Current Information
Current Information
C U R R E N T I N F O R M AT I O N 2016-2017 C ONTENTS P OLICIES Page Organisation - year groups, number of pupils, management structure, boarding 1 Contact Details 1 Blundell’s House System 2 Management Structure 2 Admissions - procedures, registrations, confirmation and acceptance 3 Scholarships and Bursaries - ethos, frequently asked questions, 11+, 13+ & 16+ guidance 4 Overseas Students 9 Schools are now required to publish their Child Protection & Safeguarding policy on their websites and certain other information must be made available to parents. In the interests of transparency and hopefully to make it easier, we have decided to put the following policies and information on the school website – see the Main Menu drop down links, School Policies and Staff. This information is also available for you to consult in school or can be sent to you upon request. Academic performance in the previous year (see Pg 10) Admissions Anti-bullying Examination Results - ‘A’ Level and GCSE 10 Website and ICT Provision 12 Academic Issues – curriculum organisation & policies 13 Complaints Leavers Destinations 14 Curriculum Sport 15 Music 16 Drama 17 Extra-curricular Activities, Adventure and Leadership Programme 18 Staff and Governors 20 Term Dates 22 School Fees 22 Blundell’s Development Office and Old Blundellian Club 23 Minibuses - routes and timings 24 Attendance & Registration Behaviour Management, Rewards & Sanctions Child Protection & Safeguarding Discipline & Exclusions Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 Health & Safety, including school visits Pupils with LDD (Learning Support) Staff and their qualifications Teaching English for Speakers of other Languages O RGANISATION C ONTACT D ETAILS The two Blundell’s Schools are co-educational throughout and situated on the outskirts of the small market town of Tiverton in Devon. They occupy two adjoining sites covering some 90 acres, with some shared facilities (e.g. swimming pool, astro-turf pitches and theatre). The Preparatory School at Milestones consists of a Nursery, Kindergarten & Pre-Prep (2 – 7 years) with 75 pupils and a Prep (7 – 11 years) of 140 pupils. On the old site at Horsdon, Blundell’s Senior School is academically organised as an 11-18 education, with School House (11 – 13 years) and the main school (13 – 18 years). School Office Tel: Fax: Email: 01884 252543 01884 243232 [email protected] Head’s PA Tel: Email: 01884 232301 [email protected] Blundell’s Senior School Year Group Age Entry Level National Curriculum Bursary School House (Junior Department) Year 7 11-12 Yes Key Stage 3 Year 8 12-13 Possibly Tel: Fax: Email: Year 9 13-14 Yes Year 10 14-15 Possibly Key Stage 4 Chairman of the Governors Year 11 15-16 Yes GCSE via the Bursar (Clerk to the Governors) (see Pg 20) Tel: 01884 232309 Year 12 16-17 Yes Year 13 17-18 Possibly A Level Total Boarders Flexi-Boarders Day Pupils in School 580 206 167 207 Boys 336 110 104 122 Girls 244 96 63 85 Tel: Email: 11-13 (Years 7 & 8) 111 20 10 81 Sanatorium 13-18 (Years 9-13) 469 186 157 126 Sixth Form 203 (boys 126 : girls 77) Main School 01884 252232 01884 252955 [email protected] School Shop Tel: 01884 232316 Director of Studies Tel: Email: 01884 252543 [email protected] Director of Sport Number of Pupils Tel: Email: 01884 252543 [email protected] Registrar’s Office 01884 252543 [email protected] Tel: Email: 01884 232422 [email protected] Transport Tel: Email: 01884 232378 [email protected] Development Office Tel: Email: 01884 243262 [email protected] Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 1 B LUNDELL’ S H OUSE S YSTEM M ANAGEMENT S TRUCTURE All pupils at Blundell’s are assigned to a House. Each House consists of boarders (full, weekly & flexi) and day pupils and the academic tutoring system operates under the guidance of the House Parent. We are committed to the boarding ethos here at Blundell’s. Founded in 1604 we are a school with a long tradition of drawing pupils from the West Country and further afield including a range of other countries. This boarding ethos underpins all aspects of school life. Statement of Boarding Aims and Values Blundell’s believes in preserving a powerful boarding atmosphere. The same admissions criteria are applied to the boarding pupils as for the other pupils in the school (see Admissions). All pupils in Years 7-8 belong to School House. For Years 9-12 there are two girls’ Houses and three boys’ Houses. For their final year the boys and girls in the Upper Sixth move to the purpose-built preuniversity preparation house called Westlake. The Houses retain a separate identity in the way they go about things, yet expectations of pupils and pastoral care are unified and integrated across the school. 2 In addition to some 206 full or weekly boarders, there are also currently 167 flexi-boarders. It is our policy to provide breadth of opportunity for all, to extol the virtues of a sound understanding between all pupils so that a culture of tolerant harmony emerges. The strength of the House system is that it promotes pastoral welfare, happiness, and fosters a strong spirit of academic achievement. Each House has a team of Tutors who work closely with the House Parents to support the broad development of their tutees. They will usually perform evening duties which allow them to develop a fuller awareness of the pupils in their care. Each House has at least one Matron who is an integral member of the house pastoral team; she also has a strong responsibility, along with others, for the medical welfare of the pupils and, where appropriate, she will work closely with the School Sanatorium. Each boarder will also benefit from the considerable range of support structures in the School for example, the Sanatorium and the School Counsellor. Boarding House Gender House Parent Ages Year Groups School House Co-educational Mr D.P. Marshman 11-13 Years 7 & 8 Gorton House Girls Miss D.J. Hosking 13-17 Years 9-12 North Close Girls Mrs R.J. Crease 13-17 Years 9-12 Francis House Boys Mr C.M. Hamilton 13-17 Years 9-12 Old House Boys Mr C.E. Olive 13-17 Years 9-12 Petergate Boys Mr D.J. Smart 13-17 Years 9-12 Westlake Co-educational Mr P.G. Klinkenberg 17-18 Year 13 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Head – Mrs N. A. Huggett Second Master – Mr B. Wielenga Deputy Head (Academic) – Mr C. H. List Deputy Head – (Co-curricular) – Mr E. K. G. Saunders Senior Master – Mr A. J. R. Berrow Senior Mistress – Mrs G. M. L. Batting A DMISSION TO THE S ENIOR S CHOOL (11-18 YEARS ) Methods of Entry 11+ Entry (see page 5) By the Blundell’s Entrance Tests in English, Mathematics and Non Verbal Reasoning (external applicants only). These are taken in January at Blundell’s. Late entrants can be tested separately by arrangement, dependent on places still being available. 13+ Entry (see page 6) By the 13+ Common Entrance, which is taken in June at Preparatory Schools, or via the scholarship programme. Those not at preparatory schools take the Blundell’s Entry Tests in English and Mathematics by arrangement. 16+ Entry (see page 8) The minimum requirement for entry to the Sixth Form is 5 GCSE passes at grade C or above. We also require at least an A or B grade in any subject to be taken at A2 level. A report will be requested from the present school and, where possible, candidates will be interviewed at Blundell’s. There are various scholarship options available. Registration: Confirmation: A Registration Form accompanies the prospectus; this requires a non-refundable fee of £100 (no fee for Blundell's Prep School applicants). All pupils taking entrance examinations, at any level, must be registered prior to the examination. Confirmation of Intention forms will be issued to all registered families in the year prior to admission. This will confirm that Blundell’s is your first choice school and guarantees your child a place, and a bed where appropriate, subject to him/her satisfying the relevant entrance requirements. The earlier this is received, the more confident we can be of offering you your first choice House, and of avoiding any disappointment of places being unavailable. This reserves a provisional place for your child, conditional on satisfying the entrance criteria, and enters your details on our computer. You will then receive termly updates on events such as Head's Guest Mornings, concerts, open days, plays, school matches and curriculum developments. This will obviously enable us to keep communication channels very much open and help to keep our records up to date with your intentions and changes of circumstances/address etc. Acceptance: Once a place has been formally offered, you will be asked to complete an Acceptance Form, parent contract, medical questionnaire and forward a £500 deposit - £1,000 for pupils outside the EU - (the deposit is refunded on completion of a child’s education at Blundell’s); Foundation Scholars are the only exemptions to the deposit. Your new pupil documents and bursarial information will be sent to you in early July prior to your child’s arrival. Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 3 S CHOLARSHIPS , E XHIBITIONS AND B URSARIES Frequently Asked Questions ‘...thou I am not myself a scholar, I will be the means of making more scholars than anyone else in England.’ In what areas are Awards offered? We offer the following awards: Attributed to Peter Blundell The Ethos of Scholarship at Blundell's Any great school should nurture academic performance through encouragement of scholarship and scholarly example. At Blundell's there is a wide cross-section of awards aimed at encouraging balance, breadth and a will to lead from the front through attaining the highest standards. Blundell's has foundation arrangements following the precepts of Peter Blundell himself. Four hundred years after his death, local students still go out from this school strengthened by the learning which was the important part of our founder's vision. Whilst acknowledging that academic performance is of the greatest importance and all pupils must work towards high levels of achievement, Blundell's also has a range of awards to reflect sporting, artistic or musical achievement. Whilst at Blundell's the holders should be shining examples within their individual field. Finally, All-rounder Awards are given to those who show real capability in the other awards, including evidence of reasonable academic potential. These awards suit the sort of Blundellian who will get maximum benefit from our wide range of facilities and educational experience. Scholars and Award holders at Blundell's are expected to give a lead. Each year performance is reviewed. Our programmes are adapted to give a wide vision and scholars should demonstrate a lively interest in the events designed to stretch them. Energy and an enquiring mind are vital to the fulfilment of potential. 4 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 • • • • • Academic Music Art Sport Drama (not at 11+) (not at 11+) (not at 11+) What is a Foundation Bursary? The School is fortunate to be able to offer these to successful applicants whose parents need financial assistance for their son or daughter and who, in the opinion of the Head, would derive great benefit from an education at Blundell’s. This bursary is means tested and offers a discount of up to 100% of basic tuition fees. Parents and candidates must arrange to visit the School and complete a statement of financial means form prior to the examination closing date. At what age can a boy or girl sit for an award? Are Bursaries available? Awards are made at the following stages in a child’s education: In cases of special need, awards may be supplemented by bursaries. These are awarded at the Head’s discretion. • at 11+ for entry into School House (the Junior Department); pupils are in Year 6 when they take the exam and must be under 12 on the 1st September 2016. • at 13+ for entry into the Senior School; pupils are in Year 8 when they take the exam and must be under 14 on the 1st September 2016. • at 16+ for entry into the Sixth Form; pupils are in Year 11 when they take the exam and must be under 17 on the 1st September 2016. Are there special terms for children whose parents are serving in H.M. Forces? What are the value of awards? Can a pupil who holds an award try for one again at a later stage? As an HMC School the maximum value of any award is 50% of fees, with the exception of the means tested Foundation Awards. There are three levels of awards: • Major Scholarship • Scholarship • Exhibition usually up to 30% (not at 11+) up to 20% (not at 11+) up to 10% Music Scholars and Exhibitioners will also receive their instrumental tuition free of charge (maximum of two instruments). A Services Boarding Package is available; please contact the Registrar’s Office for further details. Do awards made at 11+ continue into the Senior School? All awards continue into the Senior School, but pupils are subject to regular performance reviews throughout. Candidates who win an award at 11+ can sit for one at 13+ to see if he or she can improve. If a higher standard is achieved, relative to their age, then a higher award can be made. However, the original award will not be lost if the reverse is true! This is also the case at 16+. 11+ E NTRANCE Can internal candidates apply for a scholarship? All candidates will sit entry papers in: Pupils in Year 8 or Year 11 may apply to sit the scholarship examinations even if they failed to receive an award at an earlier stage. Pupils are not automatically entered, however, and must apply by the appropriate closing date. • English (1 hour) • Mathematics (1 hour) - Calculators not allowed • Non-verbal reasoning (1 hour) - external candidates only Will Blundell’s request a school report? Those who show outstanding academic performance in the entrance exams will be considered for academic scholarships. On receipt of the scholarship application form Blundell’s will request a confidential report from the candidate’s current school and this will form an important part of the assessment process. 11+ Entrance Examinations & Scholarships Examination Date Where do the exams take place? All exams are sat at Blundell’s. When candidates live abroad it may be possible, given enough notice, to arrange for papers to be sat at the candidate’s school. Will my child be able to stay at Blundell’s during the scholarship examinations? Candidates may stay in a boarding house overnight during the examination period. Are sample papers available? Saturday 14th January 2017 Closing date Monday 12th December 2016 Music Awards Music Awards at 11+ will be held in the Spring Term and will usually entail an audition and interview. Candidates should bring their instruments with them and music for the accompanist if required. Candidates at 11+ should be able to offer two instruments and one should be at grade 3 or above. Considerable importance is attached to general musical knowledge, aural ability and sight reading. Candidates will be required to play two contrasting pieces on their first study plus another piece of their choice on their second study. Music Scholars are expected to make a valuable contribution to the musical life of the School. Parents and Head Teachers are invited to contact the Director of Music for further information and advice. Foundation Bursaries Music Awards Blundell's is fortunate to be able to offer a number of Foundation Bursaries to successful applicants whose parents need financial assistance. These awards are competed for via the 11+ entrance test and a means test form is required. Candidates are requested to visit the school before the closing date for the 11+ examinations. Examination Date Thursday 26th January 2017 Closing date Monday 12th December 2016 Sample papers for 11+ Entry Examinations and 13+ Scholarships are available from the Registrar’s Office upon request. How do candidates apply for an award? Please contact the Registrar’s Office for the appropriate entry forms. Further information Mrs T Frankpitt: 01884 232310 Email: [email protected] or via our website: Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 5 13+ E NTRANCE Entrance to Blundell's is via one of three routes: 1 Common Entrance. This is sat in June at the candidate's Preparatory School. 2 Blundell's Entrance Test (BET). Those who have not been tutored for the Common Entrance examination can sit the BET by arrangement with the Registrar’s Office. Papers are set in English and Mathematics. 3 Blundell's Scholarship Examinations taken in the Spring Term. Academic Scholarships These are taken over two days in January and will include academic interviews for external candidates and papers in the following subjects. Tuesday 24th January – Wednesday 25th January 2017 Closing date Monday 12th December 2016 • • • • • • • • Art Awards Foundation Bursaries Friday 27th January 2017 Closing date Monday 12th December 2016 Blundell's is fortunate to be able to offer Foundation Bursaries to successful applicants whose parents need financial assistance to afford a place at the school for their son or daughter. Assessment will be through the 13+ scholarship examination and a means test form. Candidates are requested to visit the school before the closing date for the 13+ examinations. 13+ Scholarships & Awards Academic Scholarships Music Awards Thursday 26th January 2017 Closing date Monday 12th December 2016 Sport Awards Monday 23rd January 2017 Closing date Monday 12th December 2016 Drama Awards Thursday 26th January 2017 Closing date Monday 12th December 2016 6 Candidates are limited in the number of Scholarships that they can enter. They may enter up to three individual Scholarships. Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 Critical Thinking English History Humanities (Geography, History) Language: French, German or Spanish Latin (optional) Mathematics Science practical Art Awards 13+ Art awards will be held in January. Candidates should submit an art portfolio (max 5 pieces) 4 weeks in advance of their interview and a letter of support/reference from their Art teacher. Assessment is made by interview and a 1 hour observational drawing test. External candidates who are not entered for the academic scholarships must satisfy the entry requirements by sitting Common Entrance at their Preparatory School, or the Blundell’s Entry Test. Music Awards Music awards at 13+ will be held in January and will usually entail an audition and interview. Candidates should bring their instruments with them and music for the accompanist if required. Candidates at 13+ should be able to offer two or more instruments. Although the standard of pieces and technical requirements are expected to be about Grade 5 of the Associated Board, Blundell’s is looking for genuine musical potential. Considerable importance is attached to general musical knowledge, aural ability and sight reading. Candidates will be required to play two contrasting pieces on their first study plus another piece of their choice on their second study. Music Scholars are expected to make a valuable contribution to the musical life of the School. Parents and Head Teachers are invited to contact the Director of Music for further information and advice. External candidates who are not entered for the academic scholarships must also satisfy the entry requirements by sitting Common Entrance at their Preparatory School, or the Blundell’s Entry Test. Sport Awards Sports Awards at 13+ will be held in January and are offered for excellence in sport. A Curriculum Vitae detailing the candidate’s sporting achievements must be submitted with the scholarship application form. School reports will be requested in support of the candidate’s application and external candidates will be expected to sit Common Entrance papers or take the Blundell's Entry Tests in English and Mathematics. Awards will be made to those who will make an active contribution to the sporting life of the school. They will be expected to provide leadership at their own level and will have achieved or be of a standard to achieve representative honours at County, Regional or National level. Drama Awards Drama awards at 13+ will be held in January. Assessment is made by interview and observation of practical performance skills. Candidates should prepare in advance, a short monologue of no more than two minutes. They will be seen individually for a further 5-10 minutes. Candidates may also be asked to participate in group activities lasting about 20 minutes. Finally, candidates will be interviewed by the Head of Drama. The successful candidate(s) will have demonstrated the skilful use of body and voice to characterise a role or roles and the ability to work creatively with others. They should demonstrate genuine interest in the subject and the determination to succeed, and they will be expected to continue studying the subject until GCSE level. External candidates who are not entered for the academic scholarships must also satisfy the entry requirements by sitting Common Entrance at their Preparatory School, or the Blundell’s Entry Test. Further information Mrs T Frankpitt: 01884 232310 Email: [email protected] or via our website: Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 7 S IXTH F ORM 16+ E NTRANCE Entrance to Blundell's is based on an interview and a satisfactory performance in the GCSE examinations. Candidates for the Sixth Form will ideally be expected to have a minimum of five GCSEs at Grade C or above. Sixth Form entrants should send a report from their present school with their predicted grades. 16+ Scholarships & Awards Academic, Art, Drama and Sport Tuesday 8th November 2016 Closing date Wednesday 19th October 2016 Music Wednesday 9th November 2016 Closing date Wednesday 19th October 2016 Academic Scholarships Academic Scholarships are sat in November and will include a computer-based cognitive ability. Candidates will also take a paper in a specialist subject of their choice. This will usually be in a subject that they are seriously considering for ‘A’ level. Candidates will be required to sit a general paper, for which they will prepare an essay of their own choice; this must be on any subject or interest that is outside or beyond their normal Year 11 curriculum. They will also be interviewed. Art Awards Sport Awards Candidates should bring their portfolio of 5 pieces with them and they will be interviewed by the Director of Art. There will be a 1 hour obsevational drawing test. Sports Awards are offered for excellence in sport. A Curriculum Vitae detailing the candidate’s sporting achievements must be submitted with the scholarship application form. School reports will be requested in support of the candidate’s application and candidates will be interviewed and their sporting ability tested. Drama Awards Candidates should prepare in advance, a short monologue of no more than two minutes. Candidates will be seen individually for a further 5-10 minutes. Music Awards Music awards at Sixth Form level will be held in November and will usually entail an audition and interview. Candidates should bring their instruments with them and music for the accompanist if required. Awards will be made to those who will make an active contribution to the sporting life of the school. They will be expected to provide leadership at their own level and will have achieved or be of a standard to achieve representative honours at County, Regional or National level. Candidates at 16+ should be able to offer two or more instruments. They are expected to have achieved substantially beyond Grade 5 of the Associated Board. Considerable importance will be attached to general musical knowledge, aural ability and sight reading. Candidates will be required to play two contrasting pieces on their first study plus another piece of their choice on their second study. Music Scholars are expected to make a valuable contribution to the musical life of the School. Parents and Head Teachers are invited to contact the Director of Music for further information and advice. Foundation Bursaries Blundell's is fortunate to be able to offer Foundation Bursaries to successful applicants whose parents need financial assistance to afford a place at the school for their son or daughter. Assessment will be through the 16+ scholarship examination and a means test form. Candidates are requested to visit the school before the closing date for the 16+ examinations. 8 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 Further information Mrs T Frankpitt: 01884 232310 Email: [email protected] or via our website: OVERSEAS S TUDENTS Throughout its 400 year history Blundell’s has provided for pupils from overseas. Improvements in travel and communication over the last two decades, has produced a wider range of International students than in the past and they usually make up about 12% of the total number. Overseas students are fully integrated into the school and the boarding houses are always open at weekends, even on Leave Weekends. All overseas students require a UK based Guardian. Prospective students can expect to be tested in English and Mathematics before entry and by interview if at all possible. One of our greatest Old Blundellian benefactors, Sir Christopher Ondaatje OC, CBE, when opening the magnificently appointed Ondaatje Theatre, declared his wish that the building should symbolise international understanding and accord. We feel we are offering a truly international education whilst restricting numbers of students from each country so that the ethos of an English boarding school is enriched rather than diluted. Friendships quickly spring up between the English and International students at Blundell’s, leading to greater understanding for all. Overseas Students Main Countries of Origin P.R. China (15), Germany (8), Thailand (8), India (5) Other Countries Austria, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Russia, S Africa, S. Korea, Spain, Ukraine, U.S.A, Zimbabwe TESOL Full Time Staff – varying support levels TESOL Courses IELTS, TEOFL (U.S.A.), UCLES (Cambridge) Accept 1 year students Years 7, 8,11 12 & 13. Years 9 &10 only if beds are available Accept 1 term students Only in exceptional circumstances and when a bed is available - often possible in years 7 & 8 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 9 A L EVEL R ESULTS 2016 Grade 10 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 A*-A 116 100 131 115 122 B 71 70 68 74 C 48 69 39 Other 44 23 36 Subject Total Entries A* A B C Other % A*/A % A*-B % A*-C Art 3 0 1 2 0 0 33.3 100 100 77 Biology 23 4 6 5 4 4 43.5 65.2 82.6 50 53 Business St 22 0 0 5 8 9 0 22.7 59.1 37 45 Chemistry 20 5 9 4 1 1 70 90 95 6 0 3 3 0 0 50 100 100 %A*-A 44 38 48 42 41 Chinese %A*-B 67 65 73 69 67 Classical Civilisation 6 1 1 1 1 2 16.7 33.3 66.7 %A*-C 84 91 87 87 85 Classics 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 100 279 262 274 276 297 Computing Total 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 33.3 Design & Tech 8 0 3 3 2 0 37.5 75 100 Drama 8 1 1 4 1 1 25 75 87.5 Economics 18 2 7 3 3 3 50 66.7 83.3 English Literature 3 1 0 1 1 0 33.3 66.7 100 EPQ 5 3 0 1 1 0 60 80 100 Ethics 3 0 1 2 0 0 33.3 100 100 Film Studies 6 0 1 1 3 1 16.7 33.3 83.3 Geography 21 1 4 7 6 3 23.8 57.1 85.7 German 5 2 3 0 0 0 100 100 100 History 10 0 2 5 3 0 20 70 100 Japanese 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 100 100 Maths 42 7 16 12 4 3 54.8 83.3 92.9 Further Maths 8 4 2 1 1 0 75 87.5 100 Music 2 1 0 1 0 0 50 100 100 Music Technology 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 100 100 P.E. 15 0 5 3 2 5 33.3 53.3 67.7 Photography 8 0 2 1 2 3 25 37.5 62.5 Physics 25 6 9 2 3 5 60 68 80 Politics 9 0 1 4 3 1 11.1 55.6 88.9 Psychology 5 0 1 2 0 2 20 60 60 Spanish 5 0 1 2 2 0 20 60 100 Russian 5 0 5 0 0 0 100 100 100 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 GCSE R ESULTS 2016 Grade 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Subject Total Entries A*/A B C Other % A*,A % A*-C A* 231 161 196 271 257.5 Art 35 10 10 6 9 28.6 74.3 A 247.5 289.5 265.5 297 250 Biology 92 46 24 13 9 50.0 90.2 B 228.5 259.5 287 257.5 261.5 Business&Communication /Computer Science 39 10 19 7 3 25.6 92.3 C 119 135 189 163 153.5 %A* 26 18 20 26 26 Chemistry 86 58 11 13 4 67.4 95.3 %A*-A 55 51 47 55 51 Chinese 7 7 0 0 0 100 100 %A*-C 94 95 95 95 93 Classical Civilisation 6 3 3 0 0 50.0 100 %5 A*-C 96 98 98 98 96* Drama 32 15 10 6 1 46.9 96.9 Design & Technology 30 20 7 2 1 66.7 96.7 English Language 81 41 33 7 0 50.6 100 English Literature 64 31 27 6 0 48.4 100 French 72 31 14 20 7 43.1 90.3 Geography 80 44 20 8 8 55.0 90.0 German 7 6 0 1 0 85.7 100 Graphic Products 6 2 3 1 0 33.3 100 History 34 20 10 3 1 58.8 97.1 Latin 13 13 0 0 0 100 100 Mathematics 106 51 24 23 8 48.1 92.5 Mathematics (Statistics) 19 17 2 0 0 89.5 100 Music 2 2 0 0 0 100 100 P.E. 31 8 15 8 0 25.8 100 Physics 70 49 12 7 2 70 97.1 Religious Studies 9 4 2 2 1 44.4 88.9 RS short course * 17 6.5 5.5 2.5 2.5 38.2 85.3 Spanish 19 9 5 4 1 47.3 94.7 * %5A*-C excludes those pupils doing a one-year course taking a reduced number of GCSEs *RS short course grades are half of the full GCSE tariff and have been added to totals on that basis All results shown are correct at the time of going to press Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 11 W EBSITE AND ICT P ROVISION ICT at Blundell's School has grown from a minimal part of the school curriculum into an essential element spread throughout the campus. Over the last 10 years the school governors have invested large sums of money to enable us to expand the facilities available to pupils, teachers and support staff. There are currently over 600 computers connected to the school network. The facilities at Blundell's School are centred around the purpose-built Popham Centre. Within this centre are 60 networked PC's with printers, scanners and digital cameras available for those needing them. Outside of lessons the computers in the Library ICT suites are all available for general use from 7am to 10pm weekdays and slightly shorter hours over the weekend. In addition to this central facility there are four other ICT rooms around the campus allowing whole class use of computing facilities. The main school network covers the whole of Blundell's Senior School, Blundell's Prep School and the administrative centres. WiFi is widespread across the campus in both academic and boarding house areas. Around 100 wireless access points provide coverage for both school and personal devices through our ‘bring your own device’ service. This is an exciting time that we are living in and the IT department at Blundell's School is pushing the use of technology throughout the school. There is a comprehensive ICT policy for the pupils and we have a strong filtering system; however we also believe it is important to educate the pupils to use the internet responsibly. Advice on ICT safety is published for pupils in their planners. 12 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 It is hoped that is a comprehensive picture of the genuinely all-round education enjoyed by so many Blundellians. It is designed and run internally by the school, which allows it to be updated on a daily basis. Martin Dyer, Director of ICT, is the Webmaster [email protected]. There is a comprehensive Parents’ site with the following drop-downs: Events A termly calendar of major school events Examination Results A Level and GCSE results for the last 5 years Fixture Updates Any changes to sports fixtures Friends of Blundell's (FOBs) A supportive voluntary group of parents and staff Full Colours Current and recent Full School Colours Honours list ‘A’ Level Academic Guide 2016-17 An outline of ‘A’ Level subjects & Sixth Form programme GCSE Academic Guide 2016-17 An outline of the GCSE subjects & programme Latin Prayer Transcript of the Head’s weekly report to the school Minibus Service The school’s transport service – pick-up points and timings Easy access to on-line school services for parents, pupils and staff News Brief accounts & photos of newsworthy school events Parent Portal Parents log-in site for pupil information Parents' Handbook PDF A comprehensive guide for parents School Uniform Outlines of the School’s uniform requirements Smartphone Apps Apple iOS, Google Android, Windows Phone & Maemo Strategic Development Plan A summary of the School's broad development targets Term Dates Declared term dates Weather Station Live weather readings for Blundell's ACADEMIC I SSUES Curriculum Planner At Blundell’s, we aim to provide a broad, challenging and stimulating range of academic subjects for study at all levels. This is supported by a rich programme of extracurricular activities, lectures, conferences, and visits. In Years 7 & 8 all pupils follow the exciting new School House Diploma course of studies. The Diploma is coordinated and integrated into all subject areas and has a strong focus on developing the range of skills required to be an effective learner. At GCSE, pupils will have the opportunity to study up to eleven subjects from the twenty available, with English Language and Literature, Mathematics and a minimum of two Science subjects studied by all pupils. Selection of GCSE courses is made during Year 9 with support from tutors, Academic Head of Years 9-11 and the Careers Department. This ensures appropriate choices are made to act as a foundation for study in the Sixth Form and beyond. GCSE Subjects* Art Graphic Products Biology History Chemistry Business Studies Classical Civilisations Latin Computer Science Mathematics Design & Technology Music Drama PE English Physics French Religious Studies Geography Spanish German In the Sixth Form pupils choose four subjects from a choice of twenty seven to study at AS level in the first year. Some subjects may require a minimum number of students to be viable. Most pupils will then study three subjects to A2 level in the second year. ‘A’ Level Subjects** Every pupil in the school is issued with a planner when they start the school year. The planner contains much useful information, as well as providing a mechanism to help pupils organise themselves. This has been produced by the Deputy Head (Academic) and it is regularly checked by each pupil’s academic Tutor. We encourage parents to work with their son or daughter to help them with their academic progress and pupils should use their planner to record their homework and to use it as a daily diary. Art (Fine) Geography Art (Photography) German Biology History Business Studies Computing Chemistry Latin Classical Civilisation Mathematics Design & Technology Music Drama Music Technology Each pupil in Years 7 to 11 has a prep timetable indicating which prep is to be done each evening. The amount of prep set varies according to year group. In Years 7 and 8 there will be three 20 minute preps and in Years 9 to11 there will often be four 30-minute preps. For years 10 and 11 there will also be coursework deadlines to meet. In the Sixth Form students have a greater responsibility for organising their own work and for completing assignments by the appropriate time. Economics PE Mark Orders English Physics Ethics & Philosophy Politics Film Studies Psychology French Spanish Mark Orders are a form of internal report produced once every half term, with the exception of the second half of the Summer Term. A current performance grade and an effort grade is awarded by each subject teacher and a comment is added to each Mark Order by the Tutor and Houseparent. Year 11, 12 and 13 also receive target grades to help them focus on upcoming examinations. A copy is sent home. In addition a full Common Room meeting is held to discuss any important issues arising from the Mark Order. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s Tutor or Houseparent if they have any concerns. Further Mathematics ** Greek and Mandarin (by special arrangement) Prep * Mandarin, Italian and Greek (by special arrangement) Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 13 D ESTINATIONS Reports Commendations Full reports are written for all pupils at the end of the Christmas Term; these cover every subject and include comments from the Tutor, Houseparent and the Head. For examination years (i.e. Year 11, 12 and 13) full reports are written in the Spring Term as well. The remaining years receive an extended Mark Order summarising their academic development and their broader educational experiences. In the Summer Term Year 11 receive a Tutor letter whilst the other year groups receive a full report. Following on from the Mark Order process, those pupils who have performed particularly well are commended by their Houseparent and, in exceptional circumstances, by the Head. OF Most Popular Universities 2006-2016 Bath Birmingham Bristol Head’s Prizes A Head’s prize is awarded to a pupil who achieves consistently high effort scores across a series of Mark Orders. The pupil will be congratulated by the Head and a prize is awarded. Gifted and Talented Pupils Cardiff Durham Edinburgh Nottingham Blundell’s has a wide variety of entrance and screening tests, from the entry exams and scholarships to the MidYIS tests and regular departmental assessments. From these, and from many other sources, a group of gifted and talented pupils is invited to join the Scholars’ Society. Members of staff supervise and work closely with this group across a wide range of differing and interesting issues. There is a similar arrangement for the Art, Music and Sports Scholars. Merit and Honours Awards School Prizes Biochemistry The Scholars’ Society meets up to four times per term. The purpose of these meetings is to stimulate academic interest and discussion about a wide range of topics. Lower Sixth pupils are encouraged to think further about preparing themselves for Oxbridge or other university entrance interviews. School Prizes are awarded on Speech Day at the end of the academic year. They cover not only subject awards but also recognise wider contributions to the School. Business Management For very strong pieces of work subject teachers may award either a Merit Award (for excellent work) or an Honours Award (for outstanding work). The work is presented by the pupil to the Head, an announcement is made at Latin Prayer and a letter is sent from the Head to the parents. An Honours award attracts a £10 book token. Oxford Southampton Swansea Most Popular University Courses 2006-2016 Economics/Accounting Geography/Geology History Languages, Ancient & Modern The progress and interests of these pupils are monitored by their Tutors and the relevant Academic Heads. Senior pupils who have chosen to undertake an Extended Project are given a mentor to overseee their research. This is a qualification which carries the weighting of an AS level and is increasingly favoured by highly selective Universities. Those pupils interested in applying for Oxford or Cambridge are appropriately advised and supported in their application preparation. 14 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 U6 L EAVERS Law Mathematics Medicine & Medical Sciences Music S PORT Sport is integral to everyone’s life here at Blundell’s. The School has an excellent reputation not only for its sporting prowess but also the spirit in which it is played. Schools enjoy visiting Blundell’s as they know that they will receive a very hospitable welcome and a competitive match played with commitment and enthusiasm. Blundell’s has excellent sporting facilities and some first class coaches, many of whom have played at the very top level of their chosen sport. Some professional coaches from outside the teaching staff at Blundell’s are also bought in to compliment a first rate team. Blundell’s has a very tough but competitive fixture list as we compete against all the top schools in the South West and often beating schools much bigger than ourselves. We enter County and National cups in a number of sports often reaching the latter stages of National competitions. In the past five years over a hundred Blundellians, boys and girls have competed at County level or above. We support elite sportsmen and women with specialised fitness programmes and will allow time for those who reach the highest levels to specialise in their particular sport. At the same time we give every pupil the opportunity to play a range of many different sports. In our junior years nearly all of our pupils will have represented the school in competitive fixtures in one sport or another. Our aspiration is for every pupil to find a sport that they enjoy and that they will continue to play after their time at Blundell’s. The main sport for boys in the Autumn Term is Rugby and for girls Hockey, although the choice widens as the pupils move up through the school. In the Spring Term boys have the opportunity to compete in teams in Hockey, Football, Fives and Squash and girls Netball, Fives and Squash. In the Summer Term the boys’ main sport is Cricket and the girls’ Tennis, but we also run highly successful Athletics and Swimming teams at all age groups. Blundell’s also run teams in Cross-Country, Golf, Equestrian and Rounders. For those who like to exercise in a less competitive environment there is plenty of opportunity for senior pupils to use our fitness suite, and to take part in fitness related activities such as Pilates and recreational Badminton and Table Tennis. The Russell cross-country run, which all pupils train for on selected days in the Spring Term, is a tremendous whole school tradition. On The Russell day, pupils either compete for their House in the testing Russell cross-country, run around the fantastic countryside that surrounds Blundell’s school or run for fun around a very much shortened course. Whatever the sporting ability of a Blundell’s pupil we will help them fulfil their potential through the sports that are offered and coached at Blundell’s. Sports Athletics Badminton Cricket Basketball Football Cross-country Hockey Equestrian Netball Fives (Rugby) Rugby Golf Swimming Gymnastics Tennis Hockey (Indoors) Rounders Rugby Sevens Squash Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 15 M USIC Music plays an integral part of life at Blundell’s and there are many opportunities for musical pupils to perform in various ensembles. There are three choirs, three orchestras, two jazz bands and a host of other brass, string and wind ensembles. We cater for all musical interests and abilities, be it classical, folk, rock, pop, jazz or world music. There are many concerts both formal and informal, where all musicians have the opportunity to perform before an audience of parents, supportive friends and the wider community. There are also major public concerts each year in prestigious venues, including Exeter Cathedral, Bath Abbey and St George’s Bristol. Academic Music is an area of strength, with 100% of pupils achieving grade A*-B in A Level Music and 100% of pupils achieving A*-A at GCSE. The recent extension to the Music Department has greatly enhanced the facilities for 16 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 both performing and recording musicians: we now have two Mac composition suites and a recording studio as well as 12 practice rooms each with a piano. Music is taught to all pupils in Year 7, 8 and 9 and then becomes an option for GCSE, A-level Music and A-level Music Technology. Our pupils regularly go on to read Music at conservatoires or top universities. Pupils are able to have lessons in a wide range of instruments including piano, organ, all orchestral and jazz instruments, percussion, acoustic and electric guitar, and singing. There are over 300 music lessons a week at Blundell’s, and the department is a thriving and creatively stimulating environment. There are international trips each year, including recent Choir tours to trips to Barcelona, Prague, Venice and Paris and annual Big Band tours. A major choral work is performed annually and there is a musical production every year. Every opportunity is taken to ensure that our musicians thrive in a dynamic department committed to creativity, enthusiasm and quality where fun and enjoyment is coupled with musical excellence. Music Big Band Flute Group Brass Group Jazz Band Chamber Choir Musicals Chapel Choir Orchestra Choir D RAMA The excellent Ondaatje Hall, a purpose built theatre, provides the home for the very popular drama department. Pupils study drama as part of the whole school curriculum and they are provided with a rich and diverse experience of the historical, cultural and practical aspects of drama. Drama is offered at both GCSE and A2 Level. Drama classes are taught in the specially equipped teaching spaces by staff who are either subject specialists in their own right, or who have undertaken additional training in the teaching of drama. There are at least two major school productions per year, one for the lower school and one for the upper school. Open auditions will be held for these. While plays are usually directed by a member of the drama department, this may not necessarily be the case and other members of staff are encouraged to do so. Houses are also be encouraged to put on plays and are supported by the Drama Department. The Drama Department also offers various clubs in activity time, depending on staffing and interests. A RT The impressively modern Art Department adjoins the Ondaatje Theatre and the Popham Centre. It comprises four large studios, including the new Sixth Form Art Studio, giving opportunities for the development of skills in drawing, painting, 3-D design, sculpture, printmaking, kiln formed glass, digital photography and graphic design. There is also a dark-room and an excellent purpose-built computer room and research library. Students gain inspiration from trips to galleries, both locally and further afield (most recently to London, New York and Paris) and from workshops led by professional artists and the Artist in Residence in a wide variety of media. The ethos of the department is to foster creativity and curiosity in Art, enabling students to appreciate the work of others, express themselves and develop a wide range of practical skills. There is an extensive range of artistic activities such as Glass Club and Mural Painting and Special Art Status (for Scholars and those identified as gifted and talented in Art). Art Scholars are expected to put on exhibitions and the department has seen great success in national competitions. Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 17 ACTIVITIES The School’s Statement of Aims and Values stresses the importance of the whole individual and therefore we place a strong emphasis on encouraging pupils to develop a wide range of interests and enthusiasms. This is achieved through a variety of ways. The Activities programme offers a diverse range of opportunities, for example community service, astronomy, journalism, riding and archery. We encourage the pupils to try something new as now is the time to broaden their horizons. It is normal for pupils to have two Activity sessions a week and the expectation is that, with the help and guidance of their Tutor, they will gain a broad education. As would be expected there are many opportunities for pupils to explore these areas of interest. Again we would encourage pupils to broaden their curiosity. There are many societies here at Blundell’s. They allow the pupils to develop their interests outside the classroom; examples would include the Astronomy Society, the Chemistry Club, the History Society, the Business Club, the Art Club, the Economics Society, and the Poetry Society. Members of staff are always willing to help pupils establish new societies should they wish. There are numerous outdoor activities which take place outside the weekly Activity sessions; the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, the Ten Tors’ Challenge and the Devizes to Westminster canoe challenge are examples of activities which are well supported by the pupils. The School Calendar gives details of the numerous lectures, public speaking competitions, debating, musical performances, plays, art exhibitions and other cultural events. As with all events in the Calendar parents are most welcome to attend the public performances. If day pupils are required to stay for an activity in the evening they are entitled to have supper in the Dining Hall. Adventure and Leadership Programme Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Blundell’s is very much committed to providing purposeful and exciting activities for our boarders at weekends. This exciting new initiative provides a series of eight weekend activities over the course of the year leading towards a three-day expedition in the summer that will make use of the skills learned. The personal qualities this programme seeks to impart are very much in demand by employers as an adjunct to traditional academic qualifications and it provides an outstanding opportunity to develop useful skills while having a great deal of fun. It also leads towards an ASDAN qualification. Examples of the activities are gorgewalking, leadership challenges, navigation, survival training, surfing and team-building games. Through the use of military based training and activities, the CCF seeks to promote essential qualities such as responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance. As part of the School’s commitment to fostering personal development and leadership skills, cadets at Blundell’s spend a compulsory service period with the CCF, starting in the Summer Term of Year 9. After this time, membership becomes voluntary, and many cadets choose to stay with us and gain additional responsibilities as senior cadets. As well as military based training activities there are also plenty of opportunities for Adventurous Training and the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. In Years 9 and 10, cadets are encouraged to complete the DofE Bronze Award, and the CCF is ideally suited to support Silver and Gold DofE level activities in Years 11, 12 and 13. Outdoor Activities 18 Intellectual, Creative and Practical Activities Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 The Contingent Commander is Mr B.A. Dawe MBE, and the CCF is run by members of the School staff, supported by regular Army NCO’s from the local Cadet Training Team. Training takes place on Monday afternoons, and there are also regular trips, visits and field training exercises off site, there is also a week long annual camp each summer. The contingent is currently Single Service (Army), but has links with all three services. Extra-curricular Activities* Aerobics Fly Fishing Archery French Film Club Architecture Gardening Astronomy Graphics Blundellian Magazine Horse Riding Cadets – CCF Jewellery Making Canoeing/Kayaking LAMDA Climbing Music Technology Community Volunteering Photography Confirmation Class Radio Control Club Cooking Rocket Club Critical Thinking Self Defence Croquet Stage Crew Cycling Street Jazz Dance Enterprise Sub Aqua Duke of Edinburgh Theatre Technology Fencing Wood Carving Film Club/Making Yoga *The list of extra-curricular activities changes to a degree each year - the current list can be found on our website. Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 19 S TAFF AND G OVERNORS Governors Staff Co-optative Head Mrs N.A. Huggett, MA, St Hugh’s, Oxford, PGCE Mr C.M. Clapp, FCA Chairman Mr B.J. Hurst-Bannister, MA Vice Chairman Mr N. Arnold, BA, App Dip Crim Mr N.P. Hall, MA FCA Second Master B. Wielenga, BCom Natal & Johannesburg, BEd (Economics) Mr P.M. Johnson, MA FRSA Mr J.K. Macpherson, B.Ed Mrs J.M.A. Mannix, MA Fr R. Maudsley Rt Rev’d N. McKinnel BA, MA Ms L.J. Smith, BA, FRSA, J.P. His Honour Judge William Taylor Dr M.E. Wood, BA, MA, DPhil Representative Mrs E.V. Heeley, BA, Cert Ed Deputy Head (Academic) Mr C.H. List BSc, Durham, PGCE (Chemistry) Deputy Head (Co-curricular) E.K.S. Saunders, BA, Leeds, PGCE (Physical Education) Senior Master ~A.J.R. Berrow, MA, St Peter’s College, Oxford, PGCE (Religious Studies) Senior Mistress ~ Mrs G. M.L. Batting, BEng, Exeter, PGCE (Head of Science; Chemistry) Honorary Governor Emeritus Sir Christopher Ondaatje, OC, CBE Bursar and Clerk to the Governors Mr D. Chambers, FCA 20 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 Chaplain The Reverend T.C. Hunt, BD, Wales-Cardiff, MTh, MRICS (Religious Studies; PSD) Assistant Staff ~ Mrs G. Armstrong Williams, BA, Stourbridge A&T, GDST, (Art and Design) G.J. Baily, BSc, Aston, PGCE (Biology, Chemistry, Academic Head of Sixth Form) Dr J.T. Balsdon, BSc, PhD, London, PGCE (Biology) L.P.N.B. Barnes BSc, Gloucestershire, PGCE (Biology) Mrs D.E.C. Brigden, BEd, Exeter (Biology, PSHCE) ~ G. Bucknell, BSc, Durham (Geography) Mrs A.T. Candler, BSc, Loughborough, PGCE (PE) ~ T.E. Candler, BA, Plymouth (Business Studies, ICT) Mrs S.J. Clark BA, UNISA (LS) ~ J.D. Clayton, MSc, Oxford, PGCE (Physics) ~ Mrs K.L. Corbin, MSc, C & G College, PGCE (LS) Mrs A.M. Cox MA, Bristol, PGCE ((Classics) * Mrs R.J. Crease, BEd, Plymouth (PSHCE, RS) Mlle M. Cruchon, BA, Rouen (French) S.J. Dawson, BA, East Anglia, PGCE (English) Miss M. Delrue LLCER, Lille (French Assistante) ~ M.P. Dyer, MSc, Dundee, PGCE (ICT) J.P. Fairclough, BSc, Exeter (PE) Mrs C.E. Francis, BA De Montfort, PGCE (D & T, Art) ~ Mrs J.C. Francis, BA, Durham, GTC (Politics) T.S. Frappart BA, Plymouth, PGCE (D & T) C.L.L. Gabbitass, BEd, St. Paul’s (PE, Mathematics) ~ Miss V.J. Gill, MEd, Birmingham, PGCE (PE) ~ P.H. Gordon, BA, Rhodes, BEd (Mathematics) Miss E.J. Gore-Lloyd BA, Bristol, MA (TESOL) Miss A.Grant BA, Leeds College of Music, PGCE (Music) T.E. Grant BA, University of Wales Institute, PGCE (Art & Design) Mrs T.R. Griffiths, BA, London, GTP (Classics, English) Miss C.R. Hall, BA, Bristol (French) * C.M. Hamilton, BA, Anglia, PGCE (Geography) J.C. Hatton BA, Salford (Spanish) * Housemaster/Housemistress ~ Head of Department ~ M.J. Hawkins, BA, Nottingham, MA, PGCE (History) J.M. Hernández-Garcia, BA, Miguel H’, PGCE (Spanish) Miss M. Ho BSc, MEd, Exeter (Mathematics) Mrs S. Holman, BA, Exeter, PGCE (Geography) * Miss D.J. Hosking, BEd, Dartford (History, RS) J. Hutchinson-Bazely BMus, Royal Northern College of Music (Music & Organ) K.D.W. Insull BA, UWCN, PGCE (Art & Photography) ~ Miss R.S. Isdell-Carpenter, BA Wales, PGCE (English) S.P. Johnson, BSc, Bath, MA, PGCE (History, Politics) H.D. Jones, BSc, MSc, UWE Bristol (PE) P.M. Jones CELTA, Kent TESOL (TESOL)) Mrs N.J. Klinkenberg, BSc, Swansea, PGCE (Mathematics) * P.G. Klinkenberg, BEd, Exeter (Registrar) Miss E.M. Lacki BA, MA, CELTA, DELTA, Exeter (TESOL) A. Lambert, MPhys, Durham (Physics) ~ Dr O.J. Leaman, BMus, PhD, Edinburgh (Music) ~ N.M.Y Lecharpentier, BA, Caen, MA, PGCE (French) Ms B.M. Lewis MLitt, MA, King's College, Cambridge, DELTA, PGCE (English) L.J. Lewis, BSc, Loughborough, PGCE (Business Studies) M.G. Lodge, BSc, Exeter, PGCE (Physics) * D.P. Marshman, BSc, Loughborough, PGCE (Mathematics; Head of School House) S.J. Mault BSc, Liverpool, PGCE (Mathematics) P. Mawson, MChem, Edinburgh, PGCE (Chemistry, Physics) ~ A.J. Mead, BSc Bath, PGCE (Chemistry) L. Menheneott, BEd, St Paul's, MBA (PE, Proctor) Mrs R.C. Milne, BA, Wales, PGCE (Speech & Drama) ~ Mrs R.E. Milne, MA, Exeter, PGCE (Classics) D.E. Morrison, MEng, Bristol (Physics) T.M. Mycock BSc, Plymouth (Chemistry) Miss S.A. Norman, BSc, Exeter, PGCE (Careers) Mrs B.A. Nuttall-Owen, BSc, Durham, PGCE (Geography) * C.E.D. Olive, BSc, Aberystwyth, PGCE (Biology) Mrs J. Olive, MEng, London, PGCE (Mathematics) Miss E.C. Partington BSc, Bristol, MSc, PGCE (Geography) Dr J.A. Ratcliffe BSc, Nottingham, PhD, PGCE (Biology) P.F. Rivett, MA, Exhibitioner of The Queen’s College, Oxford, PGCE (Mathematics) Miss B.E. Rees, BSc, Cardiff, PGCE (Chemistry) J.A. Rochfort (Drama) Miss E.P. Sage, BA Durham, PGCE (Classics) Miss I.G. Scott, BA, Reading, MA, PGCE (German, French) J.S. Shrimpton, BA, Bristol (English) * D.J. Smart, BSc, Birmingham, PGCE (Biology, Chemistry) Mrs C. St Louis BA, Bristol, BA (Speech and Drama) Miss J. Spencer BA, MEd, Northumbria, PGCE (Drama) Mrs L.R.M. Stanton, BA, Sheffield, PGCE (French) ~ Mrs A.M. Taylor-Ross, BA, MA, Nottingham, PGCE (PSHCE, Geography) A.P.J. Thain BA, Winchester (English) Miss P.E. Turnbull, BA, Staffordshire, PGCE (Economics) ~ Mrs E.V. Weaver, BSc, Cardiff, PGCE (Psychology, Academic Head of Yrs 7 & 8) Mrs L.E. Webster, BSc, Exeter, PGCE (Physics) ~ B. Wheatley, MA, Loughborough, PGCE (D & T Academic Head of Yrs 9-11) Mrs K.J. Wheatley, BA, Swansea, PGCE (French) Mrs L.J. Wielenga BEd, Natal (LS, English) ~ Mrs T.L. Winsley, BA, Exeter (Drama) Mrs L. Yang MBS, Sunderland (Mandarin) Miss H.L. Youngs, BTec, Somerset College (LS) Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 21 T ERM DATES 2016-17 Term Begins Half-term Ends Autumn 2016 Wed 31st August, 8.00 p.m. Wed 19th October, 1.15 p.m. to Sunday 30th October, 8.00 p.m. Wed 14th December, 4.30 p.m. (School House 13th December, 5.30 p.m.) Exeat Weekend Fri 18th November, 1.15 p.m. to Sun 20th November, 8.00 p.m. Spring 2017 Mon 9th January, 8.00 p.m. Fri 10th February, 4.00 p.m. to Sun 19th February, 8.00 p.m. Fri 24th March, 4.30 p.m. Exeat Weekend Fri 27th January, 4.00 p.m. to Sun 29th January, 8.00 p.m. Summer 2017 Fri 26th May, 4.00 p.m. to Sun 4th June, 8.00 p.m. Tues 18th April, 8.00 p.m. Sat 1st July, 4.30 p.m. All members of the School must fulfil full school commitments until such time that release is agreed. S CHOOL F EES 2016-17 Status 13-18 Senior School (Years 9-13) 11-13 School House (Years 7&8) Termly Annually Termly Annually Boarder £10,955 £32,865 £7,485 £22,455 Local Boarder £10,220 £30,660 Weekly Boarder (Mon-Fri) £9,630 £28,890 £6,775 £20,325 Local Weekly Boarder £8,925 £26,775 Flexi-boarder £7,695 £23,085 £5,135 £15,405 Local Flexi-boarder £6,530 £19,590 Day £7,035 £21,105 £4,440 £13,320 Local Day £5,835 £17,505 ‘Local’ fees apply to parent(s) with whom the child normally resides living within a ten mile radius of the School. ‘Flexi-boarder’ A day pupil in a boarding house with the opportunity to spend nights in the house, providing reasonable notice is given and a bed is available. It is always hoped that a designated bed is available but it is not guaranteed - priority is given to pupils who stay more frequently. Flexi-boarders may also stay for supper and prep during the week. The first 5 nights stayed are included in the fee, but any additional nights stayed are billed at the end of term. Laundry is not included in the fee. Sibling Discounts: 7% off the elder of two, 10% off the eldest and 7% off the second of three. Sibling discount does not apply to pupils on the local fee tariff in Years 9-13. Services Bursary: Blundell’s offers its own Services Boarding Package. Contact the Registrar’s Office for more details. 22 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 D EVELOPMENT O FFICE The Development office builds on the original Foundation Office established over twelve years ago to expand the range of engagement activities of the School with Old Blundellians, past and present Parents and the wider Blundell’s community. Collaborative working with the Old Blundellian Club allows us to strengthen our links, unite and build on the Foundation’s original objectives and to extend the role it plays in ensuring a strong and sustained development of the school as a whole. Foundation Bursaries have been an integral part of the school for many years now. These allow those who may not ordinarily be able to afford a Blundell’s education to do so and it is the intention of the Governors to extend this provision to ensure this opportunity is available for many future generations to come. The majority of our activity in the forthcoming years is focusing on growing our ‘access to all’ by endowing bursaries under the Peter Blundell Foundation Provision and other individually named bursaries across a range of entry options at Year 7, 9 and into the Sixth Form. O LD B LUNDELLIAN C LUB It is essential for us to provide our pupils with an environment to achieve their full potential. With your support and involvement, you will be certain of ensuring that pupils, past, present and future will appreciate and take pride in the ongoing success of the school. They too will develop loyalty and passion for the school, thus building on its long history; therefore perpetuating the original intentions of its founder, Peter Blundell. We conduct a continuous programme of opportunities to develop career interests, to build networks and also encourage social activities and events which would appeal to all Blundellians, young and old, male and female, embracing the friendships and relationships formed whilst in the Blundell’s fold. Please do look at our website, it exists to provide a focus for all Blundellians and their families, who can then maintain their links with the School and with each other wherever they may be, nationally or internationally. The club is centred on the purpose-built Colin Beale Centre at the heart of the school and exists to: a) Maintain and foster the association of Old Blundellians, bringing them together in as many ways as possible. There are clubs and societies world-wide keeping the community of Blundell’s alive wherever Blundellians may find themselves. The Alumni Database and the Old Blundellian Website accessed through plus the Old Blundellian pages in the Blundell's Diary help to keep everyone informed of the careers of fellow Old Blundellians, also of life and developments at the School. Old Blundellian Club Colin Beale Centre, Blundell’s School, Tiverton, EX16 4DT Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1884 232010 E.mail: [email protected] b) Promote and further the interests of the School, whenever possible, ensuring its survival and good health, also to work for the greater good of the Blundell's community as a whole. The Development Office Blundell's School Tiverton, Devon EX16 4DT Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1884 243262 or email Development Director, Amber Oliver: [email protected]. Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 23 M INIBUS R OUTES The School’s own minibuses transport pupils to and from school on a daily basis from a wide range of destinations. Places are booked at the start of each academic year but places may be available at shorter notice on request. The charge made for this service is added to the pupil’s school bill at the end of each term. Current charges for each route are available on the school's website under the Parents drop-down, or from Mr Driver, the Transport Co-ordinator, 01884 232378. Routes for 2016/2017* Departure/Collection Point Morning Evening Heathfield Heathfield (ATS Depot) -Newton Abbot pick up 7.25 am 6.30 pm Chudleigh/Kenn Chudleigh Slip Rd 7.30 am 6.35 pm Kenn (Caravan Park Entrance) 7.40 am M5 M5 Services (Exeter) 7.50 am 6.10 pm Sampford Peverell 8.05 am 5.55 pm Tesco’s Car Park 7.30 am 6.30 pm South Molton (Mole Valley Farmers) 7.40 am 6.15 pm Moortown Cross (Service Station) 7.55 am 6.00 pm St David’s Station 7.50 am 6.15 pm Stoke Canon 8.00 am 6.05 pm Ruffwell Inn 8.05 am 6.00 pm Crediton Somerfield Car Park 7.45 am 6.30 pm Sidmouth Sidford Car Park 7.15 am 6.45 pm Hare & Hounds, Sidford 7.25 am 6.35 pm Heathpark Service Station/LIDL Car Park 7.35 am 6.30 pm Daisy Mount 7.45 am 6.20 pm Exmoor House Car Park 7.45 am 6.15 pm Bampton Main Street 8.00 am 6.05 pm It should be noted that minibuses do not run on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons or on the days when Half Term starts or term ends. Barnstaple Exe Valley Honiton Dulverton *All routes are run subject to demand 24 Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 6.15 pm Kenn (Hotel Entrance) L OCATION M AP AND M INIBUS R OUTES By Air Minehead Regional airports at Bristol (60 mins) and Exeter (20 mins). Coaches operate every 30 minutes between Heathrow and Reading railway station to connect with the direct train services to Tiverton Parkway. Glastonbury Exmoor National Park Bridgwater Barnstaple By Rail M5 Tiverton Parkway is on the Paddington to Penzance mainline, hence no change of train required (and only a 6 minute taxi journey to Blundell’s); 60 minutes from Bristol, 75 minutes from Plymouth and 120 minutes from London. Taunton Dulverton South Molton Bideford Paddington Station London Wellington A361 Bampton Sampford Blundell’s Peverell A377 A361 Ilminster Tiverton By Road A303 Blundell’s is 6 minutes from Junction 27 of the M5. Take the A 361 (North Devon Link Rd) towards Barnstaple. Take the first exit signed to Tiverton (after 5 miles) and at the second roundabout take the B 3391 towards Halberton. A386 Cullompton A3072 A377 Honiton M5 Stoke Canon Crediton A35 Okehampton A375 A30 A30 Exeter A30 Ottery St Mary Lyme Regis Sidmouth Kenn Launceston Exmouth Chudleigh A386 A30 Dartmoor National Park A380 A38 Minibus Routes Collection / drop off points Newton Abbot Torquay A38 Plymouth Blundell’s School Current Information 2016-2017 25 B l u n d e l l ’s FO U N D E D 1604 Blundell’s School Tiver ton D e vo n EX16 4DN Tel: 01884 252543 Fax: 01884 243232 We b s i t e : w w w. bl u n d e l l s . o r g E . m a i l : i n fo @ bl u n d e l l s . o r g