great big huge thank you
great big huge thank you
fàA `tÜà{t `tààxÜá Volume 28 No. 40 April 3, 2016 Saint Martha Parish Liturgies Saturday, April 2 Acts 5:12-16 Rv 1:9-13, 17-19 5:00 p.m. Jn 20:19-31 Neva Fizzell Sunday, April 3 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Acts 5:12-16 Rv 1:9-13, 17-19 Jn 20:19-31 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish Anne Finn Vince Guarnaccia Monday, April 4 THE ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD Is 7:10-14, 8:10 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38 8:30 a.m. For the Intentions of John & Ruthanne Finn Tuesday, April 5 Acts 4:32-37 8:30 a.m. Jn 3:16-21 Clarence, Doris & Jim Ferrigan Wednesday, April 6 Acts 5:17-26 Jn 3:16-21 6:00 pm 8:30 a.m. Jn 3:31-36 Jn 6:1-15 Mary Elias Saturday, April 9 Acts 5:27-32,40-41 Rv 5:11-14 5:00 p.m. Sunday, April 10 Acts 5:27-32,40-41 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Flowers By Al-Lin’s Floral In Loving Memory of James Gracheck Sponsored by The Stone Family Flowers By Al-Lin’s Floral The cost is $60 each and you may reserve a date by stopping in, or calling the St. Martha School office @ (517) 349-3322. GREAT BIG HUGE THANK YOU Jn 21:1-19 Robert J. Heath THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Rv 5:11-14 Sponsored by John Finn April: 30/ May 1 First Communion, July: 9-10, 30-31 Oct: 15-16 8:30 a.m.. For the Intentions of Jeremy Harrison & Family Friday, April 8 Acts 5:27-33 In Loving Memory of Anne Finn The following dates are available for purchasing altar flowers for the upcoming year: No Mass Thursday, April 7 Acts 5:27-33 ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC CHURCH 1100 W. Grand River Avenue Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-1763 * www. Jn 21:1-19 Constance Gryczko Edward Coulter For the People of the Parish This published list is the official intention of these scheduled Masses. We try, as a courtesy, to mention these intentions by name. For various reasons, this is not always possible. We will only reschedule published Masses if we need to cancel a Mass. A great big huge heart felt thank you goes out to all the parishioners that helped with the Fish Fry this past Lent. It is a huge project and good moneymaker for our parish that would not be possible without you pitching in, whether to setup, prep, fry, serve, cleanup and or take the laundry. We would love to name you all, but the Bulletin is not large enough!! Due to your wonderful efforts we made $9345 this year! WOOHOO!! Thanks Again, Lynn Jones and Somaya Siminski FAMILY FAITH FORMATION NEWS AND INFORMATION In a loving, nurturing environment, St. Martha Religious Education Program guides each student to develop his or her unique ability and potential through prayer, study, and service. Save the Date Vacation Bible School Mon-Fri, June 20-24 9 am -Noon I am always looking for adults and teens to help out with this, so please call Jackie at 349-1763 if you are interested. It is a lot of fun, very rewarding, and easy to do!! Confirmation!! Religious Education Calendar Sunday AM REP ~ No class April 3. Our last 3 classes are April 10, 17 and 24. Wednesday 4:30 and 6:30 REP ~Our last 3 classes are April 13, 20, and 27. Grade 6-12, Sunday, 6-8 PM REP ~ Our last class is April 17 High School and Middle School Youth Group April 10 and 24 In a loving, nurturing, Christ-like environment, St. Martha School guides each student to develop his or her unique ability and potential through prayer, study, and service. (517) 349-3322 News from Kindergarten: Oh what fun we are having! The students are enjoying the weather as it warms up! They are also enjoying using the clock in math class. Kindergarten students are using both analogue and digital clocks to tell time on the hour. They will soon start simple addition problems. They will be acting out addition problems in class and creating addition stories to act out as well. This is sure to be a hit! In reading, the kindergarten students are learning about short vowel sounds. They are blending short vowel sounds with consonants to form short words. Many of the students are able to read and write simple words. In addition to learning to read, they are fully enjoying the Daily Five time they have each day. The students become immersed in reading and writing during this valuable class time. News from First Grade: The first graders have been studying about the Earth. They are learning about the composition of the Earth, as well as its natural resources. The value of recycling, reducing and reusing has been stressed throughout this unit. As Earth Day approaches in April, the students are learning that Earth Day is every day, not just one day a year. The first graders are also learning to write short stories and about the writing process of drafting, editing and publishing a story. They have relished composing their own stories and listening to the stories of their peers as well. The imagination and creativity of this group is outstanding. The first graders want to write and share more of their short stories every day— what a wonderful gift to share with one another this spring! CD OF THE WEEK The Saving Power of Divine Mercy Pope John Paul II said that Divine Mercy is THE message for the third millennium and God's gift to our time. There is nothing that mankind needs more than Christ's Divine Mercy. To help us avail ourselves of that loving mercy, Fr. Brooks focuses on what we know of God's Mercy, our response to His Love, how we can become merciful to others, and how to become apostles of mercy. $3 each Women’s Morning Group All women are invited to join us on Thursdays, at 9:30 am in the Bride’s Room for a time of faith and friendship. We are going through the Alpha Course at this time- it is a very powerful and spiritual program!! Babysitting is offered, but a donation is requested. St. Martha School Drama Club presents Friday, April 22nd @ 8:00 pm Saturday, April 23rd @ 7:00 pm Sunday, April 24th @ 2:00 pm All performances will be held in the Parish Hall. Tickets can be purchased in the school office for $8 each or at the door prior to the performance for $10 each. For additional ticket information contact Tania Haraburda at [email protected]. Do You Know a Family with a New Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or Dementia? Helping Hands Respite Care and the Alzheimer’s Association sponsor a monthly FREE event at the Valley Court Community Building for individuals with memory problems and their care partners. The event is called Kate’s Memory Café and is a two hour social event from 2pm to 4pm. It is designed to offer some respite for care givers, resources, socialization, and information. The Memory Café features LIVE MUSIC, a nutritious meal, a brief activity and education on educating and recruiting family care providers. To attend, RSVP by the Thursday prior to the Second Sunday with a call to the Host, Katie Donovan at 517242-7355. ACTIVITY CENTER FOR SENIORS Helping Hands Respite Care offers multiple programs to fulfill its mission of “Caring for Those, Caring for Others.” Senior programming includes an Adult Day Services (ADS) program located in East Lansing at the Valley Court Community Center. “Most families wait too long before pursuing the opportunity to enroll their loved one in our ADS program,” shares supervisor Alison. We have a full day of enriching activity planned which includes mental and physical stimulation. Lunch and snacks are also served. And, our daily rate includes door to door transportation service in Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton Counties. To learn more about the benefits of the ADS program visit or call Alison at 517-372 -6671. Altar Server Bowling Appreciation Party Saturday, April 30th City Limits Bowling Ally 2120 E Saginaw Hwy, East Lansing, MI 48823 7:00-8:00 PM All Altar Servers are invited!! You do a lot for the parish and Father Jon, so the Knights of Columbus would like to show their appreciation by treating you to a night out. All you need to do is RSVP to Mrs. Rosalez (349-1763 or [email protected]) by Thursday, April 28th so we know you are coming. Annual Day of Reflection for Senior Parishioners Join us Wednesday, April 20 from 9am to 2:30pm at Bethany House on the Campus of St. Francis Retreat Center, 703 East Main St., DeWitt. St. Martha Parish Women’s Retreat at the St. Francis Retreat Center April 22-24, 2016 Theme for the Retreat: “Christ Is Counting On You: Deepening Your Relationship with Christ” Retreatants may register by calling Patrice Burns at (517) 339-2549, the Retreat Center at (517) 6698321, or toll free at (866) 669-8321. They may also register by visiting the web site . Suggested donation for the weekend is $145.00. A discount coupon is given to each retreatant for use in the St. Francis Retreat Gift & Bookstore. Enjoy a Faith filled Day with Fr. Doug Osborn. Tickets are available through Sr. Pat Newhouse at 517-927-8575. $10 includes lunch. Limited space is available. Make checks payable to St. Francis Retreat Center. Ticket purchase deadline is April 8th. LANSING CATHOLIC SINGLES invite all singles (mid 30s & up) Apr. 8: Happy Hour at 5:30 pm at The Airport Tavern in Lansing; Apr. 23: Comedy show by Free Shrugs Improv at the Doty Center on the campus of Great Lakes Christian College, corner of Creyts Rd and Willow Hwy, in Lansing. Meet at 6:30 pm at the front doors of Doty enter. Tickets are $5 available at the door. Show begins at 7 pm. RSVP by Apr. 22. For more information and to RSVP phone (517)321-7886 or email [email protected]. New members always welcome! Easter Decoration Donation Memorials In Memory of T.J. & Vernetta Armstrong Donated by Terry & Dale Armstrong In Memory of Skip & Evelyn Smith Donated by Dorothy Barker In Memory of Lottie Padczerviensky Donated by Cory & Lori Blue In Memory of The Day & Hawkins Family Donated by Jeanne Day In Memory of James A. Duda, Maralou Y. Searfoss, Andrew Duda and in Honor of Margaret A. Duda Donated by Andrew & Barbara Duda In Memory of Jim Fletcher Donated by Maribeth Fletcher In Memory of Virginia Grider, loving mother. We miss you! Donated by Mark & Linda Heston In Memory of our Deceased Family Members Donated by Greg & Jamie Ianni In Memory of Dennis, Laura & Alicia Jurczak Donated by Dianne Jurczak In Memory of James Gallagher Donated by Eric & Lauren VanSteel In Memory of Tom Cox Donated by Larry & Joanne Yerger In Memory of Jerome Schultz, Catherine Odom & Rosemary Plafchan Donated by Jim & Cathleen Schultz In Memory of Robert Smith, Sr. & Thomas Legault Donated by Rob & Lisa Smith In Memory of Donna Bowers Donated by Bryan & Ingrid Smith In Memory of Cheryl Martyn Donated by Don Martyn Sister Anita’s Corner Christian Service Coordinator Contact info: home phone: 349-5703 or cell phone: 242-3352 [email protected] Sunday, April 3, 2016 Second Week of Easter Let us pray, as Christians thirsting to have our belief in Jesus strengthened, we turn toward our God of mercy and no longer look for Jesus among the dead. Jesus is alive and has become the Lord of life. Loving Father, increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of life. Amen. We knew that we had the “work of Lent” to do these past forty days yet now live the “work of Easter”, to nourish and enliven our belief in the risen Lord, by saying yes to what we have seen and experienced on our journey. If we consider the greening up world right around us, we know there is work of preparing the soil, sowing the seeds and fostering the growth of the food source in order to have a rich harvest. As winter recedes and the sun warms earth, we trust in God’s plan and the gifts given to us to be part on this new life. Have we seen, heard and experience some of the depths of God’s mercy? It is poured out to us so we might be able to see and be involved in bringing God’s mercy to others. Let us live as Easter people: Christ, the glory of spring, is risen and present. Using our songs, prayers and daily life may we echo the Alleluia of Easter, witnessing to this glory. Alleluia, Jesus is indeed risen, our living companion on this journey of life! As you, God delivered your people at Passover make us your people strong in every age to overcome tyranny and bring oppression to an end. May we be Easter people who use our lives to shape a free and peaceful world. Alleluia, Jesus is indeed risen, our living companion on this journey of life! Loving God, you gave us your Son, Jesus, who died our death, and you raised Jesus from the prison of tomb. Bring us new life by the eternal strength which comes through our Redeemer. May we share the fulfillment of all joy as we share God’s mercy with others. Alleluia, Jesus is indeed risen, our living companion on this journey of life! God, our Faithful and Loving Father, signs of your compassionate presence surround us here this day and every day. We rejoice in the promise of your Spirit. Our hearts thrill to the ever ancient, ever new words: Christ is risen! Indeed Jesus is risen and lives in our hearts and lives. Alleluia Jesus is indeed risen, our living companion on this journey of life! Loving God, send forth your nurturing Spirit. Kindle in us flames of understanding, patience, discernment and compassionate concern for the powerless and the forgotten. May we us our talents and gifts in loving service for the good of our brothers and sisters as their needs come into our vision and our hearts. Alleluia Jesus is indeed risen, our living companion on this journey of life! We desire to be your people of new life, of freedom, of renewed hope and truly be Resurrection people, please give us the graces as needed to live fully into this desire. Alleluia Jesus is indeed risen, our living companion on this journey of life! St. Martha CCW Women’s Spring Brunch Sunday, April 17, 2016 St. Martha Parish Hall Featured Speaker: Julie A. McMurtry Author of My Good Women: Lessons of Love and Faith Experience “APRIL IN PARIS” 11:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. -12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. -12:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Registration, Music, Drawing Brunch Speaker Prize Drawings & Closing Prayers Tickets for the drawings are $1 each; $5 for 6 tickets; $10 for 12 tickets; $20 for 25 tickets The Brunch includes vegetable quiche, breakfast meats, fruit, croissants, and desserts. The Brunch is served by the St. Martha Knights of Columbus. Drawing by Francis Mbonu St. Martha School 8th Grade Student Checks should be made payable to St. Martha CCW. Place the registration form and payment in the St. Martha Parish collection basket or mail to: St. Martha CCW, 1100 W. Grand River Avenue, Okemos, MI 48864 DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS MONDAY, APRIL 11 ------------Cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name ____________________________________________ Phone No. ___________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ # Adults: _____________ ($12) # Children (12 or under) ____________($8) Open seating for guests, but table reservations for 8 are welcome. Attach list of guests at the table for 8. Childcare activity is available. Names and ages of children: _____________________________________________________________________________ ------------Cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questions? Call Beth Hall at (517) 337-8254 or e-mail to [email protected]. ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS: Opportunities for sponsorship are available for the 2016 Spring Brunch. Sponsorship is a great way to show support for our community and promotes your company. Proceeds from this event help the Council of Catholic Women provide food, gifts and support to those in our Greater Lansing area. The following sponsorship levels are available: Gold - $150 includes recognition in print and electronic media, 4 tickets to brunch Silver - $100 includes recognition in print and electronic media, 2 tickets to brunch Bronze - $50 includes recognition in program Please mail your sponsorship check before April 2, payable to St. Martha CCW to St. Martha Parish, 1100 W. Grand River Avenue, Okemos, MI 48864. For any questions, contact Patty McPhee at (517) 285-9345 or [email protected]. Thank you for your support! High School Youth Group Meeting is April 10th!! Come join us for high school youth group and grow in faith and community at St Martha’s! We always welcome new teens, even if you’ve never been to a meeting before, so come check it out! We’d especially love to have as many as possible come for April’s meetings when we discuss Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body”, and invite guest speakers to help us better understand God’s perfect and fulfilling plan for our lives. Meetings are held in the parish hall from 6-8 pm with pizza provided. We look forward to seeing you! James VanSteel and Brittany Salyers - Youth group coordinators Calendar of Events th April 10 ~Youth Group Meeting Theology of the Body Session 1 Introduction and Q&A April 17~ Youth Mass – 5 pm Contact Jackie Rosalez to volunteer! [email protected] th April 24 ~Youth Group Meeting Theology of the Body Session 2 Guest Speakers: Dawn Hausmann and Fr. John Linden DONUT WORKER SCHEDULE For April 10 Team #1 Early Shift: John Harrison, Ben & Katie Clark, Jared White, Griffin Wanbaugh Adult Supervisor: Mark Clark Late Shift: Cameron & Olivia Lemon, Ian & Alissa VanCamp Adult : Christie Lemon and/or John VanCamp Please join us for donuts after the 8 & 10 a.m. Masses. The cost is only 60 cents per item. Enrollment at LCHS Lansing Catholic High School is now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 school year. Applications, tuition worksheets, and financial aid forms are available on the school’s website: Families who would like more information should contact the admissions office at 267-2102 or [email protected] or tuition office at 267-2107 or [email protected]. Aquinas College Visit Day – Friday, April 15th Aquinas College in Grand Rapids is hosting an AQDay for all high school juniors and seniors interested in visiting their beautiful 117-acre campus. The Admissions Office invites you to come and discover what life at AQ is really all about. Get the inside scoop on academics, athletics, scholarships, service learning, study abroad, and more. Please visit for more details or to register for the event on April 15th. New to AQ: Starting this fall, Aquinas will offer the only Bachelor of Science in Translation and Interpretation in the state of Michigan. Lansing Catholic Class of 71 Reunion Date: JULY 23, 2016 Mass at 4:00 at the school's chapel Dinner @ 6:00 at Chalar Place, 4230 Charlar Dr. Holt, MI Being Co-catered by Leo Farhat and Charlar Place. We NEED to find more classmates and teachers. We have not been able to contact some. If you have any information please contact: Renee Acker 517-321-2508 MORE INFO @: Email: lansing [email protected] or Facebook: lansingcatholic71 RSVP: TODAY Notice: New Order Form We are offering the ability to purchase gift cards through the St. Martha Scrip Program. The funds that come back from the orders will be used to equip our new meeting room kitchen in the addition. We have order forms available in the parish office. There are more businesses that are available to order from; the list is on the web site: The orders need to be made through the parish office. There is no fee for ordering these cards. The orders must be in the office by Monday morning with payment and then the cards will be delivered on Thursday for you to pick up. The orders should be placed by 9 a.m. Mondays. Please call the office @ 349-1763 if you are interested. We have so far accumulated $5,127.36 for the new meeting room kitchen. This fund part of the GIFT campaign. The Association of Catholic Women will have their monthly meeting Saturday, April 9th, 12:00 noon, St. Mary Parish Hall, 219 Seymour St., Lansing, second floor, Seton Room. The cost of the meal is $12.00. The speaker will be Susy Khoury, from the Attorney General's Office. The annual clothing drive will take place at this meeting. A truck from Volunteers of America will be available to take donated items. Please contact Jeanette @ 627-5370 before Tuesday, April 5th if interested in attending. Shared Pregnancy Women's Center is hosting its annual Lifesavers Celebration and Fundraiser on Thursday, April 28th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Grand Ledge Opera House. Admission is free! There will be a silent auction throughout the evening, children's crafts, face painting, ice cream sundaes, and a short program at 7:15pm featuring a client testimony and awards presentation. Join the fun and help support Shared Pregnancy so we can continue helping moms, babies, and families in the Lansing area. Go to for auction updates and all the details. Spring Rummage Sale Sponsored by St Mary Williamston Holy Family Society Dates: Friday, April 15: 10am-7pm Saturday, April 16: 9am-4pm Sunday, April 17: 10am-2pm Location: St. Mary School, 220 N. Cedar St All Items will be priced. There will be bag prices and mark downs starting at 1 pm Saturday. Don’t miss out on these great first of the season sale items!! Deceased Richard Milliman Father of Dirk Milliman May his soul and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace Amen TOTAL: LITURGICAL ROLES April 9th & 10th 7:00 p.m. Lector: E. M.: Servers: Saturday, April 9th Larry Blatnik Bob & Jan Asmann, Karen Frost, Mick Goldynia, John Matuszak, David Flint Jesse & Jack O’Leary, (1) Volunteer 8:00 a.m. Sunday, April 10th Third Sunday of Easter Lector: Kevin Lavery E.M.: Maribeth Fletcher, Raeann Gagnon, Paula Audas, Kathleen Mills, Susan King, Marcy Ferrigan Servers: Grand Porter, Jacob Ruh, Megan Lavery 10:00 a.m. Lector: Mark Hakim Commentator: Dave Herring E.M.: Rob Ottke, Mary Jo Hirt, Cindy Aven, David Hallman, Dante Ianni, Joan Lenz, Dirk Milliman, Pam Shelle Servers: Matthew, Alaina & Andrew Phelps 12:00 Noon Lector: Ron Styka E.M.: Lauren Van Steel, Maureen Hirten, Anne Readett, Margo Vuchetich, Jamie Riley, Mary Ann Baer Servers: Aspen Robart, Rylie & McKenna Arkell Ingham County Medical Care Facility: Maureen Hirten, Lisa Harron Brookdale (Wynwood) & Medilodge (Okemos Rehab): Kathleen Mills Clare Bridge: S. Anita Parish & Sacramental Information St. Martha Mission Statement Called by a loving God to be a holy, Catholic people and guided by the Holy Spirit, we work to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. We worship, celebrate, teach and offer support to our parish family with our talents and resources. Through charity and justice, we aspire to serve our community and world. Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated the second Sunday of each month following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Parents must be registered, participating members of the parish. Call the parish office to register for the Baptism Preparation Class, which is held the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Parishioner: Parishioners are defined as those who are registered, participating and contributing members of St. Martha Parish. Reconciliation: God’s gift of boundless Mercy - The sacrament is offered on Saturday from 3-3:45 p.m. or by appointment. Registration: To become a registered member of St. Martha Parish, please stop in or call the parish office. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office to make arrangements if you would like to celebrate this sacrament. Religious Education: Religious Education at St. Martha Parish provides a program which shares with your children our sense of awe and wonder, our knowledge and our deep commitment to the love of God in Christ Jesus. As family and church, we seek to nurture the faith that parents as the primary educators are instilling in their children by teaching as Jesus taught. Classes are provided for pre-school through 12th grade. If you wish to register please contact the parish office or email [email protected]. Shut Ins: If you are ill and unable to attend Mass, please call the parish office. Bulletin: Articles for the bulletin MUST be submitted in writing by 12 Noon, Monday morning. For ease you may deposit articles in the Sunday collection, drop off at the parish office, fax to 347-3536, or email to: [email protected]. Matrimony: If you are considering being married, please contact Father at least nine months before your anticipated wedding date. The bride, groom, or their family must be registered at St. Martha and be a weekly participant at St. Martha’s Masses. Nine months preparation time is a requirement of the Dioceses of Michigan. Adult Sacrament of Initiation: Adults interested in exploring the Catholic Faith will be involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The process begins in the fall and concludes with the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. Register for RCIA at the parish office. PRAYER CHAIN CORNER Please remember to pray for the following people who are ill: Georgia Adkins, Ellen Andary, Beverly Barron, Kathy Barron Meyer, Wayne Berger, Sarah Blackburn, Marian Boulus, John Bukovac, Joe Burzych, Shannon Criss, Bruce Dahnke, Robby Duniec, John Paul Erford, Rosemary Evolino, Joseph Fink, Patricia Fountain, Peter Fugazzi, David Geddeis Jr., Helen Grill, Sung See Hahn, David Hammond, Patricia Hansen, Jeremy Harrison, Ralph Hepp, Grace Hoffer, Marcia Horton, Mary Houtekier, Lynn Jones, Tod Lamb, Ed Larson, Paul Loconto, Kathryn Mason, Ann McAuliffe, Dorothea Milbrandt, Steve R. O’Brien, Pat Pichey, Barb Poole, John Rasmussen, William Roccos, Jeffrey Rostek, Lucie Speicher, Florence Stanley, Cathy Strand, Sue Thelen, Steve Werner, The Winninger Family, John Ziemba. Persons will remain on the prayer chain for 8 weeks. Please call the office if you wish to remain on the list. SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN OVERSEAS PRAYER CORNER Please pray for the safety of our family members in the military serving in dangerous locations. Chris Gonzalez in Afghanistan STS3SS Thomas Ralph Jr. On Patrol in the Pacific On Board USS San Francisco SSN 711 PFC Taylor Beck, Vilseck, Germany CW2 Marcus Cairns, South Korea PFC Perry Edgell, Sasebo, Japan If you have a family member serving overseas that you would like remembered in our prayers please notify the parish office 349-1763. St. Martha Parking Lot Repair Fund Help us reach our goal to fix the potholes in the Church lot. Goal: $450,000.00 Pledges: 95 Pledge Total: $61,512.00 Amt. Pd. to date: $43,007.00 Shop Amazon and help St. Martha School. Go to St. Martha website at This picture is on the website and it is the link to Amazon. Click on the link and shop as you normally would. Our unique code is embedded in the link and will automatically give us a kickback. It is that simple! St. Martha Weekly Contributions Date 03-27-16 03-20-16 03-13-16 03-06-16 2-25-16 Sunday Maintenance $22,368.00 $ 270.00 $12,793.50 $ 135.00 $ 9,266.89 $ 456.00 $12,146.84 $ 525.00 Direct Deposit/Visa/MC $32,460.00 $ 100.00 PREVIOUS 4 WEEK TOTAL AVERAGE $22,258.81 The purpose of Sacred Scripture is in part to teach us about the faith, to provide to us what the Church calls “divine revelation.” Our Second Reading from the Book of Revelation provides insights of which we need to be aware. The name of this Book – Revelation – is derived from the very first words of the Book, which are “The revelation of Jesus Christ…” Written in Greek, the word translated as “revelation” is apokalypsis, meaning “unveiling” or indeed “revelation.” As indicated in today’s reading this book is written by “John…on the island called Patmos.” Our Catholic tradition tells us that this is John the Apostle, although scholars sometimes disagree with that assessment and conclusion. We do nonetheless know what and where Patmos is. The Island of Patmos was the Roman Empire’s version of Alcatraz Island, a place where some were exiled and forced to work in the marble quarries found there. Ten miles long and six miles wide, Patmos has been described as lonely and desolate. Yet for John, the writer of this Book, it does not separate him from God or from his fellow Christians. He describes in today’s narrative the revelation which came to him there, but to experience such a revelation he had to be aware and open to the Words of the Lord. We may at times feel just as exiled, just as lonely, but if we remain open and conscious of God’s presence, we, too may find solace and comfort and instructions. That is what being a steward is all about — being attentive to what God is saying to us. Stewardship Bulletin Reflections March/April Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 Divine Mercy Sunday Thursday 7 Friday Saturday 8 9 15 16 22 23 School Play School Book Fair 7 pm Adult Choir Practice 6 pm Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible Spring Break Week 10 Donuts 11 12 13 9 am Gr 1-6 REP 10 am Prek-1 14 7 pm Adult Choir Practice 11 am Baptisms REP Gr 1-6 4:30/6:30 pm 6 pm Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible 6 pm MS & HS Youth Group 17 Donuts 9 am Gr 1-6 REP 10 am Prek-1 18 19 SVdP Candle Sale 20 21 REP Gr 1-6 4:30/6:30 pm 7 pm Adult Choir Practice School Play 11 am Spring Brunch 6 pm Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible 6 pm REP Gr 6-12 24 Donuts 9 am Gr 1-6 REP 10 am Prek-1 School Open House & Book Fair 6 pm Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible MS & HS Youth Group 6 p.m. 25 26 27 28 REP Gr 1-6 4:30/6:30 pm 7 pm Adult Choir Practice K of C Officer’s Meeting 29 30 1st Communion Practice 7 pm Altar Server Bowling Party PARISH STAFF WEEKEND LITURGIES PASTOR: Fr. Jonathan W. Wehrle DEACON: Carl Boehlert Administrative Assistant: Christine Korpela D.R.E. Grades Toddler—12: Jackie Rosalez Renee Salyers, REP Assistant H.S. Youth Ministry: James VanSteel, Brittany Salyers MS Youth Ministry: Virginia White Senior Citizens: S. Pat Newhouse Service Ministry: Sr. Anita Parks Music Director: Kris Schave WEBSITE: Phone: 349-1763 Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. ST. MARTHA SCHOOL Phone: (517) 349-3322 Principal: Monica Dowell Secretary: Nora McMullen St. Martha Preschool Phone: (517) 349-3322 DAILY LITURGY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 a.m. (Followed by the Rosary) Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions/No Mass SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00-3:45 p.m. PARISH HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m.-3 p.m. We extend a warm WELCOME to all new families moving into St. Martha Parish. Please register as soon as possible at the parish office. For families who plan to move from our parish, or have a change of address, please inform us at 349-1763.Thank you!
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