 aircraft maintained by the museum to ensure these artifacts remain accurate representations of these once high-soaring crafts that now reside at Peterson AFB. (U.S. Air Force/file photo) Members of the 21st Space Wing will conduct emergency response exercises from Nov. 12-18 as part of the 21st Space Wing’s continued commitment to ensure base readiness. These exercises may cause delays at the gate. There will be some traffic disruption and potentially some temporary delays in services in the areas where exercise scenarios are taking place. We ask our mission partners and community members for patience. These exercises are vital training tools that ensure our emergency response forces are able to effectively respond to unplanned crisis events. INSIDE News Briefs Classifieds 1-16 17 18 Thrifty shopping Page 5 Snow Parade Page 12 Like us 2 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Peterson hosts haunted Halloween (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – A ghost waits in the shadows to scare the next group that dares to enter the 21st Communications Squadron haunted house Oct. 30. This was the first-ever haunted house put on by the 21st CS, and admission was free. Different rooms had different levels of “scare factor,” including a separate kid’s area for those that weren’t quite ready to be scared. Got Pain? You have a choice, we can help. • Flexible class scheduling (719) 444.0381 • Criminal Defense LAW FIRM OF MARK S. HANCHEY • Former JAG Attorney • 25 Years Experience • Free Consultation • Payment Plans 429 South Cascade Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80903 • Externship program included • Career Services/ Job Placement Assistance (719) 219-3144 Domestic Violence • DUI’s & Traffic • Assaults • Drugs • Personal Injury Theft • Restraining Orders • Courts Martial • Separation Boards Child Development Center of Colorado Springs A new Healthcare Career in Months Is as easy as 1, 2, 3 Do you have... Developmental concerns? Physical | Occupational | Speech-Language Therapy 719-574-8300 | 719-574-8605 MEDICAL • DENTAL • MASSAGE THERAPY PERSONAL FITNESS • SMALL BUSINESS SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 3 C ommander’s C orner 21 st S pace Wing 21st Space Wing Commander Col. John Shaw Chief of Public Affairs 2nd Lt. Sarah Burnett Editorial Staff Chief of Internal Information Mr. Steve Brady Staff Writer Michael Golembesky Published by Colorado Springs Military Newspapers Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300, Colorado Springs, 80903, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 21st Space Wing. This commercial enterprise Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services. Contents of the Space Observer are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, the Department of the Air Force, or CSMNG, of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the 21st Space Wing Public Affairs Office, 775 Loring Ave., Suite 219, Peterson AFB, Colo., 80914-1294, (719) 556-5185 or DSN 834-5185, fax (719) 556-7848 or DSN 834-7848. All photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated. The Space Observer is published every Thursday. For advertising inquiries, call Colorado Springs Military Newspapers, (719) 634-5905. Employees of Peterson Air Force Base who want to place a free classified advertisement should call (719) 329-5210. Articles, announcements, news briefs or feedback for the Space Observer should be submitted to the 21st SW/PA via [email protected]. For further information, call 21st SW/PA at (719) 556-5185 or DSN 834-5185 or e-mail [email protected]. Deadline for article submission is noon the Friday one week before publication. All articles, copy and announcements submitted will be edited to conform to AFI Series 35 and the Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual. For information in the event of a Peterson Air Force Base emergency, contact the Straight Talk line at (719) 556-9154. Develop personal leadership style SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — This is for all you aspiring leaders out there.... for all of us. You are not Gen. George Patton. You are not Gen. Colin Powell. You are you and you have your own leadership style. Be yourself. Develop your personal leadership style. Consider the following as you do so. Have you established your own personal touchstone — something to weigh decisions against? What do you value? What is important to you? How do these things guide you in your decision making? Take a moment to be deliberate in the knowledge of what you personally value, what’s important to you and what your character is. Form the foundation of your decision-guiding touchstone. In my case, I value organization, responsibility, pragmatism and the 10 Commandments. Inspiring others, continuous improvement and a job well done are important to me. I weigh decisions of all kinds against this touchstone. Reflect about lessons you’ve learned and be deliberate in how your share them. I’ve reflected on leadership over my entire career and have at times learned more salient lessons than others. Throughout, I’ve made a habit of highlighting one leadership lesson from each of my assignments and reflecting on this list and sharing it with others. I offer some of the highlights and spare you the Lt. Col. Michael Peake 21st Medical Squadron commander details because only I understand the context of the details and how they apply to my own leadership style. My purpose here is to explain the process. · As a lieutenant, I learned to appreciate the ‘work hard-play hard’ cliché, and that being demanding and truly taking care of those you lead are not mutually exclusive. · As a captain, I learned that the world “outside” of the Air Force gets a vote and that all of us have a natural desire to be led. I learned good people will always try to do what they think is best for the mission, but without a strong leader to provide the vision and make the hard decisions, a decline in the total effectiveness of the unit is unavoidable. · Later, I learned to value letting mid-level leaders run, not getting too far into the weeds, while at the same time ensuring the effec- tiveness of the entire team. I learned that no matter how hard you work at communicating, you will find pockets where the word wasn’t received or clearly understood. I learned the value of the patience of staying the steady course and to seek first to understand the reasons of those who found themselves at odds with our vision. Set the vision and communicate priorities and expectations and remain convicted. Twenty-six years ago, as a freshman Air Force ROTC cadet, I learned what “Check six!” meant during a pick-up basketball game. Now I know “check six” can be a bit of a leadership philosophy. Can you lead if no one follows? Check your six — see who’s following — this is a litmus test. The presumption is that you’re leading in the right direction. If you’ve based your direction on your touchstone, and you’re in tune with the environment you’re leading in and if you’re listening, then chances are good that you’re leading in the right direction. What if you’ve done those things and are assured of your direction, but no one is behind you? Does that mean you’re not leading in the right direction? Weigh your decisions against your touchstone, stay the course, remain convicted. Then check your six to gauge your effectiveness. Action Line The 21st Space Wing maintains a commander's action line, a direct link to the 21st Space Wing commander. The wing commander encourages its use. Concerns should be addressed at the lowest possible level in the chain of command and elevated as necessary. To reach the action line: 21st Space Wing members and its GSUs can call 719-552-2121, DSN 559-2121 or email [email protected]. The Peterson action line, for Peterson AFB items of interest or for the wing’s tenant units, can be reached at 719-556-7777, DSN 834-7777, or email [email protected]. 4 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 CSMNG CSMNG COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP Vosler NCO Academy gets new leader COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP CEO CSMNG Francis J. Zankowski CSMNG [email protected] COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Jenifer Furda [email protected] CSMNG CSMNG COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP EDITORIAL CSMNG CSMNG COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP COLORADO SPRINGS MILITARY NEWSPAPER GROUP Executive Editor Ralph Routon [email protected] ADVERTISING Senior Sales Manager Bill Fuerst [email protected] Tammy Fogall [email protected] Aimee Grable [email protected] Chad Mason [email protected] Vanessa Nagel [email protected] ART DEPARTMENT Graphic Designers Ryan Hannigan [email protected] Melissa Edwards [email protected] (U.S. Air Force photo/Dennis Howk) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – The Vosler NCO Academy held an assumption of command ceremony Oct. 27, where Col. Jefferson Dunn (left), Air Education and Training Command Barnes Center for Enlisted Education commander, presented command to Chief Master Sgt. Todd Krulick (right), incoming Vosler NCO Academy commandant. I AM NO ORDINARY STUDENT At Colorado Technical University, our strong support of the military is evidenced by the policies we have in place to help you pursue your education and achieve your personal, professional and academic goals. • 88% of active duty alumni and veteran alumni were 1 satisfied with their CTU experience 1 • 3 out of 4 active duty alumni would recommend CTU CLASSES START NOVEMBER 16TH RANKED BEST FOR VETS Military Times ranks CTU amongst the “Best for Vets” 2 years in a row. Call: 877.906.6555 Visit: 1 2012 Champion College Services Alumni Survey of CTU graduates from designated years between 2002 and 2011. CTU is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association. (230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500. Chicago, Illinois. 60604-1411) Find disclosures on graduation rates, student financial obligations and more at Not all programs are available to residents of all states. CTU cannot guarantee employment or salary. The individual pictured is not active military. 801-36485 0582506 3/14 5 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Airman’s Attic offers thrifty shopping By Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex 21st Space Wing Public Affairs Office PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — Thrift shopping is quite popular due to the cool vintage items that can be discovered and hipsters trying to be original, but some do it because they can’t afford to shop retail prices. If Airmen are struggling, there is only one place they need to stop. The Airman’s Attic is that place, a resource available through the Airman and Family Readiness Center, run entirely by volunteers where staff sergeants and below can get items from small appliances and dishes to clothes and electronics entirely for free. Military uniforms are also available for free to any rank personnel. “We run solely on donations,” said Rackel Haskell, Airman’s Attic volunteer lead. “We have military from Fort Carson, the (Air Force)Academy, Schriever, and Cheyenne Mountain coming here.” Because everything is available free of charge, visits are limited to once per week and each person can only take five items per visit. Each “item” doesn’t necessarily mean only one thing, however. Ten toys, books or movies equal one item, Haskell explained. Ten articles of children’s clothing or a set of dishes also equals one “item.” If Airmen have any questions of how the system works, any volunteer can answer their questions, or charts are available to help as well. The Airman’s Attic helps so many different people Haskell said. The people she sees the most are Airmen who are moving out of the dorms or single Airmen getting ready for a deployment. “We give things to the Child Development Center too. We give them clothes and help the youth center with school supplies,” Haskell said. “We work with the first sergeants who come to us when they have anyone in need. We try to do whatever we can.” The Airman’s Attic helps so many people, donations are constantly needed to replenish the shelves. Haskell said the items needed most are household goods, appliances and dishes. There is a 90-year-old lady who donates quilts, said Sandra Trean, Airman’s Attic donations lead. “She is 90 years old and makes a quilt every single day. And once a month her friends bring the quilts to us.” The 22 volunteers at the Airman’s Attic put in so much time processing the donations and making them available to the customers as soon as possible. The volunteers put in more than 600 hours of work during the month of September. While they are always busy, the volunteers love the store and its customers. Trisha Edwards, Airman’s Attic volunteer, said she originally started volunteering for something to do when she was pregnant and now loves it. “It’s great to see the community come together to help,” Edwards said. “Some get items they need and in a few months come back to donate the items so someone else can use it. Then they continue to donate — it’s great.” If Airmen are in need of anything, the volunteers at the Airman’s Attic can help you find what you need. And if you have any extra items lying around not being used, both the volunteers and customers will be happy for the donations. The Airman’s Attic is located in building 1525, across from the RP Lee Youth Center, and is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for shopping. Donations can be dropped off from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday (or in a box outside the door anytime). For more information, call 556-3215. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – (Above) Sandra Trean, donations lead, and Rackel Haskell, volunteer lead, pose for a photo in the processing room of the Airman’s Attic Oct. 29. Trean is a volunteer with more than 20 years of service. (Below) The sign from the old location hangs on the wall as a reminder of where they started and how far they’ve come at the Airman’s Attic. The Airman’s Attic is a place where Airmen in grades E-5 and below can get household goods, clothes, children’s toys and miscellaneous items for free. Military uniforms are also available for free to all ranks. Tis’ the Season for Beautiful Portrait Gifts PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1-10x13 • 2-8x10s • 4-5x7s • 4-3x5s • 32-2x3s New Holiday Sets & Winter Backgrounds PLUS 5 FREE 5x7 Holiday Greeting Cards 3 WEEKS ONLY! Ends 11/23 this coupon SAVE $5 with 43 PORTRAIT PACKAGE SPECIAL Regularly $19.99 ONLY $14.99 - PLUS FREE $20 GIFT Your Choice: Hundreds of Design Options to Choose From Printed In Studio Plus FREE Custom Envelopes Additional cards as low as 50¢ 11 oz. Mug –or– Ceramic Ornament free shipping NP1833 10% off Military Discount with Valid Military ID Never Any Sitting Fees. Portraits and Cards Printed in Studio within Minutes. Present this coupon at the beginning of your session Tuesday, November 4 through Sunday, November 23, 2014. Studio Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 9 am – 6 pm T IS FACTIO N The Promenade Shops at Briargate 1925 Briargate Parkway, Suite 607 | Colorado Springs, CO 80920 | 719.278.5001 SA LIMITED HOLIDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE. HURRY, CALL TODAY OR BOOK ONLINE AT PORTRAITS.COM Person pictured is not an actual service member. Appointments Highly Recommended. Walk-ins are welcome but may be limited based on availability. No subject or sitting fees. Specialty product handling fee applies. Only ONE $14.99 Portrait Package Advertised Special of your favorite pose per family, group or individual session may be purchased with coupon, from Tuesday, November 4 through Sunday, November 23, 2014. Promotion is not valid for business purposes, individual adult subjects or unaccompanied minors. $5 OFF and FREE gift coupon expires Sunday, November 23, 2014. Offer is subject to change at any time. PI-3165-ColoradoSpringNG-BRG-HP-V1-F.indd 1 10/23/14 5:12 PM 6 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Enlisted promotion system changes continue with weighted factor adjustments WASHINGTON (AFNS) — This January, changes to the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) will continue with adjustments to the scoring model for promotions to technical sergeant and below, all designed to help ensure job performance is the most important factor when evaluating and identifying Airmen for promotion. The current WAPS enlisted performance report calculation model for technical sergeant and below uses the last five years of enlisted performance reports (up to 10 EPRs total) with a maximum value of 135 points. The revised system places increased emphasis on job performance, specifically relative to recent performance. The weighted EPR points will increase to 250 points and only the most recent closed out EPRs (up to three) when an Airman is promotion eligible at each grade will be considered. In other words, an Airman’s EPR calculation will reset to zero after each promotion. The first EPR produced on the static close out date after an Airman becomes promotion eligible for the next higher grade will be the first weighted EPR used for WAPS points. Airmen will continue to accumulate weighted EPRs until they are selected for promotion to the next higher grade; however, points will only come from the three most recent EPRs. Any EPRs in excess of the maximum three will not be considered. Those Airmen entering their first year of promotion eligibility will have one EPR used to calculate weighted points. Airmen with more than one EPR on file since becoming promotion eligible for their next higher grade will have up to three EPRs used for calculation. In the coming months, the Air Force will release new enlisted performance reports, one each for airman basic through technical sergeant, master sergeant through senior master sergeant and chief master sergeants. A change to the new evaluations creates a distinct performance assessment during every reporting period, with a second section of the form documenting a commander’s promotion recommendation. The promotion recommendation will only be provided when an Airman is promotion eligible, with that rating contributing to an Airman’s EPR score in WAPS. For the 2015 cycle, prior to releasing the new EPR forms, the Air Force will only count EPRs (maximum of three) closed out while an Airman was promotion eligible. The Experience a Warmer and More Personal Approach to Your Cosmetic Surgical Needs TriCare Orthodontic Now Higher $300 Active DutyBenefits & Adult Family With MetLife Member Discount MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLASTIC SURGEONS, INC. 578-9988 559 E. Pikes Peak Ave., Suite 209 email: [email protected] Conveniently located Downtown Colorado Springs MILITARY DISCOUNTS MARK J. BENTELE, DDS, MS, PC (COL, USAF, RET) ORTHODONTICS FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN Convenient after school appointment times available Saturday and after-school appointments available. 2575 Montebello Dr W, Ste Dr 101W, SteNow 2575 Montebello 101 also in between Union & Academy between Union & Academy Woodland Park UNITED CONCORDIA/payment plans available. No charge evaluations. TriCare/payment plans available. No charge evaluations. 719-268-7138 •• 719-268-7138 We noW offer take-out from our menu & buffet* *Charge per pound 572-8009 628 South Academy Blvd. (between Airport Rd. & Fountain Rd., in front of the Satellite Hotel) Lunch Monday-Sunday 11:00am-3:45pm Airport Exit 139 25 Satellite Hotel 24 Great china Buffet Powers Blvd Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery Active Member American Society of Plastic Surgeons S. Academy Blvd FREE COSMETIC CONSULTATION Featuring All You can Eat chinese, American and Japanese cuisine • Shrimps • Soup • Beef • Lomein • Fresh Fruit Bar • Chicken • Sushi Roll • Salad & Dessert Bar • Pork Ribs • Pizza And much much more! • Seafood Circle Dr • Breast Enlargement (Gel & Saline) • Breast Lifts • Tummy Tucks and Liposuction Harvard, Stanford and Baylor Trained GREAT CHINA BUFFET Super Buffet Voted Best in the Springs Dr. Raskin specializes in Douglas J. Raskin, M.D., D.M.D service plans to implement the new forms over the next year with all in place for the 2016 promotion cycle. Under the revised system, when an Airman has three years or more in the eligibility window, the top EPR is worth 50 percent, the middle EPR is worth 30 percent and the oldest of the three EPRs is worth 20 percent of the weighted EPR points. If an Airman has only two promotion-eligible EPRs, then the top EPR is worth 60 percent of the weighted EPR points and the bottom EPR is worth 40 percent. For Airmen with only one promotion eligible EPR, it is worth 100 percent of their weighted EPR points. These changes also increase emphasis on an Airman’s most recent duty performance. Other changes to the WAPS model include a reduction in the points associated with time in service and time in grade to place further emphasis on performance. The multipliers for calculating total time-in-grade and timein-service points will be reduced by one third for the 2015 promotion cycle, and future reductions are planned for subsequent years with complete elimination in approximately three years. See WAPS page 14 Fountain DinnEr Monday-Saturday 4:00pm-9:30pm Sunday 4:00pm-9:00pm My one reason? To show I care about my community. You only need one reason to donate plasma. Find out how becoming a plasma donor can make a difference for patients and help you earn extra money. New donors earn up to $100 this week. Donate today at: Talecris Plasma Resources 2505 East Pikes Peak Ave., Ste 180 Colorado Springs (719) 635-5926 Person pictured is not an actual soldier. SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 7 Zombies invade Cheyenne Mountain AFS (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN AIR FORCE STATION, Colo. – A runner narrowly avoids a zombie trying to eat him during the first ever 5k Zombie Tunnel Fun Run at Cheyenne Mountain Oct. 30. The Zombie Run was open to any military member and their family from Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever AFB, the U.S. Air Force Academy and Fort Carson. 8 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Medical group fall festival fun (U.S. Air Force photo/Robb Lingley) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — Senior Airman Fabian Avila Torres, 21st Dental Squadron, does the limbo at the 21st Medical Group 2014 Fall Festival Oct. 31. Members from the 21st MDG, chapel, the fire department, American Red Cross, Airman and Family Readiness Center, 21st Security Forces Squadron and more provided preventative health information, health and fitness-related games, music and healthy snacks. The health fair and festival was open to all ages. State of “I can do this.” Please Recycle WINNER OF THE TONY AWARDS FOR BEST MUSICAL High Definition Lens Collection Large Selection of Designer Eyewear It’s time. Challenge yourself to keep learning with Colorado’s top-ranked EXAMS • CONTACTS • GLASSES MBA program. You can do this. 25% MILITARY DISCOUNT on all goods and services* Voted #1 Eye Care in Colorado Springs The Independent & The Gazette 4430 N. Nevada Ave. Southwest Corner of Garden of the Gods & Nevada | Online or On Campus 635-2020 6220 Woodmen Rd 1813 North Circle Drive 634-2020 632-2020 SE Corner of Woodmen and Powers Circle & Constitution Hours Mon-Fri: 8:30-6:00 • Sat: 9:00-2:00 *Cannot be combined with any other insurance, discounts or offers. 1130 Lake Plaza Drive Lake Ave & Lake Plaza (next to Culvers) 578-2020 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 9 #WeBeatSGLI Can you afford a smaller paycheck? SGLI rates are going up. AAFMAA’s rates are going down. (U.S. Air Force photo/Robb Lingley) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — Maj. Mark Olsen, 21st Mission Support Group Public Health Flight commander, creates a balloon animal for one of the children at the 21st Medical Group 2014 Fall Festival Oct. 31. Members from the 21st MDG, chapel, the fire department, American Red Cross, Airman and Family Readiness Center, 21st Security Forces Squadron and more provided preventative health information, health and fitnessrelated games, music and healthy snacks. The health fair and festival was open to all ages. One call could save your family 35%. New Monthly Premiums Effective July 1 AAFMAA $10.55 $18.15 $25.75 $33.35 Coverage $200,000 SGLI $14.00 $400,000 $28.00 $600,000 $800,000 N/A N/A Army • Navy • Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Air Force American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association 102 Sheridan Avenue, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1110 For complete details, terms and conditions call 1-800-853-0694 or visit (U.S. Air Force photo/Robb Lingley) Big Bird was one of the characters entertaining the children at the 21st Medical Group 2014 Fall Festival Oct. 31. Members from the 21st MDG, chapel, the fire department, American Red Cross, Airman and Family Readiness Center, 21st Security Forces Squadron and more provided preventative health information, health and fitnessrelated games, music and healthy snacks. The health fair and festival was open to all ages. The U.S. Government does not sanction, recommend or encourage the sale of this product. Subsidized life insurance may be available from the Federal Government. 10 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Pumpkin artists carve up competition (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – Sara Garrett, 21st Dental Squadron dental lab technician, picks up pumpkin guts while Shawn Gadwa, 21st Communications Squadron cyber transportation specialist, cleans out the pumpkin at the chapel’s second annual pumpkin carving contest at the Cyber Café Oct. 29. Five teams participated in the pumpkin carving contest sponsored by the Peterson AFB Chapel. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – Teams worked quickly to carve their pumpkins at the second annual pumpkin carving contest at the Cyber Café Oct. 29. Five teams participated in the contest sponsored by the Peterson AFB Chapel. The team comprised of Airmen 1st Class Sherman Good, Julieth Collazos, Mickey Szabat and Bridget Gray won the contest, with each member receiving a gift card. SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Air Force Aid Society grants, scholarships available WASHINGTON (AFNS) — The Air Force Aid Society is accepting applications for education grants and scholarships. The single online application opens the door to three education programs. General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant — the centerpiece and gateway to all of the AFAS education programs. It offers need-based grants of at least $2,000 to dependent children of active, retired and deceased Air Force members. Active duty includes Title 10 Reserve on extended active duty and Title 32 Guard performing full-time active duty. Spouses of 2.375" active-duty members and surviving spouses of active or retired members are also eligible. All applicants must be enrolled as full-time undergraduates at an A top student could get them all — a $2,000 grant, plus a $5,000 Scholarship and a $1,000 no interest loan equaling $8,000 in support of a student’s education. The program has an average selection rate of more than 60 percent of those eligible and provides 100 percent of those eligible with validated financial need. The deadline for applications is March 13, 2015; however, students are encouraged to apply early. For more information on eligibility for all of these programs and to access the application, visit the AFAS website at (Information courtesy of the Air Force Aid Society) Switch to Sprint for the best value in wireless. The Sprint Family Share Pack is the perfect plan for your data hungry family. Get a great deal when you switch your number to Sprint. 20 GB Unlimited talk and text 10" Look, a tall purple rectangle! accredited college or university during the 2015-2016 academic year, and are required to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade-point average. Merit Scholarship (incoming freshmen) — with top GPA’s as verified through the Arnold education grant application will be contacted directly by AFAS to compete for these $5,000 merit-based scholarships. A minimum of 10 scholarships are awarded annually. Supplemental loan program — Even if a student does not have sufficient financial need to receive the Arnold grant, completing the grant application determines eligibility to secure this interest-free loan. Sponsoring members may request up to $1,000 per eligible student to help reimburse out-of-pocket education expenses. only all while on the Sprint Network data to share 85 $ up to 10 lines /mo. After SDP discount of 15% is applied on $100 monthly data allowance. 2.375" We’re waiving monthly access charges for phones, tablets and mobile broadband devices through 2015 – how sweet is that? After 12/31/2015, pay $100 plus the monthly access charge for each device: $15/mo/phone, $10/mo/tablet, $20/mo/mobile broadband device. Plus, we’ll buy out your family’s contract – up to $350 per line. When you talk to your child, you build vocabulary, so everyday moments become learning moments. For more tips, visit We’ll pay you up to $350 via Visa® Prepaid Card for your Early Termination Fee or Install Bill balance when you switch and sign up for this plan. Once you have received your final bill from your other carrier, register for the Visa Prepaid Card at by 3/15/15. Don’t delay! Offers end 1/15/15. 15 Look, a tall purple rectangle! % Bleed: n/a Trim: n/a Live: 2.375" x 10" Gutter: n/a U.S. Air Force Applies to select regularly priced Sprint monthly data service. Use this code for the Sprint Discount Program. Corporate ID: GA1AF_ZZZ Visit your local Sprint store to order and register for the discount 10" ok, a tall, purple... Purple Background 1/3 Page 4/C Non-Bleed Various 2006 Discount for employees of AD: P. Behnen CW: G. Marquardt CD: P. Behnen/G. Marquardt AP: A. Kaye PP: M. Daoust Created by Interface Graphics, a division of McCann Erickson *GA1AF_ZZZ* Quality Ctrl ame: IG_M06UW002_622_Colors **MonthlyDigital charges exclude taxes and Sprint Surcharges [incl. USF charge of up to 16.1% (varies quarterly), up to $2.50 Admin. and 40¢ Reg./line/mo. and fees by area (approx. 5–20%)]. Surcharges are not QC ath: Retouching:-Work In Progess:United Way:IG_M06UW002_620_623_United taxes. See Proofreader UW002_622_Colors etica, MetaBoldLF-Italic, MetaBoldLF-Roman, TradeGothic BoldCondTwenty, TradeGothic CondEighteen Art$36/line. Director Activ. Fee: Credit approval required. Plans: Offer ends 1/15/2015. No discounts apply to access charges. Includes unlimited domestic Long Distance calling and texting. Data allowance as specified. ow.eps @ 100%, uw_cmyk_ful.eps @ 24.5%, ac logo white.eps @ 25.5%*, Guidebox.eps @ 100%, CopyWriter Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Int’l svcs are not included. Max of 10 phone/tablet/MBB lines. Mobile Broadband devices excludes Routers, Laptops and notebook computers. Data: Includes @ 100%* Creative Dir all subs. Amount of on-network data allowance depends on selection and 100MB off-network data usage. Add’l on-network data usage: 1.5¢/MB. Add’l Off-network data for tablets/MBBs: shared data across Exec 25¢/MB. IfAcct conflicting share data allowances are applied to an account, the majority on account or most recent change may be applied for all lines. Mobile Hotspot Usage pulls from your data allowances. Monthly Access Print Prod Charge: After 12/31/2015, customer will be charged applicable data access charge per device in addition to data allowance charge which varies by selection. To avoid charges, customer When you talk to your child, you build vocabulary, so everyday moments become learning moments. For more tips, visit must contact Sprint to make changes. Sprint Easy Pay obligations will still apply if applicable. Usage Limitations: Other plans may receive prioritized bandwidth availability. To improve data experience for the majority of users, throughput may be limited, varied or reduced on the network. Sprint may terminate service if off-network roaming usage in a month exceeds: (1) 800 min. or a majority of min.; or (2) 100MB or a majority of KB. Prohibited network use rules apply — see and conditions. $350 Visa® Prepaid Card Offer: Offer ends 1/15/2015. Consumer, SDP and CL (1-10) phone lines porting the new line on a Sprint Family Share Pack Plan with 20GB of data or higher. Amount based on ETF (Early Termination Fee) charged or remaining balance on install-bill device (excludes Prepaid devices). All lines must be ported from an active wireless line at another carrier and remain active and in good standing for at least 45 days to receive the prepaid card. You must submit your final bill showing your ETF or installment balance no later than 3/15/2015. Allow 12 weeks for your prepaid card to arrive. Register at Excludes 11+ Corporate-liable, upgrades, replacements, and ports made between Sprint entities or providers associated with Sprint (i.e., Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile, and Assurance). Cards are issued by Citibank, N.A., pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc., and managed by Citi Prepaid Services. Cards will not have cash access and can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Sprint Easy Pay: Req. 24-mo. installment agreement, 0% APR, and qualifying device and service plan. If you cancel wireless service, remaining balance on device becomes due. SDP Discount: Avail. for eligible company employees or org. members (ongoing verification). Discount subject to change according to the company’s agreement with Sprint and is avail. upon request for select monthly svc charges. Discount only applies to data service for Sprint Family Share Pack. Not avail. with no credit check offers or Mobile Hotspot add-on. Other Terms: Offers and coverage not available everywhere or for all phones/networks. May not be combined with other offers. There is no minimum term applied on the Sprint Family Share Pack, but the Service Agreement applies and automatically continues on a month-to-month basis unless you contact us to inform us of any changes, including cancellation. There may be a minimum annual term applied or continued based on a discounted device purchase. Sprint 3G network reaches over 281 million people. Sprint 4G LTE network reaches over 250 million people. Restrictions apply. See store or N145550 for details. ©2014 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the Sprint logo are trademarks of Sprint. Other marks are the property of their respective owners. 11 12 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 21st CES hosts snow parade (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – Eli Wood, 2, waves to a snow truck driver as he drives to the next stop of the Snow Parade Oct. 28. The Snow Parade was put on by the 21st Civil Engineer Squadron to familiarize and show off the snow plows, dump trucks, fire trucks and other equipment to base personnel and their families. The children also were able to hang out with Santa who rode in on a fire truck to greet them. #1 LARGEST SUBARU DEALER IN AMERICA!* * *BASED ON 2013 NATIONAL DEALER RANKING $14,488 ’11 Subaru Impreza Hatch/5 Door 5-speed, low miles, A/C, CD player. Vin# BG818864 – 9046 $27,988 ’13 Subaru Forester Turbo Touring Low, low miles, auto, leather, moonroof, alloys, cold weather package. Vin#DH442068 – 151196A $19,988 ’13 Subaru Impreza Sport Premium Auto, cold weather package, low miles, loaded! Vin# DH210331 – 151190A $26,988 ’13 Subaru Legacy 3.6 R Limited $36,988 ’13 Subaru Impreza STI Limited 6 cylinder, low LOW miles, auto, leather, moonroof, cold weather package, rear spoiler Low miles, 6-speed, moonroof, leather, cat-back exhaust, short throw shifter, LOADED! Vin# D2031223 – 150735A Vin#DL020425 · 9023 Subaru Certified Pre-Owned Program. Plenty of Road Ahead. $15,988 ’10 Subaru Forester $20,988 ’12 Subaru Outback Premium $18,988 ’12 Subaru Forester SE Alloy wheels, CD/AM/FM, low miles, loves snow! Low miles, auto, cold weather package, loaded! Auto, alloy wheels, roof rack, low miles, loaded! Vin# AH790080 – 144912A Vin# C3211915 – 9047 Vin# CH468411 – 151796A 7 Year/100K Mile Powertrain Warranty, Factory Backed Coverage, 152 Point Safety Inspecation, CARFAX Vehicle History Report, 24/7 Road side Assistance, Rates as Low as 3.99% APR WAC (719) 475-1920 · 1080 MOTOR CITY DRIVE · COLORADO SPRINGS · BESTBUYSUBARU.COM Family Owned and Operated for Over 43 years. Committed to the Community we serve. SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 13 (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – Children from the main Child Development Center walk under the plow of the Oshkosh snow removal trucks to see how big they really are during the Snow Parade, which briefly stopped at the CDC, Oct. 28. The Snow Parade was held to familiarize and show off the snow plows, dump trucks, fire trucks and other equipment to base personnel and their families. The children also were able to hang out with Santa who rode in on the fire truck to greet them. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Rose Gudex) PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – Jaira Untal, 7, blasts a dump truck horn at the RP Lee Youth Center during the annual Snow Parade Oct. 28. The Snow Parade was put on by the 21st Civil Engineer Squadron to familiarize and show off the snow plows, dump trucks, fire trucks and other equipment to base personnel and their families. Your loyalty inspires ours. U.S. Bank is grateful to our men and women in uniform for their extraordinary dedication to our country. We embrace opportunities that honor and support veterans and military families by offering them our best products and services. Our support extends through our Proud to Serve veteran recruiting and hiring program, a variety of exclusive banking benefits, including VA Home Mortgages and military checking with no maintenance fees, and free online Military Financial Education courses. To learn more about our military-friendly company and benefits, stop by a local branch today or call our dedicated Military Service Center at 800.934.9555. EQUAL HOUSING Loan approval is subject to credit approval and program guidelines. Not all loan programs are available in all states for all loan amounts. Interest rates and program terms are subject to change without notice. Mortgage and Home Equity products are offered by U.S. Bank National Person pictured is not an actual service member. Association. Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association, Member FDIC. ©2014 U.S. Bank 14 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 WAPS From page 6 Finally, the Air Force is implementing minimum score requirements on both the skills knowledge test (SKT) and promotion fitness examination (PFE). Airmen must achieve a minimum score of 40 on each promotion examination with a minimum combined score from both examinations of 90 or higher. An Airman scoring a 40 on either the SKT or the PFE will be required to score a minimum of 50 or higher on their other examination. For Senior NCOs administered the U.S. Air Force Supervisory Examination, a minimum score of 45 will be required for promotion consideration. Additionally, those Airmen testing PFE only, to include those who have recently gone through retraining, will have their PFE score doubled during the promotion calculation. Airmen in this category will require a minimum score of 45 for a total of 90 points after the examination score is doubled. Airmen who fail to obtain the required minimum scores will be considered promotion non-selects. Staff sergeants competing for technical sergeant will be the first group impacted by the new weighted factors when the technical sergeant promotion list is released in late spring. “The latest changes continue the implementation of our new enlisted evaluation and promotion system and are consistent with our commitment to ensure performance is the primary driver when it comes to selecting Airmen for promotion,” said Lt. Gen. Sam Cox, the deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services. “Additional information on the master sergeant evaluation board and details on the changes to the Senior NCO promotion process will be released in the coming months.” For additional details about these and other evaluation and promotion system changes, visit the Air Force Personnel Center website at, or visit myPers. (Information courtesy of Air Force Public Affairs Agency, Operating Location — P) Please Recycle JAMES IRWIN CHARTER SCHOOLS Preparing Students to Succeed in College, Career & Life Grades K-12 FREE public education with private education results! * Western Heritage emphasis * Character development focus * Intellectually challenging E N R O L L I N G N O W F O R T H E 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 S C H O O L Y E AR ! (719) 302-9000 Now accepting appointments in our new location. COLORADO SPRINGS PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Little People, Big Smiles Little People, Big Smiles. 660 South Pointe Court, Suite 100 719-596-2097 Welcoming New Patients Technology with a Caring Touch Specialized treatment planning for all ages Treatment under conscious sedation and general-anesthesia Digital radiography for pinpoint treatment plans and reduced radiation exposure Parents can stay with children during treatment Most insurance accepted including Military and Medicaid 719-596-2097 660 South Pointe Court, Suite 100 Jeff Kahl, DDS Derek Kirkham, DDS Tyler Driggers, DDS (719) 522-0123 9480 Briar Village Point, Suite 301 J A M E S I RW I N . O RG Person pictured is not an actual service member. SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 15 16 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 AFW LIFESTYLE FURNITURE all Clearance F We’re clearing out thousands of items to make room for all of the new Fall arrivals... 24" or 29" Saddle Stool $ 26 TJBS-014--29 Metal Chairs $ Adjustable Swivel Barstool $ 33 38 5-Piece Pub Table Set* $ 178 Artists of the West Canvas Giclées 24" x 36" $ YOUR CHOICE! 58 In-Store Price 24"- 29" TJBS-014-24 Z-265 Sofa with Chrome Legs 1E-9103-S $ YD-440SIL 249 STOCKED IN BLACK OR 2-TONE YD-440ORN Washington ST012-SET $ Button-Tufted Sofa P1-5443 View our expanded selection at Available for drop-ship anywhere in the US. 318 1A-7821S Bonded Leather Sofa $ 398 STOCKED IN PEACOCK OR PEWTER Loveseat $199 • Chair $139 • Ottoman $79 Loveseat $297 • Chair $248 Futon Frame*$ 2109-FUTON 128 Futon Mattresses Starting at $69 Converta Sofa $ PAB139S Loveseat $346 • Chair $247 • Ottoman $98 128 30-DAYBED TURNS INTO A BED! Daybed with Trundle $ Furniture Mattresses $ 221 Shown with Lacy Twin Firm Mattress 98 Cushion Queen Bed Queen Bed King Bed 198 King Bed $248 $ 148 $ $ 168 Full Mattress Set $ 329 Memory Foam Technology HLTH-8-46SET Z-9053-QNBED Furniture Mattresses Shown with Lacy Queen Cushion Firm Mattress Set *Ready to Assemble While Supplies Last Additional handling charges may apply to merchandise picked-up at showroom locations. See store for details. DOUGLAS CO. MEGASTORE & WAREHOUSE 2 minutes east of I-25 off E-470 & Peoria St. (303) 799-9044 THORNTON SUPERSTORE & WAREHOUSE I-25 & 84TH (303) 289-4100 FIRESTONE SUPERCENTER & WAREHOUSE AURORA (719) 633-4220 (303) 368-8555 I-25 & HWY 119 • Longmont/Firestone UNIVERSITY GRAND JUNCTION (303) 795-0928 (970) 208-1920 PUEBLO I-25 & EAGLERIDGE (719) 542-5169 1700 S. ABILENE S. UNIVERSITY & COUNTY LINE (303) 684-2400 HWY 6 & 50 Comforter not included. 268 3136-QBED LIFESTYLE FURNITURE COLORADO SPRINGS I-25 & FILLMORE - 2805 CHESTNUT ST. $ WESTMINSTER 94th & WADSWORTH FORT COLLINS I-25 AND HWY. 14 (303) 425-4359 (970) 221-1981 S.W. LAKEWOOD GLENWOOD SPRINGS (303) 933-3975 (970) 928-9422 5390 S. WADSWORTH BLVD. 3200 S. GLEN AVE. GILBERT, AZ 4700 S Power Rd., Gilbert, AZ 85296 (202 (Santan Freeway) and S. Power Rd.) 480-500-4121 GLENDALE, AZ 101 & Bethany Home Rd. 5801 N. 99th Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305 602-422-8800 /14 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 17 BASE BR IEFS Free movie Movie night Fort Carson MWR presents the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival screening of “Last Days in Vietnam” at 6 p.m. Nov. 6. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. at Fort Carson’s McMahon Auditorium. Admission is free. Rated PG-13 for intense battle scenes, language and emotional situations. Call 719-526-1867 for information. See free movies each week at the base auditorium. All films are free and open to all eligible users of Peterson AFB and their guests (IDs are required for all films except those rated G or PG). The soda is free, too. A complete movie schedule is available at www.21fss. com. 1 p.m. Nov. 8: Pompeii, rated PG-13 for intense battle sequences, disaster-related action and brief sexual content. Hosted by JEA. 114 minutes. 7 p.m. Nov. 8: Divergent, rated PG13 for intense violence and action, thematic elements and some sensuality. 96 minutes. Couples banquet The chapel is holding a couples banquet from 1-3 p.m. Nov. 8 at The Club. The title is Ten Things Every Husband Should Ask His Wife Every Year. Register by Nov. 5 by calling 556-4442. Lane closures near west gate There will be lane closures of the bridges near the west gate for bridge repair Nov. 10-13. The east bound bridge will have lane closures Nov. 10, and the west bound bridge will have lane closures Nov. 13. Drivers should use caution and anticipate delays. The schedule could change due to weather conditions or unforeseen site conditions. Spaghetti dinner The chapel is hosting its monthly spaghetti dinner from 5-7 p.m. Nov. 13 at the chapel. Admission is free. For information call 556-4442. Military Retiree Activities holds meetings The Military Retiree Activities office holds a luncheon at noon the second Thursday of each month at the Peterson Air Force Base Club, followed by its monthly council meeting at 2:30 p.m. in Building 350, Room 1206. Guest speaker Nov. 13 is retired Army Command Sgt. Maj. Terrance McWilliams, the El Pomar Foundation vice president for Military and Veteran Activities, who will speak on legislation that may impact military retirees and their spouses. For more information, call 556-7153 or email RAO. [email protected]. Singles workshop ested in learning this resiliency skill and others, contact your unit RTA or the community support coordinator at 556-6768 for information. Traffic light removal The 21st Civil Engineer Squadron is removing the flashing traffic control lights at Peterson Boulevard and Otis Street Nov. 10, and at Peterson Boulevard and Selfridge Street Nov. 12. Additionally, the traffic light sensor at Stewart Avenue and Paine Street will be changed Nov. 18. The schedule could change due to weather conditions or unforeseen site conditions. Base exercise Members of the 21st Space Wing will conduct emergency response exercises from Nov. 12-18 as part of the 21st Space Wing’s continued commitment to ensure base readiness. These exercises may cause delays at the gate. There will be some traffic disruption and potentially some temporary delays in services in the areas where exercise scenarios are taking place. We ask our mission partners and community members for patience. These exercises are vital training tools that ensure our emergency response forces are able to effectively respond to unplanned crisis events. Resiliency skills Capitalizing on Strengths is one of the 12 individual resiliency skills taught by unit resiliency training assistants. This action skill helps Airmen identify their strengths, spot strengths in others, and find opportunities to use strengths. If you are inter- Family Advocacy is sponsoring a seminar on healthy relationships for singles from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Armed Services YMCA, 2190 Jetwing Dr. The workshop explores strategies to prepare for, improve, or repair relationships. This workshop is for single, engaged, in or out of a relationship and desiring to learn how to create and maintain healthy, satisfying relationships. Married couples are welcome to attend as well. Topics include effective communication skills, the importance of fun in relationships, overcoming barriers and more. Call (720) 488-8888 for information or to register. JPPSO closed The Peterson Joint Personal Property Shipping Office will be closed from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Nov. 21 and Dec. 12. For emergencies, call 554-9291 for assistance. Veterans Day November 11, 2014 J Thank you for your service. On Veterans Day, November 11th, visit a participating Village Inn for a FREE BREAKFAST. Choose from three Buttermilk Pancakes, a Belgian Waffle or three slices of French toast. No Purchase Necessary. Show your Military ID, or proof of Military Service and receive a FREE breakfast. il k te rm B u tn akes Pa c ia n B e lfgf l e Wa nch F r ea t to s Visit a Village Inn near you to enjoy this special offer! COLORADO SPRINGS 535 Garden of the Gods Rd. • 719-598-5331 4275 North Academy Blvd. • 719-598-8100 3902 Palmer Park Blvd. • 719-574-1935 1430 Harrison Rd. • 719-540-9773 7384 Duryea Dr. • 719-266-0118 5790 South Carefree Cir. • 719-622-0700 No purchase necessary. Valid only at participating Village Inn Restaurants on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. See restaurants for details. Free offer is valid on designated menu items only and is not valid on any other Pancake, French Toast or Belgian Waffle item or menu item. Not valid with other offers, promotions or discounts. Valid for dine-in only. One offer per person per visit. No cash value. Sales tax, if applicable, must be paid by customer. Gratuity not included. VI _ VET _ AD _ CS-11-14 I © 2014 American Blue Ribbon Holdings, LLC VI -14-99 Veterans Day COLORADO SPRINGS r4 Storytellers Peterson AFB hosts Storytellers from 9-11 a.m. Nov 21 at the Club ballroom, building 1013. Storytellers is a live event where Airmen share their stories of resilience, motivation and professional pride in a relaxing environment that allows the audience to connect and learn. Admission is free, and refreshments will be served. Peterson museum The Peterson Air and Space Museum is booked for military events through Dec. 31, but is open for visitors during normal hours, Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m.4 p.m. For information, call the museum director at 556-5543. Job fair The Peterson Airman and Family Readiness Center is having a job fair from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Dec. 3 at the Club. The fair is open to all ID card holders. To register or for information call 556-6141. Tax volunteers wanted The 21st Space Wing Judge Advocate Office is seeking volunteers to prepare 2014 tax returns for active duty members, retirees and family members. Volunteer days and times in the tax center are flexible, and volunteers will also be able to prepare tax returns in their units. Tax preparation experience is requested but not required. All volunteers must pass the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistant tests. Untrained volunteers must be available 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Jan 5-9, 2015, for tax law and software training. For information or to volunteer, contact Jan Pardalis at 556-7535 or email 21sw.ja@ 18 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 SMALL BUSINESS D I Move in for $21 with this ad! ONE MONTH FREE! •On-sitePhysicalSecurity •Insidestorageunits 4510 Edison Ave., Suite 100 •Indoorandoutdoor •PavedParking Colorado Springs, CO 80915 accessunits •GatedandWellLit •Covered/Uncovered •SecurityFencing parkingRV/Vehicle •CentralLocation storage •U-Haultrucksand •MonthtoMonth equipment U-Haul trucks and equipment OfficeSuites •Propane •24/7Access •24HourVideoSurveillance •Movingsupplies (719) 572-0101 R E • Inside Temperature Controlled Units • Covered/Uncovered/ Indoor Parking RV/ Vehicle Storage • 24/7 Access • Video Surveillance • Security Patrols • Gated Paved and Well Lit Parking Lots • Moving Supplies • Propane C T O R Schnitzel Fritz Unlock your potential with , LLC Professional resume writing services by a Certified Professional Resume Writer • Free Consultation • German Restaurant, Delikatessen and Bakery all under one roof. Breakfast and Lunch Specials! Resumes: Military to Civilian • Federal • Executive • Professional • Military Spouse • LinkedIn Profiles • CVs All Natural & Fresh: Authentic German Food Schnitzel & Brats • Sandwiches • Cakes Sides & Salads Our personalized service makes the difference! Daily Specials! Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 719-339-2659 Always a Military Discount! 4510 Edison Ave. Suite 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (719) 572-0101 Y 4037 Tutt Blvd. • 719 573-2000 Mon-Sat 10-7pm Security church of chriSt Meets at the Fountain Valley Senior Center 5745 Southmoor Dr. 392-3957 y em Now enrolling Pre-school through 8th grade. cad S. A wy S. H t. in S Ma 87 ter Dr. Cenalley V Sou 2410 N Cascade Ave Dr. oor thm N 85/ Call Al Chromy Director of Admissions 719-632-5092 ext 103 Sundays Class 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am can publish your NOTICES OF GUARDIANSHIP (precurser notice to adoption) NAME CHANGES For more info call 634-5905 Richard Merrill, Preacher Kent L. Freudenberg Attorney at Law/Trained Mediator 719-329-0937 THANK YOU FOR SERVING! Think locally. Act globally. $0 JOIN FEES ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY 25% off Membership Rates 50% Off Join Fees for Retired Military Donʼt be caught off guard. Major changes in Colorado Family Law for 2014 FREE initial consultations GLOBE SALE! 10% off all globes • Replogle • • Kalifano • • National Geographic • 1045 Garden of the Gods , at Forge, behind Jimmy John s M-F 8:30-5:30 • Sat 9-5 719-633-5757 The Small Business Directory is focused on helping up-and-coming companies grow their customer base. Your ad will appear in the Fort Carson Mountaineer, Peterson Space Observer and the Schriever Sentinel. Your targeted advertising will reach over one third of El Paso County’s economy. Your ad will reach affluent individuals and families who will grow your bottom line. For more information about advertising in the Small Business Directory, call 719-329-5236 Become a fan of the Colorado Springs Business Journal on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @CSBizJournal SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Welcome Home 19 Your source for affordable military housing in the Colorado Springs area. For advertising information call 329-5236 Bobbi Price Team $22,117,500 CLOSED IN SALES IN 2013 • Past Recipient Realtor Sales Person of the Year • Member OF Elite 25 & Peak Producers • Top 1% Nationally BOBBI PRICE: 719-499-9451 JADE BAKER: 719-201-6749 STEPHANIE HAWTHORNE 719-210-0480 WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] 2011 Best of the Springs Realtor – The Independent WHEN YOU’RE SERIOUS ABOUT REAL ESTATE 777 Saturn Drive #509 – Skyway Plaza - $84,900 Updated 5th floor condo w/ great views * Totally updated 728 sq ft 1 bed condo on top floor with sweeping mountain views * Updated lighting, kitchen, bath, flooring, ceilings, & paint * 6 panel doors * Electric fireplace * Crown molding * Pull out shelving * Sliding glass doors to 30x6 covered balcony * Open, bright, & immaculate * Tons of storage * Security building with central air, heat, & elevator * Unlike any other unit in complex * $250/month HOAs cover all utilities but electricity. MLS# 7669526 15640 S. Lauppe Road – Yoder - $94,900 Finished 1456 sq. ft. mobile home on 35 acres * Affordable rural living with wide open spaces & sweeping mountain & Pikes Peak views * Built in 2000 with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths * Newly built drive through 2-car garage/shop with wood burning stove for heat & extra area for storage * Newly fenced back yard & perimeter fencing on 20 acres * Hot tub * Central air * Wood burning fireplace in family room * 90% finished & an older truck included. MLS# 9888485 (719) 571-9737 1198 Red Rock Circle – Red Rock at Beaver Creek - $599,900 Custom stucco Southwest rancher on 36 private acres * Gated upscale community 45 minutes South of town * Gorgeous 7725 sq. ft. walkout ranch with total privacy & sweeping unobstructed 360 degree mountain views * Built in 2004 & looks like new * 4 Kiva fireplaces * Central air * Granite island gourmet kitchen * 7 bedrooms (1is in-law or guest suite with separate entrance), 5 baths, & 3-car garage * Tile & hardwood floors * 100’ trex deck * 6 stall pole barn & 1 acre fenced arena * Gorgeous! MLS# 1974368 Discover the benefits of on-base living at 124 Stargate Heights – Florissant - $665,000 Peterson AFB Tierra Vista at Peterson AFB and Schriever AFB have homes available for immediate move-in!* Privacy & security on 35 acres in gated Florissant community * Gorgeous open concept custom log home with 6374 sq. ft. plus 1240 sq ft guest suite with private entrance over the 3-car garage * Open great room concept rancher with walkout basement & lofted family room * Granite & hickory kitchen * Soaring ceilings, huge log beam, & wall of windows to take in gorgeous 360 views * 4 decks * Pines, Aspen, meadows, & rock formations. MLS# 774744 HOMES AVAILABLE! Housing is open to ALL* Active Duty Tierra Vista welcomes ALL active Military, Federal duty military andCivil theirService, families! National Guard/Reservists, DOD Enjoy amenities: Contractors, Retired Military and • 24-hour emergency maintenance their families! • Basic utilities included* • Pet-friendly community Amenities include: basic utilities covered • Playgrounds and splash parks in rent, 24/7 maintenance, pet-friendly • Basic renter’s insurance community, basic renter’s insurance, Learn canmove-in earn up to $1,500 at Checkhow outyou our specials gated-community and much more. of Move-in Cash at Visit moreainfo For more information and tofor schedule tour, call 719.597.7200. or call 719-683-3660 *Utilities based on *Peterson only open to active duty communityisaverage. military, Schriever is open to all. 710 Allison Mesa View Centennial Ridge MORE GREAT LISTINGS $49,900 Land 1030 Allison Mesa View Centennial Ridge $49,900 Land 4361 Hunting Meadows Circle Hunting Meadows $49,900 Condo/Under Contract 4371 Prairie Ranch View Prairie View $64,900 Land 20470 Warriors Path Drive Rivers Divide $69,900 Land 19724 Jones Road Prairie View $69,900 Land 2761 Mountain Glen Court Woodland Park $74,900 Land If you have affordable real estate listings, then your home needs to be featured in Welcome Home! 2440 Palmer Park Boulevard #306 Heritage Park Advertising Rates 19700 E Top O The Moor Drive Woodmoor $65 per week .............. 1-6 ads $57 per week ..................7 ads $53 per week ................13 ads $46 per week ................17 ads $45 per week ................26 ads $40 per week ................52 ads Ad Size: 5” x 2.2” • Deadlines Wednesday, 12 noon, 1 week prior to publication For more information about Welcome Home call 329-5236 $74,900 Condo/55+ 3535 Walker Road Walden Pines $125,000 Land 3555 Walker Road Walden Pines $125,000 Land $130,000 Land 5530 Molly Court Black Forest 1506 W. St. Vrain Street Old Colorado City 7733 Pinfeather Drive Mesa Ridge 744 Duclo Avenue Manitou Springs 6983 Sungold Drive Bridle Pass 5330 Whip Trail Homestead 7753 Pinfeather Drive Mesa Ridge $179,900 Under Contract $214,900 Duplex $239,900 Under COntract 2008 W Cheyenne Boulevard Cheyenne Canyon 7735 Wild Bird Way Mesa Ridge 6864 Big Timber Drive Newport Heights 465 Crystal Hills Boulevard Manitou Springs 6644 Finecrest Drive Greenhaven 1340 N Wahsatch Avenue Old North End $244,900 Triplex/Income $249,900 $274,900 7395 Oakshire Way Fountain $289,900 1325 Owl Ridge Drive Southface $310,000 Under Contract 5791 African Daisy Court Bridle Pass $339,726 New Construction 5780 African Daisy Court Bridle Pass $340,100 New Construction 7773 Pinfeather Drive Mesa Ridge 7079 Sungold Drive Bridle Pass 5535 Molly Court Black Forest $145,000 Land/Under Contract 5610 Molly Court Black Forest $145,000 Land 7764 Pinfeather Drive Mesa Ridge 739 E. Cimarron Street Cental 2270 Pepperwood Drive Pikes Peak Park $145,000 Land/Under Contract $368,615 New Construction/Under Contract $394,697 New Construction/Under Contract $341,971 New Construction 5570 Molly Court Black Forest $366,139 New Construction $239,900 $140,000 Land $144,900 $355,875 New Construction $342,077 New Construction/Under Contract 11228 Tottenham Court Paint Brush Hills $348,900 12177 Rio Secco Road Woodmen Hills $350,000 7713 Pinfeather Drive Mesa Ridge $354,925 New Construction/Under Contract $397,900 New Construction $400,000 $425,000 15531 Short Line Court Monument $425,000 1722 Painter Drive Misty Acres $450,000 102 N. Main Street Fountain $499,900 Commercial 124 E Espanola Street Old North End $535,000 17585 Spur Ranch Road N/E of Black Forest $599,900 18738 Dos Arroyos View Peyton $599,900 1825 Pine Grove Pine Grove $625,000 1990 Chateau Point Court Hunters Point $635,000 3390 Orion Drive Skyway $650,000 725 Neon Moon View Crystal Park $659,900 915 Oak Ridge Road Manitou Springs $675,000 Exclusive representatives for Walther Homes Luxury isn’t just a word, it’s a life style • Picture yourself living in a home where other builders options are not included features, such as, quartz counters throughout, high end Bosch stainless steel appliances, 2x6 construction, & bio-thermal fireplaces • Built entirely w/ American made products • Energy & environment are the top priorities • 2 communities in Bridle Pass & Fountain Mesa • Homes starting in the high $200’s. 20 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 Welcome Home Your source for affordable military housing in the Colorado Springs area. For advertising information call 329-5236 No Lender Fees VA HOME LOANS In appreciation of your service to this great nation, Franklin American Mortgage is now waiving all lender fees* for Veterans Affairs (VA) Home Loans. There is NO FEE for: • Origination • Underwriting • Administration • Application • Processing As veterans ourselves, we know what loan options will work best for you. Contact MeToday: Today: Contact Us Charles Bogues Licensed Mortgage Loan Originator 719-338-1430 Direct | 719-352-3119 Office 6215 Corporate Dr., Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 [email protected] Contact Me Today: LO NMLS ID #747807, CO State License #100049358, Regulated by the Division of Real Estate Charley Grayson Licensed Mortgage Loan Originator 719-648-7296 Direct | 719-352-3117 Office 6215 Corporate Dr., Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 [email protected] LO NMLS ID #636433, CO State License #100049294, Regulated by the Division of Real Estate *Not applicable to non-VA home loan products Not a commitment to lend. Borrowers must qualify. Equal Housing Lender; Loans not available in all states. Call us for details: 800-295-1020. Franklin American Mortgage Company, 501 Corporate Centre Dr., Suite 400, Franklin, TN 37067. Company NMLS #1599; CO: Regulated by the Div. of Real Estate. Licensing can be verified at All info herein is current as of 10/27/14 and subject to change without notice. MKT-10415 The person pictured is not an actual service member. The Colorado Springs Business Journal can publish your legal notices. Easy and affordable. Ordinances Water Rights Public Trustee Sales Notices to Creditors City Planning Agenda Name Changes Summonses Adoption Notices Guardianships Sheriff’s Sales and more Call Robyn Kirk at 329-5204 for more information Welcome Home SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 21 Your source for affordable military housing in the Colorado Springs area. For advertising information call 329-5236 22 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 719-634-5905 [email protected] 31 E. Platte, Suite 300 Monday through Friday, 8:30-5 Deadline: Noon Tuesday! Reach over 70,000 readers! Rates vary, call for details. Prepayment is required. 3 line minimum. Please check your ad the first week of publication and call by noon the following Tuesday with changes or corrections. This paper is not liable for errors after the first publication of an ad. Colorado Publishing Company is not liable for the content of advertisements. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968. We do not endorse any product or service and we reserve the right to refuse any advertising we deem inappropriate. C.5.3.5. Real Estate Advertising. Advertising for off-post housing available for rent, sale or lease by an owner, manager, rental agency, agent or individual, shall include only those available on a nondiscriminatory basis for all personnel. No facilities shall be advertised without the Colorado Publishing Company having been notified, in writing, that the owner, manager, rental agency, agent or individual enforces open-housing practices. 3 Lines FREE for active-duty, retired military, and their dependents as well as civil service employees. Call (719) 634-5905 or fax this form to (719) 634-5157 or Visit our website — to place your ad 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Name ___________________________________ Address _______________________________________ Category: ______________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________ Zip__________________________________________ Grade _______________ Unit ________ Signature ______________________________________________ My signature certifies that this advertisement is for the purpose of selling my personal property as a convenience to me or my dependents. It is not part of a business enterprise, nor does it benefit anyone involved in a business enterprise. Any real estate advertised is made available without regard to race, color, religious origin or sex of any individual. Employment Classifieds Free ads in accordance with military regulations must be non-commercial and for personal property offered by local base or unit personnel without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or religious origin. FREE ADS are limited to one ad per household at 3 lines max. The editor and publisher reserve the right to edit ads, and/or not publish ads. NO DUTY PHONE NUMBERS WILL BE PRINTED. DEADLINE: Noon Tuesday CLERICAL/OFFICE Volunteers Needed HUGE GARAGE SALE Friday 07NOV 8am-4pm. Home furnishings and more! Great prices! One Day Only! 7601 Steward Lane. MERCHANDISE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Television 55 inch Mitsubitshi color projection TV, works great, no problems $100 OBO call 719-287-8888. MACHINERY & TOOLS Craftsman tool bench NEW IN BOX Craftsman tool bench. Complete bench set includes the following: Craftsman Professional 8ft workbench Craftsman 5 drawer module Craftsman 5 drawer module Craftsman 8ft metal workbench back wall **All four items are still in sealed boxes.** The items retail for over $900. I am asking $600 obo. Please call or text for quicker response 719-502-9885 at the El Paso Co. Combined Courthouse. Background check along w/a min. commitment of 3 mos. & 8 hrs/wk. Call Cindy at (719) 452-5101 FIREARMS Glock 29 10mm Pistol New In Box, $500 Firm [email protected] FURNITURE Lrg Thomasville Dining Room table 6 chairs, 2 ext, all pads, excell cond must sell! $450 719-495-6909, 719244-3526 Solid Fine Oak Formal Dining Set 6 Chairs. Expandable 60”-96”. $500. 719-203-6611 PETS DOGS Chocolate Lab Puppy’s APR REG $400 w/ Papers, $350 w/ Out 719-528-6880 Barista - Full Time Position Heuberger Motors, Inc., America’s largest volume Subaru dealer is NOW HIRING for a Barista for the Java Kat Kafe complementary espresso bar. This fun easy going environment is the hub of customer service at Heuberger Motors, Inc. Position requirements include: working with customers & employees, shopping for supplies, stocking / inventory control, and maintaining vending machines. Barista’s will be required to stand frequently & drive company owned vehicles to purchase supplies. No experience necessary. Applicants should be friendly and outgoing and exhibit great customer service. Closing Shift Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 2:00PM-9:00 PM Wednesday: 1:00 PM-9:00 PM All day Saturday: 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM Off Monday & Closed Sunday Paid Holidays Position includes benefits, sick days, holiday pay, vacation pay, and 401k. Must pass drug screen, driving, and background checks. Services GARAGE SALES Lot Technicians - Full Time Position CHILDCARE Are you in need of child care? On Schriever AFB child care. Newborns and up. 20 plus years experience. FCC provider. Cheryl Smith 806 317-2313 CLASSES AND LESSONS American Legion Post 209 Jr Shooting Sports Offering 9 week gun safety/basic marksmanship course for $25. All youth ages 1018 call Ken Taylor 719-495-8190 or 719-761-4047 TRAVEL SERVICES Ride needed to Ft Knox, Ft Campbell, or Scott AFB. Will help with expenses. 719-475-0678. APPLY IN PERSON TO: HEUBERGER MOTORS, INC. ATT: COLE COLLINS 1080 MOTOR CITY DRIVE. C/S 80905. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Heuberger Motors, Inc., America’s largest volume Subaru dealer is HIRING Lot Technicians. Position requirements include: detailing cars, driving, and working with customers. No experience required and no hand tools needed. Must have an attention to detail and a professional appearance. Full Time Position: Monday – Saturday with open, mid, and closing shifts, to include holidays. Position includes benefits, sick days, holiday pay, vacation pay, and 401k. Must pass drug screen, driving, and background checks. Must be able to drive a manual transmission and demonstrate on test drive. APPLY IN PERSON TO: HEUBERGER MOTORS, INC. ATTN: COLE COLLINS 1080 MOTOR CITY DRIVE. C/S 80905. NO PHONE CALLS SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 MARKSHEFFEL All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. The Mountaineer shall not accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. RESIDENTIAL FOR SALE CENTRAL 8 INCOME PROPERTIES Good condition. East, Central, West. Owner carry 20% down. 719-5500010. EAST Country Living New 3 Bed on 35 Acres $249,900 VA $0 Down, $0 Closing No Pmts til Feb 2015 3 car Garage, Appliances Peak View, Rear Patio Priv. well, great for horses Jim 719-475-0517 hm/wk. SOUTHWEST Lease2own, evrythg new 1BR, 1BA, WD/DW, strg, 2story, grge, 4 hobby or biz. $1100 mo 719-229-9313 4bd; 2.5ba; 2cg. Fenced yard. 1800sqft. $1375mo. Avail. 1/15/2015. 200-9333 PEYTON 15 Min. to Schriever AFB 2bd., 2ba., detached 2.5 car garage, 5 acres, fenced in yard. Pets ok. $1200mo. 719-491-0756 POWERS 2,800 sq ft, 4BD, 2.5BA, 2cr grge, frplce, ctrl ac/ht, w/ appl. $1,400 mo. 719-510-7716 ROOMMATES WANTED Near Pete AFB 1BD, bsemnt apt, furnishd, pvt ent, $650, incl util, internt,cble. 719-534-3519 Tell our advertisers you saw their ad in our Classifieds! Transportation Real Estate Claremont Ranch AUTOMOTIVE CADILLAC 1998 Cadillac Deville White 2nd owner,152k mi,tan leather interior,$2000 obo. 719-761-5351 Rentals CHEVROLET 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT V6, heated leather seats, pwr windows, $9500 obo. Call 719-2318785 HUNGER ROOTS FOR THE HOME TEAM, TOO. 1 IN 6 AMERICANS STRUGGLES WITH HUNGER. MAZDA 2001 MAZDA PROTEGE Looks Good runs great! Handles excellent in the snow/great on gas. Asking $3,250.00. For details/ pictures, please Contact: Chec 719210-9273. 2002 MIATA MX5 Roadster Sportscar conv, SE 6 Spd all options, 40K mi, exc cond, $8200 719-495-8329 MOTORCYCLES 2012 CAN-AM SPYDER RTS-SE5 5K Mi. Driver Floorboards. Exc Cond. $17K. 719-431-2223. Leave message. Harley Davidson 2005 Dyna APARTMENTS CENTRAL Downtown 4br $1100 4-Plex Airport / Academy $695 +elec., Studio $395 + electric. 5500010. HOMES FOR RENT CENTRAL Incredible bike. Incredible price. Less than 4k miles. Call 719-3325655 after 9am. PARTS Automotive Tires Enduro Tires, Brand New Set of Four Size 245/65/17R $200 Call Terence 719-322-9346 RVS Motor Home 93 Catalina Coachman 3BD, 2 BA 2 Car $995/mo. Call Janith 719-359-0588 Great Condition 30ft, 460 Engine, 39k Miles, 2AC’s, Generator, Newer Owning, Separate Shower and Toilet, $9,950 OBO CONDO FOR RENT/SALE Call Ron 719-688-3656 or 719-3922709 $49K End Unit. 2 lg bdrms, up & ba. Lg LR, DR & 1/2 ba down. Resp. parties only. $650+utils. 641-8710 Need Good Tenants! Place your ad in our classifieds! 719-634-5905 VOLVO 2008 C70 Hard Top Convert. 79800 mi. Leather heated seats. Ready for winter. $13800 obo. 719963-3598 TOGETHER WE’RE Hunger is closer than you think. Reach out to your local food bank for ways to do your part. Visit today. 23 24 SPACE OBSERVER Thursday, November 6, 2014 BUILT TO TAKE YOU TO THE PLACES YOU’VE NEVER BEEN #1 LARGEST SUBARU DEALER IN AMERICA! *BASED ON 2013 NATIONAL DEALER RANKING 2015 Subaru Forester $209/MONTH, $1400 DUE 2015 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5i $149/MONTH, $1250 DUE Lease a 2015 Subaru Forester 2.5i for 36 months at $209 per month, plus tax. $1400 due at signing plus tax, 10,000 miles per year with approved credit. No security deposit required. 2014 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.0i Lease a 2014 Subaru Impreza 2.0i for 36 months at $149 per month, plus tax. $1250 due at signing plus tax, 10,000 miles per year with approved credit. No security deposit required. MSRP $18,690 MODEL CODE EJA, PACKAGE 01 STOCK #145046 MSRP $23,045 MODEL CODE FFA, PACKAGE 01 STOCK #151975 $189/MONTH, $1200 DUE 2015 SUBARU LEGACY 2.5i Lease a 2015 Subaru Legacy 2.5i for 36 months at $189 per month, plus tax. $1200 due at signing plus tax, 10,000 miles per year with approved credit. No security deposit required. MSRP $22,490 MODEL CODE FAB, PACKAGE 01 STOCK #151521 2014 SUBARU XV CROSSTREK 2.0i PREMIUM $219/MONTH, $1400 DUE Lease a 2014 Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.0i Premium for 42 months at $219 per month, plus tax. $1400 due at signing plus tax, 10,000 miles per year with approved credit. No security deposit required. MSRP $22,820 MODEL CODE ERA, PACKAGE 01 STOCK #145006 Family Owned and Operated for Over 44 years. Committed to the Community we serve. (719) 1080 MOTOR CITY DRIVE 475-1920 BESTBUYSUBARU.COM heubergermotors heubergermotors Expires November 30th, 2014
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