June 26, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
June 26, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
330 Third Avenue Carnegie, PA 15106 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Emergencies after hours call: 412-276-2353 Sunday Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Monday - Saturday • 8:00 a.m. Monday - Wednesday - Friday • Noon Sacrament of Penance: Confessions Saturday 11:00 a.m. to Noon or by appointment Pittsburgh Diocese Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-888-808-1235 Childline:1-800-932-0313 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust Telephone: 412-276-1011 Pastor: Fr. David Poecking Parochial Vicar: Fr. Robin Evanish Business Manager: Tim Castello Pastoral Associate: Tess Keddie Pastoral Associate: Steve Geitgey Music & Liturgy: Nicholas Will Religious Education: Mary Kay Smith RCIA Director: Dorothy Fitzsimmons Receptionist x212 x213 x216 x221 x217 x219 x222 x225 x210 Fax: 412-276-0816 Email: [email protected] Visit us on the web! www.seascarnegie.org Smart phone users: scan the code for instant access! June 26, 2016 1 SACRAMENTS Baptism: For arrangements call 412-276-1011 x 210 Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Call Fr. Dave or Fr. Robin to make arrangements (before surgery, during illness, etc) MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, June 26 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. ANTHONY D’AMICO by Debbie Glowark 7:30 a.m. MARILYN DUGAN by the SEAS Monday Night Bingo Workers 9:30 a.m. DOLORES SMITH by Family 11:30 a.m. EMIDIO CONTI by Giuseppina Capriotti and Emma Faina Monday, June 27 Weekday Am 2:6-10, 13-16 Ps 50 Remember this, you who never think of God. Mt 8:18-22 8:00 a.m. THERESA KLEYSTEUBER by Charles and Mary Matlak 12:00 p.m. KATHRYN OLIVERIO by the Reffert Family Tuesday, June 28 Memorial of St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12 Ps 5 Lead me in your justice, Lord. Mt 8:23-27 8:00 a.m. LOTTIE GREGORY by the Gregory Family Wednesday, June 29 Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements must be made with one of the priests at least six months before the proposed date of the wedding. Sacrament of Penance: Confessions every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to Noon Also by appointment. Age & Illness If you have a family member who has become seriously ill, homebound, or is in a long-term care facility, please call Tess Keddie 412-276-1011 x221 Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul Acts 12:1-11 Ps. 34 The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear him. 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18 Mt 16:13-19 8:00 a.m. TED ZYZAK by Gertrude Godzinski 12:00 p.m. MARY & JIM BAUMAN AND TIMOTHY KLUTCH by Family Thursday, June 30 Weekday Am 7:10-17 Ps 19 The judgments of the Lord are true, and all of them are just. Mt 9:1-8 8:00 a.m. DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE KYLE AND FISHER FAMILIES by Mary Anne Kinzler Friday, July 1 Weekday Am 8: 4-6, 9-12 Ps 119 One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Mt 9:9-13 8:00 a.m. DOROTHY BERTEOTTI by Family 12:00 p.m. BETSY DELL PEKAR by Family Saturday, July 2 Weekday Am 9:11-15 Ps 85 The Lord speaks of peace to his people. Mt 9:14-17 8:00 a.m. PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 4:00 p.m. DENIS M. STEIN by Melissa Sunday, July 3 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 66 Ps 66 Let all the earth cry out to God with joy. Gal 6:14-18 Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 7:30 a.m. RITA TOKARCZYK by Judy Yurchak 9:30 a.m. DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE MCGUIRE FAMILY by Irene Pealer 11:30 a.m. STELLA UZAR by Sue Stein If you live in Carnegie or one of the nearby townships or boroughs, we'd like to know! Register as a member of the parish or get on our communication lists. Or you live farther away but visit us regularly, please consider registering as an interested non-member. Contact Fr. Dave or the parish office. You can also register online at www.seascarnegie.org/join-our-parish or click on the link on the homepage. Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Perhaps you're not Christian, not Catholic, or just curious. Our staff is here for you! Contact Fr. Dave Poecking or Dee Fitzsimmons to learn more. Adults interested in becoming Christian, adult Christians interested in becoming Catholic, and adult Catholics in need of First Communion or Confirmation, please call Fr. Dave or Dee for information about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). To see or hear the Daily Readings, or for Daily Reflections, visit www.usccb.com or click the link on our homepage. 2 RUMORS, RUMBLINGS AND REALITIES – GET THE FACTS! This week’s On Mission for The Church Alive! information session presented by a diocesan 28th priest will be from 7:00-8:30 p.m. on June at St. John Fisher, Churchill. All are welcome. No reservations are necessary. The session will be held in the church. FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Sunday Collection June 12 Regular Collection: $7,351 Parish Share Gifts: $4,445 Sunday Collection June 19 Regular Collection: $7,812 PARISH WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY, JUNE 26 1:00 p.m. Parish Share Gifts: $2,919 Parish Picnic MONDAY, JUNE 27 7:00 p.m. Bingo —Bishop Canevin High School Cafeteria TUESDAY, JUNE 28 6:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Men’s Faith Sharing —St. Maximilian Kolbe Room Men and Women Faith Sharing Group —St. Maximilian Kolbe Room Living Jesus —St. Maximilian Kolbe Room RCIA —Bayley Building Classroom #7 Enroll in Faith Direct! See our website for more information or scan the code to get started. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 3:30 p.m. St. Vincent DePaul Meeting —St. Maximilian Kolbe Room THURSDAY, JUNE 30 8:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Day of Adoration —see page 11 PIP Training —St. Maximilian Kolbe Room Maria Stiles Jean Kolo Betty Puleo Paul Mente Mary Davin This Sunday’s Tabernacle Lamp burns In memory of William J. Smith by Paulette & Family Please remember SEAS in your will! 3 From June 12 to 15, I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with Steve Geitgey, Tess Keddie, Marianne Kisak, and Carol & Pat Riley. We attended the “Divine Renovation” conference— basically, the story of how St. Benedict Parish, Halifax, converted from managing a steady decline to becoming a lively, healthy community. Three bishops, about 130 priests, and about 500 of the lay faithful attended from around the world. I believe many of us were favorably impressed. The conference emerged from the book, Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission, which I already distributed last year to many parishioners, and again this year to the new Pastoral Council. It’s available from Amazon.com (which says Divine Renovation is one of the top ten sellers globally in church-related books). I have a limited number available for $15 each, if you can’t find it elsewhere. I encourage you to read the book and think about how it might apply to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Large portions of the conference are available online at: http://www.divinerenovation.net/ For now, the key elements are also available at: http://livestream.com/accounts/6379109 Join me at the annual parish picnic this Sunday afternoon, June 26. Bring your family and friends! Please remember to say a prayer for the Christian Mothers & Guild, who this month donated $15,000— the proceeds of their year’s undertakings—to SEAS Parish. I appreciate all they do to build community in the parish (and raise a few dollars along the way). Thanks also to Mark DeAndrea for his service on the Finance Council, from which he resigned this month in favor of his work with the St. Vincent de Paul Society. —Fr. Dave 4 HEARTS SPEAK TO HEARTS SEAS EVANGELIZES 'F.A.C.T.' FINDING "The greatest joy in the world is to know, to experience, being used by the Lord to make a difference in someone's life or in the world. Everyone wins. The one who serves wins, the one served wins, and there is even a win for the Kingdom of God." —Fr. James Mallon, Divine Renovation Our parish is currently seeking people who are not overly involved in parish ministries, who have the following (F.A.C.T.) qualities: *Faithful: people who have Christ in the center of their lives; *Available: people who realize that they have a little more time, energy, and open-heartedness to give to Christ through the Church; *Contagious: infectious with their love of Christ; *Teachable: docile, eager to learn. If you are someone who has these qualities, please call 412-276-1011 ext. 221 to set up an interview appointment. We want to get to know you! If you know someone who has these qualities, encourage them to make the phone call! SCOTT HAHN IS COMING TO ST. THOMAS MORE PARISH As part of their “Year of Mercy” speaker series, Dr. Scott Hahn will be at St. Thomas More Church on Sunday, July 17th at 6:30 p.m. with his presentation: The Father of Mercies: Lessons from the Creed. Please contact Deb Dell for more information: 412-831-0031 x 230 OR email: [email protected] on R e n é G i r a r d JOIN LUKE BRIOLA, IN ST. LUKE HALL for an introduction to and exploration of Christianity as seen through the work of René Girard, especially in its scriptural, liturgical, and missiological modes. JULY 7: JULY 14: CHURCH REDEMPTION Each evening begins at 7:00 p.m. and will end at 8:30 p.m. SEAS WINE TASTING Thank you to all who sponsored, donated, and/or attended the third annual wine tasting on June 4 th. The evening was enjoyable, delicious, educational, and a success, raising $3,924 for the cemeteries. I would like to thank the members of the Cemetery Board and the Finance Council for their support. No event can be successful without the help of volunteers and we had a great crew for the wine tasting. Thanks to all of them for their fantastic efforts before, during, and after the wine tasting. Without the support of these volunteers the event would not be possible. Hope to see a full hall next year. —Jeffrey Palastro (Wine tasting committee chairman) Cheers to you! 5 Hey yinz guys! Pop is on sale this week! Would you get us some? Please help the Parish Festival by donating cases of soda— Thursday, August 4: Scott Blasey Lead singer of the Clarks Friday, August 5: Desperado “Eagles” Tribute Band Saturday, August 6: Softwinds Pittsburgh’s Premier Doo Wop Band Food! Games! and Fun for All! Sponsors Needed! We are looking for businesses and/or families to sponsor our festival! Be a Gold Level Sponsor: For a donation of $1000 you will sponsor a main attraction! Your name will be featured in advertising! We will even have a link to your business website from the SEAS website. Be a Silver Level Sponsor: For a donation of $500 you can sponsor a booth at the festival! Your name (or business) will also be featured on our website and sponsor banner. Be a Bronze Level Sponsor: For a donation of $100 your name (or business) will be listed on our website and on the sponsor banner. Every penny counts! Help us fund the festival! Please call business manager Tim Castello: 412-276-1011 x 216 6 Pepsi, Coke, Sprite & Mountain Dew in cans only! You can donate regular and/or diet and caffeine-free is welcome! Soda may be dropped off in Holy Family Hall. SUMMERFEST ‘16 BIG MONEY RAFFLE! Please pick up your festival raffle tickets! They are available now in Holy Family Hall. We are asking that every person/family purchase or sell at least one book of tickets. Each book contains 22 tickets. You only need to sell 20. The last two tickets are a gift to you for selling/buying the other 20! Return the completed book with $40. Extra tickets are available! Sell, sell, sell! Rules and instructions are included with each book of tickets! Our total prize give-away is $10,000! Someone is going to “WIN BIG” this August! It could be YOU! Date: Wednesday, August 10 Place: St. Luke Hall of SEAS Parish Time: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Buffet Lunch Please join us Thursday, June 30, for a Day of Adoration, starting after the 8:00 a.m. Mass, until benediction around 6:30 p.m. If you can dedicate a specific time, we would love to know! Please use the sign-up sheet in Holy Family Hall. You may also see the link on our homepage and sign up online. All are welcome! Thank you to our Christian Mothers & Guild for your help in organizing this Day of Adoration. Save the date: EXCEPTIONAL ERIE Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Featuring: Presque Isle Bay, Historic Church of St. Patrick; home to beautiful life-size Stations of the Cross, Victorian Princess Cruise for a delicious group lunch, and St. Peter Cathedral and a visit to their Holy Door. Cost: $98 Must be paid by August 10 Reminder: The bulletin deadline is Monday at Noon. Send info to: [email protected] THE CALLED AND GIFTED WORKSHOP IS COMING SOON! Discern your spiritual gifts! Discern your call! What is your vocation? God is calling you to a unique purpose in life, a work of love that only you can do. Come and begin to discover this work! You have received gifts, through Baptism and Confirmation, for the ways God intends his love to reach others through you. Come and discover these gifts! The Called and Gifted Workshop is a two-day live presentation which includes Church teaching on the laity and lay apostleship; the nature of spiritual gifts, call, and vocation; and how to undertake the process of discernment. Place: St. Paul Seminary – Cardinal’s Great Hall Date: Friday, July 8th – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm through Saturday, July 9th – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm REGISTER TODAY! www.diopitt.org Click on the banner that says: GARY M. ZYRA -ATTORNEY AT LAW- CALLED AND GIFTED ALL SEAS ORGANIZATIONS AND GROUPS: Please submit your event information for July 2016 thru June 2017 as soon as possible. Include each event name, location, date, and a contact person’s Phone: 412-278-0590 name and phone number (please use only one contact ZUK’S SERVICE STATION person per group). State/Emissions Inspection You may email the information to Brakes & Exhaust Service Air Conditioning Service [email protected] or drop it off at the Parish 1200 Washington Avenue Office, Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Carnegie, PA JOIN US AFTER CHURCH TODAY! 525 Carothers Ave., Carnegie Estate Administration • Wills & Estates Real Estate 412-276-6244 Real Food, Real Friendly Our Carnegie Location has space for large groups, luncheons, and private parties. All at very affordable prices! Carnegie 412-429-7400 6am to 8pm Mon-Sat 7am –3pm Sun Other locations: Kennedy Twp. • Painters Run Road & Castle Shannon www.eatatbobsdiner.com 7 BAGNATO FUNERAL HOME INC. LEO J. HENNEY FUNERAL HOME Daniel Westphal, Supervisor 50 Jefferson 412-276-3964 Scott K. Ritter, F.D. 323 Second Ave. 412-279-4444 HENNEY, BRADWELL & NIRELLA FUNERAL HOME SZAFRANSKI-EBERLEIN FUNERAL HOME INC. Gregory J. Knorr, F.D. 524 Washington Ave. 412-276-2300 Paul J. Eberlein, F.D., Supervisor 101 Third St. 412-276-1107 ANITA ASTORINO KULIK www.apples4you.com Vladimir S. Corba Funeral Home Michele Corba Kapeluck -F.D., Owner Attorney at Law 412-787-5422 300 E. Main St. Carnegie CRAFT 429 W. Main St. Carnegie HEATING & COOLING 412-921-6995 HUMIDIFIERS • AIR CLEANERS DUCT CLEANING 412-276-2111 Huge selection & great service! CARNEGIE MOTORS Family owned & operated Christopher Lepore Attorney at Law Phone: 412-278-0912 Fax: 412-505-6800 302 Third Street Carnegie, PA 15106 PA 6846 State Inspections Emissions Alignments Automotive Autobody Domestic & Foreign Collision Specialists 100 Washington Ave., Carnegie BRONIAK & KRAF FLOWERSHOP & GREENHOUSE 3205 Washington Pike Bridgeville, PA 15017 PHONE: 412-221-3233 Web: broniakandkraf.com FREE ESTIMATES 412-276-3800 Has your MARRIAGE become cold or unloving? Are you making plans to move out, considering separation or even divorce? Don’t give up -- Give Retrouvaille a try. The next Pittsburgh program begins on July 8. Please contact Retrouvaille at 412-277-3434 or e-mail: [email protected]. More information is available at www.retrouvailleofpittsburghinc.org. PA State Inspection & Emissions Tests Auto Air Conditioning Service Cooling System Service 409 Jane Street - Carnegie 412-279-6681 Fax: 412-279-0105 Hours: 8:00 to 5:00 Monday thru Friday Communities Federal Credit Union Richard J. Amrhein, Esquire 8 530 Washington Ave Bridgeville, PA 15071 412-257-8860 www.PeacockKeller.com A Community way of banking where our members are our strength. 213 Pine Street • Carnegie • 412-276-5379 www.swcfcu.org