Fifth Sunday of Lent -- March 13 2016
Fifth Sunday of Lent -- March 13 2016
Holy Spirit Parish Family March 13, 2016 — Fifth Sunday of Lent PARISH OFFICE 3130 Parkwood Lane • Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Website: Phone: 314-739-0230 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 314-739-0237 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm UPCOMING EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINES Due to the Easter holiday, here are the early deadlines: NOON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 FOR SUNDAY, MARCH 27 NOON THURSDAY, MARCH 24 FOR SUNDAY APRIL 3 DYNAMIC CATHOLIC, ALIVE! — PUTTING OUR SPIRITUAL LIVES IN ORDER “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (Jn 8:7). Christ, of course, detests sin—he tells the adulterous woman to sin no more—but we must have our own spiritual lives in order before chastising others. It is easy to spot the sins of others, while ignoring our own sins. "Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods” (CCC, 1849). What step can you take this week to put your spiritual life in order? PARISH STAFF Rev. Richard Bockskopf, Pastor……………………..Ext. 103 [email protected] Donna Eisenbath, Youth Minister………….314-954-1326 [email protected] Jill Gould, Principal……….…………..………………...739-1934 [email protected] Sharon Kaufman, CRE & Pastoral Associate…...Ext. 110 [email protected] Rev. Mr. Walt LaBozzetta, Deacon Joan Maher, Director of Worship…………………….Ext. 116 [email protected] Rev. Jerry Meier, Senior Associate Pastor……….Ext. 119 [email protected] Rev. Mr. Gene Naumann, Deacon Julie Ramacciotti, Director of Administration…..Ext. 104 [email protected] Karen Rychlewski, Pastoral Associate Ext. 117 [email protected] Julie Spinner, Parish & PSR Secretary…………...Ext. 102 [email protected] Mary Welsh, Parish Secretary………………………...Ext. 101 [email protected] Daily Prayer Connection…… …....314-739-0230 ext. 132 Faith in Action, [email protected]….….Ext. 110 HandS……………………...………………………….314-739-9796 Stephen Ministry……………………314-739-0230 ext. 130 SCHOOL (K-8 & PRESCHOOL & PREK INFORMATION) 3120 Parkwood Lane • Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Phone: 314-739-1934 • Fax: 314-739-7703 Kate Ayres, School Secretary, [email protected] PARISH ANNEX 3111 Parkwood Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, Pre-School, Pre-K…………………...…………...314-739-5020 What’s Inside…. Page 2 — Calendar, Stewardship, Easter Volunteers Page 3 — Mass Intentions, Sick List, Ministry Schedule, RIPs Page 4 —Fr. Jerry’s 50th Jubilee Celebration! School, PSR, VBS, Cub Scouts Page 5 —Stephen Ministry, Social Justice, The Way STL Page 6 — “Did You Know?” Rediscover Jesus, Seafood Dinner, Dynamic Catholic Page 7 — Discipleship — Service Page 8 — HSYM, Girl Scouts & the Archbishop Page 9 — Thank You, Pancake Breakfast, Around Town Page 10 — “Good News” weekly Scripture readings MASS SCHEDULE Monday thru Friday………..………..6:30am and 8:00am Holy Days Consult bulletin Saturday: …………………….…8:00am and 5:00pm (Vigil) Sunday: .7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, and 12 Noon CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:00 to 4:45pm or by appointment EUCHARISTIC CHAPEL HOURS Weekdays: 12am to 6am and 9am to 12 midnight. Saturdays: 12am to 7am Chapel will close at 7am Saturday until 9am Monday. Holy Days: Please consult the bulletin. EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION Wednesdays after 8 a.m. Mass until Noon (closing with Benediction). Confessions 1st Wednesday. BAPTISMS Baptism Class for parents/godparents is normally held on the first Monday of the month at 7 PM in the Church. To register for the meeting and/or to arrange for a baptism, call Karen Rychlewski. MARRIAGE Couples planning marriage contact one of the parish priests at least six months in advance. COMMUNION CALLS Please call the Parish Office to request Communion if someone is unable to attend Church. HOSPITAL VISITS Please notify hospitalization. the Parish Office concerning REGISTRATION New parishioners may register at Parish Office or see one of the priests after Mass. New information e.g. address, phone numbers or moving from the parish, please call Parish Office. BULLETIN INFORMATION Please submit information for the bulletin by Noon Friday the week BEFORE publication (e.g. for June 28, submit by June 19). Include name, daytime phone number of person submitting information, Commission and group name. Items can be e-mailed to [email protected]. OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS Stewardship for February 22-28, 2016 Electronic Giving $ 4,519.00 Offertory Giving $16,867.00 Parish Improvements $ 1,929.00 Total $23,315.00 HandS $ 230.00 Special Collections $ 5,208.00 2 l Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK Sunday, March 13 — Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:00 a.m.—Blood Drive, Annex 9:00 a.m.—Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 105/110 10:30 a.m.—RCIA, 3rd Scrutiny, Church & Rm. 112 1:00 p.m.—Basketball Games, Gym Monday, March 14 8:30 a.m.—Scripture Study, St. Blaise Rm. 6:00 p.m.—Quilting, Annex 6:30 p.m.—Boy Scouts Troop #954, Gym 7:00 p.m.—Parish Penance Service, Church 8:15 p.m.—Basketball Practice, Gym Tuesday, March 15 9:00 a.m.—Quilting, Annex —Senior Exercise, Community Rm. 3:00 p.m.—Girl Scouts, Rm. 9 6:00 p.m.—Cub Scouts Den #4, Rm. 9 7:00 p.m.—Social Justice Mtg., Rm. 2 7:30 p.m.—Fire of the Spirit, Community Rm. Wednesday, March 16 9:00 a.m.—Exposition/Benediction, Church —Senior Exercise, Rigali Rm. 5:30 p.m.—Girl Scouts, Rm. 9 6:15p.m.—Basketball Practice, Gym 7:00 p.m.—Journey Group, Community Rm. —Journey Group, Parish Hall Thursday, March 17 — Happy St. Patrick’s Day 1:00 p.m.—Prayer Shawl, Holy Spirit Rm. 6:00 p.m.—Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Church 6:15 p.m.—Basketball Practice, Gym 7:00 p.m.—8th Grade Parent Mtg., Rm. 110 —Luke 18 Planning Mtg., Holy Spirit Rm. 7:15 p.m.—Adult Choir Rehearsal, Church Friday, March 18 2:00 p.m.—Stations of the Cross, Church 4:30 p.m.—Seafood Dinner, Gym 5:00 p.m.—Luke 18 Retreat, Off Property 6:30 p.m.—Girl Scouts Lock-In, Annex 7:00 p.m.—Stations of the Cross, Church Saturday, March 19 — Feast of St. Joseph 8:00 a.m.—Basketball Games, Gym 9:00 a.m.—Confessions, Church (ends 3 p.m.) 1:00 p.m.—CFC Assembly, Rigali Rm. 6:30 pm.—Basketball Games, Gym —Girl Scouts Lock-In, Annex Sunday, March 20 — Passion Sunday 9:00 a.m.—Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 105/110 —Men’s ACTS Reunion, Rigali Rm. 10:30 a.m.—RCIA, Rm. 112 12:00 p.m.—RCIA Retreat, Rm. 106, Church & Hall 1:00 p.m.—Basketball Games, Gym VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Extraordinary Ministers, Hospitality Ministers, Lectors and Hearing Assistance volunteers are needed for all Holy Week services. Sign-up sheets are in the vesting sacristy. Please volunteer as soon as possible. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK In your prayers, please remember all the sick and home -bound parishioners and those who care for them. Baby Ellie Marie Alice Buchholz Diane Dean Leland Ellege Glenn Grieshaber Andy Kasprzyk Al Katzler Marie Knox Mike Lemp Anita Magparangalan Maureen Martin Marie Mazzola Al Metzger George Murphy Karen Newcomb John Rizzello Laura Tellmann Ches Van Stratton Tom Zemblidge Sick Relatives and Friends: Russ Kelly Maureen Adams Pam Ninness Mary Kay Alexander Samantha Kerwin Mary Ninness Loren Bannister George Laurance Melinda Oeth Irene Lee Michael Bardol Mark Pearia Aimie Mehta Sue Brogan Brianna Pfeiffer Gee Mehta Jackie Craven Judy Ramariz Cameron Meyer Bernie Garvels Grace Solimando Christine Meyer Mark Goodson Jackson Weppler Luke Meyer Michelle Wilson Shane Katzler Ron Meyer Bob Kekeisen FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE We express our deep sympathy and assurance of our prayers to the families of Sue Brogan; mother of Karen, grandmother of Amanda (Rico) Perez; great grandmother of Alana, aunt of Catherine Wedler; Joseph Scott, Jr., brother of Jennifer (Matt) Johnson, uncle of Emma & Madison, cousin of Josh (Lisa) Kelly; and Baby Madison Olivia Kaufman, granddaughter of Scott & Sharon, niece of Becky. May their souls rest in the Peace of Christ. MINISTRY SCHEDULE — MARCH 19-20 Mar 12-13 5:00 PM 7:30 AM MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, March 13 — Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30am (JM) Gloria Kekeisen 9:00am (RB) For Our Parishioners 10:30am (JM) Terri Fritzius 12:00pm (RB) Madonna Kirts Monday, March 14 6:30 am (JM) Richard Rieth 8:00am (RB) Paul Meyer Tuesday, March 15 6:30am (JM) Fred M. Luntzer 8:00am (RB) Albert Grelle Wednesday, March 16 6:30am (RB) Faithful Departed 8:00am (JM) O’Conner Family Thursday, March 17 6:30am (JM) Otto Dallavalle 8:00am (RB) Bart Brown Friday, March 18 6:30am (JM) Frank Garvin 8:00am (RB) Betty Schottmueller Saturday, March 19 — Feast of St. Joseph 8:00am (JM) Dot Gormley 5:00pm (RB) Danny Magparangalan Sunday, March 20 — Passion Sunday 7:30am (RB) Janet Beasley 9:00am (JM) Bonner & Fuest Families 10:30am (RB) For Our Parishioners 12:00pm (JM) Dorothy Ponder NEW MASS SCHEDULE BEGINS APRIL 3! Beginning Sunday, April 3, we will have a new Mass schedule. Mass times will be as follows: Saturday Evening Vigil — 5 p.m. Sunday Masses — 7:30, 9:00, and 11:00 a.m.. 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Hospitality M Bovier R & S Ramspott N Suedmeyer J & R Roberson L Frein S Hirschmugl L Pattison J Garofalo A Grothoff T Owens E & B Flores Sub Requested Hearing Assist L LaBozzetta V Vogt M Highly C & E Stepanek W & T Stevens Lectors A Lange J Smith F Kekeisen T Wilhelm J Pattison A Breakfield B Jaeger C Rallo Eucharistic Ministers J Bamert A Merris J Naumann R & M Bovier J & J Chrismer R & N Swantner R Dallavalle S Hagedorn K Kenning J Zemblidge Sub Requested P Albers M Audrain M DeWitt MJ Flynn D Hass J & L Frein W & G Prather E Accardi P Cody L Cwiklowski T Essner T Farrell M Feltman J Painter M Sicking A Wehking B Flores P Krause L Nolan D Tucker Sub Requested Servers B Benedict K Benedict Sub Requested M Huber M Nelson M Rakonick M Brown B Pattison Sub Requested B Appleton R Leick Subs Requested A Mason I Mason S Mason Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 | 3 Come, celebrate the 50th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. Sunday, April 3, at 2:00 PM Mass An opportunity for fellowship will follow Mass. Father Jerry Meier Please RSVP by March 23: Holy Spirit Parish Office, 739-0230 or [email protected] SCHOOL NEWS Congratulations! to our March 7 winner of $200, Leslie Reimer. Thank you for supporting our school! Wednesday, March 16 – Preschool & Prekindergarten Grandparents’ Day Thursday, March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast for Students & Parents of Grades 5th - 8th, 7:15 – 7:50a.m. Friday, March 18 – All School Liturgy 8 a.m. prepared by the 1st grade. Friday, March 18 – Living Stations of the Cross prepared by the 8th grade –2p.m. in the church. As always, Holy Spirit Catholic School would like to thank the parish community for supporting our school. TEACHERS’ WISH LIST: Computer Lab–looking to upgrade the headphones (over the head type) Have a blessed week! CALLING ALL FULL-TIME SCHOOL & PSR CLASSES! SEAFOOD DINNER NEEDS YOUR — DESSERTS: Holy Spirit has a spectacular seafood dinner Friday evenings during Lent (NOT on Good Friday). They are in need of desserts. They have requested the help of the school and Parish School of Religion families. This a chance for us to help the parish which does so much to help all of us grow in faith. A schedule is below for helping with these desserts. Mar 18: FTS, 5 & 7, PSR, 1 PACK 954 HOLY SPIRIT CUB SCOUTS PLEASE HELP SEND A HOLY SPIRIT CUB SCOUT TO SUMMER CAMP, by purchasing a $5 Camp Card in the Parish Hall. Holy Spirit Cub Scouts get to keep 50% of sales. They will be available after all masses this weekend, Mar. 12-13. Each Camp Card has a snap-off, one-time use coupon for $5 off a $50 purchase at Shop N’ Save, as well as coupons for Six Flags, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Gander Mountain, Rally’s, Denny’s, Little Caesars, Sports Clips, & SkyZone. Shop N’ Save shoppers, please consider buying a card every week. You spend $5 for the Camp Card, and recoup your $5 with the coupon on your next shopping trip. THIS IS FREE MONEY for our Holy Spirit Cub Scouts. THANK YOU!!! 4 l Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 PSR NEWS FAMILY FAITH AND FUN IN MARCH 7th Grade parents – March 15th in their classroom 3rd Grade parents – March 29th in their classroom Parents, you are encouraged to come join your child in participating in their PSR lesson for the night. Come find out what your child is learning and share this experience with them as together we help our children grow closer to Jesus and learn more about their faith. NO PSR on Tuesday, March 22nd due to Pattonville’s Spring Break. PSR LENTEN SERVICE PROJECT This project will run February 16 through April 12. Please choose one item (or more) to donate to make comfort bags for “Samantha’s Gift”– BJC Hospice during the Family Service Challenge on April 23. Chapstick (unscented), Lotion (unscented), Hand sanitizer (unscented), Mints, Stress balls, Travel Kleenex pack (plain, no aloe), Crossword, Sudoku, Word Find, Journal or notepad with a pen, Adult coloring book with crayons/ colored pencils/markers, Travel size personal care items Please note that items should be new and unopened. Items can be left in a box near the Hall Monitor’s desk. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – HOLY SPIRIT June 20-24, 2016 — 9-noon daily The Lord Is My Shepherd ~ Psalm 23 This year’s theme teaches kids that they belong to a Savior who protects us, provides for us, and saves us, now and forever! Registration forms for campers, teen helpers, and adult volunteers are available in the Parish Office. Cost is $30 per camper. Registration deadline is May 16, 2016. NEEDED: Adult Volunteers and Teen Helpers! Want to share your faith with children? Ready for a fun way to get service hours? Come see what VBS at Holy Spirit is all about! Adult Volunteer meetings: April 5, May 18 – Parish Hall, 7pm Teen (going into 6th grade) meeting: June 9, Parish Hall, 7pm Questions? Please contact Shannon Purvis (314) 579-9866 or [email protected] YOUNG ADULTS Do you want to go fishing this Friday? Join other young adults from around the area for Fishing with The Way STL! Meet us at 5:30 and look for the red balloon. Here are the dates: STATIONS OF THE CROSS FOR THE BEREAVED Friday, March 18 at 7 PM in church We will pray a Stations of the Cross compiled especially for those who are suffering the loss of a loved one. Praying the Stations enables us to enter into the spirit of acceptance which characterized Jesus’ embrace of the cross. As we journey through grief, accepting our loss in the context of faith brings new meaning to our lives. HEARING ASSISTANCE HAS ARRIVED! DAVID KAUFFMAN TICKETS Tickets for the David Kauffman Concert Thursday evening, March 31, 7pm, Skip Viragh Performing Arts Center @ Chaminade, 425 S. Lindbergh, 63131. Adults $10, Students $5, children 10 & under free. Contact Wendy Geraty, 256-9644. Tickets may be available the night of the performance if not sold out so get your tickets early! David is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, husband and father who creates music described as "good for the soul". His success with his first CD, Simple Truth catapulted him into the hearts and homes of a nation of Christian music lovers. This is a must see event for you and your family! RECYCLE BINS Within the next couple of weeks the recycle bins located on the southwest corner of the Church parking lot AND at the Annex will be going away. We are no longer compensated for providing this service. SOCIAL JUSTICE “The difficulties of these new times demand a new vision and a renewed courage to transform our society and achieve justice for all. We must fight for the dual goals of racial and economic justice with determination and creativity.” ~ Brothers and Sisters to Us, U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Racism in Our Day, November 14, 1979, National Conference of Catholic Bishops STEPHEN MINISTRY "May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy!" ~ Psalm 126 : 5 For those who need help overcoming background noise, reverberation or distance from the microphones in church, we have purchased 10 handheld receivers that connect directly to the audio of our sound system. This allows you to sit anywhere in church and listen at the volume you need without disturbing others! Receivers will be available to borrow before each weekend Mass and are to be returned immediately after. The receivers accept universal headphones/earphones. For hygienic reasons, please purchase your own headphones, e.g., Walgreens, Target, Best Buy, etc. Keep them in your purse or glove compartment; that way they will be easily accessible when you come to Mass! There is a limited number of over-the-ear headphones to borrow. We also are pleased to offer neck loops for parishioners who have telephone coil hearing aids. Beginning the first weekend in March, receivers will be available in the small office at the East end of the gathering space. A volunteer will be there to assist you. We are extremely grateful to the parishioners who gifted the system to the parish. Your generosity is a blessing to us! DASK WEEKEND RETREAT Divorced And Separated Koinonia, Spring Weekend Dates, April 22-24, Toddhall Retreat and Conference Center, 320 Todd Center Dr. Columbia, IL 62236. Sponsored by Office of Marriage & Family Life, Diocese of Springfield, IL. Approved by Archdiocese of St. Louis. Contact: Jean Stortzum, 704-1870 or Carol Whitehead, 775-1253, [email protected]. Checks to DASK-SLB. If we are freed from dire circumstances, or even from a quiet sort of desperation...what do people say? What would you say? What if this happened to someone you know...or to a stranger? The truth happens right here in our our lives. Men and women turn to the caring, lay Stephen Ministry for Holy Spirit Parish help to get through the big and little 'tough In the Rigali of the Annex times' that we all experience. This isn't finanSUNDAY, MARCH 13TH cial's emotional assistance. 8:00 AM – 12:00 NOON Confidential, non-judgmental and caring lisBe a Steward of Christ! tening is what our Stephen Ministers do best. Appt. Preferred. Walk-in’s welcome. Specially selected and trained lay men and To schedule an appointment, log on to women have answered the call to serve those struggling with life issues. If you, or someone Use group sponsor code 10414 you know and/or care about are struggling Date to Donate Elsewhere: 1/17/2016) donation will generate a contribution to benelike this, you may want to consider calling the Each fitt Holy Spirit’s Full-time School and PSR programs Stephen Ministry, 739-0230, ext,130, and (for educational tools used by these students). $3411 raised with 12 MVRBC drives! leave a confidential message. Perhaps the Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 | 5 TODAY D ID Y OU K NOW ? Rediscover Jesus An Invitation By: Matthew Kelly Chapter 10 Forty Words The “Year of Study”... Point to Ponder: God wants to raise you up. Verse to Live: “Ad God’s chosen ones, holy, and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” ~ Colossians 3:12 Question to Consider: Are you loving yourself the way God wants you to love yourself? Prayer: Jesus, begin a revolution of love in my heart today. Teach me to love myself as you love me, so that I can love all those who cross my bath in a way that reminds them that you changed the world. SEAFOOD DINNERS Last one of the season, Friday, March 18, 4:30—7:00 PM Menu can be found at, in “Upcoming Events” CHEF’S SPECIAL — MARCH 18 ADVANCE PURCHASE ONLY Tutto Mare — $10. See Fr. Rich or call the Parish Office to reserve your ticket(s)! Watch for us to be back Friday, March 3, 2017!!! CHAPTER SUMMARY: The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic (Page 105) Highly engaged Catholics are continuous learners. On average they spend fourteen minutes each day learning more about the faith. They see themselves as students of Jesus and his Church and they proactively make an effort to allow his teachings to guide and form them. ACTION ITEM: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CAN BE FOUND ON THE ARCHDIOCESE’S WEBSITE (, Click on the Dynamic Catholic Alive! Link, then on “Study.” Join a book club. QUOTE: (The Saints on Prayer) “To wisdom belongs intellectual apprehension of things eternal; to knowledge, the rational ~ St. Augustine apprehension of things temporal.” 6 | Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 Go make disciples of all nations SCRIPTURE PASSAGE “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen I say to you whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:31-46 FR. RICH’S REFLECTION As Catholics we tend to be good at charitable works, living the parable of the sheep and goats. We are also called to be advocates for social issues as well. In many of his talks Pope Francis calls us to live our faith by being involved in not only charitable works but also social issues. The US bishops speak of seven Catholic social issues: Life and Dignity of the Human Person Call to Family, Community and Participation Rights and Responsibilities Option for the Poor and Vulnerable The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers Solidarity Care for God’s Creation Go to and on the search bar type “Catholic social issues” for a fuller explanation. FROM POPE FRANCIS We must not forget that true power, at whatever level, is service, which has its luminous summit on the Cross. With great wisdom Benedict XVI reminded the Church many times that for man, authority is often synonymous with possession, dominion, success. For God authority is always synonymous with service, humility, love. It means to enter into Jesus’ logic, who bends down to wash the feet of the Apostles (cf. Angelus, January 29, 2012), and who says to his disciples: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them…. It shall not be so among you; in fact, the motto of your assembly, no? ‘it shall not be so among you’; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave” (Matthew 20:25-27). (5/8/13) PERSONAL REFLECTION What part of the parable of the sheep and goats appeals to you? Which part challenges you? Which of the seven social issues identified by the US bishop calls you to action? We hear a lot about the Bridgeton landfill. Do you see it as caring for God’s creation? Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 | 7 YOUTH MINISTRY FIND HOLY SPIRIT YOUTH MINISTRY ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM! AND as HS_YOUTH_STL on Instagram PLEASE PRAY For our Luke 18 team as we travel to New Haven for our retreat this weekend that our journey will be safe and that the young people who join us will get to know Jesus through the witness of the older teens. POSITIVE THINGS TO SAY TO YOUNG PEOPLE You can say no. You can say yes. You were right. I know you did your best. CONFIRMATION: 7th grade families: UPCOMING CONFIRMATION SESSIONS Session 4: Sunday, April 3, 10:10-12:40, Annex. Session 5: Sunday, April 17, 10:10-12:40, Annex. Parents who signed up to lead table discussions should plan to stay the entire session. If you’ve forgotten who you are, please contact Donna Eisenbath to ask. All other parents should plan to stay for 30 minutes for prayer and information. LUKE 18 IS FOR ALL 7TH AND 8TH GRADE STUDENTS: YOU CAN STILL SIGN UP TO ATTEND LUKE 18 – contact Donna Eisenbath to see if there is still room. Plan to join us at Camp Trinity the weekend of March 19-20. UPCOMING MIDDLE SCHOOL MADNESS: 6TH, 7TH, & 8TH GRADES April – 7 to 9 p.m. in the Annex. Bring a friend for food, fun and faith discussions! HIGH SCHOOL: FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS & SENIORS: Eat, Pray, Discuss: NOTE: March gathering is TODAY, March 13 with NO high school gathering March 20 due to Luke 18. Come enjoy good food, get to know friends in a deeper way & experience your faith in a safe place where questions are welcomed & encouraged. FIRE & FUN IS APRIL 9 Calling all middle school and high school students, come join us for a social night of fun at the Holy Spirit Athletic Fields. We’ll grill hot dogs, have a bonfire (and S’mores) and games. This night is all about you and having fun with your friends. ADULTS, THE HOLY SPIRIT (YOUTH MINISTRY) IS CALLING YOU! WE NEED YOU to help chaperone our upcoming events. Some offer great ways to grow yourself, others simply need your presence. Please contact Donna Eisenbath if you are interested in: A week long service retreat filled with direct service and based on Catholic Social Teaching for teens in high school (June 26-July 2) and one for middle school (July 18-22) Fire & Fun – 6:30 to 9:30 on Saturday, April 9, at the Athletic Fields (help grill food and/or supervise teens). 8 | Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 GIRL SCOUTS AND THE ARCHBISHOP Your Holy Spirit Girl Scout Leadership is actively praying with Fr. Rich and our God to determine an appropriate course of action in light of the Archbishop's recent letter regarding Girl Scouts. There will be no changes to our program this school year, and we thank you for your prayers on behalf of our girls. Holy Spirit’s Girl Scout Leadership UMPIRE CLINICS FOR BASEBALL / SOFTBALL There will be four clinics held for anyone age 12 or older who is looking to umpire Baseball and/or Softball for St. Charles CYC this year. ALL Umpires MUST attend one of the three clinics to umpire. Please bring pen & paper. There is a $10 training fee that must be paid at the clinic. There will be a take home test given out at the clinics that must be passed in order to umpire. The clinics will be held at the following locations: SESR Parish hall, Sunday, March 13, 1:30- 5:30pm Knights of Columbus concession stand, Saturday, March 19, 12- 4pm Holy Spirit Blaizer building, Wednesday, April 6, 6- 9:30pm (This should be for experienced umpires or new umpires who couldn't make of the other clinics.) Please dress appropriately, part of each clinic will be outside if weather permits. Contact Tom Cusumano, [email protected], 659-9278, questions or concerns. LENTEN EVENING OF REFLECTION Hosted by Our Lady of the Pillar, Tuesday, March 15, 7 pm in the Parish Life Center. The theme is "What is a grown up faith?" and will be given by Dr. Kenneth Parker of the St. Louis University Theological Studies Department. In this interactive and engaging talk, Dr. Parker will help us reflect upon three elements of belief that must work in harmony for one to grow and mature in faith. A light reception will follow. If you have any questions, contact Fr. Bob Jones, SM at [email protected] or 993-2280. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! DePaul Hospital is seeking adult volunteers for these positions: Shuttle Drivers, Glennon Pediatric Clinic at DePaul; Emergency Department Waiting Room Greeters and Treatment Area Aides; Endoscopy Transporters; ICU Waiting Room Hosts; Information Desk Clerks and Escorts; Patient Floor Aides, and many others. Adult volunteers must be at least 18 years old and no longer in high school. For information or an application, contact Barbara Toulster, Director of Auxiliary/Volunteer Services, 344-7083. To submit a volunteer application online, visit A ROUND T OWN "WHAT IS A GROWN UP FAITH?" Our Lady of the Pillar will host a Lenten evening of reflection Tuesday, March 15, 7 pm in the Parish Life Center. It will be given by Dr. Kenneth Parker of the St. Louis University Theological Studies Department. In this interactive and engaging talk, Dr. Parker will help us reflect upon three elements of belief that must work in harmony for one to grow and mature in faith. A light reception will follow. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Bob Jones, SM at [email protected] or 993-2280. CARING FOR GOD’S CREATION An evening of prayer and faith formation, March 29, 78:30 p.m., sponsored by Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 335 S. Kirkwood Rd. 63122. Please RSVP, 965-3700 or [email protected], by March 21. Dr. Ed Biersmith from the Diocese of Shreveport LA will be the keynote speaker. He is trained as an ambassador on the climate change issue by the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change. His presentation will answer questions such as: 1.Why are Catholics called to care about climate change? 2.What does the Catholic Church teach about climate change and environmental issues? 3.How does climate change impact the poor of the world? DEEP GRATITUDE We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Bereavement Committee of Holy Spirit for serving us the delicious luncheon after Danny’s funeral. For our fellow Parishioners...we are extremely thankful for the thoughts and prayers that were extended to us. It was the Love and Support that strengthened our family during this very difficult time. The Magparangalan Family MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A Marriage Encounter weekend is like springtime because it is a weekend of fresh air, restoration and a rich fullness of life. If you would like to make your marriage even more special than it already is, apply for a weekend on April 22-24 or August 5-7. For more information call 649.7317 or see our website at TRIVIA NIGHT The Mother of Good Counsel Home Auxiliary is sponsoring a trivia night Saturday, April 2, starting at 6 pm at the JFK Center, 315 Howdershell Road, 63031. The cost is $20/ person or $160/table of 8 and includes beer, soda, and snacks but you may bring your own, too. Gift baskets and 50/50 raffle offered. Please contact Dave Barnhart at [email protected] or 314-4520-946 for more information. TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, April 2, St. Anthony of Padua, 3135 Meramec, 63118, parish hall directly across from the Church doors. Doors open at 6 p.m., play begins at 7 p.m. Admission $20 per person, includes soda, beer, snacks. 10 persons per table maximum. Call Lisa Sieve, 655-0512, Jeannie Tiemann, 795-7227 Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 | 9 PASSION SUNDAY — (MARCH 20, 2016) Lk 19:28-40 (at Procession) Is 50:4-7 (at Mass) — Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 — Phil 2:6-11 — Lk 22:14-23:56 10 | Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 13, 2016 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Spirit Church #000115 3130 Parkwood Lane Maryland Heights, MO 63043 TELEPHONE 314 739-0230 CONTACT PERSON Mary Welsh EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 8 TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 5:00 PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 13, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 11 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS