Easter Decoration Donation Memorials
Easter Decoration Donation Memorials
fàA `tÜà{t `tààxÜá Volume 28 No. 39 March 27, 2016 Saint Martha Parish Liturgies Saturday, March 26 EASTER VIGIL Acts 10:34a,37-43 Col 3:1-4 Jn 20:1-9 ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC CHURCH 1100 W. Grand River Avenue Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-1763 * www. St-Martha.org 7:00 p.m. The Cvengros Family, Lee Swasey, Mike & Jerry Cvengros Sunday, March 27 Acts 10:34a,37-43 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 N EASTER SUNDAY Col 3:1-4 Jn 20:1-9 Renzo Buratti Fernando Rivera For the People of the Parish Monday, March 28 Acts 2:14,22-23 Mt 28:8-15 8:30 a.m. In Loving Memory of Gus & Jack McKearney Sponsored by The McKearney Family Patricia Crippen Tuesday, March 29 Acts 2:36-416 Jn 20:11-18 8:30 a.m. Helen Czap In Loving Memory of Catherine J. Ralph Wednesday, March 30 Acts 3:1-10 Lk 24:13-35 6:00 pm Sponsored by The Ralph Family No Mass Thursday, March 31 Acts 3:11-26 Lk 24:35-48 8:30 a.m.. Tricia Berger Friday, April 1 Acts 41-12 8:30 a.m. Thomas Cox Saturday, April 2 Acts 5:12-16 Rv 1:9-13, 17-19 5:00 p.m. Sponsored by The Ralph Family Jn 21:1-14 Jn 20:19-31 Neva Fizzell Sunday, April 3 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Acts 5:12-16 Rv 1:9-13, 17-19 Jn 20:19-31 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. In Loving Memory of Joseph F. Ralph, Sr. For the People of the Parish Anne Finn Vince Guarnaccia This published list is the official intention of these scheduled Masses. We try, as a courtesy, to mention these intentions by name. For various reasons, this is not always possible. We will only reschedule published Masses if we need to cancel a Mass. In Loving Memory of Gerri Armstrong Sponsored by The Armstrong Family Flowers By Al-Lin’s Floral FAMILY FAITH FORMATION NEWS AND INFORMATION In a loving, nurturing environment, St. Martha Religious Education Program guides each student to develop his or her unique ability and potential through prayer, study, and service. Save the Date Vacation Bible School Mon-Fri, June 20-24 9 am -Noon I am always looking for adults and teens to help out with this, so please call Jackie at 349-1763 if you are interested. It is a lot of fun, very rewarding, and easy to do!! Religious Education Calendar Sunday AM REP ~ No class March 27 and April 3. Our last 3 classes are April 10, 17 and 24. Wednesday 4:30 and 6:30 REP ~March 30. No class April 6th and our last 3 classes are April 13, 20 (whole family), and 27. Grade 6-12, Sunday, 6-8 PM REP ~ Our last class is April 17 High School and Middle School Youth Group April 10 and 24 Middle School Rally at Holy Family in Grand Blanc!! In a loving, nurturing, Christ-like environment, St. Martha School guides each student to develop his or her unique ability and potential through prayer, study, and service. (517) 349-3322 The second and third grade students are active participants in their learning this year and are keeping busy in all subjects. A trip to Impression Five Museum was a must for the class as they learned about force and motion. Students were able to enjoy the interactive displays at the museum and also attended a Force and Motion Workshop. Small groups were faced with the task of creating a ramp that created a lot of friction and then see which group’s marble took the longest to make it down the ramp. It proved to be a fun challenge and allowed the students to use their critical thinking skills to problem solve. The students are excited about Animal Research Reports that they recently completed. The second and third graders put in a lot of time and effort in these reports. This project was completed over four weeks in several steps. The students learned to research using books and the computer. They took notes using graphic organizers, wrote rough drafts, proofread, edited, and finally created a polished final product. The students shared their reports with fellow classmates and their families. They were very proud of their accomplishment! Second and third graders spend time each week perfecting cursive handwriting. Cursive is introduced early in second grade and practice continues through the grades. Learning cursive has been a much-debated topic. Research shows that there are many benefits to cognitive development using cursive. It allows the brain to integrate visual and tactile information. This leads to increased comprehension, improved memory, and good work habits. The second graders look forward to the day they begin cursive handwriting and each new letter and word learned is as exciting as the first one! Counting down the days of Lent, time in prayer, creating art projects, and donating to the Lingap Center in Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines are a few of the ways the students followed Jesus on their Lenten journey. The school children were able to participate in Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent. Together with members of the Parish, students recalled and reflected on the events of Christ’s last days. We joined together to remember the tremendous love of Jesus Christ as He suffered and died for our salvation and looked forward to the miracle of His resurrection this Easter Sunday. CD OF THE WEEK The following dates are available for purchasing altar flowers for the upcoming year: April: 9-10 Apr 30/ May 1 First Communion, June: 4-5 July: 9-10, 30-31 Oct: 15-16 The cost is $60 each and you may reserve a date by stopping in, or calling the St. Martha School office @ (517) 349-3322. An altar flower sponsor and an intention will be printed in the bulletin on the corresponding weekend. The Saving Power of Divine Mercy Pope John Paul II said that Divine Mercy is THE message for the third millennium and God's gift to our time. There is nothing that mankind needs more than Christ's Divine Mercy. To help us avail ourselves of that loving mercy, Fr. Brooks focuses on what we know of God's Mercy, our response to His Love, how we can become merciful to others, and how to become apostles of mercy. $3 each St. Vincent de Paul store would love your donations. We are in particular need of clean and usable upholstered furniture, working appliances and household items. Clothing, electronics and misc. items are also needed. Items can be dropped off at 1020 S. Washington, Monday thru Friday fro 10 am 5:30 pm or Saturdays from 10 am to 5 pm. Pick-ups can be scheduled by calling 484-5395 ext. 10. All profits are used to assist people in the Lansing area. Thank for helping us help others. Altar Server Bowling Appreciation Party Saturday, April 30th City Limits Bowling Ally 2120 E Saginaw Hwy, East Lansing, MI 48823 7:00-8:00 PM All Altar Servers are invited!! You do a lot for the parish and Father Jon, so the Knights of Columbus would like to show their appreciation by treating you to a night out. All you need to do is RSVP to Mrs. Rosalez (349-1763 or [email protected]) by Thursday, April 28th so we know you are coming. One-Day, 9:30am-3:30pm Retreat at St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt directed by Tony Sperendi. Info and Registration: 517-669-8321 or http://www.stfrancis.ws/. Wednesday, April 13 - “Easter Reflections: The Joy of the Risen Lord.” Jesus brings life even out of death! He meets us where we’re at and wants to share his Easter joy with us. We will reflect on the Easter themes and enter into the new life of the Holy Spirit he offers each of us. Women’s Morning Group All women are invited to join us on Thursdays, at 9:30 am in the Bride’s Room for a time of faith and friendship. We are going through the Alpha Course at this time- it is a very powerful and spiritual program!! Babysitting is offered, but a donation is requested. High School Youth Group Meeting is April 10th!! St. Martha Parish Women’s Retreat at the St. Francis Retreat Center April 22-24, 2016 Theme for the Retreat: “Christ Is Counting On You: Deepening Your Relationship with Christ” Retreatants may register by calling Patrice Burns at (517) 339-2549, the Retreat Centar at (517) 669-8321, or toll free at (866) 669-8321. They may also register by visiting the web site www.stfrancis.ws . Suggested donation for the weekend is $145.00. A discount coupon is given to each retreatant for use in the St. Francis Retreat Gift & Bookstore. Annual Day of Reflection for Senior Parishioners Join us Wednesday, April 20 from 9am to 2:30pm at Bethany House on the Campus of St. Francis Retreat Center, 703 East Main St., DeWitt. Enjoy a Faith filled Day with Fr. Doug Osborn. Tickets are available through Sr. Pat Newhouse at 517-927-8575. $10 includes lunch. Limited space is available. Make checks payable to St. Francis Retreat Center. Ticket purchase deadline is April 8th. Come join us for high school youth group and grow in faith and community at St Martha’s! We always welcome new teens, even if you’ve never been to a meeting before, so come check it out! We’d especially love to have as many as possible come for April’s meetings when we discuss Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body”, and invite guest speakers to help us better understand God’s perfect and fulfilling plan for our lives. Meetings are held in the parish hall from 6-8 pm with pizza provided. We look forward to seeing you! James VanSteel and Brittany Salyers - Youth group coordinators Calendar of Events March 27th Easter! April 10th ~Youth Group Meeting Theology of the Body Session 1 Introduction and Q&A April 17~ Youth Mass – 5 pm Contact Jackie Rosalez to volunteer! [email protected] April 24th ~Youth Group Meeting Theology of the Body Session 2 Guest Speakers: Dawn Hausmann and Fr. John Linden DONUT WORKER SCHEDULE For April 10 Team #1 Early Shift: John Harrison, Ben & Katie Clark, Jared White, Griffin Wanbaugh Adult Supervisor: Mark Clark Late Shift: Cameron & Olivia Lemon, Andrew & Jonny Fata Adult : Laurie Fata Please join us for donuts after the 8 & 10 a.m. Masses. The cost is only 60 cents per item. Sister Anita’s Corner Christian Service Coordinator Contact info: home phone: 349-5703 or cell phone: 242-3352 [email protected] Sunday, March 27, 2016 Easter Week Alleluia! Together we been on a special journey from Lent to Easter combining our communal understanding of Lenten practices with our own chosen ones to help us repent, allowing God’s grace to grow within us. We collectively and individually are not in the same space that we were when we began this journey. The celebration of Easter is most especially a community experience. We come with transformed hearts and minds to a beautiful worship space to interact with the message of the resurrection of Jesus. “Today is an experience of our community’s worship with all its external symbols to open our hearts and minds collectively to live in this reality of being Easter people.” (Pope Francis) During this Easter week we have the opportunity to hear from each gospel writer a resurrection account to gain a fuller perspective on the encounters with the risen Jesus. Each gospel gives us an additional understanding of the importance of Jesus’ new presence of who he is, not as a moment in history, but for us today. Sunday’s gospel from John (20:1-9) asks us to take a risk, to not be afraid, to let go of confusion and sorrow and to go through the darkness to the new light; a small flame representing hope growing in our hearts. “From that flame I can light a fire for today and every day and bring heat and light to my brothers and sisters. The flame ignites a humble joy, a joy which sorrow and distress cannot dismay, a good, gentle joy,” (Pope Francis) Monday’s gospel reading from Matthew (28:8-15) tells us that the women “went away quickly from the tomb (of fear and lifelessness)…and ran to announce the news to Jesus’ disciples. There is action and energy within this one powerful statement. We can claim this as part of our being Easter people. Tuesday’s gospel continues from John (20:11-18) with the wonderful personal encounter with Mary not realizing she is talking to the risen Jesus until he calls her name “Mary” and she embraces him with such mixed feelings and with the wholeness of her being. But now is not the time for holding on to rather for announcing. “I have seen the Lord…” Wednesday’s gospel from Luke (24:13-35) is a longer encounter with Jesus involving two others on their journey with conversation, probing, breaking open scripture then seeming to culminate in a meal in which Jesus blesses the bread, broke it and gave it to them. Yet once again we have the going forth, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us…” Thursday’s gospel from Luke (24: 35-48) is the next part of the collective encounter with the risen Jesus. While the two from Emmaus return to the apostles, Jesus comes into their midst, offering them a most precious gift full of love and acceptance “Peace be with you.” Let us all take the time to be with the risen Lord, realizing that Lent was for this purpose to bring us together as a faith filled community. Using the bible or daily readings or electronic device may you have a prayerful time this week with the risen Lord. Listen as he calls your name and sets your heart on fire. Claim the words “Peace be with you.” St. Martha CCW Women’s Spring Brunch Sunday, April 17, 2016 St. Martha Parish Hall Featured Speaker: Julie A. McMurtry Author of My Good Women: Lessons of Love and Faith Experience “APRIL IN PARIS” 11:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. -12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. -12:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Registration, Music, Drawing Brunch Speaker Prize Drawings & Closing Prayers Tickets for the drawings are $1 each; $5 for 6 tickets; $10 for 12 tickets; $20 for 25 tickets The Brunch includes vegetable quiche, breakfast meats, fruit, croissants, and desserts. The Brunch is served by the St. Martha Knights of Columbus. Drawing by Francis Mbonu St. Martha School 8th Grade Student Checks should be made payable to St. Martha CCW. Place the registration form and payment in the St. Martha Parish collection basket or mail to: St. Martha CCW, 1100 W. Grand River Avenue, Okemos, MI 48864 DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS MONDAY, APRIL 11 ------------Cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name ____________________________________________ Phone No. ___________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ # Adults: _____________ ($12) # Children (12 or under) ____________($8) Open seating for guests, but table reservations for 8 are welcome. Attach list of guests at the table for 8. Childcare activity is available. Names and ages of children: _____________________________________________________________________________ ------------Cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questions? Call Beth Hall at (517) 337-8254 or e-mail to [email protected]. ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS: Opportunities for sponsorship are available for the 2016 Spring Brunch. Sponsorship is a great way to show support for our community and promotes your company. Proceeds from this event help the Council of Catholic Women provide food, gifts and support to those in our Greater Lansing area. The following sponsorship levels are available: Gold - $150 includes recognition in print and electronic media, 4 tickets to brunch Silver - $100 includes recognition in print and electronic media, 2 tickets to brunch Bronze - $50 includes recognition in program Please mail your sponsorship check before April 2, payable to St. Martha CCW to St. Martha Parish, 1100 W. Grand River Avenue, Okemos, MI 48864. For any questions, contact Patty McPhee at (517) 285-9345 or [email protected]. Thank you for your support! Lansing Catholic Class of 71 Reunion Date: JULY 23, 2016 Mass at 4:00 at the school's chapel Dinner @ 6:00 at Chalar Place, 4230 Charlar Dr. Holt, MI Being Co-catered by Leo Farhat and Charlar Place. We NEED to find more classmates and teachers. We have not been able to contact some. If you have any information please contact: Renee Acker 517-321-2508 MORE INFO @: Email: lansing [email protected] or Facebook: lansingcatholic71 RSVP: TODAY Enrollment at LCHS Lansing Catholic High School is now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 school year. Applications, tuition worksheets, and financial aid forms are available on the school’s website: www.lansingcatholic.org. Families who would like more information should contact the admissions office at 267-2102 or [email protected] or tuition office at 267-2107 or [email protected]. Blood Drive At Cristo Rey Church 201 W. Miller Rd. Lansing. Thursday, March 31, 2016 from 2 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus San Juan Diego Council. Easter Decoration Donation Memorials In Memory of David & Cynthia Boyd Donated by Tim & Jeanne Boyd In Memory of Sophia & Michael Patrick Donated by Gary Chambon In Memory of Pauline & Jack Comar Donated by Dick & Carol Comar In Memory of Ginny & Vince Guarnaccia Donated by Laura Cottrell In Memory of Our Deceased Parents Donated by Douglas & Anne Cruce In Memory of the Patrick & Esio Families Donated by Nathan & Geraldine Esio In Memory of Lucille Quartucci & Lorraine Korsak Donated by Rosemary Evolino In Memory of DeKoven & Amy King, Edwin & Natalie Martyka, and Paul Martyka Donated by Bill & Sue King In Memory of Otto & Ruth Miller and Jim & Ruby Lahey Donated by Chuck & Terry Miller In Memory of Raymond & Marion Warnock and Thomas & Bernadine O’Dea Donated by Thomas & Sharon O’Dea In Memory of Joseph Ralph, Jr. Donated by Tom & Vickie Ralph In Memory of Fred Evolino and Joyce & Bernard Ross Donated by Richard & Grace Ross In Memory of Dolores Piwowarski, John Piwowarski and Stella Sitar Donated by Joyce Simkin In Memory of John & Alice Buchel Donated by Janet Sipola In Memory of Loretta Caldwell & Lester Caldwell Donated by Stecey Tadgerson In Memory of the Hubbell & Vuchetich Families Donated by Tom & Margo Vuchetich In Memory of Frank Zaengle Donated by Dennis & Karen Zaengle Notice: New Order Form We are offering the ability to purchase gift cards through the St. Martha Scrip Program. The funds that come back from the orders will be used to equip our new meeting room kitchen in the addition. We have order forms available in the parish office. There are more businesses that are available to order from; the list is on the web site: www.glscrip.com. The orders need to be made through the parish office. There is no fee for ordering these cards. The orders must be in the office by Monday morning with payment and then the cards will be delivered on Thursday for you to pick up. The orders should be placed by 9 a.m. Mondays. Please call the office @ 349-1763 if you are interested. We have so far accumulated $5,127.36 for the new meeting room kitchen. This fund part of the GIFT campaign. 32ndAnnual Fr.MacScholarshipDinner May9,2016 KeynoteSpeaker Fr.JosephJKrupp,Pastor,SacredHeartCatholicChurch Pastor,St.MaryontheLakeCatholicChurch FormerLansingCatholicHighSchoolChaplain CommunityServiceAwardRecipients RayandBethRzepecki Formoreinformation,contactColleenMurray [email protected] Franciscan Life Process Center Lowell Campus – 11650 Downes St. NE A Day with Father Vincent O’Malley Father Vincent O’Malley, former director of St. Lazare Retreat House, returns to West Michigan to lead a day long retreat on Saturday, April 16 OR Sunday, April 17 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Father will speak on “AntiChristian Persecution around the World: Its Extent and our Response” in the morning and “Mercy and Compassion” in the afternoon. The day will begin with rosary and end with Mass. Attendees may attend the full day ($60), the morning only ($35), or the afternoon only ($35). Lunch: $10To register, please go to www. lifeprocesscenter.org. Help defend the sanctity of life - join Lansing's spring 40 Days For Life campaign. 40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a peaceful and public approach to showing local communities the importance of defending the innocent unborn. This campaign has amazing results, but only with your help can God work through us to achieve these results. Sign up to pray at the site of the abortion clinic (840 East Mount Hope, Lansing) at 40daysforlife.com/lansing, or email Mary Tombelli at [email protected] with any questions. TOTAL: Parishioner in need of yarn for charity work. No amount too large or too small. Please bring to the parish office. Many thanks! LITURGICAL ROLES April 2nd & 3rd 7:00 p.m. Lector: E. M.: Servers: Saturday, April 2nd Jan Asmann Mick Goldynia, John Matuszak, Bob Asmann, Ralph Shaheen, David flint, Clem Knola Olivia & Cameron Lemon, (1) Volunteer 8:00 a.m. Sunday, April 3rd Divine Mercy Sunday Lector: Margie McHenry E.M.: Larry Leece, Terry Miller, Doug Hunter, Marcy Ferrigan, Jim Kaczmarczyk, Betty Flood Servers: Ryan Ferrigan, Aurora Dardas, (1) Volunteer 10:00 a.m. Lector: Rob Ottke Commentator: Sharon O’Dea E.M.: Dave Herring, Robert McGowan, Helen Roffle, Jackie Fortier, Bob Selig Lauri Adair, Barbara Risley , (1) Volunteer Servers: Matthew McKeon, Samantha & Carter Smelser 12:00 Noon Lector: Lauren Van Steel E.M.: Jamie Riely, Peter Fugazzi, Rick Kostrzewa, Lloyd Kendall, Mary Ann Baer, Amy Ottke Servers: Sumin, Jason & Bryan Joa Ingham County Medical Care Facility: Stephen Carey, Karen Frost Brookdale (Wynwood) & Medilodge (Okemos Rehab): Kathleen Mills Clare Bridge: S. Anita Parish & Sacramental Information St. Martha Mission Statement Called by a loving God to be a holy, Catholic people and guided by the Holy Spirit, we work to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. We worship, celebrate, teach and offer support to our parish family with our talents and resources. Through charity and justice, we aspire to serve our community and world. Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated the second Sunday of each month following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Parents must be registered, participating members of the parish. Call the parish office to register for the Baptism Preparation Class, which is held the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Parishioner: Parishioners are defined as those who are registered, participating and contributing members of St. Martha Parish. Reconciliation: God’s gift of boundless Mercy - The sacrament is offered on Saturday from 3-3:45 p.m. or by appointment. Registration: To become a registered member of St. Martha Parish, please stop in or call the parish office. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office to make arrangements if you would like to celebrate this sacrament. Religious Education: Religious Education at St. Martha Parish provides a program which shares with your children our sense of awe and wonder, our knowledge and our deep commitment to the love of God in Christ Jesus. As family and church, we seek to nurture the faith that parents as the primary educators are instilling in their children by teaching as Jesus taught. Classes are provided for pre-school through 12th grade. If you wish to register please contact the parish office or email [email protected]. Shut Ins: If you are ill and unable to attend Mass, please call the parish office. Bulletin: Articles for the bulletin MUST be submitted in writing by 12 Noon, Monday morning. For ease you may deposit articles in the Sunday collection, drop off at the parish office, fax to 347-3536, or email to: [email protected]. Matrimony: If you are considering being married, please contact Father at least nine months before your anticipated wedding date. The bride, groom, or their family must be registered at St. Martha and be a weekly participant at St. Martha’s Masses. Nine months preparation time is a requirement of the Dioceses of Michigan. Adult Sacrament of Initiation: Adults interested in exploring the Catholic Faith will be involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The process begins in the fall and concludes with the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. Register for RCIA at the parish office. PRAYER CHAIN CORNER Please remember to pray for the following people who are ill: Georgia Adkins, Ellen Andary, Beverly Barron, Kathy Barron Meyer, Wayne Berger, Sarah Blackburn, Marian Boulus, John Bukovac, Joe Burzych, Shannon Criss, Bruce Dahnke, Robby Duniec, John Paul Erford, Rosemary Evolino, Joseph Fink, Patricia Fountain, Peter Fugazzi, David Geddeis Jr., Sung See Hahn, David Hammond, Patricia Hansen, Jeremy Harrison, Ralph Hepp, Grace Hoffer, Marcia Horton, Lynn Jones, Tod Lamb, Ed Larson, Paul Loconto, Kathryn Mason, Ann McAuliffe, Dorothea Milbrandt, Steve R. O’Brien, Pat Pichey, Barb Poole, John Rasmussen, William Roccos, Jeffrey Rostek, Lucie Speicher, Florence Stanley, Cathy Strand, Sue Thelen, Steve Werner, The Winninger Family, John Ziemba. Persons will remain on the prayer chain for 8 weeks. Please call the office if you wish to remain on the list. SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN OVERSEAS PRAYER CORNER Please pray for the safety of our family members in the military serving in dangerous locations. Chris Gonzalez in Afghanistan STS3SS Thomas Ralph Jr. On Patrol in the Pacific On Board USS San Francisco SSN 711 PFC Taylor Beck, Vilseck, Germany CW2 Marcus Cairns, South Korea PFC Perry Edgell, Sasebo, Japan If you have a family member serving overseas that you would like remembered in our prayers please notify the parish office 349-1763. St. Martha Parking Lot Repair Fund Help us reach our goal to fix the potholes in the Church lot. Goal: $450,000.00 Pledges: 93 Pledge Total: $61,162.00 Amt. Pd. to date: $42,557.00 Shop Amazon and help St. Martha School. Go to St. Martha website at http://www.st-martha.org/StMarthaSchool This picture is on the website and it is the link to Amazon. Click on the link and shop as you normally would. Our unique code is embedded in the link and will automatically give us a kickback. It is that simple! St. Martha Weekly Contributions Date 03-13-16 03-06-16 02-28-16 02-21-16 2-25-16 Sunday Maintenance $ 9,266.89 $ 456.00 $12,146.84 $ 525.00 $11,678.41 $ 44.00 $17,972.00 $ 260.00 Direct Deposit/Visa/MC $32,460.00 $ 100.00 PREVIOUS 4 WEEK TOTAL AVERAGE $20,881.04 The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that “Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the ‘Feast of feasts,’ the ‘Solemnity of solemnities,’ just as the Eucharist is the ‘Sacrament of sacraments.’ The mystery of the Resurrection, in which Christ crushed death, permeates with its powerful energy our old time, until all is subjected to Him.” (#1169) It is difficult for us to fully comprehend the importance of this day and its meaning for us, its fulfillment of hope for us. We consider this to be the most important day on our Church calendar. If we have properly approached the Lenten period, this day comes at the end of a period of prayer and fasting and almsgiving. We should have been prepared to spiritually die with Christ, and to rise as He did on this day to the promise of new life both in this world and the next. Christ has saved us, and that alone is reason for our joyous celebration. By receiving the Eucharist (communion) on this day, we make a visible sign of our faith and our participation in the Kingdom of God. Some are here today who may only come to church once a year, but this is the day to come to be sure. We welcome you with the love of Christ, and as good stewards, we invite you to become a more intimate part of our faith community, so that you, too, can realize that “God is good — all the time.” Stewardship Bulletin Reflections March/April Sunday 27 Monday 28 Tuesday 29 Easter Sunday Masses: 8 & 10 a.m. and 12 N Wednesday Thursday 30 31 K of C Officer’s Meeting 7 pm Adult Choir Practice Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 School Play School Book Fair REP Gr 1-6 4:30/6:30 pm & 1st Communion Parent Meeting 3 4 5 6 Divine Mercy Sunday 7 7 pm Adult Choir Practice 6 pm Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible Spring Break Week 10 Donuts 11 12 13 9 am Gr 1-6 REP 10 am Prek-1 14 7 pm Adult Choir Practice 11 am Baptisms REP Gr 1-6 4:30/6:30 pm 6 pm Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible 6 pm MS & HS Youth Group 17 Donuts 9 am Gr 1-6 REP 10 am Prek-1 SVdP Candle Sale 11 am Spring Brunch 6 pm Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible 6 pm REP Gr 6-12 18 19 20 21 REP Gr 1-6 4:30/6:30 pm Whole Family 7 pm Adult Choir Practice School Play PARISH STAFF WEEKEND LITURGIES PASTOR: Fr. Jonathan W. Wehrle DEACON: Carl Boehlert Administrative Assistant: Christine Korpela D.R.E. Grades Toddler—12: Jackie Rosalez Renee Salyers, REP Assistant H.S. Youth Ministry: James VanSteel, Brittany Salyers MS Youth Ministry: Virginia White Senior Citizens: S. Pat Newhouse Service Ministry: Sr. Anita Parks Music Director: Kris Schave WEBSITE: www.St-martha.org Phone: 349-1763 Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. ST. MARTHA SCHOOL Phone: (517) 349-3322 Principal: Monica Dowell Secretary: Nora McMullen St. Martha Preschool Phone: (517) 349-3322 DAILY LITURGY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 a.m. (Followed by the Rosary) Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions/No Mass SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00-3:45 p.m. PARISH HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m.-3 p.m. We extend a warm WELCOME to all new families moving into St. Martha Parish. Please register as soon as possible at the parish office. For families who plan to move from our parish, or have a change of address, please inform us at 349-1763.Thank you!
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great big huge thank you
Masses. We try, as a courtesy, to mention these intentions
by name. For various reasons, this is not always possible.
We will only reschedule published Masses if we need to cancel a Mass.