November 2015
November 2015
HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH WENONAH, NEW JERSEY November 2015 The Banner Got A Question? From the Wardens Presiding Bishop Installation Set for Sunday, November 1 webcast at noon on their large screen. Or you can turn on your own computer at home, go to the Washington National Cathedral’s YouTube channel, and stream the entire service yourself! It will be a fabulous spectacle, with wonderful music and great ceremony! Acolytes Emily Provine Prayer Chain Rhoda Miller 468-6658 Altar Guild Joanne Hutchison 423-5826 Lectors Melissa SemmesThorne 223-1992 Christian Education Susan Cassidy 468-4473 ECW Phyllis Joslin 468-3712 Music Margie MacWilliams 468-6664 Prayer Shawl Ministry Jane Whittinghill 256-8403 Men’s Breakfast Gary Henderson 832-0278 Paul Eldridge 468-7632 The Banner Gar Miller 468-6658 Jackie Gould 464-0837 By Melissa SemmesThorne For the last few weeks now, during the Prayers of the People, we have been praying for Katherine our Presiding Bishop, and Michael, our Presiding Bishop Elect. We will only be doing that through the morning of November 1, because at noon that day, The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry will be installed as the XXVII Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. If you are interested in seeing this exciting service – an event which only happens once every nine years – you have two options. You can drive to Trinity Cathedral in Trenton, and watch the live Bishop Curry is a remarkable speaker. He was the keynote speaker at the New Jersey Diocesan Convention in 2008, and those of us who attended were inspired by his words and delighted by his delivery. I can guarantee that you will enjoy hearing him preach at his installation, and strongly recommend that you watch the service! the transition process continues. From the Wardens, pt. 2 These physical improvements are just a part of what the vestry is doing. We continue to vet interim priest candidates. We assure you we are diligently at work in this important process. Please pray for us as we do this work (cont. on pg. 2). By Laurie Cimino November is upon us! Thanksgiving and Advent are just around the corner. The Vestry is working hard to prepare for the upcoming holiday season as You may have noticed some updates to our physical structure here at Holy Trinity. The sink project has been completed in the kitchen. Also take a look at the improved railings in the parking lot. The office looks great with fresh paint and new carpet. And doesn’t the landscaping at the Rectory look fabulous? The Banner November 2015 Page 2 News from the Pews Thank you to everyone who is helping to keep things running smoothly while we search for our next rector! Thank you to the following members who provided refreshments during the coffee hours: Joan Borkowski, Susan Cassidy, Tina Sheehan and Nancy Garvin after the 10 am service; Nancy Peterson and Joetta Eldridge after the 8 am service. A special thank you goes to Steve LoCastro for conducting Morning Prayer at both services on Sunday, October 11. Well done! If you have any news to share, please let us know. From the Wardens (cont.)/Treasurer’s Report We also continue to ask you to prayerfully consider serving on the discernment and selection committees which are forthcoming. Keep an eye out for the ECW Soup Sale. The ECW does so much meaningful work for Holy Trinity so make sure to support this important fundraiser. Also be sure to check out the other fundraising opportunities that benefit the ECW. There is a cutlery sale which provides a great gift giving idea for the holidays. And who couldn’t use another hoagie in their life? The ECW has shorti gift certificates for Wawa hoagies available as well. More is on the horizon! Look for pageant information soon. Also please stop, think and pray upon your financial contribution to Holy Trinity as our stewardship campaign kicks into gear. And as always, check the web site for continued Holy Trinity news. Treasurer’s Report By Mark C. Sienkiewicz, Treasurer As Accounting Warden/ Treasurer of Holy Trinity I am tasked with overseeing all aspects of everything financial within the parish. Mostly this is recording & depositing funds received and then recording & distributing those funds to the diocese, employees, vendors, etc.… At this time of the year I get to put on yet another hat and that is to work with the stewardship committee. So let me be one of the first to welcome you to the 2015 stewardship season. Yes it’s that time of year where we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your yearly pledge to support Holy Trinity. As you know it takes anywhere from $160,000 to $185,000 to operate our church. Most of that income comes from our members’ pledges. This past year we received almost $130,000 from pledges. We had a deficit budget this year, so we have had to make up the difference with plate offerings, fundraisers, rental income, a few unexpected donations and of course, some cost cutting. Unfortunately this year we have also seen our pledge base shrink some due to the passing of several members and some families moving away. Add to that the recent lighter than average attendance affecting the plate and this could have the potential to reduce our income next year by up to $20,000. As most of you know, the bulk of the costs in our budget are fixed, so there is very little left to cut. A realistic bare bones budget comes in around $160,000. If we only raise $120,000 in pledges, we could end up with a huge $40,000 deficit, which I can assure you our usual fundraising will not come close to filling. That will leave one option, tapping our savings (something we have never had to do) to make up the difference. This year as the stewardship team presents what it takes to run our church, what it takes to be an active member and what it is we want for our church to be and to become, please really pay attention and absorb what it is they are asking you do! One other important thing, it’s not just about the money. Your Time and Talents are also part of the equation. Part of our mission is joining together in fellowship to celebrate our faith, but also to support those within our community, both within our parish and without. With that in mind, remember that the (cont. on pg.3) The Banner November 2015 Page 3 Treasurer’s Report (cont.) / This and That more we can do for ourselves, the less we have to pay contractors to do. Taking a more active role in your church can be just the thing to help us meet our goals. The last thing we want to do is raid our savings to keep the lights on. So I give you this challenge: When you consider your pledge this year, ask yourself, SHOULD I DO MORE, CAN I DO MORE, WHY DON’T I DO MORE? All Family Breakfast on November 8 By Gar Miller Just a reminder that everyone is invited for the next "formerly Men's Breakfast" that will take place in the Undercroft on November 8 - the second Sunday of the month. Sean Rodwell-Simon and his family will be chefs for the event that will take place at approximately 8:45 between the two services. Please let us know if you are coming so that we can prepare sufficient food. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children. ECW By Joan Munyon, ECW Secretary It’s always a blessing when we greet the month of giving thanks with our hearts full of gratitude. Here is the list so far: and the short meeting is followed by Compline. Take a look elsewhere in the Banner for information about our two new fundraisers. These are items we’re sure you’ll like, and it’s the perfect way to treat yourself or your loved ones while helping us support so many in- and outreach programs. We thank you in advance for these! A great response to the annual dues appeal from official and unofficial members; generous donations from the congregation to Church Periodical Club; the many volunteers who’ve stepped up to help with the annual Soup Sale. The Altar Guild can always use more volunteers, and we ask for prayerful consideration of this service, which really takes very little time. Joanne Hutchison (423-5826) can answer any questions, as can any other member. They are always listed in the Sunday Bulletin. As usual, we’ll have those famous United Thank Offering envelopes (or blue boxes) in the pews during this month, as it continues to be the outreach for the month of Thanksgiving. Please consider expressing your thanks as a monetary gift to share your blessings. Please join us at our next regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 9 in the Parish Hall, beginning at 7:00, and ending within the hour. We won’t waste time! We will be hosting the November District Meeting on Sunday, the 15th at 2 p.m. Take advantage of the very convenient location and see what the larger ECW group is doing. This is wonderful fellowship with women throughout Gloucester and Salem counties. Archdeacon Carmen Viola will be the speaker, there will be refreshments, Fund-raising Opportunities By Colleen Green The ECW is currently sponsoring two fund-raisers, available at both church services. The first one is Wawa Shorti Hoagie coupons for just $4.00 each. These coupons can be used at any Wawa location for the "shorti hoagie" of your choice and they never expire! Our second fund-raiser is Rada Cutlery, which offfers a large selection of cutlery and kitchen products made here in the USA. There are two options for ordering, online or by catalog. Both the Wawa coupons and the cutlery make great gifts especially for the upcoming holidays. If you have any questions please contact Colleen M. Green at 609-970-9430 or by email: [email protected] Link for ordering Rada Cutlery online: Ordering # 505729 Password: ecwservice Catalogs and order forms will be available in the Narthex. Please return catalogs and orders to Colleen M. Green or place the order in the ECW mailbox. Make checks payable to ECW along with the $.50 charge for processing the order by December 6, to insure delivery by Christmas. All items ordered through the catalog will be shipped to Colleen and will be delivered before Christmas. Please see Jackie Gould at the 8:00 a.m. service and Colleen M. Green at the 10:00 a.m. service for Wawa coupons! The Banner November 2015 Page 4 This and That (cont.) Kitchen of Hope By Jackie Gould, KOH Liaison THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who helped to make the October food giveaway a success! 170 families received bags of groceries and fresh produce. Your generosity is a blessing. As is the tradition, KOH will be collecting for the November food giveaway all the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner: turkeys, stuffing, gravy, instant mashed potatoes, green beans and canned fruit. Please note that cranberry sauce is not needed. (There is an abundance of sauce in stock.) The next food distribution will be Saturday, November 14. Holy Trinity food will be delivered on Friday, November 13. If you are available on Friday at 8:45 a.m. or Saturday at 8 a.m., please lend a hand. The more hands, the faster the work goes and you will be blessed for your donation of time to help our food insufficient brothers and sisters. For the December giveaway, KOH is collecting new children’s caps, hats, mittens, gloves and scarves. The Secret Santa project is collecting gifts suitable for the children to give to their parents, e. g. costume jew- elry, cologne, after shave, shaving cream, etc. The children delight in being able to select something for their parents. Anniversaries 4) Doc & Eleanor Balian 11) Stephen & Colleen Green 19) Fred & Mary Cimino Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Help Needed Ushers are needed for the 10 a.m. service for the month of November. A sign-up sheet is on the Narthex table. Volunteers are needed to host the 10 a.m. coffee hour during the months of November and December. It does not take a lot of work and it is always appreciated. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8 Birthdays 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/4 Gina Valentino Paul Dell Mimi Rambo Gracie & Stephan Green 11/7 Linda Hoffman Scott Blackburn 11/9 Harry Balian Robin BroughtonSmith 11/13 Lauren Boegly 11/14 Sharon Bain Joseph Evans Kevin Stefanowicz 11/17 Marissa Henderson 11/18 Haylee Connors Mackenzie Gwin 11/19 Owen RodwellSimon 11/25 Diane McCormick 11/27 Lee Rodriquez 11/30 Marietta Hutchinson The Banner November 2015 Page 5 This and That (cont.) thing you have, but I would like you to also focus on the By Sean Garvin, IHN ‘giving’ part of this seaCoordinator son. Holy Trinity will be hosting Family Promise 1 John 3:17 – “If anyone has material possessions and (IHN) from Sunday, November 29 to Saturday, Desees a brother or sister in cember 5. There will be need but has no pity on new families as those that them, how can the love of have stayed with us in the God be in that person?” past have all found more permanent housing, Thanks November brings the seabe to God. son of Thanksgiving when we ponder how thankful we are for our family, friends, It a time to show these health, faith and numerous families the warmth and other things. It is wonder- generosity of our parishionful to be thankful for every- ers as we have done in the Family Promise (IHN) past. Please find it in your heart to donate a small amount of your time as either a driver, a dinner host or an overnighter. The rewards of helping out are tenfold. There is a sign-up poster in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (609) 405-5513 or email me at [email protected]. Thank you to all who have volunteered and those who will volunteer. Six Days of Creation Stained Glass Window Memorial Project By Corrin Sellen, Vestry People often request projects to remember loved ones and honor those who are living, so the vestry has continued Father Ed's idea of six stained glass windows to replace the center section of each of the six windows beside the pews in the sanctuary. Each window will depict a day in the Creation story from Genesis, and so should be vibrant and beau- tiful and add another dimension to our main place of worship. We have talked with stained glass artists who are interested in working with us to create tributes that will complement our late twentieth century building and its traditional early twentieth century stained glass windows already in place from our parent churches. Each window will cost about $7500 so this will be a very long term project with each window being installed as funds become available. Are you interested in sponsoring a window or part of a window? Please talk with any member of the vestry so we can get started. ECW Soup Sale By Rita Curry, ECW Treasurer Many thanks to all who have signed up for ingredients and money donations. You may bring your ingredients any time now to the Undercroft. and place on tables or if necessary in the refrigerator or freezers. All ingredients are due by 1 p.m. on November 1. If you are bringing your own containers, they should also be in by Sunday, November 1. Please be sure to place your name on your bag/s of ingredients and your containers. The last day to purchase soup at $4.00/$4.25 per quart is November 1. Starting Monday, November 2 soup will be available to the public for $5 per quart. This applies to late Holy Trinity orders also. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 3 4 5 6 7 November 2015 1 8 am & 10 am Holy Eucharist 8 am Morning Prayer 9 am All parish breakfast ECW Soup Sale 7:30 pm Adult Choir 5pm Holy Eucharist At Holy Nativity 9:10 am Joyful Noise choir 11:15 am Christian Education 8 8 am & 10 am Holy Eucharist 9 10 7 pm ECW Mtg. 8 am Morning Prayer 11 12 13 14 7:30 pm Adult Choir 9 am Deliver food to KOH 8:00 am KOH Pantry 9:10 am Joyful Noise choir 5 pm Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity 11:15 am Christian Education 15 8 am & 10 am Holy Eucharist 16 17 7 pm Vestry mtg. 8 am Morning Prayer 18 19 20 7:30 pm Adult Choir 21 5pm Holy Eucharist At Holy Nativity 8:45 am Refreshments 9:10 am Joyful Noise choir 11:15 am Christian Education 22 23 24 25 26 8 am & 10 am Holy Eucharist 6:30 pm 8 am Morning Prayer 7 pm Happy Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at Woodbury Heights Presbyterian Church Thanksgiving 1 2 3 Lector Team mtg. 9:10 am Joyful Noise choir 11:15 am Christian Education 29 30 8 am & 10 am Holy Eucharist 27 28 5 pm Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity 4 7:30 pm Adult Choir 5 5pm Holy Eucharist At Holy Nativity 9:10 am Joyful Noise choir 11:15 am Christian Education IHN IHN IHN IHN IHN IHN IHN HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH The mission of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, inspired by Jesus' mandate to love and serve one another, is to create a supportive community where people are able to develop and nourish their relationship with God through worship, education and fellowship. We’re on the Web! Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 11 N. Monroe Ave. Wenonah, NJ 08090 TO:
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The Banner - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Morning Prayer
11 am Holy
5 pm
Evening Prayer
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